Wife gets Caught
- 2 years ago
- 25
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Tuesday nights were always a little hectic, especially the 'Second Tuesday of Every Month'. That was my Kiwanis Club meeting, which ran from 6:30 to whenever. May and I didn't get home until 5:00 and 5:30 respectively. No need for me to worry about dinner because Kiwanis was a dinner meeting, but there was always some little thing May, my wife of 4 years, needed before I could leave. The real problem was my doing anything according to May. She was 3 months pregnant and the hormones were going crazy.
She may have been 'with child' but she was still the dreamboat I'd married, and now with the mother-to-be glow about her it was doubly hard for me to leave her even for one evening. She was just right, 5 foot, 3 inches tall, a well-constructed 110 lbs body with light brown hair and incredible blue eyes. Her shape fit me. Her breasts were perfect handfuls and her hips swished just right. The bust line and her hips were both emphasized by a slim 24-inch waist, which hadn't yet begun to change. But I loved her for a lot more than her looks, she was funny, smart and very observant, but her looks sure didn't hurt.
Anyway, I had to leave by 6:10 to get to the meeting on time. So I had to run through the shower, dress, kiss my wife after doing whatever chore she needed done, get back in the car and head out. I was never back home until after 11:00 but it was often after midnight. The meeting tonight didn't look to be any different, if anything it might be a long one.
After my shower, I threw on my brown slacks and a hawaiian sports shirt, grabbed my briefcase and headed through the kitchen to the garage. Passing through the kitchen I patted that nice bubble ass May stuck out at me from where she was leaning over the kitchen sink. Then I kissed her on the back of the neck and gave her a squeeze to keep her from falling. She always wobbled when I kissed her on the neck like that, so I had to steady her. Then I was out the door into the garage, throwing a rueful glance back at May. It was sure tempting to skip the meeting, not only for May but I had a project in the works in the garage.
It was to be a surprise for May. I was just finishing installing a baby monitor for what was going to be the nursery and I figured that maybe 30 minutes and it would be ready to show off to my bride. She was always so appreciative of my small accomplishments, and I felt no qualms in milking them for the compliments however misdirected.
I was a guy after all and didn't mind having my woman stroke my ego.
Climbing into the car I activated the garage door opener and started the car. While the engine started purring, I set my brief case next to me, and checked that I had everything I needed; cell phone, calculator, notebook, all were there. Then I backed out of the garage and down the driveway to the street, waving to May looking out the kitchen window at me from where she was doing the dishes. She waved back as I reached the street.
Before I could put the car in gear or even close the garage door with the remote, the cell phone rang and I stopped everything to answer it. As I said hello I looked up to wave to May one more time but she had already disappeared from the window.
"Gary!" came the voice over the phone, "glad I caught you. The meeting tonight is off. Our good President, Roger, along with both Everett and Jules have been called out of town. So with the pres., treasurer and secretary all gone we thought it best to call it off this month. Nothing scheduled for tonight, unless you have something that can't wait."
Needless to say, I was glad to take the night off. I just pulled right back into the garage, noting idly that May's face hadn't reappeared in the kitchen window of our three-bedroom rambler. Guess she had missed that I hadn't left, so I could surprise her later on. If she had been any place but the kitchen she wouldn't have heard me drive back into the garage. Once inside the garage I lowered the garage door and then sat in the car, relaxing for a few minutes.
Deciding I'd just call out for pizza tonight, not bothering May to make my dinner, or take the time making it myself I set out to finish installation of the baby monitor. Everything inside the house was already accomplished, I only needed to make the final connections in the garage and final testing. Everything could be done from the garage except for some final beautification in the nursery.
The cosmetics in the nursery were pretty minor. The camera was mounted in a corner, so small May hadn't yet noticed it and had been mounted for 10 days now. I'd get that done another time.
This was a gift to her. May had casually mentioned how much a monitor in the nursery would save her steps checking on the baby when it was napping. Hence my 'wiring' the house. I'd decided to set up sound monitors in each room in the house while I was at it. The visual monitor in the baby's room had been an inspiration when I'd seen some gear a friend was tossing out. The master controls were in our bedroom, now mixed in with the stereo and TV we had there for those long winter nights. But since I spend a fair amount of time in my garage work shop I had a second master in a corner of the garage, complete with speakers and an old TV subbing as the video monitor there. It was flexible enough that every room in the house could be monitored by audio, and the nursery itself could be visually watched from the Master Bedroom, Living Room, and my workshop.
As I mentioned, the whole thing was about complete. Just a little tune up was needed before I could show May, surprise her and get my plaudits. So I decided to see if I could get the work done before I came in and collapsed in front of the tube for the night. Or maybe collapsed on top of May for the night. That sounded even nicer. So I slipped out of my car, and began checking my work.
It took me maybe 20 minutes before everything was connected, warm and working properly, so I started checking out the sound feeds. Each of them could be turned on and off separately, or I could feed them all into the 5 second-hand speakers I had lined up above my little corner. I quickly checked each one separately, starting with the living room. They all worked perfectly. Actually they were pretty sensitive because I could hear May taking a shower in the bath off the master bedroom. I set them up so they were all live and feeding into the garage, then began the last connections for the video monitor.
I was lost in my wiring checks, just triple checking to be sure that everything was right, when I heard something from the living room speaker. I was pleased as punch, because it was so sensitive I picked up May dialing the telephone. I turned the sound up a bit to see how it worked, and it was perfect, beautifully clear. The $20 I'd spent on the 5 speakers had been a real bargain.
"Ralph, its May, if you can be here by 7:00 it's on, lover," came my wife's voice over the speaker. "OK, love, I'll see you then. Don't you dare be late, we won't have near enough time as it is. And no! Don't figure on getting a repeat."
There was a little pause, then May giggled and hung up the phone.
What the hell was that about? What is on, and who was Ralph? Well the only Ralph I knew was Ralph Jenkins. His wife Crystal and May had been roommates in college. Crystal was still May's best friend and Ralph and I hit if off pretty good, too. He was a big guy and a lot of fun. One of those guys who was sure everything he did was better than anyone else, but a lot of fun, too. And it always felt good to whip his ass doing something. He never picked up that I won four times out of five.
I guess he and May had a few dates before Crystal and he hooked up.
We spent a lot of evenings and enjoyed many a picnic together. The two girls were pretty close. May told me they'd done some real crazy girl things together at college. She had calmed me down when she gave me a kiss and told me they hadn't done anything I should be worried about.
I kind of shrugged my shoulders, figuring May and Ralph were planning something for Crystal. I'd find out at 7:00 anyway, which was only 15 minutes away.
Giving up the speculation, I flipped the on button for the camera in the baby's room and sat back with a smile on my face. The monitor showed the room clearly.
Actually, we still had it set up as a spare bedroom and the monitor was focused directly on the big queen sized bed. It was a surprise to see the bad made and the sheets turned down. It was the first time I'd seen May make it up when we weren't expecting guests. Checking the video controls, I zoomed the camera in and out. At the widest angle I could see everything in the bedroom except into the corner where the camera was fixed near the ceiling. I left it there at that setting and critically examined the picture. The door, window and closet were visible and the bed of course was centered in the shot and all were clear as a bell.
Leaving the controls as they were, I started cleaning up my workbench. Feeling pretty good about myself and the sound and picture system I'd made. I pulled a beer out of the old refrigerator and leaned back in my $5 recliner. We'd picked it up at a yard sale and my wife wouldn't let the bilious green thing in the house, but it fit me and the garage beautifully. Huh! Well I'll admit it fit the garage perfectly anyway.
I was just about finished with the beer and thinking of ordering out for some pizza then going in to surprise May, when I heard the front door bell. A second later I heard the door open, and heard May greeting the visitor.
"Hey, I've had a hard time waiting. Come on in, Ralph. We have until 10:30, and then it's over. But until then, I'm yours all the way."
I was stunned! Not by the words, but by the way my wife's voice sounded. The only time I'd heard that husky timber in her voice was in our bedroom or when we were on our way to the bedroom. It was her 'fuck me baby' voice. I choked on the last mouthful of beer, and sat bolt upright.
On the speaker I heard the door shut, then May's voice again, "Damn, Ralph! From the look and feel of this bulge in your pants, I'm not the only one had a hard time waiting. Umm, that looks real good."
"Come here, honey, give me a real hello," I heard Ralph say. Then there were several minutes when it was almost silent. All I could hear were a few grunts and moans.
Then, "Ralph, not here, come on back to 'our' room. I've got it all set up for us," from May's husky voice.
I thought I was going to be sick! It sounded like May was taking him back to our bedroom. Jesus! What was going on. I didn't know what to do. My first impulse was to burst through the door into the kitchen and throw Ralph out of the house.
Still, what was actually going on! I took a big breath. It couldn't be what it sounded like. May and I were in love, I was sure she had been as faithful to me as I had been to her. She teased me about looking at lovely women, but I KNEW she was sure it was only looking. I'd really never had an impulse to stray.
We were compatible lovers. She always had all she wanted when we made love. She was multiple orgasmic, and I never finished 'loving' her until I was convinced she really didn't need or want any more.
This had to be a misunderstanding on my part. It had to be! She was my best friend.
She was going to have my baby!
I was just sitting there in the ratty old lounger, when my eye caught movement on the monitor in the 'baby's' room.
The door opened, and May gently pushed Ralph into the room with the made-up bed. Pushing him around to the other side of the bed, between the bed and the window, she swayed back around to stand on the other side, in front of the closed closet doors. She was looking across the bed at Ralph and almost right into the camera.
May was dressed in her worn out, tattered Saturday/Sunday morning robe which reached to just mid-thigh. Her hair however was pulled up into a sophisticated bun atop her head, emphasizing the slender column of her throat. The one I had kissed not an hour ago. She had applied make-up since I saw her last, just the right amount. She looked like a princess, receiving her prince except for the ratty old worn out robe. On her feet she was wearing the pair of high-heeled slippers I had bought her for her birthday 2 months ago. She'd worn them that evening, and I had told her how they emphasized her magnificent legs. But I didn't remember them out of her closet since then. No sooner had that thought come to me when I knew I hadn't seen them out of her closet since then. I felt like I was about to cry. This couldn't be happening.
My wife, stood tall and proud, across the bed from one of my best friend, looking directly into his eyes. Her hands slowly came up to the throat of the robe. Her left hand holding the robe closed at the neckline she used her right hand to unsnap each button individually, slowly working her way down. As each fastener came loose the robe would billow out around it teasing Ralph (and I) with glimpses inside her robe. Once all the buttons were undone, continuing to hold the robe closed at the throat she brought her right hand back to her throat. Using both hands, she slowly peeled the robe open. Once open she stood for a moment letting us admire the vision framed by the robe. Then she let her hands drop, shrugging her shoulders so that the robe dropped and puddled around her feet.
She was wearing the lingerie I gifted to her on Valentines Day. A white half bra cupped her breasts, displaying her nipples and offering them to the man standing across the bed from her. The white thigh high stockings showcased her legs, now put doubly on display by the high heels she was wearing. A white garter belt framed her sex which was displayed, not hidden, by very brief virginal white high-cut panties.
She had modeled the set for me on Valentines Day.
I had not seen it since
Looking directly into Ralph's eyes she held up a hand and crooked a finger at him, ordering him to come to her. When he turned to come around the bed, I saw my former friends stunned face.
He choked out, "May, I was expecting to be with you tonight, but you have made this really special for me. God but you are beautiful!"
When he was almost up to her, she held a hand out, stopping him where he was. Then starting with his shirt, she began undressing him, looking into his eyes the entire time. As each button came loose, she caressed the bare skin just exposed with her fingertips. Once his shirt was undone, she slipped it off his shoulders then stepped forward. When he attempted to take her in his arms, she pushed his arms away. Leaning forward she kissed each nipple, then sucked each into her mouth. I could not see Ralph's face, but could hear his groans and moans only too clearly.
My wife, my lover, was using all of her skills to bring passion to this man. She leaned forward and slowly rubbed her nipples across his chest. I could see the pleasure bumps pop out on his chest as she caressed him with her breasts.
Then she knelt before him, undid his belt and unfastened his slacks, letting them drop down his legs. Putting a small hand inside each side of his shorts, she pulled them down his legs. It wasn't as easy as it sounds, for Ralph had as large a bulge as I have ever seen.
As his cock sprang free, she leaned forward to catch it in her mouth. The monster fell forward and smacked her on the nose. My wife had not expected the size, few women would. I saw her lips curl to a smile just before her mouth opened as wide as it would go in order to wrap her lips around the strange male tool bouncing in front of her happy eyes.
I suddenly came out of my dazed depression. No matter how this worked out, I was going to need proof of what was happening. Thinking quickly, I hurried into the now deserted living room. Making as little noise as possible while working quickly I disconnected the VCR, took it back to the garage and hooked it up to the monitor. I slipped an 8-hour tape in, and turned everything back on. The monitor came alive showing Ralph's pecker still buried in my wife's mouth. She was slowly, lovingly bobbing her head up and down. Tenderly cradling his balls in her small hand, with the other she was jacking him slowly.
Suddenly she took a deep breath and dropped her mouth down his huge pole until her nose was buried in Ralph's pubic hairs. I could see the bulge his cock head was making in her throat! She had done that for me only once! That was years ago. May had complained about a sore throat for days, and she blamed it on me for many days later.
Never once had I thought of asking her to deep-throat me since. After all, she had been so upset with my even asking that first time. And it had hurt her!
Ralph's hands suddenly wrapped around her small head where her face was impaled on his cock. He suddenly jammed her face even tighter into his belly and pubic hair and then his loins began to jerk and I knew he was cumming in her throat. It looked like May was struggling to break free, and it was obvious she couldn't breath with that pole in her mouth and down her throat.
I came to my senses, and yanked myself out of the recliner. Didn't Ralph see he was killing her? God I had to get there before I was too late. But before I reached the door to the kitchen I clearly heard her slurping and swallowing every drop.
Standing with my hand on the doorknob, I heard her whisper, "Oh my God Ralph! That was magnificent! You must have been saving that for months!"
I almost cried. She would swallow my cum, but not every time. When she did, it was always on some special occasion. Never once had May encouraged me to come back for another blowjob. I swear I had to beg for every one I had received.
When I turned back to look at the monitor, I saw my wife still kneeling before my former friend. Now her little tongue was licking his balls, and then up and down his now deflating cock. She had both hands on his naked hips and it looked like she had to support him to keep him upright on his now weak knees.
Ralph's two hands came down to wrap themselves around her body just under her breasts and he lifted my bride up and then off her feet. He hugged her to him hard, with her legs dangling inches from the floor and she buried her face in his chest. I could hear her say something like, "iI's been so damned long Ralph," before my tears started falling.
Through the tears I saw them move to the bed, clasping one another tightly. Ralph sat on the bed, pulling May to stand between his spread knees. Slowly he ran his hands up her sides and over her shoulders. His two big hands circled her throat and tightened just enough to let her feel how even her life lay between his fingers. Then he ran his hands and fingertips lightly over her chest and with feather touches over the exposed top of her breasts. Both hands dropped to the clasp in the front of her bra and with practiced ease he popped it open, then pulled back the cups. Her two mounds barely sagged as the support left them, but her perky nipples were standing out big and hard. They looked like two arrow points sticking out and open to the world.
Ralph wasted no time sucking one into his mouth. I watched my wife's face as he sucked on the nipple, then slowly sucked the complete tit into his mouth. I could see his jaws work, and he seemed to be chewing on her whole breast. While he chewed, I saw the look on 'my' woman's face.
May clasped her arms around her lovers head, and seemed to be moving him from side to side in small motions as he kept her tit crammed into his mouth. While he was doing this he reached down to rip the white panties off her unresisting hips, tearing the diaphanous material apart before tossing it, useless, into a corner. The strange thought came to me, I had paid over $100 for that white lingerie set, and May had given only Ralph the opportunity to enjoy it.
May was making strange little noises when Ralph tired of her breasts, and just lifted and threw her on her back on the bed. Before she stopped bouncing, his face was buried in her crotch.
How different were they to my attentions to May. I would tease her, small touches to her legs and body and then light little licks to bring her to the little joys which eventually leading to her climactic explosions with my tongue and lips, and even teeth on the tiny pearly between her legs.
Watching Ralph chew on her cunt, I saw May's face as her head rose and she looked down between her breasts at the man causing the sensations between her thighs. I wondered if any thought of me was going through her mind. Then I realized what a foolish question that was.
It wasn't five minutes before Ralph raised his face from May's cunt, and quickly knee walked up between her legs until his cock was pointing just inches from her hole. He then threw himself down on her small body, and at the same time flexed his hips to drive his long prong full into her body. I heard her shriek come from the speaker connected to the spare bedroom, and wasn't sure the sound didn't directly come from the bedroom to the garage. She was very loud. T.hen he pulled almost all of the way out before pausing for a moment.
He was savoring the domination of my small wife.
Then he drove himself forward into her again. This time I watched his hips drive into her so hard he shoved her up the bed where her head slammed against the headboard. She gave another, softer shriek. Ralph reached up under her shoulders and, wrapping his hands over her shoulders, hauled her down onto his prong. He pulled her down away from the headboard as he rose to his knees with his lunge backwards. He then fell atop her and began fucking her viciously. Every drive forward brought a grunt from her, every pull back she gasped the air back into her lungs he had driven out.
It seemed like Ralph came almost immediately, letting his entire weight fall atop her almost crushing her. Lying still, his weight on her, he rested. But within fifteen minutes he was ready to go again, never having withdrawn from her cunt after that second cum, the first into her womb. Indeed, he had never taken his weight off her while he was recovering.
It seemed to go on forever. Ralph driving into her relentlessly, then making a particularly hard fuck forward, he would hold himself deep inside May while his hips gave little twists to churn his cockhead inside her. Every time he did this she gave a little scream. Then he would again begin 'banging' her, the only word that seemed to fit.
I had no idea how long this continued until he crammed himself forward at the same time he rose to his knees and roared his third cum to the world while yanking my wife's small body down further onto his cock. My wife shrieked once again. I was afraid the neighbors must have heard her. He had arrived at 7:00 and it was now 8:45 when he collapsed onto her, then rolled half off of her to his right. There he lay relaxing, his lower body covering hers, trapping her underneath him. I soon heard small snores as he drifted off to sleep.
Laying on May's left leg and arm, trapping her under him, but with his weight off her body she was not suffocating. After maybe five minutes my wife opened her eyes, and reached her right hand down to her crotch where she cupped her twat and seemed to be caressing it lightly. Was she so excited she had to masturbate herself after that long session?
After maybe fifteen minutes of rubbing herself she tried to pull out from under Ralph, and he seemed to be rousing a little from his nap when she stopped and just lay still under him.
I stared at the sickening scene on the monitor for a few more minutes, then got up and began pacing.
I knew if I walked into that house murder would be done. My cock was hard, of course, as whose wouldn't after witnessing such hot and blatant sex. At the same time I was as far from being sexually aroused as I think I have ever been. I was physically sick to my stomach and totally unable to think of what I should do next.
About an hour later, I decided that all I could do tonight would be to table any action. Tomorrow I would take the day off and see if my mind would work then. That was when I noticed movement on the monitor again. It was almost 10:00 and Ralph was moving again.
Sitting back down in my garage recliner I watched him reach over to cup one of May's breasts. When she turned to look at him, he leaned over and gave her a wet and sloppy kiss. Leaning back, his hand traveled down to her pussy, where he cupped her sex and squeezed her hard.
She grunted and grabbed his wrist to pull it off her, protesting that it was time for him to go.
Ralph looked at the clock on the dresser next to the bed, and told her that I wouldn't be home for an hour. They had lots of time.
May protested again, somehow yanked her arm and leg out from under him and rolled over on her side away from him before leaning up on her elbow. Ralph pushed himself up to his knees and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her to her hands and knees before slipping behind her with his cock pointing into her cunt.
May cried, "NO!" and reached back with both hands to cover her cunt.
Ralph just laughed, and said, "Yeah, honey. We already done that, time for something new!" Then he shoved forward with his hips and poked his cockhead against her tight little rosebud.
May's face was turned away from me and I couldn't see her face, but I did hear the disbelief in her voice when she asked him what he was doing. His only answer was to grasp her tightly by her hips and yank her back against him as he drove his hips forward, breaking his cockhead past the tight muscle in her asshole and pushing almost two inches into her rectum. My wife screamed and cried, her arms and hands flailing against the bed as he jackhammered his sex into her until now unopened ass. It took him at least 5 minutes to drive himself fully into my wife's ass, and then he started ass fucking her as hard as he had been fucking her cunt earlier.
I couldn't see her face, but I heard the little mews she was making, and saw her hands scrabbling at the sheet under her. After a few moments she began moving back against him hard, and shaking her ass from side to side. I could only imagine the wonderful sensations she was bringing to Ralph's cock with her movements. It wasn't another five minutes before Ralph was blasting his sperm deep inside her bowels. The fourth time this evening that he had cum inside the woman I had once thought of as mine.
This time when he had finished May pulled out from under him and yanked him to stand beside the bed. "Ralph, unless you want Gary to walk in on us, you have to go! NOW!" And she bent, picked up his clothes and handed them to him as she gathered the remains of the lingerie she had gifted to him along with herself, placing it on the dresser.
I watched as May threw on her old robe, and stripped the sheets off the bed. Not waiting for Ralph to finish dressing she bundled them up to take to the washer machine in the laundry room between the kitchen and garage. I listened to her start the washer from the other side of the garage door.
When I heard her walk back into the living room Ralph was already there. With the lilting brag-voice men often use he greeted her, "Hey, lovely lady, that was great! We really have to talk about doing it again."
"No, Ralph," she answered. "I meant it when I said just the once, and only because of our deal. And I guess a little bit for old times sake, too."
Ralph answered, "Sure honey, I understand. But sometime you may get to thinking of this in the future. This was just for once, I agree. When you start remembering how great it was, give me a call, we can try it again."
I heard the sounds of another sloppy kiss, before his footsteps faded as he went to the door. I could hear impatience in my wife's voice and the little sounds she was making but it didn't register at the time. Nor did the exhalation she made when she opened the door to usher him out.
Literally sick to my stomach, I lay back in the ratty recliner, looking at the now empty bedroom showing on the monitor. Glancing at my watch, I saw it was 10:37. They had kept to their time schedule very well. I heard Ralph murmuring something at the door, and clearly heard May reply, "No, Ralph. This was just the one time, and only because of our agreement so many years ago. Gary is my husband, my lover, and the man I want in my life. I'm not sure now why I agreed to do it now. Besides, Crystal may be OK with this, but she's my best friend. She's more important to me than an affair. Isn't she more important to you?"
I couldn't understand Ralph's mumble, but I heard another kiss and then heard the door shut quietly. Almost immediately I heard the lock click home. If I hadn't been so filled with tears and despair I think the exhaustion sounding in Ralph's voice after his session with my wife would have been funny. At the moment, it certainly didn't seem funny at all.
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We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...
It had been several days after our “morning after” incident and things were getting at least somewhat back to normal. But all that had happened had sure as hell now changed my young wife’s total attitude and sexual desires. I tried to bring up the subject of it and she’d cut me off in a heartbeat and say “I just don’t want to talk about it!” And in a way that meant she was pissed for my even saying a thing! Anyway about a week or so later Snake Lady...
Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...
Reddit NSFW ListWhen I was 25, I married Lana a 19 year old geeky beauty who had just inherited a large amount of money. She had very limited sexual experience before me so the fact that I could only last 4-5 minutes didn't faze her.I have always cum fairly quickly, even if I thought about other things. Early in our relationship, I could last 4-5 minutes most of the time and occasionally longer. Unfortunately, as I have aged the amount of time I can last has decreased. By the time I was 32 I could only last...
My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...
Patty has a New Friend Hubby gets no Sex Not even a Ball JobPatty tells Jimmy she met a guy at work and has been fucking him. Jimmy has not fucked Patty in almost a month. She told Jimmy his little dick never makes her cum, but her new boyfriend makes her cum over and over. She wants Jimmy to meet her boyfriend so they can all be friends; Jimmy is turned on at the idea. He always wanted Patty to cuckold him. So he is getting what he wants. And Patty is getting what she needs a big...
Introduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating to epic levels (this parts alittle longer than the rest.) The inevitable Jack strolls out of the airport with his luggage in tow behind him heading to the car rental counters thinking about his trip and what his detective has for him. After some time he heads for the expressway towards town not knowing where he is actually going. He has not been able to reach his detective as to where he is although Jack did arrive a day sooner than expected....
Six months after May and I had our brush with disaster my wife sprung a lulu on me. The intervening months had been unbelievable. Despite my catching my devoted wife in the midst of a tryst with my erstwhile best friend Ralph, we were truly a happier couple. We really did love one another more deeply and completely than we had before though I had not thought it possible at the time. And to my immense and complete surprise I actually trusted her more implicitly than I had before. Don't ask...
"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...
Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...
Reddit NSFW ListBill?" It was June again. "Yes" I replied "Now it is time for you to prepare for tonight." She continued. "First off if you truly love me and wish me to consent for you to remain my husband you better follow through with my next demands. Do you understand and agree to do as your told?" June asked. "Yes I understand and I'll comply" I meekly replied. "You are forbidden from masturbating until I tell you otherwise!" She ordered sternly. "I know you must have whacked off on my video already. I...
Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...
so its that time of year when i get to go crawl around the attic looking for summer clothes in a plastic tote. Normally a sucky day, unless your big titty wife and sister in law are trying on bathing suits. As i climb down the ladder I see wifey and Peggy standing there naked, shaved pussies and bouncy titties everywhere. I carry the totes over as they start going through them. I lay on the bad as they ask "what are you doing?".... and i reply "watching". Wifey found a black bikini and squeezed...
Jane started the new podcast and then settled back into her pillows. "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband." "I need to be treated like Wifey by my husband," Jane repeated. "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." "I need to be like Wifey for my husband." Jane dutifully repeated each and every sentence. Every podcast started the same, so much so that Jane had long since ceased to consciously process the introductory sentences. Of course, this meant that they...
This is a story about how I made an innocent bedroom fantasy into a reality in Las Vegas.My wife and I have been married now for 5 years. We are in our early 30s. She's sexy 5'6 with double dd's and an ass that literally swallows up her thongs/g-strings. Anyways so we went to Las Vegas 2 years ago to celebrate her birthday. We have both expressed fantasies and scenarios about having a 3rd person join in but never thought it would actually happen. On our 2nd night we went to this club called XS....
Wife Gets Even A husband takes advantage of his wife over a bet he wins but the wife gets a chance to turn the tables on him and he pays for it dearly. My wife and I get together with our neighbors to play cards to play cards about once a month. We generally have a good time but there are no stakes involved. For a poker player like me who is accustomed to gambling for large amounts of money playing just for fun is a little, well...boring. One night about a month ago, I tried to make...
I smile an approving grin as you bend over the pool table to take your shot. I had chosen your outfit for the night, and in my opinion, I had chosen very wisely...It was our second night out on this hastily planned weekend getaway. A weekend away in Lake Tahoe sounded like just the thing to escape the blistering hot weather we'd been having. I found a good deal on a nice hotel in south Lake Tahoe and off we went. Last night, weary from driving, we had a nice dinner and a few drinks at the plush...
HotwifeI woke up during the night with Marcus cuddling me and playing with my pierced nipples, which once again was making me wet.I climbed on top of him and proceeded to rub my pussy all over his hard cock. It wasn't long after that I pushed myself down him which caused us both to orgasm again and then we fell back to sleep.We woke up about ten. We both needed a shower. Marcus proceeded to wash me paying special attention to my pierced nipples and pussy. I decided, 'Two can play this game.'I...
Wife LoversThe add in the swinger magazine read:Wife: 352My wife April is 25, and at 5' 11" she is very tall and curvy. When she wears a pair of 4-inch heels she turns heads from across any room. Her hard tipped breasts are smooth, soft and perfectly shaped. She swims and works out regularly which gives her a hard flat tummy and trim figure. April's long blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and long sexy legs make her look a little like the blonde model in the Victoria's Secret catalog she always gets. She...
Jane spread the tools of her new therapy program before her. There was a pill, her iPod nano, and a vibrator. Jane stripped off her baggy sweater and sweat pants. It was 2pm and she had just come from work where she spent most mornings as the part-time floor manager for a small, independent bookstore. Fortunately, they didn't care what she wore, and so Jane was able to dress for comfort. Following Dr. Susan's instructions, Jane took the pill ("a mild sedative, to help you relax", Dr....
WIFE GETS BANGED MY A UNION IRONWORKER My wife Annie and I live in the suburbs of New York City. We are in our late forties, kids are all grown and gone, we each have decent jobs and are starting to enjoy life without worrying about pets or children. A few weeks back we decided to visit the Hamptons for a long weekend. We love the beach and since it was the off-season, the motel rates were reasonable and the weather was fantastic. So we left on Thursday and had until Sunday to enjoy our...
Understanding Our Man’s Hotwife Fantasy and How to Use That to Our AdvantageThe fantasy of having a “Hotwife” is growing, in fact, research shows it is growing at a higher rate than a good majority of the other lifestyle alternatives, including the old staple of “swinging” and the modern “open relationship”. Why is it that a fantasy that revolves around only one part of a relationship – the woman – going out and finding pleasure from another man more intriguing to an increasing number of men...
Mother Gets Caught. Author’s note: This story might be a little ?soft? for some but I still think it is a good story. Maybe some can take the basic story and modify it to their own satisfaction but I enjoyed writing it like this. Let me know what you think. THX.I came home from school. My dad wasn’t home, yet. He wouldn’t be home for a few hours. I am fifteen and I am in the eighth grade. My name is Sandy. Mom is usually home but I deemed to be home alone. That was not unusual. She was...
I am bisexual, married man in my early 50s. When I met my wife, I had a regular guy and we’d exchange blow jobs every week or two.. I told her about it and said my sexual adventures are part of the relationship. She accepted it and after a couple years she and I and my guy had a couple threesomes that I’ve written about elsewhere. But several years ago, we moved away and I didn’t have a regular guy. When I did find one, wifey was resistant to it.So he and I met on the wide, once every 2 to 3...
this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...
Looking back now, I think I realized as we stood outside the door to the hotel room that it was my last chance to change the course of events. If I did, it was a fleeting thought - and one I had no intention of following up on. The door loomed large - and to this day it seems a perfect metaphor for our lives before and after. Even as my hand was reaching out to knock on the door, I couldn't believe I was going to hand my wife over to the two young studs for what the three of them were...
You come home early from work too surprise your wife on your birthday and you find a strange car on the drive.As you open the door you can hear loud screaming and banging coming from up stairs.You make your way upstairs as the screaming and banging get louder and more frequent.You open your marital bedroom door to find your wife lieing on the bed with her legs in the air spread wide open and a black man smashing his massive black cock into your wife’s wet cunt.your wife doesn’t let the strange...
Will seemed to think that my wife needed a reward for her giving his friend an excellent rim job. He released one of her tits and brought his hand down on her pumping twat with a hard slap. She was so aroused it made a loud splat. He rained repeated hard slaps down on her clit until my wife came. Not just came, but came HARD, in a grunting groaning, squealing mass of orgasmic flesh. The sound was muffled by Joe's butt pressed into her face.With a final grunt, Joe pulled forward from her probing...
Introduction: A few extra inches gets introduced into her pussy so she decides I deserve a fresh new pussy in a form of her good friend I am married with a few kids, and Im not going to beat around the bush my sex life fucking sucks, and I cant blame my wife fully cause I have alot to do with it. I have a below average dick and last no more a few minutes at most so its no wonder I get her pussy like twice a month if im lucky. Anyway I started looking into ways to improve my status and came...
This is one of my favourite stories, I found it on a website years ago and had been looking for it again ever since. I recently found a copy of it on the hard drive of an old computer so I thought I would share it with everyone.I did not write this story and have no idea who did. If the authour would like to claim credit please do!WIFE GETS WILDWe went to my company party a few nights back. Lisa, my wife was by far the hottest babe there. She works out and has always had a hot body. She is...
As Ashley and Laura got positioned on the bed to give Paul and Graeme a show the guys stood at the foot of the bed with there cocks in their hands, (to this day my wife loves to watch a guy wanking himself off.) the girls started to roll around groping, rubbing, licking and kissing each other. as Ashley went down to lick Laura the guys couldn’t help themselves and jumped back on the bed. kneeling at either side of Laura they pushed there cocks into her face. Like i said earlier she could...
Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...
It all started back when my wife and I had taken a trip to the mall. We were just spending the day walking around from shop to shop when we came upon a shop that offered massages. They gave massages ranging from 5 to 30 minutes in length. The massages were also very expensive. A gentleman at the front of the shop offered my wife a free one minute massage. He was hoping to drum up business by offering her the opportunity to try a free one minute massage. My wife immediately said yes as he gave...
Chapter 1Given just how revealing the slutty little outfits are that my hotwife wears to pubs, clubs and bars,I'm amazed that she's never been arrested for indecent exposure, breach of the peace or grossindecency! She constantly pushes out the boundaries of what she wears and what she gets up to.I first met Kim four years ago at a property exhibition I'd rented a stand at. Through an agency I'dhired four promotions girls to help out on the stand. They were all in their twenties,...
I fell in love and married Julie, my beautiful wife who is now 31, and who is beautiful and charming in every way. She has a very sexy body, great legs and long reddish-brown hair. Our sex life has always been good as Julie is very passionate. After a year of marriage, I rekindled my intense fascination in chastity belts. The idea of being locked up sexually was always very exciting to me. Even when I was younger, I would take a short cardboard tube, put it over my penis and wear it under my...
My wife Kamilla is still quite beautiful and sexy. A 33 years old petite, 5 ft, black haired, with brown eyes and thick black eye lashes she is very attractive. She has a gorgeous figure maintained by regular fitness exercise at the gym. I have always appreciated her small well-proportioned body and small rounded breasts which form small perfect globes on her chest, not to mention her thick black hairy mound. Even after over ten years of marriage and three children, unlike me, she appears...
Soccer Mom Gets Caught I work clean up at the local bowling alley. It is fairly easy work but it starts at midnight during the week and two in the morning on Friday and Saturday. Basically I empty trash, restock the bathrooms, and clean and polish the floors. Once a week I have to clean the mechanism that handles the bowing pins. Then one Tuesday night after the women’s bowling, I was let in as usual and the owner went home. I heard a noise coming from a hallway so armed with...
WIFELY DIRECTIONBenny Price rolled around on the bed with his beautiful new wife, Nora. They were necking like teenagers, which was nice, and he was feeling her up but over her snug brown tank-top, and around her denim miniskirt.This was nice, but a little ridiculous for four months of marriage. This was what you did on the second date, usually, in Benny’s experience. Benny’s cock swelled, and felt somewhat free, as it wasn’t in that nasty chastity device.Nora was an expert necker, and Benny...
Please feel free to send me a comment on the story. For those of you who have emailed me thanks for sharing your kind words. I have enjoyed reading the emails about the stories and ideas on what should happen with some of the characters. Thanks for the kind emails. It's nice to know that people enjoy reading them. Since they take a long time to write. If you find an error, I highly encourage telling me (as I have few mistakes!). Please Vote! __________ “Mike is on his way over honey to watch...
Group SexAbout 4 weeks ago we were invited a friends 50th birthday party in the neighborhood. They were like 20-25 couples and a few single people all of which we've know for 15-20 years, we are all close friends. Coached each other k**s at the park, k**s went to school together, we go to the same church all live in basically the same area/neighborhood.Before the party while getting ready I walked into the bathroom as my wife, Kim was getting out of the tub and my dick got hard, I was horney, he baby...
never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...
My wife and I have been married for 15 years and she is a true 38 year old milf, she has been attending the same gym for about ten years with not much happening other than the occasional guy chatting her up, she has a super slim size 8 figure and is very toned attending 5 days a week going to our local gym. One day she came home and said that a new PT had been employed call Tyrone he was the youngest by far at only 27 years old as the gym was in the main for mostly older members.Over a period...
On Saturday evening in may we were sitting out on the porch and Crystal asked me "what are we gonna do tonight?" " I don't know. I thought we would just hang out at the house and watch tv and have a few drinks." It wasn't long before the sunset and we went inside and picked out a movie. Now let me tell ya a little about Crystal and myself also our relationship. Crystal and I both are 25 at this time and roommates due to slow down at work I had to save money and move in with her. She is about...
"This will be night you will never forget," JZ whispered as they broke their embrace. He walked over and grabed a whip. Standing behind her he began to whip her. Not to hard at first. With each whip she lets out a little "Oh!". Her bottom is turning red and I can see the whip marks showing up. He hit her back and moves to her front and gets her belly and then hits her tits. She is in pain. She has some tears in her eyes. He passed the whip to a buddy he whiped her for a while. Then the...
I had always known that several of our friends were attracted to my wife. Although she is now 33 she still has a body that puts most chicks in their 20’s to shame. She stands 5’4” and weighs 115 pounds. She has the absolute hottest tightest ass that is tight and firm. She has 34 A tits with nice sized nipples and her tits are firmer than most much younger girls. She takes good care of herself and looks fantastic, it was not too long ago we went out one night and she got carded. The guys would...
I was working from home when the doorbell rang. It was Ken, a friend of my oldest son, a guy he'd played basketball with in high school. He was wearing a suit and tie. I wasn't sure what he was doing here. My son had his own place now."Hey Ken," I said. "You looking for Brian?"Ken shook his head. "Came to talk to you, actually.""OK," I said, and opened the door. He walked right past me like he owned the place, went into the living room, took off his suit coat, tossed it over the couch and sat...
Wifey phoned me at my office, already an unusual event, that and also her near giddy sweet sounding Carolina drawl. "I got him and he's free tonight." I swallowed hard at her exuberance knowing exactly what she was referring to. See the Mrs. and I (OK, maybe mostly she) have recently been trying to get me together with another guy. Not for a threesome, but a butt fucking show for her to witness me playing catcher. We'd play sub/dom with toys, but not with the human kind. She would come at least...
Okay, so about 8 years ago my bbw wifey, very conservative, will never "ask" for sex, not kinky at all...was going through a time when she would go out with girlfriends like every weekend and most of them I didn't know and was never invited to meet. One Friday night she was supposedly "going over to a girlfriend's house to watch a movie". This friend I knew, but I also knew that this friend wanted my wife to spread her wings a little and get fucked by her hubby. Of course wifey had always acted...
A day later, Jane lay in bed with her iPod, a pill, and the vibrator. She looked at her iPod. This was the last podcast from Dr. Susan. Would she be able to do it? At her session with Dr. Susan the day before, she had cried and cried, letting years of suppressed feelings boil to the surface. How she had let that man ruin her life! It was all so clear now - all her hiding, all of her problems with intimacy. And how her husband had suffered all those years! All of that lost time... But now,...
Back in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...