The Confession Ch 12
- 3 years ago
- 32
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Don't you just hate it when your doctor looks at whatever it is and starts the textbook spiel? Looking at the thing on my ankle he launched into all the stuff about raised edges and whatever and ended up quoting some medical term that was as good as meaningless to me.
"What was that?"
He said it again, and went on:
"It's a fungal infection, bit like ringworm, except ringworm isn't a worm, it's a fungus. I'll give you some cream for it."
And that was it, I'd certainly not exceeded my allotted five minutes this time. Actually I think it's eight minutes. And I was a bit pissed too. Fungus? I know I'm getting on a bit, but it might have the decency to at least wait until I'm dead.
I walked out through to the waiting room, a long narrow room with seats either side which had probably been the backyard of the house that now housed the practice, and had been covered to provide more room. The fact that it is narrow is relevant because it meant I had to negotiate my way past someone who was standing talking to someone seated. As I approached I realised that the person standing was female, slim and strangely attractive. Why strangely? Well she had a completely shaven head which was covered in a tattoo. Other than that there was little remarkable about her, small gold hoops in neat ears, a thin but attractive face with large blue eyes, scooped neck tee shirt covering a small chest, jeans covering narrow hips and a small 'bubble butt', and ... boots. Ho hum. All this I got with a quick glance as I asked her to excuse me and stepped past. I got a fleeting smile and a 'sorry', in return.
I have to say that she stuck in my mind, I suppose it was the tattoo really. Well, yes, of course it was. I saw her about a few times over the next month or two, I don't go into town often, in fact I'm a bit of a recluse since my wife died, so apart from essential shopping and very occasional doctor's visits I never go there. Oh, I do go into the newsagents when I'm down there because there are a couple of cuddly young blondes who run it, so I get the odd magazine from there, others I subscribe to and the postie delivers. I live about four miles out of town in a bungalow set on a couple of acres with a barn which I use as a workshop and various other outbuildings, and I always ride my bike down the old railway track when I do go to town. I'm not sure how this stands with the councils' bye laws, as if I cared, which say walking and cycling are allowed, but my bike is electric. Anyway, I always slow down for walkers, although with some of the old dears being deaf it can sometimes give them a bit of a start, but at least I have a bell. I've called it a town, but to many it would be little more than a village by the sea. It has a population of about fifteen hundred but this quadruples in summer when hordes of holiday makers descend on it and make it into a sort of Wolverhamton-on-Sea.
On one of the occasions when I saw this woman she was sitting on a seat by the bus stop, so presumably waiting for a bus. As I walked past I paused, caught her attention and told her that I was very taken with her tattoo, and that I thought it was very attractive. And I really thought it was; a riot of colourful flowers and foliage. I'm not sure what she initially thought, but she realised after looking at me for a second or two that I was sincere and her face lit up with a smile.
She said, "Why thank you kind sir,"
She spoke with the lilt of the local accent which I have to say I find very sexy.
I replied that it was my pleasure and walked on to where I had parked my bike outside the newsagent's and pedalled off home. Yes, you do have to pedal an electric bike, just not so hard.
I am retired, and have been for a while so my time is my own, but since I only have the basic old age pension, despite low outgoings a little extra income is welcome, and so I produce stuff which I sell at local craft fairs and shows which produces the cash to buy a few luxuries. For luxury read wine. Beer I can make myself, and a better pint than most breweries, but producing good wine is difficult. I could, of course, buy beer too, but most of the local craft brewers use American hops, not to my taste at all, what's wrong with goldings and fuggles I'd like to know. So apart from running the kitchen garden for my vegetables, I like to spend my time either in my workshop, or my studio, producing the things that the hordes buy and which in turn buy my luxuries. What I don't like doing is housework. With this in mind I decided that I could afford to have someone come in, say, once a week to do the household chores; nothing too onerous, just vacuuming and dusting and a bit of tidying.
Having made the decision I wrote out a postcard and rode my bike down to the town so that I could put it in the newsagents. One of the cuddly blondes took the card and said she'd put in in the window. I was nearly home when my phone rang. It was a lady, obviously local, the accent remember, and could she come and see me. We agreed a time just after lunch. I started to give directions but she said not to worry she knew where I was. Fine, I continued home and had lunch.
At exactly the appointed time the doorbell rang and I opened the door to find none other than my tattooed lady standing on the door step. I was somewhat surprised, but of course didn't show it. She was dressed exactly the same as when I had first seen her, indeed I had never seen her in anything else, and seeing her face full on I decided that it was perhaps not as thin as I had at first thought and whilst I would not call her beautiful, she was very good looking.
"You look surprised to see me," were her opening words.
"No, no," I replied, or rather lied, "I was surprised to find someone I know. Well, not know, you understand but..."
She smiled. "Probably best to stop digging right there," she said.
I had a feeling that we were going to get along just fine.
I introduced myself.
"Popsie," she said.
"Just Popsie?"
"It's enough."
I talked her through all the things I wanted done and there seemed to be no problem. Tuesdays would be fine, we agreed a price, in cash, because although nothing was said I'd guessed that she was on the social and a few bob extra would be good, and with the new rules if I actually employed her I'd have to arrange a pension for her. So we were both happy.
Tuesday bang on nine the doorbell rang, and as instructed she came in, I'd already unlocked the door, not that there is any need to lock it around here, but my late wife always insisted upon it and old habits die hard.
"Good morning," I greeted her, "I've made some coffee."
She smiled, "thank you."
She took her coffee, sipped, and made appreciative noises; I'm very fussy about my coffee, not that I'm a connoisseur and certainly not a snob but I've narrowed my favourite down to a Monsooned Malabar although I do have to make a seventy mile trip to the nearest Waitrose to get it, but why drink anything you don't like? We made some small talk for a minute or two and then she set to work. I decided to leave her to it and took myself and my coffee off to my studio.
I popped down mid-morning for more coffee and found her hard at it.
I returned just before lunch to find Popsie sitting on a stool in the kitchen reading a magazine.
"I think I've done everything," she said, and proceeded to give me a blow by blow account of everything she had done.
"That's wonderful," I told her and handed her the agreed amount.
And that's how things went on for several weeks.
We had got into the habit of having a mid-morning coffee together and chatting, though I found out little about her, then one week when I was busy in the workshop she brought me out a mug. I was at the time just finishing off a piece of wood turning and she stood, coffee in hand watching me.
"That's fantastic," she said. "I'd love to have a go, d'you think I could?"
"I don't see why not. I don't want to take that off the lathe yet, but we could do it another time, when are you free?"
She laughed, "I'm free any time," she said. "Except Tuesday mornings."
And that was how it started. I have to admit that I liked having her about, she was bright and intelligent, picked things up very quickly and was easy on the eye. My eye anyway, and I was smitten. She was, of course, much younger than me, I reckoned about twenty five years, so I had no idea how to proceed any further, or even if I should. In fact I didn't want to open up what might be a can of worms because although I had the impression that the feelings were mutual there was something else I couldn't put my finger on, and I didn't want to lose her. I did show her how to use one tool on the lathe by putting my arms around her and my hands on hers, and I have to say she felt very good, she even pressed back into me for a moment, but then pulled away. She was spending several days a week with me and learning a great deal, getting better all the time and very soon what she was producing was perfectly saleable.
Just before the holiday season got underway she came in very subdued.
"What's up?" I asked.
She burst into tears. "I've been told I've got to leave my flat, they want it for holidays. I've got nowhere to go."
I took her in my arms and gave her a hug.
"No friends? Family?"
She shook her head. "No one who'll have me. And I can't even ask you, because you've only got one bedroom."
True, when we refurbished the bungalow because it was so small we decided to make it perfect for us, and we didn't sleep separately.
Fresh tears whilst I thought about the possibility that she might like to share and then dismissed it as the ramblings of a dirty old man.
"Tell you what," I said as a sudden thought struck me. "How would a static caravan do?"
"In holiday season, don't be silly."
"I'm not, there's one here."
"What? Where?"
"Up behind the other shed."
Now I should just give a few words about the lie of the land. Although the bungalow is quite close to the road it is approached up a long drive which is parallel to the road and crosses the bottom of the adjacent field. The ground rises steeply behind the bungalow, flattens slightly where the barn is, then goes on up, but not too steeply. There is another shed and then behind that is the static caravan, not very visible because of a lot of planting. We put it there when we first moved whilst I was working on the bungalow, and then we had let it for holidays for a while but it hadn't been occupied for some time. Nevertheless it was in good condition, dry and snug.
I released her from the hug, took a piece of paper from a big roll of absorbent blue paper that I use for cleaning, and dried her eyes, and then took her by the hand a showed her the way to the caravan. I explained all the foregoing to her and then we went inside. She was like a dog with two tails.
"Can I really stay here? I mean aren't you going to let it?"
"Well, I am going to let it."
"To you."
I suddenly had my arms full of woman, a full on kiss ensued, including a tonsil examination which I was really enjoying, and then she drew back.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."
"I didn't mind at all."
She looked at me somewhat sadly.
"No, you don't understand."
"Okay, but if you want to explain any time..."
She brightened.
"When can I move in?"
"I've got to fill the heating and hot water system, but other than that it should be ready to go. Needs a bit of a spring clean, though."
"I can do that, no problem," she replied, with a big grin.
"No time like the present. Do you have much to move? I can collect it in the van."
At this time I was still driving, although to be honest I shouldn't have been, my eyesight was quite good, but very restricted and the way I put it is that I don't know what I don't see, but I couldn't get to craft fairs if I didn't.
She moved in that afternoon having spent the morning doing a full clean whilst I sorted out what I needed to get done.
So there we were, she did her usual Tuesday morning, the rest of the time she spent mostly with me, cheerful, laughing and joking, and everything seemed close to perfect. It was a delight to see frilly things on the washing line again, and yes I am a cad, 34A, I checked while she was down town. Now, I know most blokes don't seem to regard a woman as female if she has less than a double D, but experience tells me that these are floppy bunnies and usually end up hiding in the lady's armpits, and let's be honest, more than a handful is a waste. So 34A seemed pretty good to me. Particularly as they were Popsie's. Now, there was an odd thing. Even after she had been living in the static for some time I never saw any post for her, so no name, just Popsie. It didn't worry me, but it did intrigue me.
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InterracialFor years I have been a huge fan of Black Men fucking pretty white women. It has always turned me on to know that the Black Man can effortlessly get plenty of white pussy while white boys like me have to beg for it and then get turned down. So I decided to do my part to help the cause by becoming completely pussy free. I quit even trying to get any pussy. I always got turned down anyway so doing without it was no big deal to me.Then I started trying to convince the ladies instead to just let me...
Baby girl is fighting with our Producer for the TV remote. He claims she has been screwing around all day while he was working on his new light setup. She offers to be the Model to test the new lights, and soon she is placed with a hard cock right in front of her mouth. She cannot resist the cock and wraps her lips around it and begins pumping. Our Producer almost cums in her mouth, but stops right on time. She begs to get fucked… and cums a few times on his cock. At the end, she jerks his cock...
xmoviesforyouNice car I said as we approached her Bentley. Thank you she said. As I deposited the bags in the spacious trunk. She handed me a wad of bills which I refused. And then as if making up her mind she stared straight at the ever present bulge in my pants and said to it. Well if you won't take my tip I will just have to take yours. She grabbed me by the belt marched me to the side of her car and climbed in pulling me in after her. By the time I turned from closing the door behind me her blouse was...
Allison and the kids returned to the campsites, where Greg and Allen sat talking around a fire that they had built in preparation for cooking dinner. They had some nice coals going, so Allison announced that it was time to start fixing dinner. She said she would be preparing Dutch Oven Pizzas, a recipe her father had invented years ago when she was just a girl. It sounded delicious, so the kids were more than happy to lend a hand when she asked if they would like to help her cook it. It...
On Monday morning I bolt the 6X6 beams onto the piers and triple check to makes sure it's all level. Now that the base is done, I can move ahead with assembling all the rest of the parts. Taking Dad's advice, I force myself to go slowly, checking and rechecking every joint and corner. If I do this thing right, it'll take a tornado to move it off its foundation. By the time I knock off, Rose Ann is home and puttering about the kitchen. I see her standing at the sink in tight shorts and a...
After a while I must have fallen asleep from pure exhaustion, because the next thing I remember I was startled awake by my alarm letting me know I had to get up for work. Did I really sleep for 12 hours straight? It's happened before and it probably won't be the last time. I stretched out in bed and try to will myself to get up but I just want to lay there a few more minutes. As I do I zone out and my hand starts to wander. My fingertips trace slow lazy lines across my soft alabaster skin...
————————————————– May the golden butterfly lead you throughout your reading of the journey of the last MacEirc royal bloodline ————————————————– Chapter 1 The story began when Coinneach was just a little boy. The servant picked him up and kissed him once on the cheek. Tears streamed down as she cradled his tiny body in her arms. Together they penetrated through the chilling mist of the border-crossing bridge, leaving the lines of carriages due for another transit post in Beinn Dearg....
It's another long read but I hope all of you are enjoying it as much as I did.Day 3 – FridayWarren was fucking Ms. Burkhart. It was in her empty classroom, her hands were on the board, he was thrusting into her from behind, both were moaning in pleasure.Then it all disappeared as Warren's alarm went off. Warren slammed his fist into the side of his bed, pissed that his dream had been cut off mid-fuck. But only a moment after that, Warren smiled, thinking about how he could make that dream...
Hello everyone, I am Raj and I am 19 years old and from Mumbai. I used to stay with my mom Kavita who is a housewife and is 45 years old. My dad used to run his business in Mumbai and used to leave from home daily around 10 am and would return only around 8 pm. Everything was going fine until one day. I was trying to call my friend from my phone but my phone was having some issues so I was not able to call him from my number. So I took mom’s phone too call him and after calling him, I saw a...
Dixie was in her late twenties and sexually active when she could be with both girls and guys. She found women turned her on more. She'd had sex with more guys than girls. Whenever she was alone and horny, she'd stick porn on. It was mostly lesbian. Dixie found lesbian porn more of a turn-on.One night, Dixie sat in her apartment flicking through her channels of the TV finding something to watch. She sat on the blue sofa in her grey fluffy dressing gown after a hot shower. She switched the TV...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThese are compliments of Allan A guy was crawling through the Australian outback, dying of thirst, and gasping, ‘water, water’. He looked up and saw a sign saying “Sisters of Mercy Convent”. He managed to crawl to the door, and banged on it. When a nun opened the door he gasped, “Water, please, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun said, “We don’t have water, but we do have tea brewed from a koala bear.”. The guy said, “Anything, I’m dying of thirst”. The nun gave him a big mug of the tea, he...
Author's Notes This is a fanfiction of a erotic comic parody called the “Curse of the Succubus” by the artist known as Lemonfont. I wanted to continue the story idea Lemonfont started especially since I think it may have been a one-shot commission piece. I am unsure where the artist was starting the comic at in the universe. I am however, starting this story on the presumption that it is at the point Wanda Maximoff had her breakdown and decided to alter reality. In this alternate reality, Wanda...
I had just been dumped by my longtime girlfriend and I was wallowing in my own misery when my cell phone rang. It was early (for me), but I was awake. It was Friday morning and I had the whole weekend free. Especially now. No plans at all other than a private pity-party. "Pack your bags, man. We're heading up north," the voice said. It was my best friend, Chris, and he was apparently taking it upon himself to get me out of my funk. "Buddy," I started in protest, "I don't think I'm up...
Intro to Sissies XXIV: Sissy's End "Drink all of your breakfast, useless. You know you need your juice." Mandy had up ended the gallon jug of come juice and force fed it to Joan, and Joan was sucking it down as fast as she could. She hadn't really eaten in days, just a little come here and a lot of come there. Yesterday, Mandy had completely forgotten to give her her come juice, and last nights alcohol had hit her hard; her head hurt now. Joan was on her back, in reverse sissy...
It had been a while since Sarah had a lover. She was aching to slip into something sexy and get a man going. She had been to a few clubs but found nobody that could fix her needs. That was until she arrived at work on Monday. Sarah was a copilot for a major airline. She entered the cockpit and met the Captain John. He was a good looking man. Tall, blonde hair, and a smile that would melt any girls heart. Like on any other flight they talked about things to pass the time. But this was different...
CrossdressingIt was a warm summer day in July and I had just gotten home from work and changed out of my work clothes into a t-shirt and loose shorts. There were still several hours of daylight left in the day even though it was about 5:00 in the afternoon and the temperature was around 80 degrees. I left the front door open and opened several windows to help cool the house. Warm sunny weather always seems to make me horny and I turned on my computer with the thought of surfing for some good porn. It was...
Three in a Bed. Part One Roger took another sip of the rich red wine and cocked his wrist to check the time on his watch. He and Julie had arrived home ten minutes earlier to prepare for Doug’s visit, his second to their home. The first visit had been pleasant and relaxing, a “get-to-know-you” opportunity, yet both Roger and Julie had been a little disappointed that the occasion had not developed into a more intimate encounter. However as Doug had explained before he had left to attend a...
In an effort to get her stepsons attention London, joins a dating app he uses. While she masks her identity with a different profile picture, all of her body pictures are the same. Soon they exchange x-rated photos. London bursts in on her step son. At first he is embarrassed. Then he can’t believe that was sexting with his step mom this entire time. London dominates her son she bounces on his cock, making sure to let her him watch her curves bounce from every angle. He can’t believe she can...