Encounter At Green's Rock free porn video

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Every life has one magical event--one instant where everything changes forever. For some of us, the moment comes and goes invisibly, and we do not know its significance until years later, if ever. For others, the moment confronts us at its happening and we experience it with our full awareness.

Whichever the case, the magical event always happens.

I'll tell you about mine.

There's a small island called Green's Rock in the middle of Maine's Penobscot Bay. It's mostly granite, like the rest of the coast, with two small pebbled beaches.

When I was a little girl, no more than five or six, I would sail to that island with my parents and assorted aunts and uncles and cousins for picnics. I remember whole hordes of us invading that stern, yet tranquil space, grounding our dinghies against the gradual slope of the beach. Adults would jump into the chilly water to form a sort of fireman's brigade, handing picnic baskets, towels, sunshades and giggling children to the shore. They would organize the beachhead, spreading towels, erecting sunshades, dispensing suntan lotion and admonitions about sunburn to the children.

It would never be more than half an hour before all of the "littlies"--those of us under six--would shed our clothes, innocently cavorting naked around the beach, wearing only soggy Keds to protect our feet from the pebbles, shrieking and laughing as we scampered from cold water's edge to sunwarmed rocks.

We girls would point, giggling, at our boy cousins as they emerged naked from the water, their tiny penises and testicles shrunken by the cold. They would shrug off our ridicule and we would tire of the game, preferring to gather the little snails called periwinkles from the slick rocks.

Soon lunch would emerge from huge rattan baskets: overstuffed peanut butter sandwiches dripping with my grandmother's blueberry jam, green apples from the tree behind the boathouse, and raspberry Kool-Aid laden with white sugar. We would protest though chattering teeth that we weren't cold at ALL--did we REALLY have to get dressed again? After lunch we would lie prone on our towels, feeling the roughness of pebbles against our naked bodies. Some of us would doze in spite of ourselves, while others would stay awake, counting off the forty-five minutes until we could return to the water.

I've thought of those days often, longing to return to that time--a time of innocence, lying naked with cousins on that rocky Maine beach. I had been away from the islands for many years; school, career and a failed marriage had kept me on the West Coast. Now I was between projects and had some time for myself, so I canceled the newspapers, paid a neighborhood teenager to feed my cats, threw some clothes into a duffel, and caught the first flight I could get to Portland, Maine. As I drove my rented Escort up Route One I felt a growing excitement; there were more quaint tourist businesses along that coastal road than I had remembered, but the essential character of the place had not changed in my long absence. Lobstermen still set their pots along the rocky coast while gangs of seagulls followed, raucously demanding scraps of bait. Wooden gaff-rigged schooners bearing tourists still ghosted majestically over the rippled water of Rockland's harbor. Years ago we had contemptuously referred to these craft with their cargoes of tourists as "cattle boats;" now, watching these stately old boats, I felt a wave of affection. After a twenty year absence I could hardly consider myself anything other than a tourist, but I still had a powerful sense of homecoming.

The Island Ferry waited at the landing, its huge ramp shifting slightly as the boat's motors held it pressed against the dock. I parked in the line of waiting cars and bought a round trip ticket from a puffy-faced woman in the temporary building. Wasn't it a temporary building the last time I was here? I wondered. I took my small duffel from the car and headed for the ladies' room. I had made this trip many times before; I knew that it would be chilly, and that the restrooms on the boat were suitable only for cases of dire emergency.

First things first--I peed, wincing at the cold seat. I pulled a rough woolen sweater from the duffel then pulled my tee shirt over my head. I smiled as I caught a glimpse of myself in the cracked mirror. I've never been a vain person, but every now and then I realize that I've been particularly blessed: as I looked at my reflection I saw a woman who might not be drop-dead gorgeous, but who sure as hell is in the top percentile. I'm a natural blonde through and through, thanks to some distant Teutonic ancestor. I wear my hair so it frames my face, and I keep it just long enough to reach my nipples. If I were a guy I'd be a boob man for sure, because I've always appreciated women with good tits--myself included. My breasts are not particularly big (I don't even own a bra), but they're just a perfect shape, with nipples that harden with almost no provocation. My mother used to get on me as I was a budding teenager, buying me lacy brassieres, begging me to "dress properly." I'd go to school wearing the hated garment, then take it off just as soon as I could get to the girls' room. Most days I'd remember to put it back on before I came home.

I had been married for nearly five years and Mom and I had finally become good friends and confidantes, when I finally told her of my deception. I told her how much I liked the feel of fabric against my nipples, how it aroused me. I told her about glancing at boys' tented pants as I walked by, enjoying the effect I was having on them. She laughed so hard I thought she'd pee her pants. She said she'd always secretly admired me for what my father considered "brazenness," and was quite proud of that body she'd helped produce.

As I looked at my own reflection in the mirror I ran my hands over my breasts, lingering on the firm nipples. I felt them respond as though a lover were caressing them. I moved my hands down, tracing the swelling underside of my breasts, then down my ribs to my tummy. If a man is very attentive to me and pays very close attention, he'll discover that there's an almost invisible line of fine blonde hair running from my navel right down to my pussy. That's one of the most sensitive areas of my body--a guy who discovers the secret of plucking at those fine hairs with his lips will be rewarded with a wildly orgasmic woman who will do absolutely anything for him.

Unfortunately, those men seem to be scarce.

"This is silly," I clucked to myself, feeling momentarily foolish for admiring myself in this public restroom. I pulled on the rough sweater, enjoying the feel of the fabric on my bare skin. I closed the duffel, arranged my clothing and emerged into the sunlight.

The line of cars was beginning to move onto the ferry. A crewmember directed me to a spot on the deck, and I parked there. I got out and squeezed between station wagons full of families and vacation baggage and walked forward to lean against the heavy safety chain running across the bow. Twelve miles east, in the middle of Penobscot Bay, I could see the low green lines of the islands that had been my home so long ago. There was a clang of the heavy ramp, a vibration, then a small lurch as the ferry lumbered out into the harbor.

I stood there for all the hour's trip across the bay, savoring the dampness and the salty smell of the bay, watching the low green line grow, then separate into individual islands as our course snaked us through the buoy-marked channel between the islands. The brisk Maine air penetrated the coarse weave of my sweater and I could see the two points of my erect nipples.

We swung around a point of land and suddenly I could feel the vibration of the ferry's engines change as the captain began to prepare for docking in Carver's Harbor. I made my way back to my car, my heart beating a little faster as we neared the Ferry Landing. The captain expertly inserted the big boat into its berth and I had a sudden vision of the ferry as a huge steel cock sliding into a wide, wet vagina. "Where did THAT thought come from?" I asked myself aloud, smiling. It had been a long time since I'd had a serious relationship--I knew I missed the intimacy of a real lover, but this near hallucination was getting a little silly.

I started the car and when the heavy ramp hit the dock with a loud CLANG! I was already in gear and driving onto the island. I hadn't been here for over twenty years, but I was sure I'd be able to find my way to the cabin where I'd be spending the next two weeks. I drove out of town along the winding road for almost thirty minutes looking at old mailboxes and catching glimpses of the bay through the pines. Is that the turnoff? I wondered. No...it was a sharper turn. Drive another hundred yards. There! That's it! Damn! That's not it. I was about to admit temporary defeat and go back to town to ask for directions, when I came to another dirt road that emerged from the dense pine woods. Suddenly I could see in my mind's eye a rattling pickup truck full of laughing cousins, returning from The Village with brown paper bags full of root beer candies and stacks of comic books. The blonde gap-toothed six year old surrounded by pre-adolescent boys was me.

I drove down that dirt road slowly, feeling familiarity wash over me, feeling as though I were actually driving back through time. I rounded a last tight curve in the deeply rutted dirt road and suddenly before me was the white wood frame house of my childhood, overlooking a broad expanse of grass, the boathouse, the Cove.

I pulled my bags from the car, slung them over my shoulder and walked to the main house. The kitchen door was unlocked (some things never change!) and I went in.

The kitchen had the same smells I had loved as a child: the faint soot of the wood-burning stove, flour and yeast from the bread of my long-dead grandmother, the sherry she always used to drink when she was baking. I stood there for several moments, savoring these vivid memories, then carried my bags to the front bedroom; it was always my favorite room, because it had the best view of the Cove, and because it was the first room in the house to get the morning sun.

Unpacking can wait, I said to myself. I changed into tee shirt and cutoffs--I left my panties on a heap on the floor. I love the feel of rough denim against the sensitive skin of my pussy. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm constantly getting orgasms from my pants, but I do enjoy that sensation. These were the kind of pants that used to give my mother fits: they're cut so short the cheeks of my ass can peek out from under the frayed legs. I walked out the kitchen door, being careful not to let the screen door slam (one of my grandmother's favorite complaints about us kids) and down the long grassy path to the pier. I had this side of the Cove to myself, and the solitude was an unaccustomed treat. The white dinghy I'd learned to sail as a child was tied to the float, bobbing gently. On impulse I pulled it in and climbed aboard. The boat had to be over a hundred years old, and showed the best of the Maine boatbuilding tradition. She had been lovingly cared for, and she seemed to speak to me, begging me to hoist her gaff-rigged sail, to venture out into the Bay again. The soft westerly breeze put in its two cents' worth, so I fitted the big wood rudder to the transom, dropped the centerboard, hoisted the sail and cast off.

The boat heeled slightly and picked up speed; the pressure on the tiller was familiar and comforting, and I pointed the boat towards the mouth of the Cove and headed out into Penobscot Bay, tacking around Dogfish Ledge within ten minutes. The breeze was warm on my skin and the lovely old boat spoke to me through the creaking of her oak and cedar, the gentle vibration of the water on her hull, the smell of many layers of varnish and paint. I eased the sail and headed off towards Green's Rock. Somehow I knew that I would be able to find my way to the small island; each new landmark I saw found a response in long-dormant memories and the boat and I seemed to know just where we were going. We sailed on for nearly an hour, passing lobstermen sweating in the sun, watching ungainly cormorants spread wide wings to dry in the sun as their seagull cousins taunted them from above.

At last I found the island. I could see the small beach on the south end where we had played as naked children. I brought the dinghy into the wind close to the beach and when I could see the rocky bottom three feet below me I dropped the sail, grabbed the bow line and jumped over the side of the boat.

The water was colder than I had remembered, and I wondered how I could have spent so many hours splashing in it as a child. I waded ashore, and tied the bow line to a large rock on the beach. The boat bobbed contentedly in the gentle swell.

Years ago I had explored every inch of the island. No one lived there--I'm not even sure if anyone owns it. I began to pick my way over the rocky perimeter of the island, playing tag with the rising tide as it pushed waves against the rocks. My tight cutoffs were still wet from wading ashore, and they clung to my body. As I jumped from rock to rock, the rough denim creased itself into the folds of my pussy and I could feel my clitoris respond ever so slightly to the friction. I feel sorry for all those women who complain in all those women's magazines about how they can't have an orgasm; sometimes I feel as though I could have a beaut just walking around and thinking the right thoughts!

There's a beach on the north side of the island, too. It's a bit smaller than the south beach, but it faces out to the Bay and it's much more private. I walked gingerly across the rocky beach, half wishing I'd brought sneakers, half enjoying the feel of the rocks on my bare feet. I followed the line of the shore on huge rocks worn smooth by millions of years of pounding surf. As I approached the north beach I could see that there was dinghy like mine anchored near the shore. I've been a city girl long enough to have a sense of caution when it comes to strangers--even on a small island in Maine. I stepped silently from rock to rock, wondering if I'd come upon a picnicking family or a pair of lovers enjoying a few stolen moments alone. I was rather hoping it might be the latter, and my heartbeat quickened at the possibility.

I continued carefully along the rocks, almost to the edge of the north beach. I could see most of the beach and I have to admit that I was disappointed to find it empty; I really had hoped to see a couple of lovers rutting on the beach with animalistic abandon. As I was about to cross the pebbled beach, though, I saw shorts and a tee-shirt spread neatly on the rocks. There was a large rocky dome on the opposite end of the beach, about twenty yards away, and on it lay a nude figure. From that distance I could see that he was male, and he was alternately lying inert, then slowly stroking his cock to erectness. He would stop stroking and his erection would subside, then he would resume his slow stroking. Fascinated, I crept closer, hidden by the low bushes bordering the beach. He seemed to be so intent on pleasuring himself that I moved boldly closer, shielded by the bushes.

He was a boy of no more than sixteen or seventeen. He was very slender, and his short hair had been bleached almost blond by the sun. The rest of his body was nearly hairless; the sparse pubic hair over his cock was darker than his hair. His cock was quite long when erect, yet thin. His fingers easily encircled it as he grasped himself.

He lay naked on the domed rock, small waves lapping at his feet. I could see from the tan lines on his belly and legs that he was not one to run around naked in the sun: his chest and legs were nut-brown, but the skin on his belly and around his cock was pale white. His erection had subsided again and his flaccid organ was quite small, but as he slowly stroked it, it grew to a very respectable size.

He would stroke his penis for a minute of so, raising his head off the rock as the pleasurable sensations began to wash over him. I caught my ex-husband jacking off once; it was all very businesslike and efficient. He'd smear some of my Oil of Olay on the head of his cock (Hey! That stuff's expensive, pal!) then pound away as though he was trying to set some kind of speed record. He'd come in a few strokes, wipe himself off with a couple of tissues, then zip himself up and go on about his business as though nothing had happened. That's when I figured out what was wrong with our whole relationship; everything was so efficient, so...let's-get-the-job-done.

I tried to explain to him about my G-Spot once. I even offered to show him exactly where it was--right behind my clit. Easy to find, if you're paying the slightest bit of attention. Once I tried to guide his finger to the spot so he'd be able to find it later with his cock. I know now that I fell in love with his cock; it was just the right size and shape to hit the Spot. I think the one time he got to it was an accident, never to be repeated. I used to give him the best head of his life, hoping against hope that he'd take up the Quest for the Spot again, but it never happened. I'd try dropping hints, then asking him nicely, then telling him graphically, finally trying to position my body to push the head of his perfect cock into just the right place, but he'd fight me. I'd give up then; he'd keep thrusting deeply into my pussy, grunting as he shot his load into me, then giving me a perfunctory kiss as he rolled off me into deep post-coital sleep. Sometimes I'd stroke my own clit afterwards, bringing myself to a desperate, needed orgasm, muffling involuntary cries into my pillow in the darkness.

I kept watching this beautiful young man from behind my concealing shrub. Fascinated, I watched him repeatedly bring himself just to the point of orgasm, then stop, allowing his erection to subside again. He seemed to have all the time in the world. As he was lost in his own pleasure, I dared to move even closer, slipping quietly from bush to bush. At last I was close enough to him that I could have reached out to touch him; I could even hear his breathing if I held my own breath. His eyes were closed as he lay on the rock. His hand still encircled his cock, which was beginning to soften again. I crouched directly behind him, and I knew the only way he would be able to see me would be to raise himself up and turn around. That didn't seem likely, given his total absorption in his pleasure. His legs were spread wide; I could see a light sheen of sweat around his pale tummy. I imagined what the cool breeze must feel like as it caressed his body, drying the sweat around his young balls, cooling the sensitive skin between his scrotum and his asshole.

I could see a tiny drop of liquid emerge from the tip of his cock. I imagined myself licking it, savoring the salty, musky taste. To my surprise, he looked at the droplet, then carried it to his own lips with a finger. I thought back to my ex-husband, whose come I'd swallowed with such abandon. I remembered pulling his head down to my pussy after he'd shot a copious load into me, begging him to bring me to orgasm with his mouth. He had reacted with disgust, rolling over and going to sleep. Yet here was this...child...sampling his own essence, tasting himself without hesitation or reservation.

I watched this process for several minutes, or maybe it was an hour--time seemed to be suspended. My nipples were fully erect now, and the blood that fed them also engorged my breasts, which swell perceptibly when I am aroused. My short cutoffs were still wet, but I could feel my juices flowing liberally. My clit was hardening, emerging from its fleshy sheath and each small movement I made rubbed it against the rough denim of my damp cutoffs. If ever there was a time when I was ready for a good orgasm, it was then! I kept quiet behind my bush, though, afraid of revealing my presence and ruining everything.

The young man began his slow stroking again. The head of his cock was beginning to redden, and I knew how tender it must be. To my relief he reached down into the cold water and splashed handfuls of the salt water onto his tender young flesh. I sensed that he was very close to orgasm now, and wondered for a moment if his first spurt of semen could reach me. He would stroke his cock several times, then carry the small drops of clear liquid to his lips. I was so close that I could see a gossamer bridge of pre-come spanning the short distance between the head of his cock and his lips.

I knew he was going to come this time; he continued his rhythmic stroking--up, down, up, down, up, down--I imagined how it would feel to have that young staff deep in my body--up, down, up, down, in, out... I saw the first spurt of milky semen. It reached over his hairless chest and landed on his cheek. I licked my lips as though it had reached me. He kept stroking himself, and as his orgasm controlled him, he began moaning low in his chest, then uttered mindless, guttural cries. The white come kept emerging from his cock, pooling on his belly, gathering in the hollow of his navel. I knew it would taste sweet, and I wanted to pounce onto him, devouring every precious drop.

To my surprise he scooped the fluid from his belly and brought it to his lips, licking it from his hands, smearing it on his face. After a long while his hand stopped its stroking and he lay back and closed his eyes, apparently spent. His glistening young cock jerked slightly with his slowing pulse, and softened gradually, finally coming to rest on his hairless thigh. I realized that I had been holding my breath and let it out slowly, relaxing my body.

I had been so wrapped up in this erotic drama that all the muscles in my body had tensed. As I relaxed, my feet settled into the pebbles and shells of under me, causing just the slightest sound. I was so close to him that he heard it; he raised his head, straining to hear. He looked to each side, then lay back, satisfied that he had imagined the sound. We were both motionless for perhaps five minutes, and I wondered if he had fallen asleep. Finally he raised himself to his elbows, then sat up, looking around. I held my breath again, sure that the increasing sound of the surf would not be enough to mask the sound of my breathing. As he rolled himself from the rock, he froze. I had concealed myself behind my bush, but my long blonde hair was not so easily concealed. He stared at me, his eyes wide. I rose silently to my feet and faced him.

"Aw, jeez...shit...oh, man," he stammered. "How long have you been here?" I think I know what he was feeling at being discovered in such a private moment, and I wanted nothing more than to ease his embarrassment. He stood before me naked, his face and chest flushed with mortification. I realized that I didn't have the slightest idea how to behave. I was at least fifteen years older than this beautiful young man, and I was sure he saw me as an adult who would judge him harshly because of his self-abuse. Or worse: I might tell someone what I had seen.

I had not said a word; I stood there looking into his eyes, hoping to ease his anxiety and to decide what I should do. Without making a conscious decision I reached down to the bottom of my tee shirt and in one smooth motion I slid it over my head and stood there before him bare-breasted. At least we were on more equal terms now.

He stared at me; his eyes darting from my eyes to my breasts, then back to my eyes. I would have to be the one to break the silence.

"Please believe me--I didn't mean to be spying on you; I was just walking around the island...I sailed over to the South Beach from Long Cove...I hadn't been here since I was a little girl, and we used to swim here, and we had a lot of cousins here, and we used to have picnics, and I'm just here for a couple of weeks, and..." I trailed off, realizing that I was babbling. The young man's embarrassment seemed to subside slightly when he realized that I was at least as ill at ease as he was. I still was in a considerable state of arousal, and my nipples showed it; they felt as though they were protruding nearly an inch from my breasts. My breathing was shallow and rapid, and I was beginning to feel light headed.

"It's not like it's that big a deal," he said. "Everyone jacks off--EVERYONE does it." He looked at me defiantly, as though expecting an argument. I smiled at him.

"You're right," I said. "I've always thought if more people spent more time having orgasms, we'd all be a lot better off." He laughed in spite of himself. He looked toward his clothes spread out on the beach. "Well, I've enjoyed this and all, but I gotta get back." He gathered his shorts, shirt and sneakers and started toward his boat. My heart was pounding and I took a deep breath.

"Wait," I called. "I'm Ann. What's your name?"

"Edward. Eddie. "He kept walking to the water's edge. I dropped my tee shirt and walked after him.

"Wait a minute," I said abruptly. He turned to face me; the sun behind him lit up the golden fuzz on his cheeks. "I did watch you. I did. I didn't mean to, but I did. I couldn't help it. You were just so *good*to yourself; I've never seen that before. It was like you had all the time in the world." I wanted to tell him about my ex-husband and past lovers who just wanted to get their rocks off and go to sleep, how I'd wished for more time in stroking and pleasuring, kissing, sucking, probing gently. Does this feel good? How about this? How about here? Here? Yes. There. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes.

I didn't tell him, though. Instead, I took his hand, guiding it to my breast, hoping he'd understand. We stood there for a long moment. His hand rested gently on top of my breast as we looked into each other's eyes. I moved his fingers to my nipple and he began to trace the aureole. I could feel the blood rushing to the spot as his fingers moved so lightly over my skin. I grasped his hand and led him away from the water's edge. As we reached the top of the beach I dropped to my knees, pulling him down with me. I took his hand and placed it back on my tit, showing him how I liked to have my nipples pinched and kneaded. Without being asked he bent his lips to my breast and began to suck gently.

"Harder," I breathed, and he sucked harder, flicking my erect, sensitive nipple with the tip of his tongue. What a talent, I thought to myself. As he sucked on first one tit, then the other, I could feel the small contractions in my pussy they say are reserved for nursing mothers. As he obediently sucked my nipples I put my mouth to his neck, tasting the saltiness of dried sweat mixed with his semen. I lifted his face from my breast and kissed him: slowly at first, my lips closed, then slowly opening my mouth. He followed my lead perfectly, mirroring my actions. I probed the inside of his mouth with my tongue, felt his tongue in my mouth. I planted messy, wet kisses all over his young face licking off the drying come. I marveled at how sensitive he was: he seemed to respond intuitively to my every action.

I looked down between us and saw that his beautiful young cock was already beginning to respond, rising to horizontal. Ah, youth! I kissed a path down his smooth chest, lingering over the small brown nipples, showing him that a man's breasts have every bit the erotic potential of a woman's. He drew in his breath sharply as I took each small bud into my mouth, squeezing it between my lips, flicking it with my pointed tongue. I licked and kissed down his chest following the salty-sweet track of his dried semen. I could hear his heartbeat increasing as I put my lips and tongue to the smooth skin. I reached his navel, probing and caressing it with my tongue, smelling his scent most strongly there, tasting the concentration of his seed where it had pooled there.

He had stopped fondling my breasts; he didn't seem to know what he should do with his hands. I guided them to the top of my cutoffs. "Would you help me get out of these wet things?" I asked. He fumbled the brass snap open, then pulled the zipper down, revealing the top few hairs over my pussy. I got to my feet, holding him down with a hand on his shoulder. He pulled my damp cutoffs down and I stepped out of them, standing before him nude. My pussy was exactly at his eye level. I spread my legs just a bit to open my outer lips. He stared, and I knew it was the first good close-up he'd ever had. Gingerly he stroked the long blonde hairs there. I enjoyed the sensation, but became impatient. I put my hands behind his head, burying his mouth against my cunt. I lifted one leg and wrapped it around his head, spreading my outer lips and allowing his mouth freer access to my sensitive inner lips and growing clitoris. I stood there for a long moment like a naked blonde stork pulling Eddie's face to me. I had hoped that the musky smell of my juices would give him the idea, but I realized that however talented, my young pupil would need more coaching. I uncoiled my leg from his neck and dropped to my knees again.

I embraced him, cupping his firm young ass cheeks, then drew away from him, looking into his eyes. Slowly I reclined onto my elbow before him. "I'm going to tell you exactly what I want you to do for me. Just trust me, and do what I ask. Okay?" He nodded, wide eyed. I raised my right leg to open the outer lips of my pussy. I knew my clit was beginning to extend from its hood, and the blood was flowing to my inner lips as well, turning them a deep purple. I guided Eddie's hand to my waiting cunt, showing him how I liked to have the sides of my clit stroked. He seemed to know how sensitive it would be, and he dipped fingers into the juices flowing copiously from my pussy for lubrication. He put two fingers into my cunt and I knew he was close to discovering my G-Spot on his own. My breath was faster and shallower now, as Eddie's leisurely discovery of my willing body had its effect.

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Encounter With Hot Girl Tanya

This is Rehan working as a software professional in Bangalore. I am narrating an encounter with Tanya whom I met through a common friend. One evening, I was having snacks at the stall outside the office. My friend came along with a hot girl Tanya who happened to be part of his previous project. Tanys was a pretty smart Bengali girl and introduced her self. Since I relocated to Bangalore from Mumbai, she was very curious to know how much I missed the social life in Mumbai. We had a few chit...

1 year ago
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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Retransmitted

Introduction: (Because of a technical error in an earlier posting, this chapter is re-transmitted)This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to...

3 years ago
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Encounter in the Lab Part three

Introduction: This story continues the Encounter in the Lab series. Carol Thompson is a beautiful, mature Senior Libratory Technologist in a major North Carolina hospital. Unfortunately, she suffers from a Hypersexual Disorder that has completely changed her life, forcing her to find men devoted to satisfying her relentless hypersexual drive. Although this chapter is a stand-alone, the reader is encouraged to read the earlier chapters to more fully grasp Carols condition. As noted in the...

4 years ago
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Encounter on Foreign Land

This is my account of a sweet sexual encounter I have had in Aussie. It occurred between me and a ‘meri wantok’. Let’s call her Lovey in this narration. We went together for training couple of years ago at the same university in Australia. She’s a mother of one from NGI with a smooth and light complexion. She’s voluptuous with firm, wide, swaying buttocks and hips, and stands at a height of 1.70m. She has pretty sexy eyes with soft lips and a sweet voice (damn! all that recollection just gave...

4 years ago
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Encounter During A Journey

Today I got a bit time to write a small encounter of mine. This has happened around 4 years back exactly. As you know that, I reside at Hyderabad and works in a company. On the worst day, I got a call from a district official who informed that my colleague (at that time) has suddenly felt heart stroke and they are taking him to the hospital. I told my district official to take proper care of my colleague and asked to take him to a good hospital. I passed the same information to all the head...

3 years ago
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Encounter With My Reader 8211 Priya

Hi Readers, I am Navi back again with my Third story (real story), Thanks for liking my earlier stories- Awesome paying guest service , First experience of sex in teenage with my MAM, LOVE session with a colleague in Kolkata I hereby bring you the new and latest encounter had with one of my readers. On her request, I am converting the experience into words as she wants to read and fell the same So without wasting the time her by coming to the story. As I told you that after my first story which...

3 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Final part

Encounter at Travelodge - Final Chapter/Chapter 9, Or, "All good things..."The night was almost done. We’d spent a few hours doing what we both intended to do at the onset - spending a few hours with a reasonably random stranger (we still didn’t, and don’t to this day know each others real names), but before we went our separate ways... Well, Viktor still needed to know his password.”So. We are almost out of time, and the next room... You will not find as pleasant as this one.”That made her...

3 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Prologue

Dear reader,This BDSM series is dedicated to a fellow xhamsterian – it never happened in real life, but I wish it did. No fault of hers – I know, my profile isn’t that interesting, and I haven’t found a nice picture for it – and god knows, everyone has different tastes, so it might be that. Or just me being creepy and annoying. So, anyway, I liked her picture, had time, and started my own little fantasy encounter. And because I hadn’t written anything in a while, I sat down and wrote the entire...

4 years ago
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Encounter With Unmarried Woman Next Door

Hi, I have been reading Indian sex stories for quite a while and thought of posting my story here. I am 28 years old, 5’8, working and staying alone in a rented flat in Andheri, Mumbai. This is story my encounter with a woman next door who is 30 years old and unmarried. She is 5’2 wheatish, 32-30-34 with a great ass. She is staying with her younger brother. Whenever she used to pass the parking area may people used to stare at her figure. We used to cross each other many a times while leaving...

4 years ago
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Encounter With My Wife

Hi All, I have received good response for my previous experience and now sharing the encounter with my wife on a rainy day when I returned from office late. I don’t want to disclose my wife name and I call her as sree, As usal, went to office in hectic Bangalore traffic. I have to travel 90mins each way, total 3hr, a day for office. That day was too worse and took 4hr for commuting to office. I just packed my lunch box around 9AM in the morning and started to office in cab, day was bad lot of...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Married Woman

Hi, my name is Rakesh(name changed as usual). I am from Chennai. I am an Indian sex stories’ reader for 3 years. I used to read all the stories in incest category, since it excites me. I thought of pen down my encounter with a married woman. Her name is Tinku(name changed)This incident happened when I finished my college studies and came back from Ahmadabad, I believe it was 2005. Now i am 30 and married with different woman. Let me start explaining the incident that happened in 2005, I changed...

4 years ago
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Encounter With My Cousin Jai

Thanks to all ISS readers for the encouragement. I’m back with another episode of my experience hoping that you will like this too. Here is my sex exciting encounter: After the two years’ tryst with Velu, there was a complete change of scene after the summer vacation and me joining school in another town, to be with my aunt’s(dad’s sister) family (reason: my dad’s relocating on transfer). One of my cousins, Jai, eldest of four brothers, was of my age and in the same class , kept me company. He...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Encounter at the Restaurant

Encounter at the Restaurant.Damian and Sasha are travelling together from the west to the east of Australia. Damian is driving and Sasha is a young girl of twenty or so he picked up as a hitchhiker. They have been travelling together for the whole day and have pulled into a Road House for dinner and a stay overnight.They booked into the Road House in separate rooms for the night. “I'll see you in the restaurant about seven for dinner. It will give us a chance to get a shower and change,” said...

1 year ago
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Encounter With a classmate

This is my first story in juicy!! And this is about an unexpected encounter with my classmate in the terrace of our flats!!! Hello everyone....I am Rohit from Chennai...I am 20 years and this is my first story in juicy. The story is about the losing of my virginity to one of my classmate when I was 16.I lived in a flats during schooling. I also like everybody of my age, masturbated atleast twice a week. I used to masturbate by watching porn and sometimes fantasise about actresses and some of my...

3 years ago
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So there I was, waiting in front of Starbucks in Plaza Indonesia for my friend. We wanted to meet there to watch some movies and talk, but she was still stuck in the traffic. It was my first time meeting her and while I was waiting there and sending her SMS after SMS to know where she is, I didn’t really pay attention to the pedestrians. Everytime someone walked by really close, I thought it might be her and looked up. One time while I was doing that, I saw this girl, walking with her friend....

1 year ago
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Encounter in the Lab Part Three Retransmitted

"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...

2 years ago
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Encounter in the Lab Part three

"Come on!" she murmured. "Ring, dammit!" She restlessly resumed her tapping on the table top, glancing at her replacement, Jill Owens, working on a specimen at the far end of the room. Jill was the Supervisory Lab Tech for the "three to eleven-thirty shift," replacing Carol as supervisor. There was always a thirty-minute overlap between the shifts, allowing hospital supervisors and workers to update their replacements on department activities and on-going actions. Just then the...

3 years ago
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Encounter in the Deep Woods

A rustle of wind blows in from the surrounding trees, making me look up expectantly to the deep blackness of the night. I yearn that HE might appear. I dream of his gorgeous, tanned body. I imagine him walk out of the darkness and into the clearing of my campsite, the campsite of this frail and very anxious young woman. But instead, I see only shadows, cast by the swaying branches, illuminated by flickering flame of the burning campfire at my feet. The wind blows hard and cold, hard enough to...

3 years ago
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Encounter With EX

AN ENCOUNTER WITH EX…Strange things happen. Yeah it was strange too. A bit filmy but actually happened in real life, felt like I am giving some one time performance. After a long time I met him.. Met..! Well the more suitable word would be ‘I ENCOUNTERED MY EX... .’ It’s been long... I almost forgot him, his face, his style, almost everything.. I just remember a name… Arjun.. “The right target”… lol.. That’s what I used to call him every time he made me come by hitting my G-spot.. Well yes, I...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Pratima Aunty Part II

Hi…. This is Sameer carrying on from Part – I I then sat on the sofa watching tv with Rimi lying keeping her had on my lap. After finishing kitchen work, aunty came near the sofa. I questioned her by raising my eye brows and she indicated me to wait. She took Rimi and put her to sleep in the bedroom. Aunty came out of the bedroom bolting the door from outside. She had changed into sleeveless nighty. Her silhouette suggested that she might not have worn anything underneath. Pratima Aunty came...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Collegue

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen.This is Abdul from Pondicherry.I am a regular reader of ISS. I enjoyed many incest stories and I thank them personally who contributed the real stories. Now I am going to narrate my experience which happened 6 yrs ego. This is my first and experience, so far I experienced more than 10 encounters but the 1st is the best encounter which is going to share. Now I am 31 yrs old that time i was 23. I just finished my PG and joined in Private clinic in Cuddalore, the clinic...

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Encounter with cousin sister

Hello Friends, My name is Sunny, i am from Jammu & i am a fan of iss some of them are of real good quality so even i thought of publishing my story, Let me tell you a exciting encounter that happend few days back with my cousin sisiter Sarika (name changed). Let me first describe how she looks, She is around 37, (don’t let this no. Amaze you my friends she looks stunningly great & awesome, right curves at the right place ahem… You know what i mean to say) she is married with 2 kids & she still...

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GenerationsChapter 16 Brockton

“It’s been too long since we’ve done this,” commented Peter. “Hmmm?” “I said it’s been too long since we’ve gotten away like this.” Peter and Lauren were driving west into the lake district, to Brockton, taking a weekend for themselves, with the children in the care of Lauren’s parents. They had only left town a few minutes ago, and Peter had just wheeled the Jeep onto the Interstate for the trip west. Lauren looked over at him. “Hey, there’s the job and Jimmy and Holly, and now Heather....

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For as long as I can remember my favourite sexual activity has been solo or mutual masturbation. It started at school with the thrill of ‘fiddling’ with a class mate under the desk during lessons and progressed from there. As a gay man in my twenties I was somewhat promiscuous and, although I indulged in the usual sucking and fucking, I much preferred to wrap my fist round a stiff cock and slowly bring my partner to a shattering climax. I got (and still get) a particular kick giving ‘straight’...

2 years ago
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Encounter 2

I walk in to the room. It is empty, and you’re nowhere to be found. I see a piece of paper on the bed. Next to it is a red satin piece of cloth. On the sheet it simply says “you know what to do.” My heart starts to pound faster as I imagine what you would want me to do. I want to please you. Remembering how you like to see me from our last encounter, I take off my shirt and skirt. I wear the colors you expressed are your favorite colors. I take the sash and tie it around my eyes, making sure...

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Encounter with a school teacher

I am a 24-year-old boy who recently finished my bachelors and reside in Mumbai. My height is 160cm and have a well built physique with brown skin tone. I am not a person who fucks around much. I have always had more attraction towards all (mature ladies, girls of my age) and have crushes on many aunties and girls.So one day at around 3 pm, I was at home updating the Facebook status of my graduation and joining a company as an intern. Many of my friends and relatives liked and commented on my...

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Encounter at the Mall

I was loading my trunk at the local mall when a young lady walked past me to her car parked next to mine, a large Minivan with dark tinted windows. She was fairly young and under normal circumstances I would have ignored her, but she had the most muscular legs I'd seen in a while. I remember thinking “she's too young”, but those legs were just out of this world, definitely too muscular for someone so young. Despite my better judgment, I took a peek while she opened the lift gate of the van. ...

4 years ago
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Encounter With Melanie And Her Friend

I've got a neighbor bitch that has set me up with a key to go in her house and feed her cats and fish while she's gone. I also water her fucking plants outside. And on occasion one of her bitch friends will stop by during my duties at that house. But nothing has ever come from it, in that the bitches just turn and leave when I say that my neighbor bitch is gone on a trip.I have though gotten a lot of fantasy masturbation sessions when I freak about one of those friends of her's coming inside...

4 years ago
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Encounter With The Realtor Her Lady Friend

I've got a neighbor bitch that has set me up with a key to go in her house and feed her cats and fish while she's gone. I also water her fucking plants outside. And on occasion one of her bitch friends will stop by during my duties at that house. But nothing has ever come from it, in that the bitches just turn and leave when I say that my neighbor bitch is gone on a trip.I have though gotten a lot of fantasy masturbation sessions when I freak about one of those friends of her's coming inside...

2 years ago
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encounter with a castratrix

Richard looked about him nervously. It was his first time with a professional dominatrix and although this place had been personally recommended he was unsure what to expect. The receptionist had given him a welcoming smile, and had then called for a consultant Dom who had spoken with him in more detail about his fantasies. The woman was tall, dark and Romanesque, wearing a sleek black dress slit to the waist to reveal long shapely legs. He outlined his fantasy; of castration by a woman who...

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Encounter With Bangalore Aunty

Hi all, Its Raghu, actually I am from Tamilnadu, Chennai.This is my first story so forgive me if any flaw in story flow. Although it’s not a story an incident that took my life from dream to reality. Let me start with myself, I’m it an employee, aged 22 and I’m living in Bangalore. This incident happened 2 weeks back. When there was heavy rainfall in Bangalore. On that day, as usual, I was returning to my home from office 7 pm on the eve.On the way I say that sexy bombshell going in scooty...

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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha

Hi all, I am Rohan, I am 27, over 6 ft tall and have a strong athletic body. This is a sex story about my encounter with a big Spanish woman (or as we call BBW, Big Beautiful Woman), while I was working in Houston, I am currently situated in India. This is my 1st sex story so pardon me for any flaws. This happened almost a year ago, while I was working in Houston, I had a 8 to 4 job, but I had nothing to do after work and was getting bored. So I decided to check some online dating sites, I...

4 years ago
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Encounter With My College Professor

Hello, guys. This is my first story in Indian Sex Stories. I am from Chennai currently working as a software engineer.Please feel free to comment and mail me at for any kind of relationship. I do massage services too on the weekend. Your Privacy is safe with me. Coming to my sex story, She was working in my college as a professor. She was 29 and married. Her stats were 32-28-34 which I came to know later. I was enjoying my college life in the first so I got an arrear where I was assigned a...

1 year ago
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Encounter With My Girlfriend

Hello, guys. I’m back another story. Thank you so much for your kind feedback on my previous story. I’m overwhelmed with the response I thought of sharing this with you all. To the ones who are reading my story for the first time, I’m a north Indian, living in Jaipur now. I’m 21 years old with slim body and 5’6 height and fair complexion. The heroine of my story is my girlfriend who’s 20 years old. So, this sex encounter happened about last week between me and my girlfriend. We decided to go...

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Encounter With A Young Kerala Aunty In Chennai 8211 Part 1

This is an encounter with a married lady which happened 4 months back. It is lengthy sex story as I want to explain every moment I spent with her. I am basically from Chennai and we are an above middle-class family with mom, dad and me. I am 24 yrs old with good looks and athletic physique with a good tool. Recently my father bought a house in Chennai OMR area. I finished my pg and I was at home waiting to join a company. Since I was idle at home, I use to help in getting a tenant for the new...

2 years ago
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Encounter In Crowded Local Turned Out To Be Group Sex

Hello everyone, I am Nisha, a regular working class girl working in Panvel. I live at thane and commute every day to Panvel and back for work by local. I am a beautiful looking girl with vital stats of 32-26-34. In my profession, it is required that I should wear saree for most of the days. It is irritating as traveling after wearing a saree is hectic plus you have to endure all the lustful eyes around you at the train station. So I travel through ladies compartment each time. This incident...

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Encounter at Travelodge Part 8

Part 8: Or, “The review of different types of orgasms.”I realize that the phone doesn’t vibrate anymore. It didn’t have that much battery power left anyway. All right. That’s that then. No more games, time to fuck.I remove the phone from her vagina, and shove it in her mouth. “Taste your juices, bitch!” I half-shout, as my mouth descents on her cunt, and two of my fingers find her asshole. In minutes, I feel an anal orgasm coming on, so… I stop.I reach to undo the wire that’s still between her...

3 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 7

Part 7: Or: “On the subject of hotel-room expedient double penetration aids.”Wet towel in one hand, and everything else in the other, I smile on the scene in the room. It’s gone good, far better than I thought it would. With a smile – just to judge how she’s doing, I say in my Viktor voice “Are you ready to proceed?” She nods – “Yes. But I’m still not telling you anything.”I put the towel in the middle of the line stretching between her toes. It sags for a second, but she recovers it...

3 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 6

Part 6: Or “A rough road leads to confession”Time for a change. I untie her, firmly holding her hands, and throw her on the bed. “Lie on your back. Hold your legs with your hands just above the knee!”. As she gets into position, I use the neckties to bind them together. She’s not lying on her back, feet in the air, her bottom at the edge of the bed. Her breasts have nearly returned to their normal state, so it’s the perfect time to reattach the clothespins to them. I walk to the head of the...

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Encounter at Travelodge Part 5 Or ldquoThe fi

Clearly, we’re not getting anywhere in our quest for the code word, and different methods will need to be employed. Not to mention that at this time, I would slowly benefit from my first release of the evening, so something will have to be done. Her breasts have been bound for a while, so clearly that sellotape needs to go, and my toothbrush will never be the same. It’s time to bring out the whip!Oh, wait. I don’t have a fucking whip.I take the toothbrush out of her ass (not without wiggling it...

4 years ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 4 Or ldquoThe te

She’s bound. She can’t see. She won’t tell me the code word (or, rather, I haven’t gone so far that she needs to use the safe word). Her firm ass is hanging in the air. AND I HAVE NO BUTT PLUG!That just won’t do.I silently leave the room and go back to the bathroom. In my travel bag, I find a package of dental floss and some (pilfered) bottles of moisturizer, and the shelf provides me with two hotel-sized shampoo bottles. Tying the dental floss in a knot around the neck of one of the shampoo...

1 year ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 3 Or ldquoLet th

“I can smell this filthy country on you. For tonight, this room is the Motherland. You are being disrespectful to the Motherland, and it will not do. STRIP!”She starts taking off her clothes. Oh my god, she has wonderful breasts. And ass. And a carefully shaved pussy. This is going to be good.I drag her into the shower for her cleaning. “Get on your knees, bitch!” As she kneels, I feel myself becoming hard – this is so much better than what I expected that I can’t even describe it (not that...

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Encounter at Travelodge Part 2 Or ldquoThe se

“Miss, you’re going to have to come with me.” is probably not going to feature prominently then they write the history of Domination in Europe as the greatest opening line of a scene. Neither is “I need to talk to you about a hippopotamus.” as a follow up. But at least it established who I am.At this point in time, I’m not sure of her reaction – having just met her, and being nervous as hell, my reading of her emotions isn’t exactly worthy of a circus fortuneteller act. But so far, I haven’t...

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Encounter at Travelodge Part 1 Or ldquoHow it

Once, just once I thought I'd give it a shot - randomly message a user in the town I was going to, and see if she wanted to meet up. Now, I make no pretense that I am the jackpot that every woman looks for in a man - I’m slightly overweight, have my own quirks to contend with, and, well, let's be honest, this whole "top" thing is a problem for some, but allegedly, everyone gets those 20 seconds of insane courage and bravery in life (we Bought a ZOO taught me that...), don't they?So, there went...

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Encounter In Guwahati

Hi friends, this is my first story. Though I have been reading sex stories since many years, today I feel like sharing an encounter happened a month ago. Before going into story let me tell u about myself. My name is Vikash, aged about 34 years. I am from a decent family. The story is about a lady whom I met in pantaloons. Last month I went to dispur for some office work but the client asked me to come after an hour, so to pass the time I entered pantaloons. There was not many people as it was...

2 years ago
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Encounter With A Delhi Ki Bhabhi

Hi readers, This is my first story on Indian sex stories and I have been an avid reader since times immemorial. I never thought that I would experience something in my life that was kinky enough to be shared. Brief Introduction about myself : I am a 23 year old guy, currently residing in Delhi. I am from a prestigious engineering college in India and have always been career oriented, and due to this I could never meet such hot and sexy ladies before. I am 6’1″ tall, athletic body, and I...

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Encounter With A Stranger

Hi guys, This is Nithesh. This is supposed to be my second submittal. The first one was about 4 years back. I am a regular reader of ISS and every story/experience I read in ISS has made me share my experience with you all. Please mail your feedback to First of all, I would like to introduce the people involved in this event of my life. Myself Nithesh Krithi – The girl with whom I had intercourse. Govind – Krithi’s husband for namesake Ramya – My cousin I am basically from Bangalore (now...

2 years ago
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Encounter With Lesbian 8211 Part 1

Shubhleen ne ek number dial kiya. 2 minute ring bajane ke baad kisi ne phone uthaya. Shubhleen boli,”Hello! Kya aap Lesbian Girls se bol rahe hai?” “Ji haa. Kya aap koi Lesbian book karna chahte hai?” “Ji haa. Mujhe ek lesbian apne liye book karni hai.” “Aapka naam maam?” “Shubhleen Roy.” “Aapki age maam?” “22.” “Ok. Hum aapko apni saari lesbians ki photos aur per night price send kar rahe hai. Please apna e-mail ID bataye.” Usne apna e-mail ID bataya. “Thanks mam. Aap 5 minute me apna spam...

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Encounter With My Sister8217s Friend

Hi iss readers. Nice to read all the stories; I am writing another incident happened recently. I am Raghava, 35yr old now and good looking. I live in Hyderabad now and frequent traveler to Bangalore. This was happened few days back when one of my sister’s friends came to Hyderabad. My sister called me up and told that her friend is looking for a job and need some help. I asked to give my number and call me to meet. Next day, I was busy in the office and got a call from an unknown number...

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Encounter In Train To Kolkata Leads To Wild Sex

Hello everybody, I am Rahul from Delhi now settled in Kolkata. I am 31 years old, 5 feet 8, dark and have an athletic body slightly on the heavier side. I would like to share with you my encounter in Kolkata. I am a shy guy and I am new to writing. My email is . I was travelling to Kolkata in a Sealdah Rajdhani when I saw a beautiful dusky young lady, approximately 28 years old. She was tall with deep eyes. Initially, I looked at her for a few times and saw that her eyes have a story to tell. I...

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Encounter With Leena 8211 Part I

Hi All, I have been an avid reader of ISS for quite some time. I have read many stories and experinces of people shared here. I would like to share one of my experince with you all. This all happend a couple of months back and since then i am not able to take it out of my mind. I am a 26 Yrs old working professional from Mumbai. I have always been fond of sex and wanted to try out a first hand experince, which was succesfully done when i was in my last year of graduation, that incident I’ll let...

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