Aeolus P. Cerigo free porn video

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In a sleep rough voice, Alex answered her ringing telephone, "Yes?"

"Alex Reardon, please?" the female caller asked.

Not caring to offend the caller, Alex did not clear her throat, although the temptation to do so was great. "Yes, may I help you?"

"I am calling to confirm today's 10:30 appointment with Mr. Aeolus P. Cerigo."

"Yes, I can confirm that time," Alex said, prepared to answer further questions, hoping her rough voice did not make her sound ill.

"Thank you." The caller responded and ended the call. Alex blinked her eyes upon hearing a click, and then the dial tone, somewhat surprised at the short and impersonal phone call.

Alex groaned as she sat up and put both hands on her cheeks idly brushing the mass of hair out of her eyes, finally able to clear her throat. "Damn," she croaked, and walked across the room to close the window. When she stayed up late, she slept on her back with her mouth open and woke up with a raspy voice and a dry throat.

After a shower, extra time spent French braiding the sides and back of her hair, and a light application of makeup, she was moving from her dresser drawers to the open door of her closet, mumbling to herself. "Suit, make that a dark suit, white blouse, no cleavage, plain underwear, dark stockings, and low heels." Finally closing the latch on her wristwatch, the last thing she looked for was a piece of jewelry to wear on the lapel of her suit. She wanted something plain, sedate, but definitely not frivolous, "Oh yes, the antique silver filigree bow. Now where are those silver earrings?"

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, she took a deep breath and a critical look at herself. Although she was slender, at less than 120 pounds, the double-breasted suit hid some of her figure, which was the intent. It was impossible to hide that she was a female, but the cut of the coat, which she had tailored to fit, disguised her generous breasts without allowing the front of the coat to gap. It was well worth the expense. The slight flare of the skirt, rather than being pencil thin, hung straight, without being skintight and fully covered her knees. If she did not stoop, her 5 foot 9 inch height would not intimidate any man, unless he was very short, and there was no solution for that problem.

Alex considered wearing the dark framed glasses, to appear more business like, but she didn't put them on. Instead, just in case she changed her mind, she put them in her briefbag. She used glasses for a small amount of magnification when doing close work, not vision correction. In her opinion, she looked as much like a businessperson as was possible, for someone her age. Short of drawing artificial lines to her face, she couldn't hide that she was just barely twenty-two years old. It was, after all, her first job application. She had no work experience, absolutely none, not even flipping burgers in high school, or even a research assistant in college.

Catching the door before it closed, Alex went back into her apartment, and picked up her large artist's portfolio case, too. She submitted the drawings the letter asked for, but Aeolus P. Cerigo may want to see more of her work. She could show him all of the sketches done before she selected the four to send with the application.

Although Alex had suffered through the typical job application process, most of which she managed to do by mail and telephone, she hoped this personal interview was the final step. She arrived a few minutes early and although the middle-aged woman sitting at the desk seemed a little unsure Alex was in the right office, she did look at the list of names on a printed sheet at the corner of her desk and acknowledged that Alex did have a 10:30 appointment.

Alex sat quietly through four other applicants going in and out the door on the other side of the room. One after another, each applicant followed the middle-aged woman who opened the inner office door, announced the applicant, closed the door behind the applicant, and then returned to her desk. During the interim, the woman sat, typing on a computer keyboard, while listening to a dictation machine. Without exception, each of the four applicants to precede Alex remained in the inner office for less than fifteen minutes. Alex sat, as patiently as possible, growing slightly more nervous as the minute hand on the clock crept slowly upward.

A few minutes before 11:00, the woman stood and asked, "Alex Reardon?" Alex followed as the woman turned and walked to the inner office door, opened the door, stepped inside, and announced "Alex Reardon."

Across the room, a man was sitting behind a desk, with several large sheets of vellum spread on the surface of the desk. From behind one drawing, which he was holding up to eye level, in a heavy accent he announced, "This job you will have, if you match this signature. This drawing, I like. Others, they are childish trash."

"That is my drawing," Alex acknowledged. She could see through the vellum. It was her drawing of a staircase inside a historical building downtown.

The hands holding the sheet of vellum slammed the paper on the desk as the man rose to his feet, "A girl? You are a girl?" His eyes flashed at Alex, his anger obvious. Had she been standing any nearer, Alex felt certain the flames of his anger would have singed her.

Alex swallowed, lifted her chin, and announced, "Actually, I am a female. I am a little old to be called a girl."

Growling, the man advanced around the desk, "This position, it is not for the female." His accent made each word hard and crisp, leaving no doubt to his preference. He did not want a female as his artist. His slightly lopsided mouth smirked at her. She suspected it was an effort to intimidate her.

"That, Mister Cerigo, is discrimination." Alex reminded him. Her knees were wobbling. She was sure of her information, but the man's size and anger was startling.

Alex had expected to meet a man much older than the one she saw standing before her. Aeolus P. Cerigo had a local, national, and international reputation, for the work he did in designing private residences for the famous and infamous. He was at least 6 foot 4 inches tall, or more. Dark haired and dark eyed, the suit he wore made him look like he had football pads on the shoulders, if not on the thighs, hips, and across the chest. The man was intimidating. He knew it, and he was using it-at that very moment-against her.

Tempted to take a step back, because the man was towering over her, Alex stood where she was.

This was the best job she could ever hope to have and if she had to challenge this man, she would do so. Before applying for the position, Alex had studied Cerigo's work, spent hours in the library looking through reference books and out of date magazines, at descriptions and photos of some of his creations. His style, use of materials, design, and follow through on his projects, was legendary. To work with a man like him would be a dream come true. Alex was not going to allow a little fear to keep her from giving every ounce of effort needed to convince him she could do what he wanted.

However, in none of her research did she learn anything about the man, personally. From her research about his experience and the volume of his work, Alex had expected to meet an older man. Instead, the man before her appeared to be in his late thirties or early forties. There was no feathering of executive gray at his temples. The straight lines of his square jaw showed no fleshiness. Aeolus P. Cerigo was in his prime, aggressive, and beyond intimidating.

"What is this name, Alex? Is this the feminine of Alexandria, Alexia, Alexis?" He spit each name out, disdain in every syllable, as he waved one large hand in the air.

"No. My name is Alex Maria Reardon. Alex is not a shortened form of any other name."

"Who would do this to the girl? The father, he would do this, expecting the son?"

"I'm not sure that is any of your concern, but I will answer. I do not have a father."

Grinning, instead of laughing out loud, the man looked her up and down. "This is not possible. The woman does not have the child without a man."

Gritting her teeth at the sexual innuendo, Alex stared at him, "He was killed before I was born." She was not going to give him any more information.

"You," Cerigo commanded, pointing to a chair in front of his desk. "Sit."

Alex took two small steps forward and stopped because the man stood in her path to the chair he wanted her to occupy. "Excuse me?" Alex looked up at his dark eyes, indicating she wanted him to step aside. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of walking around him and the chair to do as he asked.

His about face would have satisfied any drill sergeant. Although he returned to the other side of his desk, Cerigo did not sit down. Instead, he lifted the 24x36 drawing and turned it, sliding it across the desk. "This? This is your work? You sign this, again. Now. I watch."

Alex slid to the edge of her seat and held out her hand. As if it was not a part of her body, she dared her hand to tremble. "May I have a pencil, please?"

Rather then place the pencil in her hand, the man slapped it on top of the drawing. Alex picked up the mechanical pencil, tested the lead on the lower right corner of the paper, where several other test marks appeared and easily signed her name, directly below the signature she had applied before she submitted the drawing. Rather than return the pencil to the man, she put it down and slid back in her seat. She crossed her ankles, moved her feet to the side of her chair, and folded her hands loosely in her lap.

Finally resuming his seat, Cerigo pulled the drawing toward him and turned it around, placing it on top of several others. Taking his time, he glanced through the stack of drawings on the top of his desk. The corners of his mouth occasionally turned down with disgust, or disappointment. He took his time going through the stack. After all, it was his time.

Using the knuckle of his forefinger, he tapped the top drawing, "You have more? Like this, there are others?"

Alex nodded and picked up the large artist case she had placed by her chair, put it on her lap, and began to pull the zipper along one edge.

"Here," Cerigo commanded, slapping the top of his desk. Startled, Alex lifted the large, flat leather case to the top of his desk and caught her breath when he took it from her hands. He pulled the case toward him and quickly completed pulling the zipper around all three sides of the case. With a practiced flip of his wrist, he turned the top over and proceeded to go through every drawing in the case, one at a time, lifting them, and examining each one.

Some of the drawings Cerigo looked at were rough, incomplete sketches, black and white, and a few were color. He examined some of the landscapes, laying one or both hands on a drawing as if to block out one portion of the drawing to see what remained. There were others, unique structural details of houses around the city, which Alex had completed for the job application and decided, for one reason or another, not to submit. Cerigo examined one other drawing she did of the staircase, taking a moment to look at the top step, where a newel post and a portion of the upstairs floor was included. He nodded as if he agreed the one she had submitted was a better drawing.

As she sat watching, the man examined her work. Alex thought to her self that the man's name, Cerigo, fit his personality. He was "Sir Ego." Bringing her attention back to the man, Alex's face paled when he picked up the next drawing. She could see through the opaque paper. It was her drawing of the discus thrower. It was not the drawing of the male model that disturbed her. She knew it was good, showing muscle definition, the male model's serious expression, as were the good anatomical size relevancies between the length of his leg, the size and tilt of the head, and the width and angle of the shoulders. Her concern was the eight different drawings surrounding the model, of his penis, scrotum, and pubic hair.

The drawing was for a private class, with the model hired for three hours. At one point during those three hours, the male model had an erection. Alex roughly sketched the man's erection as it progressed. Before she left the studio, she completed the small drawings, adding more definition and shading. In two of the small depictions, she used colored pencils to show the faint tracing of blood vessels. One drawing showed in fine detail the rough texture and ruddy color of the scrotum. Another depicted the lighter shade of the head of his penis as it began to emerge through the foreskin.

Alex did not recall that she had left the drawing in her case. Her hands trembled, hoping the other life series drawings were in the old thicker folio at her apartment. When Cerigo slid the discus thrower aside, she knew she should have looked through the case before she decided to bring it. The man's swiftly indrawn breath was proof he had found her self-portrait.

Cerigo looked up from the drawing, stared at her hair, and compared it to the drawing. Similarly, he looked at the neck, face, and hands and then back at her. Alex was sure he would like to ask her to stand and turn around, just as one of her fellow students had asked. It had taken her own full-length mirror and one she borrowed from the girl in the next apartment, to get all the views and the correct angle she wanted as she worked on the drawing.

Holding the drawing in his hands, Cerigo leaned back in his chair. Alex could see the top edge of the paper slightly wavering, as if his hands were trembling. Unconsciously, he licked his lips, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

"This is you, no?" he asked, his accent heavier than before. Then he answered his own question, "This is you." Nodding his head, he announced, "Yes," as he agreed with himself.

"I apologize," Alex said, fighting a deep blush that worked its way up her neck and across her cheeks. "I did not recall I left those in my case. They are part of a series. There are several others, children, an older man and woman, and a baby." What else could she say?

As if it was a fragile piece of china, he placed the drawing back on his desk. He put his elbows on the arms of his chair and tented his hands together, lightly tapping his forefingers against his wide, full, lower lip as he looked at her. He looked down at the two drawings on his desk, and then back at her face.

Sitting forward in his chair, he tapped the drawing of the man. "This man, you know this man? He is your lover?"

Alex shook her head. "No, he was a paid model."

Shaking himself, as if he was coming out of a daze, he slid her drawing of the staircase from under the case and placed it on top of the discus thrower and her self-portrait. "This is what I seek, this stairway, I know it. This is the Beaufort House, yes?"

Alex nodded as he lifted the drawing of the staircase and looked at the two nude drawings, which lay side by side beneath it. She was tempted to fold her case, take it from him, and walk out the door.

Gently, using the flat of his hand, he patted the drawing of the staircase and one of the landscapes he had set aside. "For me, you can do similar work?"

"If you are asking about architectural details and landscapes, then yes, that is what I can do for you." She did not know why she needed to be so specific. Perhaps it was because of his reaction to the two nudes, or she just wanted to get back at him for his dismissal of her, as being a girl.

Cerigo reached to a button on his telephone and tapped it two times. The woman from the exterior office appeared and took notes as Alex's new employer issued instructions.

"Stupid," Alex grumbled as she followed the driver, who was carrying her luggage, down the stairs. "Five o'clock in the morning is too damn early to fly anywhere," she mumbled and heard the driver snicker. The 3:30 alarm awakened her from a sound sleep, in the middle of a dream, where Cerigo had looked through her portfolio, examining every sketch she had made for her self-portrait. He was walking around the pedestal where she sat on the very edge of a high stool, her back bent in pose, one foot outstretched, and the other on a rung between two legs of the stool. He was examining her to see that her drawings were true to what he was seeing and touching. His warm hand was much more erotic than the drawings detailed. The alarm sounded when his hand was slowly sliding up the inside of her thigh. She awoke wet, throbbing, and breathing hard, her thighs tingling from dreaming about the man's hand as it moved across her skin. She knew it was his hand. The heavy gold ring with the large coin, showing a Roman or Greek god's profile, held securely in a custom shaped bezel, disappeared between her legs as he cupped her sex. It was the ring he was wearing while she was in his office.

She was further agitated when the driver left her at a private airport lounge, where Cerigo sat, comfortably working on a laptop computer. He did not speak, but he did nod at her when Alex sat in a nearby club chair. A steward appeared with a tray, offering her a cup of coffee, served in a delicate china cup, with a matching saucer. There was no disposable Styrofoam in such a rarefied atmosphere.

People, who travel by private jet, do so with one or two pilots, usually a lounge, and maybe even flight attendants plus, more luxury than most people will ever know. Everything was new and strange to Alex. Her employer did nothing to help explain what was happening. He was in his own world, shut off from what was going on around him, his face a solid, solemn mass, without expression, or comment. Occasionally consulting a paper or photo taken from a large briefcase beside him, he seemed to be using some industry specific software to add design details to a room or several rooms. Only when he turned slightly, to go through the briefcase, could Alex see the computer screen. However, the image was so small she couldn't determine any detail.

There were two additional passengers for the flight. Marklin Anders, who introduced himself saying he was Mister Cerigo's Executive Assistant and added that there were other duties he performed for Mister Cerigo. He suggested that if she had any special requests while on the tip, he would help and she could call him for answers to her questions. The other passenger was Byron Pleasant, a small quiet man who seemed to spend most of his time checking and making settings on his various cameras and lenses.

The previous day, Alex had spent several hours with the middle-aged woman, completing her employment documents and receiving instructions on clothing to pack for a three-day site examination. The woman, who introduced herself as Miss Compton, shepherded Alex to an office, asked for a list of supplies she would need, and arranged for delivery to Alex's apartment, of some of the paper, pencils, and a few other items Alex would need for the trip. Mister Cerigo did not intend to delay the planned trip, just to allow his combination artist and sometimes draftsman to acclimate herself to her new job.

A laptop, provided by the company, was in her personal briefbag. It would take her hours and some serious concentration to become familiar with some of the software. She had less than an hour with the technician to get the laptop customized for her own use. She gave the technician a list of the software she frequently used and had found the laptop on the seat of the car that picked her up less than an hour earlier.

As Alex placed her coffee cup on the small table beside her chair, a young woman stepped out of a glass-enclosed office and suggested Alex visit the ladies room, as they would need to be on the airplane in about ten minutes. When Alex returned from the restroom, a young man was carrying her briefbag and larger portfolio case to the airplane. A second young man followed, carrying her boss's obviously heavy briefcase and computer case. Cerigo, himself, was wandering around the long semi-circular waiting room, occasionally stopping to look out the large windows at the airplane and landing strip. It was the last opportunity they would have to walk, or stretch their legs, before they were aboard the airplane.

Alex was not aware that Cerigo stopped at a tinted window, watching her in the reflection, almost as if he was looking in a mirror. She stood near the door, watching the final steps taken by the various airport personnel, before take off. She had her arms crossed tightly at her waist, with her elbows cupped in her palms. Nor was she aware of the number of times he looked up from his work to examine her, from head to toe.

He was not immune to the charms of a woman. They pursued him if only for his size, a challenge to some women to see if the old adage of what was behind a man's zipper was relative to the size of his hands and feet. Or he was pursued as a man, available to pampered women who were not satisfied by what they found at home, or elsewhere on the estates where they lived. He had his flings, accepting them for what they were, temporary, exciting, and often enhanced because of the clandestine atmosphere in which they took place.

However, none of those sexual encounters affected him as violently as Alex Reardon did. She had already crawled under his skin. She managed to do that by walking into his office and contradicting him when he called her a girl. He had an almost instant arousal, hard and throbbing. At the veiled threat about his discrimination, his arousal grew. When he saw her drawings of the progress of the man's arousal, his own went beyond the final drawing. He questioned her, looking at the drawing of the man's obvious erection as it partially emerged from the uncircumcised foreskin. He could not withhold his question asking if she had experienced sexual pleasure from such a man.

Cerigo barely managed to avoid a groan, when he saw the self-portrait. It showed three quarters of her slightly bent back, with a glimpse of the side of her breast and erect nipple. Her chin was nearly touching her shoulder, with that arm raised and curled over her head, resting at the nape of her neck, grasping a large handful of her hair. A few soft curls, with their hint of warm auburn color, hung down her neck and beside her backbone. The arm hid most of her face. He knew instantly, it was a self-portrait.

As he watched her while she waited to board the airplane, her soft shirt seemed molded to her, not suggestively, but the rise of her breast was obvious. A small gap between two of the buttons down the front, showed a flesh colored bra, the lace across the top dipped deeply between her full breasts. Yesterday, her dark stockings had not hidden her slender legs and the low heels gave definition to the calves of her legs. Today, her jeans accentuated the length of her legs and cupped her buttocks as he wished his hands were doing.

Rather than yesterday's French braids holding her hair in order, today the heavy mass of hair was gathered on top of her head, probably held by a barrette or a elastic band, but hidden by a baseball cap. The bill of the cap was a shade above her eyes, putting them in shadow. Dark haired and dark of brow, he knew her eyes were a dark blue, fringed by long thick lashes, he looked.

He had not wanted a woman for this job. The number of times he must travel, and the length of the trips, made traveling with a female difficult. It was easier if the trip was within the United States, but international travel was not easy for a single woman. Accommodations required extra attention. Regardless of her skill, clients were often dismissive of a woman and were less likely to listen to a high-pitched feminine voice.

Her size may command attention. She was not a tiny petite female. She had broad shoulders, an erect stance, and a graceful walk, without any suggestion of being artificially seductive. She may be assertive enough to overcome some of the problems other women have. Yet, it was her voice, deep and sultry that sent chills down his spine, which would be her best asset. People would pay attention to what she said.

Cerigo stood still, his body turned slightly away from Alex. His body tingled and his growing erection hung down against his leg. An air conditioning vent above him was doing nothing to cool him down. He slipped his hands into his pockets, hunched his shoulders, and took a deep breath. The erection would subside, but by spending the whole day in her presence, it would be back. Before nightfall, he would be agitated beyond the point of endurance. He knew himself and his tolerance for the company of an alluring woman, even one who may not know of his interest.

After a day of feeling as if she had spent her time with an angry man, Alex was unpacking her suitcase, looking for something more comfortable to wear. She had already removed her boots and socks. In fact, she had untied the boots in the car, while going back to the hotel. Her feet were tired of wearing the heavy boots, tromping through brush, and climbing over rocks. Her jeans were dirty from various falls, or simply landing on her knees when the ground underneath the heavy leaf coverage was uneven. Despite the cap and several combs she used to keep her hair up, it was falling down around her face from a number of times when twigs caught at her hair and low limbs scraped the cap from her head.

As she straightened from bending over her suitcase, pressing against the small of her back, she saw Aeolus Cerigo standing less than ten feet from the end of her bed. The connecting doors between their two rooms were wide open. Without a word, he took a few steps forward and opened the top button on her shirt.

"Mister Cerigo," Alex said tilting her head back to look into his face, and then closing her eyes, unable to bear the intensity she saw in his eyes. She did not lift her hands to stop him, she was unsure if she could turn him down, no matter what he wanted. Every time he touched her to help her up, looked at her when he offered her a bottle of water to drink from, or turned back to hold her arm when she stepped over a fallen tree limb, had been an agony. She knew he saw the change in her expression when he touched her, or said a few words to her.

"Paulous," he commanded. "Like this," he jerked his head toward the connecting doors between their rooms, "To you, I am Paul," he announced, his voice vibrating with intensity. He put his finger under the collar of her shirt, lifted the point, and slid his finger down across the slope of her breast. "You will take this off. I will look at you."

As if her brain had no control over her hands, Alex reached up and watched his face as she blindly continued down the front of her shirt, slowly opening each button. She watched Paul's hands as they slipped inside her shirt and spread it across her shoulders, sliding the shirt off her. She did nothing to stop the shirt from sliding down her arms and falling away. As if he had more practice than she did, he bent the front hook of her bra, separating the two sides, which do not fall away. Instead, the cups of the bra remained molded to each individual breast. He slipped the fingers of one hand inside the cup of the bra to slide across the top slope of her breast. Doing the same to the other breast, he finally pulled the bra away from her, allowing both breasts to fall free as he pulled the cups of the bra away from her, the soft full tissues moved slightly as they fell free. He pushed the straps off her shoulders allowing the bra to slide down her arms.

Paul reached down and opened the button on her jeans. "You will take this off. I will see all of you."

Beyond caring that she was very wet and he would smell her arousal when she removed her jeans, Alex lowered the zipper at the front of her jeans. Almost in slow motion, Paul went down to his knees sitting back on his haunches. He lowered her jeans to the floor, holding them as Alex put her hands on his shoulders to balance herself, when she lifted each leg. With his hands going up the back of her legs, Paul rose to his knees until he rested his forehead against her stomach. He took one deep breath, molded his hands around the cheeks of her bottom, and then took another deep breath. His hot breath, filtered through the fabric of her panties, sent a shudder through her body.

Tentatively Alex moved her hands to rest on Paul's head, threading her fingers through his dark hair, massaging his scalp. "Paul," Alex said his name for the first time, her voice shaking. All day, she had been "Miss Reardon" and the few times she found it necessary to speak to him, she addressed him as "Mister Cerigo."

With a strong sweep of his arm, Paul pushed her suitcase off the side of the bed as his other arm slid behind her knees, while his mouth pressed against her, toppling her onto the bed. Before she could take a breath, he buried his mouth in the crotch of her wet panties. His mouth was open to suck cloth and both lips of her labia into his hot, moist mouth. When Alex squirmed to get away from him, it was a half hearted effort, bringing a full mouth chuckle from him as he held her hips, preventing her from getting away from his mouth. He put his fingers into the waist of her panties and pulled them to her knees. His mouth returned to her, burying his face into her, moaning, and sending vibrations to her very core.

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Vacation Sex Is The Best     My life in New York City is stressful, so I was happy when my planned solo vacation to Cancun, Mexico finally arrived. Before I left, I took a moment to look in the mirror. I’m a 32-year-old, single woman who’s never been married and has no kids. I’m a brunette, 5-foot-5, and 105 pounds. I had a boob job a few years ago, and now I have nice C cups with perky nipples, that my friends always compliment me on. Since I love exercising outdoors, I’ve got a nice tan,...

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Spanish Fun

Years ago I moved to Spain, bought a house in the low mountains, in what I call ‘real Spain’. The lifestyle is calm and relaxed, the weather almost always good and the number of national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty in the area is beyond belief. My home is right slap-bang in the middle of them.I got the house, it came with a lot of land planted with olive and almond groves, with a plan to create a place people could stay when they were exploring the area. Over a short period of...

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A Winters Tale part 2

A Winter's Tale (part 2) by Amy Winter (All characters and events are entirely fictional and any similarity to persons living or dead is entirely accidental) Despite a lonely beginning, being alone didn't mean I couldn't have fun! My New Year's Eve so far had involved wine, a girly film and a bit of self-pleasure before I collapsed drunk and satisfied on my bed, dildo still firmly inside me and panties around my knees. I woke up cold and uncomfortable, and checked the time. It was...

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GangbangCreampie Rhea Radford G346

Rhea Radford starts her FIRST GANGBANG off with a bang! Remember, today is her official birthday so we have to make her first gangbang EVER a very special one. Rhea is submissive and loves to be used. The cocksmen make sure to give her a sneak peek of what is in store for her later. Rico the honorary winner of GUESS THE V (because surprise! It’s also his birthday), passes his win to Solo. Once Solo goes to town on Rhea’s sweet pussy, each cocksman gets a turn. After taking it in mish for a few...

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My husband Dan likes me to tell him fictional stories about fucking other men

My husband Dan encouraged me to tell him stories about seducing and then screwing other men. I made up situations where I picked up strangers and let them have their way with me. Dan got really excited and sometimes had an orgasm when I got to the part where this fictional guy put his dick in me. When Dan asked me to spice up the stories to include letting him watch me fuck these fictional guys, I did that for him too. I told him a story where we were at a bar and met a guy that we invited to...

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Truth or Dare with Mom Part 2

Summary of part one: Mom (42) and son (21) living together, get over familiar and end up watching a porn film (Taboo). She suggests it’s time for bed and he follows her up.I followed mom up the stairs, she walked up carrying a bottle of JD in her hand. I watched her arse as she slowly took one step at a time, I could just about see the curves of her sexy bum at the bottom of her short silky robe. I reached up and gave it a cheeky pinch, she didn’t flinch in fact she slowed down. I grabbed her...

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I woke up in a dark room. I could not remember anything. I had a splitting headache. I realized I was naked and bound. I lay there, on that cold floor, trying to remember how I got there, when a door opened, and letting light into the room. I was in a metal shed with a concrete floor, filled with a wide array of dressers. I could not see who opened the door, as it was behind me, until she walked in front of me. She was completely naked, with the biggest boobs I had ever seen. She walked over to...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 19 Incestuous Temptation Abounds

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nineteen: Incestuous Temptation Abounds By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 28th, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The last month had been rough. I'd seen my children only twice on supervised, half-hour visits. I had a joyless social worker watching me like a hawk afraid that I would do something with them. They weren't old enough to consent to do that stuff. They'd have to be eighteen and...

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Michele and the PredatorChapter 4

Michele ended up sandwiched between the Predator and the stranger who occupied the corner of the booth. She heard her subjugator murmur something about 'red' which she didn't understand. She certainly understood the implication of the next sentence that he spoke, "Look what I bought us to play with!" Then she was forced to turn her face towards the Predator who kissed her and then he turned her towards the other man who also kissed her. The stranger had recently shaved and smelled of...

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Daddys Choice

Larissa could hardly breathe. Her face went burning hot in an instant, and her eyes filled up with moisture as she sat across the table watching the smile quickly fade from her father’s handsome face. His announcement that he was planning to ask Stacy to marry him was meant to be happy news, but it wasn’t. For her, it was the worst possible thing he could have said. Not that his news surprised her very much, but it was the last thing she wanted to hear. The fourteen-year-old brunette could...

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CondominiumChapter 12

About six-thirty that evening I was into another scallop wrapped in bacon and talking with Jean Power and Chris Hanson about real estate trends in the city. The party was well underway. To my surprise, someone lifted my left arm – still holding the empty toothpick, and slipped in next to me in an intimate way. I got a kiss on the cheek. "Kristi! You made it." She gave me a megawatt smile that made my insides melt into a pasty mash of puppy love. Kristi looked beyond beautiful or...

2 years ago
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Sex between a pony and a farmer8217s wife

Background: During the late sixties and early seventies I was Barbara’s lover. She was a beautiful and free spirited woman some twenty five years older than I. A small, red haired and voluptuous woman with large breasts, a narrow waist with a slightly plump belly, a well rounded backside and shapely legs, she turned heads where ever she went and I loved her dearly. There were women of her generation whose totally uninhibited lust for life led to extreme unhappiness because of the strict...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 38 One of Those Moods

March 26, 1988, Chicago, Illinois “How did you two do on your midterms?” I asked. “We both got B’s, believe it or not!” Pablo said. “I told you I have a reputation to live up to! And you’ve had A’s on your assignments since I started tutoring you. You’re both carrying a C in the class now, right?” “Yes,” Ron said. “Good. Between assignments and the final, you’ll end up with a B if you keep going the way you are now.” “I’m amazed at how much easier it is. Why can’t Doctor Bauer explain...

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Now a Faggot for BBC PT2

In the first part of my story I told how my black neighbor turned me from being a man into his bitch. This is the continuation with a few more details provided.Once I became Mel's girlfriend I had a few second thoughts. But I finally understood that this is what I am meant to do. He was kind, gentle, and very understanding not forcing me to do anything that I didn't want to do. It really didn't take me long to realize that this is what I honestly wanted, and needed in my life. To give my mouth...

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Angies Girl

Angie's Girl by Pamela ([email protected]) There are a lot of kids in my neighborhood. Lots of opportunities to play baseball or football with the guys, and sometimes I do play ball with them, though not too often lately. I'm not a very good ball player. I have a hard time swinging a bat forcefully and I can't catch very well. The worst part of it is when I have to throw the ball since no matter how hard I try to throw it like the other guys, they say I throw like a girl...

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Colon Snake

Thanks to Dom Ginger I was introduced to a colon snake. She told me about her experience so I decided to purchase one myself....A Mistress friend of mine used the colon snake on me. Two days prior I prepped with fleet enemas and a total colon cleansing.OMFG what an experience. She started with CBT and just simply made me her "bitch". While she was inserting the tube her slave was playing with my tied up cock. when she hit my prostate, the sensation was un-fucking-believable. She inserted the...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 12

Lin Chi is well accepted! We returned home Wednesday evening. It had been a nice but tiring trip, but we were happy to be home. We drove to mom's house to pick Jay up. As we went in the kids were watching television, mom was on the phone talking to someone. We walked into the kitchen where mom was and I sat the car seat on the counter. "Come here kids, I want to show you something! They all hurried in to find out what I had. "It's a baby! Where did he come from? Bill asked. "It's...

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used again

I meet my daughter at a hotel room to help her set up for her first wedding anniversary, she had candles, a sex DVD ropes for the bed, wine and some sex toys, we spend about 2 hours setting things up, we had been sweating pretty good so she told me to grab a shower before heading home, so i did, as I got out of the shower my clothes were gone all that was their were a pair of crotchless panties, I walked out of the bathroom warped in a towel and asked my daughter Jennifer where my things were,...

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Unexpected Encounter at the Adult Video Store

A few years back when the wife was out of town I decided to go rent a porn vid so I could come home and jerk off. I went to my favorite adult store north of Atlanta where I was surprised at the number people there that day. I guess I was not the only horny person around that day. I started to peruse the videos and walked from section to section. When I got to the bi-section a slightly heavy-set guy started chatting me up about the video selection. "Are you finding what you like" he asked. "Not...

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Mary Gets to Meet Sandy Part 4

Sandy had moved in on Sunday. Monday morning, Mary started keeping secrets. They multiplied fast, and she got better at lying even faster. She was almost proud of it. Mary told her mother her budget wasn’t working out after all. Mum was incredibly sweet about it. She wouldn’t hear Mary apologize or put herself down. Paying your way through college was hard these days, much harder than it had been in her time, she said. Dad and she were happy to help out as much as they could. Yes, of course...

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ButleredChapter 9

“Jennifer mentioned that she had seen you with Miss Catherine, and that there seemed to be something between you. Jennifer may be young, but she is acutely conscious of personal interactions that she sees. She was concerned for you, Jeeves. Be careful of any social entanglements, is all I will say.” “Why, Mrs. Hargreaves! Nothing has transpired other than some minor banter between us. There is no need for concern, as far as I can see.” “That may be the case from your viewpoint, Jeeves, but...

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Finding My Femininity A Journey of SelfDiscovery and Love

I was always a good boy, never causing any trouble or needing to be disciplined. But then my mother came up with the idea that I might like to wear a dress, and I was terrified. I didn't want to be seen as a sissy or a girl, but my mother thought it would be good for me to explore my femininity. When she presented me with the Punishment Dress, I was confused and scared. I didn't know what to think, but my mother insisted that it was a punishment for something I had supposedly done...

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All Thanks Goes To MrMonkey

Hello friends, I am a regular reader of this site and incest is my favourite block on this website. After reading many stories I decided to upload my real stories which took place few days back. If you like it please reply me any unsatisfied girl,bhabhi and aunty want to be satisfy do contact me my e.mail id is First of all let me tell your about my self and my family. My name is sahil and my age is 21 years my body is average boy with a fair complection and my dick is 6 inch long and 2.5 inch...

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Hotel Chamberlain 16 and being flashed

I have seen the attempts to recreate the 'Room Service' videos, and it's overdone, which is a shame really, because working in a hotel, does expose men exposing themselves to the 'Chamber Maids' and 'Room Service' girls.After a while, most women accept it as part of the service, besides, most females are looking for something different, they are from bored marriages, poorly paid, looking for a little excitement and fun, so being 'Flashed', 'Chatted-up', and 'Desired', does have its moments, and...

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The Recruitment Process

“Well to be honest Mr Simpkins, you are correct. We’re not like other recruitment agencies — and that’s exactly why we have such a high success rate. If you are seriously interested in the role, I’m afraid you will have to make the time to come into our office for the preliminary screening interview, there’s no way around it.” I held the phone away from my ear, and could feel myself getting ruffled by the guy on the end of the phone. “Yes, I’m prepared to see you after work, 5.30pm on Friday...

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Albion Elizabeths StoryChapter 22

Elizabeth entered her pod and saw them in the living room. She stripped off her dress and hung it on a hook in the closet. She quietly approached the two women, who were lying on their sides on a sofa, each with a mouthful of the other's pussy. As she watched, the woman furthest from the edge began to keen her orgasm, shaking and jerking. When she had recovered, she resumed her attack on her lover's snatch. Elizabeth had kept herself out of the line of sight. She quietly approached and as...

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Trust Ch 3

From that moment onward Iona sought out this Russ called Long Sword. The images he had spun created a need so great that she could physically feel the man she wanted most. With Iona’s exhaustive imagination, she could feel Kieren’s resting on top of her. The press of his awe-inspiring body against the softness of hers felt real—skin on skin, moist from exertion. Behind her closed eyes, she could actually feel his hands squeeze her breasts with appreciation, his tongue flick one dark tip before...

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Trailers West

Tom Anders was getting tired as he drove the truck tractor over the hills into Bradford, Pa. He had been hired to pick up a big forty foot house trailer, and haul it to Dallas. It was nearly 11:00 p.m. when he found the trailer park, so he just curled up in his cab to sleep. He wanted to get a good night’s rest before starting out with the big trailer Time enough to see the manager and hook up the load in the morning. It was only six‑thirty A.M. when Tom was awakened by the park manager. “You...

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The Remote

The Remote By Mr. Pec Victor tirelessly changed from one channel to the next with his remote in an endless search for something meaningful to watch. He would pause for several seconds on some channels, passing others without a second glance. It marveled him to think that out of 73 channels of programming, he could find nothing to watch. His frustration finally peaked and Victor hit the power button, making the 22-inch screen go dark. He sighed and dropped the remote beside...

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Sweet Torture

You enter my apartment and you take me into your arms at the door. As we kiss and embrace, we move together across the room, our bodies pressed tightly against each other. You sit me on a nearby table and lightly run your hands over my legs. You trace the line of my legs from knee to ankle then back up over my thighs. You become curious when the silk of the stockings gives way to smooth skin. You roll your hands around to my inner thighs and gently push them back to reveal my naked pussy...

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The Bulls Balls

[ For no one in particular. Just (hopefully) a nice 'story' of a cuck-husband's thoughtfulness with his wife's bull! ]Initially, Hamid had been a little uncertain about Tom. Of course, Hamid had been very eager to fuck Tom's wife, Cynthia, but he really hadn't wanted to do that with Tom in the same room while fucking Cynthia...but... it was either that, or the chance to fuck this still attractive older white female probably wouldn't happen; and so, Hamid had gone along with it anyway. Besides,...

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Math Class Student vs Teacher

I was new at the school. Only been there for about month before classes started in late August. I was the track coach part time and did not start training for cross country until the end of September. I kept in good shape with flat abs to go along with my 6ft 4 frame. I had to run to keep up with these k**s at the school.I did not start until 2nd period on Mondays, so I got in early to set up my desk and write my name on the chalk board. The bell rang and the door to my class open. In came each...

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Licensed to fuck

He bathroom. All on a sudden, the baby started to cry. Maybe it was feeling hungry. As she was a mother, Sagarika clutched the baby in her arms and ignoring my presence dropped the hem of her red sari, started unhooking the hooks on her black blouse from the front and in no time exposed the translucent red bra that she was wearing. She had unhooked her blouse completely and her two bra cups were completely exposed to my gaze in the mirror. My god! What a breast she had. With Perfect round cups,...

3 years ago
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Young Girl Sex ClubChapter 12

Elmer McFarthingale should have been pleased and greatly relieved at the way things went, at least during the initial hour of the luau. The food was superb, the two native orchestras magnificent, and the series of singers and dancers outdid themselves. Even the punchbowl was very popular, although neither he nor the big boss sampled it, both being confirmed non-drinkers. He had a bad moment when the time came to introduce Lynn Charles to Euclid J. Barrington-Phaff, but the beautiful redhead...

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Andrea Perkins

Andrea Perkins was a conservative, cross-legged, straight-laced woman who lived in the neighborhood. She was a natural beauty. Every time I've seen her she's had on very little makeup and is always dressed fashionably but very conservatively. She was the type of mom that June Cleaver could identify with. So when I got a call from her I was a bit mystified why she would be calling me and what was so urgent? I of course knew her son Frank. He is much like his name. He is an average kid of...

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Jordan and Sams Risky Month

"Come on! It'll only be a month; what's the worst that could happen?" Sam asked her best friend, Jordan. A late night in early January, the two were sitting across from each other on the floor of Jordan's bedroom. There was only a couple of days left before their Christmas break would be over and they'd be going back to school. "Uh, that one of, or even both of us, gets pregnant!" Jordan replied, surprised that Samantha would suggest such a thing. "It's just for a month, and I've been reading...

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The Dallas Fathers Club

There are fathers’ clubs all over the United States, probably all over the world, dedicated to the proposition that sex between parents and their children is a good thing. Of course you will not find them listed in the yellow pages or advertised on billboards, at least not in this country. However they do exist and they all seem to have many members. In fact I was surprised a secret of this sort could be so well kept. As a rule it is necessary to be an incestuous parent in order to find one...

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Extramarital sex with a womenizer

Hello everybody, I am a 27 yrs old married women & this is my story. I am working in a very reputed AD agency in Bangalore which has it’s head office in Delhi & I have a very good friend of mine, she is also married & working with me & when I told her about my affairs she encouraged me to post my story in ISS & before she told me about this site I did not know that such a site existed. I am posting this true story of mine for all you readers enjoyment & specially for...

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My Wife Shares Me With Another Man

What was I going to do? I never knew I had these kinds of feelings. I was never that good in bed. But last night with my wife and what she asked me to do for her. I just didn’t know. Could I really share her with another man? Not only that could I even be with another man. Did I love her that much to do this for her. I will admit when the idea came up she was a lot more adventurous in bed I got to do things that she doesn’t like. If this was a sign of things to come and it made her happy well...

2 years ago
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There was hardly any room between us, but Amanda managed to wiggle her petite body right in there. She was leaning mostly on me as I felt I did a good job of hiding my uncomfortable excitement. She had grown up so fast, I can't even remember how long it had been since I had seen her. She was suddenly this beautiful teenager; still as skinny as ever, but now with perfectly shaped breasts and an insanely cute butt. Her big, brown eyes gave her beautiful young face an innocence that was too...

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My Girlfriend Carol And My Other Girlfriend Karyl

My girlfriend, Carol, and my other girlfriend, Karyl, were up early and cooking breakfast last Saturday morning. It was my fortieth birthday; my ‘get everything they want’ day. Let me tell you about it.I stretched under the sheets of our king-sized bed and enjoyed the buzz of morning wood against soft sheets. The sound of my giggling gals and the smell of bacon compelled me to shower and join them in our kitchen. Karyl, my lover of ten years and forever-mate, is forty-two years old and looks...

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Collateral Damage

Assembling the bomb: Thinking back to my younger years and vacations by the ocean, I can remember the sounds in the middle of the night; the small waves lapping softly at the shore and on occasion, a larger wave would wash up, followed again by the smaller ones. That was how my stomach felt that Friday morning; small waves of nausea interrupted by an occasional larger one. Not quite causing a gag reflex or the need to empty the contents; I had done that already a couple of times. I swiveled...

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My CumforterChapter 5

At school the next day, you couldn't wait for the mathematics period to come round since you were just dying to see Mrs Dougherty again and, as you had long imagined, when you finally walked into the class, her face filled with apprehension. "How are you today, Miss?" you taunted her as she struggled to stay in control of herself. "I'm fine, thank you," she replied gamely. "Should I get you a chair?" you asked as the rest of the class looked at you, puzzled, for you were not usually...

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My Wife His Whore

My Wife. His Whore. by Victor Mann Leena and he had been married for 25 years and their life had been good,he thought. No doubt they had gotten married young and had kids rather tooquickly, but theirs had been a close-knit family, it had seemed, and both thechildren, now attending college on the other coast, were happy and well adjusted.Money had not been a problem. His accounting firm had been modestly successfuland Leena had developed a good career in academia as a professor of...

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Retreat Robledo Mountain 3Chapter 4

When we left for Las Cruces Thursday morning, it was with the knowledge that Miguel had a team scouting either side of the road a mile ahead of us for the entire trip. That settled both Anna’s and my nerves, significantly. Beth and Izabella opted to ride in the wagon with the baby while Celia drove. She had asked to go with us for reasons of her own, which I privately hoped included seeing George during the visit. I still couldn’t figure out the situation with Izabella and Alejandro. They...

1 year ago
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Learning A Trade

I came out of the shower and looked at myself critically in the mirror. I was 29 years old, typically Jewish, though perhaps I could pass for Italian or Spanish extraction with my black hair, brown eyes, and sharp facial features. 5' 4". My breasts sagged a bit, no longer the pert tits they had been 10 years ago. I had a nice waist even though the hips spread a little too much. I turned to the side and looked at my ass. Still nice, I though, if a bit broader than it had once been. Everything...

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EvilAngel Nia Nacci Gaping Anal Brat

Beautiful black temptress Nia Nacci jiggles her cute ass in revealing jean shorts. She buzzes her clit with a vibrator and strokes Mark Wood’s cock playfully. She gives him an impassioned blowjob. Nia spreads her legs for a deep pussy fuck. Mark nails her tight cunt, making her beg for more. He slides his meat into her hungry asshole and delivers a serious anal reaming. Nia’s vibe buzzes as Mark’s meat strokes bunghole to a body-shaking orgasm. She gives him a nasty rim job...

3 years ago
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Mama Papa und das Sissy Baby

Ich lebe noch immer mit meiner Stiefmutter in einem Haus. F?r mich war sie immer die Mama. Mama weckte mich und mein Bett war klatsch nass. Ich kann nicht sagen ob es daran lag das wir erst vor ein paar Monaten umgezogen sind oder an was auch immer aber es war mir mehr wie peinlich, denn ich war schon 22 Jahre alt. Mama zog das Bett ab. Am Abend setzten wir uns dann zusammen aufs Sofa. Sie sagte: Also ich finde wir m?ssen was ?ndern. Dann zeigte sie mir eine Windel und legte sie auf den T...

4 years ago
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My first sexperience read to love it

While on a vacation in the far north east part of India, On the day before I was due to leave the resort I was staying in, I had this singular experience, which I am about to relate. The place I was staying in was in the forrests, by a lonely road, with plenty of vegetation. The cottage like living quarters were far apart, with a big garden with walkways and lawns separating them. I was enjoying the quietness of the place. For most of my vacation I was the lone guest, until a group of three...

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