- 2 years ago
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I awoke in a sweat, my mind adrift in that blurry space between reality and dream. Everything had seemed so real, too real to be just a dream, and yet surreal enough to know it had been a dream. It was then that it dawned on me that it was at least partially real, I had really cum. Not, however, inside of the faceless woman of my dream, but in my underwear as I slept. I'd had my first wet dream.
I suppose that for most normal pre-teen or teenage boys that would have been a normal occurrence, an ordinary event in their lives; a sign of normal maturation that would set them out on a course of teenage angst and sexual curiosity. But for me it would be different, as far from normal as possibly could be. The event would turn out to be just the starting point of what would become my Oedipean tale. You see, it was not that it happened, but where and when it happened that would unalterably shape my young life.
Chapter One: GenesisIt was a warm Tuesday morning of early September as my mother set out to visit her sister in Oregon. Actually it was more than just to visit, we were moving. I was a mere 12 years old at the time, still just a boy really, but eagerly wanting to be older. It had been nearly three long years since the death of my father, and now we were leaving our home in Florida to set out in search of a new life. It was difficult to say good bye to the only place I'd ever known, and in a sense it was like saying good bye to my childhood. I had lost alot of my childhood innocence after my father died, becoming the man of the house or at least seeing myself as such, and leaving that place merely solidified in my own mind that I was a man now.
After my father's passing, he'd left enough for us to survive on but little else. It wasn't any fault of his own, he was a good man and a good father; a hard working man who'd had little of his own when he and my mother met. But for as hard as he'd worked, it was only a matter of time before the money he'd left us ran out and Mom wasn't able to support us on her own. Having nowhere to turn, Mom took her sister's offer to come to Oregon and stay for a while, a chance for a new life.
So there we were, Mom and I, on the road to the Pacific coast in our old pickup truck; camper on the back, packed with our belongings and enough money for gas to make Oregon. Or so we thought. Mom made good time the first day out, getting us nearly through Alabama when we encountered our first obstacle. Speeding along the highway to the rhythmic sound of the concrete gaps, the truck began to sputter, finally coming to rest in a cloud of steam and smoke, just as we'd pulled off of the highway into a small little town; coming to rest about a mile from the local service station. After a short walk into town and having the truck towed, I listened intently as the local mechanic describe to my mother of our broken water pump, and how much it would cost to fix.
What I remember most, however, was the look of despair on my mother's face as the mechanic spoke. After spending the remainder of the day walking around the sleepy little town and waiting for the truck to be fixed, Mom not wanting to talk much, we were back on the road once again. She left late at night, maybe more to find herself out of the bad luck of the place than anything, but it wasn't long before the stress of the day took it's toll; forcing her to pull of into a rest area for the night.
I had fallen asleep during the night ride, my head resting upon my mother's shoulder as she drove. She gently woke me, telling me that we would stop for the rest of the night; sleeping in the cramped, box filled camper. My mother had planned, or hoped, for a smooth trip but with the truck breaking down so soon in the drive, she worried about having enough money should anything else happen. I believe she had planned on us staying in a motel or two along the way but now it would be the camper. I groggily helped her move some of the boxes around inside of the camper so that we could convert the dinette into a makeshift bed. It was small, but suprisingly comfortable as I remember. I was still very tired and crawled into the new bed as soon as it was ready, closing my eyes heavily and wanting to fall immediately back to sleep.
Mom turned off the overhead light, darkening the camper except for the glow of the rest area lights as they lit the windows curtain, casting a soft orange glow into the camper.
As I lay there in the bed, thinking about the day and the little town, excited about the trip and cautious about it and the life we were headed to as well, I found it hard to fall back to sleep. I slowly cracked open my eyes in frustration, to see my mother standing next to the bed. She was quietly reaching over to retrieve her small suitcase, pulling out a nightgown to change into.
I watched with guarded fascination as she began to shed her clothes, stepping out of her baggy blue jeans and slowly unbuttoning her shirt. By all rights, my mother never spent too much time or energy attempting to accentuate her femininity, choosing comfort and functionality over style and fashion. Perhaps, because of that, it seemed in most peoples eyes that she was a rather plain looking sort of woman. It was a rare occasion to find her wearing makeup and even rarer to find her wearing a dress; at least as I remembered it. Maybe things had been different when my father was alive, or maybe she simply had no intention or thoughts of finding another husband; never bothering to primp and preen for one. But as I watched her peeling away the layers of the days journey, bathed in the surreal softness of the rooms dim light, I began to see that she was a very attractive looking woman. She stood next to the bed in only her panties and bra before slipping her nightgown over her head, then reaching up under the length of the gown to step out of her underwear and perform the uniquely feminine trick of removing her bra and slipping it out of her sleeve.
To this very day, I'm fascinated by this 'Houdini-esque' feat and watching it made me smile. As she finished, I closed my eyes to disguise my watching, as she slowly slid into the bed next to me. Her skin felt warm and soft next to mine and I snuggled myself into her as I tried once again to sleep. It didn't take long for my mother to drop off to sleep, exhausted by the day and the driving, and soon I found my way asleep as well, drifting off as I pictured in my mind the titillating sight of my mother changing.
It was in the early morning hours, just before the sun would rise, that I woke up; stirred by the sound of a car door closing outside of our camper. A new arrival to the rest stop, or someone departing, I didn't know. What I did know was that I'd been awoken out of a pleasant dream, although I couldn't remember what at the time. The noise stirred my mother as well, but not enough for her to wake, only enough to make her stir in her sleep. It was then, as I lay spooned close to her back, my arm resting around her waist, that she nestled her hips ever so slightly. It brought to my attention why I'd felt so good about my dream; I had an erection and as my mother moved in her sleep, her behind nestled itself into my hard on, pressing it firmly into her backside. The sensation was highly stimulating, to say the least, but at the same time terrifying as well.
I had begun to notice my erections several months before, and after having discovered a couple of 'girly-magazines', learned quickly what they were for. I had taken to masturbation like a fish to water, jerking myself off several times a day if I could; and almost ritually every night before sleeping and every morning before climbing out of bed. So as I lay there in the bed, my mothers soft hair filling my senses with her feminine scent, and her soft warm body pressing against my skin and genitals, I was becoming extremely turned on. At the same time, I was terrified that my mother would wake, filled with disgust at her young son laying next to her like this. I slowly and carefully rolled from her, onto my stomach to hide my condition, and waited nervously for the sun to rise and my mother to wake. In that agonizingly long time, my mind was filled with the confused thoughts of sex and guilt, and wanting my mother to wake up so that I could remove myself from the embarrassment of the situation. It wasn't long, in reality, before I felt and heard the stirring of my mother as she woke, and I fainted sleep. She crawled out of bed and dressed herself before waking me, letting me know that she was heading outside to see if there was a bathroom available at the rest stop. After hearing the camper door close behind her, I quickly climbed out of bed and threw on my clothes before she returned.
We found a little something to eat and with my mothers prodding, we enthusiastically headed out on the road once more, hoping that this day would be better than the last. Motoring along the highway, I watched the passing landscape and enjoyed the mysterious discovery of it all, my mother humming a tune or two as she heard them on the radio. Mom seemed to be in a suprisingly good mood, and her response to my asking was only to shrug her shoulders and smile, replying that she had no idea why, but who cared anyway. It was enough for me to know that she was happy and I agreed with on her point, enjoying her good mood and the excitement of the newness around every turn of the road.
Mom made good speed of it, heading through Mississippi and well into Louisiana by midday, reaching the late afternoon sun of Texas before we stopped to get a bite to eat and stretch our legs.
We sat outside of the small rest stop by a small stream that ran along the road and ate a sandwich that we'd picked up at the nearby gas station while filling the truck. It was decidedly hot under the afternoon sun and it felt good to dip our feet into what little survived of the late summer stream. We left feeling refreshed and made it all of the way past Abilene before the glaring sunset in the windshield began to tire Mom. She found a another little rest stop and decided to pull in for the night. The stop was set back off of the road a ways, and except for the infrequent sound of a large truck passing by, it was amazingly quiet outside.
We sat out under the stars that night; eating our dinner and pretending to be cowboys, my mother trying to teach me old Roy Rogers tunes, and both of us laughing at our poor attempts. It was getting late as my mother ushered me into bed, letting me know that she wanted to sit out just a bit longer before she would head in herself.
I didn't bother looking for my pajamas, preferring to strip down to my underwear to sleep; as I'd been doing since discovering things to do in bed besides sleep. I crawled into the bed, thinking about the day and remembering the night before. It had now been nearly two whole days that I hadn't had the privacy to relieve myself and I was thinking to myself that it must be some kind of record. I wanted desperately to slip down my drawers and have my fun but the idea of getting walked in on by my mother stopped me, so there I lay; tense and horny as hell. I guess it was about a half hour later that I heard the camper door open and my mother step inside. The night air had cooled considerably outside and I could feel it's touch as Mom carried it into the camper with her. Again, I closed my eyes as she came into the darkened camper, not wanting her to know that I was still awake, subconsciously thinking that perhaps she would be able to read my thoughts. I let myself peek ever so slightly as she readied herself for sleep, not being able to see much more that her silhouette in the window as she removed her clothes. But this night, before pulling over her nightgown, she removed her bra to pull on a small T-shirt against the nights chill. I stared in utter fascination as I could see in her silhouetted profile, her exposed breasts. As she turned to put on her T-shirt, lifting her arms up to slip it over her head, her nipples stood out firm and erect against the cool air. It was magnificent, and almost instantly my pecker grew to attention. Now, being such a young age, that's not saying much, but to me it was enough. Fully erect, I wasn't much larger than a grown man's thumb, but it was always full of youthful strength and eagerness. I watched her slip into her nightgown, closing my eyes once again as she turned to crawl into the bed. She wrestled open a box, grabbing an extra blanket and spreading it out over me before climbing in.
Tonight she crawled in behind me, between myself and the wall, pulling me close to her for my warmth as she settled in. I could feel her soft breasts as they pressed along my back, and the warmth of her breath on my neck as she began to doze off to sleep. It was terribly erotic to me, but also disconcerting as I couldn't get my boner to subside. I was afraid that she might notice it as she wrapped her arm around me. I laid completely motionless, waiting to hear her fall asleep so that I could as well, and until eventually we both were asleep.
It was once again in the early morning hour, just before dawn that I would wake up, but this time under entirely different circumstances. This morning I woke with my eyes popping wide open, jolted into reality from the depths of my dreams. I had been seduced by a beautiful faceless woman, following her helplessly as she took me to her bed and fulfilled my desires. It was at that moment of pure ecstasy that I found myself awake, unable to stop the inevitable as I reached orgasm. I was coming in my underwear uncontrollably, my hips pressed forward as if to thrust my penis deep inside of the dream woman. But my pleasure quickly turned to panic as I realized not only that I couldn't stop as I emptied myself into my underwear, but also that my groin was firmly pressed against my mothers backside, my penis nestled along the divide of her cheeks. My mind raced in total chaos as I lay; unable to stop myself as I pumped out my pent up seed and feeling the terror of what would happen if my mother woke at that moment. It was just as I felt the last bit of my release, the final uncontrolled strain of my small but exuberant balls that I felt my mother stir. She let out a breathy groan as she wriggled herself against me, grinding my penis in the now slippery confines of my underwear. The sensation was a new one to me, my dick sliding effortlessly against my cum slickened skin and I immediately let out one more and final gush of semen. I laid in a state of panic, time stretching agonizingly, until I realized that she was not awake; or at least I prayed that I was right. After a moment or two of stillness, I decided that I would have to do something and soon.
As gently as I could, I slid myself away from her, slipping out from underneath the blankets that covered us and stood by the bedside. Gingerly reaching down, I realized that I'd made an absolute mess out of my underwear, soaking my briefs utterly. I slipped them off, using what dryness of them left to clean myself. It was still very dark inside of the camper and it took me a few minutes of searching to find some clean underwear to put back on. I stuffed my soiled underwear into my bag of laundry and was turning to return to the bed when I heard my mother moving once again. It was difficult to see, even though the soft blueness of the night sky had begun to show signs of the sun coming up soon. But even though I had no way to be sure, I felt as though she had seen me standing there, for how long I didn't know. I couldn't be sure and tried to convince myself that it was only my imagination, but I couldn't get the thought out of my head. Too embarrassed now to climb back into the bed with her, I pulled on a pair of pants and shirt and decided that I needed to get some air. As quietly as I could, I opened the door to the camper to step outside.
I immediately was suprised at the chill in the air. It amazed me how it could be so hot during the day and so cool at night here. As a boy raised in Florida, this was all new to me and I was ill prepared for the sensation. I stood outside the camper for a few minutes, feeling the chill of the air, but also enjoying the sight of the cool blue sky as it began it's morning metamorphosis. Just as I though of sneaking back inside the camper, I was suprised by the snap of light from the camper window. My mother was up.
I felt a twinge of concern as I thought for sure she would be worried that I wasn't in bed with her, but instead I heard nothing. After a minute or so, the camper door opened slowly with my mother stepping outside. She was dressed and had a sweater draped over her shoulders against the chill.
"Good morning." She said to me softly, as she stepped out, looking up at the sky.
"Good morning, Mom." I said.
I watched her as she walked up next to me, but her gaze never left the horizon. She stood quietly next to me for a moment before saying, "Beautiful, isn't it?"
I was a bit suprised by her statement, half expecting to be scolded for leaving the camper without her permission, and stood at a loss for words.
"The sky..." she said, still looking off into the distant glowing light.
It was then that I realized how conspicuous my silence seemed and I mumbled out. "Yes, it is."
"It's a little cold to be standing outside with no shoes on, don't you think?" she said. I didn't know what to say, feeling stupid as could be trying to come up with come kind of explanation for myself. But instead of waiting for a reply, she turned to me with a smile and said, "Why don't you go grab some shoes and we'll go get ourselves a nice breakfast."
I must admit, I was suprised but also very interested, a nice hot breakfast sounded great at the moment.
"Okay." I said, returning her smile and jumped into the camper to grab my shoes. I heard her jump into the cab and start up the truck, waiting for me to return.
Chapter Two: A Fork in the RoadWe sat in a booth of a small Texas diner, feeling full from the generous breakfast that we'd been treated to. The place was full of farmers and ranchers, all sipping down their coffee and talking about the weather. I'd never been around so many people that had such a keen interest in 'when it might rain' or 'how hot it had been of late'. Where I was from, it seemed to me that it always rained in the summer, everyday like clockwork in fact, and it was always hot. But these people talked about it not as just a casual topic of conversation, but with a seriousness that I didn't understand. In hindsight, I'm glad I didn't as I can understand the frustration these people must have felt living a life so dependent upon things that they had no control over; rain or drought.
So as we sat there, my mother turned her eyes from the waitress that had picked up Mom's money from the table with a "Y'all have a nice day now!" and a big Texas sized smile.
"Okay, decision time." She said to me. I gave her a quizzical look as she smiled sheepishly back at me.
"We need to start thinking about which way we want to go, North or West. If we head North, we might get there a bit quicker but the ride would be a little tougher. If we keep heading West, it might take us a bit longer but it'll be easier." She said, unfolding a map out on the table..
"Where y'all headed?" The waitress chimed in, returning with Mom's change.
"Oregon." I answered her.
"Oregon! Well, I've got a brother who lives in Oregon! He's been out there for..." The waitress went on, proceeding to tell us both her entire family history and lineage, much to the amusement of my mother.
"... and he told me that if I ever was to come an' visit to make sure to see the Grand Canyon along the way. It's the biggest crack you ever did see!" She finished, bring a round of laughs from the people in the booth next to us. My mother and I looked at each other and immediately began to laugh as well, though not for the same reason as the waitress.
"Well, I guess that decides it. West it is!" Mom said to me with a wink.
And so it was, we were back on the road. Most of the afternoon went by rather uneventfully , that was until we were into New Mexico. The heat of the day was at it's strongest and the truck began to over heat once again. Mom managed to get us to a truck stop where one of the truckers noticed our plight. He seemed to be a nice enough man, short and stout with a funny sounding voice, but genuinely honest to my mother.
"You can take it to a shop and they'll tell ya you need a new radiator, which you could, but that's alotta money. Or you can just take it a lil' slower on the highway and don't try drivin' durin' the hottest part of the day an' you'll be fine." He told my mother, who was appreciative of his honesty. Mom took his advice and we stopped for a while, waiting for the sun to go down before heading out again. His advice must have been good as we seemed not to have the trouble again, at least it seemed so. It would make the trip a little longer but I didn't mind at all, I'm not sure that my mother did much either, although she would never admit it to me if she had.
We managed to make it out of New Mexico and into Arizona late that evening. Mom decided that we shouldn't push it any further as she was getting a little road weary, and found a place to stop for the night. We spent the evening much like we had the night before, sitting outside the camper as the night air cooled down and had something to eat. We talked for a little while, then Mom mentioned that it was getting late and that we should probably try to get out on the road early before it got too hot out. I understood the hint that it was time for me to head inside and hit the sack, but she followed her statement with a little bit more.
"Why don't you go on in and get ready... umm... to go to sleep." The awkward pause of her words caught my attention but I didn't quite know what to make of it. As I got up and was opening the camper door, she called out, "Paul, you take as much time as you... um... need and just let me know when I can come in, okay?"
I was really perplexed now, not really knowing what to say. As my mind was both a fury and a blank at that moment, I turned to look at her and saw a sweet and soft smile on her face as she looked at me. The look in her eyes was so soft and caring, so... motherly. It's hard to describe, but I realized there was definitely more to what she'd said than I'd initially thought.
"Okay, Mom." I relied, still trying to understand what she'd meant. I stepped into the camper and immediately my mind began to race with questions.
"Take as much time as I needed?" "Time for what? She knows it doesn't take long for me to get ready for bed?" "But that's not exactly what she said. She said... um..." My mind tried to backtrack to remember her words. "to... um... sleep?"
It was then that it began to dawn on me what she'd meant. She knew! She knew about what had happened last night. Did she know about my jerking off too? She had to then! I began to feel very embarrassed without real really knowing why.
"Am I just being paranoid?" "Or was this her way of letting me know that SHE knew?" "Was she hinting that it was okay to go ahead and masturbate?" "Right now?"
Whatever the case, if that was what she'd meant, there was almost no possibility that I could even if I wanted to. My mind was racing so fast at this point that it was hard for me to concentrate for 2 seconds let alone buff the bishop. In an effort to disguise my insecurity, I dug through my laundry bag and grabbed a pair of pajamas that were down on the bottom and put them on. They were a bit small, too small really, but I put them on none the less, trying to convince myself that I was making this all up in my head and that there was no hidden meaning to her words. I reached up and flicked off the light, then leaned over the counter to look out the window. I could see my mother sitting outside in her folding chair, her back toward the camper, reading her book under the lamplight. The window was opened about halfway to let in some fresh air to the camper and I called out to her, "Mom? You can come in now." I said it trying to sound as casual as I could, but I'm sure that it didn't come out as such.
"Oh... Okay." She said, sounding a little suprised, turning her head around to the darkened window. "I'll be in, in a bit honey. You go on ahead to sleep."
I climbed into the bed, scooting myself up against the wall to make plenty of room for her when she came to bed. Closing my eyes tightly in an effort to sleep was in vain, I was still in a state of confusion along with a growing concern over what had happened the night before. Would it happen again? Would I wake up in time tonight? Would my mother wake up this time? But the longer I laid there; wondering, worrying, the more tired I began to feel. I don't know how long it was that I lay there feeling this way, but eventually I fell asleep.
Like a self fulfilling prophecy, it would be late in the night that I would find myself in the middle of another 'dream'. But unlike the night before, this night's dream would be one of angst and tension. Again, the faceless woman appeared in my dream but there was something strangely different about her, more mysterious; more elusive and distant. I wanted her, more than I'd wanted anything in my short life, but looking at her I felt as though she would be something or someone that I would never have. I seemed to follow her, searching to be with her but never reaching her. The harder I tried the further from my reach she would be, as if I were being held back by invisible hands. I struggled in vain to find her, only to realize that she was gone. It was only then that I stopped, forlorn in the notion that she was gone, when she revealed herself to me. I stood silent and still as she approached, her clothing shedding from her as she neared. She came to stand in front of me, gently cupping my face with her hands and kissing me passionately. I desperately wanted to to touch her, touch her naked flesh but didn't, fearing that if I tried she would disappear again. So I stood still as she ran her hands along my body, her hand seeming to penetrate right through my clothing to touch my skin. She found her way slowly to my pants and began to rub the erection still hidden to her underneath my clothes. As she rubbed I began to feel the heat of her hand, and her breath quickened in my ear with the increasing pace of her touch. I was utterly submissive to her whims as I was quickly building to orgasm. It was then, as the night before, that I realized what was happening but was powerless to stop the wave that was cresting in my loins. As I began to cum, feeling a flush of warmth and wetness come over me, I heard her whisper my name in my ear. It was so sensuous, so erotic, so... real.
I opened my eyes, feeling the sweat on my brow as I lay on my back, my body still tense and yet relieved from my orgasm, thinking to myself, "No, not again." My mother was lying on her side, facing me, both of us covered by the blanket. I tried to remain as still as I could, hoping not to wake her, and attempted to let my breathing slow. I could feel the warmth of my mother's body next to me, her hand resting on my arm, when I felt it slide gently against my skin.
"Paul?" I heard in a soft whisper. It might as well been a million decibels, as the sound of my mothers voice startled me into total sobriety. I closed my eyes in panic, afraid to answer her, but realized that it was useless as she knew that I was awake.
"Paul..." She whispered once again.
" I'm so sorry, Mom" I stammered out. " I... I..."
"Shhh..." she whispered softly, "... it's okay. There's nothing for you to be sorry for."
It was only the soothing tone of her voice that kept my breathing from racing out of control, even though at that moment I felt sure that my heart was going to pound right out of my chest if it beat any harder. She had begun to softly stroke my arm, feeling my tension. I didn't know what to do, lying there as still as I could be; searching for something to say. She broke the silence once more, softly saying, "It's okay, stay right there."
I felt her slide herself out of the bed, being careful not to pull the covers off of me as she did so. I hadn't the courage to open my eyes to see what she was doing or where she was going, although I could hear her every movement. She opened one of the packed boxes and rummaged inside for a moment, then I could hear her draw a bit of water from the sink. The room was silent for a minute or two, long enough to begin to draw to my attention back to my predicament. I could feel the dampness of my underwear underneath my pajamas, and slid my hand down to feel that it had soaked completely through. The anxiety I felt had caused my penis to shrink to near microscopic proportions as I wondered what my mother was thinking of me. Was he angry with me? The tone of her voice made me think she wasn't but I still wasn't sure. Maybe she was disgusted, disappointed; thinking that her son had turned out to be some kind of pervert. On and on my mind raged until I felt my mother sit herself gently down on the edge of the bed.
"Paul?" She said softly.
"Here it comes..." I prepared myself.
"Paul honey, why don't you slip off those clothes... so you can clean up." The tone of her voice was calm and caring, easing slightly my fears, enough for me to open my eyes. It was still very dark inside of the camper but I could see enough of her face to feel as though she wasn't angry with me.
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The new year has come, starting Audrey and Kara on their goal to get in better shape. Everyday they go for a run around the neighborhood and do some yoga after. They are usually on their own for this, but today both their dads had the day of from work and were just chilling at home. The girls noticed their dads peeking at their stretches from the corridor, and they decided to invite them over to maybe assist. These papas switched daughters and began to stretch them out. One of them even popped...
xmoviesforyouA Star is BornSequel to ?It’s in the cards ?? Bette Jene Adams, Author PrologueBeams of light flicker and intermittently illuminate the darken room. The video playing onscreen is gripping, hypnotic. All eyes are glued to the large HD screen, rarely blinking, needing to see every second of the footage. The visual feast is complimented by surround sound speakers broadcasting every detail with astounding clarity. You actually feel like you are there, in person, as events unfold. It is a...
Lana is a seamstress that does custom tailoring for high end clients. Prince is one of her celebrity clients that always has her make his custom clothes but she has always had a crush on him. Today Prince is doing some social media work for all his fans so he asks if he can take a few pics and videos of her pinning his pants and measuring stuff to sew with him to document his fitting for his new suit but his seamstress has something much more interesting in mind for his fans. She decides to...
xmoviesforyouAround the middle of July things started to get weird at Pond Cove. You may be wondering what I consider weird since I have been telling how I and three other submissives have been running around naked obeying our Mistresses all summer, but this is different. Something weird was happening with the Mistresses.It has to do with power... or authority... or assertiveness or something. Before this summer, I didn’t know I was a submissive. And over the weeks, I’ve figured out that I am less assertive...
BDSMTroy sat down next to Jillian. I asked Troy, “Would you like us to leave so you two can be alone?” Troy shook his head. “No, that’s not necessary, but please let Jillian respond to my questions rather than answering them for her.” He turned to Jillian and asked, “My questions are kind of random, but to me they seem important in some way. Many of them are just to satisfy some prurient curiosity you’ve stirred up, and others will help me understand whether and how to move forward.” Jillian...
A tight dress clings to every one of Sierra Nicole’s curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. Damon Dice likes what he sees, and instead of going out on a date as he had planned he decides to change his plans to stay in instead. Sierra is totally up for whatever Damon wants, which she communicates by rubbing his dick to help it become harder even faster. Damon returns the favor, caressing his fingers over Sierra’s mound, and even through the fabric of her thong she can feel his...
xmoviesforyouThe late teenage years were a very exploratory time. I had two best friends at the age of eighteen and we were together most of the time we weren’t in school. Mike was about two inches shorter than me at 6’1 with light brown hair and a long face. Phil was a slight and slender youth who was 5’6 and light red hair. We rode our bicycles all over the area and often ended up sleeping over at each other’s house, listening to music, playing board games and cards. I was 6’4 and 160 lbs thin, scrawny...
Suddenly, Wes stepped back into the light. He was carrying several lengths of clothesline, and something that Lynn didn't recognize. She frowned. "What's that?" She wiped her forearm across her forehead. Wes held the object up so his niece could see it plainly. It was a rubber ball, with a piece of rope running through the middle. She glanced at his eyes and shrugged her ignorance. "Ready?" he asked her. "I don't know, Wes. What is that thing?" "We need it for the pictures,...
Emma was hardly ever at home these days. Where she was Charlotte didn’t really know. She believed that Emma was still seeing that teacher, Dorothy, and one of Emma’s colleagues had told her that it was now common knowledge that she was having a relationship with her boss. Charlotte felt totally excluded from Emma’s life. It seemed that the only times Emma ever came back to the flat was when Charlotte was out – perhaps spending the night at Josephine’s or still at work. Whatever it was,...
Bill’s turn: Deena’s comment about fourteen year old girls startled me. “Huh?” “Cindy was fourteen when she got married, Dad...” “We could’ve gotten married before I turned sixteen, baby,” Haley said, “just like Nikki did. Or Cindy. If we’d’ve convinced a judge...” “Ewwww!” Deena squeaked. I glanced over. The eyes didn’t match the squeal. I get the feeling that just maybe my daughter might believe that her stepmom and I might have had relations before she turned sixteen. Another...
Hi everybody I really love this site and especially this section of erotic stories. I really read this story every time I freak out on the net. I thought let me share my experience with you the one which has introduced me with this wonderful world of sex where there is no boundaries of age, nationality, cast, religion there is only love where even the perfect Strangers become greatest lovers. Before that let me introduce you with myself. I am a tall, 5-11 form US return handsome guy with a good...
Part of the Sunrise Apartment ComplexSocial service (sis) had just called and asked if he had a 2 bedrooms or larger unit available. Actually he had 3 empty units and so offered as was his custom. He had a standing agreement with the social service department that if they need a place for a domestic abuse safe house they can have it. Well it seems that there was a woman with two teenage daughters that needed a place. Jane from sis said they needed to move fast and it sounded like life or death,...
This is a tale of male deviant self satisfaction and a wicked imagination involving a wife’s infidelity and number of other lusts. Enjoy. Home Alone I unzip my fly and take out my cock. I feel flaccid and warm in my hands. I am alone in my bedroom and the lamp is not lit, plunging the room into darkness. I close my eyes and as I start to stroke, feeling myself getting harder and thicker. I allow my mind wonder into the dirty abyss that is my middle aged thoughts. Full of...
Day in the life of Love Dina hurried about the kitchen peeling oranges hoping to have them done beforewrestling started, she pecked out the door and ask Mark if He would like somethingto drink before she joined Him. ? Water please ? answered back to her. Soonshe had the oranges done and in a bowl and she placed two bottles of wateron the tray. She placed the tray on a small table beside the couch and stoodwaiting for Him to take His seat. As soon as He sat down He patted His lap,in which she...
You're over worked and single. One of your fiends had just came back from holidays engaged. Your friend had never been in a serious relationship before and now their on their way to getting married. When you ask your friend why the change. You get told all about the holiday to this island where you get to live a fantasy. Its all real and if your lucky you may even find true love. Your given a phone number. That night you ring the number and book your holiday. Your told to think about what...
In this sensual and erotic visual experience, Bella Rolland and Elena Koshka enter a private massage room fully naked with a look of desire simmering in their eyes. Bella climbs onto the massage table, lying on her front. Elena rubs oil onto their bodies and then mounts her, sliding her body against Bella’s back and ass. Elena can’t help but nibble on Bella’s ear as she glides her hands over her luscious curves, rubbing her pussy against Bella’s ass and sliding down to...
xmoviesforyouI checked in at the reception desk, handed over my charge card, signed the form and took my room key card. As I rode the elevator to my room I thought to myself that I was getting tired of all this constant traveling. I had three clients to see tomorrow and catch another plane to Memphis at six in the evening. I had to find something else. This job's constant traveling had cost me my marriage and now I had trouble even dating with my erratic schedule. One phone call from an upset client and old...
Gay MaleAfter I kiss and grope him, he took my bag and jacket and ushered me to my seat. It was even a candle lit dinner and I can see the salad was already plated. As I was admiring him, the dying romance we have was now somewhat revived. I don’t even recall the last time we have sex, was it last week or maybe a week before that? We both work so hard on where we are currently, to stay in a 2 bedroom condo in the downtown Salt Lake City, I work for a marketing firm where we handle TV advertisement for...
We were both panting so hard neither could move any more muscles than those controlling breathing. I knew I needed to get off of her body or I'd crush her but I couldn't make my body respond to commands my brain was issuing. I realized I was paralyzed in my orgasmic bliss when I felt a pair of hands pulling on my side to roll me over and off of my young lover. Tara had awakened with our orgasmic voices and had come down the hall to watch the finale. She saw that we had both just collapsed...
My wife jumped up from the deck chair and went inside, I suppose to call Sally. I slumped back in my chair and was just realizing the gravity of the situation. At the moment all I could think was, “At least this is all happening at our vacation home and not where we live and work!” We enjoy relative anonymity at the coast. We only knew a few people there and we didn’t really socialize much there. I reassured myself that whomever I did anything with here would have no connection to my friend’s...
CuckoldErica woke up naked on a hot and humid morning with her husband Divya over her, having his hands wrapped around her back. On this Saturday morning, Erica laid in bed while her husband was still asleep on her soft skin but the smell of sweat and musk from the previous night of fucking was really bothering Erica. The couple were interracial and lived in a well off town in Central Florida where they faced little to no issues. Erica was a tall blonde who looked almost exactly like Amber Valletta...
InterracialThe BDSM Club Monthly Social - Part TwoJohn & Kathy rolled in at our place about 10pm and wegreeted them affectionately, had a cocktail and discussedthe upcoming event out at Robert's. It was obvious thatthey were nervous. This was huge and they were stillvery new to the BDSM scene but everybody knew thatRobert must see real potential to make such an offerto a couple with so little real experience.Mark told them that it would be serious but anytime they thought it was more than they could...
Though dawn had risen the next morning, there was no sun. Chalk it up to the ritual - or just plain coincidence - but the storm had gotten so violent it was as dark as night outside. Roads were washed away, power was out, and trees were down. Samsara unshackled me from the fuck bench in the center of the room and took me to the basement where there was a horizontal St. Andrews cross. She laid me down on it and shackled me spread eagle at the wrists, elbows, thighs and ankles. She pulled a black...
BDSMWhen we got to the cabin, I had no idea what was in store. My friend Grant had offered to take me up north to a cabin he had rented with his room mate Kevin and Kevin's girlfriend Kara.Grant and I had been buddies for almost four years. We met during our freshman year of college and while we never dated, we definitely had the best friends with benefits thing going on from time to time.When we got to the cabin, it was late Thursday night. Each couple had a room and the cabin was stuck in the...
At the end of our dinner I helped her on with her wrap and she took my arm as we walked out and you seem to know when a whole room is watching you. I'd like to think I looked pretty dapper in my suit and coordinated tie, but I know I could have been in a t-shirt and shorts and no one would have noticed me. I only wished I was getting the look from behind that the other men were getting. At the car I opened her door and she turned to me while I held the door and placed her lips on mine for a...
Cockatoo Part 13Nikkie SilkJandaeng’s voice came through loud and clear and chilled me to the bone.‘It seems you’ve had some trouble at your bar over there, James.’Bad news travels fast I thought. I hated the sound of his voice. It mademy flesh creep and took me straight back to the bar in Bangkok and whathe had done to me that night. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myvoice as calm as possible.‘Yes Inspector, the mamasan was stabbed in a bar fight. I’m surprisedyou know about it.’‘It is...
Hi friends, I am 35 m from Delhi, who travel across India for work and pleasure along. I have been a reader of this site for more how long myself don’t know, I am a horny single guy (yes not married yet) and been having fun from 17 years age, experience do counts hehe, no I ain’t a tom cruise I am a normal punjabi indian man heavy built with average tool who loves to satisfy his partner to core, love giving and getting oral fun, experiments with food items etc. I am in for online, phone sex,...
Hi guys me Ishika again with a sequel to my previous story 4 autowalon ne kiya gangbang Continued. Malkhan Lund ragadte hue Neeche baith kar mere chooche choosne laga Me ab sanjay ki chudai k maze lootte hue aawaazein nikal rahi thi Sanjay ne apna lund bahar nikala or meri gaand me daala zaldi se or wahi apna saara muth nikaal diya or 2 min tak mere hi upar jhukh gaya. Fir sanjay ki jagah malkhan lag gaya meri choot k peeche jiska mujhe besabri se intezaar ho tha mote tagde lund ka maza hi kuch...
A cool breeze stirred the underbrush growing around massive trees on the forest floor. Huddled in the lower limbs of one of those trees, beneath an inconspicuous bundle of branches, imperceptible to even the most discerning eye, two young women lay together sleeping. As they had done the previous four nights, Jaide lay on her side in the crook of the branches while Anna cuddled up behind and draped an arm across her slim waist. The youngest of the pair, with her silvery hair, had grown to...
Shelia just told me she was pregnant, and I just had no idea what to say to that. It was just so far off my thoughts of what she could tell me. I gave her a big hug, as she shed a boat load of tears. I kissed her on the cheeks, and then she began balling. She had nothing to say, she just kept going nonstop for about ten minutes straight. I wasn't sure what to say, and had no idea what I could say. I just held her, as she cried on my shoulder, and eventually, on my boobs too. After that, she...
IncestAfter trying to be a sly fox and ending up being put in my place,I began obeying mistress to the letter ,i will l be ready for orders on my knees or tippy toes ten minutes before ,i paid extra attention to the chores she gave me , washed the cars to the minutest detail especially those who would tell me before DON T DISAPPOINT ME ,i never did ,i was afraid of the consequenses and also i was always in bed ten minutes before 8 ,mistress always wanted lights out for me at eight o clock SHARP...
Maa and I went out in the car and sometimes on the bike as well. We crossed the city limits, sub-urban and still going further. There were no boundaries to keep us back. Then suddenly she showed me a poster and said, “Son, shall we go to that movie?” I looked at the poster. It is an old English Tarzan movie. We went to the hall. We took the highest class tickets in the hall and went in. To my surprise except for the class which we were in almost the theatre is full. Once the movie started I...
IncestHi this is Ashok again with a true experience with my wife’s sister in Law. I am new to this site and have liked it so I am sharing my true sexual experiences. I am not writing anything as fiction. I have great sex drive and an abnormally big dick. My size was big since my childhood and my first sexual experience was with my neighbor aunty and she exploited me sexually for 4 years and that’s the reason I developed a strong sex drive and have had many sexual encounters. Now am married and live...
IncestIt's late at night, you have been driving for hours and it was safe to say you were now officially lost. It is pouring down with rain and you can hardly see where you are driving, it's a long country road with nothing but trees as scenery. But in the distance you can just about make out, through the heavy rain a faint light. From a house possibly?. Just when your day couldn't get any worse your car starts to make a strange noise. Moments later the car just cuts out. You don't have much...
Becky slept well that night but when she awakened in the morning she had a gnawing feeling, sort of an urge in her belly. She wanted something but she didn't know what. Was it Jesus' message from Reverend Wilson? The day seemed to go on and on. Several times Mr. Best caught her daydreaming and she'd been very embarrassed but finally school was over and she was off to her appointment with her minister. Although Mrs. Bartlett's inexperienced mouth had performed with consummate skill and...
Deep throat Made Easy Here for the first time ever are simple and explicit instructions on how to deep throat a penis. Position is important; you'll want to in position where you can extend and straighten your neck by slightly tilting your head back. This helps line up your throat with your mouth allowing the penis to slide in deep. The best position for beginners is with the receiver lying on his back with the giver lying on the stomach along side. You can prop yourself up on your elbows. The...
Mera naam aneez khan aur meri umer hai 20 saal ki hai aur meri didi ka naam sania kiumer hai 22 saal aur mera bhai ka naam hai naazim khan hai aur bhabi ka naam tahmina tabassum bhai naay naayi shaadi hoyi thi mera aur bhabi khoob jaam thi hamesha main aur bhabi hansi mazak kartha rahta tha ek roz ki baat hai main bhabi baat kar raha tha ki achanak bhabi na pouchi kya tumhari koi girl friend hai maine jhad se keh diya aap jho hoi aap ka hota hoya aur koi doseri girl kya zaroot bhabi shareer...
Dedicated to my inspiration, you know who you are. And thanks to my editor Indigo for smoothing the kinks.Butterflies fill my stomach. I can’t believe I’m about to go through with this. The months of teasing, the hours playing online, they have gone. This is reality. I’m suddenly overcome with nerves. My mind fills with worry. ‘Oh God, what if I’m not experienced enough?’ I shake the thoughts away, reminding myself that I have always lusted over a hot, older man that can take proper control of...
Mature"Take off your shorts and get on the bed" he ordered me. Sleepily I pulled down my undershorts and crawled up onto his bed, a bed left empty by my mother's departure several weeks ago, and laid on my back with my arms at my side waiting. He slipped off his shorts and got on the bed next to me. His small cock was already erect and he laid almost on top of me kissing me on my mouth sticking his tongue between my lips while running his hands over my nude body. Again he took my hand and...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, My name is Vinay (obviously it’s not my real name) it’s just a nick name given by friends. I’m 26 years old and this story is about my aunt who is 35 years old. However, she doesn’t look like 35 as she used to stay fit and a lot of makeup. I’m from Kanpur and she is from Pune. I live in Delhi alone by myself as I’m working. We rarely meet as we are always busy in our lives in different cities. Two months ago she had some work in Delhi so she called me...
IncestBecoming a Maid for Mark and Rebecca, Part Seven - Ms. Rebecca Begins Stevie's Transformation "And so, Stevie, that brings us nearly up-to-date," I told the quivering mound of needy, sexually charged flesh kneeling on the floor at my feet. "Ms. Stephanie and her sissy maid and cuckold Prissy showed me that what Mark wanted from the sissy he owned was not only possible, it was being accomplished by dominant men and women everywhere. We could take a submissive male, a very submissive...
Hi friends, now this is my second post. It is a young lady of 32yrs who loved my previous exp, as gigolo. I am 23 m Bangalore. Now she was interested to meet me, but she hesitated little after her 1st mail. We than talked to each other for a few mails, now she was completely assured that her meeting with me was gonna b a secret only between me n her. So one fine day we decided to meet. This was the first time I was meeting her in real. I was a bit awkward and tried to make some small talk. She...
Annie felt her heart pounding as the warm water cascaded over her naked body. A moment alone in the shower was a welcome respite from the intense lovemaking that just transpired. Yes, it was intense, it was welcomed but it was so wrong. Lust and desire can cloud the mind. Earlier, she was lying by the hotel pool with her family, palm trees blowing in the breeze, feeling insecure in her sleek new white one-piece bathing suit. She bought it special for this trip. She worked out for months...
Cheating"You're not crazy", Chris said as his body turned into the fit, muscular body it had been moments ago. "Why would you think you're crazy?" "For one thing, Santa doesn't exist", Carol said, although she was beginning to realize the truth. "How can you deny what's right in front of you", Chris asked. Carol started to say something, then realized that she had no answer. "I don't know", she admitted, giving in to the truth surrounding her. "Good. That's the first step to becoming...
Mother’s Helping Hand Part 2 Sister Joins In By Reeb This story is a continuation from my previous story titled “Mother’s Helping Hand” where a mother helps her son with his voyeur obsessions over his younger sister and her friends. “Ummmmmmmmmmm yessssssssssssss baby!” mom hissed. I couldn’t take anymore as I arched my back and dumped my hot load deep inside my mom’s pussy. I nearly blacked out as my mind raced and my body shook all over. I could feel our juices mingle as they...
IncestShe was of course born an English girl, a slightly struggling English girl it had to be said, and like so many girls struggling to make a living by herself she had decided to try her luck in the exciting land of America. In truth her early life in the new land had been hard work as well and she had even endured a short spell working in a saloon ,which was not much more than a whore house, as a saloon girl. Something her mother would of died on the spot for if she knew what her daughter was...
Note: ——I am NOT the author! We watched in a horny state of awe as he sucked the head, pulled away his lips and thenI was sixteen and my brother a year older than me but because I “tested out” I was in the same grade as him. Most of my friends were from my grade so they were normally a year old than I. My best friend Jessie, s*******n at the time, and I were inseparable. Jessie spent most of the time at my house because both of her parents worked and because she enjoyed being a nudist which...
This man was Anthony, or at least that's the name he'd given me when I asked. We'd met online a couple weeks ago on a gay dating site. For a few months now I've been exploring my feminine side. Actually, I haven't been "exploring" so much as diving right in. After a bad breakup I had last year with my ex girlfriend I went on a self exploration binge and discovered I was pansexual. Shortly after coming out, I began to discover more and more about myself, such as how fascinated I was by...
The women in general were an exceedingly happy group during dinner. The other warriors noticed, but didn't have a clue as to the reason why. They also noticed John's absence, but since Tom wasn't concerned, they made no mention of the fact. After dinner and the evening cleanup, Janet got her first taste of a steam room and a hot bath. She was only embarrassed about being naked for a short time. She couldn't decide which she liked better, seeing the other women naked, or Tom. Both kept...
Hi this is Anuraag, Here is another story how I had sex with my classmate Pooja. Send your feedbacks at . She is an average figure and comparatively had black skin. But she is pretty and active girl. We were doing lots of activities together hence we used to roam around the college together. I don’t know when I got attracted to her. But I loved to her smell. It was arousing me always. I always had hard on when I get to smell her. So I always making ways to stay near to her and smell her. She...