Snow White The Queen
- 3 years ago
- 39
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With a small duffel bag hanging over my shoulder, I entered the department store, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible. This wasn't the first time I had undertaken this particular pursuit, but I was still tense, anxious and excited.
It was a summer day, with typical mid-Atlantic humidity. I picked up a shopping cart, feeling uncomfortably hot and sticky. Even in an air-conditioned store, summer days don't mix with wearing a pair of sheer, thigh-high, gartered nylon stockings, and a tight girdle, under men's blue jeans.
I headed first for the men's clothing section, beginning a ritual I had run through dozens of times at this store. I randomly removed several men's dress shirts from the shelves, neatly pressed in their rectangular plastic packaging, and threw them into the cart. Did I plan to buy them? Not on your life. Placing them into the cart amounted to "bearding"... concealing the items I was really in search of.
I passed through the underwear aisle, and obtained a few pairs of men's briefs, along with a couple of sets of white crew socks, just for good measure. I took a deep breath, and ready to once again commence with the pursuit of my fantasy, headed over to the women's apparel area.
That familiar feeling of euphoria overwhelmed me. So many beautiful clothes... and so little time, and so little money. The initial trepidation about being caught looking at women's clothing had long ago passed; I learned that few if any shoppers paid any mind to those around them, being too wrapped up in their own concerns. For a short while, I just wandered the aisles, imagining myself in the various outfits, until I realized that I had come here with a purpose. Then again, I always came here with a purpose, and it never changed much.
I got down to business. I had to pick one, and only one outfit. Decisions, decisions. What look did I want today? Despite the abundance of clothing, the style variance was limited. I longed to be able to carry out this plan in a more upscale store where I could find clothing that was trendy, or elegant, or sensuous, or even slutty. But I knew that this particular store had some unique features that made it perfect for what I wanted to accomplish. And so far, it had served me very, very well.
First of all, there were the shopping carts... an invaluable accessory. They made it possible to carry out my plan without being ogled, or being wrongly suspected of shoplifting. Then, there were the men's and women's fitting rooms... unusually close together, and intermingling of clothes of both genders on the racks of tried-on clothing was commonplace. And finally, there was the men's restroom... in reasonable proximity to the fitting rooms, yet concealed way back in the corner of the store. Few customers were even aware of its existence.
I decided that a cute, demure outfit was the order of the day. I quickly found a mid-length floral print skirt that I fell in love with. It had pink, peach, and light orange flowers on a white background. Looking all around me to make sure no one was looking, I quickly held it up to myself. It came to just above the knee. Perfect. Not too short, but short enough to reveal a good bit of my freshly-shaven legs behind those nylon stockings.
Now it was time to complement the skirt with a top. I love playing mix-and-match. With the hot weather and all, I wondered if it would be appropriate to take a chance and choose a sleeveless top. But I decided against it, figuring it wouldn't flatter me, despite my somewhat slight, five-foot-ten frame.
I selected a nice, tight, short-sleeve pink ribbed top to go with the skirt. Next, it was over to the shoe department. I wear size 10 women's shoes, which means the selection is limited. I almost chose a sexy set of three inch heels with straps, but I glanced at my somewhat conservative outfit and instead went with a white set of pumps with one-and-a-half inch heels. I smiled to myself... the school teacher look. With this attire, I'd appear as if I was on my way to the first day of classes in September.
With my goodies in the cart, casually mixed in with the masculine items, I strolled past the fitting rooms. I stopped outside the men's restroom. Looking around again to make sure the coast was clear, I carefully removed the feminine items from the cart, and entered the men's room.
Inside, I quickly took a glance under the stall doors. There were three adjacent stalls, and in the farthest stall I could see a pair of feet wearing casual brown loafers. I ducked down a little more to get a better view. I could see tan slacks resting about the man's ankles, and above the lowered trousers I caught a glimpse of ebony skin adorned with fine black leg hair. I smiled. I wouldn't have to wait this time. Taking a deep breath, I entered the middle stall and locked the door, hanging my top and skirt on the peg. Then, I put my duffel bag on the floor and opened it up, momentarily placing the pretty white shoes inside.
As is often the case with men drawn to donning feminine attire, the urge first surfaced during my early teen years. I would wait for those precious moments when the rest of the family was out of the house. Then, I would stealthily enter my sister's room and rummage through her closet. Laura was two years older than me. However, she was still a few sizes smaller than I was, and it was a struggle to slip into her clothes. There was even an instance when I tore one of her dresses in attempt to get into it, and I was scared to death that my little secret was on the verge of being discovered. I returned the damaged clothing to its place in the closet, and if Laura ever suspected anything, she never let on.
I also tried on my mother's clothes on occasion, as hers were closer to my size. But I greatly preferred Laura's wardrobe. Her taste was, predictably, more contemporary and age-appropriate. The sort of clothes that I would wear if I was a girl.
I often wondered about this strange fascination of mine. I figured at the time it was solely sex-driven, as these furtive dress-up attempts were almost always accompanied by vigorous masturbation sessions. I chalked it up to typical teenage hormone-driven perversion, and thought I'd outgrow it.
But the freedom and independence that accompanies young adulthood allowed me to explore feminine experimentation much further. I moved out, and got a real job; and soon, women's clothes purchased specifically for me began to take up a part of my closet. It was a hidden part, to be sure; I still had no desire to be found out. I became comfortable with buying women's clothes; on the rare occasions when a store employee made a remark, I replied with, "It's for my girlfriend" or "It's a birthday present for my sister". I experimented with makeup and jewelry, and eventually became quite proficient at dolling myself up. I even ordered a few wigs through the mail.
I started longing for more; dressing up at home, by myself, just wasn't cutting it anymore. I had become aware of a female side of myself that was longing to escape. There was also a simpler, more manageable problem. I found myself constantly returning items of clothing to the store, since I was unable to try them on before buying them. So one day, I decided to just drop my inhibitions and use the fitting rooms in the store. Wearing panties and stockings under my everyday male attire, I nervously entered the store... the store that I would soon be frequenting on almost a daily basis.
My first stop was the shoe department; I selected a few different kinds of sandals and open-toed styles. Next, I decided to focus on dresses, which were harder to fit visually, without actually being tried on. I picked out a few nice sundresses, putting them into a cart, and made my way toward the fitting rooms. There seemed to be more people than usual clustered in the area, and I lost my nerve. This wasn't nearly as easy as I had expected. What to do? Then my eyes found the men's rest room, and I realized that the stalls inside might provide the privacy I needed.
But, I thought, you aren't allowed to bring unpurchased items into the bathroom. I wondered if it was worth the risk. I looked around quickly... then decided to make my move.
A quick peek into the men's room... I didn't see anyone. I momentarily ditched the cart outside the bathroom door. Let's not overdo it, I thought; I grabbed one dress and one pair of shoes. As fast as I could, I ran into the farthest stall, up against the back wall, and fastened the latch on the door. Done! I was relieved that the floor and the rest of the stall were immaculately clean.
I got undressed, feeling much more relaxed. As long as I didn't do this too often, I reasoned, this would be a great way to try on clothes before actually purchasing them. The lack of a mirror bothered me a little, as did the cramped quarters; but it would certainly reduce the amount of clothes I returned after purchasing.
I stood naked in the stall, then slipped on the shoes... a pair of white sandals with ankle straps. I relished the feeling of standing nude in a men's room wearing nothing but women's shoes. I slipped into the sundress, a pretty lavender number which reached down to about mid-thigh. Very sexy in a subtle way, and a nice fit; I decided to buy it. Then, suddenly, something happened that made my entire body tingle with fear and excitement.
I felt a rough, forceful hand rubbing and caressing the lower part of my leg, right above the ankle straps.
I was paralyzed; I realized that in my haste, I hadn't bothered to check if anyone was in the adjacent stall! And the gentleman next door, looking under the stall partition, had no doubt seen my feet adorned with women's shoes; perhaps he had also gotten a glimpse of my dress as I slithered into it. And now, he was coming on to me.
My sexual experience up to that point was limited; but the partners I had been with had all been female. Yes, I enjoyed feminine experimentation, but it had never ventured into sexual territory. I had never seriously considered having sex with a man, even dressed as a woman. But I suddenly grew more and more excited at the thought. And my lack of protest toward his advances was telling him all he needed to know.
A rustling next door told me he was getting to his feet; at this point I became really frightened. Was I about to get beaten up, assaulted, or violently raped? He unhooked the latch on his stall, and walked out... and headed toward my stall. I couldn't move. Should I undo the latch, or not?
He made the decision for me. One quick shove with both hands, and the door flew open. The latch was defective, and he apparently knew that.
I felt my knees grow weak; I sank back into a sitting position on the toilet seat. I looked up at the man who had so rudely violated my space. He was tall and large. A blue-and white bandanna adorned his head, with disheveled long dark hair protruding from the sides, partly confined in a ponytail. His fair but rough-hewn face was accentuated with a scraggly beard. He was wearing a tank-top T-shirt with raggedy cut-off shorts held in place by a thick studded black belt. A large pot belly spilled out from under the T-shirt. He had hairy shoulders and arms, as well as several tattoos. Biker boots completed his attire; he looked like a gang member. I was petrified. There I was... this leering, menacing brute in front of me, and I was wearing a dress!
"Well, look at you," he said with a sneer. "Aren't YOU a cutie!" He unbuckled his belt, and let his shorts drop to the floor. His rock-hard penis pointed straight at my face. I looked up at him, and he responded with a lascivious grin. I nodded ever so slightly, not believing my own brazenness. He stepped toward me. Deep down inside, I knew what I wanted, and he was about to give it to me.
"This super-macho guy thinks I'm hot. He thinks I'm a babe," I thought to myself as I parted my lips, and the engorged head of his thick, stubby cock passed between them. I closed my eyes, and all I could think was, "I'm a woman, and I'm gonna make this man come in buckets."
He came ferociously in no time. I took his load in my mouth, and swallowed it all. And the scariest part was, it turned me on. I had always enjoyed dressing as a woman. Now I found that I enjoyed being a woman sexually.
My biker dude didn't stick around; he was clearly only interested in the novelty of it all. He hiked up his shorts and immediately departed the premises. He never uttered another word, and I never saw him again. With the salty taste of his semen still in my mouth, I locked the door, and just stood there in my lavender dress and white sandals, contemplating the situation. I was appalled, fascinated, and horny, all at once, over what had just transpired. I knew that from that moment on, my life would never be the same. Something had been awakened within me.
I began to frequent that store, and that men's room. I found that the store staff paid little or no mind to what took place in the vicinity of that bathroom. It wasn't too long before I had another sexual experience of the same nature with a different man. And then another. I learned that this rest room, due to its well-concealed location, was a meeting place for local men who were cruising for sex. It was the perfect situation in the perfect location.
And, was I ever the novelty act! I became very popular. I felt like the queen of the men's room. Before too long, a few guys were meeting me regularly. We would make dates to meet in the rest room, and often, they would tell me what type of outfit to wear.
At first, I waited for the men to approach me. But then I became bolder. I would slip a pair of ladies' shoes onto my feet, and dangle one foot close to the partition, in full view of the occupant of the next stall. A few men would become alarmed, or grossed out, and hastily left the bathroom. But if they stuck around, and passed the "shoe test", I knew I was home free. I made the middle of the three stalls my place of operation, so that I could double my chances of success.
My inhibitions became considerably lowered in every respect. I began dressing up more and more at home. I was still afraid to go out in public en femme; but gradually, I found myself spending the majority of my time in female mode when alone in my apartment.
At the store, I refined my modus operandi until I had it down to a science, and typically made two or three trips a week. I began bringing accessories along in a duffel bag; wig, panties, bra, breast forms, stockings, jewelry. Except for the wig and breast forms, I purchased all those items in that particular store, and kept the receipts, lest I be questioned as to the contents of the bag. I could deal with the embarrassment of being caught with women's attire, but not with the legal hassles involved with being suspected of shoplifting.
I also brought along lipstick and a powder compact, which I kept in a purse inside the bag. Obviously, a bathroom stall is not an optimal place for makeup application. I did the best I could, which meant a minimal amount of makeup applied in a less than precise manner. But none of the men I met ever complained about how I looked! I would select an outfit, depending on my mood, whether I was meeting anyone, or if I was just trying to find myself a new partner. I would hide it in a cart under men's clothes, bring it to the door of the men's room, and remove the outfit, ditching the cart and the men's clothes in the process. I would change in the middle stall, and I became adept at dolling myself up very quickly. I would wait for someone to show up if necessary; it usually didn't take long. When a "friend" appeared in the next stall, I would slip over into his quarters and suck him off. Not once did I ever ask for or receive reciprocation; as far as I was concerned, that wasn't part of the scheme. Afterwards, I would change back into male mode and quickly wash off any makeup in the sink. Outside, I would casually slip the women's clothes back onto the rack near the fitting room, where they would be combined with other tried-on clothes. There were a few close calls, but I never got caught.
I would then head home, put on feminine attire once again, and relieve my own horniness through masturbation. I would fantasize about what it was like to really make love to a man as a woman, and increasingly, my fantasies involved my having a pussy.
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith My stomach roiled. Summoned to see the queen. Dawn peeked through Princess Lavhi’s window. My sisters, sex slaves, and I...
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Emma Frost was approaching the striptease club known as The Justice Club. The White Queen was in her old uniform consisting of a white corset and white fur cape. To those who saw her, she appeared as a generic man who was rather large and no one would trouble the big man. Ever since she had taken over the school for Xaiver and started teaching the Generation X kids. She had slowly been losing money. Emma needed some place to invest money, and she heard that this place was starting to be a...
Sacrifice?.Anja The Jungle Queen ?Jungle Peril Chap 1 by Enigma This story contains bondage, torture and sexual theme?no minors Anja awoke from a fitful sleep, she stared at the sun and the new dawning morning knowing that this day would be like no other. Today the proud jungle queen would allow herself to be captured by one of her mortal enemies. As Anja rose and stretched her thin muscular body towards the new day she shuddered to think of all the torments and tortures that she was sure...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The figure entered the department store. By now, this sort of store was familiar to it. It had been in a similar place before. It moved, sliding between the shoppers, not noticed. It was so average. So nondescript. Nothing to be concerned about. Why give it a second glance? The figure trembled. It could feel the building ecstasy. Eight panties had gone out. Eight girls mind-controlled into new beings. The rush of meddling was almost orgasmic to the...
Princess Diana returned to Themyscira within 26 days after leaving Alexander's encampment. She was immediately allowed to appear before the Queen where she asked for a private audience. She did not want to discuss offering herself sexually to Alexander in open court. "Very well, Diana," Queen Hippolyta told her daughter, "Retire to your chambers and refresh yourself with a bath. I will join you there within the hour." "Very well, my Queen," Diana replied, bowed to her mother and left...
The state rodeo queen, Cassidy, was a high school classmate of mine, and we were good friends. We were active in many of the same things, mainly FFA and music. She was about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, red head. Up until a couple years ago, she was a little on the skinnier side with about medium C breasts, but the summer after graduation, she was up to small D’s, and now a year later, she filled out a pair of Wrangler jeans a lot fuller than I had seen before. She entered the arena with...
My Father’s passing was a surprise to everyone; The royal family was the first to hear, with redundant hawks sent all over the nation to notify next of kin. The lineage has been passed on and I am the new king. My long afternoons spent studying our traditions and laws went from feeling like a boring waste of time to feeling like an opportunity to finally rule the way I wanted. My condolences are with the members of my family who knew him before his reign, but the rest knew he was a coward and...
Carnival Queen Chapter 1 - 1 in a million My family owned the best beauty parlour in the district in mid America where I lived. It did hair, make up, tattoos, permanent make up, hair removal, nails, tanning and everything a good parlour should provide including botox, etc. It even had links to a cosmetic surgery for more structural changes. I was 17 and I had an older sister of 19, Samantha, and she was very excited right now. It was time for the town carnival and every year...
The Hit Men Meet the Demon QueenBy Denuded Man-berriesIt is early evening and a man in his thirties is walking down a trail in the woods. He is wearing jeans and a denim jacket with a white t-shirt and combat boots. He is puffing a pipe full of cannibus and seems to be heading somewhere specific.He stops at a fork in the trail and sees a broken branch on a sapling, takes a breath, and looks around.Down the trail two men are coming from the other direction; one heavy set, the other thinner. They...
>> Read this in some femdom place in Second Life ages ago and thought I should share
Harmony struggled to keep up with the long legged women, who had captured her. Afraid that she'd lose her balance and be trampled to death, she kept her eyes forward, but her mind was on Byron. Were they as rough with him? Where were they taking them? So many questions were floating around in her head; all without answers. They weaved in and out of various side streets that sparkled in the artificial light, until stopping at a set of diamond steps that led to the very castle that had originally...
SupernaturalYes, yes, I freely admit I was a fan of the TV series. Shoot me. But in my humble opinion it was one the best written shows on the air. So here is my take on what I think should have happen to Buffy. Cordelia was hotter. Her body was so much better than Buffy’s. BUT ALAS?. she isn’t really a super heroine so unless my fans demand it. I will be not writing a CORDELIA GOES ON SALE. [email protected] BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND THE CURSE OF THE GYPSY QUEEN ...
RACE QUEENby TOXISThis is a mistake. I never should have taken their money but it was so much money. When was I going to make $1 million in one year ever again? I was so sure I was doing the right thing. Now look at me.Let me back up. Eighteen months ago, I was the newest partner in a major New York law firm, only 26 years old, one of the best and brightest. I was drop dead gorgeous but in a professional way. I knew it too knew. In college and law school, I kept getting offers to...
Jake was still sitting up in the bed; he could feel his strength starting to slowly seep into his body. An opened mouth Gen was staring at him shock registering on her face and body. "Master? Are you able to move more?" Issuing a sigh Jake stated, "From the waist up, though I can feel some strength starting to seep into my hips." "Thank the great Jinn!" Jake heard Rasmir say. "Yes I have to agree." Akeesha said as she removed herself from the floor. "It would...
It is said that beauty of a woman can save the world. The beauty of Queen Catherine, however, is not that kind of beauty - it is not the beauty of a caring mother that settles disputes between men and cools their passions, or a youthful, tender girl that can make a boy's heart bloom and the man inside him awaken, or the beauty of a wife that gives her husband the strength to carry on. No, hers is the beauty of a huntress, a seductress, a vile she-demon. Hers is the beauty of a that dooms, that...
How many girls can say they own a palace? Not many, but I bet that turns to none when I ask, how many girls own a palace made completely of ice? For as long as I can remember, I had this cold, dark force inside of me which allowed me to create things that were deemed impossible by many. My parents tried to cope with having a freak for a daughter but after a long struggle, they finally gave in and abandoned me on top of the mountains. People were sure that I would die up there alone but they...
SupernaturalThe characters in this story are King Dhirendra ,queen Divya and their son, prince Devendra. There were many small kingdoms at that time and they were fighting with each other to become bigger kingdoms.King Dhirendra was the bravest among the kings of small kingdoms . He married the neighbouring powerful kingdom princess Divya to have her kingdom in support of his kingdom.King Dhirendra was at 26 and Divya was just 16 at the time of marriage. (She was the most beautiful princess in the entire...
IncestThis tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...
“Come on, move along!” A gruff voice barked from behind me, and someone else slapped their spear haft across my shoulder blades. I rode the blow, and managed to not stumble, even though my hands were bound behind me with iron cuffs. The rough metal scraped against my wrists, but I focused my attention on climbing the polished marble steps. My captors ushered me roughly up another flight of stairs and along an ornately decorated hallway. My bare feet slapped on the floor in counterpoint to the...
Council of Quadrant Queens By: Malissa Madison Each Quadrant had hurried to send their Ambassadors to the new Queens, pledging their open support. Sending what they could quickly muster together to reinforce the security for Quill as well as Empress Queen Moshi of Antera and also for Queen Keeli of Draconia. Many pledging money to help pay for the changes they knew would be needed before the Dilithium mines could be reopened by the Anterian's. The Avian...
The rain beats in steady sheets against the leaded glass of the windows. Brilliant flashes of lightning chase the many shadows around the ancient stone walls of the queen’s bedchamber. A hearty blaze in the huge fireplace battles the autumn chill seeping through every unguarded chink and crack in the large room. From behind the heavy, iron clad door come the sounds of a struggle and angry male voices. The door swings wide to admit two large guards and their reluctant prisoner. They half drag,...
"Why I Am A Size Queen" By Janet MasonThis post has been copy and pasted from Janet Masons own blog. It explains why shes a size queen that loves huge Black cocks and cuckolding her husband. In a lot of her porn movies with BBC its quite clear she isn't just acting and here she tells it in her own words.Steve and I spent last night sitting by the fireplace with a bottle of excellent Pinot Noir and had a great discussion about the role of the 'lifestyle' in our relationship...especially the...
??????????? As the last of her maidservants was dragged screaming from her chambers she slumped, defeated and distraught into her divan, her royal robes dishevelled. Apart from the opulent surroundings no-one would guess that this was a queen of what was only three months ago a thriving kingdom.??????????? Then the hated Romans arrived claiming the kingdom for their empire and demanding submission from her husband, the king. Her husband?s armies had proved no match for the invader...
Warrior and the Queen The vanquished warrior gazes the length of the vast throne room, to see thefigure of his Captor, the one who has defeated him and turned his army to ruinousrout. Had they come face to face on the battlefield, then he would surely havetriumphed, but now he is in chains and his physical strength is useless. With pride he walks the length of the hall, the vast columns of stone supportingthe vaulted roof pass by on either side. Shackled as his is, he cannot maintaina strong...
Queen Arerto was woken by her chief lady in waiting Bella as the servants brought in a golden tray with the Queen's breakfast. "Good morning your majesty it is a fine day" said lady Bella "Morning Bella" The queen got out of bed and pulled on her dressing gown and headed to the table in her room for breakfast. The servants and Bella left while she had breakfast. Arerto thought back yesterday she was a carefree princess with not a worry in the world. Yesterday was the worst day in her life....