Possessed! free porn video

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Amanda fumbles sleepily for her alarm clock, desperate to stop the horrid sounds that are blaring through her room. Her hand comes down on top of the offending clock once; twice; a third time. Defiant to the last, the alarm clock continues to fill her bedroom with its disharmonious tones. Her hand falls to the top of the night stand and begins to pat all around the evil timepiece's base. Her fingers at last locate the power cord and, after jerking back briefly in triumph, seize it and pull until the room is finally silent.

Amanda pushes her legs off the side of the bed and sits up, rubbing her knuckles briefly into her bleary blue eyes. With a wide yawn, she pushes her long blond hair back from her face and shuffles her feet about on the threadbare carpet until she locates and slips into her favorite fuzzy, pink slippers. She sits there for a moment mentally going over the days schedule: anthropology 101 at nine; volunteer work for MADD at ten; back to back classes from noon until four; and then a Campus Bible Fellowship meeting at six. She twists the chastity ring on her finger around for a moment while idly wondering what she will do after the meeting.

There will probably be something good on the Hallmark channel, Amanda decides as she stands; there usually is on Friday nights. Straightening her sleep rumpled flannel nightgown so that its hem settles around her ankles, she stumbles off towards the bathroom. She takes a quick pee and brushes her teeth. As she's leaning over the sink with bared teeth to check the results of the latter exercise, her reflection expands into a huge caricature of her face which grins cheekily back at her.

"Hi!" a perky voice says brightly.

"Who's there?!" Amanda cries out, jumping back from the mirror and looking frantically about the bathroom.

"How rude of me. I'm Alex," the voice replies.

Amanda's darting eyes come to rest on the toilet brush and she springs across the little room to grab it, bringing it to bear above her shoulder. She then creeps on tiptoes to the bathroom door and peaks timidly around the frame.

"Where are you, Alex?" Amanda whispers.

"Really, Amanda? A toilet brush? Who do you think I am? The Culligan Man?" the voice pipes out merrily.

"Who?" Amanda asks as she spins to face into the bathroom, her eyes searching the walls and ceilings for hidden cameras and speakers.

The voice lets out a little sigh, "Never mind. Before your time. But, to answer your earlier question, I'm in your head. Well, it's a little more complicated than that, but I suppose that explanation will have to do for now."

"In my head?" Amanda whispers incredulously, "Am I going mad?"

Alex replies, "No. No. No. If you were going insane you would never know it. You would just think everyone else was getting stranger. It's really quite simple; you've been semi-randomly selected for possession. Congratulations!"

Amanda presses her back to the bathroom wall and sinks slowly to the floor while wailing, "Possessed? I'm not just going insane, I'm already nuttier than a fruitcake."

Alex sighs again and mutters, as if to itself, but as itself is currently Amanda, Amanda is able to understand just fine, "Damn. I knew I should have taken my vacation a millennia or two ago. Introductions were so much easier in those days."

"Vacation?" Amanda asks.

Its voice resuming its earlier perkiness, Alex replies, "Yes, indeed! Vacation! Two whole weeks on the mortal plane! I'm so excited!"

Horrified, Amanda whispers, "Are you from hell?"

"No! Err, yes. Well, maybe. I suppose that you would think of my home dimension as hell, but hell really isn't what you think it is."

"Huh?" Amanda replies.

"Well, the heaven and hell of mortal religions are merely grossly distorted approximations of certain portions of the true multi-phasic, multi-dimensional structure of the multiverse."

"Huh?" Amanda repeats.

Alex sighs yet again, "The pertinent points are: the place I come from is not the source of all evil on earth; my friends and I do not get our jollies torturing damned souls for all of eternity; and I have no intention of making you vomit pea soup."

Slightly mollified, Amanda asks, "So what do you want with me?"

"I thought we covered that already? No? Okay, then. I'm on vacation! Two wonderful weeks of experiencing all the pleasures that a physical body can offer."

"You don't have a physical body?"

"I do now. Yours! But, assuming that you're referring to my natural state then the answer is: No, I'm completely incorporeal. Which isn't really as bad as it sounds; I will exist for all of time and can move about the multiverse at will. Flitting about the multiverse is actually a lot of fun, but without physical sensation even that gets dull after a few dozen aeons. Which is why I'm here."

"But why me?"

"You were selected by the finest travel agency in all of the outer planes of existence as a being who would be compatible with the parameters of my purpose for visiting the mortal realm."

"But how is this even possible?"

"Pretty simple, really. The travel agency selected you, I floated into the quantum harmonizer, and here I am, sharing your body with you. Sorry I didn't speak up earlier but the trans-dimensional transfer of sentience does cause a bit of ... well, jet lag. Now, how about showing me around my new diggs?"

Amanda blinks her eyes rapidly for a few seconds at this sudden change of subject, but answers, "There really isn't much to see; this is the bathroom, the bedroom is right outside the door and..."

Alex interrupts, "Not your apartment, Amanda. You."

"Me?" Amanda replies dubiously.

"Yep. You. So, stand right up and let's have a look under that nightgown."

With a blush, Amanda replies in a scandalized tone, "I'm not letting you see me naked!"

"Look Amanda, I'm a part of you, at least for the next two weeks. So, technically, the only eyes that will be looking at you are yours. You've seen yourself naked lots of times, haven't you?"

"Well, yes, but..."

"So, what's the problem? You were about to take a shower anyway, and it's not like you can go the entire next two weeks without one. At the very least, you're certainly going to have to use the toilet. Face it, at some point, you're going to have to get naked while I'm here, so we might as well get it out of the way."

Confused and unable to think of a counter-argument, Amanda stands and pulls the nightgown over her head.

"Nice tits!" Alex says exuberantly. "I don't suppose that you would be willing to jump up and down a few times for me, would you?"

"No!" Amanda replies hotly while covering her breasts with her hands.

"Didn't think so, but it never hurts to ask. This is much better, anyway. Thanks!"

Amanda suddenly realizes that her thumbs and forefingers have ceased assisting the other parts of her hands in hiding her breasts and have instead begun to tenderly squeeze and stroke her nipples. Amanda gazes dumbly at the disobedient digits for a moment before pulling her hands violently to her sides. Her left hand promptly slips around behind her and gooses her bottom.

"Nice firm ass, too! I think I'm going to like it here," Alex exclaims happily. "By the way, we really are going to have to do something about that bush of yours. I've seen superclusters with less spread. You do realize that the seventies ended decades ago, right?"

"Stop it!" Amanda cries out while clasping her hands over most of her extraordinarily abundant pubic hair. "How are you doing that?!"

"Huh. Not the most luminous main sequence star in the universe are you, Amanda? Don't feel bad, intelligence is often overrated. But I digress. I did mention that I would be sharing your body with you. Implicit in the whole concept of sharing is a measure of coequal control."

"You can control my body?" Amanda cries out, aghast.

"I just said that it was coequal. That means that if we're both trying to move the same body part but in opposite directions, our efforts will generally cancel each other out. And, to be fair, I actually can't control your entire body yet; integration takes some time. At the moment, my influence only extends to those parts of your body above the navel."

Amanda squeals as one of the fingers that she has clasped over her bush extends over her plushly covered mound and lightly rubs circles around the hood of her clit. Blushing, she extends her arms directly out in front of her while crying out, "Don't touch me there!"

"It's your own finger Amanda. It's not like you've never masturbated before," Alex replies smoothly.

"I haven't!" Amanda shouts.

Incredulous, Alex asks, "You mean you've never groped the grotto, itched the ditch, ladled out the gravy boat, beat the beaver, did some buffin' of the muffin', paddled the pink canoe, tiptoed through the twolips..."

"No!" Amanda interrupts, her blush deepening, "I've never touched myself ... down there. It's dirty!"

"Well, then," Alex exclaims, as bright and perky as ever, "we'll just have to make it clean. So, how about that shower now?"

Amanda realizes that she does need a shower and that the hot water might help clear her head and let her make sense of all that is happening. Alex is silent as Amanda fetches a towel from the closet, turns on the water and steps under the warm spray.

After soaping up the washcloth, Amanda tries to wash herself as quickly as possible, doing her best to ignore the fact that her hands keep groping her when she passes over her breasts, ass or crotch.

"Mmmm," Alex moans happily, "you mortals take hot showers entirely too much for granted. Why don't you just relax and take a second to really feel the hot spray pounding into your back, the warmth radiating through your muscles, the water cascading sensuously down your body."

It does feel really good, Amanda decides as she leans back into the spray, her eyes drifting closed in enjoyment. She loses herself in pleasure for a long moment before she suddenly realizes that not all of the good feelings are coming from the water hitting her back. Snapping her eyes open she peers down and sees that her left hand is moving busily about between her legs. She feels one of her fingers gently rubbing back and forth between her pussy lips as another softly circles the delicate flesh around her clit. As waves of pleasure radiate through her body, she wills her fingers to stop, to move away, but they continue their tasks uninterrupted.

"Why can't I make you stop?" Amanda moans.

"Because you don't really want to," Alex replies soothingly as it directs the finger between her pussy lips to gently slide just inside her entrance, the tip swirling around in small circles. "Admit it, Amanda; this feels good, doesn't it?"

"Well, yes, but..." Amanda can't think of any buts as her pleasure continues to grow, causing her thighs to tremble and her stomach to quiver. The finger in her pussy moves a little deeper while continuing to swirl around inside her. Her knees go weak and she has to use her other hand to clutch desperately for the shower rod to keep from falling to the floor.

"There are no 'buts.'" Alex says gently, "There's no reason not to bring yourself pleasure; to use the parts of your body for the purpose for which they evolved."

The finger inside of her moves even deeper and her thumb begins to directly caress the erect nubbin of her clit. Amanda moans deeply as her knees weaken further causing the shower rod to buckle slightly under the strain of supporting her weight.

"Perhaps we should move to the bed before we fall and hurt yourself," Alex suggests.

In a daze, Amanda steps from the shower and hurriedly runs the towel over her body before moving to her bed. As she lies down on her back, her left hand again moves to her center and resumes where it had left off; sliding the forefinger slowly in and out of her pussy while the thumb traces lightly over her clit. She sighs softly as the pleasure again begins to radiate through her body.

Alex asks softly, "Why don't you help me, Amanda?"

Amanda knows that there is a reason that she shouldn't, but can't think of what that reason might be. "What should I do?" she whispers.

"Start by moving your right hand down to your pussy," Alex coaxes. Under Amanda's control her right hand moves slowly down the soft, taut skin of her stomach until her fingers comb through her thick pubic hair. The finger from her left hand slides out of her vagina and retreats slightly to ever-so-gently caress the sides of her clitoral hood. Amanda moans in disappointment at the sudden feeling of emptiness and knows immediately what she needs to do.

Her right middle finger slides easily into what is now their pussy, gliding deliciously over and into their flesh on a thin film of oily secretions. Amanda had been wet on an embarrassingly large number of occasions in the past, but never like this; she can feel a steady trickle of juices running down between the cheeks of her butt, forming an ever growing wet spot on the bed. As Alex continues to use Amanda's left hand to massage their clit, Amanda plunges a finger of her right ever more deeply into the tight recesses of their cunt, filling the room with liquid sloshing sounds. As she continues her ministrations, Amanda can feel the lips of their pussy growing thicker and more dense around the base of her finger.

"Add another finger, Amanda," Alex directs excitedly.

Amanda complies eagerly and moans at how exquisitely full she feels with the additional finger sliding in and out of her alongside the first. As Amanda's hips begin to thrust upwards to meet each delightful plunge of her digits, she can feel the heat rolling out from her engorged sex in waves. So much heat that Amanda can't believe that her pussy isn't steaming. She can feel the warmth elsewhere as well: in her chest, in her breasts, in the nipples that are swelling and tingling and almost aching with the lack of direct stimulation.

Alex dips the fingers of Amanda's left hand down across the lips of their pussy before bringing the now lubricated digits back to their clit. Amanda's breath starts to come in deep gasps and she can feel their vagina begin to contract rhythmically around her fingers. The contractions radiate outward from her center and, within moments, her entire body goes rigid. Amanda screams in ecstasy as pleasure explodes through their body and mind.

Amanda goes limp and lies panting on the bed; overcome with a lassitude beyond anything in her previous experience. The fingers of her left hand run gently between their labia a final few times and then drift up over the tingling flesh of her tummy before coming to rest on her breast where they gently tweak her nipple.

"Wow! That was great, Amanda! It was everything I had hoped it would be," Alex gushes enthusiastically, "You may start a little slow, but you sure do finish strong!"

Suddenly shy, Amanda asks tremulously, "Are you man, Alex? You know, when you're in the place that you come from."

"I don't have a gender, Amanda. I believe I mentioned that I'm incorporeal in my natural state. If there's one law in the multiverse that isn't violated in any dimension, however bizarre, it's that sentient energy matrices don't have genitalia."

"Oh." For some reason this increases Amanda's embarrassment and she searches for an escape, finally settling on the old standby, "I need to go pee." She winces as she realizes how flawed the usually reliable excuse is in her current situation.

"Okay! Let's go," Alex says agreeably.

Now that the afterglow of her orgasm is beginning to fade, Amanda is mortified. She can't believe that she had allowed that nasty little pervert in her head to make her perform such a dirty act. As she sits on the toilet, she does her best to look anywhere but down, determined not to give the pervert another cheap thrill.

"Huh, who would have thought that such a basic act as emptying a bladder would bring its own form of satisfaction?" Alex asks rhetorically, "Do you mortals ever do anything that doesn't feel good in some way or other?"

Alex then adds, "Oh, and Amanda? I would have thought that you would have figured it out by now, but, as you apparently haven't, I'm sharing your brain which means that I know what you're thinking. I may be a bit of a pervert from your perspective, but I didn't really 'make' you do anything. As I recall, you were quite happily finger fucking yourself when you could have been forcing me to stop."

As Amanda searches for way to shift the blame back to Alex, Alex adds, "By the way, you might want to look down; this will be difficult if I can't see and I really don't want to hurt us."

Eyes widening in horror, Amanda snaps her gaze to her groin where she sees that her left hand is holding a pair of scissors poised above her huge bush of pubic hair.

"Where did you get those?" Amanda yells.

"I snagged them from beside the sink while you were busy feeling guilty," Alex replies, "Now, if you could just spread your legs a little wider..."

Amanda struggles to take control of her hand, to force it and the scissors it holds away from her vulnerable bush.

"Now, now, Amanda," Alex cautions, "Do you really want to get into a battle of wills when there's a sharp object so close to your soft, lovely thighs?"

Amanda slumps, defeated. After spreading her legs slightly she sits and watches numbly as clumps of pubic hair fall into the toilet bowl.

"I don't know why you would want this thing anyway." Alex says as it gleefully directs her hand to reduce her luxuriant bush to stubble, "It's not like the carpet matches the drapes."

"Where do you keep your razor at, dear?" Alex asks before noting, "This will get itchy if we don't finish the job."

A half hour later, Amanda, now dressed in a denim skirt and blouse, is sitting at the kitchen table glumly "listening" to Alex gush happily over the chocolate chip cookies and milk it had insisted that they have for breakfast. She shifts her bottom about on the chair almost frantically; now that she's smooth shaven it seems that the crotch of her panties is constantly rubbing against her clit. The constant little pulses of pleasure are making it difficult for her to keep her arousal at bay.

"I have heard of chocolate before, but the reality of it far exceeded my expectations," Alex notes with satisfaction. As Amanda's left hand slides up along the smooth skin of her thigh and disappears under her skirt, Alex adds, "And I think I know the perfect way to top off breakfast..."

"Stop it! Just stop it!" Amanda cries out as she jumps to her feet. "That's the last straw! I can't take having you in my head even one more minute!" Amanda decides that her best hope lies with Father Dobbs, the priest of her church. He has always liked her. Surely, if she asks nicely, he would be willing to perform an exorcism.

"That's really not a good idea, Amanda," Alex interjects, "Let's just talk this over. I'm sure we can work something out."

Undeterred, Amanda goes to her closet and locates shoes that she can slip on without using her hands. After doing so, she marches to the door. After a ten minute struggle, concluding only when she uses her foot to disengage the dead bolt, Amanda gets the door open and surges out into the hallway. There she is stopped short by the grip her hands have formed on the doorway. Leaning forward, Amanda strains mightily with her thighs until, finally, Alex's hold breaks loose and Amanda stumbles down the hallway toward the stairs.

"Come now, Amanda, let's be reasonable about this," Alex says calmly.

"No! I'm not listening to you ever again!" Amanda replies hotly as she forces her fingers loose from the bannister.

"Oh, and Amanda? If we're going out into public, you might want to stop speaking out loud when you're talking to me; I can understand your thoughts just fine. No one else can 'hear' me and I really don't want to spend my vacation locked up in a padded room."

"If you're not talking out loud, how come everything you say is in quotation marks?" Amanda asks suspiciously.

"Well, dear, italics don't survive the conversion from Wordperfect format over to a text file and Notepad doesn't allow for multiple fonts in a single document. So, without quotation marks, our dialogue would be a lot harder to follow," Alex replies.

"Oh," Amanda says while rubbing her chin thoughtfully, "So, when I'm conversing with you inside my head, will my thoughts be in quotation marks?"

"Sure. Why not?" Alex answers agreeably.

Once out on the sidewalk, Amanda marches determinedly in the direction of the church, her progress only occasionally impaired by one of her hands flinging out to grab telephone posts, parking meters and the like.

As Amanda pries her fingers loose from the most recent street lamp post to be grabbed, she mentally hisses, "Stop that, Alex! You said you don't want to go to a padded room, but grabbing things and making me force you, err, myself to let go will get us there almost as quickly as talking to myself would."

"Good point," Alex admits grudgingly as it relinquishes control over Amanda's hand. "I'm telling you, though, that this isn't a good idea." Thereafter, it remains silent and docile for the remainder of their journey.

The familiar figure of Father Anthony Dobbs greets Amanda with a smile as she enters the church, "Amanda, dear. How very nice to see you. What can I do for you this fine day?"

"Father, something has happened that I need to talk with you about. Privately, if that's okay."

"Certainly, Amanda," Father Dobbs replies as he turns and leads her to his tiny office.

Once they are both seated, Father Dobbs asks, "What seems to be the problem, Amanda?"

"Well, Father, this morning when I woke up..." Amanda starts.

"I had an incredible urge to come and suck your cock." Amanda hears her voice finish.

Amanda claps a hand over her mouth but hurriedly pulls it away again when one of her fingers starts to salaciously pump in and out between her lips.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Amanda thinks angrily.

Alex replies calmly, "I told you that this was a bad idea. The only times that exorcism works in cases of actual possession are when either the possessing entity's vacation expires while the ceremony is going on or the entity just gets bored and leaves. Nevertheless, I have no intention of spending precious days of my vacation tied to a bed while listening to some dreary stick-in-the-mud mutter at us in piss poor Latin. Then again, the tied to a bed part might be interesting..." Both Alex and Amanda suddenly realize that the priest is talking and interrupt their internal argument to listen.

"Well, um, Amanda dear, I have to say that I am very surprised to hear you say that," Father Dobbs fumbles out. Then, in a deeper tone, he adds, "I've been dreaming of hearing you say those words since you were nine."

Amanda is entirely too shocked and appalled to prevent Alex from using her mouth to answer, "Well then, Father, why don't you pull out thy staff and thy rod?"

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Conquered and Reborn By Astrid Bassira There are some people that say I have had a lucky life, usually those who talk behind my back but I am a success because I also have talent and good looks. Some people say I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, wealthy family, the best schools and then Oxford University where I achieved enough to be able to take over the business from my ailing father. Steve Jones, my best friend, was my financial brain and business partner while I...

4 years ago
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Simon Says RevengeChapter 2

“Ah, Mr. Avanti. Nice to meet you. Sana said that you’d be coming,” the attorney greeted me as I entered his main office after about twenty minutes or so of admiring the secretary. I tried not to be too obvious, but hey, blondes ... what could I say? “Sana?” I asked. “Dr. Habib. I’m Yuri Natansky and you’re Simon Avanti, the man who was her patient last night, right?” the bald, goateed divorce lawyer confirmed. “That I am. Look ... what my wife did last night ... it’s not simple adultery....

3 years ago
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I want to fuck my daddy

Introduction: my true feeling n thoughts….comments please BUT NO MEANIES LOL!!!…ILL CALL THIS A SAMPLE OF PluSizePussi…EVERYTHING IS TRUE. IF GOOD COMMENTS N RATE MAYBE A STORY… TRUE AND TELL ALIL BOUT ME HERE N THERE I want my dad to fuck me! I dnt kno were this came frm but I want my daddy to fuck me. Nice hard strokes, lick my pussy,suck my nipples hard,suck on my clit,while I deep throat him, get his dick nice n wet have him stroke his dick while he watch me play wit my pussy. Im 22,...

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Moiras Story

Moira's Story By Sailor 861 Chapter 1: The Beginning Moira MacPeak's sex life with her husband, Graham, needed some spark. After15 years of marriage, the electricity of intimacy had dimmed and Moira wasdetermined to fix it. She loved Graham -- they were married just after grammar school in theirsmall town in western Scotland -- but sex in recent years had become a strictlyso-so, Saturday night routine, devoid of excitement, adventure, experimentationand, most important, lust. But the day...

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The day she caught the train

As I sit on the train coming home from work wondering how much the garage bill is now going to cost, the most stunning auburn hair milf strolls down the aisle sitting in the seat's across on my left hand side. Taking a look at her almost amazing leg's in her hugging skirt white blouse and matching jacket, my cock stirs in my boxers as I try not to make eye contact. Pulling out my phone to inform my wife that I will be training it home and the cars broke down assuring me my wife will be home the...

1 year ago
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The Card Game

John and Denise look like almost any young couple. They don't look like movie stars but are nice looking. They both work out regularly and keep themselves in good shape. Denise has a nice body—not too big in the boob department but a really nice butt and she dresses to show off. Not slutty, but like a sexy girl next door. They live on acreage out in the country but not too far from the city. John inherited the house and property some years back and they've made it a nice little homestead...

4 years ago
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The Burlesque Dancer

It was Valentines Day and my husband, James, had told me to arrange a babysitter for the evening as he had booked ticket to a show as a surprise. I was very excited at the thought of a romantic night out, just the two of us. We didn’t get to spend as much time alone as we would both like as he worked long hours and I stayed at home to care for our three young c***dren, so I decided I was going to make an extra special effort this evening. James was going to pick me up at seven, so I dropped...

2 years ago
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A Swinging Neighborhood Ch 07

Author note: This story is completely fictional but it is based on experiences over a lifetime. Many of those experiences have been embellished in this story. All characters are at least 18 years of age. I broke down the story into chapters and I will submit it one chapter at a time. The series will continue as long as I get positive feedback. Suggestions for additional chapters are welcome through the comment section or e-mail. I have already used some previous suggestions and requests from...

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The Mermaids Courtship 1 Rebellious Daughter

Chapter One: Rebellious Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Kolin – Calthin Bay, Kingdom of Thlin The net was set, drifting in the water behind the boat. I sat on the lip of the small fishing boat I worked with my wife, Willa. The craft was a wedding gift from my father, a small sloop to begin our fishing trade. It had only one mast and two sets of oars to row. It was perfect. My feet dangled in the calm waters as I perched on the side. The blue depths fell away beneath me....

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RuneswardChapter 53 Contention

“You’ll be wantin’ to put out t’fire,” a man from one of the nearby camps spoke up as he approached. Yren looked up from feeding a small supply of twigs to the slowly growing flames. He’d just dug the shallow pit and lined it with rocks. He dropped the tinderbox on one of the flatter rocks and wiped his hands along his rough, brown trousers. As was the custom, he’d taken off his armor just before setting up camp. Armor wasn’t very flexible and most of the chores involved with setting up camp...

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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part Five

I was begging Robert to let me suck my first black cock and I still wasn't sure if he would give me permission or deny me.Finally Robert spoke, "Mark I think I will allow your wife to suck my cock. Would you like to sit here next to me and watch her being a cock slut for me?"Mark said, "Sure, I love watching DeAnn being submissive."As Mark got up he told Suzy to go over to the bar and fix him and Robert another cocktail. While Suzy was doing that, Mark crossed the room and sat down next to...

1 year ago
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Reagan Riley Get Slippery

"RILEEYY WAIT UUPPP" Was all i heard as i blared my music until i was sure my ears would bleed any minute. I paused the song but didn't pause my jog around the school track. I needed to do something to keep my "freshman fifteen" in check...except i wasn't a freshman but that was a minor detail. I glanced back to see the one and only jogging up behind me. Reagan. My Reagan. Ok, she wasn't mine, but close enough. She has been the only one i have thought of since our little lovers night a few...

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Lunas Perfect Day

Luna Lovegood woke to the sound of birds singing outside the window. Slowly sitting up and pulling her bright blonde hair, she looked around. The girl's dorm room as empty. "huh? where did everyone go?" she asked herself, slowly getting out of bed. "did I miss breakfast again?" she looked out. there were no students in the courtyards and everything was quiet. She crept down the stairs to the common room, which was also empty. "did everyone just vanish?" She looked around and spotted a note...

1 year ago
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First Sex With Teacher

Hello guys! I am rahul….Today I am gonna share my first sex experience with you. This happened when I was in 12th science…..I was an average student in chemistry but I thought ki mujhe tution join krna chahiye so maine rashmi mam ka tuition join kia…..Unka tuition mere ghar se thora dur tha bt still maine unke baare mei bhut suna tha so maine join kr lia. Wo unje ghar mei hi tution padhati thi. Mam ki age hogi around 25-26 and wo bhut sundar dikhti hai. Unka figure hai around 34-26-36. Waise...

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Law of the BloodChapter 10 Like A Virgin

They were taking a north-west direction to a town called Notabir. According to Annys it would be the last town before a huge wilderness and it would take about two weeks to reach it. Only small settlements and farms could be found north of that town. She never went that far north nor did the other villagers, but sometimes a trader from Notabir came through Rhagneyr. It was still winter and cold, but their new clothes provided a new level of comfort for the girls. Traveling was now much...

2 years ago
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SparksChapter 27

"Good morning, Supervisory Agent Batista," the 3rd floor receptionist said, her eyes smiling welcome. "I'm really looking forward to working with you." Osvaldo returned the greeting. Though his office had a window, and carpeting, and some really nice maple ply furniture, it was still in an office park with tall buildings that blocked a view from any direction but to the north. His third-floor office overlooked the roof tops of a housing development, and into the hillside beyond. It...

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StepSiblingsCaught Kylie Page Step Sister Swallows Warm Cum

Kylie Page isn’t feeling well after getting her tonsils out, and her stepbrother Tony wants to help her out. He tries bringing her ice cream and popsicles while enjoying an eyeful of her big boobs in a bra and her bare pussy in her sheer thong. He suggests that maybe a warm drink would help, and since they don’t have coffee or tea he offers some warm cum. Kylie agrees, then lays back as Tony starts stroking his big dick. She helps him jerk off, using her hands and her puffy lips...

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Just Sex

‘This doesn’t mean anything,’ Brian says harshly against your lips. You glare and shove him further into the wall, delighting in his gasp of pain as his back smacks against the wet tiles. ‘Fucker,’ he curses, pushing hard against your chest in an effort to shove you away. You grip his arms tightly, not giving him an inch. He thrashes violently against you until you shove a knee between his legs and grind your thigh against his cock. His head slams back against the wall and the moan he lets...

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It all started about a month ago when I got a phone call from an old boyfriend of mine that was now living in Florida. Dan is very muscular and teaches weight lifting in his own gym. Dan is a very tall man and besides being very muscular, he is very well endowed and is black.I dated Dan a couple years ago and I had to stop seeing him because things were getting too serous to continue. Dan moved to Florida a few months after we broke up our relationship. You see. My husband allows me to date...

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P90SEX Allies squash tournament

“Ouch!” Allie yelped. “That really hurt.’ Allie began frantically rubbing her ass after receiving the full velocity of a squash ball right on her butt cheek. Dave rushed over to apologize and to assist her in any way he could. “I’m so sorry. I hope you’re OK,’ he said apologetically. “This is going to leave a mark on my ass for sure. I did not realize that the competition was so fierce in this squash tournament,’ Allie said with a smile as she continued to rub her ass to relieve the sting....

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Faith Trust and Pixie Lust

Toby's head swung around when he heard the shriek come from somewhere above him in the tree. He and Riana had come to the village for the weekend to relax and visit with the other fairies there. But what he saw happening in the air above him seemed to be anything but relaxing. Riana was hovering in midair and seemed to be slapping another sprite as hard as she could. Not just one indignant slap, either. She was slapping the hell out of the other fairy. Toby was horrified and flitted up to them...

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Silver Lining 3

End of Part 2: She climbed up my body again, laying next to me. “I love the taste of my pussy on your cock. And when you cum…oh god…it’s just incredible. It’s like when I taste you, I can’t wait to have more of you.” “You really love your own cum?” She nodded in the affirmative. “How did that start?” Erin’s face looked a little bit…apprehensive? “Promise you won’t be mad?” “I could never be mad at you baby sis.” I held her closer to me, comforting her, protecting her. “Ok…” Her voice was still...

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My Innocent Wife Gangbanged In Goa

Hello indian sex stories dot net  readers this is ravi (27 years) here from udaipur rajasthan. Today I am going to tell you a story about my wife isha gupta. She is 24 years old and 5ft 5inches fair and sexy. Her assets are 34c 28 36. She comes from and very conservative background from a vilage called pali in rajasthan. She mostly wears saree with sexy blouse and transparent cloth. You can compare her to disha patani. She shows her cleavage while cleaning and doing other household work. She...

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Separate Hells Shared Heaven

2001.06.22 Twice upon a time, twice upon a place, existed a spirit drowning in misery. One, thirty-four year old Jeremiah Scottson, had lived off the street for a year after divorcing his wife of 5 years and was often found in a drunken stupor; the other, 4-year-old black-phase grey wolf/labrador hybrid Midnyte, was down to flea and tick-infested fur and bones as her owners found her an inconvenience to clean, feed, or even water regularly. Jerry's divorce devastated him, though the divorce...

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EvilAngel Candice Dare Blonde8217s Sodomy And Enema Date

Gorgeous, all-natural blonde Candice Dare is in dire need of an intense anal pounding, and well-hung director Mike Adriano is happy to oblige! Candice peels off her skin-tight, booty-packed jeans to pose and spread for a rectal tongue-fuck from her freaky stud. Her nipples swell when Mike worships her anus, and she thanks him with a slobbery, throat-cramming blow job. Candice rides cock anally, deep-throats dick ass-to-mouth and expels enema fluid from her fully fucked sphincter. She guzzles...

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Young BBW

I still don't believe what happened last year and am sure many of you will not either.I am a 61 year old guy. I been on a business trip for a week and found out late Friday I was not going home. Had a few more days work to do.I had spent most of the day Friday trying to get new programs set up and traing the women on how to run them.By the end of the day I was flustrated that some people so resent change and were not receptive to what was happening.All I wanted was a good cold beer. some supper...

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My Mothers LoverChapter 4 Fasching in the Black Forest

Ellen's Diary: Thursday, March 1, 1973 Dear Diary, Mame has been offered a vacation in Europe by one of the big tour operators she does business with. It fit with C's winter break at school, so we are on our way for a new adventure. C's first time in Europe so, that's nice. Charlie and I are landing in a couple hours at the airport in Frankfurt. Charlie is snoring quietly against my shoulder, all warm and snuggly. I can hardly hear him though because of the sound of the engines. The...

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BlackAmbush Annette 05032020

Who’s getting ambushed today? Well feast your eyes upon super sexy Latina, Puerto Rican and Dominican mixed Annette as our latest ambushee. I think we all need to take a trip South of the boarder or to the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean so we can all sample the fine ass girls down there don’t you think? Just watch this and you’ll come to the same conclusion that this sweet 18 year old is one of the sexiest girls to grace the Ambush bed sheets lately, and lets just say...

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RebirthChapter 12

I headed out of Ronny’s house and back into the borrowed Jeep with a new destination. I drove a few minutes down the road before pulling over and rooting through the glove box, hoping for a map. The map I had gotten when Renata and I had left Miami was with the rest of my stuff, abandoned in that motel room when Renata was grabbed. I was happy to find this guy kept a map of Florida in his Jeep. With my face plastered on the news telling people I was a kidnapper and a murderer, I wasn’t...

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Two is Company Three is Fun College Confessions Cont

After my fling with Mark and my see saw relationship with Kate, I pretty much went emotionally numb. I would go to class, practice and work then go home. I had no life. I was lonely and depressed because all my other friends were in relationships and out partying, yet I was alone. I hated my life. I hated my body and I despised how the men around the school looked at me. Guys hit on me all the time, making sexual innuendos and it made them sick. I desired the intimate touch of sex but I didn't...

Group Sex
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Tara 4 AntsChapter 16

Bette looked at the man, shocked by his anger. Gazza stood abruptly, “No, he is a baby. I’ve seen a very interesting future for him but it can go several ways. You can treat him like the special child he is, treat him like the abomination you say he is and suffer the consequences or you sign him over to Bette and me, and we will make sure he has every opportunity to become what he can be.” “I will go get the magistrate,” Nat said abruptly and stormed out of the room. He was a tall,...

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Nautical DelightsChapter 25 Courting

Second Officer Charles LeBoeuf had been contemplating acquiring an English wife for some time. He was well aware that he could not court an English woman while on duty for long periods in the Gulf, and that a mail-order bride, or something comparable, was his best hope. He realised that a virgin was out of the question, but felt that virginity was over-rated. After all, virginity was once-only and in an English bride would always come with a total lack of sexual training. With the return of...

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Educating Natalie

Prologue Readers of a curious disposition may find it of interest to know something of the source of the text they now hold in their hands.  Let me simply say that the information was bequeathed to me by a friend, a man who devoted his adult life to educating the young, spending much of his career in the European school which I have here named Von Hoffman’s.         Toward the end of his life, aware of the illness which was soon to claim him, my friend requested that I take possession of a...

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Shemale beauty cloths ripped off on stage

The venue had very talented c***dren performing and Spanky was the final act. Earlier in the day Spanky was furious with his overbearing mother, so he decide to throw the performance. Gathering 25 neighborhood 25 c***dren together, he orchestrated all his friend’s to be at the performance and give him “the works.” The plan was to have them loudly hurl insults and pelt him with rock hard peas. Sure he thought, I will fix her once and for all, I will not just fail but I be so embarrassing and...

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Jaipur Se Delhi Tak Pyar Ka Ehsaas Part 8211 1

Hello dosto Mera naam hai abhinav aur main rehne waale hu delhi ka. Main bilkul normal ladka hu, dekhne main thik thak, wheatish complexion aur gym karke apni body ko kasht nahi deta. Main iss ka bahot bada fan hu aur bahot dino se soch raha tha ki apni kahani bhi upload karu.Agar aapko meri kahani pasand aaye toh mujhe feedback dijiyega meri mail id par jo hai aur jo mujhse baat karna chahte hai ya suggestions chahte hai woh bhi mujhe mail kar sakte hai. Yeh bilkul sachhi kahani hai aur is...

4 years ago
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The Girlfriend

The third and last of the new stories. Maybe you could let me know which of the three you liked best, or disliked least would work too XXXThe GirlfriendBy Nikkie Silk“It looks like Sam has a girlfriend at last.”“Huh, what?” My attention was fixed on the rugby on the TV and I really wasn’t paying attention to my wife.“I said, numbnuts, that a huge sinkhole has opened up in the high street and it’s swallowed the pub and all the customers.”“Oh, OK.” Rolling her eyes she said, “What did I just...

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Like An Actual Girl Part 1 of 2

Joe put his feet up on his coffee table as he flicked through the after game stats on his Xbox. “Yeah, good game. You guys going to be online tomorrow night?” “For sure, laters,” Sam said. A couple of seconds later it flashed up on the TV screen Sam has left the party. Kevin chuckled. “Actually I’ve got a date. But who knows, if it bombs I might be on here looking for some things to kill.” Joe smiled. “A date? Seriously, a loser like you?” “Yeah, well, when you’re watching some noob teabag...

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Himura BattousaiChapter 29 Two DestiniesMegumi

(They climb the stairs and proceed down a passageway overlook the ballroom. Kenshin suddenly falls to his knees.) Sanosuke: Kenshin! Kenshin (getting up): I'm all right. I just stumbled a little. Let's hurry. Miss Megumi is waiting. Sanosuke (thinking): Looks like it would be better if we hurried. (looking down upon the ballroom.) Shinomori Aoshi. Your great strength hurt Kenshin a lot. But in one battle, you were hurt worse by far... (Megumi, in the tower, clutches her knife...

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Nasty Family Gay

100% fiction! My name is Mike and I just turned 18. I live with my mom and dad and my uncle Joe (moms brother). My uncle is always cracking sex jokes or talking dirty. Moms 56 years old, with a medium build, big tits and a nice big bubble butt. Dads 58 years old with a medium build and a beer belly. Uncle Joe is 52 and has a medium build with a big belly also. I made a small hole from my closet into the bathroom so I could watch my mom naked. I also peeked on my dad and uncle. As it turns out,...


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