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"There's a drifting spirit coming clean, in the eye of a life long fire."

Lethal Weapon sound track
Elton John


If you were to ask anyone what they thought of Jesse Cutter, they would tell you that he was just like anyone else. There really was not anything special about him. Or so everyone, including him, thought. He wasn't outgoing, but then again he wasn't shy either. Jesse Cutter was just... Ordinary.

At the age of fourteen, Jesse was, what some girls thought, cute. He had sandy-blonde hair and hazel eyes. He was of average stature for a boy his age. The only thing that really set him apart from his peers was his knowledge. Jesse always loved to read. His favorite subject was history. Jesse liked to read about other countries. Daydreaming was his favorite past time. He wanted to see the world. But that didn't set him too far apart from his peers. Jesse had quite a few friends that hated reading.

I guess you could blame it on the small town he lived in. The reason he wanted to leave, that is. It was just a town like any other small town. It had a population of about four thousand. Jesse lived there with his mother and three sisters. His father had left long ago, he hardly remembered him. So, he didn't much care.

Unlike most kids, Jesse thought his mother was pretty cool. Her name was Karen Cutter. She was not like most mothers. She never said ordinary things, like "Tuck your shirt in.". No, that wasn't her style. If she thought that you should do something she would suggest you do it. But do not be mistaken, she would ground you when needed.

Karen dated sometimes, like a couple of times a month, but she never really got serious with anyone. It was a joke among her kids that she just did it then to fulfill certain... Carnal needs. Her kids were all pretty quick. They would tease her about it sometimes, but it was always in good nature and she took it with good humor.

Jesse's sisters, they were prone to making him jealous, sometimes. Where he was most certainly plain, his sisters all had a unique quality about them. They all had something special that set them apart from the rest of the family. Each of them was different in there own way.

Take the twins for example, they were identical, save the hair, and they were as different as night and day. Jennifer acted the most girlish of Jesse's sisters. She was the cheerleader. And a little snobby. She was what most of the poorer kids called a prep. Because she thought, she was better than they were. That was a joke, because Jesse's family was far from rich, Jennifer was just a wanna-be prep.

But she was most definitely beautiful, there was no question about that. She had light blonde hair that fell just past her shoulders and crystal blue eyes. She and Heather were only a year older than he was. They were both very well developed for their age. They looked closer to seventeen than fifteen. For some reason all the girls in Jesse's family were very well endowed. He never could figure out why.

Heather, needless to say, looked just like Jennifer. She had short, light blonde hair though. No body really called her Heather. Everybody mostly called her Stony. They called her that for a reason. Stony could be stone-cold mean when she wanted to be. Don't be mistaken though, she wasn't a snob or anything like that, she just had a temper that would make the devil bow down.

She dressed in shredded blue jeans and tight t-shirts most of the time. Stony didn't really have many friends that were girls. She mostly hung out with the guys. But they were just friends. She was a die-hard tomboy and wasn't afraid to admit it. There were many times that Jesse could remember when Stony would come home with a swollen hand, she would hit someone or something when she got mad.

And then there was Michelle. She was possibly Jesse's favorite sister. In Jesse's eyes, she was also the most complex, and beautiful. The reason she was the most complex was that she was good at almost everything she did, right down to the Martial Arts training. She was also a contradiction in looks, as far as the other children were concerned.

Where the others had blue eyes, Michelle had dark green. Michelle also had long auburn hair that fell close to her ass. She was built like a super model but she didn't show it off in skimpy outfits like Jennifer. Michelle was also book smart. She was seventeen and a Jr. in high school, but colleges were already looking her way.

The thing that Jesse liked most about her though was the fact that she was extremely protective over him. Michelle rarely lost her temper (Due to the Martial Art training, helps with the focus) but when she did, it was usually over Jesse. Michelle had actually gone as far as yelling at their mother for grounding Jesse for too long. She got grounded herself for doing so. But she didn't talk to her mother for three days, Karen ended up releasing the grounding on both of them to get her to talk. Jesse respected her a lot for that.

Jesse was the youngest of the Cutter family. And he never forgot. Karen still would not let him stay home alone. She always had Michelle keep an eye on him. Sometimes he resented that, but most of the time he relished her company. Even though he had about a dozen people at school he hung out with, Michelle and Stony were his best friends. He loved Jennifer, but it wasn't the same. She always looked down on him. Plus, Stony had a few of the same friends he did.

Even though Jesse thought his life boring, he grew accustomed to it. Little did he know that his life would change so drastically.

The pool hall was smokey that night. Everyone knew that you were not allowed to smoke unless you were over eighteen. But, the owner sort of let that slide. The Red Apple was a cross between a pool hall, bowling alley and a bar. Kids and adults were allowed in the place. The kids just wern't allowed to partake in drinking alcohol. But they could buy smokes out of the machine and shoot pool... And that suited them fine.

Jesse Cutter kind of blended into the crowd that was near the pool tables. He was sitting in a booth that was attached to the wall. His sandy-blonde hair partly covering his eyes as he nursed a Coke he just bought. Jesse was dressed fairly well. He had on a blue button-up shirt and a pair of jeans. They were both new.

He looked over at pool table number six and saw that Stony was still shooting. She's gonna wipe the table with him. The poor slob, he didn't know what hit him. Jesse thought with a chuckle as he looked at his lovely sister.

Jesse took a closer look at Stony. She was dressed like she usually dressed. Stony had on a pair of old faded jeans (that fit well) that had the knees torn out and a t-shirt that was about two sizes too small. Her crystal-blue eyes looked calculative as she lined up her next shot. Jesse thought she looked like a predator when she competed like she was.

"... Earth to Jesse! Are you there, man?" Josh Williams asked. Josh was one of Jesse's friends from school.

"Yeah, sorry. I guess I was out of it there for a while," Jesse replied.

Josh followed his line of sight. To see what his buddy was looking at, then laughed. "Man, your sister is looking HOT tonight," he said, never letting his eyes leave the girl in question.

"If you want to keep your teeth, I suggest you watch your mouth," Jesse said, there was a smile on his lips, but none in his eyes. He was dutifully taking up for his sister. After all, isn't that what brothers are for?

"I was just playing," Josh said with an apologetic look, then added "That guy she's playing with, he's a little old to be playing with her isn't he?" Josh asked, trying to change the subject.

"That's what I thought, but he heard that Stony was pretty good. He bet her twenty bucks, she couldn't turn it down," Jesse said with a touch of pride.

"What is he? Like thirty?" Josh stated as he watched Stony set up another shot, the LAST shot. "Well, whoever he is, I think he just got his ass kicked, Stony's gonna sink the eight-ball." Josh said and watched as she did just that.

Jesse just laughed out loud. "That's my sister, point blank, as usual." Then he watched as the guy she was playing did something stupid.

The guy she was playing stood about six feet even and had a huge beer belly. A person could tell he was a little drunk by the way he moved, but he wasn't trashed. Jesse watched his face as Stony sunk that eight-ball. It went from surprised, annoyed, to anger in a matter of seconds. Jesse also knew that the guy was going to do something stupid and stood up seconds before he did.

"You stupid fuckin' cunt! You hustled me!" He screamed at her.

Stony gave him the sweetest smile then. "You're the one that wanted to play old man, pay up." Her face didn't show it, but there was danger in her voice. Before she could do anything to defend herself, the guy reached out and grabbed a hand full of her hair with one hand and slapped her straight across the face with the other.

"I don't think I'm gonna pay you a GODDAMN thing," he said, there was something in his voice that just wasn't sane.

It felt like Jesse was moving through a thick fog after he saw Stony get slapped. All he felt was rage... But it felt like he was going in slow motion. In reality he was moving much, much faster. He didn't know where he picked up the pool stick. The next thing he remembers is standing behind the guy that had a hold of Stony.

Jesse had the skinny end of the pool stick in his hand as he raised it above his head. The man that held Stony only had one warning, well five words to be exact. "You stupid, dumb ass fucker!" He screamed and brought the stick down with a mighty SMACK. The heavy end of it hit just where the side of the head met the top of the head. Even though he was only fourteen, he brought it down with enough force that it snapped the stick into.

It was strange to Jesse how all the sounds in the room fell away. Jesse could only hear the guy slumping to the floor, the blood already pouring from the side of his head. Jesse just stared at him for a moment, the other end of the pool stick still in his hand. The end that had the sharp point because it was broken...

There must have been something in Jesse's eyes, or it could have been that the hand that was holding the broken pool stick twitched; Whatever it was, it told Stony what Jesse had on his mind and she was sent into motion. She flew over the man's unconscious body and right into Jesse, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him away before he could do what she KNEW he wanted to.

Everyone in the room was quite as she led him to an empty corner, his eyes still holding rage. Then someone yelled "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

Jesse was shaking and he was gripping the broken pool stick so hard his knuckles stood out stark white. "Easy, easy now... Come on Jess, you're scaring me, calm down. Please?" Stony asked in a voice that was as smooth as silk. She must have been able to cool the savage beast with that voice, because it worked on Jesse, and the funny thing was, talking like that was not her style.

Jesse began to come back to his senses then, what he had done just came to him. Ohhh, FUCK! His mind screamed. What the fuck was I thinking??? "Is... He... Dead?" Jesse asked in a broken voice.

Stony could tell that he was upset and close to breaking, so she tried to be as calming as possible, which really wasn't her style either. "No, he's still breathing... Look, Jess, I would say, 'Let's get the hell out of here' but the cops would come to the house and Mom would flip, I think we should wait... I don't think you'll get in trouble," She said and stroked his cheek with her knuckles. She usually didn't show such affection, but Jesse was REALLY upset. "That looks... Pretty bad," Jesse said, looking at the pool of blood that was starting to form on the floor, around the man's head.

"Well... He deserved it," Stony said, grabbing Jesse's jaw and turning it away from the unconscious man. She thought it would be better if he looked at her and not him. "My protector," she said softly, the love in her eyes was evident. It was a sisterly love though.

The words and the look are what did the trick. All of it seemed worth it then. He hurt her! Right? Right. He thought as he looked at the red spot on her cheek.

That was when Josh walked up, it was sort of funny the way he was whispering. "Hey Jesse, man, you better jet... They called the cops." He said in a low, low voice.

"I think I'll wait it out," Jesse said in a firm voice, after he saw the red spot on Stony's cheek it made him angry again. But this wasn't the rage he felt before, now he was just pissed.

"Are you dense, Jesse... ?" He got cut off.

"No, he isn't DENSE. Can you imagine how much SHIT we would catch if we ran?" Stony asked in an annoyed voice. "Besides, he was just defending me," she added, there was confidence to her voice.

"Well, guys, I don't think it's gonna matter what I do now any how," Jesse said with what looked to be a smirk. For some reason, it was all a little amusing to him. He didn't see why it would be though. He was looking to his left, where the owner usually was.

Stony followed his gaze and saw what he was looking at. Two men in blue, talking to the owner. The owner was pointing out where Jesse was at for the cops. "Aw shit, it figures they would be prompt when it comes to US getting trouble," Stony said sarcastically.

"Let me do the talking," Jesse said with clipped finality.

"But Jess,"

"No BUTS. Let me do the talking," he said again.

"All right," Stony said as the police officers walked over to where they were standing.

Jesse could see the ambulance guys come in with a stretcher in his peripheral vision. The cop that started to talk first was a short fat man with a mustache. "We need to talk to you for a moment," he said

"I think that's apparent," Jesse replied, watching Stony put her hand over her mouth to bite down a giggle. He didn't know why he was acting like a smart ass, but he was.

"Did you attack that man over there?" The cop asked, pointing to the guy being loaded on the stretcher.

"Yep," he said in the same clipped tone.

"I think we're going to have to take you down the station for some questions,"

"No, you don't! He was just defending ME! You aren't taking my brother ANYWHERE!" Stony said, throwing an arm around Jesse's neck. Her voice was really high pitched and angry.

"Ma'am, I think you need to calm down," the other cop said. Then looked at Jesse. "Come on, we haven't got all night. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say--" Jesse cut him off.

Jesse didn't know why he said what he said next, it just came out. "No, I think my sister is right, I don't have to go anywhere," he stated, his voice was firm and unforgiving. His eyes were like hazel fire. So, you just take your little hand cuffs and leave me the fuck alone! He thought.

When he thought that, a strange tingling sensation started inside of his head. Or at least it seemed like that anyway. He watched as the cops got a queer blank look, but the look faded in seconds. "You're right... You two have a nice evening," he started and looked at his partner. "Come on, Jack. We'll get the statement from the other guy when he wakes up," he finished, then both turned and started for the exit.

Jesse had a look of comic surprise on his face. What the hell? He thought. Then he turned to Stony because she was laughing.

"'We need to talk to you for a moment,' 'I think that's apparent.'" Stony mimicked the cops and Jesse, laughing harder.

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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 2

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

4 years ago
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Jess the lesbian slut part 2

Jess watched as the tennis ball hit the back wall and the crowd erupted. Anna Kournikova had won yet another match. Jess collected the ball and rolled it to one of the ballboys. Jess had black hair with a brown tint, long and sexy. She was taller now than when she had lost her lesbian virginity to Sally, but for a 15 year old she was very attractive. She had perfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfect ass. She had applied to be a ballgirl at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, and had been...

2 years ago
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Jess Ch 1 Dorm room surprise

Jess set up the video camera so that it was facing her roommate's bed. This should be fun, she thought, as she adjusted the angle just right. Her classes were done for the day, but Melanie wouldn't be back for another half-hour. Her tight-fitting shirt and jeans discarded, Jess moved about the tiny dorm room in her usual underwear, a lacy demi bra and matching thong. Her see-through thong did very little to hide her thin patch of hair and her pussy. Jess' bra was also sheer, showcasing her...

Group Sex
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Jess the lesbian slut part 2

Jess watched as the tennis ball hit the back wall and the crowderupted. Anna Kournikova had won yet another match. Jess collected the balland rolled it to one of the ballboys. Jess had black hair with a browntint, long and sexy. She was taller now than when she had lost her lesbianvirginity to Sally, but for a 15 year old she was very attractive. She hadperfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfect ass.She had applied to be a ballgirl at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships, andhad been...

2 years ago
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Jess Michelle and Me

My wife's friend Jess has been living with us for the last two months. She and her ex split and he basically threw her out on the street. She was living in her car until Michelle my wife talked me into letting her stay with us. Now my wife is a straight-laced professional woman. Five foot-seven, one hundred ten pounds, long dark hair, and tits that stop traffic. She knows that every straight guy in the office would jump at the chance to bang her. Sometimes, I think she enjoys the attention a...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Jess and the driver

Introduction: Jess pushes her fantasy to the limits The night had been a good one. Jack, in his late twenties, and his wife Jessica had gone out clubbing. She was the same age, 28. Half Indian, half Caucasian. She was a rare beauty, caramel skin, perfectly sized DD breasts and a face that turned most heads. Jack was no slouch, dark hair and handsome, the two had met in their last year of collage, and had married a few years later. Tonight Jess had a tight dress on, it was short, it barely...

4 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

4 years ago
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Jess Ch 2 The surprise next door

Jess waved goodbye to her parents as they drove off for traditional weekend dinner and movie date. They had almost skipped it to spend more time with her since she was only home for a few days, but she insisted on them having a good time. As they drove out of sight, Jess smiled; she was about to have a good time too. Jess unbuttoned her jeans as she walked to her room. They slid off her gently curving hips as she shut the door. She was so horny, but it seemed the universe was conspiring against...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Jess Ch 1 Dorm Room Surprise

Her tight-fitting shirt and jeans discarded, Jess moved about the tiny dorm room in her usual underwear, a lacy demi bra and matching thong. Her see-through thong did very little to hide her thin patch of hair or pussy lips. Jess' bra was also sheer, showcasing her ample 34D's. Her nipples were too large to be hidden by a demi bra, resulting in a good deal of her pale areolas exposed. Jess checked her strawberry blond hair in the mirror. It was wavy, and almost long enough to cover her...

2 years ago
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Jess the lesbian slut part 1

Sally and Jess stepped off the bus and walked together down the slow and quiet street. Sally was blonde, 16 and very sexy. She had nice legs, and big breasts. Hair golden blonde hair was just below shoulder length, and she was very pleased with her looks. Jess had black hair with a brown tint, long and sexy. She was average height for a 14 year old, but she was very attractive. She had perfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfect ass. She wore a short black school skirt, a white shirt and...

4 years ago
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Jess the lesbian slut part 1

Sally and Jess stepped off the bus and walked together down the slow andquiet street. Sally was blonde, 16 and very sexy. She had nice legs, andbig breasts. Hair golden blonde hair was just below shoulder length, andshe was very pleased with her looks. Jess had black hair with a brown tint,long and sexy. She was average height for a 14 year old, but she was veryattractive. She had perfect tanned legs, nice breasts and a perfectass. She wore a short black school skirt, a white shirt and red tie....

2 years ago
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Jess and Karla

Jess and Karla It had been around six months since I first met Jessica, while working at her home boarding out a loft space, and consequently hot sex with this stunning woman who happened to have great big cock! We had been seeing each other nearly every day since. We had been out for romantic diners, clubbing, the movies and sexy nights in, sometimes just cuddling watching TV, other times fucking all night long until falling asleep exhausted in each others arms. My friends didn't know or...

4 years ago
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Jess and the Birthday Party

Jess wandered into the kitchen at her parent’s house to pour herself another drink. It was her grandfather’s 80th birthday party and most people were in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and celebrating. Her grandad’s old friend Frank came in and glanced at her. He had been flirting playfully with her for years now, and Jess always enjoyed the cheeky banter between them. “It was my 80th last month and I still haven’t had my present from you Jess” he chuckled with a cheeky grin in his eye.“Well...

2 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

5 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 3

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

4 years ago
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Jess looked at the ropes in Andy’s hands, and wondered if she had agreed to something she shouldn’t have done. It had been a bet, a bet she had lost, and Andy was keeping her to it.Had she won, it would have been a meal at an expensive restaurant, a show, and all on Andy. Losing meant he was going to tie her up, anyway he chose, for as long as he chose, and do what he wanted to her. No holds barred.She didn’t mind sex with him, she had done that before, even though both had their own...

3 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 60

“Mistress Emma, Brent Sir,” Jess said, ignoring my frustrated groans, “May I suggest you have a seat at the table before the food grows cold?” Up to that point, neither Emma nor Brent had noticed the card table we had set up in the second half of the living room. Other, more interesting, sights had occupied their attention. Jess and I both pulled out chairs for our guests; I for Emma, Jess for Brent. On the table, we had set up a steak dinner with salad and baked potato. Jess opened a...

3 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 18 No Time For Christmas

Dinner was a letdown for them after the adventures they had that afternoon. Marie felt the familiar pressure begin to build up inside her again. "Jesse, when will this all end? I want nothing more than to have our baby and go back to ranching. I love our ranch and I love you and I just want to have some peace and quiet." She sighed and shoved her done to perfection prime rib away from in front of her. She fought the panic attack she felt start to build up inside her. "Let's get...

3 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 3

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered “Fiction” although it has its basis in “Fact”. This is not to be considered a true tale of underage sex, statutory rape, or molestation, as these...

2 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 13 Winter Is For Healing

Jesse pulled up in front of the Emporium and parked. He made no move to get out. Instead he turned to Marie and asked, "Are you all right now? Maybe we should take you in to Laramie or Cheyenne." She was grateful and comforted when she heard the love, concern and worry in his voice. "I can get us into Laramie in four hours tops," he added. She felt it come from deep inside her. Marie felt a great dark wave anger build up at the way he tried to run her life for her. No man would ever run...

4 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 61

Jess sat herself down on Brent’s lap and put an arm around his neck. She played idly with his hair while he recovered from his orgasm. “So, Sir Brent,” Jess began, “how do you feel now about things?” Before he could answer, Jess reached down with her other hand and used a finger to scoop up some residual cum leaking from his shrinking member. The finger went into her mouth and she sucked on it while waiting for his response. “Um, I, um, I don’t know...” he said uncertainly. Jess made a...

3 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 8 Plans

The Emporium was across the street and down a half block. An older, somewhere in his sixties man, hurried to greet them as they entered. "Jesse, come right in. Please buy something. Business is so bad even the shoplifters have started to go elsewhere. I'm so close to closing my doors forever you would not believe it." "Saul, ever since I first started to come in here you have been about ready to close your doors forever. You sold me my first new pair of boots on credit when I was...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 72

Jess stood up and Emma instinctively did the same, but Jess directed her to sit back down. “Hold on,” Jess said. “Let me just get some stuff first.” Emma heard a lot of rummaging around going on in our bedroom. Jess eventually returned with an arm full of stuff, only some of which Emma could identify. She dropped the pile on the floor (carefully enough so as not to ruin anything.) “K,” she said, straightening back up and putting her hands on her hips. “Tell me to strip.” Emma blinked,...

3 years ago
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Jess and I

Jess and I By Sarah M. I can't believe we lost again! A 2-7 team just pasted us, 45-0. Our school is officially the worst school for sports in history. None of our teams ever win anything. It's pretty sad when the only trophies in the case are for cheerleading. The cheerleaders are always good in competition, usually ending up in the top 5 in state. At least they are predicted to be the best squad in state. I am a trainer for the football and basketball teams, being too small...

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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 25

We pulled into the mall parking lot a minute later. I tensed as we drove through the packed lot. Anyone would easily be able to see me, but Jess was still driving and no one did. As she pulled into a spot, she looked over her shoulder. “Ok, you can put them back on. For now. Don’t think we’re done yet though.” My erection was painfully hard as I stuck it back in my shorts. The rough fabric scraped uncomfortably against my sensitive skin down there, but I wasn’t going to show weakness. I...

2 years ago
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Jess and Aarons New Neighbor OWWH 4Chapter 47

Emma shrugged. “Sure, what did you have in mind?” Jess didn’t answer, but left the room, heading towards our bedroom. She returned a minute later holding a strap-on which dangled from her hand by the harness. “My husband isn’t going to fuck you tonight, but how would you like to fuck him?” Jess asked. Emma’s eyes went wide. “I, uh, don’t...” she said. Jess clapped Emma on the shoulder and waved the dildo in my face. “Come on, live a little. He loves it. I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of...

4 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 4 Howdy Partner

Jesse woke up the next morning at four thirty as usual, still groggy from lack of sleep. He had to force himself to roll off the couch and get ready to face the new day. He slipped out of his jeans on the way to the bathroom. Still half asleep Jesse took his morning leak and stepped into the shower. The icy needles of water sprayed over him and shocked him into a state of almost wakefulness. He dried off and got dressed in thermal underwear and loose fitting jeans. He slipped on his parka...

3 years ago
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Jesse and Marie and the WindChapter 7 The First Battle

Once again, his strength and agility amazed her. Jesse stood up on the wagon seat, crawled up the side of the stacked bales and held on with one hand while he jerked two hay bales down onto the bed of the wagon. Snow flew from the bales when they landed. He pulled himself over and grabbed one bale and dropped it in the wagon. Then she saw what he had done. He had begun to create a series of steps up the side of the hay in order to get to the top with the least amount of effort. It amazed her...

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