Peyton's Pajamas free porn video

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Main Character:

Peyton, 14, Female
- glasses, beige skin, 5’7, 130lbs, bleach-blonde hair past shoulders

I’ve lived my entire adult life with a secret. No, not one of those secrets that, if found out, would bring the police crashing through my door. A secret of the mind, a preference that I could tell no one about. Almost no one. At sixty-five, I’d had this secret buried deep inside me since I was fourteen or fifteen, but only when I hit my twenties did it really become something worthy of hiding.

I have an attraction for girls in the mid-stages of puberty. Hebephilia and ephebophila were the two terms which described what I felt for the supple, blossoming teens who frequently caught my eye. As a teen myself, there was no issue. I enjoyed relationships with girls as young as fourteen and those through eighteen, but only after I had aged out of those high school years did I notice my lack of attraction for anyone beyond that age.

I met my first wife when I was twenty-three and she was fifteen. We dated in secret for almost three years before we married when she was eighteen. It got difficult quickly when her goals and mine didn’t align and we divorced after only twenty months.

My second wife was fourteen when I met her, me then twenty-seven, but we did nothing but talk until she was sixteen, which was the legal age of consent in my state. Like my first wife, we married after she turned eighteen.

Despite my attractions which primarily focused on girls under twenty, and more strongly, those in the high-school age, the marriage lasted until my wife died of breast cancer at thirty-two. She was the only one who shared my secret, the only one I ever told about my attraction to girls too young for me. With her help and a lot of wonderful fantasizing during our sexual moments, I never was tempted to act on those urges again. At least not until my granddaughter visited me one weekend not long after my sixty-fifth birthday.

My second wife and I had two kids, a son who married his high school sweetheart after they graduated from college, and a daughter who was gay and lived with several different partners before settling on the one she’d spent most of her adult life with. My son and his wife had three kids, all girls. The youngest is Peyton, and it was Peyton who gave me the chance, despite my age and our blood relationship, to enjoy my deeply held secret fantasy one more time.

As a widower, I had spent several years doing nothing more than getting by. I worked until I was sixty-three and then retired with modest savings and no hobbies worth pursuing. I spent the next two years masturbating. That’s not much of an exaggeration. I had nothing but time, and my cock, on my hands, and, honestly, it was a very enjoyable time well spent. I watched porn that featured older men much like me having sex with barely legal eighteen or nineteen-year olds. I never dared look for anything illegal, and I’m glad I wasn’t so tempted as to pursue such things.

I read a lot of stories, though, erotic tales of older men and young girls, many of them incestuous in nature. Those really turned me on a lot. I’d never much had a serious interest in incest, never more than a passing thought about my own daughter or any of my granddaughters, but stories about such encounters really got me going. I jacked off hundreds of times over those two years, and with increasing frequency, those fantasy themes began to draw me in, and my granddaughters sometimes featured prominently as I ejaculated.

One of those stories was called Illegal, Illicit, and Intoxicating by an author named Renpet. The story featured a grandfather and granddaughter developing an incestuous relationship. I often thought about Peyton as I read Intoxicating, imagining it was me getting to do those things with my youngest family member.

I purchased one of those full-size pleasure dolls which was on the short, petite size. I bought a variety of lingerie and wigs and accessories so that I could dress her up to match whatever fantasy I’d had in my head that night. Let me tell you, that doll, whose name changed with my fantasies, was more enjoyable than one might think. Sure, it made no sounds, held no realistic smells, wasn’t warm to the touch, but her tits were soft and pliable and small, her vaginal opening was easily warmed and felt tight and silky, her small anus even tighter. I came often in that doll and I can tell you it was a fantastic, safe way to play out my hebephilic scenarios. Sometimes, I dressed the doll with a blonde wig and called her ‘Peyton.’

My son and his wife split up when Peyton was thirteen, and my youngest granddaughter stayed with him. Her older sisters were off to college and generally not around, so Peyton got to enjoy being a sort of only daughter in my son’s house for a while. She thrived on it, so I heard, and was developing into a very outgoing and confident young woman.

But I rarely saw my son or my granddaughters. They lived in Germany where my son was stationed with the US Army, and I didn’t travel too well, so it was only every two or three years that I got to see them.

Peyton was fourteen when my son planned to come visit me for a couple of nights before being reassigned to a base in Texas. At the last minute, my son’s orders were delayed such that he would not be able to stay with me during his trip back to the states, but he sent Peyton on ahead to visit me for two nights before flying out again to join her father at their new home.

I hadn’t seen Peyton since she was ten, and boy, let me tell you what a difference those years made. At ten, my granddaughter was pretty enough, but flat as a board, both top and bottom, still a young girl, nothing of direct interest to me except as substitution in my fantasizes reading stories like Intoxicating. But she was pretty and it was obvious even then the girl would be quite the looker once puberty started.

I waited outside the security gates for her to arrive from her long flight and almost didn’t recognize her. Peyton had grown taller by many inches, probably five-seven. Her straight, silky, bleach-blonde hair was radiant, kept loose over her shoulders, bangs cut and slightly curled over her forehead. Her skin had a slight tan, a light golden color on her forearms and face. She wore rounded glasses which rested on her thin nose, and it was really the freckles which dotted her cheeks which made it clear this was my granddaughter. Those were distinctive and, against her fair complexion, added a beautiful splash of color on her skin.

She wore a loose t-shirt, but even with that covering her top, I could see her breasts pushing out the fabric. The bra underneath did little to stop her tits from bouncing and swaying with each step. The shirt hung down just below her waist, covering only the very top of the blue yoga pants she wore. The tight covering left little to the imagination, a hint of my granddaughter’s cleft and an obvious thigh gap were very arousing, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only dirty old man who noticed. I was, however, the only one related to Peyton, and I was all too aware of my dirty thoughts as Peyton spotted me and waved.

She had a backpack slung over her shoulder which she shifted as she approached. “Grandpa Jim!”

“Hello, Peyton! It is so wonderful to see you at last!”

We hugged and I was very aware of how my granddaughter’s blossoming breasts squished against me. The hug lasted less time than I would have liked, but longer than many I’d shared with the girl earlier in her life. Peyton was smiling as she stepped back, and I could see the pale-red lipstick, eyeliner, and other cosmetics which had doctored her appearance. It made her look older than fourteen, but I could still see the youthful softness around her eyes and lips. I rarely popped a boner outside my house, but by the time Peyton’s arms had returned to her sides, I was at full attention. My god, was my granddaughter beautiful!

I led her to my car in the short-term parking and asked her questions about her new home in Texas. Peyton wasn’t exactly thrilled to be leaving her home and friends in Germany, but she admitted that it might be nice to try something new for a change. Texas wasn’t at the top of her list for places to live, but she was willing to give it a chance.

In the car on the way back to my home, I couldn’t help noticing just how tight Peyton’s blue pants were on her thighs. She held shapely curves, tantalizing just below the fabric, and once or twice, when my granddaughter shifted and her legs spread, I could just make out the indentation where her cleft would have been. My boner returned each time I caught such a wonderful sight.

I kept my perverted thoughts to myself, long used to keeping my secret. I wasn’t going to do more than steal a look or two at my granddaughter while she stayed with me. When I had opportunities, I’d jack my dick thinking about her, that I was sure, but I was never going to go beyond mere voyeurism.

I stopped at a fast food restaurant on our way home and Peyton needed to pee. While I ordered, she went to the bathroom, and when she returned, I couldn’t help wondering how well she’d wiped, whether her panties now smelled of her urine. Perhaps that scent was already there from her long flight. I had to stand at an odd angle to keep my hardon from being obvious as I waited for our food.

Peyton walked over to fill her drink and I caught sight of her ass for the first time. Goddamn, my granddaughter had filled out! In the blue yoga pants, Peyton’s backside was curved, rounded, jiggling just a bit with each step. The tights formed an obvious indentation between her buttocks, causing them to appear slightly parted and open. I could only imagine Peyton’s tight young holes which were just barely hidden from sight. I pictured them in my mind. Pink, soft folds of her pussy between her thighs, blonde pubic hairs, a tight, wrinkled pink or reddish anus tucked just above. I wondered if she smelled sweaty or aroused. My mouth watered to imagine what her flesh might taste like.

But, again, I was fantasizing a thing I would never experience, and that was okay with me. I’d lived in my head for many years, and having my granddaughter fueling my orgasm that night would simply be an amazing bonus thrill.

I drove us home with our meals and set up Peyton in my small guest room. She wanted to shower, so I sat out on the patio reading a novel. It was already late evening and the excitement of the day had me wanting to get to bed soon and relieve myself thinking of my granddaughter.

Peyton came outside and said, “Gonna eat with me?”

I turned and nodded. My granddaughter wore top-and-bottom cotton pajamas which were rather thin. White, with small, random stars and moons and galaxies, the fabric was semi-transparent. Peyton’s tiny pink nipples and the shadows below her breasts were easily seen. I dared not look lower. “Y-yeah, on my way,” I replied trying to swallow my arousal.

We ate at in the living room where I put on a baseball game, the Padres at home against the Diamondbacks. Peyton piped up, “Oh, nice. I love Arizona!”

“Didn’t know you had become a fan,” I replied.

“We got feeds on the base of a lot of sports, and a couple of my friends were from Arizona, so I kinda adopted the Diamondbacks.”

“So sorry you’re going to miss them,” I told her,”but I bet you make new friends quickly.”

Peyton shrugged. She hunched over, eating her burger over the footstool, her legs spread. Each time she leaned back to chew or talk, her nipples were light-red circles under the fabric of her pajamas. And when I dared to look lower, the darker patch below revealed my granddaughter’s hairy Mons Venus with only thin, white cotton to hide it. I longed to sniff and touch her there. She answered me after swallowing, “Yeah, it sucks.”

“Did you have a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?”

My granddaughter frowned. “Yeah ... boyfriend, but we broke up a couple of months ago. Long story.”

“Ah, well I don’t want to bring back something you’d rather not talk about.”

Peyton finished her meal, then leaned back in the chair. It was one of those recliner types with soft, padded arms. Instead of pulling the lever and reclining, Peyton brought her legs up and hung them over the sides of the chair. One can only imagine where my eyes were drawn.

The thin fabric in the crotch of Peyton’s pajama bottoms was worn. Several dime and quarter-sized holes opened up within the cotton. Light blonde hairs. Thin, pink labia. A hint of my granddaughter’s barely hidden vagina. Oh my God! I was so hard that I shifted my legs to the side and wrapped one over the other.

“He cheated on me,” she said after a moment of contemplation, “with a friend of mine.”

“Oh, dear,” I said in my best sympathetic voice. Honestly, the only emotion I felt right then was intense arousal, my eyes sticking to where Peyton’s legs were spread and offering me an intimate view of the most private parts of her body.

She didn’t seem to notice that I couldn’t look away from her barely-covered genitals and explained further, “It sucked so bad, too, because she knew about us and that we’d been together for a while. I definitely won’t miss either of them.”

“Well, I’m sure when you are ready, you’ll find a nice boy in Texas who will be lucky to be with you.”

Peyton smiled, “I hope so.”

She shifted and moved one leg from the chair arm, blocking the arousing view of her young crotch. I could still see her pink areolae, though, and that was more than enough to keep me hard.

“Are you dating anyone, Grandpa Jim?” my granddaughter asked, finally looking at my face again.

I shook my head, “Nah ... not since your grandmother...”

“That sounds sad...”

I shrugged, “Oh, it’s not too bad, really. I get by. I find things to keep me busy now. It was work for a long time, then, these last couple of years, I’ve found other ways to be distracted.”

“Like what?”

“Err,” I stalled for time, “uh ... the stock market. I play the stock market.”

“Oh,” Peyton said, clearly disinterested and not letting me so easily change the subject, “but don’t you want to date again?”

“Maybe ... if I met the right person. Maybe...”

“Okay,” she replied, her legs together in the chair, rocking slightly side-to-side. It made my granddaughter’s young breasts jiggle and the result was that her nipples grew visibly erect. “I like having a boyfriend, myself. Even though he was an ... ass,” she paused to see if I could say anything about her mild curse word, then continued, “I still miss being with him.”

“What did you two do for fun?”

“Oh, you know,” Peyton said, smiling with a light blush on her beige cheeks, “boyfriend-girlfriend stuff...”

“Ah,” I replied. That single sound offered no glimpse into the arousing thoughts which swept into my head with Peyton’s words. “That’s fun, I seem to remember...”

Peyton watched me a moment, then looked down at her hands, “Yeah...”

“Did your dad know ... about you and your boyfriend ... doing stuff?”

“Yeah,” my granddaughter replied, “he made me get an IUD cause he didn’t want me to get pregnant...”

“Sounds reasonable ... guess that means you weren’t using condoms?”

She shrugged, appearing less uncomfortable than I would have expected by our conversation. “In the beginning, yeah ... but after a while ... no...”

“He was your first, wasn’t he...” I said without asking a question.


“Those are the ones you’ll always remember, but trust me when I say the pain, the loss, that all fades, especially after you find someone new to have fun with.”

“Thanks, yeah, I know,” Peyton replied, leaning forward over her thighs and brining her arms in tight to her chest, “it just sucks...”

“Well, if there’s anything I can do while you’re here, just say it.”

“Thanks, Grandpa Jim,” she smiled, “You always were pretty great to me.”

I went to bed before my granddaughter and when I pulled my pants down and looked at my underwear, there was a huge, sticky spot where my cock was drooling precum all afternoon. I pulled out my pleasure doll and stripped off the clothing she wore, then pulled a blonde wig out, the hair not too different from Peyton’s.

I put it in the center of the bed and opened her legs, lubed up her vaginal opening, then slid my raging cock inside after the internal warming patch had brought the silicon up to temperature. “Oh, Peyton,” I whispered, “You are so tight and wonderful. Beautiful, sweet, Peyton. Take me inside of you ... take Grandpa Jim into your body and let me fuck you so good...”

The doll stared straight up, no reaction to my words, of course, but the dirty talk fueled me and I told her, “I love fucking you, Peyton ... I love fucking your fourteen-year old pussy ... Do you like it inside your pussy? You are so amazing and sexy. So beautiful. I love you so much ... I love fucking you, Peyton. I love your little pussy. I love your little tits. Do you like having Grandpa Jim inside your little pussy, Peyton? Do you want Grandpa Jim to cum inside you, Sweetie? Can I cum inside your tight fourteen-year old pussy?”

It didn’t take too many thrusts to start filling ‘Peyton’ with my cum. I heaved several times, unloading, sweating and panting, calling my granddaughter’s name as quietly as I could.

I rolled off to catch my breath and my heart nearly stopped.

My door was open and in the entrance to my bedroom, my granddaughter stood in her pajamas, face a look of surprise and horror. She stared at me, her eyes caught mine, and then she pushed herself off the doorframe and disappeared down the hall.

My god, was I horrified with myself! I couldn’t believe I’d been caught. She must have opened my door on her own, there was no way I hadn’t closed it. Although ... Living alone, I never closed my door. Had I forgotten that? Could my mind have missed that detail? I was getting older, and I’d had some memory issues the past few years, had I really not thought to shut myself inside my room? Oh, God!

I was too scared and worried to even attempt to talk to Peyton. I didn’t know what to say, how to say it, or even if it might make things worse. Was she fearing her safety? God, I hoped not. I would never have touched her. Never. It was all just a fantasy, an escape. I wanted to tell her so, but my body was shivering and I think I might have been in a bit of shock. I didn’t even get up to close the door and hide my naked body and my sex doll, currently named ‘Peyton’ and still dripping my cum from her vaginal opening.

I slept not a wink but I didn’t get off the bed except when I had to pee badly somewhere around five in the morning, and by then, I was up for the day. I was wired on the dread of facing my granddaughter that day. What could I say to her? How could I explain? She hated me and I had hurt her. It was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

I heard her leave her bedroom and go to the bathroom a couple of hours later and the pit in my stomach became a gaping wound. I felt sick.

Peyton came into the living room where I was sitting quietly. I didn’t try to make eye contact. She sat down in the same chair she’d been in the night before. My granddaughter said nothing for a while.

“I think you forgot to shut your door last night...” her voice came to me from a distance.

I nodded weakly.

“Did you mean what you said? About me?”

“Huh?” My confusion was genuine.

“When you told that ... doll ... that I was beautiful,” Peyton said evenly.

I looked up at last to see the expression on her face. It was even but soft, none of the hatred, the sadness, the anger I expected to find. Peyton wore the same pajamas as the previous night, and with her legs spread open somewhat, hints of her pussy and private hairs were easily visible. I groaned and tried to look from her crotch, failing badly.

“I ... Yes...”

“How long?” she asked, watching my reaction, “how long have you used that doll to fantasize about me?”

“A couple of years...”

I saw her do the math. “Since I last saw you, then ... Hmm...”

Remaining silent, I managed to finally draw my eyes away from my granddaughter’s barely-concealed crotch.

“Is she always me?” she asked. Only later would I realize how mature a question that was for a fourteen-year old.

“Not always, no...”

“But other girls my age...”


“Have you ... have you ever fucked someone my age?” she asked, her tone softening, her eyes softer than before.

“Only when I was a young man ... not in many decades...”

“Grandma Jane...”

“Yes ... when she was sixteen...”

Peyton shifted her legs but didn’t close them. I looked back to notice that my granddaughter’s little pink nipples were once again hard.

“So you like fucking girls my age, then...”

“I do...”

“But you haven’t in a long time ... so that explains the doll,” Peyton stated, then added, “Doesn’t explain why me, though...”

“Because,” I told her honestly, “you are beautiful. You are so very sexy. I’m sorry,” I said, shaking myself a moment, “No, I should not have said that ... I’m very sorry...”

“It’s okay,” Peyton assured me, “I like to feel sexy...”

Her legs shifted again, once more draping over the padded arms of the chair. My eyes moved quickly between Peyton’s thighs. An unmistakeable wet spot was visible just where my granddaughter’s fourteen-year old vagina was nestled against the fabric. I shuddered at the sight.

“Did you really mean what you said about wanting to fuck me? Was that real?”

I felt the lump in my throat and couldn’t say a word at first, then managed to admit in a low voice, “Yes...”

“Well,” Peyton said, her legs rocking, shifting the holes in her pajama bottoms slightly from side-to-side, the wet spot growing bigger by the second, “I might like that...”

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My GF moved out so I needed someone to move in with me to pay the rent. I had been a secret CD for 3 mos.My friend T hooked me up with a guy named B whom moved in and began sharing the rent with me. The first few wks,I kept my girly secrets.I had my own lingerie,skirts and 2 dresses.I could do my own make up too.I was hoping to find a new GF whom would appreciate a guy like me.I put ribbons,bows and barrettes in my long blonde hair.I joined a dating site but mostly got hits from horny old men...

2 years ago
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Over a Piece of Pie

As always this story is exclusively my property and may not be reproduced or republished without my express permission. Any resemblance to people living or dead is a coincidence. *** This story is entered as part of the Valentine’s Day Contest, please don’t forget to vote! *** — Love was there at the beginning, the sweetness, the passion. That first Valentine’s Day was supposed to be magical, everything was supposed to be perfect. The mood, the lighting, the meal, the girl. But it wasn’t....

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SweetheartVideo Ryan Keely Carter Cruise Hot For Teacher

New reform school instructor Ryan Keely has met her match in sociopathic student Carter Cruise. Carter sniffs out weakness in her teacher, curvy MILF beauty Ryan, and plans to exploit it in any way she can. Sexy blond stunner Carter is craving some hot lesbian sex and her busty teacher is the perfect target for her lustful desires. The two begin kissing, then Carter dives deep into Ryan’s nether regions bringing her to orgasm. Both ladies continue to get each other off with their fingers...

3 years ago
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TripinChapter 33

I woke up to see the note written in marker on the palm of my hand. 'Read file this is your life on the computer.' So of course being totally lost in space, I opened the laptop and began to read. Actually I carried the laptop into the bathroom and read it on the toilet. I had always been able to speed read. The file was scary, but also represented a lot of work. I was able to skip over a lot of things, since I just didn't care at that moment who my grandmother had been. I looked at the...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 495

This is compliments of Jim7 A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. A guy who’s dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans is ahead of him. Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, “Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven?” The guy replies, “I’m Bruce, retired airline pilot from Toronto.” Saint Peter consults his list, smiles and says to the pilot, “Take this silken robe and golden staff, and enter the...

2 years ago
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Satisfying the housewife 3

I pulled her up and we kissed again. I was stroking her hair with my hand and with the other hand I was pressing her ass. She was moaning really hard. I picked her up and laid her on the bad. I just licked every single part of her body which was soaked in her sweet smelling perspiration. I went up to her face and kissed her for long time. Our tongues explored into each other and long I was erect again and my cock was harder than the first time. I was myself surprised by the way my cock had...

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Melissa tries her first DP and gets filled with cum0

I agreed and we ended finding two 18 year old guys named Bruce and Billy that would help fulfill her fantasy. Bruce was a tall thin kid with a cock about 9 inches and Billy was short, but his cock was huge and long. This kids cock was every bit of 10 inches and very big around. We agreed to meet them at a hotel one night and they knew I was going to film the fuckfest so Melissa could watch it later and they were both cool with it. Melissa and I got to the hotel and she showered and shaved...

2 years ago
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Father Fucks Wife and Son

Father Fucks Wife and Son----------Another Thursday night, and I was again taking out the trash to the alleyway. Ever since I had been old enough to ask for an allowance, Dad told me that if the trash were carried outside to the container, I would be paid an allowance. I do not even remember how much it was and did not really care anyways. It was the perfect getaway, a reason to get outside in the evenings and just enjoy myself.It was always dark when I deposited the trash in the container. The...

1 year ago
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Kissing Game

So this is my first story hope you enjoy it, please comment and give me pointers, advice and anything else you can think of. Much appreciated enjoy the story. I crossed and uncrossed my legs repeatedly, watching as the clock slowly ticked away. The countdown to end the torture of math class was on. The teacher’s voice seemed to drone on and on. I tensed as the last minute ticked by BRIIINNNG. I was the first one up and out of my desk ready to leave the tortures of the classroom. I made her way...

First Time
2 years ago
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Slut loves to tease part one

Slut loves to tease (part one).I'm standing in my bedroom looking at my reflection in my full length wardrobe mirrors. I was just about to twirl around to view my reflection when my husband walked in, stopped at the doorway and sighed."Are you really wearing that lot tonight?" He said almost despondently."Of course I am!" I replied triumphantly.I was standing before him wearing a shocking pink PVC quarter cup bra which held my full 36 DD breasts, with my erect pierced nipples jutting forward....

4 years ago
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The Pool Incident

I show my pool pass and walk in to see an empty pool. The sun is shining bright and Mr. Gerald is nowhere. I shrug and go change to my swimming outfit. Black top, with strings tied to my neck and shorts riding up to my hips. They were comfortable to move around in. I shower and walk out. I dive in and do my usual routine. I finally turn to see Mr. Gerald staring at me. I smile and wave and he waves back. He enters to pool and take me into a hug. "Hey Beth", he says. I hug him back. He stays...

1 year ago
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Christies Summer Job part 2

Christies Summer Job, part 2 The unexpected Christie stood there in shock not sure if she should enter the tub, She had no idea what to expect and wasn’t sure what all would be involved, knowing it would be sexual. After a couple long minutes Nick took her by the hand saying “come on hun, its ok” He began to remove her clothing caressing her soft nipples in the process. She looked down almost shaking at Lynn looking up at her licking her lips and starring with her greedy eyes. Finally Christie...

First Time
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Moni becomes a black cock slut

My wife, Moni and I liked to watch adult videos as part of our sex life. She liked to be restrained and spanked, then fucked silly. She said that she really liked the feeling of being controlled for the sexual gratification of another. One day we were watching a new film in which a white housewife was being used and dominated by several black men. Moni's pussy was sopping and she couldn't take her eyes off of the scene unfolding in front of her. As the men roughly shoved their cocks into the...

3 years ago
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Killer Thighs

I have always been a tough girl. Just this year, I turned 18, and already I’m the top athlete in my school. For as long as I can remember, I have always craved attention, but it wasn’t until I joined the volleyball team that things took a sexual turn. Our team (and indeed, all women’s volleyball teams) must wear an outfit that shows off our lower body. Lots of boys would come to our games to see us play. ‘School spirit’, they said. Yeah, right. I couldn’t so much as take a step without ten guys...

1 year ago
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Gray Jedi Ch 5

“Anything yet?” “No, nothing,” replied Serra. The two Jedi crept through the murky cave, looking for potential danger around every corner. Still, both suspected that any threats they would encounter would not be of the physical variety, but of the spiritual. Remaining calm and focused was a constant struggle; as Yoda had said, the cave was strong with the Dark Side of the Force. Through it all, they continued to press onward. “I’m sensing something up ahead,” Malik said. “Yeah, I...

3 years ago
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I was trapped to become a whore

Hi, iss readers, this is saroj sharma again presenting the next part of my this long story. I am from rajasthan, a married good looking girl working on a reputable post of gazette status. As i have stated earlier sex story writing is my hobby and whatever i am describing in this story is a work of fiction, and this is not related to my real life. As advised by the doctor after my inaugural fuck (first by mantri ji alone and then by him and his two more friends as brutal foursome group fucking)...

3 years ago
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Swimming teachers can be more than friends Part 2

Running the pool at the Y had been my job for almost a year. There was a little friction between the Red Cross and the Y because while the Y charged for swimming lessons, the Red Cross did them for free. Holding some of our Red Cross Life Saving classes at the Y was much easier though because of the size of the pool. We just had to hold the classes very late. And by we, I mean Fran and I. She was the lead instructor and I was her co-instructor. Just coming up on twenty, the Chapter didn’t yet...

Love Stories
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Mother Daughter Feast 1 of 12

Starting shortly after our daughter turned 15, my husband and I started taking four weekend "business trips" a year, confident that our daughter, Anna, could take care of herself while we are gone. After each trip, I take the video that I record out of the camera and place it in a hidden compartment that only me and my husband know about. Our 20th such trip is scheduled to end two days before we go on a family vacation to celebrate Anna's 20th birthday. Little did I know the profound...

2 years ago
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Disneyland Adventures p1

I spent all of my summers with my father. My parents had split up when I was very young and my mother received custody of me. She was not a mean person though, so she agreed to let me stay with him over the the summer. It was always what I looked forward to over the years, it was my get away. My dad was someone who wanted to make up for not being around. He did this buy taking me shopping, buying me whatever I wanted and taking me on all kinds of trips. I had just turned 17 years old and I for...

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mothers and sons

I have been wanting to fuck these two woman ever since I could remember. My spank bank has been shooting hot cum for years picturing my cock buried deep inside them both. My imagination never fails to get my cock hard, but tonight my dick is hard because in less then an hour, I will have both of them to do as I please with for as long as I want. But first a little history of who we are and what is going to happen in this story. My name is Joe I am 35 sitting next to me is my nephew Rick and he...

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Ahhhhhh Shhhhhhhhh

hi reader rahul here m from jaipur.. first i will tell u about my self m 24 yr old guy working in bank nd i hav a gud body coz i go to gym everyday this story is about my chachi who is 28 yr old …. to dosto chachi k bare mai bata du vo 28 saal ki hai aur moti gand aur note mote mommo ki malikin hai gori hai to aur b jyada sexy lagti hai unki janghe b bahut sudol hai joki dekhte hi lund khada ho jata hai per vo bahut lazy hai kaam k naam per unki gand fat jati hai jiska fayda maine utaya aur...

1 year ago
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Rare Outside Blowjob

I’ve recently been working in East Anglia, on some very remote sites for our customer. Generally, work is boring and lonely. The weather has been constantly grey and overcast, but this particular day it was glorious sunshine with a cloudless blue sky.To try and keep cool I had plenty of bottled water in the car and nature being nature, I needed to take a piss. For miles, there is nothing but fields, woods and more fields with the occasional remote farmhouse, so getting my cock out and taking a...

1 year ago
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The Butterfly and the FalconChapter 2

It was virtually impossible to keep anything secret in Republican Spain. Spies, double agents and gossipers of every political persuasion had been flagging for weeks the probability of a move by the Popular Front against the CNT. By the time the first lorries rolled into central Barcelona packed with the Government's elite Assault Guards, over 1000 Anarchist Militiamen had reinforced the Telephone Exchange building. Across town, the emergency committees were convening and planning their...

2 years ago
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Youll be surprised

Months passed. No phone call. No email. No nothing. Ma started drinking maybe even using drugs. She hasn't been able to maintain. It seems like everyday we're about to be out on the streets,but thankfully Ma finds away. I've been trying to do my part as the man of the house now. I mow lawns around the neighborhood and picked up a mail route. I also, may sure Johnny is staying out of trouble and staying occupied. My Mom's usually leave him with grandma. I'm too old for that, so she lets me...

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You Will Not Forget This

After a night out on the town, we find ourselves in one last pub. We had both had a few drinks that evening. Our thinking is that the dark, quiet atmosphere of this newest club would help us clear our heads for the drive home. The music hums in the background as we settle down across from one another at a corner table. It is the perfect spot to smoke a joint, people-watch and commiserate about the evening thus far."I know I already told you this, Alexandria, but you look super hot tonight baby...

4 years ago
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R Is for Ravaged

Shortly before nine o'clock Jane was on the corner wondering what was keeping her blind date, when a fancy car pulled up and the driver leaned over to open the window. Jane leaned in and a few words were exchanged. Both parties were smiling nervously as Jane got in the front seat. "Hi, I'm Jane. You must be John. I'm sorry if I'm nervous. Big city streets and neon at night is still new to me. I've only been in Chicago a little while. How about you?" John wasn't paying much attention...

4 years ago
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Strange Magic Babysitter

Strange Magic: Babysitter By Tanto Jo Beth Broughman was a young woman who had been extraordinarily blessed by nature. She was of medium height, with long blond hair the color of wheat. She had deep, captivating blue eyes, and she seemed to be perfectly shaped, with luscious young curves in all the right places. Her breasts were huge, perfectly formed mounds that rode high on her chest with little sag, even when she wasn't wearing one of her 48EEE bras. All in all, she was absolute...

2 years ago
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Seat of Discipline

Uniforms, daily prayer, chapel, and strict discipline, those where the building blocks that molded the character of the young women that attended Lady of Mercy School for Girls!!! The theory being that by the time a girl graduated from Mercy she was ready to face the world!!! Of course in every organization there was always those few bad apples that bucked the system, whether it be in the army, the Boy Scouts, or as in this case a high school for girls, for some it is impossible to go along...

3 years ago
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Shopping outing for lingerie

Following is a true account of one of my experiences of shopping for lingerie. (nosex). This happened a couple of months ago, and as far as I remember, the conversation went like I have described below. If you have not read my earlier story ‘Wonderful crossdressing shopping experience’, I’d suggest reading it first. ———————————————— Following my wonderful shopping experience on the Christmas eve, I was feeling elated. I had just bought a couple of very sexy women’s clothes, I had crossdressed,...

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I Need You To Watch

Copyright© 2002-2003 To his bride said a numskull named Clarence : "I trust you will show some forbearance. My sexual habits I picked up from rabbits, And occasionally watching my parents." The candle was nearly to the base and Robert was late - again. He was often late these last years and Rhonda wondered, not for the first time, if it was because of her. She was getting old, fifty two years actually, and though she exercised with the equipment he had given her years before,...

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School Friends turn into Adult Friends

The metalcore music was pounding as we drank our beer, bourbon, or whatever alcohol by a fire. We smoked some weed and we talked about the old days and what clowns we were at school. I was getting pretty drunk, I think we all were. There was Jacko, who at school was my best friend (but I hadn’t seen him for a few years). Then there was Roger and Theo, the Terrible-Twins (I never could tell me apart and still can’t). I tolerated the Twins because they were Jacko’s cousins. After some time...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 9

The Greatest Lie ? by: Lilliana, aka Alexandra Rios Chapter 9 - My Fifteen Seconds of Fame Two hours after saying goodbye to Rick and Randy, Tran and I left Minneapolis and boarded a plane to LA. I fell asleep at take off, and woke as the plane began its descent. Tran was staring out the window at the city's lights spread in an endless shimmering galaxy below. "Wow, it's beautiful. I love LA already!" she exclaimed. She was right: viewed from the air on a clear night, LA is a...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 85

Diana came back with a washcloth and helped her mother put it between her legs, and also helped her get her panties and shorts back on. Susan was still mostly out of it, her motions and actions slow and somewhat uncoordinated. "You really blew her away," Diana said to her husband as she sat and pulled her mother into her arms. "She really blew me away, too," Jeff said as he touched Susan's cheek. "I was aware enough to support most of my weight on my forearms, but all I wanted to do...

1 year ago
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Nubile TreatChapter 12

It was lunch the following day, and the family orgy had been arranged. "An excellent meal," Dan said as he wiped his mouth with his napkin. "If you can give equally good cunt to your guests, Babs, I'm sure they won't have a thing to complain about." The big orgy which had been agreed on was to take place that afternoon, and to celebrate the occasion the three women had turned out a lunch that would have done most restaurants proud. "Wonderful chow," Roy said. "and I'm thinking of...

3 years ago
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My Hot Teacher Awesome Life With Neha

Hi friends, I have been very busy in the last few months. That is why I could not write my rest of the story earlier. This is a follow up of my previous story to know about looks of Neha and the how it all began read my previous sex stories I kept playing with her boobs she got very very excited and started thrusting very fast from top, pushed me completely on the ground making me lay on my back while sat on my cock and thrusted fast. While doing this she put her hands on my chest and took...

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Game over

Chris paced the carpet. Driven by the temptation to go back a watch his wife and her lover, but he didn’t, knowing that he was most definitely excluded from the action of their bedroom, hearing the squeals of delight, the sighs and sounds of sex coming from the room only a few feet and a couple of doors away from him was pure torment. The television played to its self, unobserved and disregarded as his minds eye played out the visions of what he knew was going on in there. Jacqui’s...

4 years ago
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My Darkest Desires Part 2

Its been a few months since I first met James. I was not always in my comfort zone when kneeling before him with my collar on. My feelings tended to be scattered. I was excited, nervous and scared all at the same time. My desires for him grew, the more I thought about it, the more my body took over. I’ve spent more and more time with him at his house the past couple of months. I was learning everything I could to please him.I was lost in thought kneeling at his side. A woman walked into the...

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Make Me Cum Baby PT2

Blue held my ass and put the most skillful tongue in the world to work, licking my juices from my thighs... giving my tender skin long licks up my inner thighs, stopping just short of my pussy each time. I could hear her purring very softly for me... kissing and sucking my skin.I weaved my fingers through her hair, over and over while her tongue made my pussy throb hard without even touching it. My juices were flowing heavier now, and my baby covered my entire pussy with her mouth to catch...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Maya Bijou Latinas Dirty Research

Kyle Manson’s day just got a whole lot brighter and much dirtier when horny Latina market researcher Maya Bijou knocks on his door with some very personal questions to pose to him. Of course he invites the busty American glamour model into his house and before long the poll is complete and her pussy is being pounded and her all-natural boobs bounce with each blast from his boner. Join the two in this Hands On Hardcore 4K boy-girl premium porn production and watch as she takes on his...


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