Wedding Bondage Wedding Dresses are a threat
- 3 years ago
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"Oh baby, your cock feels so nice." the blond haired eighteen-year-old girl called out as she rode up and down on the young man's cock." "I can't believe how hard it is."
The dark haired teen beneath her smiled as he held onto her creamy breasts, playing with her small, pert nipples. The seventeen-year-old was stripped to his shorts, pulled down to expose his cock and balls. The girl was still wearing a blue bridesmaid's dress, hiked up to allow access to her pussy. The top of the dress was down around her waist, her bra hanging open and loose.
"Oh Connie," Jack Buckman called out as he pumped his cock in and out of her as hard as he could. "Oh God, Connie!"
"Fuck me, oh Jack, please fuck me!" Connie Austin cried out as she offered up her virginity to her love.
"I'm going to come!" Jack yelled as he felt the familiar sensation building up inside him. "I'm going to come!"
Moments later he did, sending bursts of whiteness exploding from his cock, deep into Connie's pussy. In that single moment, she became a woman, and he a man.
"Oh, yes!" Connie moaned as she felt him fill her with his juices. "Oh yes, baby, fill me up. Give it all to me!"
"Oh Connie!" Jack gasped as he felt his cock drain, his body riding the cascading waves that accompanied his ejaculation.
"Oh Jack!" Connie echoed as she collapsed back into his arms, his cock still buried deep inside her.
Jack held the half-naked girl in his arms, holding her tightly. He gently stroked her long hair, kissing her cheek softly.
"I love you Connie," he whispered. "I wanted to do this for so..."
The words ringing in his head were cut off abruptly by the loud banging on Jack's bedroom door. Startled, the young man jerked his head in that direction.
"Rise and shine Jack," Bill Buckman called out as he pounded once again on the door. "Time to kick off the sheets and hit the showers. It's not every day your sister gets married."
"I'm awake, Dad." Jack called out somewhat reluctantly. "I'm awake."
"Breakfast in fifteen minutes." the elder Buckman yelled as he stepped away from the door.
Lying in bed, Jack looked down at the now soft cock in his hand. A hand filled with a thick white stickiness. He reached over to the night table and grabbed a handful of tissues. Carefully, he wiped his fingers and the area around his cock.
"Oh Dad," he said with regret. "Couldn't you have waited just a few more minutes."
Finally admitting that his wet dream was indeed over, Jack crawled out of bed and headed to the bathroom.
Dropping his now soiled underwear into the hamper, Jack turned on the water in the small homemade shower. Originally this room had been a walk in closet. When Jack had turned 10 and his sister 14, it became quickly apparent to his father that one bathroom was not going to be enough for his two children. Not with June spending longer and longer in there every morning.
So, faced with the prospect of either sharing the master bathroom with his kids, or enduring a daily shouting match between them, he decided instead to build another bath. It lacked the smooth finish of the others, but it was all Jack's and that was all he cared about.
The hot water felt good against his skin as he soaped up his body. He paid special attention to his cock and balls, making sure he washed away the last traces of his climax. As he moved his wet and soapy hands back and forth the length of his cock, it once again grew erect. His shower was always one of his favorite parts of the day. More so when he stroked himself and imagined that he wasn't alone. He knew that he wasn't going to come again so soon, even a seventeen-year-old needed a little recharge time, but it still felt good just to play a little more.
He was going to miss his sister, he thought, a lot more than he would ever want to admit. Unlike a lot of his friends, he had a pretty good relationship with his older sibling. June was cool, at least in his eyes. She didn't go nuts over a lot of things like some of his friends' sisters.
Even that time he had walked into her room without knocking and saw her stark naked. June had just yelled and thrown a pillow at him. Of course he didn't think she would've been so forgiving if she'd know about the time he'd seen a lot more of her.
One day last winter, Jack had gotten home from school two hours early when a water pipe broke. He was on his way to his room when he saw that June's door was partly open. Since both his parents were still at work, he decided to take a peek. Instead of the quick flash of bare tit or ass he had hoped for, Jack hit the jackpot. June was stretched out totally nude on her bed, her eyes were closed and she had her hand between her legs. He knew that girls masturbated too, but had never seen exactly how. Jack watched June for almost five minutes, right up to and including her orgasm. Then he practically ran to his own room, afraid she'd find out he was there.
His friends would say that you weren't supposed to get a hard on from your sister, but Jack had a first class one after that. It wasn't the first one she had ever given him, but it was the first one he had jacked off with. It didn't seem to want to go down any other way.
All his buddies said that June had a hot body, and really great tits. Although he would never agree with them out loud, after all this was his sister they were talking about, he knew it was true. Jack even though June had better tits than Connie. Of course that was just a guess since he had never really gotten as good a look at Connie's boobs. The few times he had seen them, the few times he had actually gotten to put his hands on them, had been in the dim light of the back seat of his old Ford.
Of course all of that would change tonight after June's wedding, or so he hoped. His best friend, Tommy Young had sworn to him that he had gotten into Judy Marx's panties after taking her to his older brother's wedding last month. There was something about weddings, Tommy had said, that got women all worked up. Something about how they all wanted to be the bride or something like that. And since the bride was giving it up to the groom, they could be just like her with their dates.
The best decision June made about her wedding, at least from Jack's perspective, was to include Connie as one of her bridesmaids. Connie's sister Debbie was one of June's best friends. In fact June had been in her bridal party last year.
Unfortunately this time around, Debbie was over eight months pregnant and as she put it, not in any shape to walk down the aisle. Waddle maybe, she'd laughed, but not walk. To make Debbie happy, June had asked Connie to be a bridesmaid instead. And since Mike Morgan, June's husband to be, had already asked Jack to be one of his ushers, Jack made sure he was matched up with Connie. If anyone was going to score with Connie after the wedding, it was going to be Jack Buckman.
The other really great thing about this wedding, Jack thought as he washed his smooth, almost hairless chest, was that Mike Morgan was going to be his brother-in-law. In the two years since June had started going with Mike, the twenty-five-year-old had become the big brother Jack never had. They'd gone to a few ball games together, hung out Saturday afternoons when June was working and just had long, interesting talks. Mike had even made sure that Jack had been invited to his bachelor party last Friday night. Of course they couldn't let him drink, after all he was way underage, but Jack didn't care. Nothing in the world was going to beat seeing the show those two dancers the best man had hired for the party had put on.
The teen had read about some of the things two women could do together, but seeing it was something totally different. Then, after the show, the two women gave the groom and best man blowjobs. Jack almost passed out when Mike made sure his little brother to be got one too. It had been his first.
Jack stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the full length mirror his father had hung on the back of the door. At 17, he was already a high school graduate. He wouldn't turn 18 until just before the start of college in the fall. He stood five nine and weighted in at one fifty four. While not a jock, he had a well-toned body, smooth but for some light patches of hair. His cock had finally returned to its normal state, but Jack knew that when aroused, it stood a good seven inches. A lot taller than some of his classmates.
Drying himself off, Jack wondered if he could ever convince Connie to give him a blowjob. So far the most they had done was some heavy petting, although lately Connie had been willing to put her hand on his cock. Just a few weeks ago, on the night of the Prom, she had jerked him off in the back of his car. But when he had come all over her hand, she had thought it was gross and hadn't repeated it since.
That was why he was so worked up over the wedding. If anything was going to make Connie change her mind, it was going to be a wedding. Or so went the hormone-fueled logic of a seventeen-year-old. If she weren't going to let him pop their mutual cherries, then maybe she would at least be horny enough to try and suck him off.
Done with the shower, Jack dressed quickly in a sweatshirt and jeans. After breakfast he had a few errands to run for his Mom before getting dressed for the late afternoon ceremony.
"Good morning, Sis." he said as he dropped down at the kitchen table. "Today's the big day."
"Morning, Jack." the twenty-one-year-old replied. "Only a few more hours and I'll be Mrs. June Morgan."
"And only a few hours after that," Jack thought as his Mother placed a plate full of sausage, eggs and toast in front of him. "You and Mike are going to be fucking your brains out back at his, no make that, your new apartment."
To most girls his age, a wedding was all about the ceremony. Picking out dresses for both the bride and the bridesmaids. Arranging for the hall, selecting a band and picking the right music. A hundred tiny little details that they would spend countless hours talking about.
To guys Jack's age, it was all about one thing. That moment when you got back to your room and got down to doing it. That magic moment when the bride opened her legs and let you put it inside her. He and his friends had spent just as many hours talking about that.
Of course Jack was pretty sure that June and Mike had already done it. He couldn't say for sure, but after the bachelor party, Jack had overheard Mike tell his best man that the girl at the party that had blown him had been good, but that June was even better.
Breakfast was just about over when they were interrupted by the phone. June was closest to it so she got up to answer. She spent less than a minute listening, nodding her head a few times and saying that of course she understood.
"Bad news honey?" Mary Buckman asked as her daughter hung up the receiver.
"Well both bad and good news." June answered. "That was Mrs. Austin. Debbie went into labor this morning. She and Stephen are at the hospital and of course won't be able to come."
Stephen was Debbie's husband, and as luck would have it both a friend of Mike's and another of his ushers. None of this, of course, answered the question uppermost in Jack's mind.
"What about Connie?" Jack said, his voice apprehensive.
"Oh she's at the hospital too." June added. "She's not going to miss the chance to see her niece or nephew born."
"Fuck." Jack said under his breath, too low for either woman to hear.
"What does this do to your wedding party, Dear?" his Mother asked June.
"Well, thankfully we still have an even number." June said after thinking about it for a few seconds. "Stephen was going to escort Tina Royce, so we're just going to have to match her up instead with Jack." she paused for a moment and added. "Sorry little brother."
If Jack was disappointed that Connie wasn't coming, the news that he was going to be paired up with Tina Royce was devastating. Tina was one of Mike's cousins and had been asked to be part of the wedding party as a favor to Mike's mother. Since Mike had asked Jack to be an usher, there was no way for June to really refuse. Not that she really saw any reason to want to, since it would make her future Mother In Law happy.
Jack's consternation was over the fact that Tina Royce wasn't exactly what you thought of as bridesmaid material. First of all, she was not a maid, having been married and now divorced. More importantly, she was a lot older than her cousin, having just passed her 38th birthday.
"This wedding is really going to suck." Jack finally concluded as he saw all his much-anticipated plans fall apart.
Later in the day, as he dressed in his tuxedo, Jack tried to put his disappointment behind him and be happy for his sister. If wasn't fair to spoil her day, he decided, just because things hadn't gone as he wished.
The wedding ceremony, he had to say, went off like clockwork. It was perfect in every way that mattered for June. The icing on the cake, so to speak, had come in the form of a phone call from Mrs. Austin during the reception. She'd wished the happy couple all the best and let them know that Debbie had given birth to a big healthy baby boy.
There was one small blur it might be called, on this picture perfect wedding. There was a period, between the official photos and the start of the reception, when no one seemed to be able to locate the bride and groom for almost half an hour. The rumor was that the two newlyweds couldn't wait until that night to consummate their vows. Jack didn't know if it was true or not, but knowing both his sister and Mike, he wouldn't put it past them.
Even being partnered up with Cousin Tina during the wedding march hadn't been the big nightmare he'd first envisioned. The short haired brunette was only a few inches shorter than Jack, although a little on the stocky side. The teen didn't really think he would categorize her as fat, the way he would some girls at school. She carried her weight well, distributed pretty evenly over her body. Of course the first thing Jack noticed about her when they were introduced, was a pretty good size set of breasts.
Chatting for a few minutes before the start of the service, Jack learned that Tina had been married for ten years and only moved back into town eight months ago following her divorce. She had started up her own business and was already doing rather well. Mike's mother had asked that she be included in the wedding party out of the mistaken belief that she was depressed over the divorce. Nothing was further from the truth, she had said. She viewed the end of her marriage, which ended for reasons no one was really sure of, as just the end of one chapter in her life and the beginning of another.
She also had, Jack learned, a rather interesting sense of humor. She'd popped off a few one-liners and observations about some of the other guests to loosen him up. Comments that almost had him in stitches.
The reception was going as near prefect as the ceremony at the church. Jack was still a little disappointed at Connie's absence. Still there were some good-looking girls that he could dance with if nothing else.
First of course, he had danced with his sister, the new Mrs. Morgan. He could never remember her being so happy before. Next came a dance with his Mom, something slow and proper. It was while he was dancing with Mary Buckman that he noticed Crystal Clarke dancing with Jill Fisher. It wasn't that unusual to see two girls dancing with each other at parties, there were always more of them that wanted to dance then there were guys.
This time, watching the two blondes whirl each other around, Jack thought about the two women at the bachelor party. He pictured for a moment, Jill and Crystal doing to each other what those dancers had done. The image, however brief, of Crystal half-naked on her knees with her face buried between Jill's legs was enough to give him an instant hard on.
Thankfully, the reality that he was dancing with his Mother was enough to quickly shrink his manhood back to size. After dropping his Mother back off at table one, Jack took off to see who else he could find. What he didn't realize was, someone else was also looking for him.
He had just zeroed in on Pamela Welles, decked out in a low cut green gown that matched her emerald eyes. She was talking to some older woman and her boyfriend was nowhere in sight. Jack got within five feet of her when another girl stepped in between them.
"Jack," Cindy Lewis said in that annoying tone that drove guys up the wall. "Where have you been hiding yourself? I've been looking all over for you."
"Hi Cindy." Jack said in a neutral tone, looking over her shoulder at Pamela.
"It's too bad Connie couldn't make it," Cindy said, her voice just a little too eager. "But I'd be glad to keep you company."
"That's great, Cindy," Jack said without really paying attention to her, his eyes still on Pamela. "But I..."
He stopped in mid-sentence as he watched Pam's boyfriend step back into the picture. So much for that idea.
"Why don't we dance?" Cindy said as she took Jack's hand in hers.
Before he could object, the redhead had dragged him out on the dance floor.
Cindy was actually a pretty good dancer. She was also cute, had a nice body and had been known to play around a little. In fact, if it weren't for one really annoying aspect of her personality, guys would be happy to spend time with her.
Cindy Lewis wanted to be married. All in all that wasn't that unusual a desire for a girl her age. The big difference was that while most of her girlfriends looked at marriage as being in their future, Cindy looked at it as her future. She had no other goal in life than being Mrs. Someone or other. Basically that was all she ever wanted to talk about, and it made guys nervous.
True to form, Cindy immediately started talking about how lovely June's wedding had been. And of course how beautiful her own wedding would be as well.
"Gee that's great, Cindy." Jack said as the dance ended.
"It really is a shame you know that Connie stood you up." Cindy said as she held tightly onto Jack's arm. "I'd never do that to you."
"I'd hardly call skipping a wedding to see your sister have a baby standing me up." Jack said a little annoyed.
"I know there are other things I could do for you that Connie doesn't." Cindy suggested, ignoring his comment. "I know how to take care of my man."
Jack looked at the pretty redhead. There was little doubt what she was talking about. June had told him that girls were a lot more open about things with their girlfriends than guys were. They talked about what they did with their boyfriends, sort of comparing notes. And unlike when the guys got together, they usually told the truth, not what would just impress their friends.
"I'm not interested, Cindy." Jack said, although he knew he was lying.
The thought of Cindy down on her knees with his cock in her mouth was enough to get him more than a little hard. But as tempting as it were, he knew that if he let her do something like that, two things were certain. First, by Monday, she'd have told every girl in town she knew, and one of them would undoubtedly tell Connie. Secondly, after being that intimate with him, Cindy would latch on to him like a boa constrictor.
Actually, she was doing a pretty good job of holding onto him right now. Either she was too stupid to take a hint or too desperate. Up to now, he didn't want to hurt her feelings. After all, she hadn't really done anything to him. But if he couldn't get rid of her soon, he'd do what he had to do.
"You know what they say about girls and weddings don't you?" Cindy said, the inflection in her voice leaving no doubt as to what she was talking about.
"That does it." Jack thought. "I don't care if I have to tell her to get lost in front of everyone. Enough is enough."
"Jack, darling," a voice from behind the two of them said, preventing the young man from voicing what he wanted to say to Cindy. "I've been looking all over for you. We never had the chance to have our dance. That's bad luck for the bride you know."
Jack and Cindy turned to face Tina Royce, his partner in the wedding march. If looks could kill, the older woman would be lying dead from the look on Cindy's face. Jack's face, however, carried a look of deliverance.
"That's right," he said with a smile, recognizing an out when he saw one. "I'm sorry, Cindy, but it is part of my duties as a member of the wedding party. Can't be giving my sister bad luck can I?"
Reluctantly, Cindy let go of Jack's arm and he reached out for Tina's hand. Only taking a moment back to glance at Cindy, he led the brunette out onto the dance floor.
"I'll catch you later." Cindy had said as they moved away.
"Not if I see you first this time." Jack thought in reply as he dismissed Cindy from his mind.
As they moved to the music, Jack became very aware of Tina's nearness. She was a very good dancer, especially in the type of slow dance the band was now playing. She buried her head against his shoulder and held him close. Jack glanced downward and realized he could see right down her low cut dress. In fact, he could even see the pink edge of her nipples sticking out from her bra.
"God those are nice breasts." Jack though as he looked at the soft flesh for a long moment, then looked up before Tina could notice.
"Something wrong?" Tina asked as she lifted her head from his shoulder.
"No, not at all." Jack quickly replied as he continued dancing. "I just was thinking what a good dancer you are."
"Why thank you." Tina said as she put her head back on his shoulder.
As they continued their waltz, Jack couldn't get his real thought out of his head. His peek down Tina's dress had finished the hard on that Cindy's innuendo had started. With their bodies pressed together as they were, there was no way Tina couldn't have noticed it. Thankfully she hadn't commented on it.
Jack had enjoyed their first dance so much, he was glad when Tina suggested they have another. The band's next selection was a more modern dance, but Tina had no trouble keeping up with Jack on that either.
"They had Rock n' Roll when I was your age too." Tina laughed when Jack again commented on her dance ability. "My favorite band back then was the Bay City Rollers."
The seventeen-year-old had no idea who they were, but was so impressed with Tina once more that they had a third try around the floor. This time to a slower, more traditional wedding tune.
"I should really thank you for rescuing me from Cindy." Jack said. "She can be somewhat overwhelming at times."
"I got that impression when I saw the two of you together." Tina laughed softly. "I couldn't help but overhear some of the conversation. But I have to say, you've saved me as well."
Jack gave her an "I don't understand" look.
"If I wasn't dancing with you," she went on in that same humorous tone. "I'd bee dancing with a bunch of old men trying to cop a feel."
Jack was surprised by her comment, but not so much as not to reply.
"And young men don't try?" he asked.
"Oh they try too," Tina quipped. "But I don't mind it as much when they do."
Jack just silently smiled instead of replying to her response. He couldn't help but wonder if the attractive divorcee was trying to suggest something.
"Well it looks like the happy couple is getting ready to say goodnight." Tina said as the dance ended and the master of ceremonies called for everyone attention.
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Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the pictures; either way they are yours." I...
Chapter 1 Gloria and I have loved eachother sense childhood. Puppy love. Of corse we've growmn up togther, and graduated high school. She's growmn into a stunning and respectable woman. We never had sex as Gloria wished to wait untill marriage. I agreed as I loved loved and adored her so deeply. Never did I try to take advantage or encourage sex, as I respected her wish. Mind you, it it hasn't been easy! Watching her grow from an innocent child and blossom into the well-shaped adult woman...
“They’re not here,” read the text from my pal Greg that was the first sign of trouble on my wedding day.Greg, a grad student who worked part-time as a limo driver, had gone to pick up my bride Julia and her bridesmaid Marcy from Marcy’s condo.“What do you mean not here?” I texted back, my heart starting to race.“Literally. The girls are gone. The lady next door thinks she heard them leave around noon,” came the reply.The blood left my face. I sank into a chair and stared at my screen, not quite...
First Time*note: This story is a prelude to The Ceremony. I really had not thought of this before but every wedding needs planning. Enjoy Wedding Plans - By: Yvonne Kristine Emerson It was four in the afternoon as I pulled my car into the driveway. I walked to the house I knew my Mistress soon to be wife would be waiting. Tonight we would be meeting with her girlfriends to begin our wedding planning. This would be another in a long line of steps toward my complete feminization. As...
It had been a while since I was last able to dress up. The hair on my face and body had been growing out and my private time was very limited. Unfortunately. When the music sang to me. "We're going out of town next week." They were going away to visit some family and asked if I could join them. Naturally, I made up some excuse so I could stay back and "watch the house" while they were gone. Of course, that meant it was girl time! I had planned to spend the whole week dressed as a...
Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...
My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...
Mix up. That's what happened the long weekend we were going to a wedding. It was a friend of my parents who were getting married and we had to travel the Lake Tahoe to attend.The wedding was held at a little resort in the middle of nowhere. It was at least 30 minutes outside South Lake, up in the mountains. A beautiful old mansion, with some extra small cabins in the grounds.I drove up with my parents in their car. It was a pretty small wedding, maybe because the wedding couple both had been...
A little 'loving wives' tale*"Oh my God!That's it ---- that's it ---- don't stop.Aaah you bull you, you fucking bull.More ---- more ---- more!Oh yes --- yes --- yeeeeeeeeeees!"With a final shudder that ran right through my body, my toes uncurled, my nipples seemed to explode. Then I collapsed exhausted on top of the hunk of a man that I was astride.My bare breasts flattened against his chest, and slowly, no hurry, just very slowly and deliciously, I experienced that wonderful feeling of his...
Janet and I had met and dated for four months when I asked her to marry me. She agreed and we began to plan the "big event". Neither Janet nor I had been married before and we were both still virgins when we met. Janet is from a small town and we met while I was in town installing computers at a local company where she was working. I was immediately drawn to her. Janet is 23 years old, she has shoulder length dark blonde hair, small pert tits (I guess to be a perfect A cup) and the cutest ass I...
Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...
Still dressed in our wedding attire we stopped back at our apartment. We made it up the elevator to the 5th floor, laughing as we passed some people congratulating us. There were some gifts labeled “Congratulations Shane and Kelsey” on the center island as we walked into our place. The apartment was more than we could afford as it was a new fancy unit. The entrance opened up to a very open kitchen with a small nook where you could sit, take off shoes and hang your coat. If you walked in a bit...
She blew her hair from her face and looked at the flat tire, she then looked down at the white dress she was wearing. She then started to cry and that was how he found her. "Miss?" Kimberly turned around and wiped a tear from her cheek, before looking up at the man in front of her. "Yes?" she asked, though she knew what he was going to ask her. Frank looked at the woman before her, gauging her age to be about thirty, perhaps thirty-five, either way it was an age that seemed a little...
Mindy and I used exactly what Margo had written for us to say as our vows. Mindy liked the words as much as I did. I read the version first only by tradition. “I believe in you, the person you will grow to be and the couple we will be together. I take you as my wife, my best friend, my mentor, my role model, my accomplice, my playmate, my confidant, and my greatest challenge. I will always respect you, encourage you, cherish you, and love you more each day. “We have started this union as an...
Story2 Sandra Fane was delighted when her daughter, Alison, announced that she was to wed. Her chosen spouse was Alan, a boy she had first met at school, and had developed a growing attachment to as time went on. He was ambitious and ran his own business, although at times, Alison felt she had absolutely no idea what he was up to, it seemed to involve buying and selling virtual things at the right time, and making money out of thin air. Alan tried to explain, but said that a key aspect...
I really miss the weddings, especially the desi styles you could see. This was an incident when I had been to my cousin's wedding with my parents. I had the best fuck with one of the milf in the wedding, later I got to know that she's a far relative of mine. I was in the 3rd year of my engineering, born and groomed in Bangalore.I had been invited to my cousin's wedding close to Bangalore called Hassan.It was a wedding celebration to remember, which was in his farm house.Everyone who were...
MILFDoe is so happy to be marrying you, so excited about the wedding. She wanted to make the wedding as special and wonderful for you as you know it will be for her. So Doe agreed to make this your fantasy wedding, the wedding of your dreams. She let you plan out whichever details you wanted, and she planned the rest. You got to plan the guest list. Standing at the alter, looking out over the rows of guests, you see a crowd of beautiful women, all dressed up in their prettiest dresses, hair done...
Lisa came to the wedding with only one thing in mind. She wanted to get laid. Lisa didn't know the bride well, but was well acquainted with the groom. She had lived with him for a year before he met his bride. She became very close friends with Barry even after the breakup. That's why she received the wedding invitation. Her dilemma was how to wear something seductive, yet wedding appropriate. It couldn't be a "fuck me" dress, but an "I'm a slut who's looking" gown. Lisa chose an outfit that...
Straight SexWedding Daze By Legion Many His hands laced through the straps of my garters as his fingers slipped between my white stockings and my smooth legs. I could feel the rough netting of my crinoline get crushed under the weight of the two of us and didn't care. He was mad for me he wanted me and would ruin my wedding dress to have me and I wanted him to destroy it as he took my maiden head. "Cut off my skirts with your knife, Phil," I whispered into his ear as he ground into me with...
WEDDING NIGHT ???? WEDDING NIGHT???? by Zebulon This is a work of fiction.? No reference to real persons is intended.? It contains strong, non-traditional sexual imagery and language.? If you don't like this kind of thing, don't read it. This story may be reposted anywhere as long as (1) proper credit is given, (2) I am informed of where it is being posted, and (3) I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. ????????? ???? Feedback is welcome.?...
My name is Anthony, although all the kids at school just call me "Nerd Ant". This is my senior year and I'm the school's top honor student with straight A average for my entire 4 years of high school. I'm also probally the last virgin in the entire graduating class. Not one single date in my entire 18 years. Every time I get close to a girl I break out in a rash and on occasion even stammer somewhat. During the class elections for special categories in our year book, my picture appears...
Here comes the bride should be here cums the bride – well that was how my wedding was. Supposedly the best day of my life – well I will never forget it – put it that way. Everything went perfectly – up until just before the wedding. I had finished dressing in my beautiful strapless gown and I wanted a few moments to my self so I asked everyone to leave me for a while so I could really enjoy the last few moments as a single woman before I committed my self to Tony – my childhood...
It’s a beautiful day. A cool breeze blows, lessening the warming effects of the shining sun which has already begun its descent into the horizon. The smell of freshly cut grass and fragrant flowers adds to the ambience, creating a soothing environment as the sounds of music begin to fill the air. I lounge back in my seat, relishing the warming sensation that begins to fill my body as I enjoy my fourth gin and tonic of the afternoon. It’s a perfect day for a June wedding. I scan the crowd of...
Wedding Night As long as I can remember, I always wanted to get married! Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, my answer was always the same. I said I wanted to get married and be a mom. My name is Mandy Roberts and I just graduated college which makes me twenty-one years old. My parents had convinced me years ago that I needed a profession to fall back on. In the 40's and 50's it was the man who would go to work and the wife stayed home and raised the k**s. However,...
Before I went to the Dominican Republic I had had 2 sexual partners,Bob, my current husband to be, and David, the father of my son Paul.My name is Jill, and at the time, a 34 year old, happy with her lot, getting married for the second time to a kind, considerate man. It a was dream. Getting married on a sunshine island in the Carribean, I was so lucky. What i didnt realise was that i would arrive on my holiday a normally sexed person and leave an adulderess 6 times over.A little about myself...
I felt so excited going down the aisle. I was finally getting married! Truth be told, that wasn't even what made it exciting. I had been with Lars for a long time, we already felt like we were married. The exciting part was that he had no idea what was under my dress. No, we weren't saving ourselves for marraige ... quite the opposite. We had a very dirty sex life. But he didn't know quite how dirty I could be. I always held out, just to tease him. He knew I was a slut ... but he didn't...
“I LOVE YOU!” My husband, of 9 hours, slurred, as he proceeded to drunkenly slide down the hotel sofa, and fall asleep. My wedding day had been everything that I had ever wished for; it was my 19th birthday, the weather was warm and dry, my dress made me feel like a princess, and the flowers in the church looked absolutely wonderful. Pete’s dad, Roger, said, “we’ll take him to bed, for you.” “Keith, grab an arm!” he shouted to his brother. They then dragged my husband through the hotel lounge,...
IncestIt all began on my wedding day, not too long ago, on a clear summer day with the sun shining above. We were driving in a brand new limousine which with my considerable money, I could easily afford to rent for a week, plus pay a limo driver to take us to our destination. My new wife's name was Sarah Kellar and my name is Mike. We were both still wearing our wedding clothes; I with my texedo and she in a traditional two thousand dollar wedding dress and her veil making her look even more lovely...
The ceremony had been beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful Mrs. Carol Oberwise had ever seen. With the entire wedding party in their perfect sharp tuxedos and their lace and silken gowns. The evening had turned out perfectly, warm and tranquil despite the light shower early that morning, nearly cloudless sky with a slight breeze coming in off the water as the afternoon started its slow change into evening, the air ripe with the delicate scent of jasmine. The sky was a brilliant blue with the...
Chapter 31 As John and the Finn teens went north the rest of the Petersons minus Daisy and Claire were getting ready for their own special side trip. Emma was a bundle of nerves for the previous two days and was closely watched by Karen to ensure that she ate properly and didn't get too anxious and end up causing her blood pressure to spike. It was also why she was so sisterly towards Jaimie, she could empathize with having bad parents even if her own had not been criminal towards her...
-You are James Hart, a 27 year old . Today is your wedding day - you are marrying Nina Farley, a beautiful woman you've dated since two years ago. Due to an accident with a mysterious wedding gift, Nina switches bodies with another member of the wedding party shortly before the wedding. The three of you decide to find a way to reverse the transformation It's the day of your wedding and you spend the morning getting things ready. You feel excitement mixed with nervous as you go to the home yard...
Hi, this is Rahul.I share a marriage night story with you.Actual date I don’t remember yet, the day of my friend’s wedding ceremony, he reached his village before 7-8 days, I and my friends already prepared themselves to attend this wedding, So we bought gift as well as whisky and started our journey to his village, as per google map, his village was far from our location around 246 kms in some hilly typo location. We started a day before means too early. Till morning we covered around 150 kms,...
I was feeling horny one night and told Sarah I wanted to get dressed up. It was a bit of a gamble on my part as she might have been scared off by my idea. To my surprise she was very open to the idea and asked if I wanted to go shopping with her.We headed out to the shops and before I knew it we were buying some sexy clothes for me. A short tight black skirt, black fishnet stockings and black lace panties. A lovely white fitted blouse and a black satin corset with suspenders.Before we headed...
All my friends was now married after my last single friend tied the knot.The wedding was fun. It was big, but it was not what they always say a place to meet women. Most of the women were married and the few that wasn't were either too old or too young. Sure I could fuck some little 20 year old, but I wanted more than that.Something happened during the wedding that made me think that not everyone is made to be married. We drank a ton and all my best friends were my table. We were 10 people at...
Sonya carefully removed the hot rollers from her hair. The honey-colored mass fell well past her shoulders in thick curls. She began combing it and then pulling it up and away from her face, securing it with pins. She swiveled around in the chair at her vanity and smiled. Her wedding gown was spread out on the bed, made of the finest silk that money could buy. The dropped neckline was trimmed with iridescent sequins and edged with fine hand-woven lace: a spectacular diamond necklace her...
Sarah and I had been dating for several years when we decided to marry. I had also been sharing her with other men for at least a year at this time. Sarah is in her mid-20’s, 5’6’’ about 130lbs with a thin waist and 34C breasts, mixed (half black) and sexy as hell. She has not only become adjusted to me sharing her but has grown to love it and the excitement it brings the both of us. We were at the point of pushing the boundaries of what we were doing. There wasn’t much that I could ask her to...
Chapter 19 Pete and Bryan had spent all day out of contact with the ladies as per their request so were unaware of what was happening to them or what their plans were. Sean, Patrick, and David were appointed to watch over them as they met up with the platoon at the paintball facility. The group looked over the three and made crude comments about civilians to which Pete and Bryan held their tongues, the three were not playing with their platoon and the guys now had a target on their...
The agreement was very simple. Daddy will pay off my student loans, and provide me with all the food and shelter I ever need, but in exchange, I give up all control over my life and serve his every whim. I'd be his willing domesticated slave "girl" and earn my rent by sleeping with him and his friends as he saw fit. And in order to seal the deal. He demanded that I marry him. I took months of video chatting to make up my mind. but I eventually agreed. a fresh start with all my needs met and sex...