- 2 years ago
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I wasn't happy. For months, I'd been looking forward to my parents' vacation, if only because it meant I'd have the house to myself for two weeks -- the big dream of any 14 year old boy. Then, at the last minute, my stupid aunt had to go and move back into the area and need a place to stay. I barely knew the woman. I mean, I knew she was family and everything, but she hadn't been around since I was a kid. Her ex-husband had moved them to California years ago, and even after the divorce, she'd stuck around out there for a while. Which meant that for all intents and purposes, she was a stranger. Not exactly somebody I felt like being alone with for two weeks.
Yet when Aunt Tina arrived at the door with her suitcases in hand on that sunny day in April, my mood changed considerably. For some reason, whatever my childhood memory of her had been, it was way off. I thought I remembered her being a bit overweight. Yet the woman who walked into the house that day -- while hardly "thin" -- had an hourglass figure that was flattered by the jeans shorts and white t-shirt she wore. She was fairly tall, at least six inches or so taller than myself, her legs were well-muscled, and her chest... well, that was nothing short of amazing, especially to a pubescent boy. Her boobs were huge, and barely seemed contained by the bra that I could see clearly outlined beneath the t-shirt. Beyond this, all I noticed at first was that she had a nice smile, which she flashed often, and that she wore her auburn hair cut short and moussed up, as if she were trying to make herself look a few years younger than she was.
"Simon," my mother said, "you remember Aunt Tina, don't you?"
"I think so." I smiled awkwardly.
"Well look how big you've gone and gotten," my aunt said. "Do I get a hug?" She opened her arms wide.
I shrugged, then walked clumsily into the hug, savoring the brief moment as long as I could -- her melon-sized breasts pushing against me, warm and soft.
"I hope I'm not putting you guys out," she said, more or less to all of us. "When I got the job, I had no idea they'd want me to start so quickly. Once I find a good apartment, I'll be out of your hair."
"It's not a problem at all," my father said. "Stay as long as you need to. Marge and I are leaving town tomorrow anyway. You can use our room while we're gone. After that, we'll work something out."
"You guys really are too nice," she said, suitably humble, then turned and faced me. "Simon, you need to promise me, if I get in your way at any point, just let me know. I won't be offended."
"I promise," I said.
The next day, my parents left for the airport in the late afternoon. Aunt Tina and I bade them farewell, and then I wandered back into the living room, where I'd been watching some cartoons. A few minutes later, my aunt followed me in. I glanced up, and saw that she'd changed out of the sweatshirt and jeans she'd been wearing before. Now she had a red tank-top on, which didn't do a very good job at hiding her white bra straps. She was still fiddling with one strap as she walked into the room, trying to get it to behave.
"So what are we watching?" she asked, and settled into the recliner a few feet away from me.
"Spider-Man," I said, trying to seem disinterested in her presence, when I was actually anything but.
"Cool. I always liked Spidey."
I gave her what must have been an odd look, because she instantly laughed. "Yes, believe it or not, Spider-Man was around when I was your age. I'm 37, not 87."
"I didn't say anything," I protested, smiling.
"You didn't have to. I'm a mind-reader."
I hope not, I thought, because the main thing on my mind at that moment was whether or not I might be able to find a way in the next two weeks to see her naked. But all I said was, "Yeah, right."
"It's true," she said. "Like right now..." She closed her eyes. "... you're thinking how nice it would be to go to the kitchen and get a soda for your wonderful Aunt Tina." She opened her eyes again. "Right?"
"Yeah, right," I said, still smiling. Then I went and got her a soda.
The next day was Monday. Which meant the weekend was over. I had to go back to school, and Aunt Tina had to start her first day at the new job. When I woke up, I followed my usual routine -- stumbling half-asleep down the hallway from my room to the bathroom to piss and take a shower. When I got there, however, the door was closed. Great, I thought. My mom is gone, but I still have to compete with a woman for bathroom time every morning. Just as I was about to turn and head back to my room, though, the door opened. There was my aunt, with a small bag of makeup in one hand, wearing a lacy black bra, black panties, and thigh-high black stockings... and that was it.
She was startled at first to see me there, and jumped. "Jeez. You scared me."
It was all I could do to force my eyes up, away from the incredible sight of the cleavage created by her huge tits pushing their way out of a too-small bra. "Sorry," I said. "I didn't realize you'd be in there."
"I'm done," she replied, smiling, then looked down at herself. "Well, except for the whole actually getting dressed part, of course."
I chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah."
"Is this a bad time?" she asked. "Would it be easier for you if I got up a half-hour earlier?"
"No," I said. "As long as you're done by now. This is the time I always get up. It's okay."
"All right then. Well, let me know." She started to move forward, but the hallway was too narrow to get around me, so I had to push my back against the wall for her to get by. In doing so, her barely contained breasts passed just below my face, and I could smell the sweet perfume exuding from her.
After she passed, I watched her go, and admired her slightly wide yet shapely ass as it disappeared around the corner into my parents' room. Then I let out a deep sigh and stepped into the bathroom. Only then did I notice, as I went to pee, that I was hard as a rock, and that my erection was creating an obvious bulge in my jockey shorts. Shit, I thought. Had she seen? Or had it only popped up like that when she passed me in the hall? I had no real way of knowing, other than to ask her... and THAT wasn't going to happen. I decided not to linger on it. The important thing at the moment was to pee, before my bladder burst, so I thought about something else, waited for the erection to die down a bit, then took care of my usual morning business.
When I got home after school that day, I didn't expect anybody to be home. I walked through the door, dropped my backpack on the floor, took the stairs two at a time, and headed for my bedroom. The plan was to try and sneak in a good wanking session before Aunt Tina got home. All day, I'd been thinking about how she had looked that monrning, and I just couldn't wait to toss off a quick one while the image was still fresh in my mind.
Ironically, the last thing I expected to see as I walked past my parents' bedroom was Aunt Tina standing there in the same exact black bra and panties and stockings, having apparently just stepped out of the black dress she'd worn to work that day. Instead of following my first instinct, which was to keep right on walking to my room, as if I'd never seen anything at all, I chose to stop, take two steps back, and say hello.
"Oh, hi Simon," she said, smiling, then leaned down to pick up the dress, thereby giving me a great view of her ample cleavage. She threw the dress on the bed, then turned to face me again. "How was school?"
"Um. It was okay. I didn't think you'd be home yet."
"Well, it was mostly orientation today. They let me go early."
"Oh. That's cool." So much for my plan to jerk off. Not that I was complaining.
As she reached up to remove her earrings, I noticed that my aunt's well-manicured nails were painted a bright red. It was the first time I was noticing it, so she must have done it before she left for work. Regardless, the contrast between her fair skin, the black lingerie, and the red nails was quite striking... and quite sexy. So perhaps this is why my heart skipped a beat when she said to me, "Simon, could you do me a favor?"
"Sure. What is it?"
"Do you remember when you were little, and I'd get you to scratch my back for me?"
"Um. Not really, no."
She laughed. "Well, you did. You were always so happy to do it."
I blushed. "I was?"
"Yup. And I always loved it so much. My mother used to scratch my back when I was a little girl, and it's something that's always helped me to relax. And today's been kind of a stressful day..." She let her words trail off.
"You want me to scratch it now?" I asked, trying not to let the eagerness show in my voice.
"Would you mind?" she said.
Holy shit, I thought. How could I possibly mind that? "No. Sure. Why not?"
She smiled. "You're a sweetheart. Thanks." She sat on the bed. "Is here fine?"
"Sure." As I sat down behind her, it occurred to me that we were sitting directly in front of the tall mirror in the room. Which meant that even though I was sitting behind my aunt, I could still see her from the front. As I began to scratch her back, starting just below her shoulders, she closed her eyes and leaned her head to one side. This left me wide open to stare at her chest all I wanted to.
"Perfect," she said. "You haven't lost your touch."
As I scratched with one hand, I noticed that it made her breasts jiggle a bit -- quite a sight to behold, especially for a horny young thing like me. So then I decided to use two hands, and just as I'd hoped, the jiggling intensified. It almost made me wish I had a third hand -- maybe then I could make them pop out of the bra altogether!
"Oh yeah," she said, giggling. "Now we're talkin'."
At this point, the backscratch for me became an exercise in seeing just how much I could make her tits move around, and in that respect, I wasn't the least bit disappointed. After a few minutes, though, during one of my occasional inspections of her face, to make sure her eyes were still closed... I saw that they weren't. She was looking me in the eye as well, and sporting a quizzical smile. Busted! I immediately turned my face downward, and for as long as the backscratch session lasted, which was just a couple more minutes, I focused only on her back.
"Okay, I guess that's enough," she said. "Your hands are probably tired."
"Yeah. A little."
My aunt stood up, and so did I. Thankfully, I was wearing jeans at the time, or else she'd probably have been able to tell I was hard as a rock. "Thanks Simon, that was perfect."
"You're welcome," I said, a bit embarrassed, trying not to make eye contact.
"Do you want me to return the favor?" She held up her hands. "I've got great nails for it!"
"Sure," I said. "Maybe later, though. I have to... um... do homework and stuff."
"Okay. Well let me know."
"I will." And with this, I took one last furtive glance at her body, then exited the room.
After dinner, I watched some TV, then excused myself to my bedroom to do some more homework, leaving Aunt Tina behind to watch the prime time lineup in the living room. An hour or so later, I started to get bored of reading about the Civil War, and my mind wandered once again to the sight of my aunt in her lingerie. I was wearing only a t-shirt and my jockeys at the time -- my usual state of dress when hanging out in my bedroom at the end of the day -- and so as images of her bouncing boobs came back to me, and as my cock inevitably grew hard, I couldn't resist slipping my hand down under the elastic band for a few quick strokes. And those few strokes were enough to make me realize that what I really wanted was to jerk off. For one reason or another, it had been over 24 hours... and at age 14, that was just too long.
The first thing I needed to do was go close the door all the way, because I could remember having left it partially open when I stepped into the room. But as I sat up to do this, there was a sudden quiet knock at the door. "Simon? You awake?"
Oh shit, oh shit, I thought, as I heard the door begin to squeak open. I assessed my situation in less than a second. I was sitting on my bed, in my underwear, with a too-obvious boner showing through the thin material in stark relief. There wasn't time enough to get under the covers, because I was laying on top of them. And there definitely wasn't time to run over to my jeans, which were in a ball on the middle of the floor. So I could either just yell at my aunt NOT to come in, and risk her suspecting that I was doing something wrong -- drugs or something -- or... there was another idea. She'd asked if I was awake. So what if I wasn't awake? And just like that, I decided what to do. As I carried out my plan, I realized it may not be the best idea in the world... yet considering my limited options, it would have to do.
I fell back on my pillow, rolled my head to one side, closed my eyes, and opened my mouth a bit. It was the same classic pose I'd used with my parents a million times, whenever I wanted them to think I was asleep (and therefore unavailable for some chore or another). As an added touch, I also quickly threw my hand over the history book I'd been reading a few minutes before. That way, it would look as if I'd fallen asleep while studying diligently.
Not two seconds after this, I could hear my aunt's tentative footsteps padding into the room. "Simon?" she said, more quietly than the first time. Clearly, by this point, she realized that I was asleep. But still, I heard her proceed further into the room, pausing finally just in front of me. What the hell is she doing, I thought. And just as all sorts of fantastic and erotic ideas began to flash through my mind, I heard the sound of her rattling around through my CD's. Then I understood what she was doing. Looking for some music. She'd asked me earlier, while we were watching TV, if she could borrow a few of my albums to play on her walkman.
As I listened to her cracking open one jewel case after another, I was painfully aware of just how hard my dick was in my jockey shorts, and I wondered if she'd noticed it. It seemed unlikely that she could have missed it. Not that it was huge or anything. Far from it. But it wasn't invisible either. Anyway, after a few minutes, I got brave enough to crack my eyes open a bit, and saw her squatting there in front of my CD collection, her back to me, still in the casual clothes she'd worn all evening. Then I saw her head begin to turn, and quickly slammed my eyes shut again. My heart was racing, but I tried to control my breathing as best I could.
I waited to hear the floorboards creak under her feet as she stood... but it didn't happen. I wanted so badly to crack my eyes open again, but I didn't dare. Because then, if she saw, she'd know I'd been faking it the entire time. And then... well, I didn't know what would happen then, but I didn't want to risk it. So I waited.
Finally, I felt an odd -- and entirely amazing -- sensation. Something touched my dick. Or rather, it touched my dick through my underwear... but that didn't diminish the moment any less for me. Holy shit, I thought. That first touch was only tentative, as if a test to see if I'd wake up. But when I didn't budge, I felt another peculiar -- and wonderful -- sensation, and I all I could guess was that my aunt was running her finger up along the length of my shaft. This time, my body couldn't help but to react in some way, and as my cock reflexively twitched, I let out a small groan. Yet I still maintained my ruse of being asleep. This reaction made my aunt giggle quietly, as if she were a child playing with a new toy, and so she did it again. And again, my cock twitched, I groaned, and then for added effect, rolled my head over to the other side. My aunt giggled once more, then perhaps thought better of what she was doing. The floorboards creaked under her feet as she stood, then padded softly out of the room, turning off the light on her way out.
Once she was safely gone, I finally opened my eyes, smiling and overwhelmed by what had just happened. Although it wasn't much, it was the first time that any woman had even come close to touching one of my erections. The very idea of it had me harder than ever. I immediately grabbed the box of tissues on top of my headboard, yanked my jockeys down, and within thirty seconds, was experiencing one of the best orgasms I'd ever had.
The next morning, I made a point of waking up a half-hour early, and stood at my door listening for the sound of Aunt Tina moving around back and forth from the bedroom to the bathroom, getting ready for work. As she took a shower, I imagined what her body must look like wet and naked, and wondered if it would be possible to drill a peephole into the wall of the bathroom, so that I could see for myself. I decided it wasn't. I waited for the sound of her leaving the bathroom after her shower, on the off chance that maybe she'd walk from the bathroom to the bedroom naked or something. After she passed my door, I quickly peeked out through the crack... but she was wearing a towel. Still a great sight, but not quite what I was hoping for. After this, I waited again, this time for her to return to the bathroom to do her makeup.
When a few more minutes had passed, I stepped out of my bedroom, wearing the same t-shirt and jockeys -- and erection -- that I'd been sporting both the morning before and the night before, and approached the bathroom. Everything business as usual, I thought. Unlike the morning before, however, this time the bathroom door was wide open. Once again, though, my aunt was only in her underwear, this time a fancy set of matching blue lingerie. Perhaps she'd decided that I'd seen her in this state of undress enough times by now that modesty made no sense any more. All I knew was that image of her huge boobs in profile as she stood in front of the sink was exquisite.
She caught me out of the corner of her eye. "Oh, hey there," she said. "Good morning."
"Morning," I replied, as I stepped up to the open doorway, my arms crossed over my chest. I knew this meant that my erection would be visible through my shorts, but I figured if she wasn't go to hide anything, then I didn't have to either. If she noticed it at all, though, she didn't say anything about it.
"You feel asleep early last night," she said, while putting lipstick on.
"Yeah. I was tired I guess."
"I snuck in and borrowed a few CD's. I hope you don't mind."
"Really? No. That's cool." I hoped I was pulling off a good performance.
Just then, I noticed that something else about my aunt was a bit different than it had been the morning before. This time, as well as the bra, panties, and stockings, she was also wearing a matching pair of blue high heels. Very high heels. And very flattering high heels. Especially when she leaned forward to put on eye makeup, and kicked one foot out a bit. It was like a scene right out of a Marilyn Monroe movie or something... only my aunt was much bustier than Marilyn, and was wearing some seriously sexy lingerie.
"Good," she said. "I was afraid I'd wake you up. You must be a sound sleeper."
"Pretty much. It takes like an explosion to wake me up."
My aunt turned to me and smiled. "I actually tried to tickle you, to see if you'd notice."
I caught myself blushing. "You did?" What? Tickling? Is that what she called it?
"Yeah, but you didn't budge."
"Well, I'm not that ticklish. Only in a couple places."
"Oh," she said. "Maybe that's why then."
Then a thought occurred to me. "Why? Where did you tickle me?"
This time, I was fairly certain I saw her blush. "Where?"
"Yeah. What, like my armpit or something?"
"Or something," she replied, and clumsily dropped her mascara in the sink. "Oops."
I thought about pressing it, but decided not to. It was enough to know that I'd flustered her. Although later that day, in hindsight, I realized this might have been a dumb thing to do. Because now she'd probably never feel bold enough to do what she'd done last night again. Great. Smart move, Simon.
When I got home from school that day, Aunt Tina wasn't there. Apparently, they weren't letting her go home early all week. When she still wasn't home after a few hours, I began to wonder if something was wrong. Then, on my way to the kitchen to find something for dinner, I thought to pick up the phone and check the voicemail -- something I wasn't used to doing, because my parents always did it. Sure enough, my aunt had left a message about fifteen minutes before I got home, letting me know that she'd be going out with some co-workers after work, and that she wouldn't be home for dinner.
I fended for myself that night, heating up some leftover spaghetti and eating it in front of the TV. Before long, 9 o'clock had rolled around, and there was still no sign of my aunt. Good for her, I thought. Her second day on the job, and she was clearly already making new friends. There wasn't anything much I wanted to watch on TV, so I decided to head up to my room. I was a few chapters behind in history, and really needed to get caught up before next week's test.
This story begins with Eric during one summer afternoon at his house. Eric is eighteen years old, he just graduated from high school, and is going to start college in the fall, locally. He lives with both of his parents and his younger brother, Michael, who is twelve years old.Eric is a single guy. He's only had one two girlfriends so far, and was only able to have sex with one of them, twice. The last time was over a year ago, and Eric isn't as good with the girls as he would like to be, so...
Tabooi am naleer from madukkur my mail id my mob no only aunties 9952801406 I wasn’t even 18 yet not even close, just my second year of high school. This was my first summer of freedom without my parents. I had a couple of really serious girlfriend in high school, but I was looking forward to going off this summer anywhere and losing my virginity finally. I was going to be going to all the biggest party in this state, so I could hookup with some girls who didn’t know me at all. The summer had just...
IncestFriends, you are reading this story on indiansexstories dot net Hey, guys, this is Akash and the name is of course changed and I’m 20 years old. My contact email is and I live in Bangalore. Any kind of feedback is encouraged. Not to sound desperate but I love women a lot and women are welcome to get in touch with me and I think I can satisfy you well. Your privacy will be of utmost priority to me. Coming to the sex story. This is how I seduced my aunt into sex. We live in Bangalore and this...
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"Intro" Sex, sex, sex. That's pretty much what's always on my mind. That's what's on most young guys minds. This never rang more true then the year I moved in with my aunt. Let me back track a bit. My name is Tommy. I'm a senior in high school. I don't run with the jocks. I don't run with the super smart kids. I don't play an instrument (unless you count my dick as one). I'm pretty much average. You wouldn't give me a second look. And why would you? I've done...
When I was growing up my mothers sister Kaylie hardly ever visited, she was always off some place or other and my mother always told me she did this because she was a travel writer and that's what travel writers did.Then one day in my teens I found porn on the internet, and found out the truth, aunt wasn't a travel writer, she was a glamour model.I couldn't believe my eyes as I stared at her white naked body, with her big round saggy tits and hard pink nipples, and a small black bush that...
Pari and I made plan to have Raja fuck my aunt who came from UK to site seeing.To catch up you can read our post it will get you update on our stories. After the breakfast I was in my room and aunt was also in my room. Pari went down stairI asked aunt if she can go down and bring my phone up for me. Pari took my phone.Aunt said no problem I will go and bring your phone back to you.As aunt left my room I got up and stood by the room door. I could not hear aunt talking.After couple of minutes I...
As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine,… As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine, a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations, and I didn't want to disappoint...
IncestI had made a trip to Austin where my Aunt lived for a visit, I had just made it into town and met my Aunt for dinner. We had a very nice conversation over dinner and then we headed to her new house in a very well to do neighborhood. Once at her house we got my bags into her house and she showed me around. We sat down in her living room talking and sharing our thoughts. That is when my Aunt asked about how my wife was doing. I told her she was fine and then asked about the k**s. She then went...
On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.”I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.”Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was i****t. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that i****tuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?”I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.”Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”.I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...
On our way, mom said, “I want you to call me ‘mom’, ‘maa’ or ‘mummy’ from now on.” I asked, “Why so? I like to call you Neetu.” Mom said, “Well, we had sex today. I want to feel that it was incest. If you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mummy’ or ‘maa’, I will have that incestuous feeling and that will make me hornier. Any problem?” I laughed and said, “No, mom. I will call you mom.” Neetu pinched my cheek and said, “That’s like a good boy. That’s my Sonny”. I said, “Mom, the moment you touch me, I have an...
IncestMy aunt was really nice and she was the type of woman who liked to take care of herself. She always looked good, no matter what the situation was. She worked out everyday and took care of her diet so as you can figure out, she was really good looking even though she was 33 at the time. She had been married once but never had any kids so this made her look even better. Her body was curvy with thick legs, butt and breasts along with a really slim waist. Her hair was dark and long enough to...
As a twenty-year-old, after a year in college, I had become very disillusioned with my prospects. Not only was I failing my classes, but I felt like a little cog in a big machine, a machine designed to extract money from people like me. However, my parents had high expectations, and I didn't want to disappoint them. After much consideration, I figured I would take a semester off to figure things out. As expected, my parents were not only disappointed but angry as well."So, what the hell are you...
IncestI was in my last year of high school when my parents were both tragically killed in a car accident. Being an only c***d, I went to live with my Aunt Jackie and my cousin Jill. My Uncle had passed away the year before due to illness, so it had been a very difficult period of time for all of us, but a natural normal fit when I went to live with them.Jill and I had always been close cousins growing up, and the fact we didn't live very far from one another made it easier for us to see one another...
I was heading home for college break and I got a message from my Mom on my cell. She wanted me to stop and see my Aunt Tori. She lived on the other side of town about 45 minutes from our house. Tori had married my Mom brother and he was away on a business trip to NYC. We usually get together about twice a year for the holidays. I had not seen them since I went to college 5 years ago. I was hoping to stop and see my Aunt and then head home for a home cook meal. College food can be bad at times...
When I heard aunt Mary’s voice again that evening it had been years since I’d seen her. The last time had been at her husband’s funeral. That was now, what, six years ago? Seven? We talked a bit about trivial things until aunt Mary asked if I would like to come and visit her. I hadn’t expected that, but I agreed. When I thought about it, I decided that it would be nice to see her again and reminisce about the past with her. I was in between girlfriends at the time, so to speak, so I had plenty...
Hi everyone I am Neeraj Kumar 18+ years of age from Chennai. I am 6 feet I maintain a good toned body by going to gym and dick sizes 5inches and very thick one which could satisfy anyone. This is my first experience so please forgive me for the mistakes. Please send back your feedback only ladies who can have an erotic sex chat with me privacy & safety guaranteed. This is my mail id This is a real story happened nearly 6 months ago. The heroine of the story is my aunt her name is vanitha she...
When she woke up, Aunt Marti seemed not to remember anything about the previous evening. She shook me awake, handed me the clothes I had worn the day before, and told me to get dressed so we could get on the road. My conscience had recovered nicely, thank you. I still felt embarrassed by what I had done the night before but the guilt was draining away as my cock got stiffer. Marti was once again wearing a cropped tank top and cut-offs. The weather was hot and sticky so both of us were...
Hi friends, I have been inspired by some of the stories published in the site and hence gathered the courage to present a true story of a mother and son which actually happened in our village. Of course, I have added some spices here and there to make the reading interesting. Would you mind? A brief prelude is necessary for this story and hence I would try to be as crisp as I can. I had just finished my college when my uncle died of a heart attack. I was the only person to perform the annual...
IncestHi all. First of all, I am thankful for all the support iss readers gave for my previous erotic series, I received many emails and hangout messages from many people, especially from lonely ladies, who enjoyed my fantasy. This made me write one more fantasy story about my hot aunt. I am Rishi from Bangalore. I am 28, grew up with lots of fantasies in life. Like all boys entering the teenage, I too got good exposure to the most important thing in life, sex. This is one of the most exciting and...
IncestHi ISS readers. I am Vaibhav from Delhi, 34 years old, 6+ ft tall with moderate body. I work in a reputed organization and my colleagues say that I’m quite handsome and smart. Today I want to share a true incident, which took place almost 15 yrs back and changed the philosophy of my life and views towards sexuality and relationships. Well, I’m not a good writer and not well versed in typing, there might be mistakes, also I’m short of words which describe such stories in a fantastic way, so...
IncestI was a young teenager when I discovered sex. Of course, I had already known it existed and what it entailed, but I had always thought it was just something weird.At a certain point, though, I started to react differently when for example I saw a topless woman on television. In the past I would have thought that was dirty, probably because of my Catholic upbringing. Now, on the other hand, I began to find such a sight very interesting. Also, I noticed that when I looked at a naked woman, my...
This is a story about how I fucked my aunt. My aunt is about 40 years and has good assets at right places. This incident happened when I was in my first year of intermediate. My college was on the way to my uncle’s house, so after college gets over everyday I used to go to my uncles house and used to see TV for sometime, chat with my uncle and then come to my house. One day my uncle said that he has to go out of station for a week and told me to stay at his place, after college for the next...
IncestThis obsession wasn’t just limited to the computer. I was fantasizing about a number of women whom I knew- my teachers, my neighbor, my friend’s moms, my cousins but majority of my fantasies were about my aunt. My mother’s younger sister, she was married with two kids and lived in the other part of the country. Well, she was a really sexy MILF. She was about 5’6”, slim, with an ass to die for and breasts that weren’t too large but looked perfect on her body. Her nice black hair and her...
My sexy auntFirst time with an adult woman.As a c***d I was every summer on vacation with my aunt and uncle in Viborg. They ran a small grocery store with its dairy sales. It was always fun to be able to help in the shop. This summer I had just turned 16, and I was pleased as always to be away on vacation. I had no great sexual experience at the time, but it should change during the holidays.I was raised alone by train to Viborg, and were picked up at the station by my aunt and uncle. My uncle...
My uncle Tony and my Aunt Kristie had been married a good ten years or more but after a good few years things began to change, he apparently started to work long hours and then business trips away and then I heard my mother telling my father one day there was whispers of an affair as well.So on my twenty first birthday we had a family get together, there was the usual presents and party food and few drinks, and by early evening I was ready to head out to the pubs with my mates for a big fucking...
Jimmy was staying with his Aunt Susan for the summer. The 17 year-oldwished he could go home. He missed his friends and he resented thedisciplinary side of his aunt. Aunt Susan was his Mother's younger sistershe was only 24 and this was causing much friction between the aunt andnephew. Jimmy's parents made sure he understood that while he was in hisaunt's home he must abide by his aunt's rules and discipline. Jimmy was increasingly misbehaving as a way to rebel against his aunt'sauthority;...
Hi friends and fellow readers, I am back with one real story of mine from 2004 when I went to USA for my higher studies. But when I ran short of money due to over expenditure, I thought of living at my aunt Arfa’s place to save some money. My mother gave her contact to me only in case of an emergency but as mom and aunt weren’t so close, mom never wanted me to take aunt’s favour. Anyways, I was just 20 years old and not mature enough. I landed at her place to save money and since I saw her...
IncestAt that time I was 21 and my aunt 45, I was staying at her beach house for the summer as it was closer to my work. One evening after dinner out at restaurant she was a bit drunk, when we got home she just removed her dress and crashed on the bed with panties and bra, after a while I started to get excited by her perfect ass.First I was caressing her ass, it was amazing the feel of her soft and big asscheeks, then I got bolder and taking out my now hard dick I started brushing my dick on her...
At that time I was 21 and my aunt 45, I was staying at her beach house for the summer as it was closer to my work. One evening after dinner out at restaurant she was a bit drunk, when we got home she just removed her dress and crashed on the bed with panties and bra, after a while I started to get excited by her perfect ass.First I was caressing her ass, it was amazing the feel of her soft and big asscheeks, then I got bolder and taking out my now hard dick I started brushing my...
Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Naren, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta.She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...
Hi guys, hope you all doing fine. This is Abhi, and this time I am coming with an incident happened to me last year. I hope you all will enjoy and like my experience which I am going to share with you all. The incident happened to me with one of my Aunt and her name was Ekta. She was around 33-35 years old, and was married to my uncle who was quite aged than my Aunt. At least there was 15-18 years gap between them. So coming back to the incident I used to live in Bangalore alone as I was...
IncestBy : Binson.Out It all started when I was sent to live in my mother’s elder sister’s home. My aunt had three daughters and all of them were married. As uncle was posted abroad on a project so my mom sent me to live with her and study when I was fourteen so that she wouldn’t feel lonely. It was just me and aunt in their big house which was situated little out of town limits. I joined a school there and started attending classes. My aunt was in her late 40’s. She loved and cared for me a lot....
IncestThis is my first story sorry if it's hard to read I'll keep trying to fix it...This story is true it's up to you if you want to believe it or not. I was 21 at the time used to lift but didn't really have an athletic build 5'11 youngest of 6 c***dren (I'm 30 now) We had just moved into our new place... A very small place. It was about 7 people in an apt. Anyways we had a small party with a few family members from my mom's side come over nothing major just my aunt and a few cousins. I greeted my...
My name is Jenny and I am 18. I am 5 feet 2 inches, with a figure that makes heads turn. The only problem is my bust. I am an A cup and that has been something that gives me a certain amount of pain and rejection by most guys. My mom wanted me to go under the knife to augment my little beauties, but I didn't want to. The only consolation was that my nipples were bigger than average being puffier than normal. To my surprise I never got to a point where I could dazzle a guy with those pink...
Aunt Valerie asked me to babysit her k**s last Friday night. Uncle Jim was out of town, and she was going out with some women she works with. Since I go to school in the town where she lives, it wasn't a problem. For one thing, I could use the money. On top of that, I like to see as much of Aunt Valerie as I can. I've been having fantasies about my dad's forty-year-old sister forever. She had never given any indication of interest in me, her eighteen-year-old nephew, but no matter what she wore...
Last week I spent the night fucking my own aunt. I would never have even thought of such a thing under normal circumstances. What happened was so wild and crazy, I still can't quite believe it.I'm a woman's clothing buyer for a major department-store chain. I was in New York on a buying trip, and the sales rep for a large clothing manufacturer took me out to dinner. I was staying in an expensive suite they supply to their out-of-town customers, and when the rep dropped me off in front of the...
e had fantasized about those tits for as long as he could remember. Ever since he was old enough to know what a hard-on was, Gabe got one whenever he saw his Aunt Marlena. It was not as if his father's sister was the image that most adolescent fantasies were made of, but there was definitely something about the woman the enthralled her nephew completely. She was not what most might consider gorgeous, though she was in no way unattractive. Any hint of grey was hidden with frequent colouring and...
Part-I : Well, this is my first time writing on this forum and I am a regular reader of the incest section of this website. The names in this story have been changed due to its secret to others. Well this is my first time writing into indian sex stories dot net……. I have been the fan of the incest section for long and few of the tricks have even worked for me. My aunt (my father’s brother’s wife) was my first family experience. After that I had made love to more two aunts of mine, but that will...
IncestAs we pulled into the driveway I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and a lump swell up in my throat. I always felt this way when I knew I would get to see her. I never knew what to expect from her. She always seemed to surprise me. My cock seemed to always be semi-erect when she was around...and no wonder...she teased me endlessly with those low cut shirts and that little bikini with her breasts spilling out the top and sides. I longed to pull the string around her neck and let them...
As we pulled into the driveway I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and a lump swell up in my throat. I always felt this way when I knew I would get to see her. I never knew what to expect from her. She always seemed to surprise me. My cock seemed to always be semi-erect when she was around...and no wonder...she teased me endlessly with those low cut shirts and that little bikini with her breasts spilling out the top and sides. I longed to pull the string around her neck and let them...
I am a regular reader of sex stories. My name is shan .sex with my aunt happened when I was in college. I live With my parents, uncle and his family (aunt lavanya).who our neighbors’..We use to live in house side by side. I used to call her aunt. My aunt was not happy with her husband in sex.she was only 34, left with no child.. At that time I was around 25 years. Soon after my uncle got a job in Australia and hence moved out single leaving aunt “lavanya”alone in india.she was shifted to be In...
Let me start by saying this is a true story, all people involved are above the age of 18.My story is a culmination of a fantasy coming true. Let me tell you a bit about me, I am 22 years old I think I'm a good looking guy but one thing for sure just like any other 22 year old male I have high sex drive.Every guy has millions of fantasy's of the woman they would like to have sex with and more ways of how they would like to pleasure them, well this was one of my fantasy's and now its a...
This story is mostly true, I changed a few things to protect identities. It is one of those things in your life that you never quite get over. I'm sitting here with an erection just thinking about it.Growing up, I was always the favorite of my mom's sister aunt Laura. Even though I got along great with my other aunts and uncles, aunt Laura kind of took a special interest in me from when I was just a little k**. She always made me feel special and as if I were her favorite nephew. She was...
My aunt Sharon has always been a secret crush of mine. She’s my mom’s younger sister by a couple years currently aged 45. She’s blond with a hint of grey, bright blue eyes a pleasant demeanor and just as sweet as can be. Her body, after a daughter, is surprisingly tight, solid B cup. Her husband founded a manufacturing company, and in a short while exploded into wealthy relative to the rest of my extended family’s standards. I’m Ryan and I come from a fairly comfortable middle-class family....
My name is lime. I’m 19 now last year I had sex with my aunt and I’m still banging her. Let’s begin: in my summer holidays, I used to go to my uncle’s house for a sleepover he had two sons they went to London for study. My uncle mostly used to go out for business trips and my aunt always use to stay alone she was 34 30 36 she was kinda fat but really hot. Every day I tried seeing her naked when she went to bath and even tried to see her from the key hole but failed. Whenever I used to go for...
IncestMy name is James, and I am a 17 year old in highschool. Im into sports like baseball, football, but most of all, varsity hockey for my school. I have a very athletic build and great stamina. Im 6’1, and I weigh 210 lbs. I was raised in a fun and outgoing family. My mom and dad split when I was about 7 years old, because fell in love with his big titted secretary. This brod that my dad cheated on my mom with was in no way more attractive than she was. My mom is a beautiful woman. She is...
“Aunt Chelsea? I-I’m s-s-sorry, I didn’t know you’d be home,” Rebecca stuttered, still bent over and turning her head toward the door.I was still shocked, I was standing in the middle of the bedroom, with her aunt’s decorative paddle in my hand and our roasted bare bottoms on display for her.“Oh, a little experimentation is fine by me,” Aunt Chelsea explained as she walked in closer toward the naked college girls in front of her.“I’ve got to admit it, I have similar tastes,” she continued as we...
SpankingThank you, everyone, for the support and patience you have shown towards my story. It helps me keep going. Put in your suggestions and keep supporting. Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by Elsa. The night was really joyful and fun. Everyone looked so happy. I haven’t seen Jerry this happy in a long time. By the end of the night, he was really high. I knew he was going to pass out soon. But I really needed something tonight. I was longing to get...
IncestThank you, everyone, for the support and patience you have shown towards my story. It helps me keep going. Put in your suggestions and keep supporting. Read previous chapters to understand the story. Narrated by Elsa. The night was really joyful and fun. Everyone looked so happy. I haven’t seen Jerry this happy in a long time. By the end of the night, he was really high. I knew he was going to pass out soon. But I really needed something tonight. I was longing to get...
IncestIn the society where I was born and grew up, sex was not something to be discussed but a very private affair between a husband and a wife. When I was [redacted] I discovered my own sexuality by chance. One day while taking bath and rubbing soap all over my body I felt that rubbing my penis with the slippery soapy hand gave me a wonderful sensation. So I continued to rub my penis and all of a sudden I had my first orgasm which was overwhelming. Having discovered the joys of masturbation I became...
In the society where I was born and grew up, sex was not something to be discussed but a very private affair between a husband and a wife. When I was [redacted] I discovered my own sexuality by chance. One day while taking bath and rubbing soap all over my body I felt that rubbing my penis with the slippery soapy hand gave me a wonderful sensation. So I continued to rub my penis and all of a sudden I had my first orgasm which was overwhelming. Having discovered the joys of masturbation I became...
Hi guys,,I’ve been reading ISS since more than two years…about me..I’m of 21 years of age..5’8 and very fair and handsome guy with good attractive look…but still don’t have girl friends upto now…but only physical relationships.so who ever want a great sex experience can contact me in for very confidential sexual relationship with me.so directly going into matter. My dad works in a company which has transfers now and then so until normal age i don’t know much of anything was a very good guy not...