The Smoke Of Distant Autumn Fires free porn video

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Bob Harris again gave a disgusted look to the silent engine of the Ford and then shifted his gaze - just as disgustedly - to his watch. Then, in a way completely uncharacteristic for him, he vented his feelings with a single, loud expletive. "Shit!" The sudden profanity seemed to bring him back to his surroundings, but did nothing to alleviate his turmoil. Four o'clock! In another hour he was supposed to be in a town another hundred and fifty miles along the road. And that was with this short cut. Short cut! Yeah, on the map it had looked almost forty miles shorter to take this state road through the New Hampshire mountains.

When he had left Boston that morning, heading towards Montreal, he had been a little late, and this route had looked like a good idea. And he had to admit that the drive had been beautiful. It was Friday, the eleventh of October, 1968, and the color of the changing woods was spectacular. The sky was an unrelenting blue, the air cool, but not cold, and the sun painted the land with golden light. Along these byways, the war in Nam, the unrest at home, all seemed like something distant, a description in a book about happenings long ago or in some fictional place. Of course, he admitted to himself, he had only occasionally looked at the lovely scenery, spending most of his time and concentration on the sales presentation he was supposed to make at nine the next morning. A "must sell" client. If he could get a buy tomorrow, he would open an entirely new market in Canada. He looked up and down the deserted highway, vainly hoping for sight of another car. Not that that was likely. He had been here for an hour and a half already and only one vehicle had passed in all that time. He looked away from the ribbon of asphalt across the mountainsides of red and yellow and orange without really seeing them and then back once more at the car and then his watch. Once again, but this time just to himself, he said, "Shit!"

Bob Harris was twenty-four years old, two years out of college, with a degree in mechanical engineering. Unlike most of his class, he had never worked in actual engineering, but upon graduation had immediately taken a job in engineering sales. He did not have the driving urge to tinker with things, as did most of the other graduates, and had gone into engineering for the very practical reason that it paid well. With the Apollo program, the Supersonic Transport, the war, and a boom in technology in general, the demand for engineers was high, but the highest income was reserved for those who "went over to the other side" and spent their lives selling the products the "real" engineers produced. Bob didn't mind the jibes from those on the technical side - he had a goal of being VP of Engineering before he was thirty and in the two years he had worked for AMMANCO he had set himself well along the way towards that goal. He had been promoted twice and brought in more business than any three of the other sales engineers combined. Of course, that had it's price. Seventy hour weeks, no vacations, little in the way of outside relationships. This was supposed to be the time of the Free Love Generation, but Bob had only dated four or five women since graduation and slept with only one of them. Family and co-workers reminded him frequently to "take time to smell the roses," but he always thought he would have time for that when he had made VP. Until then every minute went towards that goal.

His car, only two years old, had never given him any trouble until this afternoon. Suddenly, as he swung around a curve in the mountain road, the engine began to miss. At first he thought he must have gotten some bad gas, but this didn't act quite like that. It would run smoothly for some seconds and then suddenly skip. It got worse. If he tried to accelerate, the engine skipped more and soon died. It restarted, but as soon as he tried to move, he lost power and the engine died again. He restarted the car a dozen times, each time moving only a hundred yards or so before it stalled. Finally it would no longer even start.

He was on a downhill stretch and was able to let the car roll to where there was a cleared area along the shoulder where he let it coast to a stop under a large maple. Bob was a mechanical engineer, after all, and he did know something about cars. He checked the carburetor and found it unclogged and delivering gas. He pulled a spark plug and found it clean and the engine compressing nicely when he turned it over. He got a spark when he held a spark plug wire near the block. Gas, air, spark. If an engine had that it should run. Unless it was timing. There was nothing he could do to check that, so he finally got out a map and tried to see how far it was to the nearest town. He thought it was about ten or twelve miles, but he couldn't be sure, because he hadn't really been keeping track of exactly where he was. Still, he was pretty sure it was too far to walk and still have enough time to get the Ford fixed. His best bet would be to hope for a lift from a passing car.

He looked again at his watch. Four ten. Even if he found a ride and a repair shop, it was getting less and less likely he was going to be able to make his nine AM Friday meeting in Montreal. And they had made special arrangements to have several of their key people in town in the morning just for him. Again, unbidden, the thought came: "Shit!"

As he continued to look disgustedly at the motionless vehicle, a sound began to penetrate his mind. A car! He quickly stepped into the road and looked back towards the top of the hill down which he had rolled earlier. A jeep, top down, suddenly appeared, rising above the crest and starting down the road towards him. Bob began to wave his arms and as the jeep approached, the driver began to slow.

As the oncoming vehicle neared, Bob could see that the driver was a young woman. She pulled the car off beside his own and came to a halt. "Having trouble?" she asked.

"No kidding," he answered. "I seem to have a timing problem or something and I have to be in Montreal tomorrow morning. Can you tell me where I can find a garage around here?"

The girl smiled at him. He noticed, but his mind didn't really register, that she was about his own age, maybe a little younger. Her blonde hair, long and straight, fell half way down her back in the current "in" style, and her eyes were a dark, indigo blue. Her face was quite pretty even though she wore no makeup. She had on jeans and a bulky sweater which hid her figure, but she looked slim. She turned off the jeep engine and stepped out of the car. The jeans fit her like a second skin and Bob saw that her legs were long and tapered. As she turned and closed the car door, he noticed that the jeans fit her rounded buttocks even more closely.

She walked over to peer into the engine compartment of the Ford for a second and then she looked around at the deserted countryside and said, "Around here? No, but Frank Arrons runs one in Oakwood. That's about a dozen miles down the road. Are you sure it's not just flooded or something?"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple," he answered. "I've already checked the easy stuff and I'm pretty sure it's either the valve or spark timing."

"Well, I can offer you a lift into town. How's that sound?"

"That would be wonderful! The best thing that's happened all afternoon." He reached back into the car and pulled out a leather briefcase before climbing into the right side of the jeep. As the girl got into the driver's side he said, "I'm Bob Harris."

She replied, "I'm Susan Martin." She put out her hand and he took it, receiving a firm, warm shake in return. She started the car and pulled back out onto the highway. "So, what are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere anyway?"

Bob told her about the short cut and his meeting in Montreal the next morning. He found himself telling her about the company he worked for and his sales job. Suddenly he realized he had been running on - probably just because of the relief of seeing another car and the renewed chance of still completing his trip - but he forced himself to stop and instead asked her, "Do you live around here?"

Susan nodded her head. "Sort of. I'm in grad school over at the college." She jerked her head behind her in the direction of the college town Bob had driven though a couple of hours earlier. I don't have any Friday classes so I decided to come back to Oakwood for the weekend. I have a house - or rather my parents have a house - just outside of town. It's their house," she added, "but they don't live there any more. Moved south where it doesn't get so cold."

In twenty minutes they pulled into a small New England village. Bob could see a central square with an open green, a couple of churches with tall steeples, and a number of older buildings. As they pulled into town, he noticed a sign: OAKWOOD, Pop. 340. Susan swung a quarter of the way around the square and another block down a side street before pulling up in front of an older brick building with a large garage door and a pair of gas pumps out in front. A sign proclaimed "Frank's Standard Service."

She shut off the engine and got out along with Bob. As they started towards the door, the sound of a compressor suddenly stopped and a few seconds later the lights went off in the service area. A man, about forty, came out of a small door, wiping his hands on a red rag. He stopped when he saw Susan and said, "Hi, Susan. Back in town for the weekend?"

"That's right, Frank, and I've brought along someone who needs your help. Bob, here, has his car stuck off the side just below the pass on Greentop."

Frank looked over at Bob. "Stuck?" he asked.

"More stalled," Bob replied. "I checked and I'm getting gas, compression, and spark, so I guess it's something with the timing. I really, really need to be in Montreal tomorrow morning. Any chance of getting it fixed tonight? I'll pay extra."

Frank ignored the monetary offer. "I can't know until I see what's wrong." He looked at his watch. "I don't have anyone else here now, but I was just going to close, so I'll take the truck out there and tow it back in. Where are you going to be and I can give you a call in an hour or so?"

"I don't know where anything around here is. Any chance I could rent a car somewhere and pick mine up next Monday?"

"No place I know of closer than Concord. Afraid you're out of luck there. And before you ask, no bus through here until tomorrow afternoon."

Bob could feel the tension throughout his whole body. How was he going to work around this? "Then I guess I'll just have to wait and see if you can fix it. Any hotel in town?" he asked without much hope.

"Nope, sorry, " Frank answered.

Susan spoke up. "Why don't you come over and you can stay at my place until we see what Frank can do?" She looked over at the older man. "Give a call out there when you find out something, OK?"

"Sure, Susan. Have you got the keys, Bob?"

Bob handed them over and only belatedly, as Frank climbed into the tow truck and drove off, did he think to say, "I'm sorry, Susan, I don't want to put you to too much trouble. I can just wait here until Frank comes back."

"Don't be silly," she replied. "It's going to start cooling off pretty soon and the station doors are locked. Besides, I told him to call at my place. Come on."

His mind still raging at his problems, Bob mumbled his thanks and opened the car door for her before climbing in the other side himself. He sat in silence as Susan drove out of town on a small road. In just a couple of miles she pulled into a gravel drive beside a line of old oak trees. The drive ran for a hundred feet or so and ended beside an old, two story frame house. Bob had the impression of a typical Georgian, central front door, matching chimneys at each end, and then Susan pulled around to the back corner. She shut off the car and got out. "Welcome to sanity," she said.

Bob gave her a funny look, but she was already climbing the back steps onto the porch and unlocking a door into the house. He followed her inside and entered the large kitchen just behind her. She led him into a front living room and over to a large side window. Here she stopped and raised an old fashioned roll-up blind and stood looking out through the glass. She let out her breath in a relaxed sigh and said, "After a few days at school I need this view. It's the best tension reliever in the world."

Bob moved over behind her. He stood looking over her shoulder and noticed for the first time that they had come far up the side of a mountain. Before him stretched an open view of thickly wooded hills and distant ridges, the sun just beginning to slide below the farthest and above it he could already see Venus emerging as the evening star. Standing behind her, he also noticed for the first time that the girl was tall - at least five eight. Bob stood six foot one himself and was used to towering over most women, but Susan's head came within several inches of his own. He could also now see that the bulky sweater concealed what looked to be nicely shaped breasts and lower down, a very small waist. Now that she was standing, the sweater fell from her shoulders and clung to the curves of her body, revealing a very nice figure indeed. His mind took all of this in, but again most of it did not register. He was still occupied with twisting, tumbling thoughts of how he could handle his meeting the next day. He had worked for this for months and now he still didn't know when - or even if - he would get there. If he could get the car fixed, he could drive all night if necessary and maybe make the meeting.

Susan was very aware of the man behind her. From her first sight of him as she had stopped beside his disabled car, she had been attracted. Part of it was physical: he was young and attractive, well built even if he looked like he spent too much time indoors. But there was also something else, something she could not quite define, something which had, if anything, grown stronger in the forty minutes since that meeting. Now she stood looking not at him, but out of the window. Still she suddenly felt a shiver begin between her shoulders and slide down her back to the bottom of her spine. It took all of her willpower not the let her body visibly shake with the effect of it. He didn't really seem aware of her as a woman even though she was well aware that she usually rated second and third looks from most males. For a brief instant she wondered if he might be more attracted to men than women, but almost instantly dismissed this: he just didn't seem that type to her. No, she decided, it was just that he was fixated on some inner problem. Probably his meeting and car problems. After a half a minute she turned slightly so she could see him and asked, "Would you like something to drink?"

Bob seemed to come slightly out of his inner world and smiled at her. "That would be nice, if it's not too much trouble. Thanks."

"No trouble at all. I have soda or a jug of rose."

"The wine sounds good, but I still hope to be driving tonight. I'd better stick to soda."

"Hey, look. By the time Frank gets your car back and fixed, one glass will have worn off. Splurge, and have the rose."

Laughing, Bob answered, "I guess you're right. I will have a glass. Thanks again."

Susan headed back into the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, "I'll get it. Be right back." He looked out of the window, really seeing it for the first time. As he stared at the setting sun, he heard her clinking glassware in the other room and then as her footsteps returned she asked, "Is that meeting really that important? Why not just relax and forget it tonight. You can call them in the morning and tell them you won't be able to make it."

He took the proffered glass of red liquid and replied, "I can't do that. I asked for the meeting and they arranged for a bunch of their big cheeses to come in for it. If I don't make it, they'll never want to sign on." She looked questioningly at him and suddenly Bob found himself explaining about his driving attempt to score not just this client, but also the whole VP quest.

While he talked, Susan studied the man before her. He was definitely physically attractive. Even now, dressed incongruously for the New Hampshire small town countryside in dress slacks, button down white shirt, and loafers, he looked like he could belong out here. There was an excitement in his voice as he described his plans and Susan could see the intense drive and determination below the surface. But there was a tension, a hard edge, about him which would never let him relax. Susan had met men like this before and suddenly she felt a wave of sadness as in her mind she saw the inevitable future for such a man. In ten years he would look twenty years older than his actual age. The lines around his eyes and mouth would be hard and deep and even if he succeeded in becoming VP as he desired, he would almost certainly never be satisfied with his life. Her uncle had been such a man - that is, until he died of a heart attack at fifty-two.

As Bob continued to talk and as Susan listened with rapt attention, he slowly became aware of her attractiveness. He continued to speak but his mind was now noticing not only her lovely shape and beautiful face, but also the warm personality behind the enticing outer facade. Her questions were sincere and she really seemed interested in what he was saying, even though he could see something in her eyes which seemed to trouble her slightly. He began to think that maybe, when he could get some time, maybe in a couple of weeks after this meeting, maybe he could find time to come back here and try to ask her out. She was definitely attracting him more than any woman had in years and he was beginning to feel that almost forgotten longing located somewhere in his stomach, or perhaps a little lower down. But even as he considered how he could approach her when he came back, his rational mind told him that it wouldn't really happen. He'd never find the time, or if he did get a couple of days free, he was sure she wouldn't be willing to settle for a once every other weekend or so date. He had learned to be honest with himself and now the image of this girl held tightly in his arms began to fade.

Susan noticed a little of the animation begin to leave his eyes and quickly tried to bring him back with a bright smile. He still sounded just as excited, but she could see his face harden a little and a fleeting look of having lost something - or, maybe more accurately, having lost the chance to gain something - momentarily cross his handsome face. She was trying desperately to find something to say when the phone suddenly rang.

The phone interrupted Bob's train of thought and both he and Susan gave a little involuntary start at the sudden sound. He trailed off and Susan gave him a smile and went out into the hall to answer it. He heard her speak for a few seconds and then she was coming back into the big room. "That was Frank. He's got your car back and thinks he knows what might be wrong, but he doesn't think he can fix it tonight. He's waiting at the station for us so he can tell you what it is himself."

At the mention of Frank's name, Bob's face had taken on a look of hope, but that quickly disappeared as he took in the news that he wouldn't make it to Montreal before the next day. Susan was already making her way back through the kitchen to the back door before he even began to move. As he quickly followed her, it suddenly hit him that he had no idea what he was going to do about a place to eat of stay until morning. Shaking his head at this new problem, he followed Susan back out to the Jeep and climbed inside.

In a few minutes they pulled up at the service station. Bob could see his car inside in the service bay where Frank had the hood raised and was doing something to the engine. They quickly went inside and Frank stood up, bringing with him some part of the automobile. Susan called out a hello to him and he turned and held up the part, which turned out to be the distributor. "Look's like you were right about the timing. The bushing on the distributor shaft has cracked - scored the shaft pretty badly, too - and it's letting the shaft wobble too much to fire right."

He pointed out an obviously broken section of metal on the part and went on to say, "I'll have to get another one. I can call in tomorrow morning and if we're lucky, they can have one up here by afternoon."

"No chance of getting it any earlier?" Bob asked, without much hope.

Frank looked sympathetic, but shook his head and said, "Afraid not. If they have one in stock they can get it up here tomorrow. Otherwise, it'll be Monday before I can do anything with it. Better get your stuff out of the car." He nodded towards the suitcase on the back seat.

His mind in turmoil, Bob retrieved his suitcase and a smaller gym bag. Frank told him to call after nine the next morning and by then he'd know if the part was coming that afternoon. Bob thanked him, and Frank and Susan said goodby. They walked back out to the Jeep and Bob threw the suitcase into the back. As he climbed inside and Susan started the engine, he said, "I really would like to thank you for all of your help. I know I've been an awful lot of trouble, but if I could trouble you for one more thing, could you tell me where I can find a motel and maybe somewhere to get supper tonight?"

Susan flashed a bright smile at him. "I'm afraid there's no motel closer than forty miles and I don't know of a diner less than twenty-five." She saw the look that crossed the man's features and quickly added. "But if you'd like I've got plenty of room. Why don't you spend the night at my place. I expect I could even find something for you to eat."

Bob immediately started to protest. "I couldn't do that. You've already spent too much of your time on me."

Susan had pulled up to a stop sign and for a second she turned and gave him a steady look. "What are you going to do? Hike forty miles tonight?" She turned back to the road and started driving once again.

Bob realized she was right. He seemed to have no options. He still had no idea what he could do about the meeting, but the immediate need was food and a place to stay. After a minute he said, "All right, but you've got to let me pay you something for it. I really can't just take advantage of you any more."

"We'll talk about it," Susan replied. Then she added with a laugh, "Maybe I want to be taken advantage of." She turned back to the road and Bob let the remark pass as he sank into a worrisome mood, obviously lost in trying to salvage something of the disaster his plans had become.

He said no more until Susan again pulled up at the back of her house. "Bring your stuff in," she called as she headed towards the back door. She disappeared inside and Bob noticed that she hadn't even locked the door when they had left. He smiled to himself. Definitely not the city. In Boston he would never leave his door unlocked for even a ten minute trip down the street. Still ruefully smiling, he shook his head, picked up his bags, and headed inside.

When he entered the kitchen, Susan called from somewhere farther on, "Come on upstairs and I'll show you your room." He followed her voice and at the top of the stairs saw her duck into a room on the right side of the hallway. He went into it and saw she was placing a stack of sheets and blankets on a single bed. He looked around the room and saw plain wood furniture: the bed, a dresser and night table, and a fair sized desk. "Used to be my brother's room," Susan enlightened him. "Before he grew up and moved to California."

Bob smiled at her. "Let me guess. He became a full time surfer, has a little place on the beach, and plans to get into movies someday."

Susan laughed. "Not exactly. He's got a masters in aeronautical engineering and works for Hughes. I don't think he's ever been on a surfboard in his life."

Bob laughed back at her. "I was just kidding. I know a lot of you guys just take time to 'find yourself' when you get out of school. What do you plan to do?"

"You mean 'when I grow up?'" Susan said with just the slightest edge to her voice. "I'm probably almost as old as you are. Just because you went right to work out of school doesn't really mean anything."

"I'm sorry," Bob immediately said. "I didn't mean to imply anything. I just meant when you finish grad school. You did say you were a grad student, didn't you?"

Susan's face relaxed. "Yes, I'm a computer science major. And as to what I'm going to do, I'm already doing it. I'm a free-lance COBAL programmer, and I'm actually pretty good at it. I probably make as much working about half time as most grads do full time."

"Really? I'm actually quite impressed. I was an engineering major and FORTRAN was the hardest class I had. Programming was always a real challenge for me. And I expect COBAL would be even harder."

"Well, I do seem to have a talent for it. Now I suppose we should see if we can find something for supper."

It had grown dark and now as Bob looked out of the window he finally thought to say,

"Look, isn't there somewhere I could buy you dinner? What were you planning to do about food tonight, anyway?"

"I told you there's nowhere closer than twenty-five miles. And I'm afraid there isn't a lot in the refrigerator either." She stopped for a couple of seconds and then added. "I was planning on meeting a few of the guys from my high school and we were going to have a wiener roast and then maybe hit up a couple of the taverns."

A sudden contrite look came to Bob's face. "I'm really sorry, I didn't know. Look, I'm sure I can find something to eat here. Why don't you go on and join your friends?"

Susan shook her head. "They've gone by now. It wasn't anything definite. I just said if I got back in time, I'd go with them." She stopped and seemed to consider something for a few seconds. "Say, do you have any jeans in that case?"

Bob nodded his head. "Yeah. Why?"

"I'll bet you haven't been to a wiener roast in a year. Why don't you change and we can go over to the county park and have our own picnic. Sam's store will still be open for another half hour or so and we can pick up some stuff there."

"I really don't want to put you to so much trouble," Bob replied.

"It isn't any trouble," Susan said in a slightly exasperated voice. "I'll bet it's been about a year since you've been on a wiener roast, hasn't it?"

"No, not really," Bob replied. Susan looked skeptical. "Actually, it's been over five years," he said.

"Five years! No one should go that long between hot dog roasts. It's settled then. Get changed and come on down." She started out of the door.

Bob started to protest again, but Susan cut him off. "Look, there's nothing you can do about your car tonight. You can't change anything about your meeting. Why don't you just forget about everything for a little while. It'll do you good." She turned and disappeared into the hall.

For several more seconds, Bob just stood there, the thoughts of his meeting plans tossing around inside his head. Then he shook himself. "She's right," he said to himself. "I can't do a thing about it, so I might as well just take tonight off. I could use a night off, after all." Then he turned and began to open his suitcase.

Five minutes later he appeared downstairs wearing jeans, sneakers, and a heavy cotton sport shirt. He had a sweatshirt over his arm. Susan turned and looked at him. "Much better," she said. "Come on. Let's go before Sam closes."

Twenty minutes later they climbed back into the jeep. Susan had quickly picked up, and Bob had insisted on paying for, hot dogs, buns, marshmallows, chips, and soda. Bob set the bag on the seat beside the picnic basket she had brought with the paper plates and cups. Susan pulled out of the store parking lot just as Sam turned off the lights inside the store. She headed out of town on the main highway in the direction Bob had wanted to travel hours before, but in just a couple of minutes she turned onto a small road leading along the side of a wooded hill.

For perhaps two miles the small road twisted and turned along the base of the hill until Bob suddenly saw a sign: "Rolling Creek County Park." Susan slowed and when a gravel road appeared on their left, she turned into it. This road wound its way up the side of the hill, passing several small picnic areas and twice crossing what must have been Rolling Creek, until it finally ended at a parking lot next to a cleared area. Susan pulled to a stop and shut off the engine.

Bob looked around surveying the area. They were the only car in the parking lot. Open grassy areas shaded by a number of widely spread trees covered the nearby land. Mixed in among them were a half dozen tables, each with a small grill. At one side there was a set of children's swings and a slide. In the fading twilight Bob could see a couple of trails leaving the cleared area and entering the woods which surrounded them.

Picking up the food sack and the basket, Bob asked, "OK, which table do you want?"

Susan seemed to think about this as she looked around. Then she replied, "If you don't mind, let's just skip the table. There's a fire ring in a clearing just inside the woods. They use it for groups or for nature talks, but there won't be anyone else there tonight." Reaching into the back of the jeep she pulled out a folded cotton blanket and a long metal fork for toasting the hot dogs. "We'll just spread the blanket on the ground and have a real picnic. She retrieved one more item Bob didn't see and set off across the open ground with Bob following close behind.

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June opened the front door and walked into the house after school on Thursday. The house was eerily quiet. “Autumn?” She shouted. “I’m upstairs. “ her sister replied. She dropped her purse and books down on the kitchen table and went to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of Coke, poured herself a glass, and sat down at the table. After she took a few sips, she rose and went to the living room, picked up the phone and dialed. “Hello.” Gayle’s voice seemed surprised. “Hello, Gayle. I would...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 30 Another Proposal for June

The phone rang five times before June heard Alice say, “Hello.” “Hello, Alice. This is June. Autumn told me that you wanted me to call you. What’s up?’ “Oh, hi, June. Yes. I called Autumn to ask if she would lend you to me one Friday for an overnight stay. I forgot Autumn saying at the party that she no longer had any control over you.” “That’s correct. Autumn doesn’t control me anymore. That was only for 30 days. What did you want with me?” “I was talking to some other students about...

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A couple of years have passed and I began a full time practice of massage. Not all massages were of the special type. Most were straight on the up and up massages for the usual; relaxation, stress relief, minor aches and stiff muscles and just plain feel good massages. But early in my massage career, I did learn of a whole new kind of massage. If you’ve read my ‘beginnings’; it’s the kind of massage that is not mentioned in massage schools. It is the taboo of all Western massage...

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Autumn and Michael

"God, I want to fuck you!” Michael whispered. She glanced down at his nakedness and then felt her body respond. A gush of moisture at first, and then drips of her own juices began flowing out of her. He wasn’t shaved, but was trimmed and his cock was cut, long and thick. It throbbed up and down and then stood straight up nearly touching his navel. He had been completely naked under those track shorts. “Oh my dear God!” she moaned loudly. Michael reached down and grasped his shaft with his right...

Straight Sex
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 39 Itrsquos Showtime

June arrived home shortly before her parents and Autumn were due. She ran upstairs and showered, shaved her legs and pussy, dried and brushed her hair, put on some make-up, and went downstairs. Only minutes later, her parents and Autumn walked through the door. “My, aren’t we all prettied up tonight,” Autumn said when she saw June sitting at the table. “I take it you’re not dining with us tonight, are you?” “Hopefully, no,” June responded. “I’m waiting for Roger to get home and call me....

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Autumn Falls Twitter 8700 718000

Autumn Falls is a unique pornstar for me. I've watched this big titty Latina rise through the porn industry ever since her first video hit the web. If you know Autumn's work as I do, you might also remember some of her early porn content. This is a Latina with fat fucking titties and a pretty juicy ass. She is into so much and it just deals with her being this young cutie. She knows how to work social media and all these different avenues for her porn.As far as her Twitter goes, Autumn has over...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 14 A Surprise Picnic

June got home early that evening to find Autumn in the living room watching TV alone. “Hi, Autumn. Where’s mom and dad? Working late at the store?” “No. They got home earlier than usual and decided to treat themselves to dinner out and to see a movie afterwards. They asked me if I wanted to go with them, but I didn’t feel like going. I made myself a bowl of soup and settled in here to watch TV.” “Good for them. I can’t remember when the last time they went out to dinner without us kids, or...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 22 A Turnabout

June rushed home from school the next afternoon, hoping to get there before Autumn got home. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the driveway was empty. She parked the car and ran into the house and went directly to the telephone. She knew the probability of Roger being home was slim, but she would at least be able to leave a message on his answering machine asking him to call her as soon as he got home. Her assumptions were correct, so she left the message then hung up. She went into...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 7 The Photo Shoot Take One

June stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself off, she couldn’t help but think about the today’s photo session at Roger’s. Would she be able to get through it without bursting into tears? This wasn’t going to be like yesterday’s romp with Roger which was loving and something she liked. No, this was going to be sterile with no loving caresses. To make matters worse, Autumn was going to be there watching the whole thing. She imagined her sitting there with a smug...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 31 The Patient Redeux

Saturday evening, after dinner, June decided to ask her parents for permission to stay overnight on Friday. “Mom, Dad,” she began. “One of my girlfriends asked me to come to a sleep-over this Friday. No boys will be there. Only a few girls are getting together for a little fun before I graduate. Can I go?” June’s father looked at her mother, who nodded in agreement. “Yes, you can go. Behave yourself and try to be home before we leave for the store Saturday.” Her father replied. June...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 8 The Photo Shoot Take 2

Roger moved the camera and lights in preparation for the next scene then stood at the spot where he wanted June to stand. Once she was in place, he returned to the camera and focused it on her he told her to raise her hands as if they were at a point of his chest. He set the lights where he wanted, looked back at June then unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt before setting the camera’s timer. Quickly, he moved in front of June and put her hands on the next button, told her to look at...

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Autumn pt 5

“You’ve made one hell of a mess in here.” I looked around; everything was out of the cabinets, true, but I was in the middle of cleaning. I had accidentally knocked over a can of Comet when I was pulling things out, but I was going to clean that up… “I’m sorry Daddy; I’ll clean that up,” I offered. “What do you think that is going to do to the rug?” “I can wash it—I’m sorry.” “I didn’t ask you if you were going to wash it, Autumn; I asked you what you thought that was going to do to the...

4 years ago
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163 AUTUMN ISLAND [A SERIES BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH AND ENCOURAGE,]“WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE, YOUR OWN ISLAND” Dougy the boatman said helping the agent, who was some-what green around the gill`s it must be said, helping me onto the pier from the small and rocking boat, the sun beat down, as the birds undisturbed for perhaps 10 years wheeled and screamed at us miserable intruders, I motioned him to sit for a moment and his colour began to return, he obviously was not a good sailor! I took from the...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 21 A Love Story

June arrived home to find the house was empty, which was very unusual at 4:30 on a Sunday afternoon. Normally, mom would be getting dinner read at this time while dad finished reading the newspaper, and Autumn would be busy setting the table. She yelled, “Hello,” but received no answer. Taking advantage of being alone, she picked up the phone and dialed. It only rang once before being picked up. “Hello.” “Hello, Gayle. It’s June. I only called to say you can take the plug out now and ask if...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 27 The Pictures

June arrived home for school on Wednesday to find Autumn sitting at the table, looking at some papers in front of her. “Watcha’ doing, sis? I thought you were done with school last week.” June asked as she got herself as Coke from the refrigerator. “I’m just going over the results of my finals.” “Oh, how did you do?” “Good. At least good enough to keep me on the dean’s list. I just hope I can do as well next year. I want to graduate with honors, at least.” “Isn’t that almost...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 6 Later That Same Night

As Roger pulled into June’s driveway, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box and handed it to her. “This is for you but, I want you to give it to Autumn.” He said. June opened the box and pulled out the small, black rubber item and examined it carefully. “What is it?” She asked. “It’s called a butt plug. you can guess where it goes. “ He said with a grin. “ Once inserted it will stay in place. Just make sure you get it in past the knob. It’s a lot safer than a carrot in...

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The New StartChapter 18 The Opening of Autumn

Tani had returned from her mission explaining that after carefully surveying the site it was found to be a bust. None suspected where she had really been or what her real mission was. Two days later Steve had returned and given his speech. With the two of them present, again the community was complete once more. Lynn and Misty had spread the word of Tani's piercings so that everyone knew of them with the exception of the older adults and the children. The two of them talked to Tani...

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174 Autumn island pt3

174 Autumn island pt3[pt 2]I found myself leaving my beloved island for the mainland, we locked up, then set out in ‘Jenny’ our link with ‘civilisation’ and were soon on the dock handing her over to the harbour-master for safe keeping for a fort-night. The taxi took an hour of old macs crazy driving to get us to the station and the train took the strain with two changes and some long dragging hours getting us to our old town, and the...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 12 Saturday Fun and Pain

June awoke early and headed to the shower. She could still smell Autumn’s scent on her face. As she walked to the bathroom, she saw her sister still asleep in her bed. She looked at the clock and saw it was 8:20. Her parents had already left for the store. Remembering the instructions Autumn gave her last night, she stepped into the shower and washed her body. She grabbed the razor then remembered that she was told not to shave again until after next Saturday because the girls would do that...

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The New StartChapter 19 Seth and Autumn

Seth returned late the next afternoon and Rain met him at the dock. Seth smiled as the small woman approached. Rain stopped about two feet in front of him and his smile vanished as she looked up at him and told him of the new sleeping arrangements. "This will not work," he said in his booming voice as he looked down on her. "It will work, the four of us will make it work," Rain said and then continued, "Tonight you are going to fuck Autumn." "I will not. I have no desire to have sex...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 10 The Good The Bad News

June dropped her school books on the kitchen table and poured herself a Coke. It was Thursday and, except for short phone calls in the evening, she had no contact with Roger. If course, she still had to crawl over to Autumn’s bed and “thank” her, but with the exception of having to suck her tits for nearly a half hour while she talked about some of the things she had.planned to do to her in the future, there was no sex involved. She simply told her she was a good girl and can go to bed after...

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Autumn pt 4

In the beginning, every time when we played, Paul didn’t even take his cock out. Once I discovered it and he explained it to me, I could tell he was hard every single time, but he just wouldn’t let me see. Some things I didn’t understand, and this was one of them. When I asked, he usually said that it just wasn’t a good idea. At first, I thought that maybe he didn’t like me as much as I liked him, but then I realized how silly that was; sometimes he did nothing but tell me how much he...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 2 Meeting Preparations

June was awakened the next morning by her sister’s rough shaking. “Rise and shine, sis. Time to greet the day and your new life for the next month.” Autumn smiled as she spoke. “Go take your shower and get downstairs. Don’t worry about your hair or makeup yet. You can do that later.” June staggered towards the bathroom and, out of habit, licked her lips as she walked. Suddenly she gagged at the taste of her sister’s vagina and she remembered the events of last night. As she stepped into the...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 19 Gaylersquos Bombshell

June awoke later than usual on Saturday. She looked over at her sister’s bed and saw it was empty. She got up and went into the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed in slacks and blouse, and went downstairs. She went into the kitchen to find her sister eating a bowl of cereal and decided to join her. “Good morning, sunshine,” Autumn said. “ Thanks for last night, but you know you didn’t have to do that.” “I know I didn’t have to. I just did it to celebrate my new freedom.” “Well, let’s...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 38 Junersquos First Week On the Job

June awoke to the sound of her alarm clock. “It’s Monday. My first day on the new job,” she said to herself. Roger got home too late for her to see him on Friday night. She spent almost all day Saturday with him, however. They made love, talked a lot about a lot of things, made love, went to lunch, came back to his apartment, made love, watched TV, showered together, went to dinner, came back to his apartment, and made love. She hadn’t seen him in over a week, but they certainly made up for...

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My dancing pt 3 Autumn pt 2

I put the word out that I was looking to host large group classes in town and one of my friends picked up on it. She got with some of her friends and eventually got a group of around 25 or so students that showed up on a regular basis. Teaching this class a couple times a week would be enough of a pay day to keep my finances in order and even have fun on the side. I was thrilled to say the least. The classes went pretty well. However, I was having problems getting to some of the more...

2 years ago
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175 Autumn island part 4

175 Autumn island part 4[A quiet finish and a return to our sexual iddle if you want the next stage, just ask and comment]She slept till seven the next day, by then all the last items were aboard, after I woke her with tea, the mattress, bedding and kettle were loaded, she looked around then locked up We set off, dropping the keys in an envelope through the door of the agent before the streets were properly aired, and set off north, me driving the old van, and Autumn smiling now but no...

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Autumn Love

As I stood looking out of the bedroom window I could not help wishing I had a man in my life, I had not long finished a relationship which had been hard and tedious and was happy to be free, yet, I still missed the company of a lover. A chill ran down my spine, as I shivered I wrapping my arms around myself, I looked over at my bath robe but could not be bothered to get it, as I stood naked at the window I thought how at last the long hot days of summer were over and done with and the cool days...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 17 June Coming to Terms

Sunday morning began as usual with the family gathered at the breakfast table talking about the store, school, and what each had planned for the day. Going to church was a given each Sunday. Each member of the family had their plans for the rest of the day. For June, it was spending the afternoon with Roger. When her father asked what they’re plans were, June merely stated that they usually play it by ear. She gave last Sunday’s picnic as an example. Of course, she was lying. She knew she...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 24

The rest of the week went by with the two girls adhering to their new “sister time” schedule. For the first hour, and sometimes a little longer, they made no mention of their mistress/slave relationship. On this day, Thursday, it was June, who ended the sister’s time. “I’ve been thinking about the book I gave you to read, and here’s what I want you to do. Never mind giving me a report on each story. I want you to make a written list of all the things that the submissive in each story is told...

4 years ago
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168 Autumn island pt 2

Autumn island pt 2 Well, if you’ve read part 1, ( you will know that I`ve bought an island, I`m no millionaire, perhaps fairly well-heeled, but I do love an amount of solitude… I Have a partner visiting at the time that I am writing, a lady that I dearly wanted as a life partner or even wife. Sadly, she, Autumn, although lovely has a mental problem in that she feels at times that she needs to atone for sins, real or imagined, from her...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 11 Another Humiliation planned

June awoke earlier than usual Friday. She spent most of the night tossing and turning and worrying about what to tell Roger about next Saturday. This morning, however, she could only think about her car. It will be great to not have to wait for the bus and endure the long ride to school. She could now sleep a little longer each morning which will be nice since she’s been getting to bed later because of her having to thank Autumn and complying with any perversion she could come up with....

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 35 The Good The Bad The Ugly

June awoke early on Saturday morning. The room was dark, and the house was quiet. She rolled over, turned on the lamp which sat on her nightstand, and looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She closed her eyes, turned the light off, and tried to go back to sleep. A half-hour later, she realized that sleep was not going to come, so she quietly got out of bed. After going to the bathroom, peeing, and washing her hands and face, she put on her robe and headed for the stairs. Halfway down the stairs,...

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Ages of Autumn

This is the central hub for a collection of one-shots and branches set in a single fictional world, Autumn. These tales can be read in effectively any order, and require no introduction. If you want to leap right in, go ahead. Otherwise, a short primer is printed below. Table of Contents I - (Male God) walking out of the endless wilderness. I - A (very bottomheavy) adventuring party sets out to investigate. III - (Shy Stamen) takes command as an (Imperial) admiral! III - (Cute Male) superweapon...

2 years ago
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June Autumn and RogerChapter 16 The End in Sight

June and Roger sat in complete silence during the 30-minute walk to his apartment. Once inside, June took off her dress and broke the silence. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I feel dirty. I don’t know why. I’ve had every orifice of my body either probed, inspected or flushed clean.” Roger laughed. “You’ll have to kiss me first.” “Why does everything I want to do come with a price? “ June asked jokingly as she threw her arms around Roger and kissed him. When they broke apart, she...

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Autumn Nights

And yet, she did not struggle. Her hands hung limply at her sides. She simply stared at him with her big, hazel eyes. All she could see of him was his white teeth grinning at her from under the hood of his cloak “I forgot how much you enjoy this.” You have no idea… She said nothing, only licked her lip and let her eyes shut. He chuckled and let her go. She fell to the ground, not daring to move without his order. He nudged her with a boot. “Get up.” She...

3 years ago
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Step Sibling Encounters Autumn leaves

Why Teens don’t rake up autumn leavesStep parents Delia and Ted; like any adults maintaining a home and trying to keep its interior and backyard and lawns presentable and tidy: insisted that the young college offspring under their roof occasionally pulled their weight with the basics and took their turn at raking up the goddamn endless autumn leaves from the screen of silver birch trees at the back of the property. All that remained of the original garden on the rebuilt block.Seriously not too...

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I will just call her Autumn, because she deserves to remain incognito. My aunt and uncle would have me over every summer, and a few times throughout the year to hang out with my cousin Autumn. She is a year and a few months younger than me, and was very much an athlete, everything from field hockey, soccer and tennis, to my favorite gymnastics. From as early as I can remember, she was a gymnast, and obviously, as a red blooded boy, I enjoyed going to her meets, watching all the hotties in...

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I will just call her Autumn, because she deserves to remain incognito. My aunt and uncle would have me over every summer, and a few times throughout the year to hang out with my cousin Autumn. She is a year and a few months younger than me, and was very much an athlete, everything from field hockey, soccer and tennis, to my favorite gymnastics. From as early as I can remember, she was a gymnast, and obviously, as a red blooded boy, I enjoyed going to her meets, watching all the hotties in...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 4 After Shock

Roger backed the car out of the drive and looked over at June, who had been sitting in silence beside him, since they left her house. “So, what do you want to do today?” He asked, hoping to start a conversation. “Nothing special. To be frank, I don’t feel like doing anything right now. Let’s go to your apartment and talk.” “Talk about what?” “About your feelings of what you saw morning, I guess. Tell me honestly, Roger, what do you think of me after all that? Do you think I’m a slut or...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 33 The Shopping Fun

June awoke on Monday morning and sat on her bed, wondering what she was going to do all day. She looked over at Autumn’s bed and saw that it was empty. She got dressed, ran a brush through her hair, washed her face, and staggered downstairs to the kitchen. The house was eerily quiet. A note from Autumn laid on the table where June usually sat, explaining that she was at the store helping mom and dad. June made herself a bowl of cereal and ate her breakfast. She looked at the clock and saw it...

3 years ago
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Warmth of a Mid Autumn Night

Chapter 1 ==== Preparing for the Evening It is another brisk morning walk around the manor. All the leaves have fallen from every tree covering the ground in the colors of Autumn with gold, red and orange with thin, brown veins that showed life in every leaf cut off. The crackling sound is heard clearly from stepping on small piles of the colored, thin layers every where I walk. It reminds me of the flakey, buttery pastries that I had last week for dinner. But tonight it will be about softness...

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Autumn Wind

The autumn night air was cool and crisp. They felt the chill as they disrobed each other. There was only the sound of slightly rustling clothes in the moonlit woods. Though both near thirty, they felt like high school kids. A mixture of nervousness and curious exploration overtook their brains. She slipped his sweatshirt off his head, taking her time to rub his sides and his hard nipples as she removed the garment. She unbuttoned her sweater and let it fall to the ground beside the sleeping...

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Autumn Harvest

High pitched shrieks and giggles carried through the soft, cool autumn air as the village children were shooed into their homes. Doshenvale was a small, quiet village, peaceful and homey in the brightly painted golden sunset. Nothing mysterious had ever happened here, but still matrons gathered their babes into their arms and hurried into the cottages flanking the ready to harvest fields. Everybody knew what could happen to a child left alone in the hungry darkness of the night. Seth swiped at...

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Autumn Clematis Ch 03

Introduction This is the third of four chapters in this story. The introduction to chapter 1 explains how this story came about. ————————————————- Part 10 I start the massage by spreading her legs and placing separate small bolsters under each ankle. ‘Are you comfortable Nina?’ ‘Yes, thank you Victor. I will tell you that I’m just a little bit nervous.’ ‘Just remember that you can stop me at any time. This is for your pleasure. I certainly don’t want to do anything that upsets you. ...

2 years ago
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Autumn Weekend

We begin our adventure quite early in the morning. Even though we agreed to head out midday things have worked out in our favor for once. We’ve been trying for months to get away like this and despite the many hiccups… it’s finally happening and you can’t wait any longer. As we begin our rapid paced ascent up into the higher elevations you’re more and more captivated by the scenery. You’ve seen the many pictures I’ve sent from my vacations but pictures truly don’t capture the true beauty up...

4 years ago
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Autumn Clematis Ch 04

I wait for Nina to emerge from the room. She’s been resting from her massage for quite a bit longer than usual. But of course the session was quite a bit longer than normal, and all the intense sensuality and intimate erotic touching and her orgasms might have overwhelmed her so that she needs more time to recover. I’m almost positive she enjoyed everything. But I could be wrong, perhaps she’s decided that she let me go too far and doesn’t know what to do and is afraid to come out. But the...

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Autumn Awakening

I look out the window as the sun sets behind the mountains. The cool air is causing the leaves to change, and the golden color glows in the evening light. I feel his stare before I hear his steps. He runs his hands along my arms, gently holding me in place as he sears a kiss into my shoulder. “You think too much.” I can hear his worry. And his intent of distracting me. I simply nod, my voice absent. “Let me help,” he whispers before brushing the hair off of my neck and running kisses from my...

3 years ago
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Autumn in Quebec

I always liked Quebec City. It truly is a beautiful town. It’s North America with French flair. Conversely, you could think of it as France sans the bad attitude. The Old Town, vieux-Quebec, feels like a town in the old continent, populated by nice Canadians. After you’ve been there a while, you understand why Quebecers want to preserve their culture, even to the extent of being treated differently than the rest of Canada. They are different, and they have plenty worth preserving. I’m sure...

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