Dads Drawers
- 3 years ago
- 33
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I was up in the treehouse that my dad and I had built. It was raining, and I thought I would wait it out before going home for lunch. I was browsing through one of my porn magazines. One of the many I had stashed up here. If you can call fifteen a lot? I found them in a box in the garage shortly after dad passed away.
I was playing with myself as I turned the pages, wondering when I would be lucky enough to meet a girl that would do what these girls were doing. According to the magazines, my dick had a ways to go before I was ready for one of these hot chicks. But what the hell, I’m only sixteen. According to the internet, my six-inch cock was pretty normal and still had some growing time left. I wasn’t totally bummed out about it.
I heard a familiar voice calling to me, “Are you up there, Eddie?”
“Crap.” I dropped the magazine and opened the trap door. There was my mother standing in the rain in her yellow slicker with the hood up as she looked up at me.
“I know you didn’t take your raincoat with you. I brought it and some lunch for you.” She held up a small cooler and my rain slicker to show me.
That was a typical mom move. She would walk barefoot over hot coals to make sure I had my three meals a day.
“Can I come up? It’s raining awfully hard out here.” She shouted over the sound of distant thunder.
I took a quick check of the premises. My sleeping bag was unrolled on the platform dad built for when I stayed out here overnight. I stuffed the magazine I was reading under the sleeping bag. I had the rest of the magazines hidden under the sleeping platform in a cardboard box. I contemplated taking down the poster of Katie Perry in a bikini but changed my mind.
“Yeah, okay.” I certainly wasn’t going to leave my mother standing out in the rain after she went to all the trouble of bringing me lunch in this nasty weather.
Mom climbed the ladder with one hand while holding the cooler and rain slicker with the other. She was pretty damn agile for an old lady of thirty-eight. As soon as mom climbed in, she pushed her hood off her dark brown hair. I shut the trap door.
“Well, it’s been a long time since I did that. I see it hasn’t changed much. Still a bare-bones boy’s hideaway.” Mom grinned and winked. “Nice poster, though.”
Mom took off her slicker and hung it on a nail along with mine. She sat on my sleeping bag, then opened the cooler and handed me a ham and cheese sandwich and a carton of chocolate milk.
Mom opened two plastic containers, “There are pickles and potato chips if you want some.” she set the pickles and chips on the floor. Mom took out another sandwich and unwrapped it then she started eating with me.
“What’s for dessert?” Mom always tried to surprise me with something after lunch.
Mom reached in the cooler and brought out a snickers bar. She wiggled it in front of my nose and put it back in the cooler. “Eat all your lunch first.”
I was pretty hungry, so that was not going to be a problem. Maybe having my mom invade my personal space was not so bad after all.
We had finished eating, and Mom had packed up the cooler. She was about to leave when lightning lit up the sky. The lightning was followed almost immediately by a loud crack of thunder. Mom flinched.
Mom sat back down on my sleeping bag. “Oh crap, I can’t go out in that. I guess you’re stuck with me until this storm passes.”
I could hear the rain beating on the roof and see the flashes of lightning through the small window, “Yeah, it looks pretty bad out there right now. Maybe it won’t last long.”
Mom got a funny look on her face and rocked back and forth. Then she leaned to the side and lifted her right butt cheek as she reached under my sleeping bag. Her hand came out holding my porn magazine.
Mom got a smile on her face as she looked at the cover. “I wondered where these went. I looked for them after your dad passed away. I was going to throw them out. I thought your father might have gotten rid of them. But I guess you got to them first.”
I was beet red and knew life as I knew it was about to come to an end.
Mom was flipping through the magazine and then stopped on a page and squinted, cocked her head to the left, and turned the magazine at various angles. “I look pretty good in this picture, don’t you think?”
I grabbed the magazine out of my mother’s hand and looked at the full-page picture of a woman with huge breasts that looked nothing like my mom. I looked up at my mom as she started to laugh. “Gotcha.” Then she went into hysterics as if it was the biggest joke of the year. She held her stomach and laughed as I sat feeling like a fool. I closed the magazine and set it down out of her reach.
Mom calmed down and pointed to the magazine on the floor next to me. “If I recall, there were a few more of those. Not just that one.”
I hung my head as I admitted to the theft of my dad’s porn, “They are in the box under the bed.”
Mom waved her hand as if to dismiss my admission of guilt as trivial, “Oh don’t worry, you can keep them. Your dad used to tease me and say he was going to give them to you for your eighteenth birthday anyway. I guess your birthday came early.
“Really, Mom? You don’t care if I keep them?” I know. I sounded like a little kid getting a new toy.
“Naa, have fun.” She waved her hand again. “I imagine you have looked at all of them anyway, so what’s the harm. Mom looked left then right as if someone might hear. “I really am in one of those magazines. I was very young, so you may not have recognized me.”
My eyes lit up, “Which...” Then I knew mom had got me again.
Mom was giggling. “Oh, Eddie, you are so easy. Now zip up your fly.”
I looked down. Mom was not teasing this time. Embarrassed again, I zipped up my pants.
There was another crack of thunder, and mom flinched again. “Jesus, I hate thunder and lightning storms when they get this close.”
I thought the best thing to do was to talk to her and get her mind off the storm. “You knew dad had these magazines?”
“Of course. Your father knew he did not have to sneak off to look at them. He would look at them in bed with me. I didn’t mind. I liked looking at them too. There are some pretty hot guys in those pictures.”
“You’re not pulling my leg again?” Mom could be the biggest tease at times when she knew she had me at a disadvantage.
“No, that one is the truth. Why don’t you pull them out? It’s been a long time since I had a chance to look through them.”
I reached under the bed and pulled out the box of magazines. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was just a ploy so mom could whip out a Zippo and torch them. But mom just leaned over and started fishing through the box. She selected one and took it out.
“Oh yes, I remember this one. It was one of my favorites.” She looked at me and grinned. “It even has some good short stories and political commentary.”
I wasn’t falling for it this time. But mom laughed anyway as she opened the magazine and started flipping through the pages. I got up and sat next to her and looked at the magazine she was holding.
Mom stopped flipping pages, “Go ahead and look through one if you want. I don’t mind.”
“Can I just look at this one with you?” I asked.
Mom shrugged. “Sure, why not.”
Mom started flipping through the pages again. I noticed that if it was just a girl posing naked, she flipped quickly to the next page. If it was a naked guy with the girl, she would slow down and look for a few seconds before moving on to the next page. She came to a two-page spread of a guy and a girl. She stopped. There were four pictures on the left-hand page and a full-page picture on the right. She put the magazine down in her lap and took her time looking at the pictures.
Mom sounded melancholy, “He’s kind of hot, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, I guess so. The girl is awfully cute too.” The guy had dark hair and a six-pack but was not over-muscled. His cock was only semi-hard in the four pictures on the left as he kissed the girl in one and felt her breast in another. She held his cock in a third picture as she kissed his chest. The fourth picture was of her on her knees checking out his package.
On the right, it was just the girl’s head and his hips and cock as she was about to go down on his fully erect cock. Mom traced the image of the life-size cock with her finger. “Yes, very hot.” Mom put her hand on my leg and rubbed it.
Of course, I had to have a hard-on when she did it. I sucked in a lung full of air and let it out slowly.
Mom patted my leg a couple of times, “It’s okay Eddie, your dad would get like that when we looked at the magazines together.”
She kept rubbing the leg my hard cock just happened to pick to be nestled in. Her hand stopped when it bumped into the tip of my cock. Never looking up from the magazine, she moved her hand up to rest on my cock. I froze.
She finally turned the page to another guy and girl. The girl had the guy’s cock in her mouth. Mom started rubbing my cock. I did not know if she was even aware of what she was doing. I put my hand on her shoulder to get her attention, “Mom, you’re...”
Mom looked at me, then down where her hand was. Mom squeezed my cock. “You can take it out if you want. Your dad liked to do it while we looked at the magazines.” Mom looked a little nostalgic and teary-eyed.
I could hardly believe my mother would ever say such a thing, “You want me to do it right here with you?”
Mom didn’t remove her hand when she said, “You were doing it before I came up, weren’t you? That’s why your fly was open.”
Mom didn’t sound judgmental or accusatory. I felt my neck get hot. As embarrassing as it was, I answered honestly anyway. “Well, yeah.”
Mom turned the page. There was a very cute girl with her legs spread to expose her pussy as she cupped her breasts. Mom did not flip the page. “Here, let me help you.” She laid the magazine on her lap and reached over and unzipped my fly.
She put her arm around me when I didn’t react and kissed my cheek. “I really don’t mind. I helped your father do it all the time.” She reached in and took out my cock. She even stroked it.
My mother had a look on her face I had never seen before as she played with my cock, “I always did this for your father when we looked at his magazines. He said it was better when I did it for him than when he did it himself. Do you think it’s better?” With her free hand, she flipped to another page with a girl with big breasts sucking a dildo. Her voice got husky, “Do you want me to do it for you? I will if you want me to. I liked doing it for your father.”
Maybe there was thunder rolling in the background. Perhaps it was just the blood pounding in my head. I couldn’t tell. I didn’t know why she was asking. She was already doing it, and it did not look like she had any intention of stopping.
I was afraid to tell her to stop. “Yeah, I guess so, if you really want to.” I didn’t understand why my mother was doing this, but I couldn’t just push her away. Something was compelling her to do this. Something only she understood.
Mom kept her arm around me and kissed me as the magazine slipped to the floor, momentarily forgotten. I put my arms around her and tried to let her know I had an idea of how to kiss back. We kept kissing, holding each other as she stroked me.
In between kisses, she removed the last barrier that held me in check, “Your dad used to touch me when we did this.”
Mom spread her legs. “There.”
I cupped her mound through her tan slacks. She reached for the snap and undid it. Then she undid the zipper. Only her panties were between my fingers and her pussy. I could feel the pubic hair and her dampness through the pink cotton panties. Mary Ann Renaldas was the only girl I ever went this far with. I wondered if mom would come to her senses and make me stop just like Mary Ann did.
Before this moment, my mom was just my mom. Even though some folks said she looked a little like Jennifer Aniston, I never thought of her as anything but the woman in charge that I went to whenever I needed something or to get patched up when I got hurt. Sure I loved my mom. What guy doesn’t love his mom? This was not my mom. This was someone else that looked like my mom.
Mom looked like she was about to weep, “You remind me so much of your father now. You look more like him every day.” Mom put her head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. “I miss him, Eddie. I miss him so much.”
“I know, Mom. I miss him too.”
“Now I need you, Eddie. I need you to take his place.” Mom squeezed my cock to let me know exactly what part of dad I was replacing.
I slipped my hand into my mom’s panties. Her soft pubic hair greeted my fingers. I played in it for a moment before moving lower and probing with my fingers. I could feel her pussy was wet as I tried to visualize what was hiding under those pink panties.
On the first look, it appeared neat and tidy with my things arranged properly in the cabinet. However, as I opened the door of my cupboard, I could immediately sense that something was wrong. My clothes were arranged in a more orderly manner than I could ever do by myself. Someone had rummaged through my belongings and then had tried to arrange things back in order. It had never happened before and I had to blame only myself for this mess. I had been very careless lately. I never believed that...
IncestThe next morning indeed brought a new day, and a new way of life for the daddy and daughter couples. First and foremost, all pretense was gone. Behind closed doors, Mark and Stephanie, and Ted and Amber acted like 2 real couples. Of course, they were 2 couples that believed in swapping the women back and forth. Once the girls knew they officially "belonged" to their daddies, they became the instigators again. Stephanie and Amber poured on the flirtation in a big way. They were constantly...
Introduction: First Time Writer [i]I was 5 when my mom died and a year later my dad remarried to Jan.She was 17 then and was concidered the hottest girl in town.When I turned 13 my dick swelled up and dark curly hair began growing around my crotch including on my balls whick had doubled in size.I began jacking off all the time and one night I became really excited when I heard my parents bedsprings squeeking. My cock grew rock hard so i jacked off while listening to my dad putting the dick to...
The girls emerged from the bathroom knowing that they had given their fathers excruciating erections. But they had determined to up the tease factor that day, so rather than offering any relief, or even making any comment on their shower show, the girls whisked their dads out the door and on to the next amusement park on their agenda. After nearly 8 hours of hot sun, long lines and scintillating thrill rides, Stephanie and Amber gave their permission for the group to return to their hotel...
Introduction: Read Dads Ex before reading this story To fully understand the sexual and emotional rollercoaster I went through during this story, I recommend you read Dads Ex before reading this one. Same event, same date as last year and my Dad was having the same party as he always does and all the same people were coming, including my Dads ex. (Kathy) I didnt know if Kathy was going to be there, nor did I really even think about it. Maybe I didnt want to. I was inside the house, putting...
Ted, Mark, Amber and Stephanie returned to their hotel suite still damp from their latest romp in the pool. No one quite knew what to do next. They were all aware of the weight of what had just happened. The girls had each gotten their own dad to cum. And they all wondered, what was next? Should they talk about what had gone on in the pool? The girls weren't dragging their dads back out the door as they had previously, so it seemed that they would be willing to talk. Mark had begun a...
In some ways life for Mark and his daughter Stephanie, and Ted and his daughter Amber remained the same after they returned from their vacation. When school started again, the girls got right back in the swing. Amber continued with softball and Stephanie with gymnastics. Mark went back to work at his dental practice, and Ted returned to the community clinic where he served as Medical Director. An immediate shift in behaviors happened at each of their homes. From the very first night they...
When Amber and Stephanie were alone in their bedroom in the hotel suite, they looked at each other, made goofy faces and laughed out loud. "Ooohhhh!" Stephanie exclaimed. "What did we just do?" "I know!" Amber replied. "That was insane! Can you believe we actually did it?" "No ... way!" "They were like, totally freaked out!" "THEY were freaked out?" Stephanie said. "What about ME?" "You did great, Steph. I didn't think you could pull it off!" "I think we both ......
It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once--the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her--maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco's office at CURVY.I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn't hard to tell the difference; one said "CURVY" above the black square, with a very...
ExhibitionismNot sure how true some of these stories on here are! But I assure you this is a true story about my X wife and her crazy masturbation habits. That I must say that I miss getting to see. But the sex is about all I miss about her! Being that we were married for over 20 some years. And she ends up turning into a crack cocaine addict! To make along story short. That's what ended our marriage. But any how she is now a very small blonde milf with blue eyes. That's about 45 years old. She still looks...
I must have watched for 5 min, I noticed Dad grab his cellphone on his desk and I wondered who the fuck is he gonna call at this hour, a few seconds later my phone went off loud as hell it was a text message alert, I ran into the bathroom and looked at my cell, it was my Dad, Oh shit I'm so embarrassed how do I get out of this, Dad texted: I seen you watchin through the crack in the door, I texted back : Just for a second, I wanted to see what you were into. Dad texted back: bull shit I seen...
100% fiction! My name is Dave and I'm a 50 year old, divorced father with a 26 year old daughter. My exwife and daughter live in another state. I have a 3 bedroom house and rent one of the rooms to a 55 year old man named Ed. Ed has rented from me for over 3 years and we are good friends. One night shortly after he moved in we were drinking a few beers and trying to find something interesting on TV. He asked me if I liked porn and I told him it had to be better than what we were watching. He...
IncestIt was the summer between high school and college. I had been with only one girl one time-guess I was not a Don Juan during high school. I had taken a job selling magazines. They would put us in a van and drive us out to some other town and drop us off for the day and we would go door to door selling magazines subscriptions. End of the day they would pick us up, sometimes we would go home and sometimes we stayed in motels. I was hoping to get lucky with one of the girls on our team. It was...
Introduction: When I arrived Ron was there in a pair of shorts and no shirt, windows closed and no AC running it was the summer of my 12th year and I was just getting a little hair down there and knew nothing of sex or masturbation. In my house it was never discussed, I just knew I woke up with it stiff and it got stiff all the time. We lived in an apartment and one afternoon my dads friend Ron called and said he wanted me to stop by to help him move around some furniture. Ron lived in another...
To begin with it was nerve-wracking buying my mags, with people coming in and out of the shop and seeing me at the counter. But later I began to really enjoy being seen buying my mags. People did comment sometimes though, like when I was ogling the top shelf with mags already under my arm, and two girls walked past saying “fucking pervert!” Most of the time it’s the way they look at you though, like the time I was in an ‘adult’ shop in Luton, and there was a bloke and a woman in there, talking...
It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once–the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her–maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco’s office at CURVY. I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference, one said ‘CURVY’ above the black square, with a very...
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Dad’s Girlfriend Robin was quite stunning. She was thirty-six years old and had frosted hair, which gave her sort of blonde and gray streaks. It was long and covered her hard nipples at times and it was crinkled too. My mother would have been her age if she had survived the car accident. Robin wore a 36-C bra and her panties were a size six medium because I had snooped in the laundry. Her measurements were 36-28-36 because she had told me so. Robin also said that she stood five feet...
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was about two week after Sue Lee’s eighteenth birthday, and both Dennis and Sue Lee was still experiencing the highs that two people go through after becoming lovers. For Dennis the fact that he had raised his new lover from the time she was two months old, seem to have made what happen between them even more beautiful. In a span of two weeks father and daughter made love daily, Dennis became relentless when it came to fucking Sue Lee. When he was...
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Ernest "Ernie" Haberfeld sat in his recliner, his feet propped up in the air while he rested leisurely in his sweats. His wife, Agnes, was out with her lady friends at her weekly bridge club, probably gossiping up a storm as they played cards to wile away their time. Ernie never begrudged his wife her time away from the home, it gave him time to do the kinds of things she found distasteful. Agnes was seven years older than his fifty five years, a fact that had put a cold sweater on their sex...
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blood rushed through her veins, hot and thick with lust. She was in the strong arms of a man with a mask and his naked skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as he pulled her close. Sharp fangs pressed against her skin followed by the hot wetness of a tongue, tasting the juncture of her neck and shoulder; her sweet spot. She was wearing a sheer silky slip edged in lace that left nearly nothing to the imagination, her heavy breasts bouncing gently with each shuddering breath she took, her...
"C'mon, what should I wear?" Nikki asked in her whiniest voice. It was eight thirty in the morning and she was calling from her place. I was still in bed. My father was next to me. We were both naked. "I asked daddy last night and he told me we're truly going to get back to nature today. We're going to go nude – all day long." "Emily!" "And you should probably trim your pubes too. Daddy said he prefers a neat pubic bush." "Shut up!" Then the Nikkster hung up. Dad and I...
As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that’s when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. ‘Good morning mommy!’ I said as I walked into the kitchen. ‘Good morning sweetie,’ she answered. ‘Where’s dad and Mike?’ I asked looking out the window for dad’s truck. ‘They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?’ she replied. ‘Ah, no reason,...
I wasn't prepared for my chem test, so I told the nurse that I wasn'tfeeling well and she let me go home. Since both of my parents work and Ilike only half a mile from school I told the nurse that I would walk home.The fresh air would be good for me.I got to my house to see two cars in the driveway: my dad's and a car Ididn't recognize. I thought that this was sort of weird considering myfather normally came home at around six. I entered quietly, wanting to seewhat was going on.I didn't see...
Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...
As I awoke the following morning, all I kept thinking about was, did I dream what happened between me and Mike the night before? Absolutely not possible. I got up, got dressed and that's when I realized it was no dream. My entire body was sore. "Good morning mommy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen."Good morning sweetie," she answered."Where's dad and Mike?" I asked looking out the window for dad's truck."They left about two hours ago headed to work. Why?" she replied."Ah, no reason, was...
Straight SexI showed Nikki a copy of the Urquhart report at lunch the next day. Simply put it next to her tray. "I found the letter in dad's room, I copied it," I said. I watched her slowly chew her food as she read the words. I saw the exact instant when understanding came into her eyes. "Oh my gawd ... it's true," she finally mumbled. "He has been banana split sperming us!" I didn't answer. Instead I bent over and pulled a plastic container from my purse. "What is it?" she asked as I...
add me on msn at [email protected] I watched as my daughter took my fathers cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat. I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about...
This is a different type of story for me. It is loosely, very loosely, based on my first son’s birth. However, it is told with tongue planted firmly in cheek. This may be to right time to tell all of you our family motto: ‘Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.’ Large parts of this story are true, though a lot has been embellished and a lot more has been made up. Additionally, I want to state for the record that while I seem to be picking on the nurses in this story, I have the...
“Mike! Open up.” Came my fathers voice from the other side of the door. “What are we going to do?” I asked quietly. “I don’t know baby. Maybe he doesn’t suspect anything. Just, I guess, finish getting dressed in the bathroom and I’ll stall him. Just hurry.” He whispers kissing me on the for head as I grabbed my clothes and ran down the hall to the bathroom. As I was trying my best to get my clothes on with shaky hands, I could hear Mike opening the door. “Hey Tom! What brings you out this...
My name is Krystal. I was seventeen my last birthday. I’m five foot seven and have an average body. I have always thought of myself of the kind of girl that would never find her dream guy, but one night changed everything. As I lie in my bed, I hear someone come into my room and quietly shut the door behind them. I slowly open my eyes to look around, scared of who it may be. When my eyes adjust I am utterly shocked to see my dad’s best childhood friend, Mike, standing in front of the closed...
I watched as my daughter took my father's cock into her mouth. She was enjoying herself so much that the entire time she spent getting it down her throat she smiled. My father looked at me as Charlotte took him, he too had a smile on his face. His hand had gone down into her hair, and he gently helped her get his cock down her throat.I sat back and watched, this was the first time Daddy had done anything to Charlotte, though, he had spoken many times about taking her. He talked about waiting...
I was so excited when daddy called me and told me he was coming to visit in two weeks. We have shared such a special relationship since my birthday five months ago. I had just finished school, and was preparing for a fun filled summer before going off to college. I knew that I would be to busy studying to have much fun, so I wanted to make this summer really count.I was in my bedroom, sitting on my bed, and going over ideas, when my daddy knocked on my door."Can I come in sweetie?""Sure!" I...
Calli saw her daddy’s car as he waited for her outside Our Lady of Hope Catholic Academy. She smiled as she walked up to it, then tossed her backpack and overnight bag into the backseat.She climbed in. “Hi, Daddy!” she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.“Hi, sweetheart,” Carter, her daddy, said. “You’re eighteen today! An adult now, you can do whatever you want.”“I know,” Calli said.Carter felt his cock harden as he looked at Calli. She wore her school uniform — a burgundy sweater over a...
She came sneaking in the house around midnight. She was tiptoeing to the stairs. She knew she was supposed to be home two hours ago. Surely daddy would be sleeping now and she could get in bed before he knew she did not make it home by curfew.She put her foot on the bottom stair and then she heard him.Little girl, where in the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is. The breath she had been holding trying to make it upstairs, slowly came out with a long sigh. She knew she was in trouble...
IncestChildren's stories begin with the words "Once upon a time..." Adult stories begin with the words "No shit! This really happened". This is what really happened: We had just found out that we were pregnant with our second child. I say we although women will tell you that there is no "we" about it, that they do all the work. All we men do is have a ball getting the ball rolling - so to speak. But I am here to tell you we men are just as involved as our ladies with the pregnancy. We're...
-1- I can’t get enough. I never want it to end – sex with a black man. But it does, in time. Fatigue sets in and our bodies give out. There’s always a nice nap, or a good night’s sleep, or simply a walk on the beach to take a break before getting naked and going at it again. My life’s work, my destiny, has been pleasing black men. I give my body, all of it, for them to take, to use, to gather pleasure from. It’s one reason I was so sad to learn my old place of employment – Elite...
Paul took Paula to an abandoned shed and showed her an adult magazine. They looked at it and talked about it. I can’t tell this story in any detail, but as it turns out they weren’t the only ones. Quite a few young people who didn’t think it safe to view such material under the same roof as their parents also used the shed for porn-viewing. Specifically, Fred Conyers and Frida Dayton, both having turned fourteen years old in June, used the shed for exactly this purpose, and I can tell you about...
Forty-two year old Katherine "Katie" McClair was a workaholic. Period. Her co-workers said that the only time she was not working was when she was asleep. And even then, she would be dreaming about work. Right now it was eight o'clock, she was at home, sitting in a high back bar stool at her kitchen bar counter. Using the speech recognition app, she was busy answering e-Mails via her cellphone. "I fully understand your supply difficulties, however, all businesses have problems. Your problems...
Dear Monsters Magazine, I never thought it would happen to me. I mean, sure, we've all heard the stories. Strapping young adventuresses, more interested in cock than killing monsters. But I thought them tall-tales to tell at the war-camp late at night to keep the blood warm. That all changed last month. First, who am I? Name's Grug, minotaur from the spawning pits of Agathor. A good old Aga-boy, and yeah, yeah, I know all the jokes. I'm eight foot, six inches tall, have big wide shoulders,...
Hello Friends, I am Abhinav its my real experience, so read it as first attempt and then mail me about my errors so that I can correct them in future,mail me at girl in lucknow looking for fun can contact me. So lets start, I am at present 30, 5′ 7, and u can say somewhat good looking, from Lucknow. It was happened last year. I had a separate room at home which at had the entrance from outside also and telephone was also in my room. There lived two sisters in our neighbour and they are virgin...
I was typing away, answering the usual morning emails, trying to politely turn down unsolicited plot ideas that I "do not believe I can do justice to." You know the kind: "dear mr vargas I want u to rite me a story about me and my mama, like we r both left handed and ..." I was about to do the same with a rather nice request from the Edgewaters when I read closer. The happy couple were about to celebrate 25 years of married bliss. George wanted an erotic story to give his wife as the beginning...
Vegas.By jjcoleDad had decided to throw a birthday party for my twenty-first birthday. That made me nervous because since Mom left us Dad had become more gay. Apparently both of my parents were bisexual when they met. Her pregnancy had been a surprise and they married. To me they were ordinary Mom and Dad until I was f******n.By the time I was eighteen I had figured it out.I went away to college and Mom immediately left with her best friend. Dad had expected it.When I came home for Christmas...
Everyone in this story is over 18.Hi world my name is Jeff Steele and I’m 24 year old, right now I’m going to tell how my 44 year old dad Paul started fucking me.Wednesday 11:45pmIt all started on today we came home late from watching a Manchester Titans vs Newcastle Vikings game.11:45pm me and my dad got home trying to be quite because mum Ann and sister Lucy would be a sleep.“God damn traffic, why do people drive slows” Paul said.“It not there fault dad, someone lost the car while driving and...
My dad was private worker whose working workers hours will be from 5-8pm evening ,rest of the time he stays at home .My mom was government worker,she stays at another place due to her post location.So my appointed a servant in home to look after all chores like washing clothes,maintaining house,cooking,,etc.Servant name was vidya ,she was widow got 1 year old son.She stays along with us in our home. My dad workout daily 1-2hours.He got well built muscular body,100 kg in weight,6 feet height.My...