- 4 years ago
- 49
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An icy wind blew in from the north. It blew across the ice hills and picked up speed as it raced down the snow covered slopes. The wind kicked up loose snow and whipped it into the air like smoke rising from a fire. Three men crouched behind a rock that jutted out of the snow, and pulled their mammoth furs around them as the chilling wind beat at them.
Gunter, the older man who led their hunt, held a leather leash attached to the neck of a garg. He watched the six-legged beast as it sniffed the air and then the ground through the layers of snow and ice. The six nostrils in the garg's snout were so sensitive that it could track a week old scent through snow deep enough to cover a man to his head. The garg trembled with anticipation for the fight it's simple mind knew was coming.
"We're getting close," Gunter said to the two younger men crouching behind him.
"Are you sure, father," Kaden asked over the wind.
"Look at the garg," Gunter said. The animal quivered and whined in turns, then pulled at its leash before returning to Gunter's side "He feels the long tooth's presence, and I fear it knows we hunt it and is now hunting us as well."
"We have been close before, and the long tooth has alluded us," the other young man said. "I pray to Gawa that we get our vengeance at last."
"Patience, Aerik," Gunter said, "Vengeance for Ella and Greta is at hand. Go to the sled and bring up the rest of the gargs. We will need all of them to kill the long tooth."
Aerik lurched to his feet and made his way to the mouth of the shallow canyon where they had left the sled tied to a frea tree. The frea trees dotted the white covered landscape, they were the only tree that grew in the long winter, and their hardy fruit was a mainstay in the diet of the people that lived in the icy wastes.
An anger even colder than the biting wind burned in Aerik's heart. They had been hunting the long tooth for sixty days and had traveled far from their village in pursuit of the savage beast. His thirst for blood had not slackened since the day the long tooth had killed his intended wife.
The beast had come down from the ice hills looking for food and found the village women clearing the runoff trenches north of the village. Fueled by its hunger, it attacked without warning. It savaged Gunter's wife, Greta, killing her, and drug his daughter Ella away.
Aerik was twenty-one annum's old and had begun to despair of the elders ever picking a wife for him. When the elders had finally announced that Ella would be his wife he was overcome with joy. He knew of the girl, and her face seemed lovely beneath the furs that the people always wore to fight off the cold.
He had never seen a woman's body before, since outside their own homes they were always bundled with layers of Mammoth fur. He had no sisters and his mother had died when he was a baby, so he didn't even know what a woman looked like in her inside clothes.
He was overcome with excitement at the prospect of undressing Ella and discovering the delights of the marriage bed. He had listened to the older men in the sweat lodge talk of the pleasures that awaited him, and he was almost dizzy with anticipation.
Ella was taken by the long tooth just two days before they were to exchange their marriage necklaces. They had found her body eaten beyond recognition a few leagues from the village. Gunter and his son, Kaden, overcome with grief at the loss of their women folk had demanded a vengeance hunt. Aerik, as Ella's intended husband joined them.
They gathered supplies for a long hunt and set off with eight gargs. One of the village shamans also joined them. They would need his magic when they confronted the deadly beast.
Twenty days into the hunt, a large ice wolf had attacked them. The wolf had killed one of the gargs and the Shaman before their spears finally brought the monster down. They pressed on despite the loss of the garg and the Shaman's magic.
Aerik fumed as his fingers, clumsy from the cold, worked to free the garg's from their harnesses. If only Ella and Greta hadn't been in those stupid ditches. The village elders required every member of the village to spend time keeping the runoff trenches clear of debris in case summer came.
When summer came, it was always without warning, the heat would melt the ice in the hills causing great floods, and without the trenches to guide the water around the village, it would be swept away.
Aerik knew why the trenches needed to stay clear, but the loss of Ella made him unreasonable and he blamed the elders for their stupid adherence to old traditions. There hadn't been a summer since his great, great, great grandfather's time, and probably wouldn't be another until he was long dead, and now he had nothing.
Aerik sighed as he freed the last garg from its harness and holding the leashes, headed back up the canyon. He sent up a silent prayer to Gawa that this would be the last day of the hunt.
"Are you ready?" Gunter asked the younger men.
"I am father," Kaden said.
Aerik only nodded that he was ready.
They divided the gargs among them, and with spears in one hand and leashes in the other, crept deeper into the canyon. Their senses strained for any sign of their prey, and the gargs silently stalked as the scent of the long tooth filled their snouts.
Their only warning was the gargs, almost as one, raising their heads toward the top of the shallow canyon to their right. The long tooth screamed as it leapt down from the ice covered rocks above. Its long, dark striped, tawny body arched gracefully with deadly claws extended as it plummeted down toward Aerik.
Aerik flung the leashes holding the gargs away, and dived away from the leaping beast. He rolled gracefully and surged to his feet. He spun back toward the beast, spear at the ready.
The beast landed with a thud in the spot where Aerik had stood, and scrabbled its claws into the icy canyon floor to regain its footing. It screamed in rage at missing its intended prey.
Gunter and Kaden released their gargs and the six-legged animals howled and spread out flanking the long tooth. The men and gargs surrounded the large beast, and for a moment silence descended as though the world itself was taking a breath.
Though they had traveled far to kill the beast, they couldn't help but admire its natural beauty. It was as long as three grown men were and weighed as much as six. Muscles rippled beneath its dark striped golden fur as its muscled body moved slowly, stalking them. Its ears were laid back and it lashed its striped tail back and forth as it gazed at them with slitted green eyes. Its mouth was filled with sharp yellow teeth and two of its top fangs stretched out of its mouth and curved down as long as a man's forearm.
The silence seemed to stretch on forever but, in truth, was barely a few heartbeats. The beast screamed, breaking the unnatural quiet and Gunter yelled the command to attack. The gargs began darting in at the legs of the long tooth while the men jabbed at it with their spears.
The beast was unnaturally fast and pierced a garg's body clean through with its long fangs as several other gargs went for its back legs. It shook its head flinging the mortally wounded garg into the air and spun to face the gargs harassing its rear. It swiped a garg with its long claws and tore it nearly in half.
The men jumped forward and thrust their spears into the beast's exposed side as it turned. It screamed in pain and spun again, breaking off Kaden's spear where it stuck in the beast's side. For an instant Kaden stared at the splintered shaft in disbelief. It cost him his life. The long tooth swiped at him with its claws. The deadly sharp talons sliced through the layers of fur and ripped him open from his chest to his lower stomach. His insides spilled out onto the snow in grotesque coils as he collapsed into the snow.
Gunter screamed in anguish and tossing his spear aside fell to his son's side. He desperately began scooping up the entrails and trying to stuff them back into his dead son's body.
"No!" Aerik screamed as the long tooth shook off several gargs and leapt onto Gunter's back.
The beast screamed and then bit down onto Gunter's head. Its long teeth pierced his upper chest and sank deep into his body. Gunter's hands flailed around and then fell limply at his side.
Aerik leapt forward and thrust his spear into the beast's side, then leapt away as it screamed and turned to face him. The beast focused its malevolent gaze on Aerik and stalked toward him. It was bleeding from its wounds and from Kaden's broken spear where it protruded from its side. Gunter hung garishly from the beast's mouth, still impaled on its long teeth, his legs swinging loosely as the beast prowled toward Aerik.
The gargs darted in at the long tooth's legs and it turned on them in a fury. It spun so fast that Gunter's body was hurled into the wall of the canyon with a sickening crunch before falling to the ground. The beast's attack on the gargs was so furious that blood and bodies flew in all directions as it ripped its claws through them.
Aerik howled and jabbed his spear into the beast's back. It screamed and whirled so quickly that Aerik barely retained his grip on his spear. He lurched back and his heel caught on a rock. He fought for balance and lost. He sat down hard and watched his death approach.
The beast screamed again and leapt on him. Aerik's heart froze and he blindly thrust his spear toward the enraged animal as it crashed onto him. The weight of the beast slammed him to the ground, and his breath exploded from his lungs. The long fangs grazed his cheeks as they passed to either side of his face and pierced the icy ground, pinning his head between them.
Aerik squeezed his eyes shut and waited for death to come. After a moment, he realized he was still alive and opened his eyes. The long tooth's mouth was only a few hand widths from his face but the only movement coming from the beast was the expanding and contracting of its ribs as it breathed.
Aerik tried to turn his head but the long yellow fangs held his head immobile. Suddenly the great beast made a sound and its hot foul breath washed over him. The sound startled him and his body jerked as fear coursed through him.
The fear was quickly replaced with confusion. He had never heard such a sound from a long tooth before. It whined and mewled pathetically as its breathing became labored. It whimpered and then took three breaths each weaker than the last before it gurgled and then moved no more.
Aerik lay there for a moment just thankful to be alive before trying to free himself. It took him quite a while to climb out from under the smothering weight of the dead long tooth. Finally, panting for breath, he struggled to his feet beside the once fearsome monster.
His spear jutted from the beast's back where it had gone all the way through its body. He grunted with effort as he tried to pull it the rest of the way through, but despite his best efforts the spear was stuck fast. After several attempts, he gave up and picked up Gunter's discarded spear from the ground.
He staggered toward the gargs to see if any remained alive and almost fell as the adrenaline left his body. He caught himself with the butt of Gunter's spear and sank to one knee. Sadness for the deaths of his companions, relief that the long tooth was dead, and joy at being alive surged through him. He was overcome with emotion and wept among the dead.
When he had recovered, he found that only three gargs remained alive and one was so grievously injured he had to kill it to stop its suffering. He took the remaining two back to the sled and tied them to the frea tree before returning to the bodies of Gunter and Kaden.
He spent half of what remained of the day gathering stones. He laid Gunter and Kaden beside each other and built a cairn of stones over them. When he was finished, he stood silently for a moment before raising his face to the heavens.
"Gawa," he cried, "Hear your servant. Please welcome these men into your kingdom. They were brave and true. They never faltered from the path you laid before them. Please Shepherd them into your heavenly garden where it is always summer and winter never comes."
He fell silent, gathered up his spear and trudged back to the sled. He went through their supplies and discarded much of it. Two gargs couldn't pull the sled with that much weight on it. When he was satisfied with his supplies, he built a small hollow dome out of blocks of packed snow for him and the gargs to spend the night in, out of the freezing night wind.
He crawled in through the opening and then called the gargs in with him. They would huddle together for warmth through the freezing night. In the morning, they would begin the long journey home.
Something startled Aerik out of his sleep. Alarmed, he quickly looked around the interior of the small snow hut, trying to find what had woke him. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he settled back down.
He flinched as something cold and wet dripped onto his face. He wiped it off and examined the roof of the hut more closely. Light filtered down through the snow roof, and It had a glossy sheen of moisture over it. Here and there, a drop of water fell to the ground as he watched.
The gargs shifted and whined as he untangled himself from them and crawled out into the morning light. He blinked in the bright sunlight and held his hand over his piercing dark eyes to shield them from the glare.
When his eyes adjusted to the light, he saw melting snow everywhere. He was so astonished that he didn't notice how hot he was feeling under his mammoth furs. It wasn't until a drop of sweat ran into his eye that he noticed his discomfort.
"I don't believe it," he said aloud as he rubbed the stinging sweat out of his eye.
He removed his fur hood, freeing his long black hair to cascade down his back. He also removed one layer of his furs and lashed them to his supplies. He called the gargs and harnessed them to the sled. With the sun beating down as they started their journey home he finally had no choice but to believe, summer was coming, and it was coming fast.
The gargs were beginning to struggle by the time the sun reached its zenith. The rails on the sled were sinking into the slush instead of riding on top of the snow. Aerik soon realized that they would have to abandon the sled.
He let the gargs rest while he fashioned a pack for their supplies. He had to abandon everything that he couldn't carry with him. He and the gargs would have to hunt for food when their supplies ran out. He discarded another layer of his furs, shouldered his makeshift pack and they set out on foot.
Over the next few days, the temperature continued to rise, and the snow and ice melted at an alarming rate. Aerik was down to his inside clothes now and struggled through long stretches of mud and slush.
He and the gargs had trudged halfway across a valley when he heard a rumbling sound coming from the direction of the hills. He thought hard trying to identify the sound. It sounded a little like a mammoth stampede, but that wasn't exactly right. He gazed in the direction of the roaring sound and then up at the dark rocky peaks above that should have been white with snow and ice.
The blood drained from his face when he realized what the sound was. "Run!" he yelled at the gargs and took off as fast as he could go through the mud. He ran until his lungs hurt, with the gargs loping along beside him.
The roaring grew louder as he ran desperately for the far side of the valley. Only one thought occupied his mind as he labored on. He must get to high ground.
He spotted a rocky mound off to his left and altered his direction toward it. He glanced to his right and saw the flood of water coming down the valley. A great boiling froth rushed toward him, uprooting frea trees and destroying everything in its path.
He would never make it to the other side of the valley. The rocky mound was his and the gargs only chance. He reached down deep inside and found the strength to increase his speed.
The onrush of the flood became so loud it was deafening. The roaring assaulted his senses and he bordered on the edge of panic. With a final surge, he reached the mound and scrambled up onto a rock on the side away from the coming tide. He called to the gargs and they scrambled up beside him. He climbed toward the top as fast as he could with the gargs following close behind.
The wave of deadly water collided with the far side of the rocky mound with a crash as loud as thunder. It engulfed the bottom of the mound and rushed around it with incredible speed. Aerik was barely above the water and he desperately grabbed at the closest garg and hoisted it above the surging flood. The other garg yelped as the merciless rush of water swept it away. It struggled valiantly to stay afloat, but soon disappeared beneath the turbulent surface.
Aerik and the garg waited for two days for the water to recede, but it never did. A lake had formed around the mound on which Aerik had taken refuge. Water covered the entire valley. He could see the shore not far away and knew he would have to try to reach it before his food ran out.
The water didn't seem to bother the garg. It would jump in the lake and swim around, almost as if it was born to it, before returning to Aerik. It would shake its whole body, slinging water in all directions from its black spotted brown fur, and then rub up against Aerik looking for a pat on the head and a tasty morsel of dried mammoth meat from Aerik's pack.
Aerik had no idea how to swim and judged that the water would be close to being over his head by how high it had settled around the mound. It was either chance it or starve to death, so he shouldered his pack and with a silent plea to Gawa leapt into the water.
He went under but his feet hit the bottom with the water only a few hands above his head. He pushed off the bottom in the direction of the shore, and sucked in a quick breath when he cleared the surface.
He sank to the bottom again and jumped toward land again. He found that pulling through the water with his hands kept him up for a little longer before he sank again. He tired quickly and panic threatened to overwhelm him as he struggled toward safety.
He was almost at the end of his strength when his feet touched the bottom, and his head didn't go under. He almost sobbed with relief as he staggered onto firm ground. He collapsed onto the muddy ground and panted for breath, until the garg, who had made it to shore quite easily, licked his face.
"Come on boy, let's go home," Aerik said patting the animal's head, and then climbed to his feet.
Over the next several days, it got even hotter, and the muddy ground began to firm up as the excess water evaporated in the heat. Then something so wondrous happened that it astounded Aerik. The world bloomed.
Seeds that had lain dormant in all the annums since the last summer warmed the world sprang to life. Grass as green as a long tooth's eyes sprouted as far as the eye could see. Flowers of every size and color blossomed, filling Aerik's world with a myriad of scents and colors that he never imagined existed.
It became so hot that Aerik soon discarded his inside clothes and fashioned himself a loincloth. He felt naked, but the heat left him little choice. He tied his long black hair into a long tail with a leather cord and resumed his journey.
Aerik continued toward home, but soon realized he was lost. All the landmarks they had noted on their hunt looked completely different now. The ice and snow was gone from the hills, completely changing their shape. All Aerik knew now was that home was in the direction of the setting sun. He hoped to come across a village where he could get his bearings, but so far, he had not seen any other people.
He began to feel an irritation and tightness to his skin and realized that the sun was beginning to burn him. Suddenly he remembered when he was young, Elder Haran making him recite the summer songs along with all the other village children.
"Bulbs of white protect from summer's light," he sang the summer song from his childhood, and began searching through the flowers and bushes he passed for anything that might have white bulbs.
His search was rewarded a short time later when he found a bush with several white bulbs hanging from its branches. He plucked one and squeezed it until it burst releasing a thick clear fluid. It smelled like the dawn after a fresh snow.
He rubbed it over his chest, and winced when his fingers caught in the soft black hair that grew there. Almost immediately, a soothing coolness spread where he had rubbed the clear fluid. He quickly rubbed it over all his exposed skin.
His only companion on the long journey was the garg. He had noticed that its eyes were a light shade of brown where almost all gargs eyes were black. Together they hunted for food, and chased each other through fields of flowers. They huddled together for warmth when it rained at night, and rested in the shade of frea trees in the hottest part of the day. They bathed in ponds and streams they found along the way, and together fought off a pack of jeekels who tried to steal the freshly killed food from their camp.
He was amazed at the garg's intelligence and loyalty. Aerik no longer viewed the garg as a tool for hunting, but saw the animal as a trusted friend. He named him Unkes, which meant "Loyal friend" in the old tongue. He decided that when he returned home Unkes would not be returning to the garg pens but would stay with him in his home.
Over time, Aerik found he no longer needed the white bulbs to protect him from the sun. His skin had bronzed to a golden brown and no longer turned red from the sun's harsh light. He loved the sun's warmth on his skin and reveled in the freedom to move without furs covering his body.
Aerik and Unkes had been heading toward the setting sun for over sixty days and Aerik figured they should be getting close to home. He still didn't recognize where they were and was beginning to worry. If they were anywhere near home, they should start running into villages soon.
Unkes ran ahead for a while and then would come back before bounding off again. Aerik laughed as Unkes chased beautiful flying bugs with wings that came in many colors and patterns. They seemed to fly around with no purpose or direction, flitting first one way then another. Unkes would leap into the air, but never quite catch them.
Aerik trotted along behind as Unkes had his fun. Unkes chased one of the insects into a patch of tall plants with yellow and red flowers blooming from the top. Suddenly a warning sounded in Aerik's mind and he remembered another summer song taught by Elder Haran. "Go near blooms of yellow and red, and it won't be long until you're dead."
"Unkes, stop!" he shouted, fear filling his voice.
The garg slid to a stop and looked back questioningly at Aerik.
"Unkes, come," he commanded and patted his leg.
Unkes gave one last look of longing at the flying bug before turning and trotting toward Aerik. Before he cleared the patch of tall plants, one of them suddenly whipped toward the garg. The bloom opened up revealing an ugly black stinger. Unkes yelped when the stinger stabbed into his side and injected him with venom.
The tall stinging plants around Unkes all came alive and began plunging their wicked black stinger into the garg. Unkes yelped pitifully and tried to get to Aerik but the venom from the stings had paralyzed his legs. He crashed to the ground as the plants continued to jab their stingers into him.
"Unkes!" Aerik shouted and dropped his pack. He ran with spear in hand to help his friend.
He swung his spear from side to side using the sharp edges of the spear point to hack at the deadly plants. He swung the spear like a man possessed and fought his way to Unkes's side. He stood over his fallen friend and flailed around him with his spear until he had cleared the area around them.
He hoisted Unkes onto his shoulder and swung his spear to keep the path clear as he staggered to safety. When he was clear of the deadly plants, he laid Unkes on the ground and slumped beside him. He pulled Unkes onto his lap and cradled his head.
"Don't die on me, Unkes," He begged as tears spilled down his cheeks into his beard.
Unkes just looked at him, pleading for help with his wet light brown eyes. His breath came in short, ragged gasps. Aerik held him, softly stroking his head until the venom reached his heart. Unkes closed his eyes and died. Aerik pulled his friends lifeless body to him, threw back his head and screamed his grief to the world.
Later, after he had laid Unkes to rest under a cairn of stones, he took up his spear. Aerik didn't leave the clearing until he had chopped every last plant with a yellow and red bloom to the ground.
Aerik resumed his trek, but his journey without Unkes was filled with loneliness. His mind wandered as he walked and he almost called to Unkes to come to him a few times before he caught himself. Every time this happened, he felt the loss of his friend all over again.
He stopped to rest and stared up at the hills to the north. He tried to imagine what they would look like covered in snow and ice. They would be much larger with tons of ice and snow on top of them. Suddenly realization hit him. He was much closer to the hills than he should be. He had failed to make the size adjustment in his mind. Home should be farther south than he had been traveling. He might have even passed far to the north of his village.
With newfound determination he changed his direction and began walking due south. Two days after he turned south, he came across what was left of a village. Apparently, the elders of this village weren't as strict as his village elders were in keeping their runoff trenches clear and had paid the price.
He dug through the rubble, looking for any supplies that might be useful. He found nothing, so pressed on. He wondered what had happened to the people that lived there, but the fact that he found the village gave him hope that he was on the right path to get home.
Shortly after leaving the decimated village, he came across a stream that fed into a pool of water. He knelt down and scooped the cool water onto his face. The water dripped out of his beard into the water.
He stared at his reflection and was surprised to see that he looked quite brutish. If he came across any people, he didn't want to look like a wild man. He built a fire and filled the pot from his pack with water. He let the water heat on the edge of the fire while he honed the edge of his knife along his sharpening stone.
When the water was hot enough and the blade sharp enough, he scraped the coarse hair from his face. When he was done, he examined his reflection in the water. He looked as well as could be expected under the circumstances.
Three days later, he was traveling through a field enjoying the breeze that cooled the sweat on his body when a sound drifted to him on the wind. He stopped in disbelief. He could swear that he had heard the sound of a woman singing.
He listened hard but heard nothing. Then the wind picked up and he heard it again. It was just the hint of a whisper. The wind had brought the singing to him, and his first instinct was to run toward the voice.
He decided that in times like these it was better to be cautious, so he dropped his pack, and taking only his spear, slipped into the tree line and moved from tree to tree toward the ethereal voice.
He paused and listened for the voice again, but heard nothing. Maybe it had been his imagination. He went a little farther and found a lovely little pond in a small clearing. He walked into the clearing near the water and looked around.
He felt foolish. He had been alone since Unkes had died and was imagining things. He turned back towards his supplies and stopped when he noticed a pile of clothing on the ground. He looked back at the water just as a woman burst from the water with a splash.
Aerik yelped in surprise and almost dropped his spear. The woman stood waist deep in the water and looked shocked to see him there. For a moment, they just stared at each other.
She saw a tall young man with dark eyes and long black hair pulled back and tied into a tail at the nape of his neck. His broad muscled chest was covered with a light coat of black hair that trailed down to the ripples in his stomach.
He wore nothing but a loincloth fashioned from mammoth hide, and the muscles in his arms bulged from the grip he had on a long hunting spear. His legs were lean and muscled and he wore mammoth hide boots cross-laced with leather. A thin coat of sweat covered his bronze skin and made the light glisten off the planes and angles of his hard muscles. She was frightened but had to admit he was quite impressive looking.
Aerik couldn't take his eyes off her. She was only visible from just below her navel. The rest of her was under the water, but what he could see of her took his breath away. Her hair was jet black and so long that the ends of it floated in the water. Her eyes were a brilliant blue, and her face was the most delicate beautiful face he had ever seen.
Hello ISS Lovers! Please mail your comments about the story to Samyukta was to leave to Dubai in the next two days and the house brimmed with obscurity. She knew that life is going to be difficult without her parents and loving siblings, more so in a country about which she knew very little. The last fifteen days have been very memorable with roars of laughter ripping through every now and then. Being a woman with an enviable sense of humor, she had kept her parents, brother and sister in very...
IncestHope you enjoyed the part 1 and part 2 of my story.Thanks for your valuable feedback and comments. Those who missed it can read it in below link. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex/sex relationship can mail me @ Please do not hesitate in reaching me …will keep your details private and confidential. Coming to the story: Part 3: Like this ,days...
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Monday Janet Vargas settled into her office for the day. She had been Principal of Clinton High School for many years but had always hated this task — the annual budget and next year's personnel issues. Books, equipment, paper, pens, replacement desks, replacement chairs, building maintenance, the cafeteria, the list went on and on and on. And personnel! Old teachers retired or transferred, new teachers had to be found and trained, even teachers that stayed on from year-to-year needed skills...
“Forty-eight minutes!” Alice gasped as she burst through the kitchen door on Sunday morning and grabbed the watch that lay on the counter. She was merely a few feet ahead of me but those few feet were important. She turned to face me, panting, her face sweaty and pink with exertion. “I’ve never beaten you before!” she grinned broadly, leaning back against the table’s edge, her eyes bright with excitement and glee. “And you won’t beat me again,” I frowned then burst out laughing, “when my knee...
CuckoldHello, guys, this is Akshay Thakur again. This time with the story of one of the readers, written in my style. Before starting the story I want to thank the readers for all the emails and replies you guys are sending me. Let me make this clear all the earlier stories were my own experience. But this story is narrated by a reader named Minal Gupta. I am just writing on her behalf. She has consented to reveal her mail Id but only to genuine readers (and I’ll be the judge of that). So here is her...
This incident happened with me on my journey from New Delhi to Mumbai via Rajdhani Express 2 months back,I was travelling alone by IInd A/c and it was just 5 minutes for the train to leave and still in my cabin (which had 3 other seats vaccant) no other passenger had come and i had almost thought that I would be all alone in the cabin till Mumbai and got engrossed in reading a magazine and just as the train was to depart a sweet voice called out her seat number and was trying to locate it by...
Hi All, I am regular reader of Indian Sex Stories.Today I am describing about my real love and sex journey had with my Girlfriend. Coming to me , I am a software engineer working in MNC in Hyderabad.I am 5.7″ tall with average body and with satisfying cock ;-) Girls/aunties from Hyderabad who want to have a private sex can mail me @ will keep your details confidential. Coming to the story: Part1: It was first day of engineering college and I am late to college to take the admission.I and my...
Hi all, First of all I want to apologize for being so late in posting the next part. I have now moved to Delhi. Above is the link of the first and previous part of the story. We both slept late last night. I slept on lower berth and Aakriti went to the upper berth. We both were tired and didn’t had any energy left in us. We ate and went to sleep. Next thing I know someone is knocking on the door. The night was over just like that. I opened it. There was a lady at the door. She was beautiful,...
Hi girls, I’m back with another story. Firstly, I want to thank everyone who liked my previous story and a special thanks to the people who mailed me and appreciated me for my work. I want to request the readers that please stop asking me for pics and contacts of the girls with whom I had these encounters. It won’t happen. They are just for me.:p After reading my last story this girl contacted me. First I thought that it is a guy messing with me so I didn’t took it seriously. But I was wrong....
Hi ISS reader . This is Sameer age of 22 from Kathmandu Nepal. I am doing my bachelors in management. i have read a lot of stories here which are from India and found few from Nepal. As I am regular visitor of this site, I thought of sharing my own experience with you all. Hope you all will like this. For any feedbacks, my mail id is Aunties and girls from Nepal can contact me as confidentiality will be maintained in the relationship. Once I have to travel to Itahari which lies in the eastern...
IncestJourney to His Lair: The Tale of Elizabeth’s DebasementBy SlaveWithOwner?Chapter 1:?I had a clear list of rules when I first?approached Him, the man who?subsequently fucked my mind and broke my barriers and made me His; the one to make me surrender 'my' cunt to cock. The man I now call?My Master with all the pride and passion I once called myself a?lesbian feminist.?The man?I need to serve?daily to satisfy cunt's?insatiable?craving for cummings.?It?drips always, cunt. Always needs cummings....
Hi Friends.. This is my frist story im going to narrate you how it has taken place in a bus journey from kurnool to hyderabad. Frist i want to tell you about my self my name is Pradeep working as a cafe in-charge in hyd i’m 25 yrs old medium built with a fair complextion. I went to my native place kurnool for a important work and after compplition of my work iam returing back to hyerabad my mom came with me to drop me at the bus stand as it is a festival season bus stand is with full crowd,...
The journey from Mum to Pune in AC Bus brought memories of a real experience. I had gone to a remote place in the Himalayas. Lone Bus that dropped me there at 12 noon was to go back to nearest small town at 3 pm. By the time I could visit my destination and return it was already 4 pm and the Bus had already left. There was no shelter there and the only alternative was to hitch a ride in a truck. The driver gave me the lift. I sat in middle and the cleaner on my left and driver naturally on the...
Half an hour later, I lay awake on the sofa in the darkness, unable to sleep, my heart and mind torn, suspended in the familiar agony somewhere between Cuckold Heaven and Alpha Male Hell.From behind the closed bedroom door came the dull but unmistakable sounds of my sweet, pretty wife being comprehensively and very willingly fucked for a second time. Her cries of ecstasy were muffled as if she was trying to suppress the noise, but I knew them well to know that she was receiving the fucking of a...
CuckoldHello everyone, I hope you all are doing great and will enjoy this story of . You can call me Hunter. I’m 22 years old. Her name is Sheila (36-34-38). She’s 46 and the mother of my friend Ruchika (32-30-34). Her dad is in the army. After the unlock, her college reopened, which was in Chandigarh. So again she needs to carry all her luggage to college. She, along with her mom, cannot do this alone. So she contacted me to help her go to Chandigarh as her mom can’t travel alone while coming back....
This is the GRA edit – a revision that cleared a major continuity error Cadet Colonel Alex Flowers stepped out of the shimmering field that marked the terminus of the transporter and into bedlam. After taking just three paces he stopped, not knowing what to do and unable to see anyone in charge. Behind him he heard a curse, then Captain Roberts, Confederacy Space Marines, stepped around him and bellowed “Halt!” His voice, commanding and loud enough to reach the far corners of the room,...
They all looked to Dann to lead, now that Rand was hurt. Dann surveyed the party, and thankfully noted that there were few injuries, besides Rand’s broken leg, and his own lacerations. One of the older boys had a bruised shoulder, from being knocked aside by the bear in her blind rage, and there were minor bumps and scrapes, gotten as they had scrambled to get out of the way. Fortunately, the furious animal had been intent on the two larger hunters, and had ignored the rest in her...
The train has compartments. The seats are old and have a musty smell. The heating, turned on full and not to be changed, makes the air cloying and presses the cause of sleep and release. The misted windows offer us only vague reflections. The darkness outside says ‘stay in your warm bright cave and wait for me to be gone’. Our minds are numbed by the cradling rattle and rumble of the train. Our eyes open and close with no change in what we perceive. Your head rests on my plaid covered chest as...
I sat back on the large rock next to my bag. I was exhausted, but elated. This past few hours had fuelled my desires, my kinks, my perversions ... and how! This girl, my Little Girl, whose actual name was still not known to me, nor mine to her, hung by her wrists above me, several feet from the ground as the dusk turned to twilight and the darkness began to descend. It had been a relatively warm December day with heavy cloud cover and a deluge of rain. But now she had stopped shaking, in...
Hi friends this is Pabby again with another story… I am a very friendly and loving man of 30+ now, married, living in Chandigarh. There are always two or three weak points for every woman. However distance may be your relationship with her, if you are alone with her and likely to be together for more time and when sure that there won’t be any external disturbance, sex comes to her mind more intensely than to a man. She would have schemed in her mind how to take advantage of the situation...
(For those looking for sex, there will be PLENTY of that…as we move into this series… This is NON FICTION and is being written by both parties. We are extremely busy, and will have no concrete posting schedule due to our professional lives. I am sure that some will not like the white slave/Black Master dynamic, but for those of you who do…we thank you for taking the time to read our story. We are excited about sharing our experience with you all as we have enjoyed several of your stories. We...
“How was your day love?” I made a point of calling my wife. It was Monday, a whole day since I saw my Little Girl at Leeds Station. We had our thing my slut and I, and that ‘thing’ was supposed to draw the boundaries and define what it was that we had, and where it was we had it, but if I was being honest I just could not get her out of my head. Even during the waking moments with my eyes open I ‘saw’ her ... on the cross, tied to the bed, in the throes of orgasm, her arms around my neck...
Her hair was on the short side, dark with little curls here and there … it framed her face perfectly. “Another?” The barmaid caught my attention having spotted that my pint glass was almost empty. “Yes, please same again,” I replied, glancing briefly at her whilst keeping my main focus on the young girl who seemed to love being the centre of attention in the small group that she was sitting with. I had been watching her for some time and not once had she looked up at me, she was far too...
The days had passed slowly but they had eventually passed. It was Saturday - THE Saturday. The night my wife was to become a whore! It was ten thirty in the evening. I was sitting in the same booth in the same bar in which Julie, Gary, Alice and I had started our New Year’s Eve celebrations but this time the bar was barely a quarter full and I was sitting there alone, apart from a tall glass of ice cold beer. My tummy was bubbling with excitement but, I suspected, not as much as those of the...
CuckoldHi Friends, this is Rajesh, presently 38 years working as an Engineer in an MNC, and settled in Bangalore now.. I am fair in colour, well built with a gym body and most important with an 8 inch dick. I was aware of the woman anatomy at that age by reading sex books and watching porn, but never had any chance to see a woman naked, but was longing to see a naked woman and masturbating myself thinking about it.This is an incident which happened when I had been to Mangalore to attend a marriage...
Bright afternoon sun beat down on the hot tiles surrounding the deep blue swimming pool, making it painful to walk without shoes as I carried our three glasses on a small tray back to the apartment for a refill. The water dripping from my wet swim shorts made slippery puddles around my feet and I stepped carefully the last few yards. As I reached the apartment’s door I turned and smiled at my wife Alice, who was completing the last few confidant lengths of her daily exercise routine. She turned...
CuckoldHello all. Nice to be back again to pen down my another sex journey. First of all, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all those feedbacks and emails with congratulatory messages for my previous story from all sex across the different parts of the country.Truly speaking it is only such wishes that force me to pen it down again.Hope I have answered to all your emails and sorry just in case if I missed someone. Thank you once again and pep me to write more with your feedbacks. Its a...
Hey everyone ! This occurred many months ago. I really appreciate your criticisms and suggestions at Please feel free to write and opine. I write detailed sex stories, I beg your patience. For an exam I had to travel away by train with a day journey. My friends had other city as exam centre. I usually like train travel, especially air conditioned, it makes the long haul journey much comfortable. As soon as I reached the station, I bought water. When the train arrived, I boarded after...
Hello dear friend.I am sasi 24 years old young boy. 171cm height and dick is 6inch.I am from tamilnadu salem.I am complete my B.E and searching govt job.Now simply stay at home. In iss I read many stories in our web sites.Some stories so boaring and some stories make we very hot.This is my first experience story, I don’t know you like it or not.If my story boring you please forgive me.I like sex movie and story of bus sex.Because this was more crazy and hot. Friends do you know bus journies was...
Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 27 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 4. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Sorry friends for lot of delay in coming up the next part, Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. This is the time where smitha Laura and I were together, it was awesome movement. Laura came with the idea saying that why we can’t meet her best buddies who are...
Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 3. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. These episode is about the Hot & Steamy Three Some sex with Two Beauties (Smitha & Laura). As u guys know about me im a party animal. I and smitha used to hang out a lot in pubs, one such evening we were in Sky Bar enjoying...
Dear all…A very warm welcome to all of u. To start, firstly let me introduce about myself. I am rajan, 33 yr old, happily married & having a kid. I am a fitness freak & don’t look more than 25 yr old. I am into a good respectable job which makes me visit different parts of country frequently. My sexcapades in life started early when i was around seventeen yrs old & since then I’ve enjoyed a lot. Till date I’ve had encounters with approx 19 girls/ladies with 08 of them being virgins & 04 of them...
Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 2 (links on top). Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank you readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Just for a recap I was with Smitha in goa. We were in the rain of love. Even smitha was fully tired and was...
Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of the my previous saga Readers who hasn’t read first part, link is on top. Thank you readers for your valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Smitha and I were so attached that we never left each other in weekends, we used to enjoy being together. Feels like happy couples. We used to have a...
Hi friends, I am Akhil i am back after long time .i am introducing myself again for the sake of new readers. i am 26 m, handsome south Indian(Hyderabad) guy working in Jabalpur .i am getting so many reply from so many women’s and girls every day. i am thankful for your address for my previous stories. I am very happy to share my experiences with u. Now i am here with my new experience which happened 1 week before. i will tell you about Sujatha heroine of this story ,her physic 34c-30-34.she...
journey By Cassandra Morgan - 1 - - Andy's voice - "Me Tarzan, Her Jane!" The first 500 times or so I said it, it might have been amusing. The last 500, people were laughing at me, not with me. But that was okay. I was happy. The music was loud, and the alcohol was flowing, and everyone at Mama Leon's nightclub was happy. Lights flashed. Laughter sounded. People smiled. It was Roleplay Night, which is always a good...
A journey to complete submissionSusie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind.? Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion.She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed...
This is a happening I like to share that how luck favors. I was staying in a locality in ban galore where a aunty by name Sudha used to stay opposite our house since I was of the reserved kind although she used to visit our house during festivals there was not much interaction she was beautiful with the hour glass statistics. After my graduation we changed our locality for a place near my work and we lost contact with her family. I could not believe that I had an opportunity to see this beauty...
Hi friends, this is Suresh bringing out a true and real life incident for the pleasure of u all. I am 40 years old and working for a public sector organization and currently living in Hyderabad due to posting. My wife Shweta is 35 and we have one kid of 12 years old. Recently while returning from our native place after attending a function, we brought a maid a girl of about 18 to help my wife in her household chores as the local maids are not good in the quality of work and also they are absent...
Hi Readers, This is Vikram 27 years old fair and handsome guy from Bangalore. I am 5.9 inches in height with an athletic body. I am a fitness freak and maintain myself well. I have been a regular reader of ISS and have also written . The stories I have read encouraged me to share my experience. It is a real-life experience, and I shall try my best to share with you exactly how it happened. Well, it all happened 8 years back with my girlfriend. Her name was Shreya, and she was 26 years old. She...
I learned a long time ago, that life doesn't always turn out the way you plan or hope, and sometimes you've just got to roll with the punches. But for me to tell you my strange and erotic story, or as I jokingly call it, my "journey through the rabbit hole," you need to understand how I got to this juncture in my life. Robert Falcone and I were married just after I graduated college. Robert, a handsome red-haired, blue-eyed man, who graduated a couple of years ahead of me, was a good and...
Susie was away again, she had spent her entire life ducking out of one care home to another as a child, now at 18 she found herself skipping out on dubious landlords who would charge her the earth for a place to stay, unless she would offer payment in kind. Not happy to do either, she would oft moonlight whilst owing, and now was such an occasion. She headed for the more urbane part of town; the small amount of money she had would not sustain her long; she needed find work and shelter quickly...
One more step, a few more heartbeats. The hunter silently moved into the range of his dart. A soft puff of air from the short blowgun, and the rabbit dropped instantly, paralyzed by the poison on the thorn-tipped missile. Seth grunted his satisfaction at the kill. Rabbits were one of the surviving species, but they had changed in the process They were still shy, but now grew much larger than those of pre-cataclysmic times. This was not a large one as rabbits go, perhaps a bit over a ten...
“But how did he come into the village without being seen or heard?” Jord stood anxiously over his son as Jona and Leana attended to Rand’s wounds. “We have watchers, and they should have alerted us!” “A few, thankfully very few, of the enemy’s tools are given special abilities. Some are able to hide themselves,” Brgghhh rumbled, his mind-voice sounding much the same as his audible one. “At times, and only for short times, even from some of us. Fortunately for us they soon become useless for...
With Eastorhyld leading, since she was the one who knew the way, followed my Marjorie then Hild and Jane, I was left to bring up the rear. We went towards the stream and to the small path near the outcrop of saplings. This was a path I had seen before and thought it was just a path that had been made by wild animals coming to drink. Marjorie was seen talking to Eastorhyld for quite a long time. She then turned, "This is a Druid highway, these crisscross the country and by keeping to them no...
With Eastorhyld leading, since she was the one who knew the way, followed by Marjorie then Hild and Jane, I was left to bring up the rear. We went towards the stream and to the small path near the outcrop of saplings. This was a path I had seen before and thought it was just a path that had been made by wild animals coming to drink. Marjorie was seen talking to Eastorhyld for quite a long-time. She then turned and said, "This is a Druid highway, these criss-cross the country and by keeping...
I will take you through my journey of relationship that has evolved from a respected elder to a slave and slut. Yes, this is an incest story and involves hardcore violation of womanhood. I would like you to feel what I felt with her. From my first horny feel for her to first touch to first blowjob, first exhibition and beyond. I hope you like and enjoy it. I have been reading a few stories on blogs like this and felt I should share mine as well. It's a reality but not a story, in fact, it's a...
IndianChapter 1 Jessica sat at the bistro window and sipped her coffee. Outside, the street was almost deserted and the road gutters were running like little rivers as the drizzling rain gusted against the wooden screen guarding the Herbertstrasse. It was so different from the last time. 'God!', she thought, "that was only two weeks ago.' Her brow furrowed as she recalled the event from that holiday week-end that had brought her back here. She pushed a strand of her blonde hair from her face...
We got a good deal on our neighbor's motorhome, and we were anxiously making plans for getting Peggy fucked by some young guys.We bought it as a sexond vehicle, so even though it wasn't cost effective my wife drove it back and forth to work. While she was working one day the owner introduced her to a very young man and told her to show him the way around. They were picking an order to be picked up and she was explaining how to find all the items and where they were. She noticed his eyes were...
Chapter 19 - Going Home By Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Proofread by: Qmodo Mary Sue strode happily out of the Liberal Arts building and onto the quad. Dropping onto a bench, the afternoon sun felt great. Now that the summer heat was in the offing, but not quite here yet, it felt good to take a few minutes to just enjoy the afternoon. The lion's share of organizing her notes and all of the typing of evidence and conclusions was done, so she could begin the task of proofreading...
HistoricalAuthor’s note: This is a continuation of ‘Melanie’, the last chapter of which I posted well over a year ago. It stands alone, although if you are new to my work and like it, you may wish to read ‘Melanie’ as well. This is a work of love and imagination. My deepest thanks to my partner, who has meticulously edited almost everything I’ve written since we met. ***** Sandy surfaced from sleep, aware he’d been dreaming but remembering nothing of where it had taken him. He was instantly aware of...