Next! free porn video

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"Wow! That really sucks man," I said over the phone. One of my friends just broke down and told me the news. Divorce. He is an arrogant prick but still I felt sorry for him and his family. I had known Jake for almost ten years. I met his wife, played with his two kids, and generally got along with all of them. It came as a shock to me to hear that their marriage was over. I tried to be sympathetic. I listened to him moan and whine. 'Where did it go wrong?' 'How could she do this to me?'

Over the next few weeks I checked in with Jake. I wanted to make sure he didn't stick his head into an oven or hang himself with his pants down around his ankles. Who knows what depression will bring a person to? I encouraged him to seek some professional help. He did and they promptly put him on Prozac, the answer to all your problems!

Me? I'm single thank god. No worries about splitting assets, and child support and custody. I'm very happy thank you very much. So as the single man, I became the one with the answers and the one who apparently had the time to listen to my friends pour their hearts out about their problems. Jake wasn't the first to come to me with his divorce, and he won't be the last.

I have a bit of a reputation as a life coach. Not professionally, or anything, but I've been known to listen and give good advice and when a friend has a relationship end, I'm normally the one they point to afterwards as the person with the magic words and attitude that helped them put their life together again. That doesn't mean I take them on a weekend trip to Tijuana for a fuck and suck orgy with cheap whores or anything, but I do get them back their confidence and I might be a little too proud to say, their ego seems to be a bit stronger when I set them loose in the world of single life.

Jake had the misfortune to actually breed. He had two lovely little kids a six year old little girl named Jaden, and a four year old boy that always ignored his name of Jordan. Yeah they had a thing for J-names, although his wife's name was Karen...

So back to Jake, he was so anxious, even after the Prozac, about making sure the kids would be okay. This being a no-fault state, there was pretty much no way he would get full custody of the kids. I thought that was much better for him.

Slowly over the weeks as he would give me glimpses into the divorce and its proceedings, I discovered that Karen was not all at fault with the breakdown of their marriage. Jake, remember was a bit of a prick. It was a combination of things, but I guess in the end, they had grown apart and she had realized that he wasn't the man she thought he was. Some cruel words were exchanged in one argument and I had to drive over to Jake's apartment at one in the morning and calm him down.

The next evening I took Jake out with me to some bars. Just the two of us. No strings, no pressure. He was nervous.

"I got married so I wouldn't have to meet women anymore," he moaned.

I just smiled. "Buddy, you don't have to do anything, but staring at those four grey walls in your apartment all night long has got to stop. Come out. It'll take your mind off things, that and the liquor will at least!"

I started nice and light. The first bar was a bit dark and we ordered two beers and sat at one of the tables away from most the action.

"Okay Jake," I poured the beer down my throat. "There is something you have to remember now. It's important and something I try to tell everyone when a relationship goes bad."

He just sat there and stared at his beer.



"Are you listening?"

He nodded and met my gaze.

"You have to remember the most important word when it comes to relationships and meeting girls. It's a magic word and gives you power. It's my number one secret."

I had his attention now.

"You ready for this word?"

He nodded.

"Jake, this word will only have the impact on you when you are ready to hear it. Are you ready?"

"Yes," he said.

"The magic word is 'Next'," I said.

"Next what?" he asked.

"That's it. It's 'Next'," I said.

He shook his head. "I don't understand."

"I know you don't; I haven't explained it to you yet."

I got up and went back to the bar for another two beers. As I approached the bar I bumped into a nice brunette who was seated on one of the barstools.

She turned to look at who bumped her and I frowned at her.

"Watch it, punk," I deadpanned.

He mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

I ordered two beers and turned to her as she still watched me.

"I think for bumping me, you should pay for my beers."

I didn't bump you, you bumped me," she exclaimed.

I gave a real quick smile then went straight-faced again. "Look I don't even know you, maybe your little trick of bumping sexy men to get them to notice you works with others, but you have to do better than that to get to know me. Pay for my beers. That'll be a good start. I might be looking to add another friend to my list."

Gasping she didn't know how to react. The bartender brought back my beers and I motioned over to the brunette, her mouth still open and said, "She's got this."

I turned to her and winked, "I'm over at that table with a friend. You coming?"

I headed back over to Jake and the table. He had been watching me the entire time. Jake saw behind me the girl watch for a moment and then stand to follow. The bartender tapped her on the shoulder and reminded her of the bill. She quickly paid and with her drink in hand scrambled over to the table to join us. I of course didn't look back once.

"Ummm, hi," she said to Jake.

I looked back up at her and then pushed a chair out for her to sit in and join us.

She sat down unsure of herself and paying close attention to me.

"Jake here is getting a divorce," I filled her in, not looking at her.

"I'm his close friend and he needed some moral support tonight."

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that," she looked at Jake.

"Thank you," Jake said. I'm sure he was confused as to why this pretty woman had come to our table.

"Listen," I leaned next to her and whispered conspiratorially into her ear, I made sure to blow into her ear softly as well as I took my time. "This place is a little too dark and boring for us, we need to cheer him up and go someplace fun. Think of something fun for us to do."

She breathed raggedly, her eyes were a little glossed over.

"We need to have some fun, I know just the place! Marco's!" I said and then jumped up and pulled her up in my arms. Marco's was a pretty mellow swing dance club. It had a fun atmosphere and was pretty non-threatening. Both of them would be comfortable there.

Without waiting for them to agree I walked out of the bar, the girl still in tow and Jake rushed to catch up to us. I hailed a cab and we all three squeezed into the back seat.

"Here, sit on my lap," I told the girl. She squirmed a little as she tried to get comfortable.

"Jake, you are gonna have fun tonight, this will get your mind off your ex-wife."

I turned to the girl, "She broke his heart, you know."

She murmured some sort of soothing remark, but she was far more focused on the growing bulge in my lap.

A moment later, she seemed to regain some control over her mind and she began to speak. "I know Jake's name, but I don't know yours. I'm..."

I kissed her right at that moment, stopping her from saying her name. When I pulled back I looked her in the eyes.

"I don't want to know your name, and you don't want to know mine. This will be more fun and exciting, won't it?"

She paused.

"Haven't you ever thought about this? A mysterious man with no name, he doesn't know yours ... That could happen here tonight."

She nodded, unsure of her voice. I smiled and kissed her again. She didn't hold back.

Soon we were at Marco's and as we entered the music was blaring. Looking at Jake I winked and turned to the girl.

"Be a dear and dance with poor Jake here, while I find us a table. He's so vulnerable right now, I don't want him to sit alone while we dance together."

She nodded and Jake took her out on the dance floor while I scoped out a table. The tables were all full except one large one where a group of girls were sitting enjoying the music and their drinks.

I strolled up to the table and asked if I could sit down and rest my feet. They nodded and I sat and ignored them while I watched Jake and the brunette dance with each other.

A waiter came by and I ordered three martinis. Shortly Jake and the brunette came to the table and sat down next to me. The brunette couldn't keep her eyes off me and she sat close to me while I wrapped my arm around her. Motioning to the other girls I introduced Jake to them.

"Jake's having a hard time adjusting to single life now that he's divorced. He's a good dancer though if any of you are itching to do some dancing."

They giggled but none of them made a move.

I frowned.

"Listen, I'm Jake's best friend and I want to dance with my lovely date here, but I can't leave him all alone. I pointed to the blonde girl on the end.

"Darlin, what's your name?"

She stammered. "Uh, Debbie," she said.

"Debbie, Jake. Jake, Debbie."

I grabbed her hand gently and pulled her up and towards Jake.

"You two behave out there on the dance floor!" I said as Debbie blushed and Jake took her hand and shrugged. They followed us out on the dance floor and we all danced.

That broke the ice and soon, Debbie, Linda, and Flo were all taking turns dancing with Jake. Linda had tried to dance with me, but my nameless brunette had warned her off.

The martini's flowed and soon we were all laughing and dancing. At one point all four girls got up and went to the restroom. With the two of us alone, Jake shook his head.

"What the hell happened tonight?"

I smiled.

"This is part of the philosophy of 'Next'," I said.

Just then a lovely girl waltzed over from the dance floor and started to chat with us. I asked her to dance and she was eager to get back out on the dance floor.

"I'll explain later," I told Jake.

The girls came back from the restroom while I danced with the pretty girl. We got a bit close and I could see all four of the girls at the table eyeing us closely. The dance ended and she dragged me over to her group of friends for introductions. I smiled and made a sassy remark about the size of one of the girl's purses. "Why such a big purse, you got a gun in there or something?" She was shocked and then they all laughed.

I thanked the pretty girl for the dance but excused myself to go back to my table and Jake. She quickly wrote something on a slip of paper and placed it in my hand. I smiled and walked back. The brunette was burning daggers at the pretty girl and before I had a chance to sit down she dragged me back onto the dance floor and proved to me that she was a better dancer than that hussy girl that just slipped me her number.

At the table, Debbie started flirting with Jake and by the end of the evening they were making out almost as intensely as the brunette and I were. Debbie's friends had to drag her away and Debbie scrawled her number on a napkin and made Jake promise to call her.

I escorted the brunette out of Marco's and hailed her a cab. She was disappointed.

"Listen, I need to be with my friend, you know that."

She nodded.

"I'll tell you what," I said and pulled out my phone.

"Enter your number in my phone. Tomorrow I will text you my name. If you don't want to know it, just delete the message. Or you can text me your name, and I'll have your number as well..."

Her face lit up. The cab arrived and she gave me a deep kiss.

"Farewell for now, my mysterious stranger!"

She stepped into the cab and was gone.

Jake stumbled out of Marco's and I decided it was time to sober up a little at a decent coffee house that was open late hours.

"'Next', is a way of living." I said as we drank our coffee in a plush leather booth. Jake was rocking a bit from the martinis, but he was able to focus on me.

"It's an attitude. You have to realize that women are way more perceptive than us guys are. They can decode your body language and they analyze every word that comes out of your mouth. They try to find the hidden meaning in everything. And they are good too."

Jake just concentrated on my words and the coffee before him.

"'Next' means that if there's a problem with you, then I'll look for someone else. Someone who can appreciate me, because I'm not gonna stand for living my life with someone who doesn't appreciate me."

I leaned forward. "Listen Jake, you just have to have that attitude within you all the time, single, or married, you don't have to say it, you don't have to write it. They will know. Trust me. Once they know, they will be aware that they can't take you for granted."

"I don't know, man, that sounds pretty misog ... misogon ... bad." Jake slurred.

"Misogynistic?" I smiled. "It's not as bad as you think it is. It's about attitude and confidence. You know how women say one thing and mean another?"

He nodded.

"They all say they want a nice man, but they wind up with some bad boy jerk. Why is that?"

Jake shook his head.

"Jake, women are not attracted to weak men. A nice man to them is weak. A jerk is strong, in attitude. It's the confidence, it's the attitude, it's the 'you need me more than I need you' mindset. Women need men as much as we need women, just for different things. Having an attitude of 'Next', means that you can be committed to a women, but you will always be committed to yourself and the person you are which attracted her to you in the first place."

Jake looked skeptical.

"You won't get this all in one sitting, just trust me. Every women you meet and deal with now just think to yourself, 'if they don't like me, then it's their issues, not mine. I deserve someone who appreciates me. If they can't, then I'll move on to someone else.'"

I finished the coffee. "Just have that attitude within you and you will see a difference on how women deal with you. Even your ex-wife will see the difference."

That sobered Jake up as the evening wound to a close.

The next evening I texted my mystery brunette. Instead of giving her my name, I told her I would be shopping at the mall tomorrow, which was Sunday, and would be at a particular store at one in the afternoon. She was welcome to meet up with me and perhaps I would let her try to guess my name.

A few minutes later she texted me back, now that she had my number. "You are so bad!" she had replied. I smiled. The game was afoot!

Sunday I did indeed meet up with the brunette and she proceeded to follow me around as we window shopped and made funny comments about strange items that were displayed. At one point we were stopped by some market researchers who wanted to ask our opinions on some new product. They offered a whole ten dollars each for us to go back to their storefront and answer questions.

I smiled at my brunette and agreed that we would go. I whispered into her ear as we followed the perky girl that we should pretend to be married and fool the researcher. She giggled and agreed.

"Thank you for taking the time to answer our survey, Mr... ?" the researcher asked as we sat next to each other.

"Smith," I answered. "John Smith and Patty Smith."

The brunette glanced at me with a questioning look. I shrugged and whispered to her, you look like a Patty," I smiled and she giggled.

"Married?" the girl asked.

I nodded. "Five years, and we love each other now just like it's our first date, right honey?"

'Patty' giggled and nodded. "Oh yes dear! One could say that!"

The questions were pretty standard, they wanted to know our opinions on cleaning products, who did the cleaning in our house, if we thought that if brand X was cheaper would we be more inclined to use it, etc. We made up the answers as we went along, both of us sharing a joke that the researcher was oblivious to.

Afterwards she handed us out two ten dollars and we left.

'Patty' was giddy with joy. "That was so cool!"

I held up the crisp ten dollar bill.

"Let's eat! Lunch is on the market research girl!"

We grabbed a bite to eat and all through the meal 'Patty' tried to guess my name.

"What happens if I guess correctly?"

"I'll give you a kiss," I said as I munched on the pizza.

"And if I don't get it right?" her eyes flashed.

"Then I'll give you more than just a kiss!" I winked at her and she giggled.

An hour later were at my place, naked and in bed. She had the most amazing perky breasts, and they were so sensitive. As I licked them and nuzzled them she moaned. I worked my way down to her pussy and parted her lips. Her pussy was shaved and smooth. I don't rally care one way or the other, just enjoying a woman was pleasure enough for me. I lapped at her outer lips and soon she was shaking with desire. Looking down at me she spied my hard cock. She reached out to it and pulled it to her dripping pussy. I took the hint.

"I can't believe I don't even know your name!" she groaned as I plunged into her with my cock. "I don't know yours either!" I countered.

"True, so true, now shut up and fuck me!"

And I did just that.

I met up with Jake on Wednesday and he seemed to be anxious to talk. He had a smile on his face so that seemed to be good news. I ordered a turkey on rye and joined him at one of the tables.

"You're looking well," I said.

He smiled.

"I went out on a date with Debbie."

"Oh," I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I called her up and we went out Sunday."

The waiter delivered my sandwich and I dug in.

"That's good news then?"

He nodded. "She is so unlike Karen, it was amazing! I'm a little hazy on some of the details we did the night you and I went out, but I do remember one thing you told me, the attitude of 'Next'."

I smiled.

"She picked totally up on it. Instead of being nervous I just kept telling myself that if she didn't like me for me, then I find someone else who does. Right from the start she seemed to sense something different in me. She asked me if I had gotten a haircut."

I laughed and Jake cracked up. This sandwich was pretty good I thought to myself.

"We had a good time and you know what, I wasn't trying to be anyone else, just myself. I didn't try to impress her, I just decided to have fun and she had fun as well, then cool, if not, then she's not the one for me."

"It's pretty powerful, isn't it?" I said.

"She ate it up. The best part was she opened up to me and we just felt so comfortable. It took me six months to get that way with Karen. Maybe Debbie is the one!"

"Whoa! Backup!" I said as I dropped my sandwich.

Jake smiled. "I know, I know, too soon, just pulling your leg."

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Jesse Pony is tired of telling Tommy that her pussy needs to get fucked! He insists that he is saving himself for marriage because waiting for sex is very important to him. But Jesse suspects more is going on! She tries to look around the house to see if he is hiding an engagement ring somewhere but finds something else instead! BUSTED! He was hiding a fake pussy toy named Linda in his bowling bag this whole time! He was fucking a pussy alright… but it wasn’t Jesse’s!...

2 years ago
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The Hollow Pill Part 2

Saturday morning, Lucinda woke to sunlight slicing into the bedroom around the slats in the blinds. It looked like rays from a film projector, and for a moment she thought she was dreaming, in a movie being projected onto the bedroom walls. She heard the shower running and looked over to Bob’s side of the bed. He was gone. Good. She didn’t want to see him first thing this morning.She put on gray fleece pants and a white tee-shirt—her Saturday housekeeping garb—went downstairs and started a pot...

1 year ago
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The Weed Adventure 8211 Part 1

Hey friends, This story would be a long one with loads of detailing so if it seems boring to you then sorry in advance. And for those who love to read a good piece of writing please hit me back with your feedback at Please ignore any mistakes. Sonali looked out of the window wondering what went wrong in her relationship with Sandeep. The rain started pouring down heavily as if the heavens above shared her sorrows too. She didn’t want to move on as she has given it her all; her love, her soul...

3 years ago
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Tinas Boyfriend

My best friend growing up was Tina, anyone who has read my stories already knows that but if you haven’t, now you know. Her first love was Mark. Mark was also the first guy I was interested in, mainly because Tina was. It wasn’t like I wanted to do what you are about to read, but I wanted what Tina wanted. Here is that story.I woke up Saturday morning and trudged my way into the kitchen to get some juice. Not expecting anyone to be home since my Mom was over at some guys house the night before,...

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Laura Lioness’s hips hurt. She wondered if she needed hip replacement. She limped to her dresser and pulled out one dark chocolate Ferrero Rocher, unwrapped the foil around it with fumbling, unsteady fingers, and popped the crunchy dark ball in her mouth. For a moment, as the dark chocolate taste hit her tongue, she forgot that she felt like she was an old woman, even though she was only in her fifties.  She was living like Ivan Ilyich from Tolstoy’s tale. She lived a life she didn’t like, and...

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Gypsy soul 21

The soft rhythm of rain woke me. Steadily beating in the outside of the camper van. I opened my eyes and seen the blonde hair that was Miranda's, confirming last night wasn't a dream. Me laying on my side, she had nestled her head on my chest, face pointing down as if she was looking at our feet. Then I felt the warmth of her naked body against mine.  I suddenly felt awkward laying there with her bare body on mine. I knew I shouldn't feel so shy after last night, but I couldn't help but...

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Mothers Cure for ShynessChapter 4

The following week, Steve came home and even though Betty had said that every thing was all right with him, John was nervous about what the older man would say. He and Betty had been practicing all week on seduction and fucking and had gotten to the point where both of them could control their erotic impulses for hours at a time. Steve had arrived home and put his suitcase away, then took a shower before sitting in his favorite lounger wearing a robe and nothing else. He could see that John...

2 years ago
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The Bitch and the JerkChapter 6 The Revelation

We were in the elevator when Jennifer asked, "Why did you go to Tiffany?" "I don't know. I was just browsing around. I wanted to get you a nice piece of jewelry. I wanted you to look nice at the party." "Why did you want me to look nice?" "I just thought you should. I know I'm stupid." Jennifer didn't say anything. "Roger told me to buy you some gift." "Why would Roger tell you that?" "I don't know. I'll call him and find out." "You do whatever he tells you to...

4 years ago
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Queen of Bukkake

My name is Alexia. I’m a young teacher, 28 years old. For the past year I’ve been dating Vic, a 44-year-old widowed father of two girls, 18- and 20-years old. I teach math at the local high school, and Vic is a plumber. He has a good income and is eager for us to get married. However, having just recently gotten out of a horrible relationship, I want to simply enjoy my freedom. This creates some tension in our relationship, but Vic hangs in there hoping that I’ll change my...

2 years ago
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Turns In Life

Hello every one..I am savan of height 5.8″ and with good body , average color.i m in late 20’s when this happen..29 i guess.i was not married then actually i had a negative feeling towards marriages and all those stuff.that neg feeling came for my personnel life like from my parents and few cases which i had seen very closely. In dont know why people stay together even they hate each other like any thing the only reason i think is for the sake of damn society. From these worst conditions of my...

2 years ago
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mysterious neighbor Chapter 10

Sherri exhibits her sculpture, but the prize she wins is more than she could ever have dreamed of. – 5 – The long drive home from Lake Wanderlee gave me a lot of time to think. I wasn’t sure exactly how I’d tell Lilly and Jillian. Lily knew Jennifer, or at least they’d met but I didn’t think Jillian did. Oh, she might know of her, but I didn’t think they’d ever met. So how do I explain that I was head-over-heals insanely in love with the woman that I was supposed to avoid? How would they...

1 year ago
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Yuletide Mindfuck

Bleak midwinters. Shane Houston supposed they didn't get a whole lot bleaker than working Christmas Eve late shift in Cinemagic Video, frosty winds or otherwise. He glanced up from his paperback at the garishly-lit dreariness to check for customers. The drab horror of the place was only emphasised by the few decorations Arlo had cared to string casually about the shelf-tops. God, you'd think the guy might put in a little effort if he wanted to keep his business solvent. Shane had been short on...

Oral Sex
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The Sticking Door

My wife, Stephanie, and I have known George and Ann for many, many years.   We met playing tennis at our country club and, over those years, had become best of friends.   Along with their 17 year old daughter, Laura, we even vacationed together.   We would often share condos when we would go skiing together in the winters and to the beach during the summers.   I watched Laura develop into a gorgeous young woman.   She was tall with long blond hair and beautiful tits.   They were large (she...

3 years ago
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Sara the Exhibitionist

Sara is a standard 18-year old High School girl.She has short black hair cut above her neck and with bangs ending just above her eyes, stands 5'9, has light pale skin, perky C-cup breasts, and a nice round bubble butt with a trimmed but not completely shaven pussy. she's athletic, beautiful, is an altogether nice young girl. With one little feature: Sara is an exhibitionist, she loves getting naked as much as possible, the thought for shedding her clothes in public and the thrill of getting...

1 year ago
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Ahead of the GameChapter 13

Upon entering the cave, the first thing Jeff noticed was the man seated on a huge ebony throne. With his flowing red hair and blazing black eyes, his appearance was enough to cause the faint of heart to tremble in terror. Jeff stared at the man, more out of curiosity than fear. Even though he suspected the true identity of his host, Jeff knew the strange man could have already killed him if that had been his intent. "Come in, young man. I have been expecting you. Poseidon told me you were a...

2 years ago
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Not My Real Name

We bumped into one another at an outdoor party. Or rather, he bumped into me, and ended up spilling my drink all over my shirt in the process. It gave us both a bit of a laugh though, and something sparked in his eyes as he offered to help me clean up the mess. I didn’t even know his name, but feeling bold tonight, I asked him if he wanted to make another mess first.He took the hint, raising his eyebrows at me before leaning in and kissing me, his lips pressing gently to mine. At the same time,...

Quickie Sex
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Mom Takes Initiative

You are Sarah Johnson. You've lived most of your life in the city, but a few years back your husband accepted a job where he had to travel a lot, which provides you with a lot more money, but at the same time, left you home with the children quite a bit. Your husband decided to purchase a larger house out in the country, a few miles from the suburbs, where you could live a peaceful existence away from the crime of the inner city. At the same time, you were given a lot more privacy, and between...

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Anas spanking continues

That night I had spanked hard my sensual wife in the butt.I then had taken her in a very submissive mode; Ana on all fours and begging me to fuck her in the ass. I really had enjoyed sodomizing her so brutally, as I kept spanking her firm red butt cheeks…I finally came deep inside her anus; but Ana did not come at all.She asked my permission to touch herself to orgasm; but I slapped her face, saying that a good bitch does not deserve to come crying like her…Next morning, I woke up early and got...

1 year ago
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Forcefully Fucked My Girlfriend In Her Bedroom

Hello everyone , this is my first story. I am a big fan of iss, so I decided to share my experience also. I am raj from lucknow. This incident was , when I was 18 years old. I was in 12th. In my class I met sakshi, (she have 32 figure but her ass was big) which become my good friend. We use to talk daily on phone a lot. Sometimes whole night. One day she propose me on valentine day and I accepted. We were very happy. Sakshi’s mother and father was a bank employee and her younger brother was in...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Ziggy Star G178

It’s Fuck ’em, Fill ’em, Feed ’em Friday, and we’re back with the WET AND WILD Ziggy! We’ve got Ziggy on the bench and of course she’s all smiles. Without further ado or hesitation the guys work on getting her naked and those poke and eye out shoes off. Rey gets to work eating that pussy, and today Rey is gonna get a great surprise. Usually the guys fool around a bit, eating her pussy, getting some blowjob action. Ziggy is ready for action and she...

3 years ago
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The Love Song of the Incredible Hulk

The Love Song of the Incredible Hulk (revised) The first thing you notice is the shoulders. They are like rocks stacked on boulders. They are Atlas' shoulders. Thor's shoulders. Muscle Beach shoulders.They are swollen and pronounced and able to move all the weights on this side of the room to all of the weights on that side. Then there are the arms. They are Superman's arms. Thing's arms. They are pythons and boas and anacondas. They are pro wrestler's arms, and at first glance,...

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Out Of Afrika Chapter 25

Out of Afrika, Chapter 25A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi******Chapter 25 - (A Milestone 25th story by Wunderboi)*******​In the months following Maggie Miller's wedding to her new black husband, Devon, life in Hawksville seemed to take on new life. The wedding itself had broken down many barriers at the formerly all-white Confederacy Country Club, and the still newly elected President of the club was pleased and happy. It was more than Clarissa had...

1 year ago
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Divided at Division OneChapter 44

Coach Winslow had been in his office going over talent pools and potential recruits to fill holes on his team for the following season when he looked up to see it was 2:55 and he knew from the shuffle of feet outside his closed door that his team was ready to start their prep for their Bowl date in Florida. He would keep his strategy of not being opponent specific in these two weeks of work-outs and scrimmage, just work at staying sharp and improving where it was needed. When he opened his...

2 years ago
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Quick blow job from a hot teen

Erica had long curly blonded hair and beautiful eyes. Her smile was big and she had very perky little tits and the black work pants hugged one of the cutest little asses I had seen in awhile. I was impressed with her as she was a hard worker and in younger people that doesn't seem to be common anymore. One night after work I went to the drive through and low and behold, there was Erica at the window. By this time we knew each others first name and she met me with her usual smile and...

1 year ago
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Philip Lecturer Likes N Fucks Babydoll

100% fiction! "Slam." Babydoll hobbled out of the Classroom followed by Philip, Lecturer. Philip, Lecturer slammed the door behind them n locked the door. Babydoll had injured her left ankle. Philip helped her to the bench opposite the Classroom. "R u all right?" Philip asked worriedly. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain was horrible. "I will carry u on my back." Philip said n helped her onto his back. After a while, Philip n Babydoll reached Philip's Room. Philip put her down onto his...

4 years ago
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Hot Horny Family

For, once again, the young, teenage blonde had had a sexy wet dream about Wayne, her sexy, older brother. She sighed heavily, wondering how much longer she would have to just dream about her big brother popping her cherry. She would give anything if he actually would ram his big cock right up her virgin pussy! She reached down and felt the warm juices oozing from her cuntlips onto the sheet below. God, how she would love to be fucked by her brother. They had always been so close anyway, and...

3 years ago
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Doing His Brother a favor

It was damned hard trying to get any work at all done this morning. Going to sleep last night hadn't worked well either. The favor my brother asked me to do had just blown my mind! Carl was two years younger than me but unlike me, he got his basic college degree then gone on to get a law degree. He wasn't high in his class, but he had the damn thing. He graduated from the University of Washington a lawyer when he was 28. Mw, I'd gone directly into creating games and writing code after a...

2 years ago
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bi friend

Tom started to undress and of course he had no underwear on, normally that wouldn't be a problem but tonight we were sleeping in the same bed. He was walking around with his cock flopping all over the place, Tom has no modesty and I could resist taking a few glances when he was looking. I noticed that Tom had a nice cut cock with a large mushroom head probably about 7 inches. His cock wasn't real thick as opposed to mine which is also 7 inches but extremely thick and uncut. Well I started...

4 years ago
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The Reunion

So, I got home a little early from work. I opened the door to some faint moaning.Ok, so here is where you say to yourself. I’ve read this a million times. Well, this is different, and this is true. I couldn’t make up shit like this.Anyway, I walked upstairs to find… nothing. Hmm, and I thought they always went upstairs. So downstairs we go. I heard it again. Softly. I looked out the back slider, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.My wife was naked. Lying on a lounge chair. With both legs spread...

Wife Lovers
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Ski Weekend Surprise

Before I get into the meat of those details, let me tell youabout my relationship with Kelly. We have been living together for almosttwo years. We are both in our mid twenties. I have my own consulting firmthat I started and it is beginning to do well. I met Kelly when planning avacation. She is a travel agent and works at a small agency. I have toadmit that my sex life has really taken off since we met. Before Kelly, Ihad done very little and was by no means a stud. Kelly on the other handwas...

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Erins Grandpa

The day of her Grandmother's funeral was a very sad day. Erin was very close to her grandparent's bcause they had played an important role in raising her. Her Granny had been sick for some time so her death was not a big shock. Just sad. Erin had just turned 18 the day before. She knew that Grandpa would need her help in the coming days, so Erin had packed enough clothes to stay several weeks. While she was packing though she never would have known that she would be there for many years to...

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Love Story Of Couple

Hello Friends, This is Krutika again with my new story. Aapko story kaisi lagi ye jarur bataiyega. My mail ID : Snehal ek acche ghar ki ladki thi. Uske mom and dad dono bhi govt job me the. To wo dono din bhar office ke karan bahar rehte the. Snehal TY Bcom me padhti thi. Uska college roj 7 – 11 rehta tha. Uske mom dad roj hi 10 baje office ke liye nikal jate the. To Snehal dinbhar bahut bore ho jati thi. Thodi der study karti thi fir TV dekhti thi. Ek din aise hi wo apne friends ke sath...

2 years ago
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The beautiful Hitchhiker

Hey guys I am writing this story after a long time because it's not just a story it's actually an incident which happened with me last month which I want to share with you all.I hope you will react after reading it ....Last month I have a official meeting so I left the house in the evening so that I can reach the same day till night and attend the meeting next day.I was almost 30 miles away from my city when I saw a beautiful girl waving hands towards me to stop.Being a man I stopped in front...

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Noor Arora A Sexual Journey Part 8211 2

Hi Guys and Girls, This is Romy bringing you the second part of Noor’s journey. At the onset, I would like to apologize for the typos in the first story. Hopefully, as I keep writing, I will keep getting better. Thanks for all the great feed back, I am passing it on to Noor. Also, sorry, but Noor has settled down now, so the chances of a meeting with her are low. Anyways, I will shift to her perspective and continue the story. It is highly advisable to read the Part 1 Noor Arora: A Sexual...

1 year ago
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The commissioner of health services finished the glowing testimonial to this year’s recipient of the County Physician of the Year award. He spread his right arm wide, directing the honoree to take the podium for the presentation of her award. She was a devastatingly beautiful redhead who looked a decade younger than her thirty-three years. Simone O’Reilly was a tall woman whose mane of red hair descended to her pale shoulders like ringlets of fire dropping on ice. She was easily the most...

2 years ago
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Plants Part 2

Chapter 2 "Welcome everyone to the channel 5 morning talk show!" said the talk show host "First off, we're sitting down with a botanist about the strange Pink and Blue plants that have been growing all over town. Welcome Dr. Rex Greene" A middle aged man wearing a turtle neck and khakis walks in shakes the newscasters hand and sits down. "Welcome Doctor" "Thank you" "Now I hear you are studying the plants that are growing all over the county I believe?" "Yes it's the...

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