Avenging Angel chapter 9
- 2 years ago
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My world was rocked by a couple of punk-ass frat-rats. At the time it was not a good thing to rock my world. In order to tell you my story I will need to give you a little background. It all starts in a little backwater town in Iowa we will for the sake of the story call it Fairland (as opposed to Bumfuck). My father and mother were both chiropractors and made a decent living popping backs. I graduated from Fairland High School in 1964. I did well on my college admission tests and attended college at the University of Iowa in Iowa City that fall. I was a bit jerk-off and it did not take me long to realize that the life in a dorm was somewhat confining. Through some contacts of my dad and grandfather, I was able to join a hell raising fraternity. I had my own car that had been earned working for a carpenter on weekends and during the summer. I had my own room and we had booze coming out of the woodwork. Friday and Saturday nights were stellar at times. I had to go home at least once a month, but as long as I kept my grades above a 2.0 my parents would not give me hell. I just barely maintained a 2.4 GPA for the first two years.
I was a virgin when I entered college. I really lived a pretty restrictive life at home and most of the girls that I dated were "good girls". That changed at my first frat party. As a lowly pledge I was given one of the brother's girlfriends to watch over while he partied. I sat on a sofa in the basement bar and she sat on my lap. She was three sheets to the wind but was still coherent, just barely. I was kind of out of it also, but all of a sudden I felt a breeze on my dick. I looked down and realized that Trudy had just whipped out my cock. She pulled her skirt up somewhat, straddled my lap and guided my erection to a very soggy pussy. At the time I had no clue but today I know that she had been fucked once or twice earlier.
It really didn't matter because for the first time in my life, I experienced the sensation of being buried in a wet hot pussy. Trudy was moaning and groaning and I was sure that I was going to be caught and drummed out of the brotherhood. However, everyone was so ripped that no one noticed or cared. I shot off fairly quickly, but Trudy did manage to give off a little shudder and a groan. When she was finished she was barely awake. I pulled the gusset of her soaked panties back over her pussy and stuck my cock back in my pants. No one was more the wiser.
I was very proud of myself until the next morning when I discovered that my dick was bleeding from a lesion on the right side. The best way to describe it was that it looked like a bad rug burn. I put two and two together and figured out what had actually happened. Trudy did not take her panties off; she just pulled them to the side. I didn't realize that with every stroke up or down she was rubbing off a bit of my dick. I did not dare to have an erection for about two weeks. Every time I sprouted wood I ended up in pain. That was a lesson well learned, but I did lose my cherry.
Today they talk about the date rape drugs and they are certainly out there. Back in my day there was Chloral Hydrate, Thorazine as well as other tranquillizers and hypnotics, but nonetheless alcohol is by far the most widely used if not most efficient (considering cost, availability, legality and such) date rape drug in existence. As with Trudy the most effective use of alcohol was to lower if not remove inhibitions so that rape was not even a factor.
With great remorse I have to admit that I took advantage of more than one female who was nearly passed out from too much drink as well as those who dropped their guard because of one drink too many. I don't recall ever fucking a girl that was totally passed out. I never got to be first in those early days and it was pretty sloppy, but it beat the hell out of masturbation. We were so fucking young and so fucking stupid. We took the female's presence in our frat house as implied consent to have intercourse. There were a few dogs but most of the ones that we bagged were foxes. The legal drinking in Iowa was not raised to 21 until 1986.
I spent two years really spinning my wheels. I did manage to get a general education and keep my average grade above a C. I did get a few D's but my A's and B's helped me out. In my sophomore year, I met a really nice cheerleader type female. Jane Cooper was a freshman, who grew up less than 30 miles from my hometown. She had brown hair and was of medium height. She was cute but not quite beautiful. She had a wide slightly cockeyed grin that took up most of her face and lit up the room. She was the baby of the family with an older brother (a cop) and an older sister (a nurse).
We got pretty serious and dated for the first semester and a half. I would take her out to a movie or a dance. The two of us attended a few formal dinner parties at the frat house that were respectable, but I never invited or took Janey to any of the blowouts that we had. I never got past a little feel of the pussy and some heavy petting. No big deal. I usually got back to the frat house in time to get in a little action in before hitting the sack. Somehow one of her friends or acquaintances caught me partying after a date and the word got back. Janey was ready to break up. I did a lot of fast-talking because I really liked her and was getting serious about her. She insisted that she accompany me to these parties.
It was definitely an ultimatum so I conceded and took her with me to the frat parties. The first two parties worked out ok because I took care that we watched the amount of beer that we drank and I stuck close. On the third party the inevitable happened. Janey and I both had way too much to drink and she got separated from me. When I finally realized that she was gone, I went looking. I finally found her in one of the upstairs bedrooms with a group of guys around her lined up taking their turns. I pulled the fucking brother off of her and started throwing punches. They restrained me and apologized and all backed out of the room. When all was said and done a very drunk Janey lay there with her legs spread wide and a river of semen flowing out of her bloody pussy. I was crushed. I took some tissues, cleaned her up somewhat and walked her to her dorm. She was still quite intoxicated. Her roommate met me and asked what had happened and I explained that Janey had too much to drink and let some men take advantage of her. I said that I had not even touched her. She was horrified because she knew Janey was a virgin. She blamed me for not protecting Janey and really took it out on me.
I went back to the house in tears feeling that I had really let my girlfriend down. When I got back several of the men who had been with her apologized and said that they thought she wanted it. They explained that none of them could have known that she was a virgin. I went to bed a broken man. The next day, a Saturday, I went over to Janey's dorm. She came down to talk with me but insisted that her roommate accompany her. That did not sound good. The three of us went over to a corner of the commons area and sat down. I explained just how sorry I was that she was taken advantage of. I told her that she got away from me and I was somewhat befuddled (drunk) at the time. I thought maybe she had gone to the bathroom. Janey said that last night was the worst nightmare of her life. She asked them to stop and they wouldn't. She felt that I had let her down and did not want to see me again. I begged her to reconsider but she had made up her mind. I heard she moved home the next weekend and never returned to school.
This was the worst day of my life. I was very hurt and demoralized because I felt responsible for Janey's hurt. It still hurts to picture the image of the 18-year-old innocent in ruins on that bed. I felt so bitter and felt like such a wimp. A meeting of the fraternity was held where this incident was discussed and some minor disciplinary action was taken against the instigators. However, most were upperclassmen and the punishment was nothing more than a reprimand. Big fucking deal. I was humiliated, pissed off and hurt. I did the rest of my time at the house as a penance and did not participate in the parties or anything else through the end of the school year.
It was not an understatement to say that I remained despondent. I informed my parents that I had no intention of going back to school. I hadn't declared a major and still didn't even know what I wanted to do. What the hell was I doing in school? I was draft age and I was so fucked up I decided to go into the armed forces. I signed up for four years in the Army so I could get into Special Forces. When the recruiter asked me why the hell I wanted to do that, I told him I wanted him to turn me into one badass sonofabitch. I was 6'3" and 210 lbs. He looked me up and down and said he thought he could do just that. There were no hard-core promises because I would have to pass certain entrance tests that were written and physical. I did not think I would have a problem. I didn't.
I went to Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri for Basic Training. I then was shipped to Fort Bragg where I went through level-one training. I was pulled aside and was informed that because of my high ratings on the aptitude testing and my college education I was being selected to go to Special Forces Medical School for level-two training. My MOS (military occupational specialty) would be 91B, Special Forces Medic. Now you must realize that they were not talking about medical school, but a medic school that would teach me how to practice limited medicine and surgery in the field. Well I was just starting to get some self respect back and I thought what the hell. No one thought to tell me at the first meeting that the school required well over a year of training.
Fort Bragg wasn't the worst place in the world. It definitely was a change of scenery for this midwestern hayseed. By the time I completed level two training I was feeling much better about myself. I didn't really try to date any of the locals, although some of my buddies did. Two came real close to being court marshaled when a couple of dads found out the soldiers were plugging their underage daughters. I paid for prostitutes about once a month and that was enough to take the edge off. I stayed with the program because the pressures were weren't there to maintain my grades and I did enjoy the classes. By beginning of 1968 I was ready to serve my country as a buck sergeant Green Beret.
I had a month of leave at home before being sent over the puddle to my tropical destination. I renewed the acquaintance of one of my high school classmates and got some steady pussy for three weeks. It was nothing serious but it certainly was a great way to blow off steam.
I almost never spoke of my Vietnam service, not because of the secrecy surrounding my assignments but because I really wanted to put it behind me. I discovered that the majority of the soldiers that came back did not talk about their Vietnam service because of the trauma, pain or because it was just not a popular topic. I only dug out my war stories for the purposes of this story. It will help you to know just what kind of character those two college fuck-heads tripped over.
I was assigned to the Fifth Special Operations Group. The Army assigned me to a base camp near the Cambodian border that supported the six-man teams. We did not have a medical doctor, but we had three medics. When the fourth medic was assigned to our group we started stepping all over each other and I asked to go out on a team. Our CO was a real hard ass, but he was a pretty straight shooter. Many of the engineers and medics wanted to see action. Because we were well covered for medics I was allowed to fill in for several of the team members that were killed or incapacitated. I was a fucking adrenalin junkie. I also got to perform a lot of field surgery out in the toolies. As the expression goes, we were, young, dumb and full of cum. When my first tour was up I asked for an extension of my tour on the condition that I permanently be assigned to an op team. I got my wish.
Our team missions required penetration into Cambodia and included three goals: first was to provided reconnaissance on enemy troop movements and installations, second was to call in air strikes and third was to rescue downed US personnel. Our mission in Cambodia was clandestine because of treaties and such we were not supposed to be there; consequently, there were a lot of bullshit rules that restricted what we could do, bullshit rules that were broken all the time. We often wore non-uniform uniforms, had no dog tags, and carried no identifying information. Our clothes had no labels.
I don't know if I secretly held a death wish but I can tell you that the many brushes that I had with death were indeed exhilarating. When a buddy died it was a very fucking deep low. Being in the field was like experiencing a bi-polar disorder. I could not stay depressed very long because my senses were impaired when I was down. Impaired senses were not a good thing in the field. The VC hunted our teams with a passion. They had dogs and platoons that were dedicated to finding, torturing and killing us.
Nineteen sixty-nine was eventful. On my second tour, our camp was assaulted three times to no avail. Being overrun was a constant threat. I enjoyed the team that I was assigned to. My team leader was a seasoned E-6 who was in the midst of his third tour. He had returned from a training command where he did a year in the states so that he could come back here. Our specialty was rescue. We were the ones called when a team got in trouble. We often flew on Green Hornet 3, the designation for one of the backup helicopters in a rescue attempt. It there were difficulty with an extraction, we went in and were successful many times.
In my position at the time I killed many a VC up close and personal. We often went into villages and shot men that we thought were helping the enemy. I never shot an unarmed man, but our counterparts did. I refused to have any thing to do with raping or killing the female civilians. If a female was armed, I didn't think twice. Our group had several occasions to round up females and most of our team participated in rapes. I never did. It wasn't that I was all that pious; it had more to do with the fact that I was still haunted by Janey's rape.
I did come across two enemy soldiers starting the mutilation one of our team members. I gut shot them both, went over to them, opened their bellies cut out their small intestines so that there would be no rescue for them, quickly tied off the major bleeders with mini-mosquitoes so theirs would be a slow death, left the gaping wounds open and hung them on tree limbs to die. I was able to patch up my fellow soldier and get him back to an LZ. I received my second silver star for that.
I returned from Vietnam in March of 1970. I served the remainder of my enlistment at Fort Hood as a medical instructor at the school. Our little Iowa town was still patriotic and I was welcomed back in a ceremony held by our American Legion Auxiliary. My folks were very proud. I had saved a lot of my pay and decided to invest it. I went back to Iowa City to look for a job with the intention of enrolling in school in the fall. I found a small studio apartment and decided to go looking for a job. The night I was hired to be a stock clerk in one of the grocery stores, I went out to a dance place. I was still sporting a military haircut and a couple of college boys came up to me with the intention of picking a fight. They asked me if I was in the military I told them I had been. When they found out I was a former Green Beret, they started calling me a baby killer. I asked them to leave me alone, really I did. They didn't seem to be listening so when I told them to fuck off, one took a swing at me. I buried the heel of my foot in the middle of his kneecap. You could hear the ligaments and tendons of his knee thigh and calf snap and pop as he toppled back. The second fucker wasn't any smarter so he took a swing. This time he left his crotch area unprotected so I kicked the hell out of his balls. The bouncers came over to subdue me but it was not really cool. When they went to touch me, I punched both fuckers out.
When we went to court there were nine witnesses that testified that I had been assaulted first by the two patrons and then by the bouncers. I was absolved of any criminal charges. In the criminal case, the judge ruled that since I had identified myself as a Green Beret, they placed themselves in grave danger when they commenced their assault. My lawyer instigated a civil suit against the bar that was just horrendous. He was asking for damages that exceeded $200,000. The owner of the bar, Harry Glasskill, asked to speak to me alone. He said that he would never be able to come up with the kind of money we were talking about. If I were to sustain my suit I would end up with very little because his personal assets did not come close to half of what we were asking for. He countered with the offer of a $26,000 dollar a year job as a bouncer/partner. I would share equally in the profits after his $40,000 salary and benefits were taken out.
It was an offer that was too hard to turn down. I became half owner of the "Escapade" a bar and dance hall that was located very close to campus and catered to the college students. I had to turn down the grocery store job, which paid four dollars an hour. There was no performance clause in my partnership contract, so I didn't even have to show up to collect my salary. I did report for work however and enjoyed my job.
My new partner framed and hung five disclaimers that stated that a former Green Beret guarded this facility and anyone interested in starting a fight was well advised to go elsewhere. There were only a few times when I had to throw assholes out. The unfortunate thing about the disclaimers was that they drew out a few assholes who thought they were tougher than me and wanted to find out how tough I was. All in all, Harry benefited from his association with me. It did not cost him much. I replaced two of his bouncers so he was paying one salary instead of two. His business increased as the safety of the patrons increased.
Harry and I became close friends. He had done a stint in the Navy and so we often had a sham rivalry going on. The Army Navy games were always a big deal at Escapade. Harry was later to confide that the lawsuit was the best thing that ever happened to him. My presence gave him a chance to leave once in a while knowing that a stockholder was in charge. Harry was a thirty something divorcee who had his three bedroom home taken in the divorce. He leased the whole building with a purchase option. He had an apartment in the back half of the second floor. He offered me the front half of the second story. There were two entries with stair to the second level. One was in the front and one in the back that gave access to the hallway, which ran the length of the hall. I had carpentry experience so it was no big deal fixing up a small one-bedroom apartment in the front. We each had a little over three thousand square feet. The only problem was the noise. It wasn't too bad but it was hard at times when I had to study and the band was in the house.
During the second semester, I had so much pussy I didn't know what to do with it all. Quite a few females went to the bars to get picked up. By closing there would be a few that had not found a hook-up. I was often available. I continued to exercise on a daily basis; I wore tight t-shirts and showed off a very enviable torso. I would ask the target of the evening if she wanted to stay over. Rarely did I hear a negative. Many times I had to remove females that were dead drunk. Sometimes I would just stick them in one of my spare bedrooms. I never ever took advantage of a comatose female. There were several who were three sheets to the wind who begged for a dick and in my books that was a horse of a different color.
Harry and I each had our own pickup that was leased by the bar. Each had the logo from our bar on them. I transported the women in my pickup. One night I took a girl home to her parents quite unconscious and the father intimated that I might have taken advantage of her. I told him in front of his wife that I did not know if she had been fucked, I hadn't checked. I wondered out loud if he thought I was so fucking stupid that I would bother to bring her home after I raped her? He apologized and was later to become on of my best clients.
In my senior year a little blonde pixie walked into my life. Melody was never to reach five feet tall. She was 4'11" with a slender, but attractive figure. While her body was great, her face was fantastic. She had high cheekbones a tiny upturned nose and lips that were to die for. Her completion was pristine and was like fine porcelain. When I first saw her it was like someone had just hit me in the stomach. I was in love. She had a smile that lit up her face. Her giggle reminded me of the babbling of a brook, a copasetic gurgle. She came into the bar with a friend. She was so shy it was almost embarrassing to me. I sat with them most of the first night they were there.
I asked her for a date on Monday. She though that Monday was kind of novel I explained that my workweek started on Tuesday or Wednesday and went through Saturday. I could see that this was hard for her; her bashfulness was endearing. With a great deal of deliberation, she agreed. I picked her up at the dorm and walked to a pizza place just two blocks from the bar, four blocks from campus. This was Melody's third year in college she had experienced just a handful of dates in the three years because so many of the men made her feel uncomfortable. When I asked her why she agreed to go out with me she said there was something about me that seemed right. I really went out on a limb and told her that I thought she felt comfortable with me because she knew I loved her and that I was going to be the man she would marry. The look on her face was priceless. Huge fucking tears welled up in her eyes but never overflowed. I almost cheered when eventually she told me that she thought I was right. She leaned over and hugged me and gave me a peck on the lips.
She said that I probably told that to all of my girlfriends. I agreed with her and she got a funny look on her face. I hesitated and told her that she was the second girlfriend that I had ever had and that I lost the first one about five years ago.
Melody got out of the booth and came over to my side and sat next to me. She took my face in her hands and gently but slowly pulled me to her lips for the deepest kiss I had ever experienced. When we disengaged she told me that I needed to clear up some of the rumors that she had heard about me. She told me that I was known on campus as quite the stud. I told her that in my humble opinion that was true. I had bedded many women in the last year or two, but never asked one to stay for a repeat performance. I never told one of them I loved them nor did I lead them on. I had been looking for the right one for years right up to tonight. My search was complete. From this moment on I would be monogamous. That was the correct answer; I got another one of those kisses.
We talked for hours until they kicked us out of the place. I walked her home; it was indeed love at first sight. Almost every night that I had to work Melody would join me in the upstairs apartment for an early dinner. We would go downstairs to the bar and we both stayed at the table near the door, the one I used as my desk. Sometimes her girlfriend, Carrie would join us. I carded quite a few kids as they tried to come in and I tended bar when things got hot and heavy. Mel took over bartending relief at times, but was not a regular.
On one of our first dates, Mel explained that she had been on a few dates but because of her shyness never went all the way. One night about a year ago a freshman took her out to a bar, got her good and drunk and had sex with her. It was not consensual and she was scared out of her gourd; her body shut down and she did not enjoy the sex one bit. The penetration was painful and she couldn't wait until he was finished with her. At first, she didn't think she would be able to have sex with another man. She said that my love for her was evident and it was the caring gentleness that captured her heart and her body just came along for the ride.
I would take Mel out on dates on Mondays or Tuesdays and we really got to know each other. We didn't jump right in the sack, but she was staying with me and we were sleeping together at the end of three weeks. Initially, Melody was a little inept in the sex department but satisfied me completely in the romance department. I taught her how to give a really good blowjobs and how to take a pussy licking and keep on ticking. At the end of two months, Melody had graduated to the master's level in the lovemaking department. To say we got very comfortable with each other was an understatement.
For those last two years, I had been studying business. My BA was in business. I had qualified and passed the exams for CPA. Outside of corporate America and the universities, the MBA was an unknown quantity. Because I shared a business that was supporting me well and because I had two more years on the GI bill, I decided to go for the MBA. The summer before I entered graduate school Mel and I got married. She had long flowing hair and three weeks before the wedding she asked me if she could have it cut. I really liked her long hair, I think most guys are like that, however, I told her that I truly felt that she should do her hair the way that she wanted. She should not have to ask me.
When she came back from her hair appointment, I was watching something on TV. She stood in front of me and asked me what I thought. I slowly looked up. She had chopped her hair off. She was wearing a very tight cut bob. The shock couldn't have been more evident. My mouth was open, but my vocal cords weren't working. I couldn't find the words. Melody burst into tears and ran to our bedroom. I followed her in and told her that she just surprised me. I really did like it. She told me I was just saying that. I took her hand, put it on my hard-on and told her I did not make that up. She looked at me questioningly. I told her that it was something I did not want to 'fess up to. I explained that she looked just like a thirteen year old standing there and I could think of nothing more than taking her there on the floor. Melody took me by the hand into the living room, shut off the TV, stripped, lay down on the floor, spread her legs wide and told me to bring it on. Needless to say the rest of the day was shot. That evening she had me shave her pubis.
Our wedding was a storybook ceremony. Carrie was the Maid of Honor and Harry was the Best Man. Everything went well. All four of our parents and our siblings were alive and well. Seven of eight grandparents were in attendance. I won't go into to all the details, but it was a very special moment for both of us. We had a weeklong honeymoon in New Orleans. It was I hoot. I never got carded after I came back from Vietnam. I had been able to maintain my weight at 230# and I had kept all of the fat off. I used the health facilities at the University. No one would question my majority. Every place that we went for drinks carded Melody. She was embarrassed all the time.
When we returned we moved into a new three-bedroom rancher in a new subdivision of Iowa City. I had squirreled away most of my salary and half of one year's profits. I could have paid for the whole thing, but for credit purposes, tax purposes and general cash flow, I put half down and financed the balance over ten years, leaving payments of under $150 a month. I was one happy camper. Carrie took our front apartment and paid us $50 a month. She and Harry started dating on and off, but I don't know how serious they were. It was more like a convenience.
My cock was alive, rearing, throbbing as soft lips enfolded it and soft tongue flicked this way and that up my shaft and saliva dripped onto my balls. My heart pounded, painfully so. “Oooohhh,” I moaned softly. She stopped sucking, “Are you ready for your special treat?” she asked. “My head is pounding, who are you?” I asked in confusion. My gaze was hazy, I had no idea how I had arrived here or indeed where I was. She was a vision in a crisp white uniform, though in a moment her skirt...
Helen and Katrina and I next saw Olga Fyodorovna while we were gossiping over drinks after our regular gym session. Most days, the three of us exercised or swam for an hour after breakfast, calling ourselves The Dawn Chorus in memory of the successive mornings on which we’d appeared as star turns. Helen, formerly my friend Specimen Four, was adjusting to womanhood, but despite her best efforts she’d put on weight and her clothes didn’t look comfortable. Katrina, a blonde German girl who spoke...
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‘Slower Duncan, tease me,’ Aiyana whimpered as Duncan slowed the pace of his thrusts into her tight puckered asshole. ‘That’s perfect,’ Aiyana moaned as the rhythm matched what her desires were searching for. Duncan and Aiyana had been enjoying each other for over an hour now. Duncan likened making love with Aiyana to a symphony, slow buildups, intermittent peaks with a finish that crashes over you, taking you places you never dreamed of going. Aiyana had cum several times and her dear sweet...
The dappled early morning light filtered through the thick bald cypress stands that surrounded the small home in the middle of the bayou. The morning sounds had started, the cicadas song, the frogs croaking their good mornings to the sun, it was as it had been for millennia, the bayou awakens. Takari stirred in her bed, her dreams had been vivid as they always were when she stayed on the bayou. The night’s dreams had been filled with portents, images that did not make sense to the voodoo...
Chapter 9 The boarding area for flight 2233 Non-Stop from New York to Rome was not crowded. A few people milled about, getting their last good stretch for nine hours. It was late, or early depending upon how you marked the passage of time. The gate attendant was happy, this was her last flight of the day and she was looking forward to putting a long shift behind her. Reviewing the passenger manifest she was surprised that the company had actually kept this flight on schedule. So often now...
Cardinal Aldous stood at the large stone framed window looking out at the wide plane that led to the sea. He absently shifted the artifact from hand to hand, as always it felt warm to the touch. So much history, so much bloodshed, so many hopes for the future hung on the merkabic star in his hand. Cardinal Aldous moved outside, to the wide terrace that was designed as a fighting battlement when the Citadel was first built. It offered a commanding view of the plain and supplied a wonderful...
The late afternoon sun shone through aged maples highlighting the blondish red hues in Mary’s hair. She sighed, looking around at the courtyard it gave her a fleeting sense of peace, the Baroque Resurrection cathedral was an inspiring sight that always left Mary feeling safe. It’s high stonewalls encircling this small courtyard, giving the impression of an oasis, a place untouched by time or turmoil. ‘Is there anything bothering you my child,’ Father Pytre asked as he sat down next to Mary. ...
Husbandry By Saliaven Chronotis Chapter 1: Oak's assignments "I've got the energy ready." "Trying to bind it." "The power is attempting to get free." "Almost there... almost there..." "I'm losing it. It'll explode any second now!" "Got it!" And with that, Ash and Misty worked their first tandem spell, binding nature's energy into a ring. What they were supposed to do with it was more of a mystery. "How am I supposed to know what it does?" Misty shouted for the...
I am the prototypical teenage genius and mad scientist. I’m sure I’d be described as a sociopath and pedophile by those who want to impose a plain vanilla life of near despair upon everyone but the richest 0.01%. I am not a sadist. I do not want to hurt anyone. I know what I like, and I just want to be left alone to enjoy exceptional girls who develop and mature far ahead of the average. To me, the maximum enjoyment comes from a girl offering herself to me willingly and then giving each other...
SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...
Sandi’s beautiful long legs straddled the trunk of a fallen oak tree. “Man, I wish I had brought my vibrator out here with me,” she told her best friend Mandy who sat across from her out in the wilderness of the forest. “Tell me about it,” Mandy said. “I thought this was going to be a romantic, sexy camping trip with our husbands. Instead, the two of them get us out here in the middle of nowhere, then trek out to the lake together with their fishing poles and...
Originally from lov2dancecpl but I really love this150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you.5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you...
USELESS SISSY HUSBANDS by Throne John squatted in the corner of the kitchen, wearing only a plaid miniskirt and a sleeveless blouse, along with knee socks and saddle shoes. The hair of his brunette wig fell to his bare shoulders and was cut in bangs across his forehead. He cowered there, biting his lips, while his gorgeous wife Lana sat at the breakfast table with her lover Darren. The latter had on only boxer shorts, his fit body well displayed. Her sole attire was a short robe,...
1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough for you.5. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husbands dick.9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with someone else.10. Tell your husband you're...
Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband: Tease your husband with the idea of, you sl**ping with another man. Comment on how good other men look to you. Tell your husband that you like big endowments. Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex. Tell your husband he is a wimp. Tell your husband he is a jerk. Laugh, grin, giggle...
Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband:Tease your husband with the idea of, you sleeping with another man.Comment on how good other men look to you.Tell your husband that you like big endowments.Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you.Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.Tell your husband he is a wimp.Tell your husband he is a jerk.Laugh, grin, giggle or shake...
Hi friends , first part of this sex story was published in Feb 2013. Thereafter I forgot to write subsequent part . Let’s have recap – I am Alka, having a grown up son Mohit. People say I am beautiful and owner of a very lovely & sexy figure. That fateful day my son dropped me at a mutton shop and moved away. There I got impressed by butcher Raffique’s monster cock and got fucked by him there itself in presence of his youngest daughter Ruby. Thereafter Ruby’s would be husband fucked me in...
I just turned thirty-five, but I must say I'm a sexy, youthful thirty-five with a hell of a body and a scorching libido. The latter should be no surprise since it's no secret that a woman in her mid-thirties is often at her sexual peak. I certainly am, and was when two years ago I finally divorced my quite unexciting and less than satisfying husband, who was some years older than I was. He was replaced him with a much younger man, ten years younger than myself, in fact. And that man, Rick,...
First off, I’m not using any names for obvious reasons, and also please excuse any typos - I’m usually pretty pedantic about grammar, but I’m typing with one hand. A minute ago, I was sitting at my desk to write this, but I ended up clicking on the file of pics we took on the night, so now I’m on the bed with my knickers down around my thighs, half-teasing myself, half typing, and really battling the temptation to just give in, open the pics again and relive the night. So, apologies if I write...
IncestWe had decided to take a trip to Vegas and spend some alone time together.. We started off with dinner, then went to hit the tables.. My husband was on a winning streak. He was up at least $1500. I whispered into his ear have fun I'll be in that cute little shop. ok? Then his luck ran out.. and before I knew it, he had lost the money we had to get back home.I was so mad that i had to just walk away. About 15min. later I went back to where I last saw him but he was not there.Just as I was going...
Fantasy storyI am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael...
I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...
I am married to a wonderful man and we have a great sex life. . I learned early in our marriage that my husband is both kinky and submissive. I loved being dominant in bed and making him do all kinds of kinky adventures. I never realized just how submissive and kinky Michael really was until this month. Over the years of marriage, we loved experimenting with sex. We are both very open- minded and have tried many different kinks. We have evolved sexually to the point where Michael wears women's...
This is a true story. And if I wouldn’t tell this one, or write it at least, I would never know where to put my guilt. It’s not that my husband never knew. He knew that I’m meeting someone, my ex-boyfriend whom I have a daughter with, but we never got married. How did my husband knew, and how did he react to this discovery, is something that I would write later. My husband is quite a busy guy. Being a teacher in a big, government school, his schedule is so tight and he’s always out of...
This is a true story. And if I wouldn’t tell this one, or write it at least, I would never know where to put my guilt. It’s not that my husband never knew. He knew that I’m meeting someone, my ex-boyfriend whom I have a daughter with, but we never got married. How did my husband knew, and how did he react to this discovery, is something that I would write later. My husband is quite a busy guy. Being a teacher in a big, government school, his schedule is so tight and he’s always out of town. But...
Marcy cuckolds and sissifies her husband By Sissie Maid Cuckold "Marcy...why don't you like sex anymore?" "I like sex John, I like it a lot." "Well then why don't we have it any more, I miss it, don't you miss it?" "We don't have it anymore because you're terrible in bed John, you suck. And...no...I don't miss it, at least with you." "But Marcy am I really that bad you said you liked it a lot and yet you don't...
Guide to Cuckold Your HusbandTurning your husband into a cuckold can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. A successfully cuckolded husband will be completely submissive. He will satisfy all your sexual cravings, manage all the mundane chores of your life, allow you to sleep with whomever you wish, subject himself to any amount of humiliation you desire, and of course, love you unconditionally.But be warned, cuckolding can also be one of the most challenging things you ever do. The...
Hey guys! This is Simraan again. I had been working my big ass off in the last few months. So much so that I didn’t even think about sexual pleasures (fuck!). My brain was hard-wired to complete assignments. I lost touch with emotions and my colleagues started thinking that I had been possessed. But my husband thought I was cheating on him with some guy (guys!) in the office. He would call me at random hours which disturbed my zone. While talking on the phone, he would tell me all the dirty...
I am 25 years old, married and I have a son of 5 years old. My husband’s name is Pradeep and he is a businessman. He is involved in export and import business. He has to travel out of the country occasionally. He rarely takes me with him. We live with our laws that are my father in law, mother in law, my husband, my son and me. My mother in law was strict. So I had to live being a good daughter in law . I had to obey her, dress up in traditional way. She had maintained a strict environment in...
IncestMY HUSBAND Me and my husban were getting ready for bed when he noticed I was hotter than usual as my pussy was dripping and my asshole was throbbing and clenching on its own. I told him how hard my boss was at work today from me wearing that slutty low cut dress that I know he just loves. And how hot I get thinking about teasing my boss while at work. My husband loves for me to tell him all the naughty details of me driving my boss up the wall. Oh my husband loves for me to get attention...
This is a real story. I am married to Mr. Rajesh who is a contractor. We have very active sex life. I am an above average lady with all smart features any man would like to have. I have noticed friends of husband looking at my bust and butt. I liked it but not shown any reaction to it. Rajesh used to take big contract of the corporate and do the construction. So I too attend the parties hosted by the client sometime. One of such party was called and my husband said this is a big client and a...
My husband cheats on me. And I love it. Now, most women would say, ‘what a horrible thing to do to the woman you love and that I should leave him’. But they don’t really understand. I’m ok with it. I don’t just accept it, I love it! When my husband and I are making love his attention is completely on me. Always attentive to my needs and desires and when we make love he ravishes me, completely. He always makes sure I cum at least three times if not more and eats pussy like it’s his last meal....
Hi, I am Palak (not my real name), I’m 27 years old. I have been given a good and attractive features and a well developed and maintained body. My husband Rajesh (inherited name here) and I have been married for about five years. Our marriage was an arranged one and we really love each other very much. My regular visits to my beautician have made my skin extra fair, smooth and attractive. I had a very fair colour and my statistics are 35-27-36 which I always maintained by daily morning and...
When my husband first admitted to me that he wanted to watch me have sex with other guys he had no idea of the Pandora's box, or should I say Cassandra's box he was opening!Over the last 5 years I have transformed my husband from a dominant and jealous man into a totally submissive cuckold. He used to get angry whenever another man so much as looked at me and now he is completely trained and willingly submits to watching me getting fucked by other men. This is because he knows it is only when...
A primary reinforcer is any reward your husband will work to get, and which will increase or maintain a behavior. Of all the rewards that you could offer your husband, sex is far and away the most powerful. Sex, therefore, serves as the core, primary reinforcer. Simply put, under the right circumstances, your husband will do virtually anything to have sex with you. A secondary reinforcer, or a conditioned reinforcer, is any previously neutral stimulus that acquires reinforcing properties...
My name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I've been married for about seven years now and our love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talked about this over and over again. Yet, I don't trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled. This is where the story goes a little weird; you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in her about my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...
SeductionMy name is Naomi and I have a unique story to tell. I've been married for about seven years now andour love life is fantastic. But, I have the urge to see my husband fuck someone else. We have talkedabout this over and over again. Yet, I don't trust any of our friends, so my fantasy goes unfulfilled.This is where the story goes a little weird; you see my mother and I are like sisters. I confided in herabout my fantasy and I was surprised by her response. She told me that she and my father...
When I saw her for the first time I felt good she was hot but not so fair neither she was very dark she was thin whenever she used to sweep I sat on the bed and watch her. Usually during the holidays I would wake up a little late and when I used to sleep she would sweep the floor I used to see her from the corner of my eye I got a blur image of her every time. Later on I grew more attracted to her when I got to know that she had no children but was married her husband wasn’t able to make her...
Wife Seeks Help In Training Her Submissive Husband! CHAPTER ONE. I recently discovered that my husband has been going to some ‘Swinger’ s’ parties/orgies. What he had told me was that he was going away on business trips, and that he couldn’t get out of them! Since these gatherings are normally meant for couples only, (and as he has been attending them as a ‘Single Male,’) he has had to worm his way onto the group’s invitation list by offering to ‘serve’ the guests. The organizers agreed...
FetishHI! My name is Madelaine and my two friends, Judy and Monica. We went to a bar and were having a drink when we noticed a man sitting alone in a nearby booth. He was sort of handsome and well built, though not one of those ugly body builder types. None of us like all that excess muscle that will someday just become so much blubber. That of course is neither here nor there. The three of us had come to the conclusion that what we needed in our sex lives was something radical! We had swapped around...
BisexualI’m 34 and married for 10 years by now. I haven’t lost my figure as I was at the time of marriage but gained extra weight for sure but it always complemented on me as per my husband. I had a perfect figure of 34 by 34 by 36 and tugged in sari, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist to fuck me. I am a little whitish by complexion but still have nice face cut, beautiful and luscious lips, big eyes and long hairs which reached till my bums. I usually wore sari all the time. But...
My husband and I had been married 16 years, we had no c***dren, we enjoyed our lifestyle and didn’t have time for c***dren. I’m 5’9” medium build, dark hair, large tits and long legs. My husband was 6’3” well built with large hands and a large cock. We had an okay sex life, we were both very busy with our careers and by the time we got to bed we were both too knackered for sex.We both had our fantasies, my husband enjoyed watching porn particularly girl on girl action. Me, while I scolded him...
Danielle combed her long blonde hair as she stood in front of the full length mirror starring at her reflection. Danielle was a trophy wife and had married straight out of college to a man who was twenty years her senior. Pete was a wonderful husband and as a matter of fact he gave Danielle everything she wanted in life. Pete was an heir to his parent’s fortune and now controlled his Father’s business. His wealth...
I'm a thirty five year old married woman. My husband and I have been married for s*******n years. I was a virgin when he and I met and he was the only one I had even had sex with. We had a typical boring sex life for many years, he works hard so I don't have to. Two or three times a week he would fuck me hard for five minutes and then fall over on his side of the bed and go to sleep. I would always finish myself off quietly with my fingers. My husband is a talented man and he and I often have...
My Lovely Husband by Vickie Tern Honestly, how was I supposed to know he was God's gift to women, an incredible hunk, broad shoulders, rock-hard chest muscles, and a cock that feels like a fat electric plug -- when he inserts it and pushes it in deeper, you shriek and glow and then go absolutely radiant! When I first agreed to go back to his place for a drink I thought OK, he's attentive, and plenty eager, and very goodlooking too. I bet he's abrupt in...
My wife and I never talked about it. I'm really not sure how it became a thing with us either. It's possible she saw porn on my computer. I think years ago she saw some printed out stories and read them.She never acted on them, nor talked to me about what was in them, but if she read them, she knew what I was reading and jerking off to.While I don't think that was the sole reason we went down this road, I believe it planted a seed in her mind that percolated over the years. I'm also pretty...
Hello Readers, This is Soma, a professional Indian guy who is working in USA as Software Engineer. I am 27 years old, 5.8 and 65 kg decent looking guy.This is entirely true story as I am always busy, I don’t have any free time to write fictional stories. I am contributing to this site first time so forgive me for any grammatical errors. You can send me feedbacks on Without wasting time let’s move on to story. This happened 2 years back. This is how it all started , I was doing my Masters in...
The Cheating Husband By Julia Michelle Chapter 1 Chelsie was sure that her husband was cheating on her. There was no doubt of that anymore and that enraged her. Chelsie raced down the road to catch the cheating dog bastard. Many of her friends had told her that her husband was sleeping with another woman. Many of her friends at his work told him that he goes to meet a woman in the basement office at the same time just about every day, and multiple times a day on others. Her own...