Granny Knows Best
- 4 years ago
- 33
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“Do I have to mummy?” whined Lyn Dedbeet. “ I like being like this.” “Oh do shut up Lyn and stop moaning. This is going to be momentous day for you and Gran is the best person, to show you how,” ratted Mandy Dedbeet, to her perennially naked 14 yr old daughter. “Besides daddy and I haven’t got time today, to teach you these things and after all that’s how we learned, you know from our parents.” “Yes but you and daddy are my parents so why do have to learn for an old woman like Gran?” persisted Lyn, flicking a crumb off her stout erect nipple. “Don’t let Gran hear you say that darling,” tittered Den Dedbeet, chewing a piece of toast and straightening his tie, thinking my step daughter is a stunner, what a catch for a bloke, if it wasn’t for her wayward manner. It’ll be a fucking miracle if I don’t shag her before long. “Gawd no, mummy would be furious and she’s not old she’s only 77,” giggled Mandy his fifty year old, twice divorced, CEO wife as they both made ready to leave the smart upmarket development in Wilmslow, Cheshire. “Look honey, try to put these on before she comes down for breakfast.”
A tiny pair of crisp white knickers and large tee shirt were tossed over the mock marble kitchen island, the crotch of the knickers landing in Lyn’s bowl of Weetabix. She dipped it further into the crumb decorated full fat milk before having a suck. She liked soft soggy cereal. Den shook his head, stooped and kissed Lyn on her cheek, gazing down, between her full, shapely and firm tits at the forest of blonde pubic hair spilling over her groin and draped over her stool. How he wished Mandy wouldn’t persist in waxing hers smooth. If I don’t bury my head in that bush before long ... he pondered. Lyn, stretched up an arm round his neck and dragged his head down and smooch kissed her father as if they were lovers until he managed to pull away and trot to the downstairs bathroom and swipe traces of her breakfast from his face.
Mandy shouted upstairs, that they were leaving for the international conference, reminding her that they would be staying overnight. Mandy was due to be the main keynote speaker on her companies range of toilet products. “Lyn is having her breakfast and don’t forget the list” were the last items to shout up the stairs. Sybil Taylor returned the call, while sat on her en-suite toilet and thought bugger the list. They left.
In their Mercedes C class saloon negotiating an arrogant young male driver in a silver Audi SUV who seemed to think he owned the tarmac while waiting outside a property, Den spoke. “Your mum hasn’t had the pleasure of Lyn totally like this for a whole day. Think she’ll be OK?” “Look Den, I’ve left mummy a list and if mummy can sort me out and four other army brats while daddy was roaming the world, not always with us in tow, Lyn is no problem” replied Mandy, agitated being distracted from her Smart phone issuing instructions, more like orders, to many of her staff. “Well the nice thing is that Sybil knows about art ... did you see that charcoal work Lyn did yesterday, it’s amazing.” Den chuckled shaking his head at the quality of their daughter’s artistic skills.
“Yes I did but like all her stuff, she won’t be able to exhibit ... I mean it’ll be censored...” “Not necessarily. Erotic figure work is one of the oldest subjects in painting ... look at that drawing I was given by your father, that Japanese bloke ... er can’t remember ... oh yeah Kiyonaga, it’s in my bathroom ... oh shit, look at the traffic ahead.” “Yes I know Den but it’s not exactly the sort of thing you could hang in the lounge is it and as for Lyn’s piece, yes it’s brilliant, but it’s her fanny with all that hair and a dildo stuck in. Not the sort of thing people are going to buy or even want to see is it?” “Oh I don’t know...” Den answered airily, I’d like to see ... the real thing, he thought to himself, gesticulating at an old man who hadn’t signalled at a roundabout, and nearly carved him up.
“Mummy does know about Lyn disappearing through the hedge for ages next door anyway.” “Good ... yes of course, Mrs Mackenzie is lovely with her, they seem to have a lot of fun, not that she says much about it, her or Lyn,” added Den. “She’s been disappearing as you put it ... er ... what? for about four years. Nice really.” Mandy shook her bottle blonde frizzy style hair in doubt, her black painted fingernails fluttering over her device. She glanced up. “At least we can be safe knowing that hole in the laurel hedge is the only way Lyn can escape, Mrs Mackenzie’s back garden is so secure with that horrid high fence she likes. She’s very private isn’t she, I rarely see her and that hound, hear it now and then. Yes well anyway, I happened to see her painting that monstrosity ... well drawing it the other day. She had a big mirror against the wall and was propped on her bed, legs wide apart and well ... you know...” Den could imagine the scene and wished he’s been there and eased the car down the slip road onto the M56.
“Mornin’ Lyn,” said Sybil brightly, entering the kitchen, to see Lyn attempting to wash up and managing quite well even though the tall naturally blonde girl had a courgette stuck up her bottom. “Morning,” nonchalantly answered Lyn, turning to stick her tongue out ... Sybil rolled her eyes, realising she was in for a tough day, but if a retired Royal Engineers Major couldn’t sort out her seriously troubled 14 year old grand daughter out no-one would. Suddenly Lyn, abandoned the washing up and strolled across the huge trendy designed kitchen, through the utility room and out into the garden. Sybil watched through the window as Lyn stood in the pouring rain, beside the mass of bird feeders on a pole, the courgette having been dislodged from her bum lying on the grass. The girl gathered some birdseed, Sybil wondering if she was going to eat it the way the girl fiddled and examined it, then held her hand out. Seconds later two Blue Tits and a Greenfinch were arguing on Lyn’s hand vying for the choicest nibbles. A Goldfinch landed, fed a little at it’s Nyger seed then waited.
The old lady was mesmerised with the amazing relationship between avians and humans, then even more so when Lyn stooped and retrieved the long green vegetable and reinserted it from where it had fallen, still balancing birds and seed in one hand. The rain shower deteriorated, soon a heavy downpour, Lyn not caring, she was doing her own thing as Sybil realised and keeping a careful eye outdoors, made and ate her breakfast. She scanned the list. Dressing, toilet, listening, writing, eating, undressing.
The girl again surprised Sybil. Absolutely soaked, stark naked, Lyn started to perform what her grand mother recognised as movements from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake ballet. They were graceful, poetic and active movement in such accurate detail and control, it was difficult to surmise that such a professional performance was being acted out on a drenched, albeit large and spacious lawn – with no music. “My she is good,” Sybil exclaimed to herself. Regardless of her ungainly figure – well, not corps de ballet figure, but with exquisite grace and composure Lyn floated around, her bare feet splashing up drops of water somehow adding to the bizarre beautiful scene. Sybil pondered whether to call her in, knowing that Lyn would stop and come indoors in her own time and it was best not to disturb her, such was her unpredictable manner. She recalled some of the tasteful yet erotic paintings, in the spare bedroom which Sybil had not chosen to use while visiting and how accomplished and complete they were, eight in charcoal, some in acrylics and then others in startling use of mixed media, including in one pieces a used condom and in another two tampons, one new, the other used. All Lyn’s work – which had to be removed if other guests used the room.
“All those specialists have been saying our girl will – will grow up to have an absolutely brilliant skill and expertise in a subject which is beyond many grown ups, the problem we have is which one to help further and find her a place in life,” Den said, parking the Merc. He got out and ran to the ticket machine, not bothering to find a non-existent umbrella. He returned to find Mandy, head down, still working on her device as she had the whole journey to the conference centre in the Marriott hotel. “We’re remarkably early, the valets’ll move the car into the hotel car park later, as they told us in the blurb, fucking weather,” he moaned, patting down his soaked tousled black hair. Mandy had hardly noticed they’d arrived and certainly hadn’t heard any of his words.
Before he’d a chance to get their briefcases from the boot of the car, Mandy had scuttled off to the entrance. Her haste was hindered due to her black mini pencil skirt and her attempts at holding the hem down as she scuttled, to prevent it riding up and showing the tops of her hold up dark tan stockings. She was also holding a discarded newspaper over her head, her six inch heels clacking noisily on the concrete. Another guest arriving, leered at her frantic dash, running the way women do as if they’ve still got a cock in their cunts and trying to keep it intact, knees together, lower legs flicking out to the sides. She dashed inside, checking that Den was bringing her bag as ordered, more or less straight into the waiting arms of Fabrice Bush, her black senior assistant waiting for the Dedbeet’s late arrival. Being a raging queer, he took no notice of Mandy’s startling cleavage, where her turquoise blouse had bloomed open in her frantic scramble to remain dry, but he did like her Miu Miu L’eau Bleue perfume very much.
Sybil followed a still naked and very wet Lyn upstairs, having persuaded her indoors and resolved to start on the list, the bloody list, in Lyn’s room, which was surprisingly tidy. “First of all we’ve got to get your ... er mess dried off down there,” said Sybil pointing at the long straggling clutch of golden hair hanging below the girl’s pussy. Some of it was draped to her inner thighs. She’d followed the dripping mess as she’d called it, upstairs despairing why her daughter hadn’t got round to teaching Lyn to trim the pubes back when she was a teen.
Sitting her grand daughter down, Sybil found towels and dabbed and wiped Lyn’s crotch dry, the girl loving the action, happily spreading her legs as far wide as possible. Sybil mused, this girl wouldn’t know the meaning of keep your legs together and sit gracefully. “We need to learn a few things about the outside world Lyn and as you’re always naked, you need to learn how to dress, if you’re going to this specialist centre,” Sybil told a distracted by a buzzing fly Lyn. “Lyn please listen and watch me. First of all I am going to start as you are and be naked, hopefully you can follow me better.” The girl’s face followed the fly as Sybil removed her military style khaki shirt, her brown pleated skirt, her tights, her droopy white brassiere, and finally her plain pale pink knickers. Lyn immediately beamed with pleasure and moved closer to where Sybil had sat and cuddled her, fondling Sybil’s full blown low slung bosom. Hmm! Thought Sybil, not sure how this is going to go but stick to your plan of action, as one of her hands was lifted and placed on Lyn’s firm high breasts. The girl beamed happily, cupping her Gran’s knockers, cooing and groaning with pleasure. Sybil stood and stepped to a wardrobe. “Gran?” “Yes my love?” “You’re fat,” said Lyn, matter of factly. Out of the mouths of babes, thought Sybil.
The once fit as a fiddle army officer and pride of the parade ground, netball and gymnastics team had admittedly let herself go, liking food, drink and more drink a little too much. She posed as women do, in front of a wall mirror, Lyn grinning at her and saw the flab of her belly, the suggestion of another crease below that and the distinct creases at her sides next to her sagging boobs. Lyn dashed forward and pointed to her grand mother’s smooth hairless fanny. “Gran, Gran, where’s it gone?” comparing the bald pubic mound to her own hirsute display. Sybil recalled one of her paramours in the Special Forces who ditched her after a female subaltern told her the ultimate hygiene she could achieve by shaving it all off and keeping it ... Brazilian she remembered, or something look that. When Lyn touched Sybil’s stubble leading down to a dramatic formation of labia, the girl’s finger was swiped away, Sybil realising there had been and would be a lot of distractions. “No Lyn that’s naughty, you mustn’t do that ... er now lets try and get you dressed.”
“Now - your mummy told me, yes here it is” she announced, delving in to the antique furniture and surfacing with a small pile. “The clothes she wants you to practice with and remember we are going out to town later, did you know that?” There was no reaction from Lyn who was following the buzzy fly, then stuck out a hand and caught it, holding it to triumphantly to Sybil who could hear it buzzing in the girl’s loose clutch. She opened her fist and the insect remained moving around just as if it was on a window pane. That was amazing, thought the old woman, first the birds then this ... she held up a pair of plain white M&S briefs and suggested she follow her lead.
She pulled on her own, slightly soiled pink ones slowly and watched Lyn still taunting the fly, then it flew off. She grabbed her attention by flapping the panties at Lyn’s puzzled face receiving a fit of giggles in reply as if it was another playtime. She stressed the importance of checking where the label is, starting to explain the problems when thongs are the chosen cover, then didn’t, thinking that was far too advanced for her troubled grand daughter. In Lyn’s case, which took some hands-on from Sybil to place them properly, an important detail in Sybil’s experience, was tucking all the stray hairs of which there were many, back into the cotton. “But I like to play with them Gran.” searching inside her gusset, and pulling them. Her hands were dashed away and Sybil, produced a pair of tights swiftly.
Lyn gathered the gusset of her new underwear together and ran her other hand through her crotch bunching the reinforced cotton together and trying to tuck it into her slit. Then she stood at the mirror, grabbing the waist band and pulling it up very tight, posing, tilting her head side to side, as if judging the effect it would have. Her muff blossomed out each side and her full flabbed labia bulged. Lyn swivelled, peering over her shoulder to assess the effect the bloom of her arse cheeks, split with the white cotton. She quickly grabbed a camera and took a rear selfie to Sybil’s amazement and anger. “Make a good painting Gran,” said Lyn without humour. The old lady shook her head and pursed her lips not wanting to lose her temper – not easy with such provocation, but peculiarly innocent provocation.
“I’ll get this dried and pressed Mrs Dedbeet,” simpered Fabrice, delicately picking up Mandy’s rain splashed skirt off the bed she was sat on, using two beautifully manicured fingers with a little finger cocked high “Do this as well Fabby,” ordered Den handing him the jacket of his Paul Smith designer suit. The slenderly built black man took it with an obliging smile. “You got another skirt darling?” “Yes tthree actually in the case, why?” asked Mandy, scrolling her device. “Well if you’re aiming to stand up on a stage and deliver your speech in front of two hundred delegates, they’re going to see up it, did wonder if you’d thought of that, logistics you know – never your strong point.” Mandy shook her head at his impertinence, still scrolling. “At least I’ve got some knickers on,” she managed a giggle. “Well what I can see of them they’re not much heh heh,” Den pounced on her and thrust her flat on the bed. Her shapely legs shot up and apart. He snickered, holding his wife down. She shrieked “My hair ... get off you cunt.”
“Yes that’s what I’d like to see down there - hair,” he fingered the minute tiny sliver of a black thong which was nearly eaten in the slender lips of her completely smooth waxed snatch. “Fuck off Den, not now, you idiot, there’s things to do,” she protested being allowed to lever herself up. “It’s a good job old Bushy’s queer seeing you like that. You know what those black French buggers are like, randy bastards at the best of times without having a gorgeous middle age rich woman provoke them like that” “He’s safe and you know it,” she moaned – preening at her husband’s kind words, recovering her device from near the double pillows. “Shit! I’ll have to change this now,” Mandy grumbled, standing and smoothing without success her creased silk blouse. She took it off and rummaged through her case, as Den turned the volume up on the TV where a big race was ready to start at Goodwood. Neither of them heard the discreet knock at the door and Fabrice’s silent entrance and a waiter.
Sybil managed to get Lyn partly dressed, not without difficulty, so many fascinating distractions and interests popped into the 14 year old’s mind. Sometimes she just walked round her room, endlessly, touching or scratching the wall, turning and going to another repeat after repeat after repeat. Sybil observed but didn’t interrupt, knowing that was a fruitless task. Thanks fully the rain had stopped, the sun emerged and she thought at least when we go out it will be less stressful.
Knowing Lyn had many things to keep her occupied and thankfully not TV or Ipads, Sybil tidied up, then went to the toilet. When she finished, Lyn wasn’t in her room or anywhere in the house. She’d hear movement on the stairs and the French windows slam in the breeze, How many times does Lyn need to be told about securing the door from slamming? She thought and made some phone calls guessing that her grand daughter had drifted next door to that nice Mrs Mackenzie. Trouble was, how long for?
Cosh, Mrs Mackenzie’s brindle boxer was happy to see Lyn saunter up the path and let herself in to the old fashioned kitchen. He barked, bounced and fussed round the girl, his tongue lolling, saliva dribbling, his snub nose forever searching Lyn’s crotch, clad only in her briefs, which remained tight up her crack from her posing and taking a selfie earlier.
“Oh hello dear. I saw your parents leave, your nanny’s here yes? Nice knickers,” Cynthia Mackenzie chuckled, surprised to see Lyn wearing such a lot of clothes, including a tee shirt. “Gran’s here, not a nanny Cyn,” corrected Lyn, using the short name Cynthia had told her to use ever since the girl appeared through the chunky laurel hedge, the one side of the garden not dominated by a six foot close boarded fence in deference to her neighbours, from thirty years ago, long before the Dedbeets had moved in. “I washed it today,”Lyn declared, pointing at her slippery thighs and crotch, where Cosh continually sniffed and licked. “So did I matter of fact,” Cynthia snickered, lifting her delicately patterned multi coloured dress and flashed her hairy but trimmed pudenda. “I’ll put some knickers on later, I let Cosh have fun until I go out, got a WI meeting this morning, but you’ll be OK won’t you, he’s enjoying himself already.”
Lyn ignored her and left the kitchen. She skipped upstairs and raided Cynthia’s bedroom and returned, with Cosh scampering behind her all the time, his snout up her fragrantly, for now, crotch. She sat and coked a leg up on the chair and carefully and precisely painted her toe nails a dark blue colour, Cynthia distracting Cosh with a pair of her dirty panties from a basket piled on top of the washing machine for later. “He won’t like that smell, but he’s happy,” Cynthia snorted. “I’ll just get on and make some calls before the meeting, it’s committee,” she pulled a face. “Give him another pair if he bothers you, plenty in there, lovely colour.”
Carrying a room service tray, as ordered when checking in, Urgan, the bruiser looking Estonian waiter stood transfixed at the sight of a near naked sumptuous rear end divided by a black thong, virtually invisible between luscious middle age cheeks. Standing at the desk and making calls on the land line, Mandy’s stocking were slightly wrinkled and down on one leg, her blouse rumpled over her butt. He had a fetish for women’s legs in stockings and to see such a polished specimen, without shoes on, the hell and sole of the tan hosiery against the pale cream carpet, made him tense his cock.
Hi, this sex story idea was sent to me by a reader. It is a bit long and detailed as requested by him. Hope you enjoy this story. Visit my profile to read more of my stories. Grandma had been living alone ever since grandpa passed away two years ago. I was in college when grandpa passed away so I made a brief visit and couldn’t stay for long. But now I had found a job in granny’s city and I couldn’t be happier to move in with her. Let me tell you a bit about my granny. Even though she is in her...
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It had been two weeks since Granny had arrived home from her holiday and to be truthful, she was lonely. The boys were away a university apart from her prig of a son popping in to see if his inheritance was still in place, no one had slapped her arse of fingered her cunt for such a long time she had resulted to fringing off which she hasn’t had to do for months.The telephone rang which disturbed and annoyed her since her hand was in her knickers another item of clothing she had again started to...
Up to this point in my life I had never seen a live pussy, never smelled a live pussy nor felt the inside or outside of a pussy. Everything I had learned about pussy was from looking at magazines or the internet and maybe a peak from someones mom or a camel toe at the pool. I was at that age when a boy thinks about pussy morning noon, and night. I knew sex would be great and wanted so badly to fuck a girl, so bad that my cock would get hard at the slightest breeze. I jacked off all the time....
This is a true story that happened when I was 17. My parents won a cruise for a week and naturally my sister and i were happy for them. They never get to go anywhere especially since our 80 year old granny moved into the basement suite so we could be closer to her. She is still spry and able but let's face it, she's getting up there. So my sister and I promised our parents we would take good care of granny while they were gone.One night we all just happened to be home. Granny offered to cook...
My Granny is 74 yrs. old and fell and broke her hip so she had to go to the nursing home for 2 months and then come and live with us. I was 18 and didn't mind watching her when mom and dad were at worked.At first Granny had a man come in and help her exercise and then he showed me what to do each day so she would get stronger, I didn't mind as Granny was funny talking about the old days. We would talk about all kinds of things,but each day during our talks she would call me Carl. Carl was my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! My Granny is 74 yrs. old and fell and broke her hip so she had to go to the nursing home for 2 months and then come and live with us. I was 18 and didn't mind watching her when mom and dad were at worked. At first Granny had a man come in and help her exercise and then he showed me what to do each day so she would get stronger, I didn't mind as Granny was funny talking about the old days. We would talk about all kinds of things,but each day during our...
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The next morning I wake up a hungry and I can smell food cooking. Barbara is out of the bed, so I figured she got up to make breakfast. I go wash up real quick and head to the kitchen to see Barbara and my granny Alice both in the kitchen my granny wearing a red see thru night gown with white panties and bra, and Barbara is in her black bran and panties, laughing and giggling like school girls making potatoes, eggs, pancakes and bacon. I didn't bother them, so I decided to slide into Sam's room...
GrannyTube! When it comes to guys and their preferences over women, there are usually two schools of thought: Some dudes like younger girls who are more inexperienced and wouldn’t make them feel inferior with their older more mature brains. These dudes also like younger girls due to the fact that they’ve ‘been around the block’ a lot less than older girls, which again goes hand-in-hand with their egotistical preference of being with women who haven’t had a lot of sex, because it doesn’t make...
Granny Porn SitesTHIS STORY IS ALL FANTASY!I love older women, especially when they are over seventy and in shape. I’m a 52 year old guy who belongs to a Senior Single’s Group of genuinely sex-starved Grannies! And because they're aren’t many younger guys in the club I have my pick of the best looking Grannies in the bunch. That’s my dilemma, I met 2 who happen to be room mates. Well my bad habits finally caught up with me, but it turned out to be a good thing. Granny Kim to the left in white and a cock lover...
THE PARTY ROOM SPIKE had his 10.5 inch dick out & Joyce was bobbing up & down on it as per usual , Joyce was married to Spike's stepdad Bill but was mostly used by her Pimp/son Spike & she also took care of the needs of all his hookers. As she gobbled hers sons prick she noticed that her son already had his tongue down Angie's throat & cuz of her gray-hair was already calling her Granny Angie ,she after all would be the oldest woman in his harem. Her husband Marvin was jerking his...
Hi guys,, this is a story about gangbang of my granny.When I was 18 yrs old, I used to spend holidays in my granny’s house. My grandpa died long back ago, so in that house my grandma live alone. This incident happened during one of my holidays. Before going to incident, let me introduce my granny. She is 60 years old and 5’6″ tall. Her breasts are huge and fatty, even with clothes, you can imagine those. Her ass is huge and whenever she bends , you want to put your device into that. Being short...
For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...
My granny called me the other day and told me to stop by her house. She didn't sound angry, or sad, or like anything had even happened. On the phone she asked me if I had told anyone about what happened. I reassured her that I didn't and told her I would be by her house tonight. It's Friday and I don't have to back to work for a week due to using some of my PTO to give me time to understand what me and granny did last week plus I wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend. Since fucking...
This story is totally fictional!!! I had drove all night and was exhausted as I pulled up in the gravel drivway that lead up to my Granny's house. I got out quietly, gathered my suticases from the trunk and quietly entered the dark house. I made my way to my old bedroom and turned on the lights as I shut the door. I had come to stay with my Granny while my wife and I worked out our differences, I crashed on the bed, shoes and all and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up the next day to the smell...
IncestChapter 1 -Lesbian Porn Joyce was walking around the set, naked with spiked heels & her masters jism all over her face, currently her master/son was fucking Granny Angie up the ass , preparing her for her lesbian scene with Nina Rogers & her daughter Betty. Joyce on orders from Spike began filming as as Betty who dressed in her femdom wear lead a crawling submissive Nina to the set . Nina was collared & leashed with 5 inch thigh high hooker boots ,on her collar it read...
It had been 10 years since Johnny and Beverly were on the very first every Granny Gameshow. Beverly was upset because she felt like Johnny purposely lost on the show so he could get a chance to fuck her, and it was true. But ever since then, for the past 10 years, Johnny has only fucked Beverly twice and that was 8 years ago. Beverly is now 71 years old white blondish long hair, saggy double DD's thin frame with wide saggy ass but very fuckable.No one has heard from the other contestants Maggie...
Hi guys, this is a continuation of my previous story Granny gangbang with black cocks. Please do read it and you can enjoy this story. I have been in granny’s house and she was gangbanged by 4 Africans the previous night and I peered the entire scene through a small hole. After that day, in the evening to my surprise, my mom came to granny’s house and I got shocked to see her since if she has something to do with this sexual practice. We had dinner and granny slept in the hall room and I and my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Mike lay awake in the bed one morning lovingly looking over at his sleeping Granny, she looked so beautiful lying there in the red silk teddy he had bought her last week. He peeked under the blanket for a glimpse over her curvy behind, he heart skipped a beat as he thought of all of the new he had stashed in his closet waiting for the right time to bring them out and try them with Granny for the first time. He slipped out of bed and hopped into the...
IncestA young 19 year old lad name Johnny is sitting on the couch searching through the want adds looking for ways to make some money. He comes across an add that reads: How well do you know your Grandmother? We are searching for men between 18 and 21 who have grandmothers Over the age of 60+ that would like the chance to win Five Thousand Dollars He ponders the thought for a moment, while scratching the side of his head,picks up the phone and calls his grandmother. The phone rings a few times...
100% fiction! I love to go to my Granny's house in the summer it's in the country and she has dog's and cats and I can't have pets in the city. I have led a sheltered life private girls school and no dates with boys. I have seen pictures, but I have never seen a real penis. I am the first 18 year old virgin in my family I will bet my two cousins are younger then me and they said they have had sex already. The rule in my Grannies house is no matter how old you are you take a nap every afternoon...
IncestAfter my sexploits with my mother in law, I thought I was having plenty of sex. One day when my wife was at work, I popped round to mother in laws to see her. When I got there I was abit let down as her mother was there, my wife's granny. 'would you be able to take Granny Caroline shopping for me?' karen asked'Yes I will do that for you' I told karen.'you are such a good boy' granny caroline said to me.Granny caroline is in her late 70s and lives on her own. She is a petite lady, like karen...
I was working as an estate agent then. It was my friend's business. I hadn't been able to get a job since university and as my friend Alan said, I was a good chatup merchant so selling houses should be a doddle. It was too, and I enjoyed the work especially with the fringe benefits from hot little stay at home mums.I spent my days measuring up houses, conducting viewings. I got to know the local market quite well and as my willingness to help out in other areas became known, business boomed. By...
I was still in the process of looking for a summer job when word reached my parents that mom's mom, in other words, "Granny" had fallen and hurt her back. I'd finished high school, and though I'd earned a partial scholarship from having played football, it still wasn't near enough to allow me to attend even one of the local universities. My folks were in no financial condition to help much either, so my going was going to entirely depend on me earning and saving up enough money to do...
It was very sad, but at the age of 92 my old granny died. She did however leave me her house and its contents. It wasn't a big house, just two bedrooms but it was all paid for and now all mine. Most of the contents could be dumped and this I did just as soon as I moved in. At last everything was done and I could enjoy the fruits of my labours. The only thing left was the attic. The very last thing down was a medium sized locked suitcase covered in years of dust. I had no key so I broke the...
This story I wrote from the idea of another story called Granny Gameshow, posted by lexasgreen.The phone rings, Beverly a 65 y.o. granny answer it. It's Johnny calling her to participate a game where they can win money. After convincing her granny, Johnny came to her house so he told her the details. "It is a gameshow were young men answer questions about his granny. Every right answer is $500 but if I answer wrong you have to take off an article of clothing". Vera didn't like the idea at first...
So finally the big day had arrived, my darling dream granny was back, the hotel was booked and we had both placed our cards on the table and made our intentions clear that we both wanted each other. Gwen’s flight from Toronto was just over 7 hours and she had flew overnight and arrived back in the U.K. around late morning so we went for a cup of tea and something to eat in the cafe at the airport before Gwen was going to have a little nap back at the hotel while I went for a wander around and a...
Annie wrapped her legs tighter around the young body that was fucking her so well, her mind was in a whirl feelings of total pleasure coupled with panic and guilt swept through her brain but her body was in control and the enjoyment was just too much. She cried out as she exploded into an orgasm better than anything she had felt in years, then she reached up and pulled Danny’s head closer and kissed him, tears of pleasure and guilt ran down her face as her grandson continued to slide his young...
As I have related in other stories I am a 55 year old male living in Tucson, Arizona. I am really into the over sixty singles scene. Being younger I have acquired a fine stable of 65+ grannies that I bed down on a regular basis. But it’s my Wednesday afternoon Granny Marsha that is one of the best grannies I have ever dated. Every Wednesday this trip fit doll with long shoulder length silver hair invited me over for lunch, drinks and what has turned out to be phenomenal sex. At first we just...
To be honest after the night in the club everybody – even those on the beach were very kind and respectful – the odd kiss on the lips or rub of her bum was a far as they went – even her bikini bottoms were returned to her after her morning shower and one of the girls appeared one morning with a tub of cold cream – ok granny I think that cunt of yours must be in need of some TLC and with that she creamed up her hands and applied a good helping hand to Sue’s cunt arse and clit – by the time she...
Granny Kate’s Makes Up for A Bad DateNow I consider myself a nice guy which is maybe why so many of the women in our Seniors Singles Club like me. I do a lot of favors for my Grannies. Last week one of my favorite Grannies Kate called me and said “I’ve got an usual request for you, and if you turn me down I’ll understand” I replied “go ahead”. Kate explained that her long-time friend Angie was coming to Tucson and would be staying at the posh Westward Look Resort. She asked if I would take her...
Five years I retired and moved to Oro Valley, Arizona near Tucson. I joined a senior over sixty social group and I never knew my life would change like this. You see I discovered Grannies, single ones, divorced ones and married ones and my sex life has not been the same since. Right now I must have eight different grannies I am fucking. Some I make love to two or three times a week others about once a month. I am one of a few unmarried physically fit males (54 yrs. old, 6’ 2”, 220 lbs., 8”...
1 week left before my girlfriend Lisa gets back. It's been great being at home alone with Vera. I didn't know a 73 year old pussy could be so good to a 23 year old such as myself. Some nights after we've fucked, I'd lay there with my dick still inside her and fall asleep in the pussy. Vera has taught me a lot about fucking. I've learned to slow down and really enjoy the pussy.I'm finding myself enjoying fucking granny Vera more than my own girlfriend Lisa. I've decided to make these last few...
This Story is Total Fantasy I've been driving for 4 years and just got promoted and was at work by myself on a Friday. Another driver that I know fairly well came in with his grandmother in her Denalli. Ted was his name and he was very drunk as was his Granny too. Ted is I am going to guess in his late forties and his old granny is probably about seventy two, blonde hair, nice boobs, thin frame. She was probably hot in her day but now she has a few miles on her.Ted said he was going to lose his...
Hi, it’s me, Granny Gladys back again. If you read part one, you will know that I am an old biddy who loves to fuck and have fun, and to do that I have started quite a successful sex councillor thing for young men.One of my most unusual young men (or rather a boy really) was called Eric. He phoned to ask if I could help cure his fetish for wearing female under ware and fantasies for older women. He was an ordinary looking guy, nothing special. This is how I helped him and myself.Like all my...
Sue was getting accustomed to being grabbed as she walked to the beach naked since most of her clothes had been impounded during the day only to appear like magic shortened or opened at the front to show off her stocking tops which were compulsory as evening wear whenever they went clubbing. She even was getting used to being pulled to a another apartment or if in the dunes pulled to the sand –a cock or cunt would be pushed to her lips suck or lick the instruction would be barked at her – the...
This is a continuation of my relationship with my 66 year old lover Dawn; we had just spent the night having dinner at a posh resort. To my surprise Dawn had rented a room and I had just finished our usual half hour love making session and I knew she must have been exhausted. I had only cum once and my 43 year old body was not done for the evening. I knew granny would be getting a second load of my sperm before the night was over.Dawn was lying on her stomach with her head buried in a pillow. I...
I Hope you people enjoyed my first post “Granny My Sex Slave – I”.In this post, I am continuing my sex journey with my granny. Contact me at “” any unsatisfied ladies, girls, aunties, and widowed ladies from any location. Let’s move on to the sex journey. Almost every day I spent most of the daytime at her house because my grandpa is not at home and I can stare at her assets whole day. One evening she was taking her bath One day we were having a little conversation about my studies and college...
Incest"Granny" by Littlejo When I moved in with my grandmother and her sister Elenore during the summer after graduating high school (in order to live closer - and rent free - to the college I'd be attending), Grandma immediately laid down the law. She was not very pleased about my academic performance during High School. I guess you could say I majored in partying and boys. Within five minutes of getting unpacked, Grandma called a family conference. She let me know in no uncertain...
She wouldn’t tell me the secret. No matter how many times I asked, or how much I whined, she refused to divulge the reason for exactly why she wanted me to visit her on Saturday night. I suspected it would be something sexual, that my grandmother had something dirty in mind for us, but try as I might, even when I asked her when my tongue and fingers had taken her to the brink of orgasm she didn’t tell. “Wait and see,” she said, all mysterious and coy but with a definite glint in her eye. “I...
My stepdad's mom (technically grandmother) was dating this guy named Roger who was a nice enough guy but I noticed there were times I'd see them together and she would have a look of boredom on her face. Apparently he wasn't doing it for her not only socially but sexually. At least that's what I heard my mom and my aunt giggling about. This of course made my thoughts about my grandmother even worse.My grandmother is attractive for her age. She has kept very fit and has a pretty nice body. Her...
When there's three, there's usually four. So far we've met Betty, the horny one and leader of the pack. Gladys is the wild one and Helen is the lonely one. The remaining member of the group is Patty, also known as the slutty one. In her day, Patty was the type of girl who would spread her love everywhere she went. In Woodstock, she dropped by any tent she saw and bragged to the others about the rock stars she supposedly got to know better.Even after Woodstock Patty never gave up on her sexual...
After what seems like an eternity of fantazing over kissing(sexually) and fucking hot 60+ grannies the fantasy finally turned into reality last night for me and I’m still on cloud 9 and needed to put into words what happened and how I felt.The granny in question recently became a widow called Gwendoline or Gwen as she likes to be called. I’ve known Gwen for just over 2 years after she bought the bungalow next door to me mainly due to the ill health of her husband who suffered from Alzheimer’s...
Ellie was my grand mother, but we could not call her our grand mother so we called her by her name, Ellie. I had always found Ellie to be very attractive, she was skinny and toned about five foot one or two. Beautiful face and eyes, nice ass and small tits but I liked them any way. She was well educated and very smart. She was strict and seemed very straight laced and never cussed. I had always felt she never thought about sex. Especially now that she was in her early sixties. When I hit...
I admit to being an old lady in her seventies. And I suppose, I will also agree to really enjoying sex but who wants to fuck an old biddy like me? However, in my younger days, I found that there were many very young men who were very shy and unsure of themselves sexually. Sure, they wanked but deep down they wanted to lose their virginity. So why not with me! Besides, young men cum lots and can keep it up for hours. I put an ad in Craig list that read: sympathetic mature lady (70) provides...
Vera was smiling as she walked along the promenade. It was sunny and warm and she wore her favourite very pretty bikini, not minding at all that her sagging full breasts pushed the bikini bra down and showed off her deep cleavage, and her tummy ever so slightly bulged over her bikini briefs. She was sixty-five-years-old and felt confident with her body, enhanced by her creased skin, bat wings, fleshy thighs, and her grey hair that reached her shoulders. She felt sexy, though, and knew she was...
SpankingI love grannies, short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and especially those with silver gray hair. I’m a 52 year old guy who loves his GILF’s over 60. I belong to a Senior Single’s Group in Oro Valley, Arizona outside Tucson. There are over 100 women in the group and only 35 men and most of them are over 70. So I have my pick of the best looking GILF’s in the club. These women have one thing in common, they don’t get fucked anymore!!!! That’s where I come in, at any one time I am screwing three...
The story starts with me trawling on a well known paid sex site for a mature older woman. Call me a freak or whatever, but I love having sex with older woman, the older the better. So I message about a dozen ladies and as usual get little to no response. Logged in a few days later and found one response from a lady that was in her late 60's. Perfect I thought. So to cut a long story short we emailed back and forth for about a week, then exchanged some naked pictures. Her pictures really...
Sixty-five-year-old Vera could not believe it as she looked down at the seated lifeguard. They were in the ladies changing room and amongst those also there were the three eighteen-year-old grandchildren of friends of hers who she had agreed to ferry to and from the beach as she wasn’t doing anything else at the time. Emma was one of those grandchildren. About a dozen other girls from the same class at college were there as well as quite a few of their mums, and they were all squeezed in to the...
SpankingJust to let you know, despite the title, this scene doesn't feature the granny. This is the third installment, where things have progressed. There are two scenes which precede this one. So, if you're looking for the granny action, maybe take a look at them.I hope you get some enjoyment from the following. It's originally from January 2013.Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated.Ricky - Cambs, Engkand - August 13th 2019.***he chances of it happening had to be astronomical, something crazy...
It all started on new years eve; the neighbors of this quiet little town were growing restless and excited for midnight to come. While his family were having their big party, Ricky decided to take a stroll to the house across the street, where he happened to spot the owner returning home.Betty, with her short gray hair and vibrant good looks, returned from an old friend's retirement get together she didn't feel comfortable in. Deep down it made her feel old and depressed and decided to call it...
Sue had been on holiday for four or five days - the youngsters on the beach were very friendly to this naked older women walking about – Meany of the boys loved it and Sue was getting use to a boy her grandsons age giving her big tits a good morning group and the braver one’s having a feel of her cunt --mind you the odd girl enjoyed a quick grope too.Walking to the spot where they normally sun bathed this cheeky young sod asked – Sue can you put on some sun lotion I’m getting burnt - Sue...
Within a few months Sue had been taken under the boy’s wings or cocks to be more accurate – by this time they were round every weekend doing the garden they told me, but by the way Sue was limping Sue’s cunt was the only farrow they were digging! Most nights whenever I called round Id find her naked but stockings, shattered, sitting on a cushion, cum leaking out of her both her holes – the boys called round from college she’d tell me - Their randy little sods.One night she was all excited – I’m...