belles storm
- 3 years ago
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Yeah, they were big hangers, alright. And they were soft and sagged and flopped around if unrestrained. They were a nuisance, sometimes, but sure were fun when an appreciative guy got his hands, mouth, dick, or any other body part up against them. And that happened pretty often.
Belle had no shortage of male admirers since puberty arrived at age 12. She needed D cups at 13 and her mother put her on birth control not long after, remembering her own urges at that age. Belle actually stayed a virgin far longer than you might expect, giving blow and tit jobs to horny admirers. Her first regular after school babysitting job was the right opportunity to learn about fucking from an experienced older man. She considered that training one of the greatest gifts of her life and still bedded him once or twice a year as a thank you.
For her 21st birthday she gave herself the gift of tubal ligation, figuring if she ever wanted kids there were plenty to be adopted. She ate healthy and worked out regularly. Only 5’3”, her hips and waist were normally proportioned. She kept her dark red hair shoulder length and her matching crotch carpet medium trimmed.
She was 45 now and had been through two marriages and countless affairs. One-night stands happened but were pretty rare. Good advice from her mother and her male mentor helped her pick better bedmates throughout her life. She strongly preferred getting to know the person inside the body before sharing hers. And, in return, she expected to be treated as a person and not a sex toy to stick a dick in.
Husband number one was just too immature, and got controlling and jealous when he realized that she wasn’t going to limit sex to him like he had assumed. The turning point was a spring break when they went to Florida with a male friend who had a car. They shared a tent at a campground by the ocean. It wasn’t long before she persuaded her husband that the friend deserved a thank you for the ride, considering they didn’t even have money for gas. Well, she gave the friend lots of “thank yous”. He was a better fuck and they did it everywhere and often. The friend had to insist that Belle give her husband some pussy so his dick could recover.
At night she’d sleep between them and screw whoever got hard. She even banged the friend several times in the back seat of the car as they were driving home. Even though she promised to not fuck the friend again, the marriage didn’t last long after that. It taught her another valuable lesson: don’t let any guy into your pussy until he clearly realizes he’s not going to be the only visitor. BTW, after the divorce the friend became a long-term sex buddy ... he was a good fuck, after all.
Ten years later husband number two was ok with her conditions and even helped set up swaps and sex parties. His career required him to move away and she wouldn’t, so they parted but were still married and remained good friends. They regularly vacationed together at an adult nudist resort they both liked. There were a number of regulars there who showed their appreciation of her tits just the way she preferred. Her husband never minded waiting his turn if he could watch and play too. A few had attractive wives as well. Belle could enjoy them as much as her husband did.
Tonight she was having dinner with Raymundo, a man fifteen years her junior, who was a great cook. About once a week he invited her for dinner. And it wasn’t all Latino food either. Cooking was his hobby and he loved showing off for her. Their dinner dates often started with a tit or blow job to take the edge off since he wasn’t getting pussy from anyone else. Belle would follow his directions in the kitchen to help finish preparing the meal. They often enjoyed an after-dinner drink to let the meal settle and then got into dessert.
Belle stripped and lounged on Raymundo’s bed. She dabbed some wild fruit jam on her big areolae and her pussy. “Time for some sweets, my love,” she called out.
It was partly for fun and partly to disguise the taste of the semen her boss had put there after work. She hadn’t had an opportunity to do more than wipe her labia off after their quickie. Raymundo still noticed because he was used to seconds from this hottie anyway. He’d tasted plenty of fresh cum in her twat and he knew her proclivities. That had been especially the case when his cousin had visited and repeatedly enjoyed Belle’s carnal hospitality. He’d loved watching the hot action, then taking his turns.
It was a game they often played so, when he slipped into her silky pussy he commented, “Feels like your boss got you ready for me today.” He marveled that a cunt that had taken on SO much cock and cum over the years could feel as good as, or better than, much younger women he had screwed. He figured she must take good care of it, or maybe it was all the exercise it got? Whatever the reason, he was glad to get his share.
“You’re right again,” Belle replied. “And you are going to get me warmed up for my youngest brother who’s visiting tonight. He likes my pussy real wet and I told him you were one of the best at doing that.”
She knew his thoughts and love to get him riled up again after his first cum dump by teasing him about enjoying a pussy that had been filled by more than a hundred hard dicks and painted with thousands of sperm spurts planting billions of the little wigglers right where he was playing.
Belle rarely spent the night with Raymundo although when his cousin was there she’d arrange to bang their brown dicks to impotence even if it took all night, which it often did.
Getting the hot shots of male cream deep inside was an import part of screwing for Belle. All the good hormones and other stuff could soak in through her vaginal tissues and keep her ready for the next eager pleasure shaft. And it was always extra nice if one man’s juice could serve as lubricant for the next penetrator, like with Raymundo.
Belle didn’t fuck in the missionary position very often since her soft tits would flop off to either side and not be as accessible for play as everyone liked. It was much better if she rode or did doggy so they hung down for easy availability. Spooning on their sides was good for long copulations. One of the best was being fucked from behind while hanging her big bags over two other guys who were head to head, each one having mouth and hands full of a mammary. Then rotating positions after the guy inside delivered his pearly gift. He could then enjoy a boob while recovering for his next turn. Her pussy stayed full of cock and cum and she’d usually get two deposits from each guy that way.
Her boss was married, like many of the men who enjoyed her body. Belle had ethics though. If a guy was getting enough at home, she wouldn’t open the playpen. Tom was in his sixties with an invalid wife. This time Belle actually got the spouse’s permission before adding him to her welcome-cock list. He was rationed to twice a week, usually right after the office closed. Once a month she would go home with him so his wife could watch her husband getting laid, and play with Belle’s boobs herself during the coupling.
Belle thought about the different guys she fucked. Some, like her boss, were happy to get no-strings-attached pussy but didn’t want to know that others were too. That kind could get possessive. Then there were the guys like Raymundo and her husband who liked how sexy she was, got turned on knowing about and even watching her with other sex partners, and appreciated sloppy seconds. She figured that the first kind of guy must be insecure and much preferred the latter type.
One very special one was a longtime partner, a middle aged divorced guy who paid for a weekend stay at a luxury resort for her with each of his sons when they “came of age” and needed proper training. That had been great fun, bringing back memories of her own youth as she enjoyed their eagerness and constant erections. She’d had to take a day off work to recover, and put off the dad for a few days. He was anxious to hear all the stories and watch the videos as he pumped his own pecker in where his sons had recently been. Two were initiated already and there was one more weekend to schedule in a few more months ... and they were twins! After that Dad was hinting about a family gang bang.
When she was younger she might have five or six men on a “string” with varying schedules so she could enjoy anywhere from two to five “riders” a day. She was busier with life now so two or three regulars were enough. And there would always be “bonus dicks” like Raymundo’s cousin or a visiting brother or some other guest to keep things from getting too routine.
It was, of course, great fun to get like-minded guys together for games. She was especially fond of Raymundo. His brown pecker looked so good against her pale skin. Perhaps he could get vacation time to go to the adult resort when she met her husband there the next time. She’d invited her busty younger sister Terri too. Besides, Terri’s husband was a prick, and not in the better meaning of the word. Belle also knew that her sister envied her lifestyle so it was time to let her find out firsthand. To get Terri started, Belle would share her own guys and introduce her to some others that were good fucks. Maybe Terri would dump her husband and move closer after finding out what she was missing.
But that was in the future. Right now she was on her way to Brent’s place to get her new tablet computer. He’d ordered it for her and was moving all her personal stuff from her old notebook. He was a nerdy and not very good looking guy, a bit overweight but nice. About a year ago she got his cherry in return for some technical help and, in a fit of kindness, had worked on his social and sexual skills to the point where he had found himself a nerd girlfriend to screw. Belle figured he’d like a piece of her voluptuous body in return for this favor. His girlfriend was small all over and Belle wondered how she took his long and thick dong. She’d love to watch that happen but couldn’t figure out how to ask.
Brent was thrilled as usual to show her all the new stuff on the tablet. He declined, as usual, when she offered to pay for his technical help. He asked, shyly, “I do have a favor to ask of you though.”
Belle, figuring he wanted some pussy, replied, “Sure, I’d like it too.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean exactly that but something a bit different. You’ve met Sally, my girlfriend. She made me tell her about you and how you taught me. She wants to watch us together and maybe learn some new things herself. Like me, she is very inquisitive.”
Belle was surprised but managed to ask “When?”
“Do you have time now? She’s waiting in my bedroom.” And she was indeed, already naked under the sheet. Belle and Brent quickly stripped and joined her.
Without asking, Sally reached out to cup the massive mammaries when they got within reach. She held and hefted and squeezed the big orbs, clearly fascinated with how different they were than her own chest bumps with nipples. “I don’t think I’m lesbian but I’d really like to suck on them.”
Belle smiled, “Honey, when we’re naked, anything goes that doesn’t get a ‘NO!’. Enjoy. You’re certainly not the first woman to want to try them.” She caressed Sally’s slightly rounded chest and pinched her prominent nipples as Brent applied some lubricant to Sally’s pussy and then his rod, and slowly slipped it in her. After a few minutes, Belle said, “I wanted to see how that big pecker fits into you. Hell, he fills my big old cunt.”
Belle moved around and could see a much-stretched pussy taking all of the huge hardon. Brent said, “It took us a while until she stretched in both dimensions. If you look at her lower belly, you can see it bulge and shrink as I go in and out.” Damned if it didn’t!
After a short time, Sally pulled away from her lover and said, “Enough about me. Now I want to see how you fuck my guy.”
With practiced ease, Belle straddled his waist and embedded the big prong easily inside her. Brent’s hands automatically went to the swinging fun bags and pulled them to his lips and face. Sally was fascinated as Belle demonstrated hip and Kegel actions for the young woman who touched where they were joined to feel what was happening. After they climaxed together and Belle rolled off onto her back, Sally dove for her crotch and tasted the combined juices. Belle held her head there until she got another orgasm.
Sally asked Belle, “The only other cock I’ve had was a lot smaller. Will I still enjoy guys who aren’t so big?”
Belle replied, “If you work on those muscles you felt me using then you sure will. Brent is exceptional but I have several lovers of more average size who really know how to use their tools. I’d be glad to invite you to one of my sex parties if you’re interested.”
Looking at Brent, the young woman said, “You bet your fucking ass I am! I like Brent a lot but my curiosity is pretty strong too. I see Brent checking out other women, so I’d bet he feels the same way. I don’t want to lose him but I’d like to explore sex more and I hope we do it together.” Brent nodded sheepishly.
Belle referred Sally to an online reference about Kegel muscle exercises and added, “Weekend after next my little sister, who is actually twice your age, will be visiting without her husband. I’ve planned some sex-ed for her and you two would fit right in, so to speak.” The pair brightened and nodded eagerly. “I’ll give you more details when we work them out but plan to stay the weekend with me.”
The next ten days went quickly. Sally practiced cunt squeezing Brent’s big middle finger both before and after she fucked him. They both talked and thought about little else, wondering what would really happen.
Friday evening finally arrived and the young couple were at Belle’s doorstep, carrying a small suitcase (they’d been advised that few clothes would be worn) and gifts of food and beverages. The door was opened by Belle who was displaying her big greeters in their hanging glory. She introduced them to her equally naked, but not quite equally endowed, sister, Terri. Raymundo and Tony, an older neighbor, were enjoying drinks and had their tubular party favors, still soft, on display as well.
“Ok guys, get naked,” came the orders from the hostess. The newcomers weren’t used to nudity in groups and went into a bedroom to disrobe. Belle came in and tried to get them more at ease. They eased into the kitchen and got some strong drinks and took a couple of slugs before venturing out into the gathering room. Belle introduced them and wrote everybody’s first name just under their neck in a washable marker. That got some laughs.
Brent was taken to meet Terri and had trouble resisting talking to her chest which was nearly the equal of Belle’s. His erection was complimented by Terri who couldn’t resist giving it a few caresses. Sally was soon chatting with Tony who was her grandfather’s age, and the nicely brown Raymundo. She’d never seen either kind of man naked before but noticed her pussy getting wet.
Tony had lots of experience and was far from shy. He finally mentioned that he’d always wondered what a slim girl like Sally would be like in bed. She didn’t know how to respond to that even though she was wondering if a guy his age could even DO sex. Raymundo picked up on the opening and said he also wondered how a small girl could take the size of man meat that Brent had, pointing to her boyfriend. Brent was at full glory talking to Terri and Belle. The latter was stroking his rampant rod to show it to her sister.
Sally’s young libido hit overdrive when her drink hit bottom. She looked at her two male conversationalists and said, “I think we all have stuff we want to find out about. Show me where a bed is.” Raymundo led them to the guest room where Sally jumped on the bed, laid on her back, and said, “Who’s going to eat me? And who do I get to suck first?” A coin flip got a 70-year-old cock in her mouth and a brown face in her crotch.
Raymundo was bigger than Tony but not as big as Brent so when he got her real wet and open he slid all the way in on the first stroke. Sally squealed the best she could around Tony’s mouth filler, and timed her sucks with the pecker pumping she was getting. This was great! She’d never been in a bed with TWO men at the same time before. The nice brown cock spurted hot cream in her pussy and the guys changed places. Damn! A second hard cock so soon! She loved it. Her pussy couldn’t tell that the latest penetrator was so old. It just felt good. He knew how to make her really enjoy his being in there, that’s for sure. Soon his hot juice joined the earlier deposit. Wow, she’d just doubled her number of lifetime sex partners.
Sally hit the john to pee and drain her cunt before rejoining the group. It was obvious that her boyfriend and Terri had screwed, and probably Belle had gotten some hard cock too. Sally went to Brent and kissed him, “I think you are enjoying this party as much as I am.” He nodded, a bit dazed.
The young woman told Belle, “I’d like my own man for a while.”
Belle nodded and said, “It’s Terri’s turn to be double teamed. I doubt she’s ever done that.” Younger sister shook her head and grabbed the hands of the two guys who’d just laid Sally and towed them to the bedroom. Belle made herself a drink and went from room to room to watch.
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This is a little lengthy story so please avoid it if you do not have patience. But trust me you would get goose bumps reading this story..Please leave your valuable feedbacks on my email. I’m eagerly waiting for your replies and I’m dying to fuck you all my beautiful sexy hot readers..I’m a professional masseur. And I made few clients with all the adds on fb and Internet. I had a client whose name is Priyanka. She is my regular client and we had sex many times and it all started with a massage....
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I am a regular reader of the ISS,and I find lots of nice and hot stories on this site,I don,t know wether those stories are true or just imaginations of those people,but whatever I like it. So let me tell you about me.I am ZARRAK KHAN from ISLAMABAD PAKISTAN and am 27 years old.I am doing business here at PAIRS,FRANCE and most of the time i am in the process of travelling all over the world manily for my business or sometimes for vacations,any way lets come to the story how I fucked my Bhabi...
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Group SexBet Boobs Janet L. Stickney [email protected] It was a stupid bet, but with almost 300 grand on the table, and me holding three of a kind, how could I not take the bet? It was really quite simple. It went like this. "Up a hundred." "I only have 55K," I told him. "Then you'll lose." "I saw his girlfriend whisper in his ear, then...." "See that old lady over there?" he pointed at her. "I'll let you cover the bet by agreeing to get breasts as big as hers if you...
Sara answered back “ getting in my car headed to Pueblo to get you. And who you calling slut I’m not the one who was getting fucked in the ass and pussy by every girl at the last party.” Bounty laughed and said, “ yeah but you damn sure had your face and tongue in every pussy though.” Both girls laughed and then Sara told her “ get your ass ready I’ll be there in a bit, oh and no playing get your sexy ass ready. I don’t want to find you in the shower finger fucking yourself again.”...
As Bounty turned onto the main road from the neighbor hood, she hit a pot hole. Sara’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the vibe and plug collided inside her from the violent jolt when they hit the pothole. Sara could only think to herself she was not going to survive the night like this. Before they had left every time she moved the combo collided and if she tried to move slow trying to prevent the collision Bounty would flip in the remote. Pussy juices flowed from Sara down her...
ENCOUNTER WITH BOOBS It all started on the day of Holi of 2007 and it is an absolute true incident that brought a mark change in my life. I am Akash, 20 years of age studying in Pune in a renowned college of India. I am six feet tall, a bit athletic body as I go to the gym and swimming pretty frequently. Now coming to the girl of my story, Amrita, she is my class mate and both of us are from the same hometown- Kolkata. Now this girl, though not great in height (5 feet 3 inches) but has the...
Without wasting your time I’m here with my story. Hi am Christal. I lost my virginity at 18. I am a big fan of ISS. This story is about my x bf n me. As this is my first story I may make many mistakes. Please forgive me for this. My x-boyfriend’s name is Aryan. He has got a good body. His dick is 9inch n 3width fat. Let me introduce myself now. I’m fair looking with 38-28-34 body size. M 22 years old. My bf loves my boobs. We usually meet in parks and he use to touch my boobs. Sometimes he used...
A few minutes passed, and Mike re-entered the room. “Sorry ladies had to go oversee a few things downstairs.” As he spoke, he walked over to the side Bounty was on and swatted Keela hard on the ass waking her from her slumber. “You girls go kneel on either side of that chair.” Before he could get all the words out Neela and Keela, both jumped into action. Then he motioned to Sara to come to the other side of the bed. Sara quickly complied. Mike then nodded at Sherry who...
Molly was a sister of my best friend Tom. She was 6 years younger than Tom, a little cutie who played in the garden, while Tom and me were busy doing all the important things teenage boys do. We built a hut, ride bikes, steal cherries and apples from other gardens, and sometimes we went fishing instead of going to school. We fought, too. One day when I got beaten by a group of older boys Tom helped me throwing stones at them. Well, one stone hit me, but the other stones hit the bullies and the...
Hi all! This is Karishma back again to narrate another one of my sex experiences with you. I hope you must have read . So, this is kind of a continuation to that. Well, from my previous story, many were asking how does Jasmine looks. Jasmine is really a very hot African girl. She has a body to die for. Her size is 38D-25-39. Her dark glowing skin is just a cherry at the top. And, she has the world’s best pouty lips. I admire her lips very much. Plus, she has a dark black curly hair. In total,...
LesbianAnisha and her sister Manisha, both of them stood there like ‘Dreamgirls’ in the lingerie they were wearing. Ravishing, sexy, hot and fucking desirable. I could never imagine or ask for a better birthday gift. Anisha asked me who looks better. I said both of you are really sexy and beautiful. Anisha asked me to check if someone was around. Fortunately, no one was around. Anisha stepped out and pulled me in the trial room and locked it. She made me sit on the stool and sat on my lap kissing my...
"Are you absolutely sure you aren't taking anything, Robert?" "I'm quite sure, Dad. You know I've been to the doctors several times and she's confirmed that there's absolutely nothing unusual showing in my blood tests, hasn't she?" "True. That's except for the fact that your oestrogen levels are at the top end of the range for a boy of your age, although not beyond it." "So why do you keep asking me? You know I can't help it and the doc says it will probably go away when I get a...
I peered through the half opened door. She had her back to me. She was fully dressed from the waste down. She had on loose black sweatpants that had be size 4XL. Her back fat spilled over her pants causing a muffin top. No clothes were on above her waste. I was dying for her to turn around and show me those giant tits I had been dreaming of. Besides the muffin top, her back also had a crease on either side when she had her arms at her side. She began to turn around. I backed up a little bit...
My search for The Perfect Boobs has taken me to many strange places in my years as a professional masturbator. It’s brought me from the dirtiest strip clubs to the dankest porn shops in the sketchiest parts of town, to every fucking weird-ass corner of the internet. I mean, shit, if you’re a regular here at ThePornDude, I’m sure you already knew that. Then again, maybe you landed here today because you use Google and have the same interests as me. Hey, nice to meet you—want to see some...
Porn Forums“I thought since your kids are gone camping we go back to my house, and we swing by and pick up that girl from the restaurant.” Sara looked at Bounty and reached over to grab a tit.” “Ok sounds like an idea lets go in so I can grab some clothes, not that I won't need much.” Bounty got out and headed for the front door. As she got to the door, she turned and lifted her shirt, flashing her tits at Sara. Sara yelled out the passenger window. “Slut hurry the...
Hey there, I am Percy. It’s been a long time since I have written a story. I am a Software Engineer in a reputed company in Bangalore but presently in Mangalore. I am 24 years old, good looking and a sarcastic person. So, coming to the story. I had got many responses for my previous story. I tried to reply back to all of them. Recently, I received an email from the heroine of this story. Let’s name her ‘Rose’. We started texting and instantly hit it off. Rose seemed to be a cool person who was...
Mera naam Sujay hai aur meri umr 26 saal hai. Aap mujhe email ya kik id sujay_patil par contact kar sakte hai. Mai asha karta hun ki aapne meri purani popular stories (Madmast Akansha Ko Data Structures Sikha Dala) aur (Pune Local Bus Mein Young Ladki Ka Garam Badan) padhi hongi aur aapko pasand aayi hongi. Ye meri nayi story keval kuch dino pehle ki hai. Wo kehte hai na ki sabr ka fal meetha hota hai, yeh story isiki ek acchi misaal hai. Bahut dino se, ya kehlo mahino se mere life me koi...
LanasBigBoobs! We can argue all day long about which porn stars are the hottest, whether pussies should be clean-shaven or bushy, if small or big butts are better, or if brunettes or blondes ride the best dick. But there is one surefire thing that all straight men can agree on. And that is the fact that tits are fucking awesome.Do I even need to say anything else? That might be the one thing that I know with 100% certainty. It’s just objectively true … tits are fucking amazing. Whether big or...
Pornstar DatabasesHi all, I am 20 years old and this is my second . Thank you for the overwhelming response to my first story. Coming to the story, my vacations were on and the best part about it was visiting my hometown. I would spend some time in my uncles’ houses which were nearby. This has been my routine since childhood. But this time was a huge turnaround. I was visiting my mother’s youngest brother’s house. I often stay there at night. My uncle works in Dubai and mostly visits home once a year. My aunt...
IncestHai everybody, you all would have read, my earlier experience with my servant maid chellam, right now iam going to tell you about the experience i had just one week before, with one whom i have never thought of having a sex my very close relative my mother in law. Yes, it was really unexpected, since my wife pregnant for the second time, she had come to help her that time i did not know that she has really come to help me. About her, she is a short lady , with normal colour, nice boobs and very...
IncestHello friends this is rahul..21yrs old frm mumbai..this is my first story..i have been reading iss frm yrs..just thought of penning my best incidence of my life..any unsatisfied desperate house wifes or girls wanna contact me then mail me or add me at used 2 regularly go to hills for trecking..thts y i had a gud body..1 day 1 of my neighbour ruchika..she is 25 n married asked 2 whether she could join me for trecking..i welcomed her..first v used 2 go at 5 in morning then 1 day v decided 2 go...
You are being hailed and a woman's voice came on your com. "This is security control from Nova Titan. Identify yourself and your clearance code", she ask you. "My name is Eric Jaks. I'm a member of the International Space Bounty Hunter CORP. My badge number 3297B7. I'm bringing in a fugitive. My CC is W825T-71." You replied. "Please standby while we scan your ship and confirm your Clearance Code", she ordered you. "Our scanner showed only one life form on your ship, is...
Hello is everyone? It has been a long time since I wrote a story, and its a pleasure to watch that I still get emails from readers who appreciate the story and share their own experiences. For the 1st time readers I am Nitin 30 year old from Bangalore, a good looking charming fair north Indian residing in this IT city. If you click the link at the bottom on this story you would find other stories written by me. And there are quite a few. I have had interesting experiences and like...
Boobs Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I have always liked the way the girls looked wearing those skimpy, tight orange shorts with their wonderful cleavage enhanced by a tight tee. I wanted to be able to wear one of those uniforms but, as a guy that was probably out. Still, I had bought a uniform that was very close to the one described and with each effort to wear it and look even remotely like one of those girls it seemed that I only got slightly better at it. Not good,...
That night we got home after a nice party at some good friend’s house.We stripped off and shared a warm shower. My sexy Ana sucked me as I fingered her hungry cunt. She warned me she was horny; but I was too much tired and stressed out to have a nice fuck session with her…After the shower I opened a bottle of red wine and poured two glasses.Anita had never been much of a drinker and she was a bit tipsy now. She let the wrapping towel fall to the floor and lay fully naked on the sofa.Ana was...
I dont want to waste time of all by introducing, just comming straight to the point. We had a maid servant (Aaarti), she was working in our home from her childhood i.e. Before her menstrual cycle began. I was in class VII at that time and use to follow her to get a glimse of her boobs. She used to take bath always in closed door condition and sometime at night during summer she used to bath around 8.30 or 9.00PM. In the dark I enjoyed her naked boobs and bums from the tiny hole near the door...
Hi everybody, my nickname is sweety.I am 27 years old.I live with my husband and his younger sister and parents.We recently moved to delhi. Its difficult to find a room for rent in a decent neighbourhood. I wanted to stitch some blouse as because of pregnancy my boob size increased and the blouse was tight. There was no shop nearby.I asked others and they told the nearest is inside a lonely lane..When i went there a thin dark man was sitting reading Hindi newspaper and two boys were cutting...
Hey friends, I am Aakash, a 19 years old tall and energetic guy, from western suburbs of Mumbai. After posting my first experience, the way you people appreciated me was very special. Thank you to all the readers! Let me come to the story. After I posted my first story, I received a lot of feedback appreciating my story on email and hangouts. There were many feedbacks from female readers as well one of which was from Rashmi. Her feedback caught my eye and I replied instantly and we started...
My name is dragon and my moms name is varsha my dad is a business man and he comes only once or twice in a year this happened when i was 16years old my mom was 36 she was damn sexy one fine day when i was sick my mom went to take bath i was livng in my moms bed i heard a sound ahhhhh ummm i got shocked and got up tat time i got up and looked in to key hole of the bathroom door i saw my mother naked and she was getting masturbate den she came out by rolling a towel in her bodywhen she came out i...
IncestDo you Love Her Boobs as much as I do, as much as she does, and as much as the rest of the world? Well, if you’ve got a pulse, chances are you appreciate a good titty, or better yet, a pair of them. Obviously, I talk about big ol’ jugs a lot around here because my name is The Porn Dude, and this business is more open about our love of breasts than anyone else. (Make no mistake, though, they love sizable tatas in every industry, from fast food to daycare to multi-national beverage conglomerates....
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