Elsie, Mickey, Marci, And Howard: Sequel To Marci And Mickey free porn video

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"Why?" I said. "I'm over her. I have no need to be around her. She's got her man. I've got my woman. What on earth could be the reasoning behind wanting to socialize with them?"

"I still feel weird about this whole thing, Mick. You gave so much. You need to feel good about that at some point. I get nervous or concerned or something when I see you go pensive on me, and you do that a lot, Mick.

"I don't know if socializing with them, especially her, will help in that respect; but I think it might," she said.

"You know, Elsie, I damn near killed that guy. I would have too if I hadn't been pulled off by half of their friends. I'm not sure I can be around him and not feel the urge to harm him again," I said.

"You were provoked, Mick. Even though he may be ignorant of your sacrifice and maybe even your love for that woman, he knows he was in the wrong for fucking her while you were still inside.

"As you know I have spoken with your Marci a number of times even had lunch with her once or twice. She's pretty fragile right now," said Elsie.

"Fragile? She's fragile? Hell, Elsie, I'm fragile. You say I go pensive on you sometimes. I guess that's so. I keep remembering things, things that were done to me inside. It's not a nice place, prison," I said.

"You've not told me much about your time in there, Mickey. I mean, I know some of things that happen in there; I am a lawyer after all. At some point, maybe we do need to sit and have you talk to me. I'm your anchor my husband, and your mine. We need to be one in all ways. I hope you agree with me on that little point; it's important, Mick," she said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I just have to figure how to tell you stuff. It ain't easy," I said.

"They're not here yet," I said. We had arrived maybe five minutes early, but half an hour later we were still waiting. Somebody's going to have to teach Marci how to tell time, I thought.

"They'll be here. Are you in a hurry?" said Elsie.

"No, it's just that I thought you two, you and Marci, were anxious for this meeting," I said.

"Hmm, anxious is not exactly the word. Needful, maybe," said my wife.

I turned and looked toward the entrance to the restaurant. "There they are," I said. "They just came in."

"Hello, Mickey," said Marci. She had a look I couldn't decipher.

"Hi, Marci, Howard," I said, standing; my voice was flat. Elsie nodded her greeting. We took our seats. It was quiet, not embarrassingly so, but tentative. Like two countries mutually suspicious and guarded, but anxious to get on with negotiations. Elsie spoke first.

"Hope you're both well," said Elsie. Shall we order?" There was a murmur of agreement among us. The food would delay the inevitable and give all of us a chance to settle in and down.

The waitress came as a result of my signal. I felt weird as hell. Here was my ex-wife sitting across from me. Sitting across from me with the man she had cuckolded me with, while I was in prison serving a term for manslaughter, a crime that "she" had committed and that I had taken the fall for in order to spare her the long years in prison that she would not have survived. Talk about strange shit!

The food came and we ate. The weather, the Republican party, and the high price of pantyhose in Bangladesh were all topics of conversation while we chowed down.

The waitress brought the after dinner coffees I'd requested. The time for dancing around the real purpose of the meeting was over.

Marci was fiddling with the spoon in her coffee cup. She always had used half a pound of sugar in her coffee. I remember regularly telling her that she didn't drink coffee; she drank candy. That always brought forth a protest from her to mind my own taste buds. I didn't mention it now.

"Well, I guess it's up to me now," said Marci. "Just so you'll all know, Howard does not know what I will be saying tonight. I never told him everything, but after tonight, he'll know it all." Well, that answered one question for me; the man who cuckolded me didn't have a clue what he'd done or who he'd married. Well, he would now, I supposed.

"Mickey, I am begging you; let me tell this my way. I've rehearsed it long and hard. I need to do this. I need to do it, and you deserve to hear it Mickey, and so does Elsie if it comes to that."

I started to say that she didn't need to say anything, but she held up her hand to short shank me. "Mick, this one is on me. You've already done all you could do for me; this one is on me."

Elsie put her hand on my arm and nodded for me to let the scene play out.

Howard looked first at his wife and then at me. He was clearly out of the loop.

"Some ten years ago, maybe a little more, I killed a man, a blackmailer. The man was a cop, Marshall Whitcomb," she said.

"What the fuck!" screamed Howard. A dozen faces looked our way.

"Howard, I love you; this is as much for you as it is for me. So just shut up and listen; this is going to be hard enough," said Marci. He glared at her, but for whatever reason, he did as she said and shut up. His eyes moved from Marci back to me then to Elsie, and finally backed to Marci. He slumped in his seat and seemed to grow distant, but his eyes remained on his wife.

"I made a mistake. I let him, Marshall, have me once. It was that wedding reception, Mickey, for Candace. You remember, my friend. You couldn't go. Some emergency and your skills were needed.

"Marshall looked very handsome. Love was in the air. We girls were talking about sex and cocks and wondering about Candace' husband. Anyway, Marshall came on to me. Some of the girls dared me. I put him and them off. I protested that I was married, and they let me alone, even Marshall—for the moment. But, the seed had been planted.

"Later that evening we'd all had a little too much champagne, he came on to me again. And, well, he took me into the back guestroom; it was being used for the coats of the guests and such. He bent me over the back of a low chair and took me. I was drunk, I think so was he. But he wasn't too drunk to pull out his small camera and shoot pics of me bent over with cum running down my leg. It was a quickie, I guess you could say. He laughed and told me it was our secret.

"It was then that I began to realize what I'd done. But, he'd said it was our secret. I convinced myself that it had just been a stupid indiscretion. No big deal. I was drunk, he was too. It would never happen again. But, it did.

"He called me a week later and told me to check my email. He'd sent me a picture of me, naked in that room with all of the coats. I was stupefied. I remembered then him taking the pictures; I hadn't really thought about them until that day when he sent them to me.

"To make a somewhat longer story short, he told me that if I'd meet him for sex on that next Tuesday noontime, that he wouldn't send them, the pictures, to you Mickey and everybody else I loved. I was stricken, frightened, and helpless.

"Well, he took me again and again during the following year. He was merciless and cruel and evil. Sex with him was an ordeal not anything any woman would want." She said.

What she'd said answered a lot of questions I had had, but had never had the opportunity to ask since I was inside. I had to say something. "Marci, it's water under the bridge. I think you needed to do this for Howard, your husband, but it's over now; let it go," I said.

Howard's eyes were glazed over. He was crying. But, to his credit, he said nothing. His head had to be in turmoil. He looked over at me, and nodded his new understanding of why I had damn near killed him those many years ago. It was his apology. I just raised a hand and waved him off.

"Howard," said Elsie, "you need to think long and hard about this, of course, but I can tell you, your wife loves you. I hope it's enough for you."

"Please, everyone, my confession just now was for Howard, my husband. But, it's not the only reason I'm here. There is something else. Something no one knows. It's taken me years to come to grips with what I am about to say, and I need you all to not interrupt. I am a very weak woman, I have proved that little truth over and over, and I need to get through this," she said.

Elsie nodded, "Go on, dear. I can imagine how hard this is for you; just go on."

"Mickey, after all you did for me. Oh my God after all you did for me! It was so much. I fucked you over, betrayed you, left you crying and filled with despair and anger and horrible hurt. And Mickey, I had to do it—for you."

"What the hell, Marci!" I said. I think I'd mentioned being confused before, but not like this.

"Mickey, please. I need to do this. You shut up too," she said. Elsie actually giggled, but just a little.

"What you did, Mick—it was too much. Too much for me to live with. I knew that someday you'd get out. I knew that you would come home to me, to your wife, your loving wife, the wife that let you take the fall for what she had done.

"I knew too, that every single day of our life together after that, that I would have to live with what had happened to you in that awful place, the place you'd saved me from. There was not the slightest doubt in my mind that eventually the pressure would become unbearable for us. You'd stick it out, I knew, but you deserved better.

"I knew I just couldn't dump on you while you were locked up like that with no hope and no one to comfort you. So, I couldn't tell you of my decision, Mickey: my decision to leave you, to let you find happiness. Selfishly perhaps, I considered it my gift to you. But, I knew you wouldn't see it that way. But, it was the right way to see it," she said.

I stared at her with a new something—respect. Her words were so logical, even self-sacrificing.

"That is why I stopped coming so often. I knew you'd see through me. I knew you'd eventually understand what I was going to do, and I couldn't face your misery over that level of what I knew you'd see as betrayal of your love for me. But, Mickey, I never betrayed your love. It was just that I didn't deserve it anymore. You deserved so much more than I could ever be to you," she said.

"My God, Mickey, I still love you. And, Howard, just so you know; I love you every bit as much as I love or ever have loved Mickey. You are a wonderful husband.

"I realize, Howard, that my coming clean here tonight may be the end of us. I couldn't blame you. But, I hope you'll take me home and still love me, and help this poor woman survive this night. And, Howard, I don't deserve you either," she said.

"Marci, I forgive you. I'm not sure I agree with what you did. I think that we could have gotten through it, pressures or no pressures, but maybe not. You just might have been right. Hell, I don't know.

"I know I'm happy now. And for the life of me, I hope you and Howard make it. I want you to make it.

"Howard, she killed a man. But, she was provoked into doing it. The evil bastard that destroyed us needed to pay. I don't doubt that he'd done the same to other women, wives, in the past," I said. I paused; Elsie filled in.

"Actually he did," said Elsie. "Marci, after you came clean to me that time—yes Howard we all knew—you were the only one in the dark." Howard's eyes had gotten big when Elsie made her pronouncement. She cut him off with a wave of her hand from making a comment too soon and unnecessarily.

"I had occasion to check up on good 'ole Officer Whitcomb," said Elsie, "He was a gnat's eyelash short of going to jail for rape on at least two occasions. He only avoided jail time because some of his brother cops covered his ass. He was not a good man. He drove Marci to do what she did."

I butted in. "And, Howard, while you were in the dark about all of this; you had some of it coming, my man. You kept me in the dark about fucking my wife while I was inside and helpless to do anything about it even if I had known. So, before you condemn your woman, if you intend to, consider your own situation before you throw stones," I said.

Marci looked over at me. The vague smile I got was one of pure love and—gratitude. "You're welcome," I said, looking right at her.

"Well, this has been a very enlightening experience for me," said Howard. His voice had a tremor in it, as well it might. "Everyone has had so many things to say. So, I would like to say something. Goodnight." He rose to go, looked over at Marci, and she rose too. He seemed to be waiting for her. He turned to go and she followed him.

"Well, that was fun," I said, about as mirthlessly as I ever said anything. I turned to my wife for directions as to what I should do or think or act like.

"I'm worried, Mickey. I want to keep in contact with them. Marci isn't doing too well in her head, I don't think. However Howard acts in the coming hours and days will tell the tale. Believe me, I've seen the signs; some bad stuff could be about to happen if he blows it," she said.

Howard was stunned. The evening for him had been the worst night of his entire life. He was married to a killer, sort of. Oh, she'd killed the man right enough. But the man was an evil scumbag. The question was, did that make any difference? Yes, it did, he thought. He had no clue as to how the law would look at it though. He did know that, as a lawyer, Elsie would know. Why she hadn't turned her in was the mystery. Maybe she hadn't because it was her husband's wish for her not to.

"Why now?" asked Howard, looking at her as he drove.

"It was time. It's been eating me up," said Marci. "You gonna leave me, Howard?"

"No. No. Oh, I don't know," he said. "It's all so sordid. Marci, do you still love him?"

"Mickey? Yes. But I love you too. And, I am yours and you will always be made fully aware of that. I mean if you decide to keep me," she said.

He drove. They arrived at their home, the home that used to be Mickey's and hers.

"I'm not tired," he said. "You go on up. I will be up a little later."

"Okay," she said. She hesitated at the foot of the stairs. She looked back at him. "Howard, you are coming up, right? I mean..."

"Yes, I'll be up in a little while," he said.

The sun woke her. Howard was not in bed, and had not been there. The tears began to flow. She was sure that he was thinking of abandoning her. The hurt to him had to have been more than she anticipated. Or, maybe not. She could have predicted his reaction. She was a murderer. Good reason, good cause, or not, she'd killed a man. How was Howard, gentle Howard, supposed to deal with something like that? The only logical answer had to be, badly.

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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode Three

The success of Tracy's film led to Candi and Linda getting into the 'acting' business along with their escort work. The girls were now driving BMWs and wearing fashionable clothes. It attracted other girls asking to join the 'friendship circle'.Howard was called on to do another audition for the escort enterprise. The woman was not from high school but a young, divorced mother of twin boys. Her name was Beth and she was only twenty-three. Four years earlier, she was Miss Florida.When they met...

Straight Sex
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Mrs Howard Spanks Marsha

  Mrs Collins opened the door to Mrs Howard, her cleaner who immediately asked “did you give Ellie the spanking as we discussed?”  She could tell from Mrs Collin’s face she hadn’t. Mrs Collins answered somewhat sheepishly “Well I saw how red her bottom was after you had spanked her and felt sorry for her.” “I see. So, how has she been this week with you?” “Oh you know, just like any 16 year old I suppose.” “You mean she was rude to you again.” “I guess” Mrs Collins said quietly. ...

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The Unpredictable Life of Howard Episode Two

The plan was hatched a few weeks after Candi and Linda heard Howard's idea. He was to alert the girls when his company's clients were in town, and where they would be dining. They were to make themselves available without Howard being directly involved.Howard's message was simple. "Trattoria Capri at nine thirty."The summer night was warm with a pleasant breeze when the girls sat at a table visible from the bar. They arrived early. It was nine o'clock and they ordered pizza. The girls wore...

Straight Sex
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 3 Marci learns the First Rule

Marci was almost in tears as she retold the story of her first experience with a glory hole. To her credit, her voice didn’t crack once during the whole story. She had just shared her first sexual experience with her own father. I took another sip of my brandy. It was time she started learning the new rules of the household. “Marci”, I started in a commanding voice, “take off your clothes”. It was not opened to discussion. I had made plans for my daughter’s life from now on, and her...

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The Stan Howard Show

****************************************************** Disclaimer: Ok this is inspired by a true story. It is even referenced in the story. Any resemblance of the characters to real people, living and/or dead, or other fictional characters from other stories is totally unintentional, yet coincidental. Yeah, that's the ticket. It's a coincidence. This story deals with some transgendered issues, and of course sex, so if you don't want to read a story about that, well, don't....

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Mickey Takes The Dare

Mickey and I got married, but we had a problem. We both worked for the same company and the company policy was that a married couple could not work together in the same department. What made things worse is that I was her supervisor and that was a definite no no. As a result we kept our marriage a secret and neither Mickey nor I wore our wedding rings. We figured we could get away with it for however long it took Mickey to get her promotion and transfer to a different department. Mickey and...

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Mickey and Ernie

Copyright© obohobo 2007 "Why don't you ask Ernie in stores to have a look at it Mickey? You saw that beautiful box he made for Mrs. Gooch when she retired last year and the photos in the paper of the case he made for the ceremonial mace for the Mayor's Parlour." Sally Meacham suggested to her friend Michelle as they sat in the canteen of Brindle Enterprises at lunchtime. "Oh I don't know Sal, he's a strange man. Always seems scared shitless when near a woman and doesn't even stand...

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LimitsChapter 6 Mickey

As someone who'd always even slept in a bra, Mickey's new freedom was instantly noticed upon her arrival home. Whipping up a four-cheese lasagna, her mom dropped her sauce ladle when she saw her daughter exit Mary Ann's car topless. She froze as Mickey casually unloaded her bike and hefted it over her shoulder. Turning to wave, Diana DiCapra reckoned the neighbors across the street got a full-on view of her daughter's deformed breasts. Mickey locked her bike to the storm gutter and ran...

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Family Conspiracy Chapter 5 Marcis Surprise

Introduction: Marci and Brittany have one last surprise for David Family Conspiracy- Chapter 5: Marcis Surprise Shes yours to do with as you please, Brittany said, just as our daughter returned. Her blonde hair was damp from the shower, appearing darker. Her skin still glistened in the light, her body looking shiny around each of her curve, as if she had oiled herself. And there were no sign of any tan lines, the whole of her skin a faint bronze, from her smooth mound, to her growing breasts....

1 year ago
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Caught in the act Mickey

Mickey glanced up and down the hall checking to make sure that the coast was clear, and when he was satisfied that no one was around, he slipped into the furnace room and made his way over to a step ladder that was leaning against the back wall!!! After making sure that the ladder was in a steady position, he climbed the ladder and peered through a small crack in the cement!!! "Holy cow," he muttered out loud as he pulled his pecker out of his pants and began beating his meat, "this is fucking...

First Time
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 4 Marcis Awakening

Introduction: Marcis first experience being a submissive Family Conspiracy- Chapter 4: Marcis Awakening Let me recap briefly how I found myself in a very awkward position. A week ago, I had discovered that my daughter had been working in an adult bookstore at a glory hole. This knowledge came after I did, if youll excuse the crude humor. For a few days afterwards, I was guilt-ridden at what I had done to my daughter, and potentially to my family. However, the guilt faded and was replaced with...

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MarcieChapter 4 Marcies Switch Back

As Brent moved the plane from the hanger to the runway, Melanie suddenly felt a sense of freedom. She knew it was only temporary, but she resolved to not think about work for the whole weekend. It was a beautiful day to be flying. As the plane ascended, Marcie looked down at the patchwork quilt of the central Iowa farmland. Green crops, interspersed with yellow patches of oat crops and pastureland, spread as far as her eye could see. The engine noise made conversation difficult, but she...

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Mickey and I

He was dark skinned, dark haired, topaz eyes, and was about 5'6". I was an average white guy, fairly tanned, dark brown and light brown eyes, topped off with a height of 5'9.5" Oh yeah, the story. So he graduated. He moved to San Diego. But he came out to visit me one day. It was great. We played Brawl, Mario Kart Wii, and various other games, (which i mostly kicked his ass in), and I soon got bored of it. I asked him if he wanted to go to the park since it was about 3:30 in the...

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Marci the Inbetween

My name is Marci. I have been seeing a really great guy named Jerry for two years. I stay over at his place on occasion, mostly when his step daughter is at her mother's in Washington. Jerry’s step daughter is twelve years younger than I am, and Jerry is eleven years older, so I am very much in between the two of them. Actually that’s the point of the story. Claire had told her step Dad that she liked girls, and Jerry had made an attempt at humour by answering her with, “me too!” That didn’t...

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Tail of Mina Katie Alfie and Mickey pt3

I should have known better. I thought the boys had had enough excitement. But their sap was still rising. John has arranged two arm chairs alongside each other, about a metre apart. Dave took me by the collar and chain and half dragged me to one of the chairs where he sat I I knelt. Harry did likewise with Mina, who followed his lead (her lead I guess). Men love that feeling of power and me, and I could see Mina was the same, was happy to be controlled, added to the fun. I watched as John...

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Howard an Early High Schoo Suck Buddy

It started after a date, we'd both taking a girl friend to a Friday Barn Dance and after went and parked and make out, of course neither one of Us got further then kissing steeling a feel. Worked up horny as hell took them home and went to Howard's to drop him off. We both complained about how hard up we were and by the time we parked in his driveway we were both fondling our hard-ons through our Levi's. Howard said something like "Damn I need to get a nut & we both unbuttoned our Levi's...

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LimitsChapter 4 Mickey Coach G

Standing alongside Mickey DiCapra – and also dressed for a bike ride – was the cheerleader's coach and sponsor, Mary Ann Giancotti. Also one of the kids' history teachers, Mrs. Giancotti was a former professional cheerleader who could still put on a uniform and pass for one of her girls -- which she did every Homecoming. Only up close were her crow's feet noticeable, but her smile, her tan and, especially, her body more than compensated. "We came straight from practice," Mrs. Giancotti...

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Jill the MirrorChapter 3 Dove and Howard

“Dove, as I told Howard, I can’t be close to him without being close to the people to whom he’s already close. That means you and Jill. Tell me, how did you two meet? You seem to communicate so well. “Would you believe a chat room?” “Sure.” “The discussion was wandering. At one point, he mentioned that he could find a sex worker, if she liked the work, to be very charming. Not attractive, the usual word, but charming. I messaged him to elaborate. “He was thoughtful, and was very clear...

2 years ago
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KittyChapter 16 Claire Maxine and Mickey

I got a better look at Lorraine while we were in the bathroom. Her face and the slight sag of her breasts made me think that she was older than the typical college senior. She was on the thin side, with only the hint of a bulge around her tummy. Once she saw me giving her body the once over, she whisked me back to her room. I don't think she saw the look of horror Claire had given me when she realized I'd caught her kissing another girl. "What do you think you're doing?" Lorraine asked...

4 years ago
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Reality or PerceptionChapter 2 Life Goes On Me and Mickey

So, there I was, now a single father, 33 years old with a growing practice in psychiatry, making good money and already divorced. My life looked grim, trying to raise a daughter by myself. I had to find some way to get rid of the empty feeling so it would not affect my daughter. I decided then and there to begin to do some of the things that I had planned earlier in my life. I needed some money and I needed help quickly. One more thing to know about me. Because of some of the things we did...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Adventures of Kristof Marci Marcis Story Pt 3

Continued...In the morning I felt Tanya stir next to me and reached across to run my fingertips over her pussy.‘Mmmm, nothing better than a frisky woman in the morning.’ she said, reaching across to stroke me.We gently brought each other off before getting up. She led me into the bathroom and licked my pussy after I had peed, having me do the same to her, then we headed off to the kitchen for breakfast.Pouring a second mug of coffee, Tanya said ‘I have to go in and open the shop, make sure my...

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Adventures of Kristof Marci Marcis Story pt2

Continuing Marci’s story in her words... We entered a gorgeous bedroom with a huge king size bed against one wall. There was a dressing room off to one side and at the end of the room a comfortable sofa. The decor was feminine but not over the top and the artwork on the walls was erotic in the extreme; mostly lesbian scenes which left just enough to the imagination to be tantalising. On the wall opposite the bed was a large mirror. The phone rang and as Tanya went to answer it; I asked where...

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A Man and His PetsSequel Sandras and Courtneys Fate

Sandra There had only been two girls that completely failed to be trainable as Jim's pets. Sandra and Courtney had both remained defiant. Unfortunately, Jim had to reject them both as pets, and remove them from the house. The first to go was Sandra. Before she was captured, she was the mother of Jim's first two pets. She had been a drunken whore of a mother who frequently cursed at and slapped her teenaged daughters for no good reason. Jim, as his ultra-ego Bill, had decided Sandra needed...

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Fighting Terrorism Finding Love Sequel

In response to several readers who wanted me to provide more details regarding the romance between Rick and Erika I’ve written this sequel. While it could be a stand alone story I strongly recommend that you read ‘Fighting Terrorism – Finding Love’ first. I hope you enjoy reading the sequel as much I did in writing it. I, also, wish to thank Blunajana for her help in correcting some of my German terms and translations. I hope they have all been addressed in this sequel. Thanks for reading...

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The Training Of Slut Heather The Sequel

THE TRAINING OF SLUT HEATHER THE SEQUEL OR PREPAIRING FOR MY LIFE AS A SUBMISSIVE T-Girl Authors comment: This is the sequel to the story "The Training of Slut Heather" and that story should be read before starting this sequel. While the events depicted in this story are not connected to the original story, there are references to people and events that occurred in the original story. The story starts after returning from the west coast, and describes the preparations Heather must do to...

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Joannas First Gynecological ExamThe Sequel

Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. This is the sequel to the first story. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Dr. Michael led Joanna to the ominous...

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