indian woman on train
- 4 years ago
- 36
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New Year 2014
I went to the kitchen where CC was still working with another of yesterday’s men (I think) and they made a cup of ginger and lemon tea (very advanced stuff – take one lemon and ginger tea bag and place is cup add boiling water and leave to infuse for about 5 minutes while you chat up woman). To be fair, they also gave me some little wafer biscuits with cream cheese on one, mushroom pate on another and a hot spicy one which I only nibbled to taste. Boxing day dinner would not be turkey and they asked if there was anything I liked and rattled off several dishes. They had a favourite dish of mine – trout and I opted for a salad to go with it despite the weather. From a list of available dishes; they also offered a venison casserole for dinner that evening which I accepted.
I sat alone in one of the lounges, reading and watching TV (boring during the day so don’t ask me what was on) until just before lunch then made my way to the restaurant
It was a large trout and delicious and although I had asked for the salad I also took a few buttered baby potatoes. I kept dessert simple with a fresh fruit salad and a spot of cream.
Lunch over, I felt I needed a breath of fresh air and the sun had just come out. It looked weak and watery but I thought a quick stroll around the hotel would blow any cobwebs away; the wind was strong enough to blow anything away but I set out anyway. I didn’t bother taking a coat as I didn’t feel like going back upstairs and I only planned on being out and back in perhaps 10 – 15 minutes. I comforted myself with the thought that a walk on Boxing Day is traditional and stepped out. I had not walked very far when I thought I might have been a little hasty in my planning, the wind was bitter and cutting through my jumper, I hurried towards the end of the building to obtain a little shelter. Although not one particularly troubled by either cold or heat, I was freezing. I tried two of the doors back into the hotel but they were locked and so pressed on suddenly not amused by my huge sprawling building. I rounded the next corner into what felt like an arctic gale and was about half way back, teeth chattering when I was struck by a burst of squally, ice cold rain. It was so cold it was painful and I felt close to tears as I re-entered the hotel. The heat inside was amazing but I was chilled and soaked and I knew my hair must look dreadful.
Reaching my room, I stripped off my clothes, turned on the shower and almost jumped under as soon as it was warm enough; I then turned the temperature up and stood under the beating water watching my skin go pink. It took a little while to drive the chill away but it was only then I then began to soap myself and just enjoy the sensation as the water continued to drum down on me. I eventually climbed out of the shower and took a huge fluffy towel from the heated rail and carefully dried myself with it.
Nicely warmed by the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and climbed onto the bed, piling the pillows around me and turned on the TV. I flicked through the channels and found an “adult channel”. Unable to resist I pressed the button. Usually in an hotel, you are expected to enter a pass number available from the desk; here the movie appeared immediately. The scene was a lesbian encounter between a blonde and a brunette which I found mildly titillating but clearly not that much as I fell asleep.
I awoke some time later to see a blonde woman open the door to a big Blackman with a huge toolbox – No! You dirty devils! That was not a euphemism! He had a huge box in which to carry the tools of his trade. Although to be fair he did have a large lunchbox as well and I don’t mean he had brought sandwiches. He was the plumber and he sorted out the blocked sing before she discovered she didn’t have the money to pay him. etc. etc.
She was giving him payment in kind, she had probably reached the Valued Added Tax, when there was a knock on the door.
I was still dozy after my nap and just called “Come In! The door is open!” without really considering my attire and its suitability for receiving guests.
The door opened and it was Gandhi. Sorry I haven’t explained! He was my first snooker instructor earlier - the skinny little old guy at the table( see “much older, one looked older than Uncle and Gupta, medium height, slim but with little hair and well wrinkled but he had a wicked twinkle in his dark eyes” in the pages above when I first met the men) to put it in more simple terms. He looked so much like Ben Kingsley in the film that I mentally tagged him as “Gandhi”.
He stopped I the middle of the room, it was a large room, and said quietly “Excuse me, Miss” Nobody has called me “Miss” since my last pupil before the Christmas Holiday and I giggled.
“Sorry! Is there a message or something?” I asked, stretching languorously and unknowingly loosing the knot on the towel at the same time. He was dry washing his hands repeatedly and he looked a little tormented as he gazed at my body then away.
He didn’t reply.
“Sorry! I didn’t hear that!” I said after a pause
“We were wondering...” He didn’t complete the question and I said.
He turned and called a name and the door opened again and in walked the little round older guy. He stood next to Gandhi and I suppressed a giggle when the figure ‘10’ popped into my mind unbidden.
“OK gentlemen! May I ask what it is you were both wondering?”
“We wondered whether we are included in the arrangements. You know! With you?”
I thought a little tease would be fun, so I asked “What did Uncle say about the arrangements?”
“He said you were a wonderful warm hearted woman who was very well known to himself and his family. He said you would be staying over the holiday and thought you might befriend us all”
I thought “Wow! Befriend! That’s a new one!”
He continued “He told us that as far as the hotel’ facilities were concerned, we should deny you nothing.”
Beside him, ‘O’ nodded vigorously
Gandhi added. “Uncle stressed that your decision was final if there was anything or anyone you rejected. I wasn’t certain in the games room as to where I stood with all the younger ones there.”
He waved generally in the direction of ‘O’ and added “We spoke over lunch and decided to ask you whether you would honour us by including us despite our advanced years.”
I smiled adding “Thank you for asking. I find you all charming and as Uncle invited me to keep ALL his staff here company, that includes the two of you.”
I paused for them to take in what I had said.
“Now! On occasions I will start something but as with the snooker this morning, I will respond positively if I am enjoying something. If I do not want to do something or possibly not at that time, I will say so. Does that answer your question?”
“Oh yes, Miss!” they chimed.
I smiled and said “You must call me Mo!”
Now! Seeing that you are here and so am I; would you like to make a start? Think about what you would like to do for your first visit.” Their eyes sparkled, they obviously hadn’t thought of more than once. The volume on the TV had been turned down low but there was increase in sound as the blonde on TV was now being groped by two black guys. Gandhi moved quickly up to me and stroked my breast and then my inner thigh and the towel fell open sowing my neat little patch of blonde hair. I looked across at ‘O’ and said “and what would you like to do? You can wait until later if you don’t want to join in.
He moved to the foot of the bed. “Can I watch first?” he asked.
I said “I don’t mind, it is up to your friend here,” Gandhi just turned and nodded assent then licked his finger and gently slipped it into me.
My legs opened to the stimulus and I closed my eyes – a not infrequent sequence of events in my sexual responses I have noticed. I sensed rather felt him bend to kiss my mouth, His breath smelled faintly and pleasantly of curry and garlic and his tongue seemed to be tasting me before moving down my neck. He had now inserted his thumb inside me while his finger toyed with my rear entry. He took his time with my breasts and I heard the two of them whispering but decided I was more interested in what he was doing with his hand; until that is, his hand and mouth met and I was full of fingers and tongue, back and front. The two of them were whispering again as I twitched and writhed on Gandhi’s hand. I felt movement on the bed and suddenly Gandhi’s body, miraculously stripped, lay on my belly and he began to rapidly dip his penis into me then with a audible effort pushed it home. He nibbles my breasts and neck and begins to explore my mouth again. He must have done a good job with his fingers as my body attempts the impossible task of sucking in air from the wrong end and I soar into a smooth rocket take-off with no raw edges as he jerks to his own terminus. I may have squealed, I don’t know.
The two of them were chattering again and my body was turned unresisting and without protest onto my side. ‘O’ – I knew it was ‘O’ pulled me into a sideways doggy and then a sizable ‘dong’ entered my pussy from the rear. It was quite nice and gentle really. I had to move his hand away when he tried to stimulate my clit but I let him play quite happily with my breasts. They spoke again and ‘O’ said “OK”. There was movement on the bed and it was Gandhi, nudging my lips with his helmet. I opened and let him in. It was difficult to exercise my usual skills of fellatio as he anted to move too much, himself but we managed. ‘O’ was first with quite a loud wail and he must have been celibate for some considerable time as I was suddenly awash. Gandhi was considerably longer and his second emission fairly small.
I guessed they were finished and this was confirmed when they climbed off the bed and began dressing thanking me profusely. I stretched languorously, partially for effect (it has got several men back in the mood before now) but also because I had that cat got the cream feeling.
When they left I lay there for a while; sated by two lonely old men and humming noiselessly in my head. On the TV, a mother who looked about 25 was telling her son’s friend who looked about the same age that her son was out but would he like some iced tea. I switched to another channel and went and run a hot, deep bath.
I had already decided to “select” VJ tonight, unless of, course he did a disappearing act again. There were still, I think, four that haven’t had their Christmas bonus yet. I might also have been rash in saying “first time” to Gandhi and ‘O’. Despite my initial shock at the number I had unthinkingly consented to “entertain”; fifteen no longer seemed as daunting as Day 2 drew towards its close. Will they all expect second, third and fourth helpings in the days to come (oops)?
I slowly submerged my head beneath the hot water before emerging again covered by the thick foam created by the bubble bath. I rinsed it off and grabbed a another huge towel to dry myself and then I put on one of the thick, soft, white dressing gowns provided by the hotel; I wrapped a hand towel around my head and picked up my Kindle and spread myself on the big settee in my lounge having packed cushions behind me; had a desultory search through the Boxing Day schedule on TV and left it on a channel which was playing some pleasant music. I half read; half listened to the TV, half drifted in pleasant reverie
I felt wonderful!
One would think that I should feel like hell, but I felt wonderful. From outside, I could just hear the muted keening of an icy wind. But inside the room was warm. On TV, some male singer with a nice voice was singing a slow dreamy ballad about love to his girl, I suppose, although you can never be sure.
I entertained the thought of a nice glass of wine and although I knew the mini-bar was at my disposal, I have always been reluctant to use them after I was told by a friend of mine how a bottle of brandy she took from one, did not contain brandy (Don’t ask!)
As if in reply to the thought, there was a knock on the door. I called out “Come in!” and the door opened revealing a laden trolley with an ice bucket and the top of a bottle of champagne poking up. As the trolley came closer, I could see covered trays and a coffee pot.
The man pushing the trolley said “VJ sent us up to offer some refreshments and to discover if there is anything else you would like.” I looked behind him to see two others removing covers and another opening the champagne.
“I think VJ must be a mind reader.” I said giving a quite uncharacteristic girly squeak as the champagne corked popped.
“It is pleasant to have a little company; will you share this with me?”
The grins and knowing looks was indication enough that I would need another shower or bath some time later.
The trolley was stocked with little cakes and sandwiches and, too be honest, my mouth watered in anticipation. I sipped from the glass of champagne with my legs still stretched out along the settee, one of the men perched on the edge of the settee while two brought up and the other proffered the plates we indicated and sampled the range of delicacies ranging from little sandwiches containing smoked salmon with cream cheese, wafer thin roast beef with English Mustard and the like. There were tiny meringues split with slices of strawberry and cream between two halves, little brandy and chocolate cakes – it was gorgeous!
With a glass of champagne in one hand and a little plate of goodies in the other, the two nearest fed me from my plate while my glass was never allowed to empty. I ended with a small glass of coffee with brandy (ironically taken from the mini-bar) and a cream top. The meal had been delicious and, ignoring the calorie count, almost as light as a feather. They took my glass and plate from my hands and the trolley was moved away.
“Thank you! Gentlemen!”. I said “and thank VJ for his thoughtfulness. They nodded. I paused for effect.
“Would you like to stay a while to collect your Christmas Bonus? They looked puzzled for a moment. I rolled my eyes and said “Me! You daft lot!” Comprehension was a little slow but the one sitting by my side said something in foreign and the other three got the message. The one by my side slid down away from me and still sitting, turned towards me; putting his hand on my dressing gown covered thigh while the others moved closer.
I didn’t move but fixed my eyes on his, they were beautiful eyes, large and black like bottomless pools. You can drown in eyes like that!
His hand began to move slowly as if expecting a reproof, He parted the bottom of the dressing gown and briefly stroked the skin he exposed, his eyes still locked on mine. One of the other men spoke to him in an urgent tone and without moving his gaze replied softly and gave a little laugh. I wondered about the exchange but dismissed the thought as his hand stroked the flesh just above the knee. He reached the material of the dressing gown again and reached up to release the belt with a tug; then moving his hand first one way, then the other letting the gown fall either side revealing my nude body accompanied by an enthusiastic whispering from the others.
His fingers brushed my little patch of hair and when he probed me gently our gaze broke as my eyes closed. I sensed the others move even closer when he widened my legs and his fingers opened me up to their gaze. I am fairly certain that the comments were fairly coarse and if I had been able to hear, the men’s breathing rate had probably reached audible levels. I had lost interest in their reactions when his mouth closed on me and what felt like an improbably long and almost prehensile tongue wriggled its way into my depths and there was a rumble of approval as my back arched and pushed my sex into his greedy mouth accompanied by a loud “Aaaah!” of pleasure.
This was going well.
I confess I was panting a little when he stood pulled me down the settee onto my back and quickly climbing between my legs, pushed fully into me; his pace was hurried and I tried to slow him but he continued as if pumping up the tyres of his bicycle. I knew he could not keep that killing action for too long but what happened next was a little surprising.
He suddenly said something sounding urgent and pulled out of me. I started to protest but a fresh man was suddenly weighing down on me and I gurgled with contentment as he came up to a nice speed and I felt my sexual synapses slip into synchronicity and my hips responded by driving him deeper. Although a slightly different rhythm there was a continuity which stoked my fires and the heat built and built and...
The next man took his turn.
He was rougher than the first two and for some reason my body seemed to like it. It required no thought on my part; my hips changed gear and slammed back at him and there was a delicious stinging, aching, thud and stab of sheer ecstasy building and that is when I started getting noisy. An internal cable from my heart to my vagina tightened making my back arch and throb. I squealed as the cable extended itself to my jaw and dragging my head backwards. It whiplashed along my legs and I screamed as my toes turned back on themselves. Molten fire seared through my veins, igniting nerves and locking muscles. The penis in me seemed immense and my womb tried to seize it and drink it dry but only succeeded in sending a ball of pain that I didn’t want to stop, expanding, pulsing and searing into muscles and tendons locking my body into a pulsating emitter of pure sensation and I quivered and rocked as thrust after thrust added and spread the exquisite agony that gripped me. I heard screams and knew it must be me then just as I thought, not that I thought, there could be no more they changed again and my tears flowed. He tried to stop my mouth with his then to stop his penetration of my soul but my legs sprang round his thighs pulling him deeper and harder.
Indian girls are innocentStory codes : : M/f, M/f+, f-self, MF/f, enema, exhibition, fisting, incest, spanking, teen, toys, D/s, B/D, bondage, chastity belt, real, slow, romantic, reluctant, humiliation, nc, SeriousSynopsis : An overseas Indian man marries a beautiful Indian girl who was born and brought up in an Indian village. He has to teach her the basics of sex and its pleasure. He then gradually imposes restrictions on her and corresponding punishments to preserve her obedience and...
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The patrol was nearly home when they encountered 17 Comanches leading 3 captives. The captives were all adult women who were naked and being led with ropes tied around their necks. Shiply's men figured that the women had all been raped multiple times and looked like they were barely able to walk. The first thing the militia had to do was to get the Indians holding the ropes to the captives to cut them loose so they wouldn't be injured as the fighting began. Fortunately, the militia was...
They finished their first circuit of the county, and John turned in his report. Sheriff Silas Gillespy was suitably pleased with the report and gratified at the result of the patrol. "Congratulations, John, that nose croppin' is a bully idee! It marks the bastards so nobody can mistake who done the deed. Yessir, a bully idee!" "Thanks, Silas. When do ya want us ta make our next round?" "Take a couple of days off ta let the boys have a little toot. Ya know? Drink some beer and visit...
Cassius' wound was bad enough that he had to be left at home when they started their next round. Of course, this made Cissiee happy, but Cassius felt like he was letting the team down. John assured him that his presence would be missed, but they would get by. They had hardly gotten into Mexico when they saw a plume of smoke off in the distance. This might be some of their business, or it might just be somebody who needed help. Whatever the reason, they felt compelled to investigate. They...
Hi Again! Wow! What an amazing reaction to my last bit of writing. Thanks for all your lovely comments and words of encouragement. I really wasn’t expecting quite so much interest in my sexual encounters but it seems like you naughty boys and girls want to hear some more! So let’s fast forward from my first experience of cock which you can read in the other post. This happened a few years after the last story. I’d finished my A levels and got into Uni. I was away from home but still in the...
Guys plz suggestion me in pms what should I write next. If you interested in writing let's do Collab ---- by your favourite Indian slut !! Plot Everything started with her death of our main character anusha's parents. She was very open minded and caring person in mind and heart. She may look like a typical Indian girl but in her mind she can be dirt bitch . Get quick temper and get emotional quickly . Then she felt lonely and depressed after her parents dead in accident. But somehow her...
As. Previously mentioned Daughter Christina,s best friend is Oona Khan of Indian ancestry though born in England. A very attractive twenty two year old when we got together. It was at a party hosted by both Oons and Chris at the house they rented together in east London. They,d invited a few friends as well as wife Sarah and me and with the exception of the Khans and us the rest were in their twenties. Oona,s parents were the first to have had enough and now it was only my wife and I who were...
A few years ago I accepted a foreign assignment with my company. I was to spend the better part of a year overseeing a construction project in Chennai India. The company put me up in a staff house in a nice part of town. At first the novelty of being in a strange land kept me occupied but over time i found myself with more time on my hands than I knew what to do with as a single guy. I decided to take up golf with a passion as there was a course I had often driven past on my way to the job...
I'm Kevin, 29 years and my wife is Nisha, 26 years. We are a marred Indian couple, staying in India. We have been married for five years now and in those years sex has been mind blowing. Nisha loved to fuck, anytime and anywhere and she was never ever shy in admitting it. But, I was my desire to expose her in revealing clothes to other guys and also see her getting fucked. One day, I spoke this with her and after bit of hesitation, she agreed. But, she had a few conditions. One of her...
It is late. Mom used to say, "Nothing good happens after midnight." This story proves Mom was wrong~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~With the recent upsurge in summer heat, I went for my evening jog later than usual. I started at 11:15 and since it was my six mile day I wound up jogging into our quiet little dead end street about 12:20 a.m. I walked down the sidewalk drenched in sweat, heart pounding and a ton of endorphins flowing through me making me feel like anything was possible.I stopped at a...
This is a real story.A little about me. I am a 27 year old Indian guy. Decent looking. I live in San Francisco. I am str8 but have always wanted to please good looking white or black guys.This happened I went to Miami in Sep 2013 with a couple of other Indian friends. The very first night we all went to a club and got pretty drunk. I slipped out of the club and went to the beach. It was very dark and I started walking on the beach. While walking I saw a black guy sitting all by himself next to...
I had just moved to Bay Area, California for my new job. I was pretty lonely, so I posted an ad in the personals section of Craigslist. In a few hours, a girl named P. Kaur (withholding her full name) sent me an email. We exchanged a few emails and I sent her my pic and asked for hers. She told me she is from a very conservative family, so she is reluctant to send a pic. She said she would instead meet me at a bar that evening in Dublin.I was a little late for our date, so when I reached the...
Hello, My Dear Readers. I always wanted to write stories based on Indian actors. was my first attempt on the same. We have all imagined how our hot actresses will look in extreme erotic sequences. And with this new series, I am trying to portray our beloved cum-queens as professional adult stars, acting in porn movies. I will be adopting a template similar to galleries in porn sites, to write down this story. I will try my best to explain the sexual acts in detail, but also not drag them. So,...
Sriram Iyer had dreams of moving and working in the USA since he was young. He grew up in a conservative Brahmin household and only studied while growing up with no social life. His hard work paid off when he was able to get engineering seat at IIT Madras and succeeded well getting his degree. He applied for colleges in the USA for masters and was able to get a good college in New Jersey, USA. He worked hard finished his masters and got an IT job in North Carolina, USA. When he started his job...
I was browsing internet searching for websites to meet gay guys. I stumbled upon an Indian chat site and registered myself as “bottom_nepal22”. I always had loved Indian men and the idea of being fucked by an Indian man excited me. I talked with few guys on the chat site and there was one particular guy “ramesh80” who was traveling to Nepal in a couple of weeks. We then shared our Kik contacts and started chatting over there. He was 37 years old, married, and been with a couple of guys. I told...
Gay Male"kasem, are you seeing that little indian girl again tonight?" mumtaj khan asked her eighteen year old son. "Yup," he replied while combing his hair, "I think we'll hit a movie and stop off for some burgers after the show." mumtaj leaned against the bathroom door jam while admiring the build on her only son. Solid as a rock without and ounce of fat and handsome to boot! "Don't you think it's time you brought her around to meet me?" she asked casually. "Not yet, mom," he replied softly. "Maybe...
I dont know how many of you love i****t or have tried it out..but for those who have had a chance to try it out..i should say its awesome..its the best thing you could do on earth before you could hit the grave.So here is my one time true experience with my mom...My mom is one of those typical Indian women who always d****d themselves in the traditional saree and there is nothing better an Indian woman can wear.My mom was the average kind of woman..not too fat but not on the skinny side...
I was lucky enough to be sent to UK for higher studies by my parents. Before I could enter university I was required to attend the language school to get certification in English language. This was the first time I had actually been away from my family and had celebrated my 18th birthday before leaving India. My accommodation was arranged by the language school as a paying guest in a private house which was about 15 minutes’ walk from the language school. The house was old style built around...
The week was over and while k**s were leaving school running home to go to parties and the mall we teenagers were interested in lol, Karithy and I rushed back to her place and eager for a hot steamy wild fuck session. We waisted no time , we pushed our horny bodies close together and kissed so passionately as we ripped our clothes off each other, we were completely nude as we kissed i pushed her on her bed and sat her on her back , she spread her legs exposing her puffy pink wet pussy to me i...
Always, in the evening, I love to hold my beautiful Indian wife Anita in my arms and gently caress her soft and smooth body. She is 34 years old and very feminine. Her body is naturally curvaceous – with generous breasts and nicely rounded arse. But she looks after herself, exercising regularly and keeping her stomach nice and flat and her legs well-toned. Her hair is deep black and her skin dusky – its richness set off by her red lipstick and the golden bangles and necklaces she loves to wear....
LesbianFANTASIES II We have decided to camp out near a river, one that seems to lazily drift by, but flows enough so the mosquitoes aren’t attracted to it like they would be to a pond. It is the early part of September, when the weather is still warm during the day, but deliciously cool at night–just right for our outdoor tryst! There are pine trees around, just enough for privacy, but not so many that we can’t watch the sun as it dips lower in the sky, settling beneath a blanket of green, blue and...
Thad had always loved his parents' little lake house. It gave him such a pleasant change of pace from the city life he had to endure. (That's where his father worked because that's where the money was!) The post war couple that his parents were, coupled with the above median income level they enjoyed, gave Thad a little edge over other not-so-well-off city kids. Near a secluded lake in upstate New York, Thad's parents bought into a small development along with relatives on his mother's...
That trip back to the North farm had reminded me how much I hated the Comanches, so I wanted to start back to hunting them right away. My wives (that sure sounds good to me) were happy when I said that I would be gone all day. They had a lot of things to do on the house to turn it into their idea of home, and I would have just been in the way. We kissed goodbye as I left to go hunting: Comanches or outlaws, I really did not care which one came up first. I headed for the Comanche camp and was...
Me and my husband have been married for a few years. We have a decent sex life but was not a extremely hot one. He was good in bed but I always felt it lacked heat. He was a business man.. decent built and good last long in bed but was soft and loving. People have had a notion about indian women that they are a little conservative, but once you get them going they can rock your world. I was going to do something like that myself. We moved to a new city a few months back. We bought a luxury...
Cheating WifesI was received at home with hugs, kisses, and a thorough examination to determine if I might be hiding a wound somewhere that my wives could take care of. The only such "wound" was in my balls, and my wives were soon draining them to make sure that they were going to recycle properly. Luckily for all of us, there was no problem there, and we had an extended session to demonstrate that. The next morning was one of those where I was full of piss and ginger. My wives knew that there was only...
How we started, mainly me as a cuckold to my super gorgeous wife!Over time, I have ultimately decided that maybe my place in life is to be her cuck. This story happened early in our relationship, but more importantly, is our current situation as well. Till cuck do us apart;)When my wife (Soni) and I were dating, we both casually wondered what it would be like to experience other people, not for a relationship, but for curiosity. We both grew up in America and in the south, albeit in the...
It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the fourteen-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...
First TimeNirmala stood at the coffee shop counter reading her favorite computer magazine and waiting for her shift to end. She worked until noon every Saturday even today – her 19th birthday! No one had even said Happy Birthday! Not her dad, not her mother. Her parents wouldn’t even let her have a party. Her friends all had parties! It was so unfair!Straightening her over-size, crooked glasses again, Nirmala sighed looking at the pathetic cupcake with a single candle; a birthday present from the girl on...
So being caught up between work, work, and more work, the time had come where my tenancy agreement was coming to an end with my landlady. This whole year we had grown quite close sharing intimate things, watching films a few weekends together (when my girl had gone on holiday) helping out each other, doing chores for each other, etc. I had hoped my milf landlady would have forgotten about the tenancy agreement but I was taken back when she mentioned during November that I should start looking...
It's been awhile since I posted my experience with my Indian Princess. Since her schedule and mine do not permit frequent visits, so we get what we can.It so happened her flight schedule matched my travel plans, and we were able to reconnect in-person. Since she has an early flight tomorrow, I'll keep this brief.I picked her up at the airport after her last flight. We had a very warm welcome, embracing and kissing briefly before we departed the terminal. Holding hands while managing luggage was...
Sunita, and Anita were both born in India. Their father had join a software firm in USA and moved his family to the U.S. when the sisters were very young. Sunita was now 18, and Anita was 19, and they were very close. Their parents had raised them very strictly according to Indian culture. Anita had just gotten her own apartment, and to her parents disapproval, moved Sunita in with her. As the girls spent their first night away from home, it was as if a new world had opened up for them. Anita...
Hi friends, this is Dipesh from Mumbai. My age is 24 years, height 5.7 with fair color. I am very big fan of ISS. I frequently read stories in ISS.. Most of the stories which I like are Desi stories.. So now I will write in Desi language…mujhe ye stories padhke bohot HOT feel hota hai. Socha mai apna experience bhi aapke sath share karu. I’m sure aap sab logo ko meri ye story pas and aayegi… Its a real story. Mai Mumbai ke 1 leading MNC mai kaam karta hu. Yeh story 1 month pahle ki hai. Because...
It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the 14-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...
I could not wait to try out that shotgun! Before I quit because I had run out of daylight, I shot up all 12 of those birdshot cartridges and one of those loaded with buckshot. Oh, God, I think that I was in love with that gun! I got to the gun shop just before Mr. Schmidt closed his door for the night and left him the spent shells to reload for me. He promised to have them ready by tomorrow afternoon when I came back to town. All right, I will admit it: I slept with that shotgun next to me...
I recently started working in Bangalore which is the Indian Silicon Valley of sorts only with much more crazy traffic. Most of my weekdays would be spent either traveling to and fro from office and at office itself. I use to stay in a shared apartment with one more guy. He was a software developer and would keep to himself.Since weekdays were hectic, weekends were all about relaxing and unwinding. I use to hit the gym or swim for a change. One other activity, which I would do at least once a...