- 4 years ago
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When I look back at my life and the events that have led me to this place in time and a decision I now have to make you'd think I'd feel more ... well anger, hate, bitterness to name but a few, instead all I feel is numb. A numbness that currently clouds my judgement, affects my thinking and makes me mourn the loss of any feelings or emotions, or would no doubt if I could mourn.
My name doesn't matter, not really, though you can call me Peter and my tale such as it is goes back over twenty years to a young man, happy, married and a with young child, a daughter for us to cherish and hold.
Life was good, I'd recently attained a promotion, was up to date with the mortgage repayments, had good friends and family, I was quite fit, jogged and cycled during my trips to work and back if the English weather chose to cooperate.
Then the girl went missing...
Everyone remembers the case of Kimberley, the ten year old girl who vanished from my town in the area in which I lived. We were all shocked and for a few days everyone was very careful with their kids. Police conducted house to house enquiries though I suspect they learned very little, certainly I knew nothing. After a couple of days blood spattered clothing had been found in one of the local woods, but not apparently the scene of the crime, I knew the area well, I jogged through it on my way to work, though I never saw the girl in question even though I was in the area at the time, as I told the police. However, once the clothing was found the police concentrated their efforts on those who may have seen something hence calling on me again to go over my story. Again I told them I couldn't help, yes I was in the woods, but no I hadn't seen or heard anything. My wife Susan sat and held my hand through the interview and I could see the police were not too happy. Still, I knew I was innocent so when they asked if they could examine my jogging gear I had no objections. My wife told them that she'd washed the items, but the police took them away anyway along with my trainers.
Next day the local paper announced that the police were following several lines of enquiry but were hoping for a resolution soon. No doubt this was said due to the local MP getting involved along with national newspaper attention despite there being no body as yet. The next day I was knocked out of bed by the police at around 5am and I was arrested and manhandled out of the house despite my attempts to say I would come voluntarily. I was dragged away in handcuffs as my wife was left holding my terrified daughter and trying to comfort her as our neighbours woken by the incident all were craning their heads out of various doors and windows to watch the scene. I was terrified and confused, but certain it was all a mistake and that it would soon be sorted out, after all I had faith in the British justice system, the kind of faith that comes from never having run into the damned thing.
I spent several hours in the cells awaiting some form of action gradually becoming more and more agitated and feeling more and more powerless. Finally I was taken to an interview room and questioned, going over and over the same details I had given the police earlier and giving the same answers which did not appear to please them one jot.
"Look we know you were involved," one of them finally said. "Why don't you just come clean and tell us what you did with her?"
"Because I wasn't involved and don't know," was all I could answer, before finally asking for a solicitor as they showed no signs of either releasing me or verifying my story, other than to insist I was involved and they had evidence to link me to Kimberley. The solicitor duly arrived and I was told to say no more and that a magistrate would probably release me when I saw one, probably later that day. Well, I did see the magistrate, only to end up remanded in custody pending further police enquiries, allowing them more time to check various enquiries and evidence. The small court was packed with reporters and my name was now in the nation's consciousness and some members of the public hurled abuse at me. I thought it the worst day of my life, how wrong I was...
I didn't see the papers the following day, but they'd dug up a pic of me from somewhere and had gone over my life with a fine toothed comb. My wife and daughter had apparently been forced into hiding due to various threats being made and my parents and friends seemed to have gone into total denial of the events surrounding me. Even the company I worked for simply put out a bland statement saying they were cooperating with the police in their enquiries. The press, local and national, of course, were having a field day and anyone I'd ever known or indeed said they knew me was being interviewed and I was not being presented in a good light at all. Trial by media is not supposed to exist, but believe me it does.
The police had naturally ransacked the house taking away various contents; again they were keeping any evidence they had or hadn't found close to their chests for now. Eventually though I was charged, such was the serious nature of the accusation that I was remanded in custody to prevent me absconding and also, my solicitor told me in an aside, to protect me from being lynched, such was the speculation about my part in the crime.
Jail was horrific. I had to be placed in solitary for my own protection, though it didn't stop several incidents from occurring, seems I was not too popular with the staff either. Yet all through this I held to my story, the simple truth, as if it would somehow become clear to the police and courts. My solicitor and the barrister now representing me had warned me that, somehow or other, the forensic evidence found linked me to the scene where the clothing had been found quite specifically.
The trial destroyed all notions I had in fair play and justice. My solicitor even tried to persuade me that if I did know anything I should tell him so that he could plea bargain or seek mitigation for me. As it was, I pleaded not guilty then had to watch as a web of circumstances and what appeared to be falsified evidence was presented by the prosecution. The police had found blood matching the girls on my trainers, there were also other traces on my tracksuit too. The claim was also made that they'd also found traces of semen (mine) on the bloodied clothing they'd found in the woods. They also told the court that several pornographic magazines and videos of a dubious nature had been found in my house. My defence was poor; my wife testified that she had washed the tracksuit but saw no traces of blood. When pressed she admitted she had just screwed it up and thrown it in the machine without inspecting it. She knew nothing about the porn (however, neither did I). In all, she obfuscated and made herself look as if she was trying too hard to cover for me and that I possibly had some sort of secret life. The attempts to challenge the scientific evidence fell on deaf ears too. The company doing the tests simply said mistakes were not made and I never gave a thought to challenge it independently.
I was found guilty of the abduction of a minor, sexual assault and murder, despite Kimberley's body still not having been found. I was sentenced to twenty years in jail. Sentencing ended in uproar as threats from the girl's family were hurled at me, many screaming that I should have got life. One tried to leap the barrier to get to the dock as I was led away. I ended up in the special category sex offenders wing at Durham prison, alone, abandoned by friends and family, none of whom had turned up for the trial unless as witnesses. I hadn't seen my daughter since my arrest. Letters were returned unopened and the world believed I was a child murdering pervert. Even in the 'nonces' wing things were unpleasant. There are degrees of guilty in the prison pecking order and I was right at the bottom of it. Most of the time I spent in my cell, as to venture out was to run the gauntlet of kicks, blows, bites and spitting. Unfortunately I also had to work in the prison workshops making tinsel for Christmas decorations and was frequently and violently attacked there, picking up several scars and once a broken arm. I received no visitors at all, not even my wife who, along with my daughter, appeared to have vanished from the face of the Earth. What little I could learn of the circumstances suggested that she had changed her name and gone into hiding, possibly abroad. My Mum and Dad, fine upstanding pillars of their local community, had almost withdrawn from the world in shock. They blamed me for 'their' disgrace and loss of standing, utterly disowning me and my memory. Friends and acquaintances 'weren't' anymore and I received notice of the termination of my employment in the post.
How I managed to survive the first six months remains a mystery to me. The memories tend to fade now unless I really try hard to remember, then I remember why I don't try to remember. But survive I did, though my name had now become a synonym for a child molester somewhat on a par with the notoriety of Fred and Rose West, Peter Sutcliffe or Ian Huntley. There were still the occasional attacks upon me, though I'd hardened up somewhat and a lone attack was likely to end up with the attacker bruised and bleeding, lone attacks however were sadly rare. Still, I was gaining a reputation as someone you didn't want to mess with, if only because of the constant pressure upon me.
After a year I finally started to pull my life together somewhat, my appeals had failed, if anything they just kept me in the public's eye, my barrister sadly told me. I started a study course in law and began making headway towards getting a legal degree in the Open University. Internet access in prison was non-existent back then, but I did have the use of the prison library and what little I earned in the prison workshop went mostly to keep me in pen and paper as I started to go over the details in my own mind, using some of the knowledge I had now to try and pick holes in what seemed to me to be a colossal mistake.
Naturally I didn't have access to the police files, nor the various prosecution reports, well not immediately, eventually my barrister got me access to them. I owe him a debt of thanks, I don't know if he believed me or not, but he never wavered in his duty to me and always gave good and wise counsel. He also freely gave his advice in my chosen area of study and recommended a lot of otherwise obscure points of law in various books relating to my own circumstances. He sadly died before my release, but was one of the few who re-affirmed my belief in the kindness of strangers.
It was in my second year that I started to get occasionally pestered by the police, They seemed to find it either instructive or perhaps funny to send trainee detectives in to interview me, to see whether or not they could open up the case to gain more evidence, including where the body was or at least get a confession of some kind. They didn't have a great deal of imagination and, frankly, I was so starved of outside contact that I would simply agree to speak to them to make a difference to my day. I also started at this time to go to the prison gym to work out, though work out at this stage was merely to get into a position of regaining my fitness and losing some weight. I also chose to grow my hair and a beard at this time to alter my appearance and make myself less of a target, also because I had started to consider my future, a long way off that it was. My work in the prison workshop ended at this time too and I got a new job in the prison library that suited me far better, though I was not permitted to collect books from other wings that were outstanding, which was probably just as well as I was still at risk from attack were my identity to become known.
By the third year I was well on my way to getting my degree in law, though I doubted that any law firm would ever consider taking me on, nor as a solicitor could I see any large client base being available, particularly if my name became known. Still, it was interesting and I learned a lot including some disturbing facts about police corruption and mistakes made with contaminated DNA evidence, though nothing as yet to give me cause to appeal. My name still occasionally came up in the press, there was a rumour circulating that the (allegedly) murdered girl was not my only victim and police were going through old files to see if they could tie me into their cold cases. The mother of Kimberley made an emotional appeal to me to beg me to tell the police where her daughter was, something I couldn't do as I truly had no idea. I also came under psychiatric assessment at this time too, for some reason my cooperation in answering honestly the psychiatrist's questions caused him to label me a classic sociopath. He wanted details of the case only the murderer could know and got irritated when I wouldn't answer him, after all, how was I supposed to honestly answer that? I stuck to the truth and he couldn't accept it.
I finally got my degree in the fourth year and moved on to take the honours course. There was some press agitation that I was being given preferential treatment by being allowed to study, though as this was something all prisoners could do there wasn't a lot they could do other than get my name on the front pages along with an old picture and get the comments section in their pages all riled up. The police still occasionally visited me, though as my story hadn't changed in the last five or so years I think they were getting a little tired of it. I did refuse to see any visitors from the so called 'gentlemen of the press' I knew exactly where I stood with them. My anger, bitterness and confusion had now relented into a cold fury and become a lot more focused as I continued to go over the case files and evidence looking for flaws and it did appear to me that someone, or perhaps more than one, had gone out of their way to deliberately frame me for Kimberley's disappearance and alleged murder. My fitness levels had returned to pretty much where they were just prior to my incarceration and I was now regarded as pretty much off limits to the rest of the block save only the newbies, who rapidly learned the hard way that I was as hard as nails in being able to take it and dish it out at least three times worse. Even the staff now walked carefully around me, though I had never so much as disobeyed any order given and was always unfailingly polite to them. Naturally this somehow got into the press that I was now some sort of king pin enforcer on my wing. I did get a new psychiatrist after refusing to cooperate with the old one any more, seemed that there was still a great deal of interest in the goings on in my head.
My sixth year I gained an honours degree in law and began to help some of the other inmates with legal advice as I was finally able to access a limited internet capable computer in the library. I also began a new series of courses in forensics and the science of crime scene analysis such as it was back in 1999. I did turn down a request from the mother of Kimberley to come in and see me. I knew what she wanted and I couldn't help as I explained in a politely worded letter back to her, expressing my deepest sorrow that she couldn't find closure, but that I could not provide it as I had had no part in her disappearance. An edited version of the letter somehow made it into the press and read like I was mocking her and boasting that they would never get me to confess. They even included an artist's impression as to my current look, which suited me fine as I was tentatively forming a plan of action for what I would do upon my still far off release. I was now certain that I had been deliberately framed for the alleged murder, though was unsure of as to who, or indeed why. Though I did have some very pointed questions I wished to ask my now ex-wife (Decree Nisi and Absolute arriving on the same day for signature, no address of course save her solicitors). I also had some questions for the investigating inspector and his team too, along with the forensics company. Though the only way to cross examine them would be to appeal and I did not believe as yet I could win an appeal. I did start to catalogue and assiduously collect every scrap of information regarding the case that appeared in the news and online including pictures of all involved. I did memorise, though not catalogue, addresses, it might take a while before my release, but I was going to find the truth or die trying.
The seventh year of my sentence also saw the last serious real physical attack on me. It must have been a slow news day, but one of the major newspapers decided to do some sort of exposé on the UK's sex criminals residing in prison and I was in the top five. Naturally it was a complete fabrication, I didn't have a TV in my cell, nor a PlayStation come to that, just an awful lot of books and notepads, nor was I on any kind of special treatment including diet. Yet apparently I was living a comfortable life whilst Kimberley's mother still mourned and lived in poverty as she had been unable to return to work due to stress since the crime. I did note the name of the family member interviewed. It seemed he (a brother-in-law) was always available for a quote in person or via a comment online or in the press. It was constantly bringing my name back to the public's attention and led the 'Justice for Kimberley' pressure group. I certainly had developed a distinct dislike for the man as he seemed to thrive on the media attention and yet I could not put my finger on exactly why yet. I suspected there was more to his relationship with Kimberley than met the eye. It was a suspicion, no more, but my instincts were now highly tuned where it came to sniffing out hypocrisy.
Two days later seven of the inmates who were part of the cleaning crew for that wing decided that I was fair game and attacked me as I left the library. I had been sort of expecting it. You become very sensitive to the threat levels around you when in prison, particularly if you're high profile. I did know my 'card was marked' if I happened to stray from the sex offenders wing, so naturally I never did. But in this instance they thought they could do the public and Kimberley's family a service. How wrong they were. The first thing I knew of it was being tripped and narrowly avoided a sharpened mop handle spearing me. I rolled and came to my feet back against the wall to face seven other sex offenders all armed with various common implements including several toothbrushes in which disposable razor blades had been taken from their holders and re-attached to expose the blade and scar the victim. I yelled for help, but that was simply to gain a little time before I launched a vicious attack myself slapping the broom handle to one side and jabbing my fingers hard into the eyes of another attacker making him scream in agony. Twisting quickly, I grabbed the arm of another holding the razor brushes and spun the weapon and his arm directly into the face of another and launched a swift kick to the groin of the next nearest. I did most of this without thinking, I had too much experience of being the victim that it had enhanced my aggressiveness to almost ridiculous levels and if I was going down then I was determined to go down damned hard. I do believe the only reason I did not get hurt far worse was the fact that the men attacking me wanted to avoid being hurt themselves. Something I knew I could take, though not like. I managed in the confusion to grab the sharpened broom handle, but instead of using it as a spear I used it as a short club instead, breaking knuckles and I suspect a cheekbone of anyone who came too close. Finally the Prison Officers came and piled into the fracas in numbers and I dropped the weapon knowing fine well that some of them would just love to have a go at me too.
Despite claims that I had attacked them, the seven were reprimanded and in one case had his sentence extended. Four were hospitalised and it appeared one might lose his eye. I was simply reprimanded by the governor for being too aggressive in my own defence and that was the end of the matter, save only my reputation in the prison and the wing now meant that I was considered off limits by pretty much everyone. The fight did make it into the press; but it just served to confirm to everyone's opinion that I was a dangerous savage villain. Such is life...
I did receive another letter from Kimberley's Mum though and this one did make me pause to consider.
I realise that by now any attempts to ask you for details over the case of my daughter Kimberley will produce the same results, a denial that you were involved in any way shape or form. Yet I would like to visit you and look you in the eye as you tell me this. Whilst it may be possible for you to fool me, I do believe that I can judge a character by how they look and what they say. I would still request that you give me the opportunity to do so, for Kimberley's sake, if as you aver, you had nothing to do with her disappearance.
I decided to take a chance, not something I was used to anymore.
"Dear Martha,
If you believe it may help you to decide as to my guilt or not then by all means make an appointment. I do have some questions myself over Kimberley and what happened, though I will understand if it is too painful for you to answer them.
It took a week to arrange, Martha nearly cancelled it due to the media circus whipped up (again) by her brother-in-law. Even the prison staff were involved, seemed there was some sort of pool going on a confession, Martha killing me (somehow) or me killing Martha.
The day finally arrived and I was led down to the visiting room, somewhere I'd never been before as my previous police interviews had all taken place in a private room. I was escorted by two officers to protect the other inmates from what I would do to them if they tried anything with me, quipped one jokingly. I was taken to an isolated table in total silence as various people in the room stopped talking to get a look at me. I did recognise a few reporters too; 'apparently' they were visiting friends, though I suspected they had none.
Martha was finally allowed into the room and to approach the table where I sat. The years and the stress had not been kind to her and she looked old and tired for a woman in her late thirties.
"Hello Peter," she finally greeted me when the silence got a bit too much to bear.
"Hello Martha," I replied. "I'm so sorry that your visit here has become a media circus."
"My brother-in-law is highly protective of me and still very angry over Kimberley. He keeps threatening to kill you on your release after parole," Martha responded. "I think it has to do with his job in social services, he's the senior manager in the local care homes scheme for wayward or abandoned children."
"He'll wait a long while, I'm not requesting parole." I replied.
Martha looked confused.
"But you could get out early; perhaps rebuild your life... ," she finally said.
"Parole implies that I have accepted my guilt and wish an opportunity to make amends and start again," I replied. "I won't go for parole, because I am not guilty. The only way I'll leave here early is if I get a Royal Pardon and that seems highly unlikely."
"The evidence did implicate you," said Martha quietly.
"Yes, it did," I replied.
"Yet you maintain you had nothing to do with Kimberley's disappearance?" she asked.
"I did not abduct, assault or murder your daughter, Martha," I replied. "Until she went missing I didn't know who she was."
"Yet there was the blood and semen on the clothing they found," she said.
"I know," I replied. "I don't know how it got there, I believe the forensics company may have cross-contaminated the evidence, but they deny it. The other answer I have is far more disturbing in that it might have been planted, but I don't know why, or why anyone who would do that to me."
"What about the porn?" Martha asked.
"Not mine," I replied. "I do have some questions for my ex-wife, assuming I can find her."
Martha sat back and looked at me for a long time in total silence.
"You may be a very good liar," she said finally. "But I find myself believing you."
"Best keep that to yourself," I replied. "If what I suspect turns out to be true in the worst case, then there's someone out there prepared to go to extreme lengths to keep what happened to Kimberley pinned on me."
Martha nodded, "I'll just say that you were uncooperative and leave it at that."
"Best way," I replied. "I will when I'm released try to find out what really happened, but the trail will be very cold by then."
"I'll have a think about it myself," Martha answered. "You said you had some questions for me?"
"I do, though please, if it causes you distress, do not answer or leave, I'll understand," I replied.
Martha swallowed, and then nodded.
"Did Kimberley's behaviour change in any way in the weeks leading up to her disappearance?" I asked.
"Not that I can recall," Martha replied. "The police have already asked me that."
"No problems with her education?" I replied with another question.
"No ... but, I did have an appointment at her school, I'd almost forgotten, something about her behaviour. She disappeared before it happened though." Martha said.
"Might not be important," I said. "But I'd like to know what it was to do with, if only to rule it out."
"I'll ask," Martha said.
"On the day Kimberley disappeared, can you run me through what she did?" I asked.
"She got up, dressed, had breakfast and set off to school," said Martha with a tear in her eye.
"School uniform?" I asked.
"Yes, why?" Martha replied.
"Just the bloodied clothing wasn't part of the school uniform," I replied.
"I was told it was her vest," Martha said.
"Would she meet friends on the way to school?" I asked.
"She'd meet her cousins, or did, they'd had a falling out recently and she refused to go round there anymore," Martha said.
"A fight with the cousins?" I asked.
"She never said, just that she didn't want to go anymore. I figured it would pass, these things do ... did," Martha said.
I asked several more questions getting to know Kimberley as a person, not a newspaper report. Finally visiting time was over and Martha was about to leave.
"You don't look as I remember you," she said, by way of farewell.
"The beard and hair don't help," I replied.
"No, you look ... aged, more mature and there's both sadness and anger in your eyes," Martha replied.
"I have much to be sad and angry about," I finished as we parted.
The visit was all over the media the following day. Martha's 'no comment' leaving them both enraged and frustrated. We did begin an irregular correspondence as Martha began to do some investigations of her own, if only to clear some doubts that my questions had raised. Several weeks after that though Martha died in a hit and run incident, no one was found or prosecuted and that stream of information to me closed, save only for a letter which arrived the day after her death addressed to me.
"Dear Peter,
I have put together some information on Kimberley's disappearance from the questions you have asked me.
The school wished to see me about her education standards slipping; also she had become violent and angry in the four weeks leading up to her disappearance, something I was not aware of. They told the police of this, but it did not get investigated further as far as I can tell.
Her cousins do not recall any fight that occurred between them, or any other matter which might stop Kimberley calling, she simply did. I asked my sister if she knew of anything and she did not either and would ask my brother-in-law later if he knew anything.
It does appear that there are a few unanswered questions about Kimberley that the police overlooked and I hope at least to speak to the officer who was in charge of the investigation tomorrow.
As you'd imagine my suspicions were raised about such a convenient hit and run 'accident' though again I was in no position to ask or find out just what was really going on.
The following day the police interviewed me, apparently the brother-in-law had suggested that Martha was going to speak to the officer in charge of the investigation regarding something I had 'said' to her. He suggested it was either a confession or where Kimberley's body was. I showed them a scanned copy of the letter and they said they'd look into it.
As ever nothing happened and the letter was not returned to me, though I kept the original.
My eighth year started my 'legal career' with my aid to a prisoner clearly suffering from a case of injustice. I was able to guide him as to the relevant law and the relevant authorities for the grounds of his appeal. He had been let down badly by his legal team and I advised him to get another and hand over the information I supplied.
It worked and he was released, I got no official thanks though I didn't expect any having warned the guy that my name on anything was 'bad news' as far as the outside world was concerned. That seemed to open the floodgates in prison though as I had a few requests to look into cases where it was believed a genuine injustice had taken place. Some naturally were trying it on, but I had a steady if small stream of successes added anonymously to my name.
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When Judy Jeffries walked into the lounge of the Ramada Inn north of San Diego, she took a deep breath. She was about to try to pick up a man — something she had never done nor had she ever dreamed of doing. It was Friday evening and she had received a telephone call from her mother earlier in the week. She had been told about a new officer who had joined her father's command at Camp Pendleton: a major named Mike Morris. According to her mother he was a wonderful guy, but where girls were...
A clatter smashed the quiet. Samantha exchanged a glance with her best friend and followed her to the kitchen. “Five!” Imani’s husband yelled. With his sneakers propped on the counter behind him, his rolling pin flattened the dough on the island countertop with each makeshift push up. Flour caked his muscled forearms. “Andre!” “What, baby?” He dropped to his feet, tossing an arm around Imani and rustling her wild curls. “See, this is called time management. Working out and baking....
Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter ThirteenI looked up at Ray Wickes looming over me, pumping into me, his thicknessstretching me to the max and I couldn't imagine that any moment in my lifecould ever be better. Then I felt it.It was that sensation from deep in my ass, leading to the tip of my dick.I started to squirm and breath funny, hyperventilating and making thathigh-pitched chick sound."Oh! Oh! Oh!" was all I could mutter as I felt my whole body start toquiver out of control."Oh...
It was the first Thursday of the new semester, and I was waiting outside the door of my next class, “Introduction to Software Engineering.” I was joined by a handful of other students, all waiting for the professor to arrive and unlock the door. As I stood waiting with my new classmates, I looked at each of them curiously. It was in my nature at the start of each semester to scope out any cute guys in my classes, deciding if I wanted to pursue any of them over the next few months. So far I...
TabooMy mom is gone for the whole night. I have a girl who has to do whatever I want. Lets have some fun with it. I hadn't eaten anything for dinner tonight so I thought lets have some fun. I started walking towards the kitchen passing through the living room when I turned around and headed towards my mom's room again. I assume Gina knew I left but I came back in and walked over towards the bed. I put the vibrator in her pussy. I clicked it on. *BUZZ*. She started breathing heavily. I left the...
Martha Grimes looked down at her Timex watch, 9:14. She had just a little more that an hour before her shift was over. She pushed her cleaning cart down the hall of Brown, Brown and Little, LLC towards the executive suite. Martha always did the executive suite last so she could make sure it was the cleanest place in the building. Martha, a 51 year old divorced mother of three, was the cleaning lady for the ninth floor. She was a proud woman and a good mother. Her oldest son, John, was a Naval...
Tuesday was a nervous waiting game, there were two calls. The first was from Rafi Quastri to the Prince. Apparently there was no time limit on their conversations; the call lasted an hour. The Prince was adamant that he wanted no changes to the plans; just forget about the gun part. The simultaneous attacks would send the message he wanted. Prince Abdulraouf al-Zahab had been in contact with Venezuelan arms dealer Alejandro Hernandez about the missing machine guns and been assured that it...
as i sit at my desk at work& try 2 look busy as i surf the webi look at sum tasty gay porn sites...i hear a squeak at the window behind me& when i turn around 2 take a looki see u run a squeegee down the glass...i look back over my shoulder at u& i stand & bend 4ward over my deskthen slide my hand slowly over my assas u look at me with a wicked little grin...as i wiggle my ass slowly back & 4thu point your finger in2 the air & yell" meet me up on the roof !! "it is...
My name is Jake. I recently turned 18 so my friends took me out to some random under 21 club for some fun and try to get me lucky. I’m 6 feet 2 inches tall and I’m about 210 pounds. I’m not super jacked but I’m in good shape. Anyway, we went to the club around 11 p.m. and when we got there we started dancing with random chicks who wanted a good time. I started grinding with an incredibly hot blonde with blue eyes and hair down to her midback, who just looked like she wanted to be fucked.
Our first time posting hope you like....So a few years ago Suranne and me went to her friends wedding in Stockport so it being a good few miles away I decided to driveThe wedding was in summer so she decided to wear a knee length dress that was scooped quite low revealing both here best assets her amazing legs and rather ample 36D’s As the night progressed Suranne was getting quite merry and being more and more flirty with both me and one or two people we were sat with and as I wasn’t drinking...
I'm in my late thirties; I've been married for seventeen years. Anna is sixteen; no problem there you probably think,but the thing is she was my son's girlfriend. OK, what got me into this predicament? Porn that's what, good old simple pornography. I'd built up a minor collection of DVD's over a period of months and years. I had one or two flings over the years but the wife wasn't interested in sex so I kept going back to the simplicity of my porn stash. It was one of my masturbatory...
TabooIt was another long day at the pawn shop. I thought at least once a day about selling it or getting someone else to run the damn place, but I couldn't do it. My grandfather had started it, and then my dad kept it going. I couldn't bring myself to break the chain when he passed away. Seeing my neighbor shut off his hose and put his hands on his hips when I pulled into the drive at home didn't brighten my mood any. "Why don't you take care of your lawn?" he complained as I climbed out of...
The Night You Were First Cuckoldedbyangieseroticpen©So, the night has finally arrived. You have spent weeks, maybe months preparing for this moment. Long discussions with your wife expressing your feelings; hours of reassuring talks before finally drawing up the rules and boundaries. The selection process using adult dating sites, emails, chats and telephone calls with prospective 'Bulls' has also now been completed. It was meeting time now.Perhaps you first met him over drinks in a neutral...
I liked Samantha, my boss at Unique Stress Management Market. I had only been working for a couple of weeks, and she told me that my working here would definitely prove to be a unique experience for me. The dress code was lax and I loved the very short skirts she would wear, especially when I discovered that she preferred not to wear underwear. “I enjoy feeling the breeze against my pussy!” she explained. I was encouraged to wear very short shorts without underwear, so that our...
Somewhere in the wee hours of the morning Ronni retrieved her nightshirt, because when I saw her get out of bed in the morning, she was wearing it. But no panties. I was still clad in my pajama top when she assisted me to the bathroom. After I finished, she knelt in front of me and helped me into my pajama bottoms before her mom showed up with breakfast. It was a different Ronni this morning, a Ronni excited with her suddenly released sexuality. As she pulled up my pajamas, my dick was...
Disclaimer: This is a fantasy story about a truck stop (for the most part, some part at the start of the story is true). As such, I’ve let my wild desire and imagination run free in this story and indulged in activities I would otherwise never do. If you’re averse to kinky and dirty sex, or golden showers, you are warned. I’m a fairly straight-looking bi-bottom who loves to wear lingerie and get fucked by hard mature men. I don’t really have a type in men as such. Anyone with hard and willing...
Gay MaleBefore her, rising from the crater in the pavement, was the Mother, blackened and all but featureless, her body shape unmistakable as a woman. Paige stepped forward, possessed by awe and meaning as the Mother formed the nexus of the wind and murk, a veritable tornado swirling around her. As she came closer, the figure turned ever so slowly in the whipping wind and pointed with her arm to the north, where a pair of satellite dishes could be made out. "There…." the screeching whisper came...
BIO : Name : in album Age : in album Race: in album Stats : 38D , 26 , 37 From a very young age i always was amazed by sex and like to see it done , My fetish was to be a prostitute and get fucked by manny man so after my studies at Murdoch university mass communication i decided to be a air hostess first but went i was in that line i did not find to have that much of fun . One day I had a flight to the US and I heard about a club that is called Adult Theatre and that amazed me i loved the...
Chapter Fourteen: Crisis and Conclusion Hawk I snapped the phone closed and looked at the crew. Gretchen had somehow come through with a description of our guy. True, he might not be the killer, but he was the best suspect or witness that I had. The connection with the Right Reverend was more than a little confusing, but once we had all the players in hand, the motives would become clear. Right now we had to intercept this Snake Eyes character before he did anything permanent to...
The interior of the chamber was spherical and curved metal plates sealed it from the inside. Its circumference was a hundred and eighty meters and at the center floated a figure shrouded by brown mist, contemplating in meditation the profundity of the earthly attribute. Suddenly... BOOM! The chamber trembled as if a meteorite struck. At the same instant, the surrounding brown mist was sucked in back to the robust, orange haired, golden bearded figure, which then opened its eyes with an...
Plaything Well there I was. 25 years old, out of work, living in a scruffy old bedsit with no future and no prospects. Born in Gloucester , living in Buckinghamshire. Five foot six inches, slim with shoulder length brown hair, tied back in a pony when I’m working (which I’m not at the moment). Friends say I have a feminine face, but I’m not sure of that. Sexuality ? Not sure. Love women, but, I’ve had a few passes at blokes, mostly older. Once I met a bloke at his house and he tied me up and...
im a 20year old boy residing in bangalore next to my house there were couples who had a 5 year old daughter..the aunty was 38 yrs very sexy seducing i had a horny feeling on her her name was sangeetha aunty..as days passed on she was staring at me i also didnt take it seriously as days went she became a good family friend..one day she slipped and sprained her hips..i went to visit her to ask how was she feeling..she invited me to come in she was a perfect structured aunty i was always seeing...
This will always stay with me for the rest of my life, and I fantasize often about what happen that they in the class room.Sitting in the biology class and listening to my teacher word unfolding over those full sexy lips, was the highlight of my high school. This particular teacher, was from Grade 6 to Grade 12 my biology teacher and many boys fantasized and drooled over her.Like a high school boy is, I always were naughty in her class just to get the attention from her I thought I deserved it....
Hello dosto mera name raj (name change) hai. Or me gujarat ahmdabad ka rahene wala hu aaj me aapko apni pahli sex story sare karne ja raha hu muje aasha he k aapko pasand aayegi agar aapko pasand aaye to muje mail karna mera mail id hai meri age 23 year ka hu abhi me story pe aata hu Aa bat aajse 3 month pahle ki hai jab mene naya gar liya tha ahm me or me naya naya society me rahne aaya tha to mere parivar me me papa or mummy rahte he jab ham naye naye rahne aaye to society k sare log hame...
Hello iss readers me rocky from mumbai ek nae story jo mere are ki rupali bhabhi ki 2nd part hai. Ye story bhi hum do no sath me hi likh rahe hai. Rupali ki aur meri taraf se aap sabhi ko thanks humari story ko itne ache feedbacks dene k liye. Koe bhi girls aunt ya bhabhi mujhse sex karna chahti hai to mujhse mail kare Aur jo mujhe ladke mujhe mail kar rahe hai kisi aunty bhabhi aur ladki ka no k liye to unke liye khas ye bata du. I will never ever share any contact to them. Qki would koe rand...
Since mum and dad separated, mum and I have generally gone on holiday together at least once a year; either just the two of us or with mum’s current boyfriend of the time. Just after my sixteenth birthday mum announced that we were going on holiday to Spain. Mum was still in her early thirties and very attractive but at that time mum did not have a boyfriend. She asked me if I wanted to take mine. I must have looked vacant. “Joe,” she said. Joe is my sort of second cousin and almost exactly the...
First Time(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Thirteen: Interrupted Incestuous Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 10th, 2027 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II I woke up early. We were having guests over for dinner so I wanted to get some more work done on my prep for court in a few days. A lawyer's work was never done. And then there was more research to begin challenging the bigamy laws in California. I planned on using all the same...
Chapter Ten Phil stood awkwardly in front of the mirror and shook his arms to loosen his sleeves, then stared straight forward into the glass to examine the resulting look. He quickly pinched each of the cuffs and pulled the arms back up again, preferring how it had been in the first place. Hardly any part of this suit seemed to fit him properly, and he couldn’t make it all work at the same time. The shirt was too long, the jacket too short. He sighed and undid his top button, not used to...
‘God, I hope that’s not taped onto my paintwork,’ Alan thought to himself regarding the “Just Married” sign affixed to the back of his vanishing Rolls Royce Phantom limousine, carrying away his only daughter Eve and Adam her groom. Not that it mattered unduly, he would almost certainly lose the car in the upcoming divorce settlement anyway and have to make do with a Merc or BMW, or ... mmm, even a Jaguar. He had started out with a Jag all those years ago. ‘That wouldn’t be too bad,’ he...
"Just lie down on the couch and relax, Marcia," Dr. Fagen said easily, "this is just our first session to gether so we'll use it basicly to get to know one and other and create a trust between us, how does that sound to you!?!" "Uh, pretty good, doctor," she replied while getting comfortable on the cool leather sofa that dominated the expanisive office of Dr. Harold Fagen, the resident psychother****t at County General Hospital who specializes in sexual dysfunction!!! "Dr. Katzman sent over...
Before & After Chapter 3 By Mel Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] "Where the fuck is my husband?" My wife repeated. I stayed silent and despite my predicament, my small hand still slid over the raging erection next to me. "Where is Daniel? How did you get in here? If I don't get some answers right now I'm calling the police!" I didn't have a choice. "I'm Daniel," I said quietly. "Shut up, whore! Where is my husband?" "I'm...
------ I blew out all fifteen candles on my birthday cake. Smoke was still drifting upward as my dad pulled the candles out of the frosting. He sliced a piece of cake for me. "Happy birthday, Alanna." "Thanks for all the presents, Dad." His eyes drifted down to my breasts as he was talking. He'd started doing that a few months ago. I figured it was normal for a man. I took it as a compliment. I didn't have any memory of my mom, as she had left us when I was a...
Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighborhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally. Her name was Patty, Carol learned when one of the girl's friends had said her name when she laughed at something the girl said. Carol...
My first cellmate in prison was a black guy named Nathan. He could barely string a sentence together and was not the cleanest guy in the world. That first night Nathan tried to have sex with me but I refused. He socked me so hard in my stomach that I literally saw stars.Each night I refused his advances he would hit me. Finally, after a week, I decided that having gay sex with Nate was better than being beat to a pulp, so I sucked his 7-inch cock. As he came in my mouth he told me to swallow it...
Depart: 8:20 a.m. Arrive: 5:40 p.m. Tues., May 29 Tues, May 29 Guam (GUM) Kwajalein, Marshall Isl (KWA) One stop. Time on ground 0.45 Travel Time: 7 hr 20 mn Distance: 1,590 miles Flight:UA755 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Y) Meal: Breakfast No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: The previous night had a surreal quality. For one thing, it was the middle of the day in New Jersey. Sean can fall asleep any time, anywhere, which is a skill I envy. He says he...
As the news broke that London would be going into more stricter lock down measure Maureen had called me to tell me to come over as Alan was going out for the day as she wanted to see me before the restrictions started.Going through her front door we kiss and make our way upstairs. I held her in my arms, my cock just shot up in the air and stood like a true champion. I couldn't help but just pulled her towards me crushing her massive breasts in our embrace, I held her by her bare waist and...
Spells can work various ways... you dont even have to "believe" in them for a spell to work on you... all you really need is the ability to understand what you hear me say or comprehend my text... I could go much more into this but the simple fact is your're gay and stupid so you wont be able to grasp my big words anyway... So with that said lets move along and get this spell on the go!!!You will need:~ 20 objects to suck... such as spoons, heels, pens, etc~ 1 stick candle for your ass and a...
It was the week after Charles was sick and had followed the guys to the cinema to watch Green Lantern the movie. Charles never called or sent Ivy any text messages. He had never seen her in town. He just tried not to think about her. He only prayed that she would go away and leave him alone. Charles thought that maybe Ivy decided to leave him alone out of guilt. If it had not been for her, he wouldn't have ended up sick. Charles had worked for his mom the entire week, including...
Maine fir dadaji se bola, “Aap toh kal kuch kar hi nahin paye mere saath. Aap kaho toh aaj aapko bhi thodi shaanti de du?” Toh dadaji ne muskura ke kaha, “Beti mere dimaag mein kuch aur chal raha hai.” Main boli, “Kya hua dadaji?” Iska jawab dete hue woh bole. “Beti, mere potey se shaadi karne ke liye koi ladki nahin mil rahi hai. Woh bhi ab 32 ka ho chala hai. Toh mere dimaag mein aaye din wahi chalta hai.” Toh main bhi dadaji ki dasha ko samajhte hue boli, “Dadaji, aap pareshaan mat hoiye...
This is a story about an encounter I had that got a little out of hand. I live a pretty simple life. Standard job, family, etc, and its all good. I'm not complaining, but I do get a little bored sometimes. What is it they say about idle minds?A few years back, I was traveling for work and staying in a hotel in Austin, TX. After a long three days of work, I returned to the hotel on Friday night around 8:00 p.m. I was a little tipsy from the business dinner, and after three days on my own I was...
ReluctanceThe part about the AC going out and the open door is true, the rest is pure fantasy from my perverted sex-starved brain. Warning: This story contains adult content including cuckqueaning, voyeurism, masturbation, and clothed female nude male. If you don't enjoy this kind of smut, please choose another story. 8========D It was a typical night in my house. After the kids had gone to bed, I tried to start some foreplay with my wife of fifteen years. But for the 1,162nd day in a row, she...
It was her idea to seduce me, but now that she was mine, I intended to enjoy her as much and as often as possible. I stood up, grabbed her by the hand and walked her to the shower in the master bedroom. I was taking her into my matrimonial bedroom, into the same shower I had fucked her mother many times before. While I turned on the water and adjusted the knobs for the right temperature, Olivia came up behind and put her arms around me, telling me that she loved me. I replied that I loved...
My friends were not the only people that seemed reluctant to have the evening come to an end. The parking lot still held hundreds of cars and I estimated 200 people were lining the metal barriers that offered Liz a route through the crowd. Eric, Rick, Chris and Susan had made their way to their cars and headed homeward. Ryan had added Matt and Sarah’s dark SUV to the formation of cars that the drivers pulled around to the exit. It came from a different manufacturer but it looked close enough...
Beautiful redhead slut Violet Monroe might think she’s found the wrong address while searching for a temp agency, but she’s definitely in the right place, because the 5 horny dudes she runs into are ready to put her to work. They don’t have her answering phones or anything like that. Instead she’s answering their demands, getting tied up, and being bent over so they can employ every hole she’s got. First the guys surround her, convincing her she’s got the...
xmoviesforyouAuthor Note:The following story is fictional (maybe), only the names have been changed to protect the guilty (and the horny.) When the recession first hit, I wasn’t too worried. I had a good job with a strong retailer working the back office, the price of gas and food had gone down, and the rent on my apartment was very reasonable. Then, we got word that my so-called strong retailer had filed bankruptcy and they were closing several of their stores. I wasn’t worried since I was sure if my...