Wifes a drunken slut
- 2 years ago
- 82
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Carol and I had been married for nearly ten years. We truly loved one another and had what I would say at least, to be a better than average sex-life. We enjoyed spending whatever time we could together, though we had early on agreed that we both needed some time to ourselves. For me that was a round of golf with the guys on Sunday every once in a while, and for Carol, it was spending it with her friends in the little book club they'd begun.
Carol worked as a school teacher which in the beginning she'd started doing just to help out with things while I attempted to get my own business off the ground, which I had managed to do in the small work area of the basement that I'd turned into my own workable shop. It wasn't meant to be a full-time job for me, just something to do on the side for a little extra money. But after a while, it became quite lucrative, quite unexpectedly.
I had started out transferring videotapes onto disc, in the beginning for friends and family until word began to spread and suddenly I was inundated with requests to transfer people's entire collection of tapes. Before I knew it, I was working six hours a day making more money in that amount of time than I'd made at my full time job in an eight to ten hour day.
Then it really got interesting. A few closer friends had approached me about transferring their private little home movies onto disc as well. And before long, word spread that I was more than willing to do that for them too. The next thing I knew, I was getting business from nearly all over the country, just transferring people's naughty little x-rated videotapes.
Carol knew about that side of my business of course, yeah ... admittedly we'd watched a few of the more interesting tapes together, some of which I'd made copies of and kept for ourselves. I had laughed though when Carol told me that if any of our friends came to me about transferring their videos, she didn't want to know about it, because she didn't really want to know what friends of ours were doing what behind closed doors.
At forty-one, Carol could pass for a woman in her early thirties. She had dark brown shoulder length hair, though she wasn't averse to cutting it shorter for the style of the day. Whenever she did that, it was like being married to a whole different woman, and often our sex-life renewed itself whenever she did that, which was certainly fine with me. She still had a knockout figure, though she was always complaining about the few extra pounds she was carrying, though damned if I could ever really see them, usually I was just staring at her tits. Carol still had lovely breasts, full, ripe and perfectly proportioned, though there again, she saw flaws that I never did, something about gravity and all that.
When the opportunity came for me to join a guy's golf club on Sundays, I thought Carol would really balk at that. After all, once in a while on Sunday was ok, but making a commitment to play every Sunday was pushing it. To my surprise however, Carol urged me to do just that, saying when she did that she could then host their little book-club at our house on Sundays when I was off playing, which had been difficult for her group in scheduling to do as most of the other husbands (who weren't out golfing) really didn't want to have their day or domain disrupted by a bunch of noisy women.
As it turned out, the offer to join was contingent on my participating more as a substitute when one of the other guys couldn't make it and fill out a foursome. But that worked out for me too, as there was usually always someone who couldn't make it for one reason or another. I'd even quit worrying about getting a call asking me if I was available to fill in or not, so I just showed up and had always been able to play.
This had gone on for quite some time by now, me golfing on Sundays, and Carol meeting with her group on Sundays at our place. The one and only time I'd been told I wouldn't be needed, informing Carol I'd be staying home instead, they had hurriedly made arrangements to meet elsewhere rather than have me underfoot or interrupting their discussions.
Then one day I had gone off to golf, arriving only to discover that everyone had shown up who was supposed to. It was one of those rare times when using me as a substitution wasn't needed. Turning around and heading for home, I thought about how that would no doubt annoy my wife as well as her bookish friends. I knew I could pull around the side of the house without being heard, using the back driveway entrance instead of the front, which would no doubt be taken up by most of her friends cars anyway. From there, I could easily slip into the back door, enter the kitchen, and with luck, disappear down stairs to my workshop without any of them even being the wiser. I could certainly entertain myself down there for the few hours that they met, and then explain it all to her afterwards. Provided I didn't disturb or interrupt anything, I didn't figure that would certainly pose any problems.
Of course, shortly after arriving home is when I discovered one of my wife's dirty little secrets.
By now of course, I had a pretty sophisticated little set up. I could record, do videos, and transfer a multitude of tapes simultaneously. I even had my own little refrigerator, which I kept stocked with a few beers, some soft drinks and enough munchies to keep me going until dinnertime. In addition to that, I even had my own bathroom, which is where I now headed in order to relieve myself prior to doing some work.
Sitting down on the john, I could clearly hear the distinct voice of my wife and her friends coming from the sitting room that sat directly above me. Obviously the air ducts were connected into those of the bathroom and I smiled inwardly realizing that.
"How does that feel?" I heard someone saying.
"It feels really good," I heard another woman's voice suddenly respond. "George would die if he knew I'd purchased this, but I just had to try it!" she giggled suggestively.
That got my attention. I still wasn't sure that I had heard what I'd heard, or even that it had meant what my dirty little mind suddenly thought it might mean. But I also knew George, and now I recognized the voice as coming from Margie his wife. I couldn't really say George and I were friends, more of an acquaintance, with Carol and Margie actually being friends. He really was a bit of a strange duck, prudish in a way, and not someone I could or would ever imagine doing naughty little tapes for. I had in fact transferred a few video tapes for them, but not one of which had even had an "R" rating!
"How's it feel against your breasts?" I heard Carol suddenly comment. "I really like it against mine," she added.
"What the fuck?"
"It sorta tickles, but in a nice way, you know what I mean?" I heard a bit of giggling again, then another low moan coming from someone else entirely.
"I think she's getting close," someone chuckled. "She always gets that same look on her face whenever she cums."
"Holy shit!" I thought to myself. I'd been sitting there, now standing with my ear pressed against the vent. I'd been trying to convince myself that what I was hearing and listening to, wasn't what it really was. They had to be discussing some damn book they'd been reading, even if it was a more provocative one. Now I had serious doubts. Though for the life of me, I just couldn't imagine my wife participating in something like what I was beginning to suspect was actually going on. They certainly weren't discussing any books, though perhaps the kind of books they'd been reading had somehow led to this, which was confirmed to me a short while later, but I digress.
"Oh, Oh, Oh!" I heard then.
"Yep! Like I said, there she goes!"
Someone giggled, someone else began moaning, and then I heard my wife. "Let me do that for you," she purred in that sultry sounding voice I had so often heard myself. "Always feels better when someone else does it for you doesn't it?" she asked.
"Oh hell yes," Margie was just barely able to say. "And like I said, George would never do this for me in a million years anyway!"
Moments later I was listening to the woman climaxing, as well as several others. Dumbfounded, I stood there not knowing what the hell I should do, or say, or react. I had mixed emotions, some of them bordering on the ridiculous when it came right down to it. Was this something I should be angry about? Excited? Offended? Shocked? Well a little shocked maybe, surprised yes ... but now horny as hell too!
Things seemed to settle down pretty quickly after that, though they began talking in normal tones once again hearing them dress. "So, we read the next chapter of "My Secret Life", and then it will be Cathy's turn to share either a fantasy or preferably a real experience that ties in with that chapter of the book."
"I thought it was my turn?" Another woman spoke whose identity still eluded me. So far that made a total of eight women, including my wife who was there. Eight women!
"No, you're next week," my wife spoke informing her. "Then the week after that, it's my turn."
"Oh goody!" Margie said excitedly. "I like it when you share something naughty and fun with us, you and Pete seem to have the most exciting sex-life, I wish ours was even half as exciting as yours is," she stated. I heard Carol laugh.
"Yeah, especially these past few months, ever since we've been getting together like this, I've found myself becoming more and more aroused. And not only that, a bit more naughty and adventurous too! Even Pete commented on that Friday night when I decided to give him a blow-job in the parking lot at the supermarket."
I had to admit, I really had enjoyed that.
"That's what I mean Carol, I really envy you for being able to be so free and uninhibited like that."
Once again Carol laughed. "Now, if only Pete was half as much," she told everyone, or the rest of our husbands for that matter!" she added garnering a general round of laughter from everyone else when she said it.
"Now ... who's ready for cake?"
I suddenly realized I was in a very precarious position here. For one thing, the last thing I wanted was for any of them, especially Carol, to know I was even here. And secondly, I suddenly had an idea, though it would take some planning and preparation. Only once before had I ever gone out the window in the basement when I had inadvertently locked myself in. I'd soon after corrected that problem from ever happening again, but had ensured that the window remained accessible as a way out in the advent of another emergency, which suddenly, this was.
I made it out to the car safely enough, and then from there to a local nearby McDonalds where I was sure no one would see me. I sat periodically glancing at my watch, the last thing I wanted to do was arrive early. I didn't want that spooking them or raising any alarms. When it was time, I drove home arriving in the same fashion as I always did after a round of golf. Everyone had gone by then of course, which was also usually the case.
"Hi sweetie!" I said as I entered the kitchen, leaning over to give my wife a kiss just as I also always did.
"Hi honey! How was golf?"
"Same old, same old!" I responded as I usually always did. "How was the book study?"
"Ditto, same here," Carol replied, then immediately wanted to change the subject. "Hungry?"
"Yeah ... for you!" I grinned. "Wanna fuck?"
She did ... and we did. And the whole time we were at it, I kept thinking about what I'd heard down in the basement, and began planning for the busy day ahead of me tomorrow.
Carol had gone off to work to teach her classes. A half hour after that, I headed out the door towards a particular little specialty shop. I had pretty much everything I needed, except for a handful of miniature little spy cameras. Soon after purchasing the units, I arrived home and began thinking about where I could hide the miniature cameras without their being seen. It was important that they were well hidden and impossible to discover or there would no doubt be all sorts of hell to pay.
Eventually I found the best places to be in the air vents themselves as well as a couple of smoke detectors I had installed. Carol never bothered any of these, nor would she have any reason to do so. I soon had more than enough coverage in the den where they obviously spent most of their time, one camera at floor level, another looking down from the ceiling. A simple joystick allowed me to switch back and forth between the two, zoom in and out, as well as rotate the tiny eye around the entire room if I needed to. In addition, I placed another in the front room in the event they should decide to use that room instead, and finally one in the bedroom that I thought might be interesting for future personal use along with another in the kitchen area.
I had one camera left and decided to go ahead and install it in the bathroom though initially I had reservations about doing so. But the reality was, should I get caught using any of them, it wouldn't really matter where I'd installed them, so I again checked, and then double checked to see if I could even see, hear or detect them when they were operating. I couldn't. Everything was set, now I had just one more thing to do, and then all I could do was wait for the next weekend to arrive.
I called Steve the club president and informed him I would no longer be available for substitution as I'd be pretty busy doing something else over the next few months. Having done that, I no longer worried about getting a call asking me to come and golf when Carol had thought me out already doing so.
I was unbelievably excited, curious and nervous as hell the following weekend when I got up, dressed, and left as usual to "head off to the course".
"Have fun!" she said giving me a kiss.
"You too!" I told her throwing my clubs into the back of the car. I noticed she was grinning when I turned to wave at her. I couldn't help but wonder what it was she was really grinning about.
And not that I needed the extra time, but I had told Carol I'd planned on lunching with the guys at the club after we'd finished golfing for the day, so to expect me a little later than usual. I had said that, wondering if that would make her, as well as the rest of the women a little easier of mind on the one hand, and curious to see if having more time, they might become more adventurous than normal. It was just a thought, but proved itself to be a good one as I found out.
I drove over to the park which was a short distance away, parked the car, then made my way slowly back to the house. As our property sat on a good sized acre of land, it was easy to conceal myself as I made my way up the tree line next to the small little brook that ran by one side of the house. Though there was a large grassy area behind the house that was open, I was also aware that unless Carol was standing in our bedroom looking out in that direction, the likelihood of being seen was pretty remote. Even so, I waited patiently until the women began arriving, and then knew it to pretty much be safe as she met them at the door on the other side of the house. I sprinted the short distance to the basement window that I had ensured wasn't locked, pulled it open and let myself in, slipping silently down into the basement area.
I wasn't too worried about being heard inside the house either as Carol had once told me she couldn't hear anything I was ever doing down there as it was so well insulated just for that very reason. Short of pulling a wall down, I didn't have to worry about tippy-toeing around, or even sneezing. I made my way over to the control panel, switched on the cameras and ensured they were functioning properly. Then, I adjusted the sound for each of them so I could just clearly hear what was being said.
At first, it was the typical normal chitchat as they waited for everyone to arrive, but once they had however, things really got interesting in a hurry.
I had of course recognized Margie, but was a little surprised to see Pat there as well. Pat was my wife's very best friend as they had actually grown up together. Carol and Pat were also alike in many ways too, same sort of humor and likes as well as dislikes. Pat wasn't exactly a knockout, but she was cute, and from the few time's I'd managed to peer down the front of some outfit she was wearing, I had managed to catch an occasional glimpse of her small, but attractive looking breasts.
And now seeing Cathy, I knew who she was now too, a fellow teacher from my wife's school though I had only met her once before. I had seen one of the other women at the grocery store a few times, had even chatted with her there once with my wife, but I honestly couldn't remember her name. The other three women with her must have been friends of hers which she'd brought along as they tended to group together in the beginning before pairing off as they were wont to do when things got going. Almost immediately they headed off into the den area, so I switched cameras from the front living room into there and watched as they filtered in taking up their seats.
"Ok, so as we mentioned last week, it's Cathy's turn to begin this week's discussion. Let's quickly recap the last chapter we were supposed to read, talk about what we found interesting or exciting about it. After that, it's Cathy's turn to share either a similar experience, or a fantasy regarding it."
I fully expected them to start reading, or talking about it as they had all brought their books along with them, but the next thing I knew, they had all once again stood and began removing their clothing, just like that!
"Oh that's a pretty bra!" Pat stated actually walking over and placing her hand on one of the other women's breasts, a woman I hadn't seen before, and whom I hadn't as yet heard her name mentioned naming her either. It was pretty, a nice lacy burgundy color that really accentuated her reddish brown hair. "Is it comfy?"
"Very much so," the woman stated, though at the same moment, she had reached behind herself undoing the clasp so that her bra came off in her hands. She had rather large breasts too, slightly bigger than my wife's as I looked in comparison. "And the really nice thing is, they don't pinch or ride up on my boobs either!" I watched as she lifted her breast, demonstrating as she did that she had no lines or markings left by the bra.
"I really do like the style and design," Pat continued now handling the discarded bra, "but I don't know if they'd have something quite that pretty in my size."
As I said, Pat certainly wasn't flat-chested, not by any means, but her breasts were noticeably smaller as she finally revealed them, and finally gave me a totally unobstructed view of her cute little pointed peaks for the very first time. The fact Pat wasn't nearly as large as most if not all of the other women wasn't something that I was really too concerned with. I simply loved looking at women's tits ... all shapes, and all sizes! At the moment, I was currently enjoying a virtual smorgasbord of luscious looking titty-flesh, including my own wife's!
Much to my delight, they were soon all naked, once again taking their respective seats, though three women sat closely together sharing the couch. Carol was sitting on one end Cathy in the middle and another woman whose name I also didn't know as yet sitting on the other side of her.
"Fuck, this is great!" I said quietly to myself, just seeing the three of them sitting together like that on the couch was tantalizing enough! Reaching over to the control panel, I pushed "record" and sat back to watch the show.
" ... as you recall, he had already caught the butler shagging the maid earlier that morning, watching them in secret and determined now that he would find a way to have her as well. Being new to the position, he thought he had a pretty good way of coercing her into submission, and thus waited until it was late, and once everyone else had gone to bed, he then slipped out of his own room waiting in the dark recess of the hallway for the maid to head off to her bedroom, anticipating her lover to meet her there in the hallway, she hesitated nervously looking about for him. But as we all know, he had already sent off the butler on an errand far out of town, unable to return until the next morning."
"I love this part, even if it is pretty far-fetched", I heard and watched Carol comment.
"Yeah, me too," Pat replied in agreement. "I've sort of always had a fantasy about that."
"Well it's not your turn to share yet," Carol reminded her. "At least not until Cathy has finished retelling the story, then sharing her own with us first."
By now, many of the women were quite openly caressing themselves, or touching themselves in semi-innocent little ways. Nothing that one would say or call openly masturbating as yet, but about as close to doing it as you could without really doing so. Even then, watching this woman or that one running her hand lightly over a breast, down a thigh, or a quick fleeting press of the hand between the legs was about as titillating a thing as I had ever seen before.
"Anyway, as she passes by where he is sitting, he steps out of the darkness from behind her, immediately wrapping his arms about her, and then kissing her neck. Thinking it is at first the butler, she swoons to his caress, even allowing his hand to raise her nightdress upwards, and giving him access to her obviously aroused femininity."
"So strange the different names they used for that back then, personally I like the word pussy," Pat said interrupting once again.
"Yeah, except they didn't say cutesy words like that back then either. They were always saying quim, or when they were really horny ... cunt!"
"Never did like that word," Cathy stated.
"Oh? Why not? I think it's sexy whenever Brandon uses it," The dark haired brunet with the big tits said.
"Well, maybe that's different, just whenever I've heard it, it's meant to be vulgar, or obscene."
"I think that's the point of the book we're reading," Carol reminded everyone, it's supposed to be taken and felt that way.
"Speaking of felt that way, I'll feeling pretty hot myself," Pat said with a giggle.
"Yeah, me too!"
"Darlene, you're always hot," my wife chided the big-boobed brunet, but at least I now had a name for her, and wrote it down.
"So go on," Darlene pressed, "Tell us your story!"
Cathy blushed, but began, squirming in her seat, though I half wondered if it wasn't because Carol had reached over placing her hand high up on her leg, leaving it there as she gently caressed the small area of skin.
"We used to have this cabin that we visited at least once a year. I enjoyed going there with the family, but I hated having to use the outdoors outhouse which is usually why most of the time I didn't."
That brought a knowing chuckle from everyone, though she continued.
"So one night I saw Uncle David go outside in that direction,"
"You're uncle?" The previously silent blond sitting off by herself suddenly spoke for the first time. "Ewe!"
"Charlene! He really wasn't my uncle, we just called him that for some reason, he was a friend of the family really, but most of us just called him Uncle Dave. Anyway, I had always had a bit of a crush on him, and since I had just turned eighteen, and that this might very well be the last time I even went up to the cabin with my folks as I'd soon after be moving away to go to school, I figured I had nothing much to lose!"
"Go on!" Darlene urged getting obviously more interested and excited now, which was clearly evident as her hand had traveled purposely down between her legs, and she seemed quite happy and content to keep it there.
"Well like I said, I sorta followed him, but he too had decided to stand off to one side and pee in the dark rather than go into the disgusting outhouse. I pretended I had no idea he was even there, walked over a ways though I knew he could easily see me, and squatted down."
"You peed?" Pat asked, "In front of him?"
"Shhh, let her finish," My wife once again scolded her friend.
"Yeah, I did, but it felt naughty, exciting for some reason, especially knowing he was watching me there in the darkness. Anyway, that's when I stood, but rather than pull up my underpants and shorts, I just sort of stood there, and in the next minute, I had slipped my hand down between my legs and was touching myself. I was pretty sure I heard a twig snap, but then nothing, though I pretended I hadn't heard anything and continued doing what I was doing. Suddenly, just like in the story, I felt Dave's hands encircle my waist, one hand suddenly slipping down between my legs taking over for me."
"Wow, that IS hot!" Charlene exclaimed, and she too was now rubbing her self just as was nearly everyone else by this time.
"So did you?" Pat pressed.
"Hell yes! I'm not stupid!" Cathy grinned remembering. "We soon after headed off into the woods and good old Uncle Dave fucked the shit out of me!"
"That's gross," Charlene stated, but then she laughed, "Well ... sorta anyway, but I know what you mean."
"Where's the toys?" One of the other women asked suddenly. "I think I'm about ready for one," she added.
"Where they usually are Suzanne," My wife pointed out. "Over there in the basket."
Though I had another name to add to my list now, I was more curious about watching than writing that one down. Suzanne was a strikingly beautiful woman with long thick dark hair that fell way down past her shoulders. She too had magnificent looking breasts with dark brown areolas, nice sized thick nipples that I'd been watching her thumb, but even more interesting as I now noticed, fairly thick elongated lips that actually peeked out from her pussy, not at all like my wife's lips that seemed to stay hidden unless I specifically brought them outside to play.
"So you liked using this one?" Suzanne asked Margie.
"Oh yeah, I did, I really did. I even ordered one for myself to take home, though I'm going to have to be very careful not to let George find it. The last one I had, he threw out telling me if he wasn't man enough for me, that maybe we'd best be rethinking our marriage."
"You go girl!" Darlene stated standing up and walking around the couch where she stood behind where my wife was sitting. "I'd be seriously rethinking that myself if my husband ever told me something like that."
"Jack? No way, he's too fucking beautiful to leave," my wife stated actually surprising me. If you weren't so damn possessive of him, I'd wrestle you for an hour alone with him myself," she said teasingly.
"Better not, you might even win, and I think Jack might even enjoy that," she said grinning. "Though, I am sure Pete wouldn't mind seeing that either."
"Which reminds me," Carol interrupted briefly. "We've got at least an extra hours time today, so don't anyone feel like they have to be in a rush to finish anything. We've got plenty of time."
"Golfing, and then lunch," My wife confirmed.
"Ah, well in that case then."
I sat there watching as Darlene slipped her hands down to my wife's breasts as she stood behind her, tweaking what I knew to be very sensitive nipples.
"Oh yeah, I love the way you do that," she told her. I watched, making a mental note of it, but didn't see anything really different than the way I usually played with them. I then watched as Pat suddenly slithered off the couch kneeling down in front of my wife. Carol lifted her legs, bent at the knee now, and spread herself obscenely, without hesitation or reservation.
"I just love going down on you," Pat told her.
"And I love that you do too!" My wife giggled, and then sighed once again as Darlene continued fondling her breasts. "And this ... makes that ... feel even better!" she added blissfully.
By now of course I was as hard as a rock. I don't even remember having taking my cock out, but at some point I must have. I was leaking pre-cum fuck butter like a sieve, and used it to further tease and delight the now very sensitive head with.
"How's the toy?" Cathy asked a moment later as she sat watching the two women using it on one another.
"I like it a lot," Suzanne said smiling.
"Yeah, me too," Margie agreed, "Especially using it on her," she added with a lusty grin.
Suzanne leaned back on the single over-sized chair, one leg thrown haphazardly over the arm, the other straight out in front of her as Margie sat on the floor in front of her, twisting and turning the vibrating toy in and out of her openly displayed pussy.
"Now turn the rotating thingy on," Suzanne moaned pleasurably, closing her eyes, biting her lip as Margie did.
"You like that huh?" Margie giggled.
"Fuck yes, just keeps doing it and don't you fucking stop either!"
"Debra? Why don't you come over here and join us?" Darlene urged the one woman whose name I hadn't learned yet, until now. "Carol's got a nice lonely tit I think she'd enjoy having you play with," she urged.
I had noticed early on that Debra and Charlene seemed to be the two shyest ones, but with that simple prompting, she immediately stood and came over to sit down on the couch where she'd been sitting earlier.
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this is another absolutely true story, hope someone enjoys it maybe even Ian and Andy as I know they like xhamster on Saturday afternoon my wife asked if I fancied going out for a drink with friends at night so I said ok but couldn't really be bothered. we went to our local and as the night went on a few of them were looking the worse for wear .I didn't have much to drink which makes a change but it was quite good for once to watch them all get drunk instead of me . I was amazed at how much I...
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"Hussshhhhh" I sighed as I got out of the shower.I had just come back from college, and after a long day of boring lectures and random doodling on the back of my notebook, I had come home and I needed a hot shower to recharge my batteries. With a towel wrapped around my body and little drops of water still trickling down my legs to my ankle, I walked over to the dressing table. I picked up the bottle of hair conditioner and started applying it over my hair. I, then picked up the bottle of body...
"Hussshhhhh" I sighed as I got out of the shower.I had just come back from college, and after a long day of boring lectures and random doodling on the back of my notebook, I had come home and I needed a hot shower to recharge my batteries. With a towel wrapped around my body and little drops of water still trickling down my legs to my ankle, I walked over to the dressing table. I picked up the bottle of hair conditioner and started applying it over my hair. I, then picked up the bottle of body...
Introduction: Wifes Photo Shoot I was attending a conference in L. A. and this time my wife Linda was accompanying me. Usually she preferred to stay at home, but this time she wanted to come along, and enjoy the sun and pool in late spring. It was delightful, and we enjoyed some great eating as well as some pool time when the meeting ended each day, which was early afternoon. On one occasion, there were two women sitting next to us, and we became acquainted with them. It developed that Kim,...
never thought i would try to write a wee story but what happened a few weeks ago absolutely blew my mind so much i just have to tell someone ,this is a true story.me + the wife were having some couples over for a drink + a chat .we had been sitting for a couple of hours + i had sat next to one of my matesdavie ,who ,when he got drunk always told me about his fetish ( worn panties ) i have never told him i have the same hobby , only ever with my wifes though,he always told me in the pub that...
Introduction: Second posting of this story. This story has been posted a few years ago, but I asure you I am the same person (jessica). I had to get a new account and wished for the story to be posted on here. So that the second story, once finished could be posted on the same account. It has been edited and slight changes. If you are looking for a fast shorty, this is not the one for you. I hope you enjoy the story! Dirty Little Love Secret Chapter 1: First Hint Let me start off by telling...
Julia was doing some spring cleaning in the house. She had scrubbed everything, cleaned the oven, scrubbed the floors and was in the process of cleaning out the closets. Stuffed in the back of a closet was a bin. She didn’t know what was in it. The sight that greeted her caused a jumble of emotions in her. The bin was full of women’s clothing. It was all silky and sexy, Nightgowns, little panties and thongs, silk scarves and some thigh highs. But none of it was in her size. It was all too large...
Julia was doing some spring cleaning in the house. She had scrubbed everything, cleaned the oven, scrubbed the floors and was in the process of cleaning out the closets. Stuffed in the back of a closet was a bin. She didn’t know what was in it. The sight that greeted her caused a jumble of emotions in her. The bin was full of women’s clothing. It was all silky and sexy; Nightgowns, little panties and thongs, silk scarves and some thigh highs. But none of it was in her size. It was all too large...
CrossdressingJulia was doing some spring cleaning in the house. She had scrubbed everything, cleaned the oven, scrubbed the floors and was in the process of cleaning out the closets. Stuffed in the back of a closet was a bin. She didn't know what was in it. The sight that greeted her caused a jumble of emotions in her. The bin was full of women's clothing. It was all silky and sexy; Nightgowns, little panties and thongs, silk scarves and some thigh highs. But none of it was in her size. It was all too large...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Will i should explain who am i first, My name is Josh im 18 years old 5"7 tall they say i have a body design only for romance in bed quite cute also, and my sister shes 18 years old 5"4 tall very cute and pretty she has skin like snow and her long hair that black as a crow she has also the most beautiful breast that i have evr seen quite round,firm and not big just right and i know all boys that would see it would be amazed cuz' its perfect. We live in...
IncestBack in England, without her husband, Madge stayed with her sister the wife's family for a while until she got sorted. At the time the wife didn't know the full story, but Madge had been in Kenya for 12 months with her husband who died the day before they came back, nobody at the time talked about it and Madge distracted her Mother from constantly coming between the pair of k**s and reducing the opportunities form mutual fun. Madge slightly older than mum, smoked, drunk dads scotch and...
Introduction: Wife Encounters a Donkey Our Stories in Succession: 1. Bree1 Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession...
Dear Diary, Do you want to hear a secret? … you see, the thing is… I’m a dirty little slut. It all started a few days ago… I saw him staring at my tits as they fought to escape my skimpy top and my flimsy bra. I smiled at him, bent over to pick up something that I had “dropped”, winked at him. He was hot, I could feel my pussy getting wet and soaking my favorite lacy underwear with my sweet juices. He smiled back at me, ravishing my body with one lust-filled look as I scrawled my number...
Introduction: Meeting Daddy June 20th, 2010 Dear Diary, Do you want to hear a secret? &hellip, you see, the thing is&hellip, Im a dirty little slut. It all started a few days ago&hellip, I saw him staring at my tits as they fought to escape my skimpy top and my flimsy bra. I smiled at him, bent over to pick up something that I had dropped, winked at him. He was hot, I could feel my pussy getting wet and soaking my favorite lacy underwear with my sweet juices. He smiled back at me, ravishing...
Dirty Little Secrets By Couture"Are you done yet Millie?" Victoria called from the living room."Almost finished ma'am." The petite young woman hurriedly loaded the cups in the dishwasher and looked around beneath the sink for the detergent. She was a pretty girl of only twenty four. However, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, cheeks with a light coat of blush, sky blue eyeshadow, and pink lipstick, she looked nineteen."Hurry, you're embarrassing me in front of my friend.""I'm sorry...
“So, um… Chad?”“Yes, Ashley?”“I’ve been thinking. You know I have a boyfriend, and you might be the only one that might listen to me. This is kind of a confession.”“What?”Now, let’s pause right here. A myriad of thoughts were running through my head at this point in time.Like:“Why me? Ashley doesn’t even talk to me much. What could the confession be?”I got the answer swiftly.“Chad… She told me you packing a little, huh?”I cursed to myself.“I should have known. As close as you two are... I...
Anal"Yes, Ashley?" "I've been thinking. You know I have a boyfriend, and you might be the only one that might listen to me on this topic... since you look at it every day. This is kind of a confession." "What is it?" Now, let's pause right here. A myriad of thoughts were running through my head at this point in time. For example: "Why me? Ashley doesn't even talk to me much. What could the confession be?" I got the answer quickly. "Chad... Becky told me you packing a little,...
I am happy in my relationship with my new girlfriend, Melissa. We see each other often but still, have those moments of freedom or ‘free time’ as we like to call it. The sex is outstanding and she has a voracious appetite for fucking. She is kinky, perverted sometimes, and has proven that anything goes as far as sex is concerned, which is great. I would say we are like-minded in that respect.Our relationship is fairly new, and recently, I have been staying over at her flat a little longer than...
FetishIntroduction: a wifes unbelievable past is revealed Thanks for choosing my story. This story has some serious hardcore parts as well as rather gross parts to it. Not the main storyline but I wanted to warn you of it. Please comment if you like the story. It does go on for several chapters. If the replies are favorable I will be happy to post more. Some of this is actually true and some fantasy. Jack, a confident, successful, self-made guy opens the door to the local eating establishment and...
Introduction: wife comes to find out our past is our future this report cant be accurate. The asshole probably followed a crazy hooker or something instead of my wife. I have to check this out. No way hes right. I just cant divorce her on what could very well be and is most likely the wrong person. Ill just go to this address and see if shes there. If she is then I would have to guess the report is true. Guess Ill find out in a bit. Jack then proceeds to pack up his stuff. Not that hes been...
My Wifes Best Friend I had always thought that Kim was a great looking young mother of 3 . I had gotten to Know Jim quite well over the years and we had a few beers at the summer Bar B Q’s at both our homes . Enjoyed watch the young k**s play in the pool and we even had time with our wives in the 6 person hot tub one night last August . That was when this all begain , it seem innocent enough . The girls had a few drinks and Jim wanted to claim down after a busy day with the k**s in the Hot tub...
My wife and I were married young. I was 19 she was 18. I joined the military the following month and overseas I went. It was sometime over there while watching porn that I realized threesomes turned me especially those where it showed a wife being shared. After returning home I slowly revealed to my wife my fantasies. It stayed just that, we would talk about it when we had sex and it made things hotter. A few months after I returned home a friend of mine happened to get stationed at the same...
about two months ago my wifes best friend had a huge argument with her husband and came to our house to spend the night. her friend michele is 37 about 5'8" 160 curvy big tits black long hair italian she's very sexy. she came over and her angmy wife talked she cried and talked more into the night drinking wine (my wife is pregnant so no wine or her) by midnight my wife was tired and went to bed and michele was very tipsy and was getting ready to sleep on the couch. I was doing somdishes and...
Introduction: Promiscuous wife forced to let her boss have fun Wifes boss sexual harassment For most of my wifes life and most of our relationship, my wife Karen has had an undiagnosed medical condition that caused her to be promiscuous and to drink alcohol excessively, only adding to her promiscuousness. On days when her medical condition got bad she would say yes to any guy who asked for sex, when her condition got worse she would end up at some sleazy bar drinking way too much self...
Introduction: A wife gets horney and it turns into a no holds sex romp The day began as most Saturday mornings do. Coffee for me and Decaf Tea for my wife Andrea to background county music playing. After we finished breakfast Andrea informed me that a friend of ours was flying in from Texas this evening and wanted to get together. His name is George, and he is an averagely built man with dirty blonde hair and a boyish face. She looked up at me with her girly brown eyes, over her steaming cup of...
My name is Frank and my wifes name is Patty. At the time we were in our late 20's and had been married for 8 years. We had started to experiment a bit and talk about watching her get fucked by other men. She understood it was my turn on and she was also a bit excited about the thought of it all. One night we were in bed fooling around and I wanted her to give me head. She was good at it but the past year she had been refusing to do the deed. We talked and talked and then I told her that if she...
Cheating WifesIntroduction: wife is suspected of gross cheating and help is coming Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for Jack, hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen good morning babe, smells good. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. Hope your hungry? I...
A few years ago my (then) girlfriend Anne got a job in another town and moved in with a new housemate. Her name was Carole, she was French, and hot as fuck. Whenever I was round there I would flirt with Carole, my mind racing about how I would have liked to have been balls-deep in her pussy. She was average height, with perky tits, fantastic legs, dark hair and eyes, and a naughty smile. One day, Anne and Carole were at work and I was home alone, horny as hell. A thought occurred to me, and...
You are in this story the 20 year old Jesse. You live together with your mom(Sandra), your dad(Ben), your little brother(Mark) and your big sister(Julia). you have a happy, good working family. Only there is one thing you never want to to tell your family or anyone else. That is the secret about your penis. See you dont have a normal penis, but a very tiny little mini penis. Flaccid is it just 1 inch long, and hard are just 3 inches. Youve never told anyone about is. Youve always succeeded to...
BDSMHer Dirty Secrets from Her Lover and The Naughty Chef It began as a usual Saturday in the big infamous oval track town, racing capital of the world, home of the black and white checkered flag, the Indianapolis 500. Deanne was extremely tired. She had talked to her friend with benefits, her lover, in NYC through the night. Slowly over a period of about four months, they had been getting to know one another as friends and lovers. It was safe to say they were both pretty much suffering...
My job keeps me on the road a lot, always with one other coworker. Recently I was lucky enough to go on a trip with an attractive female coworker - a very unusual thing! We talked during the trip, as usual, nothing special. When we checked into the hotel, it happened that we ended up with adjoining rooms. We walked to the rooms and said goodnight. I got undressed, unpacked my stuff, and pulled out the laptop to enjoy a little porn before bed.The walls are a little thin, and it's not...
Parties were a regular occurrence at our house. We'd have guitars strumming, everyone singing, dancing, booze and good food. As soon as I got in from work I jumped in the shower to get ready for tonight. I didn't have much time so I was trying to hurry. We only had one bathroom at our house and we all joked and call it the "community" bathroom. No matter when you decided to take a shower, someone was going to walk in on you; this time was no different. Katie walked in just after I got in the...
LesbianThat all changed one day. I was having problems with my geometry homework, so I asked if I could hang out at his place so he could help me. We rode the bus home together, but we had to walk a few blocks to get to his house. Unfortunately, that day it was raining pretty hard, and we both got drenched. You could kind of see through my top, so when we got to his house, his older sister gave me a new one. His mom was in the shower and then her and Phillip's sister were heading out. Because of...
Introduction: This story is completely true. Please be patient, this is my first story. When I was a young girl at the age of 9, a new boy moved into my neighborhood and started going to my school. Lets say his name was Phillip. Phillip and I quickly became friends, because at the time I was a bit of a tomboy. We had class together a lot, so it was common for me to be seen at his house or visa versa doing homework. We both dated different people in middle school and I thought of him as a...
Jenny had been at work all day. She had her own office where she labored as a massage ther****t. Once something she woke up excited to do, it had now become like any other job she'd had in the past.Her last client just left. Nice customer, but took a few minutes extra to leave as he kept asking for her number. Over the years, she had become used to it. She realized it was part of what comes with a job where your client is rubbed while naked. Even though it's just his back and he's under a...
This story is completely fictional. I was sitting at home on a Friday night, yet again, when my phone rang. I quickly answered it. "Hello?" I said. A few seconds went by without an answer. Then I finally heard "Andrew?" "Yes who is this?" I asked. "I... It's your sister, Rachel." I heard her say. it sounded like she was holding back tears. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" I had a pretty good feeling I knew what it was. "It's nothing I just..." she stopped for a minute, "It's just that my...
IncestIt was the day before my 21st birthday and I was getting ready for a weekend camping with the lads. I was especially looking forward to seeing my good friend Kane. When we was 17, he told me that he was gay when he was drunk and that he fancied me but we never spoke another word about it. Now growing up I always knew that I was gay or at least bi. I'd had relationships with girls but that was mainly a quick fuck and nothing special, but I'd always wind up fancying their brothers or sometimes...
Gay MaleI have a dirty little secret like many of you men who are reading this story. By day, I am a married, masculine man. I am married to a wonderful woman who has adored me for twelve years. To her and to my friends, I'm a burly, bearded, talented musician about six feet tall and weighing 200 pounds. They all know me as a gentle, friendly guy. But in private, I'm a closet queer. I don't like to use the word "gay" because I think that word minimizes what we are; homosexuals. The truth is that I...
It had been raining all day long and I was stuck at home because of a physics assignment which had to be submitted the next day, my friends too were busy because of the assignments and I spent the whole Sunday morning locked in my room trying to figure out Newton and Einstein’s laws. Neither of my parents nor my elder sister Vidya was at home, I was all alone. Vidya didi, my sister, she was just plain beautiful. She was 21 year old, 5’4” tall, her devotion to yoga had given her a curvy,...
Wifes surprise I would like to spare with you all a fantasy that I always had about my wife. It all began when my wife and I, would fantasies while we had our carnal way with each other. Our sex life has never been routine and most days I would have my wicked way with her, however to enhance, our sexual relationship I like the thought of my wife being fucked by someone else, male or female, just the thought as I write this would makes my cock so hard it feels as if it was going to burst...
We have a house guest for a few months. Wife's aunt is having her home repaired from storm damage. She is seven years older than my wife and a widow. Her husband died at a work place accident early in the marriage. She got depressed gained weight and lived in the home alone. Few years back she joined an exercise group and lost a lot of weight. She is right at the perfect weight for her height now. She has told us many times how she misses the closeness and being held. So she and my wife had...
first time by dark stranger - by shining night My wife grew up in a very conservative Christian home where there was no such thing as sex before marriage, all these things were taboo, and so was it when we were going out which was a huge frustration to me, the upside to this was that I married a virgin and this was great. After 10 years of marriage she had been holding to her Christian ethics and beliefs and had continued to be very conservative that in fact when it came to making love it was...
Erotichi the other night my wife told me that she wanted to go out for a few drinks and a dance and flirt as to which i was instently hard and very horny.She led me upstairs and made me sit on the bed. She got out my stockings and outfit with bra and fake boobs and told me to get them on straight away. Once i had them on she told me to sit on the bed and watch her try on outfits for the night out she was about to have as to which i did and again was hard and ready to burst. She came across a nice...
Introduction: Wife and husband find dog out while hiking My wife loves her doggie (m/f..f/bigdog) My wife and I had been hiking in the mountains East of Modesto when nothing seemed familiar to us. We had gone about three hours on the trail and were headed back. I couldnt see even one point of recognition. After looking for the right trail for an hour or so We had to admit that we were lost. It wouldnt have been so bad just being lost but the sun was getting lower and lower. Even though it was...
Please excus me in not a writer. I'm just a normal guy who is in the dog house and thought I'd share what happened. It was my wifes (kellyanns) 34 birthday last night and we were able to get my parents to have our 3 k**s so we could go out. I booked us a hotel right in the city centre and booked us a table in the vip area in her favourite club. She looked great in a pair of skinny Jean's and a backless top with not bra and a plunging front so she had used some double sided tape on the front to...
so iv got a foot fetish i have done for a while now, i'll sit for hours just massarging my wifes feet,,, she has a pair of trainers that i know after she wheres them her feet develop the worlds sexist smell in the world (well next her sweet smelling fanny that is) i love it so much that i go into ,keep the trainers on mode, where i'll keep asking her to do stuff for me, and not let her get comfortable to the point that she wants to take them of,,(the winter is the best time for this because she...
Hello let me tell you about a true story, i met my wife Claire 12 years ago, she looked stunning 36d boobs, slim body and long legs, nice round arse and very tight pussy, she always liked to tease me. When ever she could she had her hands, mouth or pussy around my cock, let me tell you about myself im John 6ft6 18 stone and play rugby, my nickname is Bull, not because i play rugby but because im just over 10 inch's in the pants area. That's enough about me ,Claire had a few friends...
Introduction: True story of wifes early sexual experience. My wife told me she never really had a boyfriend before she was 14 but she did go on alot of dates and partied with alot of guys, mostly giving them handjobs, letting some younger guys finger bang her and touch her tits!. She said the older hot looking guys with cars and money she would let lick and suck her pussy, she gave alot of blowjobs she really loved oral when she was younger. Once she went out two 18 years old she knew even...
I have decided to share one of the best experiences i have had with my wife..from my previous stories my panty fetish is clear. She now knows i sniff her panties and i lick them clean. Sometimes i dont play with them for a long time then other times i go daily to the hamper for relief. There is no pussy that compares to my wifes. and the way her pussy clings to her panties will leave you beggin to lick them as i do.Last week was one of those weeks where i couldnt get enough of her panties. Now...
It was my wifes birthday and she had taken the day off to celibrate, I said I had to go to work and she shugged it off. I left as normal and went to the store for a cake I ordered the day before ad some flowers. After picking them up I drove back home circling the town for time, I wanted to surprise her - I was the one surprised. I let the car coast into the drive way and got out quietly but as I was going for the cake I heard Judith giggling, the same giggle she makes when I'm eating her...
Introduction: wife reveales wicked past Part2 Pam wakes after a long sleepless night. She spent the night contemplating her dilemma hoping she still has a marriage. She listens for jack hearing him in the kitchen and pots rattling. Pam slowly makes her way to the kitchen after her morning routine. She rounds the corner to the kitchen good morning babe, smells good. Jack has his back to her emptying the contents of the frying pan onto a plate. Hope your hungry? I cooked a ton for some reason....
WIFES HANDJOB IN THE CAR Lately my wife has been getting more and more horny in the beginnings of our mature years. She’s makes all kinds of remarks while out shopping about other men she would see and even at home while watching the tube she would tell me certain guys make her hot. She has really gotten into black guys too. So last night we were in the car heading home from a HS football game (juniors play Saturdays which was what we were there to see) we were invited to by one of the players...
The wifes Aunty joyce lives a two hour drive away. It was a friday afternoon and I set off to pick her up. The wife satayed at home to prepare the meal. I arrived at joyces house her bags were packed in the hallway and I Loaded them into the car. Joyce always tried her best to look nice. She was 55 and her figure was a more rounded shape. she was wearing a bright red Skirt Just above the knee.Black Tights and A White silky blouse with her ample boobs pushing through, With red High Heels to...
The wifes Aunty joyce lives a two hour drive away. It was a friday afternoon and I set off to pick her up. The wife satayed at home to prepare the meal.I arrived at joyces house her bags were packed in the hallway and I Loaded them into the car. Joyce always tried her best to look nice. She was 55 and her figure was a more rounded shape. she was wearing a bright red Skirt Just above the knee.Black Tights and A White silky blouse with her ample boobs pushing through, With red High Heels to...