The Gardener
- 4 years ago
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Arthur Fallon loved his job, as ground keeper and general handyman in the Belton Ladies Finishing College. He was surrounded by healthy and often beautiful young ladies, who had mostly grown used to his presence and just ignored him. The girls would run and play, long legs flashing, skirts lifting, presenting frequent glimpses of their knickers. He had his own private maintenance shed, in the gardens well away from the main school buildings, to which he had the only key, and to which he often retired to jerk off after some especially exciting viewing. He even had a telescope that he could use if he was careful, enjoying watching girls whatever they were doing, from playing sport to sleepily sunbathing on the lawn.
He lived in a small house supplied by the school, just outside the school grounds. What he did there was his own business, but his employment contract stipulated that he was not allowed to take any of the girls from the school inside his house, or into his garden shed. Outside normal working hours, he was not permitted to enter the school buildings, unless he was called in to attend to some urgent breakdown.
But he was free to roam the school grounds at times of his choosing, idly raking leaves as he watched the hockey teams training, or going into the dormitories at lunchtime to check for leaking taps and broken lights. He was allowed to use the gymnasium when no girls were in there, and managed to keep himself fairly fit and trim by exercising there, enjoying knowing that sweaty girls had been straining on the equipment just hours before. He liked to go for long runs through the grounds late in the evenings, dressed in shorts and running shoes as though he was only interested in keeping fit, but he was always hoping to encounter one of the schoolgirls making out with a boy. Even more delicious would be to spot a couple of the girls making out in the bushes. He loved to imagine that all the girls were sex mad and was sure that lesbianism was rife, and hoped to spot them, in the darkness making out under the stars!
Forty years old, he was content with his solitary life, and didn't feel the need for a steady girlfriend or, heaven forbid, a wife. But he fantasised a lot, and being so close to so many lovely girls his fantasies obviously featured those girls in romantic or more sinister roles.
He told people that he was writing a book about obscure plant diseases, which was enough to prevent further enquiries about his evening activities. But mostly he wrote short smutty stories based on his fantasies of imagined interactions with the girls, either wildly erotic or ridiculously romantic. The stories he enjoyed writing the most involved interactions between the girls, maybe him seeing two girls lying together naked in the bushes!
His other hobby was tracking the girls, the way police do when investigating crimes. In the basement of his house he had a wall devoted to them, with one column for each girl, starting with her name if he knew it, or his nickname for her if he hadn't yet learnt her name. Each column started with photographs of each girl where he had managed to obtain one. Occasionally he managed to get a proper photograph of a girl, but mostly each girl was identified by a circle on a blown up picture of the sports team she played in. Below that, he listed all the personal details he could find out, observe, guess, or invent about the girl. Age, nationality, hair colour, height, weight, and above all bra size were listed beneath each girl's photo. When he wrote a story about a particular girl, he would print it out and clip it to the wall below her face.
His solitary life held many compensating advantages. As the general handyman, he often came across girls in various stages of undress, mostly in the dorms or the gym, but also on hot sunny days just sitting around in their undies on the lawn. To his delight, the girls had by now got so used to him that they often didn't attempt to cover themselves up. If they were in a group chatting, several might be in their undies, or with a towel wrapped around their hopefully naked young bodies, and he could get close enough to eavesdrop on their girlish chatter, which was very often about music, clothes, boys, and sex!
He was particularly attracted to the area around the gymnasium. He loved mowing the lawn while watching girls going in to the gym wearing their school uniform then perhaps coming out in gym kit, and running around the playing fields or doing exercises on the grass, supervised by the PE teacher. At first he wasn't interested in the PE teacher herself, a boring flat chested rather butch lady who yelled a lot and seemed to achieve little in the way of motivating her students, he allocated her just a narrow column on the side of his wall chart.
But then the PE teacher changed, the old woman retired, and was replaced by a delectable new girl not much older than the girls she was teaching. So far he knew very little about her, but she already had a central space in his basement wall chart. He discovered by reading notices in the main building that her name was Sylvia Tanner, and he quickly managed to obtain a photograph of her simply by stealing the introduction notice from the notice board!
He didn't often drink, but late one night, thinking of the lovely Sylvia, he pushed in amongst the bushes behind the gym's changing rooms, and drilled a small hole through the wall!
Next day, early in the morning before any girls would be in the gym, he walked around the building carrying gardening tools trying to look natural, half expecting a squad of policemen to burst out and arrest him. When he was sure he was alone, he snuck behind the gym and settled down for a day in paradise. Sure enough when the lights were turned on he found he had a perfect view of the changing area! Before long the girls started to arrive, and before his eyes one by one they took off their school uniforms, their bras or vests, and finally to his delight, their panties!
He spent most of that first day crouching in the bushes. For long spells with nothing to see, he wished he had picked a place where he could sit more comfortably. But he forgot his discomfort when girls came back from the sports field and stripped and headed for the showers with just a towel wrapped around them. For Arthur, the best was watching as they emerged from the showers, unselfconsciously drying their lovely bodies in front of him. He watched as they stood showing him everything as they dried their hair, sitting with open legs to expose shaved pussies, or bending to present taut bare bottoms as they dried their legs and feet.
He loved watching the whole process, the girls undressing, changing into gym outfits, coming back into his view hot and sweaty and dropping their gym kit over hooks on the walls, or into lockers, then going to the showers usually naked carrying their towels. Soon he saw them coming back out naked, laughing and chattering and flicking at each other with their towels or even with their hands, and finally getting dressed to go back to their next lessons.
And now, supervising the whole gaggle of gorgeous girls, was the lovely Sylvia in her trade mark tight top and tiny miniskirt, snapping at them to hurry up.
He didn't yet know anything about her other than her name, but by now he was pretty good at estimating most facts about the women and girls he was watching. Her hair was long and blonde, but was that natural, or dyed? Her height was a bit above average, her breasts at least 36d, but he knew nothing about her background. He liked to imagine her growing up under a strict but fair father, loved to picture her being spanked over daddy's knee! But he knew none of those things as fact. He would have been astonished if he knew the full details of Miss Tanner's past!
Sylvia Tanner had, in fact, come to work at Belton Ladies Finishing College after a rather mixed start in life. Her dad was shocked when he discovered his innocent looking daughter liked sex with girls! One afternoon he came home from work early to find his daughter spanking some other girl over her lap! Both were stark naked and when they finally noticed him they tried to pretend it was no big deal. But now dad had caught them together, Sylvia tried to insist that the other girl should be allowed to sleep with her! That thought was far too way out for her very conventional dad. He needed to find her other interests!
He managed to get her a job teaching PE in a boys' school, on the optimistic assumption that this might change her focus. It did intensify her interest in discipline. Sylvia was indeed very highly sexed, and absolutely bi-sexual. She quickly found that she loved spanking frightened boys! Soon after joining the school, she took a chance and asked the head master if it was okay to do so, and he said it would be okay if he could watch.
The head master was only too keen to encourage her to spank naughty boys, he loved watching her in action. But one day when the head master was away, she went too far with one of the younger students, using a cane quite savagely and leaving the boy's bottom quite badly marked! When the mother complained, the head saved his own skin by blaming his out of control teacher, and Sylvia had to leave to avoid a scandal.
Rather than risking the full truth coming out, the head gave her an excellent reference, only slightly alluding to her "competence at maintaining discipline" and her new school rather naively gave her free range to run the gym as she thought fit.
Arthur first saw how the beautiful Sylvia kept discipline in her class a few days after he started watching from his little hideout in the bushes. He watched as the girls emerged from the showers, either naked or wrapped in a towel, but nowadays much of his attention was focused on Miss Tanner. She usually wore a tight very short gym skirt that barely covered her panties, and a tight top through which her nipples could be clearly seen. He noticed that the girls would lower their eyes as they walked past her, as though scared of her. And then he discovered why.
Sometimes she would pick one of them, and without a word point to a white square painted on the floor! Without any argument, the girl walked over to the square and stood in it, facing the room, and let her towel and any other clothing drop to the floor! Then she stood still, hands on her head, while the rest of the class dried themselves, dressed in their school uniform or whatever, and left the room. Arthur was left gazing in awe at the trembling body of the girl as she visibly cowed before her Mistress.
When all the others had left, Sylvia beckoned the girl to turn to face the wall. And now Sylvia would be holding a large gym shoe in her hand! Without any obvious instruction, the girl bent forward and put her finger tips to her bare toes. And Sylvia gave her typically a dozen hard swats across her bare bottom with the gym shoe!
Then the girl stood up, turned to Sylvia, and said a soft thank you! Sylvia held out her arms and gave the girl a long hug! Over the next few weeks this happened many times, and Arthur was astonished to see that the hug often evolved into extensive kissing! And as they kissed, Sylvia sometimes slid her hand down between herself and the girl she had just thrashed! Arthur watched in awe as the girl squirmed through an orgasm, then slid to her knees, tugged Sylvia's panties down from under her gym skirt, and buried her face in Sylvia's crotch!
Arthur began to understand that this was how Sylvia maintained such strict discipline over her classes.
Arthur's life began largely to revolve around watching Sylvia and her gymnastic class, always hoping to witness yet another girl being sent to the naughty square. Each time it happened he spent most of that evening writing it up and pasting the report below the girl's name on his secret wall in his house just outside the school. He gave each girl a mark for how well she took her spanking, and wrote extensively about what followed after Sylvia told her she could stand up.
And then one day as he crouched in the bushes with his eye to his peephole and his hand on his cock, he heard a motion behind him, turned, and found himself facing the majestic Sylvia, in her trademark tight tee-shirt and short skirt. He might have tried to find an excuse for being there, but as he stood up Sylvia looked down at his rampant cock sticking out of his trousers. The noise of twenty or so teenage girls laughing and yelling on the other side of the wall was not loud enough to prevent him hearing Sylvia's hissed, "Come with me", as she turned away. Desperately he did up his fly, pushed his way out of the bushes, and ran after her, dreading what the head mistress would say.
But Sylvia didn't take him to the main school, she walked him round to the entrance to the gym, and straight into the changing room. There were squeals and gasps from the girls, most of them still half naked. Sylvia held her hand up for silence and told everyone to gather around.
"I caught Mr Fallon spying on you, through a small hole in the wall. I don't doubt that he drilled the hole himself, and has been watching you all for some time."
The girls were all predictably outraged and shocked and full of demands for punishment of various kinds, including castration! Sylvia waited until the initial hubbub had settled down then again signalled for silence.
"If we report him, Mr Fallon will lose his job, which would be rather a shame because he is the only good looking guy any of us get to see in the school term. Mr Fallon will go on the sexual offenders list and will never again be able to work in schools or anywhere near girls like you. Is that what you want?"
Most of the girls instinctively cried out that it was only fair and right, and some felt that he should go to jail. Again Sylvia let them express their outrage, then said, softly, "There's another way to handle this. How about if we don't tell anyone else, and we punish him ourselves."
The girls, and Arthur, stood in shocked silence as Sylvia offered her proposal. "Ladies, I have just had the pleasure of seeing Mr Fallon's cock when I caught him playing with it. It's a nice one. Show everyone, Mr Fallon." Arthur stood open mouthed, not able to believe what she had just said. Finally Sylvia snapped, "Strip naked, Mr Fallon, if you want to avoid explaining yourself to the headmistress, let these girls see what you have."
When he was naked, covering his cock with his hands, Sylvia told him to go stand in the white square, which of course he knew was the naughty square where he had seen girls standing waiting for punishment. Inevitably his cock was fully erect, and at first he covered it with his hands, but Sylvia softly told him to put his hands on his head. Now all the girls were standing around him with their eyes firmly fixed on his erection. None was fully dressed, and several girls dropped their towels so he could see them bare. Later, remembering that, he would wonder what motivated them to do that.
Sylvia continued relentlessly. "See what I mean, girls? A nice erection, the current status of which testifies to Mr Fallon's interest in girls. Well, we know of that already, after discovering him spying on you as you get undressed. But at least he normally keeps his perverted interests under control. And he does have a nice body as well as a nice cock. Do we really want to send him away in disgrace and have him replaced with some geriatric dirty old man who will openly leer at us all the time but not be able to get it up?"
The girls stood around looking at Arthur's cock and thinking about their teacher's proposal. "So what are you suggesting, Miss Tanner?"
"I suggest that we offer Mr Fallon an alternative punishment. I propose that as well as general handyman and gardener we offer him additional duties that nobody outside this group of girls knows anything about. He will receive regular punishment, in front of you all, indeed you can choose and even administer it, if you wish. Has any of you ever spanked or caned a man old enough to be your father?"
None had, although several of them relished the idea, usually triggered by memories of their own fathers.
"How many of you have been able to hold, and explore, a nice firm cock without its owner trying to tell you what to do with it?"
None admitted to that experience. By now most of the girls had taken cocks in their hands, some even in their mouths, to please partners, with no great desire to do so, and generally in the dark or in a cramped back seat of a car, with no chance even to look at the thing before the boy thrust it in her mouth. Usually all the boy wanted was that the girl swallowed, because his friends all said that was what a girl should do.
"So. Let's put it to a vote. Who wants me to report Mr Fallon to the head mistress so he can be prosecuted and sent away?"
Not one girl raised her hand.
"Who agrees that Mr Fallon's crime should be kept secret and that only the girls in this class should know of what he has been doing, and of the punishments that will be awarded?" All the hands went up!
There was a silence as all the girls looked at Arthur, whose cock was by now painfully erect. Sylvia walked over to him and casually took his erection in her hand. "What about you, Mr Fallon? Do you want me to report you to the head mistress, and the police, or will you agree to serve these girls as we decide?"
"Please don't report me. I will do whatever you decide."
To everyone's surprise, Sylvia stepped in close, still with one hand holding his cock, and kissed Arthur on the mouth. A long exciting looking kiss, clearly with Sylvia's tongue exploring inside Arthur's mouth. Finally she broke it off, released his cock, and stepped back.
"Who else wants to kiss our rather lovely tame male?" They all did! Sylvia smiled. "That's good. But we don't have time now. Trust me, you will all get your chance. First I want to see if he is going to be any use to us. Mr Fallon, lie down on that bench, on your back."
Sylvia was wearing her normal tiny gym exercise mini skirt over her panties, and when Arthur was in position, she stood close and, as everyone watched, she drew down her panties and stepped out of them, then gracefully put one foot across the bench so she was straddling Arthur. As Arthur looked up at her, he could see her pussy. Rather surprisingly, she had a thick bush of golden pubic hair! As she slowly bent her knees he could see those lovely forbidden parts of her were getting closer, not only her pussy but also her anus. But she wasn't lowering herself onto his cock! He groaned when he realised what she was about to do. And finally Sylvia was sitting on his face, with the tiny mini surrounding his head so he couldn't see anything.
"Prove your worth, Mr Fallon," he heard Sylvia growl, and he put his tongue out and started licking the girl of his dreams. As he licked, she moved her body up and down over his face so he could lick each part of her, twisting her body back to force him to push his tongue into her ass, then bending forward for maximum clitoral contact. Her movements spread her girl juices all over Arthur's face! She took his hands and brought them up and had him cup her breasts! He realised that, sometime during his forced cunnilingus, she had removed her top. Now he was holding her bare breasts, wonderful breasts, that he had dreamt of touching for weeks. Hard thrusting nipples! He was holding them but couldn't see them.
"Squeeze my nipples, Mr Fallon, bring me off. I'm ready to orgasm."
After a couple of minutes she orgasmed, pressing herself down hard on Arthur's face, her hands covering his, forcing him to pleasure her breasts. Slowly she relaxed, while the girls stood around enviously, hoping that soon it would be their turn. But suddenly she stood up, stepped across the stool, and bent over him and rubbed her breasts against his face, then his cock. He twitched, and she laughed, "No way tiger, I decide when you cum, and it's not yet."
She turned away, chuckling, found her panties and slipped them back on, pulling them slowly up her long legs, smiling at the girls. She said, "He will be fine. A real asset to us all, so long as nobody else finds out and takes him away from us. We need to establish some basic rules. Obviously the first is that nobody else must know anything about this. We are a select and lucky group who happen to have unrestricted access to a rather fine male, with a very nice cock, and so far it seems to be exhibiting total submission. Let's use Mr Fallon's name as the password into our group. Fallon is close to 'fallen', as in 'angel'. So we who know of Mr Fallon's new status are the Angels, and amongst ourselves Mr Fallon shall be called Angela. And Angela is going to wear girl clothing when we play in private."
Everyone laughed, impressed with how quickly their Mistress had come up with this delightful code, and at the idea of making their lovely submissive male dress as a girl.
"To celebrate her new status, I am now going to spank Angela's bottom. In the morning I will send out for a complete school uniform for Angela, but for tonight she only needs a long nightdress. Who has one that she can lend to our new class mate?"
Ingrid held her hand up, and was sent off to fetch it. Angela was told to get off the bench and get down on her knees. "Girls, I know you all like to lick each other late at night. Well, while we wait for Ingrid to get back Angela can start getting to know you all by licking your bottoms." Sylvia pointed at one of the girls who was still only in a towel. "Cassie, you can be first. Drop the towel, then bend over close in front of Angela, and hold your bum open for her. Angela, get your tongue right up in her ass."
When Ingrid arrived, she laughed to see what was happening. Sylvia had made the girls stand against the wall after they had been ass-licked, but there were still a dozen girls waiting their turn. "Okay that's enough ass licking for now, except for Ingrid. After running all that way, you must be hot and sweaty, let Angela lick you clean." Ingrid presented herself, and Arthur had to push his tongue up inside her until Sylvia said enough. Then he had to put on Ingrid's nightshirt, which was very tight, and his rampant cock expressed itself blatantly through the thin material.
Sylvia announced that Angela would now receive her first spanking. She pointed to a bench, and told one of the girls to drop her towel and sit down in the middle of it. "Okay Angela, come over here for your first spanking."
Arthur approached the naked girl nervously, and was made to tug the nightdress up under his armpits. He wondered why Sylvia had thought this delay over the nightdress was necessary, but in his heart he knew the humiliation of wearing it in front of the class of grinning Angels would be with him for a long time.
He was told to lie across the girl's lap. The girl, whose name was Barbara, giggled as she felt his cock resting on her thigh, but Sylvia instructed her to open her legs, and told Arthur to adjust his cock so it was hanging down between the girl's bare thighs, where all the other girls could see it.
She had two other girls sit on the bench either side of Barbara. One was told to hold Arthur's wrists, to make sure he couldn't struggle. Arthur found his face was resting on this girl's naked thigh, and if he turned his head he was looking straight at her pussy! This one, like most modern girls, was totally shaved. Knowing how close he was to the forbidden orgasm, he averted his eyes, but could still smell the aroused girl.
Sylvia said softly, "Okay Babs, you can close your legs now. Don't squeeze it too tight, though, he is not to cum yet." Everyone was watching as Babs obeyed!
"Proceed please, Barbara."
Arthur shuddered, recognising that his submission to this group of beautiful young women was now complete, and only glad that membership to the Angels was going to be kept very select. He held his breath as Babs squeezed his cock between her naked thighs. Then Barbara put her right hand on Arthur's bare bottom and started stroking it! Arthur groaned, and gasped as Barbara reached in between his thighs to explore his testicles. Sylvia laughed but told her to stop messing about. "Get on with it Babs. Spank him, don't stroke him. He is not allowed to cum, remember? If you take him too far, you will be caned with him next week."
Barbara raised her hand and brought it down, with a satisfactory slap. "Harder, Babs."
To Arthur's relief the bell finally rang, signifying the end of the lesson, and thankfully the end of his first spanking just moments before he would have spunked over Barbara's lovely naked thighs.
Sylvia told him to get up and pull his nightgown down. As he stood facing the Angel class, he rubbed his sore bum as the girls left for their next class, all of them grinning hugely.
The next lot of girls were younger, and definitely not angels, and of course they were not entitled to know about Arthur's altered status. So before the new class arrived, Sylvia took Arthur, still in his nightshirt but carrying his Arthur clothes, to the broom cupboard and shut the door on him, her last words being, "If you don't want everyone to know what has happened, I suggest you get dressed very quietly. Come out when you are looking respectable. Keep the nightshirt, you will be needing it a lot. This afternoon you should have time to go into town and get some copies of your house door keys made. Bring them to me in the teachers' common room as soon as you have them"
Even though this new group of girls had no idea of Arthur's changed status, he was still embarrassed when he walked out into the gym amongst thirty young girls in tight vests and gym shorts and long bare legs. He walked out past them as quickly as he could and drove into town to find a key maker, wondering why his new Mistress wanted spare keys to his house and his garden shed!
Visited by Ingrid then Mistress Sylvia That night Arthur was feeling very unsure. He knew that Sylvia now had the key to his house, several keys in fact, and had no idea what she was planning. He had tried to do some writing, but couldn't concentrate, so had a long soak in a hot bath. He was lying there thinking about the day and gently stroking his cock when a voice said softly, "I'm going to have to report you to Miss Tanner for doing that, Angela, you know you aren't meant to touch it. But for now just come to bed, please." One of the girls was in the bathroom door, in her school uniform!
She watched him get out of the bath, his cock rock hard as he looked at the girl. She watched him as he dried himself, quite clearly looking out for any unauthorised masturbation. She had brought him another nighty and told him to put it on. This one was pink, frilly and short. It came with matching frilly pink full brief panties.
She walked with him to his bedroom, stripped away all the bed covers, told him to slip the panties down to his knees and lift the nighty up under his armpits, then made him lie down on his back. His penis was rock hard, although the girl hadn't yet touched him. She told him to lift his hips and slid a pillow under them, elevating his penis. "Hands above your head, please, Angela." Then she produced two sets of handcuffs, and clipped one cuff from each onto the headboard, and showed him how to attach the other cuffs to his wrists! As he lay there looking up at her, even though she hadn't yet tied his ankles, he realised he was totally at her mercy.
She rucked up her skirt and slid her panties down and off. Sitting on the bed beside him, she wrapped her panties around his shaft and slowly stroked him. "Tell me if you think you might cum." She bent down and kissed him on the mouth, sliding her tongue inside his mouth while her hand kept up that slow teasing stroking.
Suddenly she got up on her knees on the bed, twisted round, and knelt over his face, her skirt enshrouding his head. "Lick me," she whispered hoarsely as she lowered her shaved pussy to his mouth.
Very quickly, she had her first orgasm. As she was recovering, he panted, "Please take your clothes off, I would love to see your body." She laughed, and did as he asked. Then she bent forward and rubbed her small firm breasts against his cock.
"Is that nice, Angela? I'm Ingrid, by the way." Then she pressed her pussy back against his mouth and waited for him to lick her to another orgasm.
Several times he gasped, "I'm going to cum," and each time she took her hand off his cock and lifted her crotch away from him. She had several more orgasms, even getting off the bed and sitting in his armchair sipping a coke from his fridge and watching him for a few minutes as she recovered from a particularly strong one.
Suddenly she said, "Sorry, Angela, I have to go," and to his dismay she got off the bed, dressed in her school uniform, and left him! He heard the front door close then he lay helplessly looking down his body at his rampant cock, wondering how he could untie himself, not so much to get free as to use his hand to bring himself off!
Despite everything that had happened, he did fall asleep. He was woken by fingers gently fondling his cock! Someone, definitely naked and certainly female, was on the bed beside him. "Hello Angela." It was Sylvia. He was about to reply, but her fingers closed over his mouth and she whispered, "Hush, there's nothing to talk about. And no one must know about this."
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Thursday, May 2006, U Penn Campus, Philly She was on all fours as her hands worked the rich soil, and her rear end, clad in tight, green cotton chinos, seemed to be trying to wave at me as she inched her way down the flower bed directly across the lawn from my bench. I was sitting in one of my favorite spots on campus, a small green space shoehorned between Brown Hall, home to the Philosophy Department and my book lined office, and the newer and more regal Kennedy Building, home of the now...
The Naked Gardener by captv8tdChapter 1Kathleen Collins stabbed the trowel into the dirt again to get rid of another weed. She had been working on her garden for most of the afternoon and she was almost finished with what she had set out to do for the day. After evicting that weed from the bed, she stood up and walked over to the table to drink some lemonade.?Not bad,? she said aloud to nobody as she surveyed the beds. They were shaping up nicely thanks to her many hours of work on them. ...
Lindsey and Martin had been in a relationship for five years. They were both in their late twenties and equally successful. Lindsey was a human resources lawyer and Martin an accountant.Four years before they had decided to cohabit in Martin’s home for two reasons; Firstly, Martin had a magnificent garden and secondly, because Martin worked from home, he already had a well laid out office to suit his needs. Lindsey, whose home needed a great deal of TLC at that time, was therefore happy to sell...
Gay Male77 Her mother’s gardener.I was just finishing my breakfast, sat mopping my plate of the last of the egg-yolk when my wife Margaret suggested that while we were out we ‘popped in’ to visit her mum. Not one of my favourite occupations visiting and I spluttered a bit but knew if she wanted to ‘pop in’ then pop in pop in is what we would be doing, my life would be less happy if we didn’t, all husbands know that ‘a suggestion by the wife’ is actually a plan set in concrete in most regular...
I'm home from college for what feels like the first time in years. The house hasn't changed much in my absence, it's still huge, still empty and still quiet. Last year my mum got married again, for the third time. I've only met this husband a couple of times and I intend to keep it that way. I know he only married her for her money, he doesn't hide it well and I'm not even sure he tries. I've been back a week and have managed to avoid them, it's rather easy in a huge house. I'm holed up in my...
Straight SexThe gardener at the back yardI am a trophy wife and I know itMy loving husband Victor always has told me I am a trophy wife. I know it…On the first years I did not comprehend the real meaning, but after my forties, I understood it very clearly…Our sexual life was perfect; Victor fucked me wildly several nights a week and sometimes even during the early morning, before leaving to work…But I started to get insatiable… I needed more than my husband’s dick…But then I found the solution: the name...
I arrived home very early that summer afternoon.The day was very hot, almost torrid, so I guessed my sweet wife would be outside at the pool in the back yard.As I walked in the kitchen, I saw a commotion outside the window. In the distance, I saw Anita and our old gardener, Pedro. He was a very huge and tall man, skinny, but a bit muscled.This bastard Latin man was doing more than just talking to Ana.My little wife was kicking into the air and screaming, while the dark skinned gardener was...
I arrived home on late afternoon and I heard a loud commotion noise outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my lovely wife Ana and the Cuban gardener, Efrain, a good man that usually we hired to do some jobs.But after taking a closer look outside, I saw Efrain was doing more than just arguing looking my wife. Ana was kicking and screaming as the man was fondling her curvy body right there in the yard.My wife`s jean shorts covered her nice shapely buttocks, but now she was topless....
I am Sandhya and I am doing my college in bangalore. In holidays I usually visit my parents in hyderabad. This incident took place last year which I remember very much. Before going to start the story I want to tell about my self. I am a very innocent girl. Before this incident I did not know about any sex activity but used to see some porn pic from my friends. My sizes are 32-28-30 When I was home for my holidays last year,with out informing my parents to give them a surprise,they gave a...
I had been married in a loveless bond for 12 years. My husband is a businessman and there is never any scarcity of luxury and material things at home. But our marriage lacked the most important elements- passion and love. My husband never could satisfy me and I had accepted my fate. Being an elite lady, affair was out of question. I was pretty much trapped in my home when Judith came in my life like a breeze of fresh air and passion. Judith is our new butler. Young, agile and handsome- he...
Maid/ServantOnce upon a time there was a landscape gardener. We could call him Al but I'll stick to Federico for now. Federico lived back in the days with fashions such as black dots on ladies’ cheeks, powdered wigs complete with bugs as well as bad teeth indeed as they we’re looked after with chalk, mercury or what have you from the crazy ailment department down the corner shop pharmacist… well, these aesthetic standards were the thing among the noble gents and ladies in 18th Century France before the...
| by Gretchen |Once upon a time in France there was a landscape gardener. We could call him Al but I'll stick to Federico for now, I guess. Federico lived back in the days when black dots on ladies’ cheeks, powdered wigs complete with bugs as well as bad teeth indeed as they we’re looked after with chalk, mercury or what have you from the crazy ailment department down the corner shop pharmacist… these aesthetic standards were simply the shizzle among the nobility in the years before the...
A good friend of mine was going out of town for a month and she asked me if I would stop by her house every few days to get the mail and check on it. I didn't even hesitate in answering because she had such a lovely house. I loved to hang out in her garden as well. Saturday morning found me, coffee in hand, looking out at her garden and wondering how she could leave it for a whole month. I also wondered how it looked so good even though she wasn't there. I opened the back door and slipped...
"Woooooow!Summer Holidays are here",finished my exams,3rd year seniors,done crap as usual,definitely,"Not a Scholar".Well almost 7 weeks break from school,lots of fun with my friends up at the riding stables."Rooooy",my Mom shouted,"Will you stop daydreaming,Dad & me will not be back till Monday from Bewdley till Monday and we are going straight into work,so we will see you Monday evening,(They have a Static Home on a club site that they use weekends at the Historic town of Bewdley ,on the...
OK then, Patricki-mou, you wanted a story. I've fixed my computer, so here it is.After years of looking at my garden, I have finally decided to get the lawn replaced. It is going to have to be dug up and completely re-turfed. I don't do jobs like this, of course; I get helpful little men in to do it.My neighbour, Peter, has a friend who is a landscape gardener, so I have asked him to give me the number of the firm.I am quite surprised by the voice which answered my call. It is deep, and quite...
Mum an Dad had split up and dad left he told it was because mum was fucking someone , but on the up side i got a lot of money as dad was very rich an he told me to get my own place an have some fun for a few years (as i was only 19) an then call him for a job if i wanted one . so that's what i did a nice house with a garden an a pool , a nice car an a sexy little blond teenage girl called Lisa .Lisa was 17 an just out of school, about 5ft 2" tall she was slim but had a nice full bubble butt an...
'Stroking his hand up the inside of her thigh, gently touching the moistness through her panties, he could feel his erection starting to push through his pants. She moved her legs apart and felt his finger part her pussy lips through her silk panties. Gently he pushed her panties aside and slid his finger into her hot wet pussy, she gasped as it penetrated her wetness.' This was making me horny sat in the garden in my summer dress. Without knickers reading a steamy novel, I looked around and...
MasturbationRamu was cleaning the parking corridor with the wood broom as his sahab Anant was leaving for the office. Ramu is the gardener for Mr Anant Patil for 8 years now. Ramu basically is from Bihar but he has been in Baroda for quite a long time now. He is married and has 3 c***dren back at home but he has chosen to stay alone in Baorda. (and you will soon know why he did do.)As the car disappeared Mamta came out in balcony and signed Ramu to come upstairs. Mamta is Anant’s wife who has been sleeping...
Course 8 / Day 6: Course Progress Meeting Participant Notes: Fifty Jo: Time for Fifty to start getting involved in some outdoor activities and help with preparations for the garden party. Jenny's Recollections I am waking up early and feeling refreshed these days. I guess the (very) regular hours with nothing in the way of normal household or occupational responsibilities must be good for me, and but today it's rather before the usual time (as far as I can tell) when the shutter goes...
S called for me to come outside. When I got out back she was standing there with 2 other women. One around 40 the other looked like she was 15 maybe. I found out later she was actually 20 years old. Both women were short but the younger one was put together so well I felt my eyes staring and my cock twitching! She had on hip hugger slacks and a mid drift blouse that really showed her nice round breasts pushing out against the material so tight, I could see her nipples. She was short, maybe 5...
EroticThat day my beloved hubby had left early for his office; but he warned me he had hired a new gardener to plant a rose bush that I had wished for long time at our back yard.I woke after ten and when I was having a nice smoking cup of coffee, I saw this man through the kitchen window.The day was warm, so the black man had removed his shirt.His heavy muscles rippled under his ebony skin…Then I thought how that I would have a much better use for all that energy he was expending there at the yard....
Friday afternoon I came home early from my office. My loving husband was out of town; so I had a couple days for me alone at home.I had just passed the entrance door when I felt somebody behind me, but when I tried to turn my head, I received a hard knock on my back and then all went black for me…When I woke up, I found myself lying head down on a soft bed, naked, my hands and feet tied to the sides; also blindfolded, but my mouth was free.I tried to raise my head, but then I felt a sharp pain...
On a lovely hot summers day while I'm upstairs I go into your bedside drawer and pull out your toy bag for a surprise bit of fun. As I come downstairs I hear you chatting and find you sat chatting to someone at the French doors. It's so hot you're sweltering in your shorts & bikini top, the patio doors wide open and the guy eyeing you up and down behind his sunnies. I can see a bulge in his shorts as I come into the living room. You tell me he's looking for work and wondered if we needed...
I had not spoke to Lisa all day, not because i didn't want to but because i wanted to ask her what happened earlier by the pool an didn't know how to. I mean how do you ask your young teen girlfriend why she gave a older black gut a blow job, how many times had it happened an was it going to happen again.I was lying in bed playing it over in my head trying to convince my self it never happened and to my surprise getting horny .Lisa got into bed next to me so i turned to face her an my hard cock...
Cousin's blackmailed by gardenerThis incident happened long back when we had been to our grandparents place for our summer vacation. I was u******ed so I can’t tell my age. My mom’s younger sister too had come with her husband and her daughter Nisha who was 3 years younger than me, they had arrived a week before us. I was happy that I got company to play with the toys.One day, after breakfast, Nisha and myself were playing in the courtyard and suddenly Nisha with a mischievous smile on her face...
My name is Mary.I was nearly eighteen and had been going out with this lad for over four moths. His name is Dick. His parents were very wealthy and he was nearly 21 and had a fantastic sports car with an open top. We would spend many hours in his car touching each other up and kissing, but we never got down to actual fucking. Not that I didn't want to, but he didn't want to risk it. Shortly after my 18th birthday, Dick announced that his folks were going away for a two week holiday. My heart...
Liza came back home from the hostel after the school is closed after the final exam. She got a great relief and was just running around the rooms to familiarize herself with the new atmosphere. Her parents left for work and her mother told her that her breakfast and lunch is kept on the dining table and she has to help herself.Liza has to take bath leisurely and take her breakfast. She was just 18 and possessed very well formed body. She was beautiful and she was not able to apply make up when...
She adjusted her earrings he had brought home from his travel to Japan. The reflection of the mirror proved her majestic features to be very well emphasized by the black Armani ball gown she had bought just for this evening. Once again, she was forced by the unwritten laws and codes of the Swiss high society to play the happy wife of her successful husband. She was already horrified to meet all these hypocrites who pretended to be friendly and kind. But somewhere deep in their heart everyone...
AnalAs he sits in his bedroom moping, he gets a call from one of his friends, Mike. “Hey Lucky, you wanna come over and chill? I’ll pick you up.” “Sure, why not, ain’t shit else to do” says Lucky. While they rode in the car, Lucky ain’t had shit to say. He felt so miserable about his life. Mike ain’t say nothing. He didn’t want to make the situation more sad than what it is. Finally, they got to Mike crib and Mike’s girl just happen to be ringing his doorbell. As they got out the car and Mike...
Son watches as mom gets used. I arrived home very early from my summer job. I had been home from college for a couple days, and that meant I could have a relaxing day. I had read my work schedule wrong and I wasn’t supposed to work that day. ‘Fine by me,’ I thought as I u-turned for home. As I walked in the kitchen, I saw a commotion outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my mom and our Mexican gardener, Luis. Luis was a tall, rugged looking man. At least 6’4” with a husky build....
When living in Savannah we rented a nice house with a small back yard garden. One day my hubby told me he had hired a lawn man. He would come later to see the job and estimate the price.The guy came in the afternoon; when I was home alone. I showed the back yard and he said he would come in two days. I liked the guy. He was a tall black man about my age, well toned and muscled. His name was Freddie.When he said goodbye, I noticed he was fixing the front of his pants with his hand in the...
I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen.My mother is...
Straight SexSon watches as mom gets used.I arrived home very early from my summer job. I had been home from college for a couple days, and that meant I could have a relaxing day. I had read my work schedule wrong and I wasn't supposed to work that day. 'Fine by me,' I thought as I u-turned for home. As I walked in the kitchen, I saw a commotion outside the kitchen window. In the distance, I saw my mom and our Mexican gardener, Luis. Luis was a tall, rugged looking man. At least 6'4'' with a husky build....
True to her word, Kathleen was naked in her backyard again when Marge arrived the next day. Kat smiled brightly and hugged Marge when she saw her. She was afraid that the incident from the day before might have chilled their friendship. Seeing Marge in her backyard told her that all was fine. She did feel uncomfortable being naked, though. Just as Marge had walked in on her yesterday, anyone could do the same thing. She was worried about being discovered by a delivery man or a utilities...
I arrived home from work at around the usual time, six thirty. The gardener’s pick up truck is parked on the driveway, meaning I had to park my Peugeot in the street. The noise coming from upstairs made it obvious that Rick our Aussie gardener was doing a spot of indoor gardening, planting his trowel in my mothers seed box! I slammed the front door as I went in, sidestepped a pair of dungarees on the floor, kicked one of a pair of boots in the doorway and shut myself in the kitchen. My mother...
r/GirlsFinishingTheJob/, aka "Reddit Girls Finishing The Job"! If you’re on Reddit frequently, then you know that there’s no shortage in supply of hot NSFW subreddits for you to check out and enjoy. One such subreddit is /r/GirlsFinishingTheJob and it’s absolutely amazing if you ask me. Sure, I might be The Porn Dude and I might like to just go to a porn site straight away, but if you’re looking for something specific and you’re into community posting, then this place is much better than what...
Reddit NSFW ListMarge found the naked gardener again the next day. The routine went much the same as the day before. They chatted for a bit and then Marge held Kathleen where she masturbated her to orgasm. Kat, again, protested that it did not seem right. But Marge prevailed again and Kathleen ended up with another explosive orgasm. By the fifth day, Kathleen had stopped protesting. Marge hoped that it was because Kat was now starting to see the intimate touching as part of normal life although Marge knew...
So if you read my other story about my first gay experience you will know that it was with my gardener Jose. This story is about the first time he came back to my house since our encounter...The minute Jose had left my house after my first experience, I sent an email to my boss letting him know I would be out of the office the same day next week. The night before he was to come back to my house I had decided that if everything went well I was going to let him fuck me. However, I was worrying...
Hi to every body who read my story, and aim very happy that that my made most the guys horny.But please iam sorry ,before reading the story please see the authors name at top left corner of the page its clearly mentioned that iam srinivas(male) this story i have written in the words of sandya its a from sex magazine.Ok let starts our story.My gardener started saying when I asked abt where he thought these techniques,yis mein kya beti aur bahut tareke ke massage hote hey.who kya hey babpu,wo tho...
Introduction: Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure Swish! Thwack! The cane stung across Maggies arse for the twentieth time. Her bottomed burned with the delicious feeling of pain and pleasure. She was being punished by her husband. She knew it was exactly what she deserved for the way she had humiliated him earlier. Are you getting the message now Bitch? Richard asked as the cane landed...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Sheryl was 18 she had lived in the same street her whole life she was a warm girl, she had light brown hair and very blue eyes with a cute button nose,she had never had a proper boyfriend she had had plenty of gropings and been felt up in the back of cars and local fields but never had good sex just the sticky fumblings associated with teenage boys.She was in actual fact a classic bbw with big hips and was very busty which she viewed as a drawback to having a full time boyfriend not imagining...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Few people were ever admitted to Gemma’s garden. Indeed, most people walking along the lane down toward Haxford, never even suspected that a large garden lay behind the thick Beech hedge. Many a weary walker was glad to come across the pleasant rustic seat, rest and enjoy the view; while being oblivious of the summer house less than five yards away. Some wondered how a seat came to be there. Gemma’s grandfather had built it for granny to sit on, while she waited for the buses which used to run...
Straight SexThe the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
It is a Friday evening in the dry season, and a group of former classmates is in the garden of a bar in a quiet, prosperous village in Onitsha. Former classmates, but not by much. These young people finished school about a month ago and are in that odd dry season limbo that precedes the onset of the rest of their lives, in the form of work or University (or, indeed, unemployment). One of the group, a handsome but rather diffident boy called Uche, is explaining his plans for the rest of the...
Over the past few weeks we have been having some work undertaken on both our front and back gardens. The weather has been good and it has given us the opportunity for Mrs V to give the gardeners more than they bargained for.It all started by accident. Mrs V always walks around the house naked before she gets dressed for work. She was sat naked in the kitchen one morning having a cup of tea when two men appeared in the back garden. They were the gardeners we had booked to undertaken a complete...