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It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.
But, for a large slice of the populace, we fail entirely to teach moral values. Our children are introduced to sex at an early age, shown the mechanics of reproduction, but we rarely explain the emotions that go with the act. We show them how to screw each other and make babies that they cannot cope with, creating more social problems in an insidious spiral of descent. We fail to teach them, because we don't know ourselves.
So is it any wonder that the youth of today has little in common with their parents? Is it any wonder that they rebel or please themselves, given the lack of moral guidance we, as a generation, offer to their development? How can we expect compliance and conformity when we seem to discard or ignore our kids after they get to school age?
This following story alludes to under aged sex. I am not someone that subscribes to sex with minors, so please do not think that the case; I abhor it. It is mentioned merely as a background comment or rather, a painting of how real life is these days.
One last comment; for the American readers, in the UK, our age of consent and legality is two years less than yours. At sixteen, it is legal to screw your head off, if you want. I have no feelings either way about that, just wonder at the preparedness of such a person to handle the often harsh and consuming emotional rollercoaster of human interaction. At my advanced age, I still find emotions a confusing and dangerous area of our persona.
AbigailAt fourteen years of age, Abigail had left the straight road, dropping out in a spiral of self-loathing, mixed with more than a small amount of defiance and rebellion. A heady concoction that took her to places only the truly down and out would ever visit.
At fifteen, she had turned her back on the education system. The rules and regimentation of an orderly day did not fit within her chaos of life. Resolutely, she refused to go to school, sparking off furious rows with her mother, who in exasperation, washed her hands of her daughter and threw her out of the family home and into the clutches of the welfare state.
The fights were not all about school. Two women in a small space with convergent ideologies is a match made in the suburbs of hell. Increasingly, the close bond that had been mother and daughter eroded until the inevitable crash. It was predestined that they would clash in spectacular style, their characters being so close that it could be thought Abigail was cloned from her mother; it was predestined as an outcome, but vastly hastened by the sudden departure of her father.
Neither mother nor daughter had any inkling of his intention to up stakes and run from their lives and not leave a forwarding address. What he left were debts that amounted to twice their annual income, the hangover of his gambling, a house part owned by the bank, an ancient car with more curiosity value than ability to run or realise any money and an envelope on the table with two words scrawled in haste on the outside; I'm sorry.
He had left with all of his clothing, what money was in the house and Abigail's piggy bank that might have had twenty pounds in loose change in it. Her mother's paste jewellery had been tipped out of her box over the bed so that he could take his birth certificate and some commemorative coins that had been collected and stored with her rings. They never heard from him or had any idea where he might have fled. For the two women left behind, there was no closure, it was as if he had suddenly died, they were emotionally and financially destitute and, because he hadn't died, had no income as such from a pension or insurance.
It wasn't just their meagre valuables he took, just as effectively, he took from them the bond they had shared, leaving them bereft of even the ability to turn to the other in solace and comfort. They blamed each other and themselves simultaneously, drawing lines and barriers that neither had the tools or inclination to ever remove.
At sixteen, Abigail was on a fast track to oblivion. For some short time, a guy she met on the road someplace, had fed her, then introduced her to drugs and then put her to work on the streets. She had been popular at first, a nice fresh face, an unblemished teenager; blonde haired and firm breasted, she had been all the rage. It lasted for a short time at least, but then, as drugs always do, her body started to show the rigours of abuse and deprivation of food.
In a matter of months, Abigail was totally on her own, relying on handouts and whatever she could scrape from the back streets. Tricking where she could to raise enough cash for her next hit, then crashing wherever she stopped until the craving for heroine woke her and the process started all over again the next day.
That was how Paul found her. Alone in the street, soaked through by incessant rain that had steadily drizzled all day and hardly able to stand from enforced DT's. He was pretty much the worse for wear him self; the party he had left a little earlier was taking its toll, or at least the amount of alcohol he had consumed. He weaved an erratic path through Bermondsey, blindly staggering his way to his converted warehouse beside the river.
It was not how Abigail liked to remember it in later times; instead, she concocted a story of how he had entered the smoking room at the office, nervous and unsure of his new surroundings and the people he found himself in company with. First days had that effect on most; she liked his vulnerability and struck up a conversation. They had gone out for a meal or something; he was new to the area and had yet to find his bearings. She couldn't be certain, but it was either the third or forth date that they fumbled around in bed, hardly a momentous occasion and somewhat less than memorable. It almost finished the relationship there and then, but they got to know each other and sex gradually got better. A more acceptable story than the truth; She even got to believe in it and covered up the past effectively, but that is some way ahead.
She was curled up almost into a ball; perched on the kerb with her arms tucked around her knees. Abigail rocked slowly back and forth, waiting for the cramps to subside before trying to find some shelter and if she could, hook up with one of her street outlets for her daily trip to a less painful place.
Oblivious of the rain that had soaked through his jacket, shirt and everything else he wore, Paul sat beside the girl, even matching her rocking motion with his own.
"Twenty pounds for French," She informed him without looking up. "Or twenty five for sex; thirty for Greek."
"I said, twenty for French, twenty five for sex or thirty for Greek." She still hugged her knees to her chest, but glanced at him, waiting for his choice and the exchange of money. She needed the cash.
"I ain't got a clue what you're talking about."
"Listen mister, do ya want to fuck me, get sucked or what? It's gonna cost ya whatever." She impatiently asked him, pausing her rocking and reinforcing each syllable with a nod of her head.
"Don't want to fuck you." He was somewhat confused and more than a little affronted at the same time, he was trying to make some sense of how the conversation had started so badly. "I don't want to fuck you."
"Well if you ain't here for business, are ya carrying?"
He shrugged, both shoulders almost touching his ears in an exaggerated expression. It seemed a safe way to answer her question that he didn't understand at all.
"If you ain't carrying and you ain't here for business, you can fuck off. Okay?" She turned and looked at him full in the face, her lips curled back in a snarl as she mouthed the words.
Paul was almost sobered by the vehemence of her voice. But, more than the viciousness of the sound was her dead eyes. She looked at him, but the expression of her words didn't reach her eyes. It was as if he was looking into two pools of dead, grey water. They stared back at him, utterly lifeless, but at the same time, unfathomable in depth. He realised that she might have been pretty once, but was now emaciated, her skin sagging like curtains around the sockets of her eyes and cheeks where the fatty tissues under had been used up by her body. Her hair hung in lank strands, dirty and uncut or cared for and he became aware of her smell for the first time. Involuntarily, he shifted away from her a few inches, shuffling his bottom along the quartz of the kerbstone.
If he were to be asked later, it would be quite likely that Paul would not be able to provide a good reason for his actions, but without any thought, he grabbed her arm, painfully aware at how his hands easily encircled her, then yanked her to her feet and began to drag her like a rag doll along behind him.
She started screaming and feebly trying to tug her arm away from his grip.
"I ain't got no money, so it ain't worth robbing me." She screamed at him, spittle flying from her lips and adding to the rain already seeping through his clothes to his skin. Paul didn't answer her, but just continued to drag her unceremoniously by the arm towards his home.
"If ya gonna rape me you bastard, you might as well do it right here and now and let me get on with things." But, Paul ignored this as well.
Eventually, they made it to his recently moved into apartment in the converted riverside warehouse. She had continued to scream and rage at him loud enough to wake half of London. At three in the morning, anyone on the street was far more interested in their own private business and disinclined to intervene with what was probably a domestic spat, so their progress was completely unimpeded and not noteworthy.
He adjusted his grip on her arm to unlock the security deadlocks and punch in the numbers for the alarm. Then adjusting his grip, he shoved her from under the armpits up the staircase and into his new residence. At the top of the stairs, Paul paused and took a second to think, now that he had her here, where to put her. Throughout the trek to his apartment, he hadn't given too much thought to why or what he was going to do with this skeletal girl, just a singular, unexplainable purpose of rescuing Abigail from the street.
He opted for the spare bedroom. It was unfurnished as yet and he could lock her in behind a stout door. There was an old loft access where the floor sacks were hauled up, but it was two storeys up and concrete below so escape was not feasible through there.
Unceremoniously, he dragged her to the room and pushed her inside, pulling the door shut even as she span to claw at the closing portal. The key turned and her yelling was muffled to a tolerable level.
So began her slow and painful break from the monkey. Days when Abigail couldn't control her body, shaking and going into spasm. Unable to keep food down at times, even when she could be forced to ingest anything solid, what ever she swallowed was ejected from her, forcefully.
Abigail could not control her temperature, alternately shivering and sweating. She had no control of auto-functions and really, became child like or incontinent as an aged person might after their reasoning leaves. He threw away most of her clothing, replacing it from items bought in a charity shop then, throwing them away as well when she soiled them beyond redemption. He found that tracksuits were easiest to clean and lasted longer than pretty much anything else. He would remove her dirty clothing in the early days, dispassionately looking at her emaciation and the needle tracks in her arms, feet and groin. He was as far from sexual interest as it was possible to be; the sight of her body made him cringe and renewed his resolve to heal her.
After four or five weeks that seemed like years, she began to settle down, managing to take sustenance and process it in the normal way. Her violent moods subsided and, gradually, like the regeneration of scar tissue, she became a person again, even holding conversations with Paul, but always as a long-term hostage might talk to their keeper. She held back and would not open, even on mundane topics, giving only enough information to be an active party in the dialogue.
Paul still kept her locked in the room, knowing that at the first opportunity, she would bolt and be lost for ever with an inevitable outcome, one needle too many perhaps or a violent death in an alley. He still didn't know why he was doing this for her, someone he didn't know at all, a complete stranger. But, he recognised in her, something of the wounded animal that triggers an emotive response occasionally; he put it down to that.
Paul decided after eight weeks of captivity that she could be trusted to have the run of the warehouse apartment. He left the door to her room unlocked and open. Abigail didn't emerge from the safety of her cot for two days, but then stepped timidly over the threshold at his encouragement. She still had something of the trapped animal about her; each step could be considered furtive or exploratory, keeping her escape route firmly fixed and ready for flight, straight back to the familiarity of her room with its cot and bucket.
The worst of the cold turkey was over to a degree, at least the physical part was, but deep mental scars take far longer to heal, if ever fully. Abigail was scared at a fundamental level, leaving her unable to rationalise or function properly.
They began to eat together. Simple food that he thought she would be able to digest; soups and pasta being their staple diet. There were beneficial side effects; Abigail began to put on weight, filling out bit by bit while Paul lost some of his excess and felt the fitter for it. But, often as with television or music, her attention wandered until she sat there, almost catatonic in a far away place, her food left to cool into a congealing mass. Over a period of weeks, the vacant spaces became less and less often and diminished in longevity, while her cognitive state became longer. She chose to be in her room for longer times, but with the door open and not as any kind of barrier. Paul bought her a television and a radio so she could be on her own if she wanted. He bought books for her to read and allowed her to do as she pleased, but insisted that they eat together, cook and wash up.
He was pleasantly surprised to find that Abigail was a good cook, inventive and adventurous with everyday ingredients. She continued to regain the flesh over her bones.
She had been with him for nearly six months now.
Although they were sharing time and talking, Paul still didn't fully trust her, believing that her full recovery was still a long way off in all probability; that the emotional scars were only scabbed over and could be reopened at any time. He had to go to work. Each day he took great care in dead locking the entrance door so that she couldn't open it from the inside. It became something of a ritual, turning the key once, hearing the tongue engage then a second turn that locked the door and disabled the latch on the other side. So it was a shock for him to find his door wide open and swinging one day after work. Fearing that the bird had flown the nest, Paul ran into the building, yelling her name, with a sinking feeling, knowing she wouldn't be there. Abstractly, his mind took in the fact that the lock or door hadn't been damaged in anyway. His calls went unanswered; the apartment was empty, he stood in the middle of the living room, lost and alone.
For an hour or so, Paul wandered around feeling an acute sense of loneliness and failure. She had been making such good progress. Her body had pretty much recovered from the rigors of drug abuse and the regular intake of food had regained much of her natural body mass and skin tone. He put the television on then turned it off again. Inserted a CD in the player, but didn't press play. He couldn't settle into any one place, his mind in turmoil; should he go out and look for her or stay and hope she came back?
Abigail had the advantage of him where the street was concerned. She would know the hidey-holes better than most of the city dwellers and certainly better than he would.
He was still dithering when the entrance door banged shut.
Abigail's tousled head appeared over the banister with a smile plastered across her lips. Wordlessly, Paul rushed over to her as she reached the top tread and threw his arms around her in a bear like embrace. Relief and other emotions coursed through his veins, mixed with a large helping of adrenalin.
"I thought I'd lost you he managed to breathe into her hair." Then, without waiting for her to respond, he kissed her mouth, crushing her lips against his teeth and taking her breath completely. Paul picked her up from the floor, her weight easily distributed in his arms. He continued to kiss her, breaking only to gasp and then cover her with his mouth again as they traversed the floor to his bedroom.
Her head hit the doorjamb, but neither was really aware of it, the moment too consuming for external stimuli to have much effect. Her clothes were almost ripped off of her slender body as his hit the floor in a blur of motion and desperation to become naked. They collapsed on the bed in a tangle of arms, legs and hands that grasped and gripped. She wriggled and managed to lie on her back while manoeuvring him between her parted thighs.
There was no nicety about their coupling. Abigail thrust her hips forward in unison as Paul thrust into her body in a union that had one common goal. He fucked into her as she fucked him back in a riot of rhythm. It was sex in its rawest state that culminated in their respective explosion of orgasm, she first, then Paul, feeling her wetness splash against his inner thigh, shot his seed with a final pelvic thrust that had her head hitting the wall.
The act was completed in little more than a few minutes, but the intensity of emotion and urgency had made it an experience that left them bereft of the ability to talk for a while. Instead, they lay together, her head in the crook of his arm while he stroked her neck, shoulders and breasts as they calmed down from the initial frenzy of lust and then they laughed. They laughed until laughter became a little crazy, resulting in hiccups that had them giggling all over again.
"What is Greek anyway?" Paul asked after the expression she had used when he first met her popped into his mind.
Abigail lifted her chin and looked into his eyes as she told him that Greek was in the ass and that it was something she had endured on too many occasions. It was time for her to bear her soul and tell him just what it was like on the street. Abigail let him know of the times she had been fucked by many men at once until cum was dripping out of every orifice. How she was used and abused then discarded like a Christmas puppy. She told of how some guys liked to beat up on her or how they shit and pissed over her nakedness while her pimp looked on and applauded the bestial use of his girl. Abigail told him that after a while, she didn't care what they did to her, that pain hardly registered and her holes were only entries into her body that fed her need for more drugs. She told him of a pregnancy that was beaten out of her by the pimp. She told him all of it; the worst times and that all she had to look forward to, was death from an overdose. Killing herself would have been easy, but the craving for heroine kept her alive for the next hit.
During her sad tale, Paul had stroked and caressed Abigail, soothing and supporting her as it unfolded. He paused as she concluded, his hands ceasing movement. She took it as rejection, thinking that he would was too disgusted by the deprivations she had sunk to. She cried, tears coursing over her cheeks. She sobbed in despair, unable to articulate her utter desolation. But, then he resumed his caress and turned her head to face him. Gently and with great care as if she were a fragile doll, Paul kissed her mouth and drew her body to him. Relief flooded her; she clasped him and kissed him back, forcing her tongue between his teeth to explore his mouth.
"One day," She murmured, "we will do Greek and it will be the right time, but for now, I think French is the language of the day."
With those words, she bit his lower lip and then shoved her self down, kissing his chest, stomach and then his cock. Paul relaxed back, tucking a pillow under his head so he could watch. He pulled her blonde hair away from her face, studied her lips as they slowly parted and swallowed his shaft.
Abigail expertly sucked him into her mouth, drawing her cheeks in to create a vacuum as she lifted; then blowing them out as she descended again. Gradually, she increased the depth of his penetration, allowing a little more of him to pass her lips in a slow, tantalising rhythm, feeling him stiffen and leak small globules of pre-cum. She adjusted her position and sat on his legs so that he would not thrust, she wanted to make all the movement so that the exquisite sensation would be magnified.
Paul hardened at her insistence. The warmth and sucking of her mouth drew blood into his organ, building the pressure, but oh so slowly. It was almost a delicious pain between feelings of relief as she sank back down his shaft. He could never remember having a woman give him so much intense pleasure from fellatio before. It wasn't a first for him, but certainly was a first in the delicious thrill it was affording his neural network.
By now, she had him in the back of her throat, still keeping the slow but insistent tempo, just longer strokes. She could feel his imminent release and ignored his feeble attempt to lift her off of his pulsing cock. Abigail was intent on taking him to the edge and beyond; she had every intention of swallowing his cum. The trick was to know exactly when he would explode and make sure it was on a down stroke that had him right at the back of her mouth. Paul made it easier for her to judge the precise moment, he groaned and mini thrust. Abigail lifted her head and then began a long descent down his shaft, feeling him dry heave first and then shoot the first of three or four spurts. She didn't stop sliding him into her until his cock was fully down her gullet and her lips grounded against his pubic bone. She was rewarded by his final spurts that she swallowed comfortably. She lay still, keeping him in her mouth until his tremors subsided and he was totally spent.
So began their life together in a loving relationship. Their sexual partnership developed in a fruition of learning and awareness that progressed from the one two one sexual exploration, to them joining a club.
The journey for them was not so long perhaps, but had many twists and turns until they had exhausted every conceivable position and scenario between two people. Abigail gave herself to Paul in love and implicit trust. Paul accepted her love and returned it as fully. Together, they set off on a voyage of sexual discovery.
The Club.Their invitations arrived in a pink envelope in Monday morning's post. Neither of them had really expected their application to be successful, but now that it was and had become a reality, their excitement was tinged with some trepidation.
Paul and Abigail had visited many on-line sites, spending time in front of a web cam, sharing their sexual appetite with anyone in the world who wanted to watch. It is a fast growing network of like-minded people who enjoy performing to an audience of anonymous faces whose web cams were on at the same time. They didn't need the extra incentive of knowing that sometimes, hundreds of people were watching them screw each other. They didn't need the buzz, but it made for some really hot sessions and, for some reason, made Abigail all the hotter in her performance.
Neither had too much by the way of inhibitions, she, because of her past abuse where she was used so badly and emotion had been non-existent in her liaisons, Paul, because he found in Abigail, someone who was not afraid to express herself sexually in the knowledge that he cared deeply for her.
They could monitor how many viewers they had, a simple counter ran alongside the images of their bodies on the seventeen-inch screen and a tool bar at the top of the page showed instant messages from the observers. They rarely answered the messages, preferring to remain in the room to converse, unless they were too busy with each other to type.
They liked to surf the net as well, sharing the excursion into lust and porn as a partnership. They shared fantasies where another was introduced into their play, but these were just fanciful notions that added to the spice of their lovemaking.
Abigail was flat on the divan, her head propped by two pillows as Paul thrust between her parted thighs in a classic missionary position. Her knees were drawn up to give him a greater access to her body and allow their pubic bones to grind against each other. The session was already well into the latter stages, with both coming towards the reward of orgasm.
The web cam faithfully recorded the action scenes and relayed them around the world, bouncing their heaving bodies off satellites in orbit at eight frames per second. Perhaps as many as three hundred registered accounts were at least watching in part, or had their cam open on a screen somewhere. As the passion mounted towards the inevitable conclusion, so the amount of voyeuristic viewers increased; they were oblivious, too intent on each other to notice.
Her hands drifted from her breasts and clasped Paul's waist, digging nails into the soft skin of his back. Perhaps she dug a little more than customary or her nails were a little sharper, because Paul yelped and grabbed her hands in his, while he supported himself on her lower torso. Bringing her wrists together, Paul clamped them in his large hands and pushed them over her head to hold them there, away from his back and under his control.
It was as if a switch were suddenly hit. Abigail, realising she was virtually pinned and restrained, went into overdrive, her hip and pelvis came up and crashed into Paul, she dictated the pace and urgency, driving him deep inside her body as if in desperate need of his length and seed. She thrashed her head from side to side, screaming his name over and over as she smashed through a climax and orgasm of proportions hitherto unknown between them. He held her wrists in a strong grip and tried to stay on top of her as she writhed and bucked under him in a frenzy of motion.
Abigail came in a gut wrenching spasm that had her pull up her knees to her chest. Her teeth gritted together in a rictus like grin, every muscle taut and bunched as another wave passed through her, then another, slightly less, then more, in diminishing ripples like period cramps that squeezed and let go.
Paul withdrew from her sex, but held her hands still, locked above her head in his grip. He knelt beside her and slowly rubbed himself with his free hand until he reached his own climax and sprayed her body with his secretion.
He was somewhat startled by Abigail's sudden frenzy, but didn't say anything, preferring to just enjoy the fervour and exhilaration of the moment. He retrieved a towel and cleaned her off. It wasn't until later that she broached the subject, giving him the opportunity to ask what had happened to cause her to react so violently.
"I had this sudden image of being tied up when you clasped my hands together." She told him. "It just did something to me and as you could see, all hell broke loose. It was like an electric current was passed through me."
Subsequent excursions of mild bondage had similarly devastating effects on Abigail. They experimented with tying her hands, feet or knees using his neckties at first, then buying soft braid lanyard lines from a chandlery. The marine ropes were soft to the touch and didn't abrade her skin or chaff. Each step took her to new places and heights of ecstasy, gradually setting the lines of submissive and domination.
They shopped for the paraphernalia of S&M, visiting the sex shops of Soho and Anne Summers. In a matter of months, Abigail was the possessor of several leather harnesses and bustier outfits. They found nipple and labia clamps, trying them out gingerly at first, but then getting into the swing of it with a passion. She loved the sensation of being restrained with cuffs and a choker collar that had loops for chains or rope to pass through. Some of the toys they acquired bordered on pain; she liked a leather look whip, but shied away from a riding crop. They established the boundaries of her endurance and enjoyment thresholds by trial and error, experimenting and then evaluating the effects caused by the vast array of toys.
The ultimate for Abigail was reached with a newly bought set of labia clamps with soft rubber inserts. The clamps were attached to a chain that they passed through one of the loops on her choker. Two further clamps, also attached to a chain, pinched her nipples in what looked to be a cruel grip, but was in fact, quite comfortable. The chain to these was also passed through a loop on her choker. The effect of any movement on her part pulled her lips apart to expose her delicate clit and simultaneously tightened the chain attached to her nipples, pulling her breasts up and tightening the grip of the clamp. Paul added a blindfold to the ensemble and then tormented her sensitive nub with the tip of a dolphin vibrator, causing her to squirm; adding torment to her nipples and cunt by pulling on the chains. It was a delicious torment that had her screaming a climatic spasm. She soaked the bed with a torrent of cum that splashed all over Paul's face and shoulders. Had the sound been up on the computer, they may have heard a collective sigh from the watchers of their cam.
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Hello friends, here is a story that will make your cocks hard and your cunts wet. A loving wife gifts to hubby his sexy sister on her wedding anniversay. I came writing it, I hope you cum reading it. Email me at I am very open with my older sister Sarita who is married to businessmen Sahil. They have two kids and they are studyng in school. Sahil is most of the times traveling and Sarita often spends some time with my wife Ankita. My sister loves her Bhabi (brother’s wife) and so does my wife...
IncestHello, All, Indian Sex Stories readers. How are you all. Thanks for your huge and overwhelming response for my first sex story. I am happy that many of them read my sex story and informed about your satisfaction. Thanks to the Aunties and girls who invited to their house and mutually satisfied with new positions and new things and looking forward to satisfying you all to my best with the confidentiality. All your feedback are welcome. You can email me or chat with me in and will reply ASAP to...
Hi, friends kaise hain ap sab log nd umeed karta hu ki thik hi honge.jessa ki ap jante ho i m rahul nd my sweet sister palvi. ap sabne meri stories jo iss per publish ho chuki hain ko bahut passand kiya or muje mail kiye jinne read kar main or meri didi palvi bahut khush huye or unmain se kuch mere frd bhi bane jessa ki ap sab jante hain ki main or didi ek dusre ko bahut like karte hain or hum sex bhi karte hain hum dono apne is sex se bahut khush hain or chahte hain ki hum sada karte rahain....
Your birthday party had been great fun. We’d met some friends in our local. We’d had a good laugh, and maybe drunk a little too much. But hell it was your birthday. I hadn’t known what to get you for the occasion; I wanted it to be something memorable. But what? Clothes? I would choose wrong. Perfume? You had a dressing table full. Underwear? To easy. But what? Then your eyes had lighted onto something in the pub and I knew! I knew what I could give you, that would make you smile, make you...
This happened when I became officially major – completed 18 years of age. A brief on my family before the story: I am Vinod, only son of my parents – mom Soniya, age 41 years and papa Sanjay, age 46 years. We have been well-to-do family, running a profitable business in a suburb of a major Indian city. I was sent to another town to complete my graduation – to stay with my aunt, younger sister of mom. Her husband used to be abroad on a job and she used to stay alone. This is where the incidence...
IncestHi readers, This is Vikram from Indore. Ye story mere are mere saali Shilpa k beech ki hai. Story shuru karne k pehale mein aap ko Shilpa k baare be kuch batha du, woh ek chubby figure ki ladki hai age 27 yrs, uska figure kuch 34 32 36 hoga. Jab b uska hips dekhta hu tho gajab ki garmi aa jathi hai badan mein. It is one of the best i ever seen. Jab meri biwi ko pehla beta hua tab se kuch different feelings jaagi Shilpa k liye, hota aisa ki jab b Shilpa mere bete ko mujh se lethi tho mera haath...
A soft breeze blew across my body as I lay on the beach. It was not enough to cool the hot rays of the sun but it was refreshing. I loved the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. That’s one of the reasons Michael and I loved the clothing optional beaches. I also loved them because I enjoyed men looking at me while I was naked. It was arousing for me to know they were staring at me.Michael was not as uninhibited as me when it came to lying naked on the beach. But after a few attempts he was...
TeenJanuary 30. 2012This is my first Journal entry. Why do people write a journal? Probably because they’re lonely. But I, the great Takuri, or at least that’s what I’m calling myself these days, am never lonely. No I’m writing this journal so that other people can see, can read what great things I’ve done and where I’ve erred. It feels like I’m writing the truth. As a magician I spent my whole life living in illusions, bending the truth both to the audience but also to my humble self, now it feels...
I never thought I can give this kind of present for my son from me on the new millennium. My name is Vijaya. My son Ramesh is working in US and returned home for the millennium. As usual I was very excited to see him. He has been living in US for 5 years now and he comes home every 2 years. He arrived on the Christmas day as myself and his dad went to the airport to pick him. Ramesh was very excited to see us both despite his jetlag and just kept talking. Since we picked him up in the middle of...
Incest1The Holiday Gift. As she settled into the backseat of the cab for her ride home, after sharing some after work Christmas Eve drinks with some of her female coworkers, Danielle felt a touch of anxiety. This was a distinctly rare occurrence for this usually very self assured young woman. But this would be the first Christmas Eve that she would be spending with Reed, since they had moved in together ten months earlier, and she didn’t quite know how to react. After a surprising number of...
Admittedly, I was rather late getting into the ‘dating game.’ It was just after Christmas Break of my senior year of high school when I had finally fallen in love with someone – a tall, glamorous beauty with a silky voice, eyes as deep as the oceans, and skin as white as virgin snow: Claire Mangelson. Suddenly, I realized that, for the first time in my life, I would need to buy a present for a girl who was not a blood relative I had known for years. The scary thing was that I had no idea what...
RICH’S VALENTINES GIFT I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night...
This is Nish, I am 27 year old. I married 2 years ago. I am from Delhi, but I stay in Bangalore after marriage. This story happened 4 years back before marriage. It happened on my jiju’s b’day. I came to meet my sister, there I got to know it is my jiu’s b’day. I wished him “happy b’day jiju” Jiju: thanks, where is my gift, you are wishing me without gift. Sis: what she can give. Me: I could have got something if I knew before. Jiju: I was just kidding. Don’t mind. After that my jiju went to...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls...
Hi everyone….This is Dr.Akshay again. I am big fan of ISS since 3 yrs. Without wasting time let me introduce myself, I am Dr. Akshay from Pune.I am 30 yrs old having good looks and pretty good height Of 5’9”. And athletic body. I am doing my own Medical practice. I am very fun loving guy and I thought sex is the world’s most beautiful thing,and I am very passionate about sex., and you also agree to me.,otherwise you were not here… Coming to the story,let me introduce the heroin of the story,...
My Christmas Gift By Julie O Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 Where to start? Well, I suppose it started way before I was even born. My mom came from a wealthy family; rather, make that a filthy rich family. Her father, my grandfather, Randal Harper, was an investment banker and everything he touched made money. However, he also believed in the Andrew Carnegie model of making a fortune and then giving it back. My mom and her sister were given starter funds, and he then gave the...
A gods gift to women I've always loved women, Large women, petite women, butch women and pretty women. It doesn't matter to me. I love them all. Sometimes I have to admit I am also a little jealous of them as well. They get to wear pretty clothing and just be more open then men are allowed. I sometimes just wish I could find a woman who would enjoy me being a woman as well. It's a Friday night and I have nothing planned for the weekend. I hurry home as I planned on getting dressed...
“It’s good to see you again, Paul,” Lady Alexandra said, her gentle voice contradicted by the black leather bustier she spilled out of and the matching high, laced stiletto boots accentuating her long legs. She held a black riding crop she held in her hand and black cap perched on her blonde head. Her bound, gagged masked and leather-clad husband moaned something in sympathy. I understood. Sadists are not unnecessarily cruel, and most pain has nothing to do with pleasure. “I had to get away...
BDSMI tell you from starting. We both belong to Bhopal and we study in college away from Bhopal. We both belong to different branches. We always used to go back or college together. I. I tell you Shalinii’s so much sexy, hot and looks beautiful even without make up. She is around 5ft and has a perfect body. Our story started in 2nd year and we did sex 3rd year. It all started in 2nd year in the train back to our journey to Bhopal. Our journey is generally more than 30 hours and we traveled always...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentine's Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift; if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Wife LoversHi friends, I am Ramesh once again with a new story. in the previous story I told you how I fucked my elder sister Arti and she also enjoyed it now in this story I will tell you how I fucked by Younger sister Preeti Lets starts the story how I fucked my younger sister in my gift. Me and my elder sister were enjoying our body daily at night. And in month 4 time full sex session used to go means I used t fuck. One day at night sister came in blanket Arti sister : hi bhai lets enjoy I : not in...
IncestHi friends,, my name is kartik (name changed)…Age 35.. From vadodara(gujarat)…I am writing my first experience…. If you like my experience pls feel free to mail me at …I wl reply u sure..I am writing my story in Hindi.. So easy to speedy work… Maine kuch sal pahele lagbhag 8 sal jub main karib 26-27 ka tha.. Tab news channel pe gigolo ka racket ke bare main news pe let night show dekhatha usmeain mumbai ke kuch posh areas main hone wale is karrnamein ke bare main tv pe pura program dekha...
PROLOGUE Mary Dingel, age 43, is married to Howard, age 45. They have been married for 21 years. Howard worked in the aviation industry at a company that derived most of its business from contracts with the military. He was a middle manager, and he was let go, along with 2,000 other employees, when the military contracts became scarce. Fortunately his rank and time on the job qualified him for a decent buyout, and with Mary's income as an ICU nurse, there were no...
Hi all sexy peoples who have been writing here and reading here. This is Rony here back again with one more story as I told u in my last story that I will tell u that how I fucked my mom in different places after getting caught by her while I was having sex with my aunt. I have in my story abt my n my aunts fucking story. Who was beautiful n sexy n hungry for sex with me where ever I want n when ever I want n what ever style I want . She would never object me from being fucking her. I fucked...
IncestThe Gift A sissy sextoy would make such a lovely gift. And being a sissy sextoy is such a lovely gift as well. Combine the two and... ~~~~ I shift my weight around again. I'm not uncomfortable in this position but nor am I comfortable either. I wish I could see what was going on around me. Or hear what was going on. The only thing I can see are the images being played on the goggles strapped over my eyes. The only thing I can hear is the voice of my master. The images...
I have been racking my brain for weeks trying to think of the perfect Valentines Day gift for my husband Rich. He already has just about every toy for just about every hobby you can think of. It’s been a tough year and our relationship has suffered a little. I often think about the closeness we once shared and want so much to feel that once again with him. Rich is a wonderful man and I want to give him the perfect gift, if any man deserved it, it is Rich. Last night was girls night out and I...
Group SexHi friends i am ishita 22yrs from Delhi with assets of 36c 30 36,im a sexy and good looking girl,many guys had crush on me but i didnt care much,as i didnt like all that much,i have a cousin he is very close to me since my childhood as he used to come to my home regularly since childhood we used to like each other and it changed into love,and he became my bf,in this story i want to explain about the gift of life which my bf gave me on my birthday and which changed my life,friends this is my...
Joe was a doctor. A general practitioner. A family doctor seeing patients from 13 to 110. He'd already wrapped several of the normal gifts for Susan. Jewelry, clothes, a few music CD's and the like. This gift, however, he'd have to want as well. And tonight was Christmas Eve. He could still say no. "Hey, Susan," Joe was on the phone. "I plan on being home early today. I only have one more person to see. Are you ready?" "Yes. Surprised you went in at all today." "Yeah well, it's...
Niece’s Special Christmas Gift By Reeb This Christmas was going to very different from the ones in the past. For the first time, all the niece’s and nephew’s were old enough to be part of the family Pollyanna. My sister’s youngest daughter, Allison, or Ally as we called her, had just turned sixteen and since she was working, she had some money so she wanted in on the family tradition. At our Thanksgiving dinner, we always pick names for the Pollyanna. Our tradition is always the...
IncestI retired early last year and decided to go to Prague for a couple of months to sight see. My wife could not go because of the demands of her employment. I was aware that Prague, the capitol of the Czech Republic, was a beautiful medieval city which had been almost untouched physically in World War II. In addition, I had just read in Newsweek magazine that along with France the Czech Republic’s population starts sexual activity early and is more comfortable with sex than the other countries...
I was out walking, thinking about everything that was going on in school. It was a busy road so passing cars diddent scare me much, infill one pulled over behind me. I turned around when I hear a deep voice call my name, it was the school football coach, mr. Johnson. I was suprised when he said, "well hi there! Would you like a ride home? I've been meaning to talk to your parents!" to which I of course aggreed to get in the car. But after a minute or so of driving, we ended up at school. He...
Mike was proud of his gift, the nice 7inch pink vibrator with the cute pink la senza kit he bought for his friend , he had his bbc twitching just thinking it was finally gong to happen''tonight, you learn to take it up your pussy ''thinking of his friend little white bubble butt, that cute sissy to be tigt ass , was going to feel so nice, so tight as he makes it into a dick craving boy pussyhis gift in his bag he went to the party, drank and had fun all night ,until it was over, Mike in the...
At first i thought it was a joke from one of my friend, but the anal lube bottle and the pink panty with '' sissy '' font stamped in front made me drop the pink suction cock in the plastic package''wtf wtf wtf''is all i could say knowing too well it was made for a sissy to wear and fuck herselfi throw the gift box under my bed angry some one was making a bad jokebut after my birthday party that weekend , i didnt ear anyone talking of it drunk getting out of the uber alone and going staight to...
The Gift By Margaret Jeanette Carolyn Walker was checking the profit-loss report from the last quarter. They had made a profit but it was far short of what they had projected it to be. She looked for where they could improve the profit margin. Being the Vice President-Finance her suggestions would carry a lot of weight. She noticed two areas that needed a closer look. She had a few minutes free so she called her husband Jim and asked him if he could possibly do some laundry because...
Mothers Special Gift By: Malissa and Gang 5/12/2013 Happy Mother's Day Being the middle child of five boys wasn't easy, having five boys wasn't easy on my mother either. But at sixteen I knew how much she'd always wanted a daughter. And over the last few years I'd found myself wanting to give her that special gift, I just didn't know how to go about it. I was afraid to mention it to anyone, especially not my brothers who were very much stereotypical Males. My mother on the other...
Hi dosto mera nam vicky umer 20 ye gift mene apni 2 sal choti behan zoya ko 1 month pehle uski 18th birthday pe dia tha joke 1 gangbang tha meri behan zoya itni sexy hai ke koi bhi use dekh ker chudai ka man bana lega. Me use 14 sal ki umer se sirf forplay sex hi kar raha hu kunke zoya mere computer per internet per gangbang sites dekh dekh ke usne mujhe hamesha yahi keh ker roka hai ke bhai ap jab bhi mere lie gangbangb ka intizam kar lenge usi din me apni kwnari choot apse khulwaongi . Bas...
Hello everyone, I am Riya, back with the next story in the series. It’s about Rahul’s birthday gift. In the evening, I looked at my boobs and saw Rahul’s bite mark clearly visible on it now. This aroused me a little bit, and I decided to text him. Me: Hi! Rahul: Who is this? Me: So you have stopped recognizing me already? Rahul: Haha, I could not forget that curvy figure of yours even if I wanted to. Me: So you like it that much? Rahul: Why else would I have unhooked your towel? Me: I am...
I grew up in a small town in California, far from the coast. I lived modestly with my mother and older half sister. My father was never in the picture, and my mother never spoke about him. She insisted that she knew nothing about him, and I never pressed her too hard because it seemed to upset her. My sister, Moriah, is a few years older than me. Her father comes around every now and then when he’s not deployed, and he seemed to always seemed resentful of my mother. Something...
"Why are there no roads in this forest? This trail will ruin my shoes! And will this stupid mountain go up forever?" Joanna Styrgon, the auburn haired 40 year old president of aspiring Styrgon Industries, had complained for the last half hour at least. Removing the thousandth twig from her furred coat she glared at her lone company, her 23 year old personal assistant George Mason, who had, of course, no part in his boss's choice of designer shoes or the lack of infrastructure on this...
The Polaroid Christmas GiftBy Catalyst500 This story is very tame by XHamster's standards, but if you enjoy it, do so because it is a true story!When my father passed away, I was cleaning out his home so that I could prepare it for sale. I came across a metal strongbox in the back of his closet. I recognized it immediately and remembered that's where he kept all his important paperwork.After sorting through all the expected documents (his will, insurance policies, birth certificates etc.) I...
My name is Terrance Graves. To sum up, I have a decent sized family. Two older twin sisters, a younger sister, and a younger brother… My parents were pretty busy people. But see, I was a mistake; the only mistake of the bunch, but a mistake. I must have been; my parents despised me. Absolutely despised me, to the point of cursing at me in front of my siblings. I don’t know what it was that I did or that I said, but it was all my fault, everything that had every gone wrong in our family. My...
This story is copyrighted by the author, but submitted freely for use on the Fictionmania web site. No other use of this work is authorized without the approval of the author. I welcome your comments, either on this site, or directly at [email protected] - Thank you, dear reader. Cleopatra's Gift ? by: Jerri Lea You're not going to believe the story I'm about to tell you, but why should you? I can hardly believe what has happened to me, and I lived it. But I have to...
TG: The Shapers Gift The start of a longer story for me and the first in a universe I hope to write more in over time. I'm also opening this universe up to anyone who wants to set stories in it which I know is rarely taken up. But the offer is there if you want to. I did design the setting so there is plenty of scope for any author to develop their story. I hope to have the next part out in a few weeks, and be a bit more productive than I have been the last few years. This story...
Book Two: Sultry Fantasies Unleashed Chapter Nine: Unwrapping His Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies The edited Imogene walked into my office. The plump, tattooed, and pierced girl with the garish, purple hair looked completed different now. She was thinner, her hair its natural shade of brown, no longer short but flowing long and with a delicious bounce. No ear expanders distorted her lobes. No tattoo of a butterfly covered...
It all started when Anna had insisted on taking Ellie out for drinks after work one Friday night. It’s not like Ellie knew Anna all that well, but their schedules meant that they often ended up eating lunch together, and a lunchtime talk had gotten to be a bit of a routine for them. And then one day Ellie found herself telling Anna about the breakup of her marriage, moving into a small apartment in the city, and how she was feeling a bit down about it all. Anna just listened to it all, offering...
She forced herself to hold still. Made herself take a deep breath. She turned her attention to Maria instead. Maria smiled at the girl reassuringly. "Don't be nervous Katie cat," she said trying to calm the girl with the old pet name. "I'm trying Maria," Katie said quietly dropping her gaze to the floor. "I'm just worried that..." "I told you not to worry," Maria cut her off gently. She crossed the room and took the girls hand. "I have been in your...
Alone, standing in a darkened doorway in a city whose name escapes him, a man is leaning against the wall. His coat pulled up close around his neck trying to ward off the elements, oblivious to everything but his own thoughts, as cars with their passengers pass by on journeys of their own as the rain is pouring down all around him. The night hides his true intentions, that of a man unsure of his nature. Still he stands unmoving; people go by unaware or just uncaring of his presence, as no...
Shyly you come towards me. Your nightie is red, short, and lacy. A single delicate pearl button between your breasts holds the top closed. Almost sheer, the outline of your nipples creates a shadow darker than your skin, thin straps of red across each shoulder. The shadow of your tummy button is clearly visible. Panties the same colour. My God! This is my gift. My body reacts. I want you. I can feel the shyness in you. You quickly climb into the bed and cover yourself. “No,” I say. “I want...