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Cooling metal pinged as consciousness slowly returned. Struggling to sit up, Latimer felt his body bump against something in the blackness. Spinning, he struck a bulkhead. Weightless? Groggily, his mind fought with the idea. Why was he weightless? What happened to ship's gravity? Lifeboat? He reached out to steady himself, wincing from the sudden pain in his left shoulder.

Instrument lights from the control panel in the distance glowed blue-green-red, as he realized that he could only see with his right eye. Wiping at his face with his left hand, he felt wetness. Blood? His heart pounded. What had happened to his sight? Adrenalin shocked his body, bringing full consciousness to his befuddled mind, and with it, nausea and... memory.

Panic surged like an enraged beast tearing at its cage. Fighting to still his nerves, he forced himself to reason. He had to get to the controls, find out what had happened. He pushed from the bulkhead, correcting off the doorway into the pilot's cabin, using his good right arm to stop himself against the acceleration couch.

As he strapped in, his stomach rebelled, forcing him to snatch a puke bag and bring it to his mouth — nothing but dry heaves. That was the vile smell his dazed mind had refused to place; he must have vomited while he was out, and already emptied his stomach. Trying to dismiss the smell, he activated the scan and searched space around him; stars swam across the screen, one close by — no beacon. A chill went down his spine as he called up the boat's log, punched playback, and watched the scene. The chill changed to despair, gnawing at his soul. The pilot's cabin swam around him as his forehead throbbed, demanding attention.

He groped with shaking hand for the toggle that controlled cabin lights, and snapped it on, staring at his reflection formed by the blackness of deep space behind the wide front viewport. A haggard, blood-covered likeness stared back. While he had been unconscious in zero-gee, an eyebrow-level cut had disgorged an abundance of blood. Most had been sucked into the ventilator intakes, but some still floated in the air. The blood on his face had coagulated, but the gaping cut across his forehead still oozed.

As he watched, droplets broke away from the side of the wound to float about the cabin in small round balls. Pain seared across his forehead as he gently lifted the mass of mangled tissue that had once been an eyebrow, to inspect his left eye. He closed his right eye — blurred vision in the left, but vision, nevertheless. A sigh escaped his lips; the eye was intact, though swollen almost shut.

Touching his hand to the red first aid symbol on the cabin wall to his right caused a section of panel to fold out and the kit to open. He glanced again at his image in the glassite. The cut was bone-deep from just above his left eye to the center of his forehead, five or six centimeters in length, he guessed, causing the eyebrow to shift downward, leaving a gaping wound.

Some (sane?) part of his mind kept telling him that he couldn't have blood floating everywhere. He popped a can of antiseptic spray out of its recess, closed his eye and sprayed the wound. A sting followed by a blessed numbness touched his face; the pain eased off.

After choosing a bandage from the kit, he gently pushed the edges of the torn tissue back into place and sealed the dressing across the injury. That would have to do; he wasn't up to anything more involved just now. His left arm, bruised, throbbed from the exertion. Besides... he had to know for sure.

It was odd to think such a small instrument could hold one's future tucked, somehow, inside it. The blue symbol of an atom with circling electrons mocked him as he grasped the device, hesitated, turned it toward himself and activated its sensor.

Shouldn't the manufacturers have programmed in some type of delay, some double-check, before instantly announcing someone's doom with a blaring buzz and flashing blue read-out? Obviously, they hadn't thought so. He stared at the buzzing instrument before he reset it and turned it toward himself again. Same thing!

I'm dead. My body just hasn't realized it yet, he thought.

He shut the alarm off and stared at the reading again. Twenty percent beyond fatal dose. Possibly, no probably, he told himself, he would live — live, that is, if he could get to a full medical facility within a few hours. But with no medical facility within some hundred-plus light-years, and with only the anti-rad pills, twenty percent beyond fatal dose was just that — fatal. Period!

He grasped the vial, his hand trembling. Was there any use in prolonging the inevitable? These would only put off death a little longer. Through blurred vision, he read: Take two immediately after radiation exposure, then one every 12 hours. He didn't bother reading the rest. There wasn't any rest for him, anyway.

The anti-rad pills, however, with an anti-nausea capsule, went down dry a few minutes later. Maybe he just didn't have the guts to throw the things into the converter, but he had fought for life time after time, and had always felt contempt for people who committed suicide; not taking the pills when they would, at least, prolong his life, felt like a form of self-destruction.

How long had he been in the boat, anyway? A glance at the elapse time clock produced the answer: three hours and sixteen minutes. He shouldn't be nauseated from the radiation sickness this soon; the dose he received wasn't that massive. The nausea must be shock from blood loss and the beating his body had taken, he decided. The boat, keyed to his ship's computer, had launched when he was (safely?) aboard, nearly killing him in the process. If it had waited until he had been strapped down, he would be dead, though — at least it would have been a clean death; now he would die a bit at a time, and in agony.

"Better get your mind off that. Whining won't do any good," he subvocalized.

He didn't know whether any of the other scouts — not that there were that many — talked to themselves, but he figured he was the best conversationalist within light-years, so why shouldn't he talk to himself. Of course, he was the only conversationalist within light-years... He almost giggled aloud.

Snap out of it.

Was it the drugs he had taken, or was he losing it completely? No, he decided, he wasn't crazy, just scared spitless.

Well... , not any crazier than usual. All scouts were a little crazy — had to be. There were dozens of jokes about scout-crazy pilots, and he guessed, there was some basis for the stigma. He had seen more than most though, lived life on the edge, traveled farther than any person alive.

What the crap had happened? Why did the pile suddenly have to blow? He hadn't been lax with safety, at least, not about his ship. A scout's idea of a reasonable risk would leave the average person appalled at the recklessness. But a scout had to poke his nose into things, had to explore. That's what he got paid for, though he would have done it for free, if need be, but he wouldn't have let anyone know that. Scouts generally griped about needing newer equipment, bitched about assignments, raised hell in port, then lifted, mission after mission, until, eventually, they quit or didn't come back from an assignment.

You knew this would happen. The odds had to catch up with you sooner or later.

A cacophony of wailing alarms, the strobe of warning lights, then momentary stillness until the computer announced, blaringly, throughout the slender scout-ship: ABANDON SHIP. THE REACTOR WILL SELF DESTRUCT. PILE DETONATION IN THIRTY SECONDS. ABANDON SHIP. ABANDON SHIP. Latimer hesitated and stood motionless, stunned. TWENTY-FIVE SECONDS. TWENTY-FOUR. TWENTY-THREE.

He snapped awake, heart pounding, body trembling. In the dream, he had again been walking down the short passage from the rec-room to the bridge when the computer let loose with its declaration. A couple of seconds had crept by before realization struck and training had taken over.

If he had been anywhere else, he wouldn't have made it to the lifeboat. He practically dived through the hatch, hit weightlessness, braced his foot against the bulkhead, and swung the heavy port with all his strength. He frantically spun the lock, heard the seal squeak closed, then turned and clawed his way through the inner hatch. As he was swinging it closed, the boat launched. Acceleration beyond the capabilities of the dampers smashed him against the hatch and pinned him while consciousness was snuffed out in a blinding flash of pain as the craft, trying to save its master, launched at emergency max.

A sun-bright ball of primal energy blossomed behind the escaping lifeboat as his ship reduced itself to atoms. Hard gamma radiation sleeted through the light shielding of the desperately fleeing craft — through his body. He had almost been far enough away for dispersal to have reduced the radiation to an acceptable level — almost.

What had happened? His last full-maintenance check, two days ago, had verified that the drive was in perfect condition, fine-tuned to four decimal places, and the fusion unit had every safety device that the Service could think of to keep it working safely, and at top efficiency, for years. It couldn't just blow — but it had.

The lifeboat had bolted like the hounds of hell were after it, but the tiny ship had to wait for him to close the outer lock — seconds that would ultimately cost him his life. After the explosion and the resulting radiation bombardment, the command computer had shut down all nonessential systems and awaited his instructions.

The Service wouldn't list him as missing yet; he hadn't even reached his assigned search area. He wasn't due back for two years, unless he hit upon a habitable planet. Eventually, if he didn't return, he would be posted as missing and a replacement sent out, but the new scout would only know that he had been assigned a search area where the primary scout had failed to return.

Chances of rescue were so close to nothing that the difference didn't matter. He had dropped out of jump space about two-thirds of the way to his zone; even if the Service did mount a search, they would be looking in the wrong place. He turned on the boat's beacon, anyway. Maybe sometime, someone would stumble onto his craft.

There was no base within range of its sublight drive; at least, nowhere that the craft could reach while its passenger was still alive, even if he had been healthy. The nearest outpost was over a hundred light-years away. The little boat was tough, all engines and life support, a closed environment, efficient — but, he would be long dead before it could carry him to safety.

Exhausted, head throbbing, his body cried out for sleep, but if he were ever going to fix the cut on his forehead, he had better get to it. He gingerly pulled the bandage off and cleaned the area around the wound, respraying with the antiseptic. Holding the wound together a small section at a time, he sprayed each section with artificial skin until he had the entire injury closed.

The pain pills and the more potent hypo seemed to mock him from their recesses in the kit. One of those pills would ease his aches, but one now would be one less later when he would really need them.

Why wait for a slow, agonizing death? Why didn't he cycle through the lock and get it over with? Thinking of the airlock jarred his memory. He released the straps, kicked off, and floated aft. He never did get the inner lock dogged down properly. He touched the wheel, spun the lock closed, listing automatically for the squeak of its seal.

The boat's air system hadn't gotten rid of the odor. He had thrown up, from the looks of things, after the boat had quit accelerating. The whole aft section was a mess, but he wasn't up to cleaning after himself just now, nor did the challenges of a zero-gee shower seem worthwhile to his tired body. He settled for wetting a washcloth and wiping the clotted blood from his face.

A few minutes later, he strapped himself in and ran another scan. The last time he was interested only in his ship; it still didn't seem real to think that the vessel that had carried him so far no longer existed, that he was stranded, dying from an overdose of radiation. Such a short time ago, his mind was filled with mundane thoughts, his most critical decision was what to have for lunch — then this.

His head throbbed as he brought the scan routines on line. The star system he had seen earlier was in the center of his screen. The computer displayed information across the bottom of the picture as he touched his console automatically, bringing forth data as he had hundreds of times in the past from the more elaborate system in his ship. The boat's setup was slower, the computer far less sophisticated, but the lifeboat was designed to save him if he lost his ship, if at all possible — the minimum was here.

Five planets were graphically represented on the screen. He brought up data on the first. It circled close to the blue-white dwarf, its atmosphere, if it ever had one, burned away. He ignored it, brought up the second: arid, temperature ranging to two hundred degrees Celsius, atmosphere poisonous. The third was in essentially the same orbit as the first, but opposed, temperature basically the same as number two. He didn't bother with atmosphere readings. Four and five were both far out, both gas giants, unacceptable for human life. He had known there wouldn't be anything of use, not in a white-dwarf system — still, the news depressed him.

Tired, despondent, he reclined the seat, closed his eyes, trying to shut his mind off. No go. Why did my ship blow?

Bringing the seat back up, he turned it, snapping on the holo viewer. Tapping out a number at random, he tried to relax and watch the vid. After a quarter hour, he realized that he had no idea what was happening on the screen. What was wrong with him? A scout had to have patience, since he spent a large part of his time in hyperspace idling his time away between star systems. Scouts joked among themselves that their jobs were ninety-nine percent boredom and one percent chaos. He'd had his chaos for the day — now there was nothing to do. Nothing to do but wait for death.

That was it. A smile touched the corners of his mouth. His problem was simple, albeit had no solution. He just hadn't given in to the idea of dying — unfortunately that would make no difference in the end. Any rational person, he thought, would feel hopeless about now, would accept that death was inevitable, maybe take the pill that would induce a sleep that would never end.

His head throbbed with every pulse beat, and his shoulder ached. He shut the video off and opened the first aid compartment again. As he reached for the pain pills, the bright red vial in the top left corner, sealed, warnings written on it, reflected the cabin lights. His hand grasped the vial.

A few moments later, he secured the outer door to the converter feed, grinning as if he had achieved something. The red pill's mass would be of little use to equipment designed to convert heavy metals to energy for the engines, but its scarlet beacon wouldn't be there to mock him. He took a pain pill, let his chair back to the reclining position, and waited for the drug to take effect.

Hours later, he awakened groggy from the pain medication, but feeling better. After taking an anti-rad pill, he cleaned up the aft section. His shoulder was better, and some of the swelling had gone down around his eye. His vision was a little blurry, but far better than it had been.

He scanned his body once again, still unable to believe he was dying with radiation poisoning — same results. What was he going to do? Just sit here and wait to die? His database, called up a few minutes later, gave him page after page of information on radiation effects on the human body, treatments, prognosis, but there were too many variables.

He wanted to know how long he would live. Without treatment, ten to twenty days. With full treatment in a med-unit, he wouldn't die, might even be able to have children when the equipment was through with him, but with just the pills, the effects of the poisoning would be slowed, but not stopped. With blood transfusions, the process would be slowed more — he had blood, his blood, stored in the boat years ago. But was the hassle worth it? No matter what he did, with his limited medical facilities, he would die.

He had never given up on anything in his life; now, life was going to give up on him.

He sat drumming his fingers on the arm of his seat. He had gotten through life, mostly on pure cussedness. Tall, lanky, not particularly good looking, he still managed to date most of the girls he wanted to. He just wouldn't be told no; he always kept coming back with a new approach. Most everything in life, he tackled the same way. In school, there had been smarter people than he was, but they hadn't wanted the best grades as badly as he had. He supposed that school, both prep and college, had tended to make him more of a loner, since he inevitably spent so much of his time in study.

His father had been a drunk; his mother had died during his last year in prep school. Scholarships, part-time jobs, and a driving, almost overpowering ambition to get away from the squalor he was raised in, had gotten him through college.

The Service had been his goal since his earliest memories. First as a fantasy for the adventures he saw on the vids, then, later, as a way out of his mundane existence. Somewhere along the way, perhaps in rebellion to his self-enforced confinement while he studied, he became obsessed with wanting to be a scout, explore, get away from it all.

By the time he started college, he had called up every database he could access, researching details of scout requirements. As time went on, he found out all he could about the testing procedure for trainees, then stressed those areas, when possible, in his studies.

The last year, he applied his, by then, well-developed persistence toward being accepted into scout training. To be accepted for the entrance tests, grades had to be near-perfect, and the candidate had to have letters of recommendation. His grades were good enough, and thanks to his research, he had taken courses that would help him pass the tests; he had no problem with letters of recommendation from his professors — still, the program was so selective that he was afraid that he would not get a chance.

He hedged his bets by a letter campaign (both e-mail and hand-delivered) to remind the department head that he would be graduating soon and wanted to take the tests, assuming that proof of his deep, long-lived desire to be a scout would have some effect.

By the time he graduated, he had sent a dozen letters, had been screamed at when he kept showing up with new hand-delivered ones, had been thrown out of the building once, but finally, had been assured that he would be allowed to take the tests if he would just leave them alone.

On the day his tests were to begin at eight, he was waiting on the steps of the building at six with his duffle bag, computer, and every book chip he owned. He was the only candidate that got to talk with the department head. Painstakingly, she tried to explain the basic testing procedure to him — how, if he passed the preliminary tests, then, he would be expected to live on the premises while he took the more advanced physical tests — endurance, weightlessness, high-g, solitude. He told her again that he had lived his life to become a scout, that he had given up his room near the campus, had sold everything he possessed, save what was sitting beside him. If she would not let him stay, he would live on the steps. He had come to be a scout.

Frustrated, she called an aide in to take him to a bunk in a small barracks adjoining the office complex. He didn't see the grin on her face as he turned to follow his escort.

Six-month scout-trainees stared at him as he stored his gear and hurried to his first test.

He didn't make the best grades of any scout that had ever come through the academy, but he was close, easily number one in his class.

He had never quit before; he would not quit this time. He would not give up. But what good would it do — death was there, waiting. He ran the tutorials on blood transfusions. He had been taught the procedures at the academy, but he wanted to refresh his memory. Grimly, he set about the task, set the timer for his next dose of anti-rad. Death would have to take him, kicking and screaming, clawing for life the way he had fought for his dreams.

Days dragged on, faithfully recorded by the elapsed-time clock. He tired of watching vids and playing games with the computer. He brought the nearby star system back on the screen. He had been drifting in the general direction ever since his boat had shut off power shortly after launch. He could reach the outer planets in a little more than two weeks, but why bother?

Waiting for the inevitable was putting a mounting strain on his nerves; nerves already stretched to the breaking point by watching his body starting to die. His head showed patches of baldness where clumps of hair had fallen out. His gums bled when he brushed his teeth; his legs and back ached.

Had other scouts died like this, gradually losing control, while they desperately searched for some way to rescue themselves? He was sick of doing nothing. It had been fine on his ship. The idleness hadn't bothered him that much; he could always find something to keep his mind occupied. But somehow, watching vids from a duplicate library to his ship's, didn't have the same effect. He tried to work on his third book — he had sold two that he had written to occupy himself during his forced isolation — but writing no longer interested him. After all, who would read it?

The ship's viewer again attracted his attention; the system displayed on it beckoned the explorer within him. More burned out planets, or gas giants strung either too near, or too far, from the little blue-white star. Nothing in the star's solar system would do him any good, but he might as well be orbiting a gas giant as adrift in deep space.

At least he would have something to do from time to time, and something to see other than the blackness of space. Normally, he would conserve fuel, and at this distance, boost at half power for a few hours, then coast until time to decelerate, but why bother? He picked one of the gas giants, had the computer compute a full-boost vector, and hit initiate. The ten second warning sounded, then acceleration.

The aft section was suddenly down, the dampers reducing the one-hundred-gee acceleration to e-normal inside the boat, requiring him to use the ladder to get back to the fresher. At least he would be able to take a standard shower again. Unstrapping, he brought himself to his feet. Surroundings seem to spin about him as he rested an arm on the nearest bulkhead for support. Had the radiation progressed that far already, or was he just weak from being in zero-gee for a while.

His equipment confirmed that he was feeling one gravity. He had the option of adjusting the acceleration dampers to zero-gee inside the craft, but their version of zero-gee wasn't the same as the real thing. There were minute and very rapid shifts, barely discernible to his conscious mind, but something about him knew they were there and it made him feel uneasy, a little like he was falling. He didn't notice the shifts at one-gee.

A week later, the little craft had acquired an appreciable percentage of the speed of light. After a brief shutdown while the boat reoriented itself, it began deceleration as it slowed to match orbits with the gas giant.

Another week later, orbit achieved, he had grown tired of watching the swirling mass below him. He was about to wash his face in the fresher when the alarm blared. His flinch from the sudden sound set him adrift. Time crawled by until he could touch another bulkhead and push off toward the pilot's cabin.

His shaken mind clutched at straws, insisting that his ship had been detected, that it hadn't been destroyed after all. Frantically, he seated himself at the controls, quieted the audio and scanned his surroundings. Hope ebbed when the scanner still showed nothing, but the neutrino source his instruments had detected was strong. What could it be? The mass detector registered nothing of consequence except the planet below. Another ship? He stilled the hope unborn. No, a sublight drive would emit a whole slew of subatomic particles, and register as an almost infinite mass on his instruments, if the drive were anywhere near.

Hyperdrive, on the other hand, was undetectable with anything he had on board. He scanned his surroundings visually, increasing magnification to the maximum his equipment possessed. Nothing. The neutrino source continued emitting, but he had no way to determine distance. The passive neutrino detector was the only instrument registering; all his active systems that could conceivably bounce a signal off the object and give him a distance reading, refused to detect anything.

Switching to manual scan, he searched the area for long minutes before he was rewarded with the barest flicker of light that danced across the screen and was gone. Try as he might, he couldn't get it back. Had he imagined it? Perhaps he had picked up a distant star, but no, a wide-angle view in the direction he was scanning didn't encompass any stars. The area he was searching registered void of anything for light-years. The light must have been a stray chunk of rock, a meteor tumbling through the area, too small and distant to register, and he happened to briefly focus on it. If it were not for the neutrino detector continuing to register, he would have given up.

He eyed the offending device. He had problems enough without his instruments packing up. He called up the self-diagnostic program, activated it for a full systems check. Ten seconds later, the screen filled with: ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL.

He sat drumming his fingers on the seat arm. At length, he oriented the boat with the large front glassite port giving him a view of the area that his instruments insisted was the direction of the neutrino source. If the instruments couldn't pick up the object, he wasn't going to be able to see it with his naked eye, but it fulfilled his urge to look. Nothing but blackness greeted him. His equipment said there was something out there, but it could be fifty light-years away or a few hundred kilometers, there was no way to tell until he could bounce a signal off the object.

He should be able to detect a ship the size of his scout out to about one-hundred thousand kilometers. There you go again, boy. That's no ship. Even a cruiser wouldn't put out that much racket and still be too far away to detect.

Alien? Pipe dreams. Man had explored, settled worlds for a thousand light-years from Earth. He had met life, myriad forms of it, but sentience; not once. Earth was unique — the human race seemed to be, also. Men and women went out, checked out star systems that looked promising. About one in ten had planets. One out of a thousand planets had environments suitable for habitation by human beings, and that was just suitable, meaning that man could exist there without outside intervention. Most of these worlds were marginally habitable — better as far as the colonists were concerned than Earth with its giant megacities, food riots and astronomical crime rate, but survival on the colony worlds, in general, was less certain than on Earth.

The occasional world that was Earth-like would make the scout that found it wealthy on bonuses alone, plus he was given a hundred square kilometers of land, with all mineral rights, anywhere he chose on the planet. Even so, qualified people to man the scout ships were always in demand — a hundred square kilometer tract on most colony worlds was practically worthless, and bonuses weren't given until fifty thousand people settled the planet.

Forty-three percent of the new scouts quit after their first trip; ninety percent of the remainder either quit during the next five years — or didn't come back from an assignment. If a scout didn't come back, another was sent on the same mission. Sometimes the second scout figured out what happened to the first, most times not. If two were lost on the same mission, that area was marked on the maps and the next scout sent elsewhere.

Human life was far less valuable than equipment, especially starships. Fusion reactors produced the necessary power from almost anything that could be shoved into the converter, but metals and the sophisticated electronics necessary to cross space did not come cheaply.

Earth's starving billions wanted food, not technology. Space exploration and the resulting technological advances had been responsible for the increase in food production that had maintained the ever-expanding human tidal wave at the present level. Without continuing advances, along with the minerals and rare metals brought back from deep space, Earth's populations were doomed.

Politicians had found it more productive in the past, vote-wise, to belittle space exploration, cite money "thrown away" into space when that money could have been given to the poor. But those poor produced more poor at an alarming rate. Finally, even the politicians realized the folly of not planning ahead. If the population explosion continued, there would soon be standing room only, but before then starvation and the resulting diseases from millions of dead might wipe most, if not all, life from the planet.

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Father Higashidani Kamishimoemon (41) Eldest Son Sagara Sanosuke (19) Eldest Daughter Higashidani Uki (16) Second Son Higashidani Outa (6) The next day. (Early that morning, a jubilant Uki and a bleary Outa and Higashidani are surrounded by mountains of straw hats.) Uki: We're done! We made it! Higashidani: See what I can do when I go all out? All right, we're going into town! Wrap 'em up! (The family strikes out with the hats in big bags on their backs. A farmer couple notices...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Real Sister

Hello to all readers… This is my first story in ISS so please forgive me for my mistakes. I am rahul , 19 year old man studying in an engineering college in Delhi. My sister’s name is Sheena. She is about 24 year old lady working as a software engineer in Gurgaon. She is beautiful and white, has a nice big round ass. She always gave me a seducing smile. I fantasized about her daily n masturbated many times thinking about her, smelling her panty, licking it. I love the taste of her pussy. I was...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Miss GrangerChapter 5 Needs a Mans Touch

Kevin was a few minutes late. Not that I was holding him to his fifteen minute promise, but I felt kind of proud on Belinda's behalf of what she had achieved in so little time. I was also keyed up and excited, I ended up peeking out the front window waiting for him. Like a doting mother, she made me bring him inside and tried the old 'Have her home by ten o'clock, young man' line. We both laughed at her; it must have been the nervous tension because it really wasn't very funny. She also...

4 years ago
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Sucked in my sleep

Hi friends, My name is Jai from Delhi, I am 33years old and this happened 2months back when I was visiting my sis-in-law’s family over the weekend. I am 5ft 9in tall, good looking, 6inch penis with the inborn art to be able to suck a woman’s boobs and pussy till she can’t take it anymore. Since they had some electricity problem, I agreed to sleep in the veranda as it had rained and very good breeze blowing. I have the habit of sleeping in just shorts without any t-shirt and without any undie....

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You can always count on Molly to bring out your in

One night my then girlfriend and I got really high on molly and Knowing she had had a reputation as being a very promiscuous girl which as many others had developed after her Uncle and her fathers best friend, and her mothers new boyfriend began spending time trying to take control of what remained of her fathers business ventures after he had received a life sentence for d**g trafficking charges and the Government utilization of the highly unconstitutional Rico Laws, which are used to overturn...

4 years ago
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Wife surprise 3

I was sitting on the sofa watching television when my wife called over are you asleep ? No I said why come over here as she was on the other sofa which faced away from me, I went over and said what do you want, she said show us your cock, so I opened my bathrobe got my cock out, play with it for me I want to see it get rock hard and that purple helmet stand out, so I started to wank as she asked, with that she opened her dressing gown and started rubbing her clit her bush on full view so I...

2 years ago
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Sinners Sanctum

(Author's note: I have given Jeanne a new look. A story on that will follow later.) The red Panoz Roadster sports car made its way up the winding road leading to the Sanctum of Souls monastery. Inside were two women, dresses suspiciously conservative if you knew them better. Driving the car was an energetic redhead with a smile on her face with a smile on her face constituent of both smugness and excessive joy. Her red hair was frizzy and not well kept, and she was wearing a black...

1 year ago
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Never bet your wife to cover a great poker hand

I used to be a poker player and I thought I was pretty good. I was good at telling who was bluffing and who had a good hand, or so I thought! I was an aggressive player and over the past few months I was winning more than I was losing with the guys I play with every Friday night. They were always trying to bluff me or call my bluff but I always seemed to keep one step ahead of them. It seemed like whenever there was a big pot I was right there with a flush, a straight, or a full house. Rarely...

3 years ago
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Succubus Wasteland Part 1

Red lightning tore through the green sky over the vast wasteland outside, but, in the protective arms of the succubus, the young man was safe. The man took the succubus’s fingers and slowly began licking them before putting them in his mouth. He sucked on her soft skin, moaning slightly as her soft tail reached around and slid up and down the underside of his erect cock. Feeling this new sensation, the man bit down on the succubus’s fingers. This caused her to grin and slide her tongue...

4 years ago
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Can You Handle This

“Hi, David!” Mandy said, as she flung herself down on the seat. David folded the newspaper he had been reading and put it aside. He got up, leaned over the table, and hugged his friend as they always do.“Hi Mandy!” he said. “You look tired.”“I’ve been running in and out of shops all day,” Mandy said in reply. “I’ll just go and get some coffee, and then you can tell me what you wanted to talk to me about.She bought a cup of coffee and a Danish, and tried, with little success, not to spill the...

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Out Of The Blue

Out Of The Blue By Paul G. Jutras As Luke Jett sat before his work table, he pulled open a drawer and took out a gun. As he sat in his red Federation City High School graduation gown, he turned on his television and began to flip through the channels. One channel had Highway to Heaven; one channel had the movie Angels In The Outfield, one channel talked about the gender wars, and the third channel was running the television show Out Of The Blue. After he took off his pants, he...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 62

As we enjoyed lying in bed, cuddling with a bit of lazy time thrown in, it hit me that the girls had some kind of news they hadn't shared. Their lack of anxiety about getting back to Branson, combined with the obvious comfort zone we'd created as a threesome, made it obvious there was something hanging out there, unsaid. I guessed correctly that they would want to have a talk before they left our bed. "Brian," Rebecca said, kissing my jaw and running her tongue over it and up into my...

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My first gay club glory hole

Recently a friend of mine took me to a gay club. This was new to me, I am Bi, but thought a night out would be good to unwind so went.We arrived at the club at about 11 pm, and the place was in full swing. There was a good mix of men and women, all very attractive and putting me to shame.As my friend and I stood at the bar ordering our drinks, several guys looked at us and occasionally winking too. Like I said, this was new to me, and certainly the first gay club I had been to.We found a table...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 18

Emma Worthington sat dismally over her tasteless tuna fish salad. The slices of hard boiled egg on her plate seemed to stare back at her with hateful eyes. She'd been down in the lunchroom for about ten minutes now, having left her office shortly after Mrs. Stilton's arrival. She would stay for the entire hour she decided, until that awful woman had left, and then perhaps she could find something... some small favor perhaps that would put her back in Brad's good graces. The thought gave...

2 years ago
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South Carolina for the Summer pt 5

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... chapter 28Pam and Amy carried their Cokes to the row of benches and sat, facing the stores that lined the hallway."Did you see those shoes back there?" Amy asked. "Weren't they the best?""Oh I know. I loved those little bows on the back." Pam took a sip from her Coke just as two young men walked by. Pam, looking down at the floor, noticed a pair of snakeskin boots walking past in front of her and looked up to see who was wearing them. She looked right into...

1 year ago
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Spontaneous Surprise Part 8 Coffee Run Quickie

“Look Daddy, feel how smooth my pussy is. I shaved it just for you to show me how you are gonna quench my horniness”. When she talks naughty to me my cock gets hard immediately. I did enjoy playing with her little pink pussy on the ride over to the coffee shop. It had only been a couple days since my little cum slut had milked me dry from under my desk at work. I really did not anticipate hearing from her as she told me to just come by after work on Saturday. It was Friday and a text came...

3 years ago
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A Well Kept Woman

A Well Kept Woman 1.0 Our Marriage Fiona and I were happily married. She was a successful barrister and I was a wealthy and successful merchant banker. We lived in London in a large Georgian terrace that had 4 floors full of stylish furniture, antiques and paintings. The house had five large bedrooms, all ensuite, a music room, study, lounge, library, small ballroom as well as the usual kitchen and dining rooms. There were a number of chandeliers and endless ornaments, paintings...

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The First Cumming

I frown with frustration looking over my clothes that cover my apartment floor. Where the hell are my joggers? I should be out jogging along the beach not playing hide and seek with a pair of shoes. “ Where are you shoes? Where the hell are you?” Thinking out loud to myself, but without any luck the shoes don’t appear. I’ll just have to go for a run without them I concede. Moving in front of the mirror I examine my body, tall with long wavy bra strap length blonde hair, a cute small face...

4 years ago
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WBDPValentines in Vegas 5

The first of the Master's surrendered his spunk at about the six minute mark, rapidly followed by the Mistress right beside him. Apparently his explosion beside her was enough to trigger her own and she collapsed gasping on the floor her hand covering her sensitized cunt. It was time to start applying my psychological program on my little slave. Thank you, Alicia, I thought to myself."Look at the slaves up on the platform, little slave. Soon that will be you, thrashing about on a Sybian,...

2 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 12

Michael laid his head back against the soft leather of the Mercedes seat, closing his eyes, trying to process the events of the past hour, hell the past few days. ‘Where were you?’ the question filtered through his thoughts not expecting an answer but also curious as to the whereabouts of…. whatever the hell it was…. that always seemed to make an appearance when his life was in mortal danger. ‘I was with you, as I always am, however you seemed to have things well in hand so I remained a...

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Kismet or Happenstance Ch 04

Wednesday, August 16th, 2006. 6:40 pm ‘I’ve met someone.’ Ana moved the frames on her desk one more time. Perfect. The sudden hush wouldn’t last long, she knew them all too well. Right on cue, Sasha used her own words against her. ‘You’ve been there, what…twenty minutes? Our girl works fast, doesn’t she?!’ ‘Funny,’ Ana tried for a flat retort but their laughter was too infectious. Michelle giggled. ‘What’s he like? How’d you meet? Details!’ Ana resisted getting swept up in Michelle’s...

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Erica and Liam Chapter Three

Erica opened the car door and carefully stepped out, stretching as she gently closed the car door. She shook her now shoulder length blonde hair, seeing Liam smile in response. He then opened his own door, and looked around for the machine so he could pay is parking fee. Spinning, he finally found it, about 5 cars down the road. Flashing his smile in Erica’s direction, he said, “be right back”. Erica gazed at him as he was walking, enjoying the view. He was wearing a light pink collared shirt...

1 year ago
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Layla and her neighbor Part 1

Layla was a young stay at home mother. Her fiance Nathan was a succesful manager for a busy airline and worked just about all day every day. Layla and Nathan had a very loving relationship but she felt like something was missing, some thing hasnt been right for a while now. There was no romance, there was no excitement. Sex for them was the same every time and between his busy schedule and their daughter sleeping with them all of the time, it wasnt often that they had a moment to be intimate...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 97 Spring Break Mission ndash Resort Time

I had been briefed in a helicopter that my “Uncle Al” and “Aunt Sue” were taking me to where I was going to be meeting my “cousins.” “So you say that Bambi is a walking cum dump,” I asked a bit arrogantly. “How come she would even bother with me? Is it not obvious that I can’t access any of my inheritance directly until I’m twenty-one, provided those hired to manage my funds don’t embezzle it away? If she is conniving enough to plot out her actions to the level she does, she would already...

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Roxys house of XXX

*BEEP BOoooo* A chime goes off as you enter the dimly lit storefront. You were coming in from the rain and despite the soundness of the store’s construction you didn’t feel any less wet and dirty in its confines. The smell was… unique to say the least. Various fruity notes of strawberry and chocolate wafted over from the lube section to your left. On your right were a couple rows of shelves with various tools and toys. In the back on the left was a western style double swing door and a red neon...

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The Story of Leanna Part One

As we left to go back up to our floor, I held the door for Leanna and then quickly fell in behind and followed her up the staircase, hanging back a couple of steps so her incredible butt was perfectly level with my face as we walked up. I swear that she was swinging her hips just a little more than normal because I’ve seen her walk in the halls for years. Suffice to say that was one of the best thirty-five seconds of my life, seeing her shapely ass swaying about a foot from my face. I...

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Megan and Kyle v2 part 2

Saturday mornings, Megan comes over between 9 and 10 to work on projects getting the house back into shape and generally getting stuff done, but this was also a way for us to bond. We would then just hang around the house in the afternoon and then take some time naked playtime. Sundays are Megan’s day off to spend time with her family. As the semester began to get near the end of the term, I started to notice that Megan was really tired. “How is school going?” I ask at dinner one night. “I...

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Head teacher final part three is company

As they picked up Kelly and set off Sally and Kelly had some fun in the back, Kelly was busy sucking Sally’s huge tits and fingering her pussy whilst Sally lay back enjoying the attention, arriving at the hotel and booking in once in the room Sally and Kelly paid attention to Brad, Kelly dropped to her knee’s and pulled his cock out sucking in deep into her mouth whilst Sally breast fed Brad while he rubbed her pussy over her thong. Stopping for a moment Kelly said “let’s get stripped and get...

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December holidays part 3

After a good December holiday at my parents home in Jeffery's Bay, it was time to head on back home. We left at 6h00 on the Tuesday morning and we had booked ourselves into a little farm guest house cottage just a little further than half way home. It was 6 days since we last had sex in the hotel room that we booked in for a bit of fun. My hubby and I were still pretty horny from the lack of sex and unfortunately I had started my period the day before we left so it would be a few days till I...

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Lises Bar The Dark Night

Ten minutes. Time passes at different rates. When something you are hoping for is awaited, time drags. When you’re in the dentist’s waiting room, time drags then too because you want the ordeal over. But when you are trying to formulate an answer to a question, the allotted period flies past. I watched the clock’s hands and I swear they moved faster than normal. I could think of nothing but what was on the other side of that door. Twice I stood, preparing to leave, to fly away. Something deep...

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Two Sisters 8211 Part 1

“Aahh, faster, faster.” The ancestral house of Balwant Thakur, the sarpanch of the village was empty. But there were sounds coming from the storeroom. Anupriya’s naked ass was on one of the wheat sacks. Her legs were locked onto the thighs of Dhondu who was showing no mercy as he was pounding her as hard as he can. “Oh god, 4 days is like 4 years, suck my boobs, drink the milk it’s tough to drain it myself,” Anupriya moaned. Dhondu immediately started sucking out the warm sweet breast milk....

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Shes a very good wife

  I stepped out of a steaming hot shower and looked up into the mirror, he was standing there watching me dry myself off, just as he had been watching me through the glass shower bathe myself in soap and hot water. I smile at him as I lift my leg onto the side of the bathtub to dry my leg. I slowly bring the towel up my leg, across my thigh and between my legs. I let out a soft moan and tilt my head back as I continue to dry my stomach and down my other leg. As I bring the towel up my other...

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Texas TerrorChapter 4 Headed West

I needed some time, and space, to get past this latest turn of events. Lori was a special woman and I had abused her. She would have done anything I asked, to please me, and I mishandled it. I opened the cuffs with my hide-away key, grabbed my gear, and left. I thought she and Steve looked happy together as I walked out the door. My last true love was waiting for me in the garage, and the road was calling to me. My only plan consisted of "Get the fuck out of here." I strapped down my gear...

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Guardian Angel Part 2

Guardian Angel II By Morpheus Marcus smiled to himself as he stared down at the ground far below him, thrilled beyond belief with the knowledge that he was actually flying. Him, flying.... If anyone had told him a week earlier that he would have been able to fly, Marcus would have told them that they were nuts. But then again, he knew that if anyone had told him a week earlier that he would have been in the body of a gorgeous angel....a real one, he would have laughed in...

2 years ago
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They were often a long way from home on business. Almost without exception these women would be very good communicators, uninhibited and able to articulate their sexual preferences. And if they enjoyed what I had to offer and recommended me to others that was an added bonus I arrive on time at their five-star hotel and the concierge tells me I am expected and to let myself in. Lori is a very attractive size 12-14 brunette wearing heels, a very short black silk dressing gown that displays her...

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School Afair 20

Introduction: The continuation of a story about my teacher and myself,and our little affair As I sat there in the classroom all by myself. Tired and exhausted from tapping my smoking hot computer-science teacher I was waiting for her to return from the bathroom. She and I were supposed to go to her apartment as soon as she returned, so we can continue our little affair there. I knew that she was married and had a child thats only a couple years younger than me, but I was hoping they wouldnt be...

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Doggy Mommy in TexasChapter 4

Michelle, Kyle and Garry all entered the Amarillo airport terminal and were immediately approached by what could only be Big Mike. The man was 6'5, in his socks, and weighed 250 pounds. He was dressed in cowboy boots, Levis, a blue checked work shirt, and black cowboy hat. If you slapped a gun belt around his waist, he'd look at home in a John Wayne or Clint Eastwood western. "Michelle?" he asked. When she nodded her head, he wrapped his arms around her, scooped her off the floor and...

1 year ago
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The ensue Day

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hai readers here is another super story read and write. Funny how life throws you an occasional curve ball. I was just about to enter college when my parents split. For a couple years I witnessed their anguish...the yelling and fighting. I really didn't know until later exactly why they divorced. After we moved into a new house, told me dad cheated on her often and she finally had enough. It was hard on me as I loved my dad, but I loved mom too. Mom...

4 years ago
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My New Position

This story is fiction and intended for adults only. Please do not reproduce without permission from the author. My New Position Part One: "Hurry up. You don't want to be late for your interview, Shannon." As I applied the finishing touches of my lipstick I could hardly believe what I was just about to do. In just a few moments, I was to have an interview with my wife's new boyfriend to see if I could fill the position of being his maid. "I will be so disappointed if you...

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Bicurious Not Anymore

Okay, so you have read the title and it has caused you to see what the story is about I guess. So, without further ado, I will relate the details as follows: Let's say I'm in my later forties. It is an out an out lie, but for the sake of my ego, please bare with me. I have been married to the same woman since I turned 19. You do the math, but it equates to very many years. During this time, we have managed to produce a couple of kids, bring them up and got shot of them as they branched out...

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Assassin PracticeChapter 8

The incident at Yankee Stadium produced gales of laughter at the Stewart household when the news reports begin to come in. Nobody could explain the sudden appearance of 67 naked people on the playing field during the 7th inning stretch. The majority of reporters assumed that it was another bizarre demonstration by members of PETA, who had taken to appearing nude in various places around New York City to protest the wearing of fur coats, etc. Jase was afraid that he had blundered and would be...

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The Lesser Sex

Please say it! Baby, not now. Please, I need to hear it from you. I love you! Again! Say it again! Baby you know how much I love you. I married you for no other reason. And my dick? It isn't too... small? Uh... no honey, it's just fine! You still enjoy having sex with me? Oh yeah, you're a wonderful husband... But do you still want me... inside you from time to time? When Tom's not around, maybe I'll need you inside me. But I'm horny now! That's because you're watching...

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Im a wanker

Let me take time to tell you a little about myself before we carry on. I've enjoyed playing with myself ever since I was about 11 years old. The first time I can really remember though was when I was 14 and at high school. I was walking around the back of the school golf course to get to the rugby field when I heard voices coming from the nearby shed. Curious as to who was dodging out of rugby and hoping to join them I started walking to the door when I realised it was the hushed voices...

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The Bank

The following story is fiction!!!Brian was seating in his room with TJ. Wondering what he will do to pay his college education.- ‘Dude, I don’t know what to do! I need $500 like yesterday...What am I going to do?’- asked nervously TJ.- ‘b*o, look near the school has opened a new bank, maybe....’- ‘ I can’t afford another loan!!’- ‘It’s not that kind of a bank...It’s a sperm bank....You go there make your deposit you get your money and that’s it. Simple as that’- says TJ.- ‘Alright....I give it...

5 years ago
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Rachel Gets Ravaged

The rustling in the undergrowth outside was barely audible, but it was enough to wake Rachel. She sat up, immediately alert, and strained her ears. She heard a muffled snort. It was one of the wild bush pigs, snuffling around outside her hut.Rachel reached for her bow, quiver, and knife, always close at hand. She knew there wasn’t time to dress properly if she was to catch her prey, but on this warm night the rough smock in which she’d slept would be sufficient protection. The pig snuffled...

Monster Sex
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Who needs this scenario

I am feeling very sexual this morning. I have decided to wear under my work attire a bra, garter, stockings and lacy boy shorts. I feel very feminine and dare I say very gay.I don’t really speak from a lot of experience, only what I know I might like and have thought about or maybe experienced. There’s no question though that we are in the same lane.Oh yes, babe, I’d have you moaning and your hips would be rising to meet my mouth as you pump your cock in my desperately horny mouth. My mouth...

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Toms Adventures Ch 04

Suzy and Emily take Tom to the mall the following afternoon. They talk him into dressing up as a girl and then dare him to buy some lingerie. What happens in the lingerie store is amazing! *** Chapter 4: Trip to the Mall I woke up because someone was pulling on my dick. I opened my eyes and my sister was standing in front of me. I moaned and closed my eyes because the light hurt them. ‘C’mon, get up! I need help cleaning the house from the party last night,’ she said. I opened my eyes...

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It’s been hovering in the 90s all week and while there has been some sunbathing, we have both stuck to the somewhat coolness and shade of indoors. Today the heat broke a bit and looking out over the ocean we could see dark storm clouds. We clapped our hands and looked forward to seeing the storm wash across our little bit of beach. Now, as the sun sets behind us, the clouds roll closer and closer. I pull you up from the chair you have been curled in, reading. I take your book and set it down,...

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The New World Harem

The world ended ever so suddenly. At first, people were talking about getting the cure to cancer. Then the world ended. How did we get to where we are right now? Men started dying, and it wasn't normal too. They started to lose their muscle mass and strength. Very soon they were dried up husks and they just withered away. The scientific community and the religious community had deferring theories. While the religious community claims that it is the will of God, the scientific had other...


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