The Ebony Piston free porn video

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Don is one of my favorite co-workers. A light skinned African American, he's not a 'token' anything, but is rapidly rising in our organization and it's generally recognized that he stands a very good chance of becoming the head of our department when Larry retires. There are several white men that might have a shot at the job, but Don hasn't made the enemies they have, plus his talent is so obvious, he works well with other people and he isn't a screamer, slave driver or credit taker like the other three candidates for Larry's job.

I've been on pitch trips with Don and I have a great respect for the guy. He's always unflappable, which is a very good thing to have in our business. He has a feel for the clients needs, wants, and desires for what they want to have happen with their products.

He also knows when to take a pass at projects, sensing when there is no way that the client will ever be happy with anything we do. While this turning down projects talent isn't usually something our company encourages, his past recommendations about projects we should have turned down but didn't and lived to regret makes his recommendations as to what clients we should take on highly regarded. After all, if we have unhappy clients, they don't give us good word of mouth, so it's better to take passes on some projects than to have to try and live up to impossible demands or expectations. Those problem projects eat up time, money and burn out people, and Don's ability to spot them makes him a candidate not only for head of department, but possibly the CEO's job when he retires in five years.

Don isn't just a great guy to work for, he's also a great looking guy. Think young Harry Belefonte, a coffee skinned guy not quite as handsome as young Harry, but he had a smile or a grin for everyone, or the deferential friendly nod, he could pick up on how to treat someone in nanoseconds of meeting them, I'd seen him do that on trips and wondered how he did it. I actually asked him about it one night in a 'let's get bombed and forget this day ever existed' hazy stupor. He thought about it for a while and said his uncle, who had raised him, always treated people like that and it was just how he grew up. You treated people with respect, and that the world was filled with a lot of interesting people and most of the time, they would be nice to know, if they felt comfortable with you. So he just tried to make them feel as comfortable as they could. He said he called it his politician's trick, as his uncle had been involved in politics and ran his own business. "People's people." He said summed it up.

My parents saw Harry Belefonte in his prime. The raw talent that came out in the second act, well, that wasn't Don's style. He built a few task teams and nobody ever said a bad word about how he ran projects. Yeah, bitching and moaning about the hours, but basically he took care of his people and backed them and defended them and got them what they needed.

I was a late thirties woman who had been fast tracked into budgets and project programs objectives. I had been through two marriages, couldn't have kids, was pulling down a low six figure income, didn't have time for a social life, and my last three sexual experiences had been one night stands with amiable strangers that I had meet in bars and the one before that was a purchasing agent at one of our clients so that was a road trip fuck, too. Lately I was wondering why I was doing this anymore? I was living in a condo and had more stuff packed away in storage than I lived with and most of my orgasms were battery powered.

Don and I were in Los Angeles and he'd mentioned that he was looking forward to seeing his uncle before we left. There was a lot of down time on this trip as a last minute emergency had taken two of the three key people needed to okay this thing were going to be gone for a week and the 'get to know the players on the field' part was going to be a bit awkward; nobody knowing if we were going to get the contact or not. But everything had changed while we were in the air there, and with the hotel reservations, etc, why not take the time and go see his uncle, instead of sitting around stewing?

I asked if I could come along and meet him. Don's stories had made him seem like he would be an interesting guy.

He looked at me and kind of frowned. "Well, that would certainly be interesting." He took a sip of his drink and laughed. "He's of the 'woman is only good for two things', sexist pig generation. I don't know if you'd like him."

Then he gave me this odd look. Kind of embarrassed, but I could understand that.

"Hey, Kimosabe, I have a few assholes in my own family I wouldn't introduce any of my real friends to. That's cool. It's L.A. out there and I am sure I can shop therapy my way through Rodeo Drive on my way to recovery."

"Well, despite having sometimes obvious motives about what he's looking for in a woman, I should also say that he can be an absolutely charming bastard and it could make it a bit odd if you and he were to get together." He worked a piece of meat out of his molar with his tongue and I looked at him. He finally got it out as I waited, curious about how I had made an assumption about this guy I'd never meet.

"Anyway, it could get awkward."

"Oh, come on now, Don. If he's your uncle, I'm sure that he would take no for an answer. Besides, he's how old?"

"Mid forties. He was the youngest in his family, my father was the oldest."

"Hmm..." I said.

"Yes, well, there is also something else you should know before you get your motor humming." He sighed. "Well, before he went legit, the business my uncle was in was what we'd call 'adult entertainment' these days."

"Really? Are you trying to tell me your dear old uncle did skin flicks?" I paused. "And this is supposed to discourage me how?"

"He was a producer. Although he did a few when he was just starting out."

"Anyone I might have heard of?" I asked curiously.

"Ever hear of the Ebony Piston?"


"Jesus, keep it down!"

"Sorry." I said as I rubbed my wrist.

"You heard of my uncle?" He asked me, plainly startled by my reaction.

"Ned, my older brother had a stash of porn I blackmailed him into letting me watch. He had two of his films."

"I would have never have guessed in a million years you were a fan of skin flicks."

"Sheesh. I must have played those flicks over and over again. That scene where he fucked all six of those women." I shivered. "Man, I think I just now came just thinking about those flicks!"

"Man, I'm kind of astonished. You're the first woman that I think's ever admitted she watched porn before in her life."

"Well, now that we're got over your being worried about your nasty old sexist uncle offending my lady like sensibilities, you think he'd get the wrong idea if I showed up wearing just a garter belt and carrying a big 'fuck me' sign?" He cracked up. "Seriously, if you don't mind my saying so, he's got one obviously racial stereotyped characteristic that I want to check out for myself." He gave me a kind of astonished look. "After all, it's got to be one of the seven wonders of the world, as far as I'm concerned. You think, being as I'm a friend of yours and all, and a big big fan of his, that he'd show me his if I asked nicely?"

Plainly Don was kind of thrown off a bit by my ribald curiosity but getting over it fast. "I think that when Ray's got the Piston up, he's not interested in being a tourist attraction, but more into getting down to business, you know?"


"You're serious about this, aren't you?" He said in mild amazement.

"Bet your ass I am. You think he would do me?"

"He's a man and you got a pulse, so yeah, I guess you might get lucky." Don said dryly. "You sure you can handle something like that?"

"Don, you've been nothing but a gent with me, but I have this thing for... shall we say 'gifted' men?" His eyes laughed at me while a slow grin grew on his face. "Let's just say your uncle kind of spoiled me for other guys. Watching those tapes of my brother's, well, what can I say? I imprinted Big is Better way back when I was an impressionable young virgin. And I don't think that Jay ever forgave me for saying 'is that all of it?' the first time I ever saw a for-real cock." He winced in sympathy for that poor high school freshman date so long ago.

He shook his head.

"What?" I asked.

"You weigh what, hundred and ten? Tops?"

"Yeah. So I'm a 'wee bit of a thing', I haven't meet a cock didn't fit. You set this thing up for me, I'll owe you big time. Be a pal and keep me from maxing out my credit cards at the same time. Pretty please?"

He mock frowned at me, but I knew his heart wasn't in it.

"And what's in it for me, little girl?" He came back at me with the Irish accent I'd used on 'wee bit of a thing'.

"Oh, I've got more than one fantasy going here today." I picked up my coffee cup and smiled warmly at him. "Remember that two guy scene in 'Barbie Cued?"

"Deal." He said instantly.

Well, as far as the stereotypical 'lonely old corporate hag gets laid by a big black cock' goes, about all that was stereotypical about Ray was his voice. He had one of those deep base Afro American rumbles that just resonates through certain chicks (like me) and a gentleness about him that more than offset his two hundred and thirty pound body. In one of the movies he was in, he'd played a bouncer at a club, and he could have still pulled off that role today.

I really hadn't known what to expect, but I certainly didn't expect a yacht club, nor a hundred foot long boat. Okay, so the boat wasn't quite a hundred feet: I wasn't here to look at boats anyway.

Ray in the flesh was everything that I had dreamed of and more. His hands were so large that he only used three fingers when he gently shook my hand. He had a barbeque set up off the aft rail and we both had a cold Corona in our hands as soon as the introductions were made. I got the ten penny tour of the boat, and was told to call it a boat, and never a yacht. "Saying you have a boat is cool," Ray explained. "Saying you got a yacht is just pretentious, and way not cool with the boaty crowd." Then he laughed, a deep rumbling belly laugh at how ludicrous it all was, and I got how funny he thought that the whole thing was, somehow getting across how his living in a yacht in the middle of all those white people was just a source of constant amusement to him.

The outside deck was way too hot to sit out on in comfort so we went up to the enclosed bridge and sat on the bolted to the floor chairs up there and admired the view in air conditioned comfort.

"Don says you were a fan of my films." He said to me. "How on earth did you ever get into them?" I told him about black mailing my older brother into letting me watch them when I caught him one afternoon. When he went back to college that fall, he left me the collection.

I'd been in high school when I got into porn flicks, and he was the newest sensation on the market in those days. Even though his career was over quickly, during the few years he'd worked he made fourteen films. The Ebony Piston Jay Leno joke about during the Stanley Cup playoffs when the Detroit Pistons were in contention. I can still remember the snorky sound I'd made midway through a laugh about a subject I was supposed to know nothing about in front of my parents!.

Yeah, I had a lot of old memories cycling through my head. He wasn't that eighteen or nineteen year old hard body anymore, and guess what I was staring at when I accidentally deflowered myself one afternoon?

Now, he wasn't that much older than I am and I might not have guessed his age right if I had tried. Some black people just look like adults until they look like really old old people.

Oh yeah. Where was I?

"I've put all of that stuff behind me years ago."

"I'm not going to blow your cover." I said.

"Thanks." He gave me a wry grin. "The neighbors, you know?" he said in a plumy British accent.

I grinned.

"Not that Ray doesn't get plenty from the neighborhood ladies." Don said drolly.

"Well, there are some benefits to tokenism."

"Let's not forget racial stereotypes, too." Don said with a grin.

"What you said," Ray shot back. Then he smiled at me and said, "Yeah, I think you'll do."

"Do what?" I flirted back at him.

"Pretty much anything."

"You do, do you?"

"Uh huh." He said positively. "Like, if I was to say, why don't you take off that dress and come over here and give me a blow job, I'd bet you'd be —"

"Holy shit!" Don said as my knees hit the deck on either side of Ray's feet. I'd undone the buttons holding the straps up, but it hadn't quite made it to my ankles and was now down holding my calves together.

"Damn, woman!" He said as I fumbled his shorts open and grabbed a hold of the elastic of his jockeys.

"Up!" I said and he lifted his ass off the chair and I was sliding his shorts down and as soon as his knees could open, I had my head down there between them and half of his dick down my gullet.

"AH!" he said as I swallowed about half of what was left over, then swallowed again and wound up with my nose buried in his curly black hair.

This was the biggest dick I had ever deep throated in my life.

And it wasn't even hard yet.

But it was getting there as I sucked and swallowed.

I used to be on the diving team in high school and can still hold my breath for over two minutes. I couldn't hold onto what was down my throat for that long, because I thought I might get it stuck there and that would have been awkward at the funeral: "How did she die?"

"Holy Jesus," Ray said as I slowly slide off of his huge cock. As I backed up, I got my feet up under me and got to my feet, still slipping him out of my mouth and my sun dress slipped the rest of the way down to the floor. I mean deck. I must have not been paying attention to what else was going on, because there was a nudge between my legs and then a hard dick was easing itself into me as I backed into it, too. Kind of gave me an odd feeling, the dick sliding out of my mouth at the same rate the hard on behind me was slipping into my cunt. Like they were hooked together inside of me and were just one big, long cock going right through me.

Then Don spoke over my head. "Thought your two would hit it off, Ray."

When I was a girl jilling off to my brother's porno tapes, I used to think about playing the starring role in Barbie Cued. Now here I was, skewered at both ends and I started to come and then just passed out for a moment or two. I don't think that Don got more than three or four strokes before I blasted off!

It was one hell of a come.

I came to and Don was holding up my hips, his dick still nice and hard in my wet, wet pussy and Ray must have pulled my head off of his cock. I was kind of wobbly and if it wasn't for Don holding me up, I think I would have fallen. I managed to get my legs so they would hold me up again and Ray asked me if I was okay? I nodded as I gasped and he asked again if I was okay and I just pulled forward and kissed him to shut him up. Don shuffled forward and slid back deep inside me and I moaned as I felt Ray's fingers reach up and cup my breasts and my tongue plunged deep into his mouth and I moaned some more and Don pulled my hips a little and started to stroke in and out of me slowly. I put my hands down on Ray's hips and could feel his cock on my belly as Don's lap patted my ass and the head of the Ebony Piston seeped out a little precome and lubricated the head. My tits aren't bad, and having that slippery head sliding up and down my chest, wow! He pulled my nipples gently and I could feel the little jolt running right down to my cunt where Don't balls were playing patty cake with my clit. Ray pulled my nips and I moaned and he pulled them so that his dick had some cleavage wrapped around it and I creamed again.

I broke off the kiss so I could look down and see that huge cock head between my tits. Yeah, it's straining and bigger than a plum, but just as shiny. Then all of those prominent veins pulsing up the sides of that amazing shaft. I put one hand on Ray's shoulder and one wrapped around his dick and I couldn't close my hand all the way around it. I had a little come when I first grabbed a hold of it. My little white hand holding onto that huge black shaft, moving it around on my tits, working it over my nipples which were hard as could be. Each time I'd move the shaft over a nip, it would spring up and a little shot of electricity would travel straight down my stomach and ring the bell. I wasn't actually coming doing that, but it certainly was causing me a lot of quivering!

Don slipping in and out of my pussy was certainly adding a hell of a lot to this scene and Ray slipped his finger down my belly and in between us. I moved up a little bit and his hand made it's way slowly over my pubic mound and I pressed down on his hand and got my clit on one of his knuckles and groaned. He chuckled, that bass voice of his all warm and furry and I had another little come. Don groaned as my cunt clamped down on his dick and I could feel his fingers digging into my hips. I couldn't move back and forth on his cock, but I arched my back and could feel his dick stirring around in there, pushing up against my G spot and that caused me to keep coming.

"Like that, little girl?" Ray whispered to me in his sexy as hell voice. Little girl? I was in my late thirties, for Pete's sake! But I felt just like a little girl, my body arched up on Don's dick, that Ebony Piston up between my tits, I could feel his ball sack just above my pubic bush and oh yeah! did I ever like that! I moaned out loud and came again, gasping and hunching Don's knob inside of me all over my g spot and all I could do was nod my head and moan and groan.

I was panting and bent my head down and opened wide and got the head of the Piston into my mouth. Ever try to eat an apple all at once? That about describes what it was like trying to suck Ray. Don pulled me back a little with his hands and I positioned myself so that I could get a better angle on his uncle. But trying to suck the Piston while it was full up wasn't something that I could do very easily, as my jaw felt like it was about to dislocate!

I finally just pulled back off the top and started to suck on what I could. His dick had the largest pee hole of any that I had ever encountered, and I pushed my tongue into it a little, feeling the slippery fluids oozing out of it, lapping around the head and twisting my head so that I could get my tongue onto the bottom of it. I pushed my lips together and sucked him there, cat licking his sensitive spot with rapid little flicks and he sucked his breath in quickly as I did that. I had both hands clenched around his cock and pulled them up and down as I worked on him. Ray groaned and Don started slipping back and forth in me again and I really started to get into sucking and licking and flicking my tongue around that apple like head and pulling that amazing cock for all I was worth! I got into bobbing my head up over the top of his helmet and down on the bottom side of it and then up and over the top and shoving my tongue into that opening there as more slick fluids leaked out and down my tongue would plunge and flick up the bottom and back over the top and I kept going at it as fast as I could, my two hands wet from the juices and pulling the skin of his dick up and down as I did my thing.

Imagine trying to jack off the big end of a baseball bat!

I was being gently pounded up my twat by a guy who wasn't too shabby in the dick department either, and I'm totally going nuts on this larger than life piece of meat that I'd lusted over since the summer I was thirteen years old. But watching some spread apart porn actress take this thing up her cooze was one thing, having it in my hands was something else! Long, gigantic, veins popped out all up and down it! Hell, just feeling how bulged out those veins on his dick were was a turn on!

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Reddit Ebony Porn

Reddit ebony, aka r/Ebony! Do I really need to specify what exactly r/Ebony/ is all about? It is there, in the name, so I am sure that you already fucking know. So, if you are here to see some gorgeous black girls expose their beauty, and do all kinds of naughty shit, you are in for quite a treat. Take your time and explore; you are bound to love what this subreddit has to is a free site, so you can browse as much as you want. If you are new to this place, the first thing you...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Ebony tease

The idea of it had always got me hot, always gave me a stirring feeling, but until that weekend, never before had I imagined it would become a reality....My husband Harry's little brother was in his second year at Nottingham university. He had planned to come home for the Christmas break but being as students usually are, broke, he had made the decision to stay in Nottingham and work the break to get some extra cash. So we decided to take the weekend off and pay him a visit instead. Chris was...

1 year ago
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Cam4 Ebony

If you are in the mood to watch sexy black camgirls get nasty as fuck on the camera, you have plenty of options to choose from. Camming is a booming business. The Pandemic has sure as shit made certain that camming is going nowhere, and more girls than ever are hopping on the bandwagon. It’s a fucking awesome time to be a horny degenerate like yourself, as you have dozens upon dozens of camming platforms just waiting for you to discover, jizz, and come back for more.Draining your balls while...

Live Black Sex Cams
2 years ago
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B7 Chapter 1 Jeanne At Ebonys Mercy

Chapter 1: Jeanne At Ebony’s MercyCalista, Dejah and Kristal rounded the corner, running as fast as they could. The three Vectran girls had made it back to their quarters in record time, and retrieved their tote bags, which contained their laser pistols and communicators. They stopped at the door to Dee Dee's lab where Rhiannon and the other girls from the Island were anxiously waiting for them. "It's about time you three made it back here," Rhiannon addressed them curtly. She promptly...

1 year ago
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Chaturbate Ebony

Jungle fever is one of the most serious afflictions of the 21st century. The Internet is both a major contributor and cause of the situation, as well as one of the primary solutions. You’ve probably spanked it to some of the free and premium Black porn sites I’ve got listed on ThePornDude, but have you tried the Ebony cams at Chaturbate? They let you interact with beautiful, naked Nubians instead of just watching their flicks.Chaturbate’s the biggest webcam porn site out there, with thousands...

Live Black Sex Cams
1 year ago
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Ebony In England

                                                                    EBONY IN ENGLANDEbony made her way from the airport terminal in a state of high anxiety and high arousal. She had her left her boring but safe life in America behind to meet a man she had only ever spoken to online. He was her Master and therefore her life. However, she did still feel trepidation about actually meeting him. There was also the matter of the rules he had put in place. Since getting on the plane she had been...

1 year ago
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LiveJasmin Ebony

Black is beautiful. And I mean that shit. I’m not one of those posers who only jerk their dicks to ebony sluts during February. I rep that shit every day of the year. I know tons of you cucks are shy to ask plain-ass white bitches out, let alone black sluts who will tell you what a cuck you’re being to your face. But, man, you need to get with one of these fucking goddesses ASAP. You haven’t experienced good pussy until you bend a black bitch over and pound that pussy raw. I’m telling you, it’s...

Live Black Sex Cams
1 year ago
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Streamate Ebony

Coming straight to you from one of the greatest lice camwhoring sites, a bunch of gorgeous black chicks are here to show you what they’re hiding beneath all of those clothes. The ebony chicks on Streamate go hard. Most of these camwhore sites pretty much follow the same trends, so you’ll see a lot of the same solo sexual positions. The pussy’s on full display; the remote-controlled toy is deep inside the vagina, pressing against the g-spot. You can see the tail end sticking out, just so there’s...

Live Black Sex Cams
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CamSoda Ebony

Life doesn’t get much better than watching a sexy ebony slut expose her body. The only thing that could take it up a notch is to watch it happen live. As a result, the popularity of live cam sites has skyrocketed in the last few years. It’s one of the fastest-growing markets in the industry, and new ones are coming out every day.There are many reasons men choose to watch live cams over traditionally recorded porn. Number one is the connection between performer and viewer. There’s no connection...

Live Black Sex Cams
1 year ago
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BongaCams Ebony

You already know what it is – BongaCams. This right here is the Ebony section. It’s the part of BongaCams devoted entirely to the blackest of the black, the darkest skinned chicks from around the globe. Unlike all the ethnic tags like Latina and Arab, this section is more of an international gem that brings together dark-skinned chicks from damn near any country. And yeah, Indian chicks are exempt from this category, but any babe with a bit of African blood inside her is welcome in this...

Live Black Sex Cams
1 year ago
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NaughtyBlog Ebony

Trends in porn come and go, but one thing remains true: men love watching black chicks fuck. It doesn’t matter where in the world you get your stats from. Ebony is always a popular genre. How could they not be? Who can say no to a fat ass and a pair of dick-sucking lips?I’ve been watching ebony porn for years and years, and it has never waned. In fact, as of late, it’s been getting even more popular than it was before. Why is this, you ask? Interracial porn. Ask any black porn star, male or...

Black Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Young ebony slut

The other night I had this sweet young lookingAfrican American girl re-twisting the roots on my dreadlocks.Nikki was a fine young brown skin ebony female she stoodAround 5’4 and weighed about 125. She had the perfect ebony skinColor that made her look like a Goddess. My wife used to makeRemarks about the way she dressed. Like most young girls during theSummer months Nikki liked to wear those tight booty shorts, and thoseOpen toe Roman looking sandals. I didn’t see anything wrong with the things...

1 year ago
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Ebony Lover

Bringing my work home seemed to be a weekend ritual with me. Frankly, today, working was the last thing I wanted to be doing on this Saturday afternoon. I would have rather been with my lover, already out by the pool enjoying herself, basking in the sun. Asi is a pure African woman of unbelievably exquisite beauty. In her mid thirties. The sweetest smile which blended nicely with the sexiest seductive eyes that could literally melt you. Her black hair falling just to her shoulders. Her large...

2 years ago
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Courtneys Ebony Goddess

Courtney's Ebony Goddess Prologue "Courtney! Courtney, come here this instant!" Miss Tomyka sounded very impatient, so I knew I had better get out to the pool in a hurry! I stopped preparing her lunch and headed outside, stopping to check my reflection on the way out. My maid's cap was perched atop my head. My crisp black uniform fit perfectly, my cleavage spilling over the top of the ruffled bodice, and was offset beautifully by my little white...

2 years ago
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Ebony EyesChapter 8

As it turned out, I didn't actually end up being sent in-country. I went through the six weeks of basic training like everybody else, but it turned out I had a knack for logistics. I was assigned to the Quartermaster Corps and stationed at Fort Carson, in Colorado. I breathed a huge sigh of relief at this, and so did Tabby, in her answering letter to my news. I was stationed there for about a week when I got an urgent message to come to the post hq. It was Tabby, and she was crying...

3 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Introduction: The second of the Highacre dragon breeder series, 4 boys caught in the act A couple of days had passed since Mimi had first arrived at the Breeding farm and she was beginning to feel settled in, her new quarters were spacious and suited her needs, she had a small suite of rooms in the stable hands quarters just like every other stable hand, the suite had three rooms, the living room, bedroom and bathroom, this morning she had a lesson with Viktoria about the history of the...

2 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Mimi left her quarters and made her way to the office, she passed through the cloister were the stable hands took their meals, the sun shone down and warmed the pink stone of the cloister, the pillars glowed a soft red in the morning sun, she took a second to enjoy the warmth and then continued on to Viktoria's office. She knocked on the door and entered "Viktoria, I am here for my lesson" she walked in and sat at a small desk where Viktoria had laid a couple of books for her to study,...

2 years ago
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Correction the 5 way ebony way

Introduction: Melissa turns frigid on me so we get 5 black guys to warm her up Correction the 5 way ebony way Sitting in a bar talking to friends. You need to man up before its too late, Tom suggested as I explained that Melissa had insisted that I take her mother shopping instead of going to the game. Yeah, but shes beautiful, I sighed as I drank my seventh or eighth beer of the evening. Sos mount Fuji, Dan observed proving once again he couldnt hold his liquor. What beautiful? Tom...

3 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Ebony and Ivory were to Busty freinds that one day decide to have a Comeption. Ebony was Black and Ivory was white. "You ever been in a gang bang" Ebony said "Yea plenty" Ivory "Not like I have girlfreind." Ebony said "What you mean" Ivory said "Never had any black dick ones" Ebony smiled "Girl I can handle plenty of those. Some white boys can lay it down" Ivory said "How about a competion. She how well you can handle them. You gangbang some black guys. If you can lay them with that pussy of...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 67 The Dancers Ebony Grace

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Antagony – The Black Tide, The Nimborgoth I stood on the deck of the pirate ship, the nixie crew moving about. I stared at the stark coast of the Halani Desert....

1 year ago
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The Ebony and Her Pimp

The ebony that gave Derek the time of his life had a pimp. She made her way to his house. The house didn’t look like much on the outside, but on the inside, it was a different story. When she entered the house, she was greeted to many men and women having what looked like a fur orgy. Both men and women alike were wearing furs, whether it was a scarf, a hat, or a floor length coat, someone was wearing fur. The host of this event; a large ebony man roughly 6 feet tall, seemingly sculpted from...

4 years ago
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Eating Ebony Pussy Published by stroker00

Linda works as an administrative assistant in the same firm that I do, and she is a sight to behold. In a nutshell, she is petite, beautiful and naturally busty. But to fully appreciate her, I have to elaborate a little. She is 5'-2" and slender with long, silky, wavy, dark hair that could be in a shampoo commercial. Her face is angelic, but her pouty lips add a kind of sexual aura to her innocence. She has smooth ebony skin, beautiful brown eyes, and a radiant smile framed by her long,...

2 years ago
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Bi Ebony MMF

My name is Dan. For the past year I've worked in the office of a small wholesale company. Since the warehouse is right next to the office the warehouse workers are always going back and forth past my desk. This is how I met Marcus. Marcus is a tall, broad shouldered black man. He's been the company's lead stocker for years. He's a nice, easygoing guy. Me and him hit it off immediately when we met and have been friends ever since.Marcus also happens to be the luckiest guy on the planet. Every...

2 years ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Ebony and IvoryBy: Ropetease©2011She was sent to me by her Master for training. All I knew about her was that she was feisty and a brat, a hard one to tame as he put it. As I waited for her arrival, I went about cleaning the playroom and rearranging the items I had laid out for my use. The sound of the door bell rang as I finished in the room. She was instructed to be on time and she failed by being thirty minutes late.Strike one, I thought as I opened the door. Seeing her dressed in a baggy...

3 years ago
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Ebony EyesChapter 6

Without a word, Tabby and I waited in the living room for either Mr. Langston or the police. We explained to Mrs. Langston what was going on and she didn't say much, other than that she wished we didn't have to deal with this kind of thing. She thanked me for saving her daughter from what might've happened, but told us we should've come home before violence erupted tonight. I didn't bother telling her that they would've just caught us some other time and just sat silently holding...

3 years ago
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The Ebony Princess

The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....

3 years ago
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The Young Master and his Ebony Slave Part Two

Introduction: A married woman, basically seduced by a young man. What could be sexier than that? Mmmm&hellip, its morning already? Denise stretched and sat up. Her legs were feeling a little numb from last night. She gently moved her legs over to the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. Woah&hellip, Looking at her clock she noticed that it was 11:24 a.m. She shrugged and made her way to the en suite. She turned on the shower, used the bathroom and brushed her teeth before cleaning her body...

2 years ago
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Courtneys Ebony Goddess

Prologue ‘Courtney! Courtney, come here this instant!’ Miss Tomyka sounded very impatient, so I knew I had better get out to the pool in a hurry! I stopped preparing her lunch and headed outside, stopping to check my reflection on the way out. My maid’s cap was perched atop my head. My crisp black uniform fit perfectly, my cleavage spilling over the top of the ruffled bodice, and was offset beautifully by my little white apron and the mounds of ruffled petticoats that bounced saucily as I...

1 year ago
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Ebony Goddess

Sorry that the opening to this is a little longer than I would like – but it’s important. I had just finished the 7th hole when the rain came. So I headed home when I noticed a well dressed black man standing in the rain while looking under the hood of his Mercedes. I stopped and asked if he needed any help. He said that he just needed a ride. He said, ‘I have to meet some clients at the Park Towers…and that’s the 2nd time that P.O.S. car has done that. Are you going anywhere near The Towers?’...

2 years ago
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Interracial Lovin Ebony

Interracial Lovin: Ebony   Chandice couldn’t figure out what was wrong with herself.  The start of the lawnmowers engine just seemed to send chills through her body, right to the special spot between her legs.  No she didn’t have a lawnmower fetish, but she did seem to have a thing for the landscaper that was using it.  She just couldn’t understand it, she had never been attracted to a white guy before this. Chandice looked over herself in the mirror and she fluffed out her raven colored...

1 year ago
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Ebony and Ivory

Ebony and Ivory By: Ropetease ©2011 She was sent to me by her Master for training. All I knew about her was that she was feisty and a brat, a hard one to tame as he put it. As I waited for her arrival, I went about cleaning the playroom and rearranging the items I had laid out for my use. The sound of the door bell rang as I finished in the room. She was instructed to be on time and she failed by being thirty minutes late. Strike one, I thought as I opened the door. Seeing her dressed in a...

2 years ago
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Older Ebony and Younger Ivory A True Twink Romanc

IntroductionMy dad and I were sharing an apartment in DC for the Summer before the family moved down to Alexandria in the Fall. It was a hot Summer in DC in more ways than one would want...besides the normal hot and humid DC Summer, we were just months away from the asassinations of Martin in April and Bobbie in racial tensions were high...actually tense! Dad headed home for the weekend, so I was alone in our 1 bedroom apartment till Sunday night. I was bored and unusually horny that...

3 years ago
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My Wife And The Ebony God Part 1

My name is Juan. I am a forty-three-year-old Spanish man. I have been married for fifteen years to my beautiful wife Irene. It is a marriage of love. Irene and I started dating in high school when we were seventeen and got married right after we graduated from university. She has given me two wonderful daughters, who are now nine and thirteen years old, and whom we both love and cherish.We live in Barcelona, in a high-rise situated close to the University of Barcelona. Our life is simple and...

3 years ago
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Caught wearing ebony MILFs clothes

One Saturday afternoon my friend had invited me over to her apartment for lunch. She was a single mom in her early 40s. Tall, slim and dark-skinned, she wore her hair in long dreadlocks. I arrived at the apartment and around 2pm. My friend greeted me and welcomed me into the kitchen, where the meal was being prepared. She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, with a padded bra underneath securing her large, firm breasts. Her bare feet glided across the floor as she prepared the ingredients and got...

2 years ago
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Ebony Fur Ecstasy

Not too long ago, I met this ebony woman maybe mid 20’s. Large, luscious lips, double D breasts. Wide, thick hips, and hair that came down to her ass. She was wearing a black crop top, a mini skirt with knee-high boots, and a ¾ length red fox fur coat. She looked like she was made for one thing and one thing only; being the greatest whore in the world. I didn’t want to stare, but I was so awestruck by her beauty that I couldn’t help myself. I felt my member hardening and wanting to burst out of...

2 years ago
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Ebony amazon mistress

I have been seeing a beautiful black woman for a long time. The relationship started when she was escorting. I first saw a photo of her while looking at local escort adds. Dark skinned black beauty, long curly brown hair down to her waist, 5'10, ..looked to be abiut 30 yrs old...I could tell from the photoss that she was extremely busty but nothing prepared me for seeing her in person. She was stunning. The first few sessions were just standard screwing, oral etc...but our play time...

3 years ago
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Ebony Goddess

Sorry that the opening to this is a little longer than I would like - but it's important.I had just finished the 7th hole when the rain came. So I headed home when I noticed a well dressed black man standing in the rain while looking under the hood of his Mercedes. I stopped and asked if he needed any help. He said that he just needed a ride. He said, "I have to meet some clients at the Park Towers...and that's the 2nd time that P.O.S. car has done that. Are you going anywhere near The Towers?"...

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