AShlees Nightmare at the Beach
- 2 years ago
- 33
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When Ashlee arrived back at the apartment from her night of passion with Carrie she couldn't help but be darkly happy to see her lover asleep in her bed. Of course, she really had no reason to expect anything else. Macy wasn't, after all, one to worry. A perfect example of this truth was the fact that when Ashlee had finally gathered the courage to turn on her phone after sitting in her car for more than fifteen minutes in the parking lot where she and Carrie had parted ways she only found one text from her lover that had simply said "hope ur having fun. I'm going to bed. Tell me about in the mornin. Xoxo.:)" and that was it. No passive aggressive messages, no half dozen missed calls and no anything else. There was just one little text and nothing more.
As Ashlee stood in the doorway of their bedroom staring at Macy sleeping so peacefully and managing to look so devastatingly cute despite the drool slowly leaking from the corner of her mouth Ashlee couldn't help but feel like the worst person to ever walk the face of the earth. At least a part of her wanted to feel like the worst person in the world. Really though she didn't feel like anything at that moment. She just felt empty, somewhat vaguely sad and tired. She was very, very tired.
Sure, the guilty part of her wanted to wake up Macy right then and there to shake and beg her for forgiveness for the horrible thing she'd done, but it was honestly just a small part of her. The rest of her just wanted to be left alone to sit in the dark of the living room thinking about nothing, doing nothing and, most of all, feeling nothing. She didn't want to contemplate her sin, the effects it might and should have on her relationship with Macy or her friendship with Carrie. She just wanted to disappear into her head and feel nothing for awhile.
So that's what she did more or less. It was a shockingly easy thing to do. She already felt fairly numb and, again, extremely tired. All it took was one lousy Vicodin from her stash, a couple of hits of the good stuff she and Macy had been saving for a rainy day and a healthy dose of Brian Eno's Music for Airports from her iPod. After that she just laid herself down on the dingy couch and stared at the ceiling until the numbness overtook her and she finally managed to fall asleep just as the battery died and the music fell silent.
As she slept she happily achieved her goal of nothingness. She only slept and forgot what a worthless, untrustworthy person she had allowed herself to become. It was almost perfect except for the fact that it was destined to not last long at all. Of course, she wasn't thinking of that because she had tried hard to feel nothing at all and, for what it was worth, she had succeeded. She was asleep and that was what mattered.
At least, she was until no more than two, maybe two and a half hours later when she found herself being softly nudged awake by Macy's warm lips kissing her on the forehead while Macy's fingers gently brushed Ashlee's hair away from her face as she whispered sweetly "Wake up, drunkie. You're supposed to be getting ready for class."
"What?" Ashlee said automatically as she removed the ear buds from her ears even though she'd heard Macy and taken it all in quite easily.
"I said you have class in like an hour. You need to get up," Macy said, smiling before tousling her lover's hair playfully. Ashlee wanted to be grumpy and tell her to stop, but she just couldn't. Instead she just smiled back at her lover and received an even bigger smile in return for her efforts.
How could she not smile? The sight of lovely, kind and beautiful Macy smiling at her with so much warmth and feeling even though Ashlee knew she had to look like death warmed over instantly melted the coldness she'd felt the night before. She couldn't help it even as the small voice of guilt she'd heard the night before crept back into her mind to tell her she didn't deserve the love hidden so poorly behind Macy's beautiful smile.
Ashlee just couldn't help but ignore that voice as she grabbed Macy's hand to kiss her palm gently. Macy, of course, laughed at her. She kept on laughing even as Ashlee pulled her down into a kiss that Macy broke slowly to tease her saying "What's got into you, weirdo? You're usually not this lovey dovey in the morning. You didn't like take a bunch of exstasy last night or something, did you?"
"No, "Ashlee said, smiling weakly as she tried very hard not to remember what she'd done the night before. It was a failed effort, but she managed to hide the guilt that welled up inside of her and maintained her weak smile only flinching a little before she added "No, I just went to a gay bar with Car."
"A gay bar! You bitch! Oh, you suck so much ass! You went to a gay bar without me? I told I've wanted to go to a gay bar for like forever! I fucking hate you!" Macy said crossing right across Ashlee. Her anger was obviously a mixture of both playful front and real disappointment. She slapped Ashlee gently on the shoulder before adding more calmly "Was it fun?"
"It was okay. I mean, it was like totally much more Zen than I expected it to be. Oh, and I totally got drunk there."
"How the fuck did you get drunk?" Macy asked, still obviously jealous, but also genuinely interested.
"Carrie knew the bartender," Ashlee said simply, her smile fading slightly at the mention of Carrie's name.
"Lucky bitch," Macy said simply before adding "So is that it?"
"What do you mean?" Ashlee said, trying hard not to sound defensive despite the fact that the loving glint in Macy's eye told her Macy was just asking the question because she was simply interested in what Ashlee had been doing while she was busy working far longer and sleeping far less than she wanted.
"I mean, is that all you guys did? Did you just go to a bar and get smashed or did you actually do something fun?"
"Getting drunk isn't fun enough for you?"
"Umm, not really, but that's just me."
"Well, then you wouldn't have had fun, because that's pretty much all we did," Ashlee said, lying with an ease that actually hurt her as Macy smiled and said "Well, as long as you had fun. I, on the other hand, just worked, came home, smoked a bowl with Enrique and watched some Futurama before I told Enrique to split and I went to bed."
"Ahh, poor baby," Ashlee said as she sat up and kissed her lover on the tip of her nose. Then she kissed her again on her eyelid causing Macy to giggle in a way that for some reason really made Ashlee want to kiss her in a more serious fashion, so she did and suddenly she found herself pulling her lover onto the couch as they both just kind of started making out until Ashlee's hands reached behind Macy's back and unsnapped her bra through her t-shirt causing Macy to push her away suddenly to catch her breath before speaking.
"What are you doing? You know you only have like half an hour to take a shower, get dressed and head off to class, right?" Macy said, smiling even as she chided her lover's lack of priorities.
"So?" was Ashlee's only answer as she tried to rejoin the kiss only to be blocked by Macy's hand covering her mouth as she sat up straddling Ashlee's legs. Ashlee, in turn, pushed herself up on her elbows.
"Well, because, as you well know, I also have class today and I, unlike you, cannot be late or that old, evil bastard will lock the fucking door. Besides," Macy said, finally uncovering Ashlee's mouth when she saw the defeat in her eyes. "I totally have some free time after class that would be much better suited for this, so.," and here Macy paused to give Ashlee a soft, warm kiss on her lips that quickly threatened to become much, much more before Macy regained her senses and pulled away before repeating in a slightly more adamant tone "So, you horny bitch, just keep it in your pants until then."
"Fucking fine," Ashlee said her disappointment painfully obvious both in her voice and in the frown that was etched so deeply into her tired face until she finally forced herself to find the bright side as she said "Does that mean you have the night off tonight?"
"Uh, no, it just means I don't have to go in early. Didn't I tell you? After last night they're switching me to slightly more humane hours. I don't have to go until three and then I get out at two again, so instead of thirteen hours I only have to work eleven. Yay," Macy said the last bit with enough deadpan sarcasm that Ashlee almost laughed despite the fact that she knew Macy was not really trying to be funny. Luckily Macy either didn't notice or didn't care as she continued "So. anyway. we can totally fuck before your afternoon practice. Doesn't that make you happy?"
"Oh, ecstatic. Simply ecstatic. I love having my love life scheduled by your work," Ashlee said feeling suddenly bitter about the way Macy had said it all. Well, not really the way she said it, but what she had said. It just kind of took the spontaneity and the passion out of everything and made it seem so tiresome for some reason.
"Oh, I know, baby. I fucking hate it, too, but, hopefully anyway, after this weekend Maggie will come back from her vacation and I'll only have to work an extra day until they hire someone. Besides, think of all the weed we'll be able to buy with the extra money I'll be making. It'll be so fucking sweet!"
"Really? Do you think we could also maybe like go to that sex shop by the strip club?" Ashlee said almost off the top of her head.
"What?" Macy came back honestly confused by the question. Sure, they'd joked around about buying sex toys before, but they'd always come to mutual decision that they were both more than happy with the tongues and fingers and what not that they had been born with and, besides, sex shops were just so creepy.
"It's just.," Ashlee started and stopped as she suddenly felt terrible about her current line of thinking because it led her back to the night before. Still, the look on Macy's face told her that it would be a good idea to finish her thought if she didn't want to have to answer any questions later, so she bit the bullet and said "I was kinda curious about. you know, like maybe. if you wouldn't mind, of course, like, possibly getting a. ummm. strap-on?"
"Seriously?" Macy said, looking at Ashlee through narrowed eyes as if she were suddenly suspicious. "I thought you said those were dumb."
"I know I did, but.," and again Ashlee paused as she thought of a good way to voice her thoughts before finally coming up with a carefully worded lie as she said "Carrie just kind of convinced me that they might be kind of fun."
"Did she now? Well, she's a little magician, isn't she?" Macy said and then paused. Luckily it was a short pause, because Ashlee really had no idea how to respond to that before Macy said "You're sure? I mean, 'cause you know I'm game, but if you're."
"No, I'm serious. I think it'd be fun," Ashlee said cutting her off.
"Well, alright then. When I get my nice, fat paycheck for working my ass off this week we'll call Jerry and get an ounce and then we'll go see what kind of sex toys we can get for a hundred bucks. Sound like a plan?"
"It does," Ashlee said simply, more than a little relieved that Macy hadn't questioned her further while at the same time feeling more than just a little guilty about. well, just about everything.
The guilt didn't go away when Macy kissed her one more time before she said, "Shit, I really have to go. Enrique is going to meet me at the gas station on the corner in like fifteen minutes and if I don't get there soon they're going to dump my coffee and I fucking need my coffee."
"Yuck. That stuff is not coffee," Ashlee said before urging Macy to give her one more kiss before she got up.
"Shut up, hipster. Just because it doesn't cost five bucks a cup doesn't mean it isn't coffee," Macy said as she got up, slung her bag over her shoulder and headed for the door.
"That's not why it isn't coffee," Ashlee said with a smile, unable to resist falling into their old argument.
"I said shut up. I like my freeze dried hazlenutty deliciousness and there's nothing you can do to change that. Love ya, babe," Macy said as she blew Ashlee a kiss as she opened the door.
"Love you, too, baby," Ashlee replied as she returned the gesture with a weak smile as she watched her lover walk out the door. The smile vanished almost as soon as the door closed and Ashlee found herself rubbing her eyes trying hard to both wake herself up completely and keep the dark thoughts that were quickly threatening to overtake her at bay. She was only moderately successful on both fronts, but she did manage to force herself to get up and grab some three day old pizza and a can of Red Bull from the fridge for breakfast before heading to the shower for a quick and much needed cleansing before dressing quickly, but still decently and then grabbing her book bag and laptop and heading out the door.
For the next hour and a half as Ashlee sat in class she was far too busy trying her hardest to pay attention to the Professor's droning, monotonous voice to contemplate anything about the night before. She simply couldn't spare the brain power. Red Bull had proved less than adequate and she actually found herself struggling just to keep her hand moving as she took her notes. She was keeping up, but only just.
Luckily Alex (a friend from the team and one of the few people who hadn't acted like a jerk when Ashlee started hanging out with Carrie) was sitting right next to her taking her own notes as well as noticing just how frazzled Ashlee was. By the time class was over Alex was almost begging Ashlee to take her notes as they walked to Ashlee's car. Ashlee refused, but she did cave when Alex insisted that they study together after practice both to shut Alex up as well as just because Alex was a fun, safe (i.e. straight. Well, semi-straight, really, but that's a whole other story) person to hang out with.
Well, there were other reasons too. Alex was pretty cool and Ashlee knew that her idea of studying usually involved getting nice and stoned afterwards. While that didn't necessarily make the studying all that meaningful it did at least mean that Ashlee would have an excuse not to call Carrie. Of course, she didn't really need one and she kind of had a feeling that Carrie wouldn't care either way but for some reason she felt a good deal better and just a tad bit stronger armored in her valid excuse.
So that was her plan. She'd go home, make love to her girlfriend, go to practice and afterwards she and Alex would pick up Jesse so they could "study" and do anything else besides call that devilishly beautiful girl who had rocked her world and made her feel like a goddess for a brief moment only to make her feel like a whore once that moment had passed.
As she drove home after dropping off Alex Ashlee found comfort in this new plan. She'd just leave it all in the past and try her best to pretend that nothing had happened and eventually it would just be a footnote in her life. It would become nothing but one wonderfully terrible night among the thousands upon thousands that would make up her life. She'd just move on and leave her mistake in the past like it was nothing more than a skipped appointment, a book she failed to return to the library on time or something else boring and mundane instead of the betrayal of trust that it truly been.
For awhile she managed to convince herself that she could get it done. In fact, she was sure of it. The numbness was gone, and the desire to just forget and move on had replaced it easily. Something inside just wanted to pretend it would all be good if she just wrote Carrie off and moved on. Sure, there was still a little voice in the back of her mind that told Ashlee that she was not only fooling herself, but also trying way too hard to find an easy way out that she didn't deserve to take but it was a voice that was easy for Ashlee to ignore by simply repeating to herself that if she could just be good from now on that would be all that really mattered.
By the time she arrived home to find Macy in the shower Ashlee was absolutely certain she could be good again, that she could resist the urges she'd given into only the night before. Seeing Macy standing there in the warm spray of the shower looking like the living embodiment of sex helped with this feeling. It also sent shivers down Ashlee's spine. She felt electric, she felt strong just knowing she was about to make love to the vision of feminine beauty who was currently humming along to the Lady Gaga song playing on the radio. It was all just so cute and so sexy that it almost hurt.
In the dark, barely conscious corners of her mind Ashlee couldn't help but think that missing this was why she had strayed. Sure, it was a weak excuse, but that hardly mattered. Any excuse would do when it came to Ashlee justifying her guilt as she stared at her lover before entering the bathroom without saying a word as she began to shed her clothes.
It was true though. Lack of sex with Macy had been a contributing factor in Ashlee's sin. Sadly, even Ashlee was aware of the fact that a temporary and partial dry spell after a period of unsustainable over abundance was hardly a good enough reason to cheat on the girl she loved more than anything in the world.
But when Ashlee heard Macy say, "Hello there, sneaky. Care to join me?" as she peaked around the shower curtain Ashlee suddenly didn't care about any of that. All inner conflict was put on hold as she smiled back and said "You know it," as she kicked off her pants which she had allowed to fall around her ankles and threw her t-shirt onto the floor in front of the sink and then quickly rid herself of the rest of her clothes before stepping into the shower to join her lover.
Now none of it was all that graceful or really all that sexy, but it was apparently good enough judging from the soft laughter it elicited from Macy. Of course, that laughter was probably more a result of the fact that Ashlee had almost tripped on her panties when she didn't quite manage to get them off of her feet before trying to pull off her socks, but Ashlee didn't care. She simply righted herself by grabbing onto the sink, kicked off her panties, ripped off her socks and quickly finished the job by removing her bra before finally joining her lover in the shower. The giggling now was meaningless. In fact, if anything, it only made her want Macy just that much more.
"So how was class?" Macy asked as she turned to face Ashlee with her hands on her head massaging in some shampoo only to turn away instantly to avoid her lover's embrace saying "Hey! Be patient. I'm still washing my hair."
"I don't care," Ashlee said honestly as she reached up to gently grab Macy's chin and turned her back to face her for a soft, loving kiss which Macy gladly accepted even as she continued to rub the shampoo into her hair.
"Mind helping me rinse this out?" Macy said after the kiss broke. Ashlee, of course, agreed readily. Macy needn't have even asked though she always did. She also always thanked Ashlee with a kiss like she did when Ashlee was finished and had replaced the shower massager into its holder. Oddly enough, it also wasn't unusual that the kiss quickly turned into much more than just a simple thank you for a job well done almost as soon as their lips touched. No, this had actually become their most common way of being intimate since Macy's job started to become something of a burden on their relationship. Not that either of them minded that at the moment as their arms slowly wound their way around the others soft, warm and wet body to pull each other closer.
There was just something so comforting to Ashlee about feeling Macy in her arms again. It just felt so right, so pure and so familiar. Sure, when she had made love (Well, fucked since there was no love to be made or had between them) Carrie the night before that too had felt right and familiar, but this was different. This wasn't animal lust; this wasn't just simple carnal need. This was deeper than that, much more patient and there were no games, no power play. It was just two girls deeply in love trying to savor the oneness of their being.
In other words, it was just like so many other times they'd made love since they'd become a couple. It was soft, it was slow and it was patient. Neither of them seemed to be in a rush as gentle hands kneaded supple buttocks and fingers dug into to the soft flesh of each other's backs. Even their kiss was slow and methodical despite the obvious passion between them with neither of them trying to tongue wrestle the other as they instead focused on enjoying the softness of lips against lips with only the occasional tongue suck or soft caress.
"God, I missed this," Ashlee said in a hushed whisper as Macy nibbled on her shoulder blade while Ashlee simply pressed her body against Macy's and allowed her hands to glide across the smooth contours of Macy's back. Ashlee almost felt silly saying this, but it was true. She did miss it. Those seemingly endless days and nights they'd spent together near the end of summer had spoiled her.
She needn't have felt too silly, though. She was hardly the only one who felt the same way as she learned when Macy whispered "Me too, baby," in response as she moved up to nibble on Ashlee's earlobe. For reasons that Ashlee had no desire to examine too closely those acted as the catalyst to push her past the point of being satisfied with mere contact as she slid her thigh between Macy's and urged Macy to the same before pushing her almost a tad bit too roughly against the wall of the shower.
"Slow down, tiger," Macy said with a soft laugh and a wicked smile as she broke the kiss and turned Ashlee until she was the one against the wall. Ashlee said nothing, but she did her best to obey Macy's wishes. It was a decision she would not come to regret as Macy quickly reminded her that slow was hardly bad as she took control and slowly led Ashlee down the path of soft, teasing caresses and butterfly kisses on earlobes and necklines as well as much harder kisses on soft lips as they both just let their bodies slip and slide against each other with no rhyme or reason.
It was absolutely perfect and loving and beautiful and so much more. It was also deeply erotic just to know that girl whose soft hands were busying themselves kneading Ashlee's butt cheeks and softly tracing her short fingernails across the sensitive skin of Ashlee's back was doing it out of love and not just lust. Oh, there was lust there as well, but it was secondary to that deeper, more meaningful emotion and that's what made this soft, sensuous embrace so damned good.
In fact it was so good that it was almost disappointing when one of Macy's hands slid between them and made to touch Ashlee's already puffy and aroused labia. Almost was, of course, the key word because Ashlee didn't even think of telling her lover to stop. Instead she simply moved one of her own hands to the space where Macy's warm, moist flower resided and made to touch her lover there as she had so many times before until they were no longer truly kissing each other. Instead, as their fingers expertly sought out each other's sensitive areas, both the obvious and the far more subtle, they were more breathing heavily into each other's mouths than anything else as they quickly (and quite shockingly, to be completely honest) brought each other to orgasm.
And it really was that quick. No more than a minute or two after they had touched each other's clits they were both writhing against each other in release. Ashlee had barely even processed that fact that her lover's fingers had found her clit before she felt the sparks shooting off behind her eyes and she'd barely even begun fingering Macy's soft, puffy folds before she felt Macy's teeth accidentally and instinctively biting into her shoulder as she gasped sweetly and nearly collapsed from the pleasure.
"Wow," was all Ashlee could say. It wasn't much, but it perfectly encapsulated her feelings of surprise regarding her body's reaction to her lover's touch. Her phrasing was good deal more articulate than Macy's, however. She could only laugh as Ashlee tried to get back to the business at hand. At least she laughed until Ashlee silenced her by sliding her finger into Macy's depths. Instantly the laughter turned to sighing as Macy's fingers also found themselves moving towards her lover's cunt to touch her as they shared another kiss. At least, they tried until the two young lovers were forced to abandon their mutual pursuit by a quick, hard blast of searing hot water hitting their naked bodies as their upstairs neighbors innocently flushed their toilet.
This was hardly a surprising turn of events. In fact, it happened damned near every time they made love in the shower and if it didn't then something else would. What? Well, like what happened next when just as they decided to brave the shower again they suddenly found themselves being pummeled by ice water that was cold enough to make them both scream as they once again jumped out of the shower and found themselves laughing despite their frustration.
It would've been enough to spoil the mood of others, but for Ashlee and Macy a little distraction such as searing pain followed by freezing half to death was hardly enough to make them quit. It did however make them pause for a moment to laugh at their ridiculous behavior before Macy bent over to turn off the water and Ashlee suddenly found herself unable to resist the urge to take control when Macy's beautiful and perfectly shaped bottom was presented to her so openly and freely.
The little yelp that Macy let out when Ashlee's hand found its way to her open flower was very pleasing to Ashlee's ear. Sure, it wasn't quite as satisfying as the soft sigh she let out almost immediately after, but it was nice enough to bring out a smile and light laugh from Ashlee that elicited a shakily spoken "Oh, shut up," from Macy that quickly became another sigh when Ashlee got down on her knees and licked her lovers cute, little butthole as her finger slid ever so easily inside of Macy's cunt.
"Mmm," Ashlee teased as Macy sighed yet again, "You like that don't you, you dirty girl." It was a corny thing to say, but it didn't matter. Macy liked it just as she liked it when Ashlee's tongue gently rimmed her one more time just as Ashlee's index finger slid out of Macy's pussy to brush across Macy's hard clit before sliding back inside this time with Ashlee's ring finger to keep it company as Ashlee's thumb took over on Macy's clit before Ashlee teased her again by first licking her in that forbidden place one more time before saying "I'll take that as a yes."
"Oh fuck," was all Macy could say in response. She did, however, say it several times in a row in a breathless, shaky voice that almost became a squeak when Ashlee got down on her haunches and turned herself around into a position that was slightly less than comfortable, but necessary for her to get her tongue on that sweet, hard nub of flesh while keeping her fingers inside of her lover to twist and bend and make Macy cry.
At first this seemed like a perfectly wise decision to make. Macy for one liked it enough that she was no longer bothering to speak and instead had begun to sigh and groan in a shaky tone. Her tone, however, was not the only thing shaking as Ashlee continued to push her towards orgasm. Her legs and arms were also shivering almost violently as she tried her hardest to maintain control of her own body. Her knuckles were almost white from gripping the slippery edge of the tub. She was about to lose it, but she didn't care and neither did Ashlee.
At least, neither of them cared until Macy actually did lose it and suddenly Ashlee found herself very grateful that she had been gifted with excellent reflexes and that years of playing football had made her a tad bit stronger than your average eighteen year old woman when she managed to catch herself and hold Macy up just long enough to avoid both being smothered by her beautiful lover and smashing her head against the cheap linoleum of their bathroom floor before she found herself laughing her ass off as she laid on her back. Of course, she soon found herself being smothered anyway when Macy, still very aroused and lost in the moment, simply sat on Ashlee's face. Ashlee at first just kept laughing into her lover's wet, beautiful pussy momentarily unable to do what she really wanted to until Macy, who was far less amused about the whole situation, grabbed her by the hair and forced Ashlee's face against her aroused and gyrating sex.
When Ashlee arrived back at the apartment from her night of passion with Carrie she couldn't help but be darkly happy to see her lover asleep in her bed. Of course, she really had no reason to expect anything else. Macy wasn't, after all, one to worry. A perfect example of this truth was the fact that when Ashlee had finally gathered the courage to turn on her phone after sitting in her car for more than fifteen minutes in the parking lot where she and Carrie had parted ways she only found one text from her lover that had simply said "hope ur having fun. I'm going to bed. Tell me about in the mornin. Xoxo.:)" and that was it. No passive aggressive messages, no half dozen missed calls and no anything else. There was just one little text and nothing more.
As Ashlee stood in the doorway of their bedroom staring at Macy sleeping so peacefully and managing to look so devastatingly cute despite the drool slowly leaking from the corner of her mouth Ashlee couldn't help but feel like the worst person to ever walk the face of the earth. At least a part of her wanted to feel like the worst person in the world. Really though she didn't feel like anything at that moment. She just felt empty, somewhat vaguely sad and tired. She was very, very tired.
Sure, the guilty part of her wanted to wake up Macy right then and there to shake and beg her for forgiveness for the horrible thing she'd done, but it was honestly just a small part of her. The rest of her just wanted to be left alone to sit in the dark of the living room thinking about nothing, doing nothing and, most of all, feeling nothing. She didn't want to contemplate her sin, the effects it might and should have on her relationship with Macy or her friendship with Carrie. She just wanted to disappear into her head and feel nothing for awhile.
So that's what she did more or less. It was a shockingly easy thing to do. She already felt fairly numb and, again, extremely tired. All it took was one lousy Vicodin from her stash, a couple of hits of the good stuff she and Macy had been saving for a rainy day and a healthy dose of Brian Eno's Music for Airports from her iPod. After that she just laid herself down on the dingy couch and stared at the ceiling until the numbness overtook her and she finally managed to fall asleep just as the battery died and the music fell silent.
As she slept she happily achieved her goal of nothingness. She only slept and forgot what a worthless, untrustworthy person she had allowed herself to become. It was almost perfect except for the fact that it was destined to not last long at all. Of course, she wasn't thinking of that because she had tried hard to feel nothing at all and, for what it was worth, she had succeeded. She was asleep and that was what mattered.
At least, she was until no more than two, maybe two and a half hours later when she found herself being softly nudged awake by Macy's warm lips kissing her on the forehead while Macy's fingers gently brushed Ashlee's hair away from her face as she whispered sweetly "Wake up, drunkie. You're supposed to be getting ready for class."
"What?" Ashlee said automatically as she removed the ear buds from her ears even though she'd heard Macy and taken it all in quite easily.
"I said you have class in like an hour. You need to get up," Macy said, smiling before tousling her lover's hair playfully. Ashlee wanted to be grumpy and tell her to stop, but she just couldn't. Instead she just smiled back at her lover and received an even bigger smile in return for her efforts.
How could she not smile? The sight of lovely, kind and beautiful Macy smiling at her with so much warmth and feeling even though Ashlee knew she had to look like death warmed over instantly melted the coldness she'd felt the night before. She couldn't help it even as the small voice of guilt she'd heard the night before crept back into her mind to tell her she didn't deserve the love hidden so poorly behind Macy's beautiful smile.
Ashlee just couldn't help but ignore that voice as she grabbed Macy's hand to kiss her palm gently. Macy, of course, laughed at her. She kept on laughing even as Ashlee pulled her down into a kiss that Macy broke slowly to tease her saying "What's got into you, weirdo? You're usually not this lovey dovey in the morning. You didn't like take a bunch of exstasy last night or something, did you?"
"No, "Ashlee said, smiling weakly as she tried very hard not to remember what she'd done the night before. It was a failed effort, but she managed to hide the guilt that welled up inside of her and maintained her weak smile only flinching a little before she added "No, I just went to a gay bar with Car."
"A gay bar! You bitch! Oh, you suck so much ass! You went to a gay bar without me? I told I've wanted to go to a gay bar for like forever! I fucking hate you!" Macy said crossing right across Ashlee. Her anger was obviously a mixture of both playful front and real disappointment. She slapped Ashlee gently on the shoulder before adding more calmly "Was it fun?"
"It was okay. I mean, it was like totally much more Zen than I expected it to be. Oh, and I totally got drunk there."
"How the fuck did you get drunk?" Macy asked, still obviously jealous, but also genuinely interested.
"Carrie knew the bartender," Ashlee said simply, her smile fading slightly at the mention of Carrie's name.
"Lucky bitch," Macy said simply before adding "So is that it?"
"What do you mean?" Ashlee said, trying hard not to sound defensive despite the fact that the loving glint in Macy's eye told her Macy was just asking the question because she was simply interested in what Ashlee had been doing while she was busy working far longer and sleeping far less than she wanted.
"I mean, is that all you guys did? Did you just go to a bar and get smashed or did you actually do something fun?"
"Getting drunk isn't fun enough for you?"
"Umm, not really, but that's just me."
"Well, then you wouldn't have had fun, because that's pretty much all we did," Ashlee said, lying with an ease that actually hurt her as Macy smiled and said "Well, as long as you had fun. I, on the other hand, just worked, came home, smoked a bowl with Enrique and watched some Futurama before I told Enrique to split and I went to bed."
"Ahh, poor baby," Ashlee said as she sat up and kissed her lover on the tip of her nose. Then she kissed her again on her eyelid causing Macy to giggle in a way that for some reason really made Ashlee want to kiss her in a more serious fashion, so she did and suddenly she found herself pulling her lover onto the couch as they both just kind of started making out until Ashlee's hands reached behind Macy's back and unsnapped her bra through her t-shirt causing Macy to push her away suddenly to catch her breath before speaking.
"What are you doing? You know you only have like half an hour to take a shower, get dressed and head off to class, right?" Macy said, smiling even as she chided her lover's lack of priorities.
"So?" was Ashlee's only answer as she tried to rejoin the kiss only to be blocked by Macy's hand covering her mouth as she sat up straddling Ashlee's legs. Ashlee, in turn, pushed herself up on her elbows.
"Well, because, as you well know, I also have class today and I, unlike you, cannot be late or that old, evil bastard will lock the fucking door. Besides," Macy said, finally uncovering Ashlee's mouth when she saw the defeat in her eyes. "I totally have some free time after class that would be much better suited for this, so.," and here Macy paused to give Ashlee a soft, warm kiss on her lips that quickly threatened to become much, much more before Macy regained her senses and pulled away before repeating in a slightly more adamant tone "So, you horny bitch, just keep it in your pants until then."
"Fucking fine," Ashlee said her disappointment painfully obvious both in her voice and in the frown that was etched so deeply into her tired face until she finally forced herself to find the bright side as she said "Does that mean you have the night off tonight?"
"Uh, no, it just means I don't have to go in early. Didn't I tell you? After last night they're switching me to slightly more humane hours. I don't have to go until three and then I get out at two again, so instead of thirteen hours I only have to work eleven. Yay," Macy said the last bit with enough deadpan sarcasm that Ashlee almost laughed despite the fact that she knew Macy was not really trying to be funny. Luckily Macy either didn't notice or didn't care as she continued "So. anyway. we can totally fuck before your afternoon practice. Doesn't that make you happy?"
"Oh, ecstatic. Simply ecstatic. I love having my love life scheduled by your work," Ashlee said feeling suddenly bitter about the way Macy had said it all. Well, not really the way she said it, but what she had said. It just kind of took the spontaneity and the passion out of everything and made it seem so tiresome for some reason.
"Oh, I know, baby. I fucking hate it, too, but, hopefully anyway, after this weekend Maggie will come back from her vacation and I'll only have to work an extra day until they hire someone. Besides, think of all the weed we'll be able to buy with the extra money I'll be making. It'll be so fucking sweet!"
"Really? Do you think we could also maybe like go to that sex shop by the strip club?" Ashlee said almost off the top of her head.
"What?" Macy came back honestly confused by the question. Sure, they'd joked around about buying sex toys before, but they'd always come to mutual decision that they were both more than happy with the tongues and fingers and what not that they had been born with and, besides, sex shops were just so creepy.
"It's just.," Ashlee started and stopped as she suddenly felt terrible about her current line of thinking because it led her back to the night before. Still, the look on Macy's face told her that it would be a good idea to finish her thought if she didn't want to have to answer any questions later, so she bit the bullet and said "I was kinda curious about. you know, like maybe. if you wouldn't mind, of course, like, possibly getting a. ummm. strap-on?"
"Seriously?" Macy said, looking at Ashlee through narrowed eyes as if she were suddenly suspicious. "I thought you said those were dumb."
"I know I did, but.," and again Ashlee paused as she thought of a good way to voice her thoughts before finally coming up with a carefully worded lie as she said "Carrie just kind of convinced me that they might be kind of fun."
"Did she now? Well, she's a little magician, isn't she?" Macy said and then paused. Luckily it was a short pause, because Ashlee really had no idea how to respond to that before Macy said "You're sure? I mean, 'cause you know I'm game, but if you're."
"No, I'm serious. I think it'd be fun," Ashlee said cutting her off.
"Well, alright then. When I get my nice, fat paycheck for working my ass off this week we'll call Jerry and get an ounce and then we'll go see what kind of sex toys we can get for a hundred bucks. Sound like a plan?"
"It does," Ashlee said simply, more than a little relieved that Macy hadn't questioned her further while at the same time feeling more than just a little guilty about. well, just about everything.
The guilt didn't go away when Macy kissed her one more time before she said, "Shit, I really have to go. Enrique is going to meet me at the gas station on the corner in like fifteen minutes and if I don't get there soon they're going to dump my coffee and I fucking need my coffee."
"Yuck. That stuff is not coffee," Ashlee said before urging Macy to give her one more kiss before she got up.
"Shut up, hipster. Just because it doesn't cost five bucks a cup doesn't mean it isn't coffee," Macy said as she got up, slung her bag over her shoulder and headed for the door.
"That's not why it isn't coffee," Ashlee said with a smile, unable to resist falling into their old argument.
"I said shut up. I like my freeze dried hazlenutty deliciousness and there's nothing you can do to change that. Love ya, babe," Macy said as she blew Ashlee a kiss as she opened the door.
"Love you, too, baby," Ashlee replied as she returned the gesture with a weak smile as she watched her lover walk out the door. The smile vanished almost as soon as the door closed and Ashlee found herself rubbing her eyes trying hard to both wake herself up completely and keep the dark thoughts that were quickly threatening to overtake her at bay. She was only moderately successful on both fronts, but she did manage to force herself to get up and grab some three day old pizza and a can of Red Bull from the fridge for breakfast before heading to the shower for a quick and much needed cleansing before dressing quickly, but still decently and then grabbing her book bag and laptop and heading out the door.
For the next hour and a half as Ashlee sat in class she was far too busy trying her hardest to pay attention to the Professor's droning, monotonous voice to contemplate anything about the night before. She simply couldn't spare the brain power. Red Bull had proved less than adequate and she actually found herself struggling just to keep her hand moving as she took her notes. She was keeping up, but only just.
Luckily Alex (a friend from the team and one of the few people who hadn't acted like a jerk when Ashlee started hanging out with Carrie) was sitting right next to her taking her own notes as well as noticing just how frazzled Ashlee was. By the time class was over Alex was almost begging Ashlee to take her notes as they walked to Ashlee's car. Ashlee refused, but she did cave when Alex insisted that they study together after practice both to shut Alex up as well as just because Alex was a fun, safe (i.e. straight. Well, semi-straight, really, but that's a whole other story) person to hang out with.
Well, there were other reasons too. Alex was pretty cool and Ashlee knew that her idea of studying usually involved getting nice and stoned afterwards. While that didn't necessarily make the studying all that meaningful it did at least mean that Ashlee would have an excuse not to call Carrie. Of course, she didn't really need one and she kind of had a feeling that Carrie wouldn't care either way but for some reason she felt a good deal better and just a tad bit stronger armored in her valid excuse.
So that was her plan. She'd go home, make love to her girlfriend, go to practice and afterwards she and Alex would pick up Jesse so they could "study" and do anything else besides call that devilishly beautiful girl who had rocked her world and made her feel like a goddess for a brief moment only to make her feel like a whore once that moment had passed.
As she drove home after dropping off Alex Ashlee found comfort in this new plan. She'd just leave it all in the past and try her best to pretend that nothing had happened and eventually it would just be a footnote in her life. It would become nothing but one wonderfully terrible night among the thousands upon thousands that would make up her life. She'd just move on and leave her mistake in the past like it was nothing more than a skipped appointment, a book she failed to return to the library on time or something else boring and mundane instead of the betrayal of trust that it truly been.
For awhile she managed to convince herself that she could get it done. In fact, she was sure of it. The numbness was gone, and the desire to just forget and move on had replaced it easily. Something inside just wanted to pretend it would all be good if she just wrote Carrie off and moved on. Sure, there was still a little voice in the back of her mind that told Ashlee that she was not only fooling herself, but also trying way too hard to find an easy way out that she didn't deserve to take but it was a voice that was easy for Ashlee to ignore by simply repeating to herself that if she could just be good from now on that would be all that really mattered.
By the time she arrived home to find Macy in the shower Ashlee was absolutely certain she could be good again, that she could resist the urges she'd given into only the night before. Seeing Macy standing there in the warm spray of the shower looking like the living embodiment of sex helped with this feeling. It also sent shivers down Ashlee's spine. She felt electric, she felt strong just knowing she was about to make love to the vision of feminine beauty who was currently humming along to the Lady Gaga song playing on the radio. It was all just so cute and so sexy that it almost hurt.
In the dark, barely conscious corners of her mind Ashlee couldn't help but think that missing this was why she had strayed. Sure, it was a weak excuse, but that hardly mattered. Any excuse would do when it came to Ashlee justifying her guilt as she stared at her lover before entering the bathroom without saying a word as she began to shed her clothes.
It was true though. Lack of sex with Macy had been a contributing factor in Ashlee's sin. Sadly, even Ashlee was aware of the fact that a temporary and partial dry spell after a period of unsustainable over abundance was hardly a good enough reason to cheat on the girl she loved more than anything in the world.
But when Ashlee heard Macy say, "Hello there, sneaky. Care to join me?" as she peaked around the shower curtain Ashlee suddenly didn't care about any of that. All inner conflict was put on hold as she smiled back and said "You know it," as she kicked off her pants which she had allowed to fall around her ankles and threw her t-shirt onto the floor in front of the sink and then quickly rid herself of the rest of her clothes before stepping into the shower to join her lover.
Now none of it was all that graceful or really all that sexy, but it was apparently good enough judging from the soft laughter it elicited from Macy. Of course, that laughter was probably more a result of the fact that Ashlee had almost tripped on her panties when she didn't quite manage to get them off of her feet before trying to pull off her socks, but Ashlee didn't care. She simply righted herself by grabbing onto the sink, kicked off her panties, ripped off her socks and quickly finished the job by removing her bra before finally joining her lover in the shower. The giggling now was meaningless. In fact, if anything, it only made her want Macy just that much more.
"So how was class?" Macy asked as she turned to face Ashlee with her hands on her head massaging in some shampoo only to turn away instantly to avoid her lover's embrace saying "Hey! Be patient. I'm still washing my hair."
"I don't care," Ashlee said honestly as she reached up to gently grab Macy's chin and turned her back to face her for a soft, loving kiss which Macy gladly accepted even as she continued to rub the shampoo into her hair.
"Mind helping me rinse this out?" Macy said after the kiss broke. Ashlee, of course, agreed readily. Macy needn't have even asked though she always did. She also always thanked Ashlee with a kiss like she did when Ashlee was finished and had replaced the shower massager into its holder. Oddly enough, it also wasn't unusual that the kiss quickly turned into much more than just a simple thank you for a job well done almost as soon as their lips touched. No, this had actually become their most common way of being intimate since Macy's job started to become something of a burden on their relationship. Not that either of them minded that at the moment as their arms slowly wound their way around the others soft, warm and wet body to pull each other closer.
There was just something so comforting to Ashlee about feeling Macy in her arms again. It just felt so right, so pure and so familiar. Sure, when she had made love (Well, fucked since there was no love to be made or had between them) Carrie the night before that too had felt right and familiar, but this was different. This wasn't animal lust; this wasn't just simple carnal need. This was deeper than that, much more patient and there were no games, no power play. It was just two girls deeply in love trying to savor the oneness of their being.
In other words, it was just like so many other times they'd made love since they'd become a couple. It was soft, it was slow and it was patient. Neither of them seemed to be in a rush as gentle hands kneaded supple buttocks and fingers dug into to the soft flesh of each other's backs. Even their kiss was slow and methodical despite the obvious passion between them with neither of them trying to tongue wrestle the other as they instead focused on enjoying the softness of lips against lips with only the occasional tongue suck or soft caress.
"God, I missed this," Ashlee said in a hushed whisper as Macy nibbled on her shoulder blade while Ashlee simply pressed her body against Macy's and allowed her hands to glide across the smooth contours of Macy's back. Ashlee almost felt silly saying this, but it was true. She did miss it. Those seemingly endless days and nights they'd spent together near the end of summer had spoiled her.
She needn't have felt too silly, though. She was hardly the only one who felt the same way as she learned when Macy whispered "Me too, baby," in response as she moved up to nibble on Ashlee's earlobe. For reasons that Ashlee had no desire to examine too closely those acted as the catalyst to push her past the point of being satisfied with mere contact as she slid her thigh between Macy's and urged Macy to the same before pushing her almost a tad bit too roughly against the wall of the shower.
"Slow down, tiger," Macy said with a soft laugh and a wicked smile as she broke the kiss and turned Ashlee until she was the one against the wall. Ashlee said nothing, but she did her best to obey Macy's wishes. It was a decision she would not come to regret as Macy quickly reminded her that slow was hardly bad as she took control and slowly led Ashlee down the path of soft, teasing caresses and butterfly kisses on earlobes and necklines as well as much harder kisses on soft lips as they both just let their bodies slip and slide against each other with no rhyme or reason.
It was absolutely perfect and loving and beautiful and so much more. It was also deeply erotic just to know that girl whose soft hands were busying themselves kneading Ashlee's butt cheeks and softly tracing her short fingernails across the sensitive skin of Ashlee's back was doing it out of love and not just lust. Oh, there was lust there as well, but it was secondary to that deeper, more meaningful emotion and that's what made this soft, sensuous embrace so damned good.
In fact it was so good that it was almost disappointing when one of Macy's hands slid between them and made to touch Ashlee's already puffy and aroused labia. Almost was, of course, the key word because Ashlee didn't even think of telling her lover to stop. Instead she simply moved one of her own hands to the space where Macy's warm, moist flower resided and made to touch her lover there as she had so many times before until they were no longer truly kissing each other. Instead, as their fingers expertly sought out each other's sensitive areas, both the obvious and the far more subtle, they were more breathing heavily into each other's mouths than anything else as they quickly (and quite shockingly, to be completely honest) brought each other to orgasm.
And it really was that quick. No more than a minute or two after they had touched each other's clits they were both writhing against each other in release. Ashlee had barely even processed that fact that her lover's fingers had found her clit before she felt the sparks shooting off behind her eyes and she'd barely even begun fingering Macy's soft, puffy folds before she felt Macy's teeth accidentally and instinctively biting into her shoulder as she gasped sweetly and nearly collapsed from the pleasure.
"Wow," was all Ashlee could say. It wasn't much, but it perfectly encapsulated her feelings of surprise regarding her body's reaction to her lover's touch. Her phrasing was good deal more articulate than Macy's, however. She could only laugh as Ashlee tried to get back to the business at hand. At least she laughed until Ashlee silenced her by sliding her finger into Macy's depths. Instantly the laughter turned to sighing as Macy's fingers also found themselves moving towards her lover's cunt to touch her as they shared another kiss. At least, they tried until the two young lovers were forced to abandon their mutual pursuit by a quick, hard blast of searing hot water hitting their naked bodies as their upstairs neighbors innocently flushed their toilet.
This was hardly a surprising turn of events. In fact, it happened damned near every time they made love in the shower and if it didn't then something else would. What? Well, like what happened next when just as they decided to brave the shower again they suddenly found themselves being pummeled by ice water that was cold enough to make them both scream as they once again jumped out of the shower and found themselves laughing despite their frustration.
It would've been enough to spoil the mood of others, but for Ashlee and Macy a little distraction such as searing pain followed by freezing half to death was hardly enough to make them quit. It did however make them pause for a moment to laugh at their ridiculous behavior before Macy bent over to turn off the water and Ashlee suddenly found herself unable to resist the urge to take control when Macy's beautiful and perfectly shaped bottom was presented to her so openly and freely.
The little yelp that Macy let out when Ashlee's hand found its way to her open flower was very pleasing to Ashlee's ear. Sure, it wasn't quite as satisfying as the soft sigh she let out almost immediately after, but it was nice enough to bring out a smile and light laugh from Ashlee that elicited a shakily spoken "Oh, shut up," from Macy that quickly became another sigh when Ashlee got down on her knees and licked her lovers cute, little butthole as her finger slid ever so easily inside of Macy's cunt.
"Mmm," Ashlee teased as Macy sighed yet again, "You like that don't you, you dirty girl." It was a corny thing to say, but it didn't matter. Macy liked it just as she liked it when Ashlee's tongue gently rimmed her one more time just as Ashlee's index finger slid out of Macy's pussy to brush across Macy's hard clit before sliding back inside this time with Ashlee's ring finger to keep it company as Ashlee's thumb took over on Macy's clit before Ashlee teased her again by first licking her in that forbidden place one more time before saying "I'll take that as a yes."
"Oh fuck," was all Macy could say in response. She did, however, say it several times in a row in a breathless, shaky voice that almost became a squeak when Ashlee got down on her haunches and turned herself around into a position that was slightly less than comfortable, but necessary for her to get her tongue on that sweet, hard nub of flesh while keeping her fingers inside of her lover to twist and bend and make Macy cry.
At first this seemed like a perfectly wise decision to make. Macy for one liked it enough that she was no longer bothering to speak and instead had begun to sigh and groan in a shaky tone. Her tone, however, was not the only thing shaking as Ashlee continued to push her towards orgasm. Her legs and arms were also shivering almost violently as she tried her hardest to maintain control of her own body. Her knuckles were almost white from gripping the slippery edge of the tub. She was about to lose it, but she didn't care and neither did Ashlee.
At least, neither of them cared until Macy actually did lose it and suddenly Ashlee found herself very grateful that she had been gifted with excellent reflexes and that years of playing football had made her a tad bit stronger than your average eighteen year old woman when she managed to catch herself and hold Macy up just long enough to avoid both being smothered by her beautiful lover and smashing her head against the cheap linoleum of their bathroom floor before she found herself laughing her ass off as she laid on her back. Of course, she soon found herself being smothered anyway when Macy, still very aroused and lost in the moment, simply sat on Ashlee's face. Ashlee at first just kept laughing into her lover's wet, beautiful pussy momentarily unable to do what she really wanted to until Macy, who was far less amused about the whole situation, grabbed her by the hair and forced Ashlee's face against her aroused and gyrating sex.
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My Cousin's Pet or Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Going to the Dogs in Suburbia Categories: Ff, Non-consent/reluctance, humiliation Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction. It portrays two young women in a human-dog / owner relationship. This story is not real and should not be used as anything but fuel for fantasies. The author in no way, form, or fashion condones the sexual abuse of minors. Consent is an essential element for any sex act and, while this story depicts otherwise,...
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The sisters loved to be home alone. Maybe that would seem strange for most young teens who would rather be gallivanting around without their siblings. But Sue and Alice were different. They were comfortable with each other. They enjoyed each other. They actually liked each other. And they had much in common. Their attraction for each other was in no small part due to their well-to-do parents who were always away, usually at their respective offices making more money. For years they had had...
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It was a pleasant day in late August. They were playing in the usual field, with Penny 50 yards away. At first Danny paid no attention as another large dog approached. He paid no special attention when the dogs sniffed each other. But then Penny presented her rear end to the new dog and held still, and the new dog mounted her. He mounted, grabbed her hind section with his front paws and mated with her. That got his attention! A couple younger kids who had been playing nearby pointed and...
There are moments in life that define you, and this was one of them. I could feel the dog’s slobber drip onto my back, it’s hot breath panting in my ear, it’s slippery cock jabbing wildly leaving wet trails across my ass. It was at that moment that I knew with every fibre of my being that I wanted to become a dog slut. As I felt the dog’s movements become more frantic my mind flashed back to how I started this journey and it was hard to imagine it was less than a week...
Ruth Ann was Sally's only other customer this morning. As requested, Sally arrived at the woman's house with two dogs: a golden retriever and a Saint Bernard. Sally thought the woman was being a bit greedy by asking for two animals, but so long as she was paying double, the young girl wasn't going to turn her down. "One dog just can't satisfy me," said Ruth Ann, feeling a need to explain. "You see, I'm a nymphomaniac. Been one for as long as I can remember. I just can't get enough...
Males may also find this interesting it is meant first as a female explanation (perhaps excuse?) for my own canine sex experiences, but do also bear in mind that not only is this narrated in my own words but also the views of many other females I have been in touch with or noted opinions of. Some is also freely quoted from internet articles, not really published for any gain but freely given as advice from other like minded females (like Anna.) To authors like her who I do now quote freely...
Characters Neil Brower - Narrator Charlene (Charli) Hatteras - Neighbor, Friend, Lover Patty Hatteras - Charli’s Daughter I was one of the lucky ones. I caught The Weakness early, before it had mutated into the stronger strain. They labeled this stronger strain W2. It was devastating. The men who contracted it were so weak that they couldn’t walk or even stand up. Millions, or maybe billions, of men, all over the world, died from starvation or from lack of care if they were already ill with...
She had just reached the center of the park and was standing next to the water fountain when she heard the howling. The howling was close and she started moving away from the howling when she heard barking in the direction she was heading. She began to run in another direction when dogs appeared in front of her , she veered away but more dogs appeared. She realized she was surrounded. Dogs appeared and one large black mastiff walked up to her. Looking into its eyes an intelligence stared...
Darcy was surprised to find that from the big room, which held the door to their home was another that led to a large communal area. The room was three times as big again. Two long wide hallways that led to many rooms were accessed from the inner wall. Two cross halls joined them together as you moved into the mountain. Two large doors, each about a third of the way along the room on the other side, led to the outside and long high windows let in a lot of light. The back area from where he...
Hi, my name is Niki and I’m a dog slut. I let dogs have sex with me and I enjoy it! I like nothing better then to lay down on my back and let a dog hammer my bitch hole mouth with his mighty dog penis. I love a big, nasty, slimy, red, hot, throbbing, dog dicks in my mouth. I am a dog whore and I love it! I love dicks and their dicks are so nice and fat and juicy. They’re nice and hard and I love to suck on them. I can suck dog dick all day long and hardly a day goes by I...
I went to work on Monday and Cindy called me into the office. “I know you only have two dogs left and they are fully trained” she said. I panicked. Was I about to be declared redundant? “I have had a couple of contacts who we can go and see Beth. Go and feed the dogs and then come back and we will close up and go to see what is available”. I breathed a sigh of relief. I certainly didn’t want to be separated from my boys. I feed and watered them and went back to the office. Cindy locked up, put...
Wendy was behind the wheel of her parents’ van, smiling and humming. Danny was in the passenger seat. Behind them were Hans and Penny. The windows were down, Hans’s head was out the rear left window, and Penny’s was out the rear right one, both dogs sniffing. They were on a country road, paved but without a marked center line. They passed an intersection, and Hans started barking. “You smell something, boy?” said Wendy. Penny abandoned her side of the vehicle and joined Hans in sniffing out...
Darcy was thankful that his bank account was healthy and he had his spare packs. He was pretty sure the girls found a present for everyone at Redtail Hill as they called their settlement. He had to admit that he and Speeder had been just as bad for adding handy gadgets that they both knew would be useful for the community. The girls had mentioned that they grew rice and Darcy had remarked that he had read that planting sesame and sunflowers with the rice increased crop output. He also...
"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...
CheatingDarcy held a meeting that night and produced his finds. He was not surprised when Boner and Speeder ended up with four gemmed Shield vambraces. They were similar to his new Shield Mage item but the gems were slightly smaller for some reason. Goldie was a Nature Mage with Lore and Psychic. As Darcy understood it, this meant she would probably have strong healing abilities. Romp was an Earth Mage with Energy and Physics. Twitch was a Physics Mage with both Nature and Lore. Huntress also...
"I feel just wonderful," said Lisa as she got back into her dress. "My pussy is still tingling." "Most of my customers are smiling when I leave them," said Sally. "Even the horniest of them. My dogs are all great fuckers." "You don't have to tell me that. I'm a believer." Lisa lit up a cigarette and took a long puff. "And I'm sure most of my beauty shop customers would feel the same way if they had a chance to fuck your dogs." "Do you have many customers?" "Plenty. And...
*Warning: contains some graphic scenes of gore or violence. It’s only PG-13 violence though really, so anybody on this sight should have no problems with it. However, if you really don’t like horror-type stories or violence, I wouldn’t read this. Also, if you could leave a vote and some feedback that would be great. Hopefully the feedback won’t be too bad.* * The night was cold, as it normally is in late October. The air was chilly and their breaths could be seen in the air as they crawled...
About six months after I moved in I got very lonely and depressed. I saw a therapist in a nearby city and he recommended I get a companion, such as a dog or cat. The next day I called my landlord and asked if it would be alright for me to keep a dog in the house. She wasn’t crazy about the idea. But after I explained how lonely I was she related because she was recently divorced and got a dog herself to keep her company. I drove to the animal shelter down the road to pick out a dog. I knew I...
Sandy had always been interested in dogs and horses (but that's another story). For as long as she could remember she had owned one or more dogs. Her introduction to the birds and the bees, as a matter of fact, was through them. When she was twelve she came home from school early and heard noises in the basement. Upon peeking down the stairs she saw her mother and father with two dogs. Their male dog had climbed on the back of their female. (She remembered that both dogs had acted funny...
I look back and wonder what would have happened if I had not made a quick stop at a Stop and Go store to pick some water on my way home from my job. I work at a Veterinary office near my home which is out in the country. I am a single white female. I don’t really have to work but I thought that working at the Vet’s office would get me out of the house and keep from getting bored. I lost my husband in the Bosnia fiasco and he left me a good insurance package plus widows pay from...
Aunt TillieThis is a fantasy based on actual events in my earlier years. There was an “Aunt Tillie” whom I lusted after, but since she was mom’s best friend......…This took place in an established old, very religious northern city (read: prudish). Extremely conservative.Tillie, or Matilda was her birth name, was my moms best friend all through high school. Both of them married a year or so after HS, but remained close friends. Tillie was sort of an “Aunt” to me, as she came to our home at least...
The penis is also looking different in it's basic looks. Instead of having the so familiar and sensitive 'mushroom', like the human, it is pointy at the tip, then growing larger after 2-3 cm. As you read earlier, the entire penis is as sensitive as the human's tip. At the front of the penis the dog has a small hole from which he ejaculates, this looks a little different than a human penis, which has a crack, otherwise the function is the same, the size almost equivalent, but the pleasure...
-- Learning From Emilie --Early one Saturday morning I was standing at the bathroom sink in our government quarters brushing my teeth. My father had awakened me earlier than usual, getting ready to go on an overnight guard duty assignment. Once he'd left, I decided to go ahead and get up early, get cleaned up, maybe go out for a nice motorcycle ride.There was a movement at the open door and I turned my head, toothbrush still in my mouth, to see my stepmother Emilie walk into the bathroom. ...
I am a high school mathematics teacher while my wife is an English teacher. We both teach the ninth grade where the students are all about fifteen to sixteen years old. They are freshmen and are the small fish in a very big pond. For some it is hard to adjust to it because just last year in junior high school they were the big fish in that very little pond. My wife and I run a little porn studio in our basement too. It is for a very select clientele, the kind that like the girls young and they...
Ted was certain Elizabeth was having an affair behind his back, but he couldn't prove it. To all outward appearances everything seemed perfectly normal. His young and beautiful wife hadn't given him any obvious reasons to be suspicious, but there were a number of little things that just didn't want to add up. A successful investment banker, Ted had married Elizabeth largely because she looked good on his arm. A statuesque blonde with blue eyes and a wonderfully formed body, the former...
Just before the current lock-down situation Sam my Dom texted me, instructing me to be at his place at 9pm on a Saturday night. I was to be naked apart from my leather collar. Sam let me in, his friend Douglas was there with him. Straight away I knew what was in store for me, a return to the dog show. I was blindfolded and led to his van soon to be driven off at speed. Not to long afterwards the vehicle stopped. I was told to get out, someone took my arm and led me into a building.Through the...
She begged them to stop the dogs but they only laughed. One of the young men told her that unless she wanted to get bitten she had better pleasure the dogs. Crying she rose up onto her hand and knees and at that time the first dog mounted her. She screamed as the dogs large , long cock was driven deep into her virgin pussy. She opened her mouth to scream and her head was grabbed and forced down onto a dogs cock of a dog that was laying on its back under her face. She was forced to eat dog...
Jackie was one of those girls that just kept winding up in a bad situation. She was 17 and had already spent 6 months in a juvenile correctional facility. Being a decent looking girl with a nice body, her time in the “k**die joint” had sparked a love for girl- girl sex, but she still loved to take a dominant role and make a guy fuck her hard and long.After dropping out of school Jackie found jobs here and there, so she had enough money to keep her car going and living at home (with no rules)she...
After my surprise at finding out the Husky was already trained I worked on the others. The German Shepard was quite powerful and was a perfect breeding dog but also had the makings of a wonderful plaything. It didn’t take long to get him to lick me. In fact I was quite surprised at how quickly he learned that. I just thought he was smart and a natural. Cindy’s business was also picking up and I spent quite a bit of each day doing normal breeding duties. But every time I watched the various...
This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, do not read any further. I am not the author. I don't have the talent. I can only be ... "TheEditor". Filmed With Dogs Chapter 1 Charlotte Dayton's beautifully sculptured face...
Everything For Tilliebyhoneydew©Tillie Smith is 18, and her and her Dad has been living in a big city for the last 12 years. After Tillie was attack, they moved to a small town of only 300 people, thinking that it would be safer than the big city. The house they got was an old two bedroom Farm house. Tillie took upon herself to redo the house, by the time she was done it was a three bedroom home. Her Dad Tony commuted to work 20 miles everyday. There were alot of men willing to help her around...
Introduction: A quick and kinky animal sex fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
Cindy had never been so glad to see summer vacation roll around. With some girlfriends, she sang the old song: "No more pencils, no more books; no more teachers' dirty looks." Then she left her friends in a booth at the local hamburger joint. She had more important things to do -- sexy things, horny things, cummy things. She rode her bike home, and that was fun. The point at the end of the seat rubbed her pussy nicely as she worked her legs up and down on each side of it. By the time she...
Shelly growled at Darcy with a threat. She had expected the male to roll over and submit to her. Stray Dogs were not welcome. They kept a watch for the Dogs of the other packs but they rarely ventured this close to their home. Darcy, however, just sat as if he had every right to be where he was. She noticed that he was not coated the same as the other Dog. She watched warily as the other Dog joined the first and sat just to the side and slightly behind him. This was odd behaviour. He was...
School was out for summer. I couldn’t wait to get home and just bask in the sun and do as little as possible. I stripped out of my shoes and the basic white socks, enjoying the feeling of the grass and dirt on my bare soles. I still wore my plaid skirt and white blouse. For some odd reason, I felt compelled to cut through the woods to get home. Little did I know the trouble I was in for. There was a path that cut through the woods, strewed with pine needles and dead leaves. They clung to...
I was standing next to the pool, naked, with a hard cock sticky from cum, pussy juice, and the blood of Kaylie’s torn hymen. Kaylie was laying back on the chaise that she been on when she’d asked me to take her virginity; a painful experience for her that my daughter Kim not only helped set up, but watched. Kim was also standing there, eyeing my erection while she and Kaylie freely discussed the fact that my cock was apparently longer than any Kim had ever taken.Kaylie was in the process of...
IncestCindy called me into the office. “I have had a special request from a friend of mine” she said “she would like some special loving but she can’t come here. Would you be ok to go to her?” I said I would be happy to. “What dog would she like” I asked her. “Well I know she used to be into dogs” Cindy replied “so maybe one of the labs or even the Great Dane if you think he is ready”. I told Cindy that he was more than ready but was the client ready for such a big dog. Cindy smiled “oh I think she...
Sixty-three-year-old Emily Wagstaff walked her elderly neighbour Janet's dog and got into the habit of walking the same route at approximately the same time each day. As other people tended to do the same thing, she often saw the same people each day.One such person was fifty-nine-year-old Trevor Hinton and over a short space of time, the two progressed from nodding or smiling at each other to saying, "Good morning," to actually stopping for a brief chat. The two of them took a liking to each...
Mature“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...