White Room free porn video

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I wake. For a moment, I’m confused, surrounded by complete darkness. Then I begin to panic. I’m trapped, face down against a hard-flat surface. It ends just below my stomach. A round ball fills my mouth and drool drips down my chin. My arms and legs are pulled down, held in place below me. I continue to struggle, trying to break free, but I can barely move.

White Room [FF][Rape][Torture][Needles]

I wake. For a moment, I’m confused, surrounded by complete darkness. Then I begin to panic. I’m trapped, face down against a hard-flat surface. It ends just below my stomach. A round ball fills my mouth and drool drips down my chin. My arms and legs are pulled down, held in place below me. I continue to struggle, trying to break free, but I can barely move.

How did I get here? Thinking back, I remember the nightclub. We were celebrating my promotion. I went home early. I wasn’t feeling well. Suzanne and her sister gave me a ride. The last thing I remember is them helping me crawl into bed. Was I roofied? I didn’t drink that much. Did someone drug me and follow me home? It feels like I’m still in my sexy black dress.

I don’t need to guess what’s coming. There is only one reason to tie someone down like this. He is going to rape me. I can’t help but remember stories of serial killers. Psychotic killers that rape, torture, and even kill. Oh, God! Fuck! I hope it’s just a rapist. If I’m lucky, he will rape me. FUCK! Trembling with an emotion I don’t want to feel. I desperately attempt to bury my terror with rage. It works. At least it works for a little while.

Tears drip down my face, and I scream around the gag. The wordless sound echo’s back to me, surprisingly loud in the darkness. I always thought gags kept people quiet. That’s what they show in the movies. I can’t speak, but my grunts and screams, while distorted, are loud. I scream over and over.

Over time my screams turn into quiet tears, and eventually, they stop. I hear nothing. I see nothing. I can’t move.

Time passes.

The lonely darkness surrounds me. I don’t feel a blindfold, but I can’t see anything. It’s been hours. Shouldn’t there be at least a trace of sunlight? I’ve worked the night shift. You can’t completely block the sun. Even in a room without a window, there’s always a little light. Am I blind?

Time passes.

My body aches all over from the forced immobility. My eyes burn from hours of crying. My empty stomach gurgles. My throat is raw. Oak and concrete are all I smell. My breathing is dry and rough. Each ragged breath is painful. Every involuntary swallow is agonizing. My jaw forced open by the gag, spasms, muscles begging to close.

Time passes.

A distant door closes. I wake instantly. One moment I’m asleep, and the next I’m struggling. The pounding of my heart fills my ears, it drowns out everything else, even my own breathing.

The light turns on. Painfully blindingly bright, even through my eyelids. A door closes. The sound close, coming from behind me. I carefully peek, trying to focus my eyes. A white concrete wall towers over me, less than a foot away. I’m trapped against a wooden beam sticking out of the wall. The smooth white surface is roughly square with rounded corners.

To my right is another wall. No furniture. No decorations. Nothing except for white concrete. To the left my attention is grabbed by a black chain on the floor. It’s the only thing I can see that isn’t white.

Someone flips up my skirt. In sudden panic. I try to jerk away. It’s useless. My panicked mind isn’t thinking clearly. My panties are slowly pulled down. I feel something hard slide along my skin, and up between my legs. With terrified jerks I manage to move. It’s only a fraction of an inch, but that’s more than I’ve managed before. It’s all for nothing. I’m pulled back into place, and he slides his dick into position. Ready to penetrate me. I buck and jerk, but now that he has a hand holding me in place. I can’t even inconvenience him.

Just when I think he is about to force his way inside, his dick slides up. I have a heartbeat to feel it rest against my asshole, clenching involuntary, before he grabs my waist with both hands and roughly forces his way inside. I scream in agony, everything but my violation forgotten. He pulls all the way out and slams back in. Unbelievable pain. I’m being ripped in half! I scream. Over and over. As fast as I can breathe. My vision narrows to the wooden beam. My head is filled with the static of pure pain. It’s a brutal violation. All the way in. All the way out. Fast and rough.

Ragged throat-tearing screams, and the sound of our bodies slapping together are all I hear. Impossibly, the pain seems to increase with each thrust. Nothing. I can do nothing to stop him. It hurts too much to endure, but that doesn’t stop him.

The thrusts slow. His breaths coming in gasps. He finally stops, I lay there, trembling, more exhausted than I’ve ever been in my life. My violated ass burns with agony. His hard dick still buried to the hilt. A shivering chill runs down my back as I realize he didn’t cum. It’s not over.

His hands release my waist. Movement, and quiet unidentifiable sounds come from behind me. Hands caress their slow way up my back, up my neck and deep into my hair. With a vicious surge, and a double handful of hair for leverage he grinds against my ass. Forcing his way just a little deeper. I whimper, but after the agony I just experienced, it’s not enough to drive my exhausted body out of the draining lethargy.

He pulls away. I have just enough time to be confused by the hard dick still buried in my ass before my rapist sits on the beam in front of me.

I stare at the glistening pussy in shock. It’s so close. Everything is blurry. Her hands caress my face, fingers sliding into my hair. With quiet gasps of pleasure, she starts grinding her pussy against me. The musky odor, and wet skin sliding against my face makes me gag and struggle. I try to turn my head aside, but her firm grip is unbreakable. Legs wrap around my head. I can’t see anything accept for occasional flash of her tan skin. My world narrows to physical sensations and the smell of her pussy. At least this doesn’t hurt.

My head swims and my lungs ache for another breath. She allows just enough air for an occasional quick gasping breath, then I’m surrounded by her again. Her thighs, now slick with a mixture of her juices and my tears, lock my head in place. She savagely pulls my hair forcing my face against her pussy.

I’m covered with fluid. Her musky scent is all I smell. The gag is an imperfect seal, and I can’t keep the tart taste of her out of my mouth. Slick and wet, she continues to grind against me.

It’s like my mind splits in two.

Part of me is lost. Confused. Terrified. Drowning in another woman’s pussy. That part of me babbles to itself. What the hell? A girl? Are there two of them? No. She fucked me? How? I can still feel her inside me.

Another part of me has two goals. Survival and escape. At any cost. It’s cold and calculating. It knows there is a strap-on still buried in my ass. It hears her mounting pleasure. It feels the increased pressure and urgency of her approaching orgasm. It’s trying to figure out what will happen next. It watches and waits. It will submit to anything to survive, but it’s watching for any chance to escape.

She freezes in place, her body trembling with pleasure, muscles locked with the ecstasy of her orgasm, holding me tightly against her pussy. After several long heartbeats she begins to relax, and slides back. I close my eyes, unwilling to look at the only thing I can see.

Her breathing is labored. Helpless tears escape. As I collect myself, the agony of the anal rape burns its way into my awareness. It still hurts, more painful than anything I’ve experienced in years. Only my terror kept it suppressed for so long. I sob into the gag, whimpering in pain. At least it’s not as deep anymore. While she raped my face, it must have loosened.

In time, her breathing slows into deep relaxed breaths. She slides off the beam. I flinch when she brushes against me and strokes my hair. I feel her lean close and inhale deeply through her nose.

I shudder when she licks my cheek. She is savoring the taste. Her tongue slowly sliding along my skin. She straddles my arm. The moisture between her legs wet on my shoulder. She whispers into my ear.

“Your tears and my cum. The taste of your pain mixed with my pleasure is a heavenly combination.”

She forces me to look the other way, exposing the side of my face she hasn’t licked. A sudden hard swat drives the strap-on all the way back in. A spike of agony runs through me. I whimper, and fresh tears fall down my cheek. She licks them away. One tear at a time.

She moves away. At first, I feel an overwhelming surge of relief, but then she walks behind me. She slides my panties back into place, forcing them up and over the bulk of the strap-on. A lance of pain shoots through me, and a mewling sound slips out.

She laughs. “I wouldn’t want it to fall out while I’m gone!”

She walks behind me, and, I assume, to the door. I try to attract her attention. I try to beg for water. But even I can’t decipher the sounds coming through the gag. The door closes, and a few seconds later the light turns off.

Alone in the dark. Like before, my whole-body aches, and my eyes burn. This time it’s worse.

The pain coming from my violated ass is a harsh reminder of just how she hurt me, more importantly, her cum is a reminder of how much she enjoyed it. I no longer smell oak and concrete. I can’t escape the overwhelming musky stench of her pussy. My face feels stiff and strange as her pleasure dries in the darkness.

I can’t imagine falling asleep, but my struggles, though they didn’t achieve anything, have left me completely exhausted. As the adrenaline fades I’m dragged into a deep dreamless void.

Time passes.

Water. I need water. That need has replaced everything else. My lips are cracked and dry. I no longer feel hunger. The aches of my body are a distant sensation. I no longer drool around the gag, and I don’t have any tears left.

Time passes.

The only thing keeping me going is the assurance from my cold mind. It’s positive that she will be back. She planned this out carefully. She isn’t going to stop with one orgasm.

Time passes.

Sudden hope surges. A distant door closed. I wait, but nothing else happens. Was it my imagination? No. Another distant sound saves me from my doubts. I wait, eager for her company. Willing to do anything for a cup of water.

I’m too weak to jump when the lights turn on. A heartbeat later the door bangs open. She steps into sight, and squats down so that she can look into my eyes. One hand holding onto my arm for balance. She smiles at me like nothing is wrong.

Last time it happened so fast I didn’t really see her. She has short brown hair and brown eyes. I’d consider her a little overweight if it wasn’t solid muscle. Her farmers tan is obviously not from laying in the sun, but from working in it. The hand clasping my arm is calloused and rough. She is dressed in simple blue jeans and a gray t-shirt.

I try to beg for water, but my throat is so dry that I can’t even grunt.

“Are you thirsty?” she asks.

I eagerly nod my head.

She gets up and walks out of sight. She returns with a squirt bottle and a washcloth. She squirts some water on the washcloth, then pushes the ball gag slightly to the side and forces one end into my mouth. The moisture is bliss. I greedily suck, but my mouth is so dry it seems to absorb the liquid like a sponge. I sob in frustration, terrified that she will stop there. She keeps the liquid flowing. Eventually the sweet relief reaches my throat.

I’m not even close to satisfied when she drops the washcloth on the ground and sets the water bottle down on the beam in front of me. Now that my throat isn’t so dry I plead for more, trying to beg without words.

She walks back to the door. For a terrifying moment I think she is leaving and feel a surge of relief when she returns with a thick black collar.

She says, “It’s solid steel. This side has a covered hinge, the other has a ring. I’ll attach it to that chain with this link.” She shows me the link with a gap in it that is wide enough to slide the collar’s hoop through. She closes the collar, picks up one end of the chain, and threads the link through both.

“Once everything’s connected, I’ll just need a few minutes welding to make it permanent. It’s completely tamper proof. Impossible to remove without the right tools. No lock to pick, no pins to remove. You will wear it for the rest of your life.”

She flashes an excited grin, and heads behind my back. She returns with a couple wet towels. One is placed on my upper back, the other wraps around my neck. Then the collar locks in place.

I don’t even try to resist. As much as I hate the idea, it’s far better than my current position. I can’t stop her anyway.

She returns with heavy gloves, a mask, and a welder.

A simple “Look away and close your eyes.” is all the warning I receive before sparks fly. I’m instantly thankful for the wet towels. Sparks that land on my unprotected shoulders, or in my hair, burn like bacon grease. In a surprisingly short time she finishes, explaining every step along the way. From the wire brush and grinding wheel to the darkening chemical carefully brushed over the exposed steel. Her work finished she cleans up.

She whispers in my ear.

“First rule; No words.”

She takes off her pants then slides down her panties. A quick hop and she sits on the wooden beam, her pussy in my face. With a few quick movements she removes the hated gag. I work my mouth and tongue, reveling in my sudden freedom, even as my jaw aches with the movement.

I breathe in to thank her. The cold side of my mind reminds me that I’m not allowed to speak just in time. Thankful? I feel thankful? Towards her? Sudden overwhelming rage burns through me. Impotent rage. What could I do? Bite the sensitive flesh inches from my mouth? She couldn’t free me without getting tools, and that means I’d need to release her. I don’t dare.

A squirt bottle appears, inches from my face. I open my mouth, eager for a drink, and she squirts the water in. I greedily drink the entire thing, shoving my traitorous emotions down.

She scoots forward. Her pussy suddenly filling my vision. I know what she expects. I lick, feeling for her clit. Once I find it, I start sucking and licking. I want this over with as quickly as possible.

To my surprise, she scoots out of reach.

She grabs an ear in each hand and twists. I cry out at the sudden surge of pain.

Speaking slowly and carefully, enunciating every word she says, “This. Isn’t. A. Race. It’s not about speed, it’s about pleasure. Stay away from my clit, except for the occasional touch, until I say otherwise. Take your time.”

She scoots back into place. I choke back my rage and follow her orders.

“Do a good job, and I’ll let you eat and drink.”

My cold mind takes over. I nuzzle her pussy like an obedient pet. I suck and lick everything in reach, trying to extend her pleasure as long as possible. I take her to the edge, then I back off. Slow down. I focus my attention on her labia and vaginia, going slow, taking her down, then building back up.

The sounds of her pleasure, rising and falling, fills me with impotent rage and humiliation. My jaw and tongue ache, this time from too much movement, long before she allows me to bring her.

When she finally finishes, I lay there, my eyes closed, still helpless. I hope she releases me soon. I just want my arms back. I want to stand up. I want to move. Anything is better than this. She leans against the wall, a languid smile on her lips.

Several long minutes pass before it occurs to me. I don’t even hope for freedom anymore. Release no longer means escaping. It no longer means going back to my life. Release is being able to stand up. I close my eyes and begin to silently cry.

“I have good news and bad news.”

At the jarring sound of her voice in the quiet room, I open my eyes, suddenly scared. I thought I pleased her!

She continues to talk while freeing me from my bonds.

“First the good news. You did an exceptional job. You earned a meal.”

She helps me to the floor. The strap-on moves, it’s still uncomfortable, but I do my best to ignore it. I’ll wait for her to leave. My arms and legs, after the extended mistreatment, feel numb and strange. It takes several tries before I rise on wobbly legs.

“Now for the bad news. This was fun, but last time was better.”

Scared, I whisper. “Please.”

The sound barely leaves my mouth before she backhands me into the wall, falling to all fours. She grabs my neck in one strong hand and pins me. Her rock-hard fingers wrap around my neck, under the collar. I can’t breathe. With her free hand she punches me in the stomach. One. Two. Three. Instinctively, I curl into a protective ball. But held up against the wall, it’s like doing a sit-up. Gradually, gravity wins, and my stomach is exposed again. Four. Five. Six.

She hisses into my ear. “This is your last warning. If you ever utter so much as a single word again, this will feel like kindness in comparison.”

She flips me over, pressing my face into the wall. My panties jerk down, and the strap-on is finally pulled free. The sudden void a welcome relief.

I’m flipped back around, and she holds it in front of my face. Its smooth surface is shiny, metallic, and ... small. It’s hard to believe it caused so much pain.

“It’s my smallest strap-on, designed for anal play ... In your case, it’s for raw, lubeless, anal fucking. It’s the only strap-on I’ll use for anal play without lube.”

“I have three larger ones for punishment. Want to know what I call them?”

I don’t want to know, but my cold mind nods yes.

“‘brutal’, ‘agony’, and ‘death’. You just experienced the one called ‘playful.’ Do you understand?”

I frantically nod my head.

“There are three rules. You already know the first one. The other two have the same penalty.”

“No words. No biting. Don’t attack my face.”

“You can fight. Hell, I want you to fight! If you manage to hold me off, I’ll even leave you alone for a full day.”

She drops me to the floor and leaves before I can recover. This time the light stays on. For the first time, I’m free to examine my prison.

Everything is white. Walls, ceiling, and floor are solid concrete painted white. The left and right walls are simple smooth surfaces, completely unblemished. The front wall, empty except for the wooden beam I was strapped to. The smooth ceiling has recessed lighting.

While the back wall is also white concrete, everything else is different. There are two sets of drawers recessed in the wall. Three on the left, and three on the right. Two doors are in the center of the room. Like everything else, the drawers and doors are white. There is a comfortable looking chair with matching end table in one corner.

The floor has a slight slope, everything angles towards a drain hole in the center. The only other thing on the floor is the chain. It runs from my collar to a small pile in the corner.

The chain is the only thing that isn’t white. My cold mind drives me to stop. Check the chain. That’s the most important thing. I follow it back to the pile in the corner. Hopefully I’ll figure out some way to free myself. When I reach the end, my heart sinks. I had hoped for something screwed into the floor. Something I could work loose in time.

The chain isn’t attached to the floor. It’s part of the floor. I shiver with cold sweat. I feel as though someone punched me in the stomach. My cold mind notes that it really does feel like being punched in the stomach, now that it has a real experience to compare. Then it calmly removes escape from my goals. I collapse to my knees, overwhelmed by the churning dread. Survival is the only thing I have left.

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Cant Pick Your FamilyChapter 17 Roomies

Claire Ingram sighed when she entered the lecture hall. She was late and the room was packed already. Professor Babcock was still busy hooking up his laptop to the projector. Claire let her gaze sweep the room. There! An empty seat, in the second to last row. She made her way over and asked perfunctorily. "Hey, may I have this one?" The girl who sat on the next seat jerked before she nodded without looking. Claire did not know her; she was sitting hunched over as if to avoid contact....

3 years ago
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Mounted on the Broom

You have gone to the hardware and bought a broom. The purpose of the broom is not to clean your apartment. Instead, its purpose is to provide you with yet another way to torment your body for our mutual pleasure. Namely, after cutting its handle to the right length and trimming its bristles so that their ends form a sharp ridge, you are going to introduce that prickly ridge into the tender cleft between your labia and stand with the broom suspended between your crotch and the floor. You...

1 year ago
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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 2

The announcer states that round 2 will begin in 10 minutes, no exceptions. Both teams head back into the locker rooms to discuss their strategies for round 2. The White team is bouncing with enthusiasm at their win. The crowd of whites cheers them on, but little do Brit and Longman know that Kitty has a Black fan in the crowd... This Black man squirts a water bottle full of some green liquid on Britney and Longman. "What the fuck man, we won fair and square, get off of us." Longman says...

2 years ago
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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 1

It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isnt that great looking, but that doesnt matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates white guys, she couldnt imagine having sex with a white cracker. This is one of the reasons Justin likes her, he doesnt want his girl sleeping around with whites, he wants her assets all to himself...

3 years ago
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Altered Fates The Bitter Bridegroom

(Authors note: This story was inspired by femur's Lovingly Modified Romance Comic covers, specifically af023.jpg) ALTERED FATES: THE BITTER BRIDEGROOM By BobH (c) 2002 It was going to be the wedding of the year. Hollywood's new golden-haired wonder boy Tom Hudson was marrying supermodel Gina Carter, and the press couldn't get enough of them. It was a pairing that had synergy, they said, one in which their combined fame and glamor would be greater than the sum of that which...

2 years ago
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Sucking BBC in the Boardroom

Casey eased the white earbuds into his ears as the computer screen on his desk opened a window showing the business meeting, already in progress. Casey was in his work cubicle, but this wasn’t one of his company’s teleconferences. This was something special. The video conference streamed from the boardroom of Master Plan Ventures, where Malik Masters sat at the head of a long table in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooked downtown San Francisco. These offices were his kingdom,...

Oral Sex
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The Old Courtroom

Introduction Hi, I'm Mick and I write stories that are role-plays meaning I write a chapterand then my female co-writer writes a chapter. I haven't yet succeeded findinga co-writer for this story but I hope to find one or more interested now thefirst chapter is uploaded. Please read the last pages of the story as wellto read more information about this issue. When reading the story I want you to know that I'm not a native English writer.I therefore hope you will excuse grammar faults and so on...

3 years ago
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New Roomate

‘Those are the last boxes,’ said Kyle. Moving into my brother’s old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother’s old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I’m living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they’ve been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...

3 years ago
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engineering student roomate

Mike made sure we would be alone for the weekendhe wanted me to help him with something he has been building this semesteri was eating with him in our student appartement , dinner was over and i started to feel numbsit in the living room , my head feeling heavy and the room looking blurryi didnt understand why he wanted me to stand up and get in his roomi tried but my limbs woudnt cooperate''you look like you need some help ''he walk me to his room and i was sit on his bed''ive been working in...

2 years ago
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Fucking Our Virgin Roomate

I could hear him moan as my tongue slowly circled his balls. I felt him quiver as my lips sucked each ball into my mouth. I could see the thin sheen of saliva as I pulled back, his had lightly pressing my face back. Then as I slid my tongue up the under side of his cock I heard a quiet gasp, this time it seemed to come from behind me. Of course he never heard that, his panting was loud enough to cover any noises he wasn't making. I pressed his cock head to my lips, kissed it and slowly pushed...

2 years ago
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Spying on my roomate

When I was in college I lived with an older roomate. At the time I was 18 and he was 23 and he only lived one year with me before he finished and went away. The house we lived in was on old house with those big old keyholes, every voyeurs dream... And being a voyeur like i am i took advantage of it to the max.The first time i spied on him was in the shower. There, for the first time I got to see his naked body. He was of normal build, not fat nor skinny, a bit tall and had few hair on him (i...

1 year ago
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Fucking my Roomate

Fucking my Roomate Part 1 I was 22 and I remember it was the day before my roommate's birthday. For the sake of the story let's call her Hillary. She is a lesbian (but I had heard stories of her fucking guys a couple of times). Good looking, great body (she was really athletic), and an admitted slut. But I had known her for so long it wasn't really a big deal. I did my thing, she did hers, and I never really thought about fucking her because she always talked about how sex with guys was "gross"...

2 years ago
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sigh my roomate

My roomate melissa is a beautiful blonde we live together in an apartment. One day she came home and said "I have a surprise for you..." saying that she opened up her shopping bag and pulled out a neon pink strap on. She went into the bed room for a while then opened the door enough for her hand to motion me indide. As i walked down the hallway i couldnt help wondering what she was doing in there for such a long time. i reached the door and without heasitation quickly opened it there she was...

2 years ago
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New Roomate

"Those are the last boxes," said Kyle. Moving into my brother's old apartment is already pathetic enough, but moving in with my brother's old roomate, Hunter, is worse. Ever since Kyle got married it has been awkward living with the newlyweds. Kyle thinks that he can keep an eye on me when I'm living with Hunter and he trusts Hunter because they've been living together for three years. Kyle thinks I am not responsible enough to be living in an apartment of my own. I guess I better make the best...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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It was about three six years ag o, i was staying the night at my girls place, and we had been out the night before partying hard. My girl had to get to work early, so when I finally got up she was gone, but her roomate missy was still there. She was still asleep on the couch where she passed out. She was a brunette with a wonderful pair of. I watched her laying there. Her tits moving up and down as she breathed, her legs slightly spread and her dress just barely covering her panties. My cock...

2 years ago
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Whites taken by Africans

Whites Taken by AfricansAs I have specified before ... I was an oil engineer on the African continent for two decades. I had witnessed many things that the main stream media has not addressed. Black on white dominance was very prevalent in many countries. There were many whites victimized of killings, theft, slavery and ****. I have written a number of stories of black lust on this dark continent. The sad truth is almost nothing has really changed ... it's just slipped under the rug.In 1982 a...

1 year ago
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Her Roomie

Valerie and I had just gotten back from a night on the town and were kinda drunk from clubbing. We had started having sex with each other two weeks after we met. So, we were at our one-month point, and the sex was off the chart. We were doing it anywhere and everywhere we could, but never in front of anyone, until now.Anyways, we made our way into Val's bedroom. She was wearing a tiger-striped skirt up to her ass, and a short black tank top was barely held together by strings and high heel...

2 years ago
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the stockroom

ok, first story....this is trueI had been working in this pub for near a year now. since i had started i had been constantly flirting with a girl named anne (another lounge staff), but since we both were in relationships we never acted on it, everyone else who worked there constantly teased us both over it, something we would just laugh off. anyway to cut long story short, it was after last call one night and i was to head to stock room to get rid of any rubbish, only to find anne hiding out...

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The Stockroom

Adam leaned on his broom and sighed. He stared off into space for a few moments, before shaking his head. That wasn't getting anything done, neither the leaning not the staring. He reached for the dust pan and shoveled the accumulated trash into it and dumped it into the trash bag beside him. He started to tie the bag closed, then decided to check the aisles of the store one more time. He firmly told himself that he was looking for dust and dirt. He was not looking for Janey. Adam sighed...

3 years ago
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The Playroom

This is a simple gentle story. If you want violence, rape, incest or such stuff please look elsewhere. This story is set in the same village as another of my stories, ‘The Chair in the Corner’, but is in no way a sequel. I hope that it stands up on its own, as they say. I hope you like it. If you do, I’d like to know. If you don’t, then I’d also like to know why, so that I can do better next time. Our house is next door to the Running Fox, one of the village pubs. In fact, in the past, it...

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Liz had gone to her best friend’s house for a party earlier that day. Well, not exactly a party; More a bunch of teens and young adults smoking weed, eating mushrooms, and drinking. She hadn’t known many of the people there besides her friend, his girlfriend, and younger brother. A bunch of other guys had also shown up and her friend’s dad. His dad had been the one to supply them with the mushrooms and some of the weed. Nicer strands that they could never have gotten in town. She had never...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2003 by Kien Reti That's right, I collect asses. Women's asses, of course. I'm as straight as they come, and I'll knock you right on your ass if you suggest otherwise. After two years, there are eight items in my collection. Each exhibit consists of a photo album rubber-banded together with a spiral notebook. The albums hold the pictures -- the shots of the women bent over, their bare asses revealed in all their glory. The notebooks contain the case notes: the physical...

2 years ago
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caught in the backroom

Kevin Longquirt was supposed to be doing inventory in the backroom of Warden Automotive parts. Instead he was rubbing his cock through his jeans while thumbing through an old porn magazine. He had found the dirty magazine hidden in the bottom of a dusty old filing cabinet. Kevin was a thin, sinewy 18-year-old with dark black hair and green eyes. He had played football on the high school varsity team and had developed a strong and lean body. What he lacked in bulk he made up in speed and...

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Me My Gf And Her Roomy

Hello friends I am Yash again explaining my threesome experience to you. Me, my gf and her roomy. Meri gf Sarika jo ki bahut sexy ladki h jiske boobs bahut tight h or gand gori chikni. Or meri gf ki roomy Rosini she is soo soo soo sexy that I can’t explain her sexy body mai to usse kapdo m dekh kar hi jhad jata hu uske bade bade boobs ahha haaa or uski jhaat bhari choot maja dila deti h.. Maine meri pehli story m bbatay kaise maine Rosini ko choda aab mai apna doosra experience batane ja rha hu...

3 years ago
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Rehab Roomies

The addiction counselor asked the room how they could work on self-improvement. A middle aged white woman was answering first when the door swung open. “Come on in,” said the licensed professional. “You must be Geo.”“Yes, I am,” replied the five-foot-five-inch, dark brown young man.“There’s a seat right over there by Aaron,” the man pointed. “I’m sorry, Barbara, Continue on.”Barbara went ahead sharing her thoughts. Geo sashayed over to the chair and parked his tail next to the older bald...

1 year ago
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Typically, his so called buddies would crash through the door and subject each other to random acts of humiliation; taking pictures to post online or use as blackmail. It was not like they had complete disregard for my sleep, just that they were drunk morons looking for a good time. Okay, so maybe it was complete disregard. Over time, their activities mutated and one night they brought over a girl, just one, and had their way with her. At first I thought they had planned it, but after peeking...

4 years ago
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In her Dressingroom

With a make-up wipe I took the orange glaze, the white glitter and the sweat of my face. It was always such a satisfying moment. After the show was done, my muscles sore, I would take off the sweaty costume of the Sugarplum fairy, but before I jumped into the shower of my private dressing room I first took the make-up off my face. Seeing the Sugarplum fairy disappear and my own face reappear. A moment of self care. A moment off calm, no sounds, no music, just the soft rumbling of the...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded by Bunty Broomstead

I would in all probability never have discovered that Jessica my darling wife had cucklded me with a cad and lothario, Bunty Broomstead to be precise, had my Darraq Motor-Car not broken down twix the Dog and Duck Inn and Hampstead New. I was quite discomfited. The Darraq was usually so reliable. Unlike Jessica. I do not declaim to be the most jovial of coves, nor the most attentive nor passionate of lovers but for my sins I had sampled none but that bitch Jessica for seven tedious...

3 years ago
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Str8 Roommies

I’m the type of guy that likes almost all kind of guys, even the not-so-cute ones. I’m 18, and in my life I’ve fucked tall guys, small guys, whites, darks and black guys, all types of cocks and balls, so basically that makes me just a horny guy looking for sex. I study Natural Sciences at my university, and I live in an apartment with two guys I met in a summer Math course, Mark and John. Mark was fair skinned, a pretty boy, kind of hairy, short, with an excellent pair of legs I enjoy...

3 years ago
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Living with roomates

Cara and Lori had been roommates at nursing college, so it seemed natural that they should share and apartment when they graduated. I had been friendly with Lori’s younger sister, in high school. I finished college and got a junior management job with a courier firm.The job required I move to the city, and Lori was the only one I knew there.I called Lori about helping me find a place to rent close to the airport which is where I would be working. Lori remembered me from high school, and said...

2 years ago
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Shared Secret Between Roomates

Shared Secret Between Roomates Ilay in my bed listening for the familiar sound of him coming home. He has her in tow, as usual. I rush to hide my half-naked body under the covers as he opens my door to check if I am asleep. Happy that I won’t be walking in on them anytime soon, he closes my door and turns off the hall light. I hear the stereo in the living room come on. I can picture the scene already, they are sitting on the couch and she is sitting in his lap, facing him, arms wrapped around...

3 years ago
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At the Tearoom

Images of Desire, At the Tea-Room Part 1 Lana was bored. She perched on a table at the back of the tearoom swinging her long legs and occasionally looking up at the huge clock on the wall. The minutes seemed to grind by achingly slowly. It was late afternoon on a warm but rainy day and few people were passing by. Even fewer were venturing into the tearoom. Sometimes she saw figures huddled under umbrellas rushing by outside, and heard the sound of their heels clicking on the pavement....

2 years ago
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V Va Varoom

She could still see his wicked detective Victor smile but so sexy when she read his words in this letter she read it like a varoom mistress a blow for a show it said you inflame me if anyone on this earth compares to look as seductive like you could you ever blame me for wanting you so much. I cannot wait to clasp the erotic love body necklace I gave you to lick you all over to my dewy lips to your curves of your innocent hips.That was her main thing Violetta like the play violin. Seeing the...

Group Sex
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Today is the first day of the rest of your life; your destiny awaits, you tell yourself. But who are you kidding. . . you stopped believing in bullshit like fate a long time ago. The universe is governed by dumb luck and strength of will. In that case, today is just another day. You hope it will be better than the day before. You watch your parents pull out of their parking space in their bug splattered minivan, noticeably lighter now that your stuff is not in it. Your mind is flooded by...

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I was visiting friends in Germany, a couple that had a small house and no guestroom or extra beds and I felt a little to old to camp out in the livingroom on an airmatras. Luckily there was a hotel nearby where I could sleep for a very reasonable price for a couple of nights. The hotel was quite fancy and breakfast was included, every morning there was a rich buffet which I gladly used to cure any hangovers I had.Every morning I saw the same staff, one of which was a slim girl with short dark...

1 year ago
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Lesbian Taboo Roomates

So Ive been in the hospital from a car crash. One of the nurses assigned to me was talking about his roommates he shared and sparked an idea. So hope you enjoy.For the last few months I have shared my house with a hot sexy woman and her equally hot sexy daughter. My name is Curtis, I am 44 years old, 6'2" 190 pounds. I own a 3 bedroom 2 bath house near Houston, Texas. I had been having some slight financial difficulties lately and decided to try to rent one of my spare bedrooms to help defray...

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Amanda sets up sex party for herself roommat

On Saturday morning, Cindy Lou slept late. She expected to attend her first sex party with Amanda, her roommate, that evening and wanted to rest up for what she hoped would be some strenuous activity. Although there were a few feelings of what might be called "performance anxiety", mostly she was really looking forward to some great fun and was confident her good looks and sexual skills would be much more than adequate.When she finally did get up and go to the kitchen for coffee, Mandy was...

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