How I Satisfied My Tution Teacher 8217 s Daughter 8211 Part 2
- 3 years ago
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Every town needs a super-hero. Unfortunately the town of Sticksville had to make do with Alan Miller, a.k.a. Christian Crusader. It wasn't that Christian Crusader was a bad super-hero. He had all the requisite hero traits. He was strong; he was brave; he was athletic; he could fly. He was also blessed with the kind of fantastic good looks that made all the ladies swoon. With his flowing blond locks and a body that looked as though it had been finely chiselled from marble Christian Crusader was every bit the dashing hunk.
It was just that ... well ... he was a little embarrassing. I mean c'mon, Christian Crusader. Surely there had to be better names remaining a hero could take. And there was that white costume with the cape and the bright red cross emblazoned across the chest. Every other self-respecting super-hero had ditched the spandex years ago.
Still, it could have been worse. At least he wasn't a dangerous psychopath like that guy up in Gotham. Nor was he creepy like that kid who was always swinging through the skyscrapers of New York. No, Christian Crusader was a good old-fashioned, moral, upstanding and above all Christian super-hero. Even his detractors would grudgingly admit he did a good job in keeping the mugger population down. He was their hero and the people of Sticksville loved him.
Well, except for the young men of Sticksville. They thought he was a flash git and despised him for continually running off with their girlfriends.
And except for some of the young women as well. But the stories they told couldn't possibly be true and must be malicious lies.
This evening Christian Crusader was on the trail of his arch-nemesis: the Harridan. The wicked witch had set up her pernicious operations again in a disused factory out by the waterfront. Christian Crusader felt it was his sworn duty to prevent the good young girls of Sticksville from being forced into a life of vice and to protect the good folk of Sticksville from gambling away their immortal souls.
Christian Crusader also had special reason to be excited tonight. Sticksville wasn't exactly the most riveting town for a super-hero. While other heroes had dangerous arch-villains to constantly test their mettle against, most of the action Christian Crusader got was beating up surly delinquents and rescuing cats from trees.
Of course there was always the Harridan, but an aging madam was hardly in the A-list of super-villainhood. However, if the rumours Christian Crusader had heard were true, the Harridan had brought in outside help especially to deal with him.
Outside help with super powers.
Outside help with super powers that also happened to be female.
Christian Crusader had always wanted to battle a super-villainess. Preferably one with an ample bosom and very skimpy costume. No doubt she'd try and use her feminine charms to seduce him, but he would prove himself to be more than a match for her cruel beauty and then use his might to show her righteous justice.
Christian Crusader was practically quivering with excitement as he flew through the air towards his destination.
Frank Moore thought his luck had turned for the evening when the dealer turned over a ten as the river card. Twice the fish had stayed in on hands he had no right to be in on and twice he'd got lucky. The first with a gutshot straight that had cracked Moore's three of a kind and then with an outrageous runner runner flush that had smashed Moore's aces. He could see the fish was thinking he had done it again with another completed straight as the other man pushed a big stack of chips into the middle.
Not this time, Jose, Moore thought, coming back over the top.
The other man gawped like the fish he was when Moore revealed the jack-ten in hand.
Full house tens over jacks eats the straight and that was his money back plus interest Moore thought. That was what he loved about poker. Lady Luck only carried folks so far before Predator Probability brought them down.
Just as he was collecting up his chips the window smashed inwards as a white-caped figure burst into the room.
Not again, Moore thought as a white-gloved fist smashed into his face, shattering his jaw.
And he'd only just got back out of hospital as well, Moore thought as he sank down into darkness.
Christian Crusader threw the last henchman through the door into the Harridan's office. He followed and struck a heroic pose as he challenged his arch-nemesis.
"The game is up Harridan!"
The old woman behind the desk fixed him with a withering stare.
"How many times do I have to tell you it's Ann Varley," The Harridan replied. "I ain't no time for this immature foolishness." How could anyone run a perfectly disreputable business with idiots like this running around? It was embarrassing, just plain embarrassing.
"I have come to bring you to justice for your foul crimes."
"Crimes," Varley laughed. "No one was getting hurt 'til you showed up and put a fist through their face."
"I have come to free the girls from your vile bondage."
"None of my girls is forced to do anything they don't want to. I treat my gals well," Varley replied.
"It isn't moral," Christian Crusader stated in his most judgemental voice.
"Always those quick to say what's right and wrong for other folks. Maybe they'd be better off getting their own house in order first if you know what I mean," Varley fixed Christian Crusader with a steely glare. "Was a guy here last Tuesday who fractured one of my gal's arms because he couldn't get it up. Big guy. You think that silly mask hides your identity, but how many other 6' 5'' guys built like linebackers with blond hair d'you think live in Sticksville."
"Prepare to face my righteous wrath!" Christian Crusader bellowed.
"Sister Squeeze, please dispose of this clown."
"As you wish ma'am."
Christian Crusader turned to see a girl casually sashay into the room. This was it, this was the moment he'd get to fight his super-villainess. He appraised her eagerly as she walked into the room. The bosom was most definitely ample and the skimpy costume, well that wasn't so much skimpy as completely non-existent. The girl was completely naked. And also blue, bright blue, right down to the hair that snaked down her back in corn-row dreadlocks.
The blueness was a little jarring at first, but once he got over the initial shock Christian Crusader had to admit it was definitely sexy. It helped that her body was an absolute knockout as well. She was tall, easily six foot, and the right shade of curvy over athletic. Her large blue breasts bounced free, each topped with a perky dark purple nipple. She stopped, hand on hip as she looked Christian Crusader up and down with smouldering eyes.
"'lo sugah," she pouted.
"Prepare to battle," Christian Crusader challenged. He wondered what her powers were, other than her general, well ... blueness.
"You sure dat's what you want sugah. I can think of better uses to put dat energy to." She wiggled her hips and ran a blue tongue over full blue lips all the while staring directly into Christian Crusader's eyes.
"Your charms won't work on me," Christian Crusader stated defiantly. "For I wield the righteous wrath."
The blue girl tittered. "You're funny. I like dat. Dis gonna be fun."
"What are you?" Christian Crusader demanded. "Mutant? Alien? Government Experiment? What powers do you have?"
"I'm Sister Squeeze," the girl smiled enigmatically, "and as for powers, well I guess we'll have some fun finding out together."
Trust the Harridan to find someone who was more super-slut than super-villain, Christian Crusader thought. The girl looked a little soft really. He might have to hold back a little.
But not too much.
"There's still time to turn back from this path of evil and find the way to the light," Christian Crusader said. "You don't have to do what the Harridan tells you."
Speaking of the Harridan, Christian Crusader heard the click of a door behind the old madam's desk. Damn, he'd allowed the slut to distract him and now the Harridan was getting away. He looked towards the door, debating whether to give chase.
Out of the corner of his eye Christian Crusader saw the blue girl reach towards him with a hand that swelled and ballooned outwards. Before he could even react it wrapped around him and merged together into what felt like a thick rubber sheath. It looked like someone had rolled him up in a giant blue inflatable airbed with only his head protruding out of the top. How very undignified, he thought.
"Guess you missed the class where they told you never to look away from your opponent," Sister Squeeze laughed. She was standing in the same place, but her left arm had become boneless and pliant, running like a thick tube to the hand that had become the thick rubbery cocoon wrapped around Christian Crusader. "You in my grip now, sugah."
"This won't hold me long," Christian Crusader stated. His arms were pinned to his sides but the walls holding him felt soft and pliant. He flexed his muscles and felt the walls stretch around him. Not long at all, he thought, pushing his arms slowly outwards.
"My, ain't you a strong one," the girl smiled. A large bulge swelled out of her shoulder and travelled down her flexible left arm until it met and merged with the rubbery matter imprisoning Christian Crusader. The effect was instantaneous as the walls thickened by a few inches and snapped back to pinion his arms back at his sides again.
Grunting, Christian Crusader strained again. The walls gave a little but he could only push them so far before the elasticity snapped his arms back into place again.
"No use," the girl said.
Snarling, spittle staining his lips he strained again to no avail.
"You might be strong but you ain't got no leverage with your arms pinned to your sides."
Christian Crusader gave a great roar until the veins popped up on his neck as he gave an almighty flex of his muscles. The walls stretched and stretched and stretched and then held. Face burning, he tried to suck more air into his lungs for one last big push, but it was no use, the muscles in his arms were shivering now, worn out from the exertions.
No, one big push, that was all he needed.
The blue walls suddenly contracted so hard the air was forced from Christian Crusader's lungs with a gasp.
"Quit fighting, it's time to get naked with Sister Squeeze," the girl purred.
Within the cocoon Christian Crusader felt the fabric of his costume gripped tight in a number of different places. There was a sharp expansion and he felt his costume tear away in shreds, including his...
... his belt! The source of all his powers! Alan Miller panicked. He tried to struggle, but without the strength boost of his belt the rubbery walls now felt so tight around his body he could barely breathe.
"Dis is a nice piece of kit," Sister Squeeze held the belt in her right hand and looked at it admiringly. "Dis what allow you to fly, make you strong too."
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Cissy by She-Devil ***** I went through the windshield after I hit the pickup. Witnesses say that I impacted on the flat bed's side panel and bounced across the street. I don't remember anything at all. I do remember the Hospital. First as a blur. Lots of people coming and going, prodding me, poking, sticking me with needles. I was in traction, arms and legs casted and pulled up at odd angles. I slept a lot. Sheila was great. Sheila De Ville was my fiance. I'd...
I awoke yet again to some sort of debauchery, in this case, Erin sitting on my face while someone else sucked my cock. I didn’t feel any pressure in my bladder, which I typically did whenever I first woke up, but the reason for that was likely to remain a mystery to me for the present. What I felt instead was that churning in my balls as my dick threatened to spit out my load into some lucky person’s open mouth. I was so close, and the eager fellatrix kept at it, even as I began eating Erin...
My girlfriend V. and I were in Victoria’s Secret. We went there a lot. I always ended up being aroused the entire time, looking at all the panties and thigh highs and high heels. This time my girlfriend was wearing tight jeans and a t shirt, no bra, so her perky tits were on display, and just a hint of her nipples. We were both very turned on, more than usual. We stopped in front of a mannequin wearing fishnets, high heels, a very short skirt and a mesh top. Picturing her in this got my cock...
Hi friends, I am a big fan of ISS. I read most of the stories. From many days I am waiting to submit my own story but not getting any chance. But now I got my own story for all of my ISS friends. Firstly I introduce myself. I am a Marathi boy Varun living in Bhosari, Pune. I am good looking guy with a height of 5.6. I have not a good physic but an average. But I have a strong cock to satisfy any woman. And a special thing about me, that is I have a banana cock, which a rare thing and women love...
I met my wife Dawn 6yrs ago, my wife is a beautiful woman, 5'6", 150lbs, large C cups, and thick thighs that ended at a perfect ass. Dawn and I have always enjoyed a wild sex life, from role playing to group sex. But the first summer we were together started something amazing...That summer Dawn had her 2 nieces come and visit, Adriana 15 and Michelle 11. Adriana was built just like her aunt and Michelle was shorter smaller chest and a little more on the chunky side. Both girls were cute. And...
Two or three years after we married we moved into a place that was down the road and a very short walk from the house where Bill and his wife lived. Both Bill and his wife worked and Janice took on the job of watching their preschool son. Bill always returned home from work an hour or two prior to his wife and Janice would then walk their son to their house. One day for no apparent reason Janice confided in me that Bill had been fucking her when she took his son home. I don’t know why but I...
As the jets of hot water were pummelling my body, I was thinking about Rita’s invitation. In town for one term only, and moving from one temporary address to another, I was always looking for a place to stay. So when she had told me there was a room available at her student hostel for a week, I had quickly accepted it. Clare was on a rock-climbing trip and could not be reached, but Rita thought she wouldn’t mind. Her manner was friendly but cool. “There are no house rules,” she had explained....
SpankingI moaned into his mouth as he fucked me. The muscles of his back and legs flexed and strained as he held me in the air, thrusting powerfully into me. His cock burrowed into my tight hole with each thrust, gaping me as I threw back my head and cried out. “Oh god! It’s so big!” I moaned, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. “You love my prick in you, don’t you?” His deep voice sounded strained from the effort he was putting in. That same sexy, cheeky smirk lit up his...
Gay MaleBecky was trying to catch her breath. Cheerleading practice had ended a little over an hour ago but the young girl was at it practicing her tumbling and dance routines to the stereo. She wondered why she was having so much difficulty getting it this time, when everything else had come to her naturally. Becky was the captain of her JV team last year. She was also the youngest in her squad and the coach promoted her to the varsity team earlier than anyone else had done it. She knew part of...
RESURRECTION PART ONE BY WALLACE (WARNING: This story contains depictions of torture and breathplay, violence and strong language.) Another year, another rat hole. Ten years ago it had been East End rat holes,two books and a kidnapping, a death and a lot of water under a lot of bridgesand some things had changed, I was a fair bit richer, most certainly not anywiser and much lonelier but here I was, back in the rat holes again. New York rat holes admittedly, but rat holes all the same....
School was never my favorite. I hated it, honestly. I hated waking up at six thirty in the morning just to go to school and sit at my desk for eight hours to learn pointless things I would never give a fuck about in my life. My teachers never seemed to give a damn, either, but that was only because they were getting paid to be there. They didn’t care whether or not we passed or failed. And if they didn’t care, neither did I. Obviously, I should have, but I was too busy being a rebellious...
A few years ago he had met Erin. The opposite of his wife; Erin was a brunette with curves in just the right places, and craved sex all the time. She was insatiable. Erin had seen pictures of his wife and drooled over her constantly. Feeling sorry for Tripp, she wanted to turn his wife to the dark side. If nothing else, she would see that the Bitch paid for her cold ways. Erin knew just the push. A few days later, the weekend had come around. Tripp found himself driving his wife up to a...
Introduction: This is my fourth story. Thanks to everyone for the helpful feedback on my earlier writing. I hope you enjoy this one! Jesus! My nipples! They are OUT! As she drove her minivan, Abby Carter looked down at her chest in a panic. The 25-year-old blonde had forgotten to put on a bra before dashing out of the house. Abby wore her comfy-but-threadbare Eminem concert T-shirt shed had for a decade. As a result, her large breasts bounced freely whenever she hit a pothole, and her nipples...
Introduction: Professions of love I hope you like this part, took quite a while to write. It has a slow build as there is more story line but i think it ends well and hopefully fulfills a few requests Ive had. Part 8: Caitlyn The floor wasnt really all that comfortable so I finally decided to get up, my legs still felt like jelly after cumming so hard so I leaned against the sink as I watched Lauren toweling herself. She seemed to be enjoying me watching her as it seemed to be taking her a...
~~Chimera~~ “The sun will be rising very soon,” he said. “Fuck. Fuck fuck. We can’t sneak into the city come sunrise. Fuck.” The little queen stomped around, and punched him in the leg. She was only a little thing, and her punches were powerful enough to send her back a foot or two across the grass from its own force. Fate’s Children punched hard, and he winced as her knuckles hit muscle. “Your fault.” “I am sorry.” The adorable bundle of fury rolled her eyes, and looked around at the...
A New Family Member Jim sat on his new front porch. 4 months had passed since his trip to Japan. A month after that he decided to move out of the Apartments and buy a house. He was now in an area he loved, the country. 7 miles from the city and his closest neighbor was a mile away. It was perfect for him and his girls. The girls loved it too. He sat and listened to traffic off in the distance. It was 1 or so to the highway. He had a quarter-mile to the road from his house. The house sat on...