Before I Forget free porn video

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Wednesday Evening 5-21-11

Their visitor was right on time. Since she received the phone call the day before, Ronnie was consumed with curiosity. She knew the woman slightly, she was her third cousin after all, but they hardly ever met except at family reunions. The fact that she was a lawyer deepened the mystery.

Her husband was a lawyer, and she asked him if he knew her professionally.

"Barely" he said, "She practices in another county so we rarely cross paths. She works alone, doesn't have partners, and does everything she can to pay the bills, including family law. I can tell you she is well respected."

Veronica ushered her into the den, and noticed how nervous she was. After the catching up on family was out of the way, she got right to the point.

"Ronnie, Phil, you must be wondering what's going on. Your dad contacted me almost two years ago about using me for some work he wanted done. Phil, I know you're his lawyer of record, and you will continue to be. Nothing will change that."

The woman, an attractive blonde in her early fifties, looked like she had tears in her eyes.

"This is the hardest thing I've ever been asked to do, but you don't refuse kin, so I helped him. Everything will be explained in the DVDs I have.

The first one you'll watch was made day before yesterday. All the rest are a good bit older. I'll be here while you watch them in case you have questions. I'm sure you will, and I'm sure you'll understand why I asked that your children not be here tonight."

She handed Phil a small stack of discs, each one labeled, and whispered to him.

He nodded, and came back with water for all three, and a box of tissues.

He picked up the one marked VERONICA AND PHIL, and inserted it into the player. Her father's face filled the screen. He was smiling.

"Ronnie, Phil, hi. Phil, don't take me getting Anne to do this is an insult to you, and after I explain, I'm sure you'll understand."

He paused and took a breath.

"You guys know that for the last year and a half I've been seeing a doctor. What you don't know is why."

He paused again, obviously fighting his emotions. Ronnie felt an impending sense of doom, she had never seen her father so emotional.

"There isn't a gentle way to say this. Almost two years ago I was diagnosed with Alzhiemers'. I went to the doctor because I was depressed, and thought that was what was causing me to be so absent minded. You didn't notice because at the beginning it was slight and I could blame it on my age. As it got worse I came around less and less, hoping you wouldn't notice."

"The drugs helped for awhile, but it progressed, and now my doctors have agreed it has entered the second stage. I have to give up my drivers' license and they urge that I look into assisted living. I've made the arrangements, but I want to clear up a few things before I go."

He slumped his head down for a few seconds before starting again. Ronnie felt the tears to starting.

Damn it! She had felt like something was off, but with two teenage girls, her job[especially this time of year, she owned an accounting firm and tax season had just ended], and his assurances he was fine, she had let it go. He looked up at the camera.

"Don't be mad at me for telling you like this. I just needed to make sure I got it right, and with this, it helps me make sure I'm clear. Plus, I'll still be around, and I expect all my kids to come and see me as often as they can while I can still remember them."

He stared hard at the camera for a second.

"When you, Joy, and Junior come to see me, I'm only going to ask for one thing. When it gets worse, when I can't remember who you are, and lose the ability to speak, I want you to stop coming. I won't know, and the thought of you staring at an empty husk would be too much to bear. Try to keep your memories of me happier."

"Remember when I asked you guys to give my doctor a DNA sample? I told you it was for research on a genetic trait that was almost exclusive to our family. What I was actually doing was having you tested to see if you were predisposed to Alzhiemers, after all it is genetic."

"Well, two out of three are safe. But you Ronnie, you're at risk. Phil, make sure she has a physical once a year. Progress is being made daily in search for a cure and treatments, and it is my sincere hope it never happens, but if it does, the quicker she starts treatment the better the quality of live you'll have."

The pain in his voice was very evident. He drew a deep breath.

"Now for the hard part. The reason Junior and Joy aren't at risk is they're not biologically my children. They don't have the same father either. I have no idea when it comes to Junior who his biological father is, but I'm pretty sure that Josh Randall is the sperm donor for Joy."

They had to shut the player off because Ronnie was sobbing into the chest of her husband. Soon Anne joined them with tears of her own. It was twenty minutes before she could regain her composure.

"Would you like me to leave?" Anne asked gently, "You could just call me later f you have questions."

Ronnie gripped her hands firmly.

"Please stay. I'm sure I'll have a million questions. How much longer is the video?"

"This one, about thirty more minutes or so. There are private messages for you, your brother and sister, both your spouses and one for Joy's roommate. And lastly, there is one for your mother. Are you up to continuing?"

Ronnie shook her head in assent, and they settled back into the couch as Phil turned it back on.

"You have no idea how shocked and hurt I was to find this out. It took me a few days to sort through my emotions. In the end, as far as you kids were concerned, it didn't matter. You're still ALL my children. I raised you, I loved you, I'll still be proud when you call me dad. You can't take back a lifetime of love based on a few lines of a chart. I pray they feel the same way."

"But Ronnie, in spite of how I feel about you guys, when it came to your mother, I admit it changed my feelings for her. I had a little investigation done, and didn't like the results, so I changed my will."

"You and Anne are my executors of the new will I had Anne draw up. We tried to cover ever contingency, but you never know. Ronnie, the fact that you alone are biologically mine has nothing to do with it. I named you because you were always the tough one. You're the one I trust to do the right thing. Junior has always favored his mother, and I was all right with that. Admit it, he's the most tender hearted person we know. And Joy is still a child, and I'm sure my revelations will hurt her deeply. You have to have the strength she needs to draw on. Help her."

"You know how much I love the mountains, and I found a nice place specializing in my condition there. Mountain Pines Assisted Living. The arrangements have been made and the finances have been taken care of. I want you and all the kids to come see me next weekend after I've settled in. I'm looking forward to it."

"But before I go, me and Elvis are going trout fishing. I'm taking my tent, I haven't done that in years. My last hurrah, so to speak. I love you Ronnie, all of you. I'll see you soon."

After a few more tears the questions started.

"Anne, how long have you known?"

"I found out almost as soon as he did. He surprised me by coming by my house. When we were settled he handed me a hundred dollar bill.

"What's this for?"

"Anne, I want to retain your services. I use my son in law usually, but what I'm doing is extremely confidential, I don't want any of my family finding out. Will you help me?"

"I felt like I was going to regret it, but I agreed. I was right, you can ask my husband how many times I came home over the next few weeks with a tear stained face. As I helped him, my admiration grew. Here was a man faced with a terrible future, and his first priority was to make sure his family wouldn't suffer. I can't say I agreed with everything he had me do, and I actually talked him out of a few things."

"One thing he stressed. You are not to tell your mother or your siblings until he personally says you can. He wanted you to know sooner so you could prepare for the storm. Look, It's getting late, and you've got a lot to think about. Come by Saturday evening. We'll fire up the grill and let my husband roast something. He is very good at that. Then we'll start on the paperwork."


On Monday of that week, three days before Anne met with his daughter Ronnie, David Childers sat in his worn old recliner, the one that was so comfortable he just couldn't get rid of despite his wife's complaints. He was looking at his wife of thirty one years. She felt his eyes and looked up.

"What?" she said with mild annoyance, her usual tone.

"Just thinking, Thirty one years together, a milestone for this day and age. Did you ever regret choosing me, a farmer, over your other beaus? Especially Ed. I think that man was born in a suit. Bet he's never had a dirty hand in his life."

He saw her eyes tighten up some. She waited a few seconds before answering.

"No, I don't regret choosing you. I'll admit, I wish you'd have dressed up a little more often, taken me out a little more often than you did, but that's history. I chose you, and I don't regret it."

He persisted.

"You sure? I know I haven't been a very good companion lately, with being sick and all. We haven't made love in almost a year, since I got sick, don't you miss it?"

He could tell she was uncomfortable with the subject.

"Relax, honey. A night out at a good restaurant pleases me more now than drinks and dancing. And we're in our sixties, that urge has been gone for a while now."

He smiled.

"Thank you babe, that means a lot."

He changed the subject.

"Honey, will you do something for me?"

A little leery because of the last conversation, she didn't commit immediately.

"What do you want?"

He smiled.

"It's trout season. I'm taking Elvis with me and spend the night at the state park. Will you make some of your pimento cheese and a batch of brownies for me to take? It seems like I catch more when you do."

She smiled indulgently.

"Sure thing. Are you up to a trip?"

He had kept his condition from her a secret as best he could. It was pretty easy actually, since she ignored him a lot. When she did, he blamed a sleep disorder and insomnia for making him forgetful. He had even moved out of their bedroom, saying he didn't want to keep her awake with his tossing and turning. She was fine with it.


Ronnie and Phil, Anne, and her husband Jerry

were standing on the patio, enjoying the lat spring breeze while the meat cooked. There was little in the way of conversation, each wrapped in their own thoughts. Anne got another round of beers and settled back into her chair.

"Did you watch the DVDs?"

Despite trying to put on a brace front, Ronnie broke into tears immediately.

"Yes. And after talking it over, Phil and I had Junior, his wife Jane, Joy, and her roommate Sidney come over last night. I let them watch the cover DVD, and then gave each of theirs. I had watched them first per my instructions. Joy didn't take it well, she just got out of the hospital at three. She was treated for shock and a nervous breakdown. Junior went real quiet, then went on a rant about it being a pack of lies. Jane took him home and called me later. She had to give him a sleeping pill, and he was still ranting and tossing on the bed. I bet she didn't get a wink of sleep last night."

Anne hadn't considered that she would reveal the DVDs this soon, but everything was in place and rock solid. Phil had reviewed it and complimented her on her work. He gave her thanks for doing it, saying he understood how much of a conflict of interest it would have caused if he had prepared it. He had tears in his eyes when he told her of his video.

"I didn't know my father in law liked me so much. He thanked me for being such a good husband and father, and apologized for putting us in the middle. It made me very sad, and regret not spending more time with him. He made sure he stressed the importance of Ronnie and I being the anchors in the family now. I want to thank you, Anne. I know you probably didn't this much involvement in our lives, and we'll try to keep it to a minimum."

Jerry stood with his arm around Anne. A quiet man by nature, the depth of the betrayal he was exposed to affected him deeply.

"If you need anything, anything at all, call us. Doesn't matter what day it is, what time it is, call. It's too big a burden to carry on your own."

Anne tried to hug him harder, thanking God for the man he was.

"Now that everybody knows, Ronnie, what are you planning?

Ronnie sat up straighter, allowing some of her anger to surface.

"Not everybody knows. Our dear mother is in for one hell of a surprise down the road. We're all going as a family tomorrow to see dad at his assisted living facility, to see if he has anything he wants to add, and just love him. I

think he needs that right now."


David felt the tug on his sleeve that same Saturday morning.

"All right Elvis, I'm awake. Too damn early on a Saturday if you ask me, but your right, trout waits for no man. Give me a minute and I'll make breakfast."

He sat up, glad for the little frame he had bought to put his double air mattress on. It made it a lot easier to get out of bed. He held his head in his hands for a bit. He'd had a bad episode last night, coming to his senses in the woods, with no idea how to get back to the campsite. If Elvis hadn't been there he would probably still be wandering around in circles. They were getting more frequent.

He fixed breakfast quietly while Elvis watched, keeping a close eye on the bacon.

Dishes done, he filled his small pack with lunch and fishing gear, picked up his rod, and looked over at Elvis.

"I'm gonna get that big one at Baker's Point today, Elvis. I can feel it. Ready to go?"

Elvis was so anxious he led the way.


Sidney held Joy by the hand in a firm grip for reassurance.

"Calm down, babe. It's probably nothing."

Joy had a death grip on Sidney, trying to draw strength from the woman she loved.

"I can't calm down. This has to be bad news. What if they know about us? What if they disapprove. The secret is killing me."

Sidney rolled her eyes, thinking how many times they had already gone over this.

"Good. Look, when we came out to my Mom last year she didn't freak. I think she was a little disappointed from the grandchildren angle, but she's always liked you, so she was happy for us.

When we told her we wanted to adopt after college and established in out careers, it sealed the deal"

Her eyes hardened.

"And if they don't approve, we'll wear them down. But it really isn't as big a secret as you'd like to think. I get the feeling your dad knows, even though he's never said anything. Your brother and sister aren't idiots, they have to suspect. I think the only one worried is you."

Now relax, I'm sure this doesn't have anything at all to do with you."

She thought many times over the next year how she wished she'd been right.

Junior and Jane were already there, so they started the meal. They were all intrigued by the the almost demand that they all be there. Ronnie just said it was important family business.

Finally, they were in the living room. Ronnie had fended off their questions during dinner.She surprised them all by hugging them in turn.

She grabbed Junior and Joy and looked into their faces.

"What I'm about to show you is going to hurt, really bad. There's nothing I can do about that. What I can do is assure you that no matter what you see, I'm still your sister and I love you deeply."

She played the original first. Soon everyone in the room was in tears. Ronnie gave Joy her video, offering to let her watch hers in their oldest daughters room. Per her father, she had watched everyone of the DVDs.

Five minutes later they heard a scream like that of a wounded animal and rushed upstairs, finding her curled into a fetal ball, moaning. They had to call the ambulance, and she was treated for shock, sedated, and kept overnight. After making there was absolutely nothing they could do, the went back to Ronnie's. The hospital assured everyone she would wake around eight. Sidney stayed.

Junior sat in his niece's room for a long time after the video ended, without moving. Jane finally went and got him, leading him like she would a small child. She promised she would have him at the hospital by eight, and she would watch her video at home. By then it was almost two in the morning. Ronnie and Phil fell into the bed exhausted.


Sidney was dozing when Joy woke up. She stirred, trying to remember what kind of accident she was in. Her hands and legs moved fine, she didn't feel any lumps or contusions on her face of body. Joy felt the locket her dad had given her, and it all came back. She woke Sidney with a wail, bringing the nurses and doctors charging into the room. Sid had her wrapped in her arms, rocking her like a baby, waving them away. Soon the rest of the family were there and took turns holding her until she quieted down. She asked to be alone with Ronnie. After thirty minutes they came out, and Joy told them she was going to go spend the night with Sidney and her Mom. They all promised to meet at Juniors and go see their dad the next morning.

When she heard about David, Sidney's mom hugged Joy hard.

"That poor man. He was always so strong. Not the flashy look at me type strong, but like a tree. Solid. Dependable. You felt safe with him around."


Jane watched her husband like a hawk. She had never in her life seen him so quiet. He was loud, rowdy, in a happy kind of way. She rubbed her tummy to give her strength. Five months along, it was a girl, something that gave them both a lot of pleasure. She was a surprise baby. Jane was thirty six, and they had two boys, fifteen and thirteen. They loved their grandfather, this was really going to hurt them.

She had always liked her father in law. She didn't much care for her mother in law, she always seemed distant, cold. The kids always flocked to their grandfather. She and Ronnie always tried to engage her in conversation, but she rarely talked any length.

"I hope he does something about how awful she's been to him all these years. She deserves it."

She thought quietly. She never said anything, he had always been a bit of a momma's boy. Jane definitely did not want to have to comment on the whole mess.

The boys came home to them from the other set of grandparents, and he surprised them by hugging fiercely. They were surprised.

"Gee, dad, you act like somebody died. Are you all right?"

Junior spoke for the first time in hours.

"No, son," he said as he ruffled the hair of his oldest. He knew how bad he hated that, it just wasn't cool.

"I just got really sad news, and I'm still trying to process it."

He turned around and hugged Jane so hard he lifted her off the ground. For the first time in twenty four hours he appeared normal. She dreaded tomorrow, she had always been afraid of rest homes.


Baker's point was named after one of the first settlers in the area, and the family owned the land at one time. The state had owned it for forty years, developing a park and campground.

There was hiking, swimming, boating, and especially fishing.

It was an actual point, a sheer knob of granite that extended out from the mountains into a point less than three feet wide. From there it dropped off ninety feet, where the headwaters of the river flowed by in typical fashion. An eighty foot run that dropped about four feet, strew with rocks the size of marbles up to the size of cars, before making a turn at the point and widening into a large pool.

David had just hiked up from the pool, and was sitting there gasping a little, just where the point leaves the mountain.

"Damn, Elvis, I can remember when I could run up here and not be out of breath."

Elvis looked at him like he was smiling. David noticed.

"Don't think I forgot. What the hell were you thinking? I almost had him, I bet he weighed fifteen pounds. That's a monster around here. I wasn't going to keep him, I just wanted to hold him once, before I let him go. I almost had him in the net when you jumped in the water and broke the line."

He looked over at Elvis, admiring him. He wasn't a perfect specimen, he had a crooked tooth that made his lip curl into a snarl, and it reminded him of a picture of a young Elvis, so he gave him that name. He was from the last litter of boxers he had bred, and was one of the biggest, weighing over seventy pounds.

He caught his breath and set out two small bowls.

He put water in one and a can of dog food in the other. He usually fed him dry, giving him a can once in a while as a treat. He took the long leash he had brought, clipped it to his collar, and tied it to a small tree. It was long enough to reach him as he unwrapped his lunch, and he bumped his head into his shoulder until he lifted his arm, and Elvis slid underneath.

He watched mournfully as David unwrapped his sandwich, whining softly.

"Damn, Elvis. I get you a gourmet can of food, and you're trying to steal the last meal I'm ever gonna have. What kind of fair is that?"

Still, he tore the sandwich in half and gave it to him.

"Here, bud. I owe you this. I want to apologize and thank you. First, for forgetting you for two days. Two days!"

His voice shook with shame.

"For two days you stood in your lot without food or water, yet when I remembered and came for you, all you wanted for the first minute or two was my attention. That's where the thank you part comes in. You made me realize it was time for me to stop pretending, and do something."

He paused to rub behind his ears, knowing he loved it.

"Did I ever tell you why I kept you instead of the others? You were butt ugly and dumb as a rock, for one thing. But the decider was loyalty. That's something I've come to value lately. It didn't matter if it was ten degrees or a hundred, if it was pouring rain in a high wind, or if it was a blizzard outside, if I went out you wanted to go too."

He patted the dog one more time.

"Don't worry, someone will be along shortly. You've got food and water, and if nothing else that bark will attract someone. Goodbye my friend."

He sat for a minute as tears ran down his face.

Looking at the point, he remembered this morning.

He'd walked out the the very end of the point and looked down. Ninety feet looked like a long way down. The headwaters of the river ran alongside the base, dropping about ten feet in an eighty foot run, strewn with rocks from the size of a tennis ball to the size of a car, before curving around into a deep pool.

Ninety feet. That should just about do it.

He thought carefully about the plans he made, trying to find a flaw. For the sake of his children, this had to look like an accident. All the upbeat videos should reinforce that it was an accident.

He felt foolish, but was compelled to speak.

"I never worried much about you, you know. I took my kids to church for years, because I felt they needed to be exposed to you. I never really felt you in church. I guess there were too many people competing for your attention."

"No, I felt you in the wind. In the warm sun and rain that made my crops grow, in the beauty of a perfect crop, bound to nourish people I would never meet. And I saw you a few times too, in the faces of my children. I want to thank you for all that."

"I know what I'm about to do is a sin according to some. I admit I'm doing it partly for me, the thought of dying by inches doesn't appeal to me at all. But, mostly I'm doing it for my children. I can't stand the thought of forcing them to watch me fade away until only a shell is left. I don't want to burden them by forcing them through guilt and pain to come by and spend time with an empty husk. I want their last memories of me to be good, when I was able to function. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm selfish, but I'm gonna do it anyway. Just wanted to clear the air."

He stood for a second more, then grinned.

"Oh, and if you feel like granting me a last request, let me catch Mr. Big. I won't hurt him, I'll put him right back in the water. It'll be a good memory to go out on."


Hank and Mary Travers were huffing and puffing, trying to keep up with their twelve year old daughter as she ran laughing up the trail. Both raised in a large city, they looked for jobs in smaller towns, looking for a better place to raise their children, and have a house with a big yard. Beth came to them late, they had just about given up trying when she came along.

They learned to love the outdoors, and camped as often as they could. They would regal friends at parties with their fiasco stories of their first attempt, but had become so proficient they were sought out as chaperones when Beth's girl scout troop went on their annual trips.

Beth heard the dog barking long before she saw it. When she topped the trail, she saw the big dog, tangled in his chain underneath the tree. An old man was sitting there, apparently ignoring the barking. Something didn't look right, and she waited for her parents.

When they got to the top Beth went up to the man and shook him gently.

"Mister? Mister! Are you all right?"

He was passive for a minute when he suddenly started. Gradually the little girl came into focus. When she saw him staring she repeated the question.

She remembered his reply her whole life, especially if she was in the mountains.

"No child, I'm not. Do you think your parents will walk me back to the campground? And if you would, unclip my dog and let him run while we untangle his leash. He won't hurt you. His name is Elvis, and the worst thing that could happen would be him attempting to lick you to death."

She looked at her dad and he nodded. She called his name and petted him for a minute before taking the leash off the collar. After being unable to take more than a few steps for hours, he immediately took off down the trail, burning off some pent up energy. She called after him, but the old man said to leave him, he'd be right back.

He was stiff when her mom and dad helped him up.

Her dad advised him to walk around a bit, to limber up his muscles. The old man walked to the end of the point and looked down, then up.

David walked to the end of the point. He looked down at the water, then up at the sky. If the nice young family hadn't happened by, it may have been morning before he came back to himself.

Looking up at the sky, he thought to himself about the day.

"Well, guess you showed me. I give up, we'll do it your way."

He turned to go back to the trail, when Mary Travers screamed. Elvis had come back up the trail at a dead run, saw his master, and leapt straight into his arms at full speed. It knocked him completely off the point. Luckily, the little girl was busy untangling the leash, and didn't witness it. She called 911, there was signal on the point, and soon the rangers and EMTs arrived. It was too late.

David looked upwards as he fell, and had just enough time to mouth "thank you", and with his last thought hurled Elvis into the pool. He popped up and immediately ran back to David, licking his face and whining. The rangers had to shoot him with tranquilizers to get him to stop defending the body two hours later.


Juanita Childers walked through her front door with a happy smile on her face. She'd just spent a great night with her younger lover. They'd made plans for their future together, once she divorced David and got most of his assets. She was going to retire, and he was going to quit his job. The affair had been going on for over twenty years.

She thought about David, frowning. He was so nice, so gullible, he never suspected she was sleeping with other people. It had started less than two years after they were married, forty years ago, with their banker. After that fizzled out she hooked up randomly, carefully, always covering her tracks, until she met Josh.

It would be awful for David.It would be like clubbing baby seals. He might not ever recover.

But, as Josh often said, there's always got to be a loser.

As she laid her purse down, she noticed her answering machine was full, thirty messages. Odd.

It reminded her to turn on her cell phone, and she noticed her message board was full. Wonder what was going on? Most were from Ronnie and Phil, god what an insufferable ass he was, she wondered what she saw in him sometimes. She checked the last message. She heard Phils' voice.

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Cardiac Arrest Part 2 Trying to forget

Trying to forget - Part Two of "Cardiac Arrest"The next morning came, as John found himself enjoying a longer lay in than usual. His head throbbed and pounded as he rose. He looked back at his sleeping girlfriend. He still wasn't feeling anything for her. All he could think about was Tasha.Through his weariness, he thought he could see Tasha, laying there, filled up with his juices, smiling, satisfied, and full of love for him. He loved that in his mind, Tasha wanted to share all of her love...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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A Birthday Surprise My Son Will Never Forget

--------- It’s Saturday morning and I was wide awake at the crack of dawn excited for tonight’s celebration. I spring out of bed and throw on my robe, head downstairs and start the coffee. I start doing the dishes from last night and find myself singing and fantasizing in my head about how tonight might go. Chad, the birthday boy, comes downstairs and in the middle of a yawn “Morning mom” “Morning birthday boy! What do you want for breakfast today, anything you want!” “WELL first you can...

4 years ago
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A Night Never To Forget

The house is quiet and I am all alone, every creak fills my ears like the scream of a thousand ghosts. Slowly I rise from the couch and make my way to the back door, upon opening it I am met by the bitter breeze of a dull winter, I look up at the stars only for a moment before I hear the fumble of heavy footsteps inside the house. Growing up in the countryside has made me aware of every minute sound, especially those of an intruder, in the middle of nowhere, where no sound is ever heard. A...

3 years ago
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A Night Never To Forget

Introduction: My first story so please please leave some comments an constructive criticism. Thank You I hope you enjoy Hello, this is just a short story, written from a female POV and in first person. I am experimenting with styles so please tell me if this works or not. it would be greatly appreciated if you could vote/leave comments so I know how well or badly I have done. I hope you enjoy! P.S This story has a lot of suggestive peado references but I can promise at no point was this story...

4 years ago
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An Experience Never To Forget

Hi this is wildlove after a long long time for the ISS readers due to some professional issues, any way hi ladies and gentlemen i hope you are fine and enjoying the stories of ISS to its maximum and you should be. Coming to the story which you all are interested, let me describe both the characters of the story, i am cool and very fair guy with 6 inch Shaft that always salutes the ladies of beauty having great butts and sexy breasts, colour does not matter me although i am fair with hairy...

4 years ago
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A Lesson She Wont Forget

A Lesson She Won't ForgetShe feels her heart in her throat, as she sees her Master standing ramrod straight in the doorway. She still has one sock in her hand, from her run from the house. She lets it drop, glad to be naked at the door, as he had commanded. Instead of praising her, he says nothing to his slave. She looks down at the floor as taught, as she feels his strong hands on her shoulders, pushing her to her knees. When he walks past her, in the cool night air, she can almost see the...

3 years ago
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The Night That He Will Never Forget

?????????????????????? ???????????? The night that he will never forget! ???? I was lying on my bed, reading some porn thinking about tonight and how much fun it?s going to be with my slave. Oh this time, he is going to wish that he was never born! I chuckled a little. I looked at the time he was already 3 minutes late. Oh, this is going to cost him big time. Than my other domina friends called me up about the plans for tonight and I told them to come in about 30 minutes. ???? Than I...

1 year ago
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A Night she will never forget

It was a cool summer night, middle of July, It was a night like any other, except tonight she wanted to open the windows and let the cool breeze blow through our room. We lay in bed together watching T.V. and playing on our phones. It was a little warm to be under the covers so she slowly crawled out of bed and walked to the closet. She pulled one of my long t shirts off the hanger and began to strip her clothes off. I stared as she pulled her shirt off over her head, her soft, silky skin...

3 years ago
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You yawn and roll out of bed. Slowly making your way over to the mirror you look at yourself. Everything is where you left it last night. You chuckle to yourself at the thought. Slowly scratching your hip, you walk into your bathroom and turn on the water in the shower. Waiting for the water temperature to get where you like it, you stand in front of the mirror and look over your body a bit more closely. "You really are not much of a morning person are you," you say to yourself as you rub more...

2 years ago
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Never Forget

Introduction: Okay so Im new to this so please tell me how it is I would really love to know! If you guys like it Ill make more. Deal?This is the story of Amanda and Chris. She is his owner and it is told from the submissive males point of view. Enjoy! I knew that I was in trouble when I finally called her.. Her voice was cold and sharp drawing me in and making me listen to her short snaps. Her words made me still and they cut against my ear like a sharp blade. I am careful not to speed to her...

3 years ago
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A Sleepover Well Never Forget

Let me explain. She has a queen size bed in her room and we were both in it, talking about boys and how they get all HARD and stuff when she asked if a boy had ever kissed me or not. Sadly, I had said NO, and she got all excited. Her excitement had to do with her being in the same position . . . having never kissed a boy either. So she was like all geeked up about us practicing together which definitely caught me by surprise. I definitely like boys . . . and I doubt if I would have been...

4 years ago
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A Night I Cannot Forget

I was younger in my early twenties, and enjoying the entirety of what life had to offer. I had a good job, steady girlfriend, and a place on my own. I worked hard, and thrived well in my professional career early. I was a modest looking man at that time. I towered over my peers at six foot tall, and was well built and broad in my frame. I worked out alot in my down time, and it showed, although I didn't have a six pack or anything. The diet required to maintain a shredded physical appearance...

3 years ago
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A night that i will never forget

P.S All names, including my own, have been changed for identity reasons. Friday 16th January 2015 I watched eagerly as the clock slowly ticked by waiting for that ever sweet noise of the bell ringing to signal for me to go home and start the weekend. English was my last lesson on this blustery Friday afternoon. Although I hated my bitch of an English teacher the class consisted of many of my close friends, Jack, Ryan, Adam, Louis, Harri, Leah, David, John, Derek and Becky. Harri was...

5 years ago
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time you never forget

by Rachel Maher, SLUT, ''We'll be back tomorrow at about eight pm ''Yes mom'' said the girl standing at the doorway holding a bowl of cereal in one hand and slowly closing the door with the other ''Rachel, make sure the house is still tidy for when we get back'' said her mother opening the car door in the driveway ''Yes mom!'' said Rachel 'Cya tommorrow!' ''Cya'' shouted a deep voice from the passanger seat. The door slammed shut. There stood Rachel. She was about 5...

2 years ago
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A Night To Forget

A Night To Forget im 15 years old , short brown hair, slim build about 5ft 5 and a nice 3 inch cock at full erection. ive always had a fasination for dressing as a girl. it just makes me so horny. ive been meeting this 43 year old guy for about 3 months now not a relationship just meeting 2 times every 2 weeks for a quick round of sex. i always go on the bottom i like being used by another man the thought just makes me so horny. anyway this perticular night we decided to meet at 2:30am...

4 years ago
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Something Impossible to Forget

There is one thing that no man – regardless of age or experience – can forget: His first complete sexual experience. In that I am like all of the rest of my gender. The only oddity is my relatively young age at the time and who it was that got my cherry. I’ll also add that this is one of those “no shit” stories. It really happened the way I’m telling it and the ages, jobs, and even names are accurate. The statute of limitations has long since passed. Moreover, I’ll go to my grave thanking the...

3 years ago
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A Party Shell Never Forget

A Party She’ll Never Forget by julie_julia © This story began as a real-life e-mail conversation between myself and an on-line friend, hence the changes between first-person and third-person. It’s co-written by and dedicated to Becky. I wrote the parts in italics. *** ***************** I’m at an all girl party amongst total strangers and we’ve had a few drinks. We start playing games and fooling around. I get blindfolded and one-by-one they kiss me, each more passionately the last. I’m...

3 years ago
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Cardiac Arrest Part 2 Trying to forget

Trying to forget – Part Two of ‘Cardiac Arrest’ The next morning came, as John found himself enjoying a longer lay in than usual. His head throbbed and pounded as he rose. He looked back at his sleeping girlfriend. He still wasn’t feeling anything for her. All he could think about was Tasha. Through his weariness, he thought he could see Tasha, laying there, filled up with his juices, smiling, satisfied, and full of love for him. He loved that in his mind, Tasha wanted to share all of her love...

3 years ago
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An afternoon I will never forget

I first met Priya on Fetlife, an online community for BDSM lovers. She was exactly half my age at the time, just 18 and about to head to Europe for her first trip after finishing high school in Cincinnati. She posted looking for someone to show her around London and perhaps introduce her to the scene here. We exchanged messages and soon our friendship took off. Over the weeks leading up to her holiday we talked a lot about what she likes (total submission) and what she was looking for (to be...

4 years ago
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A Night She Would Never Forget

It was dark. Dark as midnight in a coal mine. In the center of a loft apartment, Diane knelt on the hard wooden floor alone. How long she had been there she hadn’t a clue. Aside from the inky blackness that surrounded her it was silent except for the ticking of a clock on the wall. That incessant tick, tick, tick was driving her slowly mad. She couldn’t see the clock, couldn’t tell what time it was, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. With every tick the clock reminded her that she had...

4 years ago
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Never To Forget

Never to ForgetBy: Londebaaaz Chohan Twenty Eight years! It is a very long time but for Jorge Diaz, it was only like yesterday. He remembers it like yesterday. He was a senior at high school, just turned 18 couple of days ago. His driving license was like the biggest joy for him because, it announced his adulthood. Driving past the local adult books and other paraphernalia store for the last almost a year, he had always wondered why it was such a taboo to visit that store. Today, he was free,...

3 years ago
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A Weekend I Will Never Forget

It was 2003 and I was 40. At the time I was going out with a girl called Ann. Ann was a year older than me. She had two daughters. Katie And Claire who were twins,their 16th birthdays due on the 22nd of August.You would not have thought they were twins. Both had slim pert titted figures but Katie was a Redhead and Claire a Brunette. Both lovely and fuckable. Both about just over 5ft tall. Absolutely gorgeous.It all started on Saturday 9th August. It was about 4pm. I had been to the pub was laid...

4 years ago
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A Summer That Three Best Friends Wont Forget

It was the summer of 1999 a year that changed the lives of three close friends. It would be a summer like none ever before. Erin and her two male friends Eric and Anthony had just graduated from high school. They lived close to one another and the three of them had been close friends ever since their grade school days. They each were very different in many ways and had come from different back rounds. Erin was the tom boy type who loved doing whatever the boys were doing. She loved hunting and...

First Time
4 years ago
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A night at the bowling ally I will never forget

Well I had come into contact with an old fling I had when I was much younger, before I was married the first time, but anyways we've been talking again and it's been couple of weeks now and believe me the conversations got more sexual in content every day leading up to tonite. We first started talking about our family's, our jobs and stuff like that. I changed that pretty quick because I remember how crazy this girl was back in the day, oh yeah I took her vaginity and they say u never forget...

2 years ago
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A Honeymoon theyd never forget

Gregg was an avid jogger, a brunette in his mid 20's. That's how he met his wife Michelle. Michelle was a stunning brunette with pert breast and the perfect ass. They dated for a while before they opted to get married. The wedding went off without a hitch. All of the fun would be during the honeymoon. It was there they'd meet Andre, a handsome Frenchman who always spotted beard stubble. Andre was a bellhop at the Grand Lakes Hotel, a 60 story high rise. He'd come to America to see the sites and...

3 years ago
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A Day Ill Never Forget

Checking myself in the mirror one last time before leaving, his orders were quite specific. Nails painted, color of my choice, dress, thigh highs, no panties, heels, freshly shaven. All is in order, as I glance the mirror I am certain he will be pleased. I want nothing more than to make Sir happy.I arrive at the apartment, with only minutes to spare, but this is excellent timing as I have always been told to not arrive early or late. I get out of the car, as I’m walking to the door I can feel...

3 years ago
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Something Impossible to Forget

There is one thing that no man – regardless of age or experience – can forget: His first complete sexual experience. In that I am like all of the rest of my gender. The only oddity is my relatively young age at the time and who it was that got my cherry. I'll also add that this is one of those “no shit” stories. It really happened the way I'm telling it and the ages, jobs, and even names are accurate. The statute of limitations has long since passed. Moreover, I'll go to my grave thanking the...

First Time
3 years ago
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A Night Blake Lively Will Never Forget

After a long day of filming for her television show ‘Gossip Girl’, Blake Lively arrived home around 8:00 in the evening. It had been an unusually cold day in Los Angeles and she was wearing a long black trench coat, which she quickly dropped to the ground the second she stepped through the door. She quickly turned around when a noise came from outside. Not seeing anything, Blake closed the door behind her and went into the kitchen to make herself dinner. She made and quickly ate a salad while...

2 years ago
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My First Experience I Will Never Forget

Let me start with my self, I am an average looking silent in nature guy having height of 5 feet 5 inch working in a top MNC here in Bangalore. Please forgive me for any mistakes as I am writing this story here in ISS for first time. This happened 9 months ago when I was already 1 year in Bangalore and staying in a PG in front of which a couple(they were in live-in) who were staying in rent. I used to watch the girl named Pinky(name changed, respect her privacy) very lonely during day time...

3 years ago
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My Boss 8211 A Pleasure Which I Can Never Forget

Hi dear readers! Hope you are all well and enjoying your life. I thank you all for your wonderful support and feedback on my sex stories. I got hundreds of emails praising my previous sex stories. Few readers (beauties) connected with me and we had a great time together. It’s been long time I submitted a story. Actually I shifted from Pune to Mumbai for work and was busy settling in new job and new place (New Action ;). For all the readers who do not know me, can check the author’s page and...

4 years ago
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All About Love And Romance A Journey You Won8217t Forget

Hello READERS!!! This ISS WEBSITE is a blessing!!! It’s been a pleasure to share my experiences with all you guys and as you guys have shown so much love.. Readers I would like to thank each and everyone one of you, for all the love you have shown and I hope I you are satisfied with my response to all the mails and messages on hangouts.. I love it when you make you make an effort to reach me, and I shall try my best to make that effort worth!!! For all the new readers, lemme introduce myself....

5 years ago
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A Love Making Session Which You8217d Never Forget

Hello ISS!!! Hope you all are doing great and are very very horny right now.. My name is Rohan and I’m here with my second story after the lovely response to my first story. If you want to know what is pleasure and what is love making love all about then you got to reach me on Do gimme ya feedback and reach me even if you want some pleasure!!! Let’s head to the story now.. This happened 3 days back.. I’m a professional masseur for 6 years now.. I can provide sensuous romantic massages and...

4 years ago
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I looked out the train window at the blur of green landscape as it passed. Going to stay with grandma had always been one of my fondest memories as a k**, the train ride just the beginning to a wonderful summer spent with her on her farm in northern Connecticut. Just me and her, lazing away the days and enjoying each other"s company. For seven straight years from the time I was seven years old to f******n I stayed with her, and for those summers we were inseparable.From the ages of sixteen to...

3 years ago
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Gift Never Forget

By: Rathna It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200 km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can...

3 years ago
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first timeyou never forget

I had to walk almost a mile to catch the school bus and we usually met about half way since she lived closer. When I’d see her in the morning it excited me and an excited teenage boy gets a hard on in 2.3 seconds flat. I carried my books in front of me every time. She always greeted me with a smile and a wink and a ‘hi cutie’. That would make my day. I wasn’t very experienced. There had been some necking (or scrounging as we called it back then) Some back seat tries for second base and dreams...

1 year ago
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A time we will never forget

Here it is, I am about to turn 30 and I think I can honestly say that I can remember every single sexual experience I have had. Almost. By the way, this is the first story I have ever submitted online, and I doubt it will be the last. Both her and I were shall we say, quite young for sex but that didn’t stop us. Her family had moved in next door a couple years before and being that me and her where the same age, and I also think because she was kind of a tom boy, me and her “got along like peas...

First Time
1 year ago
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A night to never forget

Note: This story is completely fictional! Clothing info: My brother and me Pants, shirts, sock’s, shoe and underwear (course). My sister shirt, “basic” underwear, small skirt, ankle socks and long boots It was a nice spring day I just became 18 years old and my brother (19) and sister (23) thought it was fun to go out with just the 3 of us and have lots of fun. We did have a great time and all 3 of us drank a little bit too much booze. So we were in a jolly mood when we went back home it was by...

1 year ago
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Gift Never Forget

It was an evening in mid December. Telephone was ringing. I guessed it was my husband Kingsley. I took the receiver hurry, because he went to inspect a branch office of his working place which was located about 200km away from the head office. He informed me his safety arrival and accommodation. He inquired about the son who had prepared to go for two days Scout Champ in the school. I said every thing was ok. “ Kingsley, you know one friend has come to visit us after long time. Can you guess?”...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Very Romantic And Unforgettable

My name is Naani and I am 19 yrs of age, and she is Swetha an year younger than me doing college with a good built up personality innocent good looking and good natured lady with 32-28-34 I guess I am not sure. We stayed adjacent for more than 4 years and our families became good friends, then we all were playing together with a group of 4 more kids in which her younger brother and sister was also there. After staying that long we moved to some other rented house which was in adjacent lane and...

3 years ago
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Never Forget

Introduction: Twin Brother And Sister Struggle To Maintain A Secret Relationship It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister. They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had...

2 years ago
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A Trip to the Drive Through My Boyfriend Will Never Forget

He picked me up in his car for a trip to the mall. I loved to shop . . . not to mention the mall presented all sorts of opportunities to fool around and show off my body. There were usually plenty of father’s and older married guys that loved to stare at me when I wore something provocative . . . like today. It was even better when I saw their wife get pissed off because of the attention they were giving me. I always wondered how many of them would masturbate later that night . . . thinking...

5 years ago
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A Threesome Ill Never Forget

Out of all the lovers I've had, I miss Michael the most. Michael entered my life when I was 24 and still living in Ohio. He was a 73-year old pianist who played with some of the most renowned orchestras in the world and a respected music professor. He was 5'4, on the heavy side, bald with neatly trimmed gray hair on the sides of his head, wore round spectacles, was always dressed in a suit sans tie (bow-tie if a tie was required) and very kind. I only bottomed when I met Michael and I...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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A night the Mirons will never forget

It was a dark dreary night and the family was getting ready for bed earlier than usual so they would be well rested for their busy Saturday to come. The family was fast asleep by 9 p.m. and dreaming of their ski trip to come. About 11:30 pm, Vicky awoke to make a trip to the bathroom for some Rolaids, and that’s when it happened. As she turned off the lights and headed back to bed, she was grabbed from behind and gagged before she could react. John, a 6'2" 210 pound career criminal handed...

2 years ago
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A trip back home never to forget

But to be honest, I'm glad it's over. We didn't have kids, and I'm thankful for that, we would've fought for them as well. But don't get me wrong, I'd love to have some one day, just with the right woman, you know? I left her the house, she left me my ring. I obviously had to move out so I decided to go back to my mom's house in the meantime, you know, before I get back on my feet. I lived pretty far off from where I grew up, had to catch a plane actually. Been a while since I saw...

4 years ago
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A Wedding You will Never Forget

But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom.  A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking...

4 years ago
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The Night Me and Jackie Wont Forget

It was a Friday night. The rain was pouring fast and hard. It was pitch black at the park. We, Jackie and I, just came from the bar and decided to go park at the park. We were super drunk. From what I can remember, I had three Bacardi Rum and Coke, one shot of Patron (tequilla) and she had three Sex On The Beach and one shot of Bacardi Raspberry. The only thing we had on our mind was some hott butt naked sex at the park. (The Description) While we sat in the car, laughing and talking,...

2 years ago
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The night she will never be able to forget

Atia was a twenty-three year old African-American woman, 5'3" tall and weighed 103 pounds. She had short, black, curly hair, milk chocolate brown unblemished skin. Her measurements were 32-22-32 with firm C cup tits. She was a beautiful woman. She had been married to Tom, a wonderful black man that she had known from junior high school, for two years. Life was good for them. Tom had a good job as a software engineer and they lived in a nice small home in a pleasant suburb. Things...

4 years ago
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An Anniversary to Forget

She was pulling out all the stops, her long blonde hair done exactly how I like, halfway up with a few curls falling in front of her face with white gold hoop earrings and a pearl choker necklace. She was wearing a little more makeup than usual, the black eyeliner made her baby blues pop, they looked almost crystal clear. Her fire and ice perfume overloaded my senses, I wanted to stay home at this point and start our celebration in the bedroom. “You ready?” she asked, strutting by me. The...

4 years ago
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The day ill never forget

Ps: Thank you xnxx you are the best ever! I hope you guys like it! Also, I would like to tell the people who made "Michelle's sleeping bag" and the one about the babysitter who fucked that guy in the swimming pool. Those stories inspired me. Also "My brother's wife." I liked that. Hope you liked it

2 years ago
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One Night she will never forget

She was 5’3 with brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice body for a young woman with size 48 double d’s. He was about 5’10 with brown hair and eyes. He was very athletic throughout his years. They were married for about two years now and it was New Years Eve. They had tickets to a party at the firehouse and they showered and dressed. They took their daughter to his mom’s house for his mom to baby-sit. As they drove they were happy about doing something together, because he...

4 years ago
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Discipline a Rebel Will Never Forget

As Derek passed a large plexi-glass window on his left, he slowed down and looked in. Behind the glass at a desk was a fairly old secretary filing her nails through her bi-focals. The phone rang and she dropped the filer on the desk and picked up the reciever and began talking cheerily through it to the person on the other end. Derek looked passed her at the door. "Ms. Matheson" "Principal" A smile cept onto the corner of Dereks mouth as he pictured the beautiful Mr. Matheson in...

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