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I received a letter in the post to come and collect the items that had been left to me in the will of the late William McPherson, from a firm of Solicitors in our town. The items had to be collected personally as laid down in the will, and proof of identity would be required before the items were handed over.

Now William McPherson was known to me as Bill who was when he died at the age of 64 from a heart attack, a good friend who lived in the "Big House" as we called it in our street. He was the happiest man you could ever meet, but his so called wife was the most miserable faced old cow you would ever meet.

Even although they were married Bill lived in a single bedroom cottage attached to the Big House, but had his meals in the Big House. Forty years previous there was a domestic because Bill was caught having it off with one of the maids in the house and was expelled to the cottage.

As Bill told me the story was like this. His wife (Isabella) was the owner of the three factories in the area left to her by her father. Bill was a worker in the one of the factories and it was at a time when youth was rebelling against everything. He and Isabella took part in a blue movie made by one of the members of their group, but also included scenes with his then girlfriend Isabella having it off with young underage boys, five of them in fact all in the same scene. He got hold of the films which were the originals with no copies and put them in a safe deposit box. He then approached Isabella and told her he had them, to keep the whole thing from going public they got married. Not a happy marriage, but it gave Bill a roof over his head, and he got a bit of sex, now and again, like crumbs throws to the sparrows. At this time they both lived in the same house, but she took on the long faced look from the time of the marriage.

Bill was an orphan who had gate crashed the in-crowd in the first place being with Isabella. He had no one; he now had a job in the factory as Dispatch manager which he said suited him. Well being a young man at the time and virile if he never got a bit of sex at home he looked elsewhere, and for a couple of years everything was fine, until the eventful day, when he was caught by his wife humping the maid on his bed. Even at that time he never shared the bed with his wife. Anyway he was thrown out to live in the small cottage. He held the films as a threat over his wife's head, so he continued his job, but they never spoke another word to one another from that day on.

Mrs McPherson was the most miserable woman you could ever meet she complained about everyone and everything. As children living in the area we were hounded by the Police for riding past her house and making too much noise, anything like that she would complain about. She was chairman or a member of that many committees that she had her finger in every pie and being one of the upper Industrialist class got what she wanted almost every time.

According to Bill she always dressed the same, white blouse with a high neck and long sleeves, black skirt to mid calf, black stockings 4 inch high heels, a black jacket to match skirt in colder days, her long hair up in a Scandinavian style bundle at the back of the head, her half round glasses on the end of her nose and no make-up, and a sour look on her face.

Through the years she was always appearing in the newspapers, or on TV and she always looked as Bill had described her. His name for her was 'Iron Pants'.

Bill on the other hand was always helpful, and would chat with anyone; he always had a smile on his face. How we became friends was when I was fifteen. He was walking in a park area near us, which has a pathway along the edge of a steep cliff, not very high but high enough, about 100 feet, Bill fell due to the path giving way. He got his leg jammed in the fork of a bush, which broke his fall, but also broke his leg.

Bill had lain in that position, unable to get out for about two hours, when I came along and spotted him. I got him out and assisted him to safer ground, then rushed to get an ambulance. I visited him in hospital and I got my name in the paper for saving him and for a while I was the local hero. After Bill got out of hospital I visited him in his cottage until I was visited by the police, and issued with a restriction order, banning me from approaching Mrs McPherson's house no nearer than 100 yards. I still had Bills telephone number so I rang and told him about it.

"The bitch, that is how Iron Pants is, sorry I'll see you in the park though."

It was then he told me what I have said above. He thanked me for saving him and caring about his welfare, and that one day I may be in a position to right the wrongs, that was all he said. As I grew up I often saw Bill, always with a smile on his face and a kind word for everyone, except Iron Pants.

Now this letter; I'm now 25 years old and ten years since I helped Bill, I wonder what he left me, I know he had no money himself? I got in the car and drove down to the law company, showed my identity and received a sealed envelope and a sealed metal box about nine inches deep, two foot long and a foot wide. I felt two keys in the envelope which I presumed were for the box. I signed for the items and drove home.

I placed the box on the kitchen table and opened the envelope. In it was a short letter, with two different keys attached to the letter. I won't say what was all in the letter but the fact that one key was the key to a safety deposit box in the local bank and the other for the box the lawyers gave me. He said that it was up to me how I used the items in the safety deposit box, but to enjoy myself with the contents of the other. At the bottom was two names highlighted. I just couldn't work it out.

I opened the box and it was full of odds and ends, cheap watches, keys, and junk really, then I noticed that one key was the same as the one for the safety deposit box. Then the penny dropped, the two names in the letter were the names the boxes were under.

Taking the lawyers letter, the letter with the two names and the two keys I returned to the towns centre and went to the deposit box section and explained all the facts. The teller in charge of that section showed me into a small room and five minutes later returned with both the boxes. He unlocked one of the locks on each box with his key and then left. Using my keys I opened the boxes. One was stacked with bank notes, the other contained six small 16mm reels and nothing else.

I pressed the button in the booth and the teller returned; I asked for two bags which I then put the tapes in one and the money in the other. I left the key in one lock and locked the other box. At the counter I told the teller that I would be keeping the box under Jack Johnson but the other I no longer needed.

When I got home, I dug out my old Singermatic with the video converter attached to it, then connected the lot to the video recorder. Being a Movie buff I knew that some of the old films were made on a very unstable base so I didn't want to run the film too many times. I would like to get it on the first hit.

The medium was good quality, but it was better to be safe than sorry, the first run recorded perfectly and there was no need to do much fiddling with the projector. Also the recordings came out crystal clear not that fuzzy images one sometimes gets with using a converter.

Now I saw how Bill had such a hold over Iron Pants, if this material got out she'd not only be ostracised, but imprisoned for improper dealings with minors. This material was dynamite. But what could I do with it.

There was the equivalent of $200,000(US) in notes, far too much to leave around the home. So bundling up the money and the six reels again I returned to the bank. I got a larger box and paid the difference and put both bags in the box.

On returning home I made a copy of the VHS tape, using an enhancer, to make sure the quality didn't drop too much on a second generation copy. I then returned to the bank, and placed the original tape in the box. I wonder what the bank thought of my comings and goings.

I reviewed the tape over and over and it was a turn on, Isabella had a fantastic body, I wonder if she still had? She still looked the same on the video as she does on the pictures I see of her on the TV and newspapers. Only in the video she is laughing in the pictures she is sour faced.

I am single, own my own house, fit and healthy and now am comfortably well off thanks to Bill. I'm going to take time off from work and laze around and enjoy myself.

Well I decided to stir the pot for Bill and screw Iron Pants as much as I could. She gave Bill a hard time, using the information Bill gave me, I was going to get revenge for his sake.

I got the number of the McPherson residence from a girl I knew who worked in the main office of the company, for the number is a silent one. The telephone exchange wouldn't even connect me to it. Anyway I rang the number and got the maid or servant of hers.

"I would like to speak to Mrs McPherson please?"

"I'm sorry Mrs McPherson speaks to no-one on the telephone."

"Give her this number please (which I gave) which is a telephone booth and tell her to ring within the next five minutes. Just say it's about some old film her dead husband had."

I put the phone down and waited. I didn't have long to wait, two and a half minutes to be precise.

"Who am I speaking to?" she demanded in a stern voice.

"Just a friend of Bill, I have in my possession a number of tapes that the authorities would be very interested in, can I come round and see you."

"If this is blackmail, I'll call the Police."

"By all means please call them; they are the ones who would be the most interested in the material on them. If you want I'll send the tapes myself to them."

"Please don't do that, come round I'll see you at six."

"No I'll see you at eight thirty."

"I'm going out to a meeting at that time."

"Well cancel it, eight thirty."

I then put down the phone, smiling to myself. It's started, I've disrupted her life already and I haven't really started.

"Bill do you approve?" I said looking to the skies.

I got to the 'Big House' five minutes early and waited outside the big gates so that I could time my arrival to the minute. At exactly eight thirty I rang the bell and immediately the door was opened, not by a servant but by Mrs I. McPherson herself. She still looked the sour faced bitch and dressed the way Bill described all these years before. She just stood there with one hand on the door and the other on the door frame.

"Well aren't you inviting me in?" I asked

"What we have to say can be said where we are, now where are these films?"

"They have all been transferred to video and the originals are well hidden and protected in a safe deposit box. You know you have a restraining order against me coming near this house, but then this time you have invited me. It is being pointless standing here, you don't want to discuss anything, and maybe I should make the film public."

On saying this I turned as if to walk away.

"Wait, please come inside." She said and I could see it hurt her to say these four words.

I walked in right past her. Into the main hallway I saw a door, which was open with a light on, I went into this and sat down in one of the easy chairs.

"I never invited you in here, how dare you just wander in and take over. What is it you want? Money? How much?"

"No I want no money, I want you?"

"Don't be ridicules, what do you want of me?"

"To fuck you to be exact, now what do you say?"

"Do you think I would have sex with you?" she said in a sneering voice.

"You did it with five at one time and I have proof. Have you a video player you can play it and see its all there. Here it's for you, it's yours I have plenty copies." I said throwing her the video tape.

"Get out you disgusting person, before I call and have you thrown out."

"Please yourself. How would you like me to release the films? One at a time like a series, or all together please choose?"

It was then she just plonked down on the other chair and burst out crying. Sobbing, I have never seen someone sob so much. I was even getting sorry for her, and then I remembered how she treated Bill. She was now getting a bit back.

"You would humiliate me to all my friends and business associates if even one got out. Please I will do anything to get them back and destroyed."

"I have told you my conditions."

"No, never that, I hate even the thought of having sex. Why would a young man like you want sex with a woman my age anyway?"

"Maybe you are right. If I didn't have sex, what would you do to get the films back?"

"Almost anything else, oh Please return the films."

"Let me see you with your hair down, it looks so stern tied up like that."

"If that will help I will oblige." She lifted her hands above her head and after a few minutes her hair was cascading down to the level of her breasts.

"Now will you give me the films?"

"If you think you will get them for just letting your hair down, think again. Please go and lock the door I don't want any interruptions from your servants."

"I have supper at nine pm when I am at home; it is nearly that now, so someone will be coming."

"Yes I will have some supper with you, tell whoever brings the supper that it is for two, then after that you don't want to be disturbed, understand."

"You are demanding a lot and assuming that I will comply."

"Just think public humiliation verses private humiliation."

"What exactly do you mean by that young man?" She was trying to talk down to me, showing her upper status to an inferior, but it didn't work I just let it slide off like water off a ducks back.

"Just think of what I said and order my supper, now do as you are told." I said with a stern voice.

It shook me for she didn't argue, but went out the door in a nose in the air attitude. Returning ten minutes later pushing a trolley, but with her hair combed. It made her look much younger and I was getting a twinge between the legs.

"Where did you go to comb your hair?"

"I went to my bedroom! Where else would I comb my hair?" she said so snottily.

"Right after we eat supper you will take me to your bedroom."

"You said you would not demand sex?"

"One can do other things in a bedroom other than fucking."

"Must you use such crude language?"

"Yes so get used to it lady, or do I call you Isabella?"

"How dare you speak to me in that tone?"

"Do as I tell you and I will give you the films and then walk out of your life."

"Thank you. The quicker I satisfy your conditions the better I will like it."

I enjoyed the beef sandwiches and the lovely cake I had with my coffee, and after we both finished, I said "Ok Isabella lead on, I will follow you to your bedroom."

She was very reluctant to go and I could see her turning all the possibilities round in her mind. Eventually she rose and made for the door, in the same attitude as the previous exit. On her way she switched off the light.

"Please close the door, fire prevention. The maid will collect the dirty things." God she had a way of saying things that really trampled anyone working for a living. That is something else I will make her regret added to my list.

If was obvious by the way she climbed the stairs that she was an extremely fit woman for her age, and went up almost as easily as I. I followed her to the top of the stairway and her bedroom was the first on the landing. Entering the large double door into a huge bedroom with a king size bed against one wall, and mirrors all along the opposite, except for a dressing table built in the middle. It showed her vanity, as she must like looking at herself with so many mirrors, but other than that it wasn't a very feminine room. There was only one bottle of perfume on the dressing table that I could see. But the floor had a lovely deep pile carpet.

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Iron ManChapter 2 The Unbound Heart

Okay, so nobody wanted me to kill anybody. But for a minute there, I felt willing to. The doctor wanted no part of any promises from me. She didn't do what she did to get anything in return, she said. She did it because she could, and her daughter asked. Before I could apologize, she kissed my cheek, hugged her daughter, and then was gone. "Welcome to my world," Serenity McKesson said to me, as I stared at the spot where her mother had just been standing. "Wow," I gushed. "You say...

1 year ago
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Iron ManChapter 3 Flights and Fancies

The evening out at Kew Garden had been more fun than I'd allowed myself in a long time. Rebecka and the other girls from the office had gone out of their way to make sure I was always having fun — either with good conversation, food or yes, even dancing. The dancing was fun, if frustrating to a degree. There were no slow dances for Spider, and no sense of physical intimacy while dancing. I did feel a little of that while we were sitting though. One of he girls always seemed to have a hand...

3 years ago
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Pairon Ka Deewana Leg Fetish

Hello doston mera naam Nimku hai aur main Bihar ka rehne wala hun. Mere lund ka size hai 7-inch aur mujhe har umar ki aurtein pasand hai. Toh iss kahani ki heroine hai mere college mein mere sath same class mein padhne wali ladki jiska naam Khushi hai. Woh dikhne mein bilkul Shradha Kapoor hai. Figure 34-32-32 hai. Ekdum sexy aur sath mein chashme bhi pehenti hai. Matlab cute aur sexy ek sath. Toh humare college mein uniform hai shirt and pant. Toh jab Khushi aati uniform mein toh bilkul sexy...

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Whod want to cum in their pants

Who’d want to cum in their pants?! Well, as a wanker, girl-worshipper and compulsive masturbator, I don’t have a choice. Where’s it supposed to go? You can’t just whip it out and do it on the floor. Maybe some people don’t like being wet and messy in their underpants, but I love it. When a girl makes me cum in my pants it’s fulfilment – even if She doesn’t know, which for most of my life She hasn’t. So here’s the problem. A perv like me doesn’t get to choose when he sees what he needs to see,...

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Spontaneous ejaculation into underpants

Most commonly associated with ‘wet dreams’ – orgasm whilst asleep and dreaming presumably erotic dreams – spontaneous ejaculation is caused by factors other than physical stimulation, showing the power of the mind to induce orgasm ‘hands-free’ as it were. Scientific research shows that the erotic imagination plays a far more crucial role in physical arousal and orgasm than generally realised. Premature ejaculation is not the same thing, since this is early orgasm rather than ‘hands-free’. Both...

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Lindas Pants

Linda only week the weekends at this restaurant. So she only has one uniform. She wears them on both days, then washes them on Monday. She had these work pants for a long time about 2 years. There getting worn. I dare Linda when she gets ready for work, don’t put your panties on. She wears panties when she goes to work. She said only if I don’t wear boxers when I go to work. I told her deal.So I watched getting dressed. She left the panties off. She watched me, I left the boxers off. We went to...

4 years ago
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PANTS By Missy I finally worked up enough courage to approach her at the gym. I had seen her there often, and you could tell she was serious about keeping fit. Tall, about 5'10", she has short blonde hair, a well- proportioned body, and an absolutely beautiful face. Her eyes were a dark green, and she had a way of staring at you that made you flustered. After rehearsing my approach for weeks, I worked my way through the machines until I was standing...

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my introduction to plastic pants

well heres my first story . it is about how i got into wearing plastic pants . forgive me if this isnt writen very well for i am not a pro at this sort of thing well back in the mid 80's i was in my twenties and used to work at a place in vancouver british columbia called the garden spa . it was a mens gay bath house . believe me i have seen many different things come in and out of this place during my time working there but one stood out for me one night . after about four hours into my shift...

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Workout the Power of Yoga Pants

It was the typical, slow Friday evening at the gym. Brayden had just finished his cardio warm up and headed for the ab workout machines. What he didn't know was that today's workout would be entirely different than anything he had ever experienced. A workout that would include muscles he had not intended to workout.For a man in his late 30s, Brayden was in excellent health and fitness, and with a great job. Often he would hit the gym after work to relieve the stresses of the day and keep...

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My firts cum in plastic pants

I was 14 and due to circumstances I was still in bed. Pampers made a slow start, but the majority of people still used plastic pants with cotton diapers. Similarly my aunt where I stayed for a few weeks (due to problems at home). When I had to go to bed she put on plastic pants with a cotton diaper. At first I didn't like this but quickly got used to it. As I was discovering myself sexually, I was playing with my dick in the diaper. I came in there then. It wasn't really sperm yet, but it felt...

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Little Missy Pissy Pants

LITTLE MISSY PISSY PANTS By Tammie Anne Freeman Frank was 12 and knew better, but he just couldn't stop himself from teasing his little sister Karen. She had just wet her bed again, and he was laughing at her, calling her "Little Missy Pissy Pants". Karen hated that she still wet her bed; hated that her mother made her wear diapers every night; but mostly hated having her brother tease her relentlessly. "Stop calling me Little Missy Pissy Pants," Karen cried. "Well you are...

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Journey Without Pants

Myself Bhama Chouhan, I am divorced due to some circumstantial situations, I’m 30 and have a four-year-old child, but he lives with my parents and I live all alone. It’s not so that my parents don’t support me, but it’s me who want to stand on my own feet. I have a perfect figure of 34 by 32 by 34, I looked ravishingly beautiful and no one could resist fucking me. I am a white beauty and sun usually turns me red. I got puffy lips, tight boobs, broad waist, broad thighs and up straight bums. My...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 2 Candy Pants

September 1994 I avoided Kelly as much as possible, but I couldn’t avoid her completely. That was because her father worked at the bank, and the bank supported the team. That was the Matucket Cherokees, the Pee Wee football team. Mom had refused to let me join last year, but now that I was nine, she had relented and allowed me to join. The season started in August, and I spent most of my time on the bench, but playing football was cool. We had practice four nights a week after school, and...

1 year ago
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Girl in Yoga Pants

This story takes place shortly after I discovered the website “GirlsInYogaPants”. If you have not visited this site I urge you to do so. I was at my buddy’s house and shortly after viewing it, I had many girls I went to school with in mind but one for sure. The only problem was that it was my friends sister. Now let me describe her, she is about 5 foot 2 inches tall, brown hair that fell just past her shoulders, and she has the most gorgeous set of eyes, but it just doesn’t stop there. She’s...

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Yoga Pants

Reddit Yoga Pants, aka r/YogaPants! There is nothing more fap-worthy than girls in Yoga pants… and, of course, this mostly applies to ass men. I mean, if you prefer tits instead, there are plenty of subreddits that might offer that, but the r/YogaPants/ is obviously made for ass lovers! So, if you are a man of culture and you understand the beauty of women wearing tight yoga pants, welcome to a beautiful place filled with that type of content.The great thing about is the fact that...

Reddit NSFW List
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Jasmin Wears The Pants

This story is fictional. You know the drill: If you are underaged or don't like TG stories don't bother reading any further. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. Jasmin wears the pants by Greta I had just arrived in New York for a week long visit. After I checked in my Hotel I left in order to grab a bite. I walked the streets not really knowing where I...

2 years ago
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Irony By shalimar "Come in. It's open!" I said when I heard the doorbell. My ex-wife entered and walked over to where I was sitting on the couch. My feet were up on the couch and I was just sitting there, bleary eyes. "Hi, Roberta, thanks for coming." "You've been crying, Alice," she said as she sat by me. "What's going on?" "This is weird. John wants to be a woman." "Oh, shit." "Yes, he told me he is going to the doctor I use, Wednesday, and will start to...

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Billy My Pants

By Jimmy (t/t auth rape anal spank) =========================================================================== His name was Billy Ross, but I thought of him as Bully Ross. I had learned to hate him years before. I guess he started picking on me the first time he ever saw me. I had learned to avoid him as much as I could. No matter how much I tried to steer clear of him, he always seemed to pop up. I was at the creek once, fishing. Billy appeared out of nowhere and threw me...

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Those Torn Pants

“I always imagine her face in orgasm,” I said to my good old friend at the bar of our favorite Irish pub “while I jerk off! I wonder if that’s what they call love!” “Love?! Not so fast,” responded my friend mockingly, “my favorite porn is seeing faces of women in real orgasm! Oh, that makes me explode every time!” “That’s different, Scott!” I protested “you see many faces in a quick sequence and that doesn’t mean anything to me, well, not always!” I leaned forward and stressed, “as I said, I...

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Melody and The Mall and the dildo pants

“I'm so glad you've come along to see what we have here in our city. We're very proud of it, its extremely innovative and very, very popular. I'll tell you about the concept and then show you around. The concept came from a group of us who have been in the sexual services industry for many years, we were looking for a way to tap into spare capacity in the market, and, of course, make ourselves a lot of money! We hit on the idea of quickie sex for men, without any problems of them having to...

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Hummiliation Part 2 Wetting her pants

It was the day of the match, I knew the boys are coming over to watch the final – I knew I wanted to make it a special day for myself, the boys and in particularly for my gorgeous slave from opposite my shop. She said herself, that she likes a little humiliation and therefore I was having plans to give her exactly that.At lunch time I texted her: “get a pair of white lycra yoga pants and a short tight fitted top! I meet you at Apt. 47, South Terrace, Dublin 2 – 7.30pm SHARP!Shortly as I send...

1 year ago
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Tight Spandex Pants

My name is Tom. I am 45 years old. It was a beautiful Spring morning. I was outside doing yard work when I see this delectable figure jog past. The woman was curvy and looked to be in her mid-thirties. She was wearing a black tank top and black spandex pants. Her blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail. I watched this beauty move out of sight, I was entranced by the sight of her ass bouncing in those tight pants. A few days later I was washing my car in the driveway when this same woman jogs...

Wife Lovers
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Bell Bottom Pants

The first time I tasted “man cum”Story Synopsis: My babysitter teaches me “the game”. My first taste of a man’s cock was when I was only 18. But I didn’t know how people felt about it at the time. My father had died, when I was seven and my Mother was working as a waitress, at night. The baby sitter, who took care of me, couldn’t come, so my Mother’s friend came over. Up until then, it had always been a woman babysitter. He was a Navy man, named Jim and showed up in his Navy uniform. He was...

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[EAGERTO] As a strapping young lad my first job was delivering grocery orders to householders in the neighbouring district. I rode a bike with a huge basket on the front, and an equally huge erection in my shorts. It was a marvellous job – I was young and strong and very virginal, with a cock that was always pointing up, always ready, but untouched by human hand, other than my own! And i was constantly jerking off — even the sight of a woman’s pants on the clothes line was enough to make me...

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[EAGERTO] As a strapping young lad my first job was delivering grocery orders to householders in the neighbouring district. I rode a bike with a huge basket on the front, and an equally huge erection in my shorts. It was a marvellous job - I was young and strong and very virginal, with a cock that was always pointing up, always ready, but untouched by human hand, other than my own! And i was constantly jerking off -- even the sight of a woman's pants on the clothes line was enough to make me...

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The Power Of Yoga Pants

I sat there staring. I knew it was impolite to stare but I just couldn’t help it. That was the most amazing ass I had ever seen and it was right in front of me. Of course, it didn’t make it any better that the ass was in the tightest pair of yoga pants and it belonged to my stepmom. I met my stepmom when I was seven after my natural mother tragically passed away. In many ways, she was just like I remembered my mom. She had the same obsession with youth, trying to fight off wrinkles and keep her...

1 year ago
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Girls In Yoga Pants

Reddit Girls In Yoga Pants, aka r/GirlsInYogaPants/! The good thing about all subreddits is the fact that the name already tells you what you can expect. For example, the subreddit I will talk about now is called r/GirlsInYogaPants, and I am pretty sure you know what the fuck they have to offer. Of course, Reddit is not a porn site, so if you were hoping for some shit like that, you might as well check out a different website.Lucky for you, I have all kinds of porn websites listed on The Porn...

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