Seducing a telephone repairman
- 1 year ago
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One of the perks one gets as a result of writing erotic stories is the feedback, some of which is quite interesting. One such feedback message to one of my stories led to a fantastic adventure, one that I'm itching to tell while it's still fresh in my mind. At this very moment, I'm returning from a business trip to Denver, which turned out to be very professionally and sexually satisfying (a business trip?), and am busily typing the story into my trusty laptop.
The feedback message in question was simple and innocent enough, but WOW, did it lead to something special! The message merely stated that the reader really liked one of my stories, especially the descriptive sex. She went on to say that it really turned her on and asked for more of the same, and it was signed 'frustrated_wife.'
While the message itself was innocent, and typical of many others, the signature caught my attention. She included her email address, so I fired back a thank you message and casually asked if she was truly frustrated or if she had just used the name to attract attention.
She quickly responded with a lengthy message telling me that she really was frustrated, mainly because her husband of 38 years had been impotent and not at all interested in her sexually for the past several years. She went on to explain that the only sexual gratification that she had been getting had been with her fingers and toys. She further explained that she had never had sex with any man other than her husband, but was seriously considering having an affair at the ripe old age (as she put it) of 58.
I liked the idea of exchanging sexually explicit thoughts with a woman, even a wrinkled, flabby (as I pictured her in my mind) 58 year old. I should have such nerve to picture her as wrinkly, as I'm 62, and have no noticeable wrinkles. The major indicators of my advanced age are the almost totally gray hair and beard, and the slightly receding hairline (at least I still have most of my hair).
I wrote back, giving her some inane advice and revealing to her that I, too, was sexually frustrated. Thus, having a common problem, we began an almost daily email exchange, and occasionally, when our schedules permitted, we would chat. During these exchanges we revealed many personal things about one another, especially our sex lives. She also revealed her given name, but for the purposes of this story, I'll call her Irma. She and her husband lived in Denver, which meant that the chances of us meeting face-to-face were very slim, indeed.
During our exchanges, one of the things that she disclosed was that her husband has consistently refused to get a medical check-up to find out if his problem was correctable. She went on to tell me that he was as stubborn as a mule and insisted that his problem was due to old age, and there wasn't a thing that anybody could do about it, but he wouldn't go to see a doctor to find out for sure. Therefore, she rationalized that she shouldn't feel guilty about seeking an affair.
Even though I'm somewhat of a moralist, I felt that she was justified, and I agreed with her position. We continued to enjoy each other's explicit emails for several months. During this time she hadn't yet acted on her threat of having an affair, one of the reasons being that she didn't have any hot candidates, another was that she wasn't a bar person, and the thoughts of picking up strange men frightened her. Besides that, she repeatedly told me that she was getting 'a lot of kicks' out of our explicit exchanges. She seemed to really enjoy my messages where I'd tell her just what I'd do to her if I were her chosen lover. She, of course, would tell me just how she'd respond, which served to arouse me, as well. However, my arousal was tempered by the fact that I pictured her as a wrinkly, flabby elderly lady, not at all attractive.
Things were going merrily along with Irma and I until something highly unlikely and coincidental occurred. My manager at work handed me a new assignment, which both excited and frightened me at the same time.
As part of my job as an engineer, I'm required to travel on occasion (very rare occasions in recent years) in order to resolve technical problems with vendors whose parts we use in our product. My manager informed me that my expertise was required in Denver (of all places) for 2 or 3 days to help resolve a problem with one such vendor. This request came about a little less than a month after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and I tried to talk my way out of the trip, as I'm a white-knuckle flyer under normal circumstances. After two days of fighting a losing battle with management, I reluctantly agreed to go. If the truth be known, I didn't fight especially hard, the prospect of meeting Irma was in the back of my mind. Even though I had pictured her as unattractive, we had become friends and confidants and I was anxious to meet her.
Before I left work that day, which was a Friday, our secretary finalized my itinerary, which included rental car and hotel reservations, and purchased a seat for me on a plane to Denver early the following Monday morning.
Several thoughts were reeling through my feeble brain, instead of thinking about the potential danger of flying, I was excitedly thinking of Irma, 'should I tell her that I'm going to be in Denver? If I do, I'll probably get myself into trouble and fuck her silly (not all bad!). Yeah, but the guilt of cheating on my wife, would it be worth it? Damn! What should I do? I haven't had any strange pussy in over 18 years, I need some variety in my life, right?' Try as I might, I couldn't justify cheating on my wife.
Before I go any further, I need to supply a little background information on my marriage. My wife and I met at a hotel lounge almost 19 years ago (both of us were divorced at the time). I was so smitten with her at that first meeting that I pursued her with a vigor that was very untypical of me, and I haven't touched another woman since. We've had a volatile marriage, but I love her dearly, and in recent years our sex life has soured (not an uncommon problem), and she has resisted many of my suggestions to spice it up, which serves to explain my sexual frustration.
I finally decided that I'd let Irma know that I was coming, but wouldn't commit to anything beyond a meeting, assuming that she'd be interested. I sent her an email, telling her that I had some potentially exciting news and that we needed to chat. I checked for the chat request periodically until it finally arrived. I informed her of my upcoming business trip, and told her that if she wanted, we could meet for a drink and conversation.
I didn't know how she would react, after all, it's one thing to talk big when the prospects of meeting are nil, but how would she feel when the opportunity arises to actually meet? I guess that I put her in the classic situation where she had to 'put up or shut up.'
It turned out that she was very excited at the prospect of our meeting, and we chatted for a short while.
Irma> "I'm so excited and so wet, just thinking about you. You are going to help me relieve my frustrations by doing all the things you've been saying, aren't you?"
She was ready to 'put up, ' but was I? I decided to respond positively, even though I was still reasonably sure that I wouldn't cheat on my wife.
Charley> "You bet your sweet ass I am."
Irma> "Good, I'll be wet until you get here, just thinking about it. I'm so, so excited that I think I'll Jill-off right now, what do you think?"
Charley> "You Jill and I'll Jack... lol."
After receiving an 'LMAO' response and a little more bantering, we signed off, but before we did, we made arrangements to meet at my hotel lounge at 7:00 Monday evening. She told me that she'd wear a short, black skirt and a bright red sweater (she had previously told me that she was medium height, thin and had below-the-shoulder length reddish-brown, curly hair). I had given her a general description of myself, also. We had previously agreed not to exchange pictures, besides, I had no decent pictures of myself to send.
After agreeing to meet, I was both excited and nervous. I was excited because I looked at it as a chance to meet (and probably fuck) a woman that I had gotten to know and like, and nervous because I was afraid of what it might do to my conscious, and my relationship with my wife. I've ogled and fantasized about other women over the years, but have never even thought seriously about taking any action. In fact, I've deliberately avoided situations where I'd get into lengthy conversations with attractive women, mainly to avoid the temptation to do more than just talk.
My sex life with my wife was an on-again, off-again affair, and currently it was off-again. The more I thought about it, the more I began to rationalize fucking Irma. 'After all, she's 58, probably not very attractive and I'd be doing her a favor, relieving some of her frustrations. Sure, it would be a humanitarian act on my part, right? Then again, I'd probably get turned off upon seeing her in her wrinkled, flabby state. I'll put off making a decision until I see her, yeah, that's what I'll do.' Procrastination may be my middle name.
I arrived in Denver on schedule, picked up my rental car, got myself checked into the hotel and caught a bite to eat before venturing to the vendor's facility for a short kick-off meeting that afternoon.
The short kick-off meeting lasted the better part of four hours, after which I made it back to the hotel, showered and changed into some casual clothes in preparation for my first meeting with Irma. At 7:00 sharp, I made my way down to the lounge.
I entered the dimly lit bistro and began to search for my friend Irma. I was looking for an elderly brunette in a black skirt and red blouse. I scanned the room and found no one matching that description. There were only two women in the lounge, a very young business traveler (judging from her navy blue business suit) who was surrounded by three men at a nearby table, and an attractive brunette at the far end of the bar. The brunette was being entertained by an obviously drunk man in a gray business suit, who it appeared was trying his best to put a move on her, as he was draped all over her. I couldn't see her skirt, and she did have a red sweater, but her pretty, youthful face (no wrinkles that I could see) convinced me that she couldn't be Irma.
I concluded that Irma hadn't arrived as yet, took a seat at the bar, ordered a beer, and continued to watch the show the brunette and her obviously drunken suitor were putting on at the other end of the bar. As I watched, she appeared to be fighting him off, and the more she fought him off, the more aggressive and belligerent he became. Just as I was prepared to go to her rescue, she looked up at me and we made eye contact. She looked me over for a few seconds, and I watched as her eyes lit up. She broke out into a broad smile and loudly shouted, "CHARLEY!"
With a surge, she jumped out of her seat, almost knocking her suitor off his stool, and headed towards me. I couldn't believe my eyes, and my good fortune. She had a beautiful head of curly, reddish-brown hair, which framed a very pretty, but mature, face, accented by luscious red lips and big brown eyes. I caught just a glimpse of her slim, shapely legs protruding from her black mini skirt, as she rushed over to me.
She had a smile a mile wide on her face, I rose off my seat and she threw her arms around my neck and kissed me affectionately on the lips. As she pulled back from the kiss, she said, "you are Charley, aren't you?" Then she whispered, "even if you're not, save me from this drunken lecher, please," she pleaded.
"Yes I'm Charley, Irma, I presume?" I replied with a broad smile on my face.
"Oh, yes! Damn, Charley, you're something else! You told me that you weren't attractive, but let me tell you something my friend, you're my knight in shining armor, WOW!"
I was flattered by her comments, but I too, was overwhelmed with the way she looked, and I told her so, "I know that this is going to sound like I'm trying to even-up the compliments, but you're so much more beautiful, and youthful looking than I had pictured."
She beamed and we hugged one another, as my mind worked overtime, 'now what do I do? Irma, while not a classic beauty, was surprisingly attractive, much more so than I had imagined. Her flattery made me feel desirable, sexy even. How am I going to resist my primal urges to fuck her silly? It's obviously what she wants.' My cock had sprung to attention and my heartbeat quickened, I was the male of the species reacting to the bitch in heat, and I quickly surmised that there was no way that I could resist this lovely creature in my arms.
Given that I had made up my mind to fuck her silly, I felt the need to find a way to rationalize cheating on my wife. 'Tomorrow's problem, ' I thought to myself. The procrastinator's motto seemed appropriate, 'why decide today what I can put off until tomorrow?'
I paid for my beer, and as we turned to walk out of the lounge, the drunk who had been groping her when I arrived had gotten up and approached, unnoticed by either of us. He grabbed Irma's arm and tried to swing her around.
"Eeeeeeek," she screamed as he yanked her toward him.
"Wheresh do you thinksh you're goin, honey. I ain't done withsh you yetsh," he slurred, obviously having imbibed a couple of martini's too many.
I acted quickly and instinctively, stepped up to him, and hit him in the Adam's apple with a short, quick backhand chop. He let go of Irma and dropped to his knees, holding his throat and gasping for air. I took Irma by the hand, and we exited the lounge before anyone could react to what had happened. I didn't hit him hard enough to cause any permanent damage, but the blow was effective, nonetheless.
We hopped on the elevator and headed up to my room. "You need to be careful whom you lead on," I told her, half jokingly.
She had recovered from her initial shock and responded, "I see that, I guess I have a lot to learn about picking up men, don't I?"
"Were you trying to pick him up?"
"No, not really, I was just practicing my flirting. You know, just in case you didn't show up," she chuckled, then turned serious, "You didn't kill him, did you?"
I chuckled myself, "no, just stunned him a little, he'll be all right."
We reached the room, entered and I locked the door behind us. I gently pulled Irma to me and began kissing her passionately, I just couldn't hold back; I had to have her. She responded with an urgency of her own, opening her mouth and feverishly probing mine with her tongue.
I broke the kiss, and half whispered into her ear, "you know, beautiful, for the next few hours you belong to me, and only me. I'm going to take you and possess you like you've never been taken or possessed before." I took her head between my hands, lifted it and kissed her passionately once again.
After a few minutes, she broke the kiss and whispered, "God, Charley, I need you, I want you so bad, do me now please, fuck me silly."
'What a wonderful choice of words, 'fuck me silly', ' I thought as I quickly and clumsily pulled her sweater over her head and removed it, and unclipped her bra and tossed it aside. She followed suit and removed my shirt, leaving her bare, b-cup sized, breasts with hardened nipples pressing into my lower chest, turning me on even more.
I reached up between us with my left hand and began massaging her right breast, and she responded by increasing the intensity of her kisses. I worked my way up to her nipple and tweaked it between my thumb and forefinger, resulting in a moan, so I tweaked it some more, and she moaned even louder, as she began dry humping my upper thigh. 'Boy! Is she hot! And am I hot! Damn! I can't remember the last time that I was this hot-to-trot.'
I couldn't stand it any longer, I had to fuck her, and fuck her good. With a feverish sense of urgency, I undid her skirt, dropped to my knees and pulled her lacy black panties down to her ankles. I stared in awe at her moderately bushed and obviously juicy pussy as she stepped out of her panties and skirt. In my advanced state of arousal, her pussy looked as good as any I had ever seen, definitely edible, my mouth drooled.
I stood up and began to unbuckle my pants, but Irma reached over and took over, as she finished unbuckling my belt, my top button and undid my zipper. She pulled my pants to the floor, and took hold of my briefs, and without any fanfare, yanked them to my ankles. My cock sprang out, just as hard and proud as it had ever been. "ooh, my, it's so hard and straight, so luscious. I haven't seen a hard one like that in a long time," she said. "Can I have a taste? You know, I was serious when I told you that I've never sucked a cock. This is going to be my first, I've never wanted to do it before, but I really, really want to now."
She had told me that in one of our on-line conversations. "I know, take it baby, suck it good."
She practically gulped it down her throat, and gagged a bit as she took as much as she could. Her inexperience showed, but so did her determination, as she began to move her head over and back, but in an amateurish way. It felt good, but I decided to take control.
"Let me do the work," I told her as I took two fists full of hair on both sides of her head and began to face fuck her. "Open that throat as wide as you can, and relax."
I went easy at first, until she relaxed enough to enable me to bury my entire length into her throat, as she was able to suppress her gag reflex. I increased the frequency and intensity of my thrusts, as she moaned in a low, muffled tone, "Mmmpf, mmmpf, mmmpf..." I was amazed, from the glazed, hungry look in her eyes, she appeared to be enjoying the face fucking experience almost as much as I was. 'She'll eventually make a great cock sucker for some lucky guy, ' I thought, as I continued to enjoy the feel of her moist mouth and throat on my throbbing cock.
When I'd had enough of the face fucking, I pushed her head back, pulled my cock out of her throat, and pulled her to her feet. We proceeded over to the bed where I laid her back, he ass on the edge. I positioned myself between her spread legs, took hold of my cock and began rubbing it up and down her wet slit.
"Oooh, that feels so good, it's been so long. Please fuck me!" she begged, "I need to feel you inside me so, so bad."
I plunged it into her cunt with one forceful thrust, lifted her legs up onto my shoulders and began to fuck her with as much intensity as I could muster, no gentle love-making there.
"Uuugh," I grunted with each thrust.
"Oooh," she responded.
We continued until I began to tire. Neither of us had had an orgasm to that point, but I could tell that she was getting close. I stopped the thrusting, held my cock as deep into her cunt as I could and rotated my hips several times, as a change of pace to give my weary leg and ass muscles a rest.
After a minute or two, I began thrusting again.
After about 5 or 10 minutes (who was keeping time?), I pulled out, much to her chagrin, flipped her over to where she was bent over at the waist, feet on the floor with her hands on the edge of the bed. I plunged into her from the rear and began the thrusting again.
As soon as I began to feel her pussy muscles tighten on my cock, I pulled out completely. "No! Goddamnit, no, not now! Keep fucking me!" she pleadingly protested.
I ignored her, stuck my finger into her sopping wet pussy and began to use her juices to lube her puckered little rosebud of an ass hole. She moaned in delight, and I did it again. This time I plunged my finger into her bung hole and she yelped, "oooh yes, fuck yesss, finger fuck my ass!"
With my finger still in her ass, I positioned my cock at her pussy hole and plunged it in once again. My pubic bone pushed on the back of my hand and I soon got a rhythm going with my finger in her ass and my cock in her pussy, as I fucked both holes at the same time.
It didn't take long for her to begin to tighten up her pussy muscles again, and her ass, as well. I increased my intensity in anticipation of her orgasm. She began shaking, grunting and screaming, seemingly all at the same time, as she came with a big bang. Her legs began to buckle and I had to remove my finger from her ass and use both hands to hold her up while I continued to fuck away. It was only a minute or two later when I felt the swells of my own orgasm beginning, which prompted me to thrust even harder, if that was possible.
I came with an intensity that I hadn't experienced in many a year, if ever. I certainly couldn't remember the last time. I bucked and thrust until I emptied my seed into her milking cunt. Completely spent, I pulled out with a slurp, turned her around and laid her back on the bed.
I positioned myself between her legs, but far down on the bed. She had a puzzled look on her face, wondering what my intentions were, she soon found out, much to her delight. I lay with my chest on the mattress between her legs and my feet dangling off the end of the bed. I placed her thighs onto my shoulders and began to lick her pussy lips. I experienced the unique flavor of her pussy juices combined with my cum, for the first time, and it tasted surprisingly good!
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EroticThe Chairman by Princess Pervette "Hi, Hon! I'm home!" They kiss. "Hi, darling! How was work?" "Not too bad. Nothing special to talk about. How was your day?" "Oh, I went shopping.... And I bought some things for you." "Er...around here, or...?" "Oh, I went in the City. Nobody knew me there. And I got you a bra and panties, the prettiest things, almost the same as the ones you showed me in the Vicky's catalog. And a couple of pairs of thigh-highs and some...
I am twenty years old and go to college in the mid west. I was dating this girl, same age as I, nice looking. We had gone out for several months, I have met her parents and all but had not had sex with her. Her f****y invited to go on a trip with them to the beach for a four day weekend. We arrived, I shared a room with her younger b*****r, her mom and dad had a room and she shared a room with her s****r. We had gone out to eat and all went down to the hot tub for a while and have some drinks....
Author note: This story has been revised just slightly in preparation for the second (and concluding part). Thanks to all who read the first version and gave such positive feedback. I have tried to take up some of the suggestions made in that feedback in part two. Sorry it has taken so long. Love Cleo Xxx Girlfriend's Gambit, Part 1: I. Sian. Suzi opened the door with a smile. She was dressed casually in tight jeans cut low across her waist and a pretty black crop-top,...
Girlfriend's Gambit, Part II: Sian's Revenge I. Home At home there were two messages waiting. I had managed to get home without further incident, and also managed to get into my shared flat without being seen. All my roommates were out at class. I was looking forward to getting out of these clothes, making myself look male again. At least, that's what I told myself. The excitement at being out dressed as a girl had been intensely erotic and I'd been hard in the bikini bottoms all...
My girlfriend decided to fly from Bangalore on my birthday night. It was pre-decided that we will stay in my apartment and fuck each other as my birthday gift. But it turned out to be the best sex experience. We had an amazing threesome and a sex tape recorded by my girlfriend’s hot friend. I have a black tinted Honda Civic car, which I drove down towards the Mumbai airport in the evening. Vania, my girlfriend’s flight landed on the eve of my birthday about 7. She was coming to Mumbai for the...
Vol II: My Oily Anal Duty. Now every weekend I stay at Parvathy aunty’s home. I call her Paaru now. We were almost living like a newly married, humping each other at every occasion possible, I have fucked, her daughter Deepa many times, but the pleasure I get while making love, cumming in her was something I cannot express. Paaru was a goddess, her beauty was something out of this world. Today was Friday evening, and I was, longing to see my girlfriend’s beautiful mom. She was complaining the...
IncestHello amar nam Amar bakhsi.Aamar boyosh 33 ami ekta private comapany te chakri kari General manager er poste. Aamar stri Shila boyosh 24 bochhor, Forsa rang bodbodo chokh duto, mukhe sab samai hasi,height 5’8″, Bhison sundari aar sexy ekebare nikhut body. Rasta diye jakhan hate takhan loke ghure ghure takai tar jouvane bhara shorirer dike.Amader Company r chairman Mr. Khanna age prayee 55 er kachha kachhi, Khub sunder atheletic body, byayam kore khub bhalo swastho aar lamba choura figure ek...
The sun shine throw your window waking you you get up you remember you need to get to you best friend house before school but you have 2 friends and they live in different area's you can only go to one.
BisexualI've never been with a guy.I'm a regular college student with a healthy sexual relationship with females. I was invited out by my best friend (Aaron), his girlfriend (Sarah), and her girlfriends on a Saturday night which is nothing out of the norm. We all out went out to popular spot in the city and got pretty wasted. Aaron was pretty drunk but wanted to make sure that Sarah got home safely. Sarah asked me if they could stay at my place as they had done on previous occasions. Sarah and Aaron...
Jack and I were hanging out at my house one day in the summer. We went outside to find something to do so we went into my barn to work on my four wheeler. We started to work on it and got all greasy and dirty. We started talking about my girlfriend Kaylin and he asked if she knew I fucked men. I told him she didn't know. He then asked about my other men I have fucked and asked about mine and Kaylin's sexual relationship. I told him about the other men. I then told him that me and Kaylin fuck...
Hello friends, My name is Aarav Dixit and I am a resident of Mumbai city, aged 25 and this is a very recent true incident that has probably, made me lose the best friend any person could ever have and possibly, made me loose her forever. Noopur & I have been friends for 9 years and our friendship was truly deep & pure. We never eyed each other in a lusty way and kept the line between friendship & sex, clear and distinct. However, Noopur is a very appealing girl to notice with long straight hair...
He seemed to tremble slightly as I approached his naked body from behind. I guess it could have been nervousness, anticipation or a draft in the hotel room we shared. I had already fingered his ass with lubrication and had stopped to apply the shiny lube to my erection, which stood in front of me as I approached. We both were ready and I held my gleaming dick by its base.Now I know it sounds like I'm describing a typical homosexual experience. But I'm not - at least not for us.My name is Mike....
I love my boyfriends. I love to fuck. I love to fuck my boyfriends. Some days I fuck one boyfriend. Other days I fuck two, three or sometimes all four of them. They are not jealous because they sometimes know each other and they know I like all of them the same. And they know that if they get jealous they cannot be my boyfriend any more. I am 21 now and have been fucking since I was 18. I agreed with my mom and our doctor that I should not have babies so they fixed me so I won’t get pregnant....
When he knocked on the door, she was ready for him. She had given birth just over a month before, and was ready for some hot fucking. Her big milk filled tits were needing a good sucking and she knew the computer repair stud couldn't resist her hot to fuck, slut charms. She had carefully piled her long bleached blonde hair up on top of her head so that her long, graceful and very inviting neck showed. The slut had put on a tiny black string bikini that was way too small...
He turned as he heard her casually mention to her friend that her husband would be away again this weekend starting tonight. He saw her beautiful smile and golden blond hair and knew she would be the one. He cautiously followed her along her path that day at the mall; spending several hours noting her tastes (Victoria Secret, Eddie Bauer, Rave?). He pulled his van out onto the highway just 2 cars behind hers as she left for her home at 4 Pm that Friday. Her home was in the suburban outskirts of...
Text messages: GF: "Hey, where you going to be at 7 2nite?" Me: "I'm off early tonight. Prolly at the gym or home. Y? U ok?" GF: "I need you at your computer at 7pm xctly: Me: "Umm, ok. What's up?" GF: "surprise" Me: "K" GF: "7pm!" Me: "Ok!" 6:55pm that night: I pick up my phone on the third ring. Seeing that the caller is my girlfriend I answer, "Hey, what's up?" "I have a surprise for you, honey." "Um, ok." "Turn on your computer. I want to video chat...
Hello, friends thanks for all your lovely response it is really heart touching, you can reach me out at for all are welcome for discussion I would like to thank indian sex stories dot net for their support. That night with Kalpana changed my life completely I totally fell in love with her with all warm affection we kissed all most for hours that night exchanging our salivas and feeling the true warmth of each other, while my cock is resting and relaxing in her ass.The best part is switched off...
IncestI was getting ready for bed missing my boyfriend. He was away seeing as how he is a truck driver for a living. His father was going be staying at my home into his home was fixed up. So as I was getting ready for bed I started to think of all the times my boyfriend and I had fucked in our bed. Doggy style and everything. This made me very horny. I ignored it and got into bed in my long oversized t-shirt . Laying in bed bored and unable to sleep I could hear someone walking around outside my...
Group Sexshe has the most amazing ass...I just want to reach out and put my hand between her cheeks so I approach her we're at a club and I start dancing with her and she starts grabbing me and I tell her that we both like her and that we want her and she comes with us and we fuck her - first you go down on her you show me how and then I do it and she comes and when she comes, she's a squirter...and that gets you so horny that you're hard right away and she starts going down on you and...
As i play with her hole her hand leaves my pussy and rubs all my pussy juice over her hole and then back to my pussy to work her magic. I continue to play with her hole which is now very wet from my juice that she put there so my finger could slide in eagerly she is now on all fores but with one hand still working my pussy this gives me an idea. I unlock our tongues and remove her hand from my pussy and get behind her, as my tongue starts on her ass hole i can taste my own juices all over...
---- I think I will get a drink Ralph... ---- Ok... see ya when ya get back. [Ralph laughs..., right... Elsie.] Elsie approaches the bar-keep. ---- Hello. ---- Hello he answers..., enjoying the party Elsie. ---- YES! .... How did you know my name, she asks... Mackay winks at her; I like to know the names of my good looking customers... Elsie laughs; --- Good looking eh! ... I am seventy young man... you should respect your elders. --- Oh I do, believe me... You just do...
Once upon a time there was a cute goth girl who believed in vampyres. A lot of her friends believed in vampyres, or at least liked to dress up like vampyres, but this girl BELIEVED in them. The way little kids BELIEVE in Santa. And she knew, deep in the cockles of her cold broken heart, that someday a vampyre would come for her, when she was at her most eternally beautiful, and seal her away from time forever, to elevate her to the caste that feeds on her mere mortal peers. In time she would...
This is a true story Shizz and I have been best friends for 11 years. We’ve been through everything together. We’ve gone from friends, friends with benefits, dating, lovers, relationship, back to friends with benefits. That’s where it pretty much stopped. I don’t think we can ever go back to just being friends. Probably because he’s still in love with me and I’m still in love with him. I’m looking forward to seeing him this Christmas. I am so excited. I haven’t seen him since he moved to North...
My ex-girlfriend, Lisa, and I had been on and off again sexually for the past 5 years. Neither were ready to commit to a serious relationship, but we had never been so open sexually with another person before. And we always returned to each other. I got a call one evening from her equity she just broke up with her current boyfriend and wanted to meet up. Eagerly, I did, not knowing what would be in store.When she arrived, we kissed and relaxed and let things happen naturally. Before too long we...
"What a neat little doll, Ashley!", Corrina exclaimed."Where'd you pick it up?" Corrina turned the odd little dollaround into the light to get a better look at it.Ruffling a page in her magazine, Ashley snuffled. "Oh, **that**old thing? I picked it up in Rhodes, on vacation with myfolks. Its older than dinosaur shit, I've been told"."Lemme see it", requested Zenobia, reaching out her hand forthe little statuette. Corrina passed it to her. "It doeslook kinda old", she commented. Ashley's little...
My wife made a new friend, her name was * and she was a curvaceous dark haired beauty, usually I don’t have much time for her friends, but for * I always made an exception and would find myself staring at her body and fantasing about her, as we both had families I thought that is as far as it would go…On this occasion she was staying over for the night as my wife and her were having a few drinks, she had never stayed over before and I noticed we exchanged a few glances throughout the evening,...
bob was coming by later tonight, as usual our plan was to get buzzed and play video games all night (well not all night, sexual frustration combined with inabition blocking d**gs had led to masturbation with unspokeen bounderies like: under the cover, no touching and absolutely dont get your stuff on me. while I waited I flopped on the couch, lit up a bowl and noticed a dvd on the table. thinking out loud i said "huh, bob must have left this when he dropped off this smoke earlier today". I...
(Part 3). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual - Part 2), that event happened on a Saturday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the early morning hours on Sunday. This part of my experience was the closest I've ever come to being caught in the act. My best friend Jerry and I had the hottest sex I've experienced with another guy, just hours prior. Both of us fell asleep in a spoon position on his bed. I was facing forward...
(Part 2). My story. For those who read my previous true story (titled: How I became bisexual), that event happened on a Friday. This part of my bisexual experience is what transpired during the rest of the weekend and it remains to this very day, probably the single most sexually life changing event in my life. It's now Saturday, in the early morning hours. My best guess, it's about 6 am. The sun has not yet come up but it's close. As I start to get up, I realize that I smell like baby oil and...
How I became a bisexual guy. My story. It started when I was young. Like most teens growing up, my hormones were in a rage. Often, when it got to the boiling point, I found a restroom and took care of my erection. I masturbated several times a week. It was during those moments of masturbating, sometimes I found that no matter how long I pumped away, I was no closer to cumming than when I first started. I had no problem fantasizing about girls or the things that I could not wait to try. Up to...
I Love Being Felt Up In PublicHow School Friends Initiated Me in Getting 'Shared'....... Myboobs were too big for my age ...They always attracted attention from others --It was so right from my school days.....I enjoyed guys and gals, staring at them....Loved when someone crushed them in crowd......Or touched them deliberately........When touched, I wanted the guy or gal to press them nicely to send shivers of pleasure in my whole body, and that happened most of the times........... ...
Hi, Indian sex stories dot net viewers, this is Sanjay from Bangalore you can reach me at I would like to thank Indian sex stories for giving a good platform to share our experiences and sex story. We should accept that truth of feeling of love has no barriers but the feeling of sexual pleasure can break all the barriers, yes it’s true the story which I’m going to narrate to you will break those barriers. This is a true sex story which happened back almost 14 years ago. While I was doing my...
IncestHi. My name is Kanth. I’m a regular sex story reader. This is my first sex story so forgive me for any minor mistakes.About me, I’m 18 years old with a fit and athletic body. I’m from Malaysia and I’m not an always-talk-to-girls type. For any feedback or safe sex just contact me via During my school days, I had a love crush on a girl named Tharshini. She was very beautiful like the actress Anandhi Ramya. She has the right sized butt that makes guys go crazy and those boobs are just so amazing....
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
I stood in the nightclub listening to the same old repetitive music. The lights shining down on the Dancefloor. I was buzzing after the amount I'd had to drink and on the prowl for the right girl. I knew one girl was coming but she off limits to me because of being my best mates ex girlfriend, but the way I was feeling I didn't care and thought I'd have a go anyway. A few girls made there interest known but I just ignored them and carried on leaning against the side of the bar looking for the...
I have always dreamed of fucking my mom and her mom ,my nephews mother I want to fuck her two. For years they have filled my spank bank and made me shoot gallons of cum, unfortunately not inside eather one.My best friend from c***dhood, well his mother is no different as far as my cock is concerned. And to fuck her is not as good as sex with my own mother, but it is the next best thing. Especially the way I fucked her. I mean the way we fucked her. Well I guess I mean the way me and my best...