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A helicopter is not a good place to think. The darn things are just an engine with a giant propeller and the lightest framework possible holding it all together. Even the expensive military ones that are supposed to be stealthy are louder than first-row-center seats at a speed-metal concert. Conversation is possible only if you have on a helmet with a headset, and those are reserved for the crew. Passengers are left to pass notes and make hand-signals in order to communicate.

And so I was puzzled at the way Neeka and Leonora were cheerfully chatting away just a few feet from me. I couldn't hear a single word over the roar of the jet engine behind my head, and my hearing is considerably better than most people's. My eyesight is considerably better too, so I wasn't having any trouble at all seeing Leonora's smile and the way her gray eyes seemed so fascinated with Neeka's mouth.

Duh. She was lip-reading! Of course. She could probably do that trick in several languages. She'd certainly had enough time to practice. And the other part, making herself heard over the roar of the engine, was almost certainly her Voice – something I'd heard her use to excellent effect before. Its attention-riveting, compelling quality would make Marine Corps Drill Instructors envious.

OK, mystery solved. I knew how they were getting on so famously, but I still didn't know what they were talking about – but I just knew it was about me.

"Get a grip, girl," I told myself. "So what if they are talking about you? What have you possibly got to hide from either of those two? Aren't we being just the teensiest bit paranoid? And are we now talking to ourselves? Surely that's the first sign of insanity? Or would that be referring to yourself in the plural?"

I needed some air. Just a short stroll to help me get my head back on straight. I eyed the sliding door – or was it called a hatch? It didn't matter. Stepping out of an aircraft in flight would hardly qualify for the list of Smartest Things I'd Ever Done. Even if I could hold on, I probably wouldn't be able to get my feet down onto the skid. I'd finish the trip waving alongside the helicopter like a flag. I knew they sometimes flew these machines with the doors open so they could shoot out of them, so the wind couldn't be that bad. Still, finding out I was wrong would be a tad embarrassing, if not terminal. I decided that the whole proposition of riding on the outside of an aircraft should be filed under Dumb Ideas and left there.

Having disposed of that momentary distraction, I looked about for something else to occupy my mind. The mental isolation enforced by the incessant drone of the engine seemed to be sending me into a sort of sensory-deprivation funk. I had already begun to question my sanity and we hadn't been in the air that long.

The only other occupant of the compartment was Evan Cochran, a member of the Sigma Seven unit and our regular babysitter. 'Minder' was the official term for it. It meant his job was to keep tabs on us and to act a as buffer between me and anyone who pissed me off in order to avoid potential incidents. He generally vanished after a mission; I supposed back into his normal life, but I didn't really know. I didn't know Evan well at all. He'd probably been warned to keep his relationship with us on a strictly professional level. On this trip, he'd probably been sent to allay any reluctance Neeka might have about getting into a strange black helicopter. With her on board, I could be snatched up quickly. Now that we were airborne, he wore a helmet with goggles and communications gear obscuring his face. I couldn't even tell if he was awake. Just out of curiosity, I smiled at him. A few seconds later his chin rose about an inch and I saw the corner of his mouth not hidden by the microphone curl upward. That meant he'd been passing the time by ogling me, the rascal.

I used to be offended by stuff like that, but that seemed like that was another life. When the helicopter had picked me up, I'd been serving as Town Slut in a mountain crossroad community. Hardly a job for the easily offended. I was even dressed for the part. My present attire of light blue spandex tube-top and white knit short-shorts so thin and close-fitting they looked painted-on had been carefully chosen to advertise my status. I had been planning on rewarding the local High School football team with a locker-room gang-bang. Provided they won, of course. Since they were 14-point underdogs going into the game, I wasn't likely to have to make good on my promise, but I had to act like I expected to anyway. I wanted to be an incentive for our team and perhaps a distraction for their opponents. I didn't think I needed to try to dress provocatively, since a tube-top seemed to be the normal uniform for the job of Slut, with either a micro-skirt or the tight short-shorts I had on. Both were things that I'd brought to relax in, never expecting to wear them in public and certainly not expecting to wear on my other job as Superheroine.

After some of the rather extreme stuff I'd done, I should have been sexually jaded. Being stared at by Evan should have had no effect on me beyond mild, detached amusement. But instead of staying cool and collected and aloof, I felt a surge of warmth go through me, followed by tingling in a certain intimate spot and a pleasant tightness in my breasts as my areolas crinkled and my nipples stiffened. I became acutely aware of my minimal state of dress and how the snug fit of my tube-top was betraying my growing state of arousal. In short, I was acting like a virgin just discovering that her body reacted strongly to masculine attention.

This not entirely unpleasant situation is because my ability to change my physiology at will is paired with the self-image I had when I gained it. Every time I Change and then Change back, the 'back' I change into is a version of 'me' from sometime after puberty but before I started to become The Dragon. The down-side to my body being reset in this way is that I regain my virginity in the process ... with all that implies. I easily hold the World Record for being deflowered, a painful event that every girl but me only has to endure once. In view of that, it's hardly surprising that pain and pleasure for me are very close and often merge into a single sensation. A highly pleasurable sensation at that, which partially explains why I tend to engage in that extreme stuff I mentioned.

There is a school of thought that some of my more self-destructive behavior could be more simply explained as a psychological problem stemming from the fact that almost every day I had my nose rubbed in evidence that I wasn't the person I thought I was, that I was someone ... something ... completely different and I was terrified of finding out where this was all going, so I took suicidal risks. Or not.

The psychobabble explanation was something that Neeka and Mom kept bringing up to comfort me. But all I heard out of all that was that I was probably crazy; like that was in any way news to me. I had gone off on the vacation that the helicopter pick-up had interrupted so I could spend a quiet week trying to come to terms with my fears. Only instead of making any headway with my head, I'd discovered that there were a good number of people just as crazy as I was and even some who made me look like a paragon of sanity and normalcy.

I'd also found someone who'd had problems very similar to mine for vastly longer than me and who had managed to cope with them. In Leonora de Vere's presence my issues seemed trivial. I really didn't know how long she'd been coping with being so completely different from the rest of the human race and frankly I was afraid to find out, but the simple fact of her existence was a rock to which I could cling and a tangible assurance that you could be something other than entirely human and still retain some degree of normalcy. Only 'normal' for Leonora meant being a vampire. At least she had a catchy label to cover her situation. The best I could do was autopsychogenesis, which I doubted would ever become a household word.

From the warmth on my face, I was sure I was blushing. When I glanced down, I saw that it went all the way down my chest and into my exposed cleavage, turning the tops of my boobs a rosy shade of pink that overwhelmed the golden tan that I preferred as a skin tone because it went so well with my blonde hair.

The smile I wore grew wider in proportion to the embarrassment I felt at being seen reacting this way. It made me look like a novice, and I had enough problems with people not taking me seriously. Without thinking, I leaned back against the seat, crossed my legs, and crossed my arms. I knew the last was a mistake as soon as I'd done it.

A 48-inch bust on someone my size means that my boobs stick out almost as far as my elbows. The result is I cannot cross my arms over my chest to cover-up. I just can't reach that far around. Yet, I still have that reflex. Only when I do it, things get squeezed out and up, or down and out, or this way and that, any of which totally defeats the purpose of doing it in the first place. In this case, my arms went under and the spandex tube-top rode up until it just barely covered my nipples, leaving the lower half of my boobs and a good amount of areola exposed.

As I considered how to gracefully get out of a position I'd just put myself into without calling attention to what I'd done, I saw Evan reach down and tug at his inseam. I knew that motion well. It meant he was getting an erection and he needed to give it some room to grow.

Being stared at in close quarters by a man was enough. I very much did not need to know that I was giving him a boner as well.

Exasperated, I looked around for something to take my mind off the humiliating turn things had taken. That was when I saw Neeka and Leonora staring at me. Leonora's expression was impossible to read. 'Dead-pan' must be second-nature for the undead. Neeka's expression was clear as glass. I didn't need to open a telepathic connection to know that she was wondering if my need for in-flight entertainment had got the better of my common sense. I still caught the fringe of a thought from her involving the term 'mile-high club' and sent back a reply reminding her that we were nowhere close to that altitude at the moment and in any event I was already a member of that organization, having been initiated a while back by a certain Dutchman whose prodigious personal equipment had left us with gaping cavities between our legs and broad smiles on our faces, both of which took some time to fade.

Every time I thought of Kirk Akkerman, it was with a sense of longing and loss. The physical hole he'd made in me had healed, but the emotional one would be with me for some time. We all say we want someone capable of commitment. Kirk actually told me he wanted me to have his children and he did his best to make that a reality. To say we had an emotional connection would be an understatement. If it wasn't love it was a damn close relative. Neeka hadn't been as emotionally involved as I was, but remembering the day we'd spent in bed together still made her smile. I saw her put her hands between her thighs and press her knees together as she remembered trying to ride his stallion-sized cock.

Leonora couldn't read her mind like I could, but from the way she looked back and forth at each of us, it was clear that she was aware that something had passed between us. For an instant, her eyes held an intense emotion I couldn't recognize and then it was gone. It was stuff like that that made me understand how different Leonora's frame of reference was and how little I really understood her.

My present condition had left me vulnerable to the memory. My body remembered Kirk in its own way – my clit throbbed and swelled. My pussy clenched on nothing but the wetness inside me. My areolas swelled, pressing my already-stiff nipples harder against the spandex tube-top. I wanted very much to free them, to let the top slide up and off so I could roll them between my fingers and massage some of the stiffness out. My hands were already headed in that direction when the helicopter suddenly banked and started to settle toward the ground.

I was still blinking my way out of the sexual fugue when we bumped to a landing and Evan flew into action. He undid his seat-belt one-handed, then reached out and grabbed the door, heaving it open. He then undid our belts and pulled us out of our seats and without a single word he practically shoved us one after another out of the machine. When we were out he closed the door and the pilot revved the engine in preparation for immediate takeoff. Apparently Evan hadn't been sent to collect just us. Or perhaps he wasn't going to be part of this call-up.

Once out of the helicopter, I stood there in a daze, blinking and squinting in the glare of landing-field lights. By now it was full-dark and these lights were easily brighter than those around the football field. I felt like I was having one of those naked-in-public dreams. I'd been well on my way to a state of full-on rut and it would take me some time to get things under control again. I'd instinctively bent down under the rotor, so I was able to pull my tube-top back into place without being obvious about it, but the evidence of my condition stood out clearly through the thin elastic fabric. I also knew that when I stood up straight again, there would be a visible lump in my skin-tight short-shorts where my hoodless clit was protruding between my outer lips. This was so not the image I wanted to project in what looked to be a pretty important mission briefing.

By shading my eyes with one hand and peeking between my fingers, I was able to see a silhouette of a car and a man standing next to it a few yards away. He waved to us to come to him, and we scuttled across the tarmac with our heads low like three roaches running across a kitchen floor. He opened the rear door and Neeka hopped in, dragging Leonora with her. That left me to ride up front with the driver, who I assumed would be too occupied with navigating the busy landing field to notice my condition.

I was, of course, wrong about that. We seemed to have drawn a driver with a heavy foot and little regard for life and limb. After our second near miss caused by him trying to look at me and where he was going at the same time, he decided that survival was important after all and focused most of his attention through the windshield.

"What's going on?" Neeka asked him from the back seat. I thought it was a bit of a risk to distract him further, but it was a question on my mind too.

"Like they tell me anything?" he said with a good dose of sarcasm. "Sorry, I'm just the shuttle service. I guess they'll tell you when you get inside. I can tell you this – it's something big. They've kept me hopping for the last couple of hours. Must be calling in units from all over. I've never seen so many guys in black uniforms." He trailed off there and glanced at me as if wondering what kind of uniform I was wearing and likely how he could get a transfer to my outfit. Then he smiled and went back to driving, no doubt thinking of the story he'd have to tell his friends later.

"You didn't see us," I said firmly. "We are not here."

He must have heard something similar to that before, probably along with a more direct threat of what would happen if he talked about who he'd seen. His smile vanished and he became all business. I looked into the back seat and caught Leonora's eye. She nodded, which I didn't understand at the time.

The trip ended abruptly when our driver stopped the car in a lighted area next to an expanse of concrete, blank save for a recessed entrance with a double set of doors. A rather substantial pair on some very hefty hinges was opened outward so they lay flat against the wall and an inner set, no less substantial looking, was closed. A guard with a black rifle slung over his shoulder stood in the recess holding a clipboard with a row of red 'Guest' badges clipped to the side. There were no signs and the wall vanished into the blackness in both directions so I couldn't tell much about the building other than it must be pretty big and whoever built it thought windows were unnecessary. When we got out the car raced away just as the helicopter had...

"Let's see your IDs," the guard said in a tone part boredom and part 'I have a tiny bit of authority and I like using it'. He looked at us with the neutral expression of a man who has stood a lot of guard duty and doesn't really care who you are or what you look like, only whether he needs to shoot you or not.

I was trying to stay behind Leonora as much as possible to avoid any questions about my rather casual state of dress. I automatically reached behind me to pull my fanny-pack around and get out one of the IDs I knew would satisfy the guard. Neeka had at least one that would be acceptable. But Leonora ... Ms. de Vere could not produce an acceptable ID, nor would she be on anyone's list. I could vouch for her, but that would mean referring things up the chain of command and back again and would certainly keep us standing there for longer than I wanted.

"You don't need to see our IDs," Leonora said in that resonant, eerily-pitched and completely unarguable Voice. "You know who we are."

I saw Neeka look at Leonora to confirm that it was actually her speaking and not someone who had managed to sneak up behind us.

The guard straightened so quickly I thought he might salute. He said, "Right! Sorry. Busy night. Here are your badges. Conference room's the first door to your right at the end of the hall."

We took the playing-card sized pieces of plastic and clipped them where they could be seen. I couldn't decide where to put mine, since there were so few spots where I could put it that I didn't want to attract attention to. I finally clipped it to the band of my fanny-pack so that it rode at my hip. The guard waved his own badge at a pad on the wall, then put his shoulder to the door and shoved it open for us. A gust of cool air came out and I welcomed it for the relief it meant from the humidity outside and the excuse it offered for why my nipples were so protuberant.

After the door had closed behind us, I noticed that Neeka was about to burst out laughing. When I looked at her with my eyebrow up, she said, "All right. I have to say it since you won't – 'These are not the droids you're looking for.' Then she did laugh and so did I. To my surprise, Leonora laughed too.

"It is not The Force," she told Neeka. "It is simply lots and lots of practice at making people obey me." She put an odd emphasis on the word 'obey'. Like it meant something other than the dictionary definition.

The hallway was wide enough for a car to drive down and looked to be at least a hundred yards long. The promised conference room entrance was all the way at the other end. We started walking. I thought they needed a shuttle service in here even more than they did outside.

Halfway down the passage we came to a restroom with one of those unisex signs on the door and we all turned left and marched inside because you never pass up a chance to freshen-up, especially in a place where it might be a half-mile to the next restroom. The sign was the only unisex thing about it since the ratio of urinals to stalls meant it was just a relabeled Men's Room. While Neeka and Leonora took advantage of the facilities, I looked into the mirror over the row of sinks to fix my makeup and try to get my erectile tissue to behave. I had no trouble shifting my skin-tone to account for the fluorescent lighting, but only moderate success with getting the other parts to behave.

As Town Slut I had important civic duties to perform. That meant regularly servicing groups of horny men and by the clock. That was an easy habit to get into and a hard one to break, especially after having been initiated into the role by Thunderbolt, the custom-modified mechanical bull that was the main attraction at the local beer-joint and party barn. I'd been told old Thunderbolt was a slut-maker, and after riding him I totally understood the claim. The experience was so intense that it lowered your inhibitions and increased your sex-drive to such a degree that you were ready and willing on a moment's notice to screw anything with a cock, something I'd later found that several girls had done literally by going outside their species in search of sexual gratification. At the time, I'd thought that 'slut-maker' business was just something they told the girls to make riding the bull sound more sexually adventurous than it really was. I got disabused of that notion thirty seconds into my ride. I thought I might be immune to the effects, since my sex-drive was already at the upper end of the curve, but all the indications were that I'd been just as affected by the experience as the other girls who'd ridden Thunderbolt, and whose photos showing their smiling faces, their wide-spread pussies and their hugely-swollen and freshly-bruised clits lined the wall of the bar. My already short fuse had become a hair-trigger – as evidenced by how quickly I had gotten into trouble in the helicopter. And while before my 'conversion' I had enjoyed sex quite a lot, now I had a nagging itch between my legs and a burning ache deep inside me that was my body's way of telling me that it had needs I wasn't meeting.

I wondered if masturbating might help. While I hadn't had a chance to try that yet, I doubted it would actually do much good because it sounded too much like foreplay. What I really needed was a hard cock thick enough to scratch where it itched and long enough to reach all the way up in me and soothe that ache with a load of cum. The more I thought of that, the more I needed it and the more I needed it, the harder it was for me to stop thinking about it.

So now, having let myself get into a state of acute neediness, I was having a hard time talking myself down. No matter how hard I tried to relax, everything stayed at attention. In the mirror, I could see that my areolas had blown up to the size of jumbo muffin-tops and my nipples stuck out almost an inch further, even under the pale blue spandex, which was thin enough to show everything clearly. My throbbing clit had given up trying to burst through and was now trying to escape through the seam in my shorts. It felt like it had got itself trapped in there, but I knew anything I tried to do would only make that situation worse. I thought this might be what George Whitley had to live with, with his constant erection and his considerable capacity for using it. I decided if George could cope with it, so could I, so I grit my teeth and tried not to think of how much I wanted to get fucked.

The other issue was that of my inappropriate attire. I wanted to get out of my slut outfit very badly, but the only other thing I had to wear was the Mark II Fighting Suit provided by Mr. Morton and now being field-tested – in a very different form – as a prototype for new supplementary military body-armor. The suit covered me from head to toe, but being skin-tight as well, wouldn't hide those things I needed hidden. Neeka picked up on my indecision.

"If this is as big a deal as it appears," she said, "there will be lots of people here. We don't have a clue who, nor do we know what's going on. Do we go in there all dressed-up or do we try to stay covert and see what's up before we go Showtime?"

The reasonableness of her argument convinced me to stay in my tube-top and shorts for the moment. As badly as I wanted to change, my options were what I had on, the catsuit, or skin of one type or another. Any of which were going to attract attention. But our costumes would identify us instantly, and Changing into something else would be even worse as far as keeping a low profile was concerned.

Neeka put her cap and glasses in a coat pocket, shrugged out of the coat, folding it so the design on the back wouldn't show, and held it over her arm so it hid her holstered gun. The green body-suit she wore under the coat had a higher neckline than was fashionable, since it was made of the same material as my suit, only with more layers. If she objected to the way it padded her figure, she'd never mentioned it.

Leonora's sun-dress might also be inappropriate for the venue, but compared to me she was vastly overdressed. Of course, 'overdressed' suited Leonora very well. The woman could make sackcloth seem like the latest design from Paris on attitude alone. It was a skill she shared with my adoptive mother and one that I desperately wanted to learn.

This was as covert as we were going to be able to get, so we headed-out to join the fun.

When, after another long walk, we at last reached the conference room, we found that it was a very nice one. It was set-up like a theater or a small auditorium. A raised dais with two rows of chairs behind a table sat before several curved and tiered rows of seats separated by aisles. The wall behind the dais had a large front-projection screen and two of the biggest TV monitors I'd ever seen on either side. The acoustics were excellent. Even though the seats were mostly full of people, a good number of whom were chatting, the sound level was nearly library-quiet. I tried to see if anyone I knew was there, but I was screened by a group of suits clogging the entrance. Neeka rose up on tiptoe to peer over their shoulders.

"Brock is here," she said. "He's down in front on the far side. I can't see who's with him."

Since the last thing I wanted was to parade across in front of everyone, we went up the wall-side aisle and quickly took seats in the back row on the end so we'd be as inconspicuous as possible. We could hook-up with Colonel Brock later.

I felt better once we were sitting down. Being short had some advantages. In this case it meant by scrunching down a little, I could almost hide in my seat. Of course, hiding meant I couldn't look around. From our previous contacts with the various SWAT, HRT, DEVGRU, Delta, and Don't Ask units, I should have been able to pick out more than a few people I at least knew on sight. I was torn between keeping my head down and sticking it up, so I tried to do both.

"Why don't you just stand on the seat so you can see?" Neeka whispered. "You look like a gopher, popping your head up like that."

I took her point and settled down to wait for the meeting to start. It took what seemed like forever, but Neeka's watch said it was only 15 minutes.

In marched a knot of people. Suits, mostly. But a couple of them were soldiers with stars on their shoulders and chests full of ribbons. That usually meant some foreign problem, but as far as I'd been able to see, the crowd was mostly just black-suit and black-tactical uniforms with a smattering of people wearing whatever and who had obviously been picked-up with as little notice as we'd had.

One of the suits was a man I knew as the Second Assistant Undersecretary of Homeland Security, David Solomon. When I saw him take a chair in the second row on the dais, I knew we were in the presence of some real VIPs. I also knew that if he wasn't running the show, that things were Very Bad in a whole bunch of ways. My opinion of politicians and bureaucrats was chronically low. Solomon had impressed me as someone smart enough to know needed to be done and who'd gotten control of enough resources to make it happen. Colonel Brock worked for him, and if Brock thought he was competent, that was all the recommendation I needed. In a bad place, with things going totally to hell, Brock was a man I wanted to have with me. I might have the freaky abilities, but Brock was the real superhero as far as I was concerned. Everyone I'd met who knew him seemed to feel the same way.

"Thank you all for coming," the suit in the middle of the table said into his microphone. I thought it might be a joke, since attendance had hardly been optional, but his tone stifled the chuckle in my throat. He was seriously worried about something.

"I realize that bringing you together like this violates most of the security protocols that you are used to living with, but we are suspending many of the usual rules for the duration of the emergency."

Since no one had introduced him, he must have thought everyone knew who he was. I didn't have a clue. To me he was just a man in his 40's with good posture, nice hair and a fairly-handsome face, wearing an expensive suit over a body that looked like he spent time in the gym trying to keep it in shape, but not enough to keep his waistline completely in check. He went on with what were obviously just opening remarks for a couple of minutes before handing the floor over to another man at the dais to deliver the real news.

"Thank you, Mr. Secretary," he began, and that told me who the opening act was, and since I recognized the voice of the new speaker as being that of National Security Advisor, Hamilton Dean, whom I had spoken to on the phone but never met in person, I knew who he was too. "We have a Category Two Nuclear Emergency on our hands." He paused, because there was an immediate surge of noise in the room as everyone muttered something like "Oh, fuck!"

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well as with the ist part,dad worked nights leaving mum and me alone in the evenings, s the weeks went by her flashing was getting more obvious to me ,so i thought i would play the same game,she went up for a shower,and came down in a loose top with no bra on and a short skirt,she had tights on ,and she went to sit in her chair,so i said im going for a shower,after i came out i just put on a pair of my tight shorts which left nothing to the imagination,and i went into the lounge,and sat...

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Seducing Daddy

 I was so excited. I was finally 18. It was my birthday and my parents threw me the perfect surprise party. Everyone was there. All my friends said how awesome it was that my dad spent so much money on a DJ, and the caterer. My boyfriend wanted me to sneak out later so we could fuck, but I told him I was really tired, and had a lot to clean up. He said he understood and we made plans to go out the next night. After the last guest left, I looked around and noticed my mom wasn't around. "Dad?...

1 year ago
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A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment

A Devil Of A Deal A Story of Obsession and Fulfillment By Constance Grant (c) Copyright, all rights reserved by Constance Grant, 1999 Manasquan, NJ ([email protected]) This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. So that no one is mislead, this short story earns a triple X rating, and contains a brutal rape told in the first person. However, all parties are over twenty-one, the sex is not incestuous, and I have PMS - so don't...

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Lustful Misadventures 8211 Part 2 My Neighbor8217s Daughter

Before we start, I would like to thank everyone who read part one and sent me their valuable feedback. I will try to be more regular with my stories, and I look forward to your emails. If you’re a shy woman looking for an open partner that can hold a naughty conversation, or if you’re looking for a break from the monotony of your daily routine; email me at I had just made my neighbour’s daughter Shreya cum while we hid under the bed. Her parents argued right outside her door, and then things...

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Misadventures of a College Youth

Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group of girlfriends. It is this group of three other girls, two of them native Chicagoans, that Victoria accompanies out tonight. The Swollen Susie, a cramped, cheap punk club that admits 18andups but still serves alcohol is where...

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Ainda observava com estupor enquanto o caixão do meu pai descia vala abaixo. Ao meu lado minha mãe e minha irmãzinha choravam inconsolavelmente os últimos “momentos” com esse ser familiar tão especial. Ainda podia ouvir as palavras que ele me disse quando o visitei pela última vez na ala da quimioterapia do hospital: “Cuide da sua mãe e irmã, me prometa isso”. Prometi a ele e farei de tudo que for possível para honrar a sua última vontade. “George foi um bom homem, Liam, nunca se esqueça disso”...

2 years ago
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Legend Of Zelda A Link To Womanhood Part 2

Back by popular demand, The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To Womanhood. While staying home from work due to having the flu, I decided to rewrite much of this episode, and begin posting my stories on FM again. Please remember, I write this story with poetic license. I never meant for people to argue about this story as they began doing shortly after I posted the first chapter. This is merely a mixture of many different components of the Zelda universe. Also, against many suggestions, I have...

3 years ago
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First time massage from my Dads contacts

I found my dad’s porn stash by accident one day. He had gone away on business and I was in the loft when I found the bag. There was the usual wank mags, videos and I thought that was all. So I pulled out my cock and started to wank. He had some good, hard core, heterosexual stuff. As I pulled my s*******n old cock, I was really enjoying this stash when I found a little black book. Inside was his contact list with whores, escorts, cinemas and other acquaintances. Mostly there were places a long...

2 years ago
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Fatherly GuidanceChapter 11

The next guy was black. I mean BLACK. I've fucked a lotta black guys before and most can be called mocha, coca, milk chocolate or a high yellow, but none had been this black. He was like from the furtherest reaches of central Africa. He even looked like he was from Africa and wore brown slacks with a yellow and red striped shirt. He had black, patent leather shoes and a big gold watch. His hair was cut short and just had that foreign look about him. "You ore vedy priddy," he said with a...

2 years ago
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The Benefits of Having Bathroom Troubles part 3

First of all, I noticed some people disliking part 2, which I can only assume is because they are stuckup cunts that think the stuff they get off on is so much more wholesome. You can use the high horse to go somewhere comfy so you can at that location fuck yourself.Meanwhile, a few of us are going to revel in the wonder of paying highly trained professionals to place their hands upon their genitals.When I went to my dermatologist to have my skin tags removed she had a young, super cute...

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Two Little Girls Watch Me Cum

Just a very short experience, but one I think worth conveying. I was at home one Sunday afternoon, when I heard a lot of noise outside, so I went upstairs to look out of the window and saw two young little girls messing around in the rear car park of some flats which are nearby. I had not seen them before, but they were being very naughty, throwing rubbish about and so on. Although they were young, they were quite cute in a sort of rough naughty way, so I whipped my cock out and started having...

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Kiaora GirlChapter 6

Janet was alone with her thoughts as she walked home through the park. Her affair with Dan had finally blossomed. Since sharing her room she had really fancied him; just like other girls at school had crushes on older men. But unlike some of them she had kept it secret. She'd never known what it was to be wanted by anyone until Dad had come home. Then later had come something extra; wanting him. He was so handsome and muscular; more so than other men. And as for the boys some of her friends...

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Julia Goes on a Cruise

Julia and her husband decided to take a small vacation on a cruise from California to Hawaii and fly back, just because it had been so long since they had been on one. The k**s were out of the house and they wanted to make the most out of their free time. The cruise though would take longer if they didn't fly back and being on others in the past they understood that staying in a cabin can get a bit boring, no matter how luxurious it was. Julia's husband James was pretty successful in life so...

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The Storm Damage

Edited by George5. Of course, I had to screw with it afterward; so all missing steaks are mine. My marriage was destroyed and my anger peaked and was sustained by a power outage. Then another storm helped make some repairs. My name is Carl Arthur Thomas and at the time I was destroyed I was 29 years old and had been married for 5 years. We had no kids and had not talked about starting a family. I am 6’ 1/2” tall, blue-eyed, 180 pounds, and prematurely gray-haired. I am told that the gray...

1 year ago
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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...

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Best Sales Job In The World 12

Cliff arrived at the Chicago office early Monday morning and he first called the Regional Managers in Philadelphia and Atlanta to tell them that he would be relocating to the home office. Vaughn and the other executives wanted Cliff to maintain his office in Philadelphia. After the calls back east, Cliff had his staff meeting in Chicago and informed them of his plans. Next he called Dallas and finally California. By noon everyone had been informed of his imminent move. That Monday evening...

2 years ago
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Mom Helped me

A Mother"s Touch It"s fascinating how extraordinary circumstances can spawn totally unexpected acts and deeds. In this case, a serious car crash thrust my 18-year-old son, Charles, and I into a situation that brought us together in a way neither of us could ever have imagined. He"d been out driving around with a couple of older boys, one of whom just got his license, when the driver lost control and rolled it. Luckily nobody was hurt, but they all ended up in hospital for a couple of weeks with...

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Rest Area An Adult Story

I was driving my big rig. I had the fuzzy dice on the rear view. I was heading across country again. I had to deliver some new cars in my hauler. I had a few days before I had to get to my next stop. I was making good time. I checked the CB and my cell. I was getting low bars on both. It was close to noon on a Friday. I had big breakfast at a truck stop this morning. I had unbuckled my tight jeans to let out some air. I had some white leather cowboy boots on. A big white cowboy hat on with a...

1 year ago
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Real Friends Indeed

By: AWC Noor Georgas thought hundreds of time. How did it happen to him but still, sometimes Noor thought, he was dreaming. No, this was not possible; he always thought. Well over 10 years ago, they were school mates for about 2 years. They knew each other and said hello in the basketball team but the relationship did not develop and NG had to leave because his father got transferred once again to another country and that is how he got separated from Rahul Sharma after only knowing each...

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The Infection

Twenty year old Vash woke to the screams of people and gunshots. “What the fuck is going on?” Vash said to himself as he walked to the front door and opened it to see a horde of bloody zombies attacking people and eating their flesh. “Holy shit,” Vash yelled as he slammed the door shut and ran to his sister’s room. “Serenity, we have to leave,” Vash yelled as he threw open the door. “What the fuck Vash don’t you know how to knock?” Serenity yelled. “There’s no time to argue. We have...

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The Mirror CrackedChapter 2

Castle Wyvern. Inside the enormous castle library, Tammy had several books open while writing notes on a large legal pad. Her blonde head came up from being bent over while reading, and she rubbed her eyes. "That's it, I think my brain is beginning to overheat from all this studying." Seated not for away, Delilah looked up from the book she was reading and smiled at the young girl. She looked at the clock on the wall. "I suppose you can take a break for a while. You've been at it for...

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FamilyXXX Cecelia Taylor A Creampie Goodbye For Step Sister Cecelia

Adorable petite teen step sister Cecelia is focused as she undresses while heading upstairs to her older step brother Dante’s room for a special holiday goodbye fuck. Dante is not sure about any of this as Cecelia stands in her cute little panties reminding him of the last moment and now wants to suck his cock and fuck it deep inside her tight little teen pussy. Dante does not miss out on tasting her sweet pussy first as Cecelia deep throats his hard cock. Cecelia takes over and fucks his...

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JulesJordan Casca Akashova Big Tit MILF Casca Akashova Gets A Fat Cock

Mondo MiLF Casca Akashova challenges Manuel Ferrara to “Come get it” in this scene from Jules Jordan Video. The prodigious blonde is all dolled up in bright magenta lipstick and baby-blue lingerie. Her mighty rack consumes the camera during an outdoor tease sequence, then Akashova’s filthy thoughts come out inside. Sitting spread-eagle and rubbing her tattooed twat, Casca says “You like that too do you? I like it when you’re greedy… Cuz I want you to have all of me… It’s...

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Chandlers RideChapter 3

After three days on the road, Malcolm had finally reached his destination. He rode into the small town and took stock of his surroundings. There was a general store, an inn, a blacksmith, and an open market in the center of the town. A handful of houses lined the streets. The stable was at the other end of town. He figured the town had fifty residents, although another couple hundred people probably lived on properties around it. Malcolm kicked his horse with his heels and directed it...

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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 58 The Alice

Friday Week 32 With six and a half hours driving today, they were up early to watch the sunset and then have breakfast, before setting off on the 474 kilometre drive to Alice Springs. Because of their early start, they were able to be on the road by 8 am. The first 275 kilometres was back along the way they had come until they rejoined the Stuart Highway, where Peter, who was driving by this time, turned north to drive the next 199 kilometres to the Alice. Dave, however, took over well...

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Vestas Hearth 13 and 14

Vesta's Hearth Chapters 13 and 14 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012 This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Caf? are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental. Doctor Amy discovers the retro bug is highly infectious and takes Helen on a shopping trip to the retro shop but Helen is identified as being transgendered Later Dr. Amy drops a bombshell that involves Adam. Helen discovers the problems with m...

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Justice League The New Recruit

(Watchtower) To Think, That Five Short Years Ago, He Was An Ordinary College Student, and Now He Was Standing In The Justice Leagues Watchtower, a Recent Addition. John Had To Keep himself from Wetting himself in Excitement. He Had Previously been the Protege of Guy Gardner, and Was One of the Few Non-Green Lantern Lanterns in the League. His Ring was Born from the Power Of Hope Itself. But Even Without The Ring, He Was Powered. Super Strength, Super Endurance, Skimming, Heat Vision, X-Ray...

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In den Hnden der Geheimpolizei german

Dienstagsfolter In den H?nden der Geheimpolizei Vorwort Ich bin von zwei inzwischen guten Freunden aufgefordert worden, ihre Erlebnisse einer breiteren ?ffentlichkeit mitzuteilen, und komme dem hiermit gerne nach. Es handelt sich um zwei Mitglieder der Geheimpolizei, die aus Sicherheitsgr?nden dazu verpflichtet wurden, ?ber ihren Berufsalltag strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Sagen wir also einfach: Die Geschichten spielen in irgendeiner fiktiven Diktatur, in der Schergen der St...

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The Wall and GoatChapter 2

I did not want to move. Move house, move schools, none of it. I liked living in central London, I loved having the tube and being able to get out and about with my friends, being independent, hanging out at burger joints and bars until all hours. And then my mother, who cheating on Dad, caught Dad sleeping with his secretary and all hell broke loose. So me and Mum ended up taking all our worldly possessions and moving to the countryside. Some little town in the middle of shit-all and...

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HandsOnHardcore Marica Chanelle Big Assed Italian Bounces On Big Cock

Naughty blonde glamour porn nymphet Marica Chanelle rocks our worlds in this explosive double video bonus premium porn scene. Her giant juggs, beautiful blue eyes, and curvy ass will be there for the taking, so go ahead, strap on your goggles and whip out your willy for what’s sure to be an eXXXperience that leaves you feeling fully satisfied. Treat yourself in this triple-X release with 2d 4k and 3d 5k 60fps virtual reality with binaural sound. Get up close with the Italian babe as she...

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Anyone for tennis

Knowing I went to a gym close by my friend Dan asked a favour one week. He had to work late so asked if I would collect his wife Helen from the tennis club after her lesson. I didn’t know her that well but agreed telling him he owed me. On the day in question I finished in the gym and not bothering to get changed drove round to the club to collect Helen. When I got there I parked in the car park looking over the tennis courts and soon spotted her having her lesson. I quiete liked what I saw...

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Holiday Spa

We didn't always go out looking for sexual partners sometimes it just happened on one occasion we were on holiday in New Zealand staying in a hotel in Rotarua. We had been out sightseeing and got caught in a downpour getting soaked to the skin, it had also been cold. Returning to the hotel we decided that a spa would be just the thing to warm us up, so we went to our suite got changed into the complimentary robes and headed to the spa/sauna room on the top floor. Of course we had to wear...

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Wedding Dress

I was feeling horny one night and told Sarah I wanted to get dressed up. It was a bit of a gamble on my part as she might have been scared off by my idea. To my surprise she was very open to the idea and asked if I wanted to go shopping with her.We headed out to the shops and before I knew it we were buying some sexy clothes for me. A short tight black skirt, black fishnet stockings and black lace panties. A lovely white fitted blouse and a black satin corset with suspenders.Before we headed...

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Dr Garcia

My girlfriend and me like to do each other fantasies . One time we did it in my car, the next time, we did it at the movies. This time was her idea to do something. She… My girlfriend and me like to do each other fantasies . One time we did it in my car, the next time, we did it at the movies. This time was her idea to do something. She came up with the idea to do something that she wanted to do for a long time. She was watching Grays anatomy or something like that., and I was just...

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Rally Virgin Part 3

Rally Virgin Part 3.The Party at the Club house!We were finally arriving at the party I'd been warned about. To raise money for the charity she was helping, my girlfriend had agreed to show some style for a night. The club members had demanded she wear a short leather mini skirt with thong panties underneath, and her soft beige boots. She wore a fishnet top with just black tape in X shapes to cover her nipples. She had made me help her dress, helping her put on her slave collar with studs in,...

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Sister Angelique and the OutlawChapter 4

When the sun came up in the morning, they could see the smoke still rising from the remains of the wagon train. The scent of death reached them even though they were quite a distance away hidden in the dense thicket inside the tree-line. The three men were all smiles this morning including the Kid who had made quite an impression on Nana and Baby Girl. She was justifiably guilty from her own conduct the night before and had trouble meeting the eyes of the stagecoach driver and the guard....

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My Young Friend

I was around 14 or 15, when a k** moved in down the street from me. He said he was 13 and short for his age. I knew he was younger than that though. He did not have a father nor any siblings. One day I was in back of our house mowing the lawn I called it "The Back 40" cause we had the barn back there and it backed up to the woods. He was walking down the path by the woods and saw me. He waved to me I and I waved back. Then he started up my way and I stopped mowing and started over to the big...

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NFBusty Jewelz Blu Lexi Luna Magical And Delicious

Lexi Luna and Jewelz Blu are into both each other and St. Patrick’s Day. They enjoy decking themselves out in festive outfits that leave very little to the imagination. Lexi rolls up Jewelz’s sheer shirt to stick shamrock pasties onto Jewelz’s nipples as the final touch, creating a maelstrom of sexual tension as she does. The girls are trying to be good and wait for their third, Oliver Flynn, but it’s so hard to be patient as they caress each other over the top of their...

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Hitchhiker 2

"First, you both need to come over here, closer to me." They both slide closer until all three of us made a triangle with me in the middle. I leaned forward and kissed Kim on the lips. I teased my tongue into her mouth. She kisses back with wild abandon. she obviously has done this before. Her thick lips press against mine as our tongues dance together. her hand slides up my leg and squeezes my thigh. i break off the kiss and pull Sandy closer. Soon I'm tongue to tongue with Sandy's...

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CHAPTER ONE I’ve spent the majority of my life as a “good girl”, I’ve never lied, cheated or stole…well unless you count the time I stole gum from the supermarket…I was seven at the time. I just turned twenty-seven and I’ve only been with three men. I got married when I was twenty-four, we divorced after only a year. I’ve dated a little since the divorce but nothing very serious. As good as people think I am, I do have a bad side that no one knows about. It’s something that if anyone knew I...

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Twenty year-old Barbara woke up suddenly, gasping and looking around frantically. She was on the couch, still in her dress from yesterday, but she couldn’t remember how she got there. She sat up, trying to remember what happened last night. Pushing up on the couch to stand up, her left arm abruptly throbbed with pain. Grasping it, an image flashed in her mind. A cloaked form. Solid black eyes. Fangs. And screaming. Lots of screaming. And ... she looked at her dress. It was covered in...

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The owner

Let me tell you a story with my new owner, my office is positioned right in front of him but in the next room, he sees everything I do, practically only a few double-glazed windows separate us. Only it can't be seen below in his office and yes in mine, they were probably intentionally made that way. One day I was doing my job, I was preparing some documents, during this time I felt watched and I glanced at my boss to see if it was like that, it really was like that, he admired my legs.That day...

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Rob and Mickey

I saw her when she walked in from the parking lot and nothing had changed. My heart still did flip flops and my blood started racing. I was surprised to see her alone and then I thought he had probably dropped her off close to the group and then went to park the car. I knew she would be there and I knew how I would react to seeing her and that is the main reason that it took my twin brother Rich so long to talk me into coming. For some reason that I didn’t understand he attached great...

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The Mysterious Idol of Ubwadii

The rain hadn't stopped for almost a week now, and the constant cloud cover added to the gloominess that Moira felt. The pressures of the ending semester were beginning to add up and she knew that being one of the college's first female students to hold a doctorate in ancient cultural studies held high expectations by the administration. That's why she was running toward the anthropology and cultural sciences building. Today was the day that she would finally be able to touch the idol. Almost...

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A Fantasy Part four

?A Fantasy? and all its parts are an original work of fiction by Caitlin Rose. Any similarity, to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. The work is protected by copyright. It may be archived at any site that does not charge a fee for access. Please obtain author?s permission before archiving. This work does not contain any sex. It does contain descriptions of crossdressing. If that offends you, don?t read the story. The story so far: Rob Balter was an ordinary...

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Black List VI From the AshesChapter 11

The grass is beginning to be blown hard on Chirikof Island in the Gulf of Alaska as the wind picks up from the north. Tsyr Ker sits quietly in the comfort of her MD530MGhelicopter watching as the islands only inhabitants of cattle graze steadily against the winds. Her hand drops to the folder lying in the seat next to her as she stares off into the distance. Slowly, her eyes fade as her mind drifts back... “And what about our agreement?” Tsyr Ker asked. “As soon as Natalya returns, you...

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Sailing in Uncharted Waters

My wife and I have a small sailboat we keep on a the Great Lakes. It’s old but in really nice condition, and capable of cruising for days non-stop, which we do from time to time with a crew of friends, but usually we just daysail around our home area. That’s what we were up to on a nice hot day last summer. Under blues skies with small puffy white clouds, we had a nice breeze and had worked our way upwind, tacking back and forth, and were now about 7 or 8 miles offshore. Other boats could be...

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Should never have said it

After our wedding she was no longer going to accept the periods of being apart and I was happy to take a lesser job near our home town so that we were always together however over the next few years I became more and more restless and began blaming Amanda for my frustrations at work and our relationship began to become strained, by the time of Amanda’s 30th birthday we were often arguing and not speaking for days our sex life had ground to a halt and she had taken to sleeping in the spare...

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Chapter 3 Afternoon Delight

I got off work early one afternoon and all I could think about was Lindsey sitting at home waiting for me. I hopped in my Jeep and floored it. I couldn’t wait to get home, wrap my arms around her and kiss her hard.I pulled into the driveway, got out my Jeep and walked in the house. There she was laying on the couch watching TV waiting for me to get home. She was wearing her white terry cloth pants and a black spaghetti strap tank top. She wasn’t wearing a bra but didn’t really need one anyway....

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