Jessie's Secret Fetish free porn video

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Chapter 1: Jessie Exposed

It's funny how we can know somebody quite literally all their life and not be aware of some aspects of their character. It was like that with my kid sister, Jessie. I was aware that she loved looking at pictures of girls and thought for some time that she might be struggling with her sexuality, but that didn't worry me. I was quite into girls myself although was starting to get an interest in boys as well just recently. I knew it was normal for girls to go through stages like that, especially at 14 as she was then.

And that wasn't what I was talking about, although it's true that her other peculiarities came to light because of her interest in girls. I'll tell you all about that in a moment. It was my best friend Millie that alerted me to the fact that Jess had been actively experimenting with another girl. The girl was Millie's sister, Joanna, who had bragged about it to Millie and, of course, Millie couldn't wait to share it with me too. She had mentioned it as we walked through the park on the way to school.

"Cara, you'll never guess what Jo told me last night."

"I won't try then, just tell me."

"Don't get mad, but it seems she and Jessie have been messing around a bit."

"What d'you mean, messing around?"

"You know, kissing and that. But Jess has been feeling her up too according to Jo."

"Shit! I did wonder about Jessie a bit. She is always staring at girls' pictures in the magazines. I'm really sorry; didn't Jo like it then?"

"Oh, I don't think she minded, probably quite liked it, but was a bit confused. She's only 13 and a bit young for her age."

"Yeah, I know she has a few learning difficulties. Do you want me to have a word with Jess, tell her to back off?"

"Someone ought to; she'll get herself in trouble like that. I'm quite angry actually, Jo's an impressionable girl and I don't want her corrupted."

I had made my mind up to give Jessie a right roasting that night, but by chance we ran into her walking back through that same park on the way home. She appeared out of the wooded area on that purple bike that was now too small for her really. She saw us and skidded to a stop on the grass to our left.

"Hi Sis, hi Mill," she called cheerfully.

"Hi Kiddo. Hey I want a word with you actually. Come here."

"What about?" she asked, looking a bit worried.

"Come here and I'll tell you!"

"Don't think so! Tell me from there, I don't trust you, you just want to tickle me again till I wet myself."

We started to walk towards her and she grinned and turned her bike around. I said, "Wait, I won't, I promise, just want to talk about you and Millie's kid sister."

"Oh-oh. I didn't do nuthin' to her Sis." She was getting ready to ride off again.

"That's not what she says! Stay there you little bitch, don't dare move!"

But she was pedalling away. I started running to my right to head her off but she span round. Millie was running too, trying to stop her getting by the other direction, so Jessie swerved and headed to her right, along the path through the woods she had just come from.

The path was heavily rutted after all the rain and she couldn't ride as fast as she wanted, so we gave chase. But we were not making up any ground and Millie said to let her go and we'd talk to her another time. But as we were easing up, so Jessie's bike bounced on a rut and she wobbled out of control, her legs off the pedals and wide apart. She went off the path at pace and vanished out of sight down a steep hill.

We started running again to make sure she was OK, and as we reached the same place that she disappeared we saw her sliding down through the leaves, her bike in a bush with the front wheel still spinning.

"Now we've got her!" said Millie, panting from the exercise.

We ran down into the valley after her, catching her as she stood up brushing the dirt and leaves from her school skirt, shirt and socks. Millie held her while I followed wheeling Jess's bike.

"Why did you run off, you silly cow?" I asked. "Guilty conscience?"

"Well, you looked pretty mad to me. So what's Jo told you then?" she asked of Millie.

"She says you pulled her pants down and had your hand in her knickers feeling her up," answered my friend.

"I was just fooling around, playing. And she liked me doing it anyway."

"So it's true then, you little dyke? You're lucky she didn't tell her mum or she'd have called the police. I ought to call them anyway."

"Police? Why? We were just playing."

"They'd call it sexual assault on a minor, wouldn't they Cara?" She shot me a glance and winked at me. I wasn't sure where she was going but seeing Jessie's face so worried was just so funny. I was trying to keep a serious face as I agreed.

Jessie's eyes were watery as she pleaded "Oh don't, please, I won't do it again, I promise."

"Do you think we're just going to let you get away with it? What shall we do with her then Cara? Give her a spanking?" Now I saw where she was going. Secretly I think she just wanted to look at Jessie's cute little butt.

"Yeah, OK then. On her bare ass then like she got Jo."

Jess actually seemed a bit relieved. "And you won't tell no-one about Jo if you spank me?"

"No, we won't but I can't promise Jo will keep quiet, you know what she's like." Millie pulled her over to an old fallen tree where she sat down. "Come on then, over my lap."

"What, you're going to do it here? Someone will hear it!"

"There's no-one about, and we might as well get it over then I can go back and tell Jo not to tell anyone else. Over you go. Come on I haven't got all night." Again she looked at me as Jess sighed, accepting her fate, and leant over her knees. Millie smiled, mouthing 'she's really going to do it'.

As Millie got them comfortable I grabbed the hem of Jessie's school skirt and pulled it over her bottom to expose her plain blue regulation knickers. Millie raised her hand but I said "Hold on, I said on her bare bum."

With that I hooked a thumb in each side of the elasticated top band and eased them down until her cute bubble butt was totally visible.

THWACK. The first smack was hard and Jessie gasped with the unexpected pain to her right ass cheek. THWACK. Another followed to her other cheek and again she inhaled sharply. Her knickers had risen up a little covering part of her rear again, so this time Millie told Jess to lift her bum a bit and dragged the knickers down to her mid-thighs.

Eight times more her hand descended with a crack to Jessie's reddening cheeks but apart from a gasp she didn't make a sound. "I don't think you can be doing it hard enough!" I remarked.

"Maybe not," Millie said, "But it makes your hands sting."

"Use this," I said, handing her one of my flat gym slippers from my bag. "They will hurt more."

"No, not that," whined Jessie, straining to look behind her. But there was a glint in Millie's eyes as she tapped the sole of the soft slipper onto the twin cheeks.

Then she brought it down hard onto the nearest globe, and this time Jessie cried "Owwwww," and an imprint of the slipper glowed on the reddened skin. Again and again it fell until the ass was a deep red. Each smack was greeted with a yelp but before long she squirmed and let out a long moan. Millie stopped the punishment thinking Jess was in distress.

"What's up?" She asked Jess anxiously. The only reply was another long, deep sigh and then Jessie relaxed her body again.

"Christ, I think she just came," I said, incredulously.

"Shit, she's enjoying this! And oh my god she's wet me!" said Millie, pushing Jess off her lap into the leaves again. Sure enough, her navy skirt over one thigh had a large dark stain on it. I leant over and touched and smelt it.

"That's not pee my sweet, that's a good squirt of girly-cum!"

"Oh, you filthy fucking cow," she exclaimed, landing a kick at Jess's prone body.

"I couldn't help it," sobbed Jessie picking herself up. She had her hand between her legs. She looked at me dolefully and asked if I had any tissues. I pulled a wad from my bag and peeled off a few for her and dabbed at Millie's skirt with a few more.

"Were you playing with yourself while she smacked you?" I asked Jessie.

"No, honestly, [sniff], I never touched myself. [sniff] It just came unexpectedly. It's never happened before."

Millie threw the shoe at Jess then stalked away, flapping her skirt to try to dry it. I put my arm round my sobbing young sister as she pulled her knickers up again. We walked after Millie, Jess stopping to pick up her bike, and together we climbed back up the hill.

Jess kept apologising to Millie as we made our way back to the park and eventually Millie calmed down and gave Jess a hug. "No, it's me that should be saying sorry, I made you do it. I thought you would cry, not cum all over me!"

"Well, it did hurt, but it made me feel horny too. It was lovely actually. You can do that again any time!"

Millie then laughed and soon we were all giggling about it, especially at Millie's attempts to cover her skirt with her bag.

After a while Millie asked Jess if she was serious about doing it again.

"God, yes. I've never felt anything as amazing as that! Why? Do you want to smack me again?"

"Mmmm I enjoyed it too actually. I've always wanted to give a hard smacking to somebody and it seemed too good an opportunity to miss. And I think you deserve another one for wetting me like that."

"I'm not sure I like this," I said. "I've got a sister who likes getting beaten and a friend who's turning into a sadist. What's that all about?"

"Sorry, Cara," said Millie, "What about you then? Didn't it turn you on at all?"

"Yes, that's the other odd thing. I was getting so wet myself I nearly came too, but little miss scarlet bum beat me to it. I think we ought to try it again too, but indoors next time maybe."

"Well my mum and dad go out on a Thursday night, why don't you both come round?"

"What about Jo, though, we don't want her telling tales on us as well."

"Oh, don't worry about her, we can shut her in her bedroom and go down in the basement to play. Are you up for it Jess?"

"Try keeping me away! It will give me a few days for the sore bum to heal."

Chapter 2: Jessie Comes Clean

Poor Jess. I felt guilty about my part in this. I was just going to talk to her, explain the folly of interfering with a vulnerable girl, etc. The severe spanking she had taken wasn't planned and was a bit scary. I should have protected her, not encouraged Millie. Millie's obvious enjoyment of inflicting pain was scary. Jess's enjoyment and sexual fulfilment from receiving pain was scary and even the effect on me was scary.

That night in her room I found Jessie laying face down on her bed listening to a CD, wearing just a cotton nightie. I had taken her some cream for her bottom, it had to be sore. She was so wrapped up in listening to James Blunt that she didn't hear me at first but when I called her again she turned and beamed at me.

"Hi peanut," I said. "How do you feel? A bit tender?"

"Not too bad really. Just feels a bit bruised if I sit down."

"Look I'm sorry, I should have stopped her."

"Why? I deserved it and anyway it was the most fun I've had in years."

"Fun? How can getting hurt be fun?"

"It really was. Every smack stung at first and then sent waves of... I dunno... pleasure I suppose. It's hard to explain. But that orgasm was the best I've had by a mile. Absolutely wonderful, and I'd go through a worse smacking to get another like that. Is that cream for my bum?"

"Yes, it should help. Shall I put it on?"

"Oh please. Would you?" I pulled up her nightie and her bottom looked better than I thought it would. Some of the redness had gone but there was some light bruising and the cheeks still looked a bit fierce in patches. I dipped my fingers in the cream and pulled out a big dollop. I spread it liberally over one cheek and then did the other the same.

"You're not really going for more are you? I can tell Millie you've though better of it."

"Why not? I'm looking forward to it actually."

"I can't believe my little sister is a pain freak. I worry where it's leading."

"Oh Cara, admit it, you were getting turned on just watching it, imagine what it was like for me. And for Millie I suspect. She was getting her thrills from doing me every bit as much as me. Next time I'll get her off too, and you if you decide to watch."

"Well just be careful peanut, don't make yourself a victim! Can I ask you something though?"

"Course you can."

"I was just wondering what made you touch little Jo like that. Was it just an impulse thing? I mean you don't fancy her or something do you?"

"I don't really know to be honest. She wanted me to pretend I was boy and kiss her so she could see what it's like. I did but she said it wasn't a real kiss and that boys use their tongues. I didn't really know what she meant, I've never kissed like that either, but I tried sticking my tongue out into her mouth and she sucked on it. She said that was better and she knew now what a boy would do. I told her if I was a real boy I'd want to go further.

'What do you mean', she asked and I said I would be trying to feel her tits. 'I don't have any tits, ' she moaned and so I said 'well, they would try getting their hands in your shorts.' 'Why would they want that?' she asked and I said 'to play with your pussy.'

Anyway, I offered to do that and kiss her as well and I did. It was only a few minutes and how was I to know she would tell tales to Millie?"

"Sounds all a bit of innocent fun. Maybe you were a bit curious what a girl feels like?"

"She smiled. Yes that too! I didn't realise she hadn't started her puberty thing yet. So it was a waste of time anyway. I'll have to find someone my own age I guess. Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Well, you're a girl..."

"Well spotted! Oh I see. Crikey peanut, you're my sister! You want to touch me?"

"Not if it would gross you out or something. But at least it would be safe and you won't go blabbing it all over school!"

"I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just touch though. No funny business."

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my gf first time feet fetish

She discovers my foot feish with her sexy red painI'm dating this gorgeous 21 yr old, we'll call her Sarah, who has really indulged my foot fetish. Particularly, she loves it when I cum on her feet after fucking. I thought I would Commit to writing the story of how she discovered my fetish and how well it turned out for me.It was just a few weeks from when we began dating. We had been out drinking and dancing and came back to my place, late at 2am. As we were through the front door we were...

3 years ago
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Vampire fetish

Vampire fetish is huge for me too. That scene in the cave for the lost boys has to be one of the most passionate and sensual scenes in vampire movie history. Went to the peir in Santa Cruz where the lost boys was filmed. I was with a Dom type. I didn't eat before we went and It scared him. I didn't want to throw up on the rides. We had matching lost boys shirts like a couple of nerds. Rode the loof carousel with him. We sat on the bench seat. He bit me hard. Left a big hickey. I made a...

2 years ago
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The Nail Fetish

The Nail Fetish by Alicia It's kind of hard to believe what has happened to me. It's even harder to try to organize it into this story. But I'm going to try. I think it all starts with my fetish. I mean, many people have fetishes. There are rubber fetishes, feet fetishes, many types. I have a fingernail fetish. In my mind, there is nothing more erotic than beautiful hands with long, perfectly painted nails dancing on a computer keyboard or a piano or tapping on the...

4 years ago
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The Foot Goddess ballbusting foot fetish

Ballbusting/Foot Fetish/FemdomThis is a Foot fetish, ballbusting, femdom story, if you don't like these stuffs it's better to stop readingPart 1Taliya was a grown woman of 40 years old. She was white skinned and black haired. Feared by all her city, knowing to be a ballbusting assassin. She would take contracts ONLY from women to castrate men or kill them, and even when killing them she makes sure to bust their nuts first.But Taliya had a specialty, she didn't use any weapon or gadget to bust...

2 years ago
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Define Fetish

If you ever wondered how a real fetish-driven website should look like, just explore DefineFetish. This place is dedicated to all kinds of dirty acts, from hardcore tortures pleasures to some softcore BDSM. It all depends on the video you choose to view, as I am quite sure you will find whatever the fuck you are looking for on fetish site.The first thing you obviously need to know is that is a hardcore fetish site, and you should probably not visit...

Pornstar Databases
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Michelles Fetish

My name is Michelle I'm 19 and just started college. I'm not exactly sure how to start my story. I could start with the experience that made me into what I am today but I figure that can wait for now. Maybe it'd be better to give you an idea of what I look like. So lets start with the basics. I'm short... very short. Its the first thing people notice about me when I walk into a room. A few weeks ago I was walking by a group of sixth graders that were out on a field trip and as I went...

2 years ago
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Foot fetish

Introduction: Just a little something you can beat off to, if you happen to have a foot fetish. This isnt exactly a story. Its something i wrote for my boyfriend who happens to have a foot fetish and he came quite a lot to it. So if you happen to have a foot fetish, enjoy! Imagine this. Were hanging out in your room, sitting on your bed, you offer to give me a foot massage and i accept it, i take off my socks, now both my feet are out, they have a really nice tan, and my shiney hot bright...

2 years ago
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A Slave To My Fetish

It had been a long day and the thought of a nice cold drink before dinner was rather appealing. The unusually hot weather had brought out the crowds on Ocean Boulevard, most of them, no doubt, heading for an early evening stroll along the beach. I decided to stop in at the Grill to sit outside and watch the world go by. Well, mostly to watch the many scantily-clad young women go by or as they stopped at the light, waiting to cross over Ocean on their way to the shimmering sands below....

3 years ago
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Strange Fetish

I suppose my fetish with underwear and fun with crossdressers really started when l was in my teens, l had a friend Jay who liked dressing in his mothers underwear and we would role play which always involved us on the bed with him in knickers and bra stuffed with socks and me on top, my cock would be up one of the knicker legs so our cocks were sandwiched between us, l would be sliding myself up and down as if l was fucking him, when we climaxed the spunk l shot was a mear teaspoon compared to...

4 years ago
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Nylon Foot Fetish

Tina/Suzy painted there pedicure nails in Red which I loved. As they both wore a pair of sheer 15 dernier stockings there feet were accentuated by there high heeled mules. I adore shoes like this particularly when they walked, the sole flicking her heel, making the quiet swishing sound I heard so often at work. Just the sound was enough to give me an erection but added to the glimpse of her soles they gave or even better when she dangled them from her toes then flicked them back up to slap her...

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The beginning of my pee fetish

Before I knew I wasn't alone in the world with the pee fetish, Here's one of the episodes I had.It was summer time, a bunch of guys and girls from my high school planned a party out in strip pits. We all brought alcohol and plenty of it. As we gathered around a fire, and drank and talked, I found myself watching everyone and trying to figure out it thier bladders were also full. I was also watching to see people sneeking off to relieve themselves. After a while, I got lucky, I saw one of my guy...

3 years ago
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Me The Landlord And His Ass Fetish

I have been reading ISS for quite some time and would like to share my life experiences with this community. I would like to share the sensuality of my experience initially to help the readers understand the course of events leading to the sexuality in my life. I am Karthik, 32years old now. This happened about 10 years ago. Back then I was fresh out of college and got a job in Chennai in a reputed MNC. Initially, I stayed in a PG. But PG life did not suit me well as I have always been...

Gay Male
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Foot Fetish

Here we go again. I'm hoping that this one will make you all happy. It's the best I could do. If it doesn't work for you I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy...hell I hope that you can READ it to begin with. But anyway I hope that you are going to enjoy it and if you find anything similar to this or you get the urge to write ANYTHING like this then send it my way PLEASE!!! But anyway I hope that you enjoy it and e-mail me back with any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you and...

4 years ago
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My Fetish

My Fetish I am kneeling here all in black lingerie, a bra, panties, garterbelt stockings, heels, short skirt, sheer blouse, with a long wig, makeup, hoop earrings, jewelry, hands cuffed behind my back and with a big hard dick stuffed into my mouth causing me to gag. My ears are being held to shove it in and out, all the while being laughed at and called a cock sucking whore. This Probably unusual, but even more so in the fact that I am a man, or use to think I was! This all...

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Making A Living Smoking Fetish

Val felt it approaching. Sitting at his computer, next to his sleeping wife, Val's body was firming for the pending eruption. On the screen before him was the most beautiful ebony female – sucking a white cock while halfway through a Newport. He’d paused the video at the part where she’d managed to get her amazing glossed lips over the cork of her cigarette and the tip of the guy’s cock at the same time.The Nubian beauty made a tight seal around both, and was in the middle of the strongest part...

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How a kind lady helped my nylon and foot fetish

I thought I would share something that happened to me when I was 16, that has stayed in my memory for years. We lived in the north of England when I was growing up. And although not rich we had a cleaning lady who came during the week, she looked after me during the school holidays while my mum and dad were at work. I thought things might change as I got older, but they didn't trust me to be in on my own all day, probably get into trouble or something. I was an only child, and I've always...

2 years ago
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Erotic Essay 2 Find Favourite Feature Fetish

EROTIC ESSAY 2: FOR FINDING FAVOURITE FEATURES & FETISHES OF READERS' CHOICESI FIND FINDING by SEARCH, Even I try find back certain Story, I Wrote Myself, NOT EASY Here.I FOUND FINDING a Single STORY, rare only one, with Unusual Feet FETISH Particularly HARD.I only remember HER NAME But Not Sure if I Use In that Story Lost From my Sight. She Tried. I APPLY ALL TRICKS & TIPS I know. She 'Dresses': 'Short Sexy Skirt' 'Net Nylons' 'High Heels'.I TAKE An HOUR @ Each SERIOUS SEARCH. TOOK ME...

4 years ago
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Cirque de fetish

“Step right up! Step right up and experience the greatest show on earth. Go though the maze of mirrors or visit our special barn. Experience the worlds greatest hypnotist or meet the incredible Mistress Selena. Help wanted as well. All this and 10 times more at Cirque de Fetish! It is even free of charge 3 nights only!” The barker is yelling out over the crowd as you approach the front gate with all the other people. You can feel the excitement, anticipation and smell the sex wafting though the...

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Primal Fetish

The bedroom was quiet and dark, as both Mark and his girlfriend lay perfectly still. Sleep had come easy to both of them, as they had just had sex the night before, their bodies still intertwined from the heated passion. Suddenly, the silence was broken by the pinging of an alarm. Morning had come, and with it, the responsibilities of the day. Mark slapped the machine with a groan, as his girlfriend started to somberly remove herself from his body. Yawning and lifting himself from the...

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Dirty Little Fetish

The last push of hot air of the day lingers in my bedroom, with the light of the sun departing into the west, streaks of light cascade over my bed. It gives the room a softly romantic feel in the most natural of ways. Right now, the only things I can hear are my own breathing and the soft wooshing of the rotating ceiling fan.We planned for this last night, so I've had time to get things ready. I've thrown off my comforter and top sheet, leaving just the pillows so nothing gets in the way. Now...

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Choose a fetish

Billy was all was a kinky boy. He wanted to discover all his kinks and explore it all by the time he turned 21. He had been planning this sense he was 14. He knew that he couldn't find a regular girl to do this thing. He was into some nasty stuff, he like being piss on and use as a toilet; also sometime he could be submissive. He like getting breast milk, and doing fat girl, smother, etc. A lot of these things he had even tried or attempted. No he had to find the right woman to do it. That is...

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My foot fetish

My name is Cameron, and I'm twenty. I have a twenty-two year old girlfriend who really seems to be into me. Her name is Claire, and I could see asking her to marry me sometime soon. Anyway, we've been seeing each other for a few years now, and we've been having sex for about two years. We waited a little while to really get comfortable with each other, before we had sex. Over that time, I had grown really fond of her feet. When we would cuddle together, I'd reach over, and grab her feet. They...

5 years ago
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Becoming Julie Part 3 mast smoking fetish

Becoming Julie, part 3 – The Later Teen YearsSo now instead of living with Mom as a latchkey k**, I was living with Dad as a latchkey k**. Mom had not started dating after the divorce since I was living with her, but Dad had.Dad had moved into an apartment complex where most of the tenants were younger then he was, and many were single. He had made many platonic friends, being a nice and affable guy. There was a playground area with a big hill on one side. Many of the 20-somethings and...

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Breast Fetish

So I work with this VERY busty girl at my workplace. I believe she told me once she was a jj cup or something. Anyway We flirt all the time.(I LOVE big breasts) She is blonde and has green eyes. She is a little chubby and cute. Not fat but thick. I guess she is a little bit below a bbw but getting there. Anyway, we flirt a lot and she likes me. So on Friday I finally asked her to go out for a drink at the local bar. We had a couple of drinks and watched the game. Flirted some more like we...

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Mistress Bs House of Fetish

I'm pretty sure it was early on in the semester when Mistress B thought it was a good idea for us to try some chastity. She had bought a device for me to wear and one Monday morning before we went back to school, she decided to put it on me. She would wake up a good 2 hours before me Monday mornings, as I recall being woken up and her asking me if I was ready. Before I knew it, the device was firmly attached to me and she put the keys around her neck on a necklace. It would be 5 long days...

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Kinky Bottom With Neck Fetish

I was in Mumbai that time. 26 years old. Slim rather skinny figure. I used to think I am straight but I always liked when any boy or man kept their hands on my throat. I was skinny and short.A lot of boys in college and some colleagues used to grab me by the throat. They might have done as fun but I loved being strangled and their warmth on my throat very much. Anyway finding somebody to tell this fetish of mine was always impossible. Hence when I was in Mumbai for a job as a bachelor, I used...

Gay Male
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my panty fetish

I guess my panty fetish started back in high school but that a whole other story. Over the past few years i have posted adds on a certain website (cl) that i was looking for sexy panties. Replies were always hit or miss but sometimes a real girl would respond back. In one add i put how i'd luv to go through a panty draw and pick a pair to stroke my cock on. A girl (Amy) answered but said she would only meet me in public and give me her panties. To my surprise she showed up and i walked up to...

4 years ago
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Awakeing of a nylon fetish

This is not just a story, its more a recollection of the first memories of my nylon fetish. Where does a fetish come from anyway? Maybe thats an area we shouldnt touch now, thats something for the wise men and doctors.When and where did it all start? I was 9 years old and home alone for some reason i dont recall. Ive must have been really bored ´cause i was on a imaginary treasure hunt, i was always a little boy with loads of imagination but this turned out to be a really really good treasure...

2 years ago
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Foot Fetish

The gift card was in an invitation that was as interesting as the establishment I was about to enter. “Happy Birthday, Peggy Anne. We are about to make your fantasy come true. Come prepared for a great pedicure and perhaps a little bit more.” The building was a charming southern cottage with magnolias and old oak trees. The Spanish moss hung like lace from the branches. There was just enough for atmosphere but not enough to make it spooky. There were rocking chairs on the wrap around porch....


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