Mr. Small free porn video

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Suzy's teacher, Mr. Small, walked down the classroom aisle dropping each student's graded quiz on his or her respective desk. She turned her paper over and paled. It was another "F". She barely answered over fifty percent of the questions correctly on yesterday's quiz. She only got 11 out of 20. She just couldn't seem to wrap her brain around World History and Geography. She started the semester bad and with each weekly quiz and one major test already completed her grade kept getting worse. If she didn't get her grade up she'd be stuck in summer school. That was no way to spend time off!

Mr. Small finished passing out the quizzes then sat on the edge of his desk. He addressed his freshman class. "I see many of you are finally starting to apply yourself to study. The class as a whole did much, much better. I'm pleased. Keep up the good work. Unfortunately there are a couple of you who haven't gotten the concept of responsibility and maturity particularly one certain student. Play time is fun and it's important but there is more to life than play time. I didn't like studying either when I was your age and I don't like it a whole lot now and I'm thirty-four, but I know I have to do it. I don't want to focus on the negative however because most of you get what life is about and I thank you for your strong efforts."

The school bell rang interrupting his speech. The students wasted no time rising to kill the rest of his oration and to maximize their lunch time.

Mr. Small yelled out, "Read pages 113 to 115 on Nero and the burning of Rome."

Suzy was the only student slow to stand. She hated that she got another bad grade. She hated that Mr. Small thought she didn't study. She hated even more the thought of failing the class and having to do summer school.

She approached the teacher's desk where he sat in his chair. "Mr. Small?"

He looked up from his papers.

"Yes, Suzy?"

"I want you to know that I did study."

"Why do you expect me to believe that? If you studied you would be doing better. Your grades are horrible."

"I know but I do study. I really do."

"So what's the problem then?"

"I don't know. I just can't seem to get it. I don't want to have to take the class again in summer school."

Mr. Small cracked a small smile and said, "So if studying doesn't work for you then what are you going to do to improve your grade? I do want you to pass my class."

"I don't know. I'll do anything."


Suzy heard how Mr. Small said "anything" and he looked her up and down like, well, like a guy does when he's really attracted to a girl. Was he actually suggesting what she thought he was suggesting? It sure sounded like it.

"Not anything," she clarified.

"So what if you came over to my place one evening and gave me a blowjob?"

Suzy's mouth dropped. He straight out propositioned her.

Mr. Small stared at her open mouth and said, "I'm sure you've given your boyfriend a blowjob. It would be my cock instead. You give me a big perk up and I give your grade a big perk up. Today's 'F' becomes an 'A'. You'd like that wouldn't you?"

Suzy didn't reply.

"You would like a better grade, wouldn't you Suzy?"

"Yes," she said.

"What about this evening?"

She didn't answer again.

"If you can't pass the class now how do you expect to pass it during the summer? I'm giving you a chance."

Suzy so didn't want to go to summer school. She wouldn't have any fun and she'd be embarrassed around her friends. When she blew Joey, her boyfriend, he always came in only a couple of minutes. It would be worth it to suck off Mr. Small to guarantee a summer of happiness.

"Are you thinking about it?" he asked when she hadn't answered yet.

"Okay," she said.

"Okay what? Okay, you'll do it?"


Mr. Small smiled broadly. "Good, good. Tonight then?"


"Great. Where do you live?"

"246 Thornton Street."

"Where's that off of?"

"Meadow Avenue."

"Toward Mesa Park?"


"Okay, I'll pick you up at the park at six. Is there any problem getting away from home and your parents?"

"No. I can do what I want."

"Perfect. It will be a fun evening. Now go get some lunch." He waved her out.

Suzy felt uneasy but once it was done she would feel a whole lot better knowing she had a whole summer of free time ahead of her.

"I imagine you want to get right to it," Mr. Small said, stepping aside after unlocking the front door of his house.

Suzy went inside and waited for Mr. Small to lead the way. She followed him into the bedroom.

The bed was ready. It was stripped of everything but the fitted sheet.

"Have a seat," he said, pointing.

She sat on the edge of the bed.

As Mr. Small undressed, Suzy tried to act like she wasn't watching him.

"It's okay to look," he said with an amused smile. "It's perfect natural. What girl wouldn't be curious about the cock she's about to suck off?"

"Yeah," she said quietly. She went ahead and looked.

He removed his final piece of clothing, his briefs.

"So what do you think?" he asked.

"It's nice," she said, looking at her teacher's hard cock. It wasn't enormous but it was still bigger than Joey's cock.

"I think so too," he said. "Now it's your turn. Take off your top and bra."

She looked horrified.

"I'm not asking you to get naked," he said, "but I do expect a girl to let me see her tits when she blows me. If you've given a blowjob before then I'm sure you've already let a boy feel you up."

She felt very self-conscious as she took off her bra with the way he stared at her.

"Beautiful," he said as a whisper.

It sounded like he was in awe which surprised her.

He reached out and grabbed them. She tensed up but quickly relaxed when it was evident he just wanted to caress and stroke them. It was actually kind of nice. The couple of boyfriends she let touch her tits were always too rough.

"Damn, they're perfect," he said. "So small. They make you look so young. They're awesome!"

Suzy wasn't sure how to take that. She didn't like that her tits were little, but Mr. Small seemed to like them a whole lot because of their size.

"You're fucking perfect," he said.

She was shocked at first to hear a teacher talk like that but they were away from school in the privacy of his bedroom so it seemed okay.

"Ready to suck my cock?"

Suzy nodded.

He grabbed a handheld video camera off his dresser then went down on his back on the bed.

"What's that?" Suzy said, already knowing what it was.

"I'm going to film it so to keep the memory of tonight. You're a special girl."

She didn't like that at all.

He said, "Don't tell me you're going to flunk my class just because I want to film it. You're struggling in my class, but I know you're not stupid." He pointed between his legs.

Suzy knew the video wasn't something he'd go around showing to other people because he'd get in trouble over this if people found it. In that way, she had more power over him than he did over her.

"Suzy!" he said sternly and impatiently.

She climbed between his legs and he instantly became happier. She took his cock in her mouth. It felt, tasted, and smelled like the only other cock she did this with.

"That's my girl," he said.

One immediate difference she noticed was Joey would immediately groan and gasp while Mr. Small only had a big smile. It took a lot longer for Mr. Small's cock to begin drooling pre-cum. Joey's cock did it almost instantly. After five minutes, Mr. Small showed no sign of cumming yet. All he had done was groan a few times.

"That's my girl," he said again. "Now take it a little deeper. No, deeper than that."

Suzy didn't like to take it too deep. The one time Joey thrusted in the back of her mouth caused her to gag and to almost throw up. She didn't like that at all.

"Deeper!" he said irritated.

Suzy felt his strong hand on the back of her head and his cock pushing to the back of her mouth. He was too powerful to resist. The cock head made her cough and choke, but he didn't let her up. Suddenly and unexpectedly his cock was pushing into her throat. The pressure was easier now but it was a scary sensation. Her face became pressed up against his stomach and he held her there.

When he let her go, she came up gasping for air.

"There you go!" he praised. "Let's do it again."

"Please, no," she begged.

"You just did it. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Mr. Small forced her mouth down again and again. As it continued, she learned how to relax her throat, so it went in with less effort. He always sounded so happy when she was all the way down.

"Okay, I'm getting close so get me off. I want to see my jizz." He patted the camera. "So don't swallow until I tell you."

Suzy nodded to show she understood.

She bobbed on his cock.

"Faster," he instructed. "Tighten your lips."

Mr. Small became much more responsive.

"That's it! Do it! Do it girl!"

He groaned and held her head down, but he didn't try to push it down this time. Several strong spurts landed in the back of her mouth and on her tongue. It was a lot! It was much more than what Joey did.

"Let me see it!" he said excitedly.

She slowly lifted her head up knowing she should try not to spill any of it.

"Open," he said eagerly. "Yes! Awesome! Okay swallow and show me your mouth again."

It took a couple of swallows.

"Awesome! A definite 'A'."

She let herself smile. It was over. She didn't like being forced down on his cock, but she had learned to handle it so it ended up being not too bad. She had an "A" in the class.

"Okay," Mr. Small said. "That changes your grade to an 'A' for yesterday's quiz. When can you come over again to change your grade for previous quizzes?"

"What?" she said. She had a sick feeling in her stomach and it wasn't from the cum.

"One 'A' on a quiz isn't enough to change your full grade. You're going to have to change more grades than that one."

"I thought you said I would pass the class if I did this."

"No. All I said was I would change your grade for yesterday's quiz and I will. You now have an 'A' for it unless you want to apply it to a different quiz though your last quiz was your worst so you're better off applying your new grade to it. Do you want to apply it to another quiz?"

"No," she said glumly.

"I'll take you back home," he said with a pleased smile. "We'll do the same thing tomorrow to change another one of your 'F's to an 'A'."

He dropped her off at the park. On her walk home, she wondered how many times she would have to blow him to get her grade up to an acceptable level. She not only had to change some of her previous quizzes to an "A", she would have to turn any future quizzes into a good grade and he liked to give a quiz every week plus there were still three more major exams and the one she failed already.

Today was the third day in a row she was at Mr. Small's place. Yesterday he had her on the floor up on her knees as he stood. As she sucked his cock, he frequently pushed it into her throat again.

This evening Suzy was on his bed on her back. Mr. Small stood at the end of the bed. She looked at him upside down since he had her head hanging off the side. His cock hung above her face. Once more he had his camera.

"Open and keep it open," he said. "Don't move."

She did as he said. She couldn't do much of anything else.

Mr. Small's cock entered her mouth then pushed into her throat.

"Fuck, yeah," he said. With his hand, he rubbed the bulge in her throat that was his cock.

He pulled back and pushed back in.

"Breathe quickly," he instructed.

She did as best she could while Mr. Small slowly thrusted in and out of her throat. She didn't like all the gooey saliva and pre-cum running down her face.

"What a good little slut you are, Suzy," he said.

She couldn't respond to or protest his words. All she could do was remain still and feel the constant motion of his throat-penetrating cock.

"Oh, fuck!" he groaned, slowly pulling back.

Mr. Small's strokes slowed down but they became harder like he was trying to ram his cock further down her throat. She wanted to swallow the choking saliva and pre-cum but had no opportunity.

"Yes! Yes! Yesssss!" he shouted.

Suzy could feel his cock pulsing and his cum sliding directly down her throat on its way to her stomach. She discovered that if there was any benefit to his cock in her throat, it was that when he came she could avoid having to swallow his cum.

"That's my girl!" he praised.

As they dressed, Mr. Small asked. "Tomorrow is Friday. Can you stay later? You could change a couple of grades."

She nodded. She didn't want to but she knew she needed to do it.

"Mr. Small?" Suzy asked as soon as they were in his bedroom. She had pondered something all day long.


"I was wondering if I applied my 'A' for sucking your cock to a major test that it would raise my grade up faster."

"Are you a virgin?" he unexpectedly replied.

"Yes," she admitted.


She stared at Mr. Small. She knew what her teacher wanted. Her breathing became shallow.

He said, "I'm not sure how you're going to pass the class without making sure you get a good grade on the major tests. They count too much to your final grade."

"But you said I only had to give you a blowjob," she protested.

"At first," he said with smile, "but I definitely planned to fuck you and I'm going to do it today." Suzy subconsciously put her hands in her lap as protection. "I have something to show you."

He walked to his dresser and flipped up the screen on the laptop computer. Suzy was appalled to see the picture was of her deep down on his cock.

"I'm sure you don't want your parents to see how big a slut you are," he said calmly. He clicked through several pictures of Suzy. "Do you notice that you're the only one identified in the picture? The cock could belong to anybody. If you told someone about it who would believe a desperate girl that was failing her class? It would only look like you were trying to blackmail your teacher to get your grade up. It would be such a shame to lose all your friends because of that."

Suzy's face became distraught and he seemed to like the look.

"So Suzy," he continued with too big of a smile. "Are you going to give me your virginity or do you want me to email these to your parents right now?" He brought up the email program.

She trembled. This was completely awful. This was not the way she fantasized losing her virginity. Tears welled up.

"I'll do it," she said very softly.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

"Take my virginity," she said still in a hushed tone.

"Tell me explicitly. Do you want me to fuck you or send an email to your parents?"

"I want you to fuck me." Suzy's voice cracked. A solitary tear ran down her check.

"Good. I knew you were a smart girl," he said with a big grin. "Let's begin. Get undressed. I'll be right back."

She waited naked in the middle of the bed when he returned. He had shaving cream, a razor, scissors, and a towel.

"I'm going to pretty up your pussy first," he said.

She felt uneasy when he touched her there. It was the first time anyone ever did it. He was surprisingly very gentle.

"What a lovely cunt," he said, admiring his completed handy work.

It was a weird sensation to have her pussy so bare. She could feel the simplest breezes on it.

"Remind me what you want me to do to you," he said.

"I want you to fuck me," she grudgingly repeated for his ears.

Mr. Small, an adult man, placed his weight on top of her naked body. Suzy felt so small and so vulnerable. This wasn't the way she wanted her cherry taken. She softly cried. She felt sad and miserable and he obviously didn't care. She felt his cock tip rub over her pussy until it found her opening and he nestled the head between her lips. He pushed against her hymen. He drew back and slammed in. Suzy screamed out. She tried to push at him but instantly knew it was useless.

He groaned as he entered her tight cunt. "That's what I'm talking about, girl!" he said. He wiped a few of her tears away, but the flow kept coming.

She couldn't believe how bad entry hurt and he felt painfully huge inside her. Wasn't sex supposed to feel good?

Mr. Small steadily fucked her. He seemed completely tuned out to her sobs.

"Yes!" he said. "Yes!" He thrusted slow but hard.

Suzy groaned. It was awful.

"Fuuuuuck!" he gasped. He now fucked into her faster and faster. He slammed his cock into her. "Yes! Yes! Yesssssssss!"

She felt it. The same jizz that previously went straight down her throat was shooting inside her pussy.

"There," he said, pulling out. "You're no longer a virgin."

He briefly left her alone in the room. She cried to herself.

"Fuck, you are a hot girl," he said. He placed a glass of water on his dresser. "Look at my cock. I'm ready to fuck you again."

"I need to go home," she excused.

"You're staying later tonight because it's Friday. Remember?"

She nodded unhappily.

"I'm going to make things clear to you. I expect you to come over anytime I want you. If that means you have to cancel plans or put off doing your homework then that's what you have to do. Understand?"

She nodded slowly. Tears returned.

"Good. You're going to tell your parents that you are going to a slumber party tomorrow night. I'll pick you up at the park at noon and you won't be home until sometime Sunday evening."

She looked despondent and he smiled in response.

Mr. Small grabbed his video camera. "Move over," he said.

He went on his back in the center of the bed.

"Climb on and sit down on it."

Suzy did as she was told. She so didn't want his hard cock back inside her.

He grabbed his cock and positioned it. She felt her pussy being stretched out again. Entry didn't feel nearly as bad as her first time

"That's my girl," he complimented when she was all the way down. "Beautiful. Now fuck me."

She knew the faster she could make him cum that faster it would be over, but she didn't have the energy and her pussy ached.

"Fuck, yeah!" he said appreciatively.

Suzy discovered that sometimes Mr. Small's cock felt good inside her. The sensation was more like what she expected to feel during sex. The pleasure temporarily blocked out the pain, so subconsciously she adjusted her motion to try to achieve more of the good feelings.

"That's my girl!" he said excitedly. "Fuck yourself on my cock."

"Ooooh!" she moaned. She knew it was wrong to enjoy this but it felt so good.

"I'm gonna cum, girl. I'm gonna cum!"

When she first sat down on his cock she wanted it to end fast, but now she wasn't ready for it to end. She wanted the feelings to continue.

Mr. Small grabbed her waist and held her down.

"Fuck!" he shouted.

Suzy felt his cock throb violently and then spew more jizz into her pussy. He pulled her down and unexpectedly gave her a deep tongue kiss. His cock slipped out of her pussy.

When he dropped her off at the park later, he said, "Remember. Be back here tomorrow by noon."

"Okay," she said sadly.

Suzy was tired when Mr. Small picked her up again. Last night was a restless night. Her dreams kept reliving the moment he took her virginity and the sharp pain associated with it.

"Get undressed," he said in his bedroom. "I shouldn't have to remind you. It should be the first thing you do." He grabbed his camera.

"Yes," she acknowledged.

He positioned her on her knees with her head down on the pillow. She gasped when his cock entered her pussy from behind ... She stayed still and mostly expressionless except for the few times he painfully went a little deeper. He was going to fuck her and that was that. There wasn't anything she could do about it.

"Fuck girl! You've got a sweet tight cunt!" he lauded.

She moaned softly when occasionally it felt kind of good, but it wasn't often enough. She experienced a cock in her pussy for the first time only last night and it felt sore so more often her moans were because of the pain.

When he sped up, it hurt more but if also meant he was almost done.

"Oh, girl!" he shouted while unloading his jizz.

Suzy was glad it was over but she also knew that it had only begun. She wouldn't be home until tomorrow and his cock would be in her pussy a lot more.

He rolled Suzy to her back and straddled her neck. His cock looked all gooey and sticky.

"Come on! Suck it!" he said when she didn't instinctively open her mouth.

"Please," she softly begged. She didn't want to take the disgusting thing in her mouth.

"I want you to understand, Suzy, that when I tell you to do something I'm not asking you to do it. I'm telling you and I expect immediate obedience. Understand?"

She slowly nodded. She felt like crying again.

"Well?" he demanded.

She opened her mouth.

"That's my girl," he said with a pleased smile.

His jizz and juice covered cock had a strong flavor but she didn't find it as repulsive as she expected. She compliantly sucked it.

"That's good enough," he said later.

Mr. Small put the camera on the night stand before he took his rehardened cock and stuck it back in her pussy.

It was a slow long fuck. If there was any good thing about having Mr. Small's cock inside her for so long, it was that his small motions and often no motion didn't aggravate her raw pussy as much. He would groan and praise the feel of her pussy now and then. Eventually he did resume fucking her aggressively and she cried out painfully until he came again a short time later.

"Just rest," he said. "Stay right there. Don't move a muscle."

He grabbed the camera and filmed close-up the jizz leaking out of her pussy before he scanned her entire body.

"Up on your hands and knees," he said when finished.

She was glad that he only wanted to film her from behind and not fuck her that way. She couldn't handle his cock inside her again right now. Mr. Small then kissed all over her body. It was like he wanted his lips to touch every inch. He even kissed her pussy and butt hole.

When he was done he asked, "What position do you want to fuck in now? It's your choice."

"Could I rest longer?" she asked, trying to sound very polite. The insides of her pussy burned.

"Does your cunt hurt?" he said.

She nodded.

"Okay. I'll give your sweet cunt a short rest, but just a short one. I'll fuck your throat for a little bit."

Suzy held in her words of displeasure, but she could tell Mr. Small saw it on her face.

He placed her head on the edge of the bed hanging down and slowly pushed his cock in and out of her throat. She tried not to gag.

"Back up on your hands and knees," he said soon.

She wearily complied. He got behind her and pushed his cock back into her cunt.

"Owww!" she cried out.

"Cunt still sore, huh?" he said.

"Yes," she gasped out.

"Okay. I'll give your cunt a longer rest," he said much to her surprise.

He pulled out and she felt the tip of his cock against her butthole.

"I was going to fuck here tonight anyway. I might as well do it now."

Suzy couldn't believe her ears. He was really thinking about fucking her butthole?

"You've already made my cock nice and wet," he commented.

Mr. Small grabbed her waist tightly, too tightly for Suzy, and pressed his cock forward.

"Ow!" she yowled as her hole was stretched wider and wider. "No!"

The head slipped in.

Suzy screamed. It was like his hard cock was splitting her body in two. "Please," she begged. "Fuck my cunt!"

"Oh, I will again, but it's your ass's turn to be fucked. You don't want your ass to still be a virgin."

"Please! Please take it out!"

"It's not killing you. You'll get used to it. Stop being a drama queen. I don't like it."

She sobbed. It hurt so, so bad.

"Reach over and hand me the camera, please," he said politely.

She looked over and reached out her arm. The simple action caused her butt to hurt even more.


She was relieved when he pulled his cock out but then he pushed it right back in. He pulled out and back in several times. Entry was the most painful part of this.

"Your hole is opening up beautifully," he said.

All she knew was it hurt.

He began to fuck her ass. She cried out constantly but as the fuck continued her verbal outbursts lessened. It still hurt like anything but she was becoming acclimated to the pain.

He was ramming hard into her ass right before she felt his jizz inside it. She was so grateful to collapse down onto the bed. The insides of her pussy and butt throbbed. He painfully opened her cheeks.

"Try to push out the cum," he said.

She obeyed. She bit her lip because it hurt to push.

"Stop!" he soon said. "I see my jizz. Fuck that's a beautiful sight." He filmed it.

He next flopped onto his back.

"Lick it clean," he instructed.

Suzy couldn't think of a more disgusting prospect, but she again did as he said. Once more it wasn't as bad as she expected.

When Mr. Small said she was done with his cock, he put her on her back and simply sucked and caressed her small tits. He then went to his back and pulled her into his arms. They both dozed for a couple of hours.

When she woke, he was already awake. He pulled her on top of him, slid her back, and his hard cock slipped back into her pussy. She remembered that yesterday this was a position that felt pretty good. She hoped it would feel good again.

He looked into her face as he fucked up into her. He seemed to be immensely enjoying fucking her.

"Mmmm," she softly moaned. It was rubbing a good spot.

"Like my cock?" he said. "Makes you feel good? I knew it would. You're a slut, Suzy. That's why I like you so much. I love slutty girls like you. Deep down you wanted me to fuck you. I know it."

She didn't know what to think about what he said. His cock did feel good inside her pussy right now. Did that make her a slut? She never thought about having sex with Mr. Small. Did she really deep down want to do it like he said? Was it true?

"Oooh!" she moaned. Her emitted sound surprised her.

"That's it slut! You like fucking my cock. You're such a fucking slut..."

She didn't care what he said right now. It felt very good right now and she wanted to keep feeling it. If she was going to have to fuck Mr. Small then she might as well try to make it feel good.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she said. She could see Mr. Small smiling broadly.

She moved up and down on his cock uncontrollably. It felt soooo good!

"Ooooooh!" she moaned. It was like her whole body exploded in wonderful sensations.

She collapsed forward. Mr. Small's hard cock slipped out of her.

"That's my girl!" he said happily, rubbing her butt.

He seemed content to let her stay where she was recovering from her orgasm. It was much more powerful than the times she rubbed her pussy and clit to orgasm.

"Okay," he said soon. He grabbed the video camera. "Get back on my cock."

She moved back over his cock. She was tired but it felt super good last time, so it would be okay.

"Put it in your ass this time," he said. He laughed at her frightened facial expression. "Go ahead."

The happiness and pleasure she felt moments ago were gone. She felt weepy again.

"Do it, slut!" he demanded.

"It hurt so much," she said.

"You have to keep getting your ass fucked until it no longer hurts."

She couldn't imagine that ever happening.

"Suzy!" he yelled.

She fearfully placed his cock head against her hole. She pushed down.

"I can't!" she said. The stretching of her butthole was too painful.

"You already know you can," he said perturbed.

She tried again. She cried out as her hole opened wider.

"Keep going," he encouraged.

She couldn't take the pain. She pulled away.

"You're going to do this!" he barked. "I don't give a fuck if it hurts. You're going to fuck my cock with your ass."

"Please, Mr. Small."

"I already told you what to do, so do it, slut."

"I just can't."

"I can prove that you can. I'll fuck your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for a week and then I'll send the video to your mom."

Suzy couldn't let that happen. No one could ever find out she was fucking Mr. Small and especially her parents. She tried again.

She grimaced as her hole was spread open by his cock again. She cried out in anguish. She pushed down harder. Her breathing was fast and frantic. She felt his cock go deeper into her. She didn't want to experience this feeling again but she had no choice. Suddenly the head slipped fully inside and she felt the rest of his cock slide deep into her.

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Mama Ki Ladki Ko Choda

Sabse pahale sabhi chuddakad ladkiya, saaliyo, bibiyo, bhabhiyo aur aap sab ki bahano ki chood ko mere land ka sadar pranam. Pahale mai aapko apna parichay deta hu. Mai waise to Nagpur ka rahane wala hu lekin philhal mai Aurangabad me job hone ke karan hostel me rehta hu. Mera naam Prasad hai. Meri age 26 Saal Hai. Meri Height 5’11 hai aur mai ISS ka regular pathak hu. Mujhe ISS ki sabhi stories acchi lagati hai. Lekin sabse jyada mujhe desi stories padhna accha lagta hai. Maine itni saari...

2 years ago
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6 Load Monday

This past Monday I had a day to remember. I decided to go on the pc and see if anyone was looking for a cocksucker at about 8:30am. A semi regular of mine was online and said he was ready and had a friend I would like so could I come over and suck them both off at 9:30. I of course jumped at the opportunity. At the same time another man (Whom I had never met)had been chatting with me and asked if I was available at about 11am. I again said of course, after asking the usual questions about age,...

1 year ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 31

Joulnar, Tovar, and I went back to the meadow and picked out a good hut to use as a smoker. In fact I found two good candidates so we loaded one up and drug it up by the entrance to the cave and went back for the other one and put it on the other side of the cave entrance. I grabbed a couple shovels and we started to dig a fire pit in the first one. The ground was kind of hard so it was slow going. A couple other men came by and asked what we were doing. So we put them to work. I thought...

3 years ago
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Shadows of Fright The Mutant

Its life as a human only lived on through a couple memories. Most of its human life was forgotten. It mainly staged swamps and lakes though. One of its last memories of a human was being in a lab. Pain. Being tortured. That was when the mouth appeared where his throat was. It took about a week. But it ended up meeting his first mouth making a triangular gape filled with triangular teeth. His tongue long and free. It even remembered when his arms split open into three different appendages. The...

1 year ago
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Family LettersChapter 139

Dear Marissa, Wow. I figured that something was happening when Will didn't send a letter before we had to power up the tank and board the shuttle that was taking us to Tuftsat for our mission to burn the grasslands. I'll admit that while I worried some the mission came first and once we started going to daily briefings and were looking at all the video the various probes that had visited the system provided, I stopped paying attention to how many days it had been. The most wonderful...

1 year ago
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Thats So WrongChapter 25

Day 5 (12) –Pretty much everyone The whole family was gathered around Suki when Duke walked into the suite. Most had wet hair and towels wrapped around themselves. Duke paused, unsure what to do. "Ah, Duke!" Suki exclaimed as he walked in. "Welcome back. We were just discussing plans for this evening." "Thanks," he mumbled. "I already have plans." She laughed, "Do they include a night dancing at the Club?" " ... uh, yeah. Why?" He stepped beside his cousins. "As I was just...

4 years ago
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A Critical PathChapter 26

Sally was bubbling when they arrived home. Nick watched her with happiness and pride. "Oh, Geraldine, we've had such lovely walk," she enthused. "A bluebell wood but spoilsport Nick wouldn't let me pick any and then lambs: brand new ones, ones being born. It was magic. And then I was going to get all stroppy about the farmer collecting them and Nick told me that they were going to be checked out before being released into another field." Geraldine smiled at her childlike innocence of...

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ExxxtraSmall Aria Banks Toy

Bubbly blonde Aria Banks can’t wait for her boyfriend to leave the apartment so she can have some fun with her favorite toy, but she can’t find it anywhere. Luckily, Aria doesn’t give up, and finally finds her favorite dildo hidden on top of the refrigerator. She bounces up and down on it, loving every inch as it plunges inside her tiny pussy. But when her man comes home and catches her in the act, he shows her that the real thing is even better than her toy. He fills her extra small pussy with...

3 years ago
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How I Got Lucky With My Sexy Vijaya Aunty

Hi, this is Rohit aged 23 from Vijayawada, Andhra.I am here to narrate my another real experience with you.My previous experience was posted here in maid servant category.About myself i am 5’10” height and weighing about 63kgs.This happened when i was in my B.Tech.The queen of my life since from my 10th class was my aunt VIJAYA whom i had intimate affair with.About her she is 42yrs old now and too damn sexy aunty.She looks like 30+ old.She is fair complexion not slim and not too fat.Her stats...

2 years ago
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How I became his perverted bitch

My name is Maria, I’m nearly 60 years old, divorced for many years, and I live alone in outer suburban Melbourne. I’m 5'6" tall, full figured (chubby), greying brunette who has put on a bit of weight over the years. I’ve large pendulous breasts (38 DD) with large dark areolae and protuberant nipples, wide curvy hips and thick thighs and shapely calves. Nowadays, I don’t consider myself anything special but in my younger days, I was pretty with a voluptuous figure which not infrequently...

2 years ago
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Screwed Over an NIS StoryChapter 5

Tuesday Afternoon and Evening I pulled in at the motel and we went to our room. The maid must have been watching because the room was cleaned and the beds made. Amy and I sat down on a bed and looked at each other. We said, "Wow!" at the same time. We laughed. I said, "That sure changed things!" "You do like understatements, darling." "Amy, I think that solves our issues with the school. Let's go over the handout." We read it quickly. It said what Principal Norris had said. The...

1 year ago
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Vixen Nancy Ace Billionaire Hookup

Nancy’s sugar daddy gives her everything her heart desires – but there is no substitution for attention. When they embark on a getaway to Ibiza, unfortunately, it does not quite go to plan and with him spending his time playing golf and doing business, she finds herself alone and craving the one thing she is missing. Nancy decides to get the pampering she deserves – one way or another – and booking a massage to ease her stress, she puts an offer on the table – so...

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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 16 Seema8217s First Time Sex

THEN: Seema’s scholarship got rejected rendering her with no source to pay her college fees. Mr. Singh stumbled upon the footage of Seema and Irfan making out in his restaurant. However, instead of firing her, he makes her an offer. He asks her to join his friend’s brothel for the high society men. A chance to earn thousands of rupees in few hours. Initially reluctant, Seema soon accepts the offer. NOW: “Just do what they say, no questions asked,” instructed Mr. Singh as they drove through...

1 year ago
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Watching Her Grow Pt 2

Watching Her Grow Pt. 2 by LordDaddyz This is a work of complete fiction. There is little truths to this story. If you have any comments or critiques, don’t be too harsh, it’s my first time posting anything I’ve written. As you may have already read, things between my God-Daughter and myself have begun to change. She’s a few days away from 18, and just recently, I began to see her as more then the little girl I raised, but as a wonderfully well developed woman. Just the other day, when her...

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Teddys WorldChapter 26 Back in New York Talking to the Nypd

It’s so good when somebody loves you back. Mara was very happy as I turned her over to Nightwing, and Sandy. I was happy as I caught Min and pulled her to me. After she went wild a few times, she was told she couldn’t be with me without supervision as when I had sex with her, all knew I was done for the night. Min tried to get away as she has been spanked more than a few times by the harem because she takes so much energy to please her. Even though she is a mirror image of me when it comes...

2 years ago
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Stolen Stockings Pt 1 SHEMALE LESBIAN PORN

WELCOME TO CHURCH OF RUBBER - STOLEN STOCKING CONFESSION .the sign read above My study doorway.My transex very leggy young secretary nurse led the new prospect in to My parlor and knocked on my door and I said "COME"the heavy gothic arch door swung open and there stood the two stunning transexual stocking sluts in ultimate sissy wear. One happened to be My private nurse and secretary, the other was a specially chosen pretty thing who had been in communication with ME for some time now. My...

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Second group wank

Due to scheduling issues, it took about a month until we were all free to meet again. We even created a messaging thread and named it 'guy time' in a lazy effort to hide our plans from nosey partners. If any of our partners were to have bothered to read the message thread then they'd certainly be in for a surprise.The general consensus was that we were all eager to meet up again and that this time, nothing was off the table. No one went into any detail as to what that meant but what we did know...

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It came as a bit of a shock, but I can't say a completely terrible one. Andrea and I had just made love, and were lying in one another's arms in the warm afterglow. She had made some small talk about how it must be terrible not to have experienced an orgasm, or even to have sex for years and years. I wondered where she was going with it, when suddenly she sat up and looked at me, and asked me if I could consider having sex with her mother.Apparently they had been having a bit of a heart to...

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Triplets Shower Fun

My name is Jamie-lee, I’m 17 years of age, as are my sisters and we are identical triplets. I stand at 5 foot 7 inches, as do my sisters; Megan and Alexis, we all have the same luscious mahogany brown hair, slender sexy bodies with a nice C cup bust, and the same lustful blue eyes. I’m not 100% sure when this thing started, I guess it was when I saw Megan masturbating in our bedroom, all three of us have shared a room since we were little. Megan had been the most sexually active out of the...

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MrLuckyRaw La Sirena Creampie And Cumshot Present For Naughty Slut La Sirena

The holiday season gets hotter and sexier with La Sirena. The gorgeous bombshell is ready to be on Santa’s naughty list. Her red lingerie accentuates the beauty of her curvy body. La Sirena can’t control her lust any longer, so she crawls toward the lucky stud and gives his hard cock a blowjob. The official shoot has yet to start, but La Sirena already surrenders her tight pussy to the horny lad. The man fucks La Sirena in doggystyle and missionary until he cums in her pussy. With...

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100% fiction! This is the story of one of the most satisfying sexual relationships I’ve ever had; no one since has made me come harder, or longer, than my sister. 1. It began in the early summer of my nineteenth year. My parents had separated three years previously, and my sister had moved away with my mom to the west coast, while I stayed with my dad. I guess there was a lot of bad feeling between my folks, because for that three years, I didn’t see either my mom or Cathy at all; I got to...

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All they wanted to do was to get out, but John, being in an argumentative mood, had began to argue, saying he would move it when he had finished his drink. Obviously this did not go down well with the guy and then his two mates came in and they said in no uncertain terms they wanted it moving now or they would smash their way out. In the end, after more harsh words, John relented and went out and moved it. Apparently when he came back in he said that there had been more harsh words in the car...

1 year ago
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The Making of Jesi Part 1

Disclaimer: While this story is based upon true events that occurred over many years there are several aspects of the story that that are fictional. Primarily, the dates in which the events occurred have been changed for a variety of reasons as have the frequency of sexual encounters but not by much. Hi … my name is Jess. So many years have passed and as I sit here contemplating the events in my life it is very easy to be comfortable with and, at the very same time, aroused by the path I...

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The Christmas Miracle

It took considerable coaxing but I agreed to making the long trip to see family for the holidays. I truly did not think it would be an enjoyable experience. Many, so many, times I thought about calling and canceling but, in the end, off I went. Once there I asked myself more than once, ”why”? There were some folks I enjoyed being around but, for the most part, ”why”? Dinner went well with a lot of giggles and smiles being exchanged between myself and a cousin, by marriage, who is quite...

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A Taste Of My Girlfriends Dildo

I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing than sneaking into my girlfriend's wardrobe while she's out and trying on her lingerie. The moment she leaves the house, I head for her garter belts, bras and knickers. I don't have anything to put into her 36C bra cups, and my cock barely fits her panties but all that silk, satin and lace is irresistibly sissy and feminine. On the day in question, I'd waited for her to go to work, before racing to the bedroom. I opened the drawers, and...

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Masters Double Subbing

It was right Master wouldn’t let it send it. He was VERY upset with it. Told it that it was not right to deceive women and that is NOT what he wanted. This totally left slave confused and unsure of what to do. How could it make this work when it didn’t even know if it really wanted it to work? The slave decided that before it attempted to even try and send another email to the lady that it was going to sit down and reevaluate the whole situation. It had to determine the reasons why it was...

2 years ago
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My Busty Widow Neighbor

My name is Ishtiaq and I am from Srinagar (Kashmir). I m 30 with average body but a very strong sex urge. I love big boobs n fat asses, they make me mad. I always used to fantasize about big busty women in my dreams even when I was in school. This is a true story of mine when I was in class 12. There was a widow girl (girl because she was married young and her husband passed just 1 year after her marriage) in my neighborhood, a far relative of mine namely “Laali”. She had a few months she baby...

1 year ago
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Fucking Up

Part One, some background. You're supposed to know who you are when you turn 18. I guess that is why they make such a fuss of that age. Well, I already knew all about myself when I turned 14. I knew by then all there was to know about who I was and always would be. I am 29 now and earn a lot of money as an advertising copywriter. 29 is an age where you can hide behind your wallet. You can buy yourself a mask. 14 is not an age where you can do that. At 14 you are what people say you are, and...

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A Night at the Laundromat

Time to do the Laundry Being single in an apartment has advantages and disadvantages. I get to wear whatever I want when I'm home. If I'm tired I wear shorts and a t- shirt, when I get up it's underpants and that's it. If its been a long day and I need to escape, it's bra and panties, maybe a nice pair of jeans and a cami under a nice sweater. If it's the weekend it's more like bra and panties, stockings and heels, a short skirt and low cut blouse, lots of makeup and my favorite long...

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Dont Bet With Me

Paul hated Sharon.   She was the bane of his existence in this office, the person who caused him more trouble than the rest of the company combined.   She always thought she was right and was never shy about letting him know.   Whenever she had a problem with his team, she came straight to him and complained.   Then she would pull at him constantly like a mad dog, until the issue was resolved.   Through experience, Paul knew she was wrong a lot more than she was right, but explaining...

Straight Sex
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Pink HairChapter 4 Lexie

I slept until it was daylight; for the first time since leaving Bristoe. I was ... naked, in bed, draped over a man ... Bill! I was warm, and comfortable. I felt safe. I moved and my thigh brushed against his ... erect penis. Lifting my head, I looked at him and our eyes met; he was awake and looking at me. "Good morning, Lexie," his voice conveyed much more than a routine greeting. He was smiling, but there was an under-tone of worry. I hummed in my throat... 'mmmm' - and lazily moved...

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i walk in the door

I walk in the door Will tonight be the night, will I allow him to have his way , with me with us . To give into my passion ,my lust for him for us for me.  Will I give into my lustful desires the desires  of  my heart  & my wants . . He loves me in heels &, my thong.. And that's it .. He knows I live in their house ..but I want him to know I want him oh how I crave him .. How when I touch myself it's only him I think of .. His hands all over me forceful yet so safe .. I'd hand my body...

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The Bard Of Avon

This story contains a small amount of crude language and briefly depicts one or two sexual situations. If such things offend you, please go no further. If the concept of two people of the same sex sharing a relationship upsets you, then please don't read this story. The Bard of Avon By Jane Howard First Ted got divorced and then I got divorced. Neither one of us could handle the stresses and demands of marriage. Our wives both felt that we were irresponsible and too...

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Joanne and Lexi

Written by and copyright 1999 Admiral Cartwright, a pseudonym. It is intended solely for the entertainment of its audience. Any publication, reproduction, retransmission or other use of the descriptions and accounts herein without the express written consent of Major League Baseball is prohibited. Unless, of course, you ask the author first (Email address provided below). Distribution of this material or of any predecessor(s) for profit and/or with this information abridged shall constitute a...

1 year ago
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Daughters Hot Home MoviesChapter 5

Symphony was too tired that night to do more than eat and go to bed. She had no trouble explaining to her mom and dad why she was late because, upon returning home, she found them in the living room fucking madly. Symphony watched as her father worked his long prick in and out of her mom's cunt for a moment, then she went off to bed. The next morning Symphony was awakened by her father, who wore nothing but a bathrobe. Beneath the covers she wore only her black silk panties. "Wake up,"...

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Key to My Crotch

This story starts with a key, as the title suggests. Duh. For some reason the previous owners of the house I’m currently living in had a shed built in the back yard – not one of those flimsy aluminum things you see at every Lowe’s or Home Depot but an honest to God stick-built structure with a lockable door, shingled roof and even a window. If this were New York City I could rent the thing out for a thousand a month. It occurred to me one day that if I lost the key, which I was currently...

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greedy girls night shirley confesses all

After a light meal we all watched TV then about 8.30 Shirl said she was going up to bed to catch up on her sleep if we were all off to the beach tomorrow but to wake her when i went up. anxious to know what she had to tell me i kissed our friends nite nite & went up to bed.I pulled back the sheet to gaze at my wifes tanned sexy marked body , as she roused feeling me beside her she pulled me down onto me, squeezing my hardening cock & kissing me hard & long.then telling to just lie...

1 year ago
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InterracialBlowbang Cory Chase 01032022

Every swinging slut sex worker is dreaming of being crowned cock sucker of the year at the upcoming Felatio Fest 2022. It’s the validation they need for all of the whoring about they have been doing all year. But you don’t just show up in Florida at the event and start sucking a cock and you win. This takes skills and stamina. It takes a well trained slut. Cory knows this. She is serious about her career and wants the title with a passion. And that is why her manager puts together a...

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Special Girls on the Side

My thanks to, SexySara, someone I met briefly online who inspired this story. Although never mentioned by name in the narrative, she is the one who leads me out on the evening's adventure, and she is the immediate audience for the narrative as I recount to her the events that brought us to where we are today. It is Friday night, and we go out, both of us dressed fabulously. We don't look cheap. Our image is much more high-priced call girl than street whore. We are two classy babes,...

3 years ago
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I have your arms secured to the headboard with leather cuffs. You are shirtless and barefoot, wearing only a tight pair of jeans. I begin by lightly stroking your face, tracing your jawline, down the side of your neck, feeling your pulse. My hand ventures down past your clavicle, exploring your chest, and further down your side. All the way until I reach the waist of your jeans, where I stop. I begin again, on the other side, savoring the texture of your skin, running my fingers through your...

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The ElectricianChapter 10

Adam pulled his Mustang into the drive at the stone house. He saw a car with a county seal on the door and a man carrying a clipboard walking toward it. Adam headed toward him. “Good morning.” “Good morning,” the man replied. “Are you the owner?” “Yes. Adam Gowan.” “I’m the building inspector. I was just about to leave...” “I’m sorry I’m a little late. Your office was a bit vague as when to expect you. I’ll open it up for you.” Adam unlocked the front door and led the inspector to the...

4 years ago
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Rose my slutty neighbor part 2

After the horny “voyeur” action I had with my neighbor Rose I didn’t see her for a long time. Winter had arrived and I went to the house for a weekend to check that everything was OK! My wife was visiting some friends so I went alone. When I arrived to the house I had to take away a lot of snow which is very heavy work for an office rat like me. Finally it was done and I went inside and made myself comfortable in the sofa preparing myself for a relaxing weekend. I had poured myself a drink and...

2 years ago
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Succulent Desires Chapter 7

“Mommy?” the sound of Missa’s voice finally penetrated her slumber, causing Alice to squint her eyes in the direction of the voice while grunting at her.   This encouraged Missa to continue speaking, “Mommy?   May I eat breakfast now, please?”   Alice ’s voice was rough from all the screaming and moaning but she had enough strength left to respond, “Yes baby girl, there’s fruit and cheese in the frigerator.   Also, call room service and order what I wrote down next to the phone for breakfast...

3 years ago
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Brother in law

I am 18 years now and my experiences started about 2 years back when my sister, Sandhya got married to Sanjay at a very early age. She was two years elder to me, that is 18 at the time of her marriage, and Sanjay was 21 years. He had just completed his studies and started working and Sandhya was attending college. My mother had also married early, as it used to happen in villages and my sister was born when she was only 16 years old. So at the time of Sandhya’s marriage she was only 34 years of...

1 year ago
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Michelle My Stepmom and Me

I really didn't mind working as a bartender, while I took some time offfrom college here at UCLA. It was a matter of money but I was saving forthe next semester. My customers were friendly and although they knew of mysexual preferences and my girlfriend Michelle, they always treated her withrespect.I was pulling a double shift the day my mom was flying in for a visit so Iasked Michelle to pick her up at the airport. I suppose I should explainabout my mom.She was my stepmom and since I lost my...

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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 26 Visit to crowded place

Woman around 27 years old. Married childless after 6 years of marriage. She and her husband were trying their best for a child with their full force But still she has not been able to become a mother . Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a...

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Franks RewardChapter 3Tony

TONY LEFT THE hotel, knowing that he was a little bit concerned at what Helen had just said, but also recognising that she seemed happy and he knew that he just couldn't be jealous of Frank. He guessed that she knew what she was doing. He was actually looking forward to her telling him everything that happened during the night and in the morning, as she promised she would. But he wondered about her saying she would be sore. Tony remembered what she had told him about their last time...

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How my wife went from anal hater to butt fucking

I’ve been married fot almost 16 years to really great woman. When we were first married we tried anal sex twice, the first time I had to stop because she said it hurt, the second time she started crying, so I stopped. Just kinda figured that wouldn’t happen again. But then about a year ago, one of her friends said how she liked it when her boyfriend stuck his finger in her ass when he fucked her. She said she wanted to try it, so that night she rode my cock reverse cowgirl and I stuck my finger...

2 years ago
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ReunionChapter 2

All I could think of while in jail was getting hold of Mark and beating him till he was near death. As far as Amy was concerned, I had no idea what would happen between us. My first thought was to embarrass her to no end and then divorce her. The only problem was that I still loved her. Since Brent wouldn't take me to the airport I took a cab. He kept telling me how sorry Amy was and that I should talk to her, but I didn't want to listen to either of them. I told him to tell Amy to go to...

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Love Dont Run ch 2

Love Don’t Run By Hisangelbeauty and Ropetease Waiting for him to answer his cell phone, his image flooded her mind as the phone rang. “Baby Girl?” Joe’s smooth sounding voice filled her ear. “Joe, will you teach me to be your slave?” Joy asked him just above a whisper. His heart skipped a few beats as her words sank in. He had been waiting for those very words from her. A predatory gleam came to his eyes as a sigh of relief left his lips. “Yes I will, from now on you belong to me and...

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the milf nextdoor

It was early september and a new college year had just started james was moving into a new aparment ith a college friends and was looking forward to it.. he was 5'11 and with dark curly hair and broad shoulders.They had moved in a week when james spotted her early one morning about 35 slim c sized tits and an amzing ass heading out for a jog.. her skin tight running legging really shoed off how amazing her ass and legs were while her unzipped jacket gave a slight glimpse of her bouncing...

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White sand blue water palm trees and lots of sex

They are by any measure, not your average couple.   Brooklyn and Morgan both hold six figure jobs running a chain of fitness clubs.   Morgan is 30 and close to 6 ft tall with slightly longer, curly brown hair and a well tanned body.   Tanning on their very private deck means he has no tan lines.   He has broad shoulders that narrow to a much smaller waist.   His arms, back, chest and abs are well defined with plenty of lines outlining every set of muscles.   Not overly huge muscles, just...

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