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All text and dialogue is translated from French.

Daniel had first glimpsed Andrée at the beginning of the occupation, when it was still all about students. She had stood on the steps of the Sorbonne, that great institution of French Enlightenment, and hollered through a megaphone that the French Enlightenment was full of shit, and that they would rise up and smash the imperialist state. Daniel had been captivated by her image, her dusky skin and short hair. At first he thought that she was a striking image of the revolution. Later, he realized that he was just in love with Andrée.

It had been a month of unimaginable success. Another student occupation had turned into a joyous riot that shut down all of Paris. The city itself had been transformed. The cobblestones beneath their feet had been ripped up to use as improvised weapons. Cars in the street were as likely to be set on fire as used to get anywhere. Nobody went to work. Every day there was a new protest, and every night a new riot.

The walls bore graffiti and hand-stenciled posters instead of advertising. The slogans were written with the exhilarating freedom of a child home sick from school. “Never work”, “boredom is always counter-revolutionary”, “under the paving stones, the beach”. They were against Vietnam, capitalism, against communism, against work, against everything.

And all Daniel could think of was Andrée.

It was easy to see her all the time. He had joined her gropuscule, a small political party containing the usual re-arrangement of ideological words. Laborer’s Revolutionary Front, or something along those lines. Their publications were angrier and more dogmatic than Daniel liked, but he didn’t want to be seen as a moderate.

If he had hoped the infatuation would pass, he was wrong. The more he saw Andrée speak to her peers, the more he was fascinated by both the contours of her cheekbones and the purity of her rage. When she talked about the need for violence against all aspects of bourgeois society, Daniel found himself nodding along, even though the implications scared him. He never spoke up in the meetings, and had yet to say a word to her directly.

In part, he was intimidated by her. In part, he was intimidated by her boyfriend. Luc was a Maoist who dressed in leather jackets and spoke in a deep voice about the need for collective agriculture. It was said that he was the top student in his class, a genius of political economy. At protests, he was the first to throw rocks, and the skin around his eyes was perpetually red from the effects of pepper spray. He was a tall, handsome man with a thick beard. When he kissed Andrée after the meetings, Daniel wanted to die.

Two weeks into May, boredom had started to set in. The televisions showed nothing but static, the radio played nothing but propaganda. All of the shops were closed. Most people passed the time by having sex. Daniel heard men chuckle and boast about how girls were so easy in this time of revolution. The graffiti began to echo them: “Take your desires for reality”, “I came in the cobblestones”, “The more I make revolution, the more I want to make love”. Daniel just sunk further into despair.

It was a sweltering Wednesday when Daniel decided to finally talk to Andrée. He didn’t expect that she would leave Luc for him – after all, who would? But if nothing else, he could at least be around her as a friend when this was all over. If it would ever be over.

The air around the university was still sooty, the result of a fire two nights before that jubilant students had started and not known how to put out. They had felt confident on that day, having seen the workers turn out in the streets for the first time. These were the real levers of revolution, at least according to Andrée and Luc. They couldn’t lose with the workers on their side. Of course, as Luc would add, the point of the revolution was to break down the categories that had separated ordinary people for so long, so that people would no longer be defined as worker or student, left or right, male or female, but simply as human. Daniel had wondered at that last dyad. Perhaps it was simply a boast about the barriers that had long been broken between him and Andrée. That had ruined Daniel’s mood.

He strolled into the lecture hall that their gropuscule had repurposed as a headquarters. Litter had started piling up in the aisles and under the seats. Daniel thought about raising the state of the university in the group’s discussions. It seemed churlish to talk about stink when they were trying to overthrow capitalism, and stop its endless imperial wars that killed millions. But knowing the context didn’t stop him from smelling it.

Who was he kidding? He wouldn’t speak up about anything.

There were a few dozen students in the hall that day, and two refinery workers who had showed up on Monday and sat in the back with gaunt expressions and a few days’ stubble. Andrée and Luc were, as usual, sitting on the lecturer’s desk at the front, having easily taken on the pedagogical role. Yesterday they had been cheery, talking about how de Gaulle would fall within a month. Today, however, they wore scowls on their face.

“Comrades,” Andrée said. “We have been betrayed.”

Daniel checked over his shoulder. Were the police about to come bursting through the doors? They couldn’t – that was what the barricades were set up to prevent. As it turned out, the betrayal was a little more distant. Luc cleared his throat and spoke. “I’m sure you’ve heard this by now, but Dany has been expelled from France. But that is not the betrayal – we expected this from the state. No, what is worse is that our so-called comrades in the PCF and CGT have said they will not protest this blatant capitulation to the right.”

“They’re Moscow’s puppets,” said a hirsute anarchist in the front row. “This is just like Barcelona!” He had a habit of comparing current events to the Spanish Civil War at least once a day.

“Occident must be pleased,” said a dark-haired girl who was known throughout the left as one of the most ferocious anti-fascists.

“There will be a march today,” said Andrée. “UNEF is putting it together, but I think it’s important for more radical groups such as us to participate. The government must know that we are united.”

The meeting went on, with more mundane details of the mobilization and the occasional theoretical debate rolling onwards. Daniel remembered his vow to himself to speak up, but suddenly found as if he had nothing to say. No, it wasn’t like that – it was as if language was suddenly failing him, had been severed from his mouth.

So this was to be another day where Andrée noticed him as nothing more than a face in the crowd. But how long would she be here? If the revolution succeeded, she and Luc would surely be moving on to bigger and better things. And if it failed ... well, they would all have much bigger problems. Prison, for the lucky ones, but Daniel had seen the way that the cops looked at Andrée, an Algerian girl who spat in their faces, and knew they would vent their rage onto her if they could. His window, in other words, was rapidly closing, and this may have been why he found his voice.

“Should we be doing this?”

The rest of the room turned to look at Daniel, including the rather tedious man who he had interrupted. Andrée cocked her head, obviously surprised by his interjection.

Daniel wasn’t sure how to follow up, but had absorbed enough of the rhetoric of the movement to babble on. “I mean, the revolution is about more than one person, right? Making the protest all about Dany just kind of furthers the idea that he’s our leader.”

“Not to mention he’s a petit-bourgeois adventurist,” interjected the bearded anarchist.

Luc smirked. “I understand your feelings, comrade. But it is important to maintain our relations with other parts of the resistance. Now is the time for action, but not the time for purism.”

“I think Daniel has a point,” said Andrée. Hearing her say his name made Daniel’s heart jump up into his throat. He was shocked that she even knew his name. “We must maintain a consistent line. Perhaps we join the march, but include some of our old signs about broader issues.”

After half a minute’s silence, Daniel realized that everyone was waiting for him to reply. “Um, that sounds good. I just, uh, want to make sure we’re consistent.”

Andrée nodded. “Thank you for your input, comrade.”

--Daniel almost fainted.

As was typical with the daytime marches, there was the atmosphere of a gentle party. Groups of all sizes sang songs, carried banners, and enjoyed the spring warmth. The dug-up streets made for awkward walking, but there was always someone to grab your arm if you slipped. The police watched, but did not advance on them. As long as the sun was up, there was a kind of truce, albeit one that was broken every once in a while

Today’s protest was for the sake of Dany Cohn-Bendit, the West German student radical who had become the face of the movement. In truth, Daniel didn’t like him. Daniel had gone by “Dany” to all his friends before this year, and felt as if his nickname had been stolen by this upstart. Andrée didn’t seem to like Dany either. She had always smirked a bit when someone brought him up, and sometimes muttered something about him being an infantile anarchist who did not understand the class dimensions of the situation. But that sarcastic tone had been gone today, and she was chanting just as loud as anyone else about his exile. Daniel found himself doing the same.

The most popular chant was “We were all German Jews”. When he heard it at first, Daniel felt disgust. Surely this crowd of students couldn’t be comparing their experience to the Holocaust? It took a minute before he realized the other meaning: that Dany was a German Jew, that the radio announcers kept trying to paint him as some outside agitator despite the fact that he spoke better French than them, and that if France could not contain Dany then they would no longer be French. Better to adopt the identity of history’s victims, its refuse, to follow them down into the grave. Daniel had been raised by strictly Catholic parents who would have been aghast at basically all of his behaviour for the past month. But he shouted that he, too, was a German Jew.

The march progressed slowly, oozing through the streets of Paris like a thick syrup. They moved at the speed of the slowest among them, with the inevitability of history. The sun beat overhead until their bodies were dewy with sweat, but they kept walking. They walked until they reached the National Assembly, where the politicians had frantically assembled to try to figure out a response to the so-called crisis.

Another chant went up. “We are all aliens.” It didn’t have quite the transgressive charge that the last one had, but it rang true. They had, after all, turned Paris into a different country. It was a more savage one, without television or the postal service or well-stocked shops, but it was also one without work or school and, where the barricades held, without cops. And they had, perhaps, become something alien and monstrous themselves. The police were cowering, desperate to protect the politicians. The students had become their enemy, and it felt exhilarating.

Daniel stood just a few feet from Andrée. Luc was nowhere in sight. For a moment he stood transfixed at Andrée belting out “We are all aliens”, watching the shiver of air travel up her dusky sweat-slick, neck. And then he started chanting at the top of his lungs.

The protest dissipated by the time the sun set. They had caught glimpses of a couple politicians leaving – Chirac, and a man that might have been Mitterand – and booed lustily, which seemed to satisfy the crowd. It was the time when Daniel would normally have retreated to his cramped student apartment for a night of fruitless reading of Marx and more engaged reading of whatever cheap detective novels he could get his hands on. His decidedly bourgeois roommate had left and headed to the countryside to stay with his family until classes restarted, so Daniel had faced quite a few lonely nights.

Today, however, Andrée had tapped him on the shoulder. The small touch had almost made Daniel jump onto a roof. “Comrade,” she had said, with an undeniable smile on her face. “We’re planning an action tonight. Do you want to join us?”

Daniel nodded dumbly.

“Great!” said Andrée. “Come on, we’re heading back to the school to eat and get ready.” And just like that, Daniel was in there group. Had it been this easy the whole time?

There was a group of about seven of them – Andrée, Luc, the dark-haired girl (whose name was apparently Sylvie), the bearded anarchist (Piotr, although that may have been an alias), and two other men who were just as quiet as Daniel. The core group told jokes and talked about people Daniel didn’t know. Sylvie complained about annoying calls from her parents, and Luc agreed. They could have been mistaken for any other group of college-age friends relaxing after a tough day of classes.

“Were you an activist before May, Daniel?” said Luc, looking back at him as they walked.

It took Daniel a moment to answer, he was so startled. It felt alien to actually be a part of these peoples’ conversation. “N-no. I don’t even feel like an activist now, to be honest.”

He thought it sounded pathetic, but Luc chuckled and nodded. “That’s good to hear! This is a moment when people can be radicalized. Myself, I spent years as an academic, acting as if my critical essays on Adam Smith would overturn the world order. But being out on the street feels so much better.” And he turned back to kiss Andrée.

When he watched the kiss, Daniel waited for his usual feeling of envy and despair. But it never came. Instead, he felt something that he couldn’t quite define. He felt ... well, hungry.

Of course he felt hungry. He hadn’t eaten since the morning.

The walk back must have taken less time than the long march towards the National Assembly, but it felt much longer. In the crisp air of early night, Daniel wished that he could take the excitement he was feeling and extend it for weeks, months. There were nine days and ten nights left in May – why did this month have to be so short?

When they reached the campus, the group quickly drifted towards one of the occupied dormitories. In the windows, the flags of Algeria and Palestine hung alongside the hammer and sickle and the red and black of the anarchists. The only flag that was nowhere in sight was the tricolor.

“Veronica and her group will be making dinner again tonight,” said Andrée. “It’s our job to show up and not stink like pigs.”

“Pasta again?” said Piotr, his nose crinkling.

“Supplies are low,” said Andrée. It was something that was uncomfortable to admit: their revolution had been running on whatever they could grab from supermarket shelves, and there weren’t exactly any grocery trucks coming into the Latin Quarter in the last couple of days. Luc had mentioned something about reaching out to farmers, but Daniel didn’t think anything had come of it.

Daniel really should have split off from the group and gone back to his own dormitory, where he could have showered in relative peace, but he instinctively followed the group in. Like all the dorms, it was by now a mess, with beer bottles and extinguished roaches in every stairwell. Andrée and the others paid it no mind. They headed right for the group showers in the middle of the floor. Daniel became increasingly tense.

He expected them to take turns, or at least for the men and women to go separately. But as soon as they stepped into the moist changing room, Sylvie began pulling her shirt over her head. Piotr slid his pants down and kicked them into a corner. Daniel’s eyes bulged. “Are we, uh, all going together.”

“Of course,” said Piotr, as he removed his underpants. “Unless you are still influenced by bourgeois notions of propriety?” Daniel tried to avoid looking at his dick, even if that urge was bourgeois.

“It’s quicker,” said Andrée, removing her shirt. “And uses less water.”

It was then that Daniel realized he was about to see Andrée naked. It was a fantasy that would have been unimaginable to him this morning. Then again, a few years ago men and women being together in the same dorm was unimaginable. In the age of protest, fantasy became reality very quickly.

She pulled down her pants and removed her underwear with militant efficiency. Andrée showed no discomfort, but also didn’t make it into a show. It was as if she was alone. She was facing away from Daniel, but he still got a good look at her ass and a glimpse of her dark pussy lips. Hell, even looking at her bare back, that great expanse of her dusky brown skin he loved so much, was enough to get him semi-erect. But before he could gawk further, Andrée was briskly walking into the showers.

It was then that Daniel realized he was the only one who was still fully closed, and that the others were giving him a bit of the side-eye for it. Sylvie was the only one who looked a little self-conscious. She had no reason to feel bad about her body. She was a classical French beauty, with long dark hair, a slim waist, and small but perky breasts topped with ribbon-pink nipples. But even though Daniel had a much better view of her nakedness than he had of Andrée’s, it interested him less. It was like a picture he had seen a thousand times, compared to something exciting and new.

Daniel eventually got out of his clothes, although he somehow managed to struggle with his belt for what felt like forever. It was then that he realized not only would he see the others naked, but they would see him naked as well. He, with his scrawny body, the constellation of freckles across his back, and what he was sure was a below-average dick. He would be lucky if Andrée didn’t laugh.

But everyone seemed to stop paying attention once he was as naked as them. Sylvie and Piotr turned and headed into the showers. Daniel gulped and joined them.

The water was too hot, the pressure too high, and there was no soap, but that was the furthest thing from Daniel’s mind. He tried to ignore the fact that he was standing a few feet away from a naked Andrée. This proved difficult. He turned his head in order to not get a stream of water in his eye, and caught a glimpse of Andrée’s breasts. He couldn’t look away.

Her breasts were everything Daniel imagined they’d be: firm and round, about the size of oranges, the same light brown colour as her skin, with darker nipples and areolae. She was running her hands over her body, scrubbing away the dirt and sweat, and Daniel imagined his own hands touching her just like that, but lingering on her breasts, on her hips, between her legs, in the thatch of dark hair he could just barely see.

Then Andrée shifted, and Andrée realized that Luc stood between her and him. Literally, as well as figuratively. As she took a step back, Daniel’s gaze fell on her boyfriend. For the first time, he realized what Andrée saw in Luc. He seemed chubby with clothes on, but here in the shower Daniel could see that it was mostly muscle – not exaggerated, arrogant muscle, but the thick arms and chest of a worker. Daniel wondered how an academic had acquired this body. And his cock hung down large and heavy.

Daniel realized that he was erect, and frantically angled his body away from the others. It was no use. They would realize that he was a pervert. He felt someone clap him on the shoulder, and braced himself. But it was just Andrée, with a mischievous look on her face Daniel had never seen before. “Nice cock.” And then she left, swishing her hips as she went back to the changing room.

“Don’t worry about that,” said Luc, entirely too loud. “Andrée likes to tease men sometimes. And if you want to take care of that after we’re done, well, everyone here will understand.”

Daniel didn’t realize right away what Luc meant, and flushed red when he did. How could these people be so open about things? He knew that he would find it repellant if someone else talked about their masturbation in front of him. He looked around and saw that everyone else had left the shower. Daniel gave his cock a few experimental strokes, but he was too nervous, and the hot water too uncomfortable. His penis shrank almost immediately. Well, that was for the best.

Daniel went back into the changing room. Everyone else was fully dressed, and looking at him. And his dick. Did they think he had just jerked off? Daniel quickly turned away, and tugged on a pair of pants. He hadn’t even dried himself off, but he wanted to be clothed as soon as possible. Sylvie mercifully started a conversation about a great piece of graffiti she had seen that afternoon, and Daniel allowed the attention to slide off him, although he still spent a few minutes in the corner, staring at the wall.

This was how it always was. He would make friends, start ingratiating himself into a new group, and then he would bungle things by being his awkward self. It was why he barely spoke to his roommates even before they left the city, and why he had found himself but nothing better to do than sit in the back of political meetings. Even if they did overthrow the government, Daniel felt sure that he would still be a loser in whatever communist non-state came afterwards.

As he changed, a familiar smell wafted into Daniel’s nostrils. They were running out of food, toiletries, and just about every other staple of life, but somehow there was always enough pot. He turned around to see Andrée taking a deep drag off a particularly thick joint. She coughed and passed it to Daniel. He hadn’t smoked hash since high school, but he took a puff.

This must have been a pungent strain, as Daniel almost immediately found himself flat on his ass, his troubles gone. What had he just been thinking about? How he wasn’t fitting in? They were all getting along great! Who cared if they had seen him get hard? They were all friends.

“This is almost as good as the shit I got in Cuba,” said Piotr.

“That’s only his five hundredth mention of the time he went to Cuba today,” said Sylvie.

Piotr giggled. “It was very influential!” He then burst out into full-throated laughter. Daniel didn’t think it was that funny, but he laughed too.

Luc nudged Daniel. “You ready for tonight, my friend?”

“What happens tonight?” said Daniel.

“The real protests begin! You ever beat up a cop before, Daniel?”

Andrée snorted. “What a thing to ask.”

“Uh, no...”

“Well, it’s like riding a bicycle. No, no, that’s not the right analogy.”

Andrée crawled over to where Daniel was sitting and put her arm around him. He melted into her touch. It felt right. “Don’t let Mr. Radical here scare you. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“That’s what I tell all my lovers,” said Luc. “And yet...”

“Shut up!” Andrée threw something balled-up at Luc. A tissue, maybe – no, it was her panties. Mystery solved. (But shouldn’t she have been wearing them?)

“I know you just got in this because you think Algerian girls are hot,” said Luc. “I did too! But Daniel, you can become a real revolutionary.”

Daniel had a vague feeling that he should say something, but he just smiled and leaned back into Andrée’s arm. He could see the nape of her neck, the cute little hairs on the back. Why did nobody ever talk about how sexy necks were?

“He doesn’t deny that he has a crush on you,” said Sylvie.

“Why deny the obvious?” said Andrée, keeping her arm around them.

Daniel was watching this as if it was a movie, one with familiar tropes but which was still amusing. And then he was more removed, floating high above the room, looking down on everyone. They were all so wet, and so beautiful, even him. And then he was intensely in his body, and started laughing. After a moment’s hesitation, everyone else started laughing too. They weren’t laughing at him, or at Andrée, but rather at the whole topsy-turviness of the world. To think that stupid young people like them could change the world! To think that, for so long, stupid young people hadn’t!

They got to the dining hall late, and enjoyed a scanty amount of pasta without sauce. It didn’t matter – no one cared much about food any more. After eating, they headed out again, this time in a larger group. Big men, who were perhaps rugby players before this all started, stood on the edges of the group in a kind of protective phalanx. Daniel’s chest tightened with a mixture of fear and nervousness.

Two different but equally warm hands gripped his. He looked down to see that Andrée was holding his right hand and Luc his left. It was a small gesture, but it strengthened Daniel. He found himself joining in the chanting and singing as their group marched down the streets.

Daniel could smell smoke. He hoped it was just from a hastily-made dinner, but deep down he knew better. No one around him seemed to care much.

It wasn’t long before they met the police.

They had just left the Latin Quarter, just gone beyond the barricades made of ripped-up fences and overturned cars. The police were prepared for a fight just as much as they were, marching in formation with truncheons drawn. They must have numbered at least a dozens.

“Return to your homes!” the officer in the front of the group said, in a booming voice. He was a thick and grizzled man with just a hint of gray in his beard. “Curfew is in effect.”

The smart thing to do would have been to go back beyond the barricades, where the police were afraid to enter. But no one had ever accused revolutionaries of being smart. Still, Daniel expected some of the big men around them to confront the police. Instead, it was Andrée. Her hand slipped out of his as she pressed her way through the group and stepped up to the lead cop. It was quite a site, this thin Algerian girl, all of five foot five, glaring at a bulky police officer and practically begging him to hit her.

And then he did.

It was with one broad, inconsiderate motion, like swatting a fly. Andrée took the blow on her left cheek and stumbled back, but didn’t fall. The men around Daniel roared with outrage and charged forward. After a moment’s shock, he joined them.

The police had obviously expected to be dealing with a bigger group than their little cell. Megaphones and tear gas grenades hung from their belts, but they had come out to fight and knew that, in these chaotic days, no one would punish them for any indiscretions. The big men plowed into the cops, battering them with their fists. Sylvie had crawled onto one of their backs and was clawing at the eyes o a policeman. Another cop had knocked Piotr down with a strike of his truncheon. Blood poured out of the anarchist’s nose as he struggled to get up.

Daniel reached down to the street. Somehow, there were still a few stones left there. He would have never thought that he had the strength to pry one out of the ground, but it came out with a minimum of effort. In his hand, it was cold and dirty. He had been raised not to hurt anyone. Could he really throw this thing?

The answer was yes.

The stone arced high, into the crowd of police. Daniel didn’t see if it hit anyone. Everything was a chaotic jumble. There was no dignity in this type of fighting, and no rules. What he did know is that, after a few minutes of it, the police pulled back.

And then came the gas, flowing in like the fog. It stung Daniel’s eyes, and his face. It hurt worse than when he had hit a hornet’s nest as a child. He found himself shrinking down to the ground, only to find two strong arms holding him up. It was Luc. He pressed a cold, damp cloth to Daniel’s face, covering up his extremities. The gas still stung, but not quite as much. Somehow, in this man’s arms, Daniel felt safe.

Both sides retreated from the maelstrom of tear gas. The encounter had been everything Daniel had cynically suspected the nighttime riots of being: almost pre-arranged street fighting that accomplished nothing. But somehow, despite the gas stinging his eyes, Daniel felt alive and exhilarated. He had thrown a stone at the police, and gotten away with it! He was invincible.

They were all invincible that night. Daniel would later learn that five hundred of their comrades had attacked the police headquarters in the Latin Quarter, and done some damage. Others had thrown a tear gas grenade of their own back at the police. Fires had gone up all over the city – they saw a few as they walked the streets, and Andrée had cheered them as if France had just scored a goal in the final of the World Cup.

Their group didn’t see much of this. They had been involved in a small skirmish with police who were overly aggressive and on edge because of what was going on elsewhere in Paris. They had painted some slogans on walls and smashed the windows of a bourgeois clothing store. But they were still hurting from the fight with the cops. Piotr’s nose had been busted open, and Luc’s finger broken. So they went back to the dorms. It felt like anything but a retreat.

Their spirits were lower when they got back to the dorms, if only because their injuries had started to hurt. Andrée’s bruise had started to develop into a black eye, and Luc’s nose was leaving a thin trail of blood behind them. Sylvie grabbed him by the hand and took him to the impromptu infirmary another group had set up in the gymnasium.

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Let me start out by saying Skip is not special...he is convinced that he somehow bumbled in to his predicament, but honestly he followed a well designed path that yields the same result every time...a guy naked and on his knees, his dick is hard and drooling, and he is agreeing to everything and anything I tell him to get his mouth on my dick. Nothing about his experience was spontaneous, unintentional, or unique to him from my perspective.First, about me...I am a special guy, I am bi, and I do...

2 years ago
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Expect the Unexpected Pitching a Tent

“Carter?” “Hm?” “Do you mind if I take my pants off?” I lay there motionless, stunned. Whether or not the question should have come as a shock to me, I really couldn’t say – but it did. I tried to think of how I ended up in this situation. Jennifer had always been my favourite cousin, but now things were getting as close to the edge as they could. For the last few years as she had navigated through puberty, I had found myself strangely and wildly attracted to her more and more...

1 year ago
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The start of being a naughty slut Chapter 1

So how do I begin. Well this isn't a story of amazing sex or mind blowing gangbangs (well not yet anyway.) This is a story about what's happening to me right now. A story about me finding myself and my body after having two children and dealing with the fact that I am in my late 30's and in need of a confidence booster for me and my body. My name is Sam, happily married for 10 years to a wonderful guy who loves me and my body. Even though I think i have a few wobbly bits after having two...

4 years ago
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Sandras Awakening Ch 04

They went back to the same restaurant, they were supposed to meet at before, where Sandra had met Tom. Sitting there listening to Lisa ramble on, trying to make her feel better, Sandra began to think about what she had done with Tom. “ Your about a million miles away, and hey, why is your face so red?” Demanded Lisa. Sandra, very red-faced and ashamed told Lisa what had happened the night she bailed on her. “You mean after what you heard on the phone, you still feel bad”? Lisa hollered. ...

3 years ago
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Evergreen Forest Ch 02

Snatch stared at his hand. He hadn’t meant to do that. He hadn’t meant to drop the scythe. He hadn’t meant to get so diverted. He hadn’t even meant to watch the mad, deranged, glorious, delectable nymph’s pleasuring. But her moans of lust had hypnotized him, just like her eyes had done. The eyes that were now staring right into his own. His right hand had done it. The hand that she had held and tainted with her juices. Surely. He hadn’t done it. The green-haired and green-eyed beauty...

2 years ago
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Andrew The Unsuspecting Sissy Part VII


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Elaines Dog ShowChapter 6

"AIYYEEIEE!" Elaine shrieked as Rex hunched his powerful black hips one more time and buried almost all of his cock in her snatch. She kept screaming and screaming as the dog held tightly onto her heaving belly. Elaine shook her head wildly back and forth as tears of pained pleasure sprang to her eyes. She couldn't believe the sensation she was having right now. It was different getting screwed by a dog. All those lumps that funny, slick pointed feeling of doggie meat pressing against her...

1 year ago
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my online friend and our journey into a switch sub

this story starts with my growing obsession about introducing a man to the pleasures his body can give him. Freeing him from things a stereotypical male should and should not like. Its my belief that the adult human body is there to be enjoyed and between consenting adults explored together respectfully and boundaries gently and safely tested.We met online and we chatted nicely about turn ons and turn offs shared links to movies we liked and chatted about how open we were to trying new...

3 years ago
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Craigslist shemale

One day sitting at home edging, I decided to go on craigslist t4m most of the ladys were black with huge scary cocks then I happen upon a thai girl Tia, we started talking and asked her if she wanted to meet up, she didn't drive so I had to pick her up. as she walked to the car I took notice she was about 5'8 she had tight jeans on and a decent ass for a Asian girl. she had a leather jaket on and I could see she was pretty flat chested. Tia had shoulder length hair and her face all dolled up....

3 years ago
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Video Game ENF

Welcome to every gamers' fantasy. Have you ever wanted to see your favorite female character being stripped of all their dignity? Well step right up for this is the place for you. We've got characters ranging from all over the gaming world from Mrs Pacman to Commander Shepard (female) whomever you want is fair game as long as they've been in a video game! Writing Rules: No rape All characters must be 18+ This is an ENF adventure so characters must actually be embarrassed. Although other forms...

2 years ago
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Plumber To My Friend

Hi, I am Sam an avid reader of this stories practically every day and that too since long time and like reading interesting stories . I like stories coming from the fairer sex as I feel it takes courage to pen down their experiences , likings, disliking, fantasies onto a public forum like this . Well I am in my mid 30’s living in australia, well built. Since living here for a long time we tend to learn everything on the things which are done by the specialists in back home it carpenter,...

2 years ago
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A Beautiful Journey 8211 Part 7

Hello readers welcome to this beautiful journey. I am very happy for the response that I got from all of you. Keep giving your feedback. I am male the story is completely fictional. Let’s enjoy the journey. Ayesha had her independent masturbation experience last night. I asked her in the morning, “Did you enjoy last night, my child” “Yeah mom I did a lot.” “So do you think you can do it on your own?” “Yeah mummy I shall manage.” “But remember don’t do it without my permission.” “Yeah Mamma I...

2 years ago
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The Naked Girl in Our Garden

I married a woman I didn’t love, in fact, could barely stand to be around. Old men like me dream of a passionate May/December marriage that will bring back the fire of our youth. But ours was a December/December marriage. A union between two dried up, worn out people whose time came and went and are now just waiting around, I guess, for the curtain to fall. Her name was Marion and I met her on a cruise to the Bahamas. My son and my grandkids were always joking about how my mind went to the...

2 years ago
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The Limp Factor Part Two Rising to the Occasion

"Okay, it's time to make this dick hard!" She said as she slid her naked body down.Yep, she knew. Imagine my embarrassment as her hands gripped the elastic of my boxers to roll it down only to reveal the limpness that prevailed during all this erotic stimulation.If she was not able to make me hard, I was definitely giving up on sex for sure. I would be scared to try again."Mm, there it is. A young soft cock. I just love fresh young soft meat. Making it grow so it can be inside me makes me even...

Straight Sex
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Total Woman Requests 02

Mrs. Rush reviewed the TWR Final Request Voucher. It looked to be in order: the Pledge Contributor’s Requested Scenario, TWA Security’s Clearances for Scenario Participants, Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization and the Confirmed Venue Schedule. All Total Woman Academy Pledge Contributors (PC’s) had discretionary use of the Total Woman Academy Graduate Network. TWA graduates donated their time and talents to events that contributed their earnings to the TWA Alumni Fund. The graduates...

4 years ago
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Our First Encounter

I sat in my truck in a hotel parking lot on a late Friday night. Because I was nervous, my heart was racing. I didn’t know how my first meeting with Ivy would go. We had met online over a month ago and had become great friends, but I wanted us to be more. The site we met on was sort of an online dating site, but it also was not your regular dating site. This site was used to bring doms and subs together. I had been on for a few months now and was becoming restless because no one lived in my...

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The Holdup Chapter Three

Chapter 3Abbot Balfour squeezed his fat ass out of the confines of the cab. He was sweating profusely and slightly hungover from drinking one too many bourbon's during the return flight from KC. He was still pissed at the airline hostie who had squeezed his balls and drove her heel into his foot and although he was carrying over one million dollars in mob funds back from KC he stiffed the cabbie on the tip.Inside the Litton Farmer's Bank, Ray Sullivan and Steve McDonald waited patiently for his...

4 years ago
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Its A Wonderful TG Life

It's A Wonderful TG Life by Cabinessence(MDW) Alan Brand was alone again on Christmas Eve. Well why should this night be any different from any other night? To the many that knew him, he was thought of as a success, but inside his soul he felt like a fraud. This was not the life that he should be living, he thought, I should have been born a girl. Everything would have been so much better. Yet fate had dealt him an interesting conundrum. Oh of course he could well afford the money...

1 year ago
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Mayhem in a PillChapter 24 Hope They Wore Clean Underwear

Hope They Wore Clean Underwear “Dammit,” Tim mumbled to himself as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and pushed a little too hard. At the same time, he was trying to figure out why he was waking so obviously early in the morning. His cell phone buzzed insistently on the nightstand next to his bed again and was in danger of buzzing itself off the edge. The Caller ID read “YEAAHBOYEE.” “Where the hell you been, dickhead?! I’ve been calling you for like an hour!” Johnnie was apoplectic over...

2 years ago
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Autumn Joy

It was one of those late September evenings of which we get one or two most years. The sun had shone all day, and the warmth remained even after the sun set Cheryl and I had arranged to meet at the Crown and Cushion, a small, intimate and very comfortable country inn just to the west of Fleet, where I was living at the time. As it was a Monday, I hoped that the Crown would not be too busy, and I was lucky. I could hear that there were quite a few in the Public Bar, but the Lounge we had to...

4 years ago
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Mom Ko Uske Boss Ne Choda

Hi… Friends I am submitting my first story on this site. I am regular reader of Indian sex stories so I thought I should share some experience with you this story is some real some fantasy.. So let’s come on the story Ye story jab ki hai jab me 12 th ki class me tha aur meri mom seema bahut hot aur sexy aurat he bhaut mordern rehti he uska figure dek ker sabke lund khade ho jate he tha mom ek company me kam karti thi aur ekdam sexy bhi thi sakbi nazar uski boobs aur gand per rahti thi… Hamari...

1 year ago
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Prem Paradise Season 2 Episode 15 MILF In Kitchen

THEN: Induja Nair was Mrs. Nair’s newly married sister-in-law whose husband worked in GULF. To satisfy her growing sexual needs, she began an affair with a colleague Prof Jayant who failed to do so. Aamir was an eighteen-year-old boy who was smitten by Induja. He had even started taking tuitions from her in an attempt to get close. Instead, he ended up fucking the lonely MILF Mrs. Nair. NOW: It was nearly twilight when Aamir came knocking at Induja and Mrs. Nair’s penthouse. He was there for...

3 years ago
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Table for One

Some people go to church on Sunday mornings, I ride my bike.  No, not a Harley, this is one you pedal. Nor am I an ironman. I often do twenty-five miles, but I stop and have a snack, admire my surroundings.  It's the ultimate in "me" time, and I love it.One sunny Sunday morning I was meandering down a quiet residential street about ten blocks from home, and I spot a yard sale.  I stopped to browse, and after going through some old books and men's ties, I notice a folded up massage table with a...

2 years ago
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Changing Human channels

I woke up pretty early on the first day of summer. I was finally a senior, and now I was going to enjoy a perfect summer vacation before I head off to school. I really didn't want to go, but at least I could get out of my step-families house. Its not like their strange or anything, but its been ever so strange since my dad passed away. I climbed down the steps and sat on the couch next to my step-sister, Taylor. Her largely breasted body jiggles as I plop down next to her on the couch, and her...

1 year ago
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FantasyMassage Morgan Rain When The Boss Isnt Looking

McKenzie Lee is busy training a new masseuse, Morgan Rain, when a regular client, Chad White, arrives for his appointment. While McKenzie is nothing but professional, Morgan is instantly attracted to Chad and isn’t shy about making it known to him. However, McKenzie seems completely oblivious as she asks Chad if it’s okay for Morgan to give the massage today. Although he’s unsure, he agrees, giving Morgan questioning looks. As Morgan begins the massage, she keeps coming onto...

1 year ago
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My wife finally caught me Part 1

Lynn, my wife had e-mailed me at work earlier in the day, saying She was mad at me and wanted me home by six to have a serious discussion. What could be wrong, i wondered, this wasn’t like Her, we got along well, hadn’t had any arguments, did i left the toilet seat down again?So five o’clock rolled around i left work stopped and had a couple beers with the guys and headed home. Driving home i racked my brain thinking and not knowing what the problem could be, but i was confident that it was...

1 year ago
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My Judy Returns

"Ted, you got it wrong. Sure I feel for Judy, but I am not in love with that lady. Love feels different."  I think I have told him that at least three times, but he always came up with new arguments."I don't care what you call it, infatuation, affection, fondness, or whatever; I say you are in love with this lady. I speak from experience, my friend." I guess he does have some experience. Ted has been married three times.But I disagreed. "Look, Ted. That lady is twenty-four years older than me,"...

3 years ago
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I soon found out that the young girl’s name was Adelle and apparently, this was not her first penance at the Church, having confessed to other desires and thus sins before Pastor Rachel on other occasions. However, this was her first penance before such a large gathering and I could see that she was a little nervous like myself, but also a little excited, just as I was feeling so many eyes lusting after our nude forms. Adelle was truly beautiful, and I found myself torn between the thought of...

2 years ago
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Forbidden Fur 3 Night of the Unicorn intro

Alice sat in the control tower of the Facility’s airdrome, scanning the distant horizon. Behind her, to the west, the sun was lowering in the sky. The regular sounds of a Novo-Brazilian jungle day were transitioning into night and even through the sound-proof glass, the fresh cacophony of noise was audible. A small dot appeared in the sky to the north east. Tamara was right on time. As it grew nearer, the private jet banked to gradually align with the runway. The low sunlight winked from its...

3 years ago
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A Declaration of Female Dependence

July, 2009. The White House.Jenny holds tight to her Blackberry. She is a journalist. She is on special assignment from her newspaper. There, she is a respected co-worker and friend to many. Her palms sweat around the Blackberry. She'll be writing the speech in live-blog chunks. This is not her first Obama speech. She covered the inaguration, and several campaign speeches before the election, before the financial crisis, before Obama began retooling the country to make sure the bankers didn't...

1 year ago
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Mt Hospital Stay Monday

Stephen lay with his back propped up against the pillows of his hospital bed. Although he was getting better at it, he was still struggling to work his laptop with his good arm in a cast. His whole right hand was suspended in a contraption holding the bones of his hand in place while they healed. It was still a little unsettling to look at the small cables penetrating through his skin on the back of his hand and going all the way though to his palms. He'd been helping his uncle put in a...

2 years ago
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College Roomate Part 2

After junior year in college, the roommates situation totally changed. Two of the five dropped out. Two more, Tim and Chuck, joined the fraternity that had a house right behind our apartment complex. That left me, and I found a 2-person apartment in the same complex that I shared with a fellow theatre major. My senior year was exciting, but I still did not have any sexual outlet. How I wish I knew then that the library restrooms had numerous glory holes that were very active! I only found...

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Zak Is Greeted With A Double Surprise

Nina and I were standing next to each other in the elevator to the garage. I felt her hand reach for mine. The last person stepped off the elevator and the doors closed. Nina’s lips were all over mine.“Kristen, I get horny around you. Going through the day is difficult. I have a deep girl love for you. I have never felt anything like this for anyone. Can we get naughty tonight?” said Nina.On the ride home I eyed Nina’s beautiful legs.“I see you looking at my legs. Let me pull my skirt higher...

3 years ago
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My head pulled back, your hand in my hair holding my head stiff.The position designed to create it im possible for me to resist, you want to take me your way and I must obey..I'm bent over with my kness on the bed,my legs parted hands tied at the wrists between my legs, the long rope trailing down the length of the bed."Uh.....UH.....UH......UH......UH.......UH......UH" All that can be heard from my mouth as you ride me brutally. I feel my body vibrating with the force of the...

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Marrying mother and sister

It was 15 years ago my mom and dad had been separated, my dad had left my mom when she was 23, saying he was going for a business meeting and never returned, all she had got was a letter saying he was sorry and he was not happy with her. The event left my mom in charge of her two kids, my sister, Uma, a year older than me, now at 19, a shapely young woman, full of joy and life, a perfect figure you might say, a 36-24-36, and myself, Raja, at 18 just out of junior college, well built, very...

4 years ago
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Hot gay threesome 2

Here I relate further, my experiences when I was a manager at a rural estate. I had newly discovered gay sex with my two servants Romi and Raj. Since we were quite isolated we soon had a full time gay sex orgy going. There was little work to be done and in any case we were enjoying too much to get any done. Raj was an effeminate bottom with a small cock. Romi was lanky and had a bigger one. But Raj was more the hornier of the two. Both were fascinated by my huge cock. Earlier I was into...

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Aahhh Bhayia Doodh Nahi Piyoge Mera

By : Samita Hello friends’ main apki pyari si aur chulbuli samita ajj ek bahut dino baad apko apna experience batane ayi hoon pehle to sory k main kisi k email ka jwaab nahi de paai. Email mein jiyadatar log likhte hain jaise love you Samita ek baar dedo ya phir kehte hain k mera ek baar choos lo koi kehta hai mera 8” ka hai koi kehta hai 7” ka hai sach kahoon to mujhe bhi aise email bahut ache lagte hain. Ab to koi mujhe gaalian de gandi gandi to aur bhi majaa aata hai pataa nahi kion...

2 years ago
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Lindas New SchoolChapter 18 Sleep

When she approached the common room, she heard a few quiet voices and what sounded like giggles coming from there. Just as she reached the doorway, there was a shuffling of paper. Looking in, she saw Victoria and some of the other girls looking a bit too innocent. She looked a question at Victoria, who tried to keep a straight face for a few seconds, but gave up and smiled. The others started quietly humming "We're off to see the Wizard", while she held up copies of the cartoons. Linda...

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Climbing my own everest

His name reminded me of mount Everest and in time he became to symbolize it too - an unreachable, mysterious goal. Our friendship began quite unexpectedly. I knew of him from high school but it wasn't until we were in the same college that I realized him. He was, and is the sort of geeky guy, that you would not recognize if you did not go up and talk to him; and maybe even then. He does not have the body of a god, nor is he an amazing speaker. But I knew from that moment that I was really...

Love Stories
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A NOT so Welcomed Guest Ch 2

Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus ----------------------------------- Norse Deities -------------- Odin - War god, main god of the Norse gods Freya - a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr. Loki - a mischievous god who can shape-shift and can take up animalistic forms. ---------------------------------------------------- Valkyries ---------- Prima - Name means fight Geirahöð - names means spear - fight Göndul - War...

1 year ago
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Rileys Bar Chapter 3

For the next couple of days I was bummed at myself for not saying "Just minutes from here" that night at Denny's. When I finally became convinced that Karen wasn't going to return my calls I shook it off and looked around. Leslie had pointed me at Betsy and I thought 'why not give it a shot' to myself. I really wasn't in any mood to work hard at getting something going and Leslie had indicated that Betsy would jump at a chance to go out with me. Tuesday Betsy and two of the other...

2 years ago
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Synergy of two bodies

Hi, all happy to be back to entertain my dear readers, it’s been long since your jj gave you a good long whack off story. Well i am little guilty on this end but fair enough this one is going to be short but definitely have all the required stuff for you to spend along time in the bathroom and releasing some heavy load of cum. My mom told me there was a family get-together and i needed to attend. I normally hate these affairs and try to slip out early. These people were not my blood relatives...

2 years ago
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Frustrated League Cup Liverpool Home perfect endin

Phoenix Ticker May 9 morning, Premier League last game of the 37th. Liverpool sits Anfield home 4 to 1 victory over Chelsea. This is the second time the two ultimate teams clash in four days. FIFA Cup final opponents Liverpool lost 1 to 2 missed the National Cup crown, while the game’s victory greatly ease the recent weakness of the Red Army, which temporarily exceed Fulham ranked eighth in the Premier League standings. FA frustrated FIFA 16 players turned gorgeous half after blasting the...

3 years ago
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Escape from BuggeryChapter 13

Tracey and Buttercup wandered along in the dark Gomorran landscape, their shadows cast forward by the light of the nearly full moon, able to see that on this side of the border as on the other there was evidence of the detritus of war. They were both very tired and both felt thoroughly abused. Buttercup was finding the pain between her legs a particular agony for which she was grateful for Tracey's devoted love, as she grasped her lover's hand. Tracey herself tried to keep out of her mind...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Penelope Woods Makes A Move On Stepdad

Imagine finding a luscious young Latina like Penelope Woods sunbathing half-naked on your lawn. Well, that’s precisely Brad Newman’s luck today, but there’s a slight catch – the bikini babe is his stepdaughter and she’s just caught him jerking off. After her stepfather explains how it’s because he misses his wife and she reminds him of her mother, the naughty nymphette takes the cue to make a move and what ensues is hot oral sex and pussy fucking in...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 11 Pride Leadeth to Downfall

We were all surprised when, after we’d been there for ten days or so, we looked up at the headland one morning and saw a black flag. We had talked it over, I liked to talk everything over, and everyone knew what to do. Frankly, that was one of the differences between ‘civilization’ and ‘wilderness’. Civilized people tried to educate everyone so that everyone knew their jobs as well as someone else’s. If you or your buddy got injured or killed, the job would still get done since you both knew...

2 years ago
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I Caught Mom Or Did She Catch Me 2

Introduction: Who Is SHE Please Read The First Installation Before Starting This One&Scaron, I Caught Mom. Or Did She Catch Me? 2 : Who Is She Whos there? I asked blindly as I was afraid of the imminent consequences for my earlier actions. It sounded very similar to my father, and in that case Id either be on the streets or getting one of his famous Im proud of you speeches. I got neither the former nor latter. It just me Eric I heard a familiar soft girly voice. My dad impersonation is...

3 years ago
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TJ MorgChapter 72

""Sundowner" arriving. Party! 'Shun!" accompanied by the crash of work boots impacting the deck. Clare braced to the receiving party then directed her gaze at the woman standing at the salute, "Thank you, Lieutenant. Carry on please, and don't think I won't get you for this." The Lieutenant broke her salute, grinned evilly, and ordered "Party! Dismiss to collect your box. Dismiss! Get moving you lot, you aren't flowers taking root. Smack it about." Clare guided Shirley aside...

4 years ago
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Good Evening Zoe

"Thanks for coming to babysit, Will, you're a lifesaver.""That's no problem, Mrs. Clarke," I replied, "any time."I heard the door slam and I settled down to watch the TV for a few minutes. I'd received a call only an hour ago asking me to babysit as Zoe, Mrs. Clarke's daughter had forgotten to tell her mum that she had a date. No problem as far as I was concerned; I was doing nothing that evening and I could watch the football that was on TV that evening in peace.The game had barely...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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‘If you were to sell me one of your chickens, dear lady,’ the middle-aged man smiled at the woman behind the barrow laden with chicken pies and morsels of roasted chicken. ‘I would surely enjoy the memory of it.’ ‘I am just basting the next batch, sir,’ she responded listlessly, without looking up, ‘They will be finished soon, but do talk to me while I prepare them.’ ‘I enjoy talking to attentive ears far more,’ he rebuked her lightly. ‘Would you care to accompany me to the inn?’ ‘I am...

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