Baju wale bhabhi ko bp dikha kar choda
- 2 years ago
- 25
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All text and dialogue is translated from French.
Daniel had first glimpsed Andrée at the beginning of the occupation, when it was still all about students. She had stood on the steps of the Sorbonne, that great institution of French Enlightenment, and hollered through a megaphone that the French Enlightenment was full of shit, and that they would rise up and smash the imperialist state. Daniel had been captivated by her image, her dusky skin and short hair. At first he thought that she was a striking image of the revolution. Later, he realized that he was just in love with Andrée.
It had been a month of unimaginable success. Another student occupation had turned into a joyous riot that shut down all of Paris. The city itself had been transformed. The cobblestones beneath their feet had been ripped up to use as improvised weapons. Cars in the street were as likely to be set on fire as used to get anywhere. Nobody went to work. Every day there was a new protest, and every night a new riot.
The walls bore graffiti and hand-stenciled posters instead of advertising. The slogans were written with the exhilarating freedom of a child home sick from school. “Never work”, “boredom is always counter-revolutionary”, “under the paving stones, the beach”. They were against Vietnam, capitalism, against communism, against work, against everything.
And all Daniel could think of was Andrée.
It was easy to see her all the time. He had joined her gropuscule, a small political party containing the usual re-arrangement of ideological words. Laborer’s Revolutionary Front, or something along those lines. Their publications were angrier and more dogmatic than Daniel liked, but he didn’t want to be seen as a moderate.
If he had hoped the infatuation would pass, he was wrong. The more he saw Andrée speak to her peers, the more he was fascinated by both the contours of her cheekbones and the purity of her rage. When she talked about the need for violence against all aspects of bourgeois society, Daniel found himself nodding along, even though the implications scared him. He never spoke up in the meetings, and had yet to say a word to her directly.
In part, he was intimidated by her. In part, he was intimidated by her boyfriend. Luc was a Maoist who dressed in leather jackets and spoke in a deep voice about the need for collective agriculture. It was said that he was the top student in his class, a genius of political economy. At protests, he was the first to throw rocks, and the skin around his eyes was perpetually red from the effects of pepper spray. He was a tall, handsome man with a thick beard. When he kissed Andrée after the meetings, Daniel wanted to die.
Two weeks into May, boredom had started to set in. The televisions showed nothing but static, the radio played nothing but propaganda. All of the shops were closed. Most people passed the time by having sex. Daniel heard men chuckle and boast about how girls were so easy in this time of revolution. The graffiti began to echo them: “Take your desires for reality”, “I came in the cobblestones”, “The more I make revolution, the more I want to make love”. Daniel just sunk further into despair.
It was a sweltering Wednesday when Daniel decided to finally talk to Andrée. He didn’t expect that she would leave Luc for him – after all, who would? But if nothing else, he could at least be around her as a friend when this was all over. If it would ever be over.
The air around the university was still sooty, the result of a fire two nights before that jubilant students had started and not known how to put out. They had felt confident on that day, having seen the workers turn out in the streets for the first time. These were the real levers of revolution, at least according to Andrée and Luc. They couldn’t lose with the workers on their side. Of course, as Luc would add, the point of the revolution was to break down the categories that had separated ordinary people for so long, so that people would no longer be defined as worker or student, left or right, male or female, but simply as human. Daniel had wondered at that last dyad. Perhaps it was simply a boast about the barriers that had long been broken between him and Andrée. That had ruined Daniel’s mood.
He strolled into the lecture hall that their gropuscule had repurposed as a headquarters. Litter had started piling up in the aisles and under the seats. Daniel thought about raising the state of the university in the group’s discussions. It seemed churlish to talk about stink when they were trying to overthrow capitalism, and stop its endless imperial wars that killed millions. But knowing the context didn’t stop him from smelling it.
Who was he kidding? He wouldn’t speak up about anything.
There were a few dozen students in the hall that day, and two refinery workers who had showed up on Monday and sat in the back with gaunt expressions and a few days’ stubble. Andrée and Luc were, as usual, sitting on the lecturer’s desk at the front, having easily taken on the pedagogical role. Yesterday they had been cheery, talking about how de Gaulle would fall within a month. Today, however, they wore scowls on their face.
“Comrades,” Andrée said. “We have been betrayed.”
Daniel checked over his shoulder. Were the police about to come bursting through the doors? They couldn’t – that was what the barricades were set up to prevent. As it turned out, the betrayal was a little more distant. Luc cleared his throat and spoke. “I’m sure you’ve heard this by now, but Dany has been expelled from France. But that is not the betrayal – we expected this from the state. No, what is worse is that our so-called comrades in the PCF and CGT have said they will not protest this blatant capitulation to the right.”
“They’re Moscow’s puppets,” said a hirsute anarchist in the front row. “This is just like Barcelona!” He had a habit of comparing current events to the Spanish Civil War at least once a day.
“Occident must be pleased,” said a dark-haired girl who was known throughout the left as one of the most ferocious anti-fascists.
“There will be a march today,” said Andrée. “UNEF is putting it together, but I think it’s important for more radical groups such as us to participate. The government must know that we are united.”
The meeting went on, with more mundane details of the mobilization and the occasional theoretical debate rolling onwards. Daniel remembered his vow to himself to speak up, but suddenly found as if he had nothing to say. No, it wasn’t like that – it was as if language was suddenly failing him, had been severed from his mouth.
So this was to be another day where Andrée noticed him as nothing more than a face in the crowd. But how long would she be here? If the revolution succeeded, she and Luc would surely be moving on to bigger and better things. And if it failed ... well, they would all have much bigger problems. Prison, for the lucky ones, but Daniel had seen the way that the cops looked at Andrée, an Algerian girl who spat in their faces, and knew they would vent their rage onto her if they could. His window, in other words, was rapidly closing, and this may have been why he found his voice.
“Should we be doing this?”
The rest of the room turned to look at Daniel, including the rather tedious man who he had interrupted. Andrée cocked her head, obviously surprised by his interjection.
Daniel wasn’t sure how to follow up, but had absorbed enough of the rhetoric of the movement to babble on. “I mean, the revolution is about more than one person, right? Making the protest all about Dany just kind of furthers the idea that he’s our leader.”
“Not to mention he’s a petit-bourgeois adventurist,” interjected the bearded anarchist.
Luc smirked. “I understand your feelings, comrade. But it is important to maintain our relations with other parts of the resistance. Now is the time for action, but not the time for purism.”
“I think Daniel has a point,” said Andrée. Hearing her say his name made Daniel’s heart jump up into his throat. He was shocked that she even knew his name. “We must maintain a consistent line. Perhaps we join the march, but include some of our old signs about broader issues.”
After half a minute’s silence, Daniel realized that everyone was waiting for him to reply. “Um, that sounds good. I just, uh, want to make sure we’re consistent.”
Andrée nodded. “Thank you for your input, comrade.”
--Daniel almost fainted.
As was typical with the daytime marches, there was the atmosphere of a gentle party. Groups of all sizes sang songs, carried banners, and enjoyed the spring warmth. The dug-up streets made for awkward walking, but there was always someone to grab your arm if you slipped. The police watched, but did not advance on them. As long as the sun was up, there was a kind of truce, albeit one that was broken every once in a while
Today’s protest was for the sake of Dany Cohn-Bendit, the West German student radical who had become the face of the movement. In truth, Daniel didn’t like him. Daniel had gone by “Dany” to all his friends before this year, and felt as if his nickname had been stolen by this upstart. Andrée didn’t seem to like Dany either. She had always smirked a bit when someone brought him up, and sometimes muttered something about him being an infantile anarchist who did not understand the class dimensions of the situation. But that sarcastic tone had been gone today, and she was chanting just as loud as anyone else about his exile. Daniel found himself doing the same.
The most popular chant was “We were all German Jews”. When he heard it at first, Daniel felt disgust. Surely this crowd of students couldn’t be comparing their experience to the Holocaust? It took a minute before he realized the other meaning: that Dany was a German Jew, that the radio announcers kept trying to paint him as some outside agitator despite the fact that he spoke better French than them, and that if France could not contain Dany then they would no longer be French. Better to adopt the identity of history’s victims, its refuse, to follow them down into the grave. Daniel had been raised by strictly Catholic parents who would have been aghast at basically all of his behaviour for the past month. But he shouted that he, too, was a German Jew.
The march progressed slowly, oozing through the streets of Paris like a thick syrup. They moved at the speed of the slowest among them, with the inevitability of history. The sun beat overhead until their bodies were dewy with sweat, but they kept walking. They walked until they reached the National Assembly, where the politicians had frantically assembled to try to figure out a response to the so-called crisis.
Another chant went up. “We are all aliens.” It didn’t have quite the transgressive charge that the last one had, but it rang true. They had, after all, turned Paris into a different country. It was a more savage one, without television or the postal service or well-stocked shops, but it was also one without work or school and, where the barricades held, without cops. And they had, perhaps, become something alien and monstrous themselves. The police were cowering, desperate to protect the politicians. The students had become their enemy, and it felt exhilarating.
Daniel stood just a few feet from Andrée. Luc was nowhere in sight. For a moment he stood transfixed at Andrée belting out “We are all aliens”, watching the shiver of air travel up her dusky sweat-slick, neck. And then he started chanting at the top of his lungs.
The protest dissipated by the time the sun set. They had caught glimpses of a couple politicians leaving – Chirac, and a man that might have been Mitterand – and booed lustily, which seemed to satisfy the crowd. It was the time when Daniel would normally have retreated to his cramped student apartment for a night of fruitless reading of Marx and more engaged reading of whatever cheap detective novels he could get his hands on. His decidedly bourgeois roommate had left and headed to the countryside to stay with his family until classes restarted, so Daniel had faced quite a few lonely nights.
Today, however, Andrée had tapped him on the shoulder. The small touch had almost made Daniel jump onto a roof. “Comrade,” she had said, with an undeniable smile on her face. “We’re planning an action tonight. Do you want to join us?”
Daniel nodded dumbly.
“Great!” said Andrée. “Come on, we’re heading back to the school to eat and get ready.” And just like that, Daniel was in there group. Had it been this easy the whole time?
There was a group of about seven of them – Andrée, Luc, the dark-haired girl (whose name was apparently Sylvie), the bearded anarchist (Piotr, although that may have been an alias), and two other men who were just as quiet as Daniel. The core group told jokes and talked about people Daniel didn’t know. Sylvie complained about annoying calls from her parents, and Luc agreed. They could have been mistaken for any other group of college-age friends relaxing after a tough day of classes.
“Were you an activist before May, Daniel?” said Luc, looking back at him as they walked.
It took Daniel a moment to answer, he was so startled. It felt alien to actually be a part of these peoples’ conversation. “N-no. I don’t even feel like an activist now, to be honest.”
He thought it sounded pathetic, but Luc chuckled and nodded. “That’s good to hear! This is a moment when people can be radicalized. Myself, I spent years as an academic, acting as if my critical essays on Adam Smith would overturn the world order. But being out on the street feels so much better.” And he turned back to kiss Andrée.
When he watched the kiss, Daniel waited for his usual feeling of envy and despair. But it never came. Instead, he felt something that he couldn’t quite define. He felt ... well, hungry.
Of course he felt hungry. He hadn’t eaten since the morning.
The walk back must have taken less time than the long march towards the National Assembly, but it felt much longer. In the crisp air of early night, Daniel wished that he could take the excitement he was feeling and extend it for weeks, months. There were nine days and ten nights left in May – why did this month have to be so short?
When they reached the campus, the group quickly drifted towards one of the occupied dormitories. In the windows, the flags of Algeria and Palestine hung alongside the hammer and sickle and the red and black of the anarchists. The only flag that was nowhere in sight was the tricolor.
“Veronica and her group will be making dinner again tonight,” said Andrée. “It’s our job to show up and not stink like pigs.”
“Pasta again?” said Piotr, his nose crinkling.
“Supplies are low,” said Andrée. It was something that was uncomfortable to admit: their revolution had been running on whatever they could grab from supermarket shelves, and there weren’t exactly any grocery trucks coming into the Latin Quarter in the last couple of days. Luc had mentioned something about reaching out to farmers, but Daniel didn’t think anything had come of it.
Daniel really should have split off from the group and gone back to his own dormitory, where he could have showered in relative peace, but he instinctively followed the group in. Like all the dorms, it was by now a mess, with beer bottles and extinguished roaches in every stairwell. Andrée and the others paid it no mind. They headed right for the group showers in the middle of the floor. Daniel became increasingly tense.
He expected them to take turns, or at least for the men and women to go separately. But as soon as they stepped into the moist changing room, Sylvie began pulling her shirt over her head. Piotr slid his pants down and kicked them into a corner. Daniel’s eyes bulged. “Are we, uh, all going together.”
“Of course,” said Piotr, as he removed his underpants. “Unless you are still influenced by bourgeois notions of propriety?” Daniel tried to avoid looking at his dick, even if that urge was bourgeois.
“It’s quicker,” said Andrée, removing her shirt. “And uses less water.”
It was then that Daniel realized he was about to see Andrée naked. It was a fantasy that would have been unimaginable to him this morning. Then again, a few years ago men and women being together in the same dorm was unimaginable. In the age of protest, fantasy became reality very quickly.
She pulled down her pants and removed her underwear with militant efficiency. Andrée showed no discomfort, but also didn’t make it into a show. It was as if she was alone. She was facing away from Daniel, but he still got a good look at her ass and a glimpse of her dark pussy lips. Hell, even looking at her bare back, that great expanse of her dusky brown skin he loved so much, was enough to get him semi-erect. But before he could gawk further, Andrée was briskly walking into the showers.
It was then that Daniel realized he was the only one who was still fully closed, and that the others were giving him a bit of the side-eye for it. Sylvie was the only one who looked a little self-conscious. She had no reason to feel bad about her body. She was a classical French beauty, with long dark hair, a slim waist, and small but perky breasts topped with ribbon-pink nipples. But even though Daniel had a much better view of her nakedness than he had of Andrée’s, it interested him less. It was like a picture he had seen a thousand times, compared to something exciting and new.
Daniel eventually got out of his clothes, although he somehow managed to struggle with his belt for what felt like forever. It was then that he realized not only would he see the others naked, but they would see him naked as well. He, with his scrawny body, the constellation of freckles across his back, and what he was sure was a below-average dick. He would be lucky if Andrée didn’t laugh.
But everyone seemed to stop paying attention once he was as naked as them. Sylvie and Piotr turned and headed into the showers. Daniel gulped and joined them.
The water was too hot, the pressure too high, and there was no soap, but that was the furthest thing from Daniel’s mind. He tried to ignore the fact that he was standing a few feet away from a naked Andrée. This proved difficult. He turned his head in order to not get a stream of water in his eye, and caught a glimpse of Andrée’s breasts. He couldn’t look away.
Her breasts were everything Daniel imagined they’d be: firm and round, about the size of oranges, the same light brown colour as her skin, with darker nipples and areolae. She was running her hands over her body, scrubbing away the dirt and sweat, and Daniel imagined his own hands touching her just like that, but lingering on her breasts, on her hips, between her legs, in the thatch of dark hair he could just barely see.
Then Andrée shifted, and Andrée realized that Luc stood between her and him. Literally, as well as figuratively. As she took a step back, Daniel’s gaze fell on her boyfriend. For the first time, he realized what Andrée saw in Luc. He seemed chubby with clothes on, but here in the shower Daniel could see that it was mostly muscle – not exaggerated, arrogant muscle, but the thick arms and chest of a worker. Daniel wondered how an academic had acquired this body. And his cock hung down large and heavy.
Daniel realized that he was erect, and frantically angled his body away from the others. It was no use. They would realize that he was a pervert. He felt someone clap him on the shoulder, and braced himself. But it was just Andrée, with a mischievous look on her face Daniel had never seen before. “Nice cock.” And then she left, swishing her hips as she went back to the changing room.
“Don’t worry about that,” said Luc, entirely too loud. “Andrée likes to tease men sometimes. And if you want to take care of that after we’re done, well, everyone here will understand.”
Daniel didn’t realize right away what Luc meant, and flushed red when he did. How could these people be so open about things? He knew that he would find it repellant if someone else talked about their masturbation in front of him. He looked around and saw that everyone else had left the shower. Daniel gave his cock a few experimental strokes, but he was too nervous, and the hot water too uncomfortable. His penis shrank almost immediately. Well, that was for the best.
Daniel went back into the changing room. Everyone else was fully dressed, and looking at him. And his dick. Did they think he had just jerked off? Daniel quickly turned away, and tugged on a pair of pants. He hadn’t even dried himself off, but he wanted to be clothed as soon as possible. Sylvie mercifully started a conversation about a great piece of graffiti she had seen that afternoon, and Daniel allowed the attention to slide off him, although he still spent a few minutes in the corner, staring at the wall.
This was how it always was. He would make friends, start ingratiating himself into a new group, and then he would bungle things by being his awkward self. It was why he barely spoke to his roommates even before they left the city, and why he had found himself but nothing better to do than sit in the back of political meetings. Even if they did overthrow the government, Daniel felt sure that he would still be a loser in whatever communist non-state came afterwards.
As he changed, a familiar smell wafted into Daniel’s nostrils. They were running out of food, toiletries, and just about every other staple of life, but somehow there was always enough pot. He turned around to see Andrée taking a deep drag off a particularly thick joint. She coughed and passed it to Daniel. He hadn’t smoked hash since high school, but he took a puff.
This must have been a pungent strain, as Daniel almost immediately found himself flat on his ass, his troubles gone. What had he just been thinking about? How he wasn’t fitting in? They were all getting along great! Who cared if they had seen him get hard? They were all friends.
“This is almost as good as the shit I got in Cuba,” said Piotr.
“That’s only his five hundredth mention of the time he went to Cuba today,” said Sylvie.
Piotr giggled. “It was very influential!” He then burst out into full-throated laughter. Daniel didn’t think it was that funny, but he laughed too.
Luc nudged Daniel. “You ready for tonight, my friend?”
“What happens tonight?” said Daniel.
“The real protests begin! You ever beat up a cop before, Daniel?”
Andrée snorted. “What a thing to ask.”
“Uh, no...”
“Well, it’s like riding a bicycle. No, no, that’s not the right analogy.”
Andrée crawled over to where Daniel was sitting and put her arm around him. He melted into her touch. It felt right. “Don’t let Mr. Radical here scare you. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”
“That’s what I tell all my lovers,” said Luc. “And yet...”
“Shut up!” Andrée threw something balled-up at Luc. A tissue, maybe – no, it was her panties. Mystery solved. (But shouldn’t she have been wearing them?)
“I know you just got in this because you think Algerian girls are hot,” said Luc. “I did too! But Daniel, you can become a real revolutionary.”
Daniel had a vague feeling that he should say something, but he just smiled and leaned back into Andrée’s arm. He could see the nape of her neck, the cute little hairs on the back. Why did nobody ever talk about how sexy necks were?
“He doesn’t deny that he has a crush on you,” said Sylvie.
“Why deny the obvious?” said Andrée, keeping her arm around them.
Daniel was watching this as if it was a movie, one with familiar tropes but which was still amusing. And then he was more removed, floating high above the room, looking down on everyone. They were all so wet, and so beautiful, even him. And then he was intensely in his body, and started laughing. After a moment’s hesitation, everyone else started laughing too. They weren’t laughing at him, or at Andrée, but rather at the whole topsy-turviness of the world. To think that stupid young people like them could change the world! To think that, for so long, stupid young people hadn’t!
They got to the dining hall late, and enjoyed a scanty amount of pasta without sauce. It didn’t matter – no one cared much about food any more. After eating, they headed out again, this time in a larger group. Big men, who were perhaps rugby players before this all started, stood on the edges of the group in a kind of protective phalanx. Daniel’s chest tightened with a mixture of fear and nervousness.
Two different but equally warm hands gripped his. He looked down to see that Andrée was holding his right hand and Luc his left. It was a small gesture, but it strengthened Daniel. He found himself joining in the chanting and singing as their group marched down the streets.
Daniel could smell smoke. He hoped it was just from a hastily-made dinner, but deep down he knew better. No one around him seemed to care much.
It wasn’t long before they met the police.
They had just left the Latin Quarter, just gone beyond the barricades made of ripped-up fences and overturned cars. The police were prepared for a fight just as much as they were, marching in formation with truncheons drawn. They must have numbered at least a dozens.
“Return to your homes!” the officer in the front of the group said, in a booming voice. He was a thick and grizzled man with just a hint of gray in his beard. “Curfew is in effect.”
The smart thing to do would have been to go back beyond the barricades, where the police were afraid to enter. But no one had ever accused revolutionaries of being smart. Still, Daniel expected some of the big men around them to confront the police. Instead, it was Andrée. Her hand slipped out of his as she pressed her way through the group and stepped up to the lead cop. It was quite a site, this thin Algerian girl, all of five foot five, glaring at a bulky police officer and practically begging him to hit her.
And then he did.
It was with one broad, inconsiderate motion, like swatting a fly. Andrée took the blow on her left cheek and stumbled back, but didn’t fall. The men around Daniel roared with outrage and charged forward. After a moment’s shock, he joined them.
The police had obviously expected to be dealing with a bigger group than their little cell. Megaphones and tear gas grenades hung from their belts, but they had come out to fight and knew that, in these chaotic days, no one would punish them for any indiscretions. The big men plowed into the cops, battering them with their fists. Sylvie had crawled onto one of their backs and was clawing at the eyes o a policeman. Another cop had knocked Piotr down with a strike of his truncheon. Blood poured out of the anarchist’s nose as he struggled to get up.
Daniel reached down to the street. Somehow, there were still a few stones left there. He would have never thought that he had the strength to pry one out of the ground, but it came out with a minimum of effort. In his hand, it was cold and dirty. He had been raised not to hurt anyone. Could he really throw this thing?
The answer was yes.
The stone arced high, into the crowd of police. Daniel didn’t see if it hit anyone. Everything was a chaotic jumble. There was no dignity in this type of fighting, and no rules. What he did know is that, after a few minutes of it, the police pulled back.
And then came the gas, flowing in like the fog. It stung Daniel’s eyes, and his face. It hurt worse than when he had hit a hornet’s nest as a child. He found himself shrinking down to the ground, only to find two strong arms holding him up. It was Luc. He pressed a cold, damp cloth to Daniel’s face, covering up his extremities. The gas still stung, but not quite as much. Somehow, in this man’s arms, Daniel felt safe.
Both sides retreated from the maelstrom of tear gas. The encounter had been everything Daniel had cynically suspected the nighttime riots of being: almost pre-arranged street fighting that accomplished nothing. But somehow, despite the gas stinging his eyes, Daniel felt alive and exhilarated. He had thrown a stone at the police, and gotten away with it! He was invincible.
They were all invincible that night. Daniel would later learn that five hundred of their comrades had attacked the police headquarters in the Latin Quarter, and done some damage. Others had thrown a tear gas grenade of their own back at the police. Fires had gone up all over the city – they saw a few as they walked the streets, and Andrée had cheered them as if France had just scored a goal in the final of the World Cup.
Their group didn’t see much of this. They had been involved in a small skirmish with police who were overly aggressive and on edge because of what was going on elsewhere in Paris. They had painted some slogans on walls and smashed the windows of a bourgeois clothing store. But they were still hurting from the fight with the cops. Piotr’s nose had been busted open, and Luc’s finger broken. So they went back to the dorms. It felt like anything but a retreat.
Their spirits were lower when they got back to the dorms, if only because their injuries had started to hurt. Andrée’s bruise had started to develop into a black eye, and Luc’s nose was leaving a thin trail of blood behind them. Sylvie grabbed him by the hand and took him to the impromptu infirmary another group had set up in the gymnasium.
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xmoviesforyouI decided to wander around the grounds again and see if I could spot Lina, or get any information on Eloc. I stopped briefly in the big tent and saw four of the six initiates having sex with at least one other person. Since I knew that part of the process was that I have sex with each of them as well, I looked to see if I could join in on anything. One girl was on all fours on a mat on the ground being fucked in the ass. I lay down in front of her and slid underneath her until my head was...
HorrorPhiladelphia: 11:50 A.M. Tim let Amy cry in his arms as he held the woman who brought hope to a lot of people of this world. So she went overboard and took justice in her hands. He thought it was worth it as far as he was concerned. He felt Amy gently push on him so he released her. "Feeling better?" he asked. "Yeah, I am. Thank you, Tim," Amy replied. "Good, what are your orders?" Tim asked. Amy laughed and replied, "Tim you out rank me. I'm only a commander while...
Im hispanic better yet Mexican.It was in the 8grade i was 15 and he was 16yr old boy who they called Rico i guess bcuss he was Puerto Rican, but on the real i always though he was black bcuss he looks black,but his mix.I wasent realy popular in the school until that year, maybe bcuss i never use to go and i had angermanagement problems, also i didnt like talking to nobody i was just mining ma own bussiness straigh up chillen. When i was in 7th grade i never thought i was bi,didnt pay attention...
Just the other day I was getting gas for my motorcycle. Up pulls a woman right behind me and she’s about 25 with Blondie hair. She steps out of her truck and bends over to unscrew her gas cap. That’s when I see the best looking ass I’ve seen in a long time. I wanted to strike up a conversation,But she did first. She commented on my License plate holder. It reads “Ladies Flash Me Your Rack” Then just below that I have another sign that says “Spank You Very...
Allie Nicole is a naughty girl who likes her friends brother. She was curious about him the moment she met him, and now she wants to see what his cock would feel like inside of her pussy. She asks her friend a few questions, and she tells him he is just a dork who jerks off all day. Little does she know, that just turns Allie on more. She waits for her friend to close her eyes for a rest before texting her brother a scandalous selfie. Then, he sneaks into the room and slides his cock into the...
xmoviesforyouYou arrive at Sarah's house just before 7 and ring the doorbell. You've been dating for a few months now. You're hoping that tonight's date might move things to the next level. You wouldn't admit it to your friends but you haven't slept with her yet. You haven't even seen her naked. It's not that she's frigid. You make out all of the time and she has no problem with you playing with her breasts. Its just that every time you move you hands down to her waist she stops you. "Hi Daniel. Come in."...
FetishHey guys, I’m back to share about a crazy bachelorette party with you guys. All the stories I write here are real experiences from my life so far. I’m Sarah, 24 years old, living in Mumbai, a short introduction for the new readers. A corporate worker turned full-time model. I’m bisexual, and my stats are 36-28-36. So a couple of months ago one of my friends got engaged, and now she’s about to get married next month. Like the good friends we are, we decided to throw her a grand bachelorette...
I’ve been into the cuckolding thing for at least two years now, my current girlfriend was aware of it because she saw some porn and it was awkward but she let it go. The porn she happened to find was interracial, and according to her it was a factor in what happened. A little over a year ago, I came home from a fishing trip early, there was a car parked in my driveway that I didn’t know but I just suspected it was a friend of hers. Speaking of her friends, I spoke to one of her closest friends...
Reddit BurstingOut, aka r/BurstingOut! Ah, tiddies, tiddies everywhere! That is what I love to see, and I am sure that is why y’all are here as well. Reddit is a wonderful place filled with all kinds of shit, and I am pretty sure that you will enjoy everything they have to offer. I mean, what is there not to enjoy? Especially when talking about a section called /r/burstingout/.As you can see, the name says it all, or does it? Well, if you do not know what to expect from this subreddit or just...
Reddit NSFW ListCome to summer camp, it can change you life! Walking in the moonlight one night Evan Walker reflected on just how not good this summer had gone for him thus far. He was beginning to regret leaving the familiar Boy Scout camp he had worked at for the past four years. Not that this camp did not have its advantages- more pay and working at a co-ed camp instead of the all boy camp he had been at the past few summers were good reasons to switch. Also motivating the switch was the fact that the...
Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...
It all started out harmlessly enough. Jack had invited DeWayne and Suzie over to our house for dinner — again! I never particularly liked these occasions. I could see that DeWayne, ungrateful that Jack had befriended him and promoted him to a supervisory position, was resentful of his young boss’s position in top management while he was still blue collar. He tried to hide his envy by constantly making off- color jokes and little references to their having grown up together in the...
The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...
Things seem better in the morning; they awake entwined as normal and are making love before either remembers the coldness between them of the previous night. After showering and breakfast David sinks himself into his work, Olivia readies herself for her shopping trip. Several hours later David stretches and pushes his paperwork aside. He is happy with his initial planning and convinced if everything would go smoothly as it does on paper, his changes could be implemented in three weeks, of...
I was happy to be staying with my Aunt Betty for a couple of weeks last summer while my parents went on a long anticipated cruise to the Caribbean. I was a sixteen year-old then, with long blond hair, blue eyes, and a nicely developing figure. . .at least I thought so! I loved to display my budding blessings in my string bikinis. I wore a different one every day, and they seemed to be getting skimpier and skimpier--or was I just a "growing girl"? In any case, I enjoyed strutting around...
My mistress, Mistress Angela, has commanded me to write another account of how we live. I have been Mistress Angela's money slave and cuckold for six months now. She moved in with me a little over four months ago. We quickly settled into a routine after she moved in. During the day, I'm working and Mistress Angela goes to the gym and school. I've never seen her study, so I assume she studies while I'm at work. In the evening when I get home, I take off my clothes and prepare dinner for...
Prologue A new couple, the Hubbard's had arrived in Dr. Zaaijer office. Dr. Zaaijer was a psychologist who did both couples and family therapy. This would be the first session between Dr. Zaaijer and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard., he didn't know what the problem was, but he would find out. The person claiming to be Mrs. Hubbard wasn't actually married to Mr. Hubbard. She wasn't his wife, she had been his first victim. Mr. Hubbard had used his hypnotic and other abilities on the person...
I rolled into the Bay area about four in the afternoon. Traffic was horrid, it was a hot day in California to say the least, and my patients had about run thin. Following the directions on my GPS system, within an hour I pulled in behind the mall to the delivery area. I found the Office Depot where I needed to deliver in the morning and leaving the truck run for the air conditioner to work, I went into the sleeper. Flopping down on my bunk, I planned to take a nap before supper. After a couple...
"Pastor all the furniture in the house is now the property of the church. If I'm not mistaken, you were asking for donations for the woman's shelter. I don't think you'll want any of mattresses from the house but the rest is yours." My daughter stood there looking at her mom. If looks could kill, Janice would die a slow painful death. "Hi Sweetums!" "Hi Dad," said the world's greatest daughter. Casey just turned twenty-eight yesterday, and this wasn't the way thing were...
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I couldn't remember where I heard that from, but the saying has stuck with me. I attribute at least part of my success to my wardrobe. How else could I leapfrog my fellow co-workers to become an account manager within three short years of graduating from college? Sure, expensive suits and sharp shoes cost money, but I was always convinced it was an "investment" in my future earnings. That, and looking good gave me the confidence I needed...
If I’m wearing one with a looser cut to the skirt, I’ll tease you with a pair of champagne or satin black stockings attached to my garters - no pantyhose here. I want you to catch sight of the ripple, the imperfection in the skirt that signals the presence of a garter belt – know that I can be just a little more open to exploration than the put together professional you see on her way to work. I want you to thrill to the thought of your hands sliding up my silk clad thigh and encountering the...
Chapter 6: Unholy Communion by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Aurora's words of defiance echoed through Heaven. The crystal foundations reverberated with her defiance. Aurora had rebelled. She was tired of Heaven's rules allowing Hell's success. No longer would she play the game that led mankind to ever increasing levels of depravity. She would guide her tool, the vampire Damien, and use him to right the wrongs. She would see Faust destroyed along with all the others whom polluted the...
The Survey Synopsis A woman gets more than she bargained for when she persistently tries to geta man, more interested in his work than the proposed new road, to fill in asurvey form. He ensnares her using 'mouse magic'. Warnings The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. MF NC Spanking Rom If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow....
Many times it was just a quicky blowjob or some frisky 69 but seldom full blown fucking. One day she asked me if I would come to her art one evening for a dinner party with some of her friends. I agreed but was leary of going as I didn't know these other people she was referring to as friends. Were they her age more or less? Were there any men attending? Would we have some alone time after the party? I didn't let it bother me but I was curious as to how to act, what to bring,...
(before you start you might like to check out Christina's photo in my "orgasmic women" album. She is the dark-skinned beauty)We can see the confusion on your pretty blond face. One moment ago it seems you, a gorgeous woman in your 20s, were dancing at an admittedly pretty wild party, gulping down drinks we were feeding you, and now you are here. You don’t understand it. You look around feeling dreamy, warm, slightly aroused. We had picked you out earlier in the evening, introduced ourselves,...
Let's keep this steam going, shall we? Once again, if you don't want to wait, I've got it free up on and you can see the first half of my next (short) story Slut High up on! Enjoy! Warning: this chapter features boobs, breasts in tight spaces, tits, falling skirts, contrived coincidences dicks, swaps of all kinds, menageries of mismatched parts, body swaps, dog parks, last chances, machine gun swapping, final decisions, impossible choices,...
This is the story of the third time Steph fucked me.It was the beginning of July and I was just relaxing by my pool. My parents weren't home, they had gone on a trip and wouldn't be back for a couple of weeks. I heard a car pull up and looked out into the drive way. It was a car I had grown to dread seeing after the grad party, Steph's car. I was wondering how she made it past the gates, and up our long driveway without me noticing, but then I remembered that I gave her the key after she...
It was a very humid night out and the jog was really making me work up a sweat. I had forgot my water bottle and was dying for a drink. The trails weave in and out of the backs of houses and being a late summer evening you could smell the aroma of lingering BBQ and grilling. I decided to stop and take a little break and to just sit down beside the path on a little park bench. I had only been there a moment when I realized I could hear people talking and the sound of water. This isn’t a rare...
It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn't fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things.I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV."Where are you going to put the TV?" I heard his father...
To Really Know Someone - Chapter 1Sequel to "That Thing That Happened That Time That's Really No Big Deal"Drip. The sound is hollow as it echoes through the cave. Drip. Drip. But even as hollow as it is, it's enough to wake her from her sleeep with the hazy pain that follows it. Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. Her eyes open to the near pitch-black darkness of her surroundings and the shadows of the flickering lights don't do much to help her blurry vision despite her slayer senses when she tries to...
This is a continuation of Halloween at Work, which, by the way, was my first published work, and very vanilla compared to my later offerings. So if you haven't read it yet, take a few minutes and take a look at it first. It is a quick read and will help you understand this better. Again, please remember that this work is mine, and do not re-post without my permission. You can email me at [email protected] with any suggestions, thoughts, or secret little fantasies this...
I needed to head back and relax a bit. While I reached for my phone I noticed that my friend left me a message saying that Rebecca wasn't being cooperative at all. It was time to teach the dog a couple of rules, ones that she'll never break again. Once I got back to my room I noticed that my room was a bit of a mess. "What the fuck happened here?""You left the door unlocked for some random maniac to come in here take advantage of me who the fuck does that!?""Hey she's pretty messed up in the...
?Kneel.? On Delilah’s command, I squat painfully in my 5 inch heels before dropping my knees to the cold linoleum. Leaning back slightly, I primly smooth the pleats of my French maid’s skirt as the cruel, spiked heels dig painfully into my buttocks. Uncomfortable as it is, the position nevertheless offers some welcome relief. I’ve spent the last 2 hours performing Delilah’s weekly ?sissy maid? chores: dusting, mopping, scrubbing her stove, and washing a mountain of dishes. I’ve also polished...
(this is unreal .. just fanstam of course ... )The BDSM institute is a special school where girls, wifes, learn the pleasures of BDSM lifestyle ...After her admission to the institute, the subject passes her first test ... deleted
Alycereclined against her favorite tree on campus. It was a relatively warm day with a pleasant cool breeze that reminded her spring break was only a week away. She enjoyed the time she spent here on the Quad. With midterms coming up, she barely had time for herself. It seemed that studying had become her new social past time. Majoring in English, Alyce got to combine her most favorite hobby with her school work. She loved reading, but sometimes, she wanted to read something other than the...
SupernaturalTazlynn stared at the huge fish tank and thought how nice it would be to take a dip in the lake. She wondered how cold the water was because it was a crater lake formed in a long extinct volcano. She didn’t know much about fish, nothing of volcanoes nor what to do with her dead brother, Chet’s cabin. Tazlynn was a city girl from Manhattan, but Chet had left New York ten years ago to work on environmental issues, something she also knew nothing about. Taz worked for a big shot lawyer as his...
I was at the club,and i seen this girl with a nice booty and thick thighs. So we started talking and laughing,next thing i know she asked 'do you wanna have sex?" i said "sure" So we went to my house and we started kissing and we started pulling each other clothes off. Then she said "FUCK ME" I pulled out my strapon and i let my fake cock go gently inside of her pussy and she started moaning! she said "Faster,Faster" I did and she came! I went down into her pussy and sucked on it and licked it....
Hi ISS readers, This is story about how I fucked my aunty who is about 45 year old. Reply me on My aunty (Sunita – name changed) is my Mami (Married to my mothers brother) and stays in Mumbai. When my uncle got married, Sunita aunty was around eight year elder to me. Initial years they were staying with our family but later shifter to Mumbai where my uncle got job. I always treated her with respect. Later on they had one son, who become engineer and got married. They were staying in Mumbai for...
IncestI married my wife Priya 3 years ago, we are currently living in London, we both are originally from South India. I completed my studies in the UK and currently working, I went to India and married Priya, it was a proposed marriage by the parents but I was extremely lucky to have Priya as my wife, she is so beautiful and sexy. Priya was 24 at that time and had completed her studies in India, she is from a very decent family. I then brought Priya to London, she took a while to adapt to foreign...
Ms Americana arrived at Max's home at 7:30 Sunday morning. She was determined to allow Max to hypnotize her, and by so doing, cure her arachnophobia. She had hidden her car in the garage because tomorrow was a holiday and Max didn't have school, so if necessary she'd stay here tonight to get this fear of spiders removed and didn't want anyone to know that fact if she did. She had given her vibrator a real workout last night, having cum at least ten times and her sluttish tendencies were...
I am in my friend's local pub on karaoke night with a crowd of friends all chatting and laughing and suddenly I feel someone watching me, I stop listening to Laura's joke and look around me to see who it is that's looking at me. The feeling is very strong and as my eyes scan the room I am suddenly drawn to a guy standing at the bar with his friends his eyes are watching me but he is chatting to his friends. I can feel his eyes running over me. He has long dark hair, which is braided and...
Alicia awakened with the sun, as she had the day before. This time, however, she felt rested. While the dirt floor was a far cry from her feather-stuffed mattress, it was a great improvement over sleeping on sticks and pine cones. With only a little food remaining, and not enough knowledge to live off the land, she knew that she had to move on. She could only hope that she was moving away from her kidnappers, and not walking right into their arms. After a quiet prayer to the gods to that...
You’re going away for a while soon, and your wife India Summer wants to give you a memorable sendoff! Follow her into the bedroom where she’s going to show her new friend, the vibrator that’s going to make her pussy nice and wet for you. And while she’s playing with the sex toy, she knows your big dick is getting good and hard under those pants. After you slap her ass a few times, she’ll be ready for you. Your horny wife will suck your dick so good that you’ll want to cum before entering her...
xmoviesforyouIf my boobs and ass won't be deflated by then, I'll just have to cancel! That really sucks because I was going to be paid about $80. I don't know why I even tried the Jiggle-Gel in the first place. I guess something about having my own boobs really turned me on. All of a sudden, it hit me. I could still do the job, I would just say that I can't do it and one of my friends that is a girl can do it instead. I would dress myself up like a girl, using some of the other products I saw, and...
Introduction: Divorce leads to Mom/Son fun. My first story ( didnt go so well so I got help for this one. Let me know what you think… My mother Helen divorced my dad when I was 16 years old and I chose to live with her. I am now 17 and just graduated from high school. Everything seems to go well and normal until one time I noticed my mother standing outside the bathroom spying on me while I masturbate with her panties. Its funny because I spy on her when...
Thank you all for all the positive feed back and comments. I'm sorry if the cow stuff isn't to everyone's liking there maybe parts that not everyone likes but hope people do over all enjoy the continuing saga. It had been two weeks since Davon had become Deva well that was the name Killian had given her after she became a cow girl and those two weeks hadn't been idle either. She'd slowly learned how her new body worked. At that moment she was on her hands and knees as Triz...
04 June 2020 Darkness. That's all Flight Lieutenant James Robertson could see when he opened his eyes. No light seeped under a door or through a gap in a window's curtains. Where the hell am I? Is this death? No this wasn't death. His head hurt far too much for that to be the case. The aches and pains from the ejection were very much still there too. He tried moving but found himself chained to the wall, his hands over his head. His ankle throbbed in pain. It could be worse though,...
“Psst! Over here” Turning towards the loud whisper, Josh saw his mom’s head rise up from behind the “Table of Torture”, one of the props set up for this year’s “Haunted Maze”, a Halloween attraction he and his parents help set up each year for charity. “I swear my husband would never let me leave his side if he had his way”. Josh thought it strange that his mom had said ‘my husband’ instead of ‘your dad’, but then he realized that she must have thought that he was Jay, Josh’s best friend....
I slipped off his tie and tied it around my eyes, making sure my vision would not distract me from the pleasure I was about to feel. Immediately I felt the small room close in on me, inch by inch. I noticed the hardness of his cock pressing against the center of my ass. I caught the distinct scent of my pussy juice. I could hear his heavy breathing on my skin as I arched my back. I moaned in pleasure as his hands worked their way from my hips up – slowly working their way to my ripe breasts. On...
BondageTrue StoryMy buddy Hank and I were going to machinist school in Detroit and had gone to a Bar only a few doors from the school for a beer and a couple hot dawgs. We were only there a few moments when this girl came in. We never did find out her name, so I will call her Rhea to help the story flow.She had Platinum Blond hair worn up and short. She had on a buttoned up the front sparkly silver sweater two sizes too small with nothing on under it. Her breasts, with hard protruding nipples, were...
'Brandi' "Gold, step forward and present yourself for me to inspect." I did not know what I was supposed to do but I understood that because I was wearing the gold string bikini he was talking to me. I moved forward and climbed up on the small table next to the Asian girl wearing silver. She had spread her feet to the outer edge of the table and put her hands behind her neck keeping her elbows pulled back and away from her shoulders. I did the same. Dante smiled and said 'good' then...