Alternate Incarceration
- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
Based on the short story Alternatives, by Union Street (?)
Hiya. I’m Matt, your narrator. This story about 34 year old Becca and her son Michael is based on a short story I read years ago. I recently stumbled across it again in Old Joe’s Collection on ASSTR. It wasn’t as good as I remembered, but thank God I found it, because I had always wanted to do an updated version.
I advanced the scenario to 2019, and retooled the characters of mom and Joe to my liking. I also truncated the storyline so everything occurs on the initial reboot. (You’ll understand that when you read the story.) He’s 19, she’s 34. She an overbearing mother; he a rebellious son. They always had a strong but unstated sexual attraction. The wonderful magic amulet still plays a big part.
I have to warn you that despite the strong sexual undercurrent of the story, Alternate Mom has no sex scenes. The only nudity is mom’s bare breasts, which Michael accidentally bares at first, and then Becca does later, as an aid to salvaging their acrimonious relationship.
Also, this story ends abruptly like most my stories do. I tell you this, to avoid being slammed with low scores because the reader is pissed off at the ending. You know what to expect in advance. Score the story fairly, please.
Last thing: I’d like to write a follow up story to Michael and Becca, but only if enough readers are interested. Please see my end note for my email address. If enough people respond favorably, I’ll write a follow up.
Okay, so it was Tuesday, June 11th. It was hot as hell in Phoenix, where Michael went to school, but not bad in Flagstaff. Michael snapped open the beach towel he’d brought out with him and settled it over the chaise lounge. He loved the young Hannah Montana depicted on the front. Fucking more than slutty Miley Cyrus. Admittedly, she had matured somewhat from her appalling Bangerz days. He’d seen her naked all over the Internet. She had a sweet body.
“What time is it?” he asked aloud. “Hey Siri, what time is it?”
“It is 1:33 pm, Michael.”
“Thanks, Siri,” he said. She didn’t answer this time. He gazed around the back yard.
The rear of the property was fenced 9’ high by wood-slat fencing on all three sides. It had to be, due to the pool. He glanced at the water, cleaned that morning by the pool company girl. He’d slept through her visit, a bummer, indeed. She was a sweetie named Jewel. Small-breasted, but adorable in shorts and a bikini top. She didn’t think a lot of Michael. Michael didn’t think a lot of himself. He knew a bum when he saw one.
“I should take off my shorts and sunbathe naked,” he joked. Laughing, he stripped off his t-shirt and sprayed SPF 4 Coppertone up and down his arms, and across his chest, and then rubbed it in. He tackled his legs next, paying special attention to his feet, and then plugged the can into the auto-sprayer. It was his own invention, and sprayed mist across his back, which he distributed evenly with a converted Swifter wand. He knew better than give any part of his skin over to Flagstaff’s intense ultraviolet radiation.
Maybe he should lose the shorts, he thought. No one was home but him. Dad was in Phoenix on business, and Mom ... well, who the fuck knew where Mom was.
“The bushes,” he muttered. Mom had asked him to water the bushed before noon. He’d missed the mark by an hour and a half, but at least he had remembered. Walking to the spigot, he cranked it on and proceeded to water Mom’s precious rose bushes with the green hose. Roses bordered the fences along the eat and west sides, small and neat and impeccably manicured. His mom was a practiced rose person. She was practiced in most everything. Especially bitching at her erstwhile undergrad.
A car door closed around front. He hadn’t heard a car pull into the driveway, but the spray was responsible for that. Was it Mom? Thank God he hadn’t dropped his shorts.
“Better late than never,” she said from the patio door a short time later.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Please cut the grass today.” She eyed the ½” over length grass surrounding the pool and bordering the flower beds. “I can’t afford a landscaper to cut the grass when I have to feed you over the summer, Michael.”
Michael laughed. “Steeling bread from the mouth of some poor wetback’s starving children.” He instantly regretted the expression, especially in light of his own heritage—Mom’s disapproving look, notwithstanding. “Sorry. I apologize for that. What are you doing home?”
“Any luck with a job?”
Michael muttered a curse. “Mom, I’ve been here a week. I haven’t even unpacked yet.”
“Tuition is costly. Michael. So are books, supplies, rent on the apartment, your monthly allowance—” He looked at her sharply. “OK. I realized it’s partly your money to begin with—” Michael had matched all 5 white numbers on a Mega Millions drawing a year ago, and won $5 million dollars. “—but you agreed to bank that money and draw on it only for your monthly allowance. We both know you have a sticky-finger’s problem.”
“I didn’t say anything,” he said sharply.
She crossed her arms, uncrossed, and then folded them again. “Im glad you remembered to water the bushes. Thank you for that.”
His mom was a knock-out. She had long brown hair, currently up in a loose knot atop her head from the heat. She had brown eyes and the best smile money could buy. (Her smile predated Michael’s good fortune with Mega Millions.) Becca stood 5’10” tall, weighed 141 pounds, and had the figure of a beauty contest winner. Her boobs filled the gray Under Armour sports bra to overflowing; her magical bottom and long legs the matching leggings. A fox, but also a bitch. A 19-year-old’s version of things.
“I can be a vixen sometimes, I know that,” she added.
A female fox, he thought. “No problem. I’ll get the lawn before I do anything else. Why don’t you finish the bushes?”
Mom had her eye on the patio table beside the chaise lounge. “I wish you wouldn’t drink during the day, Michael.” An unopened bottle of Heineken sat in a stainless container of crushed ice.
“I’m not allowed to drink at all,” he quipped. “Gonna call the law on me?”
Her expression tightened. “You shouldn’t take spending the night in jail so lightly, young man. It’s just fortunate you weren’t driving. Arizona State Police take a dim view of drunk students sitting behind the wheel of a 4x4.”
She didn’t know how lucky he was. If not for a mix-up with the keys, and the loss of his fraudulent ID, he’d have been at the wheel, not Corrie. His mistake was mouthing off to the state trooper, and getting them both locked up. Corrie had her license suspended. She’d only got pulled over from Michael’s juvenile antics in the front seat on the way to another party. She didn’t think a lot of him, either.
“Put the beer away, please, Michael.”
“Come on, Mom ... it’s hot! It’ll be a lot hotter after I mow the grass.”
“Your father paid for that beer—” She drank only Samuel Adams. “—and he expects a nice cold beer when he gets home. I looked in the fridge just now ... that’s his last bottle.”
“So, buy him some more!” he said hotly. “I’ll even sticky-finger you a 20 out of my bank account to get it!”
Becca set her lips. “You are 19. You do as you’re told when you’re home, or go find someplace else to stay.”
Now Michael got really mad. “Don’t give me that shit! My money paid off that pool over there, and the mortgage on that house! Both mortgages. It paid for Crystal’s boob job, the reconstructive surgery on Uncle Denny’s legs, and your membership in the country club! I’ll even pay for the fucking boob reduction surgery you keep talking about!”
Becca stepped back, stung. Michael wasn’t finished yet.
“Your brother in law knocked up his secretary. His personal assistant, sorry. My money helped set her up in a Phoenix condo to get her out of sight. The board of regents would take a dim view of the new guy knocking up the help, huh? And what about Aunt Sis and her stint in rehab last year? That cost a pretty penny, didn’t it. Guess who got stuck with half of that because she didn’t have insurance?”
She slapped him, knocking Michael’s sunglasses off his face. They flew 10’ to land atop a rose bush. His reflexive recoil directed a stream of water across her chest, soaking her sports bra. She jumped back, catching her heel on the squirrel proof birdfeeder behind her.
Pin-wheeling, she lost her footing entirely and might have fallen onto the tall stones bordering her flower bed if Michael hadn’t instinctively reached out and grabbed her sports bra. He yanked her erect, in the process ripping the tough elastic material of the shoulder strap, and baring her left breast. Stunned she looked down at her exposed flesh, and Michael’s hand still holding the torn bra.
“Michael!” She shrunk away and squirmed sideways, batting at his hand. This only resulted in Michael accidentally baring her right breast also, over which she squealed and desperately covered up. Or tried to. Mayhem wasn’t done with them yet. Though Michael finally released her bra, her twisting sideways snagged the bird feeder, entangling it in her bra. She stood there, stymied, helplessly exposed and mortified.
Michael stared at her bare breasts. They were huge. He hadn’t seen her bare-chested except for accidental quick peeks in 15 years, or more.
“Michael!” she cried again, struggling futilely with the feeder. Her struggles only pulled the bra farther down her biceps and back. The left shoulder strap flopped in two pieces. The feeder refused to let go.
“Mom ... stop!”
Panting and panicked, Becca looked up. “Get this thing offa me, Michael! Please?”
He laughed, which helped nothing at all. “You need to hold still.”
“So you can stare at my boobs harder?”
Michael had recovered his impulse control and stopped looking at her bare breasts. He continued to see them peripherally, but his eyes held his mom’s.
“I’m as appalled at seeing your bare boobs, as you at revealing them. I’ll gag if I have to look at them again.”
“Very funny!” she seethed. “Get me offa this fucking thing!”
“The feeder? Or your bra?”
She couldn’t help it, she laughed. “I don’t know! Which do you think would be easier?”
Avoiding contact well as possible with her chest, he maneuvered Becca in one direction, and the intact strap of her sports bra in the other. He deftly freed her from the unwieldy feeder. Turning away, she wiggled the bra into place and arranged her breasts into the cups. She held the broken strap in place with her right hand and turned around.
“I never want to see that on America’s Funniest Home Videos, Michael.” She was acutely embarrassed, red-faced as he’d ever seen her. “I can’t believe that actually happened.”
Despite being slapped and cursed at, Michael was glad it had. “Are you OK? The feeder didn’t cut you, did it?” He glanced at the twisted apparatus. The thin shaft required straightening. She kicked it malevolently.
“Bastard son of Neanderthal blacksmith’s,” she muttered. Yanking it from the ground with her left hand, she hurled it clumsily across the yard. Michael winced as the glass housing struck a stone and shattered, scattering bird seed everywhere.
“Cocksucker,” mom muttered. “Not you. It!” she said, jabbing a finger at the offender. “You are just a bastard!”
She turned and headed inside, stiff-gated and still hugely embarrassed. Michael seldom saw her embarrassed to the point where she’d flee the scene. He was put in mind of some movie featuring Anna Kendrick, an actress specializing in humiliated walk-offs. He snorted when she flipped him the bird over her shoulder. Anna Kendrick would do that also. Anna had never bared her breasts for an audience though, not one comprised of her 19 year old son.
How do you rip a sports bra, he wondered. Those things were uber-tough, designed for extreme punishment. A defect in the left shoulder strap? It had to be. Just a simple wardrobe malfunction again. But that fucking bird feeder...
Michael steered the Mustang into Silver Spring Plaza and parked near the curio shop at the west end. Gingrich Pawnbrokers occupied the easternmost space, with Anthony’s Pizza, Daryl’s Floral Design, Great Eastern II, and half a dozen more storefronts between them. He’d chosen Silver Spring for the curio shop on the end. Best to offer mom a peace offering when he went home. Or a replacement sports bra.
Her fucking nipples! Thick as his middle finger and half an inch long. He’d no idea Mom had nipples so fucking huge. He understood not detecting them through her sports bra, yeah (designed to prevent embarrassing nipple pokes), but what hid them from sight, otherwise? He constantly noticed nipple pokes in the front of a girl’s shirt, blouse, dress or top. What hid his mom’s?
Leaving the engine running, he Googled ‘nipple pokes’ and discovered the answer: nipple covers. 19 years old, and he’d never heard of the things, or knew such a thing existed. Hitting Images proved an eye-opener: before and after photos of women just like his mom. He wondered what brand she wore.
It wasn’t her nipples alone. The surrounding areola were bright pink, perfectly circular, and silver dollar sized. Unlike many oversized breasts, his mom’s maintained a natural ‘breast shape,’ coming to a point at her nipples, with little discernible sag. Mom was 34 years old; her breasts shouldn’t look like those of a fucking cheerleader. (Which she was, all through school, including college.) It made his cock stiffen embarrassingly.
Curio Sanctum had a long narrow floor plan, 16’ wide by 30’ long. Display cases lined the two long walls, bordered the narrow front door either side. A counter separated the rear of the shop from the retail area. Glass and steel shelves took up the middle space, running down the store’s length. Michael hadn’t been in for a while. He waved at old Mr. Bartholdi, the proprietor.
“Home for summer vacation?” the old gent inquired.
Michael nodded. Like always, the offerings on Mr. Bartholdi’s shelves mystified and intrigued him. He couldn’t get past the first counter. The collection of antique jewelry held him transfixed. Mr. Bartholdi joined him at the counter.
“Something for your mum.” It wasn’t a question.
“We had an embarrassing confrontation this afternoon. I wanna make it up to her, Mr. Bartholdi.”
The proprietor looked 80 years old, was stoop-shoulder, alarmingly thin and bowed. Wispy hair formed a white halo about his skull; antique spectacles perched on his nose. His worn black suit appeared just as ancient as he.
“I have the perfect gift,” Mr. Bartholdi offered. “It’s at the rear counter. Why don’t you accompany me.”
Michael had his eye on an exquisite jade pendant on a thin gold chain. The price was was an exorbitant $798.99, but the pendant looked worth it. He envisioned it around his mother’s neck, accentuating her exorbitant bust-line. He asked to see it, but the old party had walked away, and awaited him at the rear counter. What perfect gift did he want to unload?
Mr. Bartholdi lifted the divider and shuffled behind the rear counter. Withdrawing a key ring of twine with two thin keys, he unlocked a drawer below the counter and withdrew a simple wooden box. Setting the box on the scratched glass, he opened the top to display an even simpler, small silver pendant on a braided leather necklace. The pendant and braided corded looked ancient, and cheap.
“Priceless, by any means.” Mr. Bartholdi withdrew the pendant and held it out for closer examination. Michael noted the silver compass needle mounted in the pendant’s circular recess. It swung randomly with the slightest movement; not magnetic. The pendant was silver, tarnished with age. Why would he purchase this?
Michael cleared his throat. “Very nice, Mr. Bartholdi. But there’s a jade pendant I’d like to look at,” he said. He motioned to the front right-hand counter.
Mr. Bartholdi nodded. “$799.99 for them both. You get my valuable customer discount.”
Michael laughed. “Sold. As soon as I peek behind Door Number One.”
Michael sat in the car, admiring the jade pendant. The air conditioner was set on Max, struggling to cool the interior. He wasn’t sure the pendant was worth the $798.99 he’d paid, but the ‘priceless’ specimen certainly was worth a dollar. It sat in the plastic bag, forgotten.
Would Becca like it, he wondered? She wasn’t much for jewelry, wore nothing gaudy or pretentious, ever. Her only exception were the half-dozen items he’d purchased for her over the years at the shop, and none were as gaudy as this green pendant. By far, it was the most expensive trinket he’d ever bought her.
“Jesus,” he muttered, “I really wanna fuck you Becca.” Paranoid for saying her name aloud, he grabbed his iPhone from the slot in the dash beneath the radio and checked the screen. He thumbed it on and off, just to make sure. Then he set it on the console.
What to do about mom. He’d never unsee her breasts, never expunge the memory of her extraordinary nipples. They stuck out so far! They were so fat! Her areola were so perfectly circular and pink! He’d die to put one in his mouth, twirl the opposite nipple with his thumb and forefinger, see how big he could force it to grow though arousal. He couldn’t imagine his mother in bed. Couldn’t imagine his father or anyone having her. She had him at 15 years old. Dad had her for 15 years, possibly even longer. Michael couldn’t imagine owning those huge breasts and nipples for 15 fucking years.
“God,” he moaned. “I really want to fuck you, Becca. I want to put your breasts in my mouth. I want to hold them. I want to hold you forever.”
His iPhone pinged. Irritated, he grabbed it up to flip to switch back to silent. It already was pushed down, showing red. What the fuck?
He read the alert on the screen. “I can help you with that,” it read.
“Help me with what?” he wondered aloud.
Ping! “Score with your mother.”
He jerked and shot panic-glances all around. The only person in sight was a stout woman in black workout’s walking a Pekinese.
He croaked: “Who are you? What are you doing? Did you hack my phone?”
The iPhone pinged: “I hacked it using the Bluetooth function. Don’t turn it off.”
Michael had thought of doing exactly that. He hesitated. “This is a prank, right? Perry, is that you? Cut out this fucking horseshit, you asshole!”
The iPhone pinged again: “Take me out of the bag, Michael. Put me around your neck. You don’t want to chance losing me.”
Michael stared at the white bag. “W-what?” he stammered.
The phone remained silent. Picking up the bag, he withdrew the pewter pendant—that’s what it was, pewter!—and discovered the silver needle pointed directly at his chest. No matter where he moved the pendant, the needle remained pointed at his chest. It was an amulet, not a pendant, he realized.
“I’m not putting this on!” he croaked.
The iPhone pinged: “You have to, in order for the amulet to work.”
“Fuck that!” he choked, rolling down the window with feverish intensity.
“Don’t throw me away! Return the amulet to Mr. Bartholdi if it scares you too badly. He’ll refund your dollar, and free you of ownership.”
“Ownership?” Michael croaked.
“Until you transfer ownership through sale, the amulet is yours. You don’t want it in another person’s hands. That could be very bad for you, Michael.”
Michael gulped loudly. “How ‘bout we just ... keep it like this for now?” He gripped the leather cord in his hand. “That okay?”
“For now, yes.”
Michael thought of nothing to say for a long minute. Finally, he cleared his throat. “What do I call you?”
“Anything you want. I have no name, in the tradition of human identification.”
Michael fell silent again. “What do you want?”
“I offer alternate outcomes to unfortunate occurrences.”
“Say what?”
The iPhone pinged twice. A crow perched nearby on a tree limb flew off with a raucous cry. The phone pinged twice again, and the crow was back on the limb, spastically preening its wings. Michael shook his head with his eyes scrunched closed.
“What do you want?” he repeated hoarsely.
“The same thing as you. To accomplish that, put the amulet around your neck.”
“No fucking way,” Michael croaked. “You’re going back inside, and I’m getting my money back!”
“Fine with me, Michael. Consider the consequences, though.”
“What consequences?”
“You don’t get to fuck your mother.”
He tried to fathom the conversation. Was he nuts? Suffering hallucinations, or a flashback? He’d popped mesc over the fall and winter, but not since March. He’d tripped twice on acid in January. That meant nothing with flashbacks, however. Flashbacks could occur at any time, even years later with acid.
“This is so fucked up. How do I know you’re real?”
The iPhone pinged twice and a yellow VW Beetle convertible drove by. The second time, its cute driver had the top down. Michael rubbed his face disbelievingly.
“What can you do? Besides make birds fly, and cars drive by?”
“Put the amulet around your neck, and find out.”
Michael did as instructed. At the same moment the amulet hit his chest, he returned to his back yard.
He squealed like a little girl, whirling about, tripping over his feet. His iPhone claimed it was 1:33 pm. He stood beside the chaise lounge, wearing what he had on in the car. He clutched the white plastic bag in his hand; the jade pendant was elsewhere.
“What the fuck?” he screeched.
The iPhone pinged: “Compose yourself. Becca is five minutes away. Put away the beer, change your clothes, and water her rose bushes.”
The phone pinged again. “A better idea would be to put a Sam Adams in the cooler, and leave it on the counter for her. Along with a rose.”
“Jesus,” he muttered distractedly. “You’re trying to get me killed.” Nonetheless, he grabbed up the stainless container, dashed to the small workbench beside the house, and exchanged the container for a pair of shears. Selecting a nice specimen with perfectly preserved petals, he measured down 6” and wincing, cutting the stem. It certainly was a fragrant item. Disconcerted, he rushed the container and rose into the house.
When Becca opened the patio door at 1:43 pm, Michael stood with his back to the house, studiously watering her plants. His heart slammed against his breastbone, and he feared arterial rupture from blood pressure spike. He couldn’t stretch his mind about this time travel shit. Where the fuck was his car? What happened to the outrageously expensive jade pendant he’d bought? Why had he cut one his mom’s prized roses?
“You remembered, at least. There’s an improvement, Michael.”
Startled despite himself, Michael snapped a look over his shoulder, spraying the slat wood fence. “Hey, there you are! I didn’t expect you so soon.”
She carried her open Sam Adams in one hand, and an unopened Heineken in the other.
“Sorry about the late watering; I was job-hunting and lost track of time,” he lied.
Becca grinned widely. “You can make up for it by cutting the grass. Oh!” she said, surprised, spotting the mower. “You are so diligent today! I forgive you for raping my poor rose bush.”
She had clipped and tucked the rose behind her left ear. Michael fixed on it, avoiding more than a quick glance at her breasts. He noted her sports bra appeared healthy, if slightly overwhelmed. Oddly, she wore tight black shorts now, rather than black leggings. God, she had beautiful, long legs.
“Here.” She handed him the beer.
Michael remembered his sunglasses, wondering where they were. He could sure use them now. Watching peripherally as Becca idly inspected her rose bushes, sipping Sam Adams from the bottle, bending gracefully, he longed to stare at her bottom and long legs. He couldn’t do that without his missing Foster Grants. He’d paid $70.00 for those damned sunglasses. Luckily, Becca hadn’t broken them with the slap.
As relationships went, theirs was contentious. He’d rebelled against her statutes as early as 8 years old; prior to that, he was a momma’s boy.
She’d had him at 15, falling pregnant with Michael at a pool party at a friend’s house during summer vacation. She was only 14, and already cursed with gazonga boobs. The boy who got her pregnant was not his dad—or more rightly, his step-father. Things hadn’t worked out between Becca and Connor Clayton, not at all. He died in 2001, when Michael was only one, driving drunk after a raucous party. Michael never knew his biological father at all.
Becca came from money, and married money. Francis Brock’s parents owned an investment bank in Phoenix, another in Santa Fe, and various holdings throughout the south. Francis was 25, and Becca 23, in 2008, when the bank crisis wiped out $144 billion in US assets. Frank and Becca went broke, as did Frank’s parents. Both investment banks defaulted, and Frank lost his job. Becca lost her florist shop. Michael was removed from private school, and placed in Marshall Elementary to complete 3rd grade. He’d graduated from Flagstaff High in 2018. His Mega Millions winnings helped save the family.
He purchased the ticket legally on his 18th birthday, March 9, 2018, at a 7-11 in Tempe. He spent $15, totaling 5 numbers at $2.00 each. The third number on the ticket matched the first 5 digits of the drawing, excluding the vital Mega Millions number at the end. He’d splurged and gone for the Megaplier option on impulse buying the ticket: his winnings totaled 5x the standard $1 million prize. He was an instant millionaire. So were his parents, in effect, if not by cause.
They insisted he choose the annuity option, insuring 26 years of moderate wealth, with comfortable income of $192,308.00 per year, before taxes. Michael had fought this absurd suggestion, but fortunately lost. Michael would never worry for money again.
The Brock’s had mostly recovered by 2018, but Michael’s birthday windfall eased the strain of sending him to college. Frank and Becca paid 70% of his direct expenses in Phoenix; Michael picked up the 30% balance, with legitimate tertiary expenses split 50/50 between him and his folks. He’d splurged—of course, he did, the 2018 Mustang being a shining example. He also helped offset expenses for the rest of the family, hence his unfortunate outburst, earlier. Only, it hadn’t even happened yet, had it?
The jade pendant, he thought. Too bad he hadn’t discovered it back in March, when he’d bought the aquamarine earrings. Mr. Bartholdi had sold him the earrings at a price significantly less than the $798.99 price tag of the jade pendant. Was it in his car? Back in the display case at Mr. Bartholdi shop? It still held promise as a birthday present, next year.
Michael shared Mom’s birthday: Becca was born in 1985, Michael in 2000, a millennium boy. From 2008 on, things grew difficult in the Brock household. Not that Becca wasn’t a strict parent before. Francis’s strong income prior to the crash, along with the safety net provided by his parents and hers, smoothed the way as money always did in domestic situations: reducing friction, and promoting good will. The lube dried up in 2008, however, the way it did when you fucked a girl’s ass.
Terrific metaphor, he thought. You are such an asshole, Michael.
“Hey!” he yelled, snapping the spray gun in her direction. She skipped away with a squeal.
“You creep! Stop that!” Laughing, she danced away as he sprayed toward her again. He told himself it wasn’t simply to watch her boobs jounce wildly, which they wouldn’t anyway, encased in the sports bra. “You asshole!” she yelled as he flicked at her again.
“You know, Mom...” Was the Mustang in the driveway, he wondered? It wasn’t what he wanted to ask her, anyway.
“I won’t fall for a ploy to get me in range, Michael.”
He directed the spray of water around her feet and then behind her to the right. She was well within range. He remembered the soaked condition of her sports bra, before it malfunctioned.
“You should check the shoulder of your bra. That side,” he said, indicating her left shoulder with a close spray of water. “I think it’s ripped. Maybe along a seam or something.”
Dropping the sprayer, he approached, noting her questioning expression, obviously wondering what trick he had up his sleeve. He certainly wasn’t above pranking his old mom. He held up his hands. “I come in peace.”
Stopping far enough away to avoid invading her personal space, but close enough to inspect the construction of her bra, he noted the defect. “Let me get a picture of this,” he said, withdrawing his iPhone.
Twisting, she gazed over her shoulder curiously. Michael smelled the cachet of her perfume, or lotion, or whatever she had on her skin that smelled so good. “Lavender,” he thought, snapping a photo of the strap.
He showed her the screen. The strap had a defectively stitched seam just behind the shoulder, where it joined the strap coming up from behind.
“Hmmm,” she said. “That’s not good. I could end up with a wardrobe malfunction. An embarrassing one,” she added, examining the bra’s design and construction. “How did you ever see that, Michael?”
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Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girl This is the story of where that wish is granted. It’s an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It’s not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it) Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing, a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...
Chapter 1 - kushina and the alternate world NOTE:Sorry nothing hot Just story details in this chapter and masturbation in the end. "naruto....wake up.......naruto.."said a gentle motherly voice trying to wake up the young man sleeping in the bed.naruto slowly opens his eyes and sees a beautiful woman with long red hair and amazing figure smiling in front of him.after a few seconds of being mesmerized by her beauty naruto slowly realizes who she is,it was his mother Kushina.Naruto was shocked at...
BDSMAuthor's Note: This is a revised version of the first "Alternate Fantasy". I decided to redo it because I wasn't satisfied with how the first version turned out. Hopefully it will turn out better this time. She could hear them laughing. They were laughing at her struggles made pitiful by the ropes that held her. Her hands were restrained, as were her legs. For her, it definitely wasn't a good night. After quarelling with her boyfriend in a luxury restaurant, she walked out and down an nearly...
Brief info: I always wished I had been born a girlThis is the story of where that wish is granted.It's an alternate reality wherein I retain all prior memories of being a boy, plus new memories of my life as a girl. Everyone else always knew me as a girl, and my possessions changed into girl stuff. (It's not an exact science, there will be issues, just go with it)Not 10 minutes ago I had been an 18 year old, horny, confused boy. Now here I was standing; a 16 year old, (still horny) girl. I...
MasturbationAlternate way Hi, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I born in a middle class Bangladeshi family and serving in a public organization I’Monika married and having two kids. I spent a lustful life indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from hidden places when...
IncestSandra held the back door open for her friends and then joined them inside. They were now standing in a long corridor that went in both directions. The corridor covered the whole length of the building. Before Sandra could start walking towards the locker room, she noticed how a face appeared at a door opening not too far away from her, and she immediately recognized him. "Ah, il mio dolce fiore! There you are!" the guy said with a heavy Italian accent and came walking towards them with...
Sandra turned away from the street and walked towards her house after Nicole's car was out of view. It was only when she was almost at the front door that she remembered something, she hadn't taken her keys with her! Presuming that she would return home with her dad, she hadn't bothered with taken her own keys along. Not that it was something Sandra worried about. She was sure that her mother should be awake by now, so the backdoor would probably be unlocked already. So, instead of...
I am the warden of a special prison complex in central South America, and my prisoners are of a unique category owing to the nature of their crimes. The prisoners here are all attractive females...and have been given the option of serving three months here doing filthy porn videos...or serving ten years in the government unpleasant alternative at best. The government prisons are overcrowded...and mismanaged, and corrupt...and women who serve time there are unavoidably...
The government prisons are overcrowded...and mismanaged, and corrupt...and women who serve time there are unavoidably damaged physically and mentally for life...if they are fortunate enough to survive the ordeal at all. The women who come here have committed less serious crimes, but crimes that are particularly distasteful against innocent members of the population...the weak and the elderly, and the vulnerable. They are offered a full pardon after three months if they agree to sign...
My name is Natalie Smart. I am currently studying for my Phd in Classical Literature at a large university in Eastern England. I find my studies absorbing and I guess most will call me bookish if not actually a prude. It's not that I don't get on with people, I can be very sociable whenever I want to, it's just that I quickly tire of them, finding most of them shallow and in the case of the men, interested in one thing and one thing only. Unfortunately I am frequently pestered as I am judged to...
When Sandra walked out of the principal's office, she saw that Melinda and Janet looked at her. "And?" Melinda asked. "She had to think about our punishments!" Sandra answered. Sandra was surprised when she saw that Janet moved up a chair, so she could go sit in between them. Of course, Sandra couldn't have known that Melinda had already told her friend what she and Melinda had talked about. Melinda had even told her friend the real reasons why she had been doing those things to...
BBW StepmombyFrank2002©It seems I always had this thing for bigger, full figure women. I don't know where is started but I seemed to fantasize about them all the time. My step mom was a bigger woman. My dad divorced and remarried when I was very young. He was away quite a lot with business so it was just me and Sally, that's my stepmom, at home most times. I always thought Sally was quite attractive even when I was young. As I grew older I started to notice her more. She had put on a few more...
Another hot but fictional story. I was sixteen, it was coming close to the end of the school year and one day I got sent home early from school and my dad was away on business for the week. I walked home wearing my short plaid skirt, white blouse, knee high socks and two inch heels, with no underwear. I arrived home, but before I got inside I heard some voices around back, so I decided to go check it out. As I made my way around, I noticed my stepmom, who was actually only 22, in her smallest...
Group SexAfter positive actions with my sexy stepmom, my hot sister, and Nisha, I jerked off my cock and had one of the best orgasms. I had cum in my underwear. So I went to sleep naked, leaving the dirty underwear on the floor. In excitement, I didn’t even realize I had left the door open. The next morning, I was still not fully awake when I heard the sound of the door opening. As always, my stepmom had come with a cup of coffee. I was half asleep and lying down on my back, exposing my semi-hard cock....
IncestPOV: PeteJoe and I suddenly bit down on our bottom lips and made eye contact just for a few seconds. Needless to say, my hard-on deflated just a tad. No one said a word for over a minute, but we both surely knew they wanted to see the sight, judging by the looks on their faces.Then both of them came to us, but they went to each other's sons, so I had London press the front of her body onto mine. "We fucked each other for you two, solely to please you," she admitted, wrapping her arms around...
IncestScott's had recently turned 18, for his birthday his father and his stepmom decided to get his own laptop so he didn't have to share the family computer no longer. Scott resented his stepmom, he hated the way she made him address as her as Mom or Mommy. Scott's real Mom ran out on him when he was little boy, so now he lives with his father (40), stepmom (52) and two half sisters both younger.Scott was a total nerd, top of all his classed, member of the chess team, and the AV club. He had never...
Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot. 'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never had...
POV: Maria Both Rose and I kissed each other's moms for about twenty minutes straight. I couldn't help, but to look at Rose and my mom from time to time. It all created the perfect storm of sexuality where the taboo aspect of it still made it quite hot.'Even as I'm not actually related to Kate, it still feels like incest. Maybe it solely because she is my godmother or that my mom is making out with Rose right now. Who the hell knows? Kate has always been like a second mom to me, and she never...
IncestHello, my Dear Readers. I have been writing incest themed stories, focusing mainly on mom-son relationships, for some time now. I wanted to try something light-hearted, featuring a young & naive stepmom and her stepson, who is expecting nothing sexual from her. This is my humble attempt on the same. Happy Reading! Sidharth was both bothered and excited. He had just landed back in Mumbai, after completing his studies from a university in the UK. He was on his way home, and he was going to meet...
IncestWhen I woke up the next morning, the fire had all but burned itself out. A few embers remained, glowing red and angry, the only remnants of the logs we’d thrown in the night before. I could hear the rain outside, drumming steadily upon the roof of the cabin. Old Man Thunder grumbled in the distance, like a giant rousing itself from slumber. ‘So much for my beautiful weather.’ I scrubbed at my eyes and searched for my glasses, which had been discarded during the night’s activities. I found...
The room was dark with only candles illuminating the tables as I walked inside the restaurant. My heart was racing as I contemplated what I was getting myself into. I had agreed to meet a couple at the restaurant to see if I met their screening criteria to join them in a rendezvous for sex. This meeting was set up via an online chat room and we had never seen each other. We planned to have dinner together and then decide if we were compatible and we would take it from there. My eyes almost...
‘So what’s the plan anyways?’ I grunted out some sort of response as I lifted another trowel full of plaster up to the bathroom wall. The phone sat about two feet away, glowing orange and humming softly, a noise that came through the speakerphone from the other end. ‘Come on, caveman, I know you’re busy, but if you want to pull this trip off, you’re going to have to use your words.’ Smiling, I slathered the trowel full of plaster across the white surface and starting the long process of...
"That was something else," Heather said, sounding impressed. "I don't understand how you manage to deal with a thing like that." "I don't really know," Sandra said truthfully. "In a way, I know I should feel ashamed about it, but I just don't. It's maybe, because I know that even when I would get upset, it wouldn't stop them. So, I just enjoy myself and don't give it another thought." "I can tell you, if anything like this would ever happen to me, I probably would have a...
Once outside, the first thing the girls noticed, was that the street had gotten less crowded. Well, it was also around the time when most people would take their evening dinner, so, that's probably why less people were around. "I'm going to leave you two now," Nicole said. "The shop I need to go to, is back in the other direction, away from the precinct." "It was nice meeting you," Sandra said. "I'll call you, to hook up again. I really want out 'private' talk to happen soon....
Sandra was suddenly aware that she wasn't alone anymore, she opened her eyes and saw a guy sitting in the waiting room with her. He was as naked as she was and probably about the same age as well. "Um ... Hi." Sandra said when she noticed he was looking at her. "Hi," he said back, timidly. "How long have you been sitting here?" Sandra wanted to know, just to get an idea about how long she had been asleep. "Maybe five minutes," he answered. Sandra noticed that he was starting to...
"Sandra! Hey, Sandra! Wake up!" Sandra heard while someone was shaking her by her shoulders. She slowly opened her eyes and saw the guy that had been sitting at the reception desk standing over her. "It's your turn now," the cop said. Sandra yawned and asked, "Have I been asleep for long?" "For about fifteen minutes, I would say," the cop answered. Sandra stood up and groaned a little when she felt a kink in her back. "Are you okay?" the cop asked. "Yeah, just a little bit...
The hallway went on for about 15 meters. There were two doors in the right wall, one only a meter or 4 away from her, and the second one was about 10 meters away from her. And at the far end of the hallway, there was another door. The first door stood open, but the other two were closed. Not sure were to go, Sandra just decided to check them one at a time, instead of calling out for someone. When she reached the open door, she noticed that there was a cage inside of the room. There was just...
"When did you decide to take me out on a date?" Sandra asked Veronique. "Last Wednesday," Veronique answered. "Last Wednesday?" Sandra responded surprised. "So, it's not a spur-of-the-moment thingy?" "No, I just wanted to do something special to celebrate you getting your clothes back!" "Then ... Why are you taking me out naked?" Veronique laughed and said, "That's something I decided on today. After what happened yesterday, I thought you would like it this way...
While Sandra had first been surprised by Alena dragging her onto the dance floor, it didn't take too long to get comfortable with it. It was even fun, being naked on a dance floor; Sandra thought. At first, Sandra wanted to limit her dance moves, but when she started to notice the attention she attracted from all the other women around, she started to dance more seductively. Opening up her legs in ways that would show off her pussy to them, and making her breasts jiggle to attract even more...
Sandra felt small droplets running down her back and on other parts of her body. The woman still hadn't returned, and her body was aching. Her legs were trembling, and acidified muscles were complaining. Why she endured it all for this long? She had no clue about. For some reason, she just wanted to obey this woman and didn't want to disappoint her. Luckily, there were all those other women and girls who kept on looking at her. This boosted her willpower, because she loved how they made...
"Did you really mean that? The thing you said to that woman," Veronique asked Sandra. "That I want to return there for more fun? Yes! But not too soon though." "Well! If you really want to go there again, just let me know, and I'll take you." "Really?" "Yes." "Thanks!" Sandra said and smiled at Veronique. She then asked, "Did you like the show?" Veronique answered, "So ... It was a show for you?" Sandra giggled and said, "Not really, but I guess it must have looked...
The clock, next to Sandra's bed, was doing its best to wake her. After a few grunts and moans, Sandra finally woke up. She looked at the clock and noticed it was already 11 minutes past 7 o'clock. Sandra sighed and thought, 'I'm too tired!' When she remembered why she had set her clock this early; she just turned her back towards the clock and wanted to go to sleep again. However, then she also remembered that she needed to talk to that guy she had been with yesterday, and that they...
During her bike ride to school, Sandra saw a naked boy, who had to be around her age, running away from a group of girls chasing him. They were shouting at him to stop running, but he wasn't listening to them. At first, she laughed with it, but when she noticed the frightened look on his face, she knew she couldn't just stand by and let him get caught by those girls. Luckily for him, he was wearing his transparent sandals, else those girls would most likely have caught him already. Only a...
The moment Sandra entered Brenda's office; Brenda stood up and walked around her desk towards Sandra. "There you are," she said with a smile. "Let's go sit over there." Sandra looked in the direction Brenda was motioning and saw a table there, set for two people. She let Brenda guide her to it. After Sandra was seated, Brenda removed the silver plate covers and joined her student. "Your mother told me you like tomate-crevette," Brenda said. "Yes, I do," she answered, while...
Once outside, Sandra noticed that her friends were sitting around the picnic tables again. She quickly walked over to there, and Frederik motioned her to sit on his lap. She accepted his offer happily and snuggled up to him on his lap. "I see you haven't been punished," Frederik said while he wrapped his arms around her. "Why? Were you hoping for a naked girl to sit on your lap again?" Sandra asked him teasingly. "Who says I haven't had one on my lap already?" he teased her...
"Do you think she will go through with it?" Dina asked Sandra, referring to Vivian's plan. "If she's really as shy as she told us, I don't think she will do it. My best guess is, that they will try to find someone else to do it for them." "You know; I was a bit surprised when you told her that you had changed your mind about ADP." "It's like I told her. I'm not completely for it, but I can't deny the fact that is seems to work. Even when I still think that it is wrong to make...
For a moment, Sandra wasn't sure where she was. Something had woken her up, but she wasn't sure what, and then the doorbell went off again. She started to smile and jumped off of the sofa and walked straight to the door. She opened it and saw Frederik standing there. At first, he smiled at her, until he noticed what she was wearing. He looked her up and down. "Wow!" "Really? This gets me a 'Wow!'?" Sandra asked teasingly. "Even after seeing me naked for a whole week, being dressed...
Sandra went sitting on her bed, and looked at Frederik, who was just standing there at the door opening. "So? Are you going to call your mom?" Sandra asked. "I don't know?" Frederik responded. "Do you think it's a good idea that I stay for dinner?" "Sure! Why not?" "Well, with what we..." "Don't worry about that! I'm sure my mum was okay with it, or else she would have said something, and she wouldn't have sent us to my room." "Hmm ... I don't know," Frederik was...
Sandra waited until her dad’s car was out of sight before she went back inside. Instead of returning to her room, she decided to find her mum. She found her sitting at the kitchen table. “Hi, sweetie,” Shirley said, when she saw her daughter looking at her. Sandra sat down with her mother at the table and asked, “So? What’s your first impression of my boyfriend?” “I think he’s a very nice guy!’ Shirley answered. “Although, I have to confess, I was a little startled when I caught you two in...
ET had made amazing progress in learning English. We had reached the level of simple sentences, singular and plural, and past, present, and future tenses. I knew that he had five co-husbands and one wife. I had even learned his full real name, but I still preferred to call him ET. He didn't mind, in fact, I think that he was amused by the idea. He was not able to move his viewport around much at his end, so he showed me his world through pictures. I did the same for him, mostly with...
I woke up the next morning spooned up to Jenny's back with my hand holding the most convenient breast within reach. I started to move my hand, hopefully before Jenny woke up. As I started to move, Jenny said, "Please don't move. That feels so good, and I feel so safe in your arms." I said, "I like it, too, but I have to visit the bathroom before we have a big wet spot in the bed." Jenny giggled and said, "Turn left and it's the first door on your left. Just hurry back, please." I...
While Charles drove Frederik home, something unexpected happened. They had only been driving for a short while, when Charles said, “Frederik, I’m going to park the car for a moment, because I want to have a private talk with you. Is that okay?” “Um, sure,” Frederik responded, somewhat surprised by Charles’s question. After Charles had parked his car, he looked at Frederik and said, “This is maybe a little strange, but I want to ask you some questions about Sandra.” “That’s fine with me,...
The next evening, after supper, I approached Mr. Holmes in the living room. "Sir, I would appreciate some advice from you, if you don't mind." "Sure, Derek, go ahead. What can I do for you?" "Well, Sir, I have a problem with this." I handed him the chunk of gold. "I have a number of those which I would like to sell, but I don't know the best way to go about getting what they are worth. I was hoping that you could advise me." "What the hell!?! Is this what I think it is? It looks...
Emily IV was kind of a side issue. I realized that I wanted some personal transportation, combined with a trainer for my spaceship. The perfect answer seemed to me to be an RV with a modulated anti-gravity device added to it. This would give me the answers to several questions, as well as giving me practice in handling an air ship/space ship fitted with the device. The AGD (anti-gravity device) didn't take much power, so I was able to power it off the normal electrical system of the RV. I...
Well, it's time to get back to the spaceship. I wanted to go to the moon, since it was easy to see and a convenient place to go. I really wanted to go to Mars, but I needed to practice before I went that far. You might ask why I didn't go to NASA, since they were in the space exploration business. Well, there were two reasons. The first reason was that any development work done under NASA was automatically in the public domain. I still had hope of making some money off the AGD, so I...
Well, it was obvious to me that I would have to back off with my ambitions. I needed a lot more information, and probably some help, before I was going to the stars. In the meantime, I would content myself with the solar system. I had an idea for a propulsion system for less than the speed of light if I could make the equivalent of a perpetual motion system for space. I wondered what would happen if I put an artificial gravity device on one side of my spaceship and my gravity and inertia...
Boy, the farm sure looked different with the chain-link fence installed. Of course, the fence didn't surround the whole farm, that would be a ridiculous waste. However, the fence did encompass the launch pad were Emily V was stored and the barn and house. We had fixed up the house, and even Joe Holmes didn't raise an eyebrow when Jenny and I moved in. It was really silly for us to live in town and commute every day to the farm to work on our Mars mission project. Jenny and I had...
The Navy was kind of pissed at me for putting a French nuclear reactor aboard a US vessel, but to hell with them. They weren't going to let me buy a US sub reactor, so I did the best I could from the remaining options. Besides, the French saleswoman was kind of cute! You know, I wonder if that was deliberate? Anyway, we used the internal gravity shield and artificial gravity units to fly to Auburn to our new, enlarged Auburn Space Port. I just loved tweaking the nose of NASA, but we were...
The previous chapter may have given the impression that I was not pressing ahead with my campaign to spread humans throughout the galaxy. Well, that impression would have been entirely wrong. I was working with several other organizations to help them get colonies set up. It just was not one of those fire and forget type of endeavors. Take, for example, my efforts to help Humanity First! Humanity First! has an unfortunate sound to its name. Despite the sound of a hate group, Humanity First!...
That encounter with the chlorine breathers had taken the fun out of our vacation, so we decided to head home. Shit, I hate it when that happens! When we got home, I put together a team of psychologists and philosophers in hope that they could come up with a solution to that problem, but I didn't expect much of the effort. Still, I had to try. Well, it looked like I had won my battle with NASA, such as it was. NASA had given up on manned space missions and was hiring us to put robotic...
There was a tremendous explosion underneath Guppy. Suddenly, a whole segment of Auburn Space Port was engulfed in falling dust and dirt. Dammit, another attempt by The True Believers to wreck our space efforts! Guppy had been put in the idle storage area for holding while we decided what to do with her. From our point of view, Guppy was obsolete, but we had not yet decided how to dispose of her. I was even toying with the idea of selling her to NASA, but I had not come to a final...
Dammit, Mars Enterprises and the human race were getting to be too fucking important throughout the galaxy. Nowadays, for practical purposes, Mars Enterprises, through Interstellar Traders, controlled the entire realm of interstellar commerce. Oh, sure, there was some competition, but the few other types of FTL travel just could not compete with ours. We were unlimited in the size of our spaceships and it cost practically nothing for us to move anywhere we wished within the galaxy. Some of...
And then came the day that all minors had been scared of. The first day of school and also the first day that ADP would be in full force in their Country. And by now, it was also known that some other Countries in Europe had adopted this new law already, and it would mean that a person under ADP even couldn't get dressed anymore when crossing the border. All the Countries of Europe had agreed to sign a charter that made sure that people under ADP could do their ADP punishment when they...