Brandy And Moonlight At The Company Christmas Party free porn video

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Sarah Paling sat quietly at her workstation, and carefully soldered a connection. Still, as she worked, she listened to the talk around her.

"He thought buying me dinner entitled him to me as desert." Brandy laughed. "I'm not that cheap!"

"Sure you are girlfriend." Misty giggled. "Look at how you dress."

"Hey, I dress to impress. Is that a problem?" Sarah glanced over as Brandy sat up tall, her ample assets straining mightily at her sheer silk blouse. She quickly looked back at her own work as her coworker continued. "Besides, my price is non-negotiable. The wedding ring has to be on my finger before any guy can hope to get more then a hand job from me!"

"Behold the Virgin Ice Queen!" Misty announced in mocking cultured voice. "You better watch your step. Someday you're going to run up against someone that thinks no means yes!"

"I can take care of my self." Brandy snapped. "Besides, I gave him a rub-off through his pants, and he was so embarrassed when he jizzed himself, he dropped me right off at my house! I can handle guys!"

"What about oral?" Kathy chimed in. "Give a good BJ, and you can keep, um, a guy interested for ages!"

"Spit or swallow?" Brandy asked curiously.

Kathy was blushing when Sarah risked a quick glance. "Well, it just doesn't seem friendly to just spit it out after what you did to get it. Besides, protein is good for you."

Misty glared at her. "Like you only give oral. I happen to know that you screw like a bunny on EVERY date! One kiss on the nape of the neck, and you're on your back with your legs spread wide in three point two seconds!"

"I just can't help myself." Kathy giggled nervously. "Thank God for my diaphragm!"

"There is that." Misty allowed. "You would look adorable with a big belly though."

"Are you kidding me?" Brandy looked smug. "The only contraceptive I need is to keep my legs closed! No guy gets my cherry until I get a wedding ring on my finger! Then and only then will I let any man make me a mommy!"

Misty laughed. "Get real! Condoms and diaphragms have saved me from unplanned weight gain more times then I can remember!"

Sarah noticed that for some reason Kathy blushed at Misty's bold endorsement for barrier contraceptives. She felt her own face grow hot, among other things, and went back to her work. Brandy shook her head. "Why not go on the Pill, if you two are set on screwing around? It's much more effective after all!"

Misty rubbed the back of her neck in obvious embarrassment. "There are actually two reasons. First off, the pill doesn't seem to work on us, um, me. Second, I'm not dead set against having a baby. It sort of adds to the thrill just knowing that maybe the next time I screw, will be the time something leaks and a few sperm get through."

"That's how I feel!" Kathy blurted out. Sarah couldn't help noticing the looks Misty and Kathy exchanged after that. Maybe they both wanted to be the first to get their boyfriends to knock them up. It made Sarah feel warm just to think about her coworkers racing to see who would have a baby first!

"How do you feel about it, Sarah?" Misty asked hopefully. "You have opinions on everything from global warming to how Oprah never picks anything you want to read for her book club. We never hear from you on the really important issues though, like sex and babies."

Squirming in her seat, Sarah tried to come up with an answer. "W-Women look their, um, sexiest when they're pregnant!" she blurted out. "I, uh, I'm all for sex, babies, and blowjobs too!" Oh hell, she hadn't quite meant to say that! She clapped a hand over her mouth, trying to suppress a serious case of the giggles.

"Uh hem!" All four women looked up as their boss; Amanda Montgomery stepped into the room. "Ladies, please try and keep the talk at least rated PG 13 during office hours." She smiled. "I think all this frank talk sent Sarah into shock, poor thing. Sarah dear, I hope you aren't letting these loose women corrupt you."

Sarah looked up and managed to get herself under control. "It's okay. I, um, I found it very educational." She said with what was probably a dopey grin on her face.

"Still, this is a place of business." Amanda turned and gave Brandy her patented 'Boss' look. "Miss Cognac, what have I said about proper work attire?"

Brandy grinned sheepishly. "I know, but I did dress properly. The hem of my skirt is three inches below my knees!" She stood and did a slow twirl. Snow white blouse and navy skirt did look business like, if you ignored how sheer the blouse was, or that the snug clingy skirt didn't flare out at all as she spun. If it wasn't for the slit that ran daringly up her right leg nearly to her waist, she would have to hobble around the office like Morticia Addams.

"I'd call that proper for dancing all night at a club." Amanda sighed. "Please at least button a couple more buttons, and in the future, think about wearing something other then a black lace bra under so sheer a blouse. Just because there are no men here, it doesn't mean you dressing like a bimbo isn't a distraction."

"Yes ma'am!" Brandy muttered, while she buttoned two buttons. It covered her impressive cleavage, but seeing how the buttons strained against their load was every bit as titillating.

Amanda shook her head. "For goodness sake, just put on a lab coat. If you take a deep breath you'll pop a button and put out someone's eye!" With a sigh, she continued. "Must you keep wearing those hooker heels? You're a tall girl, you don't need any help. Besides, I keep getting complaints from maintenance about the dimples you're making on every hard wood floor in the building. Brandy, don't make me have to warn you again. Do you understand?"

"These aren't hooker heels." The statuesque blonde muttered while shrugging into a lab coat. In a typical Brandy maneuver, she picked one that was rather too tight over her impressive chest. These buttons too, were hardly up to the challenge. "Four inch heels are quite modest, I'll have you know!"


"Yes mommy!" Blue eyes opening wide, Brandy's face grew quite pink as Misty and Kathy giggled at her little matriarchal slip. "I mean, yes ma'am!"

Sarah gulped, and got shakily to her feet. Luckily nobody seemed to pay her the least bit of attention as she scooted self-consciously off to the lady's room. The five foot tall woman didn't even glance at herself in the mirror as she darted into an open stall. What was to see, after all? She kept her long red hair up in a rather severe bun, usually with a pencil or two stuck in it. Her glasses gave her a rather owlish look she actually thought would keep men from being interested in her. She didn't even use make-up. A light dusting of freckles was all that adorned her face.

The twenty-two year old woman didn't comprehend a simple fact of current society. The nerd girl look was in. Her glasses, hair style, and rather plain no-nonsense business attire had all the guys on the train she rode on her commute day-dreaming about the quiet little redhead who tried to so hard to hide her good looks and excellent figure under big glasses and frumpy clothes. She would be panic stricken if she knew just how many male fantasies she'd been starring in these past months since she started using public transportation. Sarah may be a virgin, but she knew one thing for sure. She had not the tiniest flicker of desire to be bedded by a man!

Sarah unbuttoned her skirt and stepped out of it. She carefully hung it on the hook on the stall door, to prevent unsightly wrinkles in the fabric. She primly hung her lab coat over it, before slowly pulling down her plain white granny-bloomers. Sarah sighed as the bane of her existence sprang up to slap at her tummy. "Oh God" she whimpered. "I'm harder then ever!"

The little redhead truly loved working in the Bio-Dynamic Industries Unit Sixteen lab with her four beautiful co-workers. That was the problem. She loved it too much! Engineer Amanda Willow, the woman who hired her, was terrific! In her mid sixties the woman still had a body a twenty-year old would be proud of. Her stunning beauty made Sarah think of her as a serious MILF! That coupled with her no nonsense leadership abilities, and her kind caring personality made her someone Sarah really looked up to. Usually while trying hard to fight down an erection, though. Sarah secretly thought that the way her boss kept her hair cut close to her skull, and the woman's lovely dark skin, made her look like an African Princess.

Kathy Peterson was just nice. The brunet always seemed to have a smile on her face. The twenty-five year old was always working out, and had a body that showed it. Kathy often complained that her butt was too big. Sarah didn't think so at all! That gorgeous round bottom had invaded her dreams on many nights! It secretly thrilled Sarah that Kathy was so worried about what people thought of her bottom. If only she had the nerve to say what she thought about that perfect hiney!

Misty Chu was simply beautiful. Delicate and petite, the thirty year-old was actually a couple inches shorter then Sarah. The little beauty had once confessed to being a bit annoyed at having only an "A" cup bust. On her, it was a plus! Sarah thought of Misty as her little China doll, and had guilty little fantasies where she imagined that Misty was a twelve year old school girl. She knew it probably was racist, but Sarah thought she'd just explode a huge load if she ever heard Misty say "Me love you long time."!

Brandy though, was Sarah's favorite! Six foot tall (at least!) athletic body, with long silky blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and those wondrous breasts, Brandy Cognac looked like she should wear a helmet with horns, and carry a shield and spear as she ushered warriors up to Valhalla! The twenty-five year old seemed to relish her rather odd name. "A little Brandy will warm you up, but too much will knock you on your ass!" her co-worker had said when they were introduced. That still made Sarah smile when she thought about it.

"Brandy's a virgin." She breathed as her hand slowly gripped her throbbing cock. "She, she doesn't use protection!" Standing in the stall, Sarah moaned as she started to stroke her hardness. "I could put a baby in her belly!" Sarah's eyes closed to slits as she replayed Brandy's little modeling twirl in her mind. If her top was any tighter, those glorious breasts would just burst free! Oh God, her legs were fantastic! The heels she wore really showed off the muscle tone! She hoped Brandy would just keep on ignoring proper business dress code!

Slipping her free hand under the rock hard cock, Sarah whimpered as she felt how truly wet her vagina had become. It just wasn't fair! Two sets of 'equipment' seemed to insure that she was horny all of the time! What kind of way to live was that for someone who never dared even once go on a date? All Sarah had was her hands, her mouth on those special, uh, flexible occasions, her imagination, and a truly stunning collection of pornography she had downloaded over the years.

"I shouldn't be doing this here." She breathed as her hand pumped faster. "I, I should wait until I get home! I could get caught!" That thought wasn't enough to deter her any more. Sarah felt like she would go insane if she didn't 'pop a load' right now! Her imagination took over. How hard would it be to tear open Brandy's blouse? How good would it feel to lodge her cock between those glorious breasts, and give the sexy blonde the titty-fuck of a lifetime?

Rising up on her toes in sensible shoes, Sarah began to pant as her hand went wild. Titty-fucking would just be the start! Why not just tear off that skirt and royally fuck the office tease? They could give each other their virginity! It would be beautiful! Sarah could plant her seed, and then proudly watch over the next nine months as Brandy's trim belly swelled with her child!

Hand trembling, Sarah stopped teasing her hot little pussy and reached for the toilet paper. "Oh no!" she gasped, knowing she had reached the point of no return. "No paper!" Trying to shuffle around before it was too late, Sarah ended up falling backward to sit hard on the potty seat. Still her hand kept on stroking. That was when the unthinkable happened. The stall door opened, and there was Brandy! The blonde was pointing an iPhone right at her!

"Don't!" Sarah squealed as her orgasm consumed her. Toes curling, muscles deep inside throbbed. "Don't look!" she cried as the first shimmering streamer of warm ejaculate spurt free!

"Oh shit, I was right!" Brandy laughed as she managed to dodge the gooey white fluid. "It was you who left cum on the toilet seat yesterday! You're a hermaphrodite! This is so damn hot!" She watched in awe as simply massive amounts of fluid erupted from Sarah's cock, and flew across the room. The first three volleys actually landed in the sink. The rest weren't so neat as they spattered on the floor.

Sarah couldn't stop herself. Even though Brandy was watching and recording, her hand just kept on pumping! She always produced massive loads, but this was surely a record! Over and over her body pulsed and throbbed. Hot streamers of semen just kept on coming as her ejaculation continued. She spattered the sink, and then went on to soil the floor tiles with her seemingly endless load! When it was finally over, she just sat on the toilet breathing raggedly.

"This is priceless!" Brandy announced happily as she lowered the iPhone. I got it all!" her blue eyes flashed. "I wonder how long it will stay on Youtube before someone flags it as pornographic."

Sarah shuddered. "You can't! Brandy, please delete it! Nobody can know about this!"

The blonde gave her an appraising look. "I won't post it just yet, Sarah dear." She said in a conversational tone. "I may not post it at all. That all depends on you."

The redhead yanked up her underwear with shaking hands. "What do you want me to do?" she cried, while trying to hide her still rather hard cock.

"Everything!" Brandy said with a wicked grin. "Right now you better clean up this mess. You really hosed the place down!"

"Oh my gosh!" Sarah muttered as she cleaned up the last of her issue with fists full of paper towels. "What am I going to do?" It was times like this that she really missed her dear departed mother. She needed advice that only another hermaphrodite could give, and since mom had passed away, she was quite possibly the only one on Earth!

Maybe she could reveal her true self to Amanda. That would surely defuse anything Brandy may have in mind. No, that wasn't a good idea. When Amanda Montgomery swept into her life just a week after mom had died, the older woman had treated her almost like a daughter. She couldn't jeopardize that by announcing she was a freak! Besides, she'd surely be fired! Nobody talked about it, but Dr. Helen Conner, Bio-Dynamic Industries president and owner, seemed to hate men. Somehow BDI had managed to hide from the world at large that no men were on the payroll. That was a serious fringe benefit for Sarah. She shared Dr. Conner's opinion on men! She had no interest in them at all. It was heavenly being surrounded by only beautiful women every day as she worked. If it was discovered that she had a stupid cock, she'd surely be fired! Were else would she be able to work in an all women environment?

With a sigh, she headed back to the mail room. "Oh, here she is." Brandy said cheerfully. "Go ahead Sarah. Tell Amanda how you agreed to forgo your vacation time so I could have an extra week off for the holidays."

Amanda looked puzzled. "This is still highly unusual. Sarah, are you really okay with this? You're giving up a week's paid vacation, and want Brandy to have it instead?"

Sarah's eyes opened wide. She had planned on spending Christmas in Washington DC, to visit the National Air and Space museum for her vacation! For some reason, Sarah had been infatuated with spaceflight since she was a child. She longed to actually see in person the space hardware she had read all about over the years. They even had a piece of moon rock visitors were allowed to touch! The trip was going to be a Christmas present to herself. Now it was all but ruined!

She and Brandy had both only worked for BDI for just over twelve months. They were only supposed to get one week off for vacation. It wasn't fair that she would get none, while Brandy had two! "I, um" Brandy gave her a piercing look. "Y-Yes, we talked it over. I, I don't mind."

"Well, alright" Amanda decided. "If that's really what you two want, I see no problem with it."

"Thanks boss, you're the greatest!" Brandy gave Sarah a knowing look. "Thank you too, Sarah dear. You're a real friend!"

As the days passed, Sarah discovered what the life of a blackmail victim was really like. Brandy never hit her, or called her nasty names, but the beautiful blonde was acting like a school yard bully, just the same. "Sarah dear, if you're heading to the cafeteria, could you get me a cup of coffee?"

"Sure Brandy!" The redhead jumped to her feet and scurried off. Of course when she got back, the pile of work at her station had mysteriously grown, while Brandy's had shrunk down to nearly northing at all.

Sarah usually ate alone, so she could read her ever present book, but that soon changed. At lunch, Brandy would sit right down next to her. "Oh, that looks good. What is it?"

"Pasta salad. I made it myself last night."

Brandy took the plate, and handed over her half eaten peanut butter and jelly. "Thanks, you're a doll!"

Later, on the way out to the parking lot. Brandy had stopped her. "Hey Sarah, I'm in a bind. I need your help."

"Um, what can I do?" she had asked with a sinking feeling deep inside.

"I'm meeting up with some friends, and I kind of overspent my budget this week. Could you give me twenty bucks?"

Give, not lend? The hermaphrodite shook her head. "I'm sorry, I can't! I only have a hundred dollar bill on me, and besides, I need that to buy a new chair for my computer desk at home."

"Really?" Brandy sighed. "I'd hate to think you were fibbing to me. Show me that bill, or I may have to do an upload on Youtube tonight."

"See, I wasn't lying!" Sarah pulled her wallet out of her bag, and showed it to her doubting co-worker. She was shocked when it was snatched from her hand.

"This will do great!" Brandy said with a laugh as she pulled the single bill out. "My friends will sure appreciate you buying us all the first couple rounds tonight!" She tossed the empty wallet over her shoulder as she walked away. "Thanks, Sarah, you're a doll!"

Tears of anger and shame filled her eyes, but there was nothing she could do! "Pay me back as soon as you can!" she called to the receding figure of the blackmailer, but that had been a waste of breath. Sarah knew she'd never see a dime of it ever again!

Then, the day before the office Christmas party, things grew much worse. Just before lunch, Sarah had to go to the supply room to get a spare #AB-619 condenser for the control circuitry she was working on. Nothing else they had could withstand the sheer power build up produced by the high energy storage system Amanda had designed. She nearly jumped out of her shoes when Brandy slipped in after her. "Oh, hi Brandy." She said dejectedly as she turned to grab the equipment she needed. "Um, yesterday was payday. Could, uh, could you pay me at least half of the hundred you owe me?"

The blonde laughed. "You're funny, Sarah dear. Don't be so modest about how generous you are. My friends thought it was very nice of you to buy us drinks."

No trip, and now she had to go a couple more weeks using a chair from her breakfast nook at her computer desk. Well, at least it was easy to clean the hard wood surface if she dribbled semen all over it. "Tell them it was my pleasure." She whispered meekly as she headed to the door.

Brandy stepped between her and the exit. "Don't go." She said with a grin. "I thought we could have some fun in here while everyone else is off at lunch."

Despite everything, Sarah felt hope rise in her heart, and her cock rise beneath her skirt. "Really?" she gasped staring at the beautiful blonde's gloriously ample cleavage. She put down the electronic components and moved to put her arms around Brandy. "I've always hoped this day would come!"

"Hey, hold on!" Brandy danced away. "Did you think I wanted to have sex with you? Hell no! I'm not going to waste my cherry on a little dick-girl freak! I just want to make another little video." She handed the coffee cup she had been holding to Sarah and took out her ever present iPhone. "Fill this up."

Felling her face grow warm, Sarah tried with all her might to will her growing erection down. That hadn't worked since she was ten years old! "W-What are you talking about?" she asked dumbly, hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

"You heard me! Whip out that dick of yours, and whack off into that cup! You shot off so much last month; I'm just dying to see if you can fill it up!"

"No! I can't do that! How in the world could you expect me to willingly make another video?"

Brandy fiddled with the phone, and then held up the device so Sarah could see the screen. There she was, sitting on the toilet. The image was frozen as a long and glistening streamer of semen was exiting the swollen head of her cock. "Look how clear the picture is." Brandy bragged. "You can plainly see your face. Simply everyone working for Bio-Dynamic Industries will recognize you instantly. If you don't agree to shoot another video for me right now, I upload this one onto the company server, as well as my Youtube account!" She grinned wickedly. "Now get naked!"

Sarah had no choice! She placed the coffee cup on a shelf, and began to disrobe. "Please Brandy, let this be the end, okay?" she begged as she unbuttoned her blouse.

Brandy just laughed as she pointed the lens at her nervous coworker. "I already secured my domain name. ''! There are lots of weirdoes out there who will pay big money to see a real live hermaphrodite masturbating! If you don't want me to post your first video on a brand new pay site, you'll make more videos for me to use in my, um, private collection."

Her heart went cold, but her betraying cock surged even harder. "Surely you can't be serious!" she gasped as she nervously shrugged out of her bra. "Please Brandy, don't do this to me!"

"I'm very serious, and don't call me Shirley!" She fell silent as she stared at the topless woman with the now obvious tent in her skirt. "Come on now, take off the rest. You've gone this far, there's no turning back now! Tell me about yourself too. Describe your lovely body for me."

Lovely body? Brandy thought she was lovely, even with her cock? She was going to use the videos? Sarah knew all about "USING" porno videos and felt a shiver run through her at the thought of Brandy watching her. Blushing hotly, Sarah continued to undress before the camera. She didn't know what else she could do! "I, um, I'm a hermaphrodite." She stammered, as she stepped out of her skirt. "That means I have male genitalia as well as female." Her hands shook as she pulled down her chaste white underwear. "I, um, I'm five foot even. I, um, they're, I mean, I'm a 36C." She gulped. "36-24-36, to be exact." She said as her erect cock sprang into view.

Brandy giggled. "What a winning hand, you little brick house! Now tell me about that pretty cock of yours."

Crossing her arms over her breasts, Sarah continued nervously. "I, I have an eleven and seven eighth inch penis." She said huskily, unable to bring herself to admit that last troublesome eighth of an inch. "I measured it once. I produce live and very virile motile sperm, even though my testicles are located up inside of my abdomen." She closed her eyes and tried to steady her nerves. "From what I've read online, and seen in pornographic videos, I differ quite a bit from males. I, uh, produce much more, volume wise, and I, um, can 'do it' nine or ten times in a three hour span, although if I do it that much, I end up really tired and have to take the next day off from work so I can sleep in."

Brandy had a look of pure hunger in her eyes. "Oh fuck! Is that why you called out sick the day after I shot the video? You sat up all night whackin' off thinking about what you did!" she took a deep breath, her blouse straining under the added pressure. "Show me!" she ordered. "Waggle that staff! Polish that carrot! Spank the damn monkey!"

Trembling in embarrassment, Sarah grasped her erect cock and gave it a bit of a tug. "Brandy, you could, um, I mean, could you do it? You said you do hand jobs! Could you please give me one?"

"No way! I'm not going to encourage you like that!" she laughed. "If I even touch your cock, next thing I know, you'll be trying to use it on me to bust my cherry. Besides, you just said you make sperm! I'm not letting that one eyed snake anywhere near me, especially now! I'm almost exactly at the 'hot' part of my cycle! I'll probably ovulate tomorrow. I'm not letting even one of your nasty sperms anywhere near my body! You just get busy and shake the dew off of that lily, and I'll record all the action for, uh, later use!"

Blushing from head to toe, Sarah began to masturbate while her beautiful coworker watched and recorded. "Brandy please, could, um, could you at least unbutton your blouse?" she huffed as her hand stroked faster.

"Maybe next time." The busty blonde laughed. "If I do anything like that, it'll be while you're shackled to the bed or something. I don't want you so over stimulated that you jump my bones and steal my virginity!" she blushed. "I have to be careful, you know. I may not have the willpower to fight you off!"

Sarah bit her lower lip while she continued. This was exciting her, despite being treated like some kind of performing animal. She hated part of herself for not having the strength to either tell Brandy to go to Hell, or just grabbing the blonde and doing what she most wanted to do. "If, if I was tied up" she stammered "If I was tied up, and you were totally safe, could, could you then give me a hand job?"

Brandy giggled. "Only if you are a very good girl. Maybe after I have my wonderful two weeks of vacation, I'll give you a special treat. I'll handcuff you to my bed and let you have the honor of getting my very first titty fuck. I'll grease up my boobs, and go to town on that big ol' cock of yours!"

"Oh, oh my God!" Sarah gasped. Her cock between those massive breasts would be like heaven on Earth! Her free hand shaking, she snatched up the coffee cup and held it at the ready. "I'm cumming!" she announced needlessly as a thick gush of seminal fluid blasted from the swollen head of her cock. That first streamer hit the inside of the cup with enough force to slosh back up over the rim and run glisteningly down the side.

"Keep going!" Brandy ordered equally unneeded as Sarah rose up on her toes while wildly pumping her throbbing cock. "Fill that damn cup!"

The idea of titty fucking Brandy's wondrous assets put Sarah into overdrive! Panting and moaning, she stroked for all she was worth! Being recorded seemed to add to the moment. Masturbating alone had never been like this! When her soul shaking orgasm finally eased to an end, the coffee cup was heavy with her issue. Some had sloshed over to run down and drip all over the floor, but Sarah had done what she had been ordered to do. The pearly fluid was just a quarter inch below the rim of the extra large cup!

Brandy moved in for a close up. "Holy shit on a shingle!" she exclaimed when she saw just how much liquid was retained. "Now that's what I call impressive. Whenever I give a hand job, it's always spurt-spurt-spurt. Three good shots of cum, and then it's all over. How do you make so much? A guy is lucky if he can fill a spoon. You filled a freakin' twenty ounce cup! That's totally amazing!" she paused for a second. "Now drink it!"

"What? I can't drink it!" Sarah came very close to dropping the cup. "That's disgusting! There's no way I could ever drink a cup of my own cum!" It wasn't exactly a lie. At home she never used a cup. Her cock was long enough, and she was limber enough, that Sarah was an old pro at autofellatio. It was a great way to keep the sheets clean if she woke up (like she did every single day) with a case of morning wood. It also helped if she was running late and had to skip breakfast. It was like a home made protein energy drink to start the day off right with!

"Do it or I'll make Paris Hilton look like a prude when I post YOUR videos!"

"Don't record this part!" she begged as she raised the cup to her lips. The familiar musky scent made her nostrils flair. Brandy kept the iPhone's lens pointed right at her. "Please Brandy, don't ever post this part!" Slowly the cup reached her lips. Slower still, the cup tilted. Warm thick musky fluid passed between Sarah's lips as the semen flooded over her tongue to fill her mouth.

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Brandy and the Exchange Student

By now most have read of the wonderful bond Brandy (my now 17 year old granddaughter) and I share. She and I have grown very close since that first day we touched, teased and I brought her to climax. She was a virgin at the time but wanted her G-pa to be her first lover which I ended up being in ways she had never imagined. Since then we’ve gotten together on several, though many less than we’d like, occasions for the sake of our loving bond and freewheeling sensual encounters. In fact she is...

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Brandy and the Exchange Student Chapter Two

I watched for a message on my cell, not really expecting one from Brandy, but wanting to know if they had enjoyed their visit enough to repeat it again on the following Saturday. To my surprise, as I looked at her Facebook page, I saw that she had plans to take the exchange student sightseeing at the lake on that very day. I smiled knowing that was her way of letting me know to meet them there. That was on Wednesday and I still had two days and a wake up before I would again revel in the lush...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 2

Believe it or not, I actually did sleep a bit. And when I woke up, Bonnie and Bill were sleeping in their own bedroom, having placed a sign on the front door of the house that read ‘– ‘“Please do not disturb until 2 p.m.’” Brandy, meanwhile, was right where I’d left her.“Are you awake, Brandy?” I asked her.Again, she wiggled her bum. I looked around. The key was on the table, not that far away. I started to feel like I needed to pee, and considered trying to unlatch myself to go to the...

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Brandys Nightmare Part 2

Brandy's story of abuse and pain continues.The following story is fictional. If you are upset by i****t, **** and sexual abuse/exploitation please do not read it. I don’t condone any of the crimes the villains commit in this story. In my opinion r****ts and human traffickers are the lowest of the low and should all get very long prison sentences. Also, I’d love to hear your feedback, what you like and what you don’t like. I plan of writing at least one more part, Brandy’s story isn’t over yet....

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Brandy and the Exchange Student Chapter Three

It had been two weeks since Brandy Arianna and I had visited the cave, each day bringing forth the memories of such a sweet adventure. Again it was Saturday, my day to play and write tales of erotica and pleasures. Little did I know what lay in store for me as a car pulled up in the driveway, Brandy’s car at that? I could tell by the sound that my granddaughter had come to visit her G-pa and her lover. I kind of hoped she had come alone, but when I had shut off the screen of my desktop and...

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Brandy Team Roping Princess

Chapter 1 Brandy caught my eye the very first time I met her. She was stunning-- very attractive, very sexy, and she had a bubbly personality that just drew you to her. She was doing student work in a building where I was working and I quickly got to know Brandy as we'd meet at the copier or other administrative areas on an almost daily basis. I think one of the first things that you noticed about Brandy was her nice full breasts. She often wore jeans and a button-up flannel shirt or other...

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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 1

Mongobear, my brother’s beloved spouse, was a strange creature, resembling a pudgy, deformed child with Down syndrome. She had the voice tone of a retarded goat and the fashion sense of a toddler who snorted too many lines of crushed Smarties. Mongobear wore pastel-colored Mickey Mouse shirts that barely covered her gunt, with matching colored socks rolled over the bottoms of her stretched pant legs. Her hair was a conglomerated, omni-present braid in the back of her head with a White...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 3

And so it was that Bonnie’s trick on Sean turned into a wonderful, 5½-day escapade of fun for Brandy, who clearly seemed to enjoy every minute of it. Come Monday morning, guys started showing up again to be blown; but everyone actually was very pleased for Brandy AND Sean that their fun would get to last a few days longer.Stretching into the week itself meant that a local news station got wind of it and sent along one of their ace reporters, a pretty little blonde named Kaitlin, to interview...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 1 Pg 2

“Brandy was pretty much fucked!” Bill piped in, and Bonnie nodded and laughed.“You were, weren’t you, Sweetie!” Bonnie said, patting Brandy’s bum again.“Throat fucked,” I added, quietly.Brandy blinked twice and gurgled.“Anyway, once I got everything as tight as I could, I locked the buckle with the key. And then it was easy. I just slowly eased Bill and Brandy back onto the couch. The whole thing took about 10 minutes. It actually was LOTS of fun, wasn’t it, Brandy?’” she lovingly asked the...

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Christmas Party

A Christmas Sex Party        My wife of ten years is the sales rep for a plastic whole sale company.  She sells recycled raw product to factories and manufacturing companies in a fairly large region including the east coast and into the mid-east states.  Using email and a phone she is able to do a lot of her work from an office in our home.   This allows her to be at home most days to spend quality time with our two kids, Mat 6 and Jessie 4.  To maintain personal contact with most of her...

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Brandys Bedroom

"Daddy!"My daughter dove into my arms. I stumbled back and nearly tripped over the porch steps. It felt good to have her in my arms again after so long. "I've missed you, baby.""Brandy!" her mother hissed. "Don't hug him like that!"My daughter let go and stepped back, rolling her eyes for only me to see. I was taking her in. I don't know when she got so tall. She must've been 5'6". I was sure she was under 5' the last time I saw her. She really sprouted these last three years. She had filled...

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Brandy and Shannon part 2

Sitting at my desk in my office down in the basement, all I could do was stare at the wall. I could not believe what happened the night before actually happened. It was not planned. It was not intended, and then when it happened, I acted like a complete idiot. I was speechless, and when given the opportunity to respond in a good way, or even possibly let something more happen, I blew it. I just sat there looking like a fool, and watched her walk away.I had been married for a long time. Dealing...

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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 3

Once we arrived at Brandy’s apartment, I set Skoal down in front of the television set, turned on a Barney & Friends rerun for him to watch, and then took my wanton love associate back into her bedroom. Brandy was so happy to see me and so anxious to shed off her clothing that she was naked and rolling around with me atop her bed before she could get her bedroom door closed. I too was quite aroused to see Brandy so I quickly let loose the meat from my pants and was soon nuts deep inside her...

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Brandy is a Fine Girl

This one is dedicated to a fan and the special person in her life. I hope she enjoys it. ~~BrettJ ***** Brandy stood out on the deck of our new home, taking it all in. We were only just back from our honeymoon and we returned to a beautiful ocean front property I have owned for a while. It was my getaway when I need seclusion, and now it would serve as my home with this bewitching beauty I so adored. It had always been more opulent and spacious than a single man needed, but I could easily...

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Brandy Chapter 2

Babysitting for MichaelShe could barely breathe as she went to the front door, her heart racing a mile a minute. This would be the first time she babysat for Michael since he started watching her. Watching her slowly strip down to her bra and panties for him, hoping he was pleased with her body. She rang the bell, Brandy disappointed when Cindy opened the door.“Hi, Brandy, we’re running a little late. The girls are in the den watching television. Michael should be down in a minute.” She was...

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Brandy with four Doms and two Dogs

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I...

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The Christmas Party

The Christmas Party The Christmas Party was coming, and my boss had "volunteered" me onto the Party Planning Committee. Now, truth be told, I'm not really a party- going type of a guy; I'm more of the stay-home on the weekend dressed in slutty lingerie with a dildo rammed up my ass type of a guy. What's more, I've always wished that I was a stay in bed getting fucked by all sorts of horny men type of a gal, but that's my fantasy life, and it has never come remotely close to any of...

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Brandy Chapter 9

FuckedIt wasn’t like anything Brandy thought it would be. Every girl dreams about losing her innocence in a romantic setting, everything perfect, a gentle lover that would guide her, something to remember forever. Brandy was nervous, babysitting for Cindy and Michael tonight, sure that it would be happening soon. Their sex had been leading up to the moment when Michael would take her virginity, Brandy ready to give it up to him. She dressed in a short skirt that would entice him with her long...

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Brandy Grows Up

I came into the room and Brandy was sitting there studying, her long dark brown hair flowing beautifully down over her body to about the middle of her back. I could tell instantly that it was her even though we hadn't seen each other for a couple of years. I was reluctant to call her name on the chance that I was mistaken and I didn't want to embarrass myself. But I took a chance and said, "Hi, Brandy, how are you today?" Instantly Brandy shot up from the chair where she was sitting and...

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Brandy Puts Me in a Tight Spot Chapter Four of My History with Brandy

I must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes, Brandy was standing at the foot of my lounge chair, blocking the sun as it descended towards the distant valley behind the house. She was silhouetted by the sun, her glorious figure darkened, the sun's rays forming a halo around her body. "Here, baby," she said as she handed me a fresh gin and tonic. I reached up and felt the refreshing coldness of the glass, only slightly damp with condensed water in the dry air. Taking a sip, I marveled at...

Straight Sex
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Brandy 2 Chapter 1

Four Years LaterBrandy graduated from college, moving into the city, away from home, hoping to start a new life. Her parents still looked at her differently since they found out about her and Michael, not even him moving could changed anything. She had found a good job as an advertising assistant, able to afford an apartment by herself. She enjoyed her privacy. She dated on and off, but nothing steady, most men her age interested in partying and getting her into the sack and then they moved...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 1

I must admit, I was more than a bit surprised when a new guy at work, a middle-aged, moderately overweight and mostly bald guy named Bill invited me to come over on an upcoming Saturday morning to his attend the birthday party he was throwing for an exchange student from California who was staying with him and his wife. First, I hardly knew the guy. And second, he was giving me 3 weeks’ notice; that just seemed far too ‘planned’ to me. Feeling a tad suspicious, I told him I might ‘pop by’ if I...

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Brandy with a Femdom and Male Sub

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested...

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Brandy And Shannon Part 2

Sitting at my desk in my office, my head was spinning. All I could think about was what happened the day before. It started out so simple, and so easy. My sixteen year-old step-daughter Brandy came up, asked me for a hug, said she thought it would cheer me up, and I gave it to her. When she asked what was bothering me, and I didn't say much, she told me that another hug would help.I didn't mean to look into her eyes, look at her cute adorable face, lean down, and kiss her passionately on the...

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Brandys vacation

It had been hell around Brandys house, her parents were getting a divorce and the constant yelling was getting her very upset, it didnt help that her hormones were going crazy and her body was going through so many changes, In the last 5 months she had gone from an a cup to a c cup, her hips seemed to be getting wider along with growing taller, It was such a relief when her mother told her she would be going out west to spend the summer with her grandmother, she also had several cousins ,and...

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Hooked At The Company HalloweenThemed Costume Party

“You should go as a sexy nurse,” one of my co-workers told me.“Yeah, and get fired,” I replied.We were chatting about our company Halloween-themed costume party. I had worked at Moore Construction for about a year- a small company of about 100 employees; mostly hormone-driven guys who wanted nothing more than to take a company secretary home.Sammy was my co-heart in crime and she always had my back. We both worked in the accounting department, so we knew just about everyone in the company, from...

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Mr Millers Christmas Party

Mr. Miller's Christmas Party by Deputy Duffy It was a couple of weeks before Christmas, and I was driving my way overto the Miller's estate. People around here call Mr. Miller the "King ofParties." And I had finally turned 21, which meant, according to Mr. Miller,that I was now finally old enough to attend his famous parties. I had beenlooking forward to this day for some time, so I was thrilled when he calledto invite me, but a little anxious when he said that first I had to "provemyself." ...

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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

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BRANDY Misdeeds with a Mormon Girl Prt 2

The Resident Assistant within my dormitory was a cookie-cutter Mormon missionary fuck who actively patrolled the hallways of my living unit at night. Bearing close similarity to the cock-blocking attitude of Mongobear, the RA would announce when it was time for all females to leave the dormitory each night and then make his rounds to each room, searching for stragglers. Without warning, the Resident Assistant had the power and authority to key open any dorm room that he was suspicious of...

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Brandy Chapter 10

Taken Every WayOnce Michael got between Brandy’s legs and took her virginity, he couldn’t leave her alone, his mind consumed with her hot, teenage body that did anything and everything he asked. It was no longer having to wait until Cindy was in “the mood”, Brandy would come within minutes of Michael calling her, ready and willing to satisfy him no matter what he wanted from her.  His appetite became insatiable for her body.Brandy found something that occupied her every thought, Michael and his...

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Brandy Chapter 5

Judgment DayBrandy’s cell phone rang just as she was going into her house, cheerleading practice over early. She looked at the screen before she answered it, her heart racing when she saw the number. Did Cindy want me to babysit again? She trembled at the thought of seeing Michael again, at him taking her home and what he might do this time to her excited body. “Hello, Cindy,” Brandy answered.“You’ve been a naughty girl, Brandy. I told you not to cum and you defied me, standing in the window,...

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Brandys Deep Throat Adventures Part 3 Pg 2

A couple of times, the postman prematurely said “Hello, Brandy” and it wasn’t her. First, after my weekend with Sean’s wife, he convinced Melanie to try out the ‘dog hoist’, and Brandy was willing to share. So, on a Saturday morning, Sean drove Melanie over to Bill and Bonnie’s place, where I was to meet them at 7:30. I, in fact, decided to get there early to set up some cameras on the front lawn; and it’s a good thing I did, because Melanie was too excited to sleep that night and convinced...

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Brandy Returns to the Ranch

I have several Doms I see often and even now two Femdoms that I visit infrequently. But I like variety and my sexual appetite is almost insatiable so I need to see different people for different experiences. I am upfront with them and my Doms all know about the others. Everything in my life was fine until one of my Doms contracted COVID-19, so I had to quarantine for 10 days and get tested regularly; well guess what even though I had no symptoms I tested positive...

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Brandy 2 Chapter 2

Table BoundMichael took another rope, lacing it around her waist, low down on her hips. He pulled it to the other end of the table, not wanting her body having the ability to curl up and get away from what he planned to do to her. This way she would be spread out, her legs open, her sex revealed. First, he had to dispose of her clothes.Brandy felt her body pulled in both directions by the rope around her waist and her legs over her head. Her pussy was drowning in her excitement. Michael looked...

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Brandy and Shannon

A typical weekend at my house involves my step-daughter and anywhere from one to six of her friends coming over, renting movies, eating garbage food, and staying up until anywhere from one to three in the morning.A few occasions involved all-nighters, where everyone would sleep in until 2 in the afternoon. I'd typically let them do whatever they wanted. I really didn't set limits, because it didn't involve drinking, they weren't doing drugs, and they weren't really 'crossing any lines', unless...

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Brandy Chapter 7

On her KneesShe could taste him for days after, though she had brushed her teeth many times. She wasn’t sure if she liked the taste or not. It was salty, but his cum was thick. She had only a little on her fingers, though he had shot out lots more. What would it be like if he spurted in my mouth? Would he make me swallow it, even if I chocked on it? She couldn’t even imagine taking it in her mouth. Would he teach me what to do to please him? He had made her cum with his mouth, expecting her to...

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Brandy In The Morning

I have several old friends from the old days and each has children of varying ages. One never considers the younger ones. They are just rug rats and yard apes learning to play as little princesses and knights. Jousting in the evening when the friends gather together. However some of them aged into place. And I had long ago been snipped so no one could ever get pregnant from me. One little cutie named Brandy had become a delicious twenty year old. Her father and mother had divorced and she was...

First Time
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The Sorority Christmas party

The fraternity guys and I had trudged out into the snow on a brisk December afternoon to cut down a Christmas tree for the Alpha Kappa sorority house. By the time we got the tree back to campus and unloaded it off the truck, a cold wind was blowing and snow was falling steadily. We carried the tree into the sorority house common room and stood it up on a stand. A roaring fire had been lit and its warmth was welcome after being outside in the cold. As a reward for our efforts the sorority girls...

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Poor Little Cassie Chap 3 The Christmas Party

However, by Friday, I was feeling good. I was starting to go out with my friends, shopping, hanging out, etc. All the things your typical high-schooler would do on her first Christmas break. My name is Cassie. I am normal height, about 5’5” and weigh about 105. I am a cheerleader in my prep school, a flyer to be specific and I am really good in the air. That was always my strength. I have long blonde hair and a decent body. My breasts are 36C but look really good on my little frame. ...

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The party was humming along and I was having a great time which was a surprise considering that I did not want to be there in the first place. I'd just come back from an exhausting business trip and was looking forward to a restful weekend doing absolutely nothing. My wife, Brandy, reminded me that I had promised to take her to a birthday party for her best friend on Saturday so I kissed my peaceful weekend goodbye and here we were. Brandy was having a good time too and, as usual, she had more...

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The Christmas Party

Steve and I have been happily enjoying our marriage and now were even planning on starting a family. Sex has always been great with him. I wasn’t a virgin when I met him, but there had only been one other guy, the product of a disappointing high school date with a guy who turned out to be a bit of a loser. Steve and I met shortly after and we just clicked, and it was kind of a happily ever after relationship. So, here we are and it’s that Christmas season once again and the usual round...

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After the Christmas Party

Hold on, let me get this cork out of this champagne bottle! God, that’s a great sound, isn’t it? Here, give me your champagne flute. Nice. I love how that bubbles up to the top of the glass like that. Small bubbles is a sign of superior champagne, so they say. Alright. There we go. Hey Baby! Let’s raise our glasses of champagne together and toast the end of another year. Can you believe it? So many good things happened this year. We had a lot of fun. Like what? You mean the trip to Key West...

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Brandy Chapter 8

Take it Down Her ThroatBrandy still wasn’t sure whether she liked the taste of cum, but she knew it didn’t matter to Michael. She obeyed him without question, each time teaching more about being a woman, all leading up to the moment when he would take her innocence from her and she would feel for the first time the pleasure of having a man’s cock inside her. The sun was getting warmer each day, two days before Michael called her from the clearing not far from their houses. He knew exactly when...

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Moonlight Meanders

Moonlight meanders....It had been a quite warm day, the sunshine beating down as they drove back from seeing Jays friend at the annual Airshow, and there night’s stay in their favourite hotel. They had decided to come back by the coast road after stopping for a bite to eat and a walk along the beach. Driving along the music added to the tranquil time of the evening , with sunset just approaching. Innuendos had been flying all day, the normal for Jay and Bert when they got together as lads...

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Hubbyrsquos Susprise at the Christmas Party

Becky and I have been married 22 years. Becky is a college educated housewife, with maid service! Her normal schedule was to be up early, coffee and a power bar, dress in her running outfit then out the door for an hour or so run. Then she would come home take a shower, get dressed, go to the club maybe do the nine holes or a round of tennis, a shower at the club, lunch with the girls at the club, head home and change for the evening.My name Paul I’m a graduate of the US Naval Academy, ex Seal...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 4 Birthday Party

Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...

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Brandy 2 Chapter 3

Whipped for His PleasureBrandy licked her lips, enjoying the salty taste of his thick cock. It had been a long time since he had filled her mouth and belly with his cum. He pulled the suction cups off of her nipples, but they stood out hard and erect, the slightest breeze across them stimulating where the cups had abused them. She was sure that Michael’s fingers would continue their abuse.With her legs spread so wide, she was defenseless, seeing the eighteen-inch ruler he pulled out of the bag,...

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Brandy Chapter 3

A Pleasurable Walk HomeMichael put his hand around her waist as he walked her next door. She looked up and saw his bedroom window dark, Cindy already in bed. Her parent’s window was also dark. No one would be expecting them. Her mind raced. What would he do to me? What would he make me do? She had seen the bulge in his pants. Would I have to satisfy him tonight? Would he make me do it with my hand or something else? They kept walking, Brandy’s nervous as she got close to her house. His hand was...

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Barrack Room BettyChapter 8 The Christmas Party

Lieutenant Steven Winters was an extremely good-looking Navy fighter pilot whose last posting had been aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal. There was some unpleasantness when, after a wardroom ladies dine-in night on board the ship, the rather portly Executive Officer had opened the door to a hangar workshop and found his glamorous wife bent over a workbench with her sequined evening dress hiked up and her knickers around her ankles whilst she balanced on her high-heels and encouraged...

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The Christmas Party

Introduction: A little fantasy of mine with one of my friends. As Christmas grows closer the sexual tension between the two of us only rises. Every day Ill coax you on a little bit, but then stop myself and return to business. I can see in your eyes how badly you would like to start round 1. What can I say, Im a tease. Of course I knew what I was doing, knew what it was causing, but where was the fun in just letting you have your way? About three days before Christmas eve I leave an invitation...

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Miss Pink Part 7 The Christmas Party

ONE Over the next couple of weeks, I lost track of the days. At first I would return home and breathe a deep sigh of relief. Grateful I had tolerated any torment, that I had survived all I had been subjected to. And as I relaxed and wound down, I found solace in the many happy moments my day would bring; which I then used to spurn me on. Something as simple as an understanding smile from a customer would keep me on a high for hours. It gave me something to hold on to as...

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Teresas Christmas Party

It started as every other Christmas party. There were the ones showing up primed, liquored or stoned and the ones wanting to suck up to the boss. We can’t forget the ones who bring their significant others to show off or air them out annually. Being in charge of the entertainment, Teresa was back and forth with everything, ensuring the guests were having a great time, the food was ready and on time while verifying the shindig was on schedule. Being new to the company, Lance decided to give her...

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