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How she found him I had no idea, all that mattered was that he was here for the reasons she indicated. I'd know soon enough if it was true.

'Get your clothes off, both of you.'

Jan moved first, obeying as she always did. In the faint light from the hotel far across the fields I watched her slip off her shoes and begin unsnapping her pants. Interesting that she went for the pants first.

He was a little slower, perhaps making up his mind if this is really what he wanted to do. I sat on the tailgate of the truck patiently. Either he would do it or he wouldn't, and if not I'd send him packing and have a little fun with Jan. It may have been the tequila we were shooting a few minutes ago, or maybe he just built up the courage, but as he watched Jan remove her pants he reached for his shirt and began to fish it out of his jeans.

His name was Trace, or so he claimed. It didn't matter. I was going to get to know him, that's for sure, but not personally. Jan had found him for me, he had actually shown up, and as I watched him fumble with his shirt I knew one of my long held, most secret fantasies was to become reality. Once he submitted there would be no turning back.

Jan's overly large breasts sprung free as she removed her bra, and now she stood naked, staring at me defiantly as if to say she was ready for any demand. We would see. She turned to watch Trace peel off his shirt, moving much slower. If I allowed them to speak I'm sure she would tell him to hurry up. She knew what she had coming and she wanted it bad. Like an obedient slut she held her tongue and watched Trace now stumble over his belt. He was nervous, but he certainly hadn't stopped.

I had made it clear that if she found someone for our little game, he could not be a fag. Gays made me want to puke, and I knew she felt the same way. This situation called for a real man who was willing to suck a cock. Trace looked to be upper twenties, his shoulders broad, his arms and chest muscular. He had a flat chiseled stomach that I could only envy. Girls had to find him hot, yet he was here under my control. I would find out later how she located this guy.

Finally he was naked and it took all his will power not to cover himself with his hands. I ignored his nakedness, knowing he expected me to be looking at him. If I was interested, he had no need to know at the moment, and neither did Jan. But I did notice his flaccid cock was circumcised and above average in size, at least soft. Good.

'Took you long enough. You look scared. Wanna leave?'

The harshness of my tone seemed to catch him off guard and he hesitated before shaking his head no. I turned my attention to Jan, ignoring him.

'Come here.'

The fact that I was fully dressed now created a contrast that made it clear who was in charge. I liked it. Never intimidated, Jan stepped right up to me until she was standing between my knees as I dangled my feet off the tailgate.

I reached into a bag and pulled out an old necktie. Jan's eyes sparkled with delight, her hopes and dreams confirmed.

'Hands in front.'

She complied immediately, and within a minute I had her wrists tightly bound. I reached out pinched her nipple hard, and she closed her eyes and bit down on her lower lip.

'Step away. You're next.'

Trace wasn't nearly as eager, but he moved to take up the position previously occupied by Jan. He was a big guy, and obviously an exercise fanatic.

'You know what to do.'

Reluctantly he put his hands together and I wondered once more if he would make it through this. The time for changing his mind was soon coming to an end. As I bound his wrists with another tie, I could look past his hands and see that his cock had swollen somewhat. So he was turned on by what he was doing. He was already bending to my will.

'Stand next to the other slut.'

I stood and stretched my legs, taking my time, making them nervous. Finally I stepped right up to them.

'You will do as I say without question. From this point forward you're nothing but fuck toys for my enjoyment.'

Trace saw Jan hang her head compliantly and quickly did the same. His cock was continuing to stiffen, slowly but surely.

'This is your last chance to turn back.'

Jan shook her head no, and Trace again followed her lead. I reached out and grabbed Trace's bound wrists, knowing Jan would not bolt when she saw what I had in mind, but I wasn't so sure about him. So he was first so he couldn't have the luxury of second thoughts. I led him up under a big oak tree a short distance away. Earlier in the day I had hanged two lengths of rope from tree limbs in preparation for this moment. His eyes widened when I slipped the rope between his wrists, around the binding, but he said nothing as I forced his hands over his head. He was taller than I and I stood on an over-turned trash barrel to secure him in place. Now he was mine.

In a matter of minutes I had Jan similarly secured, though as short as she was it was much simpler. Then I stepped back and admired my work. I had two defenseless sex toys bound and hanging from their wrists, their bodies naked and open to my every whim. You could see for hundreds of yards across the fields, and hear the noises from the hotel and the nearby highway, and though it was unlikely anyone would see us, I knew this only enhanced their feeling of exposure and helplessness, a feeling I designed to exploit.

Walking back to the truck I retrieved two more ties, using these to blindfold my fuck toys. Then I took out four old-fashioned wooden clothes pins. It was no surprise that Jan shuddered in excitement when she felt the harsh bit of the clothes pin on her left nipple. I knew she was a pain junky and I clamped it directly on her nipple for maximum effect. When I put the second one in place she moaned out loud.

'Good, slut?' She nodded.

Jan had told me Trace confessed to liking pain when drunk one night. I'm sure that conversation was a key step in his ending up here, and tonight we would find out if he was bullshitting. But I didn't want to push him too far too quick, so I grabbed his nipple and positioned the clothes pin so it was half on the nipple and half on the skin below it. He jumped at my touch, but did not pull away; good sign. I could not help but notice how firm the muscles in his chest were. His skin didn't draw easily. When I let the clothes pin clamp down, he let out a little yelp of surprise and twisted away reflexively, but it was too late. His nipple was clamped and I could see the pain flash through the features in his face. I let him take a moment to adjust, then reached for the other nipple. He tensed but let me clamp it without resistance.

'You're going to make a good slut after all. I had my doubts.'

As I stepped away, his cock brushed my leg. He was now fully hard, and I was pleased to see quite large.

Next from my bag I pulled out my digital camera, taking my time, letting them sweat. They belonged to me now, so no need to rush. I surveyed the area and concluded I could take a few pictures without drawing attention; the activity at the hotel was minimal and we were well off the road in an area where anyone approaching us could be seen well in advance. Of course I don't know why I was worried. If someone came I could easily take off and just leave my toys to distract them.

I took the first photo from behind and they didn't seem to notice. But when I snapped one from the front the blindfolds didn't keep the flash from being apparent.


It was Trace. 'Did I give you permission to speak?'

He started to say something, but stopped himself. His cock was still hard as a rock. I took several more photos, then set the camera aside, not wanting to take the risk of drawing outsiders to my little manufactured playground and shortening my evening. Then I walked up to Jan and squeezed her pussy, feeling her wetness. She immediately tried to grind against my hand, but I pulled it away, not interested in her pleasure.

Now I know Jan fantasized desperately about two guys together, wanting so bad to see someone suck my cock and lick my ass. I also know she wanted to see me do the same, but I wasn't so sure I was ready to take that step. But looking at Trace's large cock sticking straight out, there was something about it that told me this was right. I reached out and wrapped my hand around his hardness, touching my first cock. He moaned appreciatively as I stroked him for a moment, and I'm sure Jan could surmise what might be happening, but I was glad she couldn't see. She had not yet done anything to earn that privilege.

'Have you ever sucked a cock before?'

The only sounds were the frogs and crickets, the cars on the distant highway, and the occasional slamming of a door at the hotel, so my voice disturbed the silence and made him jump.


'Don't lie to me, I want the truth.'

'N-no. Never.'

'But you've thought about it, haven't you?'

'No, no, I mean y-y-yes.' He was stammering.

'But you've never done it?'


'You won't be able to say that much longer, will you?'

It was a rhetorical question and he didn't answer. He simply hung his head in resignation between his upraised arms.

Stepping back over to the truck I picked up a braided cloth belt, solid enough to hurt but not as likely to leave tell-tale marks. The first time I laid it across Jan's ass she never saw it coming and the squeal from her lips was involuntary. I repeated the blow and at first she pulled away, straining at the rope, but then she pushed her ass out, inviting me to go on. I whipped Jan harshly for several minutes, until her ass was glowing red. Trace heard me step across the six feet of separation and tensed, preparing for the inevitable. But I hesitated, and still managed to catch him slightly off guard. I had never considered whipping another guy, but as I beat this stud I found it exhilarating. He was mine to do with as I please.

Jan's breasts were next, and I could see she relished the agony. Slowly, steadily, I covered her breasts with a criss-crossing maze of red stripes, then dropped to her sensitive stomach and marked her there as well. Then came her back. The clothes pins rose and fell to her heavy breathing, one barely hanging on, having been knocked partially free by the belt.

My first blow on Trace was across his clothes pins and he howled in misery. Without mercy I continued and he was helpless to stop me. His hard cock bobbed up and down as I beat him, a testament to what was going on in his mind.

I was a little out of breath and leaned against the tree, admiring my handiwork, my own cock hard in my shorts. Both of them were hanging against the ropes, panting, their bodies covered with red welts. I knew my next target and looked at Jan's bald pussy.

'Spread your legs wide, both of you.'

They did as I said, perhaps only Jan suspecting what was coming next. I didn't disappoint her. Getting to my feet, I swung the belt upwards and caught it flat against her pussy, the end wrapping up between her legs and slapping her ass. Her squeal was quite real. I landed several more blows from different angles, until her pussy was as red as the rest of her, and then dropped to her thighs, stepping around to get the tender back side.

Next I moved to Trace's thighs and he squirmed to get away. When I slapped his cock with the belt he yelped but stuck it back out there, so I slapped it several more times. Having this hard stud in our little game was really turning me on.

They were both breathing hard and sweating, and I figured it was enough. They'd carry these bruises for a while. I got the camera out and took a few more pictures of their abused bodies and then released the ropes, Jan first this time. They both dropped to their knees.

One by one I led them back to the truck and had them kneel in the grass. Releasing the bonds on their wrists, I left the blindfolds in place and simply admired my fuck toys for a minute. I stepped up to Jan and rubbed my crotch in her face, and she responded like the helpless whore that she is. But I had other things in mind and pushed her away roughly.

I peeled my shirt off and then removed the blindfold from Trace. Standing over him was such a feeling of power and he looked up with an expression that showed both arousal and uncertainty. I liked the uncertainty, it made my ownership of him, and what I was about to do, all the more pleasing.

'Take my pants off.'

Jan stiffened immediately. She wanted to see this so bad, and I could tell it took all her will power not to rip off her blindfold. It was fun to mistreat her and I let her suffer.

'What are you waiting on?'

Hesitantly, Trace reached up to the button on my shorts. His hands shook nervously and he struggled with the button, but he was ever compliant. This stud was going to suck my cock of his own free will. Finally the button was open, and then he worked the zipper down. Finally he reached up and pulled my pants and underwear down my thighs, over my knees and to my ankles, all the while studiously looking away from my hard cock. I stepped out of my shorts and stood over him naked.

When he finally looked up and came face to face with what he wanted, but was scared to admit, he was transfixed. My cock was as big as his and he stared at it only inches from his face.

'You know what's expected of you.'

Still he waited, but I could see he was going to do it, and I let him take his time. Perhaps he only wanted to savor his first time, or maybe he was building his courage, it didn't matter. He was about to be my slut. I looked down at the red ribbons across his body, the clothes pins hanging from his tortured nipples, and saw his cock was hard and purple. I knew then what I was going to do as well.

Finally he reached up and took me in his hand, tilting my cock downward, and ever so slowly leaned towards it. The warmth of his hand felt good around my hardness and I felt a drop of fluid ooze out the end of my cock. Jan stirred restlessly beside me, frustrated at being so close but left out.

'You know you want it. Don't you?'

He didn't answer, and I don't think he could. He reached out with his tongue and touched me for the first time and my cock twitched involuntarily, stretching a string of my pre-cum from his tongue to my cock head. And then as if he couldn't wait any longer he took me deeply into his mouth. As he closed around me his expression changed, and I could see he had wanted this for a very long time.

Having accepted his fate, having taken the final step, he sucked me eagerly now, letting his desire pour out. He held my cock firmly with the one hand, pumping me into his mouth, as his other came up and cupped my balls.

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On arriving home after collecting my son I had a bath to ease away the pain of the afternoon. As I lay there in the sweet scented bubbles I played it over in my mind. Getting myself quite horny again, I rubbed my clit and soaped up my pussy,although sore it felt good. I heard the front door closing and you shouted to me wanting to know where I was,I called you into the bathroom and as I lay there gently rubbing my pussy I went over the events of my day with you. You sat there eagerly listening...

2 years ago
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Teenage valentimes

It was the 14 February 2011 st valentines where many couples try to flatter the other partner to end up haveing long and hard sex with them. this was no different for 16 year old carl, Carl was physically fit young guy; who has a shy personality to go along with his short brown curls. Carl was walking along the warm avenue where his sexy high school girlfriend lived. He had flowers, cards and a lucky durex in his back pocket just In case things went well. HE knocked oh the large red door to...

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She was sleeping naked when she heard her door open and he walked in. She heard him take his clothes off before he slid in bed beside her. He spooned next to her and reached his arm around her and cupped her tit as his cock pushed against her ass cheeks. He whispered in her ear "I have been thinking of your nice tits all day. My cock has been hard all day waiting to touch you. I need your pussy so much." He played with her nipples and rubbed her tits as she felt his cock get harder pressed...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 14 Ladies Favorite Pasttime

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 14 - Ladies' Favorite Activity I finished all of my work assignments and my home chores by Thursday. I had chatted with Kay a few times and was surprised when the phone rang on Thursday evening. "Hi Gabrielle, this is Kimberly. Are you all set for Saturday?" "Hi Kimberly, what's happening Saturday?" "Don't bull-shit me, you bastard. You know what's happening as well as I do and I'll bet you've been thinking about it all week." "I have...

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Airtime By Rosie The opening credits roll by and my mother appears on the screen. She's wearing a shiny, lime green jacket. "Is that satin?" I whisper to my father, not wanting to drown the sound of the television. The seams on it are very stiff, making it look almost as if the shoulders are padded, and although the neckline is quite high, her breast are accentuated by darts that run all the way down until they disappear in a black patent leather waist. Below the waist, the...

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A Sissys Teatime

A Sissy's Teatime by dirteesissy It was a beautiful summers day, the sun shone warmly, the birds were singing in the lush treetops and life was good Milly Clarke. The daughter of a billionaire Mother, head of her own division of her company and married for a little over a year. Her new husband, Chris had started out, as per her Mother's orders, at a lower level position in the company with a chance to prove himself as the personal assistant to Adrienne Moore. In fact she was on her...

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It was her Saturday morning. She awoke early with her man already awake beside her. Brushing him with a hand, he reached for her and held her. She reached for his cock and knew it would be hard when she found it. He held her tighter when she moved to go down on him. He wanted to lie there just a little longer. Playfully, she broke away from his grip and took his cock in her mouth slowly. It had been awhile since they'd done it in the morning. She knew he loved it and she was gonna give it to...

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Fuck for liftime

Hi friends this is raj. The story am goin to tell is a true story happend some years ago between me n my sister Reema. We were a family of four with my father, mother, me n my sister. Reema was three years elder to me. We were very good friends than like brother n sister. I never liked my parents right from my childhood as i didnt like their behaviour at home. They used to move very close in front of us, like sometimes me n Reema wud end up seeing them kissing, hugging and even while having...

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Friday Night FunTime

     Friday Night FunTime!A Femdom Family-Slave Story!        TJ Ryder        Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated StoriesGestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding!     Illustrated Fetish Stories for Adults Only!**************************************   "Hi Billy!"  The 38 year old said to the teenager who he had met thefirst time he came here to the newcomers group.   'Hey Tim, everything okay?"   "Well, its been an experience,(smile)!"   "What's...

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The Timewalker

Sienna watched the sky and waited. She didn’t fancy getting caught in the rain without good cause. A simple shower wouldn’t suffice, there needed to be a storm with thunder and lightning. Without it, heading down to the abandoned depot would be a fruitless walk in the rain.She closed her eyes and could see his face, his dark hair, long and wavy, and his soul-piercing eyes, the color of dark chocolate. If she concentrated hard enough, she could feel his fingertips touching her skin, smell the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Trouble at the Timeshare

Matt had no reason to feel particularly proud of his 'accomplishment.' All he had done was put an extension on the browser of a public library computer that collects passwords and forwards them to his email, but it still felt rather thrilling to suddenly have such intimate access to other people's lives. He wasn't sure what would come of it, or if he would even do anything with the information. One particularly boring night, he decides to pop into one of the dozens of accounts he had managed to...

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Grannies Goodtimes

I drove a regular route through the Ozarks and frequently stopped for dinner at a little family-type restaurant. Food and prices were good and I got to know the people who ran it. The boss seemed to be a woman they called Grannie, although I wasn’t sure why. She looked barely old enough to maybe be my mom. One night the weather looked grim and I was debating whether to drive into the night. Grannie came over and said she’d just heard from the state police that the roads were getting closed. I...

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Part One As the music played, I tried to make my legs do everything that was required of them, but I knew it was useless. I was nineteen, twenty in a couple of months, and I had only really taken up this course to keep my figure trim. The constant small details insisted on by my tutor were impossible for me to do. My heart wasn't really in it. Maybe if I'd had the little girl's dream of being a ballerina... But, I didn't. I had a good upbringing, if a bit loveless, and was rather...

3 years ago
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Hi Mark. It's Lisa. Oh, hey. Yeah, I knew it was you. You did? Uh huh. Okay. Listen, I want to ask a favour. Oh. It's not so bad. Right. No, really. What's that ... noise? No, never mind. Listen, I have to go to the city next weekend. Oh, hot date? No, Mark, it's ... you're kidding, right? Well, only kinda. Shouldn't you have climbed back on the bike by now? What? Listen, it's only been a few months... Seven. ... and anyway, how would you know? You think our kids only...

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Beccas Breaktime

I spent my lunch break in the women's locker room at the factory, buried balls-deep in Becca Ferguson, the nineteen-year-old press operator who wanted me. I didn't want Becca. She was flat-chested and kind of dumb, no real ambition but to get married and start cranking out babies like a puppy mill. Still, she wanted me, and I was willing to use her to get what I really wanted, which was Susan. Becca and I had our shirts on, but our pants around our ankles. I pounded into her, stroke after...

1 year ago
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As she shook the rain from her hair, she sighed - alone again! Jim had rung up to say he had been detained by his customer to discuss pricing and options further. 'This was happening too much' she mused. She poured herself a drink, turned on the box, and sat down. 'Jim was getting busier and busier with his work - some weeks she hardly saw him at all.' The phone rang, she grabbed it. Tom was on the line, wanting to know if he could come round for the evening. He had managed to lock...

3 years ago
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I had been coasting along, enjoying graduate school and plowing through my research when I hit a snag at about the same time my savings ran out. I would have to work for a change, but I still wanted to get my doctorate. I found a job that fit perfectly. I signed to teach at what the school called halftime pay, just Monday, Wednesday and Friday for three one-hour sessions, all the same course, introductory U.S. History, a course I should be able to talk my way through without much in the way of...

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Wonderful Christmastime

He looked around the Muggle house, decorated for a festive holiday. He wanted to give her this gift, this unique gift. Friends and work colleagues had been invited over tomorrow evening for a night of friends reminiscing about the good times, thankful that they were all here to celebrate another year and the fact that they were together, alive and relatively happy ... They carefully avoided talking about the darkness of their past, focusing on what the future would bring them. The holidays were...

1 year ago
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Picnickers MChapter 5 Simmertime

“When are your sisters visiting this year?” Marilyn asked Andy in the back seat Wednesday. Now, he was interested in her as much as he was interested in sex with her. Still this was on odd place, as well as an odd subject, for conversation. “Late July; early August, just before we go back. Come in the 23rd of July; leave the 6th of August. Why?” “Think you could get specific days off in early July?” “I might. Mr. Schmidt likes me, and most of the workers do, too. Many days, on the other...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 2 Daytime Funtime

After the close call and excitement, in more ways than one, of that first night together, Sandy decided they better cool it a bit so Mom wouldn’t get suspicious. Mom also went back on day shift, 8am – 8pm, so bedtime was less private, but days were not such a problem. Randy tried to act normal around Mom and of course, around Sandy, but he did have some issues like being quieter and more protective. Mom just thought he was getting older and closer to starting into puberty, especially now...

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Picnickers FChapter 5 Simmertime

All sorts of things could have gone wrong with Marilyn’s plans to have some privacy with Andy, but nothing did. Pete went off as he was supposed to. Mom went to the Food Depository as she was supposed to. She was bathed, dressed, made up, and perfumed when Andy rang the bell a few minutes before 10:00. After she locked the door, they had a sweet kiss. When his hands began to roam, she led him upstairs. She finally had him in her room with the door shut behind her. He kissed her while taking...

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Natalie's university accommodation dashed her hopes of escaping her prudish parents. She was staying in St. Sandrine's, an all female hall of residence run by a strict matron. One evening, four months into her course, Natalie finished an assignment and decided on a long soak in the bath, rather than sneak out to the pub with her friends. The hall only had one bathroom and it was rare to find one of the two baths free. She locked herself in the cubicle and shaved her legs while she waited...

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Courtneys ConversionChapter 7 Camptime

Mark and Carly were having dinner out with us. They are about twenty years younger but we have a good time together. We've swapped with them but only on vacation. See the "Caravanning" story for some background. Mark made an announcement, "Three weeks from this weekend we are going to a friend's hunting camp for the opening of deer season. I'll let you know what to pack." Courtney and Carly and I looked at him with question marks on our faces. Courtney spoke up, "What do you mean...

1 year ago
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Want to laugh your ass off at Shoosh Time? A long time ago when I was younger, I came across this random amateur porn video. The video showcased a group of sluts teasing this fat slob- who clearly had no idea what to do with the sudden attention his johnson was getting. The video ended when one of the ladies pulled down his pants, wrapped her lips around his two-inch pecker, and then started laughing as he immediately started pre-ejaculating all over his XXL undies.I remember sending this to my...

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