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I had no idea what suddenly made me suspect that my wife was having sex with someone else. One day we were sitting at the dinner table smiling at each other and talking about how our respective days had gone and the next day at the same table I was sitting there looking at Dina and thinking, "Just what in the hell are you up to."

I had seen nothing to make me suspect Dina, nor had I heard anything. All I had was a sudden feeling. It was as if I had walked into the room and there was a hint of something in the air that said, "Hey Mike, your wife is cheating on you." I started doing all the things that suspicious husband's do like checking the laundry hamper for telltale signs on her panties. I checked out her car — looking under the seats and checking out the trunk — and found nothing. I got up in the middle of the night and went through her purse. I checked entries in her checkbook and I closely scanned the Visa and MasterCard bills when they came in.

I checked the cell phone bill when it came in and I got her cell phone and checked out her address list and speed dial numbers and found absolutely nothing. I burned up some accumulated sick leave sitting in a car down the block and watching the house. I even followed her half a dozen times. One month after becoming suspicious and going into search mode I was left to consider only two possible explanations: My wife was a pure as the driven snow and I was mentally unstable or my wife was better at sneaking around than James Bond, old 007 himself. After a month of looking I gave up the hunt. I still had the feeling that she was cheating on me, but it was obvious to me that I wasn't going to find out for sure.

Several months went by and the feeling got stronger. There was a change in my relationship with Dina, mostly for the better and I wondered if that was an indication that my feeling had some foundation. I remembered reading somewhere that an increase in sexual activity could be a sign that your partner was cheating. The theory being that the cheating spouse felt guilty and tried to assuage that guilt by giving their partner more sex. My sex life with Dina had undergone a change. Over the years we had gradually gone from four or five times a week to two or maybe three times in a two week period, but in the last month Dina seemed to initiate sex more often and we were up to two and sometimes three times a week.

The biggest change was in what Dina wanted to do. She had always been willing to give me head, but she would never let me cum in her mouth. One night while we were making love Dina said, "I want to do something tonight that you might think is weird."


"When you are ready to cum would you pull out and do it on my tits and stomach?"

She was right; I did think it was a weird thing for her to want to do, but I did it and then she surprised the hell out of me by wiping some up with her fingers, tasting it and then she sucked them clean.

"Next time I give you head sweetie I want you to cum in my mouth, okay?"

Two days later she shocked the hell out of me.

"Mike honey, why haven't we ever tried anal sex?"

"We did. Once on our honeymoon and you said never again."

"I did? I don't remember it."

"You said it hurt just too damned much and not to even think about trying it again."

"Well that was a long time ago and I think that I would like to try it, would you?"

"Why now Dina, why after all these years?"

"You won't laugh at me?"

"Of course not."

"I just felt that our sex life was going stale and I want to see if I can't put some 'zip' back into it."

Yeah, right, I thought, there was a little extra zip in her sex life and I knew why, but I couldn't prove it. But then I got to thinking, did I really want to? Things were going good, Dina and I were getting along great, our sex life was improving and, hey, to be honest, all I had was an unsupported feeling. I decided to stop looking for stuff that might not even exist.

Three more months went by and then one day my boss had a working breakfast with the eight guys in my department. By eleven-thirty six of us were running to the john every five minutes or so and exhibiting all the symptoms of a mild case of food poisoning. At noon the boss told us to take the rest of the day off. I wasn't two steps inside my front door when I heard it and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind anymore about the "feeling" that I had been having all along.


It was the sound that Dina makes when she is having an orgasm. It rang through the house. When Dina and I made love she always pulled a pillow over her face so the kids wouldn't hear her, but with me at work and the kids in school she had no need for a pillow that day. I guess a normal man would have gone running up the stairs and stormed in on the cheating pair, but I didn't. I had no way of knowing what I was going to find when I went into that room and I wasn't going to charge in on someone who might be a foot taller and a hundred pounds heavier. The asshole had already helped ruin my marriage, but I'd be damned if I'd give him a chance ruin me too. If size was equal I would tear into him and hope for the best, but I didn't believe in lost causes.

As I moved quietly up the stairs and moved to the home office that I had turned the spare bedroom into I heard Dina say, "Oh god honey, that was the best one yet. Come on and let me suck you hard again and let's see if you can do it to me again."

Steam was starting to come out of my ears as I heard that and when I entered the spare bedroom I headed straight for the closet. I spun the combination dial on the gun safe in the closet and took out the Colt 1911A1 pistol, made sure that the clip was full and then I pulled the slide back and chambered a round. I reached behind me and tucked the pistol between my back and my belt where I could get to it quickly. I wasn't planning on using it, but I wanted it ready if I had to. Given the way cops and courts are these days if I entered the room with the pistol in my hand it wasn't inconceivable that even though I was the wronged party I could be hit with anything from spousal abuse to felony menacing. Best to keep it tucked away and out of sight until, and if, it was needed for self-defense.

From our bedroom I heard the moans and whimpers that Dina makes when she is being fucked and I took a deep breath to prepare myself and then I moved across the hall to our room. They didn't see me as I came through the door and my jaw dropped as I took in the scene in front of me. On the bed and on her knees with her head on a pillow was Dina and behind her shoving his hard cock into his mother was my son Mark. Suddenly the confrontation I was prepared for was no longer an option. Since they hadn't yet seen me I quietly backed out of the room so not to draw their attention and I let myself into my daughter Cyndi's room which was right across the hall. I left the door open a crack so that I could look across the hall at what was going on between Mark and his mother.

It was very confusing and not just a little bit weird. I was full of anger at my wife's betray and had it been anyone else buried in her pussy I would be in that room kicking ass and taking names. But the other side of me was telling me to be careful, that whatever I did would have lasting and far-reaching consequences for my family. I wasn't thinking of just Dina, Mark, Cyndi and myself. If I had just walked in on Dina and some other man and then tossed her ass out Dina's relationship with her mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles and grandparents would have gone on and I'm sure that in time, at least as far as they were concerned, I would come to be seen as the villain of the piece. But the fact that Mark was involved would change things.

I couldn't care less what that would do to Dina's relationship with her family, but what would it do to mine? If I stormed over there and broke things up and tossed Dina out I would also have to toss out Mark. My mom and dad doted on Mark and Cyndi. What would happen there? And then there was Cyndi. She idolized her big brother so what would happen there as far as her relationship with her mother, Mark and me?

Setting aside the emotional effect of the situation on family how would my friends and coworkers and clients react to knowing that I was part of an incestuous scandal? The fact that I wasn't anything but a victim wouldn't cut any ice with a lot of people; they would just "Know" that I was part of it. Cyndi would get tarred with the same brush.

"You know if the kid was banging his mom he was nailing his sister too. And you think that little slut wouldn't be doing her daddy? Come on; stuff like that can't go on in a house and everybody there not know. Mike just got pissed that the kid was doing a better job on Dina than he was."

Then there was the why, when and how long. How could he? How could she?

In the room across the hall Dina was howling her way through another orgasm and maybe thirty seconds later Mark pulled out of his mom and fell to the bed beside her. Dina rolled onto her side and she started fondling Mark's limp dick. She was lying there with her legs slightly spread and I could see a small tear drop shaped glob of cum hanging on her pussy lips.

"Don't you have a three o'clock class?" Dina asked.

"No, that's Monday and Thursday. Today I have a four o'clock on Business Law."

"Does that mean I can get a little more?"

"You can if you can find someway to get me up again."

"Oh mommy can do that sweetie; have no fear on that score," and she changed position, lifted his limp cock with her hand and then took it in her mouth.

Standing there watching it happen through a slightly opened door I was caught by how weird it was. Mark was a carbon copy of me when I was his age and it was like I was watching myself. Then add to that the fact that I could tell from my own experience what was going to happen before it did and it gave it a surreal quality. Dina's head was bobbing up and down on Mark's cock and with each down movement she took a little more of Mark's cock and when she got to the base she would hold position until she had worked a finger into his ass. She would wiggle it a little as she slowly drew her mouth back up to the head of his cock and then the head bobbing would pick up speed while she fingered his ass with one hand and caressed his balls with the other. She would keep it up until he said he was ready to cum and then she would reach for the box of tissues on the night stand and then she would, or at least she had until recently, finish him by hand.

And as I watched it happened just that way except that this time she wasn't trying to get him off, just up. As soon as he was ready she swung over him and using her right hand she guided him into her as she lowered herself down.

"Oh that's good baby, that feels real good" and then she started riding him. As she slid up and down Mark's pole I thought again about how it seemed like I was watching myself with Dina. Dina rode him for almost five minutes before she got off of him and got on her knees.

"I want you in my ass again baby, take mommy's ass again."

Mark scrambled up behind her and slid his cock right into her shit hole and it was obvious to me from the ease with which he entered that it wasn't his first time up the dirt road that day.

"Come on baby, mommy needs it, mommy needs it bad. Fuck me hard baby, fuck me hard."

There was another four or five minutes of hard fucking and then Mark made a grunting sound and Dina yelled out, Oh yes baby, I can feel it, I can feel you flooding me."

I've got to take a shower so I can be fresh smelling when your father gets home. Want to join me and scrub my back?"

When they both had left the room for the shower I slipped out of the house, got in my car and drove away.

As I drove away from the house I wondered 'now what?' My marriage to Dina was dead, but even though I knew why I couldn't let anyone else know. A confrontation with Mark and Dina would expose Cyndi to the mess and I didn't want that. I couldn't let my family know what the problem was, so what to do? After spending most of the afternoon driving around and thinking about the situation I decided on what I thought was the best way to keep the damage minimal. The two people who caused the problem would get off scott free and unless they got caught by some one else they would never know that they had been discovered. I wouldn't be very popular, but that would be a small price to pay for protecting every one else from the fall-out from a scandal.

The decision made I headed back toward what used to be my home. I turned the corner at the end of the street and slowed down until I could see that Mark's car was gone. The soonest he could get back from a four o'clock class would be five-thirty and Cyndi wouldn't be home from basketball practice until six and that would give me time to do what needed to be done.

Dina was surprised to see me home from work early and I thought that I detected just a tinge of relief on her face that I hadn't come home even earlier. She came over and put her arms around me and kissed me.

"What brings you home so early?"

"I needed to have a talk with you while the kids aren't around."

"That sounds ominous."

"Yes, well, there isn't an easy way to do this Dina so I'll go straight at it. I'm leaving you."

Her eyes got big and she sputtered, "Yo--yo--yo—you're joking, right?"

"Unfortunately I'm not."

"But why Mike, for god's sake why?"

"I just don't want to be married to you any more Dina."

There was a moment's silence and then Dina said, "Who is she?"

"You don't know her."

"So on all those nights that you had to work late you were really working on her?"

"Some of them."

I saw her eyes tear up and then she hit me a hard opened handed slap on the side of my head and screamed at me, "You bastard! You filthy, rotten bastard" and she made as if to slap me again. I caught her wrist and she tried to use the other hand and I caught it also and then I forced her down into an easy chair.

"Control yourself Dina and stop with the outraged, put upon wife act. We both know that you have been having an affair for at least the last six months and don't bother trying to deny it. I've spent twenty years pushing my cock into your pussy. Did you really think that I wouldn't be able to tell that I wasn't the first one into you on any given day? Do you not know that I can smell it on you? I smell it right now. You have been with him today and from the strength of the smell I'd say I probably only missed walking in on you and your lover by no more than an hour and a half or maybe two. Just sit there Dina, or get up and make yourself a drink, but just stay here and stay the hell out of my way while I go and pack myself a bag."

I moved out, checked into a motel until I could find me an apartment and then I got on with my life. Three fairly uneventful months went by. Dina made several attempts to call me at work, but I never took any of her calls. I didn't bother seeing a lawyer about a divorce because I couldn't see wasting the money. The kids were both over eighteen so there wasn't any issue of child support. I still made the house payment, paid the utilities and mailed Dina three hundred a week to cover household expenses and another hundred a week to each of the kids for as long as they stayed in school.

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Girlish DelightsChapter 27 Party Time

The Admiral had reluctantly made a general announcement that the Princess was holding a party, and that all officers were invited; however he made it crystal clear that only officers who were not on duty should attend, and that anyone leaving his post while scheduled to be on duty would return to Kobekistan in disgrace for punishment. The night started for Elaheh with a three hour stint as the gracious hostess, wearing a sophisticated cocktail dress and heels. The party was going well; all...

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Restless Night

 I am laying in bed trying to sleep but I cant. I am feeling very restless. My mind just wont shut up and go to sleep. I toss and turn, after a while I get thirsty so I decide to go to the kitchen.  I debate putting on my robe, but figure it is the middle of the night no one will see me walking around my house nude. If they do well I hope they enjoy the show. My rather large breasts should please most passersby.  After getting some water I look out the window and not caring if someone is...

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The perfect revenge

It all started a few months ago when a friend lost a stupid bet involving football. Stupid because if he loses, he would have to let him tie naked and take a lot of kick in the sack (want crazy bet?). It turns out he didn't even realize he was going to lose ... and lost! The most revolting thing is that I did not want to comply, forgetting that bet is bet, lost, have to pay! And it was no use me talking that word of man does not go back, because he did not care, kept teasing. Everything would...

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"Hi Alex, this is Sean" Timidly, "Hi Sean." "Logan's parents agreed to a meeting tonight." "OK." "You really don't wanna do this, do you." "I do, but, well you know." "There's one stipulation." "What do you mean?" "They don't want any touching between you and Logan, not even a handshake." "Sounds good." "Oh? OK, enough said." ... Everyone feels uncomfortable with the meeting, yet each realize how important it is. When Alex and Sean...

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Victorias first time with a girl

Victoria, for those of you who have read my previous blogs, is my sister in law to be. She’s a petite brunette, with a great body on her and given the chance, I’d love to fuck her brains out. She knows the effect she has on men and flaunts it like crazy, wearing figure hugging casual long jumpers, that just cover her gorgeous ass, with opaque tights to match and heels. She’s got black eyes and just smoulders with sexual tension.On this occasion, she had just broken up with her boyfriend,...

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Community TooChapter 30

Alan's turn: Susan won the race to deliver. Blanket message from her. Jason is loading my bag into the car right now. I've been cramping and the doctor says go straight to the hospital. Bingo. You just KNOW that this news puts Tina to waddling (I'm going to Hell for that one, but she's sooooo pregnant) to me. "We need to go wait with her." "Yes, dear. What about Terri?" "Terri knows the drill. Beck and Sim's." "You know Susan's gonna have a cheering section. You will, too....

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Caught by Neighbor

Caught by Neighbor- 1 -It was a beautiful warm day, and I had it to myself. My wife Sam was interstate on business for the week, and not due back for another five days. For me that meant housework to be done, but plenty of time to enjoy my own space, and entertain one particular hobby. I smiled to myself, and not for the first time, I stopped in front of a mirror and pulled my tracksuit pants down, admiring the bright pink, silky panties that I'd been walking around in all day.I'd been...

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Lottery Winner TravelsChapter 20

In the morning, I woke, made coffee, and sat outside enjoying the weather and my cup. I walked over to the ocean and went along the shoreline enjoying feel of the water on my feet and ankles. I drank most of my coffee before heading back to my RV. It was warm, even in the morning. I saw two girls out running and both were wearing very little. I returned to my RV for breakfast. After breakfast and cleaning up, I went out to my chaise and lay back. I snoozed a bit in the bright sun. I woke to...

2 years ago
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group play

kk and i stand face to face with our hands clasped behind our backs, eye forward, head held high. our Masters step forward a bit of chain with a clamp on each end. you attach one clamp to each of your wife's nipples. i watch her wince slightly as they bite into her. you step back and Rob does the same to mine..damn they do pinch hard. he steps back and hands you a short length of chain and says "you do the honors mate" and with that, you hook up together by our nipples chains. you and Rob...

4 years ago
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Sex With Horny Maid

Hi, friends, I’m Kishore and I am from Vizag. I am a big fan of ISS, I used to read stories regularly. Sometimes I felt that these stories are not real until it happened in my real life around 2 months back. This is a true sex story and I am writing a sex story in ISS it for the first time, please excuse me if there are any typo errors or sentence formations. You can post your comments or contact me: , 100% secrecy and satisfaction guaranteed. I am Kishore, my dick is around 7-inch. I have an...

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Northern Line Cougar

This is a true story about one thing that I thought would never happen to me. I had been living in London for six months and thought it was about time I should see more of the place. So on a sunny Sunday afternoon I went wandering. I boarded the Northern Line train and found I was the only person in the carriage. It stayed this way for three stops until Jana stepped aboard. She looked up and down the carriage. I was expecting her to leave or sit well away from me but no, this well toned...

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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 16

Ron woke up first and pulled away from Brenda and covered her as the fire had gone out during the night and she no longer had his warmth next to her. He went into the kitchen and started fixing breakfast. Brenda woke up and came into the kitchen when she smelled the food cooking. She came up behind him and put her arms around him and pulled him to her. He kissed her quickly and continued fixing the bacon and eggs. Ron set the food on the table and Brenda complimented him on his...

4 years ago
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Unrepressed the wife sexuality

I would like to begin this story by telling you a little about ourselves. I believe people hear or read stories similar to this and think that we are a different sort. In reality we are normal people and no one would expect that we have such fantastic sexual experiences. We are just like any other husband and wife living in suburbia. We have grown up c***dr*n and the wife even attends church. I work in IT sales and my wife is a teacher. I hope you get the picture because for the most part we...

3 years ago
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Memorable Experience Of Mine In The College

So let’s begin the sex story and if you like it don’t hesitate to drop in your comments and feedback on  The best part of being in college is that there are more girls in the class than boys in a few classes. On the first day itself I narrowed down to one girl, Seema – let me describe her to you – a beauty from Bengal, not thin but meat on her bones, about 5’4″, very pretty face and the bong killer smile, amazing figure, boobs to die for – not sure at that point but should be 34, a thin waist,...

2 years ago
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RetreadsChapter 32

1986 There was another disaster to prevent, this one was just as important as the others, at least to us. The problem was that we simply did not know how to stop it. Unless we could make someone at NASA listen, we would have to watch the Challenger explode all over again on January 28th. We tried contacting Thiokol, our Congressman, and finally, NASA before playing dirty. I still had a phone number in my wallet but first I needed backup. There was someone whose honest and frustrated...

4 years ago
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The Chat Programme

Mike flipped through the profiles he had been exploring these dating organizations and chat areas for some considerable time and had no success. He opened his own profile it contained his interests and desires, it was the sort that he hoped intelligent women would find worthy enough to start communicating and create a conversation, but to no avail. He had given the boot to a couple of areas that claimed to be real persons but he was sure were fake, created profiles with the aim to incite men to...

4 years ago
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Another AmberChapter 4

Shortly Roger arrived at the address Gordon had given him. Leon was home - drunk. Roger woke him the easy way. Pain is a great awakener. Leon was wide awake in short order, still drunk, but wide awake. "You took a girl from here to a slave training house fifteen months ago. Where is it?" Roger asked, directly. "Don't know what you are talking about," the drunk replied. The pain that he got then was both more intense and longer lasting than what woke him. He lay there and gasped and...

1 year ago
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A True TaleChapter 7

The old man was shown to his room and offered a bedmate but kindly refused. The next morning he was awake when the servant girl came to wake him. Everyone was again seated around the table eating breakfast. When the old man finished all were ready to hear his tale continue. He smiled and began... Deke and Keal's group along with five of the Aspendale folk headed out. Wren and Thal Zhun, Gruu Zhah a Soldier, Stal Zhee a wizard and Coni Zhiu a rogue were the five. They rode out toward the...

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Dr Phillips revenge the end

Come on in, Dr Phillips said. Slowly and painfully. What you said, the father interrupted... I said slowly and painfully... I took your kid, Slowly and painfully, but don't worry I did not kill him, just made him better. You son of a b, but the TV showed his son transforming, while Dr Phillips with the remote control on his hand remained far away on the roomp repeating the phrase slowly and painfully. The father of the kid was taken, transported to the surreal world where his...

2 years ago
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Fantasy Fulfilled After A Long Time 8211 Part II

Hi, once again I am here to complete my story. I will not bug you off but don’t forget to comment on my id They both forgive me. And gradually life come on normal track. And Jyoti was continuing her affair with Sanjay. And I was knowing she was getting fucked twice a week at Sanjay’s friend’s place. This continued for 2 years. At that time Jyoti dd was in final year of graduation. Dad come to know about her affair by one of his friend who is living near the house of Sanjay’s friend and watched...

1 year ago
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HomeSchool Whore

(This is my very first story, but I would love critique/suggestions on it. I know that it's from the father's point of view, and it was a challenge to write it. There's a part two, also, but I'll wait to see how you guys liked it.)Please rate and comment! I wake up with a jolt when I hear the front door slam closed. Surprised at myself for falling asleep on the couch with the reports I was supposed to be reading sitting on my chest, I open my eyes the tiniest bit and see you tip-toeing into the...

1 year ago
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Prison Sex

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was close to midnight and the women’s prison was already dark. Most of the prisoners were asleep except one. Diana was lying on her bunk staring at her new inmate, a curvy, petite, brunette named Julia. Diana sat on her bed. She had ripped her sleeves off her top earlier making a knot by her bellybutton to accentuate her breasts. She wanted to fuck Julie badly. She jumped off her bunk and grabbed Julie by her hair. “Wake up, whore!” Diana whispered....

3 years ago
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The Mother part 2

Jo was laying naked with his mom in bed when he asked her how it felt to know the men were paying to fuck her hot cunt. She answered "It felt so sexy. It made the sex much better and made me cum hard to know they were paying for a piece of ass. That black cock was amazing. Just like how much I liked seeing your big thick cock and you fucking me. I loved the i****t sex. You really liked my tits didn't you? When are we going to the hotel again?" Jo told her "I couldn't believe how good it felt to...

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Two Men and a Lady

For years I had been making Stefan's mind crazy with one single request, "Please, let me watch." For years, his answer was always "No". But finally he broke and gave me the possibility to make a fantasy come true. It had been a fantasy of mine for quite some time to see how two men make love to each other. It would have been a lot harder for me to realize this fantasy if I did not have a very close friend who was gay. I had the luck that I had such a friend for almost all my life. I was...

2 years ago
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Modern Relations part 01 Alexandra breaks a rule

Alexandra and Kevin made a point taking a break from their busy careers and social lives one Sunday of each month. Kevin called it Lazy Sunday. In typical fashion Kevin declared rules for this special day. He had a thing about rules Alex learned soon after they started dating. There were lots of rules in his place. Alex didn’t mind since most were sensible. Lazy Sundays had a special set of rules. Rule number one? No TV. So they typically spent the occasion reading, sunning, working out,...

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My First Love Affair Chapter 1

My first love affair by Janine Dimedici I has coming to the end of my first year's doctoral research and wondering what I would do for a job during the summer when I received an email from my director of studies, Dr Seumas Collin. He said he was working on a new book all summer but needed some research help as his current researcher had suddenly dropped out. If I wanted the job he would pay me a decent rate and would provide board, food etc at his holiday home in Gran Canaria. If I...

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for lynn

I had wanted to be a lifeguard for as long as I could remember. I had been swimming since I was a young c***d and always enjoyed it, was pretty good too winning many competition events in the junior categories. However my desire to get into this line of work increased significantly when puberty happened and I started to notice the girls I was swimming with, in particular the wonderful changes that were happening to their chests. I quickly discovered I was a tit man and ended up spending most of...

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