Hypnotizing The Babysitter Ch. 03 free porn video

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May 28th

Tina came rushing into my office, too eager with suppressed information to heed my warnings about the room being ‘off-limits.’ The babysitter, who had just walked with her all the way from preschool, was hot on her trail in an attempt to corral the little filly, but she was running a distant second. ‘It’s her birthday!’ my daughter squealed. ‘It’s Dawn’s birthday!’ And so (I learned, after a bit of pointed interrogation) it was. Number twenty-three.

The three of us wandered into the village together after I finished for the day, and Dawn took her leave from us so I could help Tina pick out the perfect gift. We met up with her again half an hour later outside the grocery store, where I had just purchased a carton of ice cream and one of those mini-cakes with a generic ‘Happy Birthday’ inscribed on top. ‘It’s perfume!’ Tina announced loudly, waving a plastic sack. ‘But you can’t see it until after it’s wrapped because it’s a surprise!’ Dawn swore that she would certainly be surprised. She, for her part, had purchased another blouse and slacks ensemble, plus something in a bag from the nautical store.

We stopped for a carry-out pizza on the way home and rented a short cartoon movie. Tina wrapped the perfume herself (it wound up being more tape than gift paper), and Dawn … following a minute-long ordeal unwrapping it … played the part of surprised recipient very well. My gift to her was a small, ornately carved wooden box … for her necklace, I told her.

It took awhile to get Tina down that night (undoubtedly due to the sugar high from the cake and ice cream), but Dawn and I were finally alone. I had packed my suitcase while Dawn had read the nightly book to my daughter and put her to bed. I was due in Amsterdam for a Saturday meeting, but the airline had cancelled the Thursday evening flight, and my office had rescheduled me for one earlier in the day. I’d have to leave the house in the morning. She came to me, hugged me, demurely accepted my tender kiss, and told me that her day had been perfect. I asked her if she was going to use the box for the necklace.

‘The necklace belongs to you now, sir. Everything that was mine is now yours. I have freely given you all that I own … all that I have … all that I am.’

I put my arms around her. I was getting used to the weirdness, but she still surprised me. ‘Don’t be absurd,’ I told her gently. ‘I am a great proponent of women’s issues. Even if you DO take this subservient attitude with me, I refuse to accept it … especially when it comes to your possessions.’

She seemed to work her body further into mine, her arms around my waist. She shrugged and sighed. ‘I regret to inform you, sir, that your attitude is superfluous. It simply doesn’t matter to me. I belong to you now. I will continue to belong to you until you tire of me and send me away.’

‘Dawn …’

‘And so, now the box is yours, too. But … if you really want to give me a gift, could I request one? It’s all I really want. Please, sir?’

I drew away from her enough to see her face, and I gazed at her with my sternest countenance. ‘This conversation is NOT over. We will discuss this when I get back from my trip. I am NOT going to have you dictate some sort of hierarchical order in MY household and …’

She smiled up at me, then she lowered her face to my chest and hugged me fiercely. ‘Of course, sir. I’ll do anything you ask. Anything at all.’

I sighed. I was holding an enigma in my arms. ‘Very well, then,’ I said levelly. ‘I will grant you one birthday wish. Anything you want. What is it?’

‘I want you to let me call you Master,’ she told me simply.

The request staggered me. I sat down hard on the edge of the bed, thinking. She let go of me when I did that, of course, then she started to sit next to me in order to recapture our broken physical intimacy, but she finally just stood there before me, her gaze submissively downward, her arms at her sides, waiting. How had all this happened so quickly? Two weeks before, I was an emotional cripple over the loss of a wife through divorce, and today I was … what …? A master to a sex slave? At what point should I call it quits with all of this? When should I simply end this little game? But … I hadn’t solved the puzzle yet. How had such a concept as emotional slavery become so ingrained in Dawn’s psyche? I had to figure this out. Perhaps just a little while longer.

‘Very well,’ I told her, and she looked up at me sharply, a huge smile on her face. ‘But with one restriction.’ Her bright countenance didn’t fade, but she cocked her head in question. ‘You may only call me that while you are naked,’ I continued. ‘Is that agreed?’

In fifteen seconds flat, every shred of clothing she wore lay in a heap on the floor, and she was on her knees at my feet. She threw her arms around my legs and put her head on my lap. ‘Yes, Master. Thank you SO much, Master.’ I reached down and stroked her hair, contemplating this, when she said softly: ‘I got what you wanted in town today, Master. Do you want it now? Do you want me now?’

She couldn’t see my expression. ‘What did you get?’

‘You know,’ she answered softly. ‘You put the suggestion in my head. I’ve been thinking about it all day.’

I let out a long, silent breath. ‘Sure. Go get it.’

Dawn sprang up and raced from the room, her breasts bouncing wildly, and she returned almost immediately with the plastic sack I had seen earlier from the nautical store in the village. I took it and pulled out the contents. Rope. Soft, nylon rope, about three-quarters of an inch thick. I soon discovered that it had been cut into four lengths of about three feet each, and the ends had been expertly melted so as not to unravel. She stood before me now, shivering slightly in anticipation, her hands held out in my direction, her wrists together.

I had never been a very good Boy Scout. After studying the various parts to this very simple quandary, I dropped three of the sections of rope on the bed and began tying her up with the remaining one. Then I untied it and tried crossing her wrists first. I wrapped a couple times in one direction then the other, and I tied the whole thing off with a couple half hitches. That should hold her. But … hold her to what? After all of that, I only had about nine inches of rope left to work with. I caught her grinning at me, and when I gave her a scowl, she broke out in laughter. Ah … wait a minute … I had an idea. I tied another length to the end of the rope I’d just finished with, then ordered her to lie down on her back on the bed, which she scampered to do after regaling me with another ‘Yes, Master!’

There was no place to tie a rope on that headboard, so I endeavored to slip my hand down between the mattress and wood to attempt to tie it directly to the lower frame. I couldn’t seem to make it work in the given space, but I finally figured that I could loop it around the frame, then I untied the other end again and looped it through her bound wrists. That did it. No way was she getting out of that! She struggled a bit, testing it, and she beamed up at me in approval. The feet were pretty simple, and soon, her legs were bound widely spread-eagle while her wrists were together and restrained above her head.

Triumphantly, I shed my clothes and went to work. I lay heavily atop her, kissing her for a long, long time, until her breathing became raspy and her hips began undulating against me. Then I moved to her breasts. By now, I knew just what she really liked … and just what she really loved. I was still in the teasing phase, however, and when she was just getting to the point of begging, I licked my way down to her smooth nether region. Again I teased mercilessly while her hips strained up at me, then I reversed my efforts: back to her breasts again, then back to her lips. But this time, when I began kissing her, I reached down and worked my cock into her slippery passage. Now she was really get
ting into it, but I stopped (much to her disappointment) after only a dozen thrusts into her wet, slippery passage. And down I went again. I licked her for a couple minutes, then thrust into her while kissing her for awhile, then back down, then back up, over and over, stopping for little sessions on her nipples every time I encountered them. To my delight, I was able to keep the torture up for almost a full half hour.

Both of her orgasms were while I was licking her. After the second, I treated myself to simply fucking her … slowly at first … and then my thrusts into her became faster and harder … and faster still … and harder still … and I exploded, driving deeply into her until she screamed hoarsely up at the ceiling while I clutched her and shivered ecstatically. I collapsed on her, drifting in afterglow, until her pleading whispers disturbed my somnambulant reverie. ‘Please, Master. Take my mind now. Please.’

With a sigh, I reached over and picked up her (my?) necklace, and I dangled it just above her face. In ten seconds, I knew that her mind was my prisoner, as well.

Later, I couldn’t get comfortable. Stretched out the way she was, she was taking up the whole bed. I got up and untied her, then I snuggled up to her the way I did every night now, and I drifted off to sleep.


May 29th

After breakfast, I kissed my two ladies goodbye and hit the road for Boston. For some unfathomable reason, getting through the security checkpoint at Logan was very quick and completely painless. But air travel will always result in problems, and so I wasn’t overly surprised to learn of a two-hour delay. Then, after boarding, Air Traffic Control held us for two more hours due to weather in the vicinity. By the time I got through customs at Heathrow, my connecting flight to Amsterdam was long gone. I found a hotel room. Daytime flights to Europe are a treat. It’s much easier to go to bed earlier than normal (U.S. time) than it is to arrive in the morning, sleep-deprived from an all-nighter.


May 30th

My watch said it was three in the morning when I got my wake-up call at eight. There was about the normal degree of hassle getting back to the airport and through security. I finally got to my hotel room in the Dutch capital (with an ‘a,’ though it’s not the capitol, with an ‘o’) by early evening. I tried to call Dawn, but she didn’t answer. I phoned for room service and went over my presentation for the next day. Another call to Dawn before I went to bed went unanswered as well.


May 31st

I spent the whole morning doing training, with a big presentation just after a catered lunch. The company chief exec was supposed to be the recipient of my little talk, but he’d been called away on a family emergency. As it all turned out, the whole trip was unnecessary (as is the case all too often). The decision to go with our company’s advanced package had been made days before, and the marketing director and I signed a letter of agreement to make it official. I had been scheduled to go out with the CEO that evening, but now that he was gone, just about everyone wanted to get on with their interrupted weekend, and so I was free at about three o’clock.

On a whim, I got online and studied available flights home. There was one to Shannon (on the west coast of Ireland) that evening, and I could connect with a flight to Boston in the early morning. Fortunately, the gift shop in the hotel was still open, so I bought a Little Mermaid doll for Tina. In the cab, I called home again. Dawn was there this time, and halfway through the call, she started calling me Master. I asked if she was cheating, and she insisted that she had removed all her clothes while she was talking to me … ‘Isn’t that okay, Master? Please?’ As long as no one else is in the room, I answered, and she giggled delightedly. She missed me terribly, she said. She needed me. She loved me. I asked her where she had been the day before when I called. ‘You know,’ she answered demurely. ‘You put the idea in my head. It was your suggestion. I couldn’t do it here, so I had to take the bus to Portland. I hope you like it.’ I thought about that for awhile. I told that I was sure I would.

In Shannon, I got a cryptic text message from Ronald Swartz. It took me awhile to place the name. He was the president of the town bank … I’d met him at a couple parties. He wanted me to call him, but it was too late today, I decided. I got a room and slept for about five hours before I got up and went back to the airport.


June 1st

Shannon is a relatively small international airport, and things went very smoothly. Despite six and a half hours in the air, it was still morning when we landed in Boston, thanks to the time zone changes. I turned on my phone again as the shuttle van was taking me to the long term parking lot at Logan and found another text message from Swartz. Urgent that you call me right away … call me at home, it said. I dialed the number he’d provided when I got to my car.

‘Look, Reggie …’ he said after a brief pause. (I heard a door being closed, and I assumed he’d gone into another room for privacy. This meant that he didn’t want his family to overhear.) ‘You’ve got that Hernandez girl living with you in your home, right?’ I was shocked to realize that I’d never known her last name. To say it didn’t ‘fit’ would be an understatement. Teri (Dawn’s cousin) certainly didn’t look Hispanic, though, of course, that didn’t mean anything.

‘What’s this all about, Ron?’ I said in a voice that was cooler than I’d intended.

He backpedaled quickly. ‘I don’t mean anything by that, Reggie. Honest. It’s just that she tried to make two big deposits into your personal account on Saturday just before we closed. She started arguing with one of my tellers, so I took her into my office to try and straighten it out. She really knew her stuff. Started spouting state and federal banking regulations to me … verbatim. I was just trying to protect YOU! At best, it’s going to force you into an IRS audit. And … it doesn’t look good for the bank, transactions like this!’

I was silent for several long seconds. ‘How much are we talking about here, Ron?’

‘She wanted to drain her personal account with us and transfer it to yours. That was a little over two thousand. But then there was a second party check for seven hundred.’

I took a breath. ‘Seven hundred dollars?’

‘Seven hundred thousand, Reggie.’ He let that sink in. ‘I know the check is good … it’s from a major insurance company. If SHE kept it, there wouldn’t be a serious tax implication. Well, as long as she could prove it was part of an estate settlement. But in YOUR account, you’d have to claim it as income. You’d lose more than a fourth of it to taxes.’ He paused, waiting for me to comment. When I didn’t, he rushed on. ‘She didn’t seem to care about that at all! Claimed it was your money now, taxes be damned. Started spouting off regulations that gave her the right to give the money to whomever she pleased. I finally, finally convinced her to deposit it in her own account until the check cleared. That should happen on Tuesday. I wanted to make sure you knew about all of this before that happened. Plus, like I said, it doesn’t look good for the bank. I don’t really know who this girl IS … or what she wants. She’s obviously not a local … and big insurance companies HAVE been suckered into laundering schemes.’

I cleared my throat. ‘Thanks, Ron. I appreciate the call. I’ll handle it from here.’ It was obvious that he didn’t enjoy being summarily dismissed, but he accepted that, said goodbye and hung up.

I was home in another two hours. I was setting my bags down and closing the front door when I heard her on the stairs behind me, and as I turned, she was in my arms. She gasped and jerked away from me a little, but then she made a funny little noise as she nestled into me again. ‘Yo
u … you’re home early!’ she accused.

‘Please tell me that there isn’t another man in my bed,’ I told her seriously. She laughed at that, stopped herself when she realized the sort of implication that had from my past, but she couldn’t stop herself from laughing again.

‘Oh, sir! Oh, gosh, sir, I missed you!’ She shifted in my arms again, straining away a little.

‘What is the MATTER with you?’ I barked, grasping her by the shoulders and holding her at arm’s length.

She blushed furiously and looked down, embarrassed. ‘You know, sir.’

I let my mouth form a grim line. ‘Show me.’

She was wearing one of her over-sized sweatshirts, which was stained and wet. (She had dropped a pair of rubber gloves on the hardwood floor just before she hugged me, and I assumed she had been cleaning bathrooms.) Without further prompting, she grasped the lower part of the garment and pulled it over her head, and then she began fiddling with some things on her chest. They were some sort of foam rubber thingies that were stuck to her breasts, all around the nipples, and she took great care in peeling them off. When she was done, I observed that her nipples had been pierced from side to side, and bright metal rings skewered her fat tits. Another ring of the same metal was attached to each, like two links of a chain. She took a deep breath, and I heard a very faint clinking sound, so I assumed that they were made from stainless steel or some other very hard metal. It sounded like two small keys jangling on a keychain.

She studied my face, then she put the back of her hand to her mouth. ‘Oh my gosh! You don’t like them! They’re just as I saw them in my mind, and so I thought this was what you wanted! Oh, sir!’

Alright … please forgive me as I retreat from this scene for a little philosophical speculation. I am assuming that as each one of us reaches old age, there will be a time when we look back on our lives and try to determine which moments were the most important. Beyond any doubt, this particular instant was one of mine. And more to the point, I recognized it as such. Something deep down inside me told me that I should measure my response very, very carefully.

If you haven’t already guessed it, I had never hypnotized Dawn. Oh, I had dangled the little gem in front of her face each night … and I had watched as she dropped into deep slumber … but I had never actually hypnotized her, never implanted any thoughts, never given her any suggestions about ANYTHING. The new clothes and hairdo, the sex, the shaved pubic area, her love for me, the anal coupling, exotic positions, the bondage … none of it was my doing. She had thought it all up on her own. Perhaps she had visited some internet porn sites in search of favorite male fantasies and had somehow come to believe that I had theses flights of imagination, as well. But in reality, none of it had ever come from me.

Unlike Dawn, I am a huge fan of psychology. I apply it to my job, and it has rarely let me down. I believe that there is an underlying reason for practically everything we do. Take my dear ex-wife, for instance. She had very low self esteem when I met her, and, loving her, I endeavored to help her improve because she WANTED to improve. I hadn’t counted on the possibility that as she slimmed down and reclaimed her lost beauty, she might suddenly decide that she now had a chance to be part of what Dawn had called the ‘ins.’ She can be popular now. She has a reason to believe that she can live a life that nature had previously denied her. We HAD been in love once, of that I was sure. We had laughed together, made plans together and struggled together. Oh, how we had struggled … through my long hours of work putting her through grad school, and then HER long hours during the internship. We had been poor, busy and happy. But apparently, it had only been a start in her life … a springboard to something else.

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In a sudden delusion caused by two simultaneous synapses crossing each other, I thought, "Gee, wouldn't it be keen to tell the story of how I, Harvey Marcus, got started with all of this screwing around. I mean, it didn't just happen out of nothing. Everything has a cause, a spark, an ignition. So, here's my first Official Retrospective. Appropriately, it is my Origin Episode, how I involuntarily got sucked into a campaign of accidental sex with all of the world's eighteen-year and older...

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The Babysitter

Falling victim to the fashion trend of the tight black leggins, left almost nothing to the imagination, as her legs, small hips, and the tiny gap between her thighs, were open-season for anyone who dared to view them for more than two seconds. She was not the first babysitter Mister I would have chosen to watch his k**s, since Teagan was just a k** herself, yet he also didn't dare to tell his wife that he found her to be somewhat of a distraction as well."The k**s love her," she always said,...

4 years ago
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Taken By The Babysitter

Chapter 1Chelsea, our regular babysitter for the last five years had recently left for college but recommended her younger sister, Angela, for the job. Chelsea told us that Angela had graduated high school a year early with honors but was taking a year off before she went to college on a full academic scholarship and would welcome the income, and she also loved kids.So, about a week ago, my wife Janice arranged for Angela to watch our five-year-old son for a couple of hours so that we could go...

3 years ago
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An Unexpected Threesome With The Babysitter

My husband and I were celebrating our wedding anniversary and we asked our babysitter to come over. Sandy is a young woman who’s nineteen, very reliable and always available to make some money. She’s so good with our children and we’ve had her babysit our children for the last few years. Our children just love her to death. Rex and I were celebrating our twentieth wedding anniversary. We always go to the same restaurant when we're celebrating special events. We both love Italian food and...

Group Sex
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The Hot Babysitter

(It is implied that all characters in the story are atleast 18, and at no point am I implying that any characters are under 18) https://youtu.be/zNtBUerpNcE ======================================= It was hot Saturday night in the fall, and your parents wanted to go out on a nice date. They wanted to get dinner and then go watch a show in the city, which meant you had a good 4-5 hours at home alone. You got really excited when you heard that. You just thought of all the porn you could watch in 4...

4 years ago
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My new babysitter

When I was a little boy, mom had just been mom, but recently I had begun to notice that she was also a gorgeous female and I checked out her amazing body whenever I figured I could do so unnoticed. Since my parents really weren’t really very prude, I had even managed to get a couple of glimpses of my mom in partial or full state of undress, in the bathroom for instance. Being a horny young teenage boy, I of course jacked off all the time and the images that were burned in my mind of my nude mom...

1 year ago
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Cosplayer babysitter

You're sitting in class paying close attention to the clock as it ticks down to the final bell. You were just seconds away from becoming free from High school. Everyone else in the classroom now seemed to be doing the same thing you were doing as you start to hear the class shout 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! RIIINNNGGG! The entire class of seniors stands up and cheers as their 4 long years of High School were finally over. You get and smile as you walk out of class with your friend Joe. You...

3 years ago
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Dusky Babysitter

I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...

3 years ago
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Dusky Babysitter

I woke up in the middle of the night amidst all the shouting , I rolled over and looked at the time , I was 3am in the morning , I cursed my neighbors , they were always fighting , I put the pillow over my head and slept . next morning I got up and went for a run as usual , it was a beautiful morning , I stay on the fourth floor of a huge apartment building , its a sort of colony , my flat is the last one in the corner so I have to pass all the other flats , my neighbors front door was open a...

1 year ago
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My favorite Babysitter

The babysitter used to cover what we called our split, the time my wife would go to work until the time I got home from work. It usually was no more than a couple of hours. I never really got a chance to spend time with the babysitter because as soon as I showed up she needed to head out the door to go to her college class. She was 18 years old and the neighbor’s daughter; it was a really convenient situation for all of us. She was definitely a site to see, about 5’6 with a slender build and...

First Time
2 years ago
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This was so embarrassing… He would be here in nearly an hour. I am 18 after all, why on earth did my parents have to call a babysitter on me for the night. I am no baby! Just because last summer when they were away I had a party and had the cops called on me, was no reason to put me through having a babysitter for just one night. They were going to be gone only ONE NIGHT! This was ridiculous. I was in my room, pouting of course. What could I do to make my parents feel stupid for this? There had...

2 years ago
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Spanked By The Babysitter

I had just turned sixteen but my parents still insisted I have a babysitter. I wasn't the most mature sixteen year old so I guess you could understand it. My babysitter was a nineteen year old girl called Rosie. She was in the sixth form at my school and was a was an incredibly sexy girl who always wore sexy clothes and was very popular with boys and girls alike. She was tall and slim with long blond hair. All my friends fancied her so I was kind of happy she was my babysitter I guess. One...

4 years ago
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The Angel Babysitter

------ Shifting his position on the couch, Shane re-adjusted his laptop on his legs. Laying his head back on the arm of the couch, Shane sighed happily. In just fifteen minutes, his parents would be out of the house, and away for a week. He’d been planning what to do for months, and was looking forward to it. As soon as they were at the end of the road, he was calling a bunch of mates to come round and stay over. It would be utter bliss to just have a week where he had to do absolutely...

2 years ago
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Whos Watching the Babysitter

As it turned out, she wasn’t even mine. My ex-wife had screwed a guy, got pregnant, had the baby and never let on that she wasn’t even my child. I’d still be in the dark if my Maggie hadn’t come down with this rare blood problem and they wanted a blood transfusion from me. But after checking my blood type they said that I wasn’t her daddy so they had to get the blood somewhere else. She’s fine now, a beautiful little second grader that’s full of herself but needless to say, I was shocked...

2 years ago
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Taking The Babysitter

"You know dear," I blurted, "if you’re going to ogle my husband like he's a piece of meat, you may as well get a closer look." Debbie, our babysitter for the last two years, blushed scarlet and averted her gaze. Granted, Michael was looking just fantastic tonight, flashing his white teeth and dark eyes in a grin that lit his face with burning sexual desire. That probably had something to do with me saying what I’d said. That, on top of the fact that we'd been teasing each other about her crush...

3 years ago
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Wife Dominated by the Babysitter

Fiction...blah blah blah… Usual disclaimers, you know the stuff by now…Well, me and my wife Kim were on the way home from a night out with friends, the usual shit, restaurant, couple of drinks, me driving. As ever, she’s bending my ear about some nonsense that must only be important to women because I’m really not getting any of it, I’ve got bigger things on my mind…You see, I’ve been shagging the babysitter for months now. She’s called Danielle, she’s 18, only short but with a frame to die...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter

My wife, Amy, had left to go see her sister for a few days, apparently her and her husband were having some marriage troubles and she wanted to be there to support her. That left me at home to watch our two little girls Sarah, who was three and Paula, who was five. They were good girls and helped Daddy as much as three and five-year old girls can. My wife was supposed to be gone for a week but maybe longer, it would depend on what happened with her sister.   I didn’t mind her going, I try to...

3 years ago
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Phone Sex and The Babysitter

I’d planned to work late but various meetings were cancelled so I caught an earlier train. On the walk from the station, as usual, I called in to The Bull and Bush pub for a quick drink, then made my way home – only a 5 minute walk.There was a strange car in the drive so I walked round the side of the house. It was dark so I knew I wouldn’t be seen. When I looked in through the patio windows, there was Laura, our 18-year old babysitter, on her knees giving a boy a blowjob. She seemed quite...

Straight Sex
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Punishing the Babysitter

I hate working on Saturdays but you can’t have everything in life. It was 2.30 pm and surprisingly I was able to finish my work which was supposed to go until night, so I rushed out of my office to be with my k**s. I didn’t have to worry because of Nina, my babysitter, who has been with me for a while and even does some household work. She didn’t complain about my many demands because I paid her generously. She was 21 years old but looked a bit younger and very devoted to looking after my two...

1 year ago
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The New Babysitter

It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave.“Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told...

1 year ago
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The New Babysitter

It was a Friday night which means that the Jacksons would want to go out to eat by themselves, but their longtime babysitter had moved away. Desperately they called their friends daughter Sarah who was 18 years old had the night free so she agreed to come over and watch their eight year old daughter for the night. When she arrived at the Jacksons the two of them were had their coats on and about to leave. “Jenna is asleep and you shouldn’t have any problems with her.” Mrs. Jackson told Sarah....

3 years ago
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The babysitter

A babysitter story with a twist.Let me start by telling you that I am a divorced man in my fifties and I never expected this to happen to me. It was a rare Saturday that I had off my work, the day was warm so I decided I’d wash the car, something I enjoy doing, making it look good again.My neighbour Pete was also out doing the same and we got chatting. He told me it was his wedding anniversary and he and Cathy, his wife, were going out for a posh meal this evening, they’d got their regular...

4 years ago
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Spanked By The Babysitter

I had just turned sixteen but my parents still insisted I have a babysitter. I wasn’t the most mature sixteen year old so I guess you could understand it. My babysitter was a nineteen year old girl called Rosie. She was in the sixth form at my school and was a was an incredibly sexy girl who always wore sexy clothes and was very popular with boys and girls alike. She was tall and slim with long blond hair. All my friends fancied her so I was kind of happy she was my babysitter I guess. One...

3 years ago
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Loving My Slutty Babysitter

It was like nothing I’ve ever felt, but it still didn’t compare to what came after, when I pinned her supple and innocent body beneath me. “Oh, my-” “Don’t talk,” I told her. “You don’t need to tell me how much you want this.” Goosebumps shot across her skin and a cry of sheer pleasure escaped her lips, the very moment my head brushed her soaking wet entrance. “Your body will take care of that, all on its own.” I couldn’t have possibly imagined that that was how my day would end, but as I...

2 years ago
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caught babysitter

As a middle aged salesman and father of two, I rarely have time for dating. I usually get by on random hookups, but recently I experienced a drought. After a couple of rough months, I was dying for release. I arranged for the babysitter to watch my daughters and headed to the bars in a last ditch effort to get laid. Unfortunately, I suffered a night of strikeouts and returned in defeat. As soon as I got in the door, I headed straight for my living room. My plan was to promptly pay the...

2 years ago
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Rachel My Amazing Babysitter

This is a true story. “But MOM!” I pleaded. “I don’t NEED a babysitter! Can’t I just stay by myself this once?” But she wasn’t budging. For Pete’s sake, I was f******n. Just because my parents had to go out of town for the weekend, why did I have to have somebody staying with me like I was some little k**! “Look Jeff, I’ve heard all I’m going to hear from you. I’m getting Mrs. Walker’s daughter, Rachel to stay with you, and that’s all there is to it.” Then her voice softened somewhat. “Listen...

2 years ago
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Hypnotizing Keri

This is pure fantasy I don’t know how it really works with transsexuals. Again feedback is appreciated. Please tell me how I might improve my writing, not just telling me you hate my writing. ***** ‘There’s Paul, gotta go.’ ‘Have fun.’ Nina struggled to maintain her smile until her roommate Keri left. Nina was happy that Keri had found someone who made her happy, but she just wished that someone could be her. Nina had been in love with her roommate for months, not quite since they had...

1 year ago
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Horny Babysitter

Talk about the worst date night ever. Marie, my wife, started drinking from the get-go way too early, and by dessert, she was smashed. I mean, I get it. We have triplets and they are a handful, but this was supposed to be our anniversary and she drank it away. I was slightly drunk but nowhere near her level, nor could I get there as now I was paying a babysitter to watch triplets while I babysat my wife. She stumbled out of the taxi door and almost face-planted into the snow. I sighed and...

4 years ago
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Lisa Summers the babysitter

Sandra Dunlop was rushing around the house, frantically trying to get herself ready to go out before the cab arrived. It really pissed her off that Richard, her husband of 14 years, had been ready for about an hour and was relaxing in the living room, watching the television, with a large glass of malt whisky. He just seemed to step out of the shower and get dried before throwing on some clothes. His hair dried naturally and perfectly, he didn't have to spend time putting on make-up, and he...

2 years ago
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Callum and Adam The schoolgirls and the babysitter

It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Adam was relaxing in his room when he heard a sudden shattering of glass downstairs. He ran down the stairs to find one of the front windows was now in pieces all over the floor, a frisbee laid on the carpet in amongst the glass. Just as moved to  the door to look for the culprits the door bell sounded. Two girls from his school, Tilly and Summer, stood at the doorstep with guilty expressions on their faces.?Hi.? Said Tilly. ?We’re really sorry but it was us...

4 years ago
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A New Christmas Mommy Part 7 The Best Babysitter

A New Christmas Mommy Part 7: The Best Babysitter (Jan 13-23 2019) "Mhm, yeah, this looks promising....." Tim spoke as he surfed the web in his private office in the condo owned by Diana Princeton. Luckily, Diana had enough seniority at work that she was granted an automatic week off every 6 months or so, and that was Tim's time to unwind. Though, this week had proved to be a bit tougher with Jane in the picture. Though Diana would come in to see Jane off to school and welcome her back...

2 years ago
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The Babysitter

The doorbell rang at precisely 7am, signaling the arrival of Meghan Stewart, our babysitter. She lived across the street and two doors down and had been watching our kids on a semi-regular basis for the past three years, since she was fifteen. Cathy and I didn't need babysitting very often, since Cathy, my wife, was a stay-at-home mom, but whenever we did wish to go out for a night on the town or whenever there was a meeting or some other function that Cathy needed to attend while I was at...

1 year ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter Saturday, after breakfast my wife packed her car, gathered up our sons and left for the lake to spend the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend. ‘I’ve arranged for Clarice to come over to babysit with you,’ Alice said with a twinkle in her eye as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. ‘She is coming around 3:00 because she thought she would like a swim before dinner.’ Clarice had been our babysitter since the boys were born, and over time had become a virtual...

3 years ago
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Veronica the Babysitter

Veronica was an 18 year old firecracker. With her long tan legs, perky titties and plump ass, the men were always looking at her, fantasizing about her. She was truly one of a kind. Her long, curly brown hair cascaded perfectly down her back, and her big green eyes hypnotized man after man. But she was no slut. She was smart, and only slept with the men who proved worthy. As a part time job, Veronica picked up babysitting. She babysat for many single moms, and was surprised when she...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Babysitter

The Babysitter Saturday, after breakfast my wife packed her car, gathered up our sons and left for the lake to spend the remainder of the Memorial Day weekend. "I've arranged for Clarice to come over to babysit with you," Alice said with a twinkle in her eye as she started the car and pulled out of the driveway. "She is coming around 3:00 because she thought she would like a swim before dinner." Clarice had been our babysitter since the boys were born, and over time had become a virtual...

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Adam and the babysitter

Introduction: Adam gets to fuck the babysitter. Note: Ive posted this story on another account but it got deleted so im posting it a second time. Im the original author of it. This is my first story ive wrote, leave your pheedbacks and tell me what you think. All pheedbacks, corrections, ciritisizm and suggestions will be appreciated. This is not a true story, its just a fantasy of mine. Enjoy! ———————————– I put up a babysitting ad on craigslist. Its not that i needed the money but i guess...

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