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© 2001, all rights retained. Chapter 1

"May I speak with Randy O'Toole."

"Umm, Randy here."

"Good evening, Randy. My name is Gabriella and I am the compromised Luddite. I enjoyed your letter."

"Thank you. Gabriella, what a beautiful name.

"Thank you. Ah, I'm sort of at a loss for words but your letter intrigued me. If I read between the lines, it's quite different, you know, from most replies to my ad."

"You read correctly, Gabriella. I am a most curious fellow."

"Well, ah, this is a little embarrassing but I have to ask. I hope you don't think I'm rude or premature in asking a very personal question but can you live up to your name?"

Her laugh sounded mischievous and just slightly stressed.

"I don't feel you're rude. I'm just surprised that..."

"Let me explain," she interrupted.

"I'm looking for a friend and lover who has the energy and inclination to satisfy me. I'm an oversexed, type "A" personality. I rarely hold back when expressing my feelings about what I think is important and sex is high on my list. I feel I should warn you so that we don't start down this path only to stumble over a problem later."

"Are you a sexaholic, Gabriella?"

"What does that mean?"

"Are you addicted to sex? Is it an obsession?"

"Not at all. I just don't want feel like I'm part of an Amateur Night act. Well, um, when I want sex, I want it with a lover who pays attention to detail. My details, if you see the picture."

"Paying attention to the details is very important."

"I'm a little embarrassed to be talking about sex first off but really I don't want to waste time with a Dandelion. I want a Daffodil, right out of the gate. I don't want to just horse around."

"Nicely done, Gabriella. You're feeding me my own words. I like that," I laughed softly, feeling complimented.

"Oh. Tell me why you named your cat Marcus Aurelius?"

"He was a very imperious kitten."

"What do you look like, Randy. Are you a large man?"

"Is that another sexual question, Gabby?" I chuckled. "May I call you Gabby upon occasion?"

"Yes, you may. You're a tease, aren't you."

"I'm much too stodgy to tease very often."

"Sure you are," she drawled. "Now answer my question."

"I'm a little over six feet and shrinking and weigh about 190. Now, close your eyes and describe me. What image pops into your head?"

"Big artist's hands. Long, strong slim fingers. Mmm, that gave me a tingle. Sorry, should not have said that."

"It's okay. You are a tiny woman but you have a high energy aura. I can almost feel your warmth here with me. You are more sensual than sexual. Most of the time."

"Mr. O'Toole, what, in your humble opinion, makes you different?"

"I'm learning to tune in and share."

"I have to say you'd be a rare one."

"Gabriella, I need to put another log on the fire and my wine glass is empty. Would you care to join me here this evening?"

"You weave an enticing web, sir."

"I'll not suck out your vital juices, dear."

"Drat. Just a little bit maybe?"

That got her a big laugh. "I'm not the only tease, it seems."

"I don't tease. Give me directions."

Chapter 2

Gabriella wore her light brown curly hair pulled close against her head. A French roll formed a tight bun at the back. She wore a white turtle neck sweater tucked into the waist of tight black jeans under a short black blanket jacket. Nicely packaged for show and tell but not blatantly inviting.

She stood under the porch lamp, her smile cool, eyes dancing nervously.

I opened the screen door and she stepped gracefully inside, holding out her hand.

"I am Gabriella Aarons, sir. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance."

I took her tiny hand in mine and bowed slightly before releasing it.

Her eyes darted around, taking in the dining room to her right, the living room to her left. She tilted her face and peered up the carpeted stairway for a moment. She cataloged wood paneled walls and old heavy furniture. Her nostrils flared as if savoring the faint smell of wood smoke that lingered. She made me think of a cat cautiously checking out a new residence.

"Beautiful little house. Have you had it long?"

"Thank you. Twenty years or so. May I take your coat?"

She shrugged out of her jacket. It fell down her arms and she caught the collar behind her butt with hooked fingers. I heard keys jingle. Full, unfettered breasts wobbled under her tight sweater.

"Beautiful little body. Have you had it long?"

"Thirty seven odd years. You like?"

"I like," I laughed softly and turned to hang her jacket on the hallway coat rack.

"Give me your shoes please."

She heel and toed and her flats plopped to the floor. I bent and picked them up.

"Size four?"

"Yes. Narrow. Very hard to find."

"Would you care for a glass of wine?" I asked as I put her shoes on the rack next to mine.

"Whatever you're having is fine."

"Would you like to see the kitchen?" I smiled invitation into her pretty eyes.

"Love to." She threw a soft delighted smile back.

We walked side by side down the hall to the kitchen doorway. I gestured for her to go first. She stepped daintily past me, peering around the room.

"Oh, this is a nice kitchen and so very modern. I was expecting more antiques." She put her hands on her hips and swiveled her torso around to smile at me. I slowly slid my eyes up from her round butt to her profiled breast before moving on to her eyes.

"Mr. O'Toole!" She chirped a little laugh. "Are you checking me out?"

"Yes, Ms. Aarons. I certainly am." I grinned at her.

"This looks very functional." Her eyes scanned my body. "Do you enjoy cooking?"

"Very much." Feeling amused by a possible double entendre.

"You didn't mention it in your letter."

"I thought I'd save something."

"I'm glad you did. I like little surprises. Why are you not involved with someone?"

"Benign neglect."

"What do you mean."

"I was involved with someone for a long time but I didn't pay attention and she, we grew apart."

"Do you still love her?"

"I love what she once was. What we once had."

"Mmm, still friends?"

"No, she's too far away. Physically and emotionally. Come sit up here." I patted the counter top.

"Sure." She hopped up and twisted on the counter to face me as I pulled a wine glass from the crystal rack.

"Red okay?"

"Fine." She toyed with the red stained cork, rolling it under her finger tip.

"How about you? Why are you not connected with someone?"

"I am, sort of. I've had a ten year, very committed relationship but it's with a woman and I need more now." She firmed her lips as if to show her determination. "Lori and I are breaking it off in a friendly way. Bed death. You know?"

"Happens. More what?" I stared into her suddenly wary, questioning eyes.

"Conventionality, I suppose."

"Mm. Not as exciting but..."

"You okay with this?" she interrupted.

"Mostly. Give me a bit and I will be."

"Shocked you?"

"Just a little flustered at your quick honesty. You don't waste time, do you, Gabriella?" I smiled large.

"I need to find a better way to say 'life's too short'. That's so tired."

"I like 'Do not go quietly into the dark night'. Fireplace now?"

I held out my hand. She put her soft hand on my palm and squeezed for a moment.

"I see you are a reader. I like you, Randy O'Toole."

I squeezed back.

"I like you too, Gabriella Aarons. You are very direct."

I felt an urge to scoop her up in my arms but just held her hand as she jumped to the floor. I proceeded her to the living room, wondering what other surprises she would spring.

"Take the couch while I put on some music. The Irish Tenors okay?" She moved to the far end and sat carefully, balancing her wine goblet in one hand.

"God, yes. I love that big eared guy. I'd love to grab those ears and hold on tight while he 'sings' between my legs. I'd be singing too but it would be bad harmony." She laughed, slightly embarrassed and gave me an ardent look. She sucked in a deep noisy breath and blew it out explosively between pursed lips.

I couldn't help but shake my head at her and laugh, "I'll sing for you, Gabby. Any time." Trying to be as direct as she.

"No, no. There's something else I want first." Her wide, tight lipped grin promised much.

"Let your hair down for me?"

"Thought I just did."

"I want to see you with your hair down, not your pants. You have beautiful highlights."

"You have a gift, don't you. I mean you notice!"

I moved to the couch and sat sideways at the far end. She put her wine glass on the rug and raised her arms, her fingers fluttered for a moment at her bun. Puffy nipples proud under her sweater. She raked her fingers up and into her hair, slowly fluffing it around her face. She turned to me with her eyebrows up and a little tight smile.

"Nice. Very nice. You're a beautiful woman, Gabriella," I said her name slowly, savoring each syllable. "As beautiful as your name."

She retrieved her wine glass and slouched back sipping, her lips sensuous on the rim of the glass. Her eyes spoke to me with some heat.

"Come here." She spoke the command softly, firmly.

"No." I whispered sharply.

"Are you going to make me come to you?" Her voice a soft purr.

"No." I drawled. "You have a story I want to hear."

"And what do I get in return?"

"My real name."

She lurched upright, almost spilling wine. Her mouth formed a faux "O" of surprise.

"Tell me now." The wary look flashed again.

"Randolph Fabio O'Toole-Barone," I said, voicing the e at the end of Barone. "My mother was Irish. My father's family are Sicilian."

"Oh, God. Windsong and firestorm in the same man. What do we have, multiple personalities?"

"'Fraid so. Though my wife accused me once of inheriting the vices of both and the virtues of neither."

"Where did she come up with that?"

"I'll never tell. It was a rather racist context."

"So now I've got to tell you about Lori, hm?"

"Yes, please."

"Okay but first tell me why you used such a sexually connotative name."

"Maybe I'm not prescient but sometimes I get little hunches. You wrote question mark WJF plus you used the word 'omnivore'. That's why I gave you just half my name. Does that make sense? I think my sense of humour was a bit twisted that day."

"I'm not sure if I would have replied to Randy Barone's letter. You came off as just another nice, sort of, anal retentive."

"Thanks. That's damning with faint praise."

"Now you're showing off."

"I guess. Now will you tell me about Lori?"

"May I pee first?"

"Sure. First door on the left," I said, gesturing toward the hallway. "Light switch is on the outside wall."

She carefully put her wine glass on the floor and stood, arching her back and giving me a half smile. Her eyelids drooped into a slow blink.

I locked eyes with her, straining not to gawk at her tits. Proudly displayed, it seemed.

"I like 'em too, Gabby. You don't have to flash me."

"Will if I want to." She started tugging her sweater out of her waistband. When it was free, she crossed her arms and lifted up and over her head in one quick motion. She must have heard my sharp intake of breath for she chuckled through her sweater. Her nipples were bright pink puffs on pear shaped breasts. I couldn't put the word 'tits' on her. Her belly was rounded and lightly tanned. Her breasts were startling white.

"You like my little pillows?" she asked sweetly as she jerked arms free of her long sleeves.

"Not so little."

"Almost a C cup. They just look larger 'cause I'm a runt."

She threw her sweater on the couch back and tiptoed across the rug to stand before me.

"Not bad for an 'old broad', hey?"

"There are quite a few 'young broads' that could envy you."

"These are two of the reasons Lori wanted me." She cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples.

"Gabriella, you are a hell of a re-affirmation of my love of 'uppity' women."

"Where'd you get that line?" she laughed with a little snort.

"Berkeley bumper sticker."

"Oh, of course. I need not have asked." She shook her head and chuckled, low and throaty.

She popped the button of her black jeans. She had to suck her belly in to make room for her thumbs.

"This button was left open for these last few months."

"Mmm? Gained some weight?"

"Hey!" she squawked. "I was advertising my availability to the community." She mugged false anger.

"Oh." I understood which community she referred to.

"I didn't get no satisfaction," she sang softly. "So I thought I'd play it straight."

She unzipped and started shoving tight jeans down over wiggling hips.

"Why the strip show?"

"'Cause it's been too long since I had a real live cock in me. I'm going to need it bad soon." Her voice was almost a snarl. "I hope you are very, very horny."

"You'd make a dead man horny. If I don't get my mouth on your breasts real soon now..."

"Not very original but I like the message, thank you. I don't want rigor mortis, I want rigor vita."

I could only groan and shake my head at that one. I love Jewish women. Witty, articulate women, actually.

She bent and pushed her jeans to her ankles. Standing, she put a hand on my shoulder for balance and started shuffling her feet out of the tangled jeans. Her breasts bobbled in my face. I resisted the urge to scoop her into my arms and suckle.

"You've great legs." I stroked a brown muscular thigh. Her skin was silky.

"Yoga and Aikido."

"You said you had to pee."

"I lied," she said, pirouetting half way round.

"Nice buns, girl."

She bent slightly and wiggled the nice buns for me.

"Okay. Now it's story time." She danced back to her end of the couch to sit facing me, leaning against the arm. She stretched her legs towards me and leaned to find her wine glass. I was fascinated by the liquid sway of her breasts.

I scanned up and down, from her face to her tiny pink toes and back.

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The Replacement part 2

I cried my eyes out until there were no more tears, the dreadful sick feeling in my stomach, the continual memory flashes of what had just happened in such a short time.. the constant flashes back to my short brief interlude with Emily. I had mixed feelings of disgust and excitement, my mind kept reliving the first kiss she gave me, the feelings that rushed through me, how it excited me, and the struggle not to pee myself with nervousness like a school girl getting her first kiss.. My...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Chloe Cherry Fucks A Big Cock With Passion

Slender blonde Chloe Cherry is a sweet slut who loves having passionate sex with her man. The beautiful lady is wearing her purple lingerie when her man hugs her from behind. Every kiss of his warm lips and caress of his gentle hands made Chloe wetter and hornier. The handsome stud kisses and licks Chloe’s feet and pussy until the naughty blonde starts cumming hard. Chloe returns the pleasure by sucking the man’s cock until it starts to throb hard. The horny duo passionately fucks...

2 years ago
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416 Part 2

The following Tuesday, David fished Diana’s card out of his desk drawer and called her. He was expecting to get a recording but was surprised to hear Diana’s voice, “This is Diana.”“Hi, Diana. This is David Kingsley. Do you remember me?”“David!” she said with a tone of glee in her voice. “How very nice to hear from you. It’s been almost a week since you were here. I was beginning to think you might not call.”“When I was there, you offered to let me bring a date for dinner. I wanted to know if I...

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Note: I've reworked this and resubmitted it. I felt (and still feel) that intent to cheat is the same as cheating. It is disrespect for a spouse as much as having intercourse is. Obviously, a lot of readers disagree with this view so I will graciously agree to disagree with them and try to make the intent of the story clearer. I have heard back from a number of people about finishing "Ruby," so I will do it over the next couple of weeks. Note that it will be a sad story — it's a sad song....

2 years ago
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Hypno Dodie

It was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...

Mind Control
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En Mudhal Anubavam

Hi readers am new to this ISS and I’m Koushisk age 25 and I have to tell about myself first and I’m very much interested in sex and usually. I used to masturbate by thinking of my girl friends and my dick size is hardly 8 inches length and 2 inch thick with athletic structure. Ok coming to the story before two years Sharmila who is my sex wore shifted her home from village to Chennai Sharmila’s age is 29 and married, two children, later I started to speak usually topics with her and her boobs...

3 years ago
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Neko Necro

Neko Necro By: Set3 The year is 2038. And as much as how the movie "Back to the Future 2" was a misrepresentation of the future, the future of 2038 doesn't look too much different than today. Much to the dissapointment of many a futurist I'm sure. Although a huge contributer to this lackluster future was greatly due to the fact that in 2021, an unknown fanatical group had somehow set off a dirty bomb in the oil fields in the middle east. While this didn't have much of an impact in the...

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It had taken years to get my wife comfortable with the idea of hypnosis. She finally consented when she began having trouble sleeping. When I assured her that she could sleep better through a post-hypnotic suggestion, she agreed to try it. Once under, she was given a key word which would make her relax and available to other suggestions. That was when the fun began. Knowing something about hypnosis, I realized that the power of a suggestion weakens over time unless it is constantly...

4 years ago
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Nathan and IrisChapter 3

Nathan stepped off the trolley on Exchange Street at the corner of Elderberry and walked to number 213. He climbed the porch steps and rang the bell. "Come in, come in," Iris said as she opened the door. Nathan regarded her from head to toe to head again. "Well, what do you think?" Iris wore a sheer blouse that revealed a hot-pink bra underneath. She had on a denim miniskirt that clung to her hips like a coat of paint and she wore hot pink fishnet stockings that matched her bra. Nathan...

1 year ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 155

As Jeremy's pickup had turned into the driveway, Diana had gotten up for a moment so Jeff could bring the back of the recliner forward. Resettling in his lap, she snuggled with her husband as the couple watched when the computer locked the camera onto the vehicle. The AI zoomed in and the windshield of the pickup seemed to disappear as it was filtered out by the system. Diana, a look of concern on her face, turned back from the big screen. "They look worried. Baby, I really enjoyed talking...

1 year ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 25 State Champs Part 2

Chapter 25: State Champs Part 2 After getting a drink to quench my thirst, I went back to watching the other fights for future opponents. The current champ went through his next round easily again, though once again he was so dominant that I couldn’t tell what his defense was like. Apart from him, I hadn’t seen anyone with a good combined offense and defense; they were either all one or the other. My next opponent was mainly a good defense, he had used counter strikes in his first bout to...

1 year ago
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Payment Due

Payment Due WARNING! This storyis of an adult nature, all the usual stuff applies, not intended for thoseunder 18. yada yada yada… "Alright, on the bed with you." She said. I lazily lay out on the bed, looking over at her and grinning. She was inthe mood to play and I was ready to enjoy every second of it. She tapped mythigh with the crop and said, "Spread'em boy." "I'm getting there," I protested just trying topush her. This resulted in a sharp snap of the crop against my inner thigh. I...

4 years ago
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I faked it

So here i was hitching down road because my car broke down. Of course nobody stops to help.i sat for about hour and half. Then for a while nobody came by i figured i was going to be there all i decided to start walking to closest place that was open. Finally a car came by there were three guys they asked if that was my car that was back a mile or so. I said yes. They said hop in we will give you a ride. So i got in we drove about half mile before the guy driving decided to suddenly...

1 year ago
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Re Bridal pregnancy

Re: Bridal pregnancyTue, August 24, 2010 - 1:44 PMWhen my wife and I first got married we didn't know about the lifestyle. We were both pretty naive back then. She was a virgin on our wedding night so I wanted it to be special. I talked her into letting me hire a photographer to shoot us while me fucked for the first time.The guy I hired was black, a great photographer.We both had a little bit of wine. Its just us and the photographer and we are both naked. Shes covered in cum. My wife notices...

2 years ago
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The Jonah Ryan IncidentChapter 2

“So, Jonie, I have a confession to make. I’m ... pregnant, and it’s not yours. Before you get all huffy and puffy about me cutting you off and letting another man knock me up, let me remind you that I had just learned that we were actual brother and sister. I was seriously looking at an annulment, Jonie, because, strictly speaking, our marriage isn’t legal. In fact, I still want an annulment, but now that this is out of the way, I’d like to start fucking you again. It will be a lot better now...

3 years ago
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My Marriage MistakeChapter 3

I made all my calls to help June along a little. Still hard to believe the feelings I had for her. Damn, man, I hardly knew this woman, but I had to help her out. Raising two kids on a limited income, one parent families, I hated that. A kid should have a chance in life. I watched my mother cry for too many years trying to get us what we needed. I felt that same feeling when I was with June. The, "I'll do anything for my kids," she shouldn't have to and now life will be better for her. I...

2 years ago
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Cathleen Cindy and the Boys BffChapter 2 Forgive Me For I Have Been Very Bad

Although it was a little after 9:00 am I was the first one up the next morning and had just started the coffee when Cindy came into the kitchen in her nightgown and robe. We both had a guilty look on our face when our eyes met, but the longer we looked at each other the broader our smiles became. We threw ourselves into each other’s arms for a hug and began to laugh hysterically. We finally calmed down, set the table and got the eggs and bacon out of the refrigerator in almost complete...

2 years ago
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Dear Charlotte

Dear Charlotte: I don't know if you remember me. It was so long ago, but also seems like yesterday. I had just bicycled from Kansas City to Toronto, Canada. I can still remember the smell of the fresh baked bread as I went through the Portuguese section; the stacks of fresh produce in the Chinese section and reading the newspaper headlines the next morning that Elvis Presley had just died. I remember trying to impress everyone at the cocktail reception at the convention we attended. I...

3 years ago
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Love cherish obey

 Ada Verraine wrung her hands and fiddled with her hair, then scolded herself silently for being so unstrung. Her husband’s door, large carved cedar decorated with floral and oceanic patterns, was closed as always, yet today it seemed more forbidding than ever before. For all its solidity, she could almost see through the wood and spy James sitting behind his desk, absorbed in his work.Ignoring her, as he had done for a whole year – ever since their wedding.Charles Verraine was a handsome man,...

2 years ago
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Summer Sex With Neighbor8217s Wife

Hi guys, my name is Anirudh, 22 years old.  I’m from Vijayawada. My height is 5’10 average body. My tool dimensions are 6 inches tall and 2 inches wide when erect. I’m currently living in Jalandhar pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree. This is a real story and happened 1 year ago in summer. I went back to Vijayawada(home) for a summer vacation for 2 months. I live with my family of 4, i.e my father, mother, sister and me. So in the summer, I used to watch porn a lot in my room and masturbate 5 times a...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 13

[Charlie writes from Valencia] It was a quiet night. Bobbi snuggled up next to Andrea at some point and we slept spoon style with my wife in the middle. The three of us woke early, dressed, and went outside. It was quiet. We could hear the sound of no people. I was used to it now. We had heard it often on our trips to Europe. "Andrea, would you be okay with it if I were Director of Protection?" "Charles, I want you to be happy in what you do or don't do. I think you have so much to...

3 years ago
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I Got Leid In Hawaii

It was about a month after my 16th birthday when we took our trip to Hawaii. My name is Adam McIntyre and this is the story of my first sexual experience... This vacation was supposed to be to celebrate my birthday, but a couple days before we were scheduled to leave, a winter storm came down from Canada and blanketed our small town of Grand Rapids, Michigan with nearly three feet of fresh snow. Once we were able to reschedule our trip, we were able to get a flight out. We flew to Chicago where...

First Time
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Twins Birthday Gift That Keeps On Coming 2

PART 2"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!" she exclaims over and over as her hips thrust up and down on the couch. Her feet dig into the carpet. She tries to keep her eyes open and watch the video, but she is unable to as her eyelids fall down over her eyeballs. Instead, she listens to the moans and groans of Samantha coming from the video and imagines Samantha is right there with her. On the video, Samantha reaches an orgasm, a series of mini orgasms wash over Hannah's body with such intensity that she slides...

1 year ago
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TeenyBlack Kinsley Karter Cute Cock Wrangler

Kinsley Karter has one of those cute little voices that lets you know she is a playful, bubbly girl who loves a fat dick inside her slit. She has been in the industry for about a year, and she has made quite a name for herself because of how hot she is. Her silky, black pussy is tight as fuck and every guy wants to stick his cock inside! Today, our lucky stud has the honors, and he plows her chocolate pie with passion. She moans as he strokes in her love tunnel, and then climbs on top for a...

1 year ago
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Black Cock Club

Lucy assured me she'd look after me as we headed down the long driveway of the country house that now served as the black cock club resort. She had started coming here once a week the previous month but this was to be my first visit. As we parked the car and headed up the steps towards the front door there was nothing about the building to give away its unusual purpose. There was, however a completely naked brunette waiting by the door!Lucy had briefed me about the many strict rules of the...

2 years ago
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My First Time Final Chapter

The Friday that Lydia told me about had finally arrived and she would be bringing some of her friends over for drinks after work, and I was to serve them as Melissa. Lydia had also advised me that unlike the dominatrix persona I used during my first outing on Halloween, Melissa the maid, was totally subservient. That morning after my usual visit to the gym I cleaned the house and set up the bar. I had become a combination of nervous, excited, and scared while preforming these tasks as the hours...

4 years ago
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Runner and Lilah

“I gotta get out of here before it gets cold,” she said, almost to herself. He shot a look at her profile without breaking stride. He hated when she spoke like that, but he kept his mouth shut. They were surrounded by abandoned factories where the old service road was scarred by frost heaves and cracks with spindly weeds pushing through them. Lilah was three years older, but they were both too young to remember when the industrial park had been active and booming. Runner had a flash of the...

2 years ago
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Enemy Turned Fuck Buddy

I've known him since I was born. Jordan was 6 years old and our parents were best friends. As long as I can remember we have never gotten along very well. We always argue, fight or pick on eachother. We were worst enemies throughout our lives. Now he is 31 and I am 25. There were times where I wouldnt see him for a long time, we would run into once in awhile or end up seeing eachother at a family get together. Over the years he went from being a skinny kid everyone picked on, to the chubby...

1 year ago
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Mom Coming To Rescue

Hey! Guys this is my first story on any of the sites. So if there are mistakes please ignore. Story Hindi aur English mix mai chala gi. I’m Shubham from Manipal 22 year of age. I live with my family which consist of my father , mother & sister( she works in other city not important from story point). My father is a businessman in our joint family business. I was in my last year of my graduation when I got call from my mom saying that mere chacha aur dada na papa ko cheat kiya business ka cash...

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