Muslim Widow Aunt s Anal Adventures
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"May I speak with Randy O'Toole."
"Umm, Randy here."
"Good evening, Randy. My name is Gabriella and I am the compromised Luddite. I enjoyed your letter."
"Thank you. Gabriella, what a beautiful name.
"Thank you. Ah, I'm sort of at a loss for words but your letter intrigued me. If I read between the lines, it's quite different, you know, from most replies to my ad."
"You read correctly, Gabriella. I am a most curious fellow."
"Well, ah, this is a little embarrassing but I have to ask. I hope you don't think I'm rude or premature in asking a very personal question but can you live up to your name?"
Her laugh sounded mischievous and just slightly stressed.
"I don't feel you're rude. I'm just surprised that..."
"Let me explain," she interrupted.
"I'm looking for a friend and lover who has the energy and inclination to satisfy me. I'm an oversexed, type "A" personality. I rarely hold back when expressing my feelings about what I think is important and sex is high on my list. I feel I should warn you so that we don't start down this path only to stumble over a problem later."
"Are you a sexaholic, Gabriella?"
"What does that mean?"
"Are you addicted to sex? Is it an obsession?"
"Not at all. I just don't want feel like I'm part of an Amateur Night act. Well, um, when I want sex, I want it with a lover who pays attention to detail. My details, if you see the picture."
"Paying attention to the details is very important."
"I'm a little embarrassed to be talking about sex first off but really I don't want to waste time with a Dandelion. I want a Daffodil, right out of the gate. I don't want to just horse around."
"Nicely done, Gabriella. You're feeding me my own words. I like that," I laughed softly, feeling complimented.
"Oh. Tell me why you named your cat Marcus Aurelius?"
"He was a very imperious kitten."
"What do you look like, Randy. Are you a large man?"
"Is that another sexual question, Gabby?" I chuckled. "May I call you Gabby upon occasion?"
"Yes, you may. You're a tease, aren't you."
"I'm much too stodgy to tease very often."
"Sure you are," she drawled. "Now answer my question."
"I'm a little over six feet and shrinking and weigh about 190. Now, close your eyes and describe me. What image pops into your head?"
"Big artist's hands. Long, strong slim fingers. Mmm, that gave me a tingle. Sorry, should not have said that."
"It's okay. You are a tiny woman but you have a high energy aura. I can almost feel your warmth here with me. You are more sensual than sexual. Most of the time."
"Mr. O'Toole, what, in your humble opinion, makes you different?"
"I'm learning to tune in and share."
"I have to say you'd be a rare one."
"Gabriella, I need to put another log on the fire and my wine glass is empty. Would you care to join me here this evening?"
"You weave an enticing web, sir."
"I'll not suck out your vital juices, dear."
"Drat. Just a little bit maybe?"
That got her a big laugh. "I'm not the only tease, it seems."
"I don't tease. Give me directions."
Chapter 2Gabriella wore her light brown curly hair pulled close against her head. A French roll formed a tight bun at the back. She wore a white turtle neck sweater tucked into the waist of tight black jeans under a short black blanket jacket. Nicely packaged for show and tell but not blatantly inviting.
She stood under the porch lamp, her smile cool, eyes dancing nervously.
I opened the screen door and she stepped gracefully inside, holding out her hand.
"I am Gabriella Aarons, sir. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance."
I took her tiny hand in mine and bowed slightly before releasing it.
Her eyes darted around, taking in the dining room to her right, the living room to her left. She tilted her face and peered up the carpeted stairway for a moment. She cataloged wood paneled walls and old heavy furniture. Her nostrils flared as if savoring the faint smell of wood smoke that lingered. She made me think of a cat cautiously checking out a new residence.
"Beautiful little house. Have you had it long?"
"Thank you. Twenty years or so. May I take your coat?"
She shrugged out of her jacket. It fell down her arms and she caught the collar behind her butt with hooked fingers. I heard keys jingle. Full, unfettered breasts wobbled under her tight sweater.
"Beautiful little body. Have you had it long?"
"Thirty seven odd years. You like?"
"I like," I laughed softly and turned to hang her jacket on the hallway coat rack.
"Give me your shoes please."
She heel and toed and her flats plopped to the floor. I bent and picked them up.
"Size four?"
"Yes. Narrow. Very hard to find."
"Would you care for a glass of wine?" I asked as I put her shoes on the rack next to mine.
"Whatever you're having is fine."
"Would you like to see the kitchen?" I smiled invitation into her pretty eyes.
"Love to." She threw a soft delighted smile back.
We walked side by side down the hall to the kitchen doorway. I gestured for her to go first. She stepped daintily past me, peering around the room.
"Oh, this is a nice kitchen and so very modern. I was expecting more antiques." She put her hands on her hips and swiveled her torso around to smile at me. I slowly slid my eyes up from her round butt to her profiled breast before moving on to her eyes.
"Mr. O'Toole!" She chirped a little laugh. "Are you checking me out?"
"Yes, Ms. Aarons. I certainly am." I grinned at her.
"This looks very functional." Her eyes scanned my body. "Do you enjoy cooking?"
"Very much." Feeling amused by a possible double entendre.
"You didn't mention it in your letter."
"I thought I'd save something."
"I'm glad you did. I like little surprises. Why are you not involved with someone?"
"Benign neglect."
"What do you mean."
"I was involved with someone for a long time but I didn't pay attention and she, we grew apart."
"Do you still love her?"
"I love what she once was. What we once had."
"Mmm, still friends?"
"No, she's too far away. Physically and emotionally. Come sit up here." I patted the counter top.
"Sure." She hopped up and twisted on the counter to face me as I pulled a wine glass from the crystal rack.
"Red okay?"
"Fine." She toyed with the red stained cork, rolling it under her finger tip.
"How about you? Why are you not connected with someone?"
"I am, sort of. I've had a ten year, very committed relationship but it's with a woman and I need more now." She firmed her lips as if to show her determination. "Lori and I are breaking it off in a friendly way. Bed death. You know?"
"Happens. More what?" I stared into her suddenly wary, questioning eyes.
"Conventionality, I suppose."
"Mm. Not as exciting but..."
"You okay with this?" she interrupted.
"Mostly. Give me a bit and I will be."
"Shocked you?"
"Just a little flustered at your quick honesty. You don't waste time, do you, Gabriella?" I smiled large.
"I need to find a better way to say 'life's too short'. That's so tired."
"I like 'Do not go quietly into the dark night'. Fireplace now?"
I held out my hand. She put her soft hand on my palm and squeezed for a moment.
"I see you are a reader. I like you, Randy O'Toole."
I squeezed back.
"I like you too, Gabriella Aarons. You are very direct."
I felt an urge to scoop her up in my arms but just held her hand as she jumped to the floor. I proceeded her to the living room, wondering what other surprises she would spring.
"Take the couch while I put on some music. The Irish Tenors okay?" She moved to the far end and sat carefully, balancing her wine goblet in one hand.
"God, yes. I love that big eared guy. I'd love to grab those ears and hold on tight while he 'sings' between my legs. I'd be singing too but it would be bad harmony." She laughed, slightly embarrassed and gave me an ardent look. She sucked in a deep noisy breath and blew it out explosively between pursed lips.
I couldn't help but shake my head at her and laugh, "I'll sing for you, Gabby. Any time." Trying to be as direct as she.
"No, no. There's something else I want first." Her wide, tight lipped grin promised much.
"Let your hair down for me?"
"Thought I just did."
"I want to see you with your hair down, not your pants. You have beautiful highlights."
"You have a gift, don't you. I mean you notice!"
I moved to the couch and sat sideways at the far end. She put her wine glass on the rug and raised her arms, her fingers fluttered for a moment at her bun. Puffy nipples proud under her sweater. She raked her fingers up and into her hair, slowly fluffing it around her face. She turned to me with her eyebrows up and a little tight smile.
"Nice. Very nice. You're a beautiful woman, Gabriella," I said her name slowly, savoring each syllable. "As beautiful as your name."
She retrieved her wine glass and slouched back sipping, her lips sensuous on the rim of the glass. Her eyes spoke to me with some heat.
"Come here." She spoke the command softly, firmly.
"No." I whispered sharply.
"Are you going to make me come to you?" Her voice a soft purr.
"No." I drawled. "You have a story I want to hear."
"And what do I get in return?"
"My real name."
She lurched upright, almost spilling wine. Her mouth formed a faux "O" of surprise.
"Tell me now." The wary look flashed again.
"Randolph Fabio O'Toole-Barone," I said, voicing the e at the end of Barone. "My mother was Irish. My father's family are Sicilian."
"Oh, God. Windsong and firestorm in the same man. What do we have, multiple personalities?"
"'Fraid so. Though my wife accused me once of inheriting the vices of both and the virtues of neither."
"Where did she come up with that?"
"I'll never tell. It was a rather racist context."
"So now I've got to tell you about Lori, hm?"
"Yes, please."
"Okay but first tell me why you used such a sexually connotative name."
"Maybe I'm not prescient but sometimes I get little hunches. You wrote question mark WJF plus you used the word 'omnivore'. That's why I gave you just half my name. Does that make sense? I think my sense of humour was a bit twisted that day."
"I'm not sure if I would have replied to Randy Barone's letter. You came off as just another nice, sort of, anal retentive."
"Thanks. That's damning with faint praise."
"Now you're showing off."
"I guess. Now will you tell me about Lori?"
"May I pee first?"
"Sure. First door on the left," I said, gesturing toward the hallway. "Light switch is on the outside wall."
She carefully put her wine glass on the floor and stood, arching her back and giving me a half smile. Her eyelids drooped into a slow blink.
I locked eyes with her, straining not to gawk at her tits. Proudly displayed, it seemed.
"I like 'em too, Gabby. You don't have to flash me."
"Will if I want to." She started tugging her sweater out of her waistband. When it was free, she crossed her arms and lifted up and over her head in one quick motion. She must have heard my sharp intake of breath for she chuckled through her sweater. Her nipples were bright pink puffs on pear shaped breasts. I couldn't put the word 'tits' on her. Her belly was rounded and lightly tanned. Her breasts were startling white.
"You like my little pillows?" she asked sweetly as she jerked arms free of her long sleeves.
"Not so little."
"Almost a C cup. They just look larger 'cause I'm a runt."
She threw her sweater on the couch back and tiptoed across the rug to stand before me.
"Not bad for an 'old broad', hey?"
"There are quite a few 'young broads' that could envy you."
"These are two of the reasons Lori wanted me." She cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples.
"Gabriella, you are a hell of a re-affirmation of my love of 'uppity' women."
"Where'd you get that line?" she laughed with a little snort.
"Berkeley bumper sticker."
"Oh, of course. I need not have asked." She shook her head and chuckled, low and throaty.
She popped the button of her black jeans. She had to suck her belly in to make room for her thumbs.
"This button was left open for these last few months."
"Mmm? Gained some weight?"
"Hey!" she squawked. "I was advertising my availability to the community." She mugged false anger.
"Oh." I understood which community she referred to.
"I didn't get no satisfaction," she sang softly. "So I thought I'd play it straight."
She unzipped and started shoving tight jeans down over wiggling hips.
"Why the strip show?"
"'Cause it's been too long since I had a real live cock in me. I'm going to need it bad soon." Her voice was almost a snarl. "I hope you are very, very horny."
"You'd make a dead man horny. If I don't get my mouth on your breasts real soon now..."
"Not very original but I like the message, thank you. I don't want rigor mortis, I want rigor vita."
I could only groan and shake my head at that one. I love Jewish women. Witty, articulate women, actually.
She bent and pushed her jeans to her ankles. Standing, she put a hand on my shoulder for balance and started shuffling her feet out of the tangled jeans. Her breasts bobbled in my face. I resisted the urge to scoop her into my arms and suckle.
"You've great legs." I stroked a brown muscular thigh. Her skin was silky.
"Yoga and Aikido."
"You said you had to pee."
"I lied," she said, pirouetting half way round.
"Nice buns, girl."
She bent slightly and wiggled the nice buns for me.
"Okay. Now it's story time." She danced back to her end of the couch to sit facing me, leaning against the arm. She stretched her legs towards me and leaned to find her wine glass. I was fascinated by the liquid sway of her breasts.
I scanned up and down, from her face to her tiny pink toes and back.
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I love reading about older seducing young boys, here’s what happened to me. Our next door neighbor, and mom’s best friend is Judy. She practically lives over at our house, but I’m not complaining. You see, Judy is about 25-27 years old, but still looks like a teenager. She has , flat tummy and a perfect ass. I have heard my mom refer to her as being ‘loose’. I think that is because she wears clothes that accentuate her figure. She has been the focal point of almost all of my masturbation. I...
First TimeThe day of the party arrived. Briony turned up on time and was met at reception by Tom as arranged. She was wearing a 'little green dress', dark green which enhanced her eyes. It stopped just above the knee and her forearms were bare. It showed off her pretty figure. She had pearl earrings and a pearl necklace. On her right wrist was a gold charm bracelet. Tom thought she looked stunning and told her so. She smiled her thanks happily to him. She linked her arm through his and he led her to...
Busty maid Katrina Moreno wants Nick Moreno’s juices in today’s epic Hardcore movie, brought to you by the DDF Network. Sit down and enjoy a sensational XXX pussy fucking sensation as this brown-eyed hottie seduces her boss while his wife is in the other room. The curvy Milf dusts the entire living room, not to forget his dick, which doesn’t make his wife too happy… Well, once you see this absolutely breath-taking goddess shaking her big ass and proudly presenting her...
xmoviesforyou"What's with the monkey suits?" Tess teased as Mary and I marched into Conference Room Four. Tess was referring to our Confederacy Navy uniforms. I had a few more ribbons on my chest than did Mary—almost as many Confederacy ribbons as I had US Army ribbons on my old uniform. There were some dangerous missions—extractions, checking on space debris, a few instances of direct action... Ramses, the station AI, announced. The doors closed behind us. Ramses...
Eric heard Lauren and her friend talking in the kitchen as he typed something into an internet search engine. They were laughing about something, but he did not pay much attention to it. His older sister called out to him. He asked Lauren what she what she wanted. She asked him to come into the kitchen. Eric got up and walked towards the kitchen because he wanted to see his sister's friend. When he walked into the kitchen, he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen....
John had started to make carvings of local animals, such as the golden eagles, the leopards, the great red foxes, and the auroch, both male and female. He had woods which when polished provided colors very near the actual colors of the animal, with the exception of the leopards, which he solved by picking a blond wood and burning the spots in with a hot wand of metal. He and his wife and slave (John just could not get used to the thought of owning another human being.) rubbed the polished...
This is a short romantic story about connecting, disconnecting, and all of the elements that come into play when two people fall madly in love. If You Get This Message Part 1 (c) 2002 Deanna Lea Monday, March 1st Hello, my name is Deanna and I have a story to tell you about an amazing thing that happened to me last year. To be totally up-front, I need to tell you that I am a post-operative transsexual. Ten years post-op, living totally as a woman. And I couldn't be...
Chloe Cherry and Vienna Black spent the day at the beach together and are exhausted. When they get back to the car, Vienna mentions how her shoulder is still hurting. Chloe, who knows the area well, suggest that perhaps they could extend their girls day a little longer by stopping by a spa that’s a stone throw away. Vienna adds that since they don’t have to be home anytime soon, they may as well get a massage before they leave. They walk into the salon and are greeted by the lovely...
xmoviesforyouSharon dressed like all her friends going to the club that night, except she wore a thong and a bra since her skirt was her shortest mini and her top was see-thru; well almost transparent. Most of the time she and her girlfriends wore no bras and sometimes no panties either. She caught the eye of a guy in a group of three who she liked enough to ask to dance. She ended up dancing with all of them for about a half a dozen tunes. A really slow hot tune came on and all three wanted her to dance...
Group SexGregg Gillstrom stood in the dingy room that was serving as Victoria's prison. He stared at their captive, quite enjoying the way that she sat on the chair testing the ropes that held her. They had brought her here just as soon as the police had decided that wherever else Victoria Leon was, it wasn't in the theatre. "We'll get out of your way, Mr Gillstrom," the Commissioner had told him. "She's obviously not here. I don't know why the Chief is bothering!" If the Chief had bothered...
Sept 1977 Our cruise in the caribbean... on the princess line of the Love Boat! Its late in January, the moon is full, but there is a strange fog covering the land... as we are moored just off the coast of Bermuda... You are standing on the upper rear deck, all alone, looking out into the fog... when you hear the sound of a lonesome haunting saxaphone... You look radiant under the full moon in your silky, slinky, red button down dress which just seems to flow as part of your own...
It was a beautiful sunny day so I deceided to go and see an old friend who used to live next door at our old house. As I knocked on his door there wasn't an answer, "Typical" I said to myself. I knew the couple next door and probably knowing they might be at work, her mother usually comes up to the house during the day, so they may know where he's gone.I went to his neighbour and knocked on the door, no answer. I went round the back and knocked again, no answer. Odd I thought, so I had a...
Apartment Managers Son - Teen doing odd jobs for Christmas money gets an unexpected gift. By Seymour Cox My family and I had just moved from California to Minneapolis after I finished my last year of high school. Right away I started up my usual weekend business of cutting grass and raking leaves in my new neighborhood. Once winter came, I realized that I would have to find another source of income since the ground will be covered in snow for the next four months. Looking across the courtyard...
Gayas though all of this happened to me just yesterday. I really loved tina for what she was and the way she helped me overcome my shattered life after my break up. It’s because of her that I was smiling today. Hi iss readers, I am karan, an average built regular guy who works in an mnc in delhi, and this is my story. Tina was my college friend and we had a great time during graduation. Her assets were amazing and she could just make you fall in love with her by her smile. I too was under that...
* * * * * * * * * * Tuesday * * * * * * * * * * "These are really good," Victoria remarked as she browsed through the pictures on Mercy's phone. "Huh?" "The pictures. The dresses. Very good. Are you even listening?" "Y-yeah sure," Mercy hastened to say. "Okay. What is up with you and Brian? We are on the road for an hour and you stare daggers at his head. Is this about the other day? With Brianna." Mercy thought back to the day before. How she had been ambushed by Brianna....
Her fingerless hands had healed now, and the skin on her stumps where they had severed her legs at the knee was hard and calloused and she was able to discard the child's boots she used to wear if she kept away from the Tarmac. She liked an early morning dip in the river and would wallow in the mud banks to get a nice coating of mud to avoid sunburn. She was getting fat, not from pregnancy, Her friend and surgeon Mr Stephens had seen to that, but from eating scraps, she was so scared of...
I started devoleping my fetish for mature mentally and physically challenged women at the age of 13. When, at a Memorial Day family picnic, I lost my virginity to my moms 40yr old sister Gloria, who suffered from Downs Syndrome.Like most teenagers I was already perpetually horny, but having tasted the real thing, I was now even worse. My right hand was no longer enough to satisfy me. I wanted to fuck someone. Unfortunally I was still short, fat and ugly so it wasn't going to happen. At least...
May?s White Whore By Sergius I I had always thought that I was liberated. I grew up in New York City in the early twentieth century. My mother and father ran a business that made "foundations". No, not building foundations, but women's undergarments. My mother was very talented. Not only did many of the city's upper class wear her undergarments, but many of the women who worked in burlesque and other theatres sought her out to design and sew their costumes, what little there was of them....
Stolen Identity II This is a work of fiction and any relationship to real life is purely accidental. The story may be down loaded for personal pleasure only and any other use strictly forbidden without the author's permission. Story contains forced feminization, forced sex and domination. If such stories are not to your liking, DO NOT READ. You have been warned therefore forget making derogatory comments unless they concern grammar or inconsistencies in plot. For the...
Jack stopped dead in his tracks. As the girl drew closer he felt a bit of a dilemma because the rules he was given for the clinic seemed to limit the contact he was supposed to have with the clients. But thinking about it a bit more he realized that he had never been told anything about relations with clients away from the clinic, only what she should do inside. He relaxed as Lorie came to a stop right next to him. Now that Lorie had brought Jack to a stop she was a bit at a loss for what to...
December 2001 I left college after my sophomore year and moved back home because I was offered a great job that I couldn’t turn down. My girlfriend Belinda was still studying law in Florida and Marcela was still studying Biology in Austin. Belinda and I had stayed together despite the long distance. I didn’t have much contact with Marcela anymore, but Belinda still talked with her regularly and she would tell me about what was going on in her life. It had been two and a half years...
The mall is too expensive, but there is so many cute things there! Arielle always struggled to pay for clothes, even when she shopped at the sale aisle in the juniors department! The same could not be said for Alana though. She always had stacks of cash bigger than she was. How was this possible? It turns out she has been webcamming, and people pay a hefty premium to see tiny girls toy with themselves. Alana offered Arielle to do a session with her, and they could split the money! The girls...
xmoviesforyouHello,i am new to this site i’ve read many stories at ISS decided to writ my own .please mail me your reply at and ladies,women,aunties,mausi and sister from Delhi interested in sex or talking can contact me at my email-id.PRIVACY GUARANTEEDI come from a small sleepy little village located in the remote interiors of the Uttar Pradesh of India. Even though it was quite an uncontroversial little place it was wealthy and its residents enjoyed a higher standard of living compared to the rest of...
A soft moan escaped her lips as her body started to stretch, the ropes around her wrists pulling taut as a second rope, running between her wrists and up and around a rafter, lifted her onto her toes.? Her head fell back and her breath quickened as her joints stretched and her wrists chafed.? Her breasts flattened against her chest, her nipples hardening as she was lifted off her feet, a sublime ache permeating her young body. Her stomach hollowed, exaggerating the curves on her...
Hi, I am Bojo, I am from a conservative family, my family consists of only me and my mom. She was in the early fifties but nobody can guess that, because of her regular yoga and meditation and to tell about the body, 34-32-36. She always wore transparent sarees and sleeveless blouse which gave an excellent view to the local cocks…..My father, he passed away when I was 18. This is my first sex story. This is about how I used my mother when my father was alive Dring the school days, we all used...