On Oxford Street, This Gay Girl Found Pride While Playing With Balls free porn video

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Eden. The word doesn’t need adornment, alone it evokes the image of paradise.

Except, it doesn’t in my case. Though not hell by any means, my Eden wasn’t the paradise you should find yourself praying for.

For you see, my Eden was, and maybe always will be, my community; a coastal Australian town, about five hundred kilometres, though at times it felt more like five hundred years, away from Sydney.

Eden was, as you might have guessed, the place where I grew up, a beloved daughter, but, nevertheless, a girl who came to increasingly feel like a stranger in this pleasant rural land.

In my early years, I couldn’t even begin to articulate why I started to feel out of step with the community I was born into. Drawing on words like normal, average, and regular for my community had a pejorative overtone, so, even in my youth, I thought it best not to rely on them.

I know this will seem nerdy to you, although I have accepted that nerdy is what I am, but when I was fifteen, I settled on the mathematical term 'mode'. The mode is, as you know, the most common, and it was becoming clearer that was a club I hadn’t received an invitation too.

My sense of otherness had, as I realized just after my sixteenth birthday, a specific cause. While my friends chatted endlessly about the senior boys in the First’s rugby team, I found myself developing a crush on their classmate and head girl, Sarah.

I can still see her now, olive skinned and dark haired, standing speaking in school assemblies dressed in her black school blazer, white shirt, and black and white tartan skirt; so composed, calm and drop dead gorgeous.

Sarah’s love life was the subject of intense speculation amongst the girls in my year group. And we all hoped, though I was really following the herd in that respect, that she would date Josh, the school rugby captain and widely considered a star in the making.

Funnily enough, both things came to pass. Sarah did date Josh during her senior year and beyond, and Josh turned out to truly be a sporting star; going on from little old Eden to captain the Australian rugby team, to score the crucial try that won the World Cup, and to bring enormous yellow and green cheer to the grey skies of that Eden winter.

Around the time Sarah and Josh went to their school formal, my year ten group went on a camp with local indigenous people to learn about Aboriginal culture. And there I learnt one of the most important lessons of my life.

You see Indigenous people in Australia have a unique world view that’s distinct from the mainstream. Land, family, law, ceremony and language are five key interconnected elements that combine to create a way of seeing and being in the world that’s distinctly Indigenous.

As I came to understand how intricately interconnected these five elements were, I saw the damage done by colonisation. Disconnecting Indigenous people from their culture harmed their sense of identity and affected the meaning and purpose of their lived lives.

And you guessed it. Nerdy Annie internalised this lesson and for the last two years of school, and the two years beyond that, I came to see that my world view was, in one significant way, not mainstream and that my sense of otherness originated in a form of colonisation. I was disconnected from my sexuality, living in a place which only seemed to validate that which was most common.

I knew, but did not yet really own the thought, that I was a lesbian; partly because exactly what living as a lesbian meant was, without role models, less than clear to me. I had kissed a few girls and liked it, but the idea that this secretive groping might evolve into a relationship, well there was no roadmap in Eden showing how that could actually occur.

But, apart from the well-intentioned but actually painful question of when would I have a boyfriend, I was generally content in school. Studies, family, sport and hobbies gave my life meaning and focus, even though I knew a part of me was askew.

In fact, when it came to school, most people would have expected me to be more than content. For, like Sarah, I was an academic and sporting success which led to me being head girl two years later. And every week I stood in front of the entire school in my black and white school uniform and spoke, confidently and impressively, though, just between you and I, I should mention that the principal saw every speech before I gave it.

But, because I felt different in a significant way, my school leadership felt increasingly surreal. I was the standard bearer for the way things were always done at St Joseph’s. Yet, because I didn’t date for reasons that I hope are obvious, I felt increasingly out of step with my own rhetoric especially given my low-level dread of a looming event, namely the school formal.

I had to go, of course, these things were expected, and in fact, I would have to speak. Speaking didn’t faze me, what did was the very idea of going with a boy and the expectations he might have. I had read about same-sex couples at formals overseas but in Eden? Dear God, that particular fruit seemed unobtainable, and any rate who would I have been confident enough to have asked.

Then something extraordinary happened. One of my friends, Andrew, who I had worked with on the Student Representative Council and who I had also got to know as he was the least introverted of those doing advanced mathematics, asked me. He was totally suitable I realised, kind of good looking and studious, dressed well and easy to talk to so I, with a sigh of relief, went with him.

Interestingly my social standing was actually enhanced as the girls in my year group saw him as a very suitable date; openside flanker for the first fifteen, he could certainly play rugby and for that alone was widely admired.

You will get how silly this all seems now, but I never considered the obvious, that Andrew the mathematician could add and he had put two and two together and realized that he and I had something else in common. Stupid Annie never considered that Andrew could be gay, falling into that old trap of assuming members of what was reputed to be a homophobic place, namely the rugby scrum, were, by definition, straight.

I got through the formal without that thought registering, but then he kissed me good night, on the cheek I should point out, saying, “There was no-one else I could possibly have done that with, closet sister.”

I was changing out of my dress before the penny dropped, 'closet sister, oh my God, Andrew was telling me he was gay.' Yet, though we continued to talk and be good Facebook friends, nothing more was said over the next two years about our shared sexuality.

Andrew went to Sydney to start his engineering degree, but, unexpectedly, I didn’t head north as my mother had had a stroke just before Christmas. I found I could study nursing at Sydney University remotely, so I stayed in Eden, hunkering down under the grey skies to study and help dad care for mum.

Mum improved, thank God, and shortly after my twenty-first birthday was well enough to manage on her own. So, I set out to live in Sydney and complete my last undergraduate year in nursing, living with my brother who had moved there earlier, to get away from provincial Australia as he put it, with his wife and young son.

Now it came to pass at the end of my second week in Sydney, that the March Mardi Gras parade occurred on Oxford Street. It was an iconic celebration by the gay community and I had, in past years, furtively scanned the web admiring the colours and the confidence of the hundreds who marched with pride.

And when I said to my brother that I might pop into town to see it, he reacted in a way that amazed me at the time; he was like, "whatever," just as if me going was the most okay thing in the world.

So, I caught the train and walked through town to Oxford Street, dressed in jeans and a black tee-shirt, with red floral print matching underwear which, as it turned out, was a more on pointe choice than my usual black or white sets.

I unobtrusively found a front row position and wiled away the time listening to music, as the crowd around me built and bubbled with expectation, excitement and colour.

But when the dykes on bikes led off the parade itself, the music was forgotten and my sense of sight was totally engaged. As were my hormones as the wink from the cute buxom rider closest to me sent a shiver through me that went straight to my clit.

The frayed, somewhat grubby street that usually was Oxford Street, came alive in a cacophony of colour and noise, as the floats and marchers then rippled past. It is a sense of a flowing force, one community rather than a collection of individuals, that remains with me to this day.

Of course, there are snapshots or fragments of the parade still lodged in my mind, but it felt like the parade was a living organism, a kaleidoscope of different shapes and colours unified by a shared world view, snaking its way down Oxford Street.

I was gobsmacked by the red dresses, spinning like whirling dervishes, which seemed so full of life. Were they women or were they men? No-one cared in the end, they were gorgeous as they twirled with beauty and elegance.

I identified with a gorgeous orange float peopled by medical types, knowing that orange is the colour of healing. For the first time that evening I found my voice calling out my support and getting a cheery wave back from a beautiful blond woman dressed in what I presumed she thought of as orange scrubs, but more resembled the scanty attempt at a nurse’s uniform you would get from a risqué store, not a hospital.

Ribbons of green twirled in front of a float advocating climate change action. And one of the pretty young things, twirling a ribbon, locked eyes with mine. She smiled and it took a while for me to recognise her and smile back. Mel, who had been in my year at school, was always quietly sullen and dressed in goth-like black, but now seemed like a different person in her green bra and skirt.

“I didn’t know,” I said, acknowledging her ownership of her sexuality, as she stopped beside me.

“Me too,” she replied, “I always assumed head girls had to be straight.”

“Everyone did, which made it hard as I never felt straight.”

“Sorry, that thought never occurred to me. I felt lonely and withdrew, if only I had known.”

I put my arms around her, whispering, “I was a crap leader in that respect, Mel. I didn’t own up to who I was.”

Mel smiled and said, “Don’t be hard on yourself. It takes courage, but the most liberating thing I did was come out, lose that black and wear rainbow colours.”

And with that, she slipped my black t-shirt off and with a twirl, and a flick of her green ribbon, she re-joined the march, yelling back over her shoulder, “We are so catching up Annie. Keep having pride, you don’t need black anymore.”

Tears welled in my eyes, and then they flowed as the original Sydney78ers marched past followed by a choir in blue. Their singing of We Shall Overcome, found an echo in the crowd, and Oxford Street resounded to gay voices in perfect harmony.

I was still sniffing, contemplating what just happened with Mel and the choir, when with a cry of, “Annie,” my hand was grabbed and I was pulled into a group of men, topless, but incongruously wearing purple and blue striped rugby socks.

It took a moment for me to realise that the face, painted in pride colours was none other than my school friend Andrew, who said, “Tears, Annie? This is about joy and love, come walk with us.”

Stepping from the safety of the curb and into the parade was like being dunked in the river Jordan; I felt reborn, no longer an observer, now absorbed into the organism snaking down Oxford Street. I picked up on the spirit of the group and moved my hips in front of the purple float where topless men danced, or at least danced as well as rugby players, even gay rugby players, could dance.

I am not so gay that I can’t appreciate the male body and it has to be said there were wonderful torsos, honed by rugby, to be appreciated. And while I was looking back admiring them, and wondering uncertainly exactly how my place in all this would evolve, two bulky props from somewhere produced mascara and, on the run, touched up my make-up.

Despite not wearing purple underwear, I was accepted in my red florals, and they gave me a bucket of purple mini rugby balls and instructions to throw them into the crowd. Which I did, laughing and giggling with Andrew as we caught up.

I never did see the floats that followed, but I no longer cared. I had stepped over the Rubicon, and it felt almost like a relief. Absorbed into the march, I got into the spirit of pride, totally accepted as a friend of Andrew’s, happily mincing down Oxford Street and, for the first time in my life, not caring what anyone thought.

My sexuality didn’t seem relevant or asked about, yet I embraced the joy that came from everyone around me just assuming I was, like them, gay.

It became obvious when we went to the Horton Pavilion for afters, that there was more than friendship between Andrew and one of the other guys, Mark. Mark, was the hooker for the rugby team which was, as you might imagine, the position that enabled more grubbier innuendos than all other rugby positions combined. And, dear God, it became clear that pride for gay rugby players didn’t extend to dispensing with grubby innuendo.

The Pavilion was totally eye-opening, very gay and very male. I haven’t seen as much leather in my life as I saw that night, and as for the strategically placed bowls of lube and condoms, well I am offering no comments at all. Yet I belonged in a way that I didn’t belong amongst the straight women who were my school friendship group.

As the night drew to a close, or more accurately dawn broke over Sydney, I was leaning against a wall, well on the pissed side of happy, watching, through glazed eyes, Andrew and Mark circle, dancing with arms around each other.

Andrew looked over, called to me, and I joined in, my hands across Mark and Andrew’s sweaty backs. After a few moments of quiet snuggling, I whispered, “You would think a girl would feel like a fish out of water here. But I have never ever felt more like I belonged.”

“We danced at our formal,” Andrew replied, “Yet it was like we had to adapt to their expectations, here the expectations are ours.”

He got a kiss on the cheek for that, and I eventually found myself, still without a top, at their apartment. Drifting off to sleep, my curvy body pressed between the firm bodies of my original guy friend and his boyfriend, I knew my monochromatic world had irreversibly changed. I had seen the rainbow’s colours on Oxford Street and, like Alice and the looking glass, I had stepped through; accepting that on other side was my team, and I was no longer a stranger in my own land.

I had found my tribe, well at least the boy half of that rainbow nation. Best of all my tribe had made me a promise as we staggered home. They would scour Sydney for my girlfriend, and they had convinced me they could find, as they put it, a vanilla girl who liked girls, on one condition.

Invitations to the fucking wedding, darling.

Well, ironically enough, it turned out that that was one promise the rainbow nation didn’t need to deliver on, as my birth tribe had that matter in hand. And it occurred when I promised my brother to pick up a boy I desperately love, namely my ragamuffin five-year-old nephew, from kindergarten.

And when Alexander, his curly hair dishevelled as usual and his knees even more caked with dirt than his hands, saw me he screamed excitedly and took my clean white hand in his muddy one and dragged me outside to meet his teacher, Ms Jones.

So, standing on the veranda, I watched the curled blond hair and yellow Laura Ashley printed dress, turn to face us when Alexander called out. And my heart skipped a beat. Backlight by the summer sun, her dress was transparent leaving her shapely long legs totally visible. As was the outline of her breasts and I couldn’t help but notice her nipples beginning to poke against her bra.

She introduced herself as Mary and we chatted about Alexander. Well more than Alexander, but I was kind of tongue-tied and to be honest all I can now remember about that afternoon was how she looked so golden and gorgeous against the yellow setting sun.

When I said that I should take Alexander home, Mary said, oh so sweetly, “I was thinking of having a drink at Kipling’s Wine Bar around five.”

I nodded, speechless having clearly received her message. But, after playing with Alexander and then my sister in law running late, it was almost six o’clock when I arrived at the wine bar, heavy-hearted it has to be said, expecting her to have flown the coop.

But no, I was greeted by a smile that created more electricity than all the solar panels that dotted that North Shore neighbourhood. And we talked over a bottle of Chardonnay, oh boy did we talk; and the words 'kindred spirits' doesn’t do justice to our connection.

Mary lived in a small apartment nearby on the Pacific Highway and, as she finished her wine, her hand lightly touched my knee, and she whispered, “Normally I don’t throw myself at a woman on our first date, but …”

“Date?” I replied, giggling, “I thought this was just drinks.”

“It was until I found out how sweet and desirable you are.”

All my caution got thrown to the wind, and I felt a hunger like I have never felt before. I nodded and, as we left Kipling’s, she took my hand and for the first time in my life, I walked down a well-lit street hand in hand with a woman, and an ache in my already damp pussy.

The door slammed behind us and we were in each other’s arms. My hand intuitively slid under her yellow dress and pressed her butt thereby pushing her pussy into my legs. And our soft lips met.

Oh, that first kiss was a glorious kiss, sweet but insistent, it felt purer somehow than all my other kisses, as if her lips and tongue were making love with mine, confidently, intimately, tenderly.

The only other feeling was me throbbing with rare intensity as pure lust coursed through me, and my pressing my body against hers was her signal that I had surrendered to her embrace.

She popped open the buttons of my blouse and then my jeans, and as I then ground into her thigh, I lost control yelling out with pleasure when her lips found and sucked my nipple. Her tongue was a wonder all on its own; with every lick, every caress, Mary created waves of rapture the like of which I'd never experienced before.

I felt her tongue trail a warm, wet path downwards, and when she licked through the folds of my pussy and flicked my clit, I stepped into the beginning of an orgasm that stripped me of sense. She was licking me, oh my god, I hadn’t realized I could feel so good. I didn't know I had so many places that liked to be licked. It was like her tongue had claimed me and with that thought, I came ever so hard.

Aftershocks were pulsing through me and when I looked at Mary, it felt like her eyes were still making love to me. Her dress was open, so I swept it off her shoulders. Cupping her breasts, I realized they perfectly fitted my hands, and took delight in her hardening nipples.

I trailed my fingers over her stomach and stopped when they reached the waistband of her knickers. We held each other's gaze as I pulled down her underwear; and when I curled my fingers into her, she bit her bottom lip as her hips met my thrusts.

While I loved possessing her like that, I wanted more. I lowered my lips and tasted her, and I knew I would be addicted for the rest of my life. My mouth devoured her as I took my lead from her moans and thrusts, and memorized all her favourite spots. And came back to them again and again until I felt her release flood my lips and tongue.

"Okay," I sighed, as we snuggled together, "Girl sex is totally awesome."

"There's more to sex than what we just did," Mary coyly replied as she smirked and rolled off the bed. I watched with interest as she pulled out what turned out to be a kinky version of Mary Poppins's bag and dumped a pile of toys on the bed.

I didn’t know if this was the sum total of Mary’s collection of accessories, but, while a little intimidated, I was intrigued and aroused. I have subsequently spent hours impaled on those toys, with Mary in full flow, all gorgeous muscles and rippling contours. And every time she looks at me the way she looked at me that first night, dumping the toys on the bed, I melt and my pussy starts to flood.

That night Mary and I, her pink Feeldoe our connection, deliciously rocked back and forth against each other and then shouted each other’s name as we tipped over into a different kind of orgasm that left me in a squirming, panting mess. As I emerged from the stupor of it all, I felt totally and utterly mated for the first time in my life.

But to this day I have never told Andrew that Mary and I are much less vanilla in the bedroom that he imagines.

About a year later Mary and I were in Eden for my father’s sixtieth birthday. My parents had quickly accepted Mary as part of the family which somewhat embarrassed me, as I had been reluctant to introduce her for fear about what they would think.

But, as always, the weekend passed incredibly easily, though dad did manage to embarrass us both when we overheard him sharply saying to his mother, who I suspect was, until that point, less than fully enthusiastic about a lesbian granddaughter, “Don’t be silly mum, a lesbian couple has two wombs which increases the chances of children.”

When I cornered him in the kitchen later that afternoon, intrigued by how long he had been contemplating the matter of lesbian fertility, he smirked and observed, “I thought it a good response that showed your grandmother you had my complete support and that I wouldn’t tolerate any shit from her.”

Dad got a huge hug for that.

The day we before were leaving Eden to return home, we stopped for coffee in a local café, and an elderly man, a Catholic priest, came up to us. Mary looked a tad tense as if she expected she would have to go on the defensive. But I just giggled at her, knowing that the priest was, in fact, my school’s Chaplain and a man whose intelligence and decency I had come to admire and whose advice I had often sort out when at school.

I introduced Father Ryan to Mary, and he seemed totally delighted that I was happy, seemingly having no issues with the gender of the love of my life.

All was going well until he dropped a bombshell onto my lap, asking me, as a former head girl, to speak, as one former head boy or girl traditionally did, in front of the whole school at the end-of-year school leavers assembly.

“First,” I replied after a long pause, my mind a muddle of conflicting emotions, “Let me ask you a question. You remember you used to say that we had a kind of a duty to share what we believed with others?”

“Is that your question? Well, the answer is, yes I remember.”

Even Mary giggled at that, his humour having, to a degree, started the long task of winning her over.

“I seem to recall,” he continued, “Saying that evangelism didn’t oblige you to preach on the street, rather it was about openly living what you believed in your daily life.”

“Yes exactly. So Father, what would you suggest a gay woman would say about how she lives her life if she was, for instance, to talk at a school assembly.”

He smiled, “Well consistent with my observations about sharing what you believe with others, I don’t think it is something that God would expect you to shy away from.”

“Even if it scares me?”

“It may scare you, Annie, but you won’t be as scared as some in your audience who are struggling with feelings they can’t process as well as you now can.”

Mary could contain herself, she was brusque almost rude spitting out, “The church is opposed to homosexuality. Look at fucking Israel Folau.”

There was a sadness in the old man’s eyes, as he replied, “Yes, that is my particular cross, Mary. But pastoral care is my mission. I have worked all my life with young people and have come to appreciate the value this generation ascribes to love, which is, after all, the primary gospel value.”

“But,” Mary replied, her tone suggesting she was settling in for a long debate.

Father Ryan held up his hand, stopping her, and said, “I can’t justify the unjustifiable, Mary. The tide has turned and is running against people like Israel Folau. I also can’t right past wrongs. But I can do what I can do, which is to look forward, to support today’s young people, and, therefore, to ask Annie as a past head girl to speak openly at the leavers’ assembly this spring.”

How could I ever have said no to that? But preying on my mind was my leadership as head girl, and I whispered, “I wasn’t a role model for people like Andrew and Mel.”

“Don’t be hard on yourself,” he said, “Because you understand that, you can now reach those struggling in a way no one else can.”

Which is how I come to be walking up onto the school stage, five years after I last trod these boards, wearing a yellow dress, accessorised with a rainbow scarf, with speech notes about joy; my joy in helping people suffering from trauma as an Emergency Department nurse and my joy in the total support and love of the woman I love.

I want to encourage this year’s school assembly to find and pursue their passion. But more than that I want to be a role model to those like me, Mel and Andrew who didn’t glimpse that alternative way of living when we were at school.

For if there is only one gay person in the school, and God knows statistics say there will be many, many more, then they deserve to hear, unlike every previous assembly, loudly and clearly that they should have pride in themselves, knowing that there is a rainbow nation, always there and always with their backs, just as I discovered on Oxford Street that they had mine.

And while I expect to find this speech hard and would rather let this particular cup pass from me, there are some for whom a sense of belonging is far harder and, in Andrew’s firm, yet wise though anatomically incorrect words, I should just fucking man up, grow a set of balls, and represent.

Which, because I now can, I will; using my public speaking gifts to show there are gardens in my particular Eden where the rainbow colours will grow in this and every forthcoming spring.

For I have accepted I have a sacred duty; to accept and carry the torch from those who have gone before, like the original 78ers, and to light the way for the next generation so their journey in love is smoother than mine. We shall overcome.

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 1

Suguna was 45 years old and she had recently got divorced as her hubby found out that he cannot handle her as was very demanding sexually, and he was contended simple man and he had found someone who matched his requirement, they had a son Ganesh who was 18 years old studying in engineering and staying in the hostel 300 kms away and a daughter Shruti who was 22 years old, who had gone abroad for higher studies. They had left enough money for both the children that they don’t have to worry about...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 7 8

Part 7 Ganesh & Gayu come out to the dining table, where the maid has already arranged for lunch, as per instruction from Gayu, a kheer or payasam & sweet also has been made for MIL’s son. They both have lunch slowly enjoying the delicious food. Gayu with small wicked smile without giving any hint to Ganesh asks whether Ganesh was able to take some rest. He says he slept well and woke up only she came to call him for lunch. Again the discussion goes back to the family, Gayu asks about the...

4 years ago
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Panty Pride

Panty Pride By Gingerfred Man Chapter One -- Mutual interest All your life, people tell you that you need to find others who share your interests. Common ground. Birds of a feather. Flocking together. Sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? It is. Unless you're so ashamed of your "interest" that the mere act of looking for someone who is like you foreshadows a pit of potentially abject humiliation. Sure, it's no problem if you like to collect Crimean War hand weapons or...

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Wife Turned Husband Gay GayMaker

Tracy was home from Vegas after a week away with her girlfriends. Seeing her and being around her again, the events of the past few days—my deal with Simon—suddenly seemed like just a fantasy again, a rough dream. I was feeling guilty, and maybe thinking of it as a fantasy was just a way to ignore the guilt. We planned to go out to a bar for dinner, so I poured us both a glass of wine while Tracy showered and got ready. When I came into the bedroom she was sitting up in bed with her eyes...

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Relatos Eroticos GaysContactos GaysSUEÑOS HUMEDOS(12476 lecturas - 3 comentarios)Publicado por dany6969 el 13 de Dic, 2012En la despedida de soltero del novio de mi hermana yo tenia 14 años.Cuando mi hermana y su novio se comprometieron en matrimonio, en casa no se hablama mas que de la boda por todos lados lo unico que escuchaba era de los preparativos y no me quedaba de otra que estar siempre en medio de todo escuchando lo que se decia.Cuando llegaron las amigas de mi hermana las vi que todas...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 10 11

After Ganesh left, that night Gayu while lying down on the bed at night, was going through what all had happened in her life, she felt that though many things happened beyond her imagination, expectations & to an extant what she was really expecting to happen. However she did not feel remorse or guilty for whatever that had happened, on the other hand she felt that whatever had happened had brought her joy pleasure and satisfaction. She recalled all the happenings with MIL, FIL, Ganesh &...

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Gayu8217s Journey In Her Life 8211 Part 6

Part 6 Life goes on smoothly for Gayu enjoying it the full with her FIL & MIL, she has now got addicted to sex, this goes on for more than 6 months, Suguna starts getting little restless because by nature she is not satisfied with whatever she has, she wants to always get spiced up, so she suggest to Shankar of going out of country for sex-adventure for a while, she also suggest that Gayu can be taken along with them, but somehow Gayu is not very keen. Finally they decide to go to a resort 100...

2 years ago
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Becoming his girl Sissy story by GirlyGay

In the summer after my eighteenth birthday, I met Nick. He was a thirty-something who lived in our building. My parents had gone for their yearly European trip, and I had been left behind this year because I had college orientation during what would have been the last week of their trip. Mooning and alone, with nothing to do for four whole weeks until my flight up west, I took to the pool to catch some sun. I had not bought new trunks in a while, and so my old ones were riding high on my...

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Pride and Prejudice the Down Under Edition

The Deadly Sin of Sloth“For Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do”   - Isaac WattsMiss Elizabeth Bennet was excessively diverted; after all, nails just don’t paint themselves. This rare display of diligence had been motivated by her choice of polish. After all, she was so into the very expensive Azature Black Diamond, it was just the perfect look.Her nail focus didn’t waver as the year twelve English class gathered for Thursday’s double period. Not even when Dr Charlotte Lucas...

1 year ago
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Gayathri Love And Virginity

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes! Aaaahh!!” Gayathri screamed as Sammy came inside her. She felt her inside filled with his warm semen. She looked sideways as Sammy collapsed on top of her. He was still inside her and was licking her neck. She could see her bra, panty and clothes scattered everywhere. That morning when she woke her up she was a shy, conservative virgin, but now, she lay there naked, little blood trickling down her thighs, moaning with pain and pleasure as she had sex for the first...

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The Straight Girl from the Gay Bar

It had been quite the summer for Richard. An emotional roller coaster had accompanied the warm breeze as his long term fiancée called off the engagement to figure out what she wanted in life. Richard had been offered free passes before but had never taken them, not believing he really needed one. This night was a different story, though. He’d been thinking about hooking up with a random for a while. It was a question of rebooting his ego and confidence, which both had plummeted within the last...

3 years ago
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The Straight Girl from the Gay Bar

It had been quite the summer for Richard. An emotional roller coaster had accompanied the warm breeze as his long term fiancée called off the engagement to figure out what she wanted in life. Richard had been offered free passes before but had never taken them, not believing he really needed one. This night was a different story, though. He’d been thinking about hooking up with a random for a while. It was a question of rebooting his ego and confidence, which both had plummeted within the last...

Straight Sex
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Reddit Straight Girls Playing, aka r/StraightGirlsPlaying! Watching straight girls do something that is not-so-straight gets my motor running, and seeing as how you decided to check out a subreddit called r/StraightGirlsPlaying/, I am sure you feel the same way, right? There are many reasons why this subreddit made my dick hard, and they are all pretty obvious. But if you are interested, I shall go over all the basics and whatever the fuck I think is important.Starting with the overall...

Reddit NSFW List
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Becoming a girl TSTVCDGay sex By Tasmin Janu

Becoming a girl (TS/TV/CD/Gay sex) By Tasmin Janus based on my own experiencesPart 1 - my growing upI am a man who has always been fascinated by my own physique or rather the lack of it, with the advent of the internet I was keen not only to look at women online but also other men, when I was at school I was always humiliated by my permanently boyish body, it just seemed to refuse to grow into a man and I was always embarrassed to shower with the other boys, especially after sport which I used...

4 years ago
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On Taking Pride

I’m having sex like a heterosexual...I suppose from the outside that makes sense, since I’m heterosexually married, but my wife and I are bisexual. And for the most part, we won’t shut up about it. To answer the follow-up question, we are polyamorous, and yes, some bisexuals are capable of monogamy.We just don’t consider ourselves in that category.What I mean to say with some amount of pride is that since my wife caught the coronavirus, we have made due better than most monogamous heterosexuals...

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How my girlfriend turned me gay

Hi all, I’m Mark, a 20 year old guy and I want to share my story of how a girlfriend turned me bi and probably gay.So it all started at the beginning of the summer break, four years ago. I was done with school, had no retakes and since a long time, free to do whatever I wanted.My parents left for France like they do every year, but for the first time they left me home. As I stated that I had nothing to do here, and preferred to stay home with my friends. Which, after long debates and a lot of...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 3

We had very much fun hanging out in the evening. Gayatri had put on her favorite light blue salwar kameez, looking gorgeous. Her hair is done in a thick, silky braid reaching her waist. Kavita was well dressed, with her hair done in a monstrous braid-bun. Most people don’t even get one girl. Here I was, roaming with two beautiful ladies I was going to fuck in the night. We went to a restaurant for dinner where I could see many people staring at that monstrous bun of Kavita. I didn’t like men...

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Prides Brides and Meat

PRIDES, BRIDES AND MEAT ©2005 by C. A. Smith Part 1 To: Jason Moore From: Curt Hollowell Jason, I cannot stress this too strongly: that nothing less than the foodsupply for the entire human race depends on keeping the world's female populationunder tight control. We cannot afford to become squeamish, sentimental or fuzzy-mindedon this issue. If we slip backwards into the dangerously out-of-date thinkingof the pre-DED past, we invite disaster. My God, man! Think about it! Who inhis right mind...

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Gay street hookers

There is an area on the edge of town at East Europe where the cops dump all the street hookers they pick up. Whatever you want - girls, boys, trannies -- they re all here, and they re all desperate.They ll do any kind of raw sex you want, dirt cheap! We were so fucking horny, we decided to go out there and see what we could find. Its a crazy scene. You gotta see it. Hot guys, stripped down to jockstraps and thongs, parading their stuff for anyone who wants to pay. John likes nothing more than...

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Iam Not Gay All Girl School PT2 Lesbian

The week after talking to Professor Keller was a blur. I went to class but felt like a zombie. I walked passed women talking or holding hands and just looked straight head avoiding all contact. I barely talked to anyone at all. That weekend Heather and I stayed home again with Tammy dodging any invitations to parties or dates. Even with them I felt disconnected and strange.On Monday morning two more girls on our floor were openly gay. One of them was on the tennis team and she hooked up with a...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 1

Hello Readers. My name is Rahul. And I live in Mumbai, Maharashtra, from a typical Marathi middle-class family. I am 28 years, and life was going great until 2020 happened. I have a beautiful wife, the love of my life Gayatri. Gayatri and I were childhood friends from school when I had a huge crush on her. It was love at first sight when I saw her. We dated for a few years after completing our Bachelor’s degree and married a few years later. We reside in a good society with 3 buildings and a...

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Erotic Sex with a shemale during pride parade Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

When I was growing up, I always felt different. Like I didn’t belong in this body. It may sound like a typical transgender discovery story, but it is not. I came from a very open family who would embrace every aspect of my personality. At age 7, when being a boy I wore my mom’s dress to a party and they applauded for my courage despite of attracting hatred from the rest of the family. To when I was beaten up in the college for my obnoxious dressing sense, by some men, who could accept...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 2

Now that my fetish was not hidden from Gayatri anymore, my load of burden was gone. She and I became even closer and used to have sex almost daily. She had become a very close friend to Kavita. At night, Gayatri showed me Kavita’s long hair pictures while she caressed my dick. I don’t know how she used to manage to get such pics of her, but I was enjoying it very much. Gayatri even used to give me a hairjob most days. She took care of her hair very much after knowing I had a hair fetish. I...

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Found Gay Partner in Office8230

I was seating in my chamber in office when my colleague Prabhu came up. As I am net savvy, everyone would be asking me tips and so did he. He wanted to know how to download XXX content form net and while talking said he knew a couple of sites where XXX things are shown, but he does not know how to download them to the computer. I was happy to help him as he was a cool chap and good colleague of mine. When I opened th site he mentioned, I actually found some nice XXX stuff while I was browsing...

Gay Male
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Kaye My First Pride

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror as I left the flat. I was wearing khaki shorts, a red t-shirt and a grey hoody. I tidied my short, brown hair and slung my camera bag over my shoulder. It was a bright, clear day, so I grabbed my sunglasses and headed out into the sunshine.I was single again, but instead of moping around, I had decided to get out, try new things and generally try to make the most of the summer. Today, I was going to Pride for the first time, hoping to get some good...

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Gayatri fulfills Rahul8217s long hair fetish 8211 Part 4

I got up from my nap after a few minutes. I went to the kitchen to see what my lovely ladies were cooking for lunch. I went to the kitchen door and peeked inside. Kavita and Gayatri were standing near the kitchen platform. While Gayatri was cutting vegetables, Kavita was cooking something in the pan. Not as a surprise, they were both naked with just an apron covering them from the front. Their oily hair was still in the braid which I had made. I could still see oil dripping from Gayatri’s braid...

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Robot Ponygirls

Robot Ponygirls Robot Ponygirls?By Sarah  ??????????? Sarah and the rest of the cheerleaders at PonygirlUniversity were special.? They were the best of the best in the school, when it came to being proper show ponies.? But not everything at Ponygirl University was as it seemed.? Soon, the new freshman class would learn just what life was like at the University.  ??????????? Jennifer and her friends got off the PonygirlUniversity bus, and stared at the imposing statues flanking...

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Good Girls Arent GayChapter 7 Two Queer Stories

Stacey looked over, noticed my expression and asked, "You Okay, Jenine?" "Yes hon, just curious about some things. I'm jealous girls. Jealous of the way you love each other and your freedom. Can I ask you a question?" "What about?" asked Stacey. "When did you figure this all out, I mean being gay and everything? Give me the whole thing and don't leave out the tidbits." The girls looked at me, and then looked at each other in a silent conversation. It seemed I was the first to...

2 years ago
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The Night I Found Out For Sure I Was Gay

I just figured out I’m gay. I’ve been dating a lot of women, but I just don’t feel it with them. I mean sometimes I feel I might even be bisexual, but lately I’m feeling I really want to be with man. When I look at guys I get very excited. I love when a man has a muscular frame. I find it really sexy and exciting if a guy has defined abs. I haven’t told any of my family or even my friends that I think I’m gay. But, I’m pretty sure I am. I decided to check things out and actually go to a gay...

Gay Male
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Gaynors guest

Your wife comes in from work wearing her nurses uniform, slips off her coat and bends to drop her bag in the hallway. As she bends I cup the lovely round globe of her buttock, enjoying the feel of her cotton uniform, the smooth tights underneath and the leg of her panties. Hmmm she softly moans, this must be the surprise Peter had planned for this evening.I continue to stroke her round arse, getting a good feel and rubbing between her cheeks through her clothes. Her legs part slightly as she...

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"Leenk-un," He said it slowly, showing his gleaming white teeth as he enunciated, scrunching his large nose as though deciding if it really should be my name or not. It made his trimmed, black beard form a square around his full, reddish-brown lips. "Lincoln, why the second L? You don't pronounce it do you? English is so wasteful with letters... Lincoln Karsten, a very blonde boy name. Why were you named after a president?" He lifted his eyes from my wrinkled, hand-written resume to meet my...

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No man Im not gay I like girlsquot

It was Thursday night and I was pitching up a tent in my pants all day in anticipation. I had already set everything up. I told my wife I was going out with coworkers after work. I bought a pack of condoms. I was about to go to my first gangbang and I practically jumped out of my chair when the clock ticked over to 5:00. I could feel my cock getting harder in my pants as I drove. She had instructed us all to wear panties because she had some weird fetish. It felt a little strange putting them...

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OHGIRL Street Hooker

I had called up maintenance to have one or more of the guys come up to my condo, under the pretenses of doing some work, so that I could get fucked. I was stoned and horny and I hadn't seen my neighbor or boyfriend in weeks. Shawn was gone as usual, since we had been fighting, along with my car, so I was relegated to being by myself. The guy who answered was new and he explained that the staff had recently been let go. He didn't go into detail, but he kind of let me know that other tenants had...

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Gayathri The Sex Bomb

Hello ISS readers, I’m Rudra 19 years old from Kerala. You can contact me at ”” Girls or aunties near Kerala or Bangalore who wants some fun can contact me at “” This story is about how I had sex with my neighbour Gayathri. She is my neighbour is 23 years old with beautiful face and assets of 30,26,32. She was a sex bomb, she lives with her parents near my house. She was not a typical mallu girl she used to wear modern dress tight t-shirts and all. I use to masturbate thinking about her almost...

1 year ago
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Gayatri 8211 Part 2

Hello All!!! This is part 2 or continuation of the old story I wrote a few days back. I would request you to read it first to know more about the character and get a better feel of the story and its characters. This is a real story. I did not masturbate as Gayatri had told me not to cum. I waited for four long days before receiving a call from her. I thanked God that she still remembered me! I talked to her and she asked if I had cum. I replied in the affirmative confirming that I had not cum....

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Sarah and Emily Sister Ponygirls

Sarah and EmilySister PonygirlsBy Sarah        Sarah and Emily awoke to the sounds of their collar chains rattling, and the sunlight beginning to filter into the barn where they were being kept.  The girls smiled to each other as they lay on their hay bed, playfully kissing each other as they awoke.  As they looked around their now familiar stall, their pussies moistened at the thought of what had passed, to lead them to their current lives.Chapter 1: Kidnapped and Transformed        Sarah and...

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Keeping her girl off the street Part 10

I pretty quickly got a reply. It consisted of a ramble about how none of the guys on the site would help her. Her life was falling apart, was badly in need of some help and the guys wanted sex in return for helping her. “so you need help, for what” I asked. She tells me she and her 14 year old daughter got kicked out of the weekly motel they were staying in because she ran out of money. Worse still, the motel kept all of their stuff and it would cost $150 to get it back. They only had the...

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Ponygirl for Hire

Part-Time Ponygirl Ponygirl for Hire?By: Long JohnsonNote: This is a work of fiction, derived entirely from my own imagination.? Any similarity between any persons living or dead is strictly coincidence, or my good luck.? I?ve never been to Arizona, I just picked it because my atlas was open to that page when I picked up. This is written in several parts (8 so far) so all of the characters listed are not in each part.? I wrote this before the Kari series.    Characters at Ponygirl...

3 years ago
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“Time to wake up, baby.” Her voice is soft, gentle. My eyes lazily roll open, glazed over with fragments of last night's dream. Groaning, I pull the sheet over my face and rub my eyes with the heel of my palm, trying to shed sleep from my mind. “Ayla.” The way she drags out my name, letting it linger on her lips, causes a tingle. “Ayla,” she says it again and I feel the warmth of her breath against my neck.I can feel her touch under the covers as she slips her hand under my shirt. Warmth...

4 years ago
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Fear and Self Loathing at Pride

Growing up a gay girl in a small Bible Belt town was not easy, trust me. I tried it and cannot recommend it to anyone. In fairness, that was almost 20 years ago and it was harder then.(Sorry, I lapsed into "Get off my lawn" mode.)These days, lesbianism has attained a certain cachet. It's nearly impossible now to watch a movie orTV program without a lesbian (always an attractive one, I must add). Hell, we've replaced the wacky neighbor on sitcoms.(Suck it, Mr. Roper!) In my day, the closest...

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Pride In the Name of Lust Part One

Sophie grabbed her rainbow patterned vest top from the end of the wardrobe, pulling it from the hanger and laying it on the bed next to her dark blue jeans. The top was a bit tatty now, a veteran of four previous Pride festivals, but with such glorious weather, there was no way she wasn't going to wear it.She checked her phone and laughed to herself at the thirty-seven new messages on the group text chat, excitement was at fever pitch. Pride was always one of her favorite days of the year, and...

3 years ago
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Sanctuary Series Book 1 White River RevengeChapter 6 Mutiny Among the Pride

Sixty miles south of the protectors, deep in the forest, another group was holding a meeting. Krang stood on top of a boulder looking down at his fellow mutants, savoring what was to come. His roar shook the very ground, as he got everyone's attention. The other mutants gathered in front of the boulder, "Have I not led you well against the humans?" Krang inquired. "Yes!" came the reply from the mass of lions and tigers. "Did I not go into the world and find the humans weak?" Again...

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Programmed Ponygirl

Programmed PonygirlBy Sarah        ?Sarah, you know I love you, and want to spend my life with you.?        Sarah and Jim cuddled in each others arms.  Sarah, having turned 18 the day before, was dressed in her boyfriend’s favorite outfit, her cheerleading uniform.  She had her hair in a ponytail, and was laying her head up against his shoulder, as he reached over and cupped her C cup breasts and rubbed her pussy over her skirt.        Jim was 23, and a junior in college.  He had met Sarah on a...

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The rise of the ponygirl transportation system in the world

The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the World The Rise of the Ponygirl Transport System in the WorldBy Sarah The following is a story based on predictions of global oil producers and what a loss in oil would mean to the future of transportation in the world.? It is not the only solution, but it could be one possible scenario.? This is still just a work of fiction, but it would be interesting to see if it comes to pass. Prologue ??????????? Scientists and world leaders...

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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

Introduction: Batgirl while on duty saves Renee Montoya, only to have the tables turned. The fight had been going on for the better part of an hour with Batgirl trading punches and kicks with the East Side Rangers, a well organized group of gang members led by a woman who called herself The Mask. Driving a particularly hard punch to the side of her seconds woman, Batgirl finished off the young girl only to have a blow land at the base of her skull that literally threw Batgirl into the water...

1 year ago
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A Chance Encounter Batgirl Babs and Renee Montoya Part One

The Mask shoved Batgirl's head into the steaming water of the fountain as she brought her forearm down into the small of the caped woman's back trying to force all of the air out of her ample chest. Holding Batgirl by the neck she intended to drown the woman as she delived yet another solid blow to her back and then kicked Batgirrl in the back of the knees. own Dazed by the hard blow, Batgirl landed in the fountain and then sank as The Mask pressed her own body down on Batgirl's. Her...

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