Incestuous Harem s Passion 13 Teaching Incest to the Siblings
- 3 years ago
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I have written this story with idea gained from two sources — one from a lady relative of me and another from a friend of me.
It is said this lady's children were born to her through her own brother because her husband was impotent. Reportedly she did it with the full knowledge and consent of her husband and her in-laws. This was done by her to get a larger share to her husband in his ancestral property. I know this lady from my childhood. In fact her children and I were playmates. But I did not know about her incest at that time. I came to know of this only when my marriage talks began. This lady had proposed her daughter to me for marriage. I was also interested to marry her daughter as I knew that girl from her younger days and also because they are well to do and they promised for a grand style marriage. But my parents did not accept her proposal and they gave me this reason for their rejection of that girl.
In case of my friend he has married only recently though he is 40 years old. I knew him from school days and we are very close to each other. Many times I have gone to his shop and spent time there. Some prostitutes roamed in that area and they were also his friends. He would chat with them regularly and at times he fucked them. Occasionally when I went to his shop to see him, I also chatted with those prostitutes and on a very few occasions I have fucked them. He confessed to me that once after fucking with a prostitute he had got infection. He did not know what to do and so he sought advice from his aunty. She saw his condition and on her advice he went to a doctor and got cured. Later she advised him to have sex with his younger sister. He was reluctant in the beginning but she induced him very much for it and he then agreed. He had sexual relationship for sometime with his younger sister using only her anus and mouth. He did this with full knowledge of his house people. His younger sister was first reluctant for it but later she did not resist and he had his satisfaction with her daily. He continued it till she got married and went to her husband's house. Now he is also married and happily settled with a child.
I have used first person narrative to make better reading.
Main StoryThis happened when I was 30 years old. I belong to a poor family. My father was a cook employed by a catering contractor for marriage et cetera functions. I have two elder sisters and one younger sister. Reportedly my mother had several miscarriages and only we 4 survived. My elder sisters are named Vedham and Rajam, and my younger sister is named Thangam.
My father was not earning much and what he got was squandered by him in drinks and card play. Practically he was not supporting the family and his death at my young age did not make any adverse impact on me or our family. My mother though illiterate was a patient woman and only she reared the family by her hard work and willpower. She will go and cook in some select houses and she will make good eatables in their houses for various functions like Deepavali etc. Further in our house she will prepare pappads and condiments and sell them. We also used to help her to our best in these doings. Like this she was earning small amounts which only helped her to run the family in frugal way. Her these activities earned her a pet name "pappads aunty" or in Tamil "appalam maami". Her preparations were all good, tasty and in good demand also. But we had no other support worth mentioning. Blissfully our house was our own and it was the only plus point we had.
When I finished my school education, in my financial condition, college was out of question. With some help from well wishers I started a Xerox shop with one old machine and in some years I was able to change it to a new improved version Xerox machine and I added a spiral binder and lamination machine. I was looking after it totally. Fortunately my shop was in the market area and some offices were there. They were giving me Xerox and binding / lamination works regularly. I also kept a stock of pappads and condiments prepared by my mother in the shop and used to give it to select customers asking for it. In this way I had some reasonable income. As I did not employ anyone I would keep my shop open for long hours every day and practically on all Sundays and holidays also. A tailor shop was next to me and he was my good friend. So when I had to go out to deliver the Xeroxed works, or go away to pee, he will just watch my shop in my absence.
In due time I got my two elder sisters married with much efforts. For this purpose I raised money by selling part of our house and I also incurred further loans on my shop. All our meager savings were wiped out and we ended up with some debts which I was clearing slowly. We tightened our belt further to save whatever was possible for the marriage of my younger sister.
I became sexually aware when I was 14 years and I started regular masturbation. Usually in the night after ensuring mother and my sisters are settled in bed I will lie on my bed and turn to the side facing the wall. I would have removed my underwear and wore only a lungi before going to bed. I will always keep a small cloth inside my pillowcase. I will let out my cock from inside lungi, take this cloth from pillowcase and covering my cock with the cloth I will jerk till I ejaculate. My semen will collect in the cloth and I will wipe my cock dry with it. Then I will just put the semen wet cloth onto a table nearby. I will correct my lungi and then sleep. My this practice was known to my people. In the morning they will take and wash this cloth and after drying it they will fold and keep it inside my pillowcase for my use again in the night.
Sometimes I will wake up in the midnight and again masturbate. Then I will just do it inside my lungi and get my lungi wetted with my semen. In the morning when I wake up the wetness would have dried leaving visible stain in my lungi. I would remain in home with the semen stained lungi well in the notice of my house people and I did not feel any particular shame about it and they also would see but ignore it. Sometimes my sisters would giggle good naturedly on seeing it and I will get a pleasant embarrassment.
Sometimes while watching TV or reading some juicy thing in some book I would get erection. At such times I will just insert my hand inside my lungi and play with my cock for sometime. At times I would even jerk fully to the finish and ejaculate semen wetting my lungi. Like this I have done many times before the very presence of my mother and sisters who would be watching TV along with me. I never felt any shame in doing such things and they also never objected to such acts of me.
In the same market area there was an old paper merchant whose shop was in the lane next to my shop and he was buying and selling all kinds of old things. He was also keeping a small bookshop where he kept old magazines and books. I was his customer and usually I took and returned old Tamil magazines from his shop for reading by my house people. He was keeping many pornography books in his shop but he kept them well hidden and gave them only to customers particularly asking for it. Sometimes I took these books from him and I will read them in my house and do masturbation. Though my habit of masturbation was thus well known to all members in my family, yet they never criticized me for it or spoke ill of it to me.
My sisters would teasingly refer to that cloth (used by me to catch my semen) as my first wife and my lungi as second wife. So on days when I did double masturbation and wetted both the cloth and my lungi they will jocularly say "so did you sleep with both your wives in bed yesterday night?". I will just smile in shyness and they will giggle with affection.
Sometimes my sisters also teased me for my habit and said "you have so much starch in you — why do you waste it — instead of spilling it in the cloth or in lungi you should pour it in a vessel- then sell it to washer men for starching their clothes — they will give you money and you can become rich". I would be embarrassed and give them a weak smile and they will giggle and tease me more. Many times mother will just smile with them but sometimes she would intervene and scold them and say "why do you taunt him - it is men's practice - so you girls don't interfere in his ways and don't speak about it".
My shop was in a market area. The building in which my shop was situated was the last one at the end of a market lane. This building was divided into two portions, my shop was in the corner and a tailor shop was next to me in same building. Our shops had a small verandah under an awning. Some prostitutes would roam in that market area during night times. These prostitutes would stand in our corner and invite the passerby to come to them. At a little distance from our lane some open land was there after which there was a drainage canal. This canal or ditch was used by all of us to pass urine. After this canal ditch some more open space and railway tracks were there. This open space after the canal was abounding with some bushes and small trees. No lighting was provided in these open places and so they would be dark places during nights.
These ladies had put some huts there. They will take their customers to those huts, satisfy and send them. Again they will come and stand in the lighted corner of our shop for getting more customers. Sometimes they will sit in our verandah and chat among themselves. Because they had to attract men they will dress very loosely, do cheap make-up and smile easily. Often they will scratch their tits or cunt or buttocks before the men without any shame. They will make lewd comments about the passing men and very loudly laugh even for silly things. Many times they will not care to properly cover their blouse clad tits with their saris. So their balls and nipples will be prominently visible under their thin blouses giving very erotic and inviting look to the passerby men. These ladies will easily identify the men interested in them and on locating such persons they will make lewd fucking signs secretly and stare boldly at such men with inviting gestures and looks.
I am from a very decent family and so I distrusted these women and I had a very low opinion for them in the beginning. But I was also tempted by their body and I would see them with desire in a furtive manner when they were not looking. But at times they will catch me eagerly looking at them and then they would give me inviting looks and signals. Sometimes they will openly ask me "what sir — why only look — come and do it with us". I would then feel embarrassed and deny them and they would tease me for my shyness.
The next shop tailor was friendly with them and he would talk to them regularly. Sometimes he will also stitch their clothes. He was also their regular client. Though he was married and having kids he often used some of them for his enjoyment. Usually in the night before the shop closing time he will call any one woman inside his shop and keeping the shutter down he will enjoy her. Then after sending her out he will lock his shop and go away to his house.
This tailor prompted me sometimes to join in his talk with them and so like that I started talking with them. Initially I talked with them very sparingly but over some days I started to talk with them regularly for longer time and became well known to them. So these ladies became our friends and would normally speak with us when we find leisure. Further the shop in our next building was a big hardware godown where normally none will be there after evening hours. So we had some privacy of a sort in nights and hence talking with those prostitutes for a longer time posed no problem to us. Talking with them also relieved me of the monotony of my work and it was a welcome diversion for me at many times.
Among these women one lady was an older woman with age of about 50 years or more. I came to know she was previously doing prostitution and after becoming old she did not take customers. Her name was Elisi and she was always addressed with respect by the other ladies as Akka (meaning Elder Sister in Tamil) or Perisu (meaning elder person in Tamil). She had stopped prostitution due to old age but she was helping these other prostitutes in getting men or in avoiding police people. The other prostitutes would all speak with her with affection and they will be guided by her advice only in everything. I came to know this Elisi is a very tough women and the other ladies always looked to her for protection. If any customer tries to avoid payment after having sex or behaves violently with these women, immediately they will seek help from Elisi and she will deal with such person harshly and very severely.
Elisi would always keep a basket with her in which some quantity of plantains will be there. She will roam in the market hawking for selling these fruits. But her eyes will always wander and locate men interested for having some quick sex. Ostensibly she will roam in the market area in the role of a fruit vendor. Her real job was to locate and guide new comers in the market to these prostitutes. While regular customers knew about these prostitutes and came to them directly, new comers to the market will not know about them. But they may have desire for having some quick sex with some women. Elisi will easily notice such persons and bring them to these women. While hawking the fruits she had a typical way of crying "fruits". She will do it with such voice modulation that one can easily understand that she was selling different ware.
This Elisi, when not roaming in the market, will normally sit in our verandah and chew betal leaf (paan). Then she will always gossip with me and the tailor. Many times she will say to me "Thambi (meaning little brother in Tamil) — my girls are very good — all men eagerly come in search of them — you should also spend some time happily with them — don't feel shy — tell me whom you like and I will ask her to be with you". I will merely laugh and keep quiet.
These ladies were all illiterate and for them tailor was "tailor sir" and I was "machine sir" because they could not understand about my Xerox machine or what I did with it.
These ladies had come to that profession by force of circumstances and many had very sad tales to tell. Most of them were abandoned people and had no one to call as their support. Some were children of coolies who took to this profession finding it easier than the arduous coolie work. Some were in that profession from childhood because their mothers were also prostitutes. They had nothing to call as their own and never even cared for what will happen to them in future. Altogether listening to their tales made me to feel that I was a more fortunate person thanks to the grace of God.
Though I talked with them many times I could not get their exact names because they had no real name or they had several fancy names and they also did not care for those things. When I tried to know their name they will jocularly say "machine sir - what is there in name — we have cunt and you have cock — that is what is material — so call us "Pundai" (Tamil word for cunt) if you want — but give us money". Then they would all loudly laugh and I used to enjoy it. Almost all were called "Pappa" or "Pullai" which are Tamil terms for girl child.
Occasionally they would be harassed and rounded up by police. Then they had to pay fine in the court or go to prison. When I came to know of their stories and their plight I felt sorry for them and slowly my aversion for them changed and I became quiet friendly with them.
These ladies also enquired and so I told to them about me. When I told them that I was unmarried they were surprised and asked me "then what prevents you from enjoying us — for unmarried people like you we are the wives given by God — why them only - see tailor sir — he has wife and children — but he fucks us — so you should also do it — if even an unmarried person like you do not come to us then what we will do for food". Then they all laughed louder and I also laughed with them. I also told them about my three sisters, about how I got the marriage done for two elder sisters and how I was endeavoring for third sister to get married. They highly appreciated me for this. They emotionally told me that for them all men were only fucking machines and they did not know what is brotherly love. They said that if perhaps they had a brother like me, they may not have become tarts but got married and settled in life. They very much felt that they missed such brotherly love and affection and they wished that I should succeed in life. I felt very much moved by their sincere wishes.
At times when they stand waiting for a long time to get a customer I would ask them "what happened — why no one is coming to you today — is there something wrong with you?". They will laugh and say "we are alright — if you have any doubt come and see". Then they will say "there must be starting problem for men today — suddenly their penis seems to have become dry — so they are not coming to our side". They also will teasingly ask me "machine sir - what about you — you are always looking at us with desire but just keep quiet— do you have any problem with your cock — or in the first place do you have one - why don't you allow us check it?". I would reply "mine is quite okay now — I don't want to get it spoilt by you". Then they would just laugh and make some lewd comments on my potency. Though I enjoyed their teasing very much I always spoke with them politely unlike the tailor who would tease them like anything and earn their rebuttal. So they liked me much for my polite behavior with them and though they gently teased me to my liking yet they never spoke in an offending manner with me.
A few times they will ask me to get them tea saying "machine sir - today no customer has come to us so far — we feel like taking tea but we don't have money — you don't come to us and pay us anything like the tailor sir - so at least get us tea". Then I used to get them tea from a nearby tea shop where I kept account. All of them were also paan and tobacco chewing people and many times I would get them paan and tobacco also and then they would thank me very much for it and softly invite me to fuck them in return. I would laugh and with great difficulty I would control myself from the urge to enjoy them.
For them, a customer who took short time with them to complete his business was "express" and a customer who took longer time to complete his act was "bullock cart". So when they take a customer, finish him and return to our corner the tailor would teasingly ask them "was he express or bullock cart?". They will laugh and tell him dirty jokes about what that customer did with them.
I would talk with them in polite way only and never insulted them. But the tailor would purposely use very foul words and speak with them in a nasty way. Only with Elisi he would use polite words while talking, because if he uses impolite words she will retort more crudely and doubly insult him. (I came to know that he had fucked her many times previously when she was younger and often dodged payment to her or paid her less than agreed amount. She will remind him of those instances and berate him like anything if he tries to insult her). But with the other ladies he took particular pleasure in insulting them. They will not mind such talk from him because he was their customer and they knew he wanted to have fun with them. Also they were in no position to fight with him though they detested his insults. So they will reply in equally nasty manner and the tailor would have a good laugh. I will enjoy very much their exchange of obscenities and have a good laugh with them.
I came to know these ladies were controlled by some criminal rowdy of that area. Further I also noticed that these ladies were not permanently staying in one place but used to do some sort of migration. Except Elisi who was always in that place the other ladies were not staying there permanently. Each lady would stay there for some length of time and then go away to some other place. I will find one staying for some weeks or some months and later she will not be seen. If I enquire about her, then Elisi or the other ladies would just say "she has gone to some other area" and beyond that they will not know about her or care for what had become of her. Some new lady would come and then the others would introduce that new lady to me and the tailor.
Also at times one lady may vanish only to come back after some period. When I enquire where she was all along, she will simply say "I was doing it in another area". They never bothered to keep track of these things and would stoically say "machine sir — what is there for us to worry about any particular place — in every place we open and show our cunt for the men to water it — that is all". (In Tamil they would say Machine sir — engalukku endha idaththile enna irukku — ella idaththilum aambilai thanni vida enga koodhiya thirandhu kattarom - avvalavudhan).
When I asked the tailor about this he laughed and said "why do you worry about where they come or where they go — if more and more new ladies come it is only good for you". Then more seriously he said "you see — most of the men coming to these people for pleasure either live or work in this area or in nearby area — so if the same lady stays here permanently then the men will find it boring with the same old cunt - so only if these ladies keep going and coming the men can see new cunts".
In Tamil he said "edhukku nee kavalai padare — avanga enga vandha enna — enga pona enna — pudhusu pudhusa ponnuga vandha unakku adhu nalladhuthane — ivanga kitta vara maximum alungalukku veedu alladhu velai ingayo illatti pakkathiladhan irukkum — appo ore pombalai inga eppavum irundha aambilaigalukku adhe pazhaya pundai salichchu pogum - indha pombilaigal maari maari vandhadhan ambilaigal pudhusu pudhusa pundaigal paakkalam. I noticed that they lived only in the present. Altogether they had neither any attachment for the past nor any thought for the future. Either their very low intelligence did not permit it or they had attained a very high level of philosophy to achieve this. Especially their lack of concern for the future really scared me. I am one person who always live in fear of the future and therefore I could never believe such hard and nonchalant mindset these ladies in them...
On week days usually they will not come out during daytime and I learnt they will sleep at that time. Also very few men came in search of them in daytime. But on Sundays more men would come to them during daytime also. So these ladies will come and stand near my shop on Sundays to invite customers during daytime also.
I kept my shop open on Sundays also and I would talk with them more leisurely that day for a longer time. The tailor will not come on Sundays and also that day most of the shops in the market would be closed except a very few shops kept open that day. So on Sundays and other holidays I spent most time talking with them. Then they would tell me juicy stories about their various customers and I enjoyed it very much. Many times their stories will kindle my desire and I will get a raging erection. Then I will feel the urge to masturbate and so I would close my shop for sometime. There was a small gap in the door shutter of my shop. Through this gap I would look at their bodies and have a leisurely masturbation to get a glorious release. After this I will go for urinating in the ditch.
Once when I closed the shutter like this and was doing masturbation looking at their body, Elisi came near the hole and she peeped through the gap at me. I hastily moved away from the hole and covered myself. But she loudly laughed and then moved away from the door. She told something to those ladies and they all loudly laughed. Later when I finished my masturbation and went for peeing, they all loudly laughed at me again and Elisi then said "Thambi — when so many girls are waiting here why do you put hand — it is a shame to us". At her words I felt very much embarrassed and the ladies again started their loud laughter. They nicely teased me with very sexy and naughty comments which I enjoyed very much inwardly. But outwardly I shouted at them "keep quiet — otherwise I will call police" and my false anger only made them to laugh further loudly and I also joined in their laughter.
Like this these ladies easily and quickly understood my purpose for closing the shop for a short time. So after masturbation when I go out for peeing they will tease me by saying "what machine sir — you always run only hand cart — why don't you run express with us". Sometimes they will come and stand closer to the crack in the door and shout "machine sir — open the door — we know what you do inside — allow us to watch it for fun" and sometimes they will also shout "machine sir — open the door — we will apply our hand for you and we will also do it free of charge". Sometimes they will say "machine sir — open the door and we will come inside — we will stand naked before you — you watch our Pundai (cunt) and put hand — then you will get very good satisfaction". Then they would all laugh very loudly and I will also join in their merriment. Altogether I was having a good time with them in this way.
Like this I was tempted by them many times but I avoided them as I had mo money to spare for such things and also out of my fear of getting disease from them. Altogether I was attracted and repelled by them and so I satisfied my craving for them by masturbating in the shop or by thinking about their bodies during my masturbations in the nights.
But my lust did not leave me. One night the tailor had already closed his shop and left early. I was having a bulk order and I was busily doing it. Suddenly heavy showers were there and a few of the ladies got up and stood in verandah for shelter. One lady had become totally drenched and her clothes were sticking to her body revealing every aspect. I saw her wet body and my heart leapt with desire. I knew her and I had spoken with her many times previously and gave her tea also several times. She took her sari pullav (that portion of sari covering breast portion) and toweled her head to dry her hair. This exposed her tits and I got a good view of them. I looked at her body with naked interest and she noticed it. She smiled and unbuttoned her blouse and dried her chest also. She had big juicy tits. Now her tits were more exposed and my eyes got riveted on her tits. She giggled and said "what machine sir — what has got into you today — you are fucking me with your eyes".
The other ladies giggled and one of them said "you should be careful with machine sir — otherwise he will make you pregnant just by his look". They all loudly laughed and I also laughed with them. Then that drenched lady said "machine sir — today I did not get a single customer — so how about paying me some money — you need not give it free — you fuck me as many times as you please and then pay whatever you feel". The other ladies loudly laughed and said in chorus "yes machine sir — that is what you should do". I said "you people please keep quiet and get away from the verandah — I have work to do and you are spoiling my time - allowing you people to stand here is becoming a great nuisance to me — if you make further trouble I will ask the police to remove you". They all loudly laughed. Then the wet lady said "okay machine sir — we will keep quiet - but you see I am fully drenched — if I remain like this in this chill climate I will catch cold and fever - so please allow me to come inside the shop - I will stand under the fan till my clothes become dry". She said this in a very pleading manner and I could not bluntly refuse. So I said "okay — come and stand under fan". She came inside the shop and stood under the fan to dry herself.
I was Xeroxing some materials and she stood only a foot or two from me. She curiously watched what I was doing and asked me "machine sir — please tell me how the white sheets you give this side suddenly comes that side with black letters". I laughed and said "for knowing that you should first go to school and then to college to learn all those science". She said "I am an illiterate donkey — how can I know all these things". She stood watching and I furtively watched her wet body with lusty thoughts. She had not buttoned her blouse properly and her one nipple was peeping through her blouse. I watched her tits eagerly.
She noticed that my eyes were glued to her tits. She purposely scratched her bosom and exposed more of her tits for me to see. Now almost her one breast was naked and fully outside her blouse and I could not take my eyes away from ogling it. I started to get an erection and soon the bulge in the middle of my pant became very much apparent. She saw it and smiled at me and winked and I felt very much embarrassed. I tried to hide my bulge from her view. She giggled and then very softly said "machine sir — don't hide your desires for my body - we all know very well about how much eagerly you want to fuck us — but you are also very much shy and so you hide your feelings with difficulty — why do you do it — why should you feel fear or shyness about fucking us — who will question you or stop you from doing it — so you should feel bold and enjoy with us like all the other men do — don't hesitate — come — take me and fuck till you are satisfied".
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IncestHi readers, I am here with the seventh part of the series, ‘Incest Journey.’ I hope you all enjoyed the first six parts of the series. Let’s start with the seventh part. My whole family went to Krishna’s marriage. The temple is silent. I already told you that we don’t have many relatives. My wife’s father received our family. He is in a bit hurry and breathing heavily. He is the only male person in his family. So he is the only one doing all this work. The groom’s family is very orthodox. I...
IncestHi, Guys, My name is Madhu. I am from Bangalore. I am a big fan of Indian Sex Stories. I am reading sex story on this site from past 4-5 years. After reading so many life stories, I too wanted to tell one of my life incidents. This is my first effort to express myself. Please adjust if there are any mistakes and if it is boring. I am born and bought up in Bangalore. I completed all my studies in Bangalore. I am an average middle-class family member with my father, a retired bank manager and my...
IncestNote: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 23rd, 2019 – Clinton “Clint” Elliston II The backyard party at the Reenburgs’ home was well underway. Their large house, verging on a mansion, had an impressive yard. Lights were strung across the bushes, lighting it up as twilight fell upon the world. It was a warm, April evening, the sky clear. Like when I’d done at the Reenburgs’ party last summer right before graduating from high school, I had brought my mom as my date. I had my...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mom and Dad's Incestuous Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Maria Reenburg My brother's words, claiming that Daddy was an idiot for not wanting to fuck me, gave me the sexy confidence to do this. There was no dumb Vanessa to cock-block me. That bitch wouldn't swoop in and steal Daddy's erection this time. I would get his dick in me. I would finally fuck my sexy father. I marched back to...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...
This is the second part of the story. Please read the first part to understand the story, I compare the woman in the story with actress, please think of someone when reading. I will continue where I left and you will know how I got my first blowjob. Me and my sister Samantha (actress) woke up in the morning. We smooched a little and went out to see mom. Mom was preparing breakfast and lunch for us before she went to college. Mom and dad both left to work, and we ate our breakfast. We soon...
Incest(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Six: Family's Incestuous Meeting By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg Excitement bubbled through me. I was on a high, riding the bliss from the orgasm daddy gave me. It was this incredible rush. This amazing treat. I was bouncing on my knees on the bed beside her, my round breasts jiggling. Mom was squirming, her face completely red, her big breasts jiggling. Her blonde hair was spread over the bed, her large tits rising and falling as my...
This story happened in a village where I come from. I stayed in this village until I completed my school. I had my first opportunity of reading a sex story book that I borrowed from one of my class mates. I discovered the pleasure of sex that was unknown to me once I read through my first sex story book. I got this weird feeling to play with my cock while reading the story. I was just fondling with my cock as the story I was reading was taking me through a new journey of pleasure. To my shock,...
First, I have to tell about me. My name is Suresh. I am a dark skinned Indian guy. I am 35 years old but unmarried. I have a muscular body, and I look like a cinema villain with broad shoulders, bulky arms, and beard all over my face. I look more like a beast. Because of that, most women don’t talk to me. However, some married sluts open their legs now and then. This is my real sex story. But those are my only sexual experiences. I am from a low caste and I do somewhat well to live in a small...
Hello John. Welcome to the realm of your deepest darkest fantasies. This is where you will play out your secret heart's desire. Your forbidden desire for someone very male and also very related to you. You've been lusting over Mick for years now and it is finally time to fulfill your dreams. But before all that! Let us know something about yourself, dearest John. The first and most important bit we need to know, is what role in sex do you like best? Are you a Top; dominating your partners in...
IncestIt all happened 2 years back. My jiju was working in a private company at a very high post, and they used to stay nearby to our place. My sister is 12 years elder to me. Her name is Richa and mine is Jay. I used to call her didi, because of the age difference. As we stay in Mumbai, and our houses are nearby, so I used to frequently visit their house, just to get glimpse of my sex queen. Now coming to my sister, her boobs were 36c; she has a very good ass, with big breasts which can make any man...
IncestI am greeting my ISS friends after a long time. I had been busy in the daily chores of life and family. Here is your Aryan with my recent fortunate incident with my cousin sister in a family function. Let me tell you about me first. I am approaching 40 years of age. I have an athletic body with 5’9″ height and a very good sex desire. I am married with healthy sex life. I work with an IT firm located in Delhi NCR. Let’s come to the incident. I took the flight alone from IGI airport to attend a...
IncestNote : This story is completely fictional! Hi, am Vicky 21 from India, I am a regular at your website and so thought would post my story also. This is an incest with my cousin sis meaning the daughter of mothers brother, am telling you this specially because in India we can marry such a cousin as its not in fathers relationship directly. Anyways, continuing with the story now, It was at the start of this year back in January, when my I went to meet my cousins, I asked aunt where is Ria and...
Adult HumorHi Indian sex stories readers, this is Dipak from Pune working in renowned company. I am regular reader of ISS. I am inspired by many writers to write my own experience of giving extreme pleasure to unmarried girls. So this is story about my cousin sister Rani she completed her masters and currently working in Mumbai. She has figure of 32-36-30 which I was always wished fuck as hard as I can. I was very interested to have a sex with her since my childhood days but I didn’t get that enough...
IncestHi. I am vivek from goa. Iam going to tell my incest sex story with my sister. I am going to write my whole story in hindi so guys please forgive me if I had done something wrong.Mai ek college student hu. Meri umar 23 sal hai. Mai ba final year mai padta hu. Meri height 5ft8inch hai. Ab mai meri behen ke bareme bataunga. O ek sidhi sadhi ladki hai. Mujhse 2 sal choti hai. Ekdum kisi hollywood actress ki tarah dikti hai. Dekhte hi mume pani aa jata hai.Uske boobs to aise hai jaise ki roj doodh...
Hi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-II. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-I completes here…. “So,… I told her “use my wifi” it will be very speed and reliable. You can download whatever you want. Don’t waste money on data cards. I said this and smiled. She reciprocated with a...
IncestHi guys! I’m back with the continuation of my story, KEERTHANA – A HOMELY TAMIL GIRL-3. To understand the story, please read the first part, having the same title. I’m working in an IT company and living in chennai city. Any girls, aunts, widow aunts or divorced or secret relationship girls aunts contact me for chat, fun, etc… at: Part-II completes here…. I went to hall and took my lap. i took my pen that was in my packet. I REMOVED THE PEN COVER. I INSERTED IN THE USB DRIVE. YES, THAT IS A...
IncestHi friends, I am going to tell you all revelations that I had found about my mom. My mom’s name was Sangeetha and she was 36 years old. She had a perfect figure of 34-30-36 and a sexy body. I always wondered how sexy she was and how lucky my dad was. Every day, my mom used to prepare food for me and my dad and send us to the office and college. She never misses this even when she is sick. I always thought that she was a homely lady and I wished to get a wife like her. But the shock of the...
A brother and sister, age fifteen and fourteen find themselves alone for the summer with both mom and dad working. Boredom sets in quickly and the brother has ideas to pass the time away. “Its not incest I’m telling you the truth” “Look Rob, it is. You want me to show you my boobies and you’re my brother, that’s incest no matter how you look at it, isn’t it?” “Rachael, listen, yes you are my sister but what harm is there in just showing me some of your skin? You have to understand...
If you have been reading my articles for a while now, then you know how much I hate this incest trend going on. I have both a mother and sister, and the thought of fucking them is disgusting. I'd rather fuck a disabled midget with down syndrome than a family member. Unfortunately, not as many agree with me as I once thought.The Winds of IncestIncest took the porn world by storm a couple of years ago. When it first started, I figured it would be a short-lived genre that would recede back into...
Hall of Fame*** Note : This story is completely fictional! Sophia sat up in the hospital bed wondering how she got there and spotted her father through the window of her room. He was talking to a doctor, at least that’s what it looked like. When he spotted her sitting up he entered the room. “Ah, awake at last,” he said, crossing the room to sit next to her bed. “What happened?” Why am I here? Where’s mum?” said Sophia, trying to understand what had happened. “Okay, calm down. First of all lay back and...
IncestNow, we all know that there are all kinds of categories of porn on, but what about the category which everyone secretly likes but doesn't admit to it? Well, there's that too, and we all know which category I'm talking about here, right? That's right, it's the Incest category. Now, you might have mixed feelings about that one, but if you ask me, incest is one of the hottest categories out there. Not that I'd want to fuck my sister or anything, obviously I wouldn't. I just like...
Incest Porn SitesReddit Incest Stories, aka r/Incest! Welcome to Reddit, a wonderful place driven by its community, with many hot subreddits you can enjoy and browse for free. I am sure that by itself, Reddit is the place that could satisfy anyone’s desires. However, if you are here, then you are probably interested in the incest section of Reddit, right? Well, this section is filled with lots and lots of dirty incest-related posts.I think that the name alone should tell you whether you are interested in what...
Reddit NSFW ListWe at the Incest Institute have conducted over 1700 interviews with individuals who have either attempted or experienced consensual incest. With this data we have made progress toward the understanding of how successful incestuous sex can occur. Our mission is to simply gather and share knowledge of this rare and fascinating aspect of humanity and we would now like to offer a brief and basic outline of strategies for those who seek it out. First Threshold: The Idea If having a...
Malcolm Rush couldn't believe his luck. 18 years old with a muscled, lean body, he was the stud who everyone wanted at his high school. Girls often told him that he looked just like a younger version of Brad Pitt, except maybe even more attractive. Despite that, he hadn't lost his virginity yet, or even had a girlfriend, and not for lack of girls having interest in him. The truth was, he only had eyes for one girl. And that girl was his older sister, Jessica. And right now, he was watching...
You might call this a "primer." It is meant to educate the ignorant ... primarily the authors of the stories you read on this website. If there is one thing I cannot tolerate, it is inaccuracy in story writing. When I read a story, no matter how entertaining or well composed it is ... if it is factually inaccurate, it destroys the story for me. With that said, let me tell you a few factual truths about incest and sex. 1. The uterus or womb of a female is never entered by the penis. Never!...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...
Here’s a secret: incest/step porn is fucking hot. What the fuck was that? “Eww, PornDude that’s fucking nasty;” did I telepathically hear someone say that? I’m feeling generous today so I’ll give you one of my classic anecdotes to let you see things from my perspective. Once you read this little yarn you’re going to agree with me that when it comes to incest/step porn every time you hear about step-siblings you’re going to get an auto-erection.Lil’ Pedro didn’t think soBack in college when...
Incest Porn SitesHay, I’m Kevin, first I thought sex with own mother is only is fiction, an untrue story and is disgusting. I was wrong, this happened to me six months ago, and I can’t believe that I’m having sex with my own mother and all that is due to one gentleman named Sultan with id or I thank him here for his help and support. Earlier the word incest itself was taboo in Indian society. I never looked at my mom as sex object until I read the incest stories on ISS. I’m the eldest son with 2 younger...
IncestReddit Incest Porn, aka r/IncestPorn! This next one is for all you motherfuckers and daughter diddlers who also happen to have neckbeards. Have you ever wanted to fuck your sister instead of your wife? Have you ever wanted to indulge your taste for taboo action immediately after a short but angry discussion about your favorite video games and Gundam models? Well, you’re probably going to love the Incest Porn subreddit over at Reddit.If you’ve never heard of Reddit, congratulations on having a...
Reddit NSFW ListApril 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man’s hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I’d helped Mother make Tammy Coburn into her father’s slut. The old man had paid us well to do that, horny to stick his cock in her tight, young cunt. She had become a perfect whore for...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seventeen: Incest's Naughty Price By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 11th, 2027 – Leyla Umayyah Judge Lyle Coburn emerged from the back of the house wearing a robe. The older man's hair had gone gray. His eyes narrowed at us with suspicion. Then he flicked down to his daughter kneeling before us, submissive the way my mother had trained her. What a treat that had been. I'd helped Mother make Tammy...
Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Incest means having a sexual relationship with close family members. My incest experience began with you younger sis Supriya. I was studying in college and she was in high school. When my parents go out of home for work, we used to be at home. We group up together. We were staying in same room. We were good friends as well. We used to tell each other everything. That time Suman was in 9th class. One day she told me that her classmate friend was severely...
IncestIncest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...
Incest Porn SitesI am Thangam (Gold In Tamil). I had a taste of mother’s love. Strangely enough it is from my mother-in-law. This is strange, for in our culture the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is mostly strained. My Athai (Tamil for mother-in-law) is like my mother to me, and often we are more like friends. I will describe my sexual life for it is relevant to the story I am about to relate. I am married for a little more than a year and a half, but that does not prevent me from...
IncestTerri sat in front of the mirror and dried her hair. She had to rub a clear spot on the foggy mirror from time to time. That's because her brother, Bobby, was still in the shower. He had been waiting patiently, sitting on the chair at the dressing table when she got finished with her own shower. She'd stepped out naked, glistening with water droplets and his eyes had raked over her, as they always did, as they had for as far back as when she was thirteen and he was twelve. That's why she...
Reddit Incest Gifs, aka r/Incest_Gifs! Does the thought of having some forbidden sibling love excite your pecker? Well, I am sure that that is why you are here, and I am about to introduce a section on Reddit that is dedicated to giving you all the juiciest Incest-themed porn gifs. It is called r/Incest_Gifs/, and just by the name, it is pretty obvious what the fuck you can expect, right?Now, if you are expecting anything other than gifs and the incest-theme, I am not sure why the fuck you are...
Reddit NSFW ListJack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on...
Hi, sex story readers. It is been a long time now. I enjoyed a beautiful Jap lady and after a few days, my cousin from Kerala came to visit me. Let me introduce to this pretty lady, her name is Kiara(Changed for reasons) she is an average looking girl with an average body. The only thing I like about her is her cute twerking butts. Anyway, she came to my home for vacation. As she reached, we talked a lot and she even brought me sweets(halwa, banana chips etc). After that, she said she was tired...
IncestDear ISS Readers, thanks for all your wishes and encouraging me to come up with part 2. In my previous story, I mentioned about Incest Incident Number one: My father with his mother and if any of you missed out my previous part, you can see in the link on top. In this part, I am going to narrate about the Incest incident number two : My Uncle (Chitthappa ) Kaviarasu with his mother. After the incident when my father had his day with his mother, my grand father asked my father to take care...
IncestReddit Incest Stories, aka r/IncestStories! Just when I think I’ve seen enough weird shit on Reddit, a new sub comes in from out of the left field to surprise me yet again. /r/IncestStories is today’s offender, with an unoriginal take on a topic that’s already been beaten to death. But, they’re great at what they do, bring tons of quality to the table, and if you like reading one-handed, they might just be the sub for you.Keeping it in the FamilyFirst, I thought incest porn was a fad, then I...
Reddit NSFW List(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Twenty-One: Stud's Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! July 19th, 2027 – Catherine Nicholson I stood there shocked as Cruzita Martínez, one of the prosecutors on the Elliston case, was stripping naked before me. That she wanted to watch my brother and I fuck. Panic pumped through my veins. Cold and oily. Was this a trap? My brother and I, while testifying for the prosecution, all but admitted...
"Hey there" you greet your cousin on the doorway, waiting for her to open the lock on the door. You always admired her body, so sexy. At last she opened the door and lets you to come inside her house. You actually go there to give a package your mom gave you to your aunt. "What's the matter?" shes asks you. "Oh its just that.... ahem, my mom told to give this packaged thing to your mom" you tell her. "Mom's gone out she'll be back in half an hour" she tells you. "Which leaves you and me alone...
IncestI waved at my husband and flew flying kisses until he entered the airport door. I did not get down or walked with him to give him the send off which I normally I give as I was wearing nothing under the t-shirt. I also smelled like a fisher woman. My hubby had literally bathed me in his cum and my cunt juices in the last two days. He did not allow me to take a shower or wash and he said that the cum and juice fragrance were making him horny. I smiled as I drove home, eager to take a long and hot...
IncestHi all, this is an incest lover from India. In my view incest is done in secret all over India. Incest is considered a taboo in our society. But considering a thing as bad doesn’t prevent people from doing it. Even the guys and the girls too consider it a nice experience to taste the fruit of incest. I had incest relations with 2 of my relatives. Well I a young guy of 26.i live in Delhi (wrong place).but we originally don’t belong to Delhi, we from Madhya Pradesh (wrong place).so in a year or...
IncestIntroduction: Kid joins a giant cult Not the best writen story, but I try. sorry for spelling, only good comments. The Cult of Incest Cult Followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices. Fad: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal, he always follows the latest fads, it was all the rage that season Followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader Incest Any...
Hi guys, my name is Rahul and I am a new author in the community of ISS. I love reading sex stories and there are so many good writers here. Every time I read a new story, it feels so fresh and good. So that’s why I decided to share my experience with you guys. I hope you guys will enjoy it. So, a little introduction of my life – my name is Rahul, I am 22 years old and I live with my family which contains 4 members, me my mom dad and my big sister. We live in Mumbai, India. Let me give you some...
IncestHello dostho, Any aunties and sisters either elder or younger who interested in incest sex or want to relationship with 21 years good looking boy just mail me at privacy guaranteed. I am interested in people to approach with a tag like sister aunty step-mom as I like incest. Mera name Asif my bellary mein degree 2nd year padtahu. Meri ek khwaish hai incest sex karne ki lekin muje koi be siblings nahi the. But ek ladiki ne mere khwaish pura kiya. aur yeh kahani wahi hai ki kaise hum dono ek...