Sally s Student Spouse
- 2 years ago
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Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All mistakes are my fault.
She wanted it all.
I am on my way to court to witness the end of my marriage. It is a trip I never thought I would have to make. I, like almost everyone who gets married promised ‘til death due us part’ or words that mean the same.
Jess (Jessica) McKellar and I had been dating, engaged, or married on and off since my junior year in high school. I am Art (Arthur) Tompson, now 34, and am a financial planner. Jess is 31 and an administrative assistant to her boss. We were married before she had joined that company.
We have had a sporadic relationship in spite of its longevity. I have been with her and only her since I was 17. Jess has broken up with me twice before, once during the summer between my junior and senior years in high school.
Then she did it again after her graduation and before she started college.
Jess was a sophomore when she asked me to go to the St. Valentine’s Day, also called the Sadie Hawkins, dance. I had seen her when she was walking the halls of our high school. She was a petite, very pretty girl. However, before she asked me I had never spoken to her. The tradition for that dance at our school was that the girl needed to ask and that unless you were dating someone you accepted the first invitation from a girl for this dance. I gladly accepted.
When I went to pick her up, I was blown away. The pretty girl was transformed into a beautiful young lady. On the way to the restaurant, I learned that Jess was the oldest of three sisters. Her family had moved into the area during the Christmas break. Her father had been promoted to branch manager of a nationwide wholesale lumber products corporation. She had moved four times in the last eight years. Her sisters, Jean and Julie did not take the moves as well as they should have, and Jess felt she did.
When we got to the restaurant and got to our table, I pulled out Jess’s chair for her. I got a surprised and wide-eyed look as she sat down.
When we got settled in I explained that my father was a firm believer in gentlemanly behavior. I opened doors, held chairs, said sir and ma’am, thank you, and please. I also saw in my home life how people who care for each other acted. Being polite did not mean that you were denigrating the person you were being polite to. It was a show of respect and affection. It also almost always paid off in the end either with returned respect, or surprise and smiles.
Once we arrived at the dance, Jess introduced me to her school friends. They seemed to be surprised that a junior was at the dance with a sophomore. Her friends were either with classmates or unaccompanied.
During the evening, I danced with Jess most, but I also danced with her unaccompanied friends. The other guys saw that so almost all of the singles were asked to dance.
When I took Jess home after the dance, I received a very nice thank you for treating her friends well and for paying attention to how she was feeling. I got a hug and a promise of future dates. Then she got up on tiptoe and gave me a wonderful kiss.
We dated every weekend until the week before the junior prom. I had asked Jess to go with me and she told me she would. A week before the dance she said she could not go. When I asked why she said she had been grounded for something she had done or not done at home.
I did not go to the prom. A week later school was out. We dated that first Saturday, and Jess seemed to be in a bad mood. About halfway through dinner, she asked me angrily to take her home. I paid the bill, and we left to go to my car. Once outside, Jess went off. “I heard about you going to the prom you cheating bastard, I never want to see you again.” Then she slapped my face.
I was flabbergasted. First I had not gone to the prom, and second I had never dated anyone but her.
That was the first time she dumped me. What really frosted my cookies was I was not guilty of what she said I did. She accused me of going to the prom with someone else when she told me she could not go. To say I was mad was an understatement.
Before I could think to ask who had told her; she stormed back into the restaurant. I knew she needed a ride home, so I went back inside and saw her near the hostess stand talking on her phone. She saw me and angrily waved me away.
I went to my car, drove over to her house and ask her mother if I could talk to her. I explained what had happened at dinner. I asked her to tell Jess that even when she finds out the truth, I did not wish to talk to her because she never gave me a chance to explain that she was lied to.
School started up again, I saw Jess walking with one of my classmates. He was a real braggart and a physical abuser of his past girlfriends. If she was with him, the question of who told her I was at the prom was answered. I had stopped Bob Welch three times when he was slapping a girl around. He was not one of my besties.
I knew a couple of guys who could help me to warn Bob to never abuse Jess. I did not want a physical confrontation, and if he treated her right, it was her choice to be with him. She had obviously decided that I was not ‘the one’.
I talked to the friends of Bob, and they told me Bob was bragging about stealing Jess from me and told the guys the sex was great. I told them that if they believed his stories, then Bob would not be afraid to just talk to me.
“Tell Bob, that all I want to do is talk to him. I will be near his car in the parking lot after school.” I stressed; “Just talk.”
I was walking to my class after lunch when I heard shouting coming from one of the side corridors. It sounded like Jess had good mad on. Then I heard the sound of a slap.
Jess was on the floor crying and Bob was standing over her with his fists clenched.
“You’re my girl now bitch, so just because you believed me about your former boyfriend, asshole Art, you are still mine. Next time you threaten to leave, it won’t be a slap.” Then he turned around and saw me.
I saw the swing coming and just ducked so that it hit me full force in the forehead. I saw stars for a second, then the world went black.
I woke up in the ambulance. My head felt like three NFL placekickers were using my head for a football. My neck seemed to be restrained somehow. The attendant told me to lie still, and when I asked about my neck he said it was a precaution because I had obvious head trauma. Then I was out again.
When I woke up this time, I was in a hospital room. My parents and my sister were in the room with me. Shari, my sister, had obviously been crying. My parents were upset that I was hurt. I was no longer restrained, unfortunately the placekickers had been replaced by the punters.
About this time, a doctor came in and asked everyone to leave for a few minutes. He introduced himself as Dr. Lee. He examined me, announced that I would live for at least another week, and said that he would get me something to turn the jackhammers turned off. Then he got serious, “You have a major concussion, so I am keeping you here for at least 48 hours. There does not appear to be any other problems but we are being very cautious. Also, for about a week, I would stay away from mirrors. You have a spectacular bruise on your face. You look like a badly groomed raccoon.”
When the doctor left, he talked to my parents outside the room. Before they came back in, a nurse showed with my meds. Finally, I was allowed to sit up by raising the bed back. Before my family came in, Jess and her mother came in. Jess was beautiful as always but had a handprint bruise on her face.
“Art, I will leave if you want me to, but please let me say some things to you.” She looked at me expectantly.
“And why should I listen to someone who did not let me defend myself against a lie that lost me a friend? Jess, I can understand you being mad thinking I went to the prom, but did you even think once to question the person telling you the lie.”
She had a guilty look of embarrassment on her face, and she looked down at the floor without comment.
I went on; “Jess I still have very strong feelings for you, but I will not be accused of something and then not allowed a chance to refute the charges, even a murderer on trial gets that opportunity. Please just leave, I have a major headache.”
Jess and her Mom turned around, Jess with tears in her eyes and they left.
I just laid my head back on the pillow. Mom came in and looked at me with fire in her eyes. I held up my hand, “Mom, I love you, but don’t start, when I get out of here I will tell you what caused Jess and I to break up, and I was not at fault, she decided that others were to be believed before a guy she had been dating for the entire school year. I do not need that level of disrespect and mistrust. End of that discussion.”
Then I added, “Right now I am tired, hurt, have a monster headache, and the drama queen comes in and wants to talk. Where was she all summer? One othe...”
Then the alarms went off and I was out again. I came to a few days later. It seems my anger caused such a spike in my blood pressure that a damaged blood vessel my brain broke and my body shut down to prevent more damage. Then the two extra days were medically induced because the surgeon wanted everything to stabilize.
Jess’s mother came in to visit me the day I woke up. She asked “Please accept and read this letter that Jess wrote after she told me what caused the breakup last spring. She will not be dating anyone, even you until she learns the value of trust and of friendship. What you said to her cut her to the bone, I think she knew that she screwed up when you stopped at the house and talked to me that night.
“Please read the letter.” Then she bent over my bed and very gently kissed the stitches and whispered, “Be well Arthur Tompson, I know you are a good man.” Then she turned and left.
I took the letter and put it in the drawer in the bedside table. Then I promptly forgot about it.
Dr. Lee came in later with another person whom I assumed was a doctor, as he had the uniform and the arrogant walk.
“Art, this is Dr. Kinchelo, he is the brain surgeon who fixed the leaking blood vessel in your brain. He would like to examine you for a follow-up and to check your recovery progress. May we do that?”
I nodded, and the surgeon asked me to close my eyes and tell him where he was touching me. He went over both legs, and both arms, my chest, and back. Then he asked me to try and stand and walk a couple of steps. He warned me I would be dizzy at first when I sat up, but to let him know if it did not go away or dramatically lessen in a few seconds.
I felt all the touches, and the dizziness disappeared in a few seconds. I did my parade. The Dr. smiled and said; “You are recovering very quickly, other than having a bad hair day and some recurring headaches; which should decrease in frequency and severity over the next few weeks.”
Then Dr. Lee said; “We are going to keep you at least another day, no school for two weeks or more, then no driving, no running, no strenuous exercise for the next two or three weeks after that. You will be coming back here once a week for the next two months for follow-up. We will let you progress based on the assessments at the follow-ups.”
I was discharged from the hospital the next day. While packing up, I opened the drawer on the bedside stand. There standing out like a dog caught digging in your prize rose bed was the unopened letter.
I opened it. It wasn’t very long.
I’m so sorry for how I have treated you. I am truly sorry for not letting you have a chance to tell me your side of the ‘prom lie’. It definitely wasn’t fair, it absolutely wasn’t nice, and it was most definitely the second stupidest thing I ever did. Listening to Bob and his friends was the first biggest and stupidest mistake. I think I felt it was a lie about the second after I got home and my mother told me you talked to her. I just didn’t think about you. I was hurt because I had doubts.
I was just so ashamed about my treatment of you.
Bob was very charming. I did not hear about his lies from others then. I am sorry for everything about this last summer.
Once school started Jennie McCoy told me that she missed you and me at the prom. When I asked what she meant, she said all of my friends wanted a chance to dance with you. They remembered the dances where you made sure that they got to dance at least once. Then she asked why we didn’t go as she knew you had bought tickets and rented a tux.
I don’t know how, but I am going to do everything to make up for the stupidity I have shown during all of this fiasco.
What you interrupted was me telling the lying piece of shit to go to hell. I told him I had been told he was lying about the prom. I also told him I knew about the lies about me having sex with him and if he did not leave me alone, I was going to tell everyone who believed the sex lie that he had a two-inch dick and couldn’t even find the cherry, much less the box it came in.
I don’t know if you have heard, but the surveillance cameras caught the entire episode in the corridor. Bobby was arrested charged with felonious assault and expelled from the entire school district. He also has five broken bones in his hand.
The time away from you has shown me that you have been at least half of my life. I mean that, not just a boyfriend, not just a friend, but part of my life.
I hope and pray that I have not totally screwed up any chance to get back with you. I want to get us together again. Please let me at least try to heal us.
Art, I was wrong, I am sorry, and I am begging, please give me one more chance.
The letter did not solve all of our problems, but it seemed to indicate that we might recover and get back together.
I did not get back to school for two more weeks. Then I spent most of the first semester catching up. Then Christmas break came, and Jess came to mom’s house to see me. I was not prepared for how deeply my feelings for her still were.
Even in a sweater and jeans, she was as breathtaking to me as she had been since I discovered her. I reached for her hand and only let go when we sat down to eat. After dinner, we guys went into the living room to watch ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’. I sat on the couch and was there alone when the girl talk in the kitchen finished. Mom went and sat on dad’s lap, and Jess sat on mine. I put my arms around her, and she leaned back and put her head on my shoulder. She then promptly went to sleep.
Mom touched dad and when she got his attention, she pointed toward us. Dad gave me the eye to the sky look. Mom had ‘the cat that ate the canary’ smile. I just ignored them and enjoyed the feeling of my friend in my embrace.
We dated all through my senior year and that year we went to prom. Jess decided that that was the night that she was going to surrender her virginity. I know it is something of a cliché, but we had a wonderful night at a local hotel. Jess was definitely a virgin. The hotel maids can attest to that. She was also extremely responsive. I was very quick on the trigger when I lost my virginity, but with the resilience of a teenager, I was ready again in a couple of minutes.
Like most guys; even though I had never had sex before that night, I read a lot of porn and studied a lot of sex manuals. I thought that Jess deserved better than a ‘60 second man’, so I started kissing her ears, neck, breasts, stomach, (she is ticklish.) and down to her sex. I licked through her lips until her clit rose up proud. Then I sucked gently on it, and Jess erupted. After a second orgasm, I started to tongue the entrance to her ‘juicy grotto’ as some of the porn I had read called it. I had a delicious creampie of my own juice and hers mixed.
Jess grabbed my head and told me to lay down on my back. I did and she rode me like I was Justify in the Derby, and when she was done; I felt like I had raced for the whole mile and a quarter.
I graduated and enrolled in a local university. My plan was to get a degree in financial planning and to get certified as a financial planner.
My dates with Jess did not turn into endless sex, but about once or twice a month we spent the night together. We also managed a few afternoon delights’ in between.
Jess had always been a good student and would get upset with less than an A on any assignment. Once her junior year started, we had to slow down a little. She had homework, and I had HOMEWORK. We survived, but the only times we were truly comfortable and not rushed was when we were on the three main breaks in the school year. During Thanksgiving, Christmas break, and Spring Break the loving was not rushed, or desperate. Of course, the summer break was very good. We did go to the Junior Prom and I took her to a couple of dances put on by the university.
Her senior year started and Jess sent out about 10 or 12 college applications. She was accepted at several, but not the local university. We made plans for a long-distance relationship. Jess was not sure how well we could work it out. She graduated, and suddenly she seemed to develop mixed feelings about us.
Two weeks before she was scheduled to go to Georgia to start college, she took off. She never said anything to me to indicate that she was leaving early. When I went to pick her up for a surprise dinner date her mother told me she had left for college. She also told me she did not take her phone or her laptop. Her mother said she just left in what seemed like a panic.
I was hurt but looking back I could see that Jess had been backing off on the relationship before she left. She had several times asked me if I was comfortable with the idea of the change in our relationship.
About six weeks into my college junior year I got a letter from Jess. I almost sent it back unopened but decided that that was petty, so I left it on the hall table for a couple of days before I opened it and read it.
I am sorry that I am such a coward. I should have told you I was extremely scared about our long-distance relationship plans.
I left because I did not have the courage to ask for a break until we can be together always. I want that to happen, but if you decide not to get back together, I will understand because this is the second time that I have hurt you.
I will say that I did not make the decision hastily but I was afraid to tell you. Again I hope I have not destroyed our relationship.
I love you, but I am afraid.
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JOB DESCRIPTION:Mistress Emma is a 49yo , SWF, 5'9", 240lb, 42DD, BBW, uninhibited, sexually adventurous, dominant female who lives in the Portland, Oregon area. By day she is a senior project manager for a large company, with a Master's Degree who has travelled to 4 continents and over two dozen countries. She doesn't do d**gs, drink excessively, gamble or have financial problems. To the outside world, she is a very responsible, respectable and productive member of society. Her one vice is...
Sally and her Black Lover Eddie Visit Me[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter what a man’s skin color,...
I just wanted to share this with the guys, as what you think you want may not be what you want. I’ve been very lucky in my marriages – been married more than once and each of my wives liked to play, although at different levels. My wife and I are older now, but both of us have experienced threesomes with extra males in our bed and we found we preferred longer term relationships with an extra male for her – it kept her feeling good and kept me horny. Speaking only of my current wife of 30 years,...
She said she was going to take a lover. We were sitting at the dining table for dinner when she told me. I did not even hesitate before I answered. I said “OK.” This is a story of someone who finally had enough of the social climber world heaped on him. I am Jack (short for Jackson) Walden, 34, married for 12 years. I am a very successful inventor and technical writer. I own a small manufacturing plant. That stuff doesn’t mean much to me. Money is just a scorecard, and I ain’t playing the...
Vampires. They're the lords of the night, the stalkers of the living. Each one was an irresistible pale beauty with powers far greater than any creature who lurked in the darkness. With one simple gaze they can trap you in their lustful spell and turn you into a mindless puppet. They held the strength of ten men and the speed of a cheetah. For countless Centuries, Vampires reigned dominion over lands, towns, and kingdoms. Villages have paid them tribute in exchange for safety. They were truly...
AnalLast Friday I was still in my police uniform when Gretchen’s motorcycle roared as she drove into my driveway. My 43 year old new found lesbian lover had arrived and I knew I was in for a long passionate night. I had become bi-sexual after my divorce, I wanted to try women and found out I preferred the tender lovemaking and soft body of a women. I had no problem attracting women, I knew I was still hot for a 34 year old, I had the large body of a full figured Scandinavian women, I am six feet...
Hi ISS readers, nenu ee blog ki regular follower ni , chaala sarulu ee blog lo stories chadivi kottukuni sukapadey vadini, because I am single. Nenu ee story Telugu lo narrate chastanu. Because reality ga untadhi. Ee story na life lo 2nd lover tho jarigina first sex. Ee sex story nacchi miru response eestey , na first lover tho jarigina kaala raatrulu raasatnu. Inka storie loki veldham,Na paru Varun(Name changed) nenu Hyderabad lo oka softwere company lo Job chastunna. Basically nenu Rajamandry...
My heart was light and I was filled with excitement! I was finally leaving the plane that had taken me from my home to Austin and my lover! As I walked down the plane's aisle, fresh cum from my favorite cab driver still oozing from my pussy, my excitement at finally seeing Tyrone again had me jumping out of my skin! It had been a couple of weeks since we'd been together and, even though I'd had plenty of sex from others, my heart and my body craved to be mated to him; to be one with him....
Super Lovers Story by Angela J. ([email protected]) Editing by Steve Zink ([email protected]) Episode 1 "The Beginning" "Legend tells of two super beings, one male and one female. Their powers were derived from their super suits and each other. The suits were designed for two lovers. The lovers, wearing their super suits, made love in order to temporarily obtain their super powers. Together they were invincible. Apart and alone, they would fail..." I quickly got bored with...
I remember a couple of years ago when I was home alone with my mom. My dad was gone for the evening, I cant remember why.My mom kept getting textmessages that she was trying to ignore. Suddenly her phone rang. My mom g****d it and went outside. Curious I opened the window slightly to listen to the conversation."No, not tonight, Its too late" The window made a noise and my mom noticed me. "I got to go" she ended the call with."was it dad" I asked, knowing that was not the case. "It was from...
” Kuki, I will be visiting Banglore today at 8 pm. Darling, I am on my way to Sri Lanka and my plane is leaving for Sri Lanka two days after. I thought I would spend some NICE TIME with my darling daughter. I cant wait for time to pass. How is Raman? I hope he is taking care of my DARLING!” Papa was saying on the phone as I had just stepped out of the bathroom. I had a small towel round my waist, water dripping from my wet body. As I heard my Papa speak to HIS DARLING DAUGHTER, her pussy was...
Incest"You can come in now!" Tony wheeled Tim into his wife's bedroom. Belinda lay on the bed, with one hand she turned the pages of her album while touching herself with her other hand. Her warm body softly undulated. The pattern of her panties concealed the finer details of her sex, but not the size nor thickness of her smooth, shaven vulva which stood out like a hot, swollen tumulus. He enjoyed the humiliation that his wife put him through, including the unconventional taste she had in men....
I’ll admit it: the first six months after my divorce I was like a blind dog on Viagra , ready, willing, and able to jump on anything female. You see, I’d been married for almost 10 years to a good-looking but very uptight and very frigid woman; at 37, I was finally free and clear and happy. I was determined to have a good time, and I did. My childhood friend Stoney was also recently divorced. Together we hit every singles bar in Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and most in...
I believe every woman should take the time to make her man feel like he is the man of her dreams, her fantasies, her hero. Preparing herself with loving attention and care in anticipation of the devotion she hopes he will shower upon her will only serve to enhance a wonderful enchanted evening. This story is dedicated to every young man who desires to awaken long-restrained passions in an older woman, to allow her to once again enjoy being a woman, generously showering her with loving...
I found out my sexy wife was cheating on me. Ana had often let some black man to fuck her; but his time I suspected she was having an affair with some guy I knew. A white man, not a black one.I knew exactly on which days they fucked; since these days Ana received me smiling as I came back from my office married. She was freshly showered and she did not let me have sex with her those same days…Ana finally knew that I knew about her naughty behavior. So, I made her she would not have a show after...
After Hafsah's cabin holiday with Patrick, Osman had returned to their home and was no longer being sent on long journeys away from home. However Hafsah was no longer in love with Osman and she was simply using Osman for her material needs. Hafsah's romantic needs had been replaced with Patrick, who was a working class black postman. Although their backgrounds may clash their love for one another was now extremely strong. Osman had gotten out of bed early and had taken a shower to purify his...
Hi I have known I had gay tendencies since I was a boy. Especially on Boy Scout trips where I used to admire other lads in white Y fronts. My story begins when I went to a lay-bye that was frequented by gays. We would park in the lay bye and then go for a walk into the woods. On this particular day I call there before starting my afternoon shift.I first noticed a gorgeous looking dark haired man in his late thirties. He got out of his car and walked into the woods. I quickly followed and...
older first time anal sex I want to lose my viriginityMy name is Mary and I'm eighteen. I’m kind of shy around my peers, andhave not really ever had a boyfriend before. I just get real nervous andstart to sweat a little around them. I love school and do really well inmy studies. I’m in my last year of high school and will be attendingcollege in the fall.I have long brown hair and green eyes, and I am five foot five inchestall. I’m one hundred and ten pounds. I have long legs, and I’m a 34 Bcup...
The anticipation and excitement was building. I had never had a real life encounter with a woman from a website before. You were so beautiful that I was willing to take a chance. I felt nervous and extremely aroused all at the same time. Over the course of sharing fantasies with each other, you had shared a particular fantasy that aroused you more than the others. Now, I was going to do my best to make it the hottest experience you ever had. Just thinking about carrying the plan out had me very...
FetishThis is the continuation of the story my kavitha mami and my lover part I,please read part 1 and continue reading this story. Once malar came in she asked me y u r looking tensed ?I told her I was sleeping now I had a bad dream that’s y I am looking like this she believed my words I was happy. I asked her y u came from your friends house she told me that her friends family are also going for a marriage for two days so i had no other option that y I return to home. Now I don’t know what to do...
I'd joined a gay chat room. I had been fantasizing about being with a man for a while and this was a harmless, anonymous way to explore my interest. To begin with, I was very shy and didn't know how to respond to the occasional message that came my way. Then I got into a conversation with a guy who made all the running. I only had to go along with his messages. I've discovered that the best cybersex is to be had by going along with the person you are playing with. Unless it takes you...
Greg eased Judy down onto her king-sized bed, looking lasciviously down on her gloriously proportioned nakedness. "You must excuse me," he told her, "but I need to use the little boy's room"."Through the lounge and down the hall," Judy told him, "second door on the left. Could you bring our drinks back?" Greg grinned down at her. "Your wish is my command, beautiful lady!" he responded, heading for the door.Judy's hungry eyes feasted on his still swollen, semi-erect cock bobbing before him as he...
Straight SexSally and her black lover EddieInvite me to Visit(Third in a Series)[Author’s note: This is a true story. Sally and Eddie really do exist and live in Pennsylvania. Sally’s story was related to me through voice messages and e-mails and I agreed to write it down and publish it so that large, mature white women can realize that there are men in this world who appreciate and worship large women. Sometimes the worshipers are white men and other times the worshipers are black men. But, no matter...
Chapter 1My wife Kari and I have always had a good sex life and a good fantasy life. This story may begin easy, but like my wife, it gets nastier the further it goes.She is the attractive, but normal and unassuming everyday woman in the office, at least on the outside. But underneath, she's a sexy woman that has always wanted to be let out of her cage of 'conservative upbringing'. She just has trouble letting herself go. I am a Creative Director for an ad agency and Kari works in a studio...
As you may recall from previous chapters, while on a business trip to Houston with my husband, I reluctantly agreed to accompany Aaron to a swinger’s bar, Wish's. For his birthday present, I also agreed to wear a very revealing outfit that he bought me.At the bar, with Aaron’s encouragement, I spent time with a very attractive, powerfully built, younger black man. Harris and I thoroughly enjoyed each other on the dance floor under the watchful gaze of Aaron. While my husband watched, Harris...
Wife LoversWife’s “special” encounter with a prodigiously endowed black man!Wife walked back to our pond to relax. Loved the privacy with 500 acres, wore her one-piece bathing suit. Once at the pond off came her bathing suit so she could lie on some large beach towels, enjoy some fresh fruit, splash in the water and just enjoy the day. She had no idea just how much she’d enjoy her day or how it would impact on her life permanently, in a good way, going forward!She’s 55 years old, 45EE-36-45, still fertile...
The phone rings. I get up from my easy chair and answer it. A male voice is on the other end.“Hi, this is Tom. Have your wife ready for me, I’ll be at your house at 8PM tonight. I am super horny and am going to fuck every hole that she has until she begs for mercy.”Another day...My wife calls me to dinner as usual, only this time she is wearing a white vinyl pleated and flared school girl skirt that barely comes to the bottom of her behind, matching white knee high stiletto heel boots, and a...
Cuckold*** ONE YEAR AGO *** “Secondly,” the mysterious woman – Elaina – continued. “This place is one of the last standing sanctuaries for our kind.” “Our kind?” Aran asked, momentarily forgetting that he was naked and in a room with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, let alone the fact that she was effectively naked herself; the sheer robe she wore hid absolutely nothing. “What does that mean?” A sudden thought occurred to him, and he asked without thinking. “Are you not human?” A throaty...