One Night Stand In Europe With An Old Work Colleague free porn video

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We had known each other casually for around 5 years. She was from Europe and had spent a couple of years working in the same company as me, during which we got to know each other reasonably well on a few work projects. She was living with her boyfriend at the time and I was also in a relationship, so there was a certain ease and comfort in our relationship without any sexual tension.

Eventually I left the company, and she also broke up with her boyfriend and moved back to Europe. We stayed in touch via social media from time to time. We are both avid travelers, so most of our chats involved discussions about vacation plans, places to visit and stuff like that.

She was a typical European girl. Not drop dead gorgeous, but fun and cute in a girl next door way. She spoke English very well, but with the mild trace of an accent which made it quite alluring. Around 5’5” tall, brown hair, 100-110 lbs, medium-large size breasts which tended to be less obvious in professional attire, not overweight by any means but not slim either, nice shapely butt, and an infectiously wide smile and giggle. I’m in my mid-30s and she is a few years younger.

I didn’t really feel particularly attracted to her while we worked together, but after she moved away and I too was single again, I began thinking about her more fondly. I even had a few retro-fantasies about what we could have gotten up to together at work if we had chosen to pursue that at the time. I was supposed to attend a conference in the European city she had moved to, so I messaged her a few weeks before to see if we could catch up for a drink while I was in town. She readily agreed and we met up on the last day of the conference, near her office in the mid-afternoon with plans for her to show me one of the local tourist attractions, followed by drinks.

The afternoon went very well and we had fun hanging out. She was dressed in jeans and a light top that occasionally rose slightly to display her bare midriff and shapely butt, and a pair of stylish black boots with small platform heels. We then headed out to a Tapas Bar for drinks and a light supper, although neither of us is a big drinker by nature. As the evening progressed, the conversation turned towards her inability to find a decent guy in the city and she mentioned that she hadn’t had sex in over 6 months. I teased her that if she’d stayed back, she could have had a chance with me now. This probably was the inflection point where the seeds for the rest of the night were sown.

After dinner, we were ready to head our separate ways but I was having some challenges understanding the public transit system back to my hotel so she offered to walk me to the metro station and see me onto the train since her place was more or less the same way. As we headed there, she was walking closer to me than before and started brushing against me slightly. I reciprocated by reaching out and holding her hand as we walked for around 10 minutes. At the metro station, we sat together on a bench waiting for the train and she put her head on my shoulder, saying “oh, I’ve missed this”. I just squeezed her hand and didn’t say anything.

The train itself was standing room only and quite crowded at this hour, so our bodies were pressed up against each other in the carriage as we faced each other. I’m a few inches taller than her, so I rested my chin on the top of her head as the journey progressed. She sighed and leaned against my chest. She also moved her hands to hold me around the waist to steady herself. As the train rumbled along, she moved one hand down to my butt and kept it there, while she looked up at me with her big cheeky grin. I grinned back and kissed her on the forehead.

When we reached my stop a few minutes later, she should have stayed on the train to continue to her apartment but instead she stepped off with me “to say goodbye”. As we walked towards the exit, I asked if she wanted to come over to check out my hotel since we were nearby (we had discussed it earlier and I’d mentioned it was a nice modern property). She quickly agreed and we exited the metro station to the hotel.

As we went up in the hotel elevator, she grinned at me again and said “I really need to go pee, sorry!”. I laughed and we rushed to the room as soon as we exited. (Un)fortunately, the room was one of those ultra-modern designs where the bedroom and bathroom are separated by a glass wall so the entire bathroom is visible to anyone sitting in the room. However, rather than be upset by it she laughed and said “I guess you’re going to get the full show then”. I embarassedly mumbled that “Oh, I won’t look” but she had already rushed into the bathroom, opening up her belt and unbuttoning her jeans.

I kicked off my shoes and politely sat on the bed facing away from the bathroom “window” and flicking through the channels on the TV while she did her business, until she emerged from the bathroom with her belt still unbuckled and her jeans zipped up but the top button undone. She came and stood next to me and teasingly laughed, “What happened? Too embarrassed to watch?”. I was quite red faced by then, which had her even more amused.

She sat beside me on the bed with her arm behind my back and leaned over to put her head on my shoulder again. Then she turned her face slightly and whispered into my ear in a low sexy tone, “If you want me to stay, you can see all that and more tonight”. My heart was thudding in my chest by now and my mouth was turning dry from anticipation. I turned towards her and leaned down towards her upturned face. She opened her mouth slightly in expectation of the kiss, but I initially just brought my face close to her so that our noses touched gently and we could feel each other’s breath. That actually heightened the sensuality of the moment, and I felt my erection begin to grow spontaneously. Eventually, she moved forward a bit and our lips touched for the first time. I remember thinking abstractly that I should have applied some moisturizer, but then I leaned in too and opened my mouth slightly.

We kissed lip-to-lip for a few seconds, until I decided to escalate slightly and slid my tongue out along her slightly parted lips. They tasted very mildly sweet, and very feminine (if that makes sense). She moved her tongue out too and began gently using it to touch my tongue. I felt my seated balance tipping slightly, so I moved my hand around to her waist and gently began to guide her further up the bed. She broke the kiss momentarily and scooted about 3/4 way up the bed. At this point she realized that she still had her boots on and leaned down to start removing them, but I said “Not now” and pulled her towards me to continue the kiss. She giggled and said, “Oooh, boots on. Kinky. I think I like this!” as she re-engaged the lip lock.

We lay on the bed kissing for a few minutes as our hands began to roam on the other’s back and flanks. Eventually, I summoned up the courage to move them down to her jeans-clad butt and she moaned contentedly into my mouth as I did so, giving me reassurance that I should continue. I moved the hands up towards her midriff, now bared by the top which had risen slightly above her belly button, and began caressing there towards the apex of her ass crack which was now visible as the unbuttoned jeans loosened up slightly. Meanwhile she began to pull my polo out of my slacks. As her hands came around the front, they brushed against my now fairly well established erection and she giggled again, “Somebody is ready for some fun now”.

She rolled on top of me, straddling me slightly above my hips as she continued to bend and kiss my mouth. My hands had great access now to her still covered butt, and to her back underneath the top which was beginning to rise even higher. Suddenly she pulled away from the kiss and said “Wait”, as she sat up and pulled her top off, baring her surprisingly large breasts held together under a generic beige bra. I reached up to unhook the bra strap from behind, as she pulled my polo up over my head leaving us both topless on the bed. As her breasts bounced free, I involuntarily muttered “Wow” and she smiled and leaned back to kissing me.

This time the kissing involved a lot more passion and tongue, and my hands began to wander under her jeans waistline to cup her butt through her cotton underwear. She also moved her hands towards my groin and began to unbuckle my belt and release the top button of my slacks. She was beginning to struggle a bit with the belt, when again she stopped and pulled away. “Fuck this”, she said, “lets just get out of these”. I nodded and finished undoing the belt myself as she sat up on the edge of the bed to remove the boots. I finished pulling down my slacks leaving just my boxers on while she stood up, facing away from me, to drop her jeans. Her mauve floral cotton panties came into view briefly showing a small wet spot as she bent down to pull the jeans over her feet, but then she turned around, grinned at me, and pulled the panties down as well, exposing her pussy to me for the first time. It was neatly trimmed, with a small strip of hair slightly above the vagina. In the silence of the room, with just the flickering but silent TV, and the unextinguished bathroom light providing illumination, I could swear I smelled a musky typically feminine smell.

She clambered onto the bed towards me and reached for the waistband of my boxers with both hands, pulling them down below my knees. I finished kicking them away as one of her hands reached for my now erect penis and slowly grasped it. Her grasp felt chilly against my hot penis and it twitched. She grinned again and squeezed it gently as she kissed my cheek quickly. Then she turned slightly on her knees so she was side on to me, and moved her head down towards my penis, where she gave the head a small kiss as well. Meanwhile I moved my hand to her bare back and slid it down slowly towards her hips. From this angle, the curve of her butt was nicely visible together with the split between her cheeks and the erotic view caused my penis to harden up even more.

Sensing this, she leaned down towards my penis and took it in her mouth as I let out an involuntary moan. She sucked it gently as I mumbled “oh yeah, oh lord, oh yes” for a few seconds. I then reached across to her leg and pulled it gently towards me saying “I need to taste you too”. She got the message and scooted over slightly so that she was straddling my face, all the while continuing to maintain her mouth on my penis. The smell of her pussy was much stronger at this proximity and once again, I felt my heart thudding as I lifted my head slightly to get nearer. I extended my tongue to gently touch her vulva and she shuddered, sucking deeper for a brief instant on my dick.

We settled into a comfortable position for a while, with her sucking, licking, stroking and playing with my penis while I licked, sucked and played with her pussy. My penis was throbbing, but I had masturbated earlier that morning so I wasn’t coming too close to the edge yet. She began a new round of sucking me, but this time with her hands playing with my balls which began to get me worked up again. As I paused briefly from my licking to enjoy the sensation, I noticed her cute butthole just inches from my nose. Without really thinking, I moved my tongue back a bit and gave it a quick lick. At that moment, she completely exploded. Her mouth sucked my dick so hard that I swear it created a vacuum lock and her hips buckled down onto my face in a spasmodic rhythm that could only signify a very satisfying orgasm. Eventually she came down off the high and lay flat on me with her thighs on either side of my face.

She rolled over, turned around and settled on the bed next to me resting on her elbows with her head resting on the pillow. Her face was flushed and red from the orgasm, but also slightly from embarrassment. After a short while, she whispered shyly “Did you mean to do that?”. I decided to play innocent and asked “Do what?”. She turned a deeper shade of red and replied “You know what”. “Oh? What did I do?”, I responded. She looked as if she wanted to sink into the floor, but she closed her eyes, buried her head in the pillow and whispered almost inaudibly “Lick my butt”. I decided to put her out of her misery, so I turned sideways to hold her partly in my arms and replied “Yes. Did you enjoy it?”. She turned to me, still bright red, and nodded gently. I pushed forward a bit, “Have you ever done that before?”. She buried her face in the pillow again for a second and then re-emerged with a more resolute look, and replied “No, never. I’ve been curious about it but never really had the courage to ask someone to try it for me.” I pulled her close and kissed her for a moment, then said “Well, we’re here now and if you want to do that some more, I don’t mind”.

She turned red again, but instead of her shy look away she flashed her wide grin instead. Reaching down with one hand to grasp my cock, she squeezed, looked me in the eyes, and saucily asked “What else would you like us to try in that case?”. My mind went numb for a second as it it tried to process the billion possible responses, but fortunately my penis responded in the only way it knows how and she smiled in reply. “What time is your flight tomorrow?” she asked and I responded “Around two PM”. “Well, that gives us at least 14 hours before you need to leave for the airport”. Again, my mind went numb and this time, my throbbing heart felt like it would leap out of my chest as well.

We lay silently in our thoughts for a few minutes, cuddling together as I gently stroked her bare butt cheeks and she idly played with my still semi-erect penis. I finally broke the silence and said, “Ok if we want to do this, I’m game. I only have a couple of condoms though, so we might need to go down and get some more.” She turned towards me and replied, “I’m on the pill, so birth control isn’t an issue for me. And I haven’t had any sex since my last infection test if that’s ok for you?”. I nodded and said “Me neither, my dry spell has been even longer than yours actually.” She giggled at this and whispered, “Good, I don’t want us to get dressed until at least noon tomorrow.” Oh, be still my throbbing heart.

Another short silence ensued as my mind went racing, and presumably hers did too. This time, she broke the silence with a kiss, and then propped her head on her elbow asking “So what do you want to do first”. “Well, if you want to go back to doing that thing, we probably need to clean up a bit”, I responded, strangely feeling a bit shy about openly discussing licking her butt despite the recent conversations. She turned deep red again at the mention of this, but this time her eye had a twinkle in it as she said “And maybe you can do more over there too if that is ok?”. Oh dear lord. Wow. I nodded and gave her a quick peck. I sat up, patted her firmly on the butt and said, “Ok, come on then. Let’s hit the shower”. She stood up, tied her head into a bun and began looking for her panties on the floor. I laughed at her and she turned to look at me quizzically. “Getting dressed to go to the shower? And I thought no clothes till tomorrow anyway?”. She giggled, walked towards the bathroom and turned back saying “Well, come on then”. Her butt looked magnificent as she walked, and I quickly got up to go join her.

The shower stall in the bathroom was one of the fancy new rain showers with a million controls, so she started trying to set the water temperature. Meanwhile I realized that I needed to take a leak. This was a bit of a mental block as I hadn’t ever had to pee before with an intimate partner in the room, but I decided to just pretend its normal. As I put the toilet seat up and stood before the commode, I heard her playfully commenting from behind me. “You didn’t look, but I’m going to look ok?”. I turned bright red, but fortunately I was looking away from her and the little man didn’t suffer from stage fright. I finished off quickly, and she was already inside the shower stall by the time I flushed.

As I entered the stall, she grabbed my penis immediately and pulled me towards her into the spray. I felt the water on my head and back, and her slippery breasts pressing against my front as she kissed me. Then she dropped to her knees in front of me and said “Ok, my turn to make you cum now” as she took me into her mouth. The feeling of receiving head while standing up in the shower was exquisite and I spread my legs slightly for balance as I steadied myself against the wall of the stall. She continued sucking and playing with my balls as I came closer and closer to the edge. Eventually, I warned her that I was coming close, but she just renewed her sucking. I closed my eyes in anticipation of the orgasm, but suddenly I felt her finger gently probing around my butthole. The combination of surprise and sensation was too much for me and I erupted into her mouth. She fliched slightly but took it all bravely, swallowing it all in a couple of gulps. She disengaged, smiled up at me and with her mischievious grin said “Well, looks like we are even now”. I was still too drained to reply, but the grin on my face probably said enough.

We exited the shower and began drying off. I admired the motion of her naked form as it moved to dry her hair. Eventually, she bent over to dry her feet and her butt pointed at me with her pussy lips and butthole clearly visible. I gasped audibly and she looked back at me, realisation dawning on her face as to what she had just displayed. Dropping the towel, she said “Ok, enough of this shit. You need to fuck me now” as she headed out towards the bedroom. I needed no further invitation.

She climbed onto the bed and lay there face up in a spreadeagle position with her legs spread wide. She giggled as she said “Come fuck me big boy” in a faux Bette Davis voice. Despite its recent work, my penis was back to full mast nice and quickly so I climbed up on top of her and began to kiss her. She took her hand and guided me to her pussy. I entered her quickly and immediately felt the inimitable warm sensation of skin to skin contact with the inside of her vagina. She was fairly tight, but not overly so, so I had no problems burying myself into her up to the point where my pubes began to intermingle with her small strip.

I looked at her laying below me with a content expression and kissed her nose quickly. “Hey you”. She grinned and kissed my nose back, responding with “hey yourself”. I reached down and took one of her hands in each of mine and spread out spreadeagle as well on top of her, pushing her legs apart with my own while I remained embedded in her. She moaned slightly as I leaned down to kiss her while simultaneously beginning a gentle thrusting motion. We kept at it in this spreadeagle missionary position for a few minutes as she began to moan more and more. As she was coming close, I leaned close to her ear and whispered “Next time round, I’m going to be doing this in your ass” and immediately moved my mouth to cover her mouth. She virtually screamed into my mouth as her orgasm hit, with her tongue duelling mine with a passion and intensity I had never experienced before. As she orgasmed, her pussy clenched down on my thrusting penis and drove me over the top as well. I erupted into her, spurting three times into her vagina which was just beginning to come off its own high. Eventually we both lay there completely spent, still in the spreadeagle position with our fingers interlocked, and my cum beginning to drip down her inner thigh.

The recovery this time took a little longer as we were both tired out from multiple orgasms each in the past few hours. It was still only 10pm, so we wiped ourselves using washcloths from the bathroom and settled down with two bottles of overpriced water from the mini-bar. We were very comfortable with each other now, so there was no awkwardness about being propped up stark naked on the pillows as we watched TV while cuddling. After about an hour or so, my penis began to twitch slightly again which elicited a smile from her. “Are you ready to go again?” she asked. “I can try”, I replied. “Good”, she said, and then whispered naughtily in my ear, “because I want to feel you in my ass now”.

My penis immediately expedited its recovery and she giggled again as it steadily rose from a flaccid to erect position at the thought of this. “So how do you want to do this?”, I asked. I had read plenty of articles about anal sex before, all of which recommended using plenty of lube, but we didn’t really have any of that in the hotel room with us. “Wait here”, she said, as she hopped off the bed and scurried to the bathroom, her bare butt once again stirring a sensation in my loins as she walked away from me. I saw her rummaging through the toiletries on the bathroom sink, before coming up with a moisturizing cream. She returned to bed, tossed it at me and said “This will have to do as lubricant”. The word “lubricant” had such a nice sound in her accent that my heart skipped a beat again, just thinking off the treats about to come.

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Threesome In Cottage With My HR Manager And My Colleague

Hey guys, this is Sameer and this story is about encounter with my manager and my colleague. About me I am 23 and working in Bangalore and sometimes Mysore depends on work. Mail me at for fun and time pass.(privacy is must). So I had sexual relationship with both of them, but we were always planning for a group sex so that we could experience this adventure also, both were quite excited also and guys this time me giving there real names as I have got permission from my sex mates for writing...

2 years ago
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Voyage dEtude en Europe The Sexy French Girl

(episode 23) This follows The First Annual “Pool” Party. Earlier that school year during Fall Semester I had applied for a UGA summer trip to Europe. It was a partnered program by the university and private businesses created to enlighten the cultural, business, and historical perspective of Europe for students studying for business degrees. Later during spring semester I received the great news that I had been accepted for the program. I would get credits toward graduation and also get to see...

3 years ago
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I Missed My Daughter Her daughter returns from a year in Europe

I waited at the Airport, excitedly awaiting the arrival of my daughter, Sophie. She had been away for a year in Europe, taking a gap year off to travel after completing high school and before starting University. I had spoken to her on several occasions, but after a year I really wanted to see her in person, I had missed her so much.The arrival board had said her flight from London had landed, but still no sign of her. I suddenly spotted a large group of new arrivals, and then I spotted her....

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My Summer In Europe

INTRODUCTION# This is the third of four interrelated recollections by a man in the late summer of life, recalling the events of some unusual summers, and the members of the female persuasion who made them so unusual and worth remembering. My Summer In Europe By: Zylux The time was the early seventies and I had some how graduated from collage. I was about to embark on a career as a stockbroker but wanted to establish contacts in the European exchanges first. My interest...

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A Night With An Ex Colleague

Hi all, I am sorry I was away for long. But I am back with one more real incident. Thank you for the amazing comments on the last story. Much appreciated. I hope this time would be more erotic. Let’s move to the story. As stated earlier, I work for MNC in the IT industry. So changing jobs is part and parcel of this industry. I used to work in Bangalore and then shifted to Pune for a change. I moved to Pune in December 2018. However, there were colleagues whom I was in contact with from earlier...

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Fucked My Office Colleague

HI All, This is Anu I am from Indore age 34 and presently living in Mumbai.I am 5.7 and with decent cock size of 6.5 inches though not to smart but has a lean figure. But I look to Young from my age that is the reason girls always get confuse about my age. This is my first story so please bare my mistake. This is a true incident which happened in my life when I was 31. I am from Indore and this happen in 2011 in Feb. month with my office colleague. Now come to the real story. My colleague name...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 7 The Knights Sacrifice

Book One: The Quest Chapter Seven: The Knight's Sacrifice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Western Deorc Forest, The Federation of Deoraciynae The two other elf hunters appeared silently out of the woods. Like Xera, they were gorgeous, tall and lithe, their bodies painted in greens and browns to let them blend into the woods. Their keen eyes flickered at Angela and me, their ears twitching in obvious curiosity at the sight...

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Sexperience With My Wife8217s Ex Colleague

Hello everyone..m Mayank again with another story of my recent experience with an ex-colleague of my wife. As you all know about me . I’m a 26 yrs old married guy from Gurgaon. And this story is about how I cheated on my wife with one of her ex-colleagues. So coming to the story let me tell u a little background of the story. My wife worked in a different school before marriage and we were dating back then. I once visited her school for an annual function and met many colleagues of her.  ...

3 years ago
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A Second One Night Stand in Europe

As the pilot finished his announcement, I just knew it was not going to be my day. Due to bad weather at the destination airport, our flight was going to have to circle for an hour before we could land. Sure, that wasn’t a problem in itself, but I had a transatlantic connecting flight back home leaving just 45 minutes after we were supposed to have landed. Or minus 15 minutes by the new schedule. We finally touched down and then spent another 20 minutes taxiing around one of Europe’s largest...

3 years ago
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Bang With My Colleague

Hi ISS readers this is Rahul narrating my first experience with my colleague Sandhya (both names changed). I work for a BPO in chennai and I am married, have a son. Sandhya works in the same floor. i used to interact with Sandhya’s team and we were just friends. Sandhya is a very straight forward and very strict when someone try to flirt with her. She has a 38′ boobs, average height, very homely and ever smiling. She added me in FB and last year. she was missing from work for over 10 days. i...

1 year ago
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Pool Fun With Colleague

Hey all, I am Anchal and would like to share a story of a time when I used to work in an MNC. I was in a long term relationship with my boyfriend. I was always sexually excited and naughty from the start. I am quite plumpy at 5 ft5 height and 75 kgs. This was during the time I was 25 years of age. Our project decided to go to Wonderla for a team outing and I was ready too. The earlier night, I decided to choose the clothes for the next day as a long black deep neck tee, a 3/4th shorts and...

3 years ago
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Jolts In The Bus With Office Colleague

Waiting at bus stop-Atmosphere-A colleague comes-Rush-Standing behind colleague-push from the back- touch of genitals- feeling-deliberate next attempt-no bad response-pretension to talking-continuation of touch-push gets harder-and harder till bus reaches destination. It was July. The sun hid behind the dark clouds somewhere and the atmosphere looked dull. Cool breeze was blowing that signal the upcoming showers. Even though it had not rained yet, I could still smell the Petri core. I decided...

2 years ago
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Desperate Hot colleague

I follow this site regularly and love the stories. Now I thought I will share my few stories which happened in my life. Working in an MNC (IT), I hope you guys know how the environment will be. I am of age 30 married, good muscular, athlete and football player. I always look for ladies who are married and elder to me. So coming to the story. I have a colleague looks similar to actress Sujithra Murali. Even she is Mallu, her assets are the same as of the actress. In my story, I call her Suji...

3 years ago
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Best Birthday present to office colleague

Hi, I am anil from hyderabad , with new story of mine with a girl named Rani. She is working my office and she from other city. She lives in there alone and working as Executive in my company. I always stare her boobs, butt when she comes to me to goes away from me. She is having her birthday on 22 Feb. On that day, She had dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a red saree with a sleeveless blouse that had a halter neck that showed off her shapely arms. Red lipstick, red nailpolish and red...

1 year ago
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Fucking my hairy colleague

This is the story of how I fucked my colleague Tasnim at her house one night after dinner. Tasnim and I are colleagues in the same office and we sit side by side in the same room. Our office room is small and there is only space for another person to sit, which means we sit very close to one another. Tasnim is a very attractive looking slim girl with sharp facial features. Even though she has bro-zoned me because she is married but I have always felt that she wants to hook up with me. Tasnim...

3 years ago
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I Am A Fan Of My Colleague

This is Pradeep connecting with you all to share one of the happiest experience in my life. I am a 30 year old tall south Indian guy with light brownish skin and attractive brown eyes. I have a high sex drive like most of the other guys and I grew up in a conservative southern town where the chances of getting laid before/outside marriage is almost close to zero. But the god of fortune was in my side and I had some experiences like this. Let me share one of it without any further delay. Please...

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My Hot Colleague

By: Sizzlerxx Hi all! I am a single woman, 36, living with my family in Mumbai. I work for a corporate giant. I have had this incredible relationship with a really hot and exciting colleague at office and I wanted to share this with the readers of ISS. I really need to share this on ISS coz I do not have many friends with whom I could share this. I hope you enjoy reading it and would love to see your comments. I joined this office in 2007 and among others I had interacted with this colleague...

4 years ago
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A Threesome Experience With My Roomie And A Project Colleague

Hello everyone, I really appreciate all the guys who gave feedback to me on Gmail,hangouts, and FB. I am a very big fan of ISS. I’ve started reading Indian sex stories from 16. Now am 24 years old working in an MNC.My name is Nisha (not my real name), fair color, 5 feet 3 inches and stats of 32b-24-34. I had sex for the first time when I was 18. Till now, I had a lot of sex experiences which includes FFM, MMF, group, threesome lesbian, group, submission and much more. I used to share this...

2 years ago
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Love Making With Divorced Office Colleague

Hi, All. This is Sam from Chennai, Age 29, Height 6 ft., Weight 80 Kgs. Now working in a BPO. So far, I have had sex with 3 women of different age category. My first was with my neighbor aunt who was 45 years old. My Second Experience was with a divorced office colleague who was 29 and the third one was with a girl I met at a computer training center. The sex story I am going to share now was with my 2nd Partner, a divorced office colleague when I was 21. Her name was Remya, a Mallu bomb. She...

3 years ago
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Fun With Sexy Married Colleague

Disclaimer All credit to Jker original author. No Copyright Infringement is intended! story is pure fiction and bears no resemblance to anyone in real life. purely an erotic fantasy. Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself, little fat guy with somewhat good look, good dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is story of my being lucky to have fun with sexy married colleague. About my married...

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Had Sex With A Black Tall Negro Who Was My Daughter8217s Colleague

Hello Friends, this is Sumithra Singh aged of 46 from Jaipur staying in Hyderabad. Am a married women having one daughter and one son. My Husband is a Businessman.we got married 26 yrs back. My self am a housewife, My daughter completed her Graduation and working in a MNC company, my son is studying engineering 1st year. Now coming to myself am 5.6 ft tall and have a good body with figure of 36 28 38. It was in the month of August when My Husband and My son went to Pune for getting admission in...

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A Hyderabadi HR 8211 Sexual Encounter With Fellow Female Colleague

Hi myself shank….Name changed…. I am from Hyderabad and a hr professional, so you can understand the encounters occurred in my life….I am 6 feet and can take any female for ride and I prefer women and matured girls for sex as experience counts. So let’s begin the story. I work as manager hr in one of the CMMI level company. I head the department I too have around 6 member team which consist of 4 men and 2 women. This incident happened in march 2014. We recruit fresher’s form colleges and...

1 year ago
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Sex With Busty Married Colleague

Hi guys this is sunny from Bangalore, I stay alone in a flat, about me I am average but very romantic and flirty very good on bed and stamina enough to satisfy any female and I love licking pussy. . Guys I am writing this story in short. I work for a software mnc and there was my colleague who was married and a transfer from pune. She was very joyful and used to mingle with everyone, her name is Pooja busty with good boobs and a ass to feast on. She was my senior and we used to chat a lot as...

2 years ago
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Sex With Married Colleague

Dear all My name is Ashish and I am here to share with you all my experience of having sex with my married office colleague which till date is going strong as ever. This incident started 3 years back when I was working for an MNC in Delhi and this colleague of mine Nisha was also a part of our back end team as is the case with all companies we were also good friends and we had a group spending time together. Let me describe Nisha she was a good looking female not those stunning beauty types but...

1 year ago
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Having Fun During Trip With Married Colleague

Hello friends, hope you are all well and enjoying your life. Myself Joker, a little fat guy with a somewhat good look, no dressing sense but little attractive. Without wasting time and spoiling your mood lets start the story. This is the story of my being lucky to have fun with a sexy married colleague. About my married colleague, she is 35 but looks 25 and have an awesome figure of 30-32-30 for which my friends die for. Many of them tried their luck but none of them were lucky. This incident...

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The man and the young woman were holding hands as they were leisurely walking to the baggage claim area. Many eyes followed them, which was understandable. The man was tall and wide shouldered with just a hint of a distant black relative in his face. Most people would assume him to be about 45 years old, and they would be just one year off. His name was George.The lady at his side could almost, but not quite, be called petite. She was slim and had the proud bearing of a beauty who is used to...

Wife Lovers
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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 2

And then came the day that all minors had been scared of. The first day of school and also the first day that ADP would be in full force in their Country. And by now, it was also known that some other Countries in Europe had adopted this new law already, and it would mean that a person under ADP even couldn't get dressed anymore when crossing the border. All the Countries of Europe had agreed to sign a charter that made sure that people under ADP could do their ADP punishment when they...

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Nick travels to Europe

My buddy Nick has been the centerpeice of the majority of my postings. There is a reason for this, the kid is not like the rest of us. He is one of those people, guy or girl, who seems to live for lack of a better phrase a "charmed life". He is smart, charming and great looking. That description doesn't even do him justice but I will try to add to it as I describe this encounter. As I've mentioned in the past, Nick has it all. He's 6'-2" tall, natrually dark skin (he's Italian), great teeth and...

2 years ago
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Sexy Muslim Colleague

Feedback contact me: I live in Bangalore alone in a flat and I’m working for a top company. I had a colleague who joined with me and she is a Muslim, but she is open minded and free to discuss any topics. We were working together for almost 3 years now and she recently married a guy from her community. He was a good person and I knew him for a long time. Coming to the story, it happened in March. She came to office and was very dull, noticing it I’ve asked her what happened and then I came to...

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Pregnant Neha Fucked By Office Colleague

This sex story is about me and my pregnant office colleague, where we fall in love/lust and fucked each other with fullest. I am a 29-year-old male, handsome experience guys, I had experience with different kind of girls like Chinese, American, Russian, North and South Indian girl. Any female/girl/lady from Bangalore want to have fun/sex, please feel free to write to my email , privacy is the top priority for me. Now, coming to the latest sex story, this is about my office colleague Neha...

2 years ago
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How I Seduced My Friend8217s Colleague

Hi, Vishwa here from Bangalore. This incident and sex story happened with me in two months back when I met my friend’s colleague. Please forgive me for any mistakes as I am new in writing story. I went to my friend Office for some reason he introduced me as his friend to his colleague name Priya( Changed). We talked as usual, next time we met in their office. She came to me and we talked about our works and personal things as my friend is talking on other call. She has one business plan for me...

1 year ago
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My Sexy Colleague

Hi guys. I am Panda. I live and work in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Any ladies of any age from Dhaka specially divorced or widowed, who are not getting sex, are not sexually satisfied or are depressed and need friendship, can get in touch with me through this email: Your confidentiality is 100 Percent secured. I promise. This is the story between and my horny colleague at work. I am around 33 and I am married, but my mrs. stays abroad. My colleague, happens to be a divorced lady and about 37, not very...

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My Hot Official Colleague

Hi guys and I have been reading some of the stories in my free time and fantasised on those few times and as I had an experience recently and I thought I would share that with you and contribute. This is the story about me and my ex-manager and me and her name is Monsoon and I don’t want to state her full name as she is still my colleague and we are working together. I am a normal Indian guy with an average physique. M was my manager initially in my office. But she was shifted later on to...

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Fucked my married colleague

She was very fair, even though a South Indian. She was short and she had big eyes. She used to wear a big mangal-sutra and put thick sindoor. Always wearing traditional dresses, she was a typical Indian married woman. She never even revealed her cleavage, one had to imagine her milky breasts with pink nipples, and later as I discovered, her pinkish brown choot. Her ass had an appealing curve and thighs were thick. In short, she was a perfect fuck for me. Her name was Padma, having two daughters...

4 years ago
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Fucked my office colleague

Hi dear readers this is my real story which incident happened to me. This is a real and first story that how I fuck with my colleague. My name is Deepak and I am 29 years old. I am from Bhubaneswar, Orissa. I am a Computer Engineer. My story is about me and my colleague. Her name was Sila. She was also working with me but her work was communication officer. I always like her very much. She has a huge pair tits and a round, heavy ass, she was 39 years of old .She had a very tight and a good...

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Passionate Night With A Married Colleague

Hi, friends, I am narrating a real life passionate episode with one of my friend’s wife who happens to be my office colleague. I am sure the lady involved will vouch for it. Your encouragement will help me to share more such episodes so pls do give your feedback for my sex story on or I also advise /counsel couples on relationship troubles and sexual issues, pls don’t hesitate to reach out to me as a pen friend to help you guys. Enjoy the read! My name is Rahul Bhardwaj from Mumbai, and am...

1 year ago
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Pissing Games With The working colleague

I had last year, often to do business abroad and was often accompanied by Annette, a fifteen-year-older, very attractive colleague. I myself am in my mid twenties and have indeed already had some experience with NS, go with my preference, however, like most, not necessarily peddling. It came naturally as it had come: after the first business travel has developed a nice and above all highly satisfactory relationship between me and Annette. The theme NS I had towards her not yet cut, but I was a...

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