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Rick wiped the BBQ equipment and wondered how longer these ‘do’s’ would continue, he was getting on, well into his seventies, but quite fit, there was no surplus fat anywhere on him but it was still a bit of an effort to arrange these get-togethers, after all they had been a constant social arrangement ever since he retired. ‘Oh! Well’ he muttered as he put the equipment away. ‘While there is an interest and my friends still have the energy and the willingness I will keep the sausages sizzling’. It was as he wiped the outdoor table down that his mobile range.
All past and present acquaintances were recorded but even though he recognized the coded initials he kept for women, it was a surprise. ‘Elizabeth, cripes I haven’t heard from her in ages for she was one woman that I didn’t think I would hear from again’, he was still muttering from the surprise for he remembered, as though it was yesterday the afternoon he with another friend George had put her through a sexual marathon and left her exhausted on the bed at her unit. He knew they had treated her roughly but fuck she deserved it for she was a woman that couldn’t make up her mind, one minute she was randy and hot the next as cold as ice, a situation that eventually led to himself and his mate treating her just as a slut. He answered. “This is a surprise Elizabeth”, he said. “It has been awhile, what have you been doing, how is your black lover and how are you?”
There was a brief period of hesitation before she answered. “I ... I was wondering if we could meet for coffee, but how did you know about my companion?” He didn’t question her reason for the call but knew that the coffee shop that they had often visited had closed a few months before. “It was just a guess but you often commented about your Sudanese friends and when you sent me the text saying that you had found another man, my first thought was one of those men. Now regards the coffee that would be nice Elizabeth but the coffee shop that we frequented closed some time back and there were no others around your unit that is if you are in the same complex?”
“Yes ... Yes Rick I am”, she replied. “I was thinking of having coffee here for I have a real coffee machine. I’m sure you will like it”.
“Sounds great Elizabeth, when were you thinking of such a venture. I have had a few friends here for lunch and am just finished cleaning up”, he said
“Sometime this afternoon, around three”, she replied. He checked his watch that time was only ten or so minutes off. “I couldn’t make it by three, say around three twenty. Would you like me to bring something for I recently baked a batch of lemon biscuits?” Her response was positive, the time was sent and the conversation ended.
He drove around and with the biscuits and knocked on her door. It was opened immediately. He was not one to openly show surprise but he couldn’t but give a gasp of shock. Elizabeth seemed to have aged, where in fact she was a lot younger then himself, ‘must have been fucked to exhaustion’, he muttered. She smiled as he entered the unit; there was nothing different to the last time he had visited, some seven months ago. “I know how to make a decent cup of coffee”, she said but her face was strained as though she was struggling to make a conversation. “That would be lovely Elizabeth”, he replied as he sat on the lounge, the same lounge where they had fucked and where she had sucked him off in the past. Ages ago he would have cupped her tits while she worked at the sink, an action that always resulted in her gripping his balls, a nice squeeze, followed by a suck and then, depending on their mood, either a fuck or she would suck him off, totally so the essence of his balls flowed from her mouth; but not today.
He didn’t comment on her appearance, that being mainly her expression, not at least till the coffee was served and drunk. “How are you Elizabeth”, he said. “I gathered you met the character you mentioned because of your work with the refugee people... “He didn’t finish, she burst into tears and almost fell into his embrace. He stroked her hair and, although not making a comment, reached for her tits that were soft and unrestrained, meaning she was braless. For a couple of minutes he softly massaged them while she gripped him, almost as though he would vanish; finally between sobs she told him of her pain. “I ... I did meet a man, he was from Sudan but not at the refugee centre. He ... he was a friend of the couple who were in unit 4. At ... at first he was attentive and very considerate and when we had sex it was great. I wanted to please him, to do all I could to encourage the relationship. Like it was with you Rick he loved to be sucked off and have his balls played with and I did all that. For the first few weeks there was nothing that he wanted, sexually that I did not do, even anal although a bum fuck wasn’t my favourite, although we had done it, you didn’t force me and always considered my feeling towards a ‘doggie fuck’. Suddenly he changed, I don’t know why and sex became not a pleasure but one of fear, he turned me into a ‘slave’ like in a bondage film. At first I thought it was a bit of a fantasy, but that quickly departed when, with a couple of friends at one of the their houses, they tied me up, burned my tits with candles, shoved an electric sex toy up my cunt and turned it on so I was like a puppet on a string. I couldn’t scream because my mouth was tapped, but they laughed; I can still hear their laugher then they fucked me, not like it was when I first met the man, but brutally, again and again. I can’t recall coming back here. I was sore, very sore and it was days before the burn marks on my tits was gone and I could get around without feeling pain. I didn’t know what to do as you might say; finally I rang you for at least you did like me”. By the time she finished she was openly crying.
One part of his being wanted to take full advantage of the situation, feel her up and then fuck her as he had done on other occasions, but on the other hand her story of horror and pain cancelled out that thought, at least for the time being; the question he asked himself as he gave her some sort of comfort, ‘what to do?’ He held her for quite some time, gently kissing her forehead and slowly massaging her tit. “Would you like to go out for a meal?” he asked. For minutes she didn’t respond, goodness knows what she was thinking, but then pulled away and asked, almost in a hostile manner. “What about your wife?’
“I left my wife some months ago”, he replied as he got up and took the cups and saucers back into the kitchen. “Whether we divorce is an open question, at the minute we are separated. I have moved into a mobile home in one of the upmarket caravan parks, I am only renting for I don’t know what path she or myself will take; so to answer your question the wife is no longer part of the equation”. It was almost as though a magician had come along and wiped her expression from one of doubt and fear and replaced it with one of hope and permanent happiness. “Oh! Rick does that mean we ... we could get together again”. Before he could answer she was up and again in an embrace. This time the hesitation he felt after her story disappeared, once he found she was wearing no panties and he felt again that forest of hair, he whispered. ‘I’ll tell you after we fuck’.
Slowly he lifted himself off her; they were both in a layer of sweat. “That was great Elizabeth, there is no doubt you know how to fuck; I hope that we can really enjoy that again and again”. With that she pulled him down on her again. “Does ... does that mean we can be together, sort of permanently?
“If that mean servicing your cunt like we just did I think I can say ‘yes’ to that”. She gave groan pushed her groin hard against his now growing erection, pulled his head towards her saliva covered tits, bit his ear and gasped as his cock found the lips of her cunt. “Fuck me Rick, just keep fucking me”, and fuck they did.
Old memories still lingered and although he told her that he would be back and they had parted in a very positive way, he was not surprised to get a text later that evening that told him he was ‘a bastard and to keep his cock away from her cunt’. He had once thought she was off balance, mentally disturbed perhaps was the right word for she changed like the environment, you really didn’t know where you stood with her. ‘She is a nut, but a nut or not she knows how to fuck. No wonder her last boyfriend abused her, he most likely couldn’t understand her emotions and ended up treating her most likely as he would a pick-up. ‘Use her and then dump her’.

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