Icky Rickie free porn video

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"Sam Santangilo here and welcome back to our year end wrap-up of Day In Court TV. We've saved the best for last. Oh yes, it's time for our annual update on the continuing courtroom drama and life travails of Erica Montgomery, or as our viewers have come to call her, Icky Rickie. Let's go to our courthouse correspondent Estella Greenwood for the latest news. "Estella — wow can I just say you're looking quite chic in that outfit? - 'stella I understand you have something special for our viewers tonight. Is that correct?"

"Hi Sam and thanks for the compliment. I do have something special for our viewers tonight. Sam as you well know we are in year five of one of the longest running courtroom escapades in Breaker County history. This ordeal has been going on for so long that we're going to take our viewers back to the very beginning and bring everyone up to speed. Our long time viewers will want to stay with us right through to the end as we are going to break a huge scoop. Buckle up; it's liable to be a pretty wild and parents take note this is likely to be a very naughty ride.

"Sam, I'm holding a local newspaper from five years ago. In the legal notices section, you can see this small entry - right here. We've blown it up so you can see it on your TV screen now. It reads - Divorced granted to: Charles and Erica Montgomery. Blah, blah, blah and it cites "Irreconcilable Differences" as the reason.

"A simple published item referring to the legal dissolution of a marriage of twenty-one years. Nothing very newsworthy there - other then to the family and friends involved. It's something that happens all the time. And in most cases, that would have been the end of it. This little item wasn't the end, oh no as our faithful viewers know it was just the beginning. This was more like a fuse and it was about to blow up big time.

"Shortly after the divorce Charles Montgomery filed a lawsuit against Erica Montgomery and an unnamed co-conspirator, accusing them of defrauding Mr. Montgomery. He was asking for one million dollars in restitution. Now what was unusual here was the Mr. Montgomery stated he have definitive proof of the fraud, but... isn't there's always a "but" in something like this? The "but" was that if the former Mrs. Montgomery, we'll just call her Erica from here out, and her unnamed co-conspirator publicly admitted their fraud on the courthouse steps, on a specified date he, Mr. Montgomery, would settle for a mere hundred thousand dollars cash - case closed.

"Well since we're still following this story, obviously there was no public admission on the courthouse steps. Interestingly enough, the date specified by Mr. Montgomery would have been the Montgomery's wedding anniversary. Evidently, it was a slow news day, and a crew was tipped off to the intended antics of Mr. Montgomery and the possible whereabouts of Erica Montgomery. Charles was filmed on the courthouse steps calling out "Erica, oh Erica, come out come out from under your rock."

Erica was successfully tracked down and interviewed. Erica informed the reporters present that Charles was a recovering alcoholic who had evidently fallen off the wagon and landed on his head. Erica suggested that Charles was mentally unbalanced and needed treatment. She said that Charles's children were worried about him. There are, by the way, four Montgomery children who live with their mother.

"The lawsuit slowly wound it's way through the legal process. Legal observers had stated that it was looking rather dim for Charles. Then came bombshell number one and that was when this case was catapulted into the public eye and has remained there ever since. We're going to break for commercials, but when we come back, actual video from Charles Montgomery's day in court. Stay tuned."

Estella Greenwood held her smile until her cameraman signaled "off-air." He stepped around from behind the camera and glared. "What the fuck was that all about? "You're looking quite hot Ms. Greenwood... mind if I lick the side of your face?"

"Oh Gary, he didn't say that..."

"Bullshit Es." Gary paced back and forth. "Is it over or isn't it?"

"It's over sweetie. I swear it. Sam was just a distraction while we were apart... that's all. Once we got back together... there's only been you. I love you Gary."

"I just... I just don't know. The break was your idea and the next thing I know you're screwing around with Mr. Perfect-smile.

"But I'm with Mr. Perfect-cock — now. I guess I'll just have to prove after the broadcast. I'll prove to you I'm the only woman for you Gary. Light's blinking let's get ready. How do I look?"

"Totally fuckable... and we're just about ready to go back up in five... four... three...

"Welcome back to Day In Court TV, Estella Greenwood reporting. Charles Montgomery was a forty four year old man, recently divorced from his former wife Erica. They shared custody of the four Montgomery children and Mr. Montgomery was up to date on all of his financial commitments regarding child support. Charles had accused his ex-wife and an unnamed co-conspirator of defrauding him; he was claiming one million dollars in damages. Well Charles finally got his day in court in what looked like a hopeless case. This was a hearing to see if sufficient proof justified a trial. We have video of the dramatic revelation that took place that day. We apologise for the quality of the video as it's a home handheld home camcorder. It begins with Erica's lawyer talking to the judge. I think you'll find that this more then speaks for itself. Those viewers with young children should know that very adult situations are described within this clip.

Lawyer: "Your honor this is a classic example of a frivolous lawsuit - how much longer will our time be wasted? Mr. Montgomery has not produced the smallest shred of credible evidence regarding the "alleged" fraud - can we all just go home, please?"

Judge: "Mr. Montgomery. I have to agree with your ex-wife's counsel. Unless you have something concrete..."

Charles Montgomery: "I have Your Honor. A few years ago a co-worker of mine, Mike Browner, got married. As a young boy Mike had the German measles and due to the ravages of that disease; he was sterile. The guys, by that I mean his co-workers, thought it would be funny - well it seemed funny at the time - to present Mike and his bride with our sperm. See one of the guys had a sister who was a nurse at a fertility clinic and we all agreed, that we would and um... well, you know donate to the cause so to speak. We paid extra to have the clinic label the samples and test them for overall quality. We gave Mike the vials at his bachelor party. He thought it was pretty funny. We all had a really good laugh.

"Then Mike started reading off our names and the clinic's assessments of our

sperm quality. I was surprised to end up last - according to the clinic

I was sterile. Now all my co-workers knew that I have four great kids so everyone laughed and said I shouldn't have given a sample if I'd already had a vasectomy. They all thought I just wanted an opportunity to masturbate..."

Lawyer: "Your honor, please! For the sake of the decorum of this court!"

Judge: "Mr. Montgomery..."

Charles Montgomery: "I'm sorry your Honor but this is very important information. Your Honor, as I said I am a father of four, Well I've never had a vasectomy and now I find out that I'm sterile? I went back to the clinic and asked them to re-test me — that sample came back sterile. Then I went to a urologist - sterile again, he insisted that I had probably been sterile all my life. I went to a second urologist who specialized in male infertility. These are copies of those reports your Honor. The second urologist agreed with the previous one - I was sterile and likely had been all my life.

"Your Honor I am suing my ex-wife for fraud as I cannot possibly be the biological father of our children. Four kids whom I love dearly and who are themselves innocent victims of a heinous, immoral crime. Innocent children that I couldn't have possibly fathered."

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" ("Estella Greenwood here, that scream was Erica Montgomery as she finally understood what Charles was claiming.")

"Your Honor, needless to say I was distraught. I was depressed. But I also knew that I had to do something. I had to be certain so I sent away for paternity test kits to be absolutely sure that I was not the biological father. Here are the tests I took. The tests were conclusive — there is no possible way that I am the biological father of my children.

"However, the tests did indicate one man was the biological father. Needless to say, I went a little crazy during this period. I became obsessed with finding out who Erica was screwing around with behind my back. I started to surreptitiously collect DNA samples of every male I could — remember all those poker parties I hosted Erica; friends, neighbors, family members? It took me a while but my efforts paid off."

"You had your chance Erica. You could have kept this quiet. Now everybody is going to what you did and what kind of wife you are."

"Your Honor I'm dropping this lawsuit and I'll be filing a new one - I want ten

million dollars now. Against my ex-wife and the mastermind of this conspiracy to cuckold and defraud me..."

"No Charles. Please don't do this. It'll kill him." Erica Montgomery's face was a mask of anguish.

Charles Montgomery: "How do you think it affected me? I'm filing against my ex-wife and — my former best friend Richard Chambers!"


"Sam here, now Estella the introduction of the previously un-named co-conspirator was revealed as one Richard Chambers. Needless to say the Chambers revelation set off quite a tumult in the court as I recall from earlier broadcasts. Reporters and investigators went crazy digging around for information about Mr. Chambers. Tell us a little about Mr. Chambers Estell'."

"Sure thing Sam. Richard "Dick" Chambers is, correction, was Charles Montgomery's best friend dating all the way back to grade school. He is a single man and has never been married. Until this courtroom drama began Mr. Chambers lived a very low profile life. There wasn't much there there, just a very quiet local man.

"The whole situation would have likely stayed local except for one very small but significant detail. Mr. Chambers is something of a computer software genius. His area of expertise is in security software. A little reportorial digging turned up the fact that Mr. Chambers had a very fat and up to this point very secret software contract with a well known federal security agency. One based in Maryland, the "you-know-what."

"Now the local Fox News affiliate had been running Mr. Montgomery's cuckolded husband story from a "family values" slant. They were running pretty effectively with that until the government contract information came to light and then a little cross checking revealed that Mr. Chambers had made a rather substantial contribution to the current Presidents Re-election Campaign. Puts a whole new spin on family values doesn't it Sam?"

"That was when the story broke nationwide and with all the allegations of infidelity and sleazy sex - Hollywood came a-calling. Seemingly within weeks, there were teams of lawyers (entertainment, criminal, contractual, and family) representing, Charles, Erica, Dick and all four kids. At one court appearance there were nineteen lawyers present - it was absolute chaos.

"That's when things got real interesting, eh Estella?"

"You're right Sam. The publicity was causing Mr. Chambers a great deal of anxiety and he suffered, well, the press release called it "exhaustion." Others have characterized it as a nervous breakdown.

"That's when one of the kids lawyers filed against Mr. Chambers for control of his company seeking Power of Attorney, citing mental impairment and diminished capacity. They wanted to take over the operations of the company. The very next day the other three kids got involved. Then the kids filed as a group for emancipation from Erica after it was discovered that she was a partner in the Chambers software business.

"Then bombshell number two. Erica Montgomery filed suit against her lover Dick Chambers, admittedly the father of her four children. She alleged that the sexual relationship was coercive and that it was only since this had all come to light that she was able to separate herself away from his "Svengali like" influence. She purportedly had a videotape of a lie-detector test she took that confirmed that the sex contact initiated by Mr. Chambers was non-consensual.

"Estelle, how did Charles Montgomery react to Rickie's revelation?"

"Funny you should ask Sam? Roll the tape of that please - no sound necessary. Now watch the upper left hand corner of this tape. There right there. We blew this portion up and digitally enhanced it. There we see Charles and Erica Montgomery hugging - now they're talking - look at Erica's body language — experts call this the pose of abject apology - they're talking again — Charles nods, hugs Erica and, and, and there, right there - they are kissing"

"They were later seen entering a downtown hotel. They spent the weekend together and it looked like they were on the road to reconciliation."

"What was happening with Dick Chambers at this point Estella?"

"Dick was in seclusion. After the charges of coerced sex surfaced, Mr. Chambers went underground. When he surfaced, it was time for bombshell number three. Which we'll share with you just as soon as we return after these important messages."

Sam Santangalo look at his manicured nails and frowned, it looked like another night be romanced by his right hand. He glanced at the remote monitor as Estella straightened her jacket. Damn that woman was beautiful. Why she was back with that cameraman Sam had know idea. He'd said as much to his producer, but she had only smiled and shook her head.

Nicole Meadows watched Sam watch the monitor. If he only knew the equipment Gary was packing he's understand. She sure did. She been quick to console the young man when Estella had broken off their relationship. Nicole smiled again, oh how she had consoled Gary. Good Lord but that man had stamina. She heard the countdown and sat in her chair... she missed the soreness Gary had often left her in.

"Estella Greenwood here and we are just about to bring you up to speed..."

"Hey 'stell, Sam here again, has any money changed hands at this point? Is anybody making a buck here? — other than the lawyers?"

"Great question Sam. Relative to the actual lawsuits, only the lawyers have profited. In fact two lawyers have run successfully for public office during this time. Money has been made; by Charles, for movie rights and a serialized version in Esquire magazine; by Erica, movie rights and a tell-all book contract; and the kids, movie rights."

"Nothing for Mr. Chambers?"

"Funny you should mention that Sam. In the previous segment I mentioned that Mr. Chambers went underground after the revelation of forced sex leveled against him by Erica. Six months later Mr. Chambers resurfaced."

"Mr. Chambers said that he was saddened by the recent revelations and other challenges to his privacy. He stated that he loved the Montgomery children and would support them in any way he could and that he wanted to have a normal relationship with them once this was all over. He apologized to Charles and asked forgiveness, stating that he hoped they could mend their friendship.

"Then he talked about Erica. He admitted that he had always loved her. He had considered Charles one of the luckiest men in the world. He admitted that he had known that he was the biological father of the Montgomery children.

"Mr. Chambers declared that Erica was a full and consenting participant in this affair. He spoke of his making Erica a partner in his business and actually produced a facsimile of their agreement. We pointed out that Erica had initialed all of the relevant sections regarding the partnership and then signed the document. Mr. Chambers reference a section of the contract and then handed out a website URL.

"The section he referenced related to the use of video cameras for security purposes and essentially waived all rights to privacy when on company property."

"Nothing unusual about that is there Estella?"

"No Sam, nothing unusual at all, until you factor in these specific points. Mr. Chambers residence is also his primary office. Erica Montgomery worked out of his office residence. And that this residence was where all of the sexual contact between Erica and Dick took place."

"Oh my God he taped them having sex!"

"Bingo! And the URL? - it's a paid membership amateur sex video site. Who do you think might be the star of the current best selling hardcore sex tape. That's right "Despicable Housewives starring Icky Rickie." In total there are twenty hours of tape purportedly involving Mr. Chambers and Icky Rickie on the site. Because of the quality of the video you really can't see much other that a man and a woman engaged in sexual congress.

"Needless to say Sam, Charles and Erica's efforts at reconciliation went right out the window. The kids sued Mr. Chambers and the website for invasion of privacy. They are alleging that their conceptions may be on the tapes and are asking for damages and a portion of any profits."


"And now we come to tonight's big bombshell. I promised our viewers something new Sam and this is it. Have you ever heard of Livid Adult Movies?"

"Well no Estella, I don't believe I have."

"Livid Productions is the largest adult video provider in the country. They are offering Erica Montgomery one million dollars to legally change her name to Icky Rickie and host an adult reality sex show tentatively titled The Mating Game. According to Livid the show will involve female contestants questioning eligible, meaning fertile, men for the expressed purpose of fathering a child. Livid will put the couple up for a weekend coinciding with the woman's most fertile cycle and film all of the sex scenes between them. If conception occurs, the man gets ten thousand dollars and the woman gets all her pre-natal medical care covered and a college trust fund investment for the child."

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Vicky said "Are you and Laura married?" I told her we were not. She said "Are you two a couple?" I said "If you mean are we dating, we are not. We are just friends." She said "Would you be open to dating and being exclusive?" I thought for a moment and wondered where this was going. I finally said "Yes, if the right woman came along." She kissed me and said "Do you think I am the right woman?" I did not know what to say. I was sure she was married. I did not want to be the...

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Even before we got going, Danny had his hand on Vicky's leg pushing up the little red skirt she had on. I had heard that Vicky was a – let’s just say she had a reputation – and anyway, she didn't seem to mind his touching her that way. In fact, she put her hand on his crotch. So what the heck, I reached over and grabbed a tit. I guess she really liked that because it wasn't long before both of her hands were engaged in our crotches. As the car pulled out of the lot, Danny said, "Let's go...

4 years ago
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My aunt Carrie ‘seduced’ me – a ridiculously easy task, I assure you – the second weekend I visited, and we had been having sex every weekend since, on Saturday mornings after my uncle left for the office. Vicky usually spent Friday night at a friend’s house, leaving Carrie and me free to spend our Saturday mornings fucking. One weekend my uncle was out of town, and was going to be gone several weeks. Vicky hadn’t gone to a friend’s house, though that didn’t stop Carrie and me; instead of...

1 year ago
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Vickys Surprise

I was leaving the hotel where I had just had an evening of being fucked as Vicky. My makeup was a mess and I was walking funny after the pounding Chad had given my hepussy. I called my wife and told her I was coming home with a belly and ass full of cum. She said that was great and that she had a surprise for me when I got home. I got in a cab and the entire ride home I wondered what the surprise was. I was not sure what could surprise me after the night before when she had taken me out dressed...

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Vickys First Time

I was very open about crossdressing when I met my wife when we were in our 20s. She has been very supportive and helpful. She helps me with my hair, makeup, and picking outfits. We started having sex with me dressed up as Vicky. This soon escalated to her taking me with a strap on. I loved the times she would fuck my ass with her cock. I had never considered myself gay or bisexual but the feeling of her cock inside me opened up the possibility for more. One Thursday she told me that we were...

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It all started when I noticed a hickey on my wife's neck. I just got a glimpse of it but I knew instantly what it was and that I hadn't put it there. Hell how could I have? We hadn't had sex in almost two weeks, and if the truth be known our marriage was heading for the rocks. But even though we were drifting apart I had never -- even in my wildest dreams -- thought that my honey would cheat on me. We'd been high school sweethearts and had been virgins the first time we made love. I had...

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Vickys Pink Diary 04

My head is spinning now, and as my uncle slowly pulls my panties down, I close my eyes dreading my fate! I watch as he pulls my case out from under the bed. He takes a key out of his trouser pocket and unlocks the padlock. "My god, how long have you had a key?!" "Vicky, surely you remember losing a key a little while ago. It fell out of your jeans when your stepmother pulled them out of the washing machine. She didn't notice, but I did. Now I don't want to bring the other you up, but I did...

4 years ago
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Vickys Pink Diary 02

Part two His cock is back in his trousers, and we walk back home. I'm still in a daze, and wondering if I'm going to wake up in my bed and find this has all been a dream. No, this is Vicky walking home, on her Uncle's arm again. My hand still tingles where it was jerking his cock, and my wrist aches too. My head is down under the umbrella again, and my stride is slower than before, and not as unsure as it was when we first set off. Car headlights pass illuminating my legs in my black tights....

4 years ago
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Vicky vs Lola The Toughest Choice In The World

It's hard to choose, almost impossible. Why do I have to pick myself? Why do I keep finding myself in places like this? I'm trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea. Between a rock and a hard place. Between Vicky and Lola. Lola's on the right. Her tight blue cocktail dress covers most of her hips, though exposes a thin layer of pale skin in the shape of a piece of underwear. Her back is arched, like a stretching cat, her arms flat on the floor before her. I can't see her face,...

2 years ago
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Vickys Pink Diary 01

There he is sat on my bed, my Uncle, Uncle Creep, well that's what I call him. I'm just staring in shock as he flicks through it. "Put that down, it's private," I manage to blurt out. "Don't worry, you poor little thing. I've read it right through a few times. I won't tell anyone, Vicky, isn't it?" I'm shaking in horror, my diary, my pink diary with all my secret thoughts and wishes, my fantasies, and things I've done, embarrassing things. Well how many 18 year old boys get a kick out of...

1 year ago
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Vicky the Sexy Blonde Mature BBW Part 2

This is the second part in a story about Vicky, the sexy, blonde, mature BBW. This is a true story that took place several years ago.Here's part 1 if you missed it: https://xhamster.com/stories/vicky-the-sexy-blond-mature-bbw-part-1-704380After our initial meeting where we fooled around in the car, I was counting the hours till the following Thursday, when Vicky and I would go to to Bob's for a MMF threesome. The day finally arrived! I showered well, spending extra time lathering my cock,...

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Vicky and Torri 1

Fortunately it happened on a weekend. Torri came to her mother and whispered, "It happened, mommy; I'm bleeding. It's already soaked my undies. I hope they aren't ruined." "Come with me to the bathroom," Vicky urged. She followed her daughter inside and closed the door. "Take off your clothes and get into the tub. Wash youself off, and I'll take care of these clothes. She ran some cold water into the sink and tossed the stained panties into the water. Vicky rinsed her daughter's garment and...

1 year ago
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Rickys great idea

Ricky entered his senior year in high school when i got laid off from my job! I remember crying and not knowing what to do! I was an unemployed 32 year old single mom! One evening during diner alone with Ricky, we were talking about how to make some money and survive the month, when he surprised me with this crazy idea he had! He told me i should start stripping! I was shocked to hear this from my own son! He told me, "mom, your a beautiful woman, and you have one of the best ass and tits i...

1 year ago
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Vicky and Torri 2

This story is complete fictional : never try to do it in real life! Vicky lingered in bed after her husband Richard left for work. She would wait until she heard either her Torri or or son Mark stirring and get up and start their breakfast. She had not realized that she had dozed off again until she felt little Torri's hand touching her shoulder. "Mommy, are you awake?" Vicky's eyes popped open to see her daughter sitting on the edge of the bed looking at her. "Uh, yes, baby," she whispered....

1 year ago
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Vicky and Torri 4

Mark woke up another morning with a rock-hard erection. His enormous need to relieve himself had abated somewhat ever since his 18 year old sister Torri had given him a hand job five days ago. He still awakened with a hard dick, but, after he stroked it to a pleasant climax, he was not bothered for the rest of the day. Now Mark was experiencing a relapse and needed to masturbate during the day. Yesterday he had to stroke himself three times. The power of his penis over his life was a bit...

1 year ago
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Vicky and me

What's a girl to do?I like sex, my boyfriend seems to be not that interested any more. I've tried being romantic, being slutty, all sorts of things but he is not satisfying me at all.I visit this site and masturbate while fantasising about the hot sex I could be having. I would love to try a threesome with two guys, but I guess that's not going to happen.Anyway, I was telling my friend Vicky about this and she asked me if I'd ever thought of sex with another girl. I like watching a bit of...

1 year ago
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Vicky and Torri 5

Don't try this in real life! You are not a member of this fictional family! Thanks for the comments; sorry about the typos. LucOuarm. "How was dad?" Mark asked as his mom walked in the door. "Oh, as well as can be expected, I suppose, but a lot happier now that I paid him a little visit, Vicky replied. "I was able to give your poor father a nice, sexy handjob even though the nosy floor nurse kept coming into the room. I thing that she knew I was up to something and wanted to catch me. We have a...

3 years ago
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Vicky is taught the realities of life0

I touched the kids’ minds, planting a little conditioning, to ignore me, be more obedient than normal for the next few hours. I then planted some thoughts in the kids’ grandma’s mind, that I was a well-liked distant family friend, total trustworthy, but to then ignore any sexual comments I make. Finally, touching the mum’s mind properly, set some controls that outwardly, she would be calm and subservient to me, do whatever I said, but leave her mind to be able to ‘know’ exactly what was...

2 years ago
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Vicky ka land or black brazer

Hello iss reader main aap ka dost sexy vicky phir ek story laya hun aap ko too meray baray main paata hay main mumbai k ghatkopar main rehta hun or sirf choduraam haun dad ki daulat par aish karta hun kabhi sex karnay ki qeemat nahi lii haan agar zarrorat paday to day di hay per main kabhi professional female ko pasand nahi karta balkay mast maal he chodta hun kisi ko agar mujh main interest ho ya story pasand aye to befekar ho k mail kar sakta hay yaad hay mail id story main nay ek book main...

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OK. I'll try to write one from the male perspective. After all, I do chat with guys and this one just has to be repeated that way. *** It was after a late afternoon rehearsal for the band's graduation concert and I was looking forward to moving on to college. I'd forgotten to drive to school and I lived a hour's walk from there. As I walked out across the parking lot to my route home, I saw four others, Danny a trumpeter, Vicky a petite black haired sax player, Clunk another drummer like me...

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Alex n Ricky

It was after school when we had drama classes and it was about two hours long. I had been in the club for about a year and a half and i really enjoyed it, while Alex was new to it. So, it was after school, in the theater, and i was early. Then without noticing Alex had came in and i was practicing my sketch. "Hey..uh? Is this the drama club?" Alex said in a shy tone "OH! oh my god!... you scared me!" I said in a startled voice "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to disturb you but...

2 years ago
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Vicky Makes A Discovery

Vicky and I had had known each other for almost a month before I asked her out. She said yes and I was in seventh heaven. She was that "beautiful" woman you see strolling around any campus or corporate office. The one guys have wet dreams about but are afraid to with and the one all the women hate because they're jealous. It was the weekend of my university graduation. Vicky was in the middle of her sophomore year. We were both older than the majority of students. I had spent a number of years...

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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

4 years ago
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my arabhijab wife nadia with my friend ricky

Hai its my real story .i am Spencer 32 year from Albany ,newyork , I am working in real estate company,i am white ,my wife is arab name nadia from saudi arabia she is 25 year, we married 1 year ago,she is a beautiful hijab ,we are happily married couples, 6 months before I got financial crisis it was a huge amount my friend ricky help out of this problams he is rich financer own office, he is not married ,he is like play boy good lucking ,funny, most of time spending with girls, girls like him,...

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

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Vicky Victorious

VICKY VICTORIOUS by Throne The first time I saw Alissa, I knew I wanted to be with her. She was tall and had a full figure, which is exactly the physical type I like. That might seem strange, since I'm short and slightly built, but you'll understand my thinking as I tell you more. And her personality was a perfect fit. Because of the extra weight she carried, much of it in her heavy bust, broad jutting bottom and plump thighs, she was the kind of girl that guys want to get into bed,...

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

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Nicky and the Premature Ejaculation

It had been over a month since I had seen Misty, my second escort and sexual experience. The whole affair had been revelatory, yet it had left me feeling guilty and I decided to abstain from any more working girl visits.But, as I’ve alluded to before: once you pop, you just can’t stop.Life briefly got in the way. I ended up going on a trip for over a week. With the busy schedule and the number of people I was with, I didn’t even have the chance to have my customary daily wank (to keep the edge...

Straight Sex
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Ricky Maggie

Where to start? The beginning I suppose. I was a late starter – 18 years old when I finally got my first shag (which to be honest was nothing special – a d***ken affair after a party). Up until then it had been a reliance upon my right fist and the porn of the day – back then we had to be content with a copy of Mayfair or Men Only, and very occasionally a rare porn VHS video. Today’s youth don’t know how lucky they are with the likes of XHamster etc. to satisfy their viewing needs. A bit about...

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