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Barton had been treating the kid with contempt from the moment they met. And no one knew how to show contempt better than Barton. John Barton. The terror of Wall Street. Thirty-eight years old, and officially worth three billion dollars. Some people said it was more like twenty times that, that he could buy and sell Bill Gates and Warren Buffett with his spare change any time he wanted to.
And he had made every penny of it himself, by out-toughing the other tough sons of bitches on Wall Street. Hundreds of mergers he had forced down their unwilling throats. And he made them wallow in their defeats. Hundreds of former top bananas had been forced to accept Barton's deals on Barton's terms. And Barton's terms always included two things: enormous profits for John Barton, and the loser kissed John Barton's ass. Literally. And not just on the buns. The former CEO's on Barton's payroll had two things in common. They had tasted Barton's shit-lined rectum. And they had begged for the privilege. They had seen plenty of execs just like themselves go down to ruin for displeasing Barton in the slightest way.
Now John Barton was starting on his honeymoon. It was his second marriage. He had dropped his first wife, Fran, who had begun showing signs of middle age. Fran had hired one of the best known divorce lawyers in the country. Barton had toughed him out the same as he toughed out every other son of a bitch who tried to cross him. Now the lawyer was nursing his wounds, Fran was living on $30,000 a year, and Barton was enjoying his billions.
He had married a babe. An incredibly beautiful Asian girl named Kim. Just looking at her straight black hair, her incredibly soft, smooth skin, her beautiful features, her willowy body, drove him crazy. She was 22 years old, sixteen years younger than him. And it wasn't just that she was a babe. She had brains. She had graduated first in her class at a top university. She had been engaged to an Asian American boy who graduated a year ahead of her, the only boy friend she had ever had. Then she had received an internship to work one summer in the executive offices at Barton's Wall Street headquarters.
After one look and a few conversations, Barton knew he had to have this girl. He went ahead and got his divorce from Fran, something he had already decided to do anyway. He just blew away Kim's fiance, dazzling her with what he could buy for her, the places he could take her, the people he could introduce her to. What impressed her more than anything was the force of his character. She could see his strength in his every movement. And she saw that the most powerful people in the world cowered before him. John Barton always got what he wanted, and Kim loved him for that. The fiance was history, and John Barton and Kim were man and wife.
There was just one fly in Barton's ointment, one that he could never completely put out of his mind, though almost no one knew of it and no one knew how much it preyed on him. Sexually, the great John Barton was a grade A wimp. Maybe that was what drove him to outcompete everyone who crossed him, to prove that he had more balls than everyone else. Because in fact, he had less. Much less. His tiny prick could hardly be seen in his pubic hair when it was soft. When it was "hard," it was barely three inches long, was thinner than his index finger, and, in truth, was not very hard at all. His balls were tinier than marbles. He had trouble coming more than two or three times in a week, and when he came, only a few drops of thin, almost water-like cum was ejected. Whether it was Fran or Kim or any of the other women who were attracted by his money and his power, whenever he fucked them they always had to ask if it was "in" and whether he had cum.
Barton wanted an heir and Kim wanted a baby. But he had tried to get Fran pregnant for years, with no success. The best medical specialists in the world had been consulted. There was nothing wrong with Fran. It was just that Barton's undersized testicles produced such little sperm, the odds were against him. Following his doctors' advice, Barton had abstained from all sex for over a month prior to this honeymoon. The wedding had been timed so that Kim would be at the peak of her fertility cycle. And she was taking fertility drugs. The doctors told them that with these steps, Barton had a reasonable chance of making Kim pregnant. But things weren't fated to turn out that way.
So now he and Kim were on their honeymoon. The island resort in the Caribbean she had selected was probably the most exclusive and the most expensive in the world. They had the most expensive villa--$40,000 a night it would cost him. The resort consisted of the whole island. Each villa was isolated. Theirs was more than two miles from any other habitation. It was huge and breathtaking, spectacularly furnished, and located on their own private pearl of a beach. There was a whole staff of servants and cooks assigned to their villa alone, but the layout was cleverly designed so that only the Guest Services Officer assigned to them would have any contact with them. He would deal with the rest of the staff. They would have complete privacy in unparalleled luxury.
The Guest Services Officer was a twenty-year-old named Rod Powers. Rod was as perfect a specimen of the male of the human species as Kim was of the female. Short blonde hair; a face that had classic, masculine beauty; a broad, strong chest that was muscular but not muscle-bound; narrow hips; a perfectly trim ass; long, powerful legs--he had the whole package People said he had movie star looks, but no one could ever think of a movie star who looked as good as he did. And he had an enormous bulge at the crotch of his faded jeans. Barton noticed that bulge immediately, and was stung with envy. But he figured the kid must have some cloth stuffed in there. He must have!
Rod greeted them at the airport. The men who could afford to stay at this resort were the richest and most powerful in the world, and they brought with them the most stunningly beautiful and most pampered women in the world. Rod had seen hundreds of them, but he had never seen the equal of Kim. For her part, Kim didn't miss any aspect of Rod's manly attraction. When he shook her hand, she looked in his strong, clear eyes, caught a whiff of his male scent, and became dizzy with a sensation she had never felt before. But Kim had been strictly brought up as a Catholic and adhered to a strong moral code. The idea of being unfaithful to her husband could never have entered her head. She could be interested in a man as hunky as Rod, but she could not be tempted.
But to Barton, any decent-looking man was a rival and a stud like Rod was dangerous. Barton was painfully aware that his beautiful trophy of a wife was much closer in age to Rod--the "kid" was what Barton insisted on calling him--than she was to himself. Barton's reaction was instinctive. Confronted with any kind of a rival, Barton set out to humiliate him, to emasculate him. This kid was going to be the only person he and Kim would see for the next two weeks. Barton was going to show him who was boss. He'd have Rod kissing the famous Barton ass early and often--figuratively at least, and maybe even literally. Kim wouldn't be attracted to a kid, no matter how much of a stud he looked, once she saw him kowtowing to her all-powerful husband. Just the opposite. Once she saw him subjugate this handsome kid, his own god-like power would be more firmly established in her adoring eyes, the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.
He looked into those eyes as they drove in the limousine to the villa. God, he loved her. He actually thought he might be able to fuck her twice today, something he had never before accomplished.
Rod was pissed. He'd dealt with assholes like this before, guys who thought they could use their money to put him down. But Rod always had his revenge. He loved this job. The most beautiful women in the world came here, and he fucked them at will.
He particularly loved honeymooners. There was nothing like seducing a woman on her honeymoon. Rod had plucked plenty of cherries, and there's no doubt about it, he thought, fucking a virgin is sweet. But that other virginity--the wife who's never given her cunt to a man other than her husband since she's been married--plucking that cherry was an even greater thrill. And the cr'me de la cr'me was getting them on their honeymoons. Especially when they were as gorgeous and sophisticated as the brides who came to this posh resort.
The job of "Guest Services Officer" at this resort was a coveted one. While the guests were on the island, the GSO arranged everything for them. He was the only human contact the guests had with the resort while they were here, unless they wanted specialized services such as a tennis coach. The reputation of the resort--and its ability to charge sky-high prices--depended on the flawless service the Guest Services Officers could provide. Their salaries started at $250,000 a year, and they made at least that much in tips.
Rod Powers had only been on the staff two years, but he was already the top-ranked assistant on the staff. He was permanently assigned to the most expensive villa, catering to the most extravagant guests. His salary was $750,000. He made many times that much in tips. He was invaluable to the management of the resort. Did they know that his enormous popularity with the guests derived from the special service he was able to provide between the outspread legs of the wives? Probably. So what? So long as the customers were happy...
Usually, it was no problem for Rod to seduce the brides on honeymoon. His sexual power was too much for the human female to resist. But sometimes, if he got annoyed by their snooty attitudes, he raped them. He might force them the first time, but they always begged for it the second time. And the third. And the fourth. And so on.
John Barton was getting Rod angry. Ordering him around in an arrogant way, finding the most degrading things for him to do. Three times before they had reached the villa, Barton had found some task for Rod to do that required him to kneel down on the ground. And then Barton had always positioned himself so that Rod was staring right into Barton's ass, just inches away. And there was always a suppressed smile on Kim's face. It was Barton's ability to dominate others that made her love him.
When Rod got mad, he got even. He was going to fuck Barton's trophy bride all right. And he wasn't going to seduce her. He was going to rape her. He'd do it right in front of Barton's eyes. He'd use the Asian babe to humiliate Barton. Rod could see that Barton really did love her. Good. Barton would get paid back for his little stunts. With interest.
Rod wasn't worried about getting into trouble with his employers. Once he fucked Kim, she'd be so attached to him that she wouldn't let Barton harm him in any way. And she could control Barton, that was obvious. The bosses would never find out about what he did.
When they got to the villa, there was plenty of luggage for Rod to carry inside. Barton found as many tasks for him to perform, as many things for him to move around, as he could think of. Then he dismissed him:
"Look, kid, if you want a tip at the end of this gig, stay out of our hair. You do what you're told and you show respect, you understand? You can start by calling me sir, and thank us when either one of us gives you an order."
They were in the living room of the villa when Barton said this, a room the size of a football field. But Barton did not get the groveling response he expected. Moving suddenly, Rod smashed his fist into Barton's stomach. Barton doubled over, gasping for breath.
"No, you arrogant son of a bitch, you're going to do what I say."
Rod said these words with an icy determination that was more impressive than anger would have been. Barton was in greater pain than he had ever experienced, still trying desperately to find his breath. Barton had done some boxing, and he had done it as competitively as he did everything else in life. He had been a semi-finalist in the intercollegiate boxing tournament in his weight range, and had competed against talented competitors who could hit hard. But he had never experienced anything remotely comparable to the blow he had just received. Rod had moved as fast as a cheetah and with the power of a jet engine.
"Let's see if you understand, bozo," Rod continued, after several minutes, when Barton finally seemed to be able to breathe. "Take off all your clothes."
"You must be crazy," Barton murmured through his rasping gasps.
The second blow to the stomach was even harder than the first. Barton was on the floor, doubled up in incredible pain. His internal organs! Barton didn't think he could survive another blow like that. He was on the ground in agony for ten minutes. Kim, cowering in a corner, was terrified.
When Rod judged that Barton finally could move, he said, "I'll give you one more chance. Get up and get all your clothes off."
Slowly and in great pain, Barton got up. He unbuttoned his shirt and removed it, then his undershirt. He removed his shoes and socks, then his trousers. He was left in a pair of jockey shorts. He paused, but Rod gestured for him to go on. Barton blushed. He hated to expose his undersized cock to another man, especially this young stud. Plenty of men had seen Barton's rosy asshole, a lot closer up than they wanted to. No man other than a doctor had seen his dick.
The jockey shorts went down, and Rod let out an explosion of laughter.
"You call that a dick! Oh, man, I've seen women with nipples bigger than that."
Barton was burning with humiliation. That he should have to suffer this, and with Kim watching!
"All right, Nipple-dick, carry that wooden chair into the bedroom. Put it down facing the bed, nice and close."
Whether because of the humiliation of being naked before Kim and this stud, or because he could still feel the injury Rod had inflicted with those two sledgehammer blows from his fist, Barton had no thought of resisting. He picked up the chair. The blow to his chin came lightning fast. This time, Rod had pulled his punch, but it was enough to make Barton see stars.
"You call me SIR when I give you an order, and thank me," he bellowed.
Humbly, softly, Barton replied: "Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!".
"That's better. Now carry that chair over to the bed and sit down." Barton did as he was told. Rod signaled to the petrified Kim to follow. She did, and Rod followed her into the bedroom. Barton was seated, close to the bed and facing it. The bed was enormous, more than half again the size of a king-sized bed.
Earlier, when all the moving of luggage was going on, Rod had brought into the bedroom unnoticed a bag of his own. He now opened it and handed Kim some lengths of rope.
"Here lady, tie your limp dick of a husband to the chair. Tie his ankles and his wrists."
Kim was in tears. "No, please don't make me," she whimpered.
He slapped her face. Hard enough to cause serious pain.
"Look, bitch," said Rod, "if I have to hit you as hard as the old fart, I'll do it."
Barton almost panicked. Rod would kill Kim if he hit her nearly that hard. "Do as he says, darling," he said softly.
So Kim tied her new husband to the chair.
"Now, you get your clothes off and get on the bed," Rod said to her.
"NO," screamed both Kim and Barton simultaneously, as they suddenly saw where this was going.
Rod removed a knife from his belt and held it to Barton's neck. "Do you want me to cut your husband's throat," he said.
Kim immediately began to undress. Her fingers were shaking, but with difficulty she got her dress off. Then her bra. Her breasts were a little bigger than average for an Asian girl, and perfectly shaped. She saw there was no chance of Rod's relenting, so she went right to her panties, pulling them down and stepping out of them.
God, she was magnificent! Both men felt it. Her skin was so perfectly soft and smooth. Her body so firm and perfectly shaped. Her waist was tiny, but her hips curved out gracefully. Her cunt was covered with a large, thick triangle of jet black fleece. Barton couldn't help himself. His dick was enlarging.
Rod was dazzled by Kim's naked perfection, but he noticed Barton's loins stirring. Another bellow of laughter.
"That's your hard-on? I've seen six year old boys with more than that, Nipple-dick. Come here bitch!"
Fearfully, Kim went over to the chair. Rod gave her face another hard slap.
"Thank me when I give you an order, bitch!"
"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"
"Hold that tiny thing and wiggle it around," Rod told her.
"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"
With her thumb and index finger, she held her husband's tiny hard-on, which was thinner than either of her fingers holding it. She wiggled it around. There was only a little stiffness.
Rod couldn't contain his laughter. Finally, he said to Kim, "Seriously, bitch, no matter how much money he's got, how could a babe like you marry this limp dick?"
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Maybe Uncle Jim could help her, the agitated teen mused. Her right hand was between her legs and she was titillating her swollen clitoris. He must have experienced similar frustrations after Aunt Sherry left him. Maybe he could pray with her and God would quell her libidinous urges? Or maybe he could... ? And she left a particularly salacious thought die uncompleted. She pulled on a long t-shirt and flimsy, short pajama bottoms and went to his room. She was surprised to see that he was still...
I was not planning to write part 3, but I have had so many requests wanting to read about John and me. John seemed to be a special guy and in certain ways he is. I am still married with Bob, Bella my daughter had discovered she is a lesbian and in-spite of my and Bob's reservations had moved in with Dr. Julie. I have found new lovers Rob and Matt, affair with John was very short. Long story short, here is how things turned one fateful weekend. What follows is based on some real life events and...
Summary: Both Kendal and Brit’ney had very nice ninth grade years at their new high schools. Kendal worked very hard and actually made the A-B honor roll. Brit’ney barely studied and coasted to all A’s every grading period. Both of the girls were shoo-ins to continue on the cheer squads at their high schools. Through this transitional year neither of them engaged in any overt sexual activity. Kendal hadn’t seen Alex much at all, and that summer instead of coming to Crystal Island, he had...
Knave Angela – The Altar of Souls, The Princedoms of Zeutch My demand hung in the air as I advanced on Lady Delilah, emotions swirling wildly through me. I had so many questions about all the strange things that had happened since my Quest’s start. And she would give me answers. My hand fell to the hilt of my sword. I didn’t care that she was a senior Knight Deute. I didn’t care that she made my heart race with lust’s desires. I would get my answers, or the Gods would witness my anger. “I...
She climbed onto my chest and laid across my body. The only sound in the room was us breathing. Her scent was intoxicating. I could spend hours just having her lie in my arms. I couldn't help myself and I started lightly caressing her breast through her blouse. "Steve?" "Yeah?" "I'll give you about four hours to stop doing that." Memories of our first night sleeping at Mom's. "I'd love to do that forever. However, I think it's time to get ready." She kissed me on the...
Heaven Waiting By Carol Collins Joseph Roytch, a twenty-year-old apprentice steel worker, easily shifted his heavy metal toolbox from one muscular shoulder to the other as he stepped from the open construction elevator onto the third floor of the new six-floor office building under construction next to the Westside Elementary School. Joe called out to Allen Smith, the elderly journeyman steel worker who had been assigned to train Joe, as he moved to their work area. Allen, a well...
Hello again, Once again the Boyfriend and i were staying the night in a hotel. After spending the sunny afternoon drinking and chilling out i suggested we head back to our room for some naughty fun. I don't know if it was the heat or the alcohol that was making me feel a little whoosy, but i insisted on having a shower in the hope it would wake me up. When i came back into the room i could see that P had arranged all my toys out on the bed. "what do you fancy playing with first?" he asked. My...
-2 months later- Ashira sat at her desk in her office hoping her flu was really the flu. Despite bolting after Jake telling her that he loved her, Ashira and Jake had slept together several more times. Ashira bolted out of her chair and into the employee bathroom and made it into a stall just in time. After regaining her composure, Ashira rinsed her mouth out at the sink and headed back to her office, sat in her chair and made a quick phone call as Sunshine walked into the office. ‘Are you...
It wasn't that Doris didn't see the old man about to cross the driveway of the boutique's parking lot as she drove her Escalade over the sidewalk blocking his path. But she was in a hurry, and he clearly wasn't, hobbling along on his antique wooden staff, his hair and beard disheveled, his clothing rumpled. She was late for Helen's poetry reading, having forgotten to buy a gift until the last moment. Besides, there was a good chance she would be on the road before the old man could even...
I was teaching an orientation class in my major as part of my doctoral studies. This was primarily to introduce the prospective new majors to the field in general. This particular profession is one that has many more women than men practicing; therefore, the same is true with its classes. There were 30 in the class, and 28 were coeds. Since this was being taught in the summertime, and the college was located in the southeast U.S., the students often wore as little as they could get by with....
IncestJohn shook David awake the next morning. "Come on, David, we have to get out to the barn and do the chores." The boys staggered into the bathroom and pissed at the same time. Both of them pulled on their penises a few times to milk the last drops out. Both of them got hards on. They looked at each other, grinned, and started pumping. From his experience each of them assumed this was the normal morning procedure for the other. Neither of them realized it was the normal early morning...
Heather grinned with a gleam in her eyes, told me she would be over to my swimming pool within five minutes, and then quickly disappeared into her house. I went into my house, took off all of my clothes, wrapped a large beach towel around myself, and then went out to my swimming pool to wait on Heather. I didn’t have to wait long until Heather came through the gate in the wooden privacy fence between my front yard and the back yard where my pool is just inside the fence. She was wearing a...
MasturbationIt had to have been the craziest and most wild week of their lives. Jenna and Katie talked it over and after a few weeks of “heaving” talk these two good friends decided on vacation. They’d get away from it all and from everyone else. Seeing as they both had the money they’d fly out, to a tropical beach, and spend it alone together. No, it wasn’t ever intended to be anything wild or crazy. It only ended up that way seeing as both these two girls, at 20 years of age, had it all going for them....
Tiffany Watson is the incorrigible teen parents worry about. Her mom’s boyfriend, Tommy Gunn, is highly suspicious of her. When he telephones her house, the pretty, blue-eyed blonde daughter sounds weirdly preoccupied; she hangs up abruptly, heightening Tommy’s suspicions. So he makes a surprise visit to see what Tiffany is up to. Sneaking around the backyard, Tommy hears the unmistakable sounds of sex. Agitated, he bursts inside, catching Tiffany in flagrante delicto: The trim,...
xmoviesforyouOnce Abril and I were done with the shower we dried each other and kept the romantic mood going. When we were dry she kissed me passionately again and pulled my finger to her sex. Her slit was moist, but I was not inclined to press between the folds of flesh. Still, even where I was, some spots got an unmistakable response. Then she pulled us both into the bed without any hint of sleepwear. My answer and my surprise walked in the door. This west wing of the house has three bedrooms along a...
I'm Pauline. I was a good wife and mother until the c***dren left home. Then when I was 55 my husband came into the kitchen and told me I had a new job as his Slut. I was shocked. He'd never spoke to me like that before. " Why are you acting like this , are you drunk" I shouted. "I've spent the last 30 years acting, having sex only when you felt like it, which was never" he replied "and always with me on top. If you want to keep living in this house you will be my obedient slut.""No, never" I...
Katie Monroe is losing hope, she just can’t connect with her stepson. Today she decided to get him a gift, brand new gaming headphones, hoping it will help but it barely did anything, he just kept on playing his game and ignoring her. She talks to her girlfriend who had success with her stepson by… giving him a handjob! Katie’s not sure but figures it can’t hurt, after all they aren’t blood related. She puts on some sexy lingerie and strips down in front him,...
xmoviesforyouJase moved into his new apartment and was standing on the small entrance balcony when he saw someone coming up the stairs. His eyes opened wide when he saw the tall, slender, and very attractive woman and thought, things are looking up! She got to the top of the stairs and spotted him, but then she looked down.He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Jase, I guess we are neighbors.”She looked at his hand, “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but once the other people start talking about me, I’m the last...
WatersportsMarian White took another look at the wreck that had been Allison Hayes and shuddered, but the crazy soldier-type who had beaten Allison to a pulp was eyeing her expectantly. Allison had been utterly stupid about things, anyway — obviously these people could care less what she thought her social stature rated ... She smoothed back her streaked brown hair and stepped forward, her mouth quirked into a wry grimace; only an hour ago, she’d been complaining about how shiftless and lazy men were in...
Prom. The last night of this life.Scott was on the dancefloor, particularly handsome tonight. The grey suit he was wearing made him look older and wiser. But he was also very, very drunk, dancing with a friend of ours; a beautiful girl who, unfortunately, had a terrible reputation. I saw their bodies get closer, his crotch rubbing against hers. As usual, he got hard very fast. I laughed to myself. Will he ever change?I hope not.I have known Scott all my life. We were neighbours, best friends,...
Gay MaleI think my first Friday night client, Mathew Zimmer, was the best. He wanted me to come to his room at Sinbads at 16:30 if possible, 18:00 at the latest. He promised $4,000. The posted rate was only $2,000 + $300 for Friday encounters. He asked if I could bring an elegant dress for dinner or possibly to wear somewhere else. He was a little mysterious but assured me that any out of hotel activities would be with my permission. I was amazed at how easily these rich guys spend money on sexy...
Standing outside the door at a few mins before 8am, full suit and tie, briefcase in hand I glance around at the neighbors and wonder if anyone spotted me if they would think I am an insurance salesman or perhaps a lawyer. I’m positive of one thing that they have no idea of the real reason I’m there. Before I contemplate that further I press the door bell and a few moments later I’m greeted by the super sexy face of Susan, who smiles brightly at me, reaches out her hand shaking mine while...
It seems like forever since I've seen my neighbour Jean, but this morning my luck was in. Me and Lisa were out last night and when we got home we enjoyed ourselves, as usual, by watching some great porn films. After a few hours of pleasure Lisa went to bed leaving me to carry on watching and stroking as I normally do. As morning arrived I kept a look out for Jean in case she came into her garden as she often does. I opened the blinds enough so that if she looked over she would definitely see...
"Mum, I am sixteen you know," the teenage girl wailed. She pushed back her dirty blonde hair that was tumbling down her face and gave her mother a frown. "I know you are sixteen but you have an exam tomorrow. It's your GCSEs babe, they are very important." Sarah sighed and grunted to herself. "It's English Lit. I have no problem with that. And I haven't seen Kev for two weeks," she whined. Angela Bailey grimaced. "I got you tickets for this afternoon, there is no reason why you...