- 4 years ago
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"I'm a little nervous."
"Yeah? Why?"
"I don't know I just am."
"I don't think there's a reason to be. You've wanted this for a long time."
"Yeah, I know, but wanting it and actually getting it are two different things."
"What is it that you're nervous about, the situation?"
"No, why would I be nervous of that. I'm nervous that I'm not going to do well."
"Ha! You not do well! That's something that won't happen! Look, Honey, I've known you for a long time, right?"
"I know you better than anyone in this world knows you, and I know that in this, there is not a chance of you not doing well."
"Are you sure?"
"It's sure, not shore."
"Don't tease me right now. It's just that, well, I've been conversing with him for a long time, over two years, I think, and I've said a lot of shit. What if I can't uphold the crap I've said?"
"Jess, I've read most of those e-mails, and I know that there is nothing in them that you won't be able to do."
I took my eyes away from my husband's and sighed. I just didn't know, maybe I was getting cold feet.
We are sitting in a hotel room, with one purpose. The purpose is for me to fuck the man that I had longed to for so long. It was finally happening, and I was feeling so confused and nervous that I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it. I looked back at my husband when he called my name.
"Jessica, look, I know what you have to be feeling right now. I feel a little of the same, meeting a guy that's fuck talked to my wife for a very long time, not knowing what kind of person he really is, only knowing him from his e-mails. Believe me; I know what you're feeling." I laughed and nodded my head. It had to be hard for him, usually guys that I fuck he knows personally, and so there are no awkward moments there. I tried to push the thoughts out of my head, and looked down at myself.
"Do I look okay, at least?"
"You look beautiful as always."
I got up and went to the full length mirror. My appearance had changed since the last pictures I had sent to him, and I wondered if he would approve. What use to be my long red hair was now shoulder length, I always cut it off right before the summer, and now it wasn't all red. I had the beautician put blonde highlights in my hair when I had it cut. She told me that it would look great like that, it would really enhance my fair complexion, and I couldn't pass that up.
The rest of me was the same, I am still short, standing at only five foot, though, the sandals I wore gave another five inches to my height, and the mini skirt I wore made my toned legs look much longer. My eyes moved up, landing on my belly. You could see most of it, and I ran my hands along the definition lines in my tummy, lines that I had worked my ass off to achieve from long hours of Tae-Bo. My hands moved up, and over the brown shirt I wore, that read "Hottie" across the chest. I cupped my large, D sized breasts, and smiled. I moved my hands to my sides, and ran them down to my big hips, and then to my round ass. I knew my husband was watching me, so I lifted the skirt up and showed off the fact that I had not bothered to put on panties. I heard him laugh, and I wiggled my ass at him. I looked up again, into my face, with its big blue eyes, high cheeks bones, and full pouty lips. I knew I looked good; I had just wanted to confirm it. I moved back to the bed, and sat down. My husband leaned toward me.
"You should lie on the bed with your legs wide open, so the first thing he sees is your bare pussy."
I laughed and shrugged.
"Sounds good to me."
"You're so dirty."
"What? It's what he's coming here for anyway right?"
Just then there was a knock at the door, and I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest. My hands uncontrollably clasped together and my fingers began to play with each other. My husband looked at me and shook his head.
"Don't do that."
I fought my hands to unclasp and placed them beside me on the bed. I spread my legs, but not as much as my husband had suggested, just enough that he could get a good view of my legs, and maybe catch the fact that I didn't have on panties.
I watched my husband cross the floor and go to the door, all the while I chanted in my head to the guy behind the door, "please be respectful." I knew that if the guy we were meeting was not respectful to my husband, then the meeting would be over. My husband would drag me out of the room behind him, and everything would be done. My heart thumped harder in my chest as the door swung open. I thought about reaching over to the table and lighting a cigarette to calm my nerves, but I stayed planted in my place. I heard the deep voice of our visitor, his light southern drawl, almost identical with my husband's.
"Hello, you must be R.J."
The higher tenor voice of my husband chimed in.
"Yes I am, and you are Theron."
"Alright, come on in."
I watched my husband move aside and held my breath as Theron walked in. I put my head down, but looked up to see him enter the room. There was silence between us, he looked at me, and I caught the unmistakable hint of desire in his dark eyes. My eyes moved quickly to my husband when I heard him laugh.
"Wow, man, I really pictured you differently."
Theron smiled and looked away from me to my husband.
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Not at all."
I looked confusingly at my husband and wondered how he had pictured Theron. It wasn't the best time to ask him, so I kept quiet and began to compare.
I couldn't help but to compare the two of them as they stood together, conversing lightly. Theron stood about two to three inches taller than R.J., and his frame was leaner, that of a possible runner, R.J.'s frame is that of a linebacker. I could tell that Theron kept his body in good condition, but R.J. still out muscled him, and I think Theron took notice of that. I found it interesting that their hair was the exact same color, both had darker brown hair; both combed it back in a professional cut. Theron's face was harder, with a distinctly cut jaw line, thin somewhat pressed lips, and eyebrows that sat in a stern fashion. Theron's eyes are dark brown, so dark that you can barely see the emotion in them. R.J.'s face is more round, more boyish, he too has thin lips, but they are always ready for the mischievous smiles R.J. so loves to give, and his eyebrows set a little higher on his forehead and are spaced further apart, giving his eyes a softer look. R.J.'s eyes are one of my favorite features on him; they're vibrant green, and almost dance with his thoughts.
R.J. had offered a drink to Theron while I was comparing, and as I watched him pour something in a glass my mind began to compare again. I had seen pictures of Theron; I knew R.J. and him were not far off in the size of their cocks. In fact from what I had learned in speaking to Theron for the past two years, they were the same size in length. Both boasting an eight and half inch long cock, though, from my gatherings I assumed Theron was thicker, which scared me a little. I didn't think that anyone could get any thicker than my husband. I wouldn't know for sure until I had them both naked in front of me, and I knew that even then I'd be comparing the two of them. R.J. broke my train of thought by handing me a drink. I looked down at it and frowned, something light brown danced in my glass, and upon smelling it, my face cringed.
"What's this?"
"She speaks!"
Theron looked at me and winked and I smiled softly up at him. R.J. looked at me and gave me that mischievous smile.
"Something to calm your nerves. You're over there practically shaking the whole bed."
I looked down at the liquid again and back to my husband.
"No, really what is it?"
I gave a hard angry look at R.J. who had decided to ignore my question. I wasn't going to drink it, if he didn't tell me what it was. Theron broke my stare.
"I knew that you where from the northeast, but I really didn't think that your accent would be so strong, Jess."
I gave a small shaky laugh. My voice sounding so much different than those of the two men whose voices had just filled the room. Mine was so much quieter, the men had spoke so loudly to each other, mine is so much higher in pitch, I sport a high alto with an uncontrollable soft vibrato, and my thick New York accent was completely opposite of the Texas accent from Theron and the mix of the Missouri and Tennessee accent that my husband has.
"It's usually not so thick, but I'm nervous, so I can't help it."
"Why are you nervous, Jess?"
"I've not a clue."
"Well, if you drink that, you'll be better."
"Hmmm... yeah... what is it?"
My husband broke into the conversation.
"Good god child! It's Crown."
"Oh... ummmm... I'll pass thank you."
I sat the glass on the nightstand, and R.J. shook his head.
"It'll help."
"It'll taste nasty."
"Just drink it down real quick, you won't taste it."
"Ha! Yes I will. Got anything else, anything that isn't gross?"
"Not anything that isn't gross by your standards."
I stood up, and walked to the little fridge in the room. I noticed the satisfied look on Theron's face as he got his first real view of my body, and smiled to myself as I felt his eyes taking in the view. I bent down, giving both men a peak of my bare ass, as I studied the contents of the fridge. I found a bottle of beer, beer isn't to my tastes either, but it was much better than Crown Royal. Before standing completely up, I looked over my shoulder and saw both of the men staring dead on at the view I was giving them. I giggled, a reaction in me that I cannot control, and wiggled my ass at them, before standing up and moving back to the bed. Theron spoke first.
"Wow that was nice."
"Yeah I know."
I smiled, popped open the beer, and drank half of it down before taking the bottle away from my lips. I felt a little better now, but in order to calm my nervous completely I would have to get completely thrashed, and I didn't want to do that.
"So, now what boys?"
I had dropped my voice a couple of octaves, though, I was still nervous, I was ready to do what I came here for. I was getting a little bored just sitting on the bed. They looked at each other, and then back to me. My husband smiled and stepped closer, taking my chin in his fingers.
"Maybe we should leave that up to you. I know just watching you sitting on the bed is not very exciting. Maybe you should excite us."
I looked over at Theron.
"Is that true, Theron? Are you not excited?"
He gave me a small smile.
"No, not really."
"Hmmmm... how to fix that."
I looked around the room. I could just go right into fucking them, but I didn't want to do that, nor do I like doing that. Going right into fucking always makes the sex seem mechanical and uninteresting. I had to get them more ready for it, make them horny enough to just take me, and I had to get myself ready to do whatever they thought of. My eyes landed on the armoire that held the TV. I had seen a small clock radio on the nightstand, but that wouldn't do. I needed a c.d. player. I walked over and opened the cabinet, no c.d. player but there was a vcr/dvd combo, jackpot. The DVD player would do. I walked over to my husband and whispered in his ear.
"Could you go down to the car, and get the c.d. out that's in the player?"
He nodded, excused himself, and went out the door. I smiled up at Theron and he looked at me suspiciously.
"What do you have planned for us, Jessi?"
I laughed, and tweaked his chin.
"That my good man is a surprise. But don't worry; I think you will enjoy it."
"I would have enjoyed you just dropping to your knees and sucking my cock."
"I know you would have, but this will be better."
"Better than feeling those big soft lips around my cock?"
I laughed again.
"Okay, okay, maybe not better, but it'll be well worth your wait in feeling my throat constricting against the head of your cock."
"You know, at first, I thought you were going to back down."
"No, I would have never backed down. I never back down from a good fuck. I'm just nervous that's all."
"Honestly, I don't know. I think maybe because this is the first time you and my husband have ever met. But let's not talk about it. It'll ruin the mood, and besides here comes R.J."
I went to the door and opened it before R.J. had the chance to knock. He looked at me, smiled, and handed over the c.d. I took it to the DVD player and put it in. I fished through the first songs, finding the one that I wanted, and putting it on pause. I turned around and looked at both men smiling.
"If you would get comfortable please."
R.J. sat back down in the chair he was in before.
"Are you going to strip Jessi?"
"No, I don't think so, but I am going to dance. It'll calm my nervous more."
Theron took the other chair beside the night table and smiled up at me.
"I'd like it better if you stripped."
R.J. nodded his head in agreement.
"I know you would. We'll see where it takes us."
I winked at them both, and before I could turn the music on my husband spoke again.
"What song are you going to be dancing to?"
"You'll see."
"Fast or slow?"
"You'll see."
"Not even a hint?"
"Nope, you'll see."
I pushed play on the DVD player; I knew the music would help my nervous, music helps with just about everything. The beginning of the song was quiet, a woman moaning, I stayed motionless, and my feet spread apart, in line with my shoulders. The beat started, a medium paced song, the down beat sensual, this is where I got my rhythm, the down beat. I began to sway my hips, as the hip got to the far right or far left I would pop it hard, doing I guess what could be called, "a Brittany Spears move." The song is "Number One Crush" by Garbage, it's one of my favorites, and I go into a type of trance as the music moves along. The singer's sultry voice chimes in with the music, and so does mine. I drop my voice as low as hers, using the same inflections, the same melodious rhythm, the men stare at me. My hands go to my sides, where I slowly rub up and down as I keep my hips swaying.
""I would die for you, I would die for you.
I've been dying just to feel you be my side
To know that your mine.""
A break in the verse, and I begin to move my legs, bringing them slowly together and then apart again, moving my ass back and then forward, practically popping my lower back as I move. My hands move up to my breasts, then to my neck, I sweep my hair up. I'm staring into space, completely entranced in song, as the singer and I keep in time with each other. I move my hands along my body, my body moves as though I'm fucking the air. My whole body stops and I look dead on at Theron, my voice and the singers together, as I stare at him.
""You will believe in me
And I can never be ignored.""
I see a smile play on his face as I begin to dance again, though I move slowly with the down beat, I can feel small lines of sweat in my hair. It's hard to dance slowly like this, especially on heels as high as mine, without falling down, but dancing, especially sexually enhanced dancing, has always come easy to me. My hands move to my mid-drift with the next verse. My fingers rake against the skin of my tummy, leaving small noticeable lines.
""I will burn for you
Feel pain for you
I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart
And tear it apart.""
As the last lines of the verse disappear, I find myself on my knees, never once has my skirt come up to give them a peak of my pussy, I know how to keep them wishing for it. I put my hands on the floor in front of me, mocking a crawl as I sing the next verse.
""I will lie for you
Beg and steal for you
I will crawl on hands and knees until you see
You're just like me.""
I don't crawl, but move my body back and forth, popping my ass up and down, bringing it low to the ground and then as high in the air as my bended position will allow. I easily pull myself up onto my feet and slowly move to a standing position. I move along with the song's ending, and when the music dies, I stand completely still in the silence of the room. No one talks, but my husband motions me over to him. When I get to him, he takes my hand and places it on his cock. I can feel his hardness through his jeans and I smile. With the way I'm bent, I know Theron can see my bare ass and pussy, I don't acknowledge it, and I keep staring at my husband. He smiles at me, not his usual playful smile, but one filled with a mounting lust.
"With that show you just put on, I believe that your friend might be in need of some servicing."
I nod, and look at Theron. I can see the bulge in his pants, and my nervousness leaps into full gear again, though, my pussy is now beginning to throb.
"I believe that you should go over there and suck his cock. Show him exactly what he came here for."
I look at my husband, perplexed at the fact that he has giving Theron first go. Usually my husband would have brought me to him, grabbed my head, and pushed me down to his cock, but he has given up his turn to our guest. I say nothing about it; I really don't want to hear an explanation. I move my hand from R.J.'s grasp and go to Theron. I drop to my knees in front of him, and rub my hand against the bulge. I smile playfully up at him.
"Is it true, do you need my services?"
She was barely ready when he knocked on the door. Normally her Lover made her wait. He had told her to come to the hotel at six where a room would be booked in her name. He had told her to leave the door ajar then sit on the edge of the bed clothed but with her eyes securely blindfolded. He did not tell her to have an instrument of punishment ready. She always brought the whip.He is older than her, much older, but their connection is far stronger than similarity of age. The young men she knows,...
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I stared at the hotel phone. It wasn’t too late to change my mind. I’d spent the entire trip talking myself out of it, then talking myself back into going through with it. I couldn’t back out now. I’d been wanting this for too long. Wanting him for too long. I had to know. I had to look into his eyes and touch him. Taking a few deep breaths, I picked up the phone and dialed his number. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hey, it’s me,’ I said, doing my best to keep my voice from shaking. Oh, this was so not a good idea.
I walk swiftly into the airport and am greeted with a blast of warmth from the central heating. My dress swirls around my thighs, brushing softly against the tops of thigh high stockings, thick black cotton to protect against the cold. My dress is a soft blue, made of heavy material, with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Underneath I am wearing a white corset, that holds my DD’s high, just hiding my nipples in the crisp white lace, stretching down my stomach to connect to my thigh highs....
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Gay MaleFor Crispin and Stancia the weekend was manic for they were moving into their new house on Monday. Admittedly it didn't all have to be done at once since they hadn't finished selling the old house but even so it was busy. Fortunately they had plenty of help in the form of their new neighbours who were also close friends Come Monday they oversaw the loading of the van and set off behind them. Since they could go on more minor roads they were able to overtake the larger vehicle and beat it to the...
Chloe was a very different experience. While she took several classes with me and was my major advisee as well, Chloe and I knew from the day we met that we were going to fuck while she was in school. How do I know this, you might ask? The answer is, she basically told me so. She came to my office the first day of class to have me sign a slip transferring her from a colleague’s section of Intro into mine. Totally routine, usually due to a time conflict with the other section. So I was...
This story is heavily inspired by the story Shall We Play A Game by Lisa Teez over at mcstories, so if you like it please go read the original. It is one of my favorites. I added a TG element to make the slow, plodding inevitability of the narrator's change into a physical one instead of a mental one as the original story does. Also, I kept the narrator nameless in an effort to place yourself into the role. I hope it...
Hey friend its Rohit Sharma (25 year male form Delhi you can contact me at ) again for you after a long time aap mujhe pahle ki tarah meri story k feedback,suggestion jarur mail kariyega. Somebody said me ki main story to shi batata hu but sex utni achi tarah describe nhi karta I think is baar maine shi se kiya hoga.kuch kahte h maine story achi batata hu yaar I said only what ever happen to me. Somebody asked me for insect story according to me ye possible nhi hot and main fake nhi likhta hu...
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The moonlight shimmered on the dark Pacific, and the wind sighed in the pines but Linda cared nothing for the beauty of the surroundings or the pungent aroma of the pines as her swirling emotions churned inside her. The tortured girl leaned her blonde head forward on the dashboard of the convertible, her lithesome young body shaking with sobs, her stomach muscles contracted in spasms of hurt and humiliation. Slowly she wiped the sticky fluid from her cheek and neck as Tom lay back in the...
Lena was delightfully drunk at the Yellow Orchid. She had grown used to not having Lisa with her. It was mid July and Aida was due back from France within the month. Since Lisa got religion, the wedge between them had widened. They talked daily on the telephone but more and more Lena believed they had less in common than when they were almost one in all but name. "What about it baby?" one of the newer girls named Becky asked. She was smitten with Lena and had been trying to bed her since...
I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Damn!" I thought to myself, forgetting about the fact I had my alarm still set from yesterday. I didn't turn it off for the weekend. I rolled over in my bed reaching over to turn it off. That's when last night came flooding back to me, I was naked in my bed and my mother was no where to be seen. Immediately I felt my stomach drop and worry wash over me. "Had she regretted it? Did she hate me for it? Did she think I got her drunk? Was she...
The rent was due in two days and Ann didn't have a dime to her name, work had been slow before she got the layoff notice a month earlier. "Things just couldn't get any worse" she thought as she went down and groveled with the apartment manager to give her another few weeks to come up with the money, she came out victorious and swiped a newspaper from another tenant as she headed for her apartment. Once inside she opened the paper to the want ads to find a job. "APPLICANTS NEEDED FOR A NEW...
Wealthy stepmother Mona Wales pressures teen Nina North to make her formal debut to society and meet a respectable man. Nina claims she’s already in love with a personal trainer from the gym. Because she’s afraid to come out as lesbian, she describes her tomboy girlfriend Aspen Rae in gender neutral terms. Mona is horrified by the news but invites this person for dinner. Nina’s muscular ‘birlfriend’ Aspen arrives, but Mona is too busy judging and grilling her with...
xmoviesforyouFlora woke to the sun shining through her bedroom window and, as she became more aware of her surroundings, she realized that she was lying against a man’s strong chest. But, instead of unease from what could have been, she felt satisfaction and peace. She barely remembered the events of the night before but, what she did recall, was filled with love and connection and filled her with a desire to only be closer to the sleeping man in her bed. Closing her eyes, she snuggled closer to him,...
As soon as it was dark enough, they started to walk toward the possible site of the Russian invaders. They had walked about two miles when they saw a few lights here and there. A light was never visible for very long, but the wind had picked up to a pretty stiff breeze. Jim guessed that the canvas covers over the lights and such were blowing in the wind and letting the lights be seen occasionally. Fortunately, the moon was shinning very brightly, so brightly, in fact, that they did not need...
John missed his new girlfriend Natalie when they where apart but hehad his memories and she was so photogenic! As he chatted online fatewas rolling its strange dice and life would never be the same againfor both him and Natalie.Initially she had been shy about letting him film their exploits buthad warmed to the idea and had even gone so far as to let him publisha few of her pictures on an internet site. She got a thrill out oflooking at them with him and reading peoples comments when they...
Hi guys. I am Chetan, 24 years old. I am from Banglore. I like writing such stories. So please dive in. So Aisha and Sanjay were locked inside Aisha’s bedroom. They sat on the bed, but they maintained a distance between them. They both didn’t speak for like over ten minutes. Then Sanjay finally broke the silence. Sanjay: I am sorry. Aisha neither replied nor looked towards Sanjay. Sanjay: I am sorry, Aisha. I didn’t know about it. I swear. I was asked to go to my friend Ramesh’s house. And...
IncestHi friends, indru kathaiyil college padikum pennai usar seithu aval udan sex seitha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar gautham vayathu 24 aagugirathu, naan thinamum college sendru angu irukum pengalai sight adika aarambipen. Athil periya mulai vaithu irukum pennai target seithen. Mulai perithaaga irukum pengalai athaan athigam easyaaga moodu eatra mudiyum, thinamum aval pine nadanthu sela aarambithen. Aval soothu miga sexiyaaga vatamaaga pazhuthu...
Meri shadi hue 2 saal ho chuke the. Biwi kaafi hot thi aur sex mein to bahut maza aata tha. Shuru shuru mein bahut zyada aata tha, par ab 2 saal baad to thodi thandi ho gayi thi. Par uski behan, yaani ki meri saali ab 18 koi ho gayi thi aur paas ke college mein padhne aayi thi. Hostel mein rehti thi par har saturday a jaati thi aur monday jati thi. Aur aaj kal ki ladkiyon ki tarah hot hot kapde pehanti thi, apni badi behn ki tarah h hot thi, jaise uski behan 2 saal pehle thi usse bhi jyada....
Hello everyone this is Abhinav from Lucknow. This is my first story on ISS..this was true incident happened with me few weeks ago. Please give your valuable comments and suggestions on my mail id ,(any girl from lko can also mail me it will be kept secret..).coming on story My aunt was widowed a couple of years ago. She still has a terrific body, thanks to the hours she spends each day in the gym. I have fantasized about her since the first time I had seen her, but for obvious reasons, I never...
That Thursday afternoon was designated to be perfect. This was December 11, 2003, and Matt couldn't expect it to be better. Everything was right. Linda was out, with her friends. Roger, of course, was working. And Lucy was also away, she decided to have her hair done (which always took hours) and then she would go to the market. Matt Parker could use these hours. To seduce the other part of his incest-loving family: Laurie, Julie and Amy. Matt was convinced that Julie was "the leader"...
I was at my thinnest and finally took some time to try shaving my legs and arms, bikini zone, anyplace on me that had hair. I had been applying generous lotion to my skin on a nightly basis and tweezing my eyebrows. People took notice but said nothing. I still wasn’t ‘out’ but I wasn’t worried about being obvious. It had been a few years since my last cock fix and my wild inner woman needed to play again. I had gone in drag for Halloween that year to work, wearing gogo boots with three inch...
After a good night sleep, I wake up rubbing my wet pussy. I know I was at the party last night and had sex with a few guys, but dreaming about what Kelli and I are going to do at work this evening, has me dreaming.I crawled out of bed, grabbed my glass dildo and headed for the shower. When I got to my bathroom, on my closed toliet seat, sits my purple dildo. I don't remember putting it there, but who knows..I did have a little to drink last night. I straddled the dildo and began to fuck it....
"Hello, Cathy ... hello, everybody. Come on in ... as you can see, we're already hard at it. If you feel awkward about all this; I'll quite understand ... feel free to drop off your child and leave. We can talk in more detail later and, if you prefer, we could do it in a PTA format without the children present where we could be dressed." Cathy Ackerman and one of the other parents accepted the invitation; the others, still uncomfortable with the whole situation, left their kids and fled....
An historical mystery written by request of my editor. August 1098 ‘God’s Wounds, it’s hot!’ The grizzled soldier removed his leather cap and mopped his brow with a filthy rag. His younger companion at the sentry post nodded by way of reply. Below their vantage point in the gatecastle, the city sprawled, baking in the heat, although it lacked an hour to noon. Looking away to the west, where the remains of the army’s siege camp could still be seen, the air shimmered and the distant images...
Dear friends, my name is Rahul and I am 29 Yrs Old, 5’11 and handsome guy from Gurgaon, I have a great urge of sex from my childhood, I have fucked many girls in my life from the age I was only 10 Yrs old. But all the past stories I’ll narrate you later on but the story I am writing right now is the latest one just two days back with my neighbor and a good friend of my wife. Here is my story and I thanks to my darling for the permission to write this story. Her name is D…… has assests of 38,...
IncestBy : Mesoanu Hi guys! This is Anu from Mumbai. I am an avid reader of ISS, but till date din have d courage to write my own story. Well, I have responded to many writers till now in ISS. So to start with me, let me give u a brief intro abt me. I’m a south Indian Brahmin girl, well settled in Mumbai. Since I m a Brahmin I had a well n good structure of 34 26 34 when I was 18 yrs. Currently I am 23 years and have 36 28 36.. I m committed to my boy friend past 7 years. He is d best boyfriend and...
As a disclaimer, let me say that this story is 100% true. I will include a photo of my X but remove the head and identifiers – and change her name to “SANDY” for the remainder of the story. I will also change the locations and some identifying nouns such as the names of the friends I mention. My time with Sandy began a few years ago online. I met her on Facebook. Apparently she was searching for another friend but noticed my photo and then searched my profile and decided to contact me and start...
Introduction: The Scum You Are *author's notes- "Hello! This is my first time actually writing on this wonderful interactive site, I hope you will enjoy the stories I write here and- if must- provide constructive criticism. You are a nobody. You aren't an important figure in society. In fact, you don't even vaguely contribute to society at all. Hell, you don't even pay tax, opting instead to evade them through digital means. You are a selfish piece of trash that makes money off either by...
as an 18 year old I worked at my neighbors house doing various chores, ususally while the husband was gone to work with the slim,cute wife was at the house alone with me. She was only about35 or so and always wore as little as she could get away with, for my eyes, I think..We were in the south,USa and in the summer it was always hot, so I only wore a skinny pair of joggers as I mowed the lawn and such. I was ripped with a washboard stomach and smooth shaven"all over" because I was a swimmer,...
I first met R, when we were both working at a restaurant/Bar on the up-scale side of the city. She was a waitress and I was one of 2, cocktail bartenders that worked the evening shifts. R, was a perfect Pear-Shaped, blonde, chubby, girl. She always wore a pair of black-skin-tight, Chinos and a black, T-shirt with the Bar’s logo on the pocket. The first thing I saw of R was her ass! She was walking up the stairs to the restaurant area and I was coming in to start my first night as the...
If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this AM I BEING CUCKOLDED? in the comments below. Enjoy...I guess my story starts 2 years ago when my wife, Rebecca, got a 3-day part-time job for a company based in Chicago. It was a wonderful opportunity for her and it was an exciting time for both of us. However, we live about 100 miles away from Chicago which made it very difficult for her to take the job, but eventually, she negotiated a deal where she...
The following is a translated quote from the Tablets of Prophecy beginning on tablet 12 side 1 and ending on side 2 of the same. The world of Light and Darkness, Hikarino'Yami, has been battled for many times since the beginning. The three Great Ones: Light, Darkness, and Balance all want to control this world as it is the heart of Manabio's spirit field, the spirit field controls the very essence of this Plane and this means that if one of the three has complete control of it they have...
Non-EroticAuthors Note: So here I am back again, after three crashed hard drives, and two computers, I finally got to the stories I thought I had lost forever and believe me it will not happen again. I will be doing my best to do some more work on them and A Ride to Heaven and Back Part 2 in the near future. You’ll also find that Dani and Bull decided to pull some twists and turns on me that needless to say I was not prepared for but that will come clear in a later chapter. Not only do they have to...
Introduction: Three loving wives find out what it id to take a black lover. Hannah sat beside James on the airplane on the flight to Kinyana. She did not know how she would cope with the next few weeks. Apart from her one indiscretion in the bar she had been able to avoid meeting James except in the office. James smiled at her he on the other hand was looking forward to the next few weeks more than any time in his life. While we are here we could visit my village you would enjoy it. Did you...
Doctor Simon Forman sat at his desk in a comfortably appointed house a few streets back from the South Bank of the River Thames, using the early morning hours of watery sunshine to scribble up his case notes. Always an early riser, he was in the habit of setting aside this precious time to write up his treatment of each patient that he had attended to the day before, rather than risking his eyesight squinting over a tallow candle in the dark of the evening.Simon was at least as careful of his...
HistoricalGirard was still trying to catch his breath as Velma sat between his legs and continued to hold his cock. Words were not necessary, because they both knew what she would want next. To their surprise, they were interrupted by Willa, who approached them. She was tall; taller and noticeably younger than Cena. She stopped and looked down at her Mother’s hand, which was still slowly stroking Girard. “Cena says we may only have his seed once each,” she said, her hands on her hips. Girard could not...